Edible fish of the red sea. Red Sea

Millions of tourists visit Egypt's famous resorts every year. Some come for the first time, while others, having once discovered this country and its main natural attraction - the Red Sea, return to Egypt again and again. And they can be understood, because the beauty and richness of the underwater world of the northernmost tropical sea cannot leave anyone indifferent. At the same time, everyone can find something to their liking. Some are attracted to active recreation - diving, windsurfing, and other water activities, while others simply want to sunbathe under the hot African sun and plunge into crystal clear salty water. But, regardless of the purpose of the trip, all tourists may encounter dangers lurking in sea water. Moreover, this can happen both at a depth of twenty meters and near the shore.

The largest and scary predators, living in the Red Sea, are sharks. The variety of food allows these predators to exist here in huge numbers. Previously, it was believed that a warm-blooded person was not of any interest to them.

However, the events that occurred at the end of 2010 on the beaches near the Sinai resort of Sharm el-Sheikh and its surroundings force us to take sharp-toothed predators very seriously. And while scientists are speculating about the reasons that provoked sharks to attack people, and beach and hotel owners are taking the necessary measures to protect tourists, you should remember several rules of behavior in the water. Although you are unlikely to need them in Egypt, all sharks are very rare here:

  • Firstly, while on the water surface, you should never actively hit it with your arms and legs, since there is a high probability that a shark, which easily picks up such vibrations in the water, will mistake you for a wounded fish or sea animal and start hunting.
  • Secondly, you should avoid swimming, and especially diving, in the dark and in places with opaque water. Compliance with this point, by the way, will allow you to protect yourself from other troubles lurking in the depths of the Red Sea and any other warm sea.
  • Thirdly, while in the water, never try to feed the fish, especially fresh fish or meat. Sharks can smell blood from a great distance and it makes them feel excited and ready to attack the intended victim, which you can easily pass for.

Sharks, being the most formidable and dangerous predator Red Sea, still do not cause trouble for as many tourists as they do sea ​​urchins. It is careless contact with these inhabitants of the seabed that leads to unpleasant and painful sensations for thousands of tourists every month. And the fault here lies with the tourists themselves, since sea urchins are not at all aggressive towards humans, and spend most of their time in their favorite places among stones and dead corals. Therefore, the main rule of every tourist - always watch your step and not walk on coral - must be strictly observed. By the way, special rubber slippers will not always save you from the long spines of a sea urchin. The needles, entering at right angles, easily pierce the sole. In addition, the legs can be injured above the feet. And under no circumstances should you pick up a sea urchin with your bare hands, much less pull the needle out of a part of the body damaged by contact with your bare hands. You will only cause yourself further injury. These needle-covered, round creatures appear sweet and kind, but their quills are poisonous, meaning painful stings (and often infection) if you encounter one. The needles may remain in the wound, causing further pain. In rare cases large number injections can cause paralysis and even death.

If you do step on a sea urchin, do not try to get rid of the needles stuck in the body in sea water. Try to carefully go ashore and wait until sea ​​water will dry out. Better yet, wash the injured area. fresh water. There are several ways to get rid of sea urchin spines, but in any case, some of them will remain in the human body for some time and will dissolve after a few months, although it is painful when proper care may disappear the very next day. It would be a good idea to see a doctor, especially if you have health insurance.

  • To provide first aid to unfortunate vacationers who have stepped on these cute little animals, you can make a compress from diluted vinegar. However, it cannot always be found quickly. Another simpler and more affordable option - lemon or lime - is almost always available from hotel staff.
  • Hot water helps reduce the effects of poisonous needles. Rinse or soak the affected area in very hot, but not boiling, water for 30 to 90 minutes. Use tweezers to remove the needles (needles near joints in your hands or feet may need to be surgically removed). Apply an anti-inflammatory pain-relieving ointment containing antibiotics, such as ibuprofen. Symptoms such as difficulty breathing require immediate medical attention.
  • Place your hand in a bowl with very heated olive oil, hold it for about half an hour, then wrap your hand in napkins soaked in heated oil overnight.

