Sesame oil - beneficial properties and contraindications, how to take it. What are the benefits of sesame oil for the human body?

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Sesame, or sesame, oil has been known to mankind since the times of Ancient Egypt. At that time it was used for healing, and today, after numerous studies have shed light on previously unknown properties, the product is used not only in folk health, but also in cooking and cosmetology. What useful benefits does sesame oil contain?

What is sesame oil rich in?

If you look into the composition of sesame oil, you will find the following elements:

    • Vitamins– among them there are E, D, A, B1, B2, C, and also B3;
    • large group minerals– phosphorus, manganese, calcium, silicon, zinc, potassium, copper, magnesium, nickel, iron;
    • antioxidants, including sesamol And squalene, reducing the level of bad cholesterol;
    • lignans– unique substances that suppress the activity of cancer cells;
      fatty acids: Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 - control the “bad”
    • cholesterol, thin the blood, improve memory and attention, fight inflammation and prolong youth;
    • phytosterols– elements that support the immune system, improve skin condition and normalize the functions of the endocrine system;
    • phospholipids(in particular, lecithin) And sitosterol– substances responsible for the activity of the brain and liver, restoring the nervous and vascular systems.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that sesame oil has a beneficial effect on a variety of organs and systems of the body. In particular, it increases resistance to disease, strengthens the heart, cleanses blood vessels and improves blood quality.

Supports the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, reduces stress levels, relieves insomnia and helps cope with high mental stress.

The product is of particular benefit to pregnant and lactating women (although you should still consult a doctor), diabetics (mainly due to its high content choline), those who experience acute calcium deficiency or suffer from memory impairment.

How to make butter at home

Not all housewives know that fragrant sesame oil can be made independently, however, provided that high-quality sesame seeds are selected. Heat the sesame seeds in a dry hot frying pan for 3-4 minutes, and then pour in odorless vegetable oil so that it completely hides the grains.

The composition simmers over low heat for about an hour; it must be stirred from time to time. Ready sesame oil exudes a rich aroma; it is thoroughly filtered before use.

You can do it a little differently - after lightly frying (with constant stirring to avoid burning), grind the sesame seeds in a blender while still warm. Then it must be returned to the frying pan again, this time filled with oil, and held over moderate heat for 6-7 minutes. The resulting mixture is placed in a glass bottle and kept in a dark place for a day.

Note: Both homemade and store-bought sesame oil should be kept cool and away from light sources. The shelf life of an opened product is about six months; sealed sesame oil can retain beneficial properties up to 7-8 years.

How to use sesame oil in cooking

Sesame oil happens refined And not refined. The latter is made from roasted sesame seeds, which gives the product a pronounced aroma, rich, slightly sweet taste with nutty notes and a dark brown color.

This variety is not used for preparing fried dishes; it is added to ready-made dishes directly upon serving.

Refined oil is made from raw sesame seeds and is pale yellow in color. It is somewhat inferior in smell and taste, but it is quite suitable for seasoning salads, cereals, pasta and all kinds of snacks (it is not advisable to flavor hot food; when heated above 25 degrees, most of the nutrients are lost).

Sesame oil is often used for marinating meat and vegetables, preparing savory sauces and even some sweet dishes - mainly from the Indian cuisine menu. Here are a few recipes with his participation.

Marinade for meat

Sesame oil – 60 milliliters;
garlic – 3 cloves;
onions– 200 grams;
bay leaf– 2 pieces;
chili pepper – 100 grams;
granulated sugar– 30 grams;
cloves - 2 buds;
wine vinegar - 60 milliliters;
ground cinnamon – 1 teaspoon;
rosemary, thyme and salt are added to taste.

Peel and finely chop the onion. Place in a saucepan, throw in the hot pepper, cut into strips and seeds removed, as well as crushed garlic cloves. Sprinkle the mixture with cinnamon sugar and add oil and vinegar. Add a couple of bay leaves and adjust the salt and spice content to your own taste.

The duration of marinating the meat is 5-6 hours; it should spend this entire period in the refrigerator.

Sauce for fish and meat salads

Grated ginger - a full tablespoon;
sugar – 1 teaspoon;
sesame oil – 35 milliliters;
sesame seeds – 2 teaspoons;
apple cider vinegar – 30 milliliters;
black pepper - on the tip of the knife.

The preparation is very simple - combine all the ingredients, sprinkle with a pinch of salt and whisk thoroughly.

Oriental sauce

Rice vinegar – 1 table. spoon;
sesame oil - half a teaspoon;
fresh cilantro – 2 cups;
soy sauce – 15-20 milliliters;
water – 60 milliliters;
red pepper flakes - one pinch;
olive or sunflower oil – 35 milliliters.

Wash and dry the cilantro leaves. Place in a blender bowl, add all other ingredients and puree until completely smooth. The sauce goes especially harmoniously with shrimp.

Salad dressing

White sesame – 2 tablespoons;
sesame oil – 70 milliliters;
coconut milk – 5-6 table. spoon;
finely grated orange zest - a small handful;
freshly squeezed lemon juice – 20-30 milliliters;
salt - added to taste;
maple syrup – 2.5-3 tablespoons. spoons.

Mix the fragrant zest and sesame seeds. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt, pour coconut milk and citrus juice. Add maple syrup and a few tablespoons of sesame oil.

Mix everything vigorously with a whisk, adjust the amount of salt if necessary. The dressing is ideal for salads based on vegetables, fruits and seafood.

The role of oil in public health

Like other types of healthy oils, in particular, sesame oil is used in pure form on an empty stomach (but no more than 1 tablespoon per meal): in this way you can prevent many diseases, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, align blood pressure, strengthen bones and teeth, maintain body tone and youthful skin.

When used as a rinse aid, oil reduces tooth enamel sensitivity, treats gum inflammation , strengthens them and helps fight fungus in the mouth . It can also shoot otitis , if you instill two or three drops into the sore ear once a day, and alleviate the condition with laryngitis , if you periodically lubricate your throat.

