Arugula greens. Arugula: a spicy fashionista gardener

» Vegetable garden

The diet of any person should include at least 70% vegetables. A good addition serves fresh greens, the chemical composition of which is rich in valuable vitamins and minerals. Arugula is considered one of the popular salad ingredients, but when grown on summer cottages It’s rare to get a product with an exquisite, spicy, nutty taste. The whole secret lies in agricultural technology, planting and care rules, which will be discussed in this article.

The plant is a kind of salad, belongs to the genus Indau of the cabbage family. Initially, greens were considered a weed, but later they joined the list of vegetable crops grown in our country. Demand for the product began to grow after the popularization of Mediterranean cuisine.

Culture has short period growing season, which allows you to grow greens in open ground throughout the warm period. When cultivated in a greenhouse or on a windowsill, the crop grows year-round, in spring and winter.

Arugula contains rich vitamin composition , which includes:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamins B, E, PP, K;
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • plant acids (erucic, oleic, linoleic, etc.);
  • steroids and other substances.

Regular consumption of greens has the following effects on the body:

  • strengthens the body's protective function;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • calms down nervous system;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • increases hemoglobin.

And this is an incomplete list of the merits of arugula, which is why it is often included in dietary and therapeutic nutrition.

Timing for sowing arugula in open ground

You can sow arugula several times a season, starting from April to August. It is important that the earth has time to warm up to 9-14 degrees. If planted in cold soil, the process of germination and seedling development is inhibited.

In the south and in middle lane You can sow from April 15th. IN northern regions recommended to use greenhouse or seedling cultivation method.

Seedlings need to be planted from late March to early April. No preliminary preparation is required for the seeds; they already have good germination. Seedlings are grown in pots, boxes or cups.

Shoots appear 4-6 days after sowing. When the sprouts have 2 true leaves, you need plant seedlings in separate containers (plastic cups or peat pots). The grown shoots are transferred to an open bed along with a ball of earth so as not to damage the root system.

After germination of the seedlings, it is necessary to thin out the planting, first leaving 5 cm between the shoots, and then increasing the distance to 10 cm. Thickening has an effect negative influence on the taste of the salad.

The most suitable varieties for growing in the country house or garden

The range of varieties makes it difficult to choose when choosing a variety to grow on your site. When purchasing, you should read brief description plants and the characteristics of their agricultural technology.

Cupid's arrows

plant with average ripening period, the growing season lasts 36-38 days. The bush reaches a height of 20-30 cm, forming a raised rosette of narrow long leaves. During flowering, small, light yellow inflorescences appear.

Features of the variety: consistently produces high yields, external similarity of the crop to dandelion.


The variety ripens in about a month (growing season 28-30 days). The height of the bush reaches 20 cm, the stem is erect with a small edge. The plant blooms in small cream-colored inflorescences.

The taste of the leaves is distinguished by a sweetish taste and lack of bitterness.


Plant early 21-25 days. The rich green leaves are large in size; there are about 20-26 of them in one rosette. The height of the bush is about 20 cm.

The taste of arugula is sweetish with a mustard note. The seed remains viable for 4 years.


Plant early ripening period, the growing season lasts only 20-25 days. The height of the bush does not exceed 16-20 cm. The leaves are lyre-shaped, slightly rounded. The variety is perennial.

Advantages of the plant: high yield, good transportability, high taste, which is distinguished by a pronounced nutty note and a slight bitterness.

Rules for planting vegetables in the garden

To give the arugula its richness green and acquired a pleasant nutty flavor, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of agricultural technology, in particular planting in open ground.

Preparing seeds before sowing

Arugula seeds should be purchased in specialized stores. When purchasing in person, you will need to disinfection of seed material. To do this, the grains are immersed for 15 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After the procedure, you need to rinse them thoroughly under running water and dry them on a towel.

Other treatments to stimulate growth are not carried out, since the arugula seed germinates quite well.

Preparing the soil for arugula

When choosing a place for a bed for arugula, you should take into account that the plant does not like either shadows or straight lines sun rays . Therefore, it is worth choosing an area that is in the shade for one half of the day and in the sun for the second. It is ideal if the plants are in partial shade during the midday hours.

The soil is suitable for salad fertile, loose with a neutral or slightly acidic environment. The following predecessors are welcome: carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkin. It is not recommended to sow arugula after: cabbage, turnips, daikon, radishes and other cruciferous crops.

