Dominican Republic - when is the best time to go on vacation? Dominican Republic resorts: where is the best place to go? Description, prices, reviews When is the best time to go on vacation to the Dominican Republic?

Which dates to choose for vacation is not the easiest question. Yes, we depend on the authorities, who let us go at one time or another, and on many other circumstances. But if you have freedom of maneuver, it is better to arm yourself with knowledge about climatic, tourist and other seasonal features. If you have already decided on the space and chosen a resort in the Dominican Republic, it’s time to decide on the time of rest. Especially for you, we studied the issue: we talked with old-timers of the market - operators of this direction, host companies in the Dominican Republic, guides, compatriots who have been living in this country for a long time and serving guests. We read the latest reviews from tourists and went to trustworthy Russian and foreign sites.

Season for a beach holiday

You can swim and sunbathe on the beach in the Dominican Republic all year round. It's always tourist season. This is the main thing. Of course, there are nuances. The chance of rain is high from June to October, dry and sunny from December to May. But even during the rainy season, long, lingering tropical downpours are rare. Rains are short-term, no more than half an hour, usually in the evening, night or morning. Of course, there are also rains in the dry season, recent years the weather often brings surprises, and not only in the subtropics. Average annual temperature air – from 25 to 32 °С, sea water – 26–29 °С. The weather by month is clearly presented in the table:

Weather in the Dominican Republic by month

Average daily temperature (°C) 29 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 31 30
Average night temperature (°C) 19 19 20 21 22 22 23 23 22 22 21 20
Number of hours of sunshine (daily) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7
Monthly precipitation (mm) 60 52 61 83 205 173 178 180 195 179 109 71
Sea water t (°C) 27 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 29 28 27

Velvet season occurs in November. The rains end, a comfortable air and sea water temperature of about 28 ° C is established, the sea at this time is clean and calm. Comfortable begins beach season.

Tourist seasons

The cost of hotel accommodation varies throughout the year, and it is determined by the most significant market for the country - the American market. The "low" season coincides with the summer rainy period, and the "high" season occurs during the dry and sunny winter. Peak hotel occupancy (and highest prices) occur during traditional American holidays such as Columbus Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, National Freedom Day, Mardi Gras, Valentine's Day, etc., college holidays, Christmas and New Year.

Hurricane season

This natural phenomenon also have to be taken into account when choosing holiday dates. According to the website, the official annual hurricane season in the Dominican Republic begins on June 1 and lasts until November 30. According to the results of many years of observations by meteorologists, during this period there are from 10 to 16 so-called “tropical depressions” in the Atlantic, half of which “grow” into the state of a hurricane with wind speeds of up to 200 km/h. That is, on average, the country is hit by five to eight hurricanes per year. different strengths. The last major hurricane, Hurricane George, was in 1998. There hasn't been anything like it in the Caribbean since 1780. Dominicans have long been accustomed to them and perceive them as a natural phenomenon - unpleasant, but not fatal. All resort hotels have dedicated teams that are experienced and qualified to deal with the elements. Tourists receive special instructions that describe the procedure in case of a hurricane and safety measures.

Flora and fauna

About algae. Many tourists discuss in their reviews and social networks the cleanliness of Dominican beaches, namely the presence or absence of algae. Many people even talk about algae season. Indeed, in coastal waters algae grows everywhere. They are thrown ashore by waves that are formed as a result of strong winds during tropical storms and hurricanes in summer and autumn. But even in winter, during the dry beach season, less algae washes ashore. The amount of algae in a particular location on the coast also depends on local underwater currents, water temperature (affects the rate of plant growth) and the presence of coral reefs, which serve as a natural barrier for plants. Many tourists who vacationed in Bavaro this year note in their reviews the virtual absence of algae and the cleanliness of the local beaches. Nice hotels They value their reputation and regularly clean the beaches. If the presence of algae on the beach is critical for you, carefully study the website of the selected hotel (“the right” hotels have several webcams on the territory, including the beach), read reviews of hotel guests. On the other hand, algae only grows in clean water, treat their abundance as a natural thalasso procedure.

