Current water and air temperatures in Montenegro. Guide to good water

Dobra Voda in Montenegro is a small resort village in the southern part of the country, located between the cities of Bar and Ulcinj. “Good” here can be called not only water, but air, saturated essential oils local oaks and olives. Thanks to this, the resort is considered one of best places in Montenegro for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the respiratory tract, lungs and heart.

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The main reasons why tourists come to the village of Dobra-Voda are pure water, healing air, gentle sun, comfortable climate, and the main attractions of the resort are picturesque nature, beautiful mountains and marine species, romantic sunrises and sunsets.


The village of Dobra Voda is located on the Adriatic coast in Montenegro, there are two main beaches: Bolshaya and Maly Piesak, which differ in size. Both beaches are pebble, so the water here is really “good” - clean, transparent, with a beautiful turquoise tint; The entrance to the sea is gentle. The beaches are equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable and pleasant stay: sun loungers, umbrellas, changing rooms and showers; there are cafes, bars, souvenir shops and supermarkets around.

Entertainment and active recreation

Dobra Voda is a small village where only a thousand people live. You won't find any lively ones here shopping centers, luxury restaurants and hotels, almost absent nightlife- this is a place for those who seek solitude and a relaxing time away from big cities. But if you still want to be closer to “civilization” or explore local attractions, you can go to the neighboring cities of Bar, Ulcinj or Budva, there are excellent transport links between them. For these purposes, you can also rent a car (cost 30-40 euros per day). A boat trip off the coast of Dobra Voda will also be unforgettable.

Where to stay

In Dobra Voda in Montenegro there are many places that will temporarily become a second home for every tourist: not only hotels and mini-hotels, but also villas, apartments, and even apartments of local residents. You can choose a place either on the first coastline or a little further from the sea. Those who like to relax as “savages” also stay in Dobra Voda and prefer living in a tent to hotels.

In the southern part of the Bar Riviera, between the famous resorts of Bar and Ulcinj lies the very small village of Dobra Voda (Dobra Voda, Dobra Voda, Dobra Voda). You won’t find luxury hotels or expensive restaurants, noisy discos or multi-storey entertainment complexes here - this place is designed for those who want to get away from the crowds of vacationers, enjoy the silence, beautiful nature and uncrowded beaches.

Throughout the year, not in tourist season, the population of the village of Dobra Voda in Montenegro does not exceed 750 inhabitants. From October to April it is quiet here, the streets and beaches become completely deserted, half of the cafes and shops are closed. But in the warm season, almost the entire population of the town tries to make money in the tourism sector: they rent out housing, run small cafes, and take vacationers out fishing.

In the village of Dobry Vody in Montenegro, you won’t find any particularly outstanding attractions; the main local value is the healing air and the cleanest, clear water amazingly rich turquoise color.

Even during the existence of Yugoslavia, the construction of recreational centers for asthma patients began in this region, but the project was never completed. However, many come to Dobrye Vody in Montenegro precisely to improve their health - this place is recognized as one of the most environmentally friendly on the entire Adriatic coast.

It is impossible not to mention the particularly wonderful local beaches - they are sure to be present in all photos of Dobra Voda in Montenegro. The two most famous beaches are called Great Piesak and Maly Piesak, which means Great and Small Sand.

These names are sure to mislead everyone - in fact, the beaches here are mostly pebbly. The Velikiy Piesak beach can really be called “great”, that is, large - it stretches as much as 600 meters!

It is noteworthy that both beaches are protected areas And here they especially monitor cleanliness.

All buildings in the village of Dobry Vody in Montenegro are located along the beach, and from any point to the sea it takes no longer than 10 minutes to walk. Coastline here it faces west, so in the evenings you can watch the most wonderful sunsets.

Renting apartments in Dobra Voda in Montenegro is not difficult: there are both small apartments and small cottages, as well as large ones with several bedrooms and swimming pools. Hotels in Dobra Voda are also available.

For those who come to the village of Dobra Voda, the main pastime is lying on the beach, enjoying the local nature and fishing. However, of course, you can always go to one of the neighboring cities on an excursion - fortunately, in this country everything is nearby!

Just 7 kilometers to the north is the city of Bar with numerous ancient monuments and modern entertainment, and about 15 kilometers to the south Good Water lies the city of Ulcinj with unique beaches and cozy restaurants. And the noisy, crowded Budva is, in fact, just a stone's throw away - you can get here in just an hour.

Dobra Voda is a very popular resort in Montenegro, located on the coast, near the town of Bar. About 1,200 people permanently live in the village of Dobra Voda.

