Life of forest animals in winter. Educational lesson "Autumn" (preparatory group) Animals in the forest in the fall

« Animal world in the fall"

Target: enriching children's knowledge about changes in wildlife in the fall.

Tasks :
1. Educational:

    develop cognitive interest to the life of the forest and its inhabitants,

    develop memory, coherent speech, and the ability to listen to each other.

    the ability to solve riddles about wild animals (squirrel), focusing on characteristic features appearance or behavior.

2. Educational:

    contribute to the deepening and generalization of knowledge about wild animals;

    continue to introduce the characteristic features of the seasons - autumn,

3. Educational :

    cultivate love and respect for nature,

    create goodwill.

Planned results for the development of integrative qualities of a preschooler:

Shows interest in participating in joint educational and educational games,

Listens to the teacher's story, answers questions,

Participates in conversation while looking at a painting depicting autumn forest and subject pictures;

Shows positive emotions during physical activity.

Able to establish cause-and-effect relationships and patterns in natural phenomena.

Material : pictures of animals (hare, bear, fox, wolf), a picture of an autumn forest, object pictures (mushrooms, berries, apples, nuts, carrots), a basket with pine cones for outdoor play.

Preliminary work: observations on a walk, looking at illustrations, conversations about the life of animals, changes in nature in the fall, learning songs and outdoor games.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment:

Children stand in a circle.

V. - Guys, I want to say hello to you again. But we will do this in an unusual way. I will ask you to repeat after me:

Hello sun,

Hello sky,

Hello, breeze, grass,

Hello my friends!

V. - Well done. Guys, today they brought us a letter to the group, and from whom, you have to guess:

Leaves fly off the branches,
Birds fly away to the south.
“What time of year is it?” - let's ask.
They will answer us: “This is...”

V. - Well done, that’s right, it’s autumn. So the letter was sent to us by autumn. Let's read this letter:

“Dear guys, I invite you to visit the forest, see how animals live in the forest in the fall”

V. - Well, guys, let's go on a trip to the forest? (Yes) What do you think can be used to get to the forest? (by car, by bus) And I suggest you go on a trip by train. I will be the locomotive, and you will be the carriages. Hurry, cling to me, and let's hit the road.. (the song “Steam Locomotive” sounds)

V. - Well, here we are. Look what a wonderful forest greets us (pay attention to the picture depicting an autumn forest). Guys, please tell me what time of year it is in our forest? (Autumn)

How did you guess that it was autumn? (Yellow leaves on the trees)

Right. The leaves turned yellow, autumn has come. Please tell me what else happens in the fall. (It's raining, the wind is blowing, leaves are falling from the trees)

Right! in autumn it's raining, a cold wind blows, leaves from the trees fall to the ground.

Guys, what kind of animals do you think live in this forest? (Bear, fox, wolf, hare, hedgehog)

Of course, a hare, a bear, a hedgehog and a squirrel live in this forest. These are wild animals.

Let's say it all together: “Wild animals” (pictures of animals are displayed)

One of the inhabitants of the forest hurries towards us. And you will find out who it is if you guess the riddle:

Lives in a hollow

Yes, he gnaws nuts. (Squirrel).

You're right, it's a squirrel. And now she herself has come to visit us. (A toy squirrel is brought in)

B. - Hello, guys. I live in this forest. My house is in a tree, in a hollow. I really love nuts, berries, mushrooms, apples. When autumn comes, I collect dry leaves, grass and insulate my house so as not to freeze in winter. I’m also stocking up for the winter. I dry mushrooms and apples on tree branches. I collect cones and take out nuts from them. After all, in winter it can be cold and hungry.

V. - Thank you, squirrel, for telling us about yourself. You know, the guys and I can help you stock up. Really, guys? (Yes)

Guys, look, we have pictures here, tell me what is shown here? (Nuts, mushrooms, berries, carrots, apple)

There is a d/game “Help the squirrel”

Which of these do you think the squirrel will put in his basket? (Children's answers)

If children call carrots

The squirrel doesn’t want the carrot in the basket, why do you think? (The squirrel does not eat carrots)

Right. The squirrel doesn’t eat carrots because carrots are in the forest... (It doesn’t grow, it grows in the garden)

Well done! Everyone answered correctly. Oh, squirrel, look how many cones are scattered here! Guys, let's help the squirrel collect the cones in the basket... Shall we help? (yes) Otherwise our squirrel can’t handle it alone.

