The delightful nature of Karelia description. An amazing land of forests, lakes and rivers

Karelia is an amazing region. Countless clean lakes rich in fish, coniferous forests, abounding in berries, mushrooms, diverse fauna, white nights, northern lights - this is all the nature of the Republic of Karelia. Having visited this republic once, you will not remain indifferent. Every traveler who finds himself in this fabulous land wants to return here again. Many artists admired the beauty of the republic. Nowadays you can see Karelian landscapes in many museums around the world.

Nature of Karelia: climate

The republic is located in the north next to large bodies of water (Barents Sea, White Sea, Baltic Sea). This proximity saved Karelia from sudden temperature changes, making the climate in the territory mild, and provided the republic with sufficient rainfall throughout the year. Winter here is without severe frosts, and summers are moderately warm. At the same time, say that weather conditions here are stable, it is impossible. The weather changes quite often. Even if there is not a single cloud in the sky in the morning and the sun is shining brightly, this does not mean that in three or four hours it will not rain heavily.

Nature of Karelia: plants and animals

Coniferous forests grow over most of the territory of the republic. In the north of Karelia, pine forests predominate, and in the south - spruce forests. Deciduous tree species also enter from the south. Main representatives: elm, birch, ash, linden. Among all representatives of the flora of Karelia, the Karelian birch occupies an honorable place. She gained her popularity thanks to durable wood, which is distinguished by an unusual pattern. As you know, there are no annual rings on a tree cut. The wood fibers are arranged randomly, forming a unique pattern. Products made from Karelian birch were valued by both kings and ordinary people.

Pines in Karelia are found both in areas with sandy soil and in swampy and mountainous areas. It's amazing that such large trees can grow on almost bare rocks, with their roots wrapped around the boulders on all sides. The substrate for them is the lichen with which the mountain ranges are covered. According to the stories of local residents, it is in such pine forests that many porcini mushrooms grow. Spruce trees mainly grow along the banks of rivers and lakes. In percentage terms, they are an order of magnitude smaller than pine trees.

Another feature of Karelian landscapes are swamps. They occupy almost a third of the territory. The flora is typical for swamps - mosses, reeds, horsetail, blueberry bushes, cloudberries.

Representatives of the fauna of Karelia are bears, lynxes, wolves, hares, and squirrels. All those who live in the taiga. If you go down to the south of the republic, they will be joined by wild boars, moose, and raccoon dogs. There are a lot of lakes and rivers in the Karelian region, which are inhabited by different animals. I would especially like to highlight an endemic that lives only on Lake Ladoga- Ladoga ringed seal. Unfortunately, due to illegal hunting, the number of rare animals is decreasing every year. There are many fish in the rivers and lakes of the republics: from roach to trout and flounder (in the sea). Also, the forests and swamps of the republic are densely populated with blood-sucking insects. Such is the harshness, but beautiful nature Karelia.

Lakes, rivers and waterfalls

It is not for nothing that the second name of the republics is the land of lakes. There are more than 60 thousand lakes in Karelia. This is the so-called legacy of the Ice Age. The caring attitude of the local population towards reservoirs has made it possible to preserve the almost pristine purity of the lakes to this day. Lakes Onega and Lake Ladoga are recognized as the largest freshwater lakes in Europe.

The republic also abounds in rivers. There are about 27 thousand of them in the region. Most rivers do not have longer length and are limited to 10 kilometers. But in the republic there are rivers more than 100 kilometers long. The longest ones are Suna, Shuya, Vyg, Olonka, Kem.

There are more than 100 waterfalls in Karelia. The most famous is the Kivach waterfall. Thousands of tourists come to admire the beauty of the natural creation. Even great poet Derzhavin G.R. captured the beauty of the waterfall in poetry. Representatives of the Romanov family came here to enjoy the beauty and sound of falling water.

Lake Ladoga

The amazing nature of Karelia inspired painters. For example, the Russian artist Kuindzhi captured the beauty of the region in three paintings: “North”, “On the Island of Valaam” and “Lake Ladoga”. Until now, the lake attracts tourists who can admire the brewing scenery. The shores of the lake are bordered by coniferous forests, only in the south they are diluted with deciduous trees. The fauna of the lake is very diverse. The fish world is diverse (about 53 species). Its prominent representatives are: whitefish, trout, vendace, roach, bluefish, bream, smelt, perch, pike, burbot. Many birds have chosen the lake. During flights to warm countries, swans, terns, ducks, gulls, and cranes stop here. Many representatives of birds nest along the shores of the lake.

