Who did Ugryumov later become? Vyacheslav Ugryumov: Our children should be proud to play for Traktor

Vyacheslav Morozov

Admiral FSB

Documentary novel

Dedicated to the young who choose the path.


President Russian Federation

On conferring the title of HERO of the Russian Federation to Vice Admiral G. A. Ugryumov.

For courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty, award the title

Hero of the Russian Federation to Vice Admiral Ugryumov German Alekseevich.

Ugryumov German Alekseevich

Est socia mortis homini vita ingloria.

A person's inglorious life is equal to death.

Publius Sir. Maxims

Living the lives of my heroes, I thought for them.

Margarita Volina. Black romance

On June 1, 2001, a mournful obituary about the death of Hero of Russia German Alekseevich Ugryumov appeared in Moscow newspapers. To the majority of his fellow citizens of Russia, whom he served honestly, his name meant nothing. True, someone might remember that the name “Ugryumov” was mentioned in connection with the capture of Salman Raduev, and even earlier - in connection with Pasko’s “case”. For the admiral's colleagues from Federal service security, the name of German Ugryumov was and will remain sacred.

“On May 31, 2001, while performing military duty on the territory of the Chechen Republic, the deputy director - head of the Department for the Protection of the Constitutional System and the Fight against Terrorism of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Vice Admiral, died suddenly UGRUMOV German Alekseevich.

G. A. Ugryumov was born in 1948 in Astrakhan. Since 1967, he has been a cadet of the Caspian Higher Military maritime school named after S. M. Kirov. Upon completion of training, he was sent to serve in the Caspian Flotilla.

Since 1975, G. A. Ugryumov served in the security agencies of the army, where his organizational abilities and leadership talent were fully demonstrated. In 1999, he was appointed to the position of first deputy head of the Department for the Protection of the Constitutional Order and Combating Terrorism, and since November 1999 - deputy director - head of the department.

G. A. Ugryumov made a great contribution to ensuring the security of the state and preserving its sovereignty. In January 2001, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed head of the Regional Operational Headquarters in the North Caucasus. With his direct participation, special measures were developed and carried out as part of the counter-terrorism operation in the North Caucasus region, as a result of which leaders and active members of gangs were neutralized and hundreds were rescued human lives.

When performing official tasks, G. A. Ugryumov showed personal courage and heroism. He was distinguished by dedication, deep specialized knowledge, exceptional demands on subordinates, ability to work with people. These qualities, combined with extensive life and professional experience, allowed him to successfully manage complex and multilateral activities to protect the constitutional order and combat terrorism.

The merits of G. A. Ugryumov in providing state security received high praise from the Motherland. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. He was awarded the Order of Military Merit, the Badge of Honor, and many medals.

The bright memory of German Alekseevich Ugryumov will forever remain in our hearts.

Board of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation."

Just the day before, in the Kremlin, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a Decree conferring the rank of admiral on G. A. Ugryumov, so his colleagues, shocked by the sudden death of Ugryumov, did not have time to get their bearings. And in the mourning photograph of Ugryumov in vice-admiral's uniform, he did not have to wear three-star ones. The admiral’s wide chest is decorated with the Golden Star of the Hero of Russia, but he never put on the star and did not even have time to hold it in his hands: the star in the photo was scanned...

A strange grimace of fate: a sailor who died on the shore; Hero of Russia, who never wore an asterisk; an admiral who never wore admiral's shoulder straps... Maybe this is the pointing finger of fate that everything that Ugryumov was programmed to do, that he could still do, he did not have time to do...

Low bow to his friends and associates, without whom this book could not have happened.

PART 1. Personality development

Do you want a person to become a Personality? Then place him from the very beginning - from childhood - in such relationships with all other people, within which he not only could, but would be forced to become an individual.

E. V. Ilyenkov, Soviet philosopher, thinker

Parents. childhood

May God give you water, feed you, and put you on a horse.

Russian proverb

From my personal profile:

Place of birth: Astrakhan.

Nationality: Russian.

Alexandra Alekseevna Ugryumova, mother:

I was born in Astrakhan on August 5, 1927. The most vivid and terrible memories are of war. We survived the war very hard. The elder brother died near Voronezh and was buried there. The front was already approaching Astrakhan when I finished eighth grade and was about to enter a technical school. In 1942, my father died. Mom immediately noticeably aged, her strength left her - grief in the country, grief in the family, grief all around: they buried dad - and then we receive notification of the death of our brother. This will knock anyone down...

Mom worked in a sewing workshop, where they sewed sweatshirts for the front, and she took work to my house - sewing three-fingered mittens, also for the front. I couldn't leave her at such a time. My sister worked throughout the war in a hospital at the operating table, always complaining that her legs were swelling. On May 15, 1945, after the Victory, I officially went to work. She began working in the railway mail transportation department at the Astrakhan station.

And in 1946, a train arrived in the city - for some reason our soldiers were being driven to the Iranian border. The train stopped at the station tracks, there was a buzz in the city: so many victorious soldiers had arrived!.. Alyosha and I met under unusual circumstances: my jacket was stolen, and he helped find it. In the morning he comes to my house with a loaf of bread and a huge smoked bream. The sister was indignant: what kind of liberties! The rules at home were strict. “Did you give him the address? Did you make a date? And you, young man, by what right have you come here?” - and so on. Alexey managed to explain himself in such a way that both him and his precious gift were accepted (for those times!). Somehow I managed to persuade my boss to give me the address where I live, and he showed up. Senior sergeant, chest in “gold”: orders, medals. Height is under two meters. He began to come to me and look after me. It ended with us getting married in 1947. At the beginning of the year he was demobilized (I think in February), and in May he came to pick me up: “Shurochka, let’s walk down the aisle!” How could you refuse? I fell in love with him myself while we were dating. Handsome hero! Two medals “For Courage”, for Warsaw, Koenigsberg, Berlin... One medal “For Courage” for knocking out a tank with direct fire - he was the commander of a 76-mm gun, the second - when he went behind the front line and brought a valuable “tongue” .