Corals- this is truly a beautiful sight. Unfortunately, almost all types of corals and sea ​​sponges poisonous. And after contact with them, the body, depending on the type of skin and the type of coral that you managed to come into contact with, becomes covered with spots, blisters or begins to itch very much, causing sensations like after nettles, only ten times stronger.

Not only people like coral reefs. For many marine inhabitants, this is both a home and a hunting ground. However, you should always remember that touching some of these sea ​​creatures, ideally camouflaged among the corals, can lead to many months of painful sensations, and even death, which would be very sad, at least for you. Never walk on or touch coral.

And in general, under water you should always remember that the brighter the color of the fish and the more original the body shape, the more poisonous it is. Therefore, admire, take photographs, shoot on video, but do not touch anything or anyone.

Some tourists, trying to attract as much as possible more fish while swimming or diving at a coral reef, they begin to crumble into the water any food that is at hand. And upon emerging from the water, they are surprised to notice multiple cuts on the body. This is due to numerous surgeon fish, living in reefs and so named because of the two sharp fins at the base of the tail. Even a light touch of such a “scalpel” leaves a deep cut on a person’s body, and when feeding, a whole flock of such fish can gather around you.

You need to carefully look at your feet not only when walking on a rocky bottom, but also on sandy shallows. It is there that you can often step on one of the stingrays , which love to bask in the sun, spread out on the bottom, and the camouflage coloring does not allow them to be noticed from afar. And the consequences of the attack depend on what type of stingray it is: electric, stingray, or another. However, it will not be easy to step on a stingray on the hotel beach, because these sea ​​creatures prefer more secluded places.

Compliance with all the above rules will allow you to avoid unpleasant consequences for the body and will only leave you with rest positive emotions for a long time.

A large number of countries washed by warm seas have species of animals that are exotic in our area. Especially colorful unusual creatures and bright fish of the Red Sea. One of the countries located near this sea is Egypt. The country has affordable prices for an ordinary tourist with an average income, which is why many people flock there not only to relax under the palm trees, but also to dive with a mask deep into the Red Sea - the marine life in these parts is so unusual that there is a great desire to see them for yourself and show people . The fish of the Red Sea can be completely harmless and very dangerous.

The Red Sea is especially replete with unusual creatures and colorful fish

General information

The Red Sea divides Eurasia and Africa, extending deep into the continent. The sea is connected to the Indian Ocean by the Bab El Mabdeb Strait, and Mediterranean Sea thanks to the artificially created Suez Canal.

The climate in these parts is very hot and dry, which means the evaporation of water here is intense. Because of climatic conditions The salt concentration here is higher than anything acceptable standards, second in this indicator only to the Dead Sea, where almost no one lives.

In the Red Sea, unlike the Dead Sea, underwater world rich in diversity of life: more than half of the inhabitants live here Indian Ocean. Many species have adapted to high level salt, even new representatives of the fauna have appeared that live only in the Red Sea.

Dangerous sharks

In the waters south seas There are at least 30 species of sharks that can be seen at any time of the day. Of course, the likelihood of an encounter increases when the fish is in search of food. For example, sharks of the coastal zone are active at night, and representatives of open waters - during the day. Although there are those who do not care about the time of day - this is the tiger shark.

Sharks in coastal areas often swim close to coastline- in bays and estuaries, near reefs. TO Red Sea fish catalog:

Pelagic species

  1. Longfin shark. Grows up to 4 meters in length. When meeting divers, it does not get scared, but, on the contrary, circles around. In some cases, he may fall into a food frenzy. There are many cases with sad outcomes.
  2. Silky shark. Also likes to be held in open waters, sometimes swimming into coastal areas. It grows up to 3.5 meters in length and is considered quite dangerous, but there are no recorded cases of attack.
  3. Whale shark. Is the most big shark in the world, reaching a length of 15 meters and weighing 15 tons. They are considered harmless because they feed on plankton. Currently quite rare in the Red Sea.
  4. Mako Shark. The fastest shark in the world, can accelerate to 60 km/h. It grows up to 4 meters and weighs half a ton.

