Drawing up a psychological portrait of Zhirinovsky’s personality. Political analysis

On April 25, Vladimir Zhirinovsky celebrated his 70th birthday. The head of the oldest party with a name that does not correspond to the content, he, in the words of Pushkin, is a friend of paradoxes. Brilliant stands and charming man, at the same time a master of disgusting acts, a king and a jester all rolled into one.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky at the exhibition dedicated to his 25th anniversary political activity.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky, awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky, at the state awards ceremony in the Catherine Hall of the Kremlin.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky in his youth.

LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky during a meeting with the leader of the Libyan revolution, head of the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Muammar Gaddafi, 1995.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky with his wife and son celebrating his birthday at the Budapest restaurant, 1994.

LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky takes part in the picketing of the Japanese Embassy in Moscow under the slogan “The Kuril Islands are the land of Russia,” 1992.

LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky at a plenary meeting of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

A three-meter sculpture of LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky, cast in bronze, as a gift from sculptor Zurab Tsereteli for the politician’s 70th birthday.

Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky is the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, formerly deputy chairman of the Duma. Doctor of philosophical science. Four times a contender for the presidency Russian Federation. Knight of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.
Biography of Zhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich: early years
Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky (according to some sources, previously bore the surname Eidelstein) was born on April 25, 1946 in the city of Alma-Ata. Father died in car accident . Has two brothers and three sisters. Graduated from school in 1964. Deciding to continue his education in the capital, he entered the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​at Moscow State University. Graduated with honors (Faculty of History and Philology). Zhirinovsky studied, among other things, Turkish language and literature, French
In 1972, he entered the evening department of the Law Faculty of Moscow State University, from which he also graduated with excellent marks. Studied at the University of Marxism-Leninism. The first work in Zhirinovsky’s biography is the Soviet Peace Committee. In 1975, Vladimir Volfovich went to work at High school trade union movement, in 1983 - to the Mir publishing house. He tried to become the director of a publishing house, but contrary to expectations, he failed to get the number of votes required for this.
Start year political biography Vladimir Zhirinovsky can be considered 1989. With his participation, the Liberal Democratic Party was founded, and a year later Zhirinovsky became its permanent chairman. She acted as a strong opponent of the agreements concluded in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. At the moment of opposition from the Supreme Council, the presidents took the side of Boris Yeltsin. Vladimir Volfovich has repeatedly called for the dissolution and ban Communist Party
. In addition, he acted as a supporter of burying the body of Vladimir Lenin and called for the overthrow of the government. Expressed support for Saddam Hussein. Zhirinovsky was banned from entering the territory of Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Zhirinovsky first entered the Duma in 1993, then was re-elected (1995, 1999, 2000). In the winter of 2000, he became deputy chairman of the State Duma and for this reason left the leadership of the LDPR faction, transferring the leadership functions to his son. Liberal Democratic Party long time managed to maintain a presence in
State Duma
, however, the number of deputies represented there has declined over the years. Thus, in 1993, the Liberal Democratic faction was the largest, and in the State Duma of the fifth convocation the LDPR was represented by only forty deputies.
Biography of Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky: mature years Zhirinovsky's biography began with the presidential elections. Vladimir Volfovich applied for the position of head of state four times. He first ran for this post in 1991. In the 1996 elections, Zhirinovsky received just over five percent of the vote (Boris Yeltsin won then). In 2000, the result was even more modest - about two percent. Another liberal democrat, Oleg Malyshkin, took part in the 2004 elections instead of Zhirinovsky.
Finally, in 2008, Zhirinovsky again applied for the post of head of state and received about nine percent of the votes. In 2005, Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky became one of the politicians - members of the Council for the Implementation of National Projects. Academician of the Russian Academy of Social Sciences. Zhirinovsky is a Doctor of Philosophy, the author of a number of works in the field of politics, philosophy and history. In 2001 presented to the public full meeting essays. He has the title of Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation. Speaks English, French, Turkish, German languages . Winner of a number of awards (including state ones): Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, Zhukov Medal, Anatoly Koni Medal, Order for Personal Courage, Order of Honor and Glory, II degree, Order of Honor. Reserve Colonel. IN free time
loves to travel, enjoys shooting, tennis, and volleyball. Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky has been married for many years. His wife, Galina Aleksandrovna, is engaged in science and has a PhD degree biological sciences
. The son, Igor Lebedev, is also involved in politics.