P/game “Squirrel and Nuts”

Rules of the game: The teacher pours nuts out of the basket, and the children collect them. Repeated 2 times.

V. - Well done, guys. Our real helpers are growing. Now our squirrel has a lot of supplies and they will help her survive the winter. But it’s time for us to say goodbye to the squirrel and return to the nursery. (To the song “Steam Locomotive” the children “return” to the kindergarten)

V. - Well, here we are at home. (stand in a circle) Let's remember what we did today? Who did you meet?

After the game is over, the children sit on chairs.

Guys, guess who else is in a hurry to join us?

Sleeps in winter,

In the summer the hives are stirred up. (Bear)

Right. This is a bear

Please tell me what the bear does in the fall? (Eats a lot, prepares the den for winter.)

Why does he eat a lot? (To sleep in winter.)

That's right, a bear eats a lot in the fall and prepares a den so that it can sleep soundly in winter.

Please tell me what the bear will put in the basket? (Mushrooms, berries, fish.)

Guys, the bear eats everything, it is an omnivore. Let's say it all together:


If the bear eats everything, what else will he put in the basket? (worm and acorns) (Act 2)

Show how the bear collects pine cones.

Game “A bear with a clubfoot walks through the forest”

A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest.

He collects cones and sings songs.

The cone bounced straight into the bear's forehead.

The bear got angry and stomped his foot.

He won't walk through the forest anymore.

He gets into the car and goes to bed.

After the game, children sit on chairs

So the bunny came to visit us. Please tell me what color is this bunny? (Gray.)

Do you think the bunny is prepared for winter? (No.)

Why did you decide that the bunny was not prepared for winter?

What hasn't the bunny done yet? (Didn't change his fur coat.)

What kind of coat does a bunny have in winter? (White.)

Why do you think a bunny needs a white coat in winter? (So ​​that it is not visible in the snow, so that it becomes warmer.)

If children find it difficult to answer, leading questions are asked:

What is the earth covered with in winter? (with snow)

What color is the snow? (White)

Do you think a gray bunny can hide in the white snow? (No)

What should he do to avoid being noticed in the snow? (Change the fur coat from gray to white.)

That's right, guys. In the fall, all bunnies change their coats from gray to white, so that in winter the fox will not see him on the white snow. A white fur coat is warmer than a gray one, so the bunny does not freeze in winter.

Look, our little bunny has changed his fur coat.

I suggest giving the bunny a treat. What shall we treat him with?

(Carrots and cabbage)

Help yourself, bunny.

And the guys will play a game.

Outdoor game “The little white bunny is sitting.”

White bunny sitting

And he wiggles his ears (2p.)

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm up our paws (2 rubles)

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump (2p.)

Movements are performed according to the text. After the game, the children sit on chairs.

Well done guys, you made some good bunnies.

And now I propose to remember who came to our lesson today. (Squirrel, bear, hare.)

“Well done!” the animals tell you.

Inna Lopatina
GCD on ecology “Animal life in the forest in autumn”

Animal life in the forest in autumn. Older age.

Target: develop interest in natural objects, expand children’s horizons and ideas about changes in animal life in autumn, develop speech, enrich vocabulary children, develop the grammatical structure of speech. Cultivate a sense of caring for animals.

1. What time of year is it now?

Early autumn, golden or late?

What is the name of the month?

2. Do you think we people have a good life? in autumn? (children's answers)

There is a warm home, clothes, food

How is life in animals in the forest in autumn, How do you think? (children's answers)

3. Today I will tell you what we are doing animals in the forest in autumn.

Bear. He, dressed in a warm fur coat, clumsy, clubfoot, has been preparing for winter since the summer, storing fat, preparing a cozy den. The bear is afraid of frost, which is why it sleeps in a den all winter. Using sharp claws, it tears strips of bark from pine and spruce and mixes them with moss. And he prepares such a soft bed for himself in the pit. Curls up and sleeps until spring.