About fruits. A familiar indicator of a hotel’s level for many tourists is the availability of a buffet large selection seasonal fruits and freshly squeezed juices. Fruit is always in season in the Dominican Republic. Most often in hotels you can find: pineapples, bananas, passion fruit, oranges, tangerines, apples, pears, watermelons, melons, grapes, strawberries, sweet lemons, grapefruits, kiwis, papaya, star fruit, guanabana, granadilla, nispero, mamon. The availability of mangoes and avacados depends on the time of year. Mango season, or rather harvesting season, is from May to October. Then the mango on the table replaces the avocado. Some perishable fruits do not reach hotels, but you can buy them, for example, at the fruit market while visiting Santo Domingo.

About the inhabitants of the sea. The Bavaro resort in Punta Cana has three large dolphinariums where dolphins live in their own natural environment. You can swim with them and watch a show. In the coastal waters of the protected Samana Peninsula, you can watch the mating games of humpback whales from the shore. Whale season is from January 15 to March 15. And the famous blue marlin fishing is available almost all year round, with the likelihood of successful fishing being especially high in August and September. The best places for deep sea fishing are the Boca Chica area on the Caribbean coast and the Atlantic waters in the north of the country.

Study aquatic species Sports in the Dominican Republic are possible all year round. The surfing season is not limited to any particular period; strong winds and “long waves” traditionally attract extreme sports enthusiasts primarily to Atlantic coast islands. But divers care about the transparency of the water, which is established during the absence of rain and wind. By the way, the Dominican Republic ranks second in the world for cave diving opportunities after Mexican cenotes. In the underwater grottoes of Padre Nuestro you can observe a unique optical phenomenon– a halocline that occurs at the boundary of fresh and salt water.

So, all you have to do is choose your holiday season. And remember that “the best is the enemy of the good.” Thinking a lot is harmful, it’s time to decide when it’s better to rest.

The Dominican Republic is considered a country of contrasts, both metaphorically (a mixture of village and city life) and geographically. This fantastic republic unearthly beauty known for its luxury resorts, cane plantations, budget hotels and tourist holidays to suit all tastes. What season is the best for relaxation, what is worthy of attention - details below.

Dominican Republic: when is the best time to go on vacation?

The Dominican Republic is located in the eastern part of the well-known island of Haiti. Given the subtropical climate with high humidity and the presence of gentle winds and soft breezes, the warmth in the resort republic is wonderfully perceived even by the smallest. Rainy weather is typical from May to the end of September. The rains are short, but occur quite often (mainly in the evening). Rains are frequent in October-December. The rest of the time there is mostly sun and humidity is within normal limits. Best period for a holiday in the Dominican Republic from mid-December to April.

Attention! It is worth taking into account weather factors if you are planning a vacation in the Dominican Republic.

The cost of vouchers, hotel accommodation and services directly depends on the season. Conventionally, there are only a couple of seasonal periods - during rainy times with hurricanes, prices fall. At the height of the high season is the best holiday period.

Beach season

When not to go to the beach

Rainy weather in the Dominican Republic begins at the end of May and lasts until the end of November. However, rains and downpours do not occur every day - they are rare and like short-term outbreaks that quickly dissipate.

The rainy season varies depending on the area. In the south and east, the rainy months are September, October and May. Some areas are drier than others. For example, during the dry season in Samaná (on the north coast), the frequency and intensity of precipitation are similar to those that characterize the rainy season in Bayahibe or La Romana. The island of Saona, which is very close to Bayahibe, experiences little rainfall. This island and other areas have distinctive weather systems. Thus, the weather on one island may differ from conditions on another.

Just a note. Shower Statistics Dominican Republic show that the driest area is La Romana with 840 mm of precipitation per year. The resort area of ​​La Romana and Bayahibe are even drier.

Other areas receive more moisture and rain. 2103 mm of rain falls annually in Samana, 1025 mm in Punta Cana and 1769 mm in Puerto Plata. This general information about the weather of the Dominican Republic and each area has its own microclimate. Before you go on vacation, you should make sure that you check the weather forecast for the area of ​​the Dominican Republic where you are planning your vacation.

