March 3 is World Nature Day. World Wildlife Day3 March

Man actively uses the resources of the planet on which he lives. Its activities seriously harm the environment, spoil the ecology, and lead to the extinction of entire species of wild animals. To draw attention to these problems, there is an international holiday, which is celebrated on the third of March. This is exactly the day that everyone who is interested in the present and future pays attention to. wildlife. Proper organization of this holiday allows ordinary citizens to understand that the safety of the world around them depends on their simple actions.

History of the holiday

In 2013, the United Nations General Assembly made a valuable decision to start celebrating this day to increase public awareness of wildlife issues. This holiday timed to coincide with the date of adoption of one of the most important documents in the field of animal protection concerning trade in species wild fauna and flora that were in danger of being destroyed. One of the most important steps towards establishing such a date was the Conference of the Parties to CITES, held in 2013.

It was there that the participants decided to establish this holiday and approached the UN with this proposal, where it was approved. Russia is also a member of CITES, which is why we hold relevant events. All this suggests that the authorities and the public in the Russian Federation were and remain interested in preserving the fauna

The emergence of this holiday is explained by the understanding of the need to preserve animals, of which there are very few left now. This especially applies to those of our smaller brothers who are already listed in the Red Book. I would like to hope that the combined efforts of citizens around the world will save the lives of many living beings.

“The future of wildlife is in everyone’s hands” is the motto of World Wildlife Day, celebrated annually on March 3. This is a relatively young holiday, which was created by the United Nations in 2013 to raise public awareness of the dangers facing the fauna and flora of the planet. The selected date coincides with the signing of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. CITES is an international document regulating illegal trade in animals and plants.

Habitat loss and management intensity agriculture are some of the real and tangible problems of nature. Thousands of flora and fauna are considered endangered and require our attention, according to the IUCN Red List.

Today, issues such as urbanization, poaching, pollution and destruction of animal habitats are very pressing issues. Everywhere forums, conferences and conventions are looking for all sorts of ways in which people can prevent the destruction of wild environments.

Elephants, pangolins, rhinoceroses, sharks and tigers are most susceptible illegal trade. According to the UN, the main cause of extinction of wild animals is habitat loss, which accounts for 80% of biodiversity loss.

At current extinction rates, about 20% of the world's species could become extinct forever within the next 30 years.

How is the holiday going?

On this day, many people enjoy the planet's biodiversity by visiting animals in zoos or on safari, going to nature museums, botanical gardens or national parks to see a wide variety of flora and fauna with your own eyes.
Volunteers clear debris from areas along the beach, park, or road sections. This garbage pollutes water and terrestrial environment. In addition, this waste can poison animals or become traps for them.
To widely inform the population about environmental problems, documentaries are shown.
Most international forums end with donations to protect the planet's biodiversity.

Do businesses close on this day?

International Wildlife Day is a global event, but countries do not provide an additional day off.

The announced day reminds the world's population of the negative economic and social disasters that are provoked by the thoughtless extermination of wildlife.

world day environment(World Environment Day), the largest annual event dedicated to nature conservation, is celebrated on June 5 - the UN General Assembly established the holiday in 1972.

World Environment Day is the most important day for raising awareness of environmental issues, which since its inception has become a global information platform and is widely celebrated in more than a hundred countries around the world.


The date of the celebration was not chosen by chance - on this day the UN Conference on Problems of the Human Environment opened in Stockholm (Sweden).

The conference adopted a declaration containing 26 principles that should guide all states in their activities aimed at protecting the environment and rational use natural resources.

It was 45 years ago that it was first proclaimed that the protection and improvement of the environment for current and future generations is the primary task of humanity. And seven months later, the UN Environment Program (UNEP) was approved by a resolution of the UN General Assembly.

UNEP, being the main UN body in the field of the environment, develops a global environmental program and promotes the implementation of the environmental component sustainable development within the UN system, advocates natural environment globe.

The Governing Council, the governing body of UNEP, consisting of representatives from 58 countries, meets annually. Programs are funded Environmental Fund, which is formed from voluntary contributions from governments with the involvement of trust funds and small allocations from the UN regular budget.

Why was the holiday established?

Human activities have a detrimental effect on living organisms, plants, landscapes, water bodies - the soil, atmosphere, rivers and seas are polluted, and human health, economic prosperity, and quality of life directly depend on the environment.

And in order to attract the attention of governments, society, industrial enterprises to current problems ecology, created this international holiday.

World Environment Day is one of the main ways for the UN to attract the attention of the world community to environmental problems, as well as stimulate political interest and corresponding actions.

Environmental protection is a system of state and public measures that are aimed at the harmonious interaction of society and nature, the preservation and reproduction of existing ecological communities and natural resources for the sake of living and future generations.

Today environmental problems They are among the most important and determine the level of well-being of the entire world civilization.

It is often difficult to appreciate the gifts of nature monetary equivalent. How clean air, they are sometimes taken for granted, at least until they run out.

Yet economists are developing ways to estimate the multibillion-dollar value of many so-called “ecosystem services,” from the benefits of insects pollinating fruit trees in California orchards to the recreation, health, and spiritual purification of a hike in a Himalayan valley.

Where is it celebrated?

Every year there are official celebrations in honor of world day environment are carried out in different countries. The attention paid to the host country helps highlight its environmental problems and support efforts to address them.

In 2017, Canada took up the baton of celebration - World Environment Day became an important part of the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the country's founding. As part of the celebrations, Canada is offering free entry to all of its national parks throughout 2017.

Overall, more than 1,288 events were planned around the world in 2017. Canada, where the main events were held, chose the theme of the day for 2017 - “Man and nature: unity in the city, on earth, from the poles to the equator.”

The theme is dedicated to the unity of man with nature, encourages us to appreciate its importance and protect our common planet Earth, and also invites us to think about why we are part of nature and our dependence on it.

As noted

Traditionally, on this day, landscaping activities are carried out, trees and shrubs are planted, and garbage is removed. The purpose of the events is to remind people that everyone can contribute to the protection of the environment, take care of our common planet and a secure green future for the world.

Since the celebration began in 1972, thousands of people in many countries have carried out activities ranging from cleaning up around their homes, planting trees, and ending with the fight against wildlife crime.

On this day, conferences, round tables, presentations, drawing competitions, colorful shows and performances, and so on are held. Environmental organizations carry out actions - figures social movements attract people's attention to pressing environmental issues through demonstrations, protests and flash mobs.

Educational lectures, seminars, thematic classes are organized, and hearings are held on reducing emissions of pollutants. IN educational institutions Discusses ways to carefully manage natural resources.

Documentary and feature films about nature are broadcast on television. On this day, people who have made significant contributions to protecting the environment are always honored.

Representatives participate in the events government agencies, charitable organizations, social movements, foundations, scientists, researchers, specialists in the field of environmental safety, teachers of specialized specialties at universities, students, and so on.

In protected areas - reserves and national parks excursions, environmental education programs and environmental actions. All events are aimed at educating the public on environmental issues, awakening people’s desire to preserve and protect flora and fauna.

On World Environment Day, environmental events and campaigns are held in more than 100 countries around the world.

Various events on the occasion of World Environment Day will be held in Georgia, including a grand cleaning campaign throughout the country.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexander Kovalev

The material was prepared based on open sources

Nature experiences great and negative impact from the human side. As a rule, the result is the complete disappearance of animal and plant species. In order to protect flora and fauna from death, we are developing regulatory documents, appropriate prohibitions are introduced and dates are established. One of them is March 3. This day is celebrated as World Wildlife Day.

History of the date

The idea of ​​creating special day animal protection and flora arose quite recently - in 2013. At the 68th session of the UN General Assembly, a decision was made to establish such a date. When choosing a specific month and date, a significant role was played by the fact that on March 3, 1973, a serious step towards the conservation of nature had already been taken. At that time, many states in the world signed the Convention on International Trade in Wildlife and Fauna, abbreviated CITES.

How is wildlife day going?

This date, like many dedicated to the protection of any natural resources, is a propaganda and educational date. The purpose of the Day is to inform the public about wildlife problems and call for its conservation. Another feature of Wildlife Day is its theme, which changes annually. For example, in 2018, special attention is paid to the problems of wild animals from the cat family.

As part of Wildlife Day, various events, competitions and festivals are held in many countries. Everything is here: from children's creative works, to serious decisions from the outside profile structures. Special attention is devoted to daily work on the conservation of animals and plants, which is carried out in nature reserves, sanctuaries and biosphere reserves.

What about wildlife?

The concept of wild nature is very ambiguous. What exactly counts as it? There is a lot of debate over this issue in different countries of the world. General conclusion something like this: wilderness is an area of ​​land or water that is not subject to intensive human activity. Ideally, this activity, like the person himself, is not there at all. The bad news is that there are fewer and fewer places like this on the planet, which is why the natural habitats of many plants and animals are disrupted, leading to their death.

Problems of flora and fauna

The most main problem, which wildlife constantly encounters - human activity. Moreover, we are talking not only about environmental pollution, but also about the direct destruction of individual animals, birds, fish and plants. The latter is extensive and is called poaching. A poacher is not just a hunter. This is a person who extracts prey in any way, without caring about tomorrow. Thus, on the planet there are already more than a dozen species of living beings that have simply been completely exterminated. We will never see these animals again.

On World Wildlife Day, this simple and terrible circumstance in once again communicates to society with the hope of understanding and emerging our personal responsibility for the planet.

2013 General Assembly The UN decided to proclaim (resolution A/RES/68/205) World Wildlife Day, with the aim of raising awareness among the general public about wildlife issues. This event became a separate milestone in the history of the UN, which made this decision. From now on, there is a date dedicated to wildlife in the human calendar.

The same year marked 40 years since the adoption of another important document in the field of protection of natural diversity. It was called the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. The document's birthday was March 3, 1973.

The birth of the holiday within the UN was preceded by the initiative of the participants of the CITES Conference of the Parties, held in Thailand in the spring of 2013. It is necessary to clarify that this meeting is held between representatives of countries that signed the Convention of March 3, 1973. It was at this Conference that it was proposed to declare March 3 as World Wildlife Day. With this proposal, the participants of the Conference turned to the United Nations, presenting there the results of the Conference itself.

Participation in the 1973 Convention was not mandatory, but countries that signed it are required to comply with the conditions specified in this document. It should be noted that 180 countries are parties to the Convention. The USSR joined the CITES participants in 1976, and Russia, being the legal successor Soviet Union– in 1992.

The emergence of such a holiday is due to the understanding of the need to preserve biological diversity on the planet. Caring for the conservation of the number of endangered species of fauna and flora, about possible consequences their complete disappearance for other species encourages concerned people in science, politics, economics and ordinary citizens around the world to join forces to save what is largely dying due to human intervention in the natural world.

All more people think about the importance in the life of the planet not only of humans, but also of every living creature, be it an animal or a plant. This holiday and its proper implementation with the participation of the media allows us to expand the horizons of knowledge of the world for ordinary citizens, to show people the beauty of wild nature, created and living independently of the human world. He teaches a person to live in harmony with the world around him.

People's awareness of the beauty of nature, its diversity and the uniqueness of each individual species should contribute to this process of harmonization. Changing consciousness and attitude towards wild nature, abandoning the idea of ​​limitlessness natural resources will allow our children and grandchildren to find that very harmonious way of coexistence with wild nature, which will give them the opportunity to enjoy the beauty and splendor of this miracle!

There are many on our planet
untouched wild places,
Where there is no trace of man
For miles around.

Birds fly freely there,
And the animals there are not shy,
The water sparkles like crystal
And the air knows no smoke.

On Wildlife Day I wish
Take care of her and love her,
So that our future descendants
Keep the planet alive.