There are many rocky islands on the territory of the lake, the most famous of which is Valaam.

On the ice of the lake during the Great Patriotic War The “Road of Life” took place, saving residents of besieged Leningrad from hunger.

Volcano Girvas

Surrounded by a coniferous forest near the Suna River there is a geological monument - the Girvas volcano. Now it is extinct, but three billion years ago streams of lava erupted from its crater. Geologists first saw it only in the middle of the last century during the construction of the Palyozersk hydroelectric station. Time has been merciless to the volcano, and today it is very difficult to discern its outlines. Now any tourist will be able to touch the ancient geological formation with their own hands. Next to the volcano there is another landmark of the republic - Girvas waterfall.

Mount Vottovaara

One of mysterious places Karelia - Mount Vottovaara. The attractive and at the same time eerie landscape of the slopes sets the mountain apart from other geological formations of the republic. At the top there are structures made of stones. As some scientists and researchers suggest, this is the work of the ancient Sami tribes who once inhabited this territory. And they used this place for ritual rites. And now many psychics come here to recharge their energy. There are dead lakes near the mountain.

Karelia: vacation

In Karelia, nature has created all the conditions for tourists to relax. A large number of attractions, amazing places will not let travelers get bored. Everyone will find something that will satisfy their desires. For lovers of active recreation - hiking, river rafting, for lovers of a relaxing pastime - sanatoriums with various health procedures.

After Pudozh we went to Lake Onega. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it can be reached by an ordinary passenger car. The asphalt road goes to the village of Novo-Steklyannoye almost at the very mouth of the Vodla River, and along the dirt road laid through the forest by fishermen you can even get to the very shore.

In more detail, you need to drive 15 km north from Pudozh along the road towards Medvezhyegorsk, then turn left following the sign for Novo-Steklyannoye. You need to drive through the entire village, and when the road turns north, dirt roads will branch off from it to the left, from which through pine forest the shore will already be visible.
The road to the village is paved, but don’t rush to rejoice, the asphalt is very bad (and it’s unlikely that anything will change in the near future). In addition to numerous holes and potholes, the road in many places is crossed by pipes laid across to allow water to flow through. The coating settled and the pipes stood out like speed bumps. Of course, all this is not marked with signs, so be careful!

2. And here it is, a lake, with numerous bays, rocky coastline and endless sandy beaches! Here it is, the nature of Karelia!

3. I saw this a long time ago on Valaam, however, the moss-covered rocks and pine forest never cease to impress.

Probably everyone knows what petroglyphs are? But if not, then this is the name of the paintings left on the rocks by ancient people. According to my data, there should not be many of them at the mouth of the Vodla River, but nevertheless it was possible to try to find them. That's what we did.

This place should not be confused with Cape Besov Nos, where petroglyphs have been preserved in large quantities, but you can’t get there by car. I really wanted to visit there, and I even had thoughts of walking along the path through the forest, parking my car somewhere, but I still decided to take my time and leave this place for the future.

4. Finding paintings on stones is not easy. You need to carefully inspect every more or less suitable place.

A lot of time passed, but nothing was found. Frankly, this did not upset me much - the beauty of Karelian nature compensated for everything many times over.



7. And suddenly some image caught my eye on one of the stones. “It’s probably moss,” I thought. But no, the image, although not clear, feels as if it was specially scraped out.

8. There’s more nearby.


We weren't able to find much. Still, I’m not an expert, and I can’t accurately recognize whether these are really drawings. Later I met locals vacationing here, who confirmed that there were paintings in these places, but they could not explain how to find them.

10. The rest of the time I just walked through the forest along the winding bays and took many photographs of the nature of Karelia. The views were pleasing to the eye, and the weather was simply pampering.

11. Flowers literally sticking out of the crack. The shot turned out to be symbolic - life is everywhere.

12. Here is a pine tree that grew right on a stone.

13. Its root wriggles strongly, trying to overcome the stone.

14. Why is the nature of Karelia so attractive? Perhaps because here, as nowhere else, its ability to withstand very difficult conditions is clearly visible.

