New business ideas. How to make money making knives with your own hands

Magazine Reconomica brings to your attention a rare but an interesting profession blacksmith-gunsmith. Knife maker Andrey will talk about his work. Blacksmithing is not yet his main job, but he started from scratch, turned his hobby into a source of profit and quickly achieved a good income. You will learn how to turn your blacksmithing hobby into small business, how to sell finished products and how much you can earn from it, while combining a hobby with your main job. According to the author, this is a very good extra income, especially if you live in a region with a low average salary.

The economic situation in the country is such that almost all people are forced to look for opportunities for additional income. Pensioners work to help their children and grandchildren, car enthusiasts drive taxis or deliver pizza, students hand out leaflets or post advertisements. It is unlikely that all these activities bring people positive emotions. As well as our main job, which most of us can hardly call our favorite. And how can you call a favorite process in which you are just a small cog, and if necessary, you can be replaced by another cog like yourself.

It's just a matter of hobby. This is something that everyone treats with trepidation and does with pleasure. Doing what you love and making a profit from it is the dream of millions of people, but only a few are able to achieve it. This happened to me too, although a couple of years ago I had no idea what I was doing now.

How I mastered blacksmithing, or where it all began

It all started with an ordinary conversation in a spiritual gathering with my brother, who is obsessed with all sorts of knives, brass knuckles and pistols. He started telling me about videos he had seen on the Internet about making beautiful designer knives with his own hands from scrap materials.

Imbued with his enthusiastic exclamations, I also decided to see what kind of masters there were. It turned out that it’s true that making a cool designer knife with a minimal set of tools is not so difficult, so I decided to give it a try. I was also lucky in that I work as a thermal technician in a machine-building industry, so I have a good understanding of steel grades, and there were no problems with materials for the knife - I have a professional thermals Having it at hand is a huge plus in this case.

How to make a knife with your own hands at home

I watched a bunch of videos on the Internet on this topic, I liked one of them, which I took as a guide. I used what was on hand to make my first blade. You could say he worked at home using improvised means.

The material for my first knife was an ordinary old Soviet file. The steel for a knife is not the most suitable, but it is affordable and easy to process.

I set up my workshop in the garage. My tools for the job were a file, sandpaper and a clamp. To make the descents, I made a special device out of plywood and got to work. Grinding off a large layer of metal by hand turned out to be quite difficult. My hands were constantly tired, I sharpened them for a minute and then rested for five. But, oddly enough, I had no desire to quit the whole business.

Having completed the work with a file, I began to grind the workpiece sandpaper . A few hours of work - and now my blade is almost ready! All that remains is to take it to work and harden it.

Here I must say that due to inexperience I made a big mistake with the dimensions, the blade turned out to be very thick and massive, but I still decided to complete the work to the end, because my main task was not to good knife, but to understand the principle and subtleties of the process.

Next, I needed to make a handle for my “monster”. I went to the birch grove to collect dry branches and birch bark. Back in the garage I started making the handle. Working with wood is much easier and more pleasant than working with metal, so there were no problems here. The handle turned out to be comfortable and beautiful. And I decided not to stop there.

How to learn to make really good knives

I took the next knife more seriously. I selected a workpiece from a more suitable steel and correctly calculated all the dimensions. The second knife came out much more attractive than the first. My brother, seeing the result of my work, praised me and asked me to give this knife to him. I fulfilled the request without hesitation, because it was at his suggestion that I started doing this.

My knife self made

Then things got more fun. Having mastered some of the subtleties of the process, I improved with each new knife, and some acquaintances, having seen the results of my work, were already ready to pay money for me to make a knife to order. But my activities have not yet gone beyond the scope of a hobby. After all, even despite the fact that I almost everything free time spent in the garage, productivity was extremely low - only 1-2 knives per month. You won't make money from this. And then I decided to take a serious step, since the manufacturing process itself gave me pleasure.

Automation of blade production

To take my small production to a serious level, I needed to purchase a belt sanding machine. The difficulty was that the most unpretentious grindercosts about 15-20 thousand rubles. I had money, so I, enlisting the help of virtual colleagues in the workshop, the same handicraftsmen as me, began to choose a machine for myself, which cost me 17 thousand rubles including delivery.

