Ksenia Taurus meaning. The meaning of the name Ksenia: fate, character traits and interesting facts

Sweet, obedient and calm girl. Since childhood, meaning of the name Ksenia reveals the rather balanced character of the child, whose successes are proud of his family and friends. Easy to communicate, conscientious, assiduous, often similar in appearance to her mother, but inherits her father’s character. She likes to do purely girlish things - play with dolls, sew clothes and decorate a house, tinker with dishes. She is sincere and honest, tries to help everyone who asks for it. She is gullible and easy to deceive.

Origin of the name Ksenia

According to the second version, the name Ksenia comes from the ancient Greek “xenia”, which in the singular also meant “guest”, and in Latin sounded like “xenia”.

Xenia in ancient and modern European poetry was the name given to short humorous or laudatory poems addressed to certain persons, which were presented in addition to gifts to this guest. Previously, Xenia was written by Schiller, and Goethe, and Yaroslav Ivashkevich, and the original author of the name - and the Roman poet Martial.

There is an opinion that the names Oksana, Ksenia and Aksinya are related names, but many consider them colloquial forms, variants for each other. In modern times, these names are independent and are also used independently of each other.

Ksenia is a very attractive and sociable girl. However, you should be careful when communicating with her. Ksyusha is touchy, takes all troubles to heart, but at the same time she wildly rejoices at positive events. Ksenia is sensitive to injustice and stubbornly defends the rights of herself and others.

As a child, Ksyusha is sweet and calm. She pleases her parents, is a successful student, neat and not lazy. Due to touchiness, it can be difficult for a girl to communicate with peers. She doesn’t know how to be the first to reconcile, so Ksyusha’s girlfriends change very often. Only girls who don’t like to argue and contradict can be friends with Ksyusha for a long time.

As a rule, Ksenia cannot sit in one place. Her mood may change suddenly. One minute she’s embarrassed, the next she’s hot-tempered. However, the girl does not rush to extremes, although she clearly lacks balance. Ksyusha strives to express herself and is always ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of her loved ones.


IN love relationships, the meaning of the name Ksenia for a girl is slightly ambiguous. This means that, on the one hand, the girl wants to completely trust her chosen one, on the other hand, she can arrange countless tests of her man’s fidelity.

As a life partner, the young lady chooses a strong and self-confident young man, next to whom she wants to feel protected and loved. Great importance gives the opportunity to relax while being next to the chosen one, without resorting to his “defense mechanisms.”


As soon as a woman decides on a life partner, the young lady has a desire to build a cozy nest and arrange it comfortably. He will happily devote himself entirely to his family. The happiness of her loved ones means a lot to her.

The interpretation of the name Ksenia reveals the girl as a person who is not inclined to collective work. He copes well with the role of a leader, which means he can occupy such professions as Chief Editor, lawyer, social activist.

The secret of the name Ksenia

Ksenia has an unbalanced and restless character, which can only worsen over the years. She is touchy and often changes friends until she makes a choice. A friend who will not contradict her in anything is important to her. She is receptive and sensitive.

Ksenia's family life is difficult. She often marries twice. She loves to study humanities and has a talent for music. Ksenia loves to fight for justice, but most often she only defends her rights, using others.

Ksenia rarely becomes a careerist. Most often, she becomes an ideal housewife and surrounds her husband and children with warmth and care. She is a wonderful housewife who is also thrifty.

Astrological characteristics of the name

  • Zodiac: Aquarius
  • Name color: silver gray
  • Emission: 92%
  • Planets: Saturn
  • Talisman stone: chalcedony
  • Plant: cypress
  • Spirit animal: rabbit
  • Main character traits: attractiveness, sociability

Numerology of the name Ksenia

Those with name number 4 are prone to exact sciences and a scientific approach to everything in the world. “Fours” are excellent scientists, engineers, and designers. They are stable, reliable and conscientious.

They are respected by friends and colleagues. “Fours” rarely quarrel and are not prone to hostility. However, one should not expect any unexpected actions, improvisations, or creative manifestations of character from the “fours”.

