Nwu knife. Universal diving knife NWU USSR Navy

I no longer see the power of my strong one,

rich, multi-war brother Yaroslav,

With his Chernigov tribes,

With Monguts, Tatrines and Shelbirs,

With treadmills, revuts and olbers.

They are without shields, with boot daggers,

The regiments won with a click,

Ringing with the glory of our forefathers.

(The Lay of Igor's Campaign, trans. V.A. Zhukovsky)

There is an opinion among collectors that the term “Russian combat knife” has no right to exist. Like, there was a boot knife, there was a baguette, there was a bayonet, but there was no Russian combat knife. Although both “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” and the chronicles tell us the opposite - the Russian tradition of knife fighting is much more powerful than similar traditions of any other state. It was with a knife and later a bayonet attack that the Russians terrified the enemy.

Working with the chronicles while writing “The Evil City,” a novel about the defense of Kozelsk from Batu’s horde, I drew attention to the following text: “The Tatars fought near the city. Wanting to capture it, they smashed the city wall and climbed the rampart. The residents fought with them with knives and, after consulting, decided to go out to the Tatar shelves. And, leaving the city, they cut out slings (Siege engines. - Note author) them, and, attacking their regiments, killed four thousand Tatars” (author’s translation from Old Church Slavonic, Ipatiev Chronicle, Galicia-Volyn vault, “Batyevo Massacre”).

Repelling the attack of the Horde, our warriors launched a knife (!) attack, driving the enemy away from the walls of the city. Is it possible after this to talk about the absence of traditions of the Russian combat knife? The knife was always with our ancestor. On the hunt, in everyday life, in war. The waist one is placed on the belt, the boot one is tucked behind the top of the boot, the underside one is placed under the saadak, a special case for the bow. The knife was a familiar tool that turned into a weapon with which the hand of a Russian man, accustomed to a knife, accurately and effectively struck the enemy when the arrows ran out and the swords of the defenders of our Motherland dulled on the enemy’s armor.

Unfortunately, history has not conveyed to us exactly what the fighting knives of the Russian knights were. What can we say, even about the baguinet, the ancestors of the bayonet, which were in service with the pre-Petrine Russian army, we know almost nothing, except that until the beginning of the 18th century it was a long butting knife with a handle inserted into the barrel of a smooth-bore fusee before a bayonet attack. Thus firearms turned into a spear without the possibility of firing a shot. By the way, here it is necessary to explain what the difference is knife from dagger. The knife is always single-edged, the dagger blade is sharpened on both sides. Modifications with one and a half sharpening, having the upper edge sharpened to half the length, tilt the decision in favor of the knife.

The Northern War with Sweden revealed the need for modernization small arms towards versatility. Moreover, Russia's ally Prussia has already introduced a new product into its army - a bayonet attached to a musket. In the period from 1702 to 1709, the transition from baguette to bayonet was completely completed in the Russian army.

Analyzing the history of Russia precisely from the point of view of the development of edged weapons, you inevitably come to understand where the Russian people have such a love for the knife. Apparently, this is ours, national, dear. From those times when, throwing away their shields, the Russian knights went into a knife attack.

By the way, an interesting historical fact: in the armies of Western Europe, the bayonet was a “weapon of last chance.” The concept of a “bayonet attack” practically did not exist there, and the deadly attachment to the barrel of a musket served only for defense.

The Russian deadly offensive bayonet charge became a legend. The great Russian commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov generally introduced it into the cult, relegating the importance of bullet shooting from firearms to the background. His catchphrase “The bullet is a fool, the bayonet is a good fellow” is known to every Russian who is interested in the history of his Motherland. However, the most famous was and remains the bayonet for the rifle of the remarkable Russian designer and organizer of rifle production, Sergei Ivanovich Mosin.

3. Bayonet for S.I.’s rifle Mosin model 1891/1930

Developed on the basis of the Berdan rifle bayonet of the 1870 model, tetrahedral bayonet entered service with the Russian army along with the Mosin rifle in 1891.

It was a terrible melee weapon. The half-meter tetrahedral needle blade inflicted deep penetrating wounds, accompanied by severe damage to internal organs. In addition, the small entrance hole did not allow us to assess on the spot the depth of penetration of the bayonet into the body and the severity of the wound, which could result in internal bleeding and infections leading to peritonitis and, as a consequence, death.

Virtually unchanged, the bayonet for the Mosin rifle existed for half a century, surviving its peak during the revolution and Civil War. In the Great Patriotic War, he became the cause of the death of a considerable number of Nazis and a symbol of the people's liberation war against the Nazi invaders, which is reflected in many posters of that time.

At the same time, one cannot help but note the influence of other nations’ edged weapons on the evolution of the Russian combat knife. In this light, I consider it necessary to cite an excerpt from an article by a famous Russian researcher and specialist on this issue, Andrei Arturovich Mak, “Introduction to the history of the Russian army knife,” published with the permission of the author:

“Back in the first half of the 19th century, as a result of long Caucasian wars and campaigns in Central Asia in the Cossack troops Russian Empire checkers and daggers became widespread - borrowed weapons from the Caucasian and Asian peoples. “Kamas” were especially popular - Caucasian daggers with a wide straight blade, smoothly tapering at the tip. Along with the fashion for everything mountainous, which spread among Russian officers and the aristocracy, the dagger was also widely used for combat purposes by detachments of Cossack plastuns - a kind of hybrid of rangers and special forces, who acted secretly and autonomously in separate combat groups on enemy territory.

The Plastun Cossacks widely borrowed clothing, equipment and weapons from the Circassians, including daggers. The first authorized samples of daggers were adopted for service in 1840 - for officers and lower ranks of the Black Sea Cossack Army, cavalry and artillery units.

The Plastuns were famous for their ability to effectively use a dagger, were true masters of ambushes and counter combat, and were distinguished by accuracy in shooting and dexterity in hand-to-hand combat. In vanguard battles, reconnaissance and raids behind enemy lines, they masterfully operated with cold steel, silently removing military outposts and slaughtering entire units in complete silence. Plastun infantry battalions, which had a special status, with their own combat traditions and rules, were widely used during Crimean War 1853–1856 and on the Caucasian front during the First World War. The heir to the Iranian throne, Ammanula Mirza, who commanded one of the plastun battalions, considered the management of such a unit an honor.

The authorized dagger of the Kuban Cossack Army was approved by order of the Military Department No. 133 of March 13, 1904, and at about the same time the Terek Cossack Army received its dagger. However, the approval of the statutory samples of daggers turned out to be, in fact, a formal act. The Cossack army did not burden itself with descriptions and drawings, continuing to order and finish blades at its own discretion. In addition, the Cossacks were allowed to go to service with sabers and daggers inherited from their fathers and grandfathers, the so-called. “grandfather’s” weapon, as long as the weapon was suitable for combat. Although the blades of the Zlatoust arms factory retained their basic design features unchanged, since military craft schools, military workshops and numerous artisans were engaged in finishing checkers and daggers, Cossack daggers were distinguished by great variety.

The appearance of bebuts - daggers with curved blades - is already associated with campaigns in Central Asia and the Russian protectorate over the northern territories of Iran. The main support of the Empire in this region was a separate Cossack brigade and Russian regular troops, which popularized similar form dagger.

The main purpose of adopting the bebut for service was to replace the artillery checker, which interfered with the firing of gun crews of the new rapid-fire guns that had been entering the army since 1902, as well as to ensure the possibility of conducting hand-to-hand combat in trenches and communication passages. The main argument against the dagger was the lack of experience in using it among the gun servants: except for the non-religious units from the Caucasus region and the Cossacks in the sovereign service, the Russians, mainly recruited into the artillery, had no such experience.

Due to these differences of opinion, the decision to rearmament was made only after Russo-Japanese War. In 1907, the bebut - “a curved soldier’s dagger of the 1907 model”, was adopted by the gendarmerie, in 1908 - by the lower ranks of machine gun teams, in 1909 - by all lower ranks of artillery troops, except horse and horse-mountain artillery, in 1910 year - the lower ranks of mounted reconnaissance infantry regiments. During the First World War, a simplified version of the dagger with a straight blade was made for the same units.

At the final stage of the First World War, the bebut was used in the shock units of the Russian army, the so-called. “legions of death” and “battalions of honor”, ​​which bore the main burden of the war, including regular reconnaissance and military outpost raids. Bebut, as a short-bladed weapon, turned out to be quite effective as a trench dagger.

A rarer variety of the authorized army knife were the knives of the lower ranks of the heterodox Cossack troops of the 1840 model. These knives copied the national Mongolian forms and were used mainly by Cossack units stationed along the Chinese border and recruited from local nomadic peoples. The lower ranks of the aviation units also received their knife in 1914.”

4. Army knife (NA-40)

Just before the Great Patriotic War, a weapon of Russian soldiers was born, no less legendary than the bayonet for the Mosin rifle - the famous NA-40 (“army knife”), or NR-40 (“scout knife”), adopted for service in 1940 , immediately after the Soviet-Finnish war. The second, more popular, but historically less correct name is due to the fact that reconnaissance companies and submachine gunner units were armed with this knife.

The narrow – up to 22 mm – blade of the NA-40 made it possible to insert it between the enemy’s ribs with the least resistance and at the same time lightened the weight of the knife itself. The wooden handle and scabbard served the same purpose and at the same time reduced the cost of production.

5. Army knife of the Ural Volunteer Tank Corps

Interesting historical fact: in 1943 the Ural Volunteer was formed tank corps, fully equipped due to above-plan labor and voluntary donations from the working people of the Urals. This was a gift to the front from people already working to the limit of human capabilities, an example of the mass labor heroism of workers.