15. Not all pine trees take root well on stones.

16. But moss and small plants feel great.

17. Among the numerous logs thrown ashore, there are also wrecks of boats. I wonder how long this one lay in the water before ending up here.


19. Everywhere you look on the water, there are rocky islands.

20. On one of them you can see a small lighthouse, somewhat reminiscent of a tower.

Sometimes gentle, but often grey, dank land of endless taiga and countless lakes. Rocks, swamps, rivers, rivulets. Mosquitoes, midges, berries, mushrooms, fishing. Off-roads, abandoned villages, fields overgrown with grass, carved out of the living body of forests, most often clean. Crazy sunsets and sunrises. Unforgettable white nights. Seagulls over flat water and white steamers.
This is all Karelia. The edge is heavy, but beautiful. With your soul.
Who lives by his own laws and rules.

Karelia is located in the north-west of the country and is part of the North-Western Federal District. This is a republic within Russia: it has its own coat of arms, flag and anthem. About 50% of the territory of the Karelian Territory is covered with forest, and a quarter is covered with water. Karelia is the “land of lakes”; there are more than 61,000 lakes, 27,000 rivers and 29 reservoirs. The largest lakes are Ladoga and Onega, and the most large rivers- Vodla, Vyg, Kovda, Kem, Sunna and Shuya.

On the Ladvinskaya Plain

The Blue Road runs through Karelia - an international tourist route connecting Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. The main types of recreation in the region: excursion tours (Kizhi - Valaam - Solovki - Kivach Waterfall - Marcial Waters - Ruskeala Marble Canyon), active recreation(ATV safaris, rafting on rapids rivers, hunting and fishing, hiking, skiing, bike tours, jeep tours), children's and youth recreation in camps, event and holiday tours, vacations in cottages and tourist complexes.

Yukaknkoski waterfall


The capital is Petrozavodsk. Major cities and tourist centers: Kondopoga, Kem, Kostomuksha, Sortavala, Medvezhyegorsk, Belomorsk, Pudozh, Olonets. Population - about 691 thousand people.

The fauna of Karelia is relatively young, it was formed after Ice Age. In total, 63 species of mammals live on the territory of the republic, many of which, for example, the Ladoga ringed seal, the flying squirrel and the brown long-eared bat, are listed in the Red Book. On the rivers of Karelia you can see the lodges of European and Canadian beavers.

Canadian beaver, as well as muskrat, American mink - acclimatized representatives of the fauna North America. Raccoon dog is also not a native inhabitant of Karelia, she comes from Far East. Since the late 1960s, wild boars began to appear, and roe deer entered the southern regions. There are bear, lynx, badger and wolf.

From year to year, geese flying north stop to rest in the fields of the Olonets Plain in Karelia

Karelia is home to 285 species of birds, of which 36 species are included in the Red Book of Karelia. The most common birds are finches. Upland game can be found - hazel grouse, black grouse, ptarmigan, wood grouse. Every spring to Karelia from warm countries the geese are flying. Distributed birds of prey: owls, hawks, golden eagles, marsh harriers. There are also 40 pairs of rare white-tailed eagles. Among the waterfowl: ducks, loons, waders, many seagulls and the largest of the diving ducks of Karelia - the common eider, valuable for its warm down.

Just like the fauna flora Karelia was formed relatively recently - 10-15 thousand years ago. Coniferous forests predominate, to the north - pine forests, to the south - both pine and spruce forests. The main conifers are Scots pine and Scots spruce. Finnish spruce and Siberian spruce are less common, and Siberian larch is extremely rare. Small-leaved species are widespread in the forests of Karelia, these are: downy birch, warty birch, aspen, gray alder, and some types of willow.

Karelia is the land of berries; lingonberries, blueberries, cloudberries, blueberries, cranberries grow here in abundance; raspberries grow in the forests - both wild and feral, sometimes moving from village gardens. In the south of the republic, strawberries and currants grow abundantly. Juniper is common in the forests, bird cherry and buckthorn are not uncommon. Red viburnum is occasionally found.

Kizhi Museum-Reserve

The Kizhi Museum-Reserve is one of the largest museums in Russia under open air. This is a unique historical, cultural and natural complex, which is a particularly valuable object cultural heritage peoples of Russia. The basis of the museum collection is the ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost - a UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage Site.