I remember when he was still courting me - it was the summer or spring of 1946, greenery all around - my sister said that our famous wrestler Ivan Poddubny came to Astrakhan with the circus. We, of course, went, Lyosha managed to get tickets to the front row. Poddubny bent horseshoes, rolled nickels into a tube with his fingers, placed a beam on his shoulders like a yoke, on which six people hung from both ends, and he made a carousel out of this “hanger”. And then he lay down on the platform, they put a shield on it and they rolled a piano onto the shield.

During the break, Poddubny jumped off the stage, approached Lyosha, and extended his hand:

Hello, soldier! Have you fought back?

He fought back.

That's good. Wife? - looked at me.

Future wife.

Good luck to you! - went to the stage and from there: - She will be a good wife!

Lyosha grinned and looked at me:

Who knows, who knows...

Captain 2nd Rank Nikolai Alekseevich Medvedev:

German Alekseevich’s father was a scout for G.K. Zhukov. I went behind the front line and dragged it on myself German officer- a very necessary “language” at that moment. They take off his helmet, this German, and he’s all blue, barely breathing, and just in time he’ll give up. While our doctors were pumping him out, the commander asked: “Ugryumov, what are you doing? You should have brought the corpse to us! How did you take it, like that?!” - “Yes, I didn’t do anything with him, I hit his helmet with my bare fist - and that’s all!..”

Exactly five years ago, a mournful obituary about the death of Hero of Russia German Alekseevich Ugryumov (1948–2001) appeared in Moscow newspapers. He died suddenly on the territory of the Chechen Republic while performing his military duty. Just the day before, in the Kremlin, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree appropriating G.A. Ugryumov with the rank of admiral. Deputy Director of the Federal Security Service, Head of the Department for the Protection of the Constitutional Order and the Fight against Terrorism, he, so to speak, was born a counterintelligence officer. He was feared and hated by those who are commonly called terrorists, both in Russia and abroad. He enjoyed great respect from special services all over the world. At one of the meetings, when they announced: “Ugryumov German Alekseevich...”, Putin stopped: “Known. That is, he is personally known.” Writer, front-line soldier Semyon Shurtakov, in a review of this book, noted: “How good and fair it would be if the wonderful person Hero of Russia German Ugryumov were personally known... to all citizens of Russia!”


Ugryumov German Alekseevich

On June 1, 2001, a mournful obituary about the death of Hero of Russia German Alekseevich Ugryumov appeared in Moscow newspapers. To the majority of his fellow citizens of Russia, whom he served honestly, his name meant nothing. True, someone might remember that the name “Ugryumov” was mentioned in connection with the capture of Salman Raduev, and even earlier - in connection with Pasko’s “case”. For the admiral’s colleagues from the Federal Security Service, the name of German Ugryumov was and will remain sacred.

“On May 31, 2001, while performing military duty on the territory of the Chechen Republic, the deputy director - head of the Department for the Protection of the Constitutional System and the Fight against Terrorism of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Vice Admiral, died suddenly

German Alekseevich.

G. A. Ugryumov was born in 1948 in Astrakhan. Since 1967, he has been a cadet at the Caspian Higher Naval School named after S. M. Kirov. Upon completion of training, he was sent to serve in the Caspian Flotilla.

Since 1975, G. A. Ugryumov served in the security agencies of the army, where his organizational abilities and leadership talent were fully demonstrated. In 1999, he was appointed to the position of first deputy head of the Department for the Protection of the Constitutional Order and Combating Terrorism, and since November 1999 - deputy director - head of the department.

G. A. Ugryumov made a great contribution to ensuring the security of the state and preserving its sovereignty. In January 2001, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed head of the Regional Operational Headquarters in the North Caucasus. With his direct participation, special measures were developed and carried out as part of the counter-terrorism operation in the North Caucasus region, as a result of which leaders and active members of gangs were neutralized and hundreds of human lives were saved.

PART 1. Personality development

Chapter 1

Parents. childhood

Alexandra Alekseevna Ugryumova, mother:

I was born in Astrakhan on August 5, 1927. The most vivid and terrible memories are of war. We survived the war very hard. The elder brother died near Voronezh and was buried there. The front was already approaching Astrakhan when I finished eighth grade and was about to enter a technical school. In 1942, my father died. Mom immediately noticeably aged, her strength left her - grief in the country, grief in the family, grief all around: they buried dad - and then we receive notification of the death of our brother. This will knock anyone down...

Mom worked in a sewing workshop, where they sewed sweatshirts for the front, and she took work to my house - sewing three-fingered mittens, also for the front. I couldn't leave her at such a time. My sister worked throughout the war in a hospital at the operating table, always complaining that her legs were swelling. On May 15, 1945, after the Victory, I officially went to work. She began working in the railway mail transportation department at the Astrakhan station.

And in 1946, a train arrived in the city - for some reason our soldiers were being driven to the Iranian border. The train stopped at the station tracks, there was a buzz in the city: so many victorious soldiers had arrived!.. Alyosha and I met under unusual circumstances: my jacket was stolen, and he helped find it. In the morning he comes to my house with a loaf of bread and a huge smoked bream. The sister was indignant: what kind of liberties! The rules at home were strict. “Did you give him the address? Did you make a date? And you, young man, by what right have you come here?” - and so on. Alexey managed to explain himself in such a way that both him and his precious gift were accepted (for those times!). Somehow I managed to persuade my boss to give me the address where I live, and he showed up. Senior sergeant, chest in “gold”: orders, medals. Height is under two meters. He began to come to me and look after me. It ended with us getting married in 1947. At the beginning of the year he was demobilized (I think in February), and in May he came to pick me up: “Shurochka, let’s walk down the aisle!” How could you refuse? I fell in love with him myself while we were dating. Handsome hero! Two medals “For Courage”, for Warsaw, Koenigsberg, Berlin... One medal “For Courage” for knocking out a tank with direct fire - he was the commander of a 76-mm gun, the second - when he went behind the front line and brought a valuable “tongue” .

