Consultation for kindergarten parents. Amazing trees

“Nature teaches us to understand beauty.
Love to home country impossible without love for its nature"
K.G. Paustovsky

These words of a wonderful Russian writer most accurately emphasize the importance of nature in our lives. I believe that it is in the family that a child can receive his first knowledge of how to learn to love and take care of his native nature.

“Many of us admire nature, but not many take it to heart,” wrote M.M. Prishvin, “and even those who take it to heart do not often manage to become so close to nature as to feel their own soul in it.”

We are accustomed to the fact that every day we are surrounded by plants and animals, the sun is shining, spilling its golden rays around us. It seems to us that this was, is and will always be. There will always be a green carpet of grass in the meadows, flowers will bloom, and birds will sing. But this is not true. If we do not learn ourselves and do not teach our children to perceive ourselves as part of the world of living nature, then the future generation will not be able to admire and be proud of the beauty and wealth of our homeland.

From the first years of life, children develop the beginnings of an ecological culture. Watching a mother who carefully cares for flowers and pets, the child has a desire to come up and pet the cat or dog, water the flowers or admire their beauty.

Children grow up and learn a lot about the world around them. Namely, that every plant, animal, insect, bird has its own “home” in which they feel good and comfortable.

Pay attention to the beauty of nature in different time year, day and in any weather. Teach children to hear the singing of birds, inhale the aromas of the meadow, and enjoy the coolness of the spring. