Osokor, or black poplar: description, medicinal properties and use of black poplar buds. Black poplar: benefits and harm, recipes for use

  1. Botanical description
  2. Bloom
  3. Application
  4. Wood
  5. Pharmaceuticals
  6. Growing on site

Poplars are trees used for landscaping city streets and creating park areas. They grow quickly, gain leaf mass, reproduce easily, are decorative, and some have medicinal properties.

Black poplar (lat. Populus nigra) - one of the representatives of the genus from the Willow family. It is distributed in Europe, Siberia, Kazakhstan, China, North Africa, and the Caucasus. In Russia this tree is also called sedge. Grows on plains, in floodplains, prefers black soil. In nature it occurs singly and in mixed plantings. It is adjacent to birches, willows, and other types of poplars. Adapts to any unfavorable environmental conditions, i.e. has good adaptive properties.

Botanical description

Sedum is a large deciduous plant. The trunks are up to 30 m in height or more, reach 1.5 m in thickness, and rarely branch. The bark of young trees is gray. In adults, it is almost black, thick, covered with deep cracks in the lower part, closer to the top it is slightly lighter and looks smoother. The root system has complex structure, includes anchor roots growing over the surface, deepening at an angle and penetrating to great depths. If the trunks are covered with silt or sand, adventitious roots will form over time. This structure helps supply trees a large number moisture, provides rapid growth and maintaining a stable position in adverse weather conditions.

Side shoots are usually located under acute angle, less often almost perpendicular to the trunk, form a wide ovoid or cylindrical crown. In old trees it becomes spreading and tent-shaped.

The apical buds are brown, elongated, rather large, up to 15 mm, with sharp tips, covered with a thick resinous coating. The lateral ones are slightly smaller, tightly pressed against the shoots. As they swell, they begin to shine, become sticky, and emit a strong fragrant aroma.

The leaves are simple, smooth, have thin flattened petioles, arranged alternately. Rounded and wide at the base, they taper to a pointed apex. The length of the plates is about 10 cm, width - 4–5 cm. When blooming, they are sticky, light green, covered with a thin network of veins. The edges are finely serrated. Mature leaves are dark green, slightly lighter on the back.

A variety of sedge is pyramidal, or Italian poplar (lat. Populus nigra var. pyramidalis). It was first discovered in wild form on the Apennine Peninsula. The crown of this poplar is narrow, elongated, starting almost from the soil surface, the shoots grow almost vertically upward, parallel to the trunk. The leaves are smaller than those of sedge and diamond-shaped. The plant reaches 35 m in height. Slender, straight-trunked trees with neat, dense crowns are suitable for laying out alleys, planting along roads and landscaping city streets.


Black poplar is a dioecious plant, that is, it has female and male specimens. The flowers are long thin earrings hanging on the shoots. They form in early May, almost simultaneously with the opening of leaf buds. The male ones are very beautiful: fringed, purple-burgundy, up to 11 cm long. The female ones are about 5–6 cm, yellowish, and after fertilization they increase 1.5 times. Sedge is pollinated by the wind. After 1–1.5 months, the seeds ripen. They are enclosed in small dry bivalve boxes, covered with white hairs. Dispersed by the wind. Down facilitates transport over distances of up to several kilometers.

Sedge begins to bloom and bear fruit at the age of 10–20 years. One individual produces several million seeds, most of them germinate. At the beginning of June in middle lane Poplar "snowfall" usually occurs. Down covers the streets and courtyards, flies into rooms, causing allergy attacks. In dry, warm, windy weather, fruit boxes begin to spread especially actively. To prevent this situation, only specimens of one sex can be planted.

Black poplar lives 300–350 years and is the most durable among other related species. Old trees become thick, stumpy, and expand in width.


Osokori are excellent for landscaping populated areas. Advantages - rapid growth, decorativeness, ability to purify the air from harmful impurities, dust and gases. Dense high tree crowns emit several times more oxygen than pine, spruce, and other coniferous and deciduous species.

Planting black poplars along river banks and steep slopes helps stop the process of soil destruction and protects them from crumbling. This is facilitated by powerful branched roots. Trees are planted along roads, in steppe zones, along the edges of the ravines.


Black poplar is a source of cheap wood. The sapwood of the logs is quite narrow and yellowish in color. The core mass is light brown, scatteredly vascular, clearly demarcated. In structure and properties, sedge is similar to aspen.

The growth rings are poorly expressed, the layers are evenly dense, with narrow medullary rays, the texture is discreet. Osokor, like other types of poplars, is very soft. The density of dried wood is 400–420 kg/m3. During processing, such shortcomings as warping, excessive viscosity, and a tendency to cracking and fiber breakage are revealed. It is not easy to achieve a smooth surface of the material; more often it remains fleecy. Sedocorb does not hold nails and screws well, and its resistance to impact loads is low. When strongly squeezed or pressed with a hard object, dents remain on the surface. Without additional protection, the tree quickly swells, becomes damaged by fungus, turns black and begins to rot. Moisture resistance is one of the lowest.

Due to its porosity and low hardness, black poplar wood is easy to cut, impregnated with paints, varnishes and antiseptics, and glues well. Used in the pulp and paper, turning and furniture industries. From it they produce:

  • paper, cardboard;
  • rayon;
  • packaging containers;
  • matches;
  • cuttings of shovels and other work equipment;
  • wooden kitchen utensils: cups, bowls, spoons, jugs;
  • cooperage products.

With the development of the production of glued materials, black poplar began to be used in the manufacture of plywood, veneer, and finishing boards.


Tree buds are medicinal raw materials. The composition includes such bioactive substances as:

  • glycosides;
  • malic and gallic acids;
  • essential oils, resins;
  • gum.

Young leaves are also used for medicinal purposes, which are collected along with the buds in April after the start of sap flow. The best raw materials are unopened buds, covered with a resinous coating, which have a bitter taste.

Preparations prepared on the basis of black poplar have a pronounced antimicrobial, expectorant, antipyretic and analgesic effect, relieve inflammation, stimulate the functioning of the stomach, kidneys and liver. Salicin and populin, used in pharmaceuticals, are isolated from it. Infusions and decoctions of fresh or dried raw materials treat bronchopulmonary diseases, inflammatory and infectious processes of the genitourinary organs, dermatoses, eczema, wash wounds, abrasions, boils, ulcers. IN folk medicine poplar water is used to improve hair growth, eliminate dandruff, relieve symptoms of intestinal inflammation, rheumatism, and hemorrhoids. Extract from sedge buds is included in medications that facilitate liberation from nicotine addiction..

Sedge essential oil is used to compose perfume compositions and added to cosmetics and cleaning products. In beekeeping farms, black poplar is a source of pollen and propolis.

Growing on site

Sedge propagates by seeds, root shoots, and cuttings. In favorable conditions, planting material easily takes root and begins to grow quickly.

The areas should be level or have a slight slope. It is undesirable to place black poplar in low-lying, often swampy areas. The tree does not tolerate heavy, clayey or salty soils. Moisture-permeable loams, sandstones, and black soil are suitable for it. Soil looseness should be average. The tree should not be planted near sidewalks, above infrastructure elements, or in front of the road. A powerful root system can destroy the coating and touch deep-lying pipes and cables. It is necessary to plant the plant at a distance of several meters from the walls of buildings and high fences.

Planting is carried out in September or spring after the snow melts. For one-year-old seedlings, dig holes measuring 60 × 60 cm, add organic fertilizers. Trees placed in soil are watered. During the season of active growth, it is advisable to feed them with phosphorus fertilizers and manure.

Black poplar grows 70–100 cm per year. It is necessary to trim damaged shoots and loosen the soil. During dry periods, it is necessary to water the trees with plenty of water. In the first years, you need to moisten the soil at least once a week, spending 20–25 liters of water per plant.

It is easy to propagate sedge by shoots and seeds.. Cuttings take root in the ground within 4–5 weeks. They can be planted immediately permanent places. The seeds provide 98 percent germination; simply drop them into loose soil and lightly sprinkle with soil.

Experienced gardeners always have crystalline iron sulfate, or ferrous sulfate, in their garden medicine cabinet. Like many other chemicals, it has properties that protect horticultural crops from numerous diseases and insect pests. In this article we will talk about the features of using iron sulfate to treat garden plants against diseases and pests and about other options for its use on the site.

Retaining walls are the main tool for working with complex terrain on a site. With their help, they not only create terraces or play with planes and alignment, but also emphasize the beauty of the rock garden landscape, the change in height, the style of the garden, and its character. Retaining walls allow play with raised and lowered areas and hidden areas. Modern dry or more solid walls help turn the disadvantages of the garden into its main advantages.

There were times when the concepts of “garden tree”, “family tree”, “collection tree”, “multi tree” simply did not exist. And such a miracle could only be seen on the farm of the “Michurintsy” - people who were amazed by their neighbors, looking at their gardens. There, on one apple, pear or plum tree, not only varieties of different ripening periods, but also various colors and sizes ripened. Not many people despaired of such experiments, but only those who were not afraid of numerous trials and errors.