At the Zlatoust Tool Plant, high-quality NA-40 knives were made for all tankmen of the Ural Volunteer Tank Corps, the handle and sheath of which were coated with black Kuzbass varnish. These knives were a kind of " business card“The legendary tank corps, which after the very first battles on the Kursk Bulge, due to the heroism of the tank crews, became a guards corps. The Germans nicknamed the combat formation of Russian tankers “Schwarzmesser Division” - “division of black knives.” And compatriots, after the very first combat operation carried out by the Ural Volunteer Tank Corps, composed a song about the heroes, which I consider it my duty to present in this book:

"Song of Black Knives"

Words by R. Notik, music by N. Komm and I. Ovchinin

The fascists whisper to each other in fear,
Hiding in the darkness of the dugouts:
“Tankmen appeared from the Urals -
Black Knife Division.
Squads of selfless fighters,
Nothing can kill their courage.”
Oh, they don’t like fascist bastards

How machine gunners will jump from armor
You can't take them with any fire.
Volunteers will not crush the avalanche
After all, everyone has a black knife.
Huge masses of Ural tanks are rushing,
Making the enemy's power tremble,
Oh, they don’t like fascist bastards
Our Ural steel black knife!
We will write to the gray Ural:
"Be confident in your sons,
It was not for nothing that they gave us daggers,
So that the fascists would be afraid of them.”
We will write: “We fight as we should,
And the Ural gift is good!”
Oh, they don’t like fascist bastards
Our Ural steel black knife!

6. Reconnaissance Battalion

Currently, historical traditions are being reinterpreted. For example, the NA-40 was again released by the AiR company with some changes in two versions. The first is the “Razvedbat” hunting knife, certified as a bladed weapon.

“Reconnaissance Battalion” is a production model that appeared relatively recently, but is already popular with army units. Available in four types: “Airborne Forces”, “Marines”, “Border Troops”, “Spetsnaz VV”. The stripes on the handles correspond to the colors of these branches of the military. In addition to the stripes, each type of knife has the emblem of the selected branch of the military located on the blade.

7. Penal battalion

The civilian version of the previous knife was called “Penal Battalion” and differs from it in the reduced thickness of the blade and a different shape of the handle. Available for free sale.

A small fuller has been added to the blades of both knives in this series to reduce the weight of the knife, the guard is turned in the opposite direction to that on the NA-40, the unsharpened heel of the blade has been reduced, and the materials have been replaced with more modern ones.

8. Finca NKBD

It was the Soviet-Finnish war that was an experience that revealed the shortcomings of the reconnaissance and sabotage activities of Soviet specialists behind enemy lines, including the lack of a multifunctional universal combat knife in their arsenal. With the help of which you can silently remove an enemy sentry, set up a temporary camp or cache in the forest, make snowshoes, and quickly build a drag for a wounded comrade from scrap material. Therefore, on the basis of a uniform bayonet-knife of the 1919 model and a Finnish scout knife, the legendary NA-40 was created.

However, I don’t think that it was the Soviet-Finnish war that opened the eyes of Russian gunsmiths to the advantages of combat knives of the recent enemy. “Finka” was known in Russia and was popular even before the revolution. And although the Finnish knife was legally prohibited in the USSR in the 30s, in those same years it, in a slightly modified form, became a special weapon of the NKVD.

The so-called “Finnish NKVD”, or “Norwegian-type knife”, shown in the photo, was produced at the Trud plant (before the revolution, the factory of the industrialist Kondratov) in the village of Vacha, Nizhny Novgorod region in the 40s. Although in reality this particular knife has nothing to do with Finland - the model was copied from a Swedish hunting knife made by the famous master Pontus Holmberg from Eskilstuna.

9. Hunting knife of Pontus Holmberg from Eskilstuna

The same knife, the prototype of the famous “NKVD Finnish knife”, or “Norwegian-type knife”, which is talked about so much and which few have seen even in photographs. A Swedish hunting knife made by Pontus Holmberg from Eskilstuna, a photograph of which was provided at my request specifically for the “Combat Knives” project by the author of several books on this topic, Andrei Arturovich Mak.

10. Finka NKVD, modern version

Currently, the “NKVD Finka” is produced from modern materials, its design has been significantly redesigned. The guard became almost straight, the top of the handle was “rounded”. The handle itself can be made entirely of wood, or covered with printed leather. The photo shows a version of a knife certified as a bladed weapon with a blade thickness of 4 mm. Variants are also produced that do not fall under the category of edged weapons, with a thinner blade or without a guard.

11. Finca NKBD, gift option

As mentioned above, souvenir and gift versions of the “NKVD Finks” are produced that do not fall under the category of edged weapons. The photo shows a gift version of the famous “Finnish” with a blade made of Swedish Damascus. The knife handle is made of Karelian birch with plexiglass inserts, the guard and the pommel of the handle are brass. Manufactured by the company "AiR" (Zlatoust).

12. Finka NKBD with a traumatic handle

It was previously mentioned that the company "AiR" (Zlatoust) produces a replica of the famous "NKVD Finnish weapon", which, according to its parameters, falls under the category of edged weapons.

In order for all lovers and connoisseurs of this knife to be able to purchase it for free sale, two modifications are produced, certified as household ones.

In the gift version of the finca described above, all geometric dimensions are preserved, with the exception of the thickness of the blade, which is reduced to the limits permitted by law.

A modification of the finka with a traumatic handle, shown in the photo opposite, has a blade 4 mm thick, but lacks a guard that secures the hand when delivering a stabbing blow.

These modifications allow you to choose any of the knives depending on the goals and objectives of the end user.

Like all knives produced by the AiR company (Zlatoust), finks are produced from various steels and with a wide variety of handle materials.

By the way, the NA-40 was very different from the “Finnish NKVD” precisely in the direction of its “narrow specialization”. The uncharacteristic “inverted” S-shaped guard was dictated by the combat specialization of the knife, which provides for the emphasis of the fingers when striking from bottom to top in the hypochondrium and abdomen and from top to bottom in the area of ​​the face and neck, dictated by the then traditions of knife fighting of the NKVD. By the way, in the same 40 year, a book by V.P. was published for the first time in the USSR as a teaching aid for NKVD schools. Volkova “Self-defense course without weapons “Sambo” with the chapter “Basic techniques of working with a short Finnish or Norwegian knife”, revealing the technique of delivering such blows (photos are shown from the book by V.P. Volkov “Self-defense course without weapons “Sambo”).

By the way, the thing was revolutionary for its time. Oznobishin’s book “The Art of Hand-to-Hand Combat”, published in 1930 by the NKVD publishing house, tells only about techniques against a knife, apparently implying that a security officer does not need to know how to work with a knife. It is possible that the NA-40 and Volkov’s practical manual were created in parallel and tailored to each other.

13. Army knife model 1943 “Cherry”

In 1943, the guard, handle and sheath of the NA-40 underwent significant changes and Soviet intelligence officers received an even more successful design - the NR-43 knife with a straight guard, a leather sheath and a durable plastic handle topped with a metal pommel - if anything, even hammer in a wedge , and caress the enemy on the head. The knife was called “Cherry”. The design turned out to be so successful that it is still in service with a number of Russian special forces.

14. Special scout knife (SRS)

In the 60s, the USSR developed the NRS (special scout knife), designed to defeat the enemy in battle both with a blade and with the help of a firing mechanism located in the handle and consisting of a short barrel and trigger mechanism. The NRS fired a silent SP-3 cartridge with a 7.62 mm caliber bullet, model 1943.

15. Special scout knife - 2 (NRS-2)

In 1986, the NRS was upgraded to the NRS-2. The blade of the knife became spear-shaped, the saw on the butt was reduced by almost half, the SP-3 cartridge was replaced by the also silent SP-4 with an unusual cylindrical bullet, despite the “hemp-shaped” shape, piercing a standard helmet at a distance of twenty meters. Cocking is carried out by a special lever located on the handle, and release is carried out by another lever located on its end part. Reloading is carried out by removing the barrel, which takes an average of 1–2 minutes. Currently, the NRS-2 is in service with reconnaissance units of the Airborne Forces and Marine Corps, as well as special forces of internal affairs agencies and units of internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

16. Bayonet for a 7.62 mm Kalashnikov assault rifle, model 1949

However, the most famous Russian combat knife for every resident of our country is the bayonet for the Kalashnikov assault rifle. The first model of the Kalashnikov AK assault rifle, adopted for service Soviet army in 1949, did not have a bayonet at all. Only in 1953, together with the so-called lightweight AK assault rifle, the “bayonet-knife product “6X2” was adopted, which had the same blade as the bayonet for the SVT-40 self-loading rifle and differed only in the locking mechanism. According to experts, the “6X2 bayonet-knife” was an extremely successful design. There is information that some “surviving” copies of this bayonet were used in the first Chechen war, more than a quarter of a century after it was removed from service.

17. Experimental knife R.M. Todorov model 1956

The prototype of the bayonet for the AKM was the standard knife of the reconnaissance and sabotage units of the Navy, designed by Lieutenant Colonel R.M. Todorov model 1956. Judging by the suspension of Todorov’s knife, it simply hung on his belt like an ordinary HP.

Todorov’s experimental knife came to the attention of Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov’s employees, who were developing a promising bayonet knife, and was redesigned for the AKM with changes in a number of components, preserving the appearance of the blade practically unchanged. And since that time, it has been copied in one form or another by designers from almost every country in the world that produces weapons.

18. Bayonet for AKM model 1959

In 1959, during the modernization of the AK-47 assault rifle to the AKM, the bayonet-knife “product “6X2” was replaced with a lighter and more versatile one, developed on the basis of an experimental knife designed by Lieutenant Colonel R.M. Todorov, mentioned above.

But the new bayonet, “product 6X3,” was soon again modernized for the AK-74 assault rifle, which replaced the AKM.