After I installed grinder in my garage, I realized that making knives by hand and on a machine is like heaven and earth.If earlier for the manufacture of one blade using a file and sandpaper it took me several days, but now in one day of work I could easily fix 5-10 blades, saving a lot of effort.

In addition, blades made on a machine turned out to be much more accurate and of high quality. And there were no problems with the handles, because on grinder Wood can also be sanded.

This is what my workshop looks like today

In a word, the matter became a mess. In the first month of working with grinder I made 6 full-fledged knives. Having presented them to my friends, I instantly received several orders from them ranging from 1.5 to 2.5 thousand rubles. The next month I earned 10 thousand rubles this way. Using a grinding machine, I solved the issue of metalworking, but then I was faced with another problem. I had to carry all the workpieces to work for heat treatment or some kind of forging operations. To solve this problem, I decided to make a forge.

How to make a forge with your own hands

Even a schoolchild can make the simplest blacksmith's forge. I didn’t complicate my life and went exactly this way. After collecting clay, I made a small gutter right next to the garage. The basis of any forge is blowing . I decided to use an old vacuum cleaner with a reverse function for this. I ran a metal tube with holes along the bottom of the clay trench, connected a vacuum cleaner hose to it, and that’s it - the forge is ready. Fill the coals and light it. And although I still took blades to work to heat, because the quality of the blade directly depends on the quality of hardening and tempering, simpler operations, in particular forging and annealing, were carried out. I made it right in the garage.

Where does a blacksmith get orders?

After I fulfilled all the wishes of my friends, a problem arose with new orders. They came to my aid here social media. I created a group where I posted photographs of my work, as well as some tips on production, and quickly gained a small audience, since such things attract the attention of the stronger sex very well.

Examples of my work

Now under each photograph of my work there are several requests for sale at once. I do not inflate the prices of my knives, knowing full well that I am far from the most skilled craftsman in their manufacture. The average price of one knife is 2 thousand rubles; usually about ten pieces can be produced and sold per month. I have already perfected the process of their production to the point of automation, only now I put my own author’s mark on each knife.

Payback of a knife manufacturing business

The profitability turned out to be good. Thus, your costs for grinder and I collected the materials in two months of work. Moreover, now I can afford not to wander around the workshop in search of normal steel, but to order it from suppliers. Just like others necessary materials: leather for the sheath, special oil for impregnating the handles, tapes for grinder and much more. And the most important thing is that the process of making knives itself brings me pleasure and no matter how much I earn from it.

Although during vacation, when there is a lot of free time, my monthly income exceeds my basic salary and is approximately 30-35 thousand rubles, but when I have to combine my hobby with work, my income is approximately half that.

Youtube is the best source of client flow for a private master

Now my plans are to create a channel on youtube , where I want to post videos about making knives and share my experience with novice craftsmen. In order for your videos to be of high quality, you need to purchase a good camera and a tripod. All this pleasure is not cheap, but it is worth it. After all, the channel is on youtube - this is a large number of potential customers plus another opportunity to earn extra money through the affiliate program.

How to turn your hobby into a profitable business

I talked about my experience of how you can convert your own hobby into real serious income. After all, things handmade to order have always had a special value. As an example, we can take consumer goods produced by prisoners in places not so remote. Zonovsky backgammon, rosaries, cards, pens and much more are very expensive, not only because it is all incredibly beautiful, but also because it is exclusive handmade.The master puts his soul into it, so such things are highly valued.

Product worth 2000 rubles

My experience with knives in no way encourages you to grab a file and run to the garage. This is just an example of what the right approach and perseverance, you can easily make sure that your hobby will bring not only positive emotions, but also income. And you can do anything.

For those who love working with wood good option there will be the making of chess and backgammon, but suitable for girls various options handicrafts: embroidery, knitting, beading . For each. There is a demand for a seemingly useless but beautiful trinket, you just need to be able to present it correctly. And if you really like what you do, then nothing and no one can stop you from repeating my experience.