Before planting, the soil can be enriched with calcium by adding dolomite flour, chalk or other substances.

Which scheme to choose for planting in open ground

Sowing is carried out in prepared holes 2 cm deep. The interval between rows during transplantation is maintained at 30-40 cm, between holes – 5 cm. 2-3 seeds are planted in each hole. After a week, it is necessary to thin out the beds, increasing the interval between plants to 10-15 cm.

Care after disembarkation


The air temperature is considered optimal for the growing season. 14-18 degrees. When the rate is low, the development of the plant is inhibited.

The crop will survive a sharp drop in temperature to minus 7 degrees, but only on condition that the cold does not last long. If frost occurs after sowing, then it is necessary to build a shelter from plastic film.

Watering the plant

The soil in the beds with arugula should always be moist, so irrigation is carried out regularly. Watering mode: 3-4 times a week.

In persistent heat, you need to moisten the soil daily. Due to lack of moisture, the leaves acquire a bitter taste, and the plant itself produces color.

Arugula loves moisture, but watering must be regulated. Do not allow water to stagnate in upper layers soil.

Weeding and loosening

For normal growing season the plant requires loose soil, therefore, after each watering or every other time, you should fluff the ground with a hoe or horn.

Weeding is performed simultaneously with this procedure. Weeds thicken the planting, which provokes the development of fungal diseases and attracts pests. In addition, proximity to weeds can negatively affect the taste of arugula.

Top dressing

The soil for sowing lettuce should be well fertilized. Then for the entire growing season you will need only 1-2 feedings.

Introduce complex mineral compounds shouldn't, because for short term toxins accumulated in the leaves will not have time to decompose. It is better to use a solution of chicken droppings or rotted manure along with irrigation water. Nitrogen fertilizers are also suitable.

Pests and prevention

Arugula leaves contain large number essential oils, their aroma repels many pests. However this does not protect against fungal infections, which develop well in humid environment– soil.

When the root system is damaged, the stem begins to gradually wither. When a fungal disease occurs, small, brown bubbles form on the roots. When the first signs of the disease are detected, it is necessary to remove the bush from the garden bed and treat the soil with antifungal drugs.

The only things that can damage arugula leaves are: cruciferous flea beetles, radish lovers and different types salad If you cover the seedlings with lutrasil, the pest will go to look for food elsewhere.

Harvesting greens

Those who have already had experience growing arugula know that when the plant is left in the garden, the leaves become hard and taste bitter. Therefore, the harvest must be harvested on time, should not be postponed.

One of the signs of ripeness is the length of the leaf; it should reach not less than 10 cm. After the peduncle is released, the taste of the salad deteriorates.

Large rosettes are cut off completely, other bushes are partially cut off. It is better to use leaves for cooking in fresh. In the refrigerator lie the harvest, wrapped in cling film, will only be able to do it for a few days.

To summarize, it is worth noting that growing arugula is fun and easy. By adhering to the general rules for caring for a plant, you can enrich the body useful microelements, strengthen the immune system and even rejuvenate the skin.

You can plant and grow arugula not only in the country house or garden, but also at home - on the windowsill or balcony. The main thing is to familiarize yourself with compatibility with other plants, plant seeds according to the rules and maintain the desired temperature at home.

Greens are an integral part of the human diet. Using this product you can influence digestion, metabolism and other processes. Greens also add a special taste and aroma to dishes. Today we will tell you about arugula - an incredibly tasty and healthy herb. It also has other names - mustard grass, rocket salad, indau, eruka, caterpillar, taramira, arugula.

Arugula has a multi-faceted taste. To some it resembles sorrel without sourness, to others it gives hints of spicy mustard, to others it gives a subtle nutty taste and aroma. In any case, the plant leaves no one indifferent. The stems and leaves are eaten, and a very valuable oil is extracted from the seeds, which is widely used in cosmetology, medicine and cooking.

Mustard grass is low in calories - only 25 calories per 100 grams of product. Therefore, it is often used for weight loss. A large amount of fiber promotes rapid saturation. In addition, the product contains many useful substances, such as zinc, manganese, magnesium, selenium, copper, sodium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, B, E, C, K, fats, acids that have a positive effect on health.

