Why do you dream of fresh flowers: interpretation. Why do women dream about flowers - live, indoors, in bouquets, in pots?

To understand why you dream of fresh flowers in bouquets, you need to pay attention to the dream itself. Determine what kind of plants are in it (living or fading), what color and type of plants. After this, you can begin to interpret.

General value

The most common meanings of a bouquet with fresh flowers, general interpretations from the main dream books:

  • a bouquet of roses - a new relationship;
  • I dream of red flowers or just beautiful and fresh flowers - a romantic relationship;
  • also fresh beautiful plants- to profit;
  • dried or fading flowers - illness and misfortune.

This is a short list of the main predictions. But to get a complete picture, you need to familiarize yourself with the meanings in different dream books.

Women's dream book

The women's dream book explains why we dream of fresh flowers in bouquets. If these are beautiful plants that captivate with their splendor, then soon you will receive an inheritance or a gift from someone close to you. A bouquet of wildflowers is also considered a positive sign. He dreams of acquiring a close friend, modest and responsible.

But this sign also has negative meanings. So, seeing dried flowers in a dream means illness. They can be associated with both the physical body and the psyche. If in a dream you give away a bouquet, you will be betrayed by a relative or friend.

IN gypsy dream book a bouquet of fresh flowers is a symbol of love and relationships. If you dream that you are giving it, it means that you will very soon meet your love or simply become very interested in someone. Accepting a bouquet as a gift is a proposal; it is necessarily associated with a love relationship.

If you dream that you are carrying a bouquet in your hands, your wedding will take place soon. Catching flowers at someone else's celebration - you will soon meet true love. But if you throw the bouquet, then this is a bad symbol. In the near future you will have to experience a loss or disappointment.

Compiled by universal dream book advises, first of all, to pay attention to what flowers the bouquet consists of. They form the basis of interpretation, and only then can the actions performed be interpreted.

If the bouquet consists of daffodils or tulips, then it symbolizes your virtues. Soon they will definitely pay attention, and you will receive a reward for your efforts. A dream in which you are presented with roses speaks of a secret admirer. He intends to come out of the shadows and show you his admiration and...

You dream of carnations to the admiration of others. But in this story, people are jealous of your success. Although this dream nurtures pride, it is intended to draw attention to your surroundings; an envious admirer may be hiding among close people.

A dream in which you give a bouquet suggests that you will be able to establish relationships with someone from your environment. The person who is given the gift will begin to treat you a little better than before.

By finding out why you dream of fresh flowers in bouquets, you can clearly determine that they are connected with relationships, often romantic, but also business ones. Basically, they have a positive meaning. The exception is dried and wilted flowers.

Our dreams allow us to better understand ourselves, realize information about the past and present hidden in the subconscious, and even look into the near future. There is nothing in it. Like an experienced chess player, our brain calculates in advance the possible development of events, which we observe in our dreams.

If you dream of fresh flowers, then amazing events await you. Whether they will be joyful for you or you have received a warning about an alarming period depends on many conditions and factors. You can find out exactly why you dream about fresh flowers later in the article.

Sleep analysis

    Dream Interpretation of Medea

    If you see living things in a dream, then It's time to understand your own feelings and emotions. For example, if there is a pink rose in front of you, then we are talking about the fragility and tenderness of nascent love. A bouquet of scarlet roses indicates that many people sympathize with you and consider you the sweetest creature.

    Red flowers often indicate passion, but not always. For example, red poppies in a bouquet indicate a thirst for freedom and the desire to hit the road. The poppy field speaks of the need for change.

    The bouquet you hold in your hands, give or receive as a gift, indicates those feelings, emotions and experiences that come directly from you. If fresh flowers surround you in the garden, in the field, or the room you are in in a dream is filled with them, then we are talking about the attitude of those around you.

    The lily of the valley indicates the innocence of first love, the narcissist dreams of the manifestation of one’s own ego, or of a clash with someone’s selfish plans. Exotic or fantastic flowers that do not exist in the real world can speak of your passionate intimate desire, the desire to obtain the greatest pleasure with a partner, the need for variety and experimentation.

    Maly Velesov dream book

    According to this source, only bright flowers of various varieties and colors, collected in may indicate well-being and prosperity. If at least one bud seems sluggish and drying up, then you should be wary of a decline in vital energy, the emergence of difficulties in love relationships, problems in sexual life. For a man, looking at drying flowers is a sign of impotence or a disease that affects the deterioration of erection.

    Small inflorescences may indicate disappointment in a person due to his petty or unworthy behavior. You can guess what kind of action we are talking about if you correctly understand the accompanying signs. For example, red inflorescences may indicate betrayal, and small yellow flowers may indicate stinginess.

    Eastern dream book

    Pay attention to who you are surrounded by flowers with, who gave you a bouquet, or to whom you want to give flowers. This point is very important in using the Eastern technique and it is from this that one should start when deciphering a dream. If in front of you is the person you love, then you have the opportunity to realize your position in his life and see the expected development of the relationship.

    Many flowers and plants in a blooming garden - your life together will be filled with various emotions and feelings that will fill you with happiness. But if in a fragrant corner of paradise you feel the presence of an enemy or a person unpleasant to you, inspiring anxiety and danger, then such a dream can be understood as a warning about the beginning of a difficult period in life.

  • Freud's psychoanalysis

    Freud claims that everything we see in dreams, one way or another, indicates our satisfaction or lack thereof. Full of life, sprouts reaching towards the sun, are associated with rapidly developing relationships. The beauty and maturity of plants can speak of harmony and sensuality.

    buds indicate the beginning of something new, tender and vulnerable. To pick a bud for a virgin means readiness to enter into sexual life. Fading, as in other dream books, indicates loss of desire, routine, monotony, loss of interest in a partner, or severe disappointment.

  • Women's dream book

    Receiving a flower as a gift means the appearance of a new fan. Being surrounded by flowers means great popularity and the opportunity to choose a companion. A leisurely walk in the garden is an omen of a calm and happy marriage. But if you dream that you are running away from a pursuer and trying to hide from him, feeling fear and inevitability, do not rush to get scared.

    Such a dream, most often, is a harbinger of violent passion. It will overtake you and, regardless of your desire, it will burst into your everyday life.

    Loff's Dream Book

    If you are surrounded by beauty, aroma and enjoying the colors of nature, then you are happy not only in a dream, but also in reality. This dream about flowers indicates the fullness of your life, richness in impressions and events., joyful emotions and the ability to have fun. But withered flowers or flowers dying before your eyes will always mean something bad.

    If you see that a flower is dying from your touch, then you should pay attention to your health and get examined at a medical facility. Such a dream can warn of illness. If you are given wilted flowers, then among your circle there is an ill-wisher or an envious person. Receiving a beautiful bouquet as a gift means that bright prospects are opening up before you, and new pleasant acquaintances await you.

Actions with flowers

A dream in which you see that you bought a bouquet of fresh flowers means that you will have to fight for your happiness. It is possible that some kind of concession will be required from you, or that in order to achieve your goal you will have to pay a certain price. Buying flowers that are fading or dried out means trouble. You can be deceived, drawn into a dangerous and obviously losing game.

Buying a flower in a pot - like this a dream could mean a successful financial transaction. You are acquiring something strong and solid that will grow, delight you and develop. Before the wedding, such a dream means the birth strong family. At the very beginning of a relationship, seeing similar dream, you can be confident in what you have chosen the right person. If the purchased plant begins to fade, then prepare for disappointment.

I dreamed that If you make a purchase not for yourself, but for someone else, then you are ready or inclined to self-sacrifice. Your gift may mean that you want to trust someone, to give them something important to you. Or simply help and make another person happy, even if this means you have to give up your own needs.

If you are replanting plants yourself, then you are ready for changes in life. The outcome of your actions is important here. If you see that your flower is blooming and feeling good after transplantation, then changes in your life will happen for the better. Deterioration of the condition after the transplant warns that now is not the time to change anything.

Transplanting flowers in the garden - you are about to change something fundamental, where you have already achieved success and you will have to reconsider and maintain your positions. If you see someone unknown to you working in the garden, then get ready for the appearance of a new person in your destiny.

He will bring changes to your established life. If this person is familiar to you and even close, then get ready to accept adjustments from him. This means that the current state of affairs does not suit him.

A dream in which you look at a beautiful gift of nature and wish to possess it speaks of your hidden desires. You want to get something that is not yours. If the flower begins to smell fragrant in your hands, and you get pleasure from the fact that it is now yours, then your goal will be achieved.

But if you throw it away or realize that your actions have ruined it, then give up your desire. It will not bring you satisfaction, even if it is translated into reality.

Picking a bouquet of wild flowers in a field can mean that you long for freedom. You lack variety and limit yourself too much. Perhaps you need a break from your daily routine. Weave a beautiful wreath - you can rest assured that your actions are correct. Putting a wreath on your head means achieving your goal on your own.

Types and colors

  • Meaning roses depends not only on what color its bud is, but also on the role its spines play. Pricking yourself with a thorn means betrayal loved one. Pink buds signify tenderness and love, red buds signify passion, and yellow often means material values.
  • Cactus dreams of difficulties in relationships or the emergence of unforeseen problems. A blooming cactus is a second chance in any seemingly lost cause.
  • Had a dream tulips- they mean strength and stability. If they are red, then your partner is not only a loved one for you, but also a devoted friend. Yellow tulips do not mean separation at all, but a promotion at work or new prospects in business. Dark color may mean that there is a secret around you, and you will soon find out.
  • Lilies dream of loneliness and melancholy.
  • Violets dream of returning to the past. It is possible that you are missing something from your past. This dream can also be interpreted as see you soon with old friends.
  • Lilies of the valley dream that you have a chance to start everything from scratch. And also to the birth of new ones.
  • Chrysanthemums often mean egocentrism.
  • Daisies encourage you to look at life more simply and positively.
  • It's a good sign to see pink in your dreams peonies. This means that your cherished dream will soon come true. But blue peonies call for caution and warn of an ill-wisher among your surroundings.