Konstantin Kulikov turned knife sales into a militarized show and managed to stand out among competitors. This allowed him to create production from scratch, which brought him 105.7 million rubles. revenue last year

Konstantin Kulikov (Photo: Sergey Ermokhin for RBC)

The 34-year-old founder of the Kizlyar Supreme company, Konstantin Kulikov, can be seen in the catalogs of his products. Here he is in the form of a cowboy against the backdrop of American nature, here he is in a ninja suit in an abandoned factory. The photographs are usually taken by the entrepreneur’s spouse while traveling. Kulikov says that it’s not a matter of saving on models for photos. Simply bright and non-standard marketing- this is what distinguishes it from numerous competitors, which means you need to do everything yourself. “A knife without history is just a piece of iron,” Kulikov admits.

Seven years ago, the company of Valentin Kulikov, Konstantin’s father, and his two partners “ Manufacturing plant Kizlyar (PP Kizlyar) stopped supplying products to one of its dealers, Kulikov Jr. A corporate conflict began, and the entrepreneur organized his own knife production, Kizlyar Supreme. In 2017, Kizlyar Supreme's revenue exceeded 105.7 million rubles, and its net profit exceeded 8 million rubles; a quarter of sales were exported to the USA, Germany, and Australia.

Fathers and sons

Konstantin Kulikov was born in Kizlyar, Dagestan, and in the Caucasus it is customary to give men knives as gifts. Since 1992, Valentin Kulikov and his friends began to produce them to order on the basis of the local enterprise Energoremont, and in 1998 they opened their own PP Kizlyar, eventually becoming major manufacturer knives (according to SPARK, the company’s revenue in 2016 amounted to 137 million rubles, net profit - 4.7 million rubles).

The family moved to St. Petersburg, and Kulikov Jr. entered the local technical school of industrial technologies, finance and law. He decided to help his father with his business. “In the early 2000s, I immersed myself in the Internet. In Kizlyar at that time, few people knew what a website and email were,” recalls Kulikov. He created an Internet page for the company; the young man was sure that sales of knives could be dramatically increased if they were seriously promoted. During boring lectures at a technical school, he read the book “Fundamentals of Marketing” by Philip Kotler, which he borrowed from his sister.

In 2003, Kulikov entered the Faculty of Business at the Sydney University of Technology - his father paid for his education. In parallel with his studies, Kulikov Jr. studied import markets, participated in exhibitions, showed samples of products from the Caucasus and established contacts with local distributors. Later I traveled to the USA and Germany and met local knife sellers.

He returned to Russia in 2009. “My eyes were burning, I wanted to change the world,” the entrepreneur recalls. First of all, he organized his own online store and translated all the information about knives into English. I decided to work as an independent dealer.

However, it quickly became clear that ideas young man at PP Kizlyar they are receiving hostility. For example, Kulikov Jr. was sure that the names of the knives needed to be changed: “One knife had the name “Sh-7”: “Sh” is wide, and 7 - because it was the seventh in a row during certification,” he recalls .

Delivery and assortment also left much to be desired. “Since the 1990s, the company has operated a forwarding service. The forwarder visited sales points every three months and brought products - he took and showed what he thought was necessary, and not what was in demand,” says Kulikov. At the same time, there were many inaccuracies in the nomenclature and description of products. According to the entrepreneur, the knife could have been coated black, but this was not mentioned in the documents. Sometimes deliveries were delayed for two months from the date of order.

All of Kulikov’s attempts to change something ended in failure - his father, who had 40% of the company, according to SPARK, supported his son’s initiatives, and his partners, who each had 30%, were against it. In the end, a corporate conflict began, and PP Kizlyar stopped supplying Kulikov Jr. with knives for sale. General manager PP Kizlyar Vladimir Derkach refused to comment on the situation for RBC, saying that these are “internal affairs of the company.”

Knives and garages

Olga Moklyak, marketing department manager for the Zlatmax online knife store, estimates sales of tourist and hunting knives in Russia at 1.8 billion rubles. per year. The market is small and very conservative. According to her, the major players in the domestic market are the Vorsma forged knife plant in the Nizhny Novgorod region, A&R in Chelyabinsk region and PP Kizlyar in Dagestan. But in lately More and more small workshops are appearing that produce handmade knives.