External use of oil (rubs, lotions, compresses) results in the relief of inflammation, which is especially valuable in the treatment of mastitis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Sesame oil against respiratory ailments

To quickly cure cough, bronchitis and asthma, evening rubbing with warm sesame oil is practiced: it is heated in a water bath and distributed in the chest area. If the cough is wet, you should intensively rub your chest and back with a mixture of oil and regular table salt, until it turns red.

For a runny nose and sinusitis, the product will be a worthy replacement for pharmaceutical drops and sprays - just put a couple of drops in each nostril.

Treatment of skin dermatitis

By combining sesame oil with aloe and grape juices (proportions - 2:1:1, respectively), you will get an excellent restorative remedy for atopic skin: just apply it to the affected areas several times a day. At the same time, you should take the oil orally, twice or thrice a day on the eve of meals.

The proposed scheme of action is effective against eczema and psoriasis, and can speed up the healing of burns, cuts and abrasions.

Getting rid of insomnia

If you suffer from sleep disorders, try rubbing slightly warmed sesame oil on your feet and toes every night. It is also useful for lubricating the temples, which promotes rapid relaxation and relief from nervous tension.

Using sesame oil in cosmetology

Sesame oil perfectly cleanses, nourishes and moisturizes skin, increases firmness and elasticity, eliminates early wrinkles, protects cells from negative influences ultraviolet rays and sharply changing temperatures.

Despite the fact that the product itself is quite oily, it can (and even should!) be used in the care of skin with excess oil and acne: the oil remarkably removes dirt from “clogged” pores, but only if it is applied to thoroughly washed face.

The product is very useful for mixing into everyday cosmetics - face and hand creams, as well as body lotions. Sesame oil works brilliantly in eliminating stretch marks and cellulite, especially when combined with vigorous massage of problem areas.

Another type of massage helps strengthen the hair: if you rub warm oil into the scalp, the hair will become much stronger and stronger, dandruff will disappear, and a healthy shine will appear.

Sesame oil for stretch marks

By connecting 30-40 mil. product with 2 drops of lavender essential oil, the same amount of neroli oil and a drop of orange oil, you will get an excellent product for a morning or evening massage after taking a shower. To enhance the effect, you can wrap yourself in plastic film and insulate problem areas for 30-40 minutes.

Essential oils can be alternated - rosehip, verbena, thyme, mint and clove esters are also good in the fight against stretch marks.

Anti-crow's feet mask

Combine sesame oil with sour cream ( dairy product should be of high fat content), the optimal ratio is two to one. Distribute the mixture in the area around the eyes and leave for twenty minutes. After rinsing, use a moisturizing eye cream.

Toning face mask

Heat the sesame oil until lukewarm - you only need one tablespoon. Add a teaspoon of ground sugar and the same amount of powdered sugar, stir until the ingredients are completely dissolved. Apply the mixture to previously cleansed skin in several layers, leave for a quarter of an hour.

Night lifting mask

You will need to combine a teaspoon of sesame oil, half a teaspoon of ground sesame oil, as well as oil vitamins A, C and E (one capsule each). Rub the mixture in with massaging movements (don't forget to thoroughly cleanse your face the day before). The mask produces a tightening effect, relieves clogged pores, suppresses inflammatory processes and fights rashes.

Moisturizing body mask

You will need to take slightly warmed sesame oil (50 ml), finely grated cucumber pulp (3 tablespoons), coconut oil (1 tablespoon) and 10 drops of any essential oil your choice (for example, grapefruit or rosemary). Mix everything well, apply to the skin and rest for about half an hour. Remove any residue with warm running water.

Recipes for oil baths for nails

Half a glass of warm sesame oil + 5 drops of iodine tincture + 10 drops of liquid vitamin A. Session duration – 20 minutes, repeat weekly.

50 ml sesame oil + 50 ml apple cider vinegar. Immerse your fingertips for ten minutes, after the time has elapsed, do not rinse, but simply wipe with a napkin.

Stolov. spoon of sesame oil (dissolve in warm water) + 2 table. spoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. The procedure lasts about 20 minutes, the nails are not only strengthened, but also whitened.

Harm of sesame oil

Remember that sesame oil has a high calorie content - about 900 kcal per 100 grams of product. It should be consumed strictly in doses: for adults, 3 teaspoons per day is optimal, teenagers are prescribed only one small spoon, 6-10 year old children should limit themselves to half a teaspoon, and children from 1 to 3 years old should not be given more than 5 drops

Important: A clear symptom of an overdose or individual intolerance is the appearance of skin rashes.

Those who suffer from varicose veins, chronic urinary tract diseases(cystitis, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis), people with allergy to and predisposition to education blood clots.

Sesame oil should not be taken simultaneously with aspirin and preparations based on it, as well as with products containing large amounts oxalic acid(tomatoes, spinach, cucumbers).

Video: Benefits of sesame oil

Sesame is one of the oldest Pancake Day crops, widely used in cooking. But in addition to its direct and more usual purpose, the seeds of this plant can be used for the general health of the body. However, in order not to eat sesame by the handful, the best option in this matter is oil. It contains all useful substances in high concentration. We will tell you how and for what purpose you can use sesame oil in this article.

Benefits of sesame oil

This oil boasts an optimal and, importantly, harmoniously balanced composition of polyunsaturated fats and amino acids for the human body. It contains a lot of vitamins A, E, B2, B1, B3, C, microelements: calcium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, magnesium, silicon, copper, nickel, manganese, iron, as well as other essential active substances, including antioxidants. It contains a lot of Omega-6 and Omega-9, which in the best possible way affects the functioning of the reproductive, endocrine, cardiovascular and nervous systems. It helps normalize the amount of sugar in the blood, optimal absorption and metabolism of fats.

With its regular use, the risk of cancer is significantly reduced, the effects of many harmful substances are neutralized, such as heavy metals, carcinogens, toxins, wastes and much more. The oil has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties.

A complex of vitamins B, A, E and C has a beneficial effect on vision, the condition of the skin, nails and curls. This product is a wonderful source of micro and macro elements that our body needs. It contains an optimal set of all elements for the high-quality development of bones and cartilage. And in terms of calcium content, sesame oil can generally be considered a record holder. Just one teaspoon a day is enough to satisfy the body's daily need for the mentioned element.