A typical day in the Dominican Republic is sunny and warm, with occasional showers possible during the off-season. Period maximum quantity hurricanes on the island occur from June to the end of November. During this time, the frequency and intensity of rainfall increases in a hurricane or tropical storm.

Storm in the Dominican Republic

Of course, a tropical storm and a hurricane are an unpleasant phenomenon, and tourists are not recommended to plan a vacation during this time, because there is a possibility that they will not be able to get the proper level of comfort and enjoy their vacation to the fullest and in all its glory.

However, the tropical climate throughout the year provides comfortable temperatures every day. The hottest temperature period is May-October, and only from November to April the air cools a little. The months with the highest temperatures are July-August, the air temperature reaches 31 °C, but due to the significant humidity (approximately 80%), frequent sea breezes, the heat is transferred quite easily.

Holiday expenses during the rainy season will be lower than during the peak of good weather, because, for example, in August there are very few tourists. But there are also adherents summer holiday tourist destination. This period is better to relax in mountainous areas. But when the weather is calm and allows you to relax without an umbrella, you have the opportunity to bliss out under the scorching sun and swim in the sea.

During the off-season, leisure activities can be varied interesting excursions to many attractions:

  • Alcázar de Colón;
  • Damagegua Falls;
  • Padre Nuestro Cave.

The only trouble that can ruin a vacation in the Dominican Republic in the summer and autumn months is the occasional hurricane and typhoon. Strong winds bring algae and do not allow you to enjoy the long-awaited vacation on the shore.

At this time the temperature is slightly lower than during summer months, and the island still receives many tourists. If you are planning a vacation in the Dominican Republic in August, then potential tourists should keep in mind that at this time the republic becomes an excellent place for those who want to avoid crowds of vacationers and save their money.

Pay attention! Local hotel and restaurant businesses often use this time of year to complete construction and renovation projects that have been put on hold during busier times. tourist season. Therefore, if the idea of ​​renting accommodation from a hotel is a viable option, it is simply worth checking before booking whether they will be doing any renovations during the time you plan to visit.

Tourist season in the Dominican Republic

High season in the Caribbean is usually winter. This is the most popular and fashionable time to visit the Dominican Republic, because many tourists can thus “wait out” the cold weather of the northern latitudes.

When is the best time to go to the Dominican Republic?

The greatest activity occurs on the island from December 15 to April 15. This period is the most popular and most expensive. All hotels and resorts are mostly already booked and there are often no vacancies. Travelers looking to vacation at this time of year should book their Dominican vacation 3-4 months in advance to guarantee a place to stay. It also doesn’t hurt to make reservations for restaurant tables and trips along tourist routes in order to be guaranteed to organize your leisure time in advance and not worry about the lack of empty seats.

Dominican Republic

The best time to relax during the winter months is from December to February, this is the “golden mean”, when the sun is not yet shining and there is practically no rain. It is during this period that solar activity here is especially gentle, and the water warms up to 25-27 °C. Rains are so rare that a tourist may not notice how it has passed during lunch or an afternoon rest in the room. This climate is especially good for residents of large cities, who have a good chance to plunge into sunny summer when it snows in your homeland. The friendly sun tempts tourists to stay on the beaches for long hours, getting a beautiful Caribbean tan.

Attention! Many people underestimate the power of the Dominican sun and end up going to the doctor due to excessive sunburn. Staying too long in the sun, especially during the middle of the day and peak solar activity, when the sun is at its most aggressive, it is not worth it. This can lead to a serious burn, which will create unpleasant and painful sensations on the skin, ruining your vacation. To ensure that nothing disrupts your long-awaited vacation, you should not “trust” yourself to the sun for a long time, you must wear appropriate clothing and do not forget about hats.

During the beach season in the Dominican Republic, not only is the weather comfortable, but you also have the opportunity to try traditional sea activities such as fishing, diving, etc.

Tourists visit the Dominican Republic to watch gorgeous carnival processions, spend interesting festival days and attend huge celebrations. No one will remain indifferent to the entertainment in the Dominican Republic.