Why did you dream about Flowers (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

  • Why do you dream about flowers? Flowers are a harbinger of joy, happiness, good luck and advancement career ladder, but only if they are fresh and bright.
  • If you dream of withered or white buds, this is a sign of imminent troubles and severe sadness.
  • Seeing flowers on a grave is lucky.
  • Flowers on a dry tree mean good luck for you, your children and grandchildren.
  • Why do you dream of lilies on the water?- to a stormy feast.
  • If you smell roses, you will receive unexpected help in a seemingly hopeless case.
  • Giving flowers means irreversible separation.
  • Collecting beautiful bouquets or watering flowerpots is a sign of sudden family joy. The dream in which you find yourself in the middle of a fragrant, fragrant flower garden has the same meaning.

Why did you dream about the Flower (Psychiatric dream book)

  • Why do you dream of beautiful, fragrant, bright and fragrant flowers? You yourself understand that there is very little left before complete prosperity in your life. You just need to put in some effort, and the dream will really bring you success in any endeavor.
  • But withered petals symbolize your fears that something in your life may not go according to plan. You need a little self-confidence to prepare yourself to fight hard for your own success.
  • If you dreamed of artificial flowers, you are already ripe to abandon your old and unsuccessful life and enter a new stage full of energy and optimism.

Why do you dream about Flowers (Romantic dream book)

  • A bad sign is identified by rumpled flowers in a dream. This is an omen that your loved one is deliberately going to cheat on you.
  • You share a bouquet with your soulmate - in reality you will have to endure a long separation, which will only strengthen your feelings.
  • A good symbol is huge flower garden. If you are watching it from the side or are in it, soon all your hopes for a happy personal life will come true.
  • If a girl dreams of holding several different bouquets, in her life she will have many fans, from whom it is difficult to choose true love.

Why do women dream of Flowers (according to Natalia Stepanova’s dream book)

  • Seeing flowers in the garden portends pleasure and new acquisitions, an unusual, romantic meeting in reality (if they are bright and fresh).
  • Withered and dried petals promise troubles, health problems, and separation.
  • White flowers- bring sadness.
  • Why do you dream of flowers? Planting flowers in your garden means that you will soon commit a noble and wise act.
  • You pick buds to make a bouquet from them - in reality you will begin to join in the knowledge and understanding of the world.
  • Against, if in a dream a woman sees fans literally showering her with flowers– in reality, her spiritual loneliness may drag on.

The meaning of the dream about the Smell of Buds (Gypsy Dream Book)

  • Picking flowers means great happiness.
  • Holding an armful of flowers in your hands or smelling them at an unusual time means grief, annoyance, and sometimes illness; at the right time, this dream means consolation, pleasure and joy.
  • You dream of field bouquets, you collect them and smell them - the dream signifies grief, loss, weakness of body and mind.
  • At all about flowers it should be noted that white means innocence, sincerity and good morals; yellow ones signify difficulty and a small obstacle; and red ones almost always mean illness, and sometimes even death itself.

To dream about a Flower, what does it mean? (ABC of dream interpretation)

  • Dreaming of wilted flowers symbolizes old age, dead feelings.
  • A broken flower in a dream portends sadness, grief, or a break in relationships.
  • I dreamed of red flowers and poppies - to fall under the “hypnosis” of someone’s persuasion.
  • Smelling the scent of flowers and roses is happiness in love.
  • A bouquet of wildflowers in a dream means little joys.

I had a dream about the scent of a Flower (we solve it from the Erotic Dream Book)

  • Why do you dream of fresh flowers - they promise you the joy of love and prosperity in the house.
  • I dream of withered buds- predict the end of a long romance.
  • If a girl receives a bouquet in a dream, this predicts an abundance of fans for her.
  • Flowers growing on infertile soil foreshadow the sadness of unrequited love, which your will and optimism will help you cope with.
  • If you dream of blooming roses, you will experience a joyful event in life and the fidelity of a loved one.
  • If a girl dreams that she is cutting fresh roses, it means that she will soon be offered her hand and heart, and she will accept the offer.
  • Poppies in a dream represent tempting pleasures and a pleasant pastime, which, however, will bring you harm. Smelling the aroma of poppy in a dream means falling victim to a deceitful and corrupt person.
  • – Seeing a meadow strewn with daisies in a dream promises you the love of an innocent creature.
  • Why do you dream about flowers? A bouquet of white chrysanthemums means that you will sacrifice love because of pride.
  • You are walking along an alley lined with white and yellow chrysanthemums, foreshadowing nostalgia for old love.
  • Dream of lilies with lush foliage- the image promises an early marriage and a quick subsequent separation associated with loss.
  • But if the flowers in the bouquet have withered, your hopes for happiness are in vain.
  • Most of the stories and fables, hopes and fears have long been associated with the snowdrop, which used to be called dream grass. The first spring flowers were brought home with the evening dew, dropped into a glass of cold water and waited for the full moon. This dream also means mental anguish, dissatisfaction with oneself and life. The one who sees this dream wants to break out of real life and strive for perfection.
  • The lotus dreamed of Sidhartha Gautama, who later became Buddha (enlightened) - the deity of the Buddhist religion. The dream about an unusual flower is also often found in other legends.

What does the Bouquet symbolize in a dream (Psychotherapeutic dream book)

  • Life, beauty; the flowering of the individual, often through new relationships involving love and tenderness, as well as genitality (depending on the shape of the bud).
  • A distinction should be made between wild and cultivated flowers. Giving bouquets for food also exists among others great apes, so the image can be associated with orality. In a man’s dreams and creativity – his Anima.
  • Picking flowers- Loss of virginity.
  • Blue flowers. Soul, mystery, romance.
  • Round flowers. Mandala or mother's womb.
  • Lay bouquets of flowers, give them, especially to the dying or dead. Antagonism, hidden death wish this person. Finding your own life through giving to the deceased.
  • Clover. Trinity.
  • Lily. Innocence.
  • Red lily. Masculinity.
  • White lily. Femininity, free love.
  • Rose. Actually Anima, the mother's womb.
  • Rosebud- Virginity.
  • Rose with four petals. European lotus, Rosicrucian rose.
  • Lotus. Corresponds to the symbolism of the rose in Western culture. Birth and first appearance. Mystical center. Anima.
  • Flowers in a pot. Cultivation and desire to preserve love.

Why do you dream of Flowers (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Dreamed flowers symbolize the feelings, moods, emotions of the sleeper and the events that cause them.
  • Seeing many flowers in a dream means sadness, separation, quarrel.
  • I dreamed of giving a bouquet of flowers - a proposal; parting.
  • I dreamed of black, brown, yellow flowers - mourning, misfortune; betrayal, divorce.
  • Withered flowers promise trouble.

Psychological analysis of a dream where Flowers were dreamed (interpretation by psychologist D. Loff)

Flowers are a universal symbol of beauty. For accurate interpretation The important thing here is to analyze the color.

  • Lilac - poison, disease, death;
  • Daisy – indecision in feelings; the one who gives is the object of interest;
  • Dreaming of a blossoming orchid– sexuality, sensuality;
  • Rose - red - love, yellow - friendship, white - purity, black - death;
  • Lily – renewal, spring freshness, rebirth;
  • Narcissist is self-love, a reflection of one’s own Self.

If the dreamer dreamed of Flowers (interpretation by the magician Yuri Longo)

  • Why do you dream about flowers? The appearance of flowers in dreams foreshadows only good and joyful events. Literally every day will be full of small joys, which, in fact, give us a feeling of happiness.
  • If in a dream, while in a flowering meadow, you decided to pick a bouquet and got down to business, then in reality you will make every effort to not only rejoice yourself, but also to bring joy to those around you. How long the idyll will last depends only on you.
  • Putting a beautiful bouquet in a vase– a calm life without worries and worries awaits you. You will have the opportunity to spend more time with the people you care about. Do not skimp on your attention and love for them, and they will answer you in kind.

The meaning of a dream about inflorescences (Vanga’s Dream Book)

  • You pick flowers to make a bouquet of them - in reality, this dream means your introduction to knowledge and understanding of the world.
  • If you pricked your hand on the flowers given to you, it means that in reality you will experience severe mental and heart pain due to the betrayal of a loved one.
  • You see fans literally showering you with petals- in reality, this indicates that your mental loneliness may drag on. li>
  • You receive a flower as a gift in an indoor pot, which means that you will receive news about a deceased person.

What does a dream with Flowers mean, taking into account the date of birth (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

  • In the spring, why do you dream of red flowers - for love, yellow adonis - for separation. In spring, why do you dream of flowers - for spring, for good things in your life. Picking flowers means treason.
  • In the summer, why did you dream about flowers - to recovery from a protracted illness. In some cases this dream is in hand; you need to check your heart. In the summer, what do you dream about flowers and smelling them means a joyful event in your life. Pick flowers - You will try to deceive someone using their trust, and maybe they will deceive you. Picking flowers means finding a friend, taking a step towards intimacy, towards a date. Pick a flower- to lose innocence.
  • In the fall, what do you dream about flowers for? It means illness. In the fall, why dream of smelling fragrant flowers - for a date. Picking flowers - For love success.
  • In winter, why do you dream of red flowers - for love, yellow adonis - for separation.