It is worth mentioning separately the fact that the oil contains phytoestrogens, which are very close in structure to the female sex hormone estrogen. For this reason, it will be especially useful for women to drink it in order to compensate for the lack of such an important hormone.

Phytosterols and phospholipids are essential for the proper functioning of the liver, brain, and nervous system, to normalize the condition of the skin, nails and hair, and to maintain a high level of immunity.

The oil contains a large amount of the antioxidant squalene, which is responsible for the correct synthesis of sex hormones, lowering the level of bad cholesterol, antifungal and bactericidal properties.

In addition, sesame oil has analgesic, anthelmintic, laxative, and diuretic properties. In some countries, this product is used not only as a means of prevention, but also as a complete element in the treatment of a number of diseases. It is especially popular in Ayurveda.

The oil neutralizes increased acidity in the stomach, helps with bloating and colic, erosive lesions of the stomach and intestines. It is used to treat constipation, colitis, ulcers, pancreatic diseases and much more. They are given preventive measures for urolithiasis, hepatitis, and dyskinesia.

Sesame oil will be useful for those whose activities are based on mental work. It helps restore normal memory and increase concentration. With regular use of this product you can protect yourself from Alzheimer's disease and sclerosis.

A positive effect on blood vessels and heart muscle was noted. The risk of coronary disease, arrhythmia, hypertension, atherosclerosis is practically eliminated, the risk of blood clots is significantly reduced, and much more.

With its use, you can cure apathy, increased fatigue and irritability. Helps relieve muscle tension.

Sesame oil should definitely be included in the diet for:

  • Pregnancy and lactation. A huge amount of useful substances contributes to proper development fetus, and then high-quality lactation.
  • . The oil stops the further progression of anemia.
  • "Male" diseases. The oil contains a fairly large number of elements that have a positive effect on the formation of sperm, erection and the functioning of the prostate gland.
  • Visual disorders. Complex composition helps restore vision.
  • Respiratory diseases. Relieves dry mucous membranes, treats pulmonary inflammation well, and helps get rid of dry cough.
  • . Helps normalize metabolic processes in the body, promotes the process of burning fat deposits.
  • Problems with bones and teeth. As mentioned earlier, it contains a lot of calcium and other elements that help bones quickly recover and continue to function normally. Therefore, the oil will be especially useful during the recovery period after fractures, dislocations and other injuries. Regular use prevents many diseases that are associated with both teeth and bones.

Harm of sesame oil

In rare cases, an allergy may occur to sesame oil, so at first you need to use it carefully, even if the body’s reaction to sesame itself is quite adequate. Harm from sesame oil can only occur with prolonged overdose or when taken with a contraindication. Therefore, always follow the recommended dosage and never overdo it.

Sesame oil contraindications

Sesame oil has no special contraindications, except for the presence of individual intolerance. However, as experts say, in some cases the oil should be used with extreme caution and in minimum quantities. So, for example, these are cases with urolithiasis. Due to its high calorie content (about 900 kcal per 100 g), it is not recommended to use it if you have weight problems.

Before taking the oil, you should definitely talk to a specialist if you have varicose veins, a tendency to thrombosis and high blood clotting.

Uses of sesame oil

Sesame oil is widely used in Asian cuisine. There they season salads with it and prepare many dishes with it. This product is especially compatible with soy sauce and honey, however, as an important component it can often be seen in recipes for pilaf, fish and seafood dishes, deep-frying, meat and vegetable dishes.

But even our domestic cuisine is no stranger to the taste of sesame oil. It can add flavor to soups, fish, mashed potatoes, porridges and much more. In addition to improving the taste of the dish, food can be enriched in this way the most useful vitamins and elements. But frying with unrefined oil is strictly not recommended, due to its excessive saturation.

Sesame oil is used in the medical field to maintain immunity, treat and prevent many diseases. It is also popular in cosmetology. A little later we will talk more specifically about the scope of its applications in this area.

Sesame oil for face

The rich chemical composition makes the oil the most valuable element in cosmetology. In addition to the aesthetic effect, the oil will help with mycoses, eczema and other skin problems.

The range of effects of oil on the skin is very wide:

  • It can penetrate deep layers and nourish, soften and moisturize from the inside. The oil saturates the dermis with oxygen and gives it a healthy appearance.
  • The chemical composition of the oil pushes the body to recreate natural collagen, which can lead to the return of the elastic and firm state of the skin.
  • Oil retains optimal level water-lipid balance, which normalizes the “defensive” functions of the dermis.
  • Sesame oil amazingly cleanses the dermis of dead particles, removes dirt and other harmful elements, and also promotes rapid regeneration.
  • The oil's richness in antioxidants can significantly slow down the aging process.

Thanks to such remarkable properties, the oil can be used as:

  • Base oil for the production of various home care cosmetics: lotions, masks, creams. Excellent for caring for aging dermis of the neck and face. Can be used in independent form as a lip balm and moisturizer for the care of the delicate skin of the eyelids.
  • An ingredient in cosmetic care for oily skin: it regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Basic component for aromatherapy and dilution of essential oils.
  • Oil for massage sessions, especially relaxing ones.
  • Cosmetic care product for sensitive children's skin.
  • Natural makeup remover.
  • Preparation for nail care. It promotes the growth of nails, stops the delamination of the nail plate and treats fragility. Thanks to its antifungal properties, it acts as a therapeutic and preventive measure.
  • Ingredient for hair care. Treats fragility, nourishes and restores the structure of damaged and exhausted hair.

We offer several options for face masks using sesame oil.

  • You need to combine ginger powder and sesame oil in equal parts. Mix thoroughly and leave to act for fifteen minutes, then rinse.
  • Combine cocoa powder and sesame oil in equal parts and mix thoroughly. Distribute the finished composition over the skin of the face and leave for a quarter of an hour. To enhance the effect, before applying the mask, you need to hold it in a water bath for a while.
  • Take four capsules of vitamins A and E on a large spoon of sesame oil. Mix everything well and apply with tapping movements to the entire face, including the delicate skin of the eyelids. Leave the composition to act overnight.
  • Nutritional composition. Mash a ripe banana with a fork and pour sesame oil into it. Stir and apply the finished mask to your face for a quarter of an hour.
  • This mask should be done once a week. It does not require rinsing, after about twenty minutes the face is simply wiped with a napkin and that’s it. Mix rosehip and sesame oil in equal parts and apply to facial skin.
  • For oily skin, a mixture prepared from a large spoon of sesame oil and a couple of proteins is well suited. chicken eggs. Leave on the dermis for about half an hour and then rinse with lukewarm water.