Great holiday in the Dominican Republic in September

One of the main celebrations of the season is Independence Day, which is organized annually on February 27. On the main streets and squares of cities, bright and colorful processions of local residents dressed in exclusive attire are held. The festival of provocative merengue dance is widely known, and hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world come to participate in it.

When is the best time to vacation in the Dominican Republic?

The seasonality of the holiday is determined by the weather in the Dominican Republic, but it is always warm and pleasant, no matter what time of year. The climate in the Dominican Republic is tropical, so the island is characterized by temperatures of approximately 28-33° C all year round. High level humidity is typical all year round. The sun shines for 12 hours every day, and only on rainy weather you can watch it melt into the sparse clouds throughout the day.

However, due to the tropical climate in the Dominican Republic, tourists should know when the best time to go on vacation is.

The following factors may influence this:

  • rainy season;
  • water temperature;
  • possible hurricanes, typhoons hitting the area.

The Dominican Republic distributes the holiday season by month oppositely northern hemisphere. You need to know that the seasonal period with the least rainfall (January, February, March and April) is ideal for beach holiday. During these months, temperatures rise to an average of 28-33 °C (86-90 °F) during the day, and 18-22 °C (65-72 °F) at night.

For tourist recreation The period from June to November (rainy season in the Dominican Republic) is suitable. By month, the intensity of rainfall has no reference, and everything depends on the region of the Dominican Republic. For example, Puerto Plata is characterized heavy rains from November to February and May. But it is worth remembering that it can rain in any season. In September in the Dominican Republic you can see average temperature 26-28 °C and humidity 50-70%.

Pay attention! The intermediate periods from November to January and from April to June are the off-season and can be advantageously used by vacationers for intense tourism, gradually turning into a beach sunbathing area.

The most famous holidays of the republic during the year

Depending on the season of visiting the Dominican Republic, there are holidays that will leave indelible impressions in the memory for a lifetime:

  • The Dominican Carnival celebrates Independence Day on February 27th. Colorful processions, masquerades, activities and music will brighten up the entire month of February.
  • Carnar Cimarrona ("Fugitive Slave") is held in Maundy Thursday festive Easter week in cities such as Elias Pinha, Cabral and San Juan de Maguana. The colorful carnival ends with Sunday's burning as a sign of the victory of life over death.
  • The merengue festival (merengue is a national dance) is no less noisy and vibrant than the carnivals of the republic, with provocative dances and Spanish music. The festival lasts 2 weeks from the end of July on the Santo Domingo waterfront.
  • A festival in Puerto Plata in early October involves local artisans. At this event, you can follow the process of creating souvenirs, have interesting conversations with craftsmen, and buy something original for yourself.
  • New Latin Music Festival - Spanish artists, music lovers and tourists come to the Santo Domingo Stadium in June. The festival lasts 3 days.
  • All Saints' Day is a holiday in the Dominican Republic held on November 1 in 2018 and is mystical. Noisy entertainment, monster costumes, etc.

The Dominican Republic is heaven on earth. A vacation in the Dominican Republic, depending on your wishes, can sparkle different colors - be it an anniversary vacation in the Caribbean, meringue dancing, luxury resorts, horseback riding along deserted beaches and windsurfing, feeling the unruly winds that once filled pirate sails. Whether you're looking for a quiet haven on the Samana Peninsula or prefer to be in the thick of luxury in Punta Cana, the Dominican Republic has you covered. In the Dominican Republic, tourists buy various souvenirs, figurines, items of original Dominican clothing, masks, coffee, etc. as souvenirs. But the main and most precious souvenir is the sensations that can be experienced after visiting this paradise.


The Dominican Republic or Dominican Republic is located in the eastern part of the island of Haiti, which is located in Atlantic Ocean. This island state has always attracted many tourists from all over the world with its truly heavenly beaches with white sand and clear waters, over which spreading palm trees lean. But rest here is a delicate matter, because due to the climatic features of the island, there are frequent rainy seasons. So when is the best time to vacation in the Dominican Republic and at what time of year, as well as where - let's figure it out!