19. Bayonet for AKM and AK74 model 1978

This bayonet-knife has become a kind of calling card Soviet Union along with an AK-74 assault rifle. I will not bend my soul if I say that the Kalashnikov assault rifle is the most famous and popular weapon of the last century, adopted for service in fifty-five countries of the world. On the flag and coat of arms of the Republic of Mozambique there is an image of a Kalashnikov assault rifle with an attached bayonet, which symbolizes the struggle for the country's independence. The Kalashnikov assault rifle can also be seen on the coats of arms of the Democratic Republic of East Timor and the Republic of Zimbabwe.

There have been many reviews about the AK bayonet since its creation, from enthusiastic to diametrically opposed. However, despite these contrary reviews, it remained popular among the military. Suffice it to say that such a respected company as Heckler & Koch, having developed the latest assault rifle G-36 for the Bundeswehr, did not consider it shameful to install a bayonet from an AK-74 made in the GDR on it. Although it is possible that the matter was in the huge reserves of bayonet knives left over from the time of the division of Germany into the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany, but, nevertheless, the fact took place - the Kalashnikov bayonet came under modern rifle well-known company.

From design features bayonet AKM/AK-74, it is worth noting the presence of a special part on the scabbard, when combined with which the holes on the blade, the bayonet-knife turned into wire cutters for cutting barbed wire, as well as a file on the butt, designed for sawing through metal parts.

This design successfully existed until 1989 and happily “retired”, giving way to the “product 6X5” bayonet for the AK-74 assault rifle.

20. Bayonet for AK-74 model 1989

Hand on heart, this is a completely different bayonet-knife, bearing little resemblance to its predecessor. Perhaps the only similarity remains in the shape of the sheath and the presence of a characteristic hole on the blade. The shape of the blade and handle, the material from which the handle and sheath are made, as well as the form of fastening have changed - now the Russian bayonet-knife is located in a horizontal plane to the right of the new Nikonov AN-94 assault rifle, adopted by the Russian army.

The engineers of the Izhevsk plant, who created the latest example of a standard bayonet-knife, believe that this method fastening will help to avoid getting the blade stuck between the enemy’s ribs. And perhaps there is a certain reason for this, because this position of the blade is typical for many schools of knife fighting. Although the previous one, in general, has not been canceled, the knife flies remarkably well into the enemy’s stomach and in a vertical plane. But here, as they say, the doctor knows best. Perhaps I’m just feeling some nostalgia for the knife with which I once served in the airborne forces.

Knives of the “Punisher” series were designed and manufactured for the law enforcement units of the FSB of Russia by Melita-K CJSC, which has been producing high-quality knives since 1994, including a wide range of combat knives and daggers.

“Punisher” is produced in two modifications – “VZMAKH-1” and “Maestro”. In addition, there are modifications that differ in the material of the handle (stacked leather, rubber or kraton). “VZMAKH-1” differs in the root part of the serrated sharpening, and “Maestro” - in the serrated sharpening at the top, the type of sheath and the type of finishing of the blade (anti-reflective, black or camouflage). The guard is double-sided. The wide blade is convenient for digging and allows, if necessary, to use the knife as additional support on slopes with loose soil. The cutting part of the blade has a crescent-shaped cavity, which allows you to increase the length of the cutting edge while maintaining linear dimensions. The knife is equipped with a sheath made of high-quality leather or avisent, allowing it to be attached to the arm, leg, belt and elements of combat or hiking equipment. The “VZMAKH-1” knife has been officially adopted for service.

38. Knight NSN

Knives “Vityaz NSN”, “Vityaz NM”, “Vityaz” were developed by order of the President of the Vityaz BKB, Hero of Russia S.I. Lysyuk to equip units special purpose.

A distinctive feature of the design is a large, heavy blade with a narrow blade, which makes it possible to maintain the inertia of movement upon impact, reduce weight and increase penetrating ability, and an anatomically comfortable guard that allows you to hold the knife in your hand while working.

On the basis of these knives, a civilian version of the Vityaz survival knife was made.

39. Knight

The “Vityaz” knife is a modification of the “Vityaz NSN” officer’s knife with a rubber, more ergonomic handle that allows you to use the knife with the so-called “reverse grip”. The cutting part of the blade has a crescent-shaped cavity, which allows you to increase the length of the cutting edge while maintaining linear dimensions.

40. Experimental Knight

An experimental model of a knife from the “Vityaz” series, produced by the company “Melita, K”.

A distinctive feature of the design is a large, heavy blade with a narrow blade, which makes it possible to maintain the inertia of movement upon impact, reduce weight and increase penetrating abilities, as well as an anatomically comfortable guard, which allows you to confidently use the “Vityaz” in any knife fighting situations.

41. Anti-terror

The Anti-Terror knife was designed and manufactured for the security forces of the Russian FSB. The knife blade has a petal shape, which allows maximum use of the working area of ​​the blade and increases its cutting properties. The blade configuration has high penetrating abilities; the cutting part has a crescent-shaped cavity, which allows you to increase the length of the cutting edge while maintaining linear dimensions. The back of the blade has been strengthened. The standard ergonomic guard does not allow the hand to slip at the moment of striking.

42. Katran

Combat knives of the "Katran" series differ in the type of blade and handle material. Knives of the "Katran" series, depending on the modification, are used as an underwater knife, a combat knife or a survival knife. The knife handle has a double-sided guard and a metal pommel. Handle material: leather, rubber or kraton, depending on the modification.

"Katran-1" is an underwater combat knife. Blade with one and a half sharpening. The sharpening on the butt is made in the form of a wave-shaped saw. The root part has a hook for cutting nets and serrated sharpening. Rubber handle. Plastic sheath with straps for hanging on the leg. The coating of metal parts is black chrome.

"Katran-1-S" is a land version of this knife. Differs in blade material: steel 50Х14 MF. Anti-glare treatment of metal parts. The handle is made of leather. Leather sheath with plastic insert.

"Katran-2" is a hunting knife with one and a half sharpening. The sharpening point on the butt has an angle designed for chopping. Anti-glare treatment. The handle is made of leather. The sheath is leather.

"Katran-45" is a combat knife. An exclusive model, developed by order of the 45th Airborne Regiment. It is distinguished by the presence of a metal saw blade on the butt and an anti-reflective coating. The handle is made of leather. Leather scabbard. There is an option with camouflage coating of metal parts.

43. Katran, civilian version

The civilian versions of Katran combat knives, which go on sale for free, differ from their combat prototypes by the chopped off tip of the blade, sharpened “for a screwdriver,” which removes this knife from the category of edged weapons.

44. Shaitan

The combat dagger “Shaitan” was developed in 2001 by order and together with employees of the law enforcement unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan. The combat dagger “Shaitan” is available in two modifications: the handle is inlaid leather and the skeletal type (“Shaitan-M”). The knife has a narrow leaf-shaped blade with double-sided sharpening. In the root part the sharpening is serrated. The serrator is designed for use as a sling cutter and easily cuts 10-12 mm climbing rope. The shape of the blade is designed for inflicting deep cut wounds, as well as for maximum use of the working part of the blade. The guard and handle are made symmetrical. Also, “Shaitan-M” can be used as a throwing knife that can withstand up to 3000 throws. The handle is made of stacked leather, subjected to special treatment. All metal parts have anti-reflective treatment.

The Akela knife was developed by order of SOBR as a “police” knife. Distinctive feature is its small size, which allows it to work in cramped urban conditions, crowded places, where the use of firearms is impossible. The sheath, which provides fastenings for both civilian and military equipment, allows you to attach the knife in any place and position. The knife is a dagger type, double-edged, the blade has an anti-reflective coating (black chrome). The handle is made of MBS rubber and fits comfortably in the hand. The pommel is metal and has a hole for a lanyard.

46. ​​Smersh-5

The Smersh-5 knife is a classic combat knife. The prototype of this knife was used during the Second World War (HP-43). The knife blade has high penetrating ability. The ergonomic guard does not allow the hand to slip during a strike. The upper butt part of the guard is designed for additional pressure when cutting hard objects. A civilian version of this knife is available.

47. Smersh-5, civil version, aviation steel EP853

It is a rare case when the civilian version of a knife differs little from the combat prototype. In this case, the manufacturer did not cut off the guard, turning the combat knife into an extremely dangerous weapon for an incompetent owner - if the owner does not have a “Finnish grip” with the handle resting on the palm, then with a powerful injection with a knife with a sawed-off guard, there is a risk that the hand will slip onto the blade, cutting the fingers.

The civilian version of Smersh-5 only has the thickness of the butt reduced from 4 mm to 2.2 mm, which takes it out of the category of edged weapons. Sharpening the bevel of the butt allows you to open canned food with this bevel without damaging the main cutting edge. The knurled rubber handle provides a comfortable grip.

The sheath has a plastic liner that protects the blade from direct contact with the skin of the sheath, which negatively affects both the sheath itself and the knife - eliminating the possibility of pitting corrosion due to exposure chemical substances, used in tanning leather, like the leather of the sheath, is protected from contact with a dirty or wet blade.

The author’s personal opinion, which does not claim to be the ultimate truth, is that this knife today is, in my opinion, one of the most convenient and practical non-folding knives in mass production, which is not a bladed weapon and is at the same time optimally suitable for a poorly trained user as a knife for self-defense.

48. Smersh-5, civilian version, stainless steel

Smersh-5 stainless steel knives of the shape shown in the photo are available with three types of coatings - black chrome plating (shown in the photo), camouflage chrome plating and a knife with anti-reflective treatment, which in appearance is almost similar to its aviation counterpart steel, mentioned above. In addition to the steel grade, there are three differences from a knife made from EP853: “Smershi” made from stainless steel are cheaper, heavier and do not have the “EP853” mark on the blade.

To the above, we can add that all Smersh knives have an unsharpened semicircular heel, thanks to which you can throw your finger over the guard and pull out the knife stuck in the bone. Also in the butt of the blade near the handle there is a slot, thanks to which you can bend and break ordinary wire, as well as move barbed wire up and down, overcoming the fence.