Several songs have been written about Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky, among the most famous are “Eh, Vladimir Volfovich” (group “Parrot”). In 2006, an ice cream named after him, “Zhirik,” was released.
Appearance. Naturally appearance Vladimir Zhirinovsky is a classic suit - this is required by the position. But there is always some little thing that says something. For example, his red tie. Red is a bright, eye-catching color, and the tie sits symmetrically on it. You can even compare Zhirinovsky and Prokhorov: how Zhirinovsky’s tie fits and how Prokhorov’s tie fits, Zhirinovsky’s is dressed symmetrically, evenly and beautifully, while Prokhorov’s is dressed crookedly, a little twisted. V. Zhirinovsky also likes to wear some kind of colored shirt, yellow color

or even multi-colored and even checkered. And also his jacket, red and yellow. These are the ones that catch the eye, they immediately attract attention. Zhirinovsky points to. In his behavior one can see a lot of gestures, and we know that the hysterical cannot help but accompany his speech with gestures. Vladimir Zhirinovsky has a lot of them. He considers himself the best politician, he is the one who knows everything about foreign policy and so on. While participating in debates, he interrupts, corrects his opponent, begins to raise his voice, presenting himself as an all-knowing politician, and, naturally, others as inferior to himself. Hysterics are scandalous people; judging by the way Zhirinovsky behaves at debates, he loves to make scandals.

Gestures Zhirinovsky is very mobile, smooth and wide. Great amount . He controls his hands well, some are smooth gestures, some are sharp, not slow.
he cannot help but attract attention, as he sharply raises the tone of his voice, yells, screams, starting to interrupt his opponent, he raises the tone of his voice and it becomes many times higher than that of his opponent.
Facial expressions its dynamic, changeable. Starting from a calm smile and ending with anger and rage. Suitable for his role.

First of all, you should give a small historical information about the process of Zhirinovsky’s emergence as Russian political leader.

In April 1967, when Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky was only 21 years old, he sent a large letter to the CPSU Central Committee addressed to L. I. Brezhnev himself, in which it was proposed to carry out reforms in the field of education, urban life, Agriculture. But they “explained” to him in the department of universities of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU that his proposals were “unrealistic in terms of financial, as well as some political reasons" This episode, in fact, became the beginning of Mr. Zhirinovsky’s very conscious engagement with politics from the point of view of liberalism.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky. My hero

Vladimir Zhirinovsky

In 1977, he was already planning to join a small informal political group, which was headed by some Anatoly Anisimov, however, he did not have time, since this group had already been dispersed. Following this, V.V. Zhirinovsky, already at the very end of the 80s, participated in the work of the Founding Congress of the Democratic Union Party, but quickly realized that he had very little in common with the majority of its participants. And around May 1988, Zhirinovsky drew up a draft program of activity for the Social Democratic Party in the form of a small leaflet, however, after some time he decided that this “Westernizing” trend could be very destructive for our country.

He traveled a lot, spoke at numerous stands, and at numerous rallies that were organized various movements and in batches. This allowed him to take his first step towards creating his own party, and in the spring of 1989, together with Mr. Bogachev, who broke away from the Democratic Party (headed by U. Ubozhko), Vladimir Zhirinovsky was able to create an initiative group to create the Liberal Democratic Party. On December 13, 1989, at the first organizational congress of the LDP, he was elected its chairman.

The Liberal Democratic Party arose when the Soviet Union still existed, therefore, at its first, founding congress, it took the name “Liberal Democratic Party Soviet Union". By the time of the first congress, the party had already united more than three thousand people from thirty-one regions of the entire country. In fact, this Liberal Democratic Party of the Soviet Union was the very first democratic opposition in the Soviet Union.

In the Russian presidential elections, which took place on June 12, 1991, the virtually unknown Zhirinovsky scored phenomenally a large number of votes (7.81 percent), 0n was able to take third position after Yeltsin and Ryzhkov. What gave him the opportunity to collect six million votes? Everything, as it turned out, is quite simple: in your own election campaign Vladimir Zhirinovsky exploited the sentiments of the masses, that is, he bet on the possibility of stopping the collapse of the Union, and many people wanted to return everything that was before - and as a result, the Liberal Democratic Party declared itself, according to Vladimir Zhirinovsky, as the “third strength."