Aggressive little fish

Fishes living in large quantities in shallow water, cause great admiration among inexperienced swimmers. They are considered especially beautiful bright fish, seeming so harmless. Often it is small fish that are dangerous, as they can pierce the enemy’s skin or release poison. In any case, you need to be vigilant. The inhabitants of the Red Sea have unpredictable character and deceptive appearance.

Poisonous cylinder

When in danger, the balloon fish inflates and increases in size several times. The poison of this individual is very dangerous, and although it does not attack humans, it is better not to approach it. Balloon fish are protected with needles that are filled with toxins. It is from balloon fish that the famous dish - fugu - is prepared. Only an experienced cook can prepare this dish, because with the slightest mistake, the cooked fish can kill a person.

When in danger, the balloon fish inflates and increases in size several times.

sea ​​butterfly

Refers to the indigenous inhabitants of this sea. Fish of the Red Sea can be migratory, which are also found in other bodies of water, but the Sea Butterfly lives only in this place; it is impossible to meet it in another body of water.

It is distinguished by an unusual manner of movement: it lowers its nose down, resembling an antenna with its fin. It has a bright yellow color and moves in a flock, living in the depths.

Clown (Amphiprion)

The fish of the Red Sea are different, for example, the clown fish combines large sizes and pronounced aggression. The tiny inhabitant of the pond is not afraid of anyone. At least it attacks swimmers quite often. The clown doesn't pose much danger, but he might bite your finger - it’s not a pleasant sensation.

Clown fish attacks swimmers quite often

The clown fish acts as a protector, driving away opponents from the anemone. And since the anemone, the fish’s home, is located in shallow water, meeting people occurs quite often.

Parrotfish and Imperial Angel

You can often notice that the names chosen for the fish are suitable and accurately describe their appearance. Sometimes they emphasize similarities with land-based faunal brethren. So the parrot fish got its name for its similarity in color to a feathered fish. In addition, the fish's mouth resembles a beak, with which it likes to eat corals. Very often it can be seen near reefs.

The imperial angel is considered the most beautiful fish in the southern seas. An unusual color, in which there are yellow, blue and white shades, may have various options combinations. The colors merge into stripes, which can be narrow and wide, whole and interrupted, all shades together or only part of them - such a varied and recognizable imperial angel.

Camouflage specialists

A hidden threat lies in the areas designated as beach areas. There are fish there that can mix with environment. One of these inhabitants is the warty fish, or stone fish, which takes on the shape of a cobblestone and can cause serious harm to health.

Looking like a stone overgrown with algae, this predator attacks the strongest poison, piercing the enemy’s skin with sharp needles. The poison of warts is much stronger than poison cobras, and the particular danger is that the fish likes to live in coastal areas. Even the most durable swimming shoes will not save you from its needles - the wart penetrates any protection.

Another master of camouflage is the devil fish. It grows only up to 35 centimeters, but blends perfectly with any surrounding landscape. Very fierce and poisonous inhabitant sea, posing a threat to scuba divers, who often die from its poison.

These are the fish found in the Red Sea. The inhabitants of this reservoir are good at camouflage, so some caution should be exercised. It is especially dangerous to be near reefs where a variety of predators hide.

(every vacationer's dream) washed warm seas with inhabitants unprecedented in our latitudes. The Red Sea is especially rich in strange creatures and colorful fish. One of the countries located on its coast (for example, Egypt) is quite accessible to the average tourist with an average income. So everyone who is not too lazy strives to get there, not only to soak up the palm trees, but also to dive into the Red Sea with a mask and a camera - the fish in these latitudes are so picturesque that you want to see them yourself and show them to people.

But when going on an underwater journey, you should be careful and keep your delight at a certain distance from the wondrous creatures - many of them are as dangerous as they are beautiful.

Therefore, on the eve of the holiday season, information that most fully characterizes the most interesting Red Sea inhabitants will be extremely useful. In order for the fish of the Red Sea, photos and descriptions of which are given in the article, to become a reason for exclusively pleasant impressions, you should familiarize yourself with their lifestyle and the presence or absence of aggressiveness in advance.


This “thunderstorm of the seas” is used to be feared by everyone who is not familiar with all the species of this superorder, who are frightened by their large size and sharp teeth and who is accustomed to the idea that all of them are the most dangerous fish Red Sea.