Church of the Transfiguration

37 meters of unprecedented beauty, 22 domes stretching to the sky!
Undoubtedly, the most famous and outstanding building of the ensemble. The church is the tallest building on the island. It can be seen from almost any point on land and water. The architecture is impressive. I can’t wrap my head around how it’s possible to build such beauty without modern tools, without nails?! But the church was indeed created without a single nail in 1714. Just this year the laying of the church altar took place. The history of the church says that it was erected on the site of an old one that burned down from a lightning strike.

Church of the Intercession

The second church of the ensemble is the winter one, in honor of the Intercession Mother of God(holiday October 14) - built half a century after Preobrazhenskaya. The church is crowned with nine domes. Such a structure is unique in Russian wooden architecture. The existing four-domed iconostasis of the Church of the Intercession consists of original icons, many of which were painted specifically for this temple. The oldest of them dates back to the 16th century. The Church of the Intercession holds services throughout the summer and until the Intercession itself. In 2003, the parish received stauropegial status and is under the patronage of His Holiness Patriarch and all Rus' Alexy II.

Voitsky padun

It is located in Central Karelia on the Nizhny Vyg river, 2 km from the village of Nadvoitsy. The waterfall as such is no longer there, only its dried bed remains framed by dark rocks, green forest and mighty boulders. But once upon a time the waterfall was famous, legends and traditions were formed about it. Its fame grew significantly in the 18th century, when the Voitsky copper mine began operating nearby.

One of the last famous people who visited the “active” waterfall was the writer M.M. Prishvin. He left a description of it, which contains the following words: “...Roar, chaos! It’s hard to concentrate, it’s impossible to realize what I’m seeing? But it’s drawn and drawn to look... Obviously some mysterious forces influence the fall water, and at every moment all its particles are different: the waterfall lives some kind of infinitely complex life of its own..."

Balaam. Rocky Coast Bay

Balaam. Rocky Coast Bay. Having passed from the pier of Bolshaya Nikonovskaya Bay to the southwest of the Valaam archipelago, we find ourselves in the area of ​​​​the most picturesque bay "Rocky Coast" with unique nature Valaam and the surrounding Ladoga.

Balaam. Big Nikonovskaya Bay

Mountain park "Ruskeala". The pearl of the Mountain Park is the Marble Canyon.

Marble Canyon is a monument of industrial culture (mining) of the late 18th - early 20th centuries, officially included in the list of cultural heritage of Russia in 1998. A similar monument, which is a man-made “bowl” in a solid mass of marble, cut through a system of mines and adits and drifts, there are no more in Europe. From here blocks were obtained for cladding many architectural creations of St. Petersburg, including the majestic St. Isaac's Cathedral.

This is the oldest of the Ruskeala quarries. Its length is 450 m, width 60-100 m, depth 30-50 m. It is flooded to the level of the upper underground horizon. The Finns flooded the quarry before the start of the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-40. Most of the adits of the first third of the last century are under water. Only one of them is located above the water level.

Externally, the Marble Canyon makes a colossal impression: gray-white rocks break into a turquoise lake with heavily indented shores, and go to many meters in depth.

Some of the blocks hang above the water at a negative angle, and you can sail into the grottoes, which were formed in steep rocks, by boat and admire the play of light on the marble ceiling. The grottoes look very beautiful, the white marble of the arches and walls is wonderfully reflected in the calm water.

The combination of the nature of Karelia and human activity has given this quarry a surprisingly picturesque appearance, which attracts travel lovers not only from Karelia, but also from St. Petersburg, Moscow and other places.

Ruskeala waterfall "Akhvenkoski"

Ruskeala waterfall Ahvenkoski is translated from Finnish as “Perch Threshold”. Locals sometimes call it “the waterfall of three bridges.” At this point, the winding Tokhmajoki River crosses the road three times.
The Akhvenkoski waterfall became especially famous thanks to the film “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet”, shot in 1972.

Mannerheim Line

The Mannerheim Line (Finnish: Mannerheim-linja) is a complex of defensive structures between the Gulf of Finland and Ladoga, created in 1920-1930 on the Finnish part of the Karelian Isthmus to deter a possible offensive attack from the USSR, 132-135 km long.

This line became the site of the most significant fighting in the Winter War of 1940 and received great fame in the international press. Three lines of defense were planned between Vyborg and the border with the USSR. The one closest to the border was called “main”, then there was “intermediate”, and near Vyborg “back”.