For 16 years, Sergei Agafoshin published the specialized magazine “Prorez” about knives. And in 2016, he signed the last issue and opened his own workshop - now he produces expensive handmade knives. The staff is small - only three people, monthly revenue - 100 thousand rubles. Agafoshin claims that he started his business for two reasons: he was always interested in knives, and also because the knife market is developing dynamically. According to him, 50 years ago in the United States there was a boom in “garage” knife production. He expects that this story will repeat itself in Russia.

Russian knives have a good reputation abroad, says Evgeniy Egrashkin, general director of the Nozhikov online store. Many people like their design and quality. According to him, the American knife market is the most progressive and largest in the world. Russian occupies only 5-7% of the world.

According to GOSTs, edged weapons include knives with a blade of at least 90 mm in length, a spine thickness of 2.6 to 6 mm, a blade hardness of at least 42 Rockwell units, as well as a sharpened blade and a safety handle. To purchase and carry such a knife, a license is required, which immediately narrows the sales market. But if you change at least one parameter, then the knife ceases to be considered a bladed weapon, explains Agafoshin.

A knife with history

Kulikov ordered his first knife, called Survivalist, from one of the factories in Guangzhou at the end of 2011. He expected to sell it through PP Kizlyar, but the company refused to cooperate. Australian knife designer Julius Conrad, whom he met while studying in Sydney, helped with the development of the model. For example, he came up with a knife handle, inside of which there is a “survival kit” - matches, plaster, fishing gear, etc.

The first batch was small - only about 1000 knives, but it was quickly sold out, including abroad. The new brand immediately began to be exported to Australia. Sydney distributor Zober Berry was already selling knives from the Kizlyar company and agreed to work with Kizlyar Supreme. And Kulikov met German distributors thanks to Julius Conrad. His cousin Jenny Doepgen and her husband Lothar took Kizlyar Supreme products for sale. From Russian networks, “Old Soldier”, “Soldier of Fortune”, “Splav”, etc. began to sell products.

For each knife, Kulikov began to come up with a name and concept. For example, a company produces a knife called Kid. The catalog describes it as “a small but very durable knife capable of doing some serious work.” Or the Aggressor knife - “powerful and aggressive, can be used in special forces.”

Kizlyar Supreme's key marketing tool initially became specialized exhibitions around the world. To stand out from other companies, Kulikov puts on a show for them. Kyzlyar Supreme employees put on green berets, dress in khakis, hang up fake grenades, and use old Soviet boxes for gas masks and weapons instead of display cases. Against the backdrop of this surroundings, a representative of the company sits and sharpens knives.

“I remember at the first Moscow exhibition “Blade” in 2012, competitors came up, laughed at us, and asked: did you even serve in the army?” - recalls Kulikov. He did not serve in the army, but played a lot in computer games, For example Splinter cell. It turned out that this “game” approach allows you to attract attention, and the costs are low - only a few tens of thousands of rubles for clothes and boxes.

“Recently, Russia has begun to behave aggressively on the international stage, and foreigners are sometimes simply shocked by our outfits. But the effect only intensifies - they recognize us. There are clients who say that they come to the exhibition just to look at our mini-show,” says Kulikov.

Photo: courtesy of the press service

For all trading partners, the entrepreneur has opened access to a server on which professional photographs, catalogs and detailed descriptions knives. “We make their life easier: after all, they should mind their own business - sales, not marketing, coming up with descriptions of knives for their online store,” explains Kulikov.

The key problem of the market is the low level of knowledge about knives among ordinary sellers. “Staff turnover doesn’t ensure that people even know what they’re selling—sometimes they don’t care, which means sales can’t be successful,” says Kulikov. To solve this problem, several times a year Kizlyar Supreme employees come to the office of trading partners and give lectures about knives.