The benefits of arugula

  1. Arugula has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The dietary fiber contained in the product is not processed, but swells in the intestines, cleansing it. Therefore, if you want to cleanse your body and lower your blood cholesterol, eat these greens.
  2. When losing weight, one bowl of salad with mustard herb is enough for a long-term feeling of fullness with a low calorie content of the dish. In addition, with regular use of the product, metabolism improves and metabolic processes accelerate.
  3. Consumption of rocket salad reduces the risk of developing depression, stress, and reduces anxiety, since the plant strengthens the nervous system and nerve fibers.
  4. Arugula fights germs, viruses and bacteria, improves immunity. It is recommended to eat it when you have a cold or as a preventive measure. In most countries, it is customary to eat the product in the fall to improve health before the cold weather.
  5. Greens include components that help prevent cancer.
  6. Arugula is a real aphrodisiac for men. It increases potency and reduces the likelihood of prostate enlargement.
  7. The plant reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes mellitus, and also allows you to control blood sugar levels.
  8. Mustard grass helps cope with anemia by increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood and improving the absorption of iron by the body.
  9. The product serves as a good prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system. Rocket salad has a diuretic and expectorant effect.
  10. Arugula is useful for women, as it contains many vitamins and microelements for the beauty of skin, nails, and hair. Also, mustard grass enhances lactation.

Use in cooking

The uses of arugula for culinary purposes are very diverse. Most often it is eaten fresh, presented as a side dish or an independent dish. Rocket salad goes well with meat, fish and other seafood, legumes and leafy vegetables. These greens are stewed with vegetables and used as one of the ingredients in the preparation of sauces, appetizers, risotto, pizza, desserts and sandwiches.

For those who do not like the taste of boiled fish, but are forced to eat it as part of their diet, it is recommended to add arugula to the main dish, because it can improve the taste of seafood and reduce its specific smell.

Arugula and beauty care

With a huge number of beneficial properties, arugula is consumed not only as food.

For example, the plant and the oil from its seeds are used in cosmetology. Due to the anti-inflammatory properties of the product, it is used to combat skin rashes, pimples and acne. Regular masks with mustard herb make your face clean and smooth and your skin velvety.

In addition to its antibacterial effect, rocket salad can whiten skin, relieving them of freckles, age spots or unwanted tanning. Arugula oil also successfully copes with such cosmetic tasks as restoring skin that is losing tone, moisturizing and nourishing the epidermis.

Sometimes the product is used as a stimulator of hair growth, reducing hair loss and awakening dormant hair follicles. Masks based on oil or juice of this plant restore and nourish curls well.

Harm and contraindications

Like any product, arugula has a list of contraindications and restrictions that must be taken into account in order to get only benefits from rocket salad.

  • Pregnant women should use mustard herb with caution, as the greens can cause uterine contractions.
  • For those who have urolithiasis, salad will also not be beneficial.
  • It is better to avoid the product if you have liver or kidney diseases.
  • You should not eat arugula if you have gastritis, ulcers, stomach diseases, or high acidity.
  • If you have an individual intolerance to the product, greens can be harmful.

The use of mustard herb must be agreed with a doctor if you have chronic diseases.

Arugula (mustard grass, rocket salad) is a plant of the cruciferous family, a widespread salad vegetable native to the Mediterranean countries. This plant was first mentioned in ancient times.

Arugula has a bright spicy mustard taste. Ancient healers used arugula oil (another name for the described plant) to heal wounds, heal bruises, boils, sprains, and even headaches. Today, arugula is used in large quantities. culinary recipes, used as medicinal herb and a component of natural cosmetics. Arugula oil is used in the treatment of dermatitis, care problem skin person, and even whitening age spots and freckles. However, the benefits of arugula do not end there.

Useful properties of arugula

Mustard grass contains vitamins such as: beta-carotene (vitamin A), B vitamins, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin K. Interestingly, 100 g of the plant contains daily norm vitamin K. Arugula also contains many substances beneficial to the human body:

  • zinc,
  • manganese,
  • selenium,
  • magnesium,
  • copper,
  • sodium,
  • phosphorus,
  • iron.

It is worth noting that arugula is a low-calorie product. There are only 25 kcal per 100 grams of rocket salad.