The most powerful node of the main line was located in the Summakyul area, the place of the greatest threat of a breakthrough. During Winter War Finnish and beyond Western press named the complex of the main defensive line after the commander-in-chief, Marshal Karl Mannerheim, on whose orders plans for the defense of the Karelian Isthmus were developed back in 1918. On his initiative, the largest structures of the defense complex were created.

The defenses of the Mannerheim Line were greatly exaggerated by propaganda on both sides.

place of death of the 1217th regiment

From 24.00 6.02.42 until the outgoing day of 02/07/42, the enemy defended the taken lines, simultaneously with all continuous attacks of the defense sector. 1217 rifle regiment heroically, defending every inch of land with fire and counterattacks, he threw the enemy back to their original position. The enemy carried big losses. But, having encountered strong enemy resistance, the units lay down and went on the defensive. Surrounded by 1217 regiments, without receiving reinforcements in manpower and ammunition, he died in fierce battles with the enemy, leaving 28 people from the regiment.

The bodies of the dead Soviet soldiers, according to eyewitness descriptions, lay in 2-3 tiers, and during an artillery attack, parts of the bodies scattered throughout the forest. A total of 1,229 people from the division went missing while surrounded.

From the memoirs of a former private of the 8th infantry division Finns Otto Koinvungas from Oulu: “The first thing we saw when we arrived at the front line was a soldier carrying a whole cart of corpses of Russian soldiers on a horse. At the beginning of January, the Russians launched an attack, but were defeated. On both sides of the road there were so many Russian soldiers, dead and frozen, that the dead, standing, supported each other.”

From Onega to Ladoga. Svir River.

Svir - big river in the northeast of the Leningrad region of Russia, near its administrative border with the Republic of Karelia, an important link of the Volga-Baltic waterway. The Svir originates in Lake Onega and flows into Lake Ladoga. There were rapids in the middle reaches of the Svir, but after the construction of a cascade of power plants on the river, dams raised the water level, flooding the rapids and creating a deep-water path along the entire length of the river.

Svir has two significant influx- the Pashu and Oyat rivers, used for timber rafting. The river is home to perch, bream, pike, roach, burbot, catfish, salmon, grayling, etc.
The river is unique due to its many islands. The river flows in lowlands that in the past were occupied by glacial reservoirs. The river is home to perch, bream, pike, roach, burbot, catfish, salmon, grayling, etc.


Kivach waterfall in winter

Ice hummocks on Lake Onega

Russian and foreign tourists have long had their eye on the Karelian region. And the point here is not only in his virgin nature and unique monuments architecture. Main reason simple: tourist season in the republic is not at all limited to three summer months- People travel to Karelia continuously throughout the year. Both fans of active tourism and those who love relaxing trips with the whole family will find something to their liking here.

Photos are not mine. A huge number of Yandex sites and pages were used. Sorry for not mentioning anyone in particular.

Karelia - The republic is located in the north-west of Russia. In the northeast it is washed by the White Sea - the length of the Karelian coast is more than 630 kilometers. The republic borders on Finland in the west, and the Murmansk region in the north (on another part of Russia). Lake Onega is located in the east of the republic. Lake Ladoga is the main part of the southern border of Karelia.

The territory of Karelia is 172.4 thousand square kilometers, with a population of approximately seven hundred thousand inhabitants.

Republic of Karelia detailed map:

Created using Yandex.Maps tools

From a scientific point of view, the very first ancient people and their settlements appeared more than 5,000 years ago here. The landscape of Karelia is unique feature his character. It has a countless number of lakes with intricately curved shores, as well as rivers, rocks and high hills covered with dark green taiga.

Rivers and lakes play an important role in Karelian nature. The rivers are mostly small. But they tend to have a lot of rapids, shavings and waterfalls. Kivach is the most famous and beautiful waterfall. Its height is about 11 meters. A number of rivers in Karelia amount to more than 23 thousand. Suna, Kem, Chirka-Kem, Shuya, Vodla, Vyg are the largest of them. More than 95 percent of Karelian rivers are slightly less than 10 kilometers long.

Kivach waterfall.

The number of lakes in Karelia is about 61 thousand. The average number of lakes of various sizes located per thousand square kilometers of territory is about 350. The republic is the region with the highest concentration of lakes in the world.