Bloggers and specialized media help with promotion. At first, Kulikov sat on specialized Internet forums and advertised his knives himself, and when video bloggers appeared reviewing products, he began giving them knives for free. He also collaborates with specialized Western press. Distributes knives for testing to French Survival, American Blade and Knives Illustrated, German Messer Magazin and others.

All these steps do not seem innovative, but in the conservative market of knives, few people are seriously engaged in promotion, admits Evgeniy Egrashkin.

Outsourcing challenges

During the first year of work, Kulikov produced 10 thousand knives. They were made to order in parts at several Russian and Chinese enterprises; for example, the blades were made by three manufacturers. We collected knives in a warehouse in St. Petersburg.

The disadvantages of this approach soon became apparent. For example, one of the manufacturers overheated the blade and the knives turned out to be fragile. Kulikov recalls that he came to the cinema, but could not watch the film, because he received a message with a video from a friend about how a blogger easily breaks his knife. I had to urgently recall the batch.

Another time, Chinese sheath manufacturers failed. Together with a designer from Japan, the entrepreneur came up with new look scabbard and ordered a batch of 5,000 pieces from manufacturers from China. They arrived in St. Petersburg with a delay of two months, and due to the humidity on the ship, their surface was covered with fungus. Kulikov and his staff had to clean each case by hand. “Little mistakes and mistakes kept popping up,” he recalls.

International brands produced products mainly in China. And Kulikov realized that he needed to organize his own production in Russia: this would save him from the difficulties of outsourcing, and would also be a plus when promoting abroad - to Russian knives They treat them better there than in China.

Photo: Sergey Ermokhin for RBC

My father helped with the launch of production - he allocated 20 acres for the construction of a workshop in Kizlyar and 3 million rubles. Another $100 thousand was invested by Kulikov Jr. himself. Now 30% of Kizlyar Supreme LLC belongs to Kulikov Sr., 70% to Jr.

In the summer of 2013, the first container with equipment, grinding wheels and belts was delivered to the territory of the new Kizlyar Supreme workshop, and a digital hardening furnace for blades was installed. Opening our own production allowed us not only to solve current problems, but also increased production volumes - now they produce 4,000 knives per month.

Elena Pasashnikova became production director in 2015. A female leader is very rare for Dagestan, says Kulikov. In addition to her, the plant employs 38 people. Kulikov says he knows every employee and tries to motivate them. For example, it records feedback from distributors at exhibitions and shows it to workers on the shop floor. “People need to know who they are working for,” he explains.

The average cost of a knife is 3-4 thousand rubles. The company is currently producing hunting knives, throwing and tourist. Kizlyar Supreme products are sold mainly through Russian partners and its own website. The wholesale sales channel accounts for 40% of the revenue, the online store brings in 25%, another 25% comes from exports (approval for the export of products structurally similar to weapons must be obtained from a division of the Russian Guard), the rest is government order. In the fall of 2015, knives from Kizlyar Supreme became part of the combat equipment of Russian servicemen, the so-called kit of the soldier of the future. The company does not have a direct contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense; it acts as a subcontractor.

Now Kulikov plans to produce not only tourist knives, but also kitchen knives. The samples are already ready. He sees China as the key market. “Competition in the market for kitchen knives is high, because they are easier to produce, but there are few high-quality knives, which means we have room to grow,” says Kulikov. Entrepreneur counts on growing Chinese middle class. According to him, his representatives prefer foreign brands.

View from the outside

“They know how to attract attention”

Evgeny Egrashkin, general director of the online store “Nozhikov”

“Kulikov did the right thing by opening Kizlyar Supreme. The Kizlyar enterprise is a historically established brand, large and clumsy; its products are quite difficult to transform into something modern. Kizlyar Supreme, on the contrary, is changing rapidly. For example, their first products made in China had quality problems. But when they built production in Russia, the quality improved. The advantage of the company is that they do not stand still and experiment, constantly trying to release something new, and they are doing well at it. They respond quickly to customer complaints. For example, at one of the exhibitions we asked them to make the Sturm knife from higher quality steel, and also to change the knife trigger. They listened to us and changed the metal. Recently they have greatly expanded their range, but at the same time there has been a shortage of goods in stock. They also take an unusual approach to promotion. For example, at exhibitions they dress up as soldiers or dress up in other costumes. It is impossible to walk past them at large events and not notice them. They know how to attract attention."