Their whole life is calculated in minutes and there is little that can displace them from a pre-planned plan. They are stingy with emotions, often cold. However, “fours” are reliable and can be relied on in any life situation. They are strict and even harsh parents and very obedient children.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Ksenia

TO- endurance, which comes from fortitude, the ability to keep secrets, insight, the “all or nothing” life credo.
WITH- common sense, desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own path in life.
E- the need for self-expression, exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Possible talkativeness.
N- a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”
AND- subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
I- self-esteem, the desire to achieve the respect and love of others and the ability to receive them.

Translated from Greek - “hospitable”.

This girl is sickly, nervous, sensitive. She has a fickle character. Ksyusha is emotional and quick-tempered. A girl with this name is unpredictable and often goes to extremes. She is stubborn and irritable. Ksyusha is talented, draws well, and does choreography. Good student.

Growing up, Ksenia becomes calmer, but is still stubborn. She is persistent, loves to win and does not tolerate defeat well. A woman with this name is principled and fights for justice.

She always stands up for those unjustly offended. Ksenia good friend, reliable and faithful. Living next to this woman is not easy; she likes to argue over trifles, impose her opinion, and Ksenia often tries to direct the actions of other people.

But at the same time, a woman with this name is caring and attentive to loved ones and friends, and will never leave you in trouble. She sews well and loves to do it. Ksenia often sews not only herself, but also all her relatives and friends. She knows how and loves to cook, does housework, and does canning.

Ksenia has success with the stronger sex. She starts a family early and is usually happily married. She is an amorous, gentle, dreamy woman.

She cares about love, care and tenderness. She is sensitive to changes in her partner’s mood, knows how to calm, relieve fatigue, and improve mood. Ksenia loves strong men, much older than her and with more experience.

Only such a partner can completely satisfy a woman with this name; she completely submits to such a man.

Ksenia, born in winter, is a soft, amorous, gentle woman. She is flexible, often weak-willed, and easily susceptible to the influence of others. It’s easy enough to convince this woman and make her change her mind. She always submits to her partner or husband.

Ksenia rarely takes the initiative when meeting men. Sometimes this woman gets embarrassed and needs time to get used to the man. She greatly values ​​trust in her relationship with her partner and cannot tolerate jealousy and reproaches. It is also important for this woman that her partner does not surpass her in intellectual level.

Sex does not play a big role in this woman’s life; love is more important to her. In general, Ksenia strives to start a family and have children. She good wife and mother.

Summer Ksenia is intolerant of other people's shortcomings. At work, this woman strives to occupy leadership position. She is a demanding and strict boss and does not give any concessions to her subordinates. But she is fair and never endures final decision until he fully understands any matter.

She herself, of course, is very clean, but she also demands a lot from her family and has difficulty forgiving mistakes and shortcomings. This Ksenia easily meets men, but her personal life often fails because she is demanding of her partner and often tries to command him.

She gets married late, but usually successfully. If Ksenia comes across a soft and flexible man, then the relationship usually goes well.

Ksenia, born in autumn, prefers to devote most of her time to home and family. She never sends her children to kindergarten and after-school care, while she herself is engaged in their upbringing. A faithful wife and a good housewife. She is not very sociable, likes to be at home, she does not like work that involves business trips. This Ksenia has few friends.

Ksenia is persistent, overly stubborn in cases when she should give in. But if you find an approach to her, she will be meek and flexible. Rudeness and violence cause protest in her.

She herself is non-conflict and tries to avoid any quarrels. However, she can be irritable, in a bad mood, and greatly depends on her mood. She is sociable and knows how to get along with colleagues. She chooses her friends herself.

She does not impose herself, is proud and independent. Does not like noisy companies, feels more comfortable in the circle of close people. Gets married after twenty years, takes seriously the issue of creating strong family. She strives to be independent from her husband, so she takes as her husband a balanced, serious man who stands firmly on the ground.

What she values ​​most in a man is loyalty and integrity. He knows how to run a household, but will not refuse the help of his spouse. But she won’t trust her husband to do the washing of dishes and cleaning the apartment. She is a good cook and loves to cook her own recipes.