Chapter 2

School. Service

The Higher Naval School named after S. M. Kirov in the Caspian Sea is one of the eleven highest naval military schools of the USSR. And... one of the four that Russia missed after the collapse of a great power - Soviet Union.

Suitability naval officer for service, perhaps, five military educational standards can be defined, which can be called fundamental, general, fundamental:

High level training an officer as the head of a unit, ship, unit in peacetime and wartime;

The ability to organize training and education of personnel, maintaining the required level of training and discipline;

Chapter 3

KGB of the USSR. Head of the Special Department

“One’s own security is the highest law in politics,” wrote our great historian Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, referring to the security of the Russian state. IN Russian literature We meet the term “state security” already in the 19th century in the work of Professor I. Tarasov, who noted that danger may have general meaning and private, as well as an example of the merging of these concepts: a traitor-defector causes both general and private damage to the state.

Military counterintelligence, according to historians of the special services, was born in Russia on January 21, 1903, when Emperor Nicholas II approved the report of the Minister of War, an honorary member of the Academy General Staff, Artillery, Engineering, Military Legal and Military Medical Academies of Adjutant General Alexei Kuropatkin. General Kuropatkin defined the task of the new body, which he proposed to be called the “Intelligence Department of the General Staff”: it should be “to establish secret supervision over the secret military intelligence, having the starting point of foreign military agents and the ending points of persons in public service within the country.”

IN Soviet period the term “state security” was introduced in April 1934 during the formation of the Main Directorate of State Security within the NKVD, to which the functions of the OGPU were transferred. In 1936, this term was officially included in the text of the Stalinist Constitution of the USSR.

Any doctor and more or less educated pharmacist knows perfectly well that the antidote in the structure of its components must certainly reflect the components of the poison. If this rule is projected onto the problem of state security, it turns out that any threat requires adequate, most often mirror, actions.

Official documents and memoirs of friends and associates indicate that German Alekseevich began serving in the state security agencies in 1976, after studying in the Novosibirsk High school KGB. There is other evidence. I don’t consider it important for myself and the reader to get to the bottom of the “truth” that no one needs; I will only cite various evidence, since the intelligence services have their own secrets and golden rule their reliable preservation: to know only what you are supposed to.

PART 2. Confronting evil

Chapter 4

Between two fires

German Ugryumov was first and foremost a creator - this is noted by everyone who ever knew him. The Creator is courageous by nature, for according to God’s plan he was born to resist evil. Without overcoming it, he has no opportunity to create. Destroyers drop their masks and roll up their sleeves in two cases: when there is an opportunity to form a pack or when they temporarily come to power. More often this happens simultaneously, or one follows from the other.

But the greater the greatness of the former, the more prominent and noticeable the insignificance of the latter.

The declared glasnost began with political, literary, newspaper and public demarcation, spitting on the “winners” in this struggle own history, centuries-old spiritual values, humiliation of the Russian people - the “slave people” (the magazine “October”, for example, wrote that the history of Russia is so opposite to freedom that the Russians did not even (!) accept the freedom that the “boots of Napoleon’s soldiers” brought them ...")*, a crafty “attack” on the army, navy and special services, the overthrow of “idols”. “The country is in a state of raging garbage,” stated the philosopher A. A. Zinoviev, who was then living in exile.

Georgy Vasilievich Sviridov

The great composer and no less great philosopher made an entry in his diary, making perhaps the most accurate diagnosis of the sick country: “The demarcation is taking place along the most important, fundamental line of human existence - along the spiritual and moral line. Here is the beginning of everything, the meaning of life!” I consider it simply necessary to present his reasoning at that time - not at all old-man bilious, as other liberal critics sometimes say, but wise and armor-piercingly accurate. “The so-called exposure of evil /.../ has long turned into relish, hardening the soul of the artist himself and in the surest way killing his talent, if he has one. In the matter of savoring, extraordinary results have been achieved, striking in their own way with ingenuity and inspiration, imagination, in collecting all kinds of dirt, perversion, vice, display of the shameful, etc. /.../ Behind all this there is often hidden a cold cynicism that excludes artistic inspiration and replaces it speculative invention, not devoid of remarkableness in its own way. But all this is too much, it has become monotonous.

Denigration, caricature of the Motherland, man, life, everything holy, everything pure. It seems that one might think that such artists - sufferers and martyrs - have never happened. Most often they are successful and sometimes very business people, cleverly, thoughtlessly and enterprisingly trading their artistic skill. Proclaiming the fight against evil, they ultimately serve it!”

Chapter 5

Shooting region

Captain 1st Rank Ya. Ya.:

By the beginning of the events in Baku, we had excellent positions within all the destructive forces. We infiltrated all their organizations, including the Popular Front. They knew everything about them: where the militants’ bases were located, their weapons, apartments where they lived, appearances, participants, leaders. The KGB of Azerbaijan also knew about this.

When, after the entry of troops into Baku, the KGB of Azerbaijan held a meeting, at which Deputy Chairman of the KGB of the USSR Pirozhkov was present, the employees were indignant: why was no sanction given to isolate the provocateurs, the leaders of the collapse, but resorted to the entry of troops and military equipment? After all, even without troops we could have disarmed their entire leadership as a result of one operation! In principle, this is the business of the special services. And most importantly, we would act within the framework of existing legislation: detention, charges, arrest - right up to trial. Evidence base we had the richest.

The military structures of the Popular Front practically occupied the city, blocked all highways, occupied all government institutions, and the seaport. They blocked the airport and tried to occupy a military airfield. They were armed and had their own arsenal.