The species diversity of sharks living in the water area we are considering is limited to nine names, among which the most unfriendly and aggressive is the silver one.

This three-meter-tall individual weighs an average of 160 kilograms and is one of the most dangerous predators posing a threat to humans. It can attack a diver unprovoked; usually such attacks have a fatal outcome for the latter. Although such cases are rare, since silver sharks prefer to keep their distance from divers and swimmers, if, God forbid, a person swam into its territory, the predator takes a threatening pose (arches its back, lowers its pectoral fins and bares his teeth). Noticing such angry shark, consider it best to retreat as quickly as possible, otherwise the silver mistress of the waters will definitely cause serious injuries to the uninvited guest.

Among the most harmless and beautiful sharks of the Red Sea, which also allow themselves to be photographed and calmly allow people to get close, one should name the zebra. The beauty of an unusual color has long been a fashion model. Through her images, the audience recognizes and explores the underwater world of exotic seas.

Divers also consider the nurse shark (which looks very similar to catfish or burbot), blacktip and whitetip reef sharks to be quite friendly. The nanny is slow and phlegmatic, the reef fish are timid and cautious, sometimes one gets the impression that they themselves are seriously afraid of people.

But these huge fish of the Red Sea really don’t like intrusive tourists. When you try to pet them, touch their fins or take a photo in an embrace, they can show their predatory nature.

Small fish are not always harmless

What admiration the Red Sea evokes! Fish, which are abundant in the shallow waters, and corals, among which you can travel for a whole day, enjoy great love and well-deserved interest among the inexperienced diver.

Newcomers only have stories about how irresistible the desire was to reach out and hold a small, cute fish in your palm.

But you also need to be extremely careful with little ones - many of the fish, especially the brighter ones, have protective properties. For example, they can release poison when approaching potential danger or pierce the skin of an enemy.

In any case, when diving into the depths of the exotic underwater kingdom, you should be on guard: the fish of the Red Sea have a deceptive appearance and an unpredictable character.

Balloon fish

During periods of danger, it swells and increases in volume. The venom of this fish is extremely dangerous, and although it does not bite humans, it is better to stay away from this inhabitant of the underwater world.

The balloon fish defends itself and attacks with needles filled with toxins. It is from it that the famous Japanese dish fugu is prepared. Only a very experienced chef can make such fish edible and safe.

sea ​​butterfly

Indigenous to these waters. The Red Sea, in which there are migratory fish found in other sea latitudes, has become the native and only home for this representative of the underwater fauna. It cannot be found anywhere else.

The sea butterfly has an unusual manner of movement - it swims with its nose down, while its fin closely resembles an antenna.

These fish are bright, yellow in color, keep in schools and live in the depths.

Clown fish

The fish of the Red Sea, photos of which demonstrate not only their appearance, but also their way of life, can truly surprise with the discrepancy of their size and irrepressible aggressive courage.

The tiny clown fish, for example, is not afraid of anyone at all. At least divers who have already survived the attacks of this little one more than once. Yes, the clown is capable of attacking people. He can't do much harm, but he tries to bite your finger. And if he succeeds, then the sensation of the bite remains not the most pleasant.

Performing the function of a protector for life, the clown is accustomed to being brave, so he reacts inadequately (from the point of view of people) to the appearance of uninvited guests near the anemone - marine organism, in which he lives. And since their favorite “dwellings” are located in shallow water, not far from busy beaches, the clown fish knows no peace - everything strives to attack those who disturb its peace. And people are even touched by this selfless courage of the little one.

Parrot fish

It is impossible not to notice that often correspond to them external resemblance with someone or something. As a rule, they repeat the color or behavior of their land-based counterparts in the animal world.

Parrotfish, for example, received its official name thanks to color scheme, one to one repeating the color of a green budgie.

Moreover, this fish has a beak, which is very convenient for eating corals. It can be seen most often there, near the reefs.

Imperial angel

This fish deservedly received the title of the first beauty of the southern seas and the audience award. The original color, which is dominated by yellow, blue and white colors, can vary in any combination of shapes and shades: wide and narrow stripes, interrupted and solid, all colors at once or just a few - so different and so recognizable the imperial angel.

Well, not a fish, but simply “a charm from the eyes”!

The fish of the Red Sea, whose description cannot be contained in a few lines, are marvelous inhabitants of the underwater kingdom and our neighbors in huge house, whose name is Earth. There are bloodthirsty monsters among them, but there are also... angels. Such beauty as in the picture above just needs to be seen. And preferably in her place natural habitat, and best in a pack. This is so lovely!

Masters of disguise

Fish that can blend into their environment pose a danger to tourists, beachgoers and divers. The next hero of our story has exactly this property.

Taking on the shape of a stone, the wart, or stone fish, can cause serious damage to health if it is not noticed and touched in time. Strikingly similar to a sea cobblestone overgrown with algae, this predator attacks with poison, piercing the victim’s body with sharp needles. The venom of a wart is four times stronger than that of a cobra, and the main danger is that this “cute fish” is often located in an area designated as a beach area. Even the notorious swimming shoes cannot save you from it. What is there! Boots with thick soles cannot protect against poisonous needles - warts can pierce the most reliable protection.

Another representative of the underwater kingdom that poses a certain threat is the devil fish. Small (only 35 cm), it adapts to any landscape, completely “dissolving” in it. One of the most ferocious and poisonous individuals. The devil's venom is three times stronger than the cobra's venom. It most often kills scuba divers.

The Red Sea, where fish are excellent at camouflage, requires special approach for all types of recreation. Maximum caution must be observed when studying or admiring corals - surgeon fish may be hiding in them. This needle-like, poisonous creature has chosen reefs in coastal waters Egypt is the most visited country by tourists.

IN clear waters The Red Sea, on the coastal reefs, is home to a lot of colorful small fish, which is why beginner scuba divers love these places. But some extremely attractive inhabitants of coral reefs are deadly.

Clownfish, or orange amphiprion
Amphiprion percula

She is known for her symbiosis with poisonous sea anemones, and also for the fact that she “starred” in the cartoon “Finding Nemo”. All young individuals of this fish are males, but the fish changes sex throughout its life. The incentive for a male to change sex is the death of his female. The amphiprion itself is not dangerous, but under no circumstances should you touch its home, the sea anemone.

Spinecushion sea urchin
Asthenosoma varium

The Red Sea is home to many species sea ​​urchins, and it's better not to deal with any of them. This one has the ends of short red needles covered with tiny white bubbles filled with poison.

Spiny Arotron
Arothron hispidus

From the pufferfish family. It lives at the very bottom, leads a solitary life, and strictly guards its territory. There are 11 species of pufferfish in the Red Sea. Their famous relative, also a pufferfish - fugu (Takifugu rubripes), this fish is sometimes eaten in Japan by those who like to tickle their nerves (it is prepared in a special way to reduce the concentration of poison). Almost all pufferfish are poisonous; their insides contain the strong poison tetrodoxin.

Lionfish, aka lion fish
genus Pterois

Weighs up to a kilogram. Despite its name, it cannot fly. The beautiful fins, which rise like a bush above the body of the fish, have sharp needles. The injection causes severe pain, which may be followed by convulsions and irregular heartbeats.

Blue surgeon
Paracanthurus hepatus

A distinctive feature of surgeon fish is a sharp spine located at the base of the caudal fin. The Blue Tang (the forgetful fish Dory) is another character from the cartoon Finding Nemo.

crown of thorns
Acanthaster planci

The only known poisonous starfish on the planet; there are quite a lot of them in the Red Sea. However, minimal caution is enough; the star will not be able to catch up with you even if it wants to: its normal movement speed is about 10 centimeters per minute, in emergency circumstances - up to 30.

Stonefish, or wartfish
Synanceia verrucosa

Record holder for camouflage, mimics a stone. It is considered one of the most poisonous fish in the world; a person can die from its injection within a couple of hours.

Indo-Pacific electric ray
Torpedo panthera

Up to a meter long, the electric shock force is up to several tens of volts. Stingrays are viviparous fish; embryos not only hatch from eggs in the uterus, but are also supplied there nutrients from the maternal organism (which does not happen in other fish).