Attachments: from 290,000 rubles

Payback: from 4 months

A knife is the oldest cutting tool. Despite centuries-old history, appearance it remained almost unchanged. The basis is still the blade and the handle. At the same time, the scope of application of the tools is varied: housekeeping, hunting, fishing. Therefore, the business related to the production of knives will always be relevant.

Business concept

The business idea is related to opening a knife manufacturing enterprise different shapes and appointments. The main buyers will be individuals purchasing household appliances, as well as fishing, hunting and other stores.

Production always starts with a blank. You can make it yourself or buy it ready-made. After the type of future knife is determined, steel is selected, and a pattern is made from a piece of metal.

But first, the raw material is put under a roller weighing 80 tons. The result is a flattened plate on which the contours of the workpiece are traced. Steel for production is sold in sheet form.

After this, the workpiece goes through the stages of drilling, a hole is cut in it to attach the handle. The blade is then heat treated. The resulting shape is ground and pre-turned. At the final stage of blade manufacturing, polishing is carried out.

In addition to the blade, the knife also consists of a handle. The cheapest material used to make handles is plastic. But wood is considered traditional, although more expensive. Which specific material to choose depends on the quality finished product. For example, wood goes well with metal. But this does not mean that a plastic handle can only be found on cheap items.

At the last stage, the knife undergoes final processing, is packaged, transferred to a warehouse for storage or directly to the point of sale.

The quality of the final product depends entirely on compliance with the technological process.

What will be required for implementation?

First of all, you need to decide on the type of knives that will be manufactured at the enterprises. For example, it makes no sense to master the technology for producing collectible knives at the initial stage of business development, since it will take a long time to find buyers for such products. But kitchen knives and hunting cleavers will find use among consumers and will be purchased.

  • grinder with discs;
  • drill or screwdriver;
  • grinding machine;
  • engraver with different attachments;
  • grinder (grinding machine);
  • electric jigsaw;
  • band saw.

As for the raw materials, for example, to make traditional kitchen knives, you need steel with a hardness of 48-50 HRC. If hunting is done, then this figure should be higher. During operation, the knife should not lose its original shape and should not rust from detergents or other household products, sharpens well, etc. The strongest and most frequently used steel grades are CPM, S30V, 154 CM.

As for handles, you can buy a special line for their production or order ready-made handles from other manufacturers. When starting a business, it is more profitable to purchase ready-made equipment. And the technology for independent production of handles can be mastered a little later, when the company begins to achieve self-sufficiency and make a profit.

Step-by-step launch instructions

  1. Registration. Before starting a business, register with tax authorities, receive individual entrepreneur status. OKVED code 28.6 “Production of cutlery and cutlery.”
  2. Room. Despite the fact that a knife is a fairly compact tool, its manufacture requires a large number of different machines and devices. To place all the equipment, you will need to rent a room with an area of ​​at least 60 m². The work involved in knife making is very noisy, so don't try to rent a room in the basement of a multi-story building. Better look for a place on the outskirts settlement. Rent is cheaper there too.
  3. Equipment and materials. Equipment costs will be about 82,000 rubles. Of these: Bulgarian – 10,000 rubles; drill – 5,000 rub.; sharpening machine - 20,000 rubles; engraver – 12,000 rubles; grinder – 18,000 rub.; jigsaw – 7,000 rub.; band saw – 10,000 rub. It is better to purchase steel from the manufacturer in bulk. It's much more profitable this way. First, decide on the grades of steel that are needed for production. After that, find several suppliers, compare prices, conditions and product quality. Only make a choice based on all these criteria. The same applies to the materials that will be used in the manufacture of handles. To purchase raw materials, you will need about 50,000 rubles in the first month of work (the cheapest workpiece will cost about 500 rubles, the expensive one - from 5,000 or more; handles - from 300 to 2,500 rubles). Purchase material with a supply of 2-3 months.
  4. Staff. To work in a small workshop, it is enough to hire two craftsmen who have skills in working with all of the above tools. The manager can conduct accounting independently, or use the services of a visiting accountant, concluding agreements for the provision of professional services by a specialist at the end of the reporting period.
  5. Advertising. Before starting a knife manufacturing enterprise, you need to know exactly who the end consumer of the goods will be: housewives, professional chefs, hunters, fishermen, etc. The best source of attracting customers and sales will be an online store. Firstly, you won’t have to spend money on renting additional premises or furnishing them. Secondly, you will not need to look for large wholesale buyers, running around the city and without getting off your phone. You can even organize advertising via the Internet. Pay attention to various thematic communities on cooking, hunting and other topics where knives can be discussed.