49. Smersh-6

Classic combat knife. The prototype of this knife was used during the Second World War (HP-43), however, the Smersh-6, produced by the Melita K company, is larger, made of more modern materials, the descents do not come from the middle, but from the butt of the blade. The knife blade has high penetrating ability. The ergonomic guard does not allow the hand to slip during a strike. The upper butt part of the guard is designed for additional pressure when cutting hard objects.

The sample shown in the photo was adopted by special units of the FSB.

The Gyurza knife consists of two modifications and has a narrow blade with a one-and-a-half sharpening. On the butt part of the sharpening is made with a serrator. Serrator increases combat capabilities knife, and is also used for cutting ropes and cables and, to a limited extent, as a substitute for a saw.

There is a civilian modification of the “Gyurza” that does not have a guard. The metal pommel is designed to deliver shocking blows. The blade and metal parts have two types of surface treatment: matte anti-reflective gray coating, black or three-color camouflage chrome coating.

The combat knife “Cobra” was developed by order of the SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. This is a small dagger with a narrow blade and a double-sided, anatomically comfortable guard. "Cobra" is a serious weapon that allows you to solve combat missions in public places where the use of firearms is prohibited. This dagger is designed not only for thrusting; the shape of its blade allows the use of cutting and chopping techniques, both with a direct and reverse grip. In this case, the heavy pommel of the handle can be used to deliver crushing blows.

A household version of this combat knife, devoid of a guard and having a one-sided sharpening of the blade, is available for free sale. However, the same applies to many other combat knives, in which, before going on sale for free, the guard is either ground off so that the handle of the knife becomes traumatic and the knife goes into the “household” category, or for the same purpose the tip of the blade is sharpened is sharpened to fit a “chisel” (for example, see “Katran, civilian version”).

52. Explosives technician

This large and powerful knife with a blade 180 mm long was developed by order of the FSB sapper units. "Vzryvotekhnik" was created as utility knife, designed to perform the functions of a combat weapon, survival knife and engineering tool. Currently officially accepted for supply. The blade is symmetrical, with differentiated sharpening - on one side of the blade there is a regular sharpening, on the other there is a fine serrated blade. The wooden handle has a steel pommel, which can be used both in combat and as a hammer. Produced by the company "AiR" (Zlatoust).

53. Dagger of Russian Financial Intelligence

The combat knife shown in the photo, manufactured by the A&R company (Zlatoust), retains all the features of a classic dagger - a double-edged blade, symmetrical guard and handle. This dagger is interesting because it is, apparently, the only case in modern Russia of the revival of the tradition of departmental weapons, which, being a military model, at the same time indicates belonging to a strictly defined state structure.

A small and only batch of this combat knife was manufactured in 2008 by order of the Financial Monitoring Service specifically for its employees. The dagger is made of stainless steel, the handle is made of leather, the guard and butt are aluminum.

54. Corsair

A hunting knife with a developed guard, produced by the AiR company based on the first version of the Punisher combat knife. The narrower blade occupies a middle position in width between the blades of the Punisher and Anti-Terror knives. Unlike the Punisher, the pommel of which, like the guard, is made of steel and is intended for striking, in the Corsair both are made of light alloys. This model, in addition to our special services, who purchase it as award knives, is also very popular in the West. For example, the Böcker company has included it in its product line and sells it very successfully both in Germany and in many other regions. Below is a translation of information about this knife from the Boker website:

“It’s not so easy to bring such a knife with a total length of 28 cm from Russia to Germany. In Russia, "Korsar" means "this weapon." This can only be achieved with special permission, with special papers and special tax. The knife has an enlarged base of a hunting blade made of special steel 95x18 with a sharply defined heel on the back of the blade. For the first time, a guard made of aluminum is found here, which ensures a safe grip of the knife in all situations. The handle has wooden birch linings. Comes with an attractive leather sheath. Total length 28 cm, blade 16.5 cm, weight 260 grams” (translation by A. Lagutenkov).

Stalker is produced as a hunting knife, in Russia it is certified as a bladed weapon. However, the copy shown in the photo is from a limited batch, made by order of the Slovak police.

The knife is extremely reliable, the blade is made of corrosion-resistant steel, the handle is made of rubber-plastic, black is pressed onto a shank that runs along the entire length of the handle. Stalker's sheath is made of genuine leather or plastic with the ability to be attached to the leg. The combat version differs from the civilian version mainly only in the sharpening of the blade and the so-called “glass breaker” located on the top of the handle and clearly visible in the photograph. In the hunting version, the sharpening of the blade is concave one and a half, with sharpening of the butt on two-thirds of the blade, in the root part there is an additional serrated sharpening. In the combat version, the butt of the blade has a serrated sharpening along almost the entire length, which is absent only on the first third of the butt. Manufactured by Kizlyar, Dagestan.

56. Basurmanin

A versatile combat and survival knife. It is a design, according to the technical order, that combines the features of the Spanish survival knife “King of the Jungle 2” from Aitor and the sheath from HP-2. After almost 10 years of development and improvements, it was formally adopted for service and passed military tests. However, during development it managed to become obsolete, turning out to be too complex, expensive and heavy for a general-arms knife. As a result, a commercial model of the survival knife NV1-01 (“Survival Knife 1-01”) was created on the basis of “Basurmanin”.

57. Iceberg No. 16

Survival knife from the Moscow company "Iceberg" with a hollow handle for NAZ (wearable emergency reserve). Classic stainless steel dagger with a Bowie blade shape. Produced in the mid-90s of the last century. For a survival knife with a hollow handle, the knife is surprisingly durable due to a special technical solution - in tests, this knife was used to break through a door without any damage to the blade.

The abbreviation “OTs” stands for “Weapon TsKIB”. The OTs-04 knife was developed at the Tula Central Design Research Bureau (TsKIB) in the late 80s - early 90s and was intended for special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The knife has a very massive design, the thickness of the butt is 7 mm. The blade has a slight bevel in the front. There is a double-row saw on the butt of the blade, but due to the low height of the teeth, its efficiency is relatively low, especially when sawing raw wood. The handle is symmetrical, with a double-sided guard, made of plastic and has large corrugations for better grip.

The scabbard is iron, riveted from two halves. In them, the blade is held by a spring-loaded plate, similar to AK bayonet knives. The sheath has a leather loop for the classic placement of the knife on the belt. Also included are adjustable leather straps that allow you to position the knife on your body and gear in multiple ways.

59. Dagger-1

Skeletal type dagger made by the Russian knife studio "Kharalug".

Positioned as a combat and throwing weapon. In combat it can be used mainly for piercing techniques, which is what daggers are primarily designed for. As a throwing weapon, it can be effective even if the handle hits the enemy, since it is quite heavy. It has not been produced for quite a long time, it is a collector's rarity.

60. Arrow

A skeletal type knife with a symmetrical blade that tapers evenly towards the tip. One-and-a-half sharpening, blade thickness – 5 mm. The knife is perfectly balanced, which allows it to be used as a throwing knife with a very high degree of efficiency. In tests, this knife was successfully thrown from a distance of 15 meters for one turn with a grip on the handle, which indicates a close to ideal weight distribution and well-thought-out geometry of the “Strela”.

When using a knife as a tool or self-defense weapon, the handle is wrapped with a nylon cord, the free ends of which form a lanyard. Using this cord, the knife can be easily converted into the tip of an improvised spear. Small protrusions that replace the guard, in addition to their main function as a finger rest, additionally serve as clamps for the knife in the sheath.

The sheath is plastic, securely fixing the knife in any position. The suspension system allows you to place the sheath with the knife both vertically and at any other angle on the user’s body or equipment. Produced by the Kizlyar company (Dagestan).

Quite often there are cases when an effective plastic knife is the impetus for the production of its copy from metal. For example, the Titan knife is a copy of the Lansky the Knife knife (see chapter “Knives made of composite materials (plastic knives)”), made of titanium in the bowels of Russian institutes. Unlike its progenitor, the handle of this knife is wrapped with a cord to improve grip.

62. Bash-on-bash

All three knives below were made by the Russian Darts company by turning and are entirely turned from one piece of metal. The handles of the knives are covered with ring cuts and knurling, which prevents the hand from slipping onto the blade. The materials from which the products are made may vary. The methods of their use will depend on this. For example, knives made of 65G steel, when hardened to 43 units, can be used as throwing knives. However, if they are already hardened to 50 to 55 units, they can be used for cutting or piercing.

If knives are made of 95X18 steel, they can only be used for cutting or piercing. All three knives below are tactical knives, primarily intended for active hand-to-hand combat at short range. Moreover, all knives of this type, according to existing legislation, are not weapons due to the lack of a stop or guard.

The “Bash-on-bash” knife is made of 65G steel. It has a Finnish appearance and can be made from materials 65Х13, 65Г, 30ХГСА, 95Х18. The cutting can also be one-sided (chisel sharpening) or two-sided. The sheath can be made of leather or Kydex with a pendant at different angles.

63. Aso No. 6

The abbreviation "Aso" means "Active Self-Defense". The knife is made of steel 95X18. It looks like a dagger, but is not one, since the blade is sharpened only on one side. Can be made from materials 65Х13, 65Г,

30ХГСА, 95Х18. The cutting can be one-sided (chisel sharpening) or two-sided. The sheath can be made of leather and Kydex with a pendant at different angles.

64. Aso No. 7

The knife is made of steel 95Х18, has a blade shape in the form of an “American tanto”. Can be made from materials 65Х13, 65Г, 30ХГСА, 95Х18. The cutting can also be one-sided (chisel sharpening) or two-sided. The sheath can be made of leather and Kydex with a pendant at different angles.