Just a few decades ago, no one knew about this village, but then the 21st century came, the Yugoslav wars became a thing of the past and tourism began to develop rapidly in the country. But not only tourism influenced the economy of the region; there was a real estate boom in Montenegro.

Foreigners, primarily Russians and the British, bought all the real estate, despite the fact that prices in that period were at least twice as high as now. The real estate boom ended after a few years, but some settlements, including Dobra Voda, managed to greatly increase in size, since Montenegrin and foreign investors during the boom invested a lot of money in the construction of residential buildings.

In general, we can say that the village owes its current appearance to the boom in the real estate market, which lasted until the 2008 crisis. By the way, they still buy in our time, although buyers have become smarter, and they study documents and no one pays huge prices like before. Over the past ten years, prices in the real estate market have been stable, neither rising nor falling.

As in most other small resorts, in Dobra Voda you will not find fashionable night discos or a large number of hotels. But there will be significantly fewer tourists in the village than in . And also, there is much less noise in Dobra Voda. The fact is that the main source of noise in the resorts of Montenegro is the infrastructure designed to serve tourists, amusement parks, nightclubs, restaurants, casinos. In all these establishments music is played, sometimes quite loudly.

In the village of Dobra Voda there is less of all this, and therefore less noise. At the same time, you shouldn’t think that this is some kind of godforsaken village; everything you need for a holiday in Dobra Voda is present. Yes, there will be less of this than, say, in the Bar. But, if you think about it, do you care whether there are 20 restaurants at the resort or 200? You are going to Montenegro on vacation, and not to taste dishes in as many restaurants as possible.

There are supermarkets, shops, and restaurants in this resort, and in sufficient quantities. You may have to go shopping in Bar, but only if you need “serious” shopping. For example, it is better to buy clothes in Bar or Podgorica, where there is more choice and there are brand stores. You can buy “regular goods” at any of the supermarkets in Dobra Voda. Well, in general, something like this: everything you need is on sale in the village every day.

I believe that the village of Dobra Voda can be considered as a good option for a holiday in Montenegro. The overwhelming majority of tourists who vacationed in this village are satisfied.

Dobra Voda is located between the cities of Bar and Ulcinj. Let's see the distance from Dobra Voda to other popular cities in Montenegro.

Distance from Dobra Voda to other resorts, in km:

As you can see, traveling around Montenegro from Dobra Voda is quite possible; the distance to other cities is relatively short. You can get to this or that city for excursion purposes by bus, taking in or.

Also, keep in mind that Albania is located not far from Dobra Voda, where you can enter without a visa during the tourist season. In Albania you can see the sights and also go shopping. Prices in Albania for many commodity items are lower than in Montenegro, this always happens; the lower the development of the country, the lower the prices.

Beaches in Dobra Voda

The Good Water is very good beaches, two especially famous beaches are “veliki pesak” and “mali pesak” (large sand and small sand). The beaches are equipped with everything necessary, there are showers, changing cabins, toilets. There are cafes near the beaches. Entrance to the beaches in Dobra Voda is free; if you want increased comfort, you can rent a sunbed and an umbrella.

Look below what one of the resort’s beaches looks like; the picture can be enlarged to full screen. As you can see, there are almost no people on the beach, this is because the shooting took place in the evening.

Along with pebble beaches, there are also sand beaches. Although, during the 7 years of living in Montenegro, I went to sandy beaches once or twice, I don’t like it when something falls off my feet, pebble beaches are more to my liking.

The beach season lasts in Dobra Voda from the beginning of May to the end of September. You can see the water temperature below.

As you can see, the warmest sea is in July and August. Now let's look at the amount of precipitation at the resort.

As you can see, there is almost no rain in the summer, and there is not so much of it at the beginning and end of the season. Accordingly, there is no reason to fear that the weather will spoil your holiday in Montenegro.

Perhaps, to complete the picture, I’ll insert another screenshot of the air temperature at the resort.

Accommodation in Dobra Voda

You can choose any accommodation option according to your budget. Book an apartment, hotel room, villa or hostel. There are a lot of accommodation options in Dobra Voda.

But, you need to take into account the following, you are not the only one looking for accommodation in Montenegro, therefore, my advice to you is to make a plan for next summer in advance, planning it is very simple, and in your interests. 2-3 weeks before the height of the season, not a trace will remain of the former abundance. Choose and book your accommodation in advance.

The sooner you start looking for accommodation in Dobra Voda, the more choice you will have good options housing that suits your individual ideas about quality accommodation and at the price you are willing to pay.

You can find prices for accommodation in Montenegro in the form below.