Power from the leadership of the city and the republic was flowing away not by the hour, but by the minute... And we were not allowed to arrest the instigators of this bloody unrest. We had a complete dossier on Elchibey, Nimat Panahov, and other activists. They knew who was behind them: Turkish and Iranian intelligence. By the way, Panakhov then fled to Iran. True, he was arrested after the troops arrived, but was released.


From the Black Sea to the Pacific Ocean

Chapter 6

Southern sea border

Viktor Alekseevich Smirnov:

By that time, we had practically lost Sevastopol, and the division of the Black Sea Fleet had begun. The KGB leadership decided to create Special department in Novorossiysk. It was planned to relocate part of our Black Sea Fleet to Novorossiysk. The question arose about the head of the department, and this is already an admiral’s position. The choice fell on Ugryumov.

I must say, chance helped here. Even before this position was introduced, he was called to the Center and offered to go to the Northern Fleet. He came to me and sat down. Speaks:

The situation is such that, as an officer, I cannot refuse; on the other hand, my wife is sick, my children were born and lived in Baku all their lives. From the south straight to the Far North - it will be difficult for them. To be honest, I don’t know what to do. You can, of course, kill your wife...

I went to see Zhardetsky and asked him not to ruin a person’s life. Of course he will go, but is it necessary? Let's send him to Novorossiysk.

Chapter 7

Pacific Ocean

Future admiral, and then captain of the 2nd rank,

Alexander Vasilievich Kolchak

wrote in December 1907 after an unsuccessful Russo-Japanese War, reflecting on the naval construction program: " Global significance The sea, as a collection of the most convenient and profitable routes of communication, becomes of exceptional importance during war. From this point of view, the water space of the sea can be considered as a highly developed network railways (

Let’s not forget that before the war the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway was completed - for several years this was the “topic of the day”. -

receiving the desired strategic significance from the moment war is declared. ...The importance of communication and transport is too clear to be worth discussing further.”

Defeat in war is a bitter grief, but it is not a disaster. Trouble is when there is Troubles in the country!.. A man with a strong will, enormous personal courage, infinitely devoted to the fleet and Russia, Kolchak believed that the glory of the Russian fleet would be revived and would echo over the World Ocean more than once. Moreover, he stated: “I take the liberty of examining, as impartially as possible, the main questions: why Russia needs naval power and what this power is, or more precisely, how this power is expressed.” Then he was only 34 years old.

Another talented Russian military leader, also with tragic fate- Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army, from ordinary Cossacks, general

Lavr Georgievich Kornilov

Ten years later, speaking at the State Conference in Moscow, not yet betrayed by the Freemasons and politicians and - God knows how deeply and sincerely - believing in the ideals of the February bourgeois revolution, talked about urgent needs army: “As a legacy from the old regime, free Russia received an army, in the organization of which, of course, there were major shortcomings. But nevertheless, this army was combat-ready, resilient and ready for self-sacrifice. By a whole series of legislative measures carried out after the coup by people alien to the spirit and understanding of the army, this army was turned into the craziest crowd, valuing exclusively its own life.

...It is necessary to raise the prestige of officers. The officer corps, which fought valiantly throughout the war, the vast majority immediately took the side of the revolution and remained faithful to its cause, and now must be morally rewarded for all the humiliation they suffered, through no fault of their own, and for systematic bullying.

Chapter 8

"The Case" Pasko

Military journalist Pavel Evdokimov:

According to the logic of our glorious “human rights activists” and the so-called “democratic media,” if German Alekseevich had not raised the case against Grigory Pasko, he would have done the right thing. But because he acted like a professional, he acted badly.

Editors of many press organs, television and radio programs provided space and time only to those who spoke out in defense of Pasko - moreover, apologetically, based on speculation, on “personal opinion”, without particularly bothering themselves with arguments, or as if neutrally, but precisely “as if”. Example: “Olga Zhurman from Vladivostok reports. The trial of war journalist Pasko, who is accused of handing over to the Japanese, has resumed classified materials. Pasko told reporters that he still does not understand what he is accused of and said that the FSB is putting pressure on him and the court by everyone accessible ways. Pasko did not specify by what means. The lawyer is confident that Pasko will be acquitted.” Here, the entire “neutral” message is structured in such a way that the average person will remain in full confidence that Pasko is innocent, and the damned FSB agents do whatever they want. The only critical phrase “hidden” in the middle of the information is that Pasko did not specify the ways in which the “authorities” put pressure on the court. But it is almost invisible to the listener.

Pavel Evdokimov quoted information from the morning news of Radio Russia on December 3, 2001. On the same day, the NTV news program at 2 pm gave the floor to Grigory Pasko, who told viewers that he did not believe either the first or the second court hearing. Further comment: 50 witnesses were interviewed; part of the documents, according to experts, transferred by military journalist Grigory Pasko to Japanese means mass media, are not secret.

(And the other part?.. -

The court decided to conclude the case, and is expected to pronounce a verdict on December 25, 2001. Lawyers prophesy that on this day “the inconsistency of trial over the journalist." (Reminds me of the Russian proverb: the prophet got wet on the stove, but dried up in a puddle!..) The commentary by TV journalist Grigoriev also says that, in Pasko’s opinion, the FSB influences the court - and again, without specifying what this influence is . The TV presenter’s commentary on all of the above was also not heard.

PART 4. ANTI-Terror

Chapter 9

Head of military counterintelligence

Alexey Alekseevich Molyakov:

In the Pacific Fleet, despite the enormous scale of work, Ugryumov had no unsolvable issues. That is why four years later his candidacy was proposed for the post of Deputy Head of the Department military counterintelligence FSB of Russia. A leader with his approach, acumen and knowledge was needed, who could properly organize the work and manage other departments.

At that time I was invited to the post of Deputy Secretary of the Security Council. Lieutenant General Vladimir Ivanovich Petrishchev was appointed head of the 3rd Directorate, and Ugryumov became his deputy. I did not lose touch with the Directorate; I was glad that German Alekseevich immediately fit into the team of the Research and Development Directorate.