65. Southern Cross "Expedition Tanto"

A knife from one of the best domestic knife companies, unfortunately, no longer exists. This model is distinguished by high-quality 95X18 steel, and also by the fact that very few of these knives were made. Extremely reliable in operation, the shape of the Japanese tanto combat knife provides excellent tactical and technical characteristics, proven over centuries. Used privately by Russian fighters in Chechnya and the Caucasus. Currently a collector's item.

66. Southern Cross "Expeditionary"

Another knife from model range"Expeditionary", which were produced by the company " South Cross" The only difference from the “Expeditionary Tanto” is the blade with one-and-a-half sharpening. This knife could be considered as a Russian alternative to the famous American USMC knife, known since World War II. Unlike the USMC, the knife blade is thicker, has a deep one-sided fuller on the left side, is very well balanced, and can be easily controlled with both a bare and gloved hand. We can only regret that this knife is no longer produced due to the closure of the Southern Cross company. Like the previous knife, it is currently a collector's rarity.

With this, I would like to complete the topic of Russian combat knives, in conclusion by examining two knives that may not yet have gone down in history as unique masterpieces of their time, but will undoubtedly go down in history in the near future. This is the “NDK-17” knife by Andrei Kochergin, president of the International Combat Karate Union “Koi no Takinobori Ryu” (IUKKK) and the “Kondrat-2” knife, developed by the founder of the Zarechensk school of combat fencing, Vadim Kondratyev.

67. IDK-11, “Elephant”

A smaller model of the NDK-17 knife, produced in the Japanese style by the Elephant knife studio.

68. NDK-17, “Southern Cross”

A rare model NDK-17 from the now defunct knife company “Southern Cross”.

69. NDK-17, “RVS”

Model NDK-17 from the famous knife company "RVS".

One can (and should) talk a lot about the NDK-17 knife, at length and with admiration. But I believe that no one, except the author of the knife himself, has spoken better about it. Capacious and enough full characteristics NDK-17 is given in the wonderful book by Andrei Kochergin “A Man with an Axe,” which, with the author’s permission, I present here in full:

“NDK-17, or Kochergin’s sabotage knife, was designed with a very specific target setting - a knife was needed that would meet all the requirements for weapons in the applied hand-to-hand combat system developed by the St. Petersburg “Center for Applied Research.”

The developers were looking for constructive ways to improve the cutting qualities of the knife and maximize the stopping effect when making an injection...

Now I will give a brief technical description of the NDK-17 knife.

This is a powerful cutting tool with a combined blade type. The guillotine part is created like a shoe knife and is designed to perform similar functions as a cutter and a cutter. The main part of the blade is made with an inclination to the center line of the handle, which allows you to create high blood pressure when cutting with the top corner. This part of the cutting edge has cuts designed to create additional frictional force as the blade moves across the target. The knife has a one-sided sharpening on both parts of the blade, which increases the accuracy of the cut when pulling the blade towards itself and increases the stability of the blade with a small sharpening angle during a frontal thrust.

In the factory version, the handle of the knife is made in a square section for a secure grip and is covered with printed leather... an excellent hygroscopic material. The final test when testing the handle was cuts of a pork carcass in conditions where the handle was doused with fresh egg, an analogue of sweat and blood. Due to this shape, the handle was clearly positioned in the grip, held well even when removed sharply, and did not slip out during injections and cuts, despite significant friction losses specifically caused by egg processing. The guard is practically absent and is rather of a technological nature associated with fastening the handle...

The cutting edge is the most important part of the blade, its main working area. It is the design of the blade that allows you to determine the purpose and practical value of any knife. In this case, a chisel, that is, one-sided sharpening, was chosen, and here's why. It is this method that allows you to achieve a small sharpening angle with a fairly powerful blade. In our case, the blade has a thickness of 4 mm, a small angle is achieved by a straight blade with a width of 10 mm, which is quite comparable to such a serious cutting tool as shoe knife. At the same time, one-sided sharpening makes it easy to edit and sharpen the knife even in the field and with “military qualification” of the user. Sharpening is done on one side, which gives exactly half the chance of covering the entire working edge. Editing is done both from the descent side and from the unsharpened side...

Cutting techniques are much more effective than injections. The tactical goal should be to achieve the stopping effect of using a knife, and not to guarantee and far from instantaneously kill the enemy, as in the case of using stiletto types of weapons.

It is deep cuts that best meet the tactical conditions of modern combat operations, when injection is extremely difficult due to the widespread use of body armor and unloading, leaving only the face, neck and arms exposed.

Moreover, the results of the injection are difficult to predict and evaluate, because most often they are simply not visible. But a neck cut as the main tactical task of using a knife is very simple for analyzing and predicting the enemy’s further combat effectiveness.”

70. Kondrat-2

As in the case of the NDK-17, I would like to give a description of the Kondrat-2 knife, with the permission of the author, taken from the book of its creator Vadim Kondratyev “Combat Craft”: “Without going into the details of the tests, I consider it more appropriate to talk about the knife itself, how it says from the original source.

So, the national Russian knife “Kondrat”. Why “national” and why “Russian”?

1. Developed by Russian people, for use by Russian people.

2. Created as a folk knife, for free everyday carrying, within the framework of the laws Russian Federation.

3. Outperformed foreign analogues, which gives reason for justified pride in the fact that Russians Once again without huge investments and pathos, they created a product of unique quality.

Goals and objectives of creation:

1. Effective cutting of a wide range of materials and their layer-by-layer combination.

2. Reliability and strength of the blade.

3. Convenience, ergonomics and compactness without loss of functionality.

4. Solving several different applied problems.

5. Exception weaknesses and disadvantages of modern knives.

6. Ability to effectively perform self-defense tasks.

7. Clear identification in the household format.

Today we can confidently state that all the assigned tasks have been completed. Moreover, the first samples during testing revealed a number of unexpected qualities that we could not even dream of. In particular:

1. The ability of the blade to bypass certain obstacles.

2. An increase in some characteristics due to damage to the cutting edge (the serrations begin to act as a serrator).

3. Unique ability to cut flat.

4. High efficiency with minimal force.

5. No moment when the blade gets stuck in dense and hard materials, etc.

The logical conclusion of the development of the national Russian knife was the creation of a new type of compact sheath “Burdock”, which allows you to fix and transport a knife in a dozen various options, depending on the size of the instrument, time of year, type of clothing and habits of the owner...

The main properties that distinguish Kondrat-2 from other types of knives form their own unique technical arsenal. Its specificity is determined by the properties of the blade:

1. Absence of the usual piercing edge. It is replaced by a cutting element that works not like a needle, which pricks while force is applied to the tip, but like a razor, when the cutting edge simply falls apart the obstacle at any minimum pressure. Moreover, any lateral displacements only add penetrating power to the Kondrat tip. This does not happen with stiletto and awl-shaped points, which can be parried with a regular twist.

2. Significantly curved blades. Due to their geometry, they cut through an obstacle even when struck flat by the Kondrat. Any hit by the plane of the blade in dynamics, on any relatively soft surfaces, becomes dangerous. And, as you know, it is work in the plane of the knife that is used in their arsenal various systems self-defense. In addition, the geometry of the double-sided blade allows you to apply effective kickbacks without turning the brush.

3. The characteristic tilt of the handle relative to the axis of the blade. In this case, the knife is located in the hand most ergonomically when the direction of the blade practically coincides with the line of attack...

In the strange, unsightly at first glance form of “Kondrat-2” there is not a single random line. Each element is as functional as possible and perfectly performs its assigned function... Tests and discoveries of the original properties of the Kondrat are still ongoing, and each new surprise of this tool only adds reasons for pride in our national Russian knife.”

Tests of both NDK-17 and Kondrat are indeed ongoing and each time they reveal the advantages of these knives, which have no analogues abroad. I think it will be interesting for readers to read the interview I took with the famous expert in hand-to-hand and knife combat, creator of the “S.P.A.S.” system, master of sports in Army hand-to-hand combat Konstantin Voyushin, who conducted such tests on veal and lamb carcasses wrapped in a wide variety of clothing in order to determine the effectiveness of these knives:

“First, I want to dwell on why such tests are needed in general.

Knowledge of the functional features of a knife opens up a completely different side of understanding the issue of their use. Such tests force you to accept the harsh truth of life - a knife is dangerous, and knowledge of knife fighting is not for everyone! And at the same time, not all myths about knives have a practical basis - many are far-fetched. Therefore, the test is a real opportunity to see with your own eyes what the knife you hold in your hand is capable of.

The tests were carried out in conditions as close as possible to real ones, that is, in nature, under your feet - earth, sand, grass after rain, in your hand - a knife, in front of you - a freshly slaughtered animal carcass, “dressed” in a T-shirt, sweater, jacket or whatever immediately, as is the case mainly in Russia. The first test is NDK-17.

Cuts with this knife had to be made only by force, since the heavy knife itself did not allow it to be frivolously thrown at the carcass. The results are impressive: the length of the power cut is 20 cm. Machete-type cutting showed that NDK is very convenient to cut. Moreover, the effectiveness of this method of fighting only increases, since the breaking and cutting of the knife went to the entire depth of the blade, bones were completely cut off, ribs and even the neck of a calf were cut off with relatively little effort. It should be noted that during the tests, clothing was not a significant obstacle - the knife passed through it freely.

The injections also turned out to be quite deep, however, the shape of the handle requires some modification to suit the owner. Due to the weight of the knife, you have to hold the blade tightly, and when the NDK hit the bones and the hard part of the carcass, the handle severely injured the back of the armed hand.

The practical value of working with the back of a knife was also revealed. The blow with the butt of the knife on the bone broke the ribs and broke the bone of the leg of lamb.

The test - kukri (Nepalese combat knife) - turned out to be very interesting. Note author. For a description of the kukri, see the chapter “Foreign combat knives”) against NDK-17.