Sesame oil for hair

Sesame oil has a beneficial effect on the health of hair and scalp. It heals and brings shine to damaged and dull curls, stops hair loss and makes hair shiny and elastic. Ideal without exception for all types of hair, due to this it is considered universal. For the purpose of prevention and treatment, the oil can be used in its original form, in masks, and also as a means of enriching shampoos.

We present to your attention several interesting recipes hair masks:

  • The simplest version of the mask is to use the oil in its pure form. To do this, you need to warm it up a little in a water bath, then rub it into the hair roots with massaging movements and leave for forty minutes under a film and a towel. If possible, the mask can be applied at night and washed off the next morning. The course of prevention is a couple of weeks, and for hair treatment, the mask should be done every two to three days until satisfactory results are obtained.
  • Combine sesame oil and honey in equal parts, add egg yolk. Mix everything thoroughly and distribute over all curls. It is important to keep your hair clean and dry. You need to wash off the mask with shampoo and a little warm water.
  • Combine the pulp of one ripe banana with warm boiled water until pureed. Add a spoonful of sesame oil and avocado. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to hair along the entire length, leaving for an hour under film and a towel.
  • Mix half a glass of sesame oil with fifteen drops of bergamot and lavender oils, ten drops of rosemary and five pine oils. Leave on the curls for at least half an hour, then rinse with shampoo.
  • In a ratio of 10 to 5, combine sesame oil and any essential oil. Mix thoroughly and distribute over all curls. Rub into the scalp especially thoroughly, for about five minutes. Leave it on your hair for some time and then wash it off with shampoo.

How to take sesame oil

The dosage of sesame oil directly depends on age:

  • children from one to three years old can drink three to five drops a day;
  • for children aged three to six, the dose is increased from five to ten drops;
  • for ages ten to fourteen daily norm amounts to a teaspoon per day;
  • from fourteen years of age and older you need to drink a teaspoon three times a day immediately before meals.

Sesame oil: reviews

Very much about sesame oil good reviews, in all areas of its application: from cosmetic to preventive. Its regular use really helps to significantly strengthen the immune system and improve the external condition of the skin, hair and nails. At the same time, if you want to really get benefits from it, you need to pay attention to the quality of the product and its shelf life. It is highly advisable to purchase such items in a pharmacy chain and not on the market, which significantly increases the risk of running into a fake. Before using oil both internally and externally, always test for allergic reactions.

The beautiful, mysterious Turkic word “sesame,” found in many oriental fairy tales, simply means vegetable oil from the seeds of a plant called sesame. The beneficial properties of sesame have been known since ancient times. During the times of Ancient Babylon, sesame symbolized immortality. The benefits and harms of sesame oil are determined by its composition.

Composition and calorie content of sesame oil

The oily liquid is very high in calories: 100 g of oil contains 899 kcal. This is almost half the daily value of an adult. Sesame oil is 99.9% fat. And only 0.1% of the composition is water.

The benefits of the product are dictated by the chemical composition. It includes a complete set of vitamins necessary for human life. This herbal product contains 17 important trace minerals, including zinc, chromium, selenium, molybdenum and cobalt. It contains polyunsaturated acids: Omega-3 and Omega-6.

What are the benefits of sesame oil?

The benefits of sesame oil for the human body have been known for a long time. Tocopherols limit action free radicals and prevent malignant neoplasms. Calcium and phosphorus inhibit the development of osteoporosis. The beneficial microelements contained in the substance help relax muscles, relieve tension and reduce pain.

Useful properties that have a beneficial effect on the body:

  • removes toxins;
  • restores skin after injuries without leaving scars;
  • protects against damage caused by ultraviolet rays;
  • cleanses blood vessels, maintains cardiac tone;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • prolongs the life of red blood cells;
  • breaks blood clots and prevents their formation;
  • promotes the reproduction of myelin, a substance that is an insulator of nerve cells;
  • smoothes out some manifestations of Alzheimer's disease;
  • participates in collagen synthesis.

Benefits for women

The benefit of sesame oil for the female body is to enhance the activity of the sex glands. It rejuvenates the body. Taking part in the production of collagen, it smoothes the skin and reduces the number of wrinkles. Beneficial properties help normalize during menopause hormonal background, reduce the symptoms of menopause.

Benefits for men

Tocopherol increases the secretion of male gonads, accelerates sperm maturation, and normalizes the activity of the prostate gland. Taking sesame will benefit people with decreased sexual activity, help restore normal erection and increase libido.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy and breastfeeding the female body is subject to exhaustion. The oily liquid obtained from sesame seeds allows you to restore the supply of vitamins and microelements. Sesame has a positive effect on lactation. This treatment will benefit your hair: dull, lifeless curls will acquire a vibrant shine. The beneficial properties of sesame will help make your nails elastic and less brittle. High benefits for the dermis: the skin becomes noticeably fresher.

Important! Sesame oil can cause allergies in the baby and mother. Before the appointment, you need to consult a specialist.

Is sesame oil okay for children?

Sesame oil is of great benefit to children with vitamin deficiencies: it promotes better absorption of vitamins obtained from food. It is useful for children from the age of one year to season vegetable salads. For children from 1 year to 3 years, the maximum daily dose of the product is 3-5 drops. From 3 to 6 years, the dosage gradually increases to 10 drops. By 14, the daily intake is increased to 1 teaspoon.

Attention! Sesame oil should be given to children only when fresh. When heated, it loses its beneficial properties and there will be no benefit.

Is sesame oil good for weight loss?

Overeating is often the cause nervous breakdown. Sesame oil has a very beneficial quality: it balances nervous processes and helps avoid stress.