Most of the territory of the Karelian Republic consists of swamps. These swamps are often covered with low trees. The lakes and swamps of the republic are a large warehouse of high-quality fresh water- about 2 thousand cubic kilometers.

Forests occupy approximately 50 percent of the Karelian territory. More than half of these forests consist of pine, a third of them consist of spruce and only 1/10 are deciduous trees.

Lots of stones, another feature of Karelian landscapes.

These are different stones, boulders, small hills that consist of many large stones and the like. Stone materials used in construction - granite, quartzite, marble, and others - are one of the main riches of the Karelian region. Kkarelian cities began to appear a long time ago. Olonetsky is the most ancient of them. It was known from 1137. Pudoga (now Pudozh) was founded in 1391. The capital of the Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk, was founded in 1703 by the famous Russian Tsar Peter the Great. In many cities, such as Kondopoga, Medvezhyegorsk, Belomorsk, Kostomuksha, Segezha, created during the Soviet Union.

The republic has a great cultural and historical heritage. The most ancient monuments human culture, petroglyphs (stone sculptures), stone “labyrinths” on the shore White Sea, unique complex wooden buildings of Kizhi (18th - 19th centuries), stone churches on Valaam, Pudozh, Olonets, are subjects of great cultural significance for the whole world.

Karelian nature and historical monuments are the main reasons for the popularity of Karelia as major center tourism.

The republic attracts the attention of many people from Russia and other countries.

A magnificent video about the nature of Karelia with voice acting “Hotel California” - a harmonious combination of filming and sound!

One more thing original video“In the very north of Karelia” - how many miracles there are!

Republic of Karelia Nature of Karelia Republic of Karelia Nature of Karelia Republic of Karelia Nature of Karelia

Karelia is called as many names as possible... The center of wooden architecture, a storehouse of mushrooms, clear lakes, the most mysterious region of Russia... In truth, this region, in addition to being unusual and amazing nature, has some kind of mystery scattered around, like fog.

In the depths of the forests and among the swamps, impenetrable peat bogs with dried out trees, there is something that is not found in the rest of Russia.

Films with mystical plots could be shot here famous directors, and you can create an infinite number of documentaries about the beauties of the region, but Karelia is not a place of mass frantic tourism (except for a few popular places), rather a nature reserve, in some places preserving its pristine nature. And that’s good: they would trample and kill all the charm of beauty...

In the West, Karelia neighbors Finland, in the south - with the Vologda and Leningrad regions, in the east - with the Arkhangelsk region in the north - with Murmansk region, in the northeast it is washed by the White Sea..

The capital of Karelia is the city of Petrozavodsk.

The area of ​​the republic is 180,520 km², the population is 632,533 people - according to 2015 data, the population density is 3.5 people/km². There is enough space for everyone. For comparison: the area of ​​Moscow is 2511 km². population density - 4823 people/km².

It is never very cold or very hot here, the summer is short, there are slight frosts, even in June there is a heat of 20 degrees Celsius, which is noticeable due to high humidity region, and the winter is snowy, but usually without severe frosts.

In the photo the city of Petrozavodsk

Karelia is rich in swamps and peatlands. The area has abundant mineral resources: iron ore, titanium, diamonds, quartz, mica, etc.

“The subsoil resources of Karelia include:

489 explored deposits,

31 types of solid minerals,

386 peat deposits,

14 deposits groundwater household and drinking purposes,

2 mineral water deposits,

10 officially recognized and over 200 registered geological monuments.”

In addition to swamps, peat, minerals, Karelia is rich water resources: many lakes, the largest of which (by the way, they are the largest in Europe) are Ladoga and Onega.

Pictured is Lake Onega

“There are about 27,000 rivers in Karelia, of which the largest are: Vodla (length - 149 km), Kem (191 km), Onda (197 km), Unga, Chirka-Kem (221 km), Kovda, Shuya, Suna Kivach and Vyg waterfalls.

There are about 60,000 lakes in the republic" .

Pictured is Lake Ladoga

You can look endlessly at the blue surface of the lakes and the mesmerizing pictures of picturesque landscapes, the majestic boulders surrounding the lakes. The spirit is captivating and you immediately feel cool clean air Karelia.