The hedgehog prepares bedding in its own way. It rolls head over heels on the grass and accumulates leaves on its needles. Then he carries his mattress of leaves to his hole under the roots of the tree. He doesn't make any provisions for the winter. When the cold comes, he climbs into his house and sleeps until spring.

But the squirrel dries mushrooms, collects cones, nuts, acorns - everything will come in handy in winter. Squirrels are very economical. She has there are storage rooms in the forest. He will find a nut and bury it in a hole under a tree. He'll find it again, puts it in the same hole. In such storage rooms different trees The squirrel makes a lot of reserves and doesn’t even eat it itself during the winter. Very hardworking.

I've been jumping around all day, There's a lot to do in the fall

Choose a hollow for the winter so that it is warm,

Cover it with a carpet - warm down, soft moss.

I'm jumping around all day long I collect soft moss in the forest,

And if I see a nut, I’ll jump into the pantry with it!

Well, if I find a mushroom in the clearing, then come in winter - I’ll certainly treat you.

Sheet autumn flies around, leaves are falling from the branches.

Look, look, I'm changing my outfit.

She was red, now her fur coat is thicker and lighter,

The tail is silvery-gray, fluffy.

But they prepare in a completely different way animals to the cold in autumn, which do not hibernate and do not make reserves for themselves. What do you think about animals we're talking about ? (fox, hare, wolf, wild boar, deer).

Generous to all of them autumn gives warm fluffy coats. You can survive frosts in such fur coats.

Who changes his fur coat? (fox, hare)

The fox changes its fur coat to a more fluffy, beautiful, warm one. Thick fur appears on the paws, and the tail becomes fluffy. In summer the fox has a lot of food. These are frogs, lizards, mice, and chicks. But in winter, only mice save the fox from hunger. (The pre-prepared child does small message O life of a fox in the forest)

The wolf also needs a fluffy tail. In winter he sleeps right in the snow and covers his nose and paws with his tail. The wolf does not change the color of his fur coat, but his fur becomes thicker. And the wolf does not make provisions; strong, fast legs help him survive, sharp teeth.

About life of a wolf in the forest Artem will tell us (the child has prepared a story about life of a wolf in the forest)

The hardest thing in the forest has to Who do you think?

Of course, the hare. The hare does not have his own house, he hides wherever he can, he is afraid of everything. And he is full of enemies. His inconspicuous fur coat saves him. Gray in summer, white in winter. It is no coincidence that the eyes are slanted; the hare sees in front, behind and to the sides. Sensitive, but the ears also help out the hare. The hare feeds at night, it is safer. Loves to eat branches of young trees.

Fizminutka "We are now in forest»

Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is one child with eyes closed. Children walk in a circle and say the following words:

Roma, we are now in forest, we are calling you: AU, Roma, open your eyes, find out who called you.

4. The second part of the GCD didactic games:

Game exercise "Which" to select adjectives for the word animals.

(herbivores, evil, big, kind, small, cunning)

Game “Who was who?” when I was little

There was a bear... there was a squirrel as a bear cub... there was a hare...

There was a hedgehog... there was a wolf... there was a badger.

There was a fox... there was a moose...

Game "Whose Family"

Wolf, she-wolf, cub - whose family is this? (wolf)

Hare, hare, bunny...

Fox, fox, little fox...

Bear, she-bear, little bear

Hedgehog, hedgehog, hedgehog...

Elk, moose cow, calf.

Badger, badger, little badger.

"Who lives with whom" (drawing up a proposal)

The wolf lives with the she-wolf and the cubs (fox, hare, bear, hedgehog)

In conclusion, you can make riddles about animals.

As an option - a sketch of any animal.

Bottom line: Who did we talk about today? What new did you learn?

Publications on the topic:

Didactic games on ecology I offer you several games environmental education For different ages. 1. “Ambulance” (for children middle group) Goal: to develop.

Final lesson on ecology Goal: To identify the level of development of children’s environmental knowledge and ideas. Strengthen ideas about the signs of spring (add.

Goal: to generalize and clarify children’s knowledge about nature, to cultivate love and respect for it. Objectives: Develop memory, intelligence.

Ecology lesson “The world around us” Program content: Cognitive development: 1. Form a caring attitude towards your body through a system of knowledge about harmful factors.

Evgenia Solod
Lesson summary for the preparatory group “The Life of Animals in Autumn”

Goals: developing interest in natural objects, expanding children’s horizons and ideas about changes in animal life in autumn, speech development, enrichment of children's vocabulary.

Progress of the lesson:

Class takes place in the form of a chain of fragments of speeches by children who represent one or another animal of the forest and talk about all the changes in life of this animal in autumn.

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly...

So meets autumn city. Leaf fall. The rustle of leaves underfoot. What's going on autumn with forest? (The children tell the story, and as the story progresses, the teacher attaches a golden birch tree, a red maple tree, a brown oak tree, and a green Christmas tree to the magnetic board.)

Why has the forest changed? (Children’s answers. The sun appears on the board, low above the forest, clouds and clouds.)

Imagine that we are in the forest. (Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds "Seasons"-"November".)

And who is missing in our forest? ( "Animals".) Let's put in our picture animals that may be in autumn forest.

The pictures are exhibited after the guys in costumes and animal masks tell on behalf of the animals what has changed in their life with the arrival of autumn and how they prepare for winter. (The entrance of children in costumes and animal masks is accompanied by a musical background; children must guess by the sound which animal is entering the forest clearing.)


Educator: Huge, dressed in a warm fur coat, clumsy in appearance. A bear appears very carefully in the clearing. He puts his paws with his toes inward, which is why he is called clubfoot, and he steps so quietly that not a single twig under his paws will crunch.

Child wearing a bear mask: Life is good for us bears in the summer. The forest generously offers mushrooms and berries. There are small ones little animals and ants. In the hollow you can find honey from wild bees and collect succulent plant roots. We have time to accumulate fat over the summer. How could it be otherwise, because winter is ahead, and the fat reserves will last for the whole winter.

The leaves are falling in the forest, it’s time to find a place for a den. The place must be safe to sleep peacefully until spring. The den should be covered with leaves, fragrant pine needles and dry moss to keep it warm. It's about to start snowing. A blanket of snow will cover the den on top, and it will keep me warm and quiet.


A poem sounds on a musical background - mystery:

Behind the trees and bushes

The flame flashed quickly;

It flashed, ran...

No smoke? no fire?

What do you! This is a cheat

red head,

The tail is fluffy - what a beauty!

And her name is (fox)

Girl in a fox costume: And we, foxes, change our fur coat for winter for a warm and fluffy one. Thick fur grows on my paws, like warm felt boots. And how fluffy the tail becomes! In the most severe frosts, I can lie down straight on a snowy bed, only covering my nose and paws with my fluffy tail!

My hole is in a deep forest, on a sandy slope of a stream or river overgrown with bushes. In the summer I have plenty of food. And frogs, and lizards, and chicks, and field mice, otherwise I’ll catch a young duck by the stream, and eat berries in the forest. In winter, only mice save us from hunger.


Educator: Interesting about preparation hedgehog for winter told D. Zuev: “The hedgehog prepares bedding in its own way. It rolls head over heels on the grass and pricks leaves on its needles. The hedgehog will stand up in an armful and carry the sheet mattress to the nest. An incredible monster is coming, find out impossible: heap-heap!”

The boy is a hedgehog: I don’t stock up for the winter. When the cold comes, I climb into my warm, cozy house and sleep until the spring sun warms me and the snow melts. I sleep and dream about wandering through the forest in the summer, catching mice and frogs, nimble lizards, bugs and worms...