The front garden is the face of the garden and its owner. Therefore, for these flower beds it is customary to choose plants that are decorative throughout the season. AND special attention In my opinion, front garden perennials that bloom in spring deserve it. Like primroses, they bring us special joy, because after a dull winter, more than ever, we want bright colors and flowers. In this article, we suggest getting acquainted with the best ornamental perennials that bloom in spring and do not require special care.

The climatic conditions of our country, unfortunately, are not suitable for growing many crops without seedlings. Healthy and strong seedlings are the key to a high-quality harvest, in turn, the quality of seedlings depends on several factors: Even healthy-looking seeds can be infected with pathogens that remain on the surface of the seed for a long time, and after sowing, getting into favorable conditions, are activated and affect young and immature plants

Our family loves tomatoes very much, so most of the garden beds at the dacha are devoted to this particular crop. Every year we try to try new interesting varieties, and some of them take root and become favorites. At the same time, over many years of gardening, we have already developed a set of favorite varieties that are required to be planted every season. We jokingly call such tomatoes “special purpose” varieties - for fresh salads, juice, pickling and storage.

Coconut pie with cream - “kuchen”, or German coconut pie (Butter milch shnitten - soaked in milk). Without exaggeration I will say that this is incredible delicious pie- sweet, juicy and tender. It can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time; cakes with cream are prepared on the basis of this sponge cake in Germany. The recipe is from the “Guests on the doorstep!” category, since usually all the ingredients are in the refrigerator, and it takes less than an hour to prepare the dough and bake.

The snow has not yet completely melted, and restless owners of suburban areas are already rushing to assess the scope of work in the garden. And there really is something to do here. And, perhaps, the most important thing you need to think about in early spring is how to protect your garden from diseases and pests. Experienced gardeners know that these processes cannot be left to chance, and procrastination and postponing processing can significantly reduce the yield and quality of the fruit.

If you yourself prepare soil mixtures for growing indoor plants, then you should take a closer look at a relatively new, interesting and, in my opinion, necessary component - coconut substrate. Everyone has probably seen it at least once in their life coconut and its “shaggy” shell covered with long fibers. Many delicious products are made from coconuts (actually a drupe), but the shells and fibers used to be just industrial waste.

Pie with canned fish and cheese - idea simple lunch or dinner for the daily or Sunday menu. The pie is designed for a small family of 4-5 people with a moderate appetite. This pastry has everything at once - fish, potatoes, cheese, and a crispy dough crust, in general, almost like a closed pizza calzone, only tastier and simpler. Canned fish can be anything - mackerel, saury, pink salmon or sardines, choose according to your taste. This pie is also prepared with boiled fish.

Fig, fig, fig tree - these are all names of the same plant, which we strongly associate with Mediterranean life. Anyone who has ever tasted fig fruits knows how delicious they are. But, in addition to their delicate sweet taste, they are also very beneficial for health. And here's an interesting detail: it turns out that figs are completely unpretentious plant. In addition, it can be successfully grown on a plot in the middle zone or in a house - in a container.

This delicious creamy seafood soup takes just under an hour to prepare and turns out tender and creamy. Choose seafood according to your taste and budget, it can be sea ​​cocktail, And king prawns, and squid. I made soup with large shrimp and mussels in their shells. Firstly, it is very tasty, and secondly, it is beautiful. If you are preparing it for a holiday dinner or lunch, then mussels in their shells and large unpeeled shrimp look appetizing and pretty on the plate.

Quite often, difficulties in growing tomato seedlings arise even among experienced summer residents. For some, all the seedlings turn out to be elongated and weak, for others, they suddenly begin to fall and die. The thing is that it is difficult to maintain ideal conditions for growing seedlings in an apartment. Seedlings of any plants need to be provided with plenty of light, sufficient humidity and optimal temperature. What else do you need to know and observe when growing tomato seedlings in an apartment?

Tomato varieties of the “Altai” series are very popular among gardeners due to their sweetness. delicate taste, more reminiscent of the taste of a fruit than a vegetable. These are large tomatoes, the weight of each fruit is on average 300 grams. But this is not the limit, there are larger tomatoes. The pulp of these tomatoes is characterized by juiciness and fleshiness with a slight pleasant oiliness. You can grow excellent tomatoes from the “Altai” series from “Agrosuccess” seeds.

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Black poplar, or Osokor(lat. Populus nigra) - a plant of the Willow family, a species of the Poplar genus. Honey plant, tanning, essential oil, dyeing, medicinal (folk), wood, ornamental plant, cultivated in landscaping.