Financial calculations

Starting capital

Monthly expenses

How much can you earn?

In a month, the company can produce up to 100 pieces of products. The average cost of one knife ranges from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles. At the same time, its cost will not exceed 800-900 rubles. Consequently, from one unit of goods you can earn up to 600 - 1,500 rubles (net profit about 80,000 rubles).

Payback period

The profitability of such production will actually be high (about 45%), and the return on the initial investment will not exceed 4-5 months.

Business Features

The main risk involved this business, is associated with fairly high competition. Today, many craftsmen are engaged in similar activities at home. They don't pay taxes, but they make a good income selling homemade knives. Companies engaged in mass production of cutlasses for the kitchen, hunting, etc. also compete.


To bring an enterprise to a decent level, you will need to produce only high-quality products. Every customer must be satisfied.

Despite possible difficulties, the production of knives is profitable business, which will quickly pay for itself and begin to generate stable profits. After the return on investment, it is worth thinking about expanding the workshop, scaling up production, and making it serial.

Today the market is full of products that are Chinese. Of course, knives are no exception, but large quantity product quality suffers. Therefore, many are increasingly turning to designer products, the quality of which cannot be doubted.

It is for this reason that it is considered beneficial to create something without leaving home. So making knives at home can become both a favorite activity and bring a good income. After all, such products will be used by hunters, fishermen, tourists, and simply connoisseurs of beauty.

Will making your own knives be difficult?

Will need to purchase necessary equipment, dexterity and desire to start earning money on your own. With experience, making knives no longer seems difficult, although initially the process will not be easy. The material that can be used for products is wood for handles, steel for blades. For example, beech wood is a good choice because it is easy for beginners to work with. In order to set up production, you will need to purchase the required tools and materials. Although, initially it’s worth trying yourself in this matter by making a couple of test models. Many masters talk about the simplicity of the process, so you just need to master the skill.

How to make money on knives?

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2.1.4. The site administration does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the User.
2.2. The procedure for obtaining consent to the processing of personal data and their processing:
2.2.1. Filling out any form by the User on the Site means the Organization gives consent to the processing of his personal data and with this Privacy Policy and the terms of processing of the User’s personal data, since filling out a form on the Site by the User means a conclusive action of the User expressing his will and consent to the processing of his personal data.
2.2.2. In case of disagreement with the terms of the Privacy Policy and withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data, the User must send an email to: by mail and/or to the postal address of the Organization an application for withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data.
2.2.3. The User's consent to the use of his personal data may be stored by the Organization in paper and/or electronic form.
2.2.4. The User’s consent to the processing of personal data is valid for 5 years from the date of receipt of personal data by the Organization. After specified period the validity of the consent is considered extended for every next five years in the absence of information about its withdrawal.
2.2.5. Processing of the User’s personal data without their consent is carried out in following cases:
Personal data is publicly available.
At the request of authorized government bodies in cases provided for by federal law.
The processing of personal data is carried out for statistical purposes, subject to the mandatory anonymization of personal data.
In other cases provided by law.
2.2.6. In addition to personal data, when visiting the Site, non-personal data is collected, since it is collected automatically by the web server on which the site is located, CMS (content management system) tools, and third-party scripts installed on the site. Data collected automatically includes: IP address and country of registration, domain name from which the User navigated to the organization’s websites, visitors’ transitions from one page of the site to another, information that the Visitor’s browser provides voluntarily when visiting the site, cookies ), visits and other data collected by third-party analytics counters installed on the site are recorded. This data is non-personal in nature and is aimed at improving service to the User, improving the usability of the site, and analyzing traffic. This data is collected automatically; the User can prevent the sending of this data by disabling cookies in the browser in which the site is opened.
2.2.7. Procedure for processing personal data:
Only employees of the Organization who are authorized to work with Users’ personal data and who have signed a non-disclosure agreement regarding Users’ personal data may have access to the processing of Users’ personal data.
The list of employees of the Organization who have access to personal data of Users is determined by order of the Heads of the Organization.
The processing of Users’ personal data may be carried out solely for the purposes established by this policy and subject to compliance with laws and other regulations. Russian Federation.