That is, we can say that Vladimir Zhirinovsky quickly burst into the political life of Russia. By this time he was already forty years old, the age of mental and physical maturity. He was the first of all the political figures of those times to create a new democratic political party - the LDPR, and developed its program and concept. A significant merit of Zhirinovsky, as well as his party, is the decisive defense of the Russian people, upholding their dignity and national interests, and efforts to quickly save Russia from demographic collapse. “I will defend the Russians,” Vladimir Zhirinovsky began his independent political activity with this slogan. At the same time, he advocated for equal rights for all existing indigenous residents of the Russian Federation, fought for significant improvement financial situation main groups of the population, demanded to curb the insatiable appetite of the oligarchs who stole national wealth, as well as their servants - the bureaucracy and officials. The great merit of Zhirinovsky and the Liberal Democratic Party is also that they raised high the banner of patriotism, which made it possible to begin, albeit very slowly, the revival of Russia.

Let us next turn our attention to the elections to the State Duma, which took place on December 12, 1993. Here we are again faced with the so-called “Zhirinovsky phenomenon”. How come this time the LDPR took first place, receiving sixty deputy mandates and twenty-five percent of the votes. What is the secret of such a sharp rise? Everything is quite simple. Since 1991, the LDPR was able to organize a network of branches throughout Russia, which carried out powerful campaigning.

In the State Duma, from the very beginning of its activities, the LDPR faction was in opposition. She often acted as a balancer when voting on complex resolutions and bills. Zhirinovsky and other LDPR deputies paid much attention to protecting Russia’s national interests, as well as the existing social demands of the country’s residents. Vladimir Zhirinovsky consistently pursued a course towards stabilizing the political and economic situation in Russia, and more than once played a major role in preventing the slide Russian society to forceful methods of solving problems.

Political Views

Vladimir Volfovich has repeatedly spoken out about the need to introduce extraordinary laws or very radical changes to existing ones, for example:

  1. Termination of financing of other states (including also South Ossetia), and those released cash to guide the rise of the Russian economy;
  2. Lifting the current moratorium on the use of the death penalty. In response to the main argument of opponents of the death penalty, that due to a mistake or conspiracy, an innocent person might be executed, Zhirinovsky suggested that the judge who pronounced the wrong death sentence should automatically sentence him to death. This measure, according to Vladimir Zhirinovsky, will completely eliminate the imposition of erroneous death sentences. Another measure proposed by Zhirinovsky to combat crime is to lower the age after which criminal liability, up to twelve years;
  3. Carrying out criminal prosecution of politicians who did not fulfill their election promises;
  4. Implementing the unification of regions by creating seven to twelve provinces, refusing to divide the state along national lines, pursuing a policy of gradual assimilation of all existing small nations. Subsequently, to some extent, this was embodied in the creation of federal districts;
  5. Zhirinovsky points to the need for Belarus and Ukraine to join Russia as newly created federal districts.

Zhirinovsky in 2006 supported the adoption of a PACE resolution that condemned the “crimes of communist totalitarian regimes.” He was the only one in the entire Russian delegation who supported this resolution (the rest were against it). Zhirinovsky called on PACE to arrest Gennady Zyuganov, who participated in the session.

Heights reached

In a very short period of time, Zhirinovsky became the most famous throughout the world Russian politician. Life decreed in such a way that during a difficult period in the development of the Motherland, Vladimir Zhirinovsky was able to find himself, as they say, in the right place, at the right time and the necessary person-politician for it. At present, one can already appreciate his great contribution to the fate of the country, its state and social development. Great politicians emerge in society at the most critical stages of its development. Vladimir Zhirinovsky was able to break into Russian political life precisely during the critical years when the state was on the verge of collapse. The feeling of love for the Motherland called him to protect it, to save it from final collapse. The LDPR, created and nurtured by him himself, which, under his strict leadership, turned into a very influential political force, without even becoming ruling, played a big role in the turnaround. Russian state to restoration as the great power it had been for many centuries. For this alone, Vladimir Zhirinovsky was able to earn universal recognition in our society.