  • Populus croatica Waldst. & Kit. ex Besser
  • Populus italica (Münchh.) Moench
  • Populus pannonica Kit. ex Besser
  • Populus sinensis (Carrière) Dode
  • Populus thevestina Dode

Botanical description

Male catkins are 6-9 cm long. Bracts are brown, usually glabrous, 3-5 mm long, deeply incised, fringed. On a pale green oval-oblong disk (torus) there are 8-30 (45) stamens with bright purple anthers. The diameter of colored (swollen) pollen grains is ~28 µm.

Female earrings 5-6 cm long with 30-40 flowers sitting on short stalks. The ovary is up to half or up to ²/3 enclosed in a perianth. After fertilization of the flowers, the catkins increase to 8-11 cm. In laboratory conditions at an air temperature of 18-22 ° C, the seeds ripen 28-30 days after pollination of the flowers; under natural conditions this period is much longer.

Geographical distribution

Eurasian species. The general range of black poplar is quite extensive: Europe, Siberia (up to the Yenisei), Central and Asia Minor, Eastern Kazakhstan, Western China, Iran, North Africa. Cultural forms are widespread in temperate countries.

In Russia, the northernmost point of distribution of wild sedge is 64° N. w. on the Yenisei, the easternmost - 96° east. on the river Kan (Yenisei basin).

Methods of reproduction and distribution

Poplar fluff with seeds on a tree

Black poplar reproduces by seeds, stump shoots and root suckers.

A characteristic feature of black poplar, like other species of the genus Populus, is the ability to produce a huge number of seeds and disperse them widely; one tree produces about 28 million seeds per year. Trees begin to bear fruit at 10-15 years of age, sometimes earlier, but produce seeds en masse only after 20 years of age.

The timing of seed ripening depends on the geographical area and climate. Cold, wet weather delays seed maturation. In warm, dry weather, the seed pods open much earlier and quite quickly. In conditions Central Russia the fruits usually ripen in May-June. Each box contains 10-12 seeds. In the crown of an adult tree, the boxes open within about 3-4 days. The average weight of 1000 seeds is 0.76 g. Equipped with a bunch of thin silky hairs, they are easily carried by the wind to significant distances from the mother tree, and are also successfully distributed by the flow of river water.

Sedge seeds do not have a period of physiological dormancy, but laboratory seed germination is quite high (95-98%), which quickly decreases when stored in room conditions at a temperature of 18-22 °C. However, their viability can be extended by 1-2 years by keeping them at low temperatures (from −3 to −8 °C) and low relative humidity air (6%)

In humid environment fresh seeds swell in 5-6 hours. Then the skin at the base of the seed breaks and a hypocotyl appears, which bends down towards the substrate as it grows. Approximately 15-18 hours after sowing (in some seedlings - after 12-14 hours), numerous long hairs form at the base of the hypocotyl, with the help of which the seedling is fixed to the substrate. At the beginning of the second day, the germinal root begins to grow in the center of the base of the hypocotyl. With its appearance, the cotyledons increase in size, tear the seed coat more strongly, gradually moving it, and then throwing it off. Massive release of cotyledons from the seed coat occurs 26-30 hours after sowing the seeds. Approximately 40 hours after sowing, the hypocotyl in the vast majority of seedlings takes on a vertical position, and the cotyledons fully open and acquire a soft green color. After this, the growth of the main root noticeably increases, and root hairs appear on its surface - the suction zone of the root is formed. After about two weeks, the real leaf appears and almost simultaneously with it the second one.

Seed regeneration is the initial stage of formation natural planting from black poplar. The process of formation of a floodplain forest occurs on open, well-lit sandy and sandy-pebble shallows devoid of grass. After the flood waters recede, these shallows have good aeration, their surface is sufficiently moist and warms up well during the day, the substrate is characterized by neutrality and lack of salinity.

Rooting and survival of young seedlings occurs most successfully under conditions in which they are not washed away by streams of water, and the roots are constantly in a humid environment. This is especially important in the first 1-1.5 months of the seedlings’ life, when their root system is poorly developed and they are not resistant to drought. Therefore, in the absence optimal conditions For successful rooting and germination of seeds, seed regeneration in a particular habitat may occur not in the first year of formation of shallows, but after several years.

Under production conditions, black poplar is sometimes propagated by seeds. Reproduction in this way allows you to grow and select high-quality planting material to create fast-growing plantings. For sowing, freshly collected seeds, cleared of fluff, are used. Collect seeds from pre-selected fast-growing female trees without rot, without frost cracks, with a good shape of the trunk and crown.