Having a high calorie content, it allows you to maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time. If the reason excess weight– hormonal levels, then sesame will help put it in order, speed up metabolism and the breakdown of adipose tissue. The property of the oily culture to cause a laxative effect will allow you to cleanse the body of excess moisture and toxins.

How to drink sesame oil for medicinal purposes

The beneficial qualities of this product have found application in medicine. For various diseases, odorous liquid is used:

  1. Sesame oil on an empty stomach will benefit gastritis. It envelops the walls of the stomach and restores the mucous membrane.
  2. If you have severe constipation, you should drink sesame oil on an empty stomach. Drink 2 tsp. 2-3 times a day.

To strengthen the immune system, the oily product should be taken a few drops per day. Dosage depends on age. Reception should begin from 1 year and a dose of 3 drops. Gradually increasing the amount of nutrients taken to 1 tsp. by the age of 13. Adults and adolescents over 14 years of age are allowed to take a teaspoon up to 3 times a day.

Should be taken with food. Sesame will improve the taste of vegetable dishes and impart its beneficial properties to cereals.

The use of sesame oil in cosmetology

Cosmetologists have long noticed the beneficial properties of sesame. They appreciated the benefits for improving hair condition and strengthening nail plates. The ability of sesame to accelerate collagen synthesis is known to cosmetologists around the world.

The benefits of sesame oil for the skin include nourishing the dermis with minerals and moisturizing. It is a catalyst for restoration processes and protects against damage caused by exposure to sunlight.

Application for facial skin

The benefits of sesame oil for the face lie in a full range of vitamins and large quantities microelements it contains. Sesame-based face masks are very popular. They are hypoallergenic, easy and quick to prepare at home.

Anti-wrinkle mask

Diverging rays around the eyes can cause a lot of disappointment to a woman. It's easy to remove them. It is enough to lubricate this area with sesame oil once a day and leave for 20 minutes. Then remove the residue with a napkin and wash your face. cool water. The beneficial properties of the substance are fully revealed when used in this way. The result does not take long to arrive.

Nourishing mask

Attention! The composition of the mask depends on the type of facial skin.

For dry dermis, take 2 egg yolks. A few drops of sesame oil are added to them. Everything is whipped. The resulting mass is applied to the face and kept for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse off with cool water.

For oily dermis of the face, beat 2 egg whites with a few drops of oil. The mixture is smeared on the face and left until completely dry. Then rinse off with warm water.

Any masks are applied only to cleansed dermis. Before using them, you should cleanse your facial skin with lotion or cosmetic soap, steam it, and only then apply a mask.

Sesame oil for hair

An oily product brings great benefits to hair. With its help, they become smooth, acquire a natural shine and silkiness. The main property of sesame liquid is to penetrate the dermis of the head, cleanse it of dead cells and nourish it. Regular use will restore the structure of the curls, making them shiny and elastic.

The easiest way to use

Add 3-5 drops of oil to shampoo or hair conditioner. Use as usual. But the result will be much better. Can be added to dye when coloring curls.

Revitalizing mask

A small amount of oil is heated to a warm consistency and rubbed into the scalp with light movements. The product is evenly applied to the hair using a comb. A plastic bag is placed over the head and covered with a warm towel. Should be kept for an hour. Then rinse your head well with shampoo.

Advice! The product will be more effective if left overnight. For prevention, it is enough to make a mask once every 10 days.

Application for body

The property of sesame oil to relieve tension and relax muscles has long been known. This property is used in massages and rubbing. Sesame oil for massage can be used in pure form or in combination with other herbal ingredients.

Olive and coconut oils are suitable. If the product is prepared from several components, then they are taken equally and mixed thoroughly. The mixture is slightly warmed up, then applied to a clean body. Any massage is possible. After the procedure you need to turn around plastic bag and lie down under the blanket. Then wash with warm water. Massage will loosen muscle tone, will improve blood movement. After the procedure, the skin will soften.

How to use sesame oil in cooking

Sesame oil has been used by the peoples of Asia for a long time. Combined with soy sauce and honey, the oily liquid from sesame is a seasoning for pilaf, fish and vegetables. The sweetish-nutty taste is a welcome addition to exquisite oriental sweets. With his participation, meat and vegetables are marinated.

In Russian cuisine it is used to prepare:

  • soups;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • gravy;
  • pancakes

Is it possible to fry in sesame oil?

Attention! You cannot fry in sesame oil!

During the heating process everything useful substances decompose in it. This causes significant harm to health. Sesame oil is added to ready-made hot dishes to add a special taste before serving.

Harm of sesame oil and contraindications

Harm to sesame oil for a healthy person can only occur during heat treatment. This product can be harmful to people suffering from blocked veins and high blood clotting. Sesame oil for cosmetic purposes should not be used by people with clogged pores. It will bring them nothing but harm.

How to choose and store sesame oil

Some simple rules will help you choose a quality product:

  • A good product is bottled exclusively in glass containers.
  • A characteristic feature of a good spin is a yellowish tint and a weak aroma.

Storage conditions:

  1. Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. This will help preserve the product for a long time.
  2. Can only be stored in glass containers. Metal and plastic are not acceptable.
  3. An opened bottle should be used no later than 6 months.
  4. Even under the right storage conditions, sesame oil produces sediment. This natural process does not affect its properties in any way.


The benefits and harms of sesame oil are determined by its chemical components. An oily liquid with the mysterious name “sesame” has long been recognized by doctors and cooks of Asian peoples. The benefits are undeniable. The harm is minor. It occurs only for some people and is associated with the characteristics of their body. Sesame oil brings only benefits to healthy people.

Sesame oil is obtained from raw or roasted sesame seeds. The differences between these types are significant.

  • Roasted seed oil has a dark golden brown color, attracts with a spicy aroma and frankly stimulates the appetite.
  • Its counterpart, raw seed oil, varies depending on the method of preparation. The unrefined product also has a spicy smell and excellent taste. This oil is obtained by cold pressing; it is advisable to store it in the refrigerator.
  • After heat treatment (refining), the oil becomes yellow with a faint nutty aroma. This oil is stored longer, but loses many of its beneficial properties for traditional medicine recipes and homemade cosmetics.

Composition of sesame oil

Like all vegetable oils, sesame oil is a high-calorie product: 884 kcal per 100 g. product. It is interesting for humans primarily due to its high content of fatty acids. Here are the substances we find in sesame oil:

  • Up to 45% omega-6, predominantly linoleic acid;
  • Up to 42% omega-9, mainly oleic acid;
  • Up to 15% saturated fatty acids (primarily stearic and palmitic);
  • Up to 4% lignans and other components.

The structure of fatty acids varies somewhat, depending on the composition of the feedstock.

In addition, the oil contains vitamins (most of all vitamin E) and practically no mineral salts.

It is important to understand that, unlike sesame seeds, its oil is not a source of calcium and other trace elements, since the pressing technology does not allow metals to pass into the oil. Look for calcium in the sesame seeds themselves or in sesame paste.

Benefits of sesame oil

Knowing the composition, let's evaluate why certain properties are attributed to this oil.

Lignans and cancer prevention in women and men

Let's start with lignans. Sesamin, sesamol and sesamolin - phenolic compounds of a plant compound - make sesame oil useful for oral use for the prevention of cancer, primarily of the breast in women and prostate in men.

Today, the estrogenic activity and antioxidant properties of lignans are being actively studied - as part of the search aids for the treatment of many types of cancer, including melanoma.

Omega-6 fatty acids and diseases of civilization

Let us remind you of the high content of omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids (up to 45%) and immediately dispel the myth about the benefits of sesame oil instead of sunflower oil. Alas, a significant concentration of omega-6 does not do this best choice in the daily diet.

Why is this happening? Because of the need to balance the ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 in our food. Think about it! On average, we consume 20 times more omega-6 than omega-3 fatty acids. While the harmonious ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 should not exceed 4:1.

Therefore, we should eat vegetable oils where the linoleic acid content does not exceed 30%. Sesame does not apply to them, but to olive oil It's worth a closer look.

Otherwise, we will remain hostage to a dangerous dietary imbalance in omega-6 - with a catastrophic lack of omega-3. Vascular problems due to progressive atherosclerosis, various oncologies, Parkinson's disease, younger-onset dementia, a growing number of clinical depressions and developmental delays in children - all these formidable conditions are associated with an excess of omega-6 in the diet.

Benefits of sesame oil for face and body

The ability to protect us from harmful ultraviolet rays is one of the most sought after healing properties sesame oil for face and body skin. Photoaging - main reason withering of the skin, decline and degeneration of harmless moles into malignant neoplasms. That's why day care products must contain sun protection factors.

Modern cosmetology actively uses sesame oil as a UV filter in the production of natural-based creams. We can use the oil in pure or diluted form - in the summer on the beach, applying it to the skin while sunbathing.

Effective homemade cosmetics recipes

Moisturizes, nourishes, actively regenerates, harmonizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and stimulates skin immunity. All these actions are inherent in sesame oil when applied to the surface of the skin.

Among simple homemade cosmetics recipes, the following are the most effective:

  • Softening the skin on the feet: Heat the oil in a water bath until it becomes noticeably warm and massage the feet with it using pressing movements. We put on cotton socks on top and then wool socks. Such insulation at night will have a positive effect not only on the condition of the skin, but also on the health of the hormonal system.
  • Getting rid of superficial wrinkles: Apply the oil to a cotton swab and gently pat your eyelids, face and neck. Leave for 15 minutes, then blot off the remaining oil and go to bed.
  • Nourish normal and dry facial skin: Mix unrefined sesame oil with cocoa powder, apply to the face and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  • Cleansing oily skin: We dilute 3 tablespoons of turmeric with sesame oil to a thick paste. This mixture can be used to massage not only the face, but the entire body, especially the décolleté and area, where pustular rashes most often occur due to excess oily skin. At the end of the massage, leave the oil for 5-10 minutes and wash off with warm water.
  • Fighting cellulite: Active massage techniques with sesame oil and even simply applying it 2 times a day, morning and evening, to problem areas will be effective - for 1 month.

Sesame oil in the treatment of lung diseases

Another recipe from traditional medicine suggests using sesame seed oil to rub the chest. The procedure is especially beneficial for chronic lung pathologies, helps thin mucus and soothes nasal congestion.

Rubbing with heated oil is performed. Depending on the purpose of therapy, you can first rub the person, and then do a drainage massage, finishing with laying in drainage positions - on both sides for 7-10 minutes. Or time the rubbing to coincide with bedtime, wrapping the patient in warmth after the procedure.

Sesame oil during pregnancy

Judging by the composition of sesame oil, it does not have any significant advantages over sunflower oil, and there are just as many calories. Trying to additionally introduce it into the diet of a pregnant woman is an empty idea when the changes will not bring significant benefits. It is better to pay attention to sources of omega-3 fatty acids - fresh and high-quality fish oil, purified from mercury.

In addition, sesame oil can be dangerous product for the kidneys and urinary tract of a woman, especially in the third trimester.

Sesame oil on an empty stomach for gastritis and constipation

One of the folk recipes says that sesame oil helps reduce high acidity during. Natural medicine doctors suggest drinking it before meals, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, one of which in the morning on an empty stomach.

Similar recommendations can be found for treatment: drink 1 tablespoon of sesame oil immediately after waking up. It is important to understand that by drinking any oil on an empty stomach, and even washing it down with acidified water, we achieve a clear choleretic effect and bring the moment of bowel movement closer.

First of all, it is not the special composition of the oil that works here, but the time and conditions of taking the oily product. However, this method has strict contraindications. Those who have stones should not drink oil in the morning. gallbladder who suffer from functional reflux or GERD.

Sesame oil: harm and contraindications

Due to the high content of oxalates, both sesame itself and its oil should not be consumed by people prone to kidney stones, after operations on the organs of the urinary system, in conditions of insufficient drinking, or during periods of stress with increased sweating.

It is especially dangerous to combine oil with foods that are rich in oxalic acid (green vegetables, parsley, beets, citrus fruits, oatmeal, gooseberries, instant coffee, chocolate, cocoa, etc.). In everyday cooking, this means that you should not season cucumber, beet salads, or any dishes with herbs with sesame oil.

Additionally, oxalate restriction may be indicated:

  • For delayed speech development in children
  • In the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy
  • In old age
  • While taking certain medications (aspirin, groprinosin, etc.).

We hope that the information we collected clarified the main questions about the benefits and harms of sesame oil and helped you figure out how beneficial it is for you and your loved ones to take it.

How to take sesame oil


What is sesame oil

What is sesame oil, benefits and harms, how to take this oil, what it has medicinal properties, all this is of great interest to those who lead healthy image life, monitors his health, and is interested in traditional methods treatment, including with the help of medicinal herbs and food. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Sesame oil is the king of oils. The origins of the popularity of sesame go back to the distant past. The popularity of sesame is even reflected in folklore. In ancient times, in Babylon and some other countries, sesame was a symbol of immortality - it was not for nothing that it was considered the food of the gods.

There is still no single version of the origin of sesame. Perhaps it was brought to India by sailors from South Africa. And from India, sesame seeds came to China and Japan, America and Europe. Already in the 18th century, American farmers cultivated sesame over fairly large areas.

Today, sesame is grown mainly in Central Asia, Transcaucasia, in India, the countries of the Far East.

Mentions of healing power sesame seeds are found in the medical treatises of Avicenna, and in ancient Egypt sesame oil as early as 1500 BC. e. found wide use in folk medicine.

Sesame oil is one of the oldest seasonings known to man. Another name for sesame is “sesame,” which means “oil plant” in Assyrian, and the first crop may have been grown specifically for its beneficial oil.

Sesame oil has been used since ancient times when only natural remedies were used as medicine, which makes this product even more worthy of respect.

This oil is one of the main remedies used in Ayurveda (the study of traditional methods of ancient Indian medicine). It is considered a healing natural remedy for many diseases, “removing poisons from the body,” “warming,” “strengthening the body,” “calming the mind.”

Both oil and sesame seeds are used in both traditional and folk medicine. Substances contained in oil and sesame seeds have a beneficial effect on health: they remove toxins, normalize metabolism, blood pressure, and prevent joint diseases. Due to its high calcium content, sesame is used to prevent osteoporosis; it also helps build muscle mass and makes the body stronger.

Beneficial properties of sesame oil

Sesame or sesame oil is made from black and white sesame seeds. White seeds yield more oil high quality, and black ones are more oily. Best variety“virgin” sesame oil is an oil of a mixture of unroasted seeds obtained by cold pressing. Sesame oil has high oxidation resistance. Taken as a base component, it imparts stability to oil mixtures.

The fatty acid composition of sesame oil is approximately the following: linoleic acid - 40–45%; oleic acid - about 40%; palmitic acid - 8–11%.

Sesame oil contains a significant content of vitamin E, vitamin B complex, calcium, and phosphorus. Natural antioxidants included in the biological composition of the oil are named after the oil itself - sesamol, sesamin, sesamolin. Thanks to these substances, sesame oil has good resistance to oxidation processes. The total shelf life of sesame oil is about two years.

So, bronchial asthma, shortness of breath, bronchitis, tracheitis are indications for the use of sesame oil, if you do not have an individual intolerance to it.

The calcium contained in the oil may be useful in cases of reduced blood clotting. Due to its high calcium content, sesame oil is useful during pregnancy: the body of a pregnant woman requires increased consumption of this building material by 80%, and blood clotting until the moment of birth naturally decreases (the process of hormonal regulation of conception and bearing a child is thought out with great care and forethought).

For women during menopause (and in general with age-related osteoporosis), sesame oil can replace calcium supplements.

Sesame oil regulates metabolism and is therefore recommended for patients with diabetes and hyperthyroidism, as well as for joint diseases caused by metabolic disorders. The oil is recommended for use if you are overweight.

Anemia, circulatory disorders; kidney and bladder diseases; problematic digestion, accompanied by intestinal colic and stool retention - indications for consuming oil.

Sesame oil has an anthelmintic effect.

And finally, this oil is widely used in cosmetology. It is recommended for the care of children's skin, the skin around the eyes, and is used to even out skin color after acne. Recommended to protect the skin from sun exposure, has moisturizing and nourishing properties.

Unrefined sesame oil (dark, rich in color) is not suitable for frying - use it only for dressing salads and hot meat dishes.

Refined sesame oil can be used in frying pans, but it is an expensive product and not commonly found.

Sesame oil in cooking

Sesame oil must be present where Asian dishes are prepared at least occasionally. Spicy Chinese snacks, seafood salads, pickled vegetables, meat, meat salads, deep-frying and even oriental sweets - all this goes perfectly with sesame oil, which in turn “gets along” well with honey and soy sauce.

If the taste of sesame oil is too rich for your dish, then it can be mixed with any other vegetable oils. As a rule, oriental masters For culinary purposes, it is recommended to mix it with peanut oil, because it is softer in all respects than sesame oil.

Unrefined oil made from roasted sesame seeds has a distinctive color, rich, sweet, nutty taste and strong aroma (unlike light yellow sesame oil made from raw sesame seeds, which has a less pronounced taste and smell).

In exotic Asian cooking, sesame oil, especially well combined with honey and soy sauce, is most often used in preparing pilaf, seafood dishes, deep-frying and oriental sweets, marinating meat and vegetables, dressing meat and vegetable salads.

In China and Japan, sesame oil is usually added to soups and various dishes; it is great for salads. Since it has a weak aroma of its own, you can add a little ground nut: two parts “nut” oil and one part sesame oil.

In Korea, it is customary to dip any meat, even pork, in sesame oil. It is believed that it “envelops” harmful substances, dirt, microbes and thereby removes everything harmful from the body.

Just a few drops of sesame oil can add an original taste and unique aroma as well as a variety of Russian cuisine - soups, hot meat and fish dishes, mashed potatoes, porridges, cereal side dishes, gravies, pancakes, pancakes, homemade cakes.

Unlike other edible oils, unrefined sesame oil is not suitable for frying; it is recommended to add this vegetable product to hot dishes only before serving.