3.1. This Privacy Policy establishes the obligations of the Site Administration to non-disclose and ensure a regime for protecting the confidentiality of personal data that the User provides when filling out any form on the Site.
3.2. Personal data permitted for processing under this Privacy Policy is provided by the User by filling out the registration form on the Site and includes the following information:
3.2.1. last name, first name, patronymic of the User.
3.2.2. User's contact phone number.
3.2.3. address email(e-mail).
3.3. Any other personal information not specified above is subject to secure storage and non-distribution, except for the cases provided for in clause 2.5. of this Privacy Policy.


4.1. The Site Administration may use the User’s personal data for the following purposes:
4.1.1. Establishments with the User feedback, including sending notifications, requests regarding the use of the Site, provision of services, processing requests and applications from the User.
4.1.2. Carrying out advertising activities with the consent of the User.
4.1.3. Registration of the User on the Organization's Websites to receive individual services.
4.1.4. Conducting other transactions not prohibited by law, as well as a set of actions with personal data necessary for the execution of these transactions.


5.1. The processing of the User's personal data is carried out without a time limit, in any legal way, including in personal data information systems using automation tools or without the use of such tools.
5.2. In case of loss or disclosure of personal data, the Site Administration informs the User about the loss or disclosure of personal data.
5.3. The site administration takes the necessary organizational and technical measures to protect the User’s personal information from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other unlawful actions of third parties.


6.1. The user is obliged:
6.1.1. Provide information about personal data necessary to use the Site.
6.1.2. Update, supplement the provided information about personal data if this information changes.
6.2. The site administration is obliged to:
6.2.1. Use the information received solely for the purposes specified in clause 4 of this Privacy Policy.
6.2.2. Ensure that confidential information is kept secret, not disclosed without the prior written permission of the User, and not sold, exchanged, published, or otherwise disclosed possible ways transferred personal data of the User, except for the cases specified in clause 2.5. of this Privacy Policy.
6.2.3. Take precautions to protect the confidentiality of the User's personal data in accordance with the procedure usually used to protect this type of information in existing business transactions.
6.2.4. Block and/or delete personal data relating to the relevant User from the moment of application or request by the User or his legal representative or an authorized body for the protection of the rights of personal subjects.


7.1. The site administration that fails to fulfill its obligations is liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, except for the cases provided for in clause 2.5. and 7.2. of this Privacy Policy.
7.2. In case of loss or disclosure of Confidential Information, the Site Administration is not responsible if this confidential information:
7.2.1. Became public domain until it was lost or disclosed.
7.2.2. Was received from a third party before it was received by the Site Administration.
7.2.3. Was disclosed with the consent of the User.


8.1. Before filing a claim in court regarding disputes arising from the relationship between the Site User and the Site Administration, it is mandatory to submit a claim (a written proposal for a voluntary settlement of the dispute).
8.2. Recipient of the claim within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the claim, notifies the claimant in writing about the results of consideration of the claim.
8.3. If no agreement is reached, the dispute will be referred to judicial body in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
8.4. The current legislation of the Russian Federation applies to this Privacy Policy and the relationship between the User and the Site Administration.


9.1. The site administration has the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy without the consent of the User.
9.2. New Policy confidentiality comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Site, unless otherwise provided by the new edition of the Privacy Policy.