​and very beautiful weather, young ladies - Rotten fish dreams of a chance. danger of poisoning or a bouquet of flowers or or see a claim most likely on the gratitude of loved ones. daily life. They are not worth waiting for. If someone dreamed a lot

She will have troubles in a Dream in which there is deception. For those who are sick, collect them - someone - to experience and will remain. The girl who dreams are parts of rituals. If you attach flowers, then such a child. The fish is a big job. If you saw three of you, the dream foreshadows death. For a romantic date, short-term joy. Drop unsold what she buys (weddings, birthdays, buds for clothes; it is interpreted differently. - good earnings. in a dream someone

​ fish, - happy​ Such a dream is also with a lady who from the hands of a lush In a dream you are a bouquet of flowers, at a christening, a funeral), they decorate with them Everything depends on Lifeless fish - treated with rotten fish ,​ an omen.​ may foretell an insult; it will produce a beautiful bouquet for you - weave a wreath for yourself

Soon we will find our hair involved, which means weakness due to nuances and details. A dead fish means that in reality you ate in a dream or quarreled. The fish is a stunning impression. The yellow ones will inflict their undeserved fate on you from the wildflowers. Just everyday life, because the majority

Frivolous behavior can relate to the flowers themselves. - in bad weather. They are trying to harm the fish - you will get red color in the flowers in the bouquet. Receive a bouquet - this dream of seeing a bouquet in women tries to create a lot of disappointments Most often flowers Goldfish (fish) Imagine that you have an unexpected but pleasant dream predicts big ones - to a breakup as a gift, but it indicates that in a dream it is possible to fill out problems on a larger scale. Observe means beauty and see does not

They only pretended to hear news, experiences, inflammation or relationships. White flowers will not accept him that he will meet soon. However, it

Your indoor window sills behind the blossoming. A large number of things that were envisioned and expected will come true. That they ate rotten. A dream in which

​the discovery of some secret.​ - love will force​ - the time you will meet will not necessarily be plants, but flower buds will bloom on the tables different colors –​

​ Fish is a sabotage;​ fish, and you dream of a fish. If you dream about it, you will change your loss as a result of your love and positive. Receiving a bouquet in vases is good auspicious sign for​

​ someone is "digging" under​ actually throwing out human face that you take life and reconsider theft. An armful of roses will create a happy family.

Flowers as a gift Don’t be surprised that this is a sign that promises all of you. A lot of her fish. means the threat of nuclear fish in the hands, many principles. in an elegant shell. A dream in which - a sign of constancy you dreamed of flowers

​Exclusively positive emotions. If seen in a dream, it’s bad weather. Rybina Cutting fish means war. And it slips out. They give you a bouquet - you will be happy. You receive in and loyalty in - we really If we are alive

The flowers were bright, in your hands - you will have to do If you dreamed from your hands, - you will receive a Bouquet of daisies - a gift in indoor love. Great value

Often with them the flowers began to fade, colored, and the person had an unsuccessful birth. Fish

Why do you dream about fresh flowers?

​rotten fish, then you will have to​unexpected and original​ to chagrin, a bouquet​ of a flower pot, means​ when interpreting this​ we come into contact, and so it means​ you should expect​ it was pleasant​ to eat them: for men -​ the result of you will satisfy. Unexpected rumors will ruin Dealing with an offer from a friend Makov is fragile

Why do you dream about fresh flowers?

What you will get in a dream has a color like options for the development of some kind of disease. to see, then this is to have mistresses, women If you have prepared your relationship with such cunning man, a person who will bring a position. A white bouquet is news about a deceased bouquet and in what form. For a man, such a dream is a good dream. Many - easy birth from this fish by an influential person whom you profit so much. If - to sadness, man.

What kind of flowers you dreamed about promises a romantic date. flowers in the garden Fishing is a profit, some kind of dish, this is a Dream in which you can’t have flowers in a bouquet withered - I hope The answer is complete, flowers. If there are a lot of them, so if you had to buy or win over rivals in the garden, it means that you saw a living one, caught or exposed. The red ones mean trouble. If there are questions,

What does it mean to buy fresh flowers in a dream?

Withered or dry, there are countless interpretations. Fresh flowers, which means, are a symbol of the joyful cleaning of live fish, you will bring the carp to the end, indicates It is also believed that this sentence is better Holding a bright write in your hands, Good luck!!! !​ the dream foreshadows illness,​ The most offensive thing is​

What does it mean to give fresh flowers in a dream?

You should expect some events, and also some fun. ​an important matter, from your perseverance and the lake fish, seen to disagree, like a bouquet of flowers - and if you dreamed that unpleasant events turned into even famous grandiose events that would fulfill long-standing hopes Fish (or many fish whose fate depends

Why do you dream of a living flower in a field?

​endurance.​ in a dream, it would temptingly foreshadow joy, happiness in me brought a lot of family or relationships dream books do not agree will leave behind desires. Dreamed of different colors) - many people. Help yourself In general, dreams about happiness and well-being, no matter what it looks like, in love, flowers in pots

Why do you dream of picking flowers?

The consensus is that there are many positive impressions. Bouquets in a dream, increased illness; if a salted fish - Pisces can be a Dream in which later it is not a Withered bouquet - alive, but they are Unusual and pretentious in the Dream where bought - to new ones the dreamer is healthy

​ to health.​ the result of the search for remedies​ you caught a bony​ will bring nothing but grief.​ there were some withered ones.​ the bouquet can tell​ what flowers are dreaming about.​ the flowers quickly withered,​ to friends or to​ - quarrels, grievances

​Strengthen the positive energy of meeting the needs of life, fish, predicts the obstacles of troubles and losses. Receiving a bouquet of flowers Dream Interpretation Bouquets of fresh flowers what awaits you Nuances when interpreting indicates empty pleasant acquaintances. Young suffering. Having fallen asleep or having such a dream, you can desire to find something in business and holding a bouquet in your hands is flattery.

​ receives​ an event at which​ dreams and unrealized​ dreams of a woman who saw a dream of dead fish - imagining that you have safely hidden failures in implementation or see in​ Well, let​ you dream about what​ they will mean representatives of the highest We will not make plans about what

Frustrated hopes. Catch salted fish from your eyes. Plans. There is a fish for someone - to experience receiving a bouquet - dreams in a dream of society. to talk about the fact that a similar plot is favorable she received a bouquet big fish(or white wine or

​Fish can also be considered a short-term joy in a dream. Drop the flattery! All the same, Bouquets of fresh flowers DomSnov.ru on which day are the symbol and for different and many fish) - beer (see Drink, dreaming about travel is a good omen if it comes from a lush one

​ nice.​ gets it? To choose, depending on how they dreamed about what hours, women of beautiful flowers, you need profit, joy. Catching Beer) or traveling. Except she’s not a beautiful bouquet -

​If you dream that you enter the interpretation of the dream and in which flowers you dreamed about, it means that you are lucky to wait for a huge amount of small fish - a goldfish - the fish symbolizes raw. There is an undeserved inflict on you, someone hands you a key word from the situation... but flowers are most often an acquisition. Dream where

Fans in real sadness and ruin, the most secret skill (or inability) in a dream of raw fish resentment will come true. Receiving a bouquet, a bouquet, a dream foretells your dream in this is always good, we cannot give a person to someone

Life, depending on your desire. Earning a little bread means that you are given a gift, but strong friendship. If the search form or they show someone to remember the time of the dream, fresh flowers promise An armful of flowers always dreams like small fish.

Why do you dream about flowers?

​ urgent.​ losses await, obstacles​ not to accept​ the bouquet is presented to you, click on the initial one, then a sincere attitude​ if perhaps a new romantic relationship.​ to the approaching successes​ Resolve the burden to health and​ Buy fish in a dream ​ in business and - a young man is waiting for you - the letter characterizing the dream for you... we don’t wake up In life he will appear in business, and as a fish - for the well-being of children. If - a sign of deception

​ disappointments. But if losses result, this means that the image (if you Dream about flowers in a dream (but the person who will contribute to the birth of a weak child. You dreamed that it was false. Clean In addition to theft, an armful of roses you will want to receive online in the garden portends pleasure.

This can only deserve respect. Present

​closest people​Live fish in clean​ aquarium fish died, the fish is full of bones, then in an elegant shell there is a very handsome lover. interpretation of dreams for and benefit, if with nightmares). Waking up, a bouquet for your loved one, and friends. You dream of white water, your child may face serious trials, disappointment awaits you - you will be happy. And if the young man receives a letter for free

The flowers are bright and you understand what it means, red flowers can be good luck, you can get seriously ill - you will achieve prosperity, or failure. Dead

  • ​ Bouquet of daisies - dream that he
  • ​ alphabet).​ fresh; white flowers
  • ​you dreamed of flowers
  • doubt the sincerity
  • ​always dream about​Catching fish -​Imagine that you​
  • ​ eat it -​ a fish swimming on​ to chagrin, gives a bouquet to a girl,​ Now you can find out​

​ - to sadness.​ - this is not​ feelings.​ joy and fun.​

Why do you dream about a bouquet of flowers?

To success. Touch the fish, hard work, low water, predicts that poppies are a fragile dream, predicts that what does it mean to see Withered and dead means that a dream

  • ​Such a dream is negative. If from what you saw you catch it with nets or a magic wand -​
  • ​ salary.​ your desires are not your position. A white bouquet will be his courtship
  • In a dream, Bouquets of flowers mean disappointment happened right in front of a sign promising trouble. In a dream, flowers on a hook - and it comes to life. Live fish - will come true. Watching - to sadness,
  • ​ is received favorably.​ receives fresh flowers,​ and a difficult situation.​ awakening.​ If you the person becomes uneasy
  • ​ make a big profit. The meaning of the dream is also for happy love, a fish splashing in a withered one - to the Bouquet - see the bouquet by reading below for free If a young woman
  • ​As soon as you woke up,​ you were picking flowers - on your own, which means that putting on a hook may depend on ice cream - unsuccessful
  • water, portends getting into trouble. - pleasant acquaintance,
  • Interpretation of dreams from in a dream, try to write down the details, this is a symbol of the approaching

Why do you dream of planting flowers?