Having a blade length almost twice as long, this combat knife was in no way superior to the NDK-17, inferior to the latter in cuts without a swing and, of course, thrusts (since stabbing kukri is generally problematic).

To summarize, we can say that the NDK-17 is a completely new multifunctional type of knife that combines the properties of a knife and a machete. True, working with it requires some special training, since the knife is specific and quite heavy, which limits the possibility of its use by people who hold it in their hands for the first time.

Now a few words about the tests of Vadim Kondratyev’s invention - the Kondrat-2 knife, or, as it is sometimes called, simply “K-2”.

I’ll say right away – it’s a very scary and effective thing. Light wrist cuts cut through the meat to a depth quite sufficient to stop the attacker and at least make him wonder whether he had attacked. The cuts without a swing, as well as the cuts on the reverse side, were almost identical. When you grabbed the handle with two fingers, the knife, without applying any effort, entered the “carcass” by a third of the blade, without encountering any resistance. In case of a forceful cut with the insertion of the body, “K-2” cut through the ribs, disintegrated the carcass, going into a third of the blade in depth, causing long cuts of 15–20 cm, with a depth of 3–5 cm. When injecting into the bone, due to its shape or went along the bone, cutting off everything in its path, or pierced it right through, and when cutting only the bone part, it significantly cut the bone without damaging the cutting edge. When making a cut with the back of the knife, it easily cut clothing and parts of the carcass not protected by clothing; with thick autumn and winter clothing, it caused light cuts, which were quite effective in a knife fight and sufficient for active non-lethal self-defense. During all the manipulations, it sat very comfortably in the hand; there was not the slightest fear that the knife might fly out of the palm or that the fingers would slip onto the blade upon impact.

Summing up the tests of the Kondrat knife, we can draw the following conclusions:

– all types of injections, even with a weakly sharpened Kondrat knife, are extremely effective and do not require any effort on the part of the owner;

– cuts are the hallmark of the knife, because no clothing became an obstacle to the blade. Even with cuts without a swing, without investing force, the depth and length of the cuts were colossal. And the injections make you think about the meaning of life, because the knife behaves like a stiletto or an awl and there is simply no feeling of obstacle when the blade enters the meat;

– “Kondrat” cuts with any side, and the differences in the result are insignificant;

– grippy and light, this knife allows you to carry out any manipulation and gives the opportunity to a weak and unprepared person to work with almost one hundred percent results!..”

These are the modern combat knives, created and tested by truly Russian people. Simple, reliable and trouble-free, like a Kalashnikov assault rifle. And just as effective in their class in case a Russian person suddenly needs to free his path or his country from an enemy trying to encroach on the life or safety of Russian citizens.

For a long time, divers of the Soviet Navy, when performing underwater work, used a massive knife made according to the 1U-170 drawing, which was part of the UVS-50 complex (Advanced three-bolt ventilated diving equipment). Knives of this type were produced by the 28th military plant for the Navy and civilian enterprises that performed work under water.
The knife is made in a design that is classic for diving knives of the early 20th century. It is equipped with a long, massive blade, since chopping blows are usually used in water when carrying out various work. The tip of the blade is on the middle line, with a semicircular butt in the Bowie style.

The method of fixing a knife in a sheath using a threaded connection was widely used in the armies of various countries, including Germany, Italy and the USA. This type of blade fixation was also used in the USSR in a standard Navy diving knife.
In the 1980s, the 21st Expeditionary Unit of the Podvodrechstroy of the Ministry of River Fleet of the RSFSR produced the NV diving knife (diving knife), which was widely used by industrial divers.

An experimental knife for reconnaissance and sabotage units of the Navy was developed by a participant in the defense of Leningrad in the Great Patriotic War, Lieutenant Colonel of the Naval Service R. M. Todorov in 1956 and was offered to the USSR Navy Department. The knife allowed the scout to saw and bite through metal rods and wire. After approval, in limited quantities, it was adopted by the naval reconnaissance unit of the USSR Black Sea Fleet.

In the 1960s - 1970s, hose scuba tanks of the ShAP-40, ShAP-62 and ShAP-77 series were developed to replace three-bolts at shallow and medium depths. They made it possible to make the diver's equipment much lighter and included reserve cylinders with compressed air for autonomous breathing in emergency mode, or, in the event of a short-term disconnection of the hose, for working in cramped conditions.
New conditions for the use of ventilated equipment also required changes in the design of the knife: in the late 70s, a new diver's knife NVU (NVU - universal diving knife) began to arrive in the armed forces.

The NV diving knife developed by the KAMPO enterprise has been accepted for supply to the Russian Navy and is part of the SVU-5 diving equipment in service with the navy.
The knife has a blade 164 mm long, the tip of which is made in the form of a chisel. The blade is single-edged, the spine has a saw-tooth cut, and a ruler is engraved on one side of the blade.

The creation of universal knives has always attracted designers developing new models of edged weapons, but solving a wide range of problems with the help of one tool is almost impossible. Therefore, any design carries within itself the features of a certain specificity, which determines the tactical and technical characteristics of the knife.
The massive Storm knife was developed by the SARO company (Vorsma) for use as a tactical marine knife. It can be part of the equipment of PDSS combat swimmers or marines.

By order of the Russian Navy, the CAPO SN Plant developed and supplied several types of modern special knives. First of all, the task was set to produce knives for PDSS units (anti-sabotage forces and means) and divers protecting Russian military bays from underwater penetration by enemy swimmers.
The technical specifications for this knife were extremely complex. It was proposed to make a knife capable of sawing a metal rod of underwater barriers up to 15 mm thick, while it naturally should cut rope, rope, seaweed, and hoses.

The “Igla” combat knife was developed by the famous Russian design engineer Igor Skrylev in accordance with the tactical and technical specifications of the “Igla” development work theme. The knife received the unofficial name " Sea Devil».
The combat knife “Igla” has been adopted by combat swimmers of the Anti-sabotage forces and means (PDSS) of the Russian Navy and is manufactured at the Kazan enterprise “Melita-K”.

A scuba diving knife is a necessary element of a scuba diver’s equipment. Depending on who uses the accessory - a diver, a hunter or a diver - it will have individual characteristics.

The main requirements for diver knives are accessibility and reliability. It is necessary that they are well fixed in the sheath and, if necessary, quickly removed with one hand.

The accessory is designed to perform many tasks. It may be needed in a situation where it is necessary to cut fishing lines or nets; they often have to replace other tools and devices or be used as a weapon. That is why the knife must have a good margin of safety in order to withstand rough work with a blade or lever if necessary.

For ease of use, the knife requires an ergonomic non-slip handle. It is much more difficult to control the instrument underwater, so these parameters should not be neglected. You can accidentally drop a knife and lose it forever. True, today there are models on the market with neutral buoyancy that simply hover in the water column.

Underwater knives come in several varieties. A diving knife is used as a tool when working with equipment, as a means of protection, or in cases of entanglement under water. Today there are many design solutions for these accessories. They come in various sizes, handle and blade shapes. As a rule, their blades have a sawtooth sharpening.

Often, diving and spearfishing knives are perceived as one and the same. However, it is not. Knives for spearfishing are a mandatory element of hunting equipment, since they have to be used in cases big catch. They have a number of distinctive features. In appearance, hunting knives resemble stilettos and daggers. These accessories are much heavier and more massive, which allows you to deliver a strong and accurate blow underwater.

The price of knives for spearfishing depends on the comfort of the handle, size, and is determined by the configuration. Some models are sold immediately with covers. As for the quality of the products, these accessories are made of stainless steel or titanium. Materials are resistant to impact aquatic environment. Proper handling of knives will extend their service life. After each dive, they should be rinsed with fresh water and wiped dry. It is not recommended to use the accessories at home, otherwise the sharpening may be damaged.

Our online diving equipment store presents a large assortment of underwater knives. From us you can buy a universal diving knife, diving or hunting, produced by world-famous companies. If you are in doubt about your choice, you can always contact our managers for detailed advice. We will be happy to help you with your purchase.

There is an opinion among collectors that the term “Russian combat knife” has no right to exist. It turns out that there was a boot knife, there was a baguette, there was a bayonet, but there was no Russian combat knife. Although both “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” and the chronicles tell us the opposite - the Russian tradition of knife fighting is much more powerful than similar traditions of any other state. It was with a knife and later a bayonet attack that the Russians simply terrified the enemy. By the way, an interesting historical fact - in the armies of Western Europe, the bayonet was a “weapon of last chance.”

The concept of a “bayonet attack” practically did not exist there, and the deadly attachment to the barrel of a musket served only for defense. The Russian deadly offensive bayonet charge became a legend. The great Russian commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov generally introduced it into the cult, relegating the importance of bullet shooting from firearms to the background. His catchphrase “The bullet is a fool, the bayonet is a good fellow” is known to every Russian who is interested in the history of his Motherland. However, the most famous was and remains the bayonet for the rifle of the remarkable Russian designer and organizer of rifle production, Sergei Ivanovich Mosin.

Bayonet for S.I. rifle Mosin model 1891/1930

Based on the Berdan rifle bayonet of the 1870 model, the tetrahedral bayonet entered service with the Russian army along with the Mosin rifle in 1891.

It was a terrible melee weapon. The half-meter tetrahedral needle blade inflicted deep penetrating wounds, accompanied by severe damage to internal organs. In addition, the small entrance hole did not allow us to assess on the spot the depth of penetration of the bayonet into the body and the severity of the wound, which could result in internal bleeding and infections leading to peritonitis and, as a consequence, death.

Almost unchanged, the bayonet for the Mosin rifle existed for half a century, surviving its peak during the revolution and the Civil War. In the Great Patriotic War, he became the cause of the death of a considerable number of Nazis and a symbol of the people's liberation war against the Nazi invaders, which is reflected in many posters of that time.