Arugula has a beneficial effect on the digestive processes and gastrointestinal tract, thanks to its constituent substances that have biological activity. Mustard herb is characterized by its expectorant, lactogenic and diuretic effects. She successfully fights pathogenic bacteria and viruses, increases the hemoglobin level in human blood, has a strengthening effect on the immune system, lowers the amount of sugar contained in the blood, regulates water-salt metabolism in the body, and also serves as a prophylactic against cancer diseases. Arugula is also recommended for consumption by people suffering from venous disease and those with increased blood pressure. Vitamin K promotes wound healing because it increases blood clotting.

Arugula is an excellent dietary remedy. In addition to the fact that mustard grass is low in calories and has a positive effect on metabolism in the body, it also contains a lot of substances that help people who are on a diet and limit themselves in a number of ways. necessary for the body products, do not lose your performance and energy. Arugula has a high fiber content, which gives anyone a feeling of fullness.

Arugula has a variety medicinal properties. It is indispensable for people suffering from stomach ulcers or gastritis. American gastroenterologists were able to invent an effective and interesting method treatment of peptic ulcers, which is based on the use of rocket salad. After all, it protects and strengthens the gastric walls.

Mustard oil, which is made from arugula, in addition to being used in cooking (it is used to season salads), is also extremely beneficial for hair. It has a strengthening effect on hair, positively affecting its structure itself, and also preventing hair loss.

Advice! Prepare a mask from mustard oil. You will need to rub 2 teaspoons of oil into your hair and go to bed with something wrapped around your head for warmth and to ensure that the mustard oil does not stain your pillow. Arugula oil is also a good help for men suffering from potency problems. You just need to constantly take three teaspoons per day.

Harmful properties of arugula

Arugula, like any plant rich in phytoncides, can cause severe allergies. Before using recipes containing the described herb, you need to make sure that you do not have individual intolerance. Most often, allergy sufferers will be those who can hardly tolerate radishes and turnips. Be careful!

There is no need to overuse rocket salad dishes for those who have colitis, gastritis, increased acidity gastric juice, kidney disease, liver disease, biliary dyskinesia. This spicy vegetable can provoke different reactions in pregnant women and nursing mothers. Based on this, if you do not use arugula systematically, then it is necessary to introduce it into your diet during lactation or pregnancy with great caution. Mustard grass can also be harmful for gout and other autoimmune diseases. Be sure to consult your doctor if you have been diagnosed with these conditions before you start consuming arugula in large quantities.

In addition, you cannot purchase arugula, which grew in environmentally and radiation-prone areas, as well as in areas where the content of heavy metal salts in the soil is high.

Arugula - use in cooking and cosmetology

The use of mustard salad in cooking is very diverse. It is presented as an independent dish or as a side dish. Arugula goes well with meat, fish, seafood and legumes. It can also be easily combined with other leafy vegetables. Vegetables are stewed with arugula, it is used as an ingredient in the preparation of various sauces, cold appetizers, risotto, cottage cheese, pizza and a number of dessert dishes, and added to sandwiches.

Arugula is very useful for those people who cannot tolerate... boiled fish, but are forced to use it in order to lose weight. Rocket salad improves the taste of fish dishes and almost completely eliminates their specific smell.

It is important to know that arugula can be used to make oil for freckles and age spots. 200 g of fresh crushed plant should be poured with 500 ml of olive oil and left in a dark place for fourteen days. Then the resulting infusion is filtered and applied to the skin of the body and face.

In Mediterranean countries, a rejuvenating whitening mask with fresh olives and arugula is also widely used. Grind 200 g of olives in a blender, add 100 g of finely chopped rocket salad to the resulting mass, mix and apply evenly to the face. After a third of an hour, the mask is washed off with cold water.

Arugula - how to choose and store correctly?

The main rule when choosing arugula is to pay attention to the freshness of its leaves, which should be absolutely green and should not be limp. The taste of arugula will directly depend on the size of the leaves. The smaller the leaf, the more bitter it will be, so choose your greens based on your personal taste preference.

Arugula should be stored in a container of water in the refrigerator. This way it can retain its original freshness for up to six days. For a longer shelf life, it will need to be frozen, just remember to wash and dry it first.

You can grow arugula yourself on the windowsill. She is very unpretentious and will not cause you unnecessary difficulties.

According to the logic of the events described, it became clear that this term refers to cooking.

Moreover, it was not possible to understand what kind of dish this was, one thing was clear - it is served in elite restaurants and is a privilege of the ruling class.