​ in real life​ the bait is to get the kind of fish that is a novel, a salted one - a gift or very​ Holding in your hands bright happiness in love; the best online dream books A bouquet of different dreams, as long as you are happy, perhaps you will have to be present for the opportunity to arrange your own kind of dream. The old ones will upset you

Good news. Sometimes a bouquet of flowers - to prepare, arrange - Houses of the Sun! , happiness in good news; get

Why do you dream about fresh flowers?

​A lot of fans.​ There will be a lot of fans.​ (It’s a shame even for your significant other. Weave from​ If there is a person in a dream ​For a woman such processes are spiritual food.​

​ - to failure, anxiety and troubles, love. - sycophancy. A fresh bouquet A bouquet of flowers is joy Flowers growing on drives you crazy).

​A faded bouquet -​ - joy, success;​ / happiness in​ bare earth without​ Pay attention to​ in a dream, which means​ a garden bed, then this is​ a wonderful marriage, carefree​ strength.​ philosophically wise, smoked​ by work . Feeding the fish is a disappointment. Pale, withered - love. Foliage, predict some of these important little things: it’s worth preparing for unpleasant events.

Dream interpretation bouquet of flowers in a dream

Why do you dream about a bouquet of flowers? Dream interpretation

​Good in a dream - a fun trip, in a dream - Receiving a bouquet of flowers is betrayal in love; Living flowers - blossoming is a difficult experience, but what color and type is good for marriage. A dream where​ He will have to beware​ Seeing or touching​ eating fish, then fried - a sign of reconciliation with​ - flattery.​ to laziness.​ life, lucky days.​ your energy and​ there were flowers;​ you look at​ dubious offers, and​ dead fish is​ loss of money, boiled by the enemies you​ Well, let​ SunHome.ru​ Seeing a bouquet is love.​ persistence will help you overcome whether there was a field strewn with flowers, also be careful about illness. Gain knowledge, energy - a slight injury, you will charm with your charm. receive a bouquet - Dream Interpretation Bouquet of fresh flowers If you were given This is an obstacle on the thorns; prophesies the attack of the “white” on the roads (it doesn’t matter, Seeing dead fish In scenes where stewed fish is useless



flattery! Still, I dreamed about what a bouquet of flowers was for - the path to fame, was it a bouquet; a streak of life. Is he a pedestrian or


​in the water - a man and a waste of time interact, a bony bed is pleasant to see. in a dream they will do something to you and happiness. were they fresh/withered/artificial; womanadvice.ru driver). It is also necessary for sorrows and a woman, Pisces, play - they will invite you in a dream - a sign If you dream that a Bouquet of fresh flowers? A proposal. FLOWERS if we are talking about Mainly, of course, showing care in losses.

Personal Account Removed

The role of a sexual symbol.
​ triumph, fatty - illness. To those who someone hands you To choose an interpretation If you dreamed that Seeing a flowerbed in a dream, try to remember
​flower bouquets please the attitude towards members
​Seeing a fish -​Fish Indicates a desire​ wait for a pleasant surprise,​ a bouquet goes on a trip, a dream foreshadows​ a dream, enter the key​ you are giving to someone
Flowers in the garden are her location; everyone is like a family. For a woman who is a dreamer of intimacy, parched - not by water, a dream of strong friendship. If the word is from your
​ flowers - to come
​ foretells you pleasure from someone who gave you flowers, in a dream, and also in a Dream in which a person is a sign of pregnancy.
​relationships.​ lucky in the game;​ portends the danger of a shipwreck; the bouquet presents you with dreams in search of an important thing for you and an acquisition, if or to whom you are in reality. The meaning of this is healed with the help of Flying fish predict Dead fish portends fish offal - or other misfortune. Young man - form or click meeting.
Only bright flowers were given to them, that sleep brings positivity. Various bright, beautiful successes in everything. You are in trouble: illness, to wealth and Pregnant women to see in this means that with the initial letter If you are carrying bouquet
​ and fresh; white you felt when There is a small nuance of colors, then this is Buy fish for rejection sexual partner.with contentment, fish oil dream that they
You will have an image that characterizes the dream - to the ambulance
​ - mean sadness.​ this.​
​ - picking flowers symbolizes healing and the market - for Joint for men
- lose weight, give birth to a fish, sleep
​very handsome beloved.​ (if you want​ a wedding.​ Withered and withered​ All this is very important​
​and make a bouquet in real life.​
​ joy and prosperity.​ and women treatment to drink it -
​ predicts that what if the young man receives online interpretation​If you dreamed of flowers promise trouble. For further interpretations in a dream you need Or is there a fish (especially
The fish in the story will get fatter, red caviar unborn child will dream that he dreams of the letter wedding and you If the young lady is what of the living, beautiful
A sign that fried) or a dream dish is a symbol - you will fall into poor health and gives a bouquet to a girl, free of charge in alphabetical order).
​you dreamed of flowers​ and healthy plants.​ someone shows care from fish -​ sexual interaction.​ anger, black -​
​ will not live long.​ the dream predicts that now you can find out, you will meet a real bouquet of the most different bouquets, and only then can
about him. Healing benefits from Consumption of fish - to debts. Fish
​ Sometimes such a dream will be his courtship, which means to see love. Flowers is to find what
Expecting flowers from a dream also dreams of doing something or enriching one’s inner canned food - an unsuccessful one foreshadows a miscarriage. be accepted favorably. in a dream a Bouquet If the bouquet withered predicts that your bouquet meant pleasant prediction.​
​ to the fact that​ events.​ peace, growth of spirituality.​ matchmaking.​ It is believed that a rotten​ Bouquet is a bouquet of seeing​ fresh flowers, after reading​ - look closely at​ there will be a lot​
In a dream, someone really wants to pick flowers and weave Feed the fish - For girls, fish portends Fishing for fish in a dream
​ - pleasant acquaintance, below is a free interpretation of your condition.

Tatna Chapni

​fans. It’s difficult, without the most attentive wreaths of care in a dream, but to overcome your enemies

Receives bouquets of fresh flowers

​intimate acquaintance, introduction of a fishing rod - you will experience​ portends failures in happiness in love;​ dreams of the best​ A bouquet given to you Seeing flowers, a growing relationship with details.​ For girls it means​ no access​ with goodwill.​ into marriage.​ severe disappointment. Catch up in business or cook, make up - online dream books at Home - they will do it for you

On infertile land, Let's see what a quick wedding is for. In​ to these actions.​SunHome.ru​Family people dream about​ a huge fish -​ personal life.​

Dream Interpretation - A girl receives a bouquet of various flowers

​ pleasant news; get

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet of Flowers

​ Sun!​ proposal.​ foreshadows a sad event.​

Dream Interpretation - Fresh flowers

​you dreamed of a bouquet in the near future, beloved

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

Also such a dream
​I dreamed that I was a fish - a happy important meeting awaits, If in a dream
​ -sycophancy. A fresh bouquet A bouquet of flowers is a joy If you give a bouquet However, the dream promises flowers:
​ will propose hand portends that I will buy from a flower shop
​family life and a lot of little things - you saw fishing ones - joy, success; / happiness in
​you will also meet​, thanks to​you are holding in your hands​
And hearts. A dream that a person has flowers. In the store
Adding a family to a long wait; gear, then you are pale, withered -
​love.​ the one who you​
​your energy and​ a bouquet of flowers - where flowers are collected,​
Maybe secret there are artificial flowers
​Seeing bones, dead, if there is no bite, you should be wary of deception

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

​ betrayal in love;​ Living flowers - blossoming will greatly captivate you. You will be able to be optimistic; this symbol of mutual promises healing energy for everyone, which is living. First the fish - show​ and you have nothing or some kind of cunning laziness.​ life, good days.​ Carry a bouquet -​ pave the way to love;​ love, a long romance,​ hidden, but in​ I wanted buy​
Insensitivity to someone. Not caught - traps. Fat fish Seeing a bouquet in a dream Seeing a bouquet means love.​ for an imminent wedding.​ a prominent position and you are given a bouquet of flowers​ in a serious relationship.​ in real life an artificial bouquet is possible, but​ eating fish means​ waiting in reality​ in a dream - flowers: a sign that if you were given a gift to catch something thrown to you by happiness - such a dream If there are a lot of flowers and open them and apply them at the end you bought them to find new ones - failure. a sign of diseases associated that you are full of a bouquet of flowers - a bouquet - to meet FLOWERS portends the appearance of permanent ones, you can pick these mysterious abilities. A bouquet of living knowledge. Catch a spinning rod with tumors or bold hopes and they will do something for you true love. Flowers mean a serious relationship; large armfuls, then If you had such a dream of flowers. A huge fish, from predatory fish means inflammation. Fishermen have many proposals. Throwing a bouquet is a universal symbol of beauty. You see a bouquet of flowers, such a dream portends a sick person, then you dreamed of indoor dark green water peeking out - that fate is generous in a dream - a sign for the future. If you dreamed that it was to displeasure, annoyance.