As you can see, the most low prices for accommodation in May and September. Moreover, sales begin in stores in September. If you want to update your wardrobe, then September is the ideal time to relax; you can buy branded items at very low prices.

But in July and August the sea is the warmest. The moral of this story is that each month has certain advantages, in some months the sea is warmer, and in others the prices are lower and there are fewer tourists.

How to get there from the airport

Montenegro has two international airports, in Tivat and Podgorica. Dobra Voda is a little closer to the airport in Podgorica, but the difference in kilometers is not big, so buy a plane ticket to where it is cheaper. You can see prices for air tickets in the form below.

How to get there from the airport:

  • Order.
  • , it will be delivered to you directly to the airport.
  • You can go by bus. But keep in mind that buses do not go to airports; first you need to take a taxi or walk to the bus station.
  • Taxi services are offered at the airport, but the prices are greatly inflated, and I believe that this is the most NOT profitable option for you.

That's all for today, friends.
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As you know, Montenegro is small, but very beautiful country on the Balkan Peninsula, with gorgeous sandy beaches located along the azure coast of the Adriatic Sea and with beautiful mountain peaks.

Climate and season in Montenegro

The mild Mediterranean climate in Montenegro has a beneficial effect on the human body. And therefore, hot summers are easily tolerated here. Winter in the country is cool with heavy rainfall. There are three climatic zones: coastal, continental and mountainous. In the north of the country there is a temperate continental climate, on the coast it is Mediterranean.

The Djurdjevic Bridge is one of the highest in Europe, where tourists go bungee jumping.

Along the coast of Montenegro, summers are hot and temperatures reach +28°С…+30°С. In winter, the temperature drops to -4°С…-5°С. Falls in summer minimum quantity cages from 75 to 150 mm, and in winter from 170 to 260 mm per month. The water in the Adriatic Sea warms up to +20°С…+25°С. Swimming season in Montenegro lasts five months - from May to October.

Montenegro in summer

Weather in June. Nice summer month, when it’s not yet hot, but already warm enough. The air temperature is quite comfortable +25°С…+27°С. The beach season has already begun, and the resorts are filled with numerous tourists.

The water temperature in the Adriatic Sea is +23°С…+24°С and both adults and children can swim. The price for tours for two people will range from 80,000 rubles to 130,000 rubles per week.

Weather in July. Midsummer gets very hot. Air temperature from +30°С to +35°С.

The water temperature in the sea warms up to a maximum of +24°С…+26°С. There is practically no precipitation and no wind either.

The price of the tours is quite reasonable and a trip for a week will cost about 60,000-100,000 rubles, depending on the class of the hotel.

Weather in August. In this hot summer month, the weather duplicates July, but by the end of the month the heat begins to subside. The average air temperature is +32°C, at night it is several degrees cooler.

Maximum water temperature +25°С…+26°С.

The price for tours for two people will range from 80,000 to 125,000 rubles per week, depending on the level of the hotel.

Montenegro in autumn

Weather in September. At the beginning of autumn it will become noticeably colder in Montenegro, the velvet season. The air temperature during the day will be +29°С…+30°С, at night it will drop by 5°С. The water temperature is very pleasant +23°C.

The price of tours is getting a little higher. A week's holiday for two will cost you on average about 100,000 rubles. good hotel with excellent service.

Weather in October At this time, the sun heats much less. Tourists begin to go home. The air temperature will not rise above +22°C; at night it drops to +16°C.

The sea water temperature will be +21°C.

The price of tours at this time drops sharply and a trip for two will cost from 50,000 to 80,000 rubles per week.

Weather in November. Last month it's still autumn warm weather, but does not allow you to stay at sea for a long time. The air temperature during the day is +18°C, and at night +12°C.

The water temperature is +16°C, and snow begins to fall in the mountains.

The price for tours will be very reasonable and range from 50,000 to 80,000 rubles for two.

Weather and prices of Montenegro by month for 2018

MonthDaytime °CNight °CWater °CTours for two
January+10 +8 +14 from 40,000 rub.
February+13 +10 +12 from 45,000 rub.
March+14 +11 +12 from 55,000 rub.
April+18 +15 +16 from 75,000 rub.
May+21 +17 +18 from 80,000 rub.
June+26 +21 +23 from 80,000 rub.
July+31 +26 +26 from 80,000 rub.
August+32 +29 +26 from 80,000 rub.
September+29 +24 +23 from 85,000 rub.
October+22 +16 +21 from 80,000 rub.
November+18 +12 +16 from 50,000 rub.
December+12 +6 +14 from 40,000 rub.