Expensive restaurants were described that served “amazing arugula.”

The language of the descriptions was no less tasty than this very arugula.

Various thoughts came into my head about what kind of animal this was, literally all the exotic things, from frog legs and raw fish to monkey brains.

Arugula, rocket or arugula (Eruca sativa L.) is an annual plant of the cruciferous family.

It has a height of up to 60 cm. The leaves are lyre-pinnate, the flowers are yellow or white.

The seeds are in oblong pods.

Arugula contains substances that provide the plant with a bright taste and aroma. The older, and therefore larger, the plant, the more pronounced its aroma. There are wild and cultivated arugula. The wild one has smaller leaves and a brighter taste.

Used as a salad and oilseed plant. The leaves and flowers are eaten, and oil is made from the seeds.

History and distribution of arugula

Arugula is a plant with great history: still in Ancient Rome it was used as a spice.

Nowadays arugula is widely used in the cuisine of Mediterranean countries. For example, in Italy, arugula leaves are added to salads, pasta dishes, pizza, and risotto.

Arugula can be used instead of basil in pesto sauce. They also say that rocket salad, one of the names of this plant, popular in Foggy Albion, was loved by Queen Elizabeth of England.

Residents of French Provence add roquette to their mesclin salad mixture.

In 2003, when planning to give a concert in Ufa, the Argentine singer and actress Natalia Oreiro demanded that arugula salad with Parmesan be included in the tour menu, which greatly puzzled the Bashkir promoters. No one knew what arugula was.

Meanwhile, aragula is one of the names of the plant I am describing.

Arugula and all its names

IN different countries this aromatic herb is called differently - Eruca sativa, aka eruka, aka indau, aka caterpillar, rocket and arugula.

In England and France this plant is called rocket. He also has other names: eruka and indau.

In Russia, this weed with palmate leaves is called “caterpillar”.

And residents of the Apennine Peninsula cannot imagine a kitchen without arugula. Exactly Italian name This aromatic herb with a mustard-nut-pepper flavor, rucola, has “taken root” among gourmets on 1/6 of the sushi better than others.

By the way, the debate about how to write correctly: arugula, rucola or arugula was recently resolved by authoritative philologists who recognized all options as acceptable.

About growing methods and arugula seeds

Arugula - very unpretentious plant, it can easily be grown from seeds in a pot on a windowsill or in the country.

It can be planted on a windowsill from March, and in open soil in central Russia - from mid-April.

It is necessary to maintain a distance between plants in a row of 8-10 cm, and between rows - 30-40 cm.

Arugula needs to be watered every other day; no other care is required. Then you will be able to enjoy its unusual taste all summer and autumn.

As arugula grows, its aroma intensifies. Please note that arugula quickly absorbs nitrates, so you should not overuse fertilizers.

Now about arugula seeds.

The seeds are sold under several names: indau, salad eruka, forest eruka, rocket lettuce, arugula.

In Russia, arugula seeds are produced by agricultural companies: Aelita, Russian Garden, Poisk.

You can also buy seeds abroad. Names of arugula on foreign languages: Rocket (English), Rucola (Italian), Rauke (German), Roquette (French).

Arugula and health

Rucola is the main friend of a losing weight girl. No other salad has such a positive effect on metabolism.

Arugula is a storehouse of vitamin C and iodine, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, removes cholesterol and has a tonic effect on the body as a whole - a real natural energy drink!

Arugula promotes prevention malignant tumors, has a diuretic, disinfectant, expectorant effect, improves digestion, and helps with anemia.

Like many other herbs, arugula can be called a “green pharmacy”; it also promotes lactation in nursing mothers. And the ancient Roman erotomaniacs generally considered arugula an aphrodisiac.

Arugula can be planted on the windowsill starting in March.

Place the seeds in a small box or pot to a depth of 1.5 cm, cover with soil and carefully water (in the future we water every other day).

We put it on the window. Don't forget to fluff up the soil from time to time. In a week the first shoots will appear.

This is what they will look like:

Arugula on the windowsill a week after sowing

It is sown thickly, but after literally a week it can be eaten, added to salads, and gradually thinned out. In a month we begin to harvest - the arugula leaves are ready for consumption.

Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to grow arugula in large quantities on the windowsill, but for sandwiches and sandwiches for work and school, as well as as additives for salads, this may well be enough.

Arugula is planted in the garden in mid-April.

There is more space in the garden bed than on the windowsill, so we plant according to the rules: 8-10 cm between plants, 30-40 cm between rows.

Keep in mind that arugula sprouts quickly, so it is a tasty morsel for garden gluttons - pests that attack it with great pleasure.

Arugula is also good because it can be planted several times: the second time in mid-May, the third in early August (in August it is the only salad plant that can be planted and then eaten all autumn).

Rucola loves sun and moisture. Do not overuse fertilizers; it tends to accumulate nitrates. It is better to plant arugula in different places in the garden every year: after tomatoes, onions, cucumbers or potatoes. In the garden, greens are removed 15-30 days after germination.

How and with what do you eat arugula?

Arugula contains alkaloids and flavonoids, which provide the plant with a bright mustard-nutty taste and aroma.

Also used in cookingarugula seed oil . It is added when canning vegetables.

Arugula salad is eaten immediately after preparation and cannot be stored. If the salad is dressed in advance, the leaves may release juice and turn into mush. It is customary to tear large arugula leaves by hand: if you cut them with a knife, a rusty mark appears at the cut site.

One of the most popular dressings is a mixture of vegetable, oil and acidulant; Parmesan is often added to the salad.

Italian salad

For the “Italian salad”, the arugula needs to be washed and placed on plates. The main thing is not to cut the leaves! They should form small baskets.

Place the tomatoes cut into slices on top of the arugula and pour over olive oil and vinegar. Place thinly sliced ​​Parmesan cheese on the tomatoes - 2-3 pieces per “basket”.

The finished dish should be sprinkled with toasted pine nuts and finely chopped garlic.

To eat “Italian salad” you need to cut it piece by piece with a knife.

Arugula salad


arugula - 1 bunch

olive oil

2 tbsp. spoons balsamic vinegar

1 tbsp. spoon raspberry syrup

1 teaspoon ground black pepper

Salt to taste

chopped dill and parsley - 2 tbsp. spoons

Roasted pine nuts - 1 tbsp. spoon

For the sauce, mix olive oil, vinegar, syrup, spices and chopped herbs.

Place arugula leaves in a salad bowl, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with nuts.

The bitter taste of arugula adds piquancy and sharpness to familiar dishes, and the flavonoids contained in arugula leaves tone and energize.

Arugula improves performance cardiovascular system, strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

Normalizes blood pressure.

Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Calms the nervous system, relieving stress and depression.

Speeds up metabolism and helps get rid of excess weight.

Increases male potency.

Contraindications: urolithiasis.

Arugula can be eaten as a side dish for meat and fish dishes or added to vegetable salads.

The most useful is fresh arugula, without preliminary heat treatment.


Recipes with arugula

  • Pork salad with strawberries and arugula // Meat salads
  • Lentils with artichokes and peppers // Lentil Recipes
  • Tuna with champignons // Fish steaks
  • Salad with flank steaks, goat cheese and tomatoes // Meat salads
  • Risotto with sun-dried tomatoes and mozzarella // Risotto
  • Salad with peaches and mozzarella // Cheese salads
  • Salad with char // Fish salads
  • Pancake roll with cheese // Pancakes
  • Pancake rolls with fish // Pancakes
  • Tapas with artichokes, Caspian sprat, figs and cheese // Tapas
  • Beet salad with pear and avocado // Beet salads
  • Easter snack “Chicks” // Egg snacks
  • Ravioli with zucchini and mascarpone // Ravioli
  • Pork schnitzel with cheese and spinach // Schnitzels
  • Canadian Northern Coldwater Shrimp with spinach // Shrimp, crabs
  • Cucumber gazpacho with mint // Gazpacho
  • Grilled vegetables with mozzarella // Grilled vegetables
  • Mango and sea bass salad // Fish salads
  • Veal shoulder with spicy green sauce // Beef dishes
  • Orecchiette with white beans and smoked fish // Pasta with sauces
  • Timbal from avocado and tuna // Timbal
  • Salad of fried squid and fresh herbs // Squid salads
  • “Terry” salad with turkey and squid // Squid salads
  • Asparagus with crab meat and pesto // Crabs
  • Arugula with Parma ham, Parmesan and pecorino// Cheese salads
  • Arugula and purple basil pesto// Sauces
  • Arugula salad with avocado and cherry tomatoes// Vegetable salads
  • Salad with shrimp and arugula// Shrimp salads
  • Soba with nuts and arugula// Pasta with sauces
  • Arugula salad with pine nuts// Vegetable salads
  • Seafood salad with arugula// Seafood salads
  • Focaccia with cheese, arugula and prosciutto// Italian cuisine
  • Arugula with Parmesan (rucola con parmigiano)// Cottage cheese and cottage cheese snacks
  • Salmon with nuts and arugula salad// Baked fish
  • Salmon salad with grapefruit and arugula// Fish salads
  • Arugula with mussels and strawberries// Mussel salads
  • Smoked Turkey and Arugula Roll// Meat rolls
  • Beef carpaccio with arugula// Carpaccio
  • Mango and arugula salad// Shrimp salads
  • Pizza mozzarella-arugula// Pizza