“December” Ksenia is somewhat eccentric and unpredictable in her actions. If the marriage turns out to be unsuccessful, Ksenia experiences a painful divorce, especially since the initiative usually does not come from her.

Positive traits of the name

Purposefulness, energy, lightness and independence, passion, the ability to literally rush to the rescue. Ksenia is observant, she has a sharp and agile mind, which allows her to quickly remember a large amount of information. As a rule, Ksenia has no problems with studies. Moreover, she manages to study in several studios at once and loves sports.

Negative traits of the name

Self-love, distrust, hot temper, conflict, vindictiveness. Ksenia does not experience deep feelings, and unnecessary worries do not darken her soul. It’s another matter if someone touches her to the quick or if trouble looms over her or her loved ones.

Ksenia quickly loses her temper and calms down just as quickly. In this state, she does not think for long about how best to act and avoid harmful consequences in the event of any conflicts. She is willful and can do whatever she pleases, regardless of authority.

Psychology of the name

Ksenia does not easily adapt to her surroundings. It’s as if she’s expecting a dirty trick from people. We need to teach little Ksenia to restrain her fiery temper or direct her energy into a creative direction.

Name forms

  • Full name: Ksenia.
  • Options – Aksinya, Aksenya, Oksinya, Okseinya, Oksana
  • Derivatives (diminutive and abbreviated form) - Ksyusha, Ksyundel, Ksyukha, Ksenya, Ksenya, Senya, Ksyu, Ksyunechka, Ksyushenka, Ksyushechka, Ksyura, Ksyuta, Syunya, Ksyushonok, Ksyunya, Ksyunechka.
  • Declension of the name – Ksenia-Ksenia.
  • Church (Orthodox) name - Ksenia.

Ksenia is a name of Greek origin and translates as “foreigner” or “guest”. That's exactly how it is in ancient Greece called all foreign women who arrived in the country against their own will.

The name appeared in Russian around the 10th century. It was worn mainly by the daughters of noble nobles - for example, the daughter of Tsar Boris Godunov, the daughter of Ivan the Terrible, the wife of Prince Vasily Vsevolodovich. In the 18th century, the name was glorified by Ksenia of Petersburg, and in the 19th century the name had already become widespread in all segments of the population.

Over time, the Slavs formed several independent derivatives from the name Ksenia - such as Aksinya, Oksana. In the last century, all three estates began to be considered independent, however, the name Ksenia retained maximum popularity.

Nowadays, there are many extraordinary and talented women have it beautiful name. Among them are famous athletes - Ksenia Ozerova and Ksenia Doronina, actresses Ksenia Alferova and Ksenia Rappoport, TV presenters Ksenia Borodina and Ksenia Sobchak and many others.

Name days and patron saints

The patroness of all Xenias is considered to be Xenia of Petersburg, who, having been widowed in at a young age, sold all her property and began to wander. She wandered for about 45 years, begging for alms and immediately distributing it to those in need. During the day she begged and helped the poor, and at night she went into the field and offered prayers to God.

At first they took her for a blessed one, but then they noticed that she had the gift of foreseeing the future, knew how to treat illnesses and avert misfortunes, and could restore harmony and harmony to the family.

Ksenia Petersburgskaya secretly took part in the construction of the Smolensk Church Mother of God- she helped carry bricks at night, because she was embarrassed to do it during the day.

After her death, a chapel was built on the site of Ksenia’s grave, and a century later, the House of Diligence, named in honor of Ksenia of Petersburg, was erected on Vasilyevsky Island. Lonely widows and orphans can find shelter in the House of Diligence.

Ksenia celebrates name days several times a year - January 31, February 6, March 20, April 16, August 26, September 15 and October 6.

Characteristics of the name

Ksenia is confident, smart and independent woman, accustomed to solving all her problems on her own. It’s hard to argue with Ksenia - she firmly stands by her opinion and can easily offend with a careless word or a remark from an opponent. Ksenia loves to win and takes failures hard.

Ksenia's restless character does not allow her to sit idle for a minute, and her perseverance helps her bring any task to the end. In addition, she is an irreconcilable fighter for justice who will fight for a just cause even in the most hopeless situation. She shouldn’t work in large teams - sooner or later she will definitely get into trouble with someone in the fight for her own or someone else’s rights.

With age, Ksenia will learn to pacify her emotions and become calmer, or even a little callous, but still just as vulnerable and proud. Painful pride will force Ksenia to always be in tension - she will be ready at any moment to repel attacks from others. There will never be any authorities for her; she will always be her own authority.

Ksenia is touchy, difficult to obey orders, she does not experience deep feelings, and unnecessary sentiments and experiences do not darken her soul. But at the same time, she is so bright that she will always stand out from the crowd - her charm and individuality are visible a mile away. Ksyusha feels great in male company, where she can demonstrate her feminine charm and sexuality. The woman has excellent taste and has her own style in clothes and makeup.

Ksenia can hardly be called lucky; everything in life will not be easy for her. She will achieve everything through work and perseverance; envy and money-grubbing are alien to her. Ksyusha knows how to rejoice in someone else’s success and empathize with someone else’s grief.

Ksenia in childhood

Little Ksyusha loves to play with dolls - she is cute, obedient and kind child. The daughter will grow up to be her mother’s assistant and her father’s favorite. But Ksyusha cannot be commanded, she can only be explained in a good way, and the naturally responsive girl will definitely make concessions.

The child studies well at school, but it is quite difficult to get along with his peers. She chooses only those girls who agree with her on everything as friends. Teachers love Ksyusha for his responsibility and perseverance.

Suspiciousness, excessive impressionability and vulnerability are the qualities that Ksyusha will take with her into adulthood. Parents need to teach the girl to accept refusals and defeats more calmly.

Young Ksenia still avoids large and noisy companies, preferring to spend time in the company of close people. Ksyusha in adolescence characterized by excessive vulnerability and touchiness. If someone offends her, she will never be the first to reconcile, even if she is wrong.

Ksenia's health

Ksenia cannot be called the owner of good health, she is early childhood often gets sick. Growing up, a woman takes troubles and defeats too close to her heart, which often leads to nervous disorders and sleep problems.

Ksenia has been sensitive to various medicines, so they must be used with caution. Ksyusha often inherits diseases on her mother’s side, so it is not recommended to name the girl after her mother or grandmothers - this will aggravate the course of inherited diseases.

Ksenia may have problems with gynecology, childbirth will be difficult, genitourinary dysfunction and delays in menstruation are common.

By old age, problems with the heart, kidneys and liver will appear.

Ksenia's sexuality

Ksenia is an amorous person who makes high demands on men. She will never be intimate with a man she doesn’t know well, or with someone who doesn’t attract her spiritually. Girls with this name very rarely become mistresses or women of easy virtue.

When it comes to sex, Ksyusha is devoid of any complexes; she loves improvisation and experiments. A woman subtly senses her partner’s mood, knows what to say and do in order to please a man.

Marriage and family, compatibility of Ksenia with male names

Ksenia takes the issue of creating a family very seriously, which for her becomes the meaning of life. She chooses a congenial person as her husband. At the same time, his financial situation plays the last role, since Ksenia will never agree to the role of a kept woman.

Ksenia values ​​​​stability and fidelity in relationships; she rarely agrees to divorce. Preference will be given to a man older than himself, experienced both in life and in sex. However, Ksenia’s family life is rarely calm and serene. This is all due to her temper and desire to change her husband “to suit herself.”

Ksenia will be a good housewife and faithful wife, but she will not tolerate jealousy, rudeness and reproaches addressed to her. In addition, the husband will have to take finances into his own hands, otherwise the family will constantly be without money. Ksenia loves to live large, but she doesn’t know how to save money at all - she usually has a lot of debt. It is typical for a woman to live on credit.

A successful marriage for Ksenia can be with men named Alexey, Anton, Roman, Felix, Semyon, Vladislav, Valery and Mikhail. An alliance with Igor, Boris, Yuri, Alexander, Vadim, Kirill, Leonid and Yaroslav should be avoided.

Business and career

To the girl with this the name is suitable work that requires care and perseverance. She will enjoy working with documents, and in the archive, in the library. If Ksyusha takes on any project, you can be sure that it will be done with high quality and on time.

Ksenia will make it wonderful leader- fair and not picky, but she will lack tact a little. But it will be difficult for a woman to work under someone else.

Ksenia has all the makings to become a successful businesswoman, but she may lack balance and the ability to distinguish the most important from the little things, so it is better for her to start a business with a reliable partner. Besides moral principles Ksenia will never be allowed to do anything illegal or dishonest.

A penchant for the humanities will help Ksenia become a good teacher, educator, lawyer or journalist. For Ksenia, it is very important to receive pleasure and return from work, and material benefits fade into the background.

Talismans for Ksenia

  • Patron planet - Jupiter and Saturn.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign is Aquarius.
  • A good time of year is winter, a good day of the week is Saturday.
  • Lucky colors are green, crimson and blue.
  • Totem animal - rabbit. In the Christian religion, the rabbit symbolizes fertility and the transience of life, and in China the rabbit is a symbol of virtue, prosperity and self-sacrifice.
  • Totem plant - cypress and immortelle. Cypress is used as a talisman against misfortune, and immortelle is considered a symbol of longevity, energy and determination.
  • Talisman stone - sapphire and chalcedony. Sapphire gives its owner power and helps to establish personal and business relationships. Used as an amulet, sapphire helps to know the world, relieves laziness and clears the mind. Chalcedony attracts man's love, relieves attacks of anger, fear, melancholy and melancholy.

Horoscope for Ksenia

Aries- a patient, powerful and lucky person. In order to achieve her goal, she is ready to “go over her head.” Hard work and perseverance help her achieve success in any field of activity. She treats her man jealously, constantly tormenting him with nagging - because of this, difficulties arise in relationships.

Taurus- a balanced woman for whom the most important thing in life is calm and stability. She tries in every possible way to avoid any conflicts and does not like change. In communication she is friendly and polite, she will always listen and sympathize, but she keeps her secrets to herself. He devotes himself completely to his chosen one, and demands the same from him. Her man must be constantly nearby, otherwise Ksenia will easily find a replacement for him.

Twins- a sociable, cheerful person who loves to be the center of attention. Ksenia wants to be everywhere and always, so she cannot complete a single task. She is superficial both in business and in relationships, remorse is not characteristic of her. Due to falling in love and fickleness, she cannot build a relationship with her beloved man.

Cancer- a charming and feminine young lady, but overly suspicious. She can be called an alarmist because of her habit of seeing life in black terms. She is a pessimist, moderately capricious and lazy, but with her charm she attracts men. However, men very quickly get tired of her constant whining and jealousy.

a lion- a broad nature that does not tolerate lies and hypocrisy. She knows how to share their joy and sorrow with others, but she does not know how to share her experiences at all. Empty talk is alien to her - she is a man of action. He will give himself completely to his chosen one, both soul and body, he can completely devote himself to his loved one, but will not tolerate insincerity in relationships.

Virgo- practical and businesswoman who prefers a career to family joys. She is a natural businesswoman with good business acumen. He does not consider it necessary to waste time and energy on empty novels, so difficulties may arise in his personal life. Her man will have to love her for who she is - a businesslike and unsentimental businesswoman.

Scales- an exalted and frivolous young lady, with a fine mental organization. She lives for today, without thinking about tomorrow. She wastes her time on the same careless men who are not ready for family relations, so her marriages are most often unsuccessful. As a husband, she needs a serious and very loving man, who will take over the financial support of the family.

Scorpion- a smug person, susceptible to flattery. For all her deeds and actions, she expects praise and admiration from others. They say about such people that they “love with their ears.” At the same time, she can be an excellent housewife and loving wife, a good worker. It is easy for a man to win her heart if he has the gift of eloquence.