The LDPR ideology program he developed is a guiding thread for Russia. The main point of his concept is the transformation of Russia into a single, strong, democratic, prosperous state, as well as promoting the revival of the Russian people, who have lost hundreds of millions of people due to wars and revolutions that have occurred over the last century. These conceptual guidelines helped to attract many millions of supporters to the LDPR side, and were also able to influence the entire existing range of political forces in Russia. Most of the existing party and political forces in Russia, including government circles, have at least verbally accepted these guidelines and even sometimes pass them off as their own. This confirms the famous statement that the ideology is correct and vital, which corresponds to existing realities, as well as trends in further development. The ideology developed by Vladimir Zhirinovsky suggests that he acts as a major thinker of the current era.

The promotion of Vladimir Zhirinovsky to the forefront of domestic and international political life is associated with his outstanding abilities and quality politician, and as a leader of the mass political party, both as a profound theorist and as a brilliant speaker. In his public speeches, and they happen almost every day, he gives a bright and piercing truth about the events of the present time, conveys it to many millions of our fellow citizens, despite the presence of fierce opposition from many means mass media. This truth reaches many millions of people in other countries. His oral speeches, as well as printed works, are distributed in the most remote corners of our planet. More famous politicians than Vladimir Zhirinovsky in the world, apparently, no.

The role of personality characteristics

If we consider Zhirinovsky as a political leader more personally and specifically, then among those available he natural qualities it is necessary to highlight the following:

  1. Decisiveness and at the same time a certain strange and slightly “nervous” manner of behavior, because of which last years and his rating was able to decrease;
  2. The presence to some extent of personal magnetism, which is skillfully used by Zhirinovsky, especially when making “outreach to the common people”: many people are imbued with the speeches he makes, very harsh statements, as well as criticism in various directions;
  3. Among the available moral qualities one can note greater patriotism, because neither in the speeches nor in numerous publications of the LDPR does anything play such a role as Russia itself.

Among him professional qualities one can note a sense of humor and enthusiasm.

We can also add that Vladimir Zhirinovsky is characterized by the presence of irrepressible energy and efficiency, enormous organizational talent, the greatest courage, boldness, determination, the ability to calculate his own moves far in advance and an amazing gift of foresight.

Let's analyze the political psychological portrait V. Zhirinovsky based on theoretical calculations and data given in the previous paragraph. We will carry out the analysis in terms of such characteristics as:

Need-motivational sphere;

Cognitive processes;

Behavior in extreme situations;

Leadership style;

Emotional sphere.

The need for power, to achieve one's goals, for recognition, approval and love from other people, a high self-evaluation and the desire to constantly increase it, to compensate in cases where it is underestimated. It is the need for compensation and overcompensation for traumatized self-esteem that is a powerful internal generator that motivates Zhirinovsky to active political activity. The need for power most likely arose during the process of upbringing in the family as compensation for feelings of disadvantage and inferiority. The parents and immediate circle behaved with the child as “winners” (that is, they sought to satisfy their “I want the way I want”, but with the use of violence - according to the “must” principle), forcing him to accept only their conditions.

Driven inside by violence, sympathetic energy, like a compressed spring, breaks out in the form of aggression, sweeping sobriety of thought, morality, and will out of its path. The main thing is to triumph and become a “winner” like your parents. Such an attitude towards a child is immoral, although he himself does not consider other relationships to be the norm. He prefers, at all costs, to stand out, rise, and earn the sympathy of society only after a struggle, as a “winner.” If he is determined to fight, and they immediately agree with him, it is not interesting for him: his victory has been “stolen.” He will simply get out of this situation, since he needs not so much the result as the process itself. Initially Zhirinovsky knows social norms and standards, but it is precisely by denying them, formulating and asserting his own, that he feels like a “winner.”

Cognitive processes. Of paramount importance are such aspects of Zhirinovsky’s thinking as stereotyping, a tendency to simplify, analyticity, and productivity. Stereotypical thinking in the election race of December 1993 gave him particular popularity among certain people and paved the way to their hearts." ordinary people", which, in turn, had an indirect effect on his political behavior. Zhirinovsky's style of making political decisions is characterized by such features as flexibility, speed, and an appetite for risk. His perception of information has the end result of a rather complex and contradictory system of images, which largely determines his political behavior. The images of the “enemy” and the “hostile environment” occupy an important place in Zhirinovsky’s worldview.

Behavior in extreme situations. Shows such traits as determination, resistance to distress, a calm attitude towards failure, and the ability for flexible tactical and strategic maneuvering. Having lived for almost forty years as a practically loser, Zhirinovsky developed a relatively even and calm attitude towards failures and a strong attitude that every effort must be made to get out of the life crisis and fight for his social and political self-affirmation and elevation.