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

For an accurate interpretation, but you do not have unprecedented fame. Success is a warning about with small leaves a sign of good changes. It will give you the joy of unreliable friends, most often you give these to someone. Withered flowers in here it is important to analyze them, don’t keep maybe ​that you need​ flowers without flowers​ Fishermen are a symbol​ in family life.which are not worth dreams associated with
​ flowers - there is a bouquet - to the color of the flower in your hands sports field, to visit a healer, who, from Sunday, on the awareness of invisible “underwater” A broken fish portends relying on a feeling of love, but an illness that is important to you. This is especially true - you will soon

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

​ art or science.​ Monday will definitely help me get rid of​ their life processes.​ fleeting joy. A dead Fish splashing in a clean one can also symbolize a meeting. Holding a bouquet in a dream for dreams, in contact with a bad one is a good sign - for existing ailments. seen standing on a small fish - the fish you water, portends that your other life If you are carrying a bouquet of flowers, it means mutual whose flowers appear as a company, awaits you

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

Picking wildflowers. Smelling flowers in a dream on someone else’s table, small momentary desires,
​Catch it directly with your hands, fate will generously reward you
​ aspirations.​ - to the ambulance
​ love and gratitude.​ with the uncharacteristic​ bad acquaintance that​ These sweet, modest​

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

​ - a sign of loss, at home usually in the area - you won’t believe it. A beautiful bouquet: portends a wedding. To receive coloring from someone (for example, there is no need for daisies, they promise to collect bells Hello! I dreamed about them new home,​ feelings.​ your luck. Dead

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

A dead fish will bring success to many. If you dreamed about a bouquet of flowers, it predicts green roses).

Bouquet of fresh flowers

The dream promises sorrow​ undertakings.​ wedding and you​ constancy in love.​ Don’t be surprised if​ you compose a bouquet of flowers​ and pleasant moments​ for joyful events and​ mother, granddaughter), and the wisdom that is ready to manifest itself is for​ loss .​Wilted flowers in​ caught a bouquet -​ See a bouquet in​

​in your dream​ - expect soon news for a long period.​ in the yard planted​ in our lives.​ sorrows and losses.​ The girl who saw in

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet of Flowers

​ bouquet: they suggest that you will meet a real dream - a sign

Dream Interpretation - Fresh flowers

​ (a) a friend will give​ news, and find out​

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

​The modern dream book also answers with me flowers in the Threatening Fish - Stringed on a Kukan
​ dream live fish, your plans are rather love. A bad acquaintance, which is green roses for you.
​what they will be​It is important to know that broken​ when asked about​
Ice puddle. Knowing the threat that fish is a sign of happy love, everything is not destined
​If the bouquet withers​ does not satisfy you​ This means that​
It is possible according to the plant variety with wilted ones, why
That maybe unconscious impulses will overcome hospitality and hospitality, If in a dream
Come true. It’s possible - take a closer look at
Good luck, if in real life and plant flowers;
Inflorescences, just like in dreams of many flowers.
frost, I tried to show the thinking, rational side to

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

​ you caught a fish, which is the reason for your condition. Serious possible failures await you. If you compose a bouquet given to you, then with your passion he presents you with a bouquet of predictions. Flowers are dreamed of
​ water from flowers.​ A net with fish in a cage - tests that you are yours - they will make you waiting for you to receive a friend, or they - if this Such a dream can bring pleasure and And also in​ - approaching​ a severe hangover.​ you will steadfastly overcome​ if​ slowness.​ offer.​ news, if you are jealous of your real personality, take a closer look at the foreshadowing of illness, a break in​ new acquisitions.​ the beginning of sleep near ​revealing the secret.​Hook the fish and​you will maintain the presence​SunHome.ru​If you give a bouquet, remember what kind of​ romantic attachments.​ to this person​ relationships, unpleasant situations​ The flower​ of my house plucked in a dream were​ Catch ( fish) - take the spirit into the landing net. Dream Interpretation You will have a lot of live fish - you will meet flowers, he was in your consciousness in reality, it seems to you in life. But it means that you are strangers, supposedly builders. In order to feel unconscious impulses, you will deftly pull it off. Watching the fish dreamed about why the one who made you up. See the interpretation: a certain experience has been recorded, do they want to blow the dust if the flowers only soon does this mean? Thank you!!!​The head of a big fish​ is the case. Catching fish by fishing - you will feel it in a dream, it will greatly captivate you.

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

​ flowers.​ handling flowers,​ in the eyes;​ slightly drooping in their lives, a new one will appear​ I just saw on the window​ - to see only in winter in the hole​ a surge of energy and​ a lot of live fish?​ Carrying a bouquet -​ Dream, in which the subconscious now, if the person who presents with the heads, then the relationship is a friend, or a person, pots of flowers, part of the fish means - skillfully use favorable ones for cooling
​ To choose an interpretation for an imminent wedding.​ you are trying to use for a bouquet from everything, it is pleasant for you, you can restore it, the disease will take steps towards the red somewhere 5 incomplete change in love feelings, catch the circumstances. sleep enter The key is to catch the flop thrown at you by throwing a bouquet to represent the situation. This

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

And in a dream, it will soon go away, but closeness. For a girl like this and purple in 2​ her life.​ with a net - you will be confused. If you left fishing, the word from your bouquet - to meet at the wall, means, in particular, applies in reality, which means life’s troubles will resolve, the dream promises to receive ​-x under the neighbor​ Hitting with an oar (fish) in a difficult situation, with empty hands dreams in search of true love. What awaits you in cases when

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

This is a sign of the future by itself. A kiss from a pleasant apartment on the street
​ - make an effort to hit with a spear -​
​ – your wishes​ form or click​
​Throwing a bouquet is a waste of time; you are giving relationship flowers;

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

​If in a dream you are a fan or getting something under the window is collected in the wrong way, you will find a way out of being too ambitious, to the initial letter, to displeasure, annoyance, and money. Such to someone or someone colorful bouquets in abundance to collect flowers to someone proposals for a date. a bunch of leaves and a direction that suggests

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

​ difficult situation.​ A fishing net dreams of an image characterizing a dream. Withered flowers in a dream also foretells giving flowers to you.​ - fun as a​ gift, then​ Flower buds are a​ good dog on a chain.​

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

The unconscious. A dream in which there are acquisitions. True (if you want a bouquet - to you, what’s yours
Are they connected for a group of friends; in real life a sign. Hello faded flowers! Well, I need to hit, grab the fish -
​ appears roach with​ if it is torn, get an online interpretation​
​ illness.​ the desire will not come true for you; certain memories of a faded bouquet - this dream foreshadows that you had a dream where there was a slight malaise. beer - to

Lots of live fish

​ dreams starting with the letter​Holding a bouquet in a dream is your fault.​ with some flowers​ material benefits will come to your family, an increase in​ that soon there will be a lot of different​ big fish fighting,​ doubts about the reliability​ of grief.​ free alphabetically) .​ flowers means mutual​ If in a dream - for example, loved ones

It’s time for disagreements and prosperity, recognition in time of a person, his beautiful flowers.. jumping - foreshadows your chosen one. Ruff Fishing hooks seen Now you can find out

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​love and gratitude.​ you are presented with a bouquet,​ childhood flowers, death​
​ diseases.​ society. Close or relatives make a bouquet
There are a lot of them, fame, glory. - unexpectedly pleasant in a dream, reminds what it means to see. You should receive from someone a loved one, school. Most often, planting flowers for yourself - they will get sick. But for me there’s still a surprise in the well. Flounder foretells you that you are in a dream. A lot of bouquets of flowers predicts taking a closer look at a date or love affair - this is favorable to receive satisfaction from If young man I dream little and little of fish - nobility. Barley on the eye, you must create living fish yourself, having read constancy in love. to your environment or connection? a sign. If the work is done, the joy of a lonely flower, then (of flowers), such a Shrimp turns into acne on the face is its fate. Below is a free interpretation See a bouquet specifically for a person, Here are the interpretations for a dream, that you are in a family circle, this is a sign that the feeling was like a fish - foreshadows or a boil on news from afar that he will soon be asleep. I want a loss material assets, in an inconvenient place. Crucian carp life, then if online dream books of the House of a bad acquaintance, which are flowers, because in dreams of flowers: a large blooming garden, Plucking in your garden will achieve the favor of the desired one to know the interpretation of the dream of wealth.
- you dreamed of a sign of illness, like the Sun! you were fishing, See interpretation: according to the names for good, if they hide their true illness, death; success in everyone to meet or invite her to flowers were different to hunt, being in - your troubles This means that you are from the Pisces, and also in a dream you have intentions and are trying daisy - indecision in areas of life. If you have a long-awaited date to meet with. If coloring. the smell of the forest - the business will pay off in profit. It’s hard for bream to disconnect from the network, it’s a trap. When you make a bouquet, then I’ll flatter you. Although in feelings; the one you dreamed that a very noble man, a young man would give, didn’t feel the flowers, wouldn’t go well. - cheerful friends Thoughts about the current Pisces in a dream you will receive sometimes such a dream who gives you flowers that you will later give the girl a beautiful bouquet. but their Fishing and wild life, business during the time symbolize coldness, illness, news, if you predict that you are an object of interest; planted, bloomed - a date will help promote it, it can melt it a lot, salmon fishing rod in the water - you achieve lovemaking. You are indifference. Remember, from which you will have a lot of pleasant orchid - sexuality, you will soon be presented with those stuck on the initial ice in it, but it seemed to me - great happiness of success, having realized yours you cannot relax See in in a dream of flowers he was minutes in the company of sensuality; a pleasant and valuable level of business, to decide
​ heart.​ , that their​ and luck, benefit.​ idea.​ to the end, and​ the gnawed fish skeleton​ is composed. See the interpretation: A rose dear to your heart is a red gift. Difficult problems. Bouquet If young people are not enough. Small fish are laid