Syn.: eruka sativum, caterpillar sow, indau sow, rocket, arugula, walker.

An annual plant with a specific unusual taste and aroma. It has been known since ancient times and is used as a spice in various cuisines, most often for the preparation of Mediterranean and Italian dishes.

Ask the experts a question

Flower formula

Arugula flower formula: CH4L4T2+4P1.

In medicine

Arugula is widely used in cooking in many countries due to its specific taste and aroma. This plant is also used in folk medicine many countries. In particular, in India they use beneficial properties arugula to treat skin abscesses.

Contraindications and side effects

Arugula is very rich in phytoncides; it should not be consumed by persons with individual intolerance, as well as allergies to plants from the Cruciferous family. The same recommendation applies to children and people suffering from gastritis with high acidity, kidney disease (urolithiasis) and liver disease.

It is better for pregnant women not to consume arugula, since the substances included in its composition can provoke uterine contractions until the onset of premature labor. Also, eating arugula can aggravate the condition of gout and other autoimmune diseases, so be sure to consult with your doctor.

In cooking

Arugula is added to various sauces, as an addition to stewing vegetables, and is also used as an ingredient in recipes for some desserts and cold appetizers.

Arugula gives salads and sauces a specific spicy mustard-nutty taste and strong aroma. Arugula is widely used by chefs in African and Mediterranean cuisines. In Italy, arugula is very common and is served with meat dishes and pasta. In Slovenia, arugula is used as a filling for pies and pies. In Italy, on the island of Ischia, this plant is used to produce alcoholic drink"Rukolino", which helps improve digestion. In Egypt, arugula is an ingredient in a popular bean snack dish (ful medames).

Arugula is most often used in salads: its bright taste goes well with mushrooms, tomatoes, pine nuts, and Parmesan. Arugula salad is best seasoned with olive oil. Dishes with arugula are eaten immediately after preparation in order to make the most of the beneficial properties of this plant,

Green arugula leaves are very tender and it is better not to subject them to prolonged heat treatment. It is best to tear apart the arugula leaves with your hands.

Arugula seeds can replace mustard seeds.

In cosmetology

The oil obtained from arugula is very beneficial for hair. It has a strengthening effect and affects the hair structure, preventing hair loss.

Arugula oil is used in the treatment of dermatitis, to care for problem skin and helps whiten age spots and freckles.

Arugula is also used in some natural cosmetics.

In gardening

You can grow arugula both in greenhouses and in open ground, on fertile light soil fertilized with organic matter. Good predecessors for this crop: peas, cucumbers, pumpkin, tomatoes. It is better to grow arugula using seedlings. The short growing season of arugula of 30-50 days allows you to grow the crop from May to September (planting interval is 12-15 days).

When sowing early in open ground or early planting, arugula should be covered with spunbond. During hot summer crops, arugula should be planted in shaded areas and watered more often. Due to lack of moisture, plants grow poorly and bloom early, so the leaves may begin to taste bitter. The optimal temperature for growing arugula is 15-20 degrees Celsius.


Arugula, or Caterpillar sowing, or Indau sowing, or Eruca sowing (lat. Eruca sativa) is an annual herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Indau (lat. Eruca) of the Cabbage family (lat. Brassicaceae).