Scout knife and its derivatives

Army knife (NA-40)

Just before the Great Patriotic War, a weapon of Russian soldiers was born, no less legendary than the bayonet for the Mosin rifle - the famous NA-40 (“army knife”), or NR-40 (“scout knife”), adopted for service in 1940 , immediately after the Soviet-Finnish war. The second, more popular, but historically less correct name is due to the fact that reconnaissance companies and submachine gunner units were armed with this knife. The narrow - up to 22 mm - blade of the NA-40 made it possible to insert it between the enemy’s ribs with the least resistance and at the same time lightened the weight of the knife itself. The wooden handle and scabbard served the same purpose and at the same time reduced the cost of production.

Army knife of the Ural Volunteer Tank Corps

An interesting historical fact: in 1943, the Ural Volunteer Tank Corps was formed, fully equipped through above-plan labor and voluntary donations from the working people of the Urals. This was a gift to the front from people already working to the limit of human strength, an example of the mass labor heroism of workers.

It was the Soviet-Finnish war that was an experience that showed the shortcomings of the reconnaissance and sabotage activities of Soviet specialists behind enemy lines, including the lack of a multifunctional universal combat knife in their arsenal. With the help of which it is possible to silently remove an enemy sentry, set up a temporary camp or cache in the forest, make snowshoes, and quickly figure out a drag for a wounded comrade from scrap material. Therefore, on the basis of a uniform bayonet-knife of the 1919 model and a Finnish scout knife, the legendary NA-40 was made.

However, I don’t think that it was the Soviet-Finnish war that opened the eyes of Russian gunsmiths to the advantages of combat knives of the recent enemy. “Finka” gained fame in Russia and enjoyed deserved popularity even before the revolution. And although the Finnish knife was legally prohibited in the USSR in the 30s, in those same years it, in a slightly modified form, became a special weapon of the NKVD.

The so-called “Finnish NKVD”, or “Norwegian-type knife”, was produced at the Trud plant (before the revolution, the factory of the industrialist Kondratov) in the village of Vacha, Nizhny Novgorod region in the 40s. Although in reality this particular knife has nothing to do with Finland - the model was copied from a Swedish hunting knife made by the famous master Pontus Holmberg from Eskilstuna.

Hunting knife of Pontus Holmberg of Eskilstuna

The same knife, the ancestor of the famous “NKVD Finnish knife”, or “Norwegian-type knife”, which is talked about so much and which few have seen even in photographs. Swedish hunting knife made by Pontus Holmberg from Eskilstuna.

Finka NKVD, modern version

Nowadays, the “NKVD Finka” is made from modern materials, its design has been significantly altered. The guard became almost straight, the top of the handle was “rounded”. The handle itself can be made either entirely of wood or covered with printed leather.

In 1943, the guard, handle and sheath of the NA-40 underwent major changes and Soviet intelligence officers received an even more successful design - the NR-43 knife with a straight guard, leather sheath and a durable plastic handle topped with a metal pommel - if anything, even hammer in the wedge , and caress the enemy on the head. The knife was called “Cherry”. The design turned out to be so successful that it is still in service with a number of Russian special forces.

Special scout knife (SRS)

In the 60s, the USSR created the NRS (special scout knife), designed to defeat the enemy in battle both with a blade and with the help of a firing mechanism located in the handle and consisting of a short barrel and trigger mechanism. The NRS fired a silent SP-3 cartridge with a 7.62 mm caliber bullet, model 1943.

Special scout knife - 2 (NRS-2)

In 1986, the NRS was upgraded to the NRS-2. The blade of the knife became spear-shaped, the saw on the butt was almost halved, the SP-3 cartridge was replaced with the also silent SP-4 with an unusual cylindrical bullet, despite the “hemp-shaped” shape, piercing a standard helmet at a distance of twenty meters. The hammer is cocked using a special lever located on the handle, and the trigger is released using another lever located on its end part. Reloading occurs by removing the barrel, which takes an average of 1–2 minutes. Currently, the NRS-2 is in service with reconnaissance units of the Airborne Forces and Marine Corps, as well as special forces of internal affairs agencies and units of internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Bayonet knives

However, the most famous Russian combat knife for every citizen of our country is the bayonet for the Kalashnikov assault rifle. The first model of the Kalashnikov AK assault rifle, adopted by the Soviet army in 1949, did not have a bayonet at all. Only in 1953, together with the so-called lightweight AK assault rifle, the “bayonet-knife product “6X2” was adopted, which had the same blade as the bayonet for the SVT-40 self-loading rifle and differed only in the locking mechanism. According to experts, the “6X2 bayonet-knife” was an extremely successful design.

Experimental knife R.M. Todorov model 1956

The prototype of the bayonet for the AKM was the standard knife of the reconnaissance and sabotage units of the Navy, designed by Lieutenant Colonel R.M. Todorov model 1956. Judging by the suspension of Todorov’s knife, it simply hung on his belt like an ordinary HP.

Todorov’s experimental knife came to the attention of Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov’s employees, who were engaged in the creation of a promising bayonet knife, and was remade for the AKM with a number of nodes changed, maintaining the shape of the blade practically unchanged. And since that time, it has been copied in one form or another by designers from almost every country in the world that produces weapons.

Bayonet for AKM model 1959

In 1959, during the modernization of the AK-47 assault rifle to the AKM, the bayonet-knife “product “6X2” was replaced with a lighter and more versatile one, created on the basis of an experimental knife designed by Lieutenant Colonel R.M. Todorov, mentioned above. But the new bayonet, “product 6X3,” was soon again modernized for the AK-74 assault rifle, which replaced the AKM.

Bayonet for AKM and AK74 model 1978

This bayonet became a kind of calling card of the Soviet Union together with the AK-74 assault rifle. There is an opinion that the Kalashnikov assault rifle is the most famous and popular weapon of the last century, adopted for service in fifty-five countries of the world. On the flag and coat of arms of the Republic of Mozambique there is an image of a Kalashnikov assault rifle with an attached bayonet, which symbolizes the struggle for the country's independence. The Kalashnikov assault rifle can also be seen on the coats of arms of the Democratic Republic of East Timor and the Republic of Zimbabwe.

To be honest, this is a completely different bayonet-knife, little similar to its predecessor. Perhaps the only similarity remains in the shape of the sheath and the presence of a characteristic hole on the blade. The shape of the blade and handle, the material from which the handle and sheath are made, as well as the form of fastening have changed - now the Russian bayonet-knife is placed in a horizontal plane to the right of the new Nikonov AN-94 assault rifle, adopted by the Russian army.

The engineers of the Izhevsk plant, who created the latest example of a standard bayonet-knife, believe that this method of fastening will help avoid the blade getting stuck between the enemy’s ribs. And perhaps there is a certain reason for this, because this position of the blade is typical for many schools of knife fighting. Although the previous one, in general, has not been canceled, the knife flies into the enemy’s stomach and in the vertical plane without hitting it.

Sling cutters

Can't help but remember this interesting weapons, as a standard sling cutter of the USSR Airborne Forces. Despite the purely practical purpose of this knife - to cut tangled parachute lines if the main canopy does not open when landing on a tree or water, it is still a military weapon. Moreover, the weapon is quite serious, given the ability of a double-sided saw to inflict lacerations. If, based on the principle that “in the Airborne Forces, any object is a weapon,” in addition to sharpening the dull leaf-shaped part of the blade to the proper sharpness, the sling cutter will become a fully-fledged hand-to-hand combat weapon.

Sling cutter of the Russian Airborne Forces

The modern Russian knife-strop cutter is an automatic knife with a frontal blade ejection, which has a double-sided sharpening and does not have a piercing edge.

Diving knives

Standard diving non-magnetic knife

Now a few words about Russian diving knives. Today, only professional divers and, perhaps, collectors can find classic diving knives, which are characterized by large sizes and have a developed handle with large stops, allowing you to securely hold the knife both in your bare hand and in a diving glove. The materials of such knives are made from special non-magnetic alloys, mainly titanium. The blade is extremely durable and can have several types of sharpening, as well as special tools and screwdrivers. On the butt there is often a metal pommel that can be used as a hammer.

Standard diving knife with ring

The method of securing a knife in a sheath using a threaded connection was widely used in the armies of various countries, including Germany, Italy and the USA. This blade fixation was also used in the USSR in a standard Navy diving knife. The blade of this knife has a classic shape, made of corrosion-resistant steel, and the handle is made of treated wood.

The ring on the handle is used to secure the cord to prevent accidental loss of the knife. Despite its external elegance, the knife is quite heavy, its weight together with the sheath reaches one kilogram, and the dimensions of the handle allow it to be confidently used by a hand wearing a diving glove. The fastening of the sheath on the belt is rigid due to the metal bracket into which the diving belt is threaded. This is necessary so that you can make 3-4 half turns of the handle with one hand, without holding the sheath, releasing the knife fixed at the mouth of the sheath with a threaded connection.

The combat knife was a standard knife for light divers of the USSR Navy and is still used by naval reconnaissance forces and anti-underwater sabotage forces (underwater sabotage forces and means) as a bladed weapon and for carrying out work under water or on land.

The NVU blade is equipped with a serrator for sawing cables, ropes and steel nets. The sheath is made of plastic, with the possibility of two-point attachment to the shin or forearm. The NVU is attached to the sheath using a rubber pad on the handle. This fastening method reduces the time it takes to remove the knife, but also virtually eliminates the possibility of losing it. NVU has negative buoyancy, in simple terms, it sinks. But, having drowned and reached the bottom, it stands in a vertical position on the ground with the handle up, which greatly facilitates its search under water in case of loss. There is an antimagnetic modification of the NVU-AM knife, which does not have serrated sharpening.