The tourist season in the Dominican Republic lasts almost all year round. Due to the wet subtropical climate The heat is much easier to bear, and the air temperature does not drop below +25°C even in winter!

The rainy season usually falls between May and September. Sometimes the rains can start earlier - from the middle, or even from the first days of April. But such rains until June are short-lived and practically do not interfere with vacationers, because the air temperature does not drop a single degree and remains at +30°C, but after the rains it is certainly much easier to breathe.

But already in June the real “wet days” begin. The duration of the rains increases during these months, and this can spoil your holiday by being confined to a hotel room or bungalow. Although the air and water temperatures also remain high, you should forget about a beach holiday. There is no time for sunbathing on the beach anymore. And you probably won’t want to go on excursions getting wet from head to toe!

And from August to November you should be wary of the tropical monsoons, which are typical for the Dominican Republic at this time of year. Strong gusts of wind, almost hurricanes, are dangerous for vacationers! Therefore, you should not take risks and go on vacation to the Dominican Republic during these months.
But the “winter” and “spring” months, according to the observations of many tourists, are the most optimal for relaxation in this beautiful island state!

In December, the rainy season ends and the dry season begins. At this time, you can relax, sunbathe and swim on any coast of the country. True, sometimes rains still make themselves felt, but this phenomenon is quite rare.

Holiday season, with the greatest influx of tourists occurring from December to April.
Resorts such as Punta Cana, Playa Dorada, Boca Chica, Puerto Plata, Cabarete, Sosua and many others await you, providing a variety of entertainment, incredibly beautiful beaches and memorable excursions to untouched corners of nature!

Do you want privacy? Head to the cozy Boca Chica lagoon, which is separated from the outside world by the most beautiful coral reef or to secluded corners of Samana with picturesque landscapes untouched nature!
Cabarete is perfect for lovers of extreme sports, such as high-wave surfing, which is available in full at this resort!

For vivid impressions, dating and club entertainment awaits you in Sosua, and Playa Dorada will delight you with all-inclusive hotels, shops and restaurants where you can try interesting dishes!
And if you want to visit the mountains and waterfalls in the center of the Dominican Republic, then winter months just perfect for these purposes! True, you will have to take a couple of warm clothes with you, because at this time in central regions It’s quite cold - only +15°C, but this will not spoil the impressions of the breathtaking spectacle!

The spring months are the peak of activity in the Dominican Republic. And closer to the rainy season, it is better to relax on the southern coast of the country, where the weather is still relatively stable. But remember that there is never a 100% guarantee. Therefore, before visiting this wonderful country, check the weather map and still take an umbrella with you. So, just in case...
Have a nice time!

The exotic Dominican Republic, thanks to its tropical climate, is ready to welcome guests all year round.

Unique color and amazing nature this country leaves no one indifferent.

When is the best weather for a holiday?

When is the best time to go on vacation to get the most pleasant weather? There are no sub-zero temperatures in this country. It is quite warm here throughout the year. However, the peculiarity weather conditions is still present here. Tropical climate The Dominican Republic divides its seasons into dry and wet.

The rainy season in this country lasts from May to October. Despite the fact that precipitation falls frequently at this time, the rains, however, do not last long. After a rainstorm the sun always comes out, so at any time of the year you can’t do without sunscreen. Wet is characterized a large number hurricanes and storms. Swimming in the sea at this time is extremely dangerous. Strong winds make the situation worse.

Dramatically different weather will greet tourists who come to vacation in the Dominican Republic from November to April. Snow-white beaches, crystal clear and serene sea, hot sun will seem like paradise to anyone. The water temperature at this time reaches +27 °C. The air temperature remains at +30 °C.

When is the best time to go to the Dominican Republic?

The Dominican Republic attracts tourists primarily with its quality beach holidays. A beautiful bronze tan and a lot of impressions from swimming in a warm sea ​​water- this is what the resort will give to all visiting guests.