Modern people don't believe in fairy tales! Childhood, when magical characters, unusual heroes, fantastic events, is behind us. Our world is inhabited by vanity, problems, passions, that is, ordinary reality. Where to make money, how to spend it, where to go are the main questions of our time. But the fairy tale exists, and for Russians who have visited Egypt (those who like exceptionally comfortable accommodation do not count), this is no secret!


The Tale of the Red Sea is amazing inhabitants, fantastic outfits, unusual fate every resident. The underwater world has its own mode of existence. There's no rush here. Loud sounds, blinding lights - all this remains on the surface.

Tourists don’t have to go far to see fabulous pictures. Even walking along the edge of the beach, you can see colorful fish in the water. But if you stand on a pontoon or, wearing a mask and fins (), freeze on the surface, the picture will become much more beautiful. There are so many living creatures swimming around that it becomes offensive: “We don’t know anything about them!” Our story is a short sketch about some representatives of the red depths of the sea.


A coral reef is a whole universe inhabited by myriads of animals. About 4,000 mollusks, 2,000 fish, and 350 species of echinoderms hide in calcareous colonies. Many reefs are the same age as dinosaurs! Some coral thickets are 2 billion years old.

The amazing is close!

Coral labyrinths for marine inhabitants are home and an upscale restaurant. Hundreds of fish swim near the shore, not at all embarrassed by swimmers. Even the children, always squealing and laughing, will not distract them from their daily worries. Nature generously decorated the scales of fish, and people gave them funny names.


Fish from the cartoon "Finding Nemo"

The creators of the popular cartoon glorified two small fish Red Sea: clown and surgeon. Clownfish is a fun name for an orange fish with two encircling white stripes. sea ​​creatures. The surgeon fish with a flat blue body became the prototype of the forgetful little Dory.


Fish - butterfly

A flat oval fish with black stripes symmetrically located on yellow scales. Sad alone? This is not about a butterfly. She is always surrounded by the same striped-yellow girlfriends. If an enemy appears nearby, the fish changes color, becomes darker with anger and boldly attacks the enemy.



A large, serious inhabitant of the deep sea. It received this name because of the resemblance of its brow ridge to the headdress of the French emperor. Napoleon's impressive size and serious appearance did not spoil his good disposition. He is curious and often swims up to hotel pontoons, causing the delight of tourists. When he meets scuba divers at depth, he swims nearby for a long time, without being at all afraid.


Sea urchin

He doesn't look like a cute character from children's fairy tales at all. Sharp, long needles little creature look scary. Prickly and menacing, he will instantly thrust the entire arsenal of his spears into the offender. The hedgehog has to pretend to be a prickly monster - he has too many enemies. Predators love to feast on its tender meat. The sea urchin moves on thin tentacles filled with liquid. You can't run far from the enemy on such strange legs. Needles are the only salvation.

If you want to get to know the fauna of the Red Sea better best option- . There you will be taken to coral reefs, everyone will be able to scuba dive and touch the beauty in the truest sense of the word. In addition, in the reserve you will find a magnificent sandy beach and clear sea.

A spectacle accessible only to divers

Not all sea inhabitants love the proximity of the shore and people. The most mysterious characters can only be seen by diving to 5-10 meters. For lovers, the underwater world will open new pages.


One appearance fish - a long, rough body with a crocodile's mouth - causes a shudder, fear, and a desire to run away. But this is a misleading impression. The moray, so similar to a snake, is scary only in appearance and is a relative of the common eel. The unattractive moray eel is endowed with the grace and plasticity of a ballerina. During the day, she hides from her bloodthirsty neighbors in coral caves, sticking her muzzle out. The moray opens its mouth wide, gasping for air, and this scares everyone who has not seen the “beauty” before.



“Multi-armed Hercules” is one of the nicknames of the octopus. The creature is peaceful, calm and friendly. This huge mollusk greatly values ​​its own home. He builds it with his own eight legs. He will build a house, climb into it and sleep. Seven legs sleep, and the eighth, swaying from side to side, stands guard, scaring away others. The octopus is an emotional animal. He expresses even the simplest feelings brightly and expressively, changing the color of the body, changing shape and masquerading as surrounding objects.


sea ​​turtle

An underwater reptile that has nothing in common with the slowness of its land relative. On land, the tortilla is clumsy, but at sea it develops speed and exceptional navigational abilities. Meeting her is a great and rare success!