Utility/combat knives

Sea Devil

The knife received the name “Sea Devil” from the light hands of combat swimmers who took part in testing new types of edged weapons. The creator of the knife is Igor Skrylev, the author of many developments in the field of creating combat knives that have been put into service special units Russian army and navy. The “Sea Devil” is a wide-profile knife that can be successfully used by both combat swimmers and special forces of other military branches to solve a wide range of tasks.

An experimental model of a universal knife created for the Marine Corps. Designing utility knives has always attracted designers who create latest models edged weapons, but solving a wide range of problems using one tool is an almost impossible thing.

The Storm knife has a stainless steel blade and an impact-resistant, chemically inert handle, as a result of which it can be used for close combat by marine units, for which it was, in fact, created. The knife is purely a combat knife - due to the lack of a saw on the butt and a serrator on the blade, it can hardly be considered as a universal one.

The knife was made by order of the Moscow SOBR by the AiR company from the city of Zlatoust. It exists in three versions - a combat knife, a premium combat knife and a civilian modification. The award version differs in that it is made with gilding, but tactical and technical characteristics no different from combat.

DV-1 and DV-2

The DV-1 and DV-2 knives, differing only in blade length, were created on special order and in collaboration with Far Eastern special forces soldiers. Their names indicate this - DV means “Far Eastern”. These are massive camping knives that can withstand heavy loads and can be used for the toughest jobs.

The knife impresses with its large size. Its total length is 365 mm, and the blade length is 235 mm. To protect against corrosion and to eliminate unmasking glare, the blade is coated with a matte black coating. Half-click releases, even with a solid thickness of 5.8 mm, provide a good cut. On the butt of the blade there is a section with a bevel, forming an unsharpened wedge, which is used for chopping bones. The notch in front of the guard (choil) allows you to intercept the knife by passing its guard between the index and middle fingers. Such a grip serves to make it easier to pull out a stuck knife, as well as for a number of jobs where such an arrangement of the hand on the knife provides better control.

DV-2 has a double-sided guard, which perfectly protects the hand. The handle, made of leather discs tightly fitted to each other, has an oval cross-section. The handle ends with a massive pommel, used for traumatic purposes. The pommel is put on a through shank and tightened on it with a flat nut. The knife sheath is of a classic design, made of two layers of thick leather, connected with rivets. The suspension is vertical, with a strap that securely fixes the handle.

Knives of the “Punisher” series were created specifically for the security forces of the FSB of Russia by the company Melita-K, which has been producing high-quality knives since 1994, including a wide range of combat knives and daggers.

“Punishers” are produced in two modifications - “VZMAKH-1” and “Maestro”. In addition, there are modifications that differ in the material of the handle (stacked leather, rubber or kraton). “VZMAKH-1” differs in the root part of the serrated sharpening, and “Maestro” differs in the serrated sharpening at the top, the type of sheath and the type of finishing of the blade (anti-reflective, black or camouflage). The guard is double-sided. The wide blade is convenient for digging and allows, if necessary, to use the knife as additional support on slopes with loose soil. The cutting part of the blade has a crescent-shaped cavity, which allows you to increase the length of the cutting edge while maintaining linear dimensions. The knife is equipped with a sheath made of high-quality leather or avisent, allowing it to be attached to the arm, leg, belt and elements of combat or hiking equipment. The “VZMAKH-1” knife has been officially adopted for service.

The knives “Vityaz NSN”, “Vityaz NM”, “Vityaz” were created by order of the President of the Vityaz Design Bureau, Hero of Russia S.I. Lysyuk for arming special forces. The main feature of the design is a large, heavy blade with a narrow blade, which allows maintaining the inertia of movement upon impact, reducing weight and increasing penetrating abilities, an anatomically comfortable guard that allows you to securely fix the knife in your hand.

The Anti-Terror knife was created for the security forces of the Russian FSB. The knife blade has a petal shape, which allows maximum use of the working area of ​​the blade and increases its cutting properties. The blade configuration has high penetrating abilities; the cutting part has a crescent-shaped cavity, which allows you to increase the length of the cutting edge while maintaining linear dimensions. The back of the blade has been strengthened. The standard ergonomic guard does not allow the hand to slip at the moment of striking.

Combat knives of the "Katran" series differ in the type of blade and handle material. Knives of the “Katran” series, depending on the modification, are used as an underwater knife, a combat knife or a survival knife. The knife handle has a double-sided guard and a metal pommel. Handle material - leather, rubber or craton, depending on the modification.

- "Katran-1" - underwater combat knife. Blade with one and a half sharpening. The sharpening on the butt is made in the form of a wave-shaped saw. The root part has a hook for cutting nets and serrated sharpening. Rubber handle. Plastic sheath with straps for hanging on the leg. The coating of metal parts is black chrome.

- “Katran-1-S” is a land version of this knife. Differs in blade material: steel 50Х14 MF. Anti-glare treatment of metal parts. The handle is made of leather. Leather sheath with plastic insert.

- “Katran-2” is a hunting knife with one and a half sharpening. The sharpening point on the butt has an angle designed for chopping. Anti-glare treatment. The handle is made of leather. The scabbard is leather.

- "Katran-45" - a combat knife. An exclusive model created by order of the 45th Airborne Regiment. It is distinguished by the presence of a metal saw blade on the butt and an anti-reflective coating. The handle is made of leather. Leather scabbard. There is an option with camouflage coating of metal parts.

The combat dagger “Shaitan” was created in 2001 by order and together with employees of the law enforcement unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan (Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan). The combat dagger "Shaitan" is produced in two modifications: the handle is inlaid leather and the skeletal type ("Shaitan-M"). The knife has a narrow leaf-shaped blade with double-sided sharpening. In the root part the sharpening is made serrated. The serrator is designed for use as a sling cutter and easily cuts 10-12 mm climbing rope. The shape of the blade is designed for inflicting deep cut wounds, as well as for maximum use of the working part of the blade. The guard and handle are made symmetrical. Also, “Shaitan-M” can be used as a throwing knife that can withstand up to 3000 throws. The handle is made of stacked leather, subjected to special treatment. All metal parts have anti-reflective treatment.

The Akela knife was created by order of SOBR as a “police” knife. A distinctive feature is its small size, which allows you to work in cramped urban environments, crowded places, where the use of firearms is impossible. The knife is a dagger type, double-edged, the blade has an anti-reflective coating (black chrome). The handle is made of MBS rubber and fits comfortably in the hand. The pommel is metal and has a hole for a lanyard.

The Smersh-5 knife is a classic combat knife. The ancestor of this knife was used during the Second World War (HP-43). The knife blade has high penetrating ability. The ergonomic guard does not allow the hand to slip during a strike. The upper butt part of the guard is designed for additional pressure when cutting hard objects.

The Gyurza knife consists of two modifications and has a narrow blade with a one-and-a-half sharpening. On the butt part of the sharpening is made with a serrator. The serrator increases the combat capabilities of the knife, and is also used for cutting ropes and cables and, to a limited extent, as a substitute for a saw.

The combat knife “Cobra” was created by order of the SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. This is a small dagger with a narrow blade and a double-sided, anatomically comfortable guard. "Cobra" is a serious weapon that allows you to solve combat missions in crowded places where firearms cannot be used. This dagger is designed not only for thrusting; the shape of its blade allows the use of cutting and chopping techniques, both with a direct and reverse grip.

This large and powerful knife with a blade 180 mm long was created by order of the FSB sapper units. “Vzryvotekhnik” was designed as a universal knife designed to perform the functions of a combat weapon, a survival knife and an engineering tool. Currently officially adopted. The blade is symmetrical, with differentiated sharpening - on one side of the blade there is a regular sharpening, on the other there is a fine serrated blade. The wooden handle has a steel pommel, which can be used both in combat and as a hammer.

The combat knife, manufactured by the A&R company (Zlatoust), retains all the features of a classic dagger - a double-edged blade, symmetrical guard and handle. This dagger is interesting because it is, apparently, the only case in modern Russia of the revival of the tradition of departmental weapons, which, being a military model, at the same time indicates belonging to a strictly defined state structure.

A small and only batch of this combat knife was manufactured in 2008 by order of the Financial Monitoring Service specifically for its employees. The dagger is made of stainless steel, the handle is made of leather, the guard and butt are aluminum.

The abbreviation “OTs” stands for “Weapon TsKIB”. The OTs-04 knife was created at the Tula Central Design Research Bureau (TsKIB) in the late 80s - early 90s and was intended for special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The knife has a very massive design, the thickness of the butt is 7 mm. The blade has a slight bevel in the front. There is a double-row saw on the butt of the blade, but due to the low height of the teeth, its efficiency is relatively low, especially when sawing raw wood. The handle is symmetrical, with a double-sided guard, made of plastic and has large corrugations for better grip.

The scabbard is iron, riveted from two halves. In them, the blade is held by a spring-loaded plate, similar to AK bayonet knives. The sheath has a leather loop for the classic placement of the knife on the belt. Also included are leather adjustable straps that allow you to position the knife on your body and equipment in several ways.

The combat knife shown in the photo was a standard knife for light divers of the USSR Navy and is still used by naval reconnaissance forces and anti-underwater sabotage forces (underwater sabotage forces and means) as a bladed weapon and for carrying out work under water or on land.

The NVU blade is equipped with a serrator for sawing cables, ropes and steel nets. The sheath is plastic, with the possibility of two-point attachment to the shin or forearm. The NVU is attached to the sheath using a rubber pad on the handle. This fastening method reduces the time it takes to remove the knife, but also virtually eliminates the possibility of losing it.

NVU has negative buoyancy, in other words, it sinks. But, having drowned and reached the bottom, it stands in a vertical position on the ground with the handle up, which makes it easier to search for it under water in case of loss. There is an antimagnetic modification of the NVU-AM knife, which does not have a serrator.

Complete with spare parts and accessories.

Condition - warehouse.


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