Having high nutritional and energy value and a high content of easily digestible fats and vegetable proteins, sesame oil can be successfully used as a component of dietary and vegetarian nutrition.

Due to the high content of natural antioxidants (and in particular sesamol), sesame oil is highly resistant to oxidation and has a long shelf life.

Sesame oil contraindications

Sesame and sesame oil increase the number of platelets in the blood. This property of sesame oil should be taken into account if you are prone to varicose veins, especially thrombophlebitis and thrombosis. This ability of the oil is due to the high calcium content: 100 g of oil is the daily norm for a healthy person. During some acute infectious diseases blood clotting increases (lobar pneumonia, for example) - sesame oil may not be suitable in case of a prolonged course of the disease.

However, everything is good in moderation and with a thoughtful attitude: calcium chloride or calcium gluconate, as an antiallergen, was prescribed earlier during the period of taking antibiotics. Sesame oil, when consumed in doses, is a natural source of calcium, which is also useful for various diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

Cases of individual intolerance to sesame oil are periodically described. Although, as a rule, oil is a treatment for such a serious type of allergy as bronchial asthma.

Sesame oil slightly reduces stomach acidity - with increased acidity this is a valuable property. But your appetite may be sluggish when consuming sesame oil. However, this quality of oil will also find use in cases of excess weight.

As you can see, the task is to know the characteristics of your body and adapt the various qualities of oils to them, without neglecting your taste preferences.

How to choose sesame oil

This product is obtained by single cold pressing (first cold pressing method). The packaging of high-quality sesame oil should bear the following inscription: unrefined and non-deodorized, produced by the first cold pressing method. This technology allows you to preserve all vitamins and nutrients. The composition indicated on the package contains only sesame oil. Let's allow a slight sediment.

Sesame grains for pressing are taken not only fresh, but also fried. The oil obtained from them is dark in color (from fresh ones it is lighter) and has a pronounced taste. The unrefined product made from roasted seeds is not intended for frying; it is added to salads and ready meals, for example, in sauces.

Raw pressed sesame oil is the lightest and most delicate of all. Has a light nutty aroma.

Oil pressed from roasted sesame seeds has the most intense taste and aroma.

The benefits and harms of different types of sesame oil are approximately the same. The differences relate mainly only to taste and smell. When choosing sesame oil, be guided only by your taste.

Storage conditions. It is better to store sesame oil in a cool, dark place in a well-sealed glass or ceramic container.

Recipes for using sesame oil for various diseases

Sesame oil for colds

Before going to bed, heat sesame oil in a water bath to a temperature of no higher than 40 °C and rub the chest, then wrap yourself in a warm wide scarf or shawl and fall asleep.

It is advisable to take 1-2 teaspoons of sesame oil orally in the morning half an hour before meals.

Sesame oil for runny nose

Place 2-3 drops of warm sesame oil into the nasal passages 3 times a day. At night, rub the oil into the soles of your feet and put on warm socks - the same procedure is suitable for improving sleep both during a cold and for general improvement of sleep.

For wet cough

  • 50 g sesame oil;
  • table salt;

Add a little salt to 50 g of sesame oil (on the tip of a knife), stir and rub the mixture on your back and chest until reddened - once a day.

With beginning otitis

Place 2-3 drops of sesame oil heated in a water bath into the ear canal.

For headaches

  • 20 ml sesame oil;
  • 5 drops of rose oil.

Mix sesame oil with essential rose oil, rub the resulting mixture into your temples and forehead when a headache begins.

To treat gums and reduce toothache

Sesame oil is used to irrigate gums in case of periodontal disease, loose gums after suffering from general diseases. For toothache, rub the oil into the gums around the painful tooth 2-3 times a day.

For inflammation of the conjunctiva

Filter a few milliliters of sesame oil through a paper filter (folded in half paper napkin) and place one drop in your eyes before going to bed.

Sesame oil for gastritis

For a week, take 1/2-1 tablespoon of sesame oil half an hour before meals 1-2 times a day.

For intestinal colic

On an empty stomach you should take 1 tablespoon of sesame oil for a week. At the same time small quantity Rub the oil into the skin of the abdomen until absorbed.

Healing skin with sesame oil

To enrich factory-made creams, the addition of sesame oil should not exceed 10%. The section “Massage with vegetable oils” contains several recipes for massage oils based on sesame oil.

Sesame oil is viscous, so it is recommended to use it in mixture with other oils to improve skin health. But in some cases, sesame oil is used in its pure form, when we're talking about not so much about the nutritional, but about the healing and soothing effect of the oil.

Sesame oil for skin:

For dermatitis, skin abrasions, and peeling, lubricate the affected areas with sesame oil several times a day. At the same time, take 1 teaspoon of oil orally once a day.

Soothing skin balm

  • 1 part sesame oil;
  • 1/2 part aloe juice;
  • 1/2 part grape juice.

Mix aloe juice and freshly squeezed grape juice. Add sesame oil. For dermatitis, rashes accompanied by itching, lubricate problem areas of the skin with the resulting balm. At the same time, take the balm orally, 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

Ointment against swelling around the eyes

  • 1 fresh egg white;
  • 1 tsp. sesame oil.

Mix egg white with sesame oil. For swelling under the eyes, apply the ointment to the skin and leave for 15–20 minutes. Remove the remaining ointment with a cotton swab and wash with warm water.

Sesame oil for weight loss

The main direction of action of sesame oil for weight loss is the ability of the fatty acids that are part of it to help build lean muscle mass. This is especially useful for athletes, as it promotes better absorption of animal and not only protein. For example, if a person eats a lot and at the same time has a large muscle mass, he may be much less at risk of becoming obese.

According to nutritionists, sesame oil helps burn fat and prevents its accumulation in the body. It also has antioxidant properties.

For weight loss, a combination of several means is important. This is, firstly, physical exercise. As a result, resistance to stress increases, the problems of stretch marks and sagging skin are solved.

Wraps, various masks, lotions, etc. also help.

Based on the books by Victoria Karpukhina “Vegetable oil. The truth about healing properties" and Yuri Konstantinov "Healing oils. Amaranth, flaxseed, sea buckthorn, sesame...".