« Diverse flora and fauna: roe deer, lynxes, badgers, squirrels, wolves, bears, minks, beavers live in forests where currants, strawberries, buckthorn, common hazel, etc. grow.”

85% of the territory of the republic is forest fund. Therefore, among the most important treasures of Karelia are forests and nature reserves.. Here's a clarification: swamps and swampy forests occupy more than 30% of the territory of the republic.

There are also many beautiful monuments of wooden architecture in Karelia.

« The natural reserve fund of the Republic of Karelia includes 168 specially protected natural areas(SPNA) .

To objects federal significance include two reserves, three national parks, two federal zoological reserves, as well as the Kem-Ludsky section of the Kandalaksha Nature Reserve located within Karelia, located in the Murmansk region.

The network of protected areas of regional significance includes 45 reserves, 107 natural monuments, 1 resort area, 1 botanical garden, the protective zone of the federal reserve "Kivach", the unique historical and natural landscape territory "Valaam", the Kizhi museum-reserve with security zone and 4 objects with the status of “land of historical and cultural significance.”

« There are many cultural institutions in the republic dedicated to the history of the unique territory, theaters, and museums.

Interesting places and cities: Petrozavodsk, Sortavala, Kondopoga, Segezha, Kostomuksha.”

“The most interesting things about Karelia” in the “My Planet” program:

Let's talk about relaxation and the most beautiful places and attractions of Karelia.

Karelia is in fifth place (after resorts Krasnodar region, Crimea, Caucasian Mineralnye Vody) according to the popularity of Russian holiday destinations among Russian tourists according to the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR).

““Traditional active, cultural and ecological (“green”) types of tourism are popular in Karelia.

Karelia attracts tourists with its historical and cultural monuments, ecologically clean nature and low population density. Karelia is popular among lovers of water tourism, travelers on bicycles and cars, fishermen and hunters. Cruise ships ply along Lakes Ladoga and Onega in the summer.”

A trip to Karelia is no less expensive than a holiday in Crimea: for example, a winter a snowmobile tour for five days - from 26 thousand rubles, spending a few hours with a Husky (a breed of dog) will cost 3-4 thousand rubles, a weekend - 13 thousand rubles, a three-day tour to Kizhi from 35 thousand rubles. In summer - river rafting, jeep tours for several days (up to a week) - from 10 thousand to 40 thousand rubles.

The cost of a weekend in Karelia (2 days), with the route - Kizhi Island + Kivach Waterfall + Marcial Waters + Petrozavodsk today will cost an average of 7.2 thousand rubles.”

The photo shows the architectural ensemble of Kizhi

If you are going to Karelia, be sure to visit Kizhi (Kizhi Pogost) - you will not see such beauty anywhere else, this is one of the most striking creations of wooden architecture.

“The world-famous architectural ensemble located on the island of Kizhi Lake Onega, consisting of two churches and a bell tower of the 18th-19th centuries, surrounded by a single fence - a reconstruction of traditional churchyard fences.

The architectural ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost is included in the List world heritage UNESCO".

In the photo is the island of Valaam with the monastery

The Botanical Garden, Kivach Waterfall, Valaam Island also deserve attention no less than Kizhi. Lake Ladoga, whose name has been familiar to us since first grade high school, of course, is inferior to Baikal in terms of volumes of fresh water, but not by much: it is the largest freshwater lake in Europe. Its banks connect Karelia and the Leningrad region. In the old days, many grandiose historical battles took place on Lake Ladoga.

Yes, the bogs of Karelia are not only beautiful from afar and as “helpers” in preserving peat reserves, but near them there is an abundance of cranberry and cloudberry berries.

There are a total of 69 officially registered swamps, and not just as swamps, but as “state regional swamp natural monuments on the territory of the Republic of Karelia.”

In Karelia you can clearly see that swamps are not only mud, frogs, mosquitoes, bogs, slush, dampness, but also natural monuments, beautiful places, and gorgeous views.

On the territory of the republic you can find rare and beautiful butterfly Swallowtail, owls, hawks, golden eagles, marsh harriers.

Lake Onega is one of the main attractions of Karelia and the second largest freshwater lake in Europe. Its borders connect Karelia, Vologda and Leningrad regions.

“The cities of Petrozavodsk, Kondopoga and Medvezhyegorsk are located on the shores of Lake Onega. About 50 rivers flow into Lake Onega, but only one flows out - the Svir.”