Sagittarius- an extraordinary personality, unpredictable and restless. In her company, no one will be bored, since Ksenia-Sagittarius is simply bursting with ideas and notions. It’s hard to keep up with her, but she captivates everyone with her charm and femininity. On the way to yours the only man she will break many hearts.

Capricorn- practical and clever woman, accustomed to being guided by common sense in everything. She is often contacted for good advice, and she tries to help everyone completely unselfishly. At the same time, she does not like to be the center of attention, and she can only reveal her soul very much. to a loved one. By nature, Ksenia is an Aquarius.

Aquarius- a talented and witty person who is favored by luck everywhere. It is interesting to communicate with her, but Ksenia-Aquarius may not be able to restrain her tongue, which can lead to conflicts. Prefers loneliness to noisy company, does not like gossip and hypocrisy. The girl has many fans, but relationships with men are not easy.

Fish- a dreamy and melancholic nature, which clearly has high self-esteem. He lives in his own imaginary world and sees nothing around him. Lazy, always goes with the flow, lives one day at a time. She is fluent in the art of flirting and seduction, which attracts men, but not for long. She needs a man who stands on his own two feet and will guide her through life.

Like most popular names in Russia, the name Ksenia came to us from Greece. With the adoption of Orthodoxy in Rus', the list of popular names also changed.

So what does the name Ksenia mean in Greek? Linguists say that Xenia (ξενία) means "hospitality" or "hospitable". Sometimes Ksenia is also translated as “wanderer”, “stranger”, “guest” and even “stranger”. The name was not widespread in Western Europe and is used primarily among Slavic peoples.

The meaning of the name Ksenia for a girl

Ksyusha is growing up to be a good, albeit a little capricious, child. She is not capricious with everyone, but only with those who allow her to do so. Ksyusha is a kind and responsible girl. She is good friends with other guys, but if problems with her whims are not resolved, problems may arise. Since childhood, he loves the attention of boys and actively takes advantage of his popularity.

Ksenia studies quite well at school. She's one of those kids who gets grades for beautiful eyes. She knows how to make eyes and manipulate those around her even from the cradle. But if she is truly interested in something, then you will see an extraordinary mind and perseverance in learning. She just has to want it herself. The main thing here is correct goal setting. The goal may be assessment, or it may be knowledge.

Ksenia's health as a child was poor. She eats poorly and often gets colds. It is best if adults find a sport that Ksyusha will like. This could be dancing, gymnastics and much more. But remember that the search may take a lot of time. Be patient.

Short name Ksenia

Ksyusha, Ksyushka, Ksyuta, Ksenya, Ksesha, Ksyunya, Ksena, Senya, Oksana, Aksinya, Aksyunya, Aksyuta, Aksyukha.

Diminutive pet names

Ksyushenka, Ksyushochek, Ksenyushka, Ksenichka, Aksinyushka, Aksinechka, Aksyusha.

Name Ksenia in English

IN English language the name Ksenia is spelled Xenia.

Name Ksenia for international passport- KSENIIA, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Ksenia into other languages

in Arabic - زينيا‎‎
in Belarusian - Ksenia
in Bulgarian - Ksenia
in Greek - ξενία
in Chinese - 捷尼亞
in German - Xenia or Xena
in Polish - Ksenia
in Romanian - Xenia
in Serbian - Ksenija
in Ukrainian - Kseniya
in French - Xenia
in Japanese - キセニア

Church name Ksenia(V Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. Ksenia is a church name.

Characteristics of the name Ksenia

Ksyusha can be described as a vulnerable and at the same time cold person. She looks a little like snow queen. At the same time, Ksenia is a wonderful friend you can rely on. Her coldness is a feigned state, which has nothing to do with the real Ksyusha. Another characteristic of Ksenia can be called weakness. She often uses the appearance of being weak and defenseless to get someone's help.

At work, Ksenia is quite active. She doesn’t like to rush and tries to think things through many times. She copes well with leadership work, although she can be overly strict. The performer from Ksenia is not bad, but she definitely needs to understand what she is doing. Doesn't like meaningless work, but who does?