Boy - hare: Animals from enemies who are hiding where. Some are in hollows, others in burrows. But I can’t do any of this. And I have a lot of enemies. My nose, sensitive ears, fast legs and inconspicuous fur coat save me. In summer it is gray and in winter it is white. It is no coincidence that my eyes are slanted; with them I see not only what is in front, but also to the sides and even a little behind. A sensitive nose and ears have helped me out more than once. Now I I shed: instead of gray fur, white fur grows. I feed at night - it’s safer this way. I like to eat twigs, bark of young trees and shrubs.


Squirrel girl:

I've been jumping around all day,

There's a lot to do in autumn:

Choose a hollow for the winter,

To keep it warm,

Cover it with carpet -

Warm down, soft moss.

Day after day I gallop through the forest

I collect soft moss

And if I see a nut,

I'll jump into the pantry with him!

Well, what if in a clearing

I'll find a mushroom

Then come in winter -

I'll definitely treat you.

Sheet autumn flies around,

Leaves are falling from the branches.

Look, look

I change my outfit.

Was a redhead, now

The fur coat is thicker and lighter,

Silver tail -

Gray, fluffy.


Educator: A wolf also needs a big fluffy tail. When a wolf goes to sleep in the snow in winter, he will cover his nose and paws with his fluffy tail. The wolf does not change the color of his fur coat. It remains gray, but the fur becomes even thicker and more luxuriant.

Boy in a wolf costume: We wolves do not make provisions for the winter. Help you get through difficult times winter time strong legs yes sharp teeth. We have to run a lot before we find prey, that’s why people say about us that the wolf’s legs feed him.

Game "Good-bad"

Suggested situation: "Clear sunny day autumn - good or bad? Is it raining - good or bad? Fungus growing in a clearing - good or bad? Early frosts– good or bad? A fluffy Christmas tree stands at the edge of the forest - good or bad? Etc." Children must explain which animal is good, which is bad, and why.

Publications on the topic:

"Animal life in autumn." Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the senior group Topic: “Animal life in autumn” Educational area: “Cognition” Integration educational areas: “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Health”,.

Summary of an individual lesson in a preparatory school group for children with mental retardation “Trees in autumn” Goal: to consolidate vocabulary on the topic “Trees”, develop thinking, hand-eye coordination, counting from a given number, and the ability to compare.

Goal: to cultivate in children a sense of beauty, love for native nature, note the characteristic features of animals, systematize knowledge.

Summary of educational activities for physical education in the preparatory group “King of Beasts” Goal: strengthening the health of children, instilling in children the need for physical education. Objectives: improve physical skills.

Summary of a joint speech therapy lesson in senior and preparatory groups “Animal life in winter” Travel activity: “Animal life” middle zone in winter” Goals: 1. Correctional and educational: To form vocabulary in children.

Seasons play a huge role in the lives of animals. For them, each season is a period of specific activity. While a person can reschedule his plans or change his lifestyle, animals are not capable of this. Living according to the rules of nature is in their blood.


How animals welcome spring

Spring is a period of new life for all animals. After a long and calm winter, all representatives of the animal world begin to actively prepare for the onset of a hot summer.

Spring days in the life of animals are accompanied by a change in coat - from winter to summer. Squirrels change their gray skin to bright red. They can increasingly be found in parks. Squirrels jump through the trees in search of food.

After hibernation The chipmunks wake up. Outwardly, it can be confused with a squirrel, but the main difference is the five dark stripes on the back. Chipmunks have been stocking up on food since winter, before they hibernate. Therefore, with the arrival of spring, these animals are not puzzled by the search for what they can get enough of.

But bears, also hibernating in winter, do not care about what they will eat after a long sleep. Therefore, in the spring they come out of their dens in search of food.

For wolves, spring is the time when they breed. Little wolf cubs stay in their parents' den until they have the vision to navigate well in space. Being small, they are very similar to foxes, only the tips of their tails are not white, but gray.

Hares begin to shed, exchanging their winter white coat for a gray and less warm coat. Also raccoon dogs, waking up after hibernation, change their color to a less noticeable one. The coat color is great value. In winter, the skins are white, this makes it possible to blend into the snow-white cover of the earth if a predator is hunting nearby. Gray wool also serves as a kind of camouflage in summer.

In early spring, hedgehogs wake up, because in April they have to breed.


Animal life in summer

Summer is the most favorable period in the life of animals. Long sunny days, warmth and plenty of food undoubtedly delight the animals. They are especially active at this time of year. They are not yet preparing for winter, but they are preparing their offspring for a harsh period. Therefore, animals are in constant search of food for their young in order to satiate them useful substances and vitamins.

Herbivorous mammals sometimes leave their habitats because what they eat grows everywhere. Fresh juicy leaves allow them to stock up on useful substances for future use.

For birds, summer is a feast, because they can find delicacy absolutely everywhere. Midges, worms, caterpillars, fish - all this is their food in summer time. Birds are also assistants to gardeners. They eat all pests that can destroy the crop.

Despite the fact that summer is the most active period in the life of animals, there is one exception. Gophers prefer to rest on these warm days. And to saturate themselves with vital energy, they go hunting at night.

The most active animals in summer period are squirrels, wolves, bears, various rodents. This time is also loved by: giraffes, camels, hyenas, cheetahs, monkeys and many others.


Changes in the lives of animals in autumn

Autumn is a period of preparation for winter cold. Their life in winter depends on how they live the autumn, what they manage to do during this time. Furry, feathered, predators - everyone must take this preparation responsibly, because their own lives and the lives of their offspring are at stake.

Insects are the first to sense the arrival of cold weather. They begin to build burrows for themselves and look for shelter, which most often comes from fallen leaves or tree bark. This is where they will spend the entire winter.

Butterflies have their own way of surviving cold period- they turn into pupae.

Also, toads, frogs, snakes and lizards are among the first to hide. Some frogs live closer to bodies of water so that when cold weather sets in, they can dive into them and sleep at the bottom until warm days return. But toads, on the contrary, hide on land. Their winter shelter is tree roots or rodent burrows.

Forest animals in autumn period They begin to eat often and nutritiously, because they need to accumulate a supply of substances and fat that will help them survive in severe frosts.

And squirrels, mice and moles begin to stock up on food for future use. They bring as many nuts, berries and cones into the house as possible.

Most animals go through the natural process of pre-winter molting. They again change their skins to warmer and less attractive ones.


How animals winter

As a rule, only those animals that are capable of this hibernate. And those who are categorically afraid of the cold flee to the southern regions.

The life of animals freezes in winter. In the fall, everyone prepared shelters for themselves, in which they now live. The cold is not terrible for those warmly dressed in their furs: hares, squirrels, arctic foxes, foxes, wolves, moose and many others.

And some simply fall asleep: raccoons, marmots, chipmunks, badgers, bears and other animals.

Mollusks bury themselves in mud for the winter. Wasps, bumblebees, and tarantulas also prepared minks for themselves.

Newts hide on the shore, in a thick layer of fallen leaves or branched tree roots.

Gophers, hamsters and jerboas prefer to sleep in winter.

At the end of August - beginning of September, gophers, hamsters, and jerboas climb into their deep holes and fall asleep.

Olga Samusevich
Theme of the week: “Birds and animals in autumn”

TOPIC: Animals and birds in autumn Monday


Expanding and deepening ideas about animals and birds, features of their nutrition, appearance in autumn.

Making connections between changes weather conditions And appearance, behavior, living conditions animals and birds.

Upbringing careful attitude to nature, love to birds and animals.


Include children in the general routine of life, create a cheerful mood. Conversation "How animals meet autumn» with illustrations shown.

Morning exercises: according to the physical plan. instructor.

Preparing for breakfast breakfast: Continue to improve the culture food: use cutlery correctly (fork, knife); eat carefully, quietly, maintaining correct posture at the table; make a request, thank.

Games, self. activity: D/i "Guess and take away", choose from all posted migratory birds.


WALK Integrated thematic activity : Observation of a crow. Expand knowledge about the crow. Didactic game/ experiments: “Call it in one word”, attach generalizing words to the proposed groups of words.

Work: Feed birds.

Outdoor games: "The Birds Are Flying", teach children to jump from low objects, run in all directions, and act on a signal. "Flight birds» , fasten the run in all directions, without bumping into each other.

Myself. activities: Games based on interests in the kindergarten area - promote the formation of positive relationships between children, cultivate organization.

Getting ready for bed. Reading E. Charushin "Cat Maruska"

Reading literature: M. Plyatskovsky "A hedgehog you could pet"

Plot/role playing game: "Zoo", "Village yard"

Preparing for dinner, dinner. Draw children's attention to the characteristics of their body and health ( “I can’t eat oranges - I’m allergic”, "I need to wear glasses"). P/game "Mouse Masha"

Myself. activities, games: S/roll. game "Farm", educational games “Whose house is this?”, "Who eats what"

Evening walk.

Children going home Subject: Continue observing the crow. Cultivate curiosity and interest in life birds.

Outdoor game: "Ducklings", « Birds and rain» , exercise in running, climbing, jumping. Develop agility and speed.

Work. Activities: Garbage collection. Collection of dry leaves for the herbarium.

Self activities: Children's games with external material

WORKING WITH PARENTS: Advise parents to clarify their children’s knowledge about migratory birds and wintering.


Organization of morning reception ma: conversation on topic: "How animals meet autumn» (squirrel, badger, beavers, fox, wolf, mouse). Speech exercises and finger theater about how animals meet autumn.

Morning exercises: according to the plan of the physical education instructor

Preparing for breakfast breakfast: Strengthen the ability to carefully use cutlery, make requests, and thank. Pal/game “Grandma cooked jelly”.

Games, myself. activity: Game “Where is whose house?”, pictures of animals and their houses (He lives in a den...; He can live in a hole...; He lives in a hut)


WALK Integrated thematic activity: Subject: "Sparrow Watching", continue and systematize knowledge about sparrow, enrich your vocabulary. a word about the sparrow; activate attention and memory.

Didactic game/experiments: "Name animals affectionately» .

Work: Collecting leaves from paths and benches. Target: cultivate a desire to help adults clean up the area.

Outdoor games:. "By the Bear in the Forest", "Bird in the Nest", teach to jump on two legs when given a signal, develop agility and attentiveness.

Myself. Activity: Offer children games with sports equipment (balls, jump ropes, hoops, ring throw). Target: development motor activity with the help of sports aids.

Organization of meals, sleep.

Self-service. Preparing for lunch, lunch. Strengthen the ability to dress and undress quickly, neatly, maintain order in your closet (lay out clothes in certain places, neatly straighten the bed

Getting ready for bed. Pal/game “This finger wants to sleep”.

DAY Gradual ascent, air and water procedures. Expand your understanding of the components (important components) healthy image life ( proper nutrition, movement, sleep and sun, air and water are ours best friends) and factors that destroy health.

Reading literature: Reading a story by E. Charushin "About bunnies"

Plot/role playing game: "Let's build a house for a badger", "Treat for Squirrels"

Preparing for dinner, dinner. Continue to improve the culture food: use cutlery correctly; eat carefully, silently, maintaining correct posture at the table.

Myself. activities, games: Dramatization of the fairy tale "Zayushkina's Hut".

Target: help children act out a fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut" movements, facial expressions; develop imagination, the ability to empathize with what is happening, liberate children, and increase self-confidence.

Evening walk.

Children leaving home. Subject: "Sparrow Watching".

Outdoor game: "Cat and Mouse". Target: imitate the sounds made by mice, run easily like mice.

Labor activity: Water autumn flowers on the site

Myself. activity: Suggest attributes necessary for games (cars, dolls).

Target: unite children for joint games, cultivate a feeling of sympathy, arouse interest, joy from actions.

WORKING WITH PARENTS: Advise parents to take their children to the zoo, talk to their children about changing their lives animals with the arrival of autumn.


ma: conversation on the topic "Migratory birds and autumn calls» , we learn to distinguish between a wedge, a string and a flock. ( Birds They always fly in groups - flocks. At the head of the pack is the strongest bird - leader. The order in the pack is very strict, each bird flies in its place. in spring birds gather again in their flocks. These flocks are called differently: A string - geese, swans, a wedge - cranes, a flock - swallows, rooks, starlings)

Morning exercises: according to the plan of the physical education instructor.