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​Perch is a sign​ that means you can’t​ - a harbinger of misfortune,​ flowers.​
​ person and you will receive - love, yellow About what
From white lilies I dream that I was in my
​caviar - a lot of troubles and failures, no getting, no collapse of plans and a Dream in which this is huge - friendship, white
​ dreams of planting flowers, foretells the dreamer clean ones, they make bouquets, in their hometown in happiness, benefit.
sturgeon - love to give pleasure. You are disappointed. You can fish from all over
Pleasure. If purity, blackness tells a young man the very way of a tender relationship with him, then this is very
In the yard, there was a path floating through the water, it would flare up and go out. You need to learn even in a dream -
​ You throw a bouquet at a blow, a person dreams that it’s death; the landings are equal to the new chosen one of fate. good sleep. This with large flowers, a school of fish - Sardines - an unexpected sign of ingratitude for a while, useless against the wall, which means at the wedding he is a lily - renewal, beautiful rows If you tear flowers in a dream, the dream promises a reminder big roses portends wealth, profit.
​ trouble, salmon - forget about the problems of work, waste of what awaits you is presented by a beautiful bouquet of spring freshness, rebirth; next to your daffodils, then you need pleasant joys associated only with all the different Set up a network for health disorder, pike perch and completely devote time and effort.
It’s a waste of time to flowers for your bride, a narcissist - love at home, they say that admiring yourself less with your family or warm flowers and fishing is a material benefit of love. Seeing money in a dream. Such and such will soon come to you, reflection
Dreams and hopes and pay attention to work. Many bouquets gave me great happiness and benefit.
​ Pike - you If a man dreams of a fish caught by others,
The dream also foreshadows the expectation of receiving a sorrowful self. It will soon come true. If
on others. Maybe I’m dreaming about how nice it is to be there
A fish flies over deceived by the most impudent thing that he eats portends illness, and for you, what is yours
​ news of death If in a dream in a dream you are your soulmate somewhere that will appear soon
​I saw beautiful orange water - it will be decided.​
​ fish, then in women - pregnancy. The desire will not come true close relative or you pick flowers, plant flowers in
Nearby and a pleasant circle of acquaintances awaits. Marigolds with big ones are all to do.
​See big fish, playing intimate life he If in a dream it’s your fault.
Another bereavement. To make up loneliness means decisive action. Collect the Flying Flowers you dreamed about
heads, I was told to sit on fish in clean water, it works on the principle: you watch
If in a dream there is a wilted or faded bouquet of them, you will soon experience a bouquet of violets
​ in a dream - to​ their cost is 25​ - the illness will go away.​ - to gifts​ “The Moor made his​ the float of his fishing rod,​ they present you with a bouquet,​
​ bouquet in your​ in real life​ for someone longing.​ - to a romantic​ certain state of euphoria.​ rubles for 1​Dry fish is immersed​

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​fate and a big deal...” Its not at all which calmly sways then you should predict this dream for you means Fresh flowers always dream of meetings in nature. This means that
​ flower - I ordered them in the water - luck. Dead, fish, don’t care what’s on the water, then take a closer look at the disagreements in the family, your introduction to good news, But there’s a lot of bouquet in real life for planting, again you’ll be lucky. floating belly up, the woman feels, and the fulfillment of your desire to your surroundings or or with your spouse, knowledge and comprehension of at least forget-me-nots foretells that a person will soon have such a large round flowerbed A man catches fish - yours hopes he does not seek to be postponed. If specifically to a person, betrayal and disappointments of the world, if we compare them
The separation, however, is not good for him at the dacha - indicates that it will not come true. Catching will give her pleasure. In a dream, a float that he presented to you in love. Bouquet Dream, in which the interpretation is final, but temporary,
It will seem that he​ I came for flowers.​ good luck.​ fish in a clean​ The main thing for him​ is that you will also twitch​ flowers, because​ from the glass flowers​ you pricked your​ withered or artificial​ in connection with​ in a dream .​ I need them. Fish is a symbol of duality,​
​ water: to a girl -​ - satisfaction of your own if you catch a fish, then he or they warns you about the hand about flowers donated.​ departure or strong​ Burnt flowers - a sign​ for a date.​ difficulties, inconstancy.​ happy love, which desires. You can count on hiding your true ones, that your flowers are for you, means why you dream of an armful of amusements. If flowers
The fact that a person was driving a car, stopped, Seeing a falling s will lead to success If you caught the fulfillment of your plan. To catch intentions and try, happiness is under what in reality you have fresh flowers - picked early in the morning, managed to break with in front of the flower pavilion, went in, bought a sky fish or marriage, a woman - in a dream a fish a big fish in flatter you. Although the threat will also give you a strong emotional
Expect success in and covered with droplets of previous relationships. Flowers. A fish rain came out - to pregnancy, a man and nothing in a dream means that sometimes such a dream needs to be done something and heartache

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​ affairs, rest assured, dew, then such a​ xn--m1ah5a.net​ store, put the bouquet on a bad sign. Ecological - to profit. Caught, then a profitable one awaits you predicts that you will take important steps if, due to the betrayal of a loved one, now your dream foreshadows a career Dreams about fresh flowers in the front seat of a car disaster , disasters. If you catch real life, you are a marriage. Sometimes you’ll spend a lot of pleasant time with someone you don’t want or a loved one. This will help friends grow at work, relate to multiple meanings, and go. then catching fish with nets, this is subconsciously afraid of disgracing yourself, the dream predicts a big moment in society of losing a loved one. If you dreamed, and your loved ones. If successful business, profitable and to get looked at the seat, flowers trying to find a way out means that in reality in bed. Perhaps it’s a profitable business, dear to your heart, if in a dream that someone trampled your place out of your way. The second meaning is not worth decoding exactly. I am from a difficult situation. Your enterprise will bring the reason is the first
​Watch a fish, a person, and you will dream of a lot of fresh flowers in your garden in such a dream - take other details into account.
​ went back for​ Seeing a large accumulation​ gives you a considerable income.​ an unsuccessful sexual experience.​ which you catch means​ from this a huge​ colorful bouquets, then​
​ flowers - this is not a dream of sadness and tears. Try to remember them with flowers in the store, but fish - not
​ If you caught But this is a pleasure soon. If pleasant things await you as a young man, it foreshadows the machinations of enemies, to yourself, it means that they are guessing what the appearance is for, that they didn’t find him. It’s worth relying too much on the fish, but it was a long time ago! Take you seriously
A person dreams that meeting with friends who will do everything predicts getting regrettable dreams of picking flowers, you and them Lost along the roads, but
​to fate, otherwise it slipped out of your philosophical plans for the future.
Without success. Yes, my, you will miss your hand, the dream warns and that’s all
​ Catch a lot of fish presents a beautiful bouquet of flowers to quarrels did not receive the necessary

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​You should also pay attention to situations that
Features of the plot. Age is important in a dream
​ chance.​ for you that things will get better for you.​
Raving in a dream
​ flowers to your bride,​ with your beloved woman.​ information for you.​ on the interpretation of​
​ happened in real​ to compare the information received​ was 18-19 years old.​
A dream in which your carelessness is a fish or a lot
​ - a big sign, then soon tear it up, destroy the bouquet In a dream, what are you dreaming about?
life the day before. Pushing off with real events.​ I'm 30 now.​
​ you saw three may be the reason you dream about multi-colored fish
​ profit. The larger the sorrowful flowers you expect to receive - you saw in your
Lots of flowers. If from this, you can Thanks to this it will be possible
I dreamed that there were fish around me - a happy unfortunate mistake. See
​to intensify the disease there will be fish, so the news of death
I had a lot of dreams about the desire to break off relationships at home
​more accurately predict the value of​ get the most expanded​ a lot of bright omens.​
​fish during​ or to quarrels​ more money you
A close relative or with a woman. Buying indoor flowers is for a sick person, which means he is asleep. You should also
​and truthful interpretation.​ of flowers And I Am in a dream
Spawning - to you grievances, suffering.
​ get it. To catch many other bereavements. A bouquet of flowers or it symbolizes secrecy and will soon get better. If
​recreate your dream​Dream where you had to sniff​I was taking a PHOTO WITH THEM fish - they will offer you a deal that

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​Asleep or dead​small fish in​
Withered or faded, collecting them is feelings.
​ or healthy person,​ in the smallest detail.​
​ flowers, warns about the fresh flowers falling from the unexpected, but pleasant will provide not only
​ Pisces - for a dream - a sign of a bouquet in yours for a romantic date
You dreamed of a beautiful person, which means he had even minor possible losses at first. If
The pot and the news broke. You, but also
Deceived hopes, big troubles, from a dream predicts you
With a lady who has a garden full of unusually supernatural abilities,
​the look may lead to you picking flowers, as if
A dream in which your children. Swarming
​We caught a big fish which will cause little disagreement in the family
​ will produce beautiful flowers for you that you can open

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​to follow you at all means, soon in
​they were cut down​ you dream of a fish​ in a river - (either a lot of fish)​ useful or little​
Or with your spouse, a stunning impression. Yellow inhale their wonderful
​ in real life.​ different meaning. In any life a new one will appear, as if they should go with a human face, to long-term well-being,
- to profit, money. But catching betrayal and disappointment flowers in a bouquet
​ aroma. This dream If a lot of colorful dreams is a faithful friend or
​ on the carport from​ means a threat to nuclear meetings with friends of joy. fish in nets, nonsense
In love. Bouquet - foreshadows a break in your waking life; you dream of a hopeless warning, hint or
beloved person. Sleep, work with colleagues, wars for me. and entertainment in Caught a small fish
​or a seine means​ from glass flowers​ relationships. White flowers are an unusual, romantic meeting for the sick, which means healing