In relationships with men, Ksenia has big success. She perfectly uses all possible arsenal of female tricks. Often in relationships this leads to a dead end and makes the relationship unsuccessful. Having filled up with cones, Ksyusha will still find a person with whom tricks will not be needed. And Ksenia will marry him.

Ksenia is a wonderful hostess. Sometimes people, looking at her coldness, think that she remains like that at home with her loved ones, but this is not at all the case. At home, Ksyusha is a soft and caring wife and mother. Ksyusha loves children very much, but is in no hurry to do so. Usually she becomes a mother quite late, but she approaches this very responsibly.

The secret of the name Ksenia

Irritability is one of Ksenia’s main secrets. She tries to appear calm, but in difficult psychological situations she spills everything out. This often prevents her from communicating and establishing trusting relationships with others.

Feigned weakness, as we have already written, is another weakness of Ksyusha. HER secret is that she often pretends to be weak when she is too lazy to work. At the same time, she does it so well that she often begins to believe in it herself. Ksenia needs to be more careful with this, otherwise she will become truly weak.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Aquarius.

Totem animal- Rabbit.

Name color- Silver-gray.

Tree- Cypress.

Plant- Immortelle.

Stone- Chalcedony.

date: 0000-00-00

Version 1. What does the name Ksenia mean?

KSENIA (OKSANA) - hospitable (Greek).

Name day: January 31 - Holy Martyr Xenia,
after suffering for the faith of Christ, she was consigned to fire. February 6 - Reverend

Zodiac sign
- Aquarius.

Planet - Saturn.

Color - silver-gray.

Auspicious tree
- cypress.

The treasured plant is immortelle.

The patron of the name is the rabbit.

Talisman stone - chalcedony.


Ksenia is sensitive,
acutely perceives victories and joys of life. She is quite touchy and lacks balance.
and stability. Ksenia has a knack for the humanities; but with what
no matter what she does, she will be more interested in her inner world than in her work.
The best thing for her is to set up a home. Ksenia is very
she is charming and perfectly knows how to use this quality to her advantage.

Version 2. What does the name Ksenia mean?

- from Greek hospitality or foreign; folk Aksinya; decomposition Ksenya.

Ksenya, Ksenyusha, Senya, Senyura, Ksesha, Ksyunya, Syunya, Ksyura, Ksyuta, Ksyusha, Aksinyoshka,
Aksya, Aksyunya, Aksyuta, Aksyukha, Aksyusha, Asya.

Proverbs, sayings,
folk signs.

What is Aksinya like?
she also has boots.

Aksinya, half-bread,

What is Aksinya like?
and spring.

Koli to Aksinya-half-bread
If there is enough bread, then it will be half for new, and a third for food.


Sensitive nature
somewhat unbalanced. It’s easy to offend Ksenia, to touch a nerve. More
all it takes is her own inner world and your own home. By nature
Ksenia is a pronounced humanitarian. But in society it is noticeable not so much for its
intelligence and professional success as much as feminine charm and reputation
wonderful hostess.

4th version of the interpretation of the name Ksenia

The nature is cunning, flexible, sneaky. In any life
situation - “like a fish in water”. They like to lead, dress extravagantly, live on
in a big way (often at someone else's expense), to receive guests.

Usually they work in trade. They rule in the family,
They do not tolerate criticism and objections, so they are in more than one marriage. They give birth to heterosexuals
children who are lovingly cared for. In old age they remain in splendid isolation,
become harmful. Having acquired a taste for travel, they go on the road.

Name day named after Ksenia

January 31, February 6, March 20, June 6, August 26, September 15,

A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Famous people with the name Ksenia

date: 0000-00-00

Russian princess, daughter of Boris Godunov

Numerology of the name Ksenia

Name number: 5

The number 5 in numerology is a kind of field of action and the personification of human experience. It is always ready to take on a leadership role and assume responsibility. Number 5 is introverted. Her motto: “Progress in everything.”