Preparing for breakfast breakfast: Pal/game "Chicks in the Nest". Continue to improve the culture food: eat carefully, quietly, maintaining correct posture at the table; make a request, thank.

Games, myself. activity: D/game "The Fourth Wheel".(Crow, sparrow, swift, dove. Starling, rook, dove, swift).


WALK Integrated thematic activity: "Observation of migratory birds» birds, about changing lives birds in autumn birds.

Didactic game/experiments: "Finish the sentence". (There is a nest in the tree, and in the trees. (nests).)


Outdoor games: "The Little Dog and the Sparrow", consolidate knowledge about characteristic movements birds, imitate them by voice.

Myself. activities: Children's games with external material: cars, strollers, dolls, sand sets.

Organization of meals, sleep. Self-service. Preparing for lunch, lunch. Situational conversation about the benefits of soap

di "Let's teach the bunny to make foam"

Getting ready for bed. Listening to sleep tunes

DAY Gradual ascent, air and water procedures.

Reading literature: G. H. Andersen "Ugly duckling"

Story/role playing: “A cozy nest for a heron”, "Getting ready to fly".

Preparing for dinner, dinner. Education of cultural and hygienic skills - “Learning to sit correctly at the table”. Pal/game "We shared an orange".

Myself. activities, games: Didactic game “It flies away - it doesn’t fly away”. (The adult calls bird, and the child says whether it is a migratory or a wintering one.) Games at the request of the children.

Evening walk.

Children leaving home. Subject: "Observation of migratory birds» . Expand your understanding of migratory birds, about changing lives birds in autumn when it gets cold; cultivate love and care for birds.

Outdoor game: "Sun and Rain", walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other; teach them to quickly act on the teacher’s signal and help each other.

"From bump to bump", jump on two legs; jump from high objects, land softly, bending your knees; improve jumping skills.

Labor activity: feeding birds

Self activity: games of children's choice.

WORKING WITH PARENTS: help children draw a migratory bird, specify “why is it called migratory”.


Include children in the general routine of life, create a cheerful mood Organize a morning reception ma: general conversation on topic: How the lives of animals change in autumn? (Target: consolidate the idea of ​​the peculiarities of adaptation of animals to life in different natural conditions)

Morning exercises: according to the plan of the physical education instructor

Preparing for breakfast breakfast: communication game "Pies", develop communication skills.

Games, myself. activities: « Kind words» . Cultivate a love for nature and a desire to take care of it.


WALK Integrated thematic activity: "Watching the Weather", consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.

Didactic game/experiments: "What's extra?" To consolidate knowledge of the signs of different seasons, the ability to clearly express one’s thoughts; develop auditory attention.

Work: Collecting seeds from trees. Involve children in collecting seeds and learning the names of trees.

Outdoor games: "The mice dance in circles", teach children to move in accordance with the text, quickly change movements, navigate in space, run easily, on their toes, trying not to get caught by the catcher.

Myself. Activities: Games of children's choice

Organization of meals, sleep. Self-service. Preparing for lunch, lunch. To develop the ability to determine the quality of products based on sensory sensations.

Getting ready for bed. Pal/game “This finger wants to sleep”

DAY Gradual ascent, air and water procedures. Pal/game “The morning has come, the sun has risen”

Reading literature: G. Skrebitsky "Disappeared for the winter"

Role-playing game: “We will cure dolls and animals”

Preparing for dinner, dinner. Expand ideas about rational nutrition(amount of food, sequence of its intake, variety in diet, drinking regime).

Independent activities of children games: Games with lotto, mosaics, cubes.

Evening walk.

Children going home Subject: Watching the cat (dog). Strengthen the idea of characteristic features animals.

Outdoor game: "Vaska the Cat", while playing, children learn characteristic movements animals.

Work. activity: Sweeping the group area.

Self activities: Games based on interests in the kindergarten area - promote the formation of positive relationships between children, cultivate organization.

WORKING WITH PARENTS: Invite parents to make a model together, a collage about birds or animals. Unite children and adults general activities and interests.