Montenegro is a relatively small country located on the Adriatic Sea coast in the west of the Balkan Peninsula.
Due to the heterogeneity of the relief, Montenegro has three climatic zones: Mediterranean - stretching along a narrow strip of the coast, temperate continental - characteristic of the plateaus and plains in the central part of the country and subalpine - where the highlands begin. Thanks to such climatic conditions, summers in Montenegro are hot and dry, and winters are cool, but without severe frosts, but with a large number precipitation.

If you decide to relax in this friendly country, then you can safely go at any time of the year. Montenegro will offer you an unforgettable vacation, just like in summer - on the beaches in transparent sea ​​waters, and in winter – at ski resorts.
Having decided what type of vacation - beach, relaxing or active, extreme - you want to have, choose the most suitable time of year to visit this wonderful country.
And in order not to be deceived by expectations, it is best to find out what the weather will be like in Montenegro by month, and what sea water temperature awaits you in a given month.

If you decide to visit Montenegro in winter, then be prepared for a large number precipitation. And we are not talking about snow, since it falls extremely rarely.

In December, the air temperature is moderately cold and mostly above zero. During the day, the thermometer can rise to +13°C in flat areas. In the mountainous areas you will find slight frost down to -10°C and magnificent snow cover for an unforgettable experience. ski holiday.
The water temperature in the sea does not exceed +14°C and you don’t even have to think about swimming.

In January, it’s still cooler in Montenegro, but not enough to wrap yourself warmer in fur coats and scarves. The air temperature will drop to +4°С…+9°С, somewhere even in flat areas there may be frosts down to -1°С, as well as fog and ice. Again, prolonged rain cannot be ruled out.
In the sea, the water remains just as cold, and even colder than in December - only +13°C.
February in Montenegro continues to remain cool and rainy.
Temperature in central regions stays at +10°С…+12°С. In mountainous areas continues to hold " real winter"with relatively mild frosts of -10°C and snow.

The water in the sea reaches +14°C.
Starting in March, real spring comes to Montenegro, but it’s too early to put away the umbrellas.
Heavy rains continue to fall in the central regions of the country. The air temperature rises to +13°С…+15°С, there is still snow in the mountains and it continues ski season which ends at the end of the month.
The water in the sea is still cold, only +14°C.

April in Montenegro is already significantly warmer. In coastal areas, the air temperature warms up to +18°C, and may rise even higher. Precipitation still remains as heavy, but is breaking through and sunny days, of which there are significantly more by the end of the month.
Sea water temperature rises to +15°C

In May, the tourist season opens at the seaside resorts of Montenegro. The hot summer month will delight you with pleasant weather. During the day +22°С…+25°С, and at night not lower than +18°С. And even precipitation becomes less frequent this month. And only in the mountains remains cool weather, up to +13°С.
But it’s still too early to swim, as the water in the sea is not warm enough - only +18°C
Summer in Montenegro is quite hot and dry.

In June, the weather finally improves - the rains stop annoying, and the air temperature reaches +27°C. More “moderate” weather is observed in the highlands, where average temperature air is +25°C.
This month the sea water warms up to +21°C, and you can already plunge into the invigorating sea waters.
July is the peak beach season and heat. The thermometer confidently stays at +28°C, or it may even rise to +30°C.
At sea the water temperature is +24°C, so feel free to go to the beach to wash away the heat in the relatively warm sea.
In August, the weather situation remains the same. During the day it is hot, up to +30°C, and in the evenings it becomes much cooler and you can safely go for walks and excursions.
During the day, beaches await you with warm sea, the water in which becomes even warmer, up to +25°C.

In autumn, the resorts of the Adriatic Sea are much warmer than in spring.
September opens the velvet season in Montenegro. The weather this month is surprisingly mild and comfortable. The air temperature drops, and it is no longer as hot as in summer - only +25°C...+27°C. The water in the sea remains quite warm +23°C, and the tan at this time is the best.

October continues and immediately ends the velvet season, which lasts until the middle of the month. Then the weather only becomes cooler +22°С…+20°С, as well as the water in the sea drops to +20°С. It's starting to rain.
November is already cool like autumn. And rainy. The air temperature rapidly drops to +16°С....+14°С. In some areas of the country, the “first frost” may already appear.
The water in the sea cools down to +17 degrees.
But at the end of the month the ski season opens, which will last until the end of March, and then - if you're lucky - until mid-April. So if you go to Montenegro at this time of year, take with you not only umbrellas and warm clothes, but also skis.
And so, no matter what month you visit this country, you will find here something to your liking and the most vivid impressions.