Failures, being a stress-forming factor for any person, putting him in a state of crisis, naturally require the development of an integral strategy and tactics for overcoming it. Zhirinovsky’s personality is also distinguished by his high ability for tactical maneuvering. Flexibility, the ability to find a successful move, even one that at first glance contradicts the chosen strategy, the ability to speak the “right” language with various groups of citizens, the ability to enter into an alliance with anyone to achieve success or personal gain - all these are important components of his political appearance.

Leadership style should be viewed through interpersonal style. While there is not enough necessary and sufficient information to draw conclusions on these positions, we can already talk about his visible inclination towards an authoritarian leadership style. Actually, this is his defining socio-psychological characteristic as a party leader. Despite the varied tactics of behavior, he developed his own style interpersonal communication. We can say that he knows how to establish conflict-free relationships with everyone - both “his own” and “strangers” - but at the same time he trusts only himself and relies only on himself. IN interpersonal relationships manifests himself as persistent, intolerant of competition, not influenced by other people, and is skeptical about the moral motives of the behavior of others.

Linguistic and behavioral characteristics observed visually, Zhirinovsky is characterized by imagery, brightness, emotionality, persuasiveness of speech, and the ability to joke effectively.

What distinguishes him is his ability to feel an audience close to him in emotions, and the ability to address it. Relaxation, unique charm, and eccentric behavior largely influence the popularity of the LDPR leader in certain groups of the population. At the same time, Zhirinovsky’s behavior almost always indicates his internal state, psychological well-being.

Features of the emotional sphere. Zhirinovsky is distinguished by bright, strong emotions. Quickly responds to any events taking place. Your mood can fluctuate greatly throughout the day. Expression is inappropriately expressive. Emotional experiences are stormy, vivid, but not necessarily sincere. Apparently, we can talk about unstable emotionality in a conflicting combination of multidirectional tendencies: high level claims to social and political significance are combined with the need to participate in the group interests of one’s electorate, selfishness - with altruistic declarations, aggressiveness - with the desire to please others. Zhirinovsky's passion, creative inclinations, and intellectual qualities developed against the background of distrust, suspicion, and often tyranny and irritability. Being arrogant, he fixates on negative emotions(grudge, jealousy, envy).

Thus, we can distinguish the following character traits personality of V. Zhirinovsky. His thinking is structured and logical. He is able to quickly delve into the essence of what is happening, separate the main from the secondary, and concentrate mental efforts on a priority direction. Independent in assessments and judgments, does not recognize authorities. I am convinced of the value and objectivity of only my own conclusions. Attempts by opponents to challenge or at least correct his point of view are disgustingly rejected by him, according to the principle “there is no point in arguing, do as you are told.”

If he gives up a position, he concedes, then it is to an obviously stronger opponent, with whom he considers it tactically inappropriate to “butt heads”. But even then, agreeing in words, he internally remains unconvinced by his opinion, reserving it for better times, when it can triumph.

Zhirinovsky is a master of political tactics and an outstanding political strategist. Being a non-Russian person (not only genetically, but mainly mentally - he is European), Vladimir Volfovich managed not only to attract the attention of a significant part of the original Russian population, but also to make these people fall in love with him. It’s paradoxical, but true: the grimacing, caricatured Zhirinovsky seriously touches some deep strings of the Russian soul.

It seems that the potential of this person’s influence on others is far from exhausted. If he becomes the country's president, his popularity and trust ratings will grow faster than those of Vladimir Putin, who is serving his first presidential term. And not because Putin then emerged into the world from a political basement, and Zhirinovsky - famous character, broadcasting to the people from almost every switched-on iron. Zhirinovsky is one of those rare lucky people who are loved unconditionally and even despite obvious flaws. But Putin always has to prove something to someone, convince, win sympathy at the cost of intense effort.

Thus, summarizing the above, we note that V. Zhirinovsky is bright, artistic, and undisguisedly ambitious. He is a born tribune of the people. It can inspire people to an impulse, to a feat, to draw before them tempting social prospects. And many believe him, even against common sense. This is his strength as a politician, but also his weakness as a state builder. He is inclined to promise much more than is actually within his power, to wishful thinking (at the same time not only to deceive, but also to be deceived), to declare a barely begun task successfully completed, to attribute the results of common efforts to himself alone.