The Dominican Republic is also famous for its opportunities to do extreme species sports: diving, windsurfing, etc. However, it is important to understand that during the rainy season, active entertainment can be dangerous. It is unlikely that anyone would enjoy getting caught in the pouring rain while kayaking through the jungle.

The Dominican Republic has a festive atmosphere all year round. Numerous carnivals and festivals are constantly held throughout the country. The most famous and most loved by tourists:

  • Merengue Festival. Known for his fiery Latin American dances. For several days, Santo Domingo becomes a huge stage where anyone can try their hand at it. The grand Caribbean Rhythms Festival takes place annually in late July and early August.
  • February carnivals. Various carnival processions are timed to coincide with Lent. Local residents consider this event to be their national pride, and therefore they put a lot of effort into making the holiday truly bright and colorful.
  • Catholic Christmas and New Year. A week before the celebration, the country is transformed. Local residents decorate streets and houses with garlands and lights. They place artificial fir trees at the thresholds of their doors, decorating them with balls and candles.
  • Valentine's Day. As in Russia, Valentine's Day in the Dominican Republic is one of the most tender and romantic holidays. At this time, special events are held on city streets. thematic programs and competitions.
  • Day of Santo Domingo. The City Day in the Dominican Republic is no less famous in its scale. Performances by folk groups, national dances and folklore, colorful performances - all this provides an opportunity to study the culture more deeply exotic country. Santo Domingo Day is held annually in August.

It is no less interesting to get to the Dominican Republic during the so-called “humpback whale season.” This unique event takes place between the beginning of January and the end of February. Mating games like this amazing mammals- a spectacle that attracts many tourists.

During the rainy season, a trip can be seen as an opportunity to visit museums and architectural monuments, of which there are many in the country. The following excursions are highly valued among tourists:

  • trip to the Columbus Palace,
  • visit Cathedral in Santo Domingo,
  • tour to the Santo Domingo National Aquarium Park, etc.

To see everything best places In summer, you can rent a car or rent a taxi. Such an excursion will cost much less.

When is it cheaper to vacation in the Dominican Republic?

From year to year, the popularity of the Dominican Republic among Russian tourists growing. First of all, this is due to the increased competitiveness of tours to this country.

Relax in summer time almost 2 times cheaper than during the beach season. The most low prices trips are usually available in September and August, with peak availability in January. You can significantly reduce the price by using the services early booking. When purchasing a last-minute tour, you also have the opportunity to save significantly.

Before choosing travel dates to any resort, you should find out about climatic features one area or another. Every year more and more tourists from different corners of the world fly to Haiti on vacation. The Dominican Republic, a country in the eastern part of the island, is especially popular. When is the best time to go on vacation to the Dominican Republic? Like any other resort, this area has high and low seasons.

The choice of time of year and specific dates for travel should be made not only taking into account the weather, but also taking into account the purpose of your trip. One time is suitable for a beach holiday, and another for traveling around the island. There are tourists on the island almost all year round. Even the rainy season does not prevent vacationers from having a fun and comfortable time on the island. Here precipitation falls mainly in the evening and at night, and in the first half of the day the ground has time to dry out and no traces of rain remain. At the same time, air humidity does not exceed 90%.

Beaches in the Dominican Republic

When is the best time to fly to the Dominican Republic for vacation if your goal is to spend most of your vacation on the beach? In this case, choose high season. On the island it's period from the second half of November to April. This is the most favorable time for a beach holiday, since during this period dry conditions are established here warm weather. There is no precipitation here and the air temperature is not too high. Water temperature is about 25 degrees, air temperature is up to 29 degrees. During this period, a huge number of carnivals, shows and various holidays are held in the Dominican Republic.

From February to March, whales approach the shore, as their season begins mating games. If you arrive on the island at this time, you will be lucky enough to see whales playing right from the shore. During this season, you can not only lie on the beach and be a spectator at various shows and carnivals. High season Suitable for visiting excursion programs. This is a great time to get acquainted with the main attractions of the Dominican Republic and visit the most beautiful places on the island. When is the season for a beach holiday in the Dominican Republic? It lasts from November to April. But the best time is from the second half of February to the end of March.