But bloodthirsty predators are not the only horror story of an Egyptian holiday. Poisonous fish, stinging jellyfish, electric stingrays scare vacationers no less. How dangerous fauna Red Sea?


In fact, many “dangerous animals” are quite peaceful and kind. If you don't touch them, they won't fight or bite. "Survive!" - the main task of the inhabitants of the underwater world. “If you don’t get eaten, you can live a long time!” - guided by this motto, some creatures bury themselves in the sand, others accumulate electric charge in case of attack, others always keep a drop of poison in reserve. We will tell you about those cautious creatures whose encounters frighten tourists.


Bright, beautiful, real underwater model. Slowly and deliberately, enjoying her own perfection, she soars over the reefs, exclaiming with all her appearance: “Look at me! Admire! Envy! Its fins are similar to peacock feathers - rich, colorful. The external beauty of the lionfish - terrible power. Luxurious fins - burning and razor-sharp - are poisoned by the poison of her beauty. The lionfish sting is very painful. The merciless lionfish searches for a long time and carefully for the victim, hypnotizing, enveloping, captivating. A swift jerk ends the life of the unwary roach. Rescue is impossible here: missing out on prey is not a lionfish’s rule.


Wart - “stone fish”

Its formidable body, completely covered with warty outgrowths, is barely visible in the coral thickets. She is a master of underwater camouflage. Choosing special places for camouflage, the wart freezes, merging into one with the surrounding objects. Nature has not endowed the stonefish with beauty and plasticity; its entire life is silent revenge for their absence. Her body is a dozen prickly thorns saturated with poison. Stepping on it is deadly! The spikes are strong and will pierce even rubber swimming shoes.



Stingrays are considered dangerous animals. Some for their menacing appearance, others for their ability to poison or inject a person. But there was no case of any of the stingrays attacking a person. The stingray is a peaceful, even timid, inhabitant of the underwater space. He looks like he's alive kite, which floats in the air. “When it lands,” it burrows into the sand in search of prey. All the strength of the stingray is in its tail. One blow, and sharp needle-spikes pierce the enemy’s body, and poison flows down them, into the wound made by the tip. The power of the poison is legendary. In ancient times, they lubricated arrows with it and soaked the clothes of enemies. The Mayans used it as a pain reliever.


Fish delicacies

There are so many fish in the Red Sea that trying to eat even one is a big temptation. IN hotel restaurants The fish menu is usually poor. But the fish restaurants (for example, on the Promenade in Naama Bay, at the Old Market) are simply amazing. Shrimp, squid, octopus, crabs - all this moves and trembles in large trays. The client chooses the delicacy he likes, waits (and sometimes personally watches the preparation) of the delicious dish.

Sea fishing

People explore the underwater world in different ways. Some admire it, looking at it through the glass of a simple mask. Others boldly dive to the bottom with scuba gear. Still others taste it. And some people enjoy fishing.

For those interested, local companies organize a “Sea Fishing” tour from Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh. The excursion program combines a yacht trip with fishing. The boat will make three stops during the day, and fishermen will be given simple equipment: a plastic circle with a hook and sinker on a fishing line. For lunch, the yacht's chef will prepare the fish you caught.


The catch, even for novice fishermen, is usually rich. The hook catches fish of all colors and sizes: lizardheads (the most voracious, and therefore oblivious to danger), red-striped grouper (spotted skin), thalassomas, cheylins, red mullets. You can’t count them all!

“I vacationed in Hurghada three times and always bought a yacht trip with fishing. Price - 50 dollars. You can just swim and then catch colorful fish with pieces of squid. It’s a simple idea, but it’s a lot of fun!”


The strange fish fluttering in the water of the Red Sea surprise and fascinate. I want to touch them. But many of them are dangerous: their bodies exude poison, their beauty is deadly. It happens!

Nov 22, 2015 Kate