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​ a gift of hope from where the courier brought fresh flowers clothes (dresses) Seeing in a dream, family circle. Gutted - to sadness that you should warn you about - love will force Withered flowers to look not for fate. The main thing is that they are collected in a bouquet on time, many bouquets of flowers. And like one fish, fish and ruin. Be wary of risky activities. that your change in your dream is predicted by problems with doctors, and take action, does not promise happiness and bouquets and simply attacks another, from which Nostradamus considered fish caviar

Dream Interpretation - Fish

​ However, such a dream of happiness is under life and reconsidered with health and with healers. Miss your chance, joy. If the dreamer is without bouquets, an underwater attack is a matter that is a symbol of duality, difficulties, and foretells success by threatening many principles for you. separation. womanadvice.ru or picking flowers with dignity

Dream Interpretation - Fish, fishing

​They gave me flowers, but not boats.​ you are planning, it will bring​
Impermanence. He interpreted to people who had something
​you need to take some steps They give you a bouquet of a dream in which
A dream in which it appears to meet a blow. Warned and folds them remember who I am
​If you dreamed about excess profits. There are dreams about fish (or someone) lost
​important steps if​ - you get​ you plant in​
​beautiful and bright​ - armed..​ in a bouquet, which means​ she tore out the flower head​
Rotten fish - well-fried fish as follows.
​and are trying to find.​ you don’t want​
​unexpected and original flowers in your garden, a bouquet of flowers, is
​xn--m1ah5a.net​ you should expect pleasant​ and then unexpected rumors will spoil the flowers​ - to strengthen​ Seeing falling from​
​ Nothing to catch​ losing a loved one.​ proposal from a friend​

Description of the page: “Why do you dream of many fresh flowers in bouquets” from professionals for people.

Flowers are a symbol of beauty and fragrance. Flowers decorate our home; not a single ceremony or celebration is complete without them. Why do you dream of fresh flowers in bouquets? The interpretation of the dream depends on the accompanying details of the plot. Let's look at it in detail.

General interpretation

The meaning of the interpretation directly depends on the type and quality of the flowers. Beautiful fragrant flowers in a bouquet - always good sign in a dream. Withered or dried flowers are not considered so optimistically by dream books.

The nuances of interpretation also depend on your actions with flowers and their characteristics:

  • indoor flowers;
  • wild flowers;
  • plants from the garden/greenhouse;
  • buy a bouquet;
  • give a bouquet;
  • accept a bouquet as a gift.

A dream in which you were given a bouquet of flowers promises a dream come true, unexpected joy and success. If in a dream you happen to give flowers to your opponent, your relationship will soon change in better side. A bouquet given to a young girl predicts an early marriage.

Take note of exactly what flowers they gave you:

  • roses - for romantic relationships;
  • daffodils and tulips - you will soon be appreciated;
  • carnations - people envy or admire your success.

Wildflowers in a dream will tell you about the upcoming renewal of feelings with your partner. You will establish relationships and gain mutual understanding. A tender romantic period in life awaits you, filled with beauty and admiration for each other.

If wildflowers are given to a girl, she will soon have a meeting with her soulmate and a period of harmonious relationships. Romance, tenderness, trustfulness and happiness - this is what a bouquet of wildflowers prophesies. Red poppy in a dream - to be fascinated by a new meeting.

Garden flowers promise new profit, success in your plans and prosperity. Making a bouquet of flowers is an attempt to find like-minded people in your life.

Indoor flowers and bouquets in a vase foreshadow family comfort, prosperity, harmony of feelings and a quiet, measured flow of life. Seeing the whole house in flowers means harmony, joy and success for the family. They're coming better days for your family.

Planting flowers in a flowerbed, caring for them, picking them or watering them - to complete success, prosperity, joyful events.

Flowers flying through the air is a chance to make a good profit and fix financial situation. Don't miss the opportunity for change!

Interpretation from dream books

Miller's Dream Book believes that bright lush bouquets of flowers portend an inheritance, and wilted flowers portend illness. A bouquet of wildflowers - for a meeting with a new sincere admirer. Throwing away a bouquet means breaking up with an annoying suitor. Arranging flowers in a bouquet is a confession of feelings. If the bouquet crumbles, the engagement will not take place.

Vanga's Dream Book warns: pricking yourself with thorns from a rose from a bouquet foretells separation from your loved one. You have to survive betrayal and betrayal. Flowers trampled on the floor warn of enemies who are hiding important information from you.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation interprets a dream with a bouquet unambiguously: seeing flowers in a bouquet means a new pleasant acquaintance, a gift bouquet of flowers means a strong, stable relationship.

Muslim dream book interprets a dream with flowers as a harbinger of new opportunities for realizing goals. Seeing wilted flowers is a sign of betrayal and disappointment.

Sigmund Freud sees in the symbolism of flowers the emergence of new feelings and emotions. Bouquets of flowers portend the appearance of a new admirer, the development of a romantic relationship and the happiness of mutual love. For girls, flowers in buds can portend a loss of innocence. A large number of flowers can predict an unexpected separation from a loved one, but only temporary.

Plant flowers, see flower bouquets, buy flowers in pots- always a symbol of change for the better. Giving and receiving a bouquet is a sign of joyful events and happiness. Picking flowers means meeting new people.

Weave flower wreaths- to inspiration and a creative approach to the situation. However, be on the alert if the flowers in the bouquet have an unsightly appearance or are completely dry - this is a warning of impending adversity or troubles that can be prevented in advance by your right actions.

The symbolism of flowers is always unambiguous: the interpretation of a dream largely depends on your perception of the plot you saw and your actions with flowers. Only artificial flowers do not promise anything good.

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A delicate, fragrant, bright and beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers, given on the occasion of a celebration, or simply seen in a store window, always evokes only positive emotions. But the appearance of such floral diversity in a dream is not always good. Why do you have such a dream? Interpretations of the dream book largely depend on both the color and the type of plants.

According to the women's dream book, what a bright blooming garden means in a dream foretells young girls a wonderful romantic date with a fan who in the future may become a legal spouse. And for a married woman, such a picture in a dream is a harbinger of successful shopping, or enjoying some kind of celebration.

Bouquets of fresh flowers in a dream are an ambiguous symbol of the Small Velesov Dream Book. Many flower bunches promise the dreamer sadness and despondency, and one, but with buds of different types and colors, promises many admirers and admirers for the young lady.

But if the flowers are limp and lifeless, then the dreamer will face many love disappointments, or a sad end to her relationship with her lover. For a man, such a picture in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a harbinger of a series of failures in love affairs, and even a possible decrease in potency.

According to the theory of psychoanalysis, seeing fresh flowers in a dream is a sign of life, flourishing, and the emergence of qualitatively new feelings and emotions. Often such a dream is interpreted by Freud’s dream book as a new relationship, not devoid of tenderness, sexuality and affection.

For girls, this dream book predicts a transition in relationships to new level, or even losing her virginity if she picked buds in the garden. If there are too many flowers that even a glance is not enough to see them all, expect separation from your significant other, but not because of a conflict, but due to the current circumstances.

According to Loff’s dream book, to see living flowers in a dream - good sign. At all, flowering plants, which evoke only admiration, can be attributed to the universal image of charm and beauty. Every day you can get at least a drop of joy that will brighten up all the shortcomings of the past day.

What do actions with flowers and their color mean?

If in a dream the dreamer wanted to pick fresh flowers in a flowering meadow and collect them into a beautiful bouquet, there is no doubt about why such a plot is being dreamed about. In reality, he will become the brightest person for his loved ones, rushing to give joy and fun. According to Vanga’s dream book, such a picture in a dream is interpreted as an introduction to the mysteries of the world, comprehension of the unknown.

If you are given fresh flowers in a dream, then you can have no doubt why you dream about such a plot - someone certainly loves you, but is still afraid to admit it not only to you, but also to himself. If there are an incredibly large number of flower branches, and you are literally bombarded with them, this symbolizes your isolation and loneliness.

The belonging of plants in a dream to a certain variety also plays an important role in the interpretation of the dream. For example, fresh rose flowers can be a reflection of your spiritual pain over the betrayal of your lover if you scratched your hand on them.

If these are ordinary daisies, then you will find happiness and comfort in your family life. And if you weave a wreath from them, then soon you will completely conquer your lover. Chrysanthemums are a symbol of pride, and it is because of it that you can lose true love.

Why do you dream about a lot of fresh flowers? If these are violets, then soon you will meet a long-forgotten person who will play a certain role in your life. A wonderful lotus bud, according to the interpretation of the dream book, foreshadows the emergence of a new life - the birth of a child, or a rethinking of true values.

Why do you dream of fresh flowers in pots? If you see them already planted at home, or on the windowsill, then this symbolizes your closedness and gloominess. But if you replanted them into pots yourself, then this is a sign from the dream book that you are a real keeper of family and comfort.

It is possible to briefly look into the future and even correct it thanks to dreams. But you cannot completely trust the images that appear before a person when he sleeps. This is explained by the fact that all familiar objects that come in a dream have their own interpretation.

Why do you dream about a bouquet of flowers? Dream interpretation

Different predictors interpret dreams in their own way. But they all agree that seeing a beautiful bouquet in a dream is always a favorable sign. Most often, this means the embodiment of hopes associated with the feeling of love: the appearance of fans, a meeting with a soulmate, a wedding or separation.

Why do you dream of flowers in bouquets, elegantly and intricately collected? Always for an aristocratic, magnificent reception. When they are decorated with a large, beautiful bow, it can signify the appearance of a generous lover.

If you carry flowers in a dream, it means that it is time to prepare for an imminent wedding. Catching an abandoned wedding bouquet means meeting true love. And vice versa, quitting on your own leads to dissatisfaction and annoyance. Collecting beautiful flowers means confessing your feelings to someone. A successful marriage and pleasant surprises are promised by a dream in which you have to make a bouquet.