Ecology and phytocenology

According to some researchers, black poplar is a hygrophyte - a plant that lives in places of excessive soil moisture and in a humid atmosphere; according to others, it is a mesophyte. In general, sedge is a moisture-loving floodplain plant. It grows well on sufficiently moist soils (within 60-70% of their total moisture capacity) with a groundwater level of up to 1-1.5 m and, at the same time, is able to grow, although less successfully, on soils with long-term excess or temporarily insufficient hydration. It is especially demanding of high soil moisture during the period of seed germination and seedling development. Adult plants with a well-developed root system are able to extract water from deep soil horizons and therefore more or less easily tolerate dry periods. Among poplars, sedge is the most resistant to prolonged flooding. Dry soil when groundwater lies at a depth of more than 2-3 m has a negative effect on the intensity of growth and durability of poplar plantations.

Osokor is extremely responsive to improving soil nutrition, especially to the application of complete mineral fertilizer.

Soil salinity is one of the main factors limiting the success of growth and longevity of poplar plantations. Poplars grow poorly on heavy loams, on swampy and swampy meadow lowlands with stagnant water, on dune hills with deep groundwater. All acidic soils, mobile and dry sands, poor sandy, sandy loam, dense clayey, podzolic soils are not suitable for cultivation.

Poplars react negatively to soil compaction by foot traffic or excessive grazing.

Black poplar is a rare species classified as a taxon requiring further study and biological control in the Vologda, Arkhangelsk (including Nenets Autonomous Okrug), and Moscow regions.

Chemical composition

Black poplar buds contain resin, essential oil, phenol glycosides, tannins, flavonoids, malic and gallic acids, ascorbic acid, leukoanthocyanins and fatty oil.

Wood with a brownish core, yellow sapwood and brownish veins, soft and light, used for the production of matches, building materials, boards, rivets, for making plywood and sleepers; used in carpentry and turning for carving, furniture making, cooperage, dugout boats, troughs, shovels, wooden utensils, bowls, bowls, spoons and other goods. Barrel burls - finishing material for furniture and crafts. In addition, black poplar wood is widely used in pulp and paper and chemical industry for the production of cellulose, paper and artificial silk (viscose). The cellulose yield is 50%.

Protective afforestation

Landscape construction

Black poplar is one of the most common types of woody plants used in landscaping. settlements and reclamation. This is due to the fact that it is very winter-hardy, grows quickly, is environmentally plastic, and exhibits quite high dust, smoke and gas resistance in urban conditions. One tree produces as much oxygen as 7 spruce trees, 4 pine trees or 3 linden trees; During the growing season, one poplar clears the atmosphere from 20-30 kg of dust or soot.

Medical use

Black poplar (along with other types of poplar - monolifera Populus monolifera Ait., balsamic Populus balsamifera, pyramidal Populus nigra var. pyramidalis Spach) as a medicinal plant of domestic origin is included in the pharmacopoeias of Russia and the USSR from the I to the XI edition.

medicinal raw materials

Poplar leaf buds are used for medicinal purposes - Populi gemmae(Gemmae Populi nigrae), as well as bark and leaves. The buds are harvested during the flowering period and dried in a dryer at a temperature not exceeding 35 °C or outdoors in the shade. The bark is collected in early spring from felled trees or sawed branches when cultivating plantings.

The raw material consists of buds about 1.5-2 cm long, about 4-6 mm in diameter. The color is greenish or brownish-yellow, the smell is peculiar, resinous-balsamic, the taste is bitter. No more than 12% moisture is allowed in finished raw materials; flower buds and branches with buds no more than 10, including flower buds no more than 2; mineral impurities no more than 1%.

Pharmacological properties

Black poplar buds are very rich in biologically active substances with bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, diuretic, analgesic and antiseptic properties. The antiseptic effect of the kidneys is due to the presence of populin glucoside, which, when preparing drugs, is hydrolyzed to benzoic acid, which is a strong antiseptic. It has been experimentally established that when populin and, especially salicin, obtained from sedge, are taken orally, the excretion of uric acid in the urine increases sharply. In addition, the kidneys have an antiseptic effect on the bronchial mucosa and dilute sputum in chronic bronchitis with purulent secretion.


Due to their wide spectrum of action, poplar buds are used to treat acute inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract and chronic bronchitis with purulent sputum. Even in the last century, a liquid extract was obtained from the buds and leaves of black poplar, which was used for excessive sexual arousal, especially for spermatorrhea. In folk medicine in many countries, preparations from poplar buds are most often used for diseases of the genitourinary organs, cystitis, urinary incontinence, painful urination (especially after operations), kidney diseases, spermatorrhea, prostatic hypertrophy, prostatitis and as an aphrodisiac.

Black poplar buds are part of the dietary supplement “Smoke Stopper” designed to facilitate smoking cessation.

Black poplar leaves are suitable for tanning leather and making yellow dye for fabrics.