Petrozavodsk has many architectural and historical monuments.

“The most famous of them: the architectural ensemble of Round Square of the late 18th century, the building of the former provincial men's gymnasium from 1790, the architectural ensemble of Karl Marx Avenue of the 1950s-1960s, the embankment of Lake Onega with a large number sculptures - gifts from sister cities and others.”

The most beautiful attraction in Kondopoga is the Assumption Church, built in the 18th century, 42 meters in height. There is also an Ice Palace with 1850 seats and a Palace of Arts with an organ hall.

Tourists who have been to Karelia note the impassability of some rocky and swampy areas, as well as the lack of infrastructure, cluttered recreation areas, changeability, unpredictability of the climate, but at the same time the unusual, “abandoned”, pristine beauty of the region.

Almost everyone who spoke about their trips to the republic was delighted and satisfied; a few expressed minor complaints: this says something.

From tourist reviews:

« Waterfall "Kivach". What a beauty it is, and no need to go abroad! I’ll warn you right away - lovers of five-star hotels and helpful service will be disappointed. for the rest, it’s imperative to go, to fall in love with Karelia, to have a great vacation.”

« One of the most interesting places for holidays in Russia. Stunning nature, especially in northern Karelia, real fairy-tale forests, huge boulders, mosses and centuries-old spruce trees, many lakes and real northern lights in winter.

The choice of recreation is very diverse, from relaxing in cottages with saunas and barbecues to tents and trips to marble quarries and waterfalls.

All this is inexpensive, unusual and unforgettable, and most importantly, there is truly fresh and clean air, mushrooms grow right in the city (in Kostomuksha), a sea of ​​berries, you just have to leave the house.”

« Now I understand why the song says “I will dream about Karelia for a long time”... Even a brief acquaintance with this amazing region will truly be remembered for a very long time...

Last year I had the opportunity to visit the island of Kizhi - the most famous on Lake Onega, with magnificent wooden churches, with real old Karelian houses for large (20 - 25 people) families. The domes of churches, covered with aspen ploughshares like scales, shine silver in the sun.”

« People immediately fall in love with these places and want to return again and again. getting there is convenient and easy, by train or by car, along very good new routes, which also deserve special attention; in some sections of the road the route runs in the middle of huge rocks.

Even the weather, most often rainy and cool, does not overshadow the overall impression of the trip. It is in this place that you can relax mentally and spiritually, gain strength...”

« I have been in love with the Russian northern region for a long time and irrevocably. I visited my sweet spot last year at the end of August and lost my head. What a wonderful place, the air is magical, fresh, and what silence there is in the forests of Karelia.

I recently went to see the film “The Dawns Here Are Quiet,” and my heart ached from the memories. I visited the place where Renat Davletyarov’s film was filmed. The landscapes are the most beautiful, it’s impossible to forget.”

« How little and how much it takes to fall in love with these places! It seems that all you have to do is come and that’s it – the magic of the Russian North will not let you go. Karelia, in the tangles of pine roots on the shores of Lake Onega, the silver planks of the roofs of Kizhi, the vast expanse of fields and the foam of waterfalls, and all this is Karelia.”

« Yeah, the roads there are certainly impassable, but the fishing is magical. Many forest lakes. There is an island in Ladoga, the locals call it 3 pines, there is a house right on the rock and a little further on there is a bathhouse. The easiest way to get to it is from Lyaskel along the Yanis River or from the village of Khiidinselga (Sawmill). I advise you to visit there, the beauty is indescribable, great fishing and a lot of mushrooms, you can see Valaam from the cliff...”

A beautiful part of the Russian North - a place that is definitely worth visiting, in fact, I’m saying this without pathos or advertising - our country has a lot of wonderful nature that cannot be compared with abroad. And although abroad is also good, “home” is much better.

You can choose hotels, tours, and book tours on many websites. In addition to recreation centers, there are sanatoriums.

Very praised winter holiday when can you meet New Year off the beaten track coniferous forests in a small house, almost buried in a snowdrift, next to a pack of Husky dogs, in the middle of a frostless winter, so that the winter sun would blind your eyes through the windows in the morning and the snow would crack under your feet during walks. In winter there is a kind of beauty there, and in summer, of course, the landscapes are still the same, but in snowy times there is its own charm - anyone who has been there will understand what we are talking about.