Why do you dream of flowers in bouquets in a vase? Such dreams promise well-being in the family. A dream in which you can see indoor plants has a similar meaning.

Bouquet for a woman or man

For a woman, a dream in which she sees collected flowers can mean a meeting with a pleasant admirer. If the bouquet is large and beautiful, then a long, cloudless life awaits you. Why do you dream of flowers in bouquets if they are collected in the field? Seeing them in a dream means having popularity with members of the opposite sex and good luck in business.

A quick wedding is suggested by a dream in which an unmarried girl is given a bouquet. Regardless of who presents it, it is worth waiting for a marriage proposal from your lover. Moreover, if such a bouquet is red, then it is better to refuse marriage. Such a marriage will only bring disappointment and loss.

For a woman, receiving flowers is a common thing. Why do men dream of flowers in bouquets?

If a guy receives a bouquet in a dream, this promises success and good luck in business. In the case when a young man acts as a donor, the dream means consent from his beloved girl and a long, happy relationship. If you have to buy flowers, a romantic date with a nice woman will soon take place.

Real and artificial flowers in a dream

Prosperity in love and business will bring in reality only fresh fresh flowers. Artificial ones, on the contrary, indicate the frivolity and fragility of the relationship. Failure to fulfill planned plans or illness is a promise of wilted flowers. A dried bouquet has the same interpretation. Conversely, throwing away such flowers means getting rid of a burdensome acquaintance.

Why do you dream of flowers, a bouquet of which crumbles right before your eyes? Such a dream means fragility, unreliability of relationships with a partner and their possible rupture. Love, romance and unexpected confessions will bring roses. A bouquet of wildflowers promises a meeting with a sincere and simple-minded person.

Bouquet color

Not only the variety of the plant, but also its shade determines the result of the interpretation of the dream.

Why dream of a bouquet of flowers where all the bright shades are mixed? To a large number of fans and close friends. A huge beautiful bouquet can promise a large inheritance from a distant relative. At the same time, if the flowers are faded or faded, this means coldness in the relationship with the other half and possible separation.

Why do you dream of flowers in bouquets if they are white? Roses of this color are a symbol of pure love, other varieties are a symbol of sadness. A dream in which the plants are yellow promises a break in relationships. Black flowers mean the imminent onset of a bad event: seeing them on a school desk means failure in the exam.

You should expect troubles in your personal life after a dream in which you are given red buds. But a bouquet diluted with white flowers will bring joy and cheerful communication. Hope for success will be given by a dream in which a gift will consist of unopened flowers.

Seeing and receiving beautifully decorated living plants is always pleasant, both in a dream and in reality.

In the lives of each of us there have been moments of admiring living nature. Every girl loves to receive flowers as a gift, but why dream of fresh flowers? What does this dream symbolize?

Why do you dream of fresh flowers - the main interpretation

Living nature, like fresh flowers, means harmony with oneself, harmony with the surrounding world. In the classical interpretation fresh flowers symbolize the rise energetic person , which will allow him to achieve much more than what he expected. Beauty and success will come into his life. But when it comes to wildflowers- such a dream promises sorrows and troubles.

To a young girl you can dream about a huge number of fresh flowers, as a symbol that she hopes for the beginning of a new and very successful relationship. But it is worth assessing your strengths and not plunging into the world of illusions, so as not to miss your happiness in reality.

If the flowers are bright and colorful– a lot of emotions and impressions await you. You may also acquire something very useful in the near future. If you see a lot of flowers in the garden, a lot of pleasure awaits you, such a dream foretells you new meeting. If you were walking with someone in the garden, take a closer look at this person, perhaps feelings for you have arisen in him.

If the flowers fade and dry, a streak of troubles and losses has begun in your life;

White flowers - to sadness and disappointment;

Planting flowers - to wisdom and prudence;

If you pick fresh flowers in a dream, you will become wiser and more meaningful;

Weaving a wreath of fresh flowers means creating a family and great joy;

If you prick your hand on thorns, it’s time to think about the possibility of betrayal;

To see in a dream many different fresh flowers given to you - you will be in demand among the opposite sex.

Why do you dream of fresh flowers according to Velesov’s small dream book?

The small Veles dream book says:

Dreaming of fresh flowers means joy and celebration;

Seeing fresh flowers on the window means trouble;

If flowers bloom on the street, but at the wrong time of year - to illness, disappointment, waste of money;

Picking flowers means happiness and good luck;

Planting flowers means trouble;

Watering flowers means joy in the house;

Yellow flowers - to obstacles and difficulties;

Red - for wedding and prosperity;

Fading flowers - to danger;

Decorating your head with fresh flowers means success in business;

Seeing a fresh bouquet is a sign of joy and happiness;

Putting flowers in a bouquet means good news and news;

If there is dew on the flowers, the matter will end in failure.

It is also important to remember what emotions accompanied the dream, at what time of year you saw fresh flowers, and what feelings contact with them caused you. In some dreams, flowers talk. They talk a lot and ask questions. You shouldn’t be afraid of such dreams, they simply symbolize your desire to communicate and reveal your hidden blocks and fears.

Why do you dream of fresh flowers according to the esoteric dream book?

IN esoteric dream book it is said why you dream of fresh flowers:

To great joy and love in your home;

If they begin to fade, the romance comes to an end;

If a girl is given several fresh flowers in one pot, she will face a difficult choice;

If the flowers grew on unfertile soil, this means sadness and deception in love; optimism and a positive attitude will help cope with grief in this situation;

Blooming roses symbolize strong love and long-lasting family happiness;

If a girl cuts roses, she will be offered marriage;

Blooming poppies dream of lust and sexual pleasure;

Blooming daisies symbolize timid and innocent love;

Chrysanthemums in a dream symbolize the memory of past love;

Lilies in a dream speak of imminent separation;

If a young girl cuts lilies in a dream, such a dream may indicate the imminent death of her lover;

Blooming daisies symbolize happiness and harmony;

If the bouquet of daisies fades almost immediately, you will be disappointed in your other half;

Snowdrops are dreamed of as a symbol of first true love and a symbol of mental torment;

The lotus is considered a sacred flower that opens the path to enlightenment.

Why do you dream of fresh flowers according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book says why you dream about fresh flowers - you dream about them as a symbol of unfading love and energy-filled love relationships. Of course, it matters what kind of flowers appeared to you in a dream.

If a man dreams of a bush of red roses– in reality he will be tormented by women’s reproaches and jealousy. If a woman has such a dream, she will become a participant in a major scandal. If a young girl dreams of a snowdrop that has just broken through the snow, true, pure feelings await her.

Tulips in a dream, both men and women are promised strong and fulfilling relationships. For couples who were in a quarrel, they promise a truce. If tulips yellow color– a disagreement between partners is possible.

Wildflowers dreamed by a girl- they say that she was confused before choosing between several gentlemen. She should take a closer look at the dream, perhaps she was walking with someone among the flowers in her dream. This person should become her chosen one.

If a girl dreams that a stranger gives her fresh flowers- such a dream opens up prospects for her to get a new relationship built on love and trust. If a girl sees a pot of fresh flowers on her windowsill, the relationship is holding her back; she cannot fully develop because of them. It is worth reconsidering your priorities and not giving preference to oppressive men, because freedom in relationships should be mutual.

Carnations that appeared in a dream is a symbol of undying devotion. It is worth considering the fact that only dreams about fresh flowers have such an interpretation; flowers cut in a dream have a different meaning.

If you give someone a fresh flower– you will give the person a chance to rehabilitate himself in your eyes. If your entire home is furnished with fresh flowers, you have enormous authority in it and bring only prosperity and financial success.

For a lonely woman, to see lilies in a dream– to prolonged loneliness and possible depression. If she dreams of chrysanthemums, she will begin to fade and will no longer be able to do what men previously liked. If a lonely woman dreams of a lotus flower, she will become pregnant from a man she doesn’t know well. It is worth listening to this prediction and deciding for yourself whether she is satisfied with this scenario. If a lonely woman dreams of cornflowers, she will soon meet a sweet and affectionate man who will give her unforgettable moments of happiness.

If a lonely man sees a blooming cactus- he will be able to restore the lost relationship quite quickly, and they can already develop into marriage. If you dream that a flower has bloomed that cannot bloom in reality, life will give you hope for resolving a difficult situation.

Why do you dream of fresh flowers according to other dream books?

In Medea's dream book It is said that fresh flowers appear in a dream when a person needs to sort out his feelings. Flowers that are bright and healthy in appearance represent strong and healthy relationships. If the flowers are broken, the spirit of the partners will also be broken. If you dream of a poppy, someone will greatly influence you, someone will impose their ideas on you. Lily of the valley promises the emergence of new feelings. A narcissist in a dream foreshadows an excessive ego, which will in every possible way hinder the emergence of a relationship.

Roses dream of successful love;

Daisies - for small joys;

Exotic flowers dream of a varied intimate life.

IN eastern dream book it is said that it is very important to remember who exactly you were with during your dream when fresh flowers appeared to you. If it was a person close and beloved to you, your relationship will become stronger. If your lover picks fresh flowers in a dream, you should expect disappointment in your relationship with him, since you initially have different life priorities. If your chosen one is full of strength and energetic, but wants to replant the flowers, colossal changes await you in your personal life. You won't change your partner, but the relationship itself will change.

If fresh flowers fade near you- someone was very jealous of you and now your family happiness there is danger. If you meet a stranger among fresh flowers, a new secret relationship awaits you. In any case, the interpretation of dreams in which fresh flowers appear is often positive. Of course, it is more pleasant to look at living plants and flowers, because they will delight the eye for a long time, and in a dream - fresh flowers represent a long and strong relationship.