Vladimir Ivanovich Petrishchev:

Chapter 10

Hero of Russia

According to the All-Union Population Census, in 1989, over 293,700 Russians (23.1% of the republic’s population) lived on the territory of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Systematic resettlement of Chechens from mountainous areas to territories bordering Stavropol Territory and Dagestan, was carried out by the leadership of the republic (D. Zavgaev) already from about the mid-80s, and its consequence was a violation of the historically established “ethnic balance” in the Shelkovsky, Naursky, Grozny, Sunzhensky and other lowland regions of Checheno-Ingushetia, where before numerically prevailed Russian population. In fact, already then the foundation was laid for future ethnic “cleansings”, which were systematically carried out in the 90s in the “Republic of Ichkeria”.

A pronounced anti-Russian policy, leading to systematic violations of human rights, moral and physical terror directed against the Russian population, has become a nightmare reality in self-proclaimed Ichkeria since August 1991, when, with the connivance, and often with the direct assistance of the central government, Chechen separatists seized power in Grozny.

Numerous testimonies terror against the non-Chechen population of the republic, which was carried out on the personal instructions of President D. Dudayev and his entourage, are in the law enforcement structures of Russia, in the administration of the President of the Russian Federation, in the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, in other departments related to the situation in the Chechen Republic.

According to various sources, from 1991 to 1999, more than 21 thousand Russians were killed on the territory of Chechnya (not counting those killed during hostilities), more than 100 thousand apartments and houses belonging to “non-indigenous” residents of Chechnya were seized (including Ingush), more than 46 thousand people were enslaved or used in forced labor (from collecting wild wild garlic to building a road to Georgia through Itum-Kale and Tazbichi), only for the period from 1991 to December 1994 (i.e. before entering federal troops) More than 200 thousand Russians left Chechnya.

Chapter 11


William Sofire

published an article with the eloquent title “The Baltic countries belong to NATO.” The article contains a remarkable phrase regarding our “subject”:

“Chechnya is necessary for the United States. The war in Chechnya makes Russia weak, and everything that makes Russia weak benefits the United States.”

Here, as they say, there is no time for diplomacy, when in front of everyone they casually throw a glove at your feet - as if they are spitting... Let's pick it up. We will answer. Not to notice is not to respect yourself.

Director of the FSB of Russia Nikolai Platonovich Patrushev:

Recently, the Federal Security Service made public the data at its disposal about the subversive nature of the activities on the territory of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries of organizations created by the extremist wing of the international Islamic association “Muslim Brotherhood”. It should be noted that extremist units of the Muslim Brotherhood operate in more than 50 countries around the world under the leadership of centers located in the Middle Eastern and European countries. The structures created by their emissaries have been identified in 49 regions of Russia. Extremist leaders coordinate their activities with the terrorist groups Al-Gamaa al-Islamiyya, Al-Jihad al-Islami, the famous international terrorist Osama bin Laden, Bosnian militants and use charity as a cover for spreading the ideas of militant Islam.

Chapter 12

Admiral's Heart

At one time, something was shaken in the Danish kingdom, and in democratic Russia - worse than that... Different media responded differently to the death of the Hero. The newspaper Spetsnaz Rossii, having removed other prepared material, included an essay in the issue

Pavel Evdokimova

"The Fate of a Hero". Let us present it in abbreviation, without fear of some repetitions.

“German Ugryumov became the second senior officer whose heart could not stand it during this war. The first was the group commander Marine Corps in Chechnya, 53-year-old Major General Alexander Otrakovsky, who died in Vedeno in March 2000.

Now new death... For the last two or three months there have been rumors that German Ugryumov could become first deputy director of the FSB.

German Alekseevich was born three years after the end of the war into the family of a front-line soldier. After school I worked at shipyard. In 1972 he graduated from the Caspian Higher Naval School. He served in the Caspian Sea and was a ship commander.

Already in a different capacity, “on shore,” he still remained a sailor - and not only by rank, which testified to his naval “origin”; he was literally sick from the sea. His office at Lubyanka was decorated with flags, ship models and photographs. The captain's cabin, in a word.

On this day:

Klim Voroshilov was born

On February 4, 1881, Voroshilov Kliment Efremovich (1881-1969), Marshal of the Soviet Union (1935), Hero of the Soviet Union (1956, 1968), Hero of Socialist Labor (1960) was born.

Klim Voroshilov was born

On February 4, 1881, Voroshilov Kliment Efremovich (1881-1969), Marshal of the Soviet Union (1935), Hero of the Soviet Union (1956, 1968), Hero of Socialist Labor (1960) was born.

Since 1918, commander and member of the Revolutionary Military Council of a number of armies and fronts. Since 1925, People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs and Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR; since 1934 People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR. Since 1940, Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. In 1953-60, Chairman of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces. Member of the Politburo (Presidium) of the Central Committee in 1926-60. He was part of the closest political circle of J.V. Stalin.

“The Cleaner” Ivan Kabushka

On February 4, 1943, while performing a combat mission, Kabushkin was captured and arrested by the Nazis ( real name Kabushka) Ivan Konstantinovich, participant of the Minsk underground during the Great Patriotic War.

“The Cleaner” Ivan Kabushka

On February 4, 1943, while carrying out a combat mission, Ivan Konstantinovich Kabushkin (real name Kabushka), a participant in the Minsk underground during the Great Patriotic War, was captured and arrested by the Nazis.

In the Red Army since 1935. In 1939-1940 participated in the Soviet-Finnish War.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he was surrounded and captured, escaped in Minsk and joined the anti-fascist struggle. In the fall of 1941, at the head of a small combat group, he carried out reconnaissance and sabotage operations, and carried out raids on enemy vehicles. On instructions from the leadership of the Minsk underground, he obtained weapons, ammunition, medicine, and saved people from death camps. He had underground nicknames Jean, Babushkin, Sashka, Nazarov. Since May 1942, he was the head of the operational group of the Minsk underground city party committee to combat enemy agents and provocateurs. Participated in the publication and distribution of illegal literature.