Poplar leaves are satisfactorily eaten by livestock; The beaver readily eats the bark, buds, and leaves.

The hairs from the seeds are suitable as one of the components for making felt and for making paper.

Apple and pear fruits treated with phytoncides from black poplar leaves are more resistant to diseases, both during the growing season and during storage.

Nomenclature and intraspecific taxonomy

Populus nigra in Sp. Pl. (1753) 1034; Ledebour, 1847-1849, Fl. Rossica, 3, Part 1:638; Komarov, 1936, Fl. USSR, 5:228;

The genus Populus belongs to the family Salicaceae Mirbel - willow. Various researchers have proposed a number of classifications of the poplar genus. In Russia, the most common classification is V.L. Komarov, according to which black poplar belongs to the subgenus of true poplars Eupopulus Dode, section Aegirus Aschers - black poplars.

According to the classification of the International Poplar Commission, widely used abroad, the poplar genus is divided into only five sections, in which black poplar belongs to the section Aigeiros Doby.

Described from Central Europe. Type in Linnaeus's herbarium.

Populus nigra var. pyramidalis spach. - pyramidal poplar, or Italian



  1. The name Angiosperms is also used.
  2. For the convention of indicating the class of dicotyledons as a superior taxon for the group of plants described in this article, see the section “APG Systems” of the article “Dicotyledons”.
  3. Zarva M.V. Russian verbal stress: Dictionary. - About 50,000 words. - M.: Publishing house NC ENAS, 2001. - 600 p.
  4. According to the GRIN website (see plant card).
  5. Chromosome numbers of flowering plants of the USSR flora - Numeri chromosomatum magnoliophytorum florae URSS: Moraceae-Zygophyllaceae: Directory / Ros. AN, Nerd. Institute named after V. L. Komarova; Agapova N. D., Arkharova K. B., Vakhtina L. I., Zemskova E. A., Tarvis L. V.; Ed. A. L. Takhtadzhyan. - St. Petersburg. : Nauka, St. Petersburg. ed. firm, 1993. - P. 321. - 427 p. - ISBN 5-02-026693-0

This plant is a member of the willow family. It is represented by a dioecious deciduous plant. The height of black poplar can reach 30.0 m, the maximum diameter that has ever been recorded is 2.0 m. The crown of this tree is very wide and branches very strongly. The leaves are ovate in shape. Flowers are represented by earrings. The flowering process begins long before the first leaf appears.

Today, black poplar can be found mainly on the Eurasian continent. In our country it grows in temperate climatic zone, in the Caucasus, as well as in the south of the Siberian part. His favorite places are large river floodplains. Artificially planted as shelterbelts. This tree is valuable for its wood, which is also used in construction.

Black poplar buds are rich in essential oils, which allows them to be used for colds and catarrhal diseases. They also contain a lot of glycosides that break down into sugary substances, malic acid, which helps reduce blood pressure, a gum that cleanses the body and prevents human obesity.

Harvesting and storage of black poplar

The first ingredient that is harvested from this tree, which is very valuable from a medical point of view, is the buds. The collection process should begin in April, when they first appear. Here's how to do it right. With a sharp knife or use pruning shears to cut off small branches on which the concentration of buds is maximum. After this, after lying down for 2-3 hours, the buds are easily separated from the branches by hand.

Drying of the buds is carried out under natural conditions - it is necessary to spread out the tissue material in the open air, in the sun, pour the collected buds onto it in a layer no higher than 2 cm, and then turn it over every 1-2 hours. The drying time is in most cases 1-2 days. At night, you should put the buds in a fabric bag, and the next morning put them out to dry again. Dried ingredients can be stored for no more than 2 years in dry rooms in fabric bags.

Use in everyday life

The most common way to use black poplar in everyday life is as wood. If you plant several dozen seedlings of this tree today, then in 20 years you will receive the same volume of wood that oak forests will provide only in 120 years. Also, black poplar is used as a shelterbelt. Very often it is planted in steppe areas to increase the percentage of forest plantations. Black poplar wood is also used to produce paper, cellulose and many other useful goods and products.

Medicinal properties of black poplar

Today black poplar is one of the most useful trees, which are only found in our country. Let's look at the main medicinal properties the specified plant.