Low season

From mid-May to the end of September This is where the low season or rainy season begins. During this period, the greatest amount of precipitation falls on the island, in its eastern part. The air temperature rises to 31 degrees, and the water temperature averages 29 degrees. At this time, hurricanes and typhoons arise in the sea. However, such phenomena rarely bother tourists and local residents, since in most cases they do not reach the territory of the Dominican Republic. However, strong gusty winds, pressure changes and tropical downpours can still ruin several days of vacation on the island.

Despite the fact that it often rains during this period, a huge number of tourists arrive here, especially at the end of July. If the weather forecasts are satisfactory, you can safely buy plane tickets and go to Haiti even in the low season. Even with high temperatures, it is not too hot here thanks to the cool breeze from the northeast.

Airports of the Dominican Republic

Cheap flights

Many people will ask the question: is it cheaper to fly to the Dominican Republic? The most big discounts Passengers are provided with air tickets from May to the end of September, when the island is in low season. During this period, many tour operators offer last-minute tours, the cost of which is several times lower than similar tours in the period from November to April.

It is worth considering that if the trip is planned for one of the summer months, you should first find out the weather forecast specifically for the period when you are planning a vacation on the island. Weather in this climatic zone very changeable, and a sunny day quickly changes to a tropical, continuous downpour. Therefore, the weather forecast should not be found out for the entire month, but it is important to find the maximum accurate forecast for specific days.

Weather by month

To better understand when is the best time to vacation in the Dominican Republic, what season to choose for your vacation, you should find out what the weather is like here every month. It's real summer here in January. The water may be too cold for swimming this month, but there is no precipitation, low relative humidity air, not too much high temperature air - all this makes a holiday on the island in January very comfortable. Usually in January The water temperature is quite warm. As a rule, it reaches 25-27 degrees. But there are also cool days. At night the air temperature does not drop below 20 degrees. The wind here this month is usually not strong - up to 3 m/s. This is the ideal time for diving.

In February in the Dominican Republic the most cold weather for the whole year. The air temperature drops to 24 degrees, but sometimes reaches 28 degrees. When planning a trip this month, be sure to pack long sleeves. They are very useful for evening walks. During the day, the air quickly heats up and by 12:00 noon the temperature rises to 24-28 degrees. At night and early in the morning the air temperature is at around 19-21 degrees. In February there is almost never a storm or rain here. Air humidity does not rise above 57%. This month the island offers comfortable conditions for families, children and the elderly.

In March the air temperature rises to 30 degrees. The water temperature is about 26 degrees. This is the most dry month. Air humidity is no more than 53%. This month, a huge number of tourists who prefer a beach holiday arrive here.

Punta Cana International Airport is the only one that serves regular flights from Russia

April also suitable for a beach holiday. However, this month the water temperature becomes significantly higher. The air temperature remains at 30 degrees. For excursion holiday This month is not suitable due to low humidity and heat. And for a beach holiday, you can safely plan a trip for April.

In May the water in the sea and ocean is approximately 28 degrees, the air temperature is 30 degrees. Tropical rains begin on the island this month, marking the beginning of low season. Typhoons are a common occurrence this month. Until the end of October The island may experience typhoons, hurricanes and tropical downpours. When planning a trip at this time, the main thing is to study the weather forecast for a specific period. Largest quantity hurricanes and typhoons in August and September.

Already in the second half of October the weather begins to stabilize. At the end of the month there is a minimum number of tourists on the island. There are many more vacationers here in November. This month is considered ideal for a holiday in the Dominican Republic. There is no intense heat here and the air humidity is optimal. November is suitable for both beach holidays and excursions.

In December the number of tourists is increasing. Closer to New Year's holidays a huge number of travelers from different countries peace. Air temperature is about 28 degrees, water - 27 degrees. Precipitation, if it does occur, is rare and short-lived, so it definitely won’t ruin your vacation. In December, many people travel with the goal of not only lying on the beach, but also conquering nearby mountain peaks. In this case, be sure to take warm clothes with you, since the air temperature in the mountains this month can drop to 0 degrees.