The meaning of the letters in the name Ksenia

TO- distinguished by insight, slight nervousness and strong endurance. Regardless of gender, people with the first letter of their name “K” have a strong, strong-willed character. They are distinguished by remarkable stubbornness, which is the reason for the vast majority conflict situations at home and at work.

WITH- characterized by stubbornness, unpredictability and leadership qualities. They are accustomed to relying on logic and common sense in their actions. They can be overly emotional, and sometimes even capricious. They constantly want to stand out from the gray mass. Excessive demands may be placed on the partner.

E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. Owners of this letter are able to win people over. They are simple and charming at the same time. They constantly strive for a good life, which they value more than friendship. They realize themselves well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, critical thinking present. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, and men focus on personal traits. Much success they manage to achieve in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

I- people who have this letter in their name know their worth. They strive to achieve love and respect from the people around them. People with the letter "I" are good thinkers and are capable of hiding many secrets. In addition, they are excellent conversationalists and romantic people with a rich imagination.

Name as a phrase

  • TO- Kako
  • WITH- Word
  • E- Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
  • N- Our (Ours, Yours)
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • I- (YA = A) Az

Name Ksenia in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write your name first, then your patronymic with Latin letters and only then the last name. You may need to write the name Ksenia in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

Ksenia– a name derived from the ancient Greek word “xenos”, which can be interpreted as “wanderer, guest, hospitable”. It should be immediately noted that the name Oksana - a derivative of Ksenia - although similar in sound and characteristics, is a separate name, despite the identical etymology.

The patroness of the name was Ksenia of Petersburg, who, according to legend, was widowed early. After that, she sold her property and began a wandering life, helping people and healing seriously ill patients.

Ksenia - character traits

Since childhood, Ksyusha has felt purposefulness and independence; she is rebellious and willful. Parents have to keep a tight rein on the girl, because sometimes it is difficult to control the child - she is so independent that she refuses to obey adults. Despite this, she still remains a child; she is not alien to childhood fantasies, dreams and experiences.

Ksenia studies well at school - her pride does not allow her to do otherwise. She often changes friends, finally settling on the one who agrees with her in everything, does not argue or contradict her. The girl does not tolerate refusals, she is proud, she knows her worth. Along with this, a certain justice can be traced in it - it protects the undeservedly offended and the weak.

Having matured, Ksenia remains hot-tempered. She, like a cat, releases her claws if, God forbid, something does not meet her requirements or views. The girl is straightforward and simple-minded, often regrets what she said in a fit of emotion, she has a “tongue without bones” - she speaks first, and then thinks.

Ksenia cannot be called lucky - she gets everything in life through hard work and perseverance. She is purposeful and always moves forward towards her intended goal, without veering off course. It is difficult to tolerate failures and can fall into severe depression. She feels free in male company, where she can shine with her charm, elegance and sexuality.

Ksenia is subconsciously looking for a man who understands, is strong, and stands firmly on his feet, and the girl is not interested in his fat wallet, because she is independent and will not allow herself to be a kept woman. Ksenia is a good wife and mother, she loves to arrange a home, and she raises her children in strictness. The girl is able to decorate and diversify family life.

Ksenia – name compatibility

Maximum strength of feelings will be provided to her by marriage with representatives of such names as Andrei, Alexander, Vadim, Arkady, Nikita, Igor. The alliance with Alexey, Maxim, Pavel, Mikhail and Sergey is quite stable.

In terms of temperament, Vladimir, Ivan, Denis, Stepan and Yuri are completely unsuitable for her.

Famous people with the name Ksenia

K. Godunova - Russian queen, K. Sobchak, K. Kachalina - actress, K. Nekrasova - poetess, K. Alexandrova - princess (daughter of the emperor), K. Romanova, K. Ozerova - figure skater, K. Doronina - athlete, K. Borodina and others.

Ksenia - interesting facts about the name

— zodiac sign – Aquarius;
- patron planet - Saturn;
— name colors – green-blue, silver, gray, malachite, coffee;
- symbol plant - immortelle;
- totem animal - rabbit;
— amulet stone – chalcedony.

By the way, in Japan there is also the name Ksenia, but they have a different sound – Kyakuzuki.