  1. Preparations prepared from the buds, leaves and flowers of black poplar have anti-inflammatory properties. This is one of the most powerful folk remedies that allows you to eliminate inflammatory processes in the human body 30-40% faster.
  2. Decoctions and infusions based on black poplar components help quickly eliminate headaches. They are indispensable assistants in cases where there are no medications for headaches, as well as in the presence of liver diseases, when it is necessary to eliminate the use of medicines at all.
  3. Decoctions of black poplar buds have antipruritic properties. They are usually used as external agents.
  4. An infusion of black poplar bark will quickly eliminate diarrhea. This is one of the effective means that also allows you to normalize the digestion process, as well as eliminate flatulence, bloating, etc.
  5. Insomnia, depression and various psychoses are eliminated with drugs based on black poplar within 5-10 days. It is not only not expensive, but also effective remedy to calm the central nervous system, especially in autumn and spring, when there is a general aggravation.
  6. Infusions and decoctions of black poplar leaves can quickly reduce fever, including in young children.
  7. An infusion of black poplar buds and leaves is used as a wound healing agent and is applied externally.
  8. Preparations based on the plant in question are used to treat kidney diseases and genitourinary system. They act as diuretics, normalize metabolism and significantly reduce appetite, helping to normalize a person’s weight.
  9. The use of black poplar in folk medicine

    Let's look at popular recipes that use the ingredients and components of black poplar.

    Ointment on black poplar buds as an antimicrobial agent

    Add 3 tbsp. buds of the tree in question into a mortar and crush them with a pestle. Then add 1 tbsp. butter and stir thoroughly until smooth. The ointment is ready and should be stored in the refrigerator. 5-6 times a day it is necessary to apply it with a gauze bandage to open wounds and ulcers. Repeat the procedure until healing. The shelf life of the prepared ointment in the refrigerator is 20 days.

    Infusion of black poplar buds as an antipyretic

    Add 2 tbsp. dry plant buds into a thermos and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 4 hours, then pour into a glass jar and let cool. Strain and drink 50 ml during illness, accompanied by an increase in temperature to 38-39°C. Repeat the procedure until cured. Store the prepared infusion in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days.

    Decoction of black poplar buds for pulmonary tuberculosis

    Pour 3 tbsp. black poplar buds 500 ml of water and simmer over low heat for 7 minutes. After this, close the lid and let cool. Strain and drink 50 ml 3 times a day at regular intervals without reference to meals. Take this drug for 10 days, then take a break for the same period. Repeat 4-5 cycles. The prepared broth should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 14 days. The effect in the form of weakening of the symptoms of tuberculosis occurs after the 2-3rd cycle of taking the decoction.

    Tea with poplar flowers for headaches

    Pour 2 tsp. dry leaves of black poplar and the same number of spoons of black tea 300 ml of boiling water in a teapot. Leave for at least 1/4 hour, after which drink at least 75-100 ml. Then drink the same amount of tea 30 minutes later. The effect will occur 15 minutes after the 2nd dose of tea. The prepared tea is not stored and is disposed of after complete cooling. One prepared portion is used only once.

    Infusion of black poplar for kidney diseases and as a diuretic

    Pour 5 tbsp. dry “mixture” of the tree in question 1 liter of boiling water, close the lid of the vessel and leave for 5 hours. After this, strain and drink at least 100 ml no more than 3 times a day without reference to meals. The prepared infusion should be stored in the refrigerator. Shelf life - 10 days. The effect occurs after 7-8 days of taking the infusion. After 10 days of use, you should take a break for 3-4 days.

    Concentrated decoction as an antipyretic

    Pour 5 tbsp. 300 ml of water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes with the lid closed. After cooling, strain. It is necessary to dilute 25 ml of the resulting decoction with 50 ml of warm boiled water and use it during an illness accompanied by high temperature. You should drink 3 times a day. Stop taking after recovery. The prepared broth must be stored in the refrigerator. Shelf life - 21 days. It can be drunk by both children over 10 years old and adults of any age. This decoction helps speed up the healing process by at least 35-40%.

    A decoction of black poplar bark to relieve diarrhea

    Pour 2 tbsp. black poplar bark 250 ml of water and boil over low heat for 5-7 minutes. After this, close the lid, let cool and strain. Drink 30 ml 3 times a day. Avoid during the day of use large quantity liquids. The effect occurs on the first day of administration. Once the result is achieved, you should avoid further use of this decoction to avoid constipation.

    Infusion of poplar foliage after a heart attack

    To strengthen the heart muscle, you need to take this decoction for 2 weeks: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried leaves is poured with 1 cup of boiling water. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes. Take 1 teaspoon orally 3 times a day.


    Preparations based on black poplar are contraindicated in only two cases. Firstly, this is a woman's pregnancy. And secondly, this chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract. In case of any complications or ailments, you should consult your doctor, call an ambulance, or stop taking such medications. Exceeding the doses recommended above may affect general condition body, causing weakness. In this case, you should stop taking black poplar-based products for 2-3 days, and after this time, continue taking them at the required concentration.

Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants

Photo medicinal plant Poplar black

Black poplar - medicinal properties

Black poplar has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound healing, antiulcer, astringent, sedative, antipyretic, diaphoretic, antipruritic, antimicrobial and antiviral properties.

Latin name: Populus nigra.

English name: Black Poplar.

Family: Willows - Salicaceae.

Common names: sedge

Poplar parts used: buds, bark, leaves.

Botanical description: black poplar is a tree up to 35 m high. Life expectancy is up to 300 years. The trunk of old trees is dark, with growths at the bottom, the bark is thick, dark gray, almost black with cracks. The crown is wide, spreading, branches are directed to the sides. The buds are large, appressed, ovoid or cone-shaped, covered with sticky resin. The leaves are large, dense, hard, on long flattened petioles, triangular or rhombic. Flowers on long, cylindrical, hanging earrings. The staminate catkins are sessile, pistillate on stalks, and elongate with fruit. The fruit is a single-locular capsule with many seeds equipped with long white hairs. It blooms in April - May before the leaves bloom, the fruits ripen in May - June. Distributed in the European part of the CIS, Western and Eastern Siberia And Central Asia. Grows in floodplains deciduous forests. Black poplar is grown in gardens, parks and alley plantings. One tree produces as much oxygen as 7 spruce trees, 4 or 3; During the growing season, one poplar clears the atmosphere from 20-30 kg of dust or soot.

Habitat: Europe, Siberia (up to the Yenisei), Central and Asia Minor, Eastern Kazakhstan, Western China, Iran, North Africa. Cultural forms of black poplar are widespread in temperate countries.

Collection and preparation: Swollen but unopened poplar leaf buds, which are collected in early spring at the beginning of the tree's flowering, are mainly used as medicinal raw materials. In order not to disrupt the growth and development of poplar, buds are harvested only from the lower side shoots. They are picked by hand, separated from the branches, and dried in the shade in the air (in a cool, unheated room, otherwise they begin to bloom and lose essential oil) or in ovens at a temperature of 30-35 ° C (spreading in a thin layer - up to 2 cm and periodically stirring). The color of the raw material is greenish or brownish-yellow, the taste is bitter.

The bark is collected in early spring from felled trees or sawed branches when cultivating plantings.

Active ingredients: buds contain carbohydrates, organic acids (malic, ascorbic, benzoic, etc.), essential oil, phenol carbonic acids, phenol glucosides, chalcones, flavonoids, leuco-anthocyanins and fatty oil. Alkaloids, phenol glucosides, flavsnoids, tannins and higher hydrocarbons were found in the bark of black poplar; isoprenoids, carotenoids, alkaloids, organic and phenol carboxylic acids, phenol glucosides, lignans and tannins were found in the leaves.

Black poplar - beneficial properties and applications

Photo of the medicinal plant tree Black Poplar

Black poplar preparations have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound-healing, antiulcer, astringent, sedative, antipyretic, diaphoretic, antipruritic, antimicrobial and antiviral properties. With presence essential oil associated with such properties of the kidneys as expectorant and regulating the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Tincture of poplar buds, prepared with 40% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10, is used for tuberculosis, rheumatism, gout, intermittent fever, inflammation of the bladder, colds and scanty menstruation in women. Take it 20-30 drops 3-4 times a day with meals.

Black poplar buds boiled in vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10, have an analgesic effect in urolithiasis. Take 1 teaspoon of oil 3 times a day with meals.

An infusion of well-steamed fresh buds has a positive effect in cases of damage to nerves and tendon ligaments.

  • Recipe for making an infusion from black poplar buds: 1/3 cup of raw material is poured with 1 cup of boiling water and covered with a warm cloth. The drug is applied to the affected area. The dressing is changed every day.

Ointment from poplar buds is used externally for gout, joint disease, trichomonas colpitis, boils, purulent wounds, burns, hemorrhoids, severe itching, cracked lips and nipples, and staphylococcal and fungal skin diseases.

  • Recipe for making ointment: 3 tablespoons of well-chopped black poplar buds are gradually mixed with 3 tablespoons of unsalted butter. Store in the refrigerator for 5 days.

To prepare an infusion of buds and leaves, pour 2 tablespoons of one or another crushed raw material into 1 glass hot water, boil over low heat for 5 minutes, leave in a warm place for 1 hour and filter. Take 1 - 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day with meals.

Fresh juice from poplar leaves relieves toothache. For ringing and noise in the head, 2-3 drops are instilled into each ear, warm. In this case, the auricle is slightly retracted.

Contraindications. Black poplar preparations are not used during pregnancy and in people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Use with caution during lactation.