Died in fascist dungeons in 1943.

In 1965, Ivan Kabushkin was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

64 victories of Ivan Kozhedub

On February 4, 1944, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub, an ace pilot of the Red Army, was awarded the first title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Subsequently, he became three times Hero of the Soviet Union, the most successful fighter pilot in Allied aviation (64 victories).

64 victories of Ivan Kozhedub

On February 4, 1944, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub, an ace pilot of the Red Army, was awarded the first title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Subsequently, he became three times Hero of the Soviet Union, the most successful fighter pilot in Allied aviation (64 victories).

Ivan Kozhedub was born in the village of Obrazhievka, Glukhov district, Chernigov province (now Shostkinsky district, Sumy region of Ukraine) in the family of a peasant - a church warden.

At the beginning of 1940, he enlisted in the Red Army and in the fall of the same year he graduated from the Chuguev Military Aviation Pilot School, after which he continued to serve there as an instructor.

After the start of the war, he was evacuated to Kazakhstan, the city of Chimkent, together with the aviation school. In November 1942, Kozhedub was seconded to the 240th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 302nd Fighter Aviation Division, which was being formed in Ivanovo. In March 1943, as part of the division, he flew to the Voronezh Front.

The first air battle ended in failure for Kozhedub and almost became his last - his La-5 was damaged by a cannon fire from a Messerschmitt-109, the armored back of the chair saved him from incendiary projectile, and upon returning, the plane was fired upon by Soviet anti-aircraft gunners; it was hit by 2 anti-aircraft shells. Despite the fact that Kozhedub managed to land the plane, it was not subject to full restoration, and the pilot had to fly on the “leftovers” - the available aircraft in the squadron. Soon they wanted to take him to the warning post, but the regiment commander stood up for him. At the beginning of the summer of 1943, Kozhedub was awarded the rank of junior lieutenant, then he was appointed to the post of deputy squadron commander. Shortly thereafter, on July 6, 1943, Kursk Bulge, during his fortieth combat mission, Kozhedub shot down his first German bomber Junkers Ju-87. The very next day he shot down the second, and on July 9 he shot down 2 Bf-109 fighters at once. The first title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to Kozhedub (already a senior lieutenant) on February 4, 1944 for 146 combat missions and 20 downed enemy aircraft.

Kozhedub was awarded the second Gold Star medal on August 19, 1944 for 256 combat missions and 48 downed enemy aircraft.

By the end of the war, Ivan Kozhedub, by that time a guard major, flew the La-7, made 330 combat missions, in 120 air battles shot down 62 enemy aircraft, including 17 Ju-87 dive bombers, 2 Ju-88 and He-111 bombers, 16 Bf-109 and 21 Fw-190 fighters, 3 Hs-129 attack aircraft and 1 Me-262 jet fighter. Last Stand in the Great Patriotic War, in which he shot down 2 FW-190s, Kozhedub spent April 17, 1945 in the skies over Berlin.

Kozhedub received the third Gold Star medal on August 18, 1945 for high military skill, personal courage and bravery shown on the war fronts. He was an excellent shooter and preferred to open fire at a distance of 200-300 meters, rarely approaching at a shorter distance.

Kozhedub’s flight biography also includes two US Air Force P-51 Mustangs shot down in 1945, which attacked him, mistaking him for a German plane.

I.N. Kozhedub was never shot down during the Great Patriotic War, and although he was shot down, he always landed his plane.

At the end of the war, Kozhedub continued to serve in the Air Force. In 1949 he graduated from the Red Banner Air Force Academy. At the same time, he remained an active fighter pilot, having mastered the MiG-15 jet in 1948. In 1956 he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff. During the Korean War, he commanded the 324th Fighter Aviation Division (324th IAD) as part of the 64th Fighter Aviation Corps. From April 1951 to January 1952, the division's pilots scored 216 aerial victories, losing only 27 aircraft (9 pilots died).

In 1964-1971 - Deputy Commander of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District. Since 1971 he served in the central apparatus of the Air Force, and since 1978 - in the Group of Inspectors General of the USSR Ministry of Defense. In 1970, Kozhedub was awarded the rank of Colonel General of Aviation. And in 1985, I. N. Kozhedub was awarded military rank Air Marshal.

Conference in Yalta

On February 4, 1945, the Crimean (Yalta) Conference of the Big Three (USSR, USA, Great Britain) opened.

Conference in Yalta

On February 4, 1945, the Crimean (Yalta) Conference of the Big Three (USSR, USA, Great Britain) opened.

Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin discussed the issue of unconditional surrender Germany and its subsequent division into four zones of occupation, and most importantly - about post-war structure peace. The Polish question was considered and the holding of the first United Nations conference in San Francisco, USA was discussed.

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Sergey Viktorovich Ugryumov. Born on December 24, 1970 in Khabarovsk. Russian actor theater and cinema. Honored Artist of Russia (2005).

After the father retired, the family moved to Kamyshin Volgograd region, where he graduated from high school.

As the actor said, military discipline reigned in the family, his father kept him strict: “A military man, he punished me strictly like a man. Most often, I thought it was unfair. But sometimes it was to the point, which, however, did not save me from repeated mistakes. When I grew up, my father asked me for forgiveness, saying that he sometimes went too far. On the contrary, I was grateful to him for keeping me within limits.”

IN early childhood Sergei was sent to a music school for accordion class. But he only studied for a year - he was absolutely indifferent to both this tool, and to music in general.

I didn't do well at school. But he enjoyed visiting the Romantic theater studio, where his teacher was Rimma Mikhailovna Taronenko. It was she who predetermined his future choice of profession.

IN school years Sergei mastered the profession of a turner. Immediately after school, he worked for some time as a loader at a gunpowder factory.