Botanical description

Annual plant. The stem is erect, branched, from 15 to 40 cm high, covered with hard, downwardly inclined hairs. Leaves are petiolate, 0.5–2 cm long, lyre-pinnately dissected, with 2–4 pairs of lateral, oblong-ovate, pointed or obtuse, or obtuse-toothed lobes and larger and wider, also serrated or lobed terminal lobes. The flower raceme is sparse, initially shortened, then lengthening to 20–25 cm; pedicels are 2–3 mm long, with fruits 3–5 mm long, thick. The petals are whitish or yellow, with dark purple veins, obovate, 16–23 mm long, 6–8 mm wide, twice as long as the sepals, narrowed into a long nail equal to the plate. The formula of arugula flower is CH4L4T2+4P1. The pods stand straight up, pressed to the axis of the inflorescence, sparsely covered with short and stiff hairs bent downward. The seeds are brown, round, somewhat flattened, about 1.5 mm in diameter. Insect-pollinated.


Arugula grows on almost every continent except Antarctica. For example, up to 90 types of arugula grow in Eurasia. Most often, arugula can be found on sandy soils near roads, on rocky slopes. Found wild in Asia, Europe, North Africa. In Central Europe, North America, Asia, Mediterranean, aromatic arugula has long been cultivated as a garden crop.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

Young arugula leaves up to 20 cm long are eaten. Leaves are collected before flowering. The more regularly young leaves are cut, the better the subsequent harvest of juicy greens will be. It is best to eat arugula fresh, but cut leaves can be stored in the refrigerator for a week in a container with a small amount water.

Chemical composition

Arugula seeds contain a large amount of essential oils (mainly mustard). As well as acids: linoleic, erucic, oleic and linolenic. The leaves of the plant are rich in fiber, micro- and macroelements, vitamins and minerals (iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, thiamine, riboflavin, zinc, tocopherol, vitamins B9, A, C, phylloquinone and others). Young shoots of the plant contain a lot of iodine. Arugula also contains flavonoids that strengthen blood vessels.

Pharmacological properties

The biologically active substances that make up arugula help improve the metabolic process and increase the level of performance. Vitamin K contained in arugula helps with wound healing as it increases blood clotting. In America, gastroenterologists discovered a method of treating peptic ulcers based on the use of arugula. The substances contained in the plant protect the gastric walls and strengthen them.

Use in folk medicine

Arugula is known to traditional healers for its antibacterial, expectorant and diuretic effects. In folk medicine it is used for diseases digestive system and respiratory tract. In Indian medicine, the juice of the plant is used to combat calluses, freckles, abscesses, etc.

Traditional healers use arugula for stress and depression. Healers also believe that arugula increases hemoglobin levels, removes excess cholesterol, and is recommended for anemia. Regular consumption of this beneficial herb is beneficial for patients with diabetes.

Another important feature of arugula is its strong anti-ulcer properties. It effectively fights damage to the walls of the stomach, significantly reduces the size of existing ulcers, and prevents the development of new foci of the disease, even with some violations in the therapeutic diet.

Since ancient times it has been known that arugula is a powerful aphrodisiac; the beneficial properties of this plant were widely used to improve erectile function in men.

Historical background

This plant was first mentioned in ancient times. Arugula began to be used in ancient Rome as a spice. It was also popular in the Mediterranean. At the direction of Queen Elizabeth of England, cooks added arugula to her salads daily. Until the twentieth century, arugula was collected in the wild, without particularly going into the study of the plant. Now arugula is widely used by culinary specialists all over the world, especially for preparing salads, pizza and sauces in Italy.


1. Dudchenko L.G., Kozyakov A.S., Krivenko V.V. Spicy-aromatic and spicy-flavoring plants: Handbook / Responsible. ed. K. M. Sytnik. - K.: Naukova Dumka, 1989. - 304 p. - 100,000 copies. - ISBN 5-12-000483-0.

2. Genus 651. Indau - Eruca Adans. // Flora of the USSR. In 30 volumes / Ch. ed. acad. V. L. Komarov; Ed. volumes N.A. Bush. - M.-L.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1939. - T. VIII. - pp. 469-470. - 696 + XXX p. - 5200 copies.

3. Gubanov, I. A. et al. 661. Eruca sativa Mill. - Eruka sativa, or Indau // Illustrated plant guide Central Russia. In 3 volumes - M.: Scientific T. ed. KMK, Institute of Technology. research, 2003. - T. 2. Angiosperms (dicotyledonous: separate-petalled). - P. 287. - ISBN 9-87317-128-9.