After graduating from high school, he wrote to the Shchukin School and the Kazan Theater School. There was no answer from Moscow - so he went to Kazan. I entered there, but studied only for a year. Then I decided to try my luck in the capital. However, in Moscow he failed everywhere. Only on the third attempt in the additional enrollment did he enter the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio for a course in.

In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School.

Then he was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Theater-Studio directed by Oleg Tabakov, among his works: “Biloxi Blues” by Neil Simon - Private Roy Salridge (input); “Running” by M. Bulgakov - Tikhiy, head of counterintelligence; "Star hour local time"; "Deadly number"; "Anecdotes"; “Farewell and applause”; "Old Quarter"; “More Van Gogh...”; "Inspector"; "Father"; "The Long Christmas Lunch"; "Bolero"; "City"; " Ideal husband"; "Doll for the Bride"; “Simplicity is enough for every wise man”; "At the bottom"; "Passion for Bumbarash"; "Lovelace"; "Marriage".

He also played in performances at the A.P. Chekhov Theater: “No. 13”; "Siege"; "The Master and Margarita"; " Cherry Orchard"Based on the play by A.P. Chekhov (role - Epikhodov); "Moon Monster"; "Divas".

In 2005, he won the “Seagull” award in the “Double Impact” category (best duet - together with Yanina Kolesnichenko) for the play “Moon Monster”.

"The theater is a great outlet for me", says the actor.

The actor’s first appearances on screen were associated with the film adaptation of the theatrical productions “Finest Hour, Local Time” and “More Van Gogh...”.

In 2000, he starred in an episode of the TV series “Truckers.” At first, the actor was not very keen on getting into cinema, preferring theatrical work. However, then he began to agree to filming and increasingly appeared in diverse films.

The actor gained widespread fame in 2007 after the role of counterintelligence officer Viktor Platov in the popular TV series “Liquidation.”

Sergei Ugryumov in the series "Liquidation"

In 2008 he performed his first main role- Vera’s () roommate Peter in the melodrama “And yet I love...”.

Also remembered by the audience as manager Shiryaev in “Pelageya and the White Bulldog”, pilot Altunin in “MUR”, adjutant Pimezov in “Isaev”, sorcerer Vallo in the mystical thriller “The Dark World”.

Sergei Ugryumov in the film "Dark World"

It is worth noting the actor’s work in the projects “Department” (Evgeny Zhuzhukalo), “On the Razor’s Edge” (SS Sturmbannführer Ulrich von Ortel), “ Older sister"(Kirill Solomin), "Kill twice" (police captain Vyacheslav Kulikov).

The image of the head of the Provisional Government, Alexander Kerensky, embodied on the screen in the historical and biographical film “Gregory R.”, became successful.

Sergei Ugryumov in the film "Grigory R."

The actor's popularity was further increased by the role of KGB Colonel Robert Lebedev in the crime detective stories "Spider" and "Jackal".

The actor has said more than once that he does not always feel satisfaction from working in films, primarily because of the quality of the scripts and the roles offered. He explained: “I am often offered scripts that are created at the behest and attitude of the producer. And the producer is only interested in ratings, shares, and so on. In cinema, the market and business relationships predominate, and with this, producers approach such a subtle education as television and cinematography. It’s unclear when this will end.”

Height of Sergei Ugryumov: 177 centimeters.

Personal life of Sergei Ugryumov:

Married. My wife's name is Galina. They met at the Kazan School and have been together ever since. He said: “We studied in the same course, and she always played such lyrical heroines. On my part, it was love at first sight. And at the age of eighteen I got married. We’ve been together ever since.” Later they went to Moscow together and graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School together. True, his wife later got a job on television.

The couple has two sons - Andrei (born in 2000) and Sergei (born in 2009). They named their eldest son in honor of the famous Soviet actor Andrey Mironov.

The actor lives with his family in Moscow - in an apartment in South Chertanovo, next to Bitsevsky Park.

Filmography of Sergei Ugryumov:

1992 - Finest hour local time (film-play) - second sidekick
1999 - More Van Gogh (film-play)
2000-2001 - Truckers - Yurko
2000 - Old nags - handyman (uncredited)
2000 - At the bottom (film-play) - Tatar, hooker
2001 - Stop on demand 2 - conductor
2002 - Passion for Bumbarash (film-play) - episode
2002 - Turkish March (season 3) - Nikolai Mokhov, Voronov’s assistant
2002 - The Reluctant Doctor (film-play) - Luca, Jacqueline’s husband / Thibault, Perrin’s father
2002 - Kamenskaya-2 - Nikolai Saprin
2002 - Star - artillery commander
2002 - Main roles - Ivan Ivanovich
2003 - No. 13 (film-play) - waiter
2003 - Taxi Driver - Slava, operative
2004 - Stiletto-2 - Volkov
2004 - Full speed ahead! - fisherman on a motor boat
2004 - Dad - Mitya Zhuchkov
2004 - Time of the Cruel - Andrey Andreevich Trefilov, district police officer
2004 - December 32nd - Pasha, security guard
2005 - Palmist - Evgeny Almazov, Ryabinin’s army friend
2005 - May - Ivushkin
2005 - Golden Calf - mustachioed
2006 - Hijacking
2006 - Deadly number (film-play) - Clown
2006 - Grandson of an astronaut - Viktor Vasilievich
2007-2008 - Atlantis - Rudenko, investigator
2007 - On the way to the heart - Sergey
2007 - Simplicity is enough for every wise man (film-play) - Golutvin
2007 - Liquidation - Viktor Platov
2008 - Love as a motive - Pavel, Dina’s husband
2008 - Cossacks-robbers - Mikhail Borisovich Krushevsky, mayor of Meshchersk
2008 - And yet I love... - Peter, Vera’s roommate
2009 - Phonogram of passion - cautious
2009 - Flock - Boris, former cop
2009 - Pelagia and the white bulldog - Stepan Trofimovich Shiryaev
2009 - Isaev - Pimezov, adjutant of Giatsintov
2010 - Dark World - Alexander / sorcerer Ylto Vallo
2010 - Bodyguard-3 - Margulis
2010 - Raider - Saveliy Ilyich Bugrov, police captain
2010 - The Illusion of Hunting - Alexey Verbich
2010 - Voices - Andrey Chibisov
2010 - Sparrow - Stepan, Mitka’s father
2011 - Burnt by the Sun 2: Citadel - episode
2011 - Fairy tale. Yes - Ken, Barbie's husband
2011 - Seven Days of May (was not completed)
2011 - MUR. Third Front - Vadim Gavrilovich Altunin, pilot
2011 - Loot - businessman at karaoke
2012 - Escape 2 - Makanin
2012 - Wolves and Sheep (film-play) - Vasily Ivanovich Berkutov
2012 - The Cherry Orchard (film-play) - Semyon Panteleevich Epikhodov, clerk
2012 - Dugout - Kazimir
2013 - Kill twice - Vyacheslav Arkadyevich Kulikov, opera, captain
2013 - Older sister - Kirill Solomin, major
2013 - Along the Razor's Edge - Ulrich von Ortel, SS Sturmbannführer
2013 - Fierce - Ivan Ivanovich, Rakova’s husband, psychologist
2013 - Live on - Anton Utkin
2013 - Department - Evgeniy Mikhailovich Zhuzhukalo, Major of the Security Service Department
2014 - Grigory R. - Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky
2014 - Gentlemen-comrades - Denis Nagulin
2014 - Shot - Roman Berezhnoy, head coach
2015 - Satellites - Ivan Egorovich Danilov, commissioner
2015 - Spider - Robert Mikhailovich Lebedev, deputy head of the KGB department
2016 - Jackal - Robert Mikhailovich Lebedev, KGB Colonel
2017 - Walking through torment - Social Revolutionary
2017 - Raid - Zatsepin
2017 - Force Majeure - Kolya

Vyacheslav Morozov

Admiral FSB

Documentary novel

Dedicated to the young who choose the path.


President of the Russian Federation

On conferring the title of HERO of the Russian Federation to Vice Admiral G. A. Ugryumov.

For courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty, award the title

Hero of the Russian Federation to Vice Admiral Ugryumov German Alekseevich.

Ugryumov German Alekseevich

Est socia mortis homini vita ingloria.

A person's inglorious life is equal to death.

Publius Sir. Maxims

Living the lives of my heroes, I thought for them.

Margarita Volina. Black romance

On June 1, 2001, a mournful obituary about the death of Hero of Russia German Alekseevich Ugryumov appeared in Moscow newspapers. To the majority of his fellow citizens of Russia, whom he served honestly, his name meant nothing. True, someone might remember that the name “Ugryumov” was mentioned in connection with the capture of Salman Raduev, and even earlier - in connection with Pasko’s “case”. For the admiral’s colleagues from the Federal Security Service, the name of German Ugryumov was and will remain sacred.

“On May 31, 2001, while performing military duty on the territory of the Chechen Republic, the deputy director - head of the Department for the Protection of the Constitutional System and the Fight against Terrorism of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Vice Admiral, died suddenly UGRUMOV German Alekseevich.

G. A. Ugryumov was born in 1948 in Astrakhan. Since 1967, he has been a cadet at the Caspian Higher Naval School named after S. M. Kirov. Upon completion of training, he was sent to serve in the Caspian Flotilla.

Since 1975, G. A. Ugryumov served in the security agencies of the army, where his organizational abilities and leadership talent were fully demonstrated. In 1999, he was appointed to the position of first deputy head of the Department for the Protection of the Constitutional Order and Combating Terrorism, and since November 1999 - deputy director - head of the department.

G. A. Ugryumov made a great contribution to ensuring the security of the state and preserving its sovereignty. In January 2001, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed head of the Regional Operational Headquarters in the North Caucasus. With his direct participation, special measures were developed and carried out as part of the counter-terrorism operation in North Caucasus region, as a result of which leaders and active members of gangs were neutralized and hundreds of human lives were saved.

When performing official tasks, G. A. Ugryumov showed personal courage and heroism. He was distinguished by dedication to his work, deep specialized knowledge, exceptional demands on his subordinates, and the ability to work with people. These qualities, combined with extensive life and professional experience, allowed him to successfully manage complex and multilateral activities to protect the constitutional order and combat terrorism.

The merits of G. A. Ugryumov in ensuring state security were highly appreciated by the Motherland. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. He was awarded the Order of Military Merit, the Badge of Honor, and many medals.

The bright memory of German Alekseevich Ugryumov will forever remain in our hearts.

Board of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation."

Just the day before, in the Kremlin, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a Decree conferring the rank of admiral on G. A. Ugryumov, so his colleagues, shocked by the sudden death of Ugryumov, did not have time to get their bearings. And in the mourning photograph of Ugryumov in vice-admiral's uniform, he did not have to wear three-star ones. The admiral’s wide chest is decorated with the Golden Star of the Hero of Russia, but he never put on the star and did not even have time to hold it in his hands: the star in the photo was scanned...

A strange grimace of fate: a sailor who died on the shore; Hero of Russia, who never wore an asterisk; an admiral who never wore admiral's shoulder straps... Maybe this is the pointing finger of fate that everything that Ugryumov was programmed to do, that he could still do, he did not have time to do...

Low bow to his friends and associates, without whom this book could not have happened.

PART 1. Personality development

Do you want a person to become a Personality? Then place him from the very beginning - from childhood - in such relationships with all other people, within which he not only could, but would be forced to become an individual.

E. V. Ilyenkov, Soviet philosopher, thinker

Parents. childhood

May God give you water, feed you, and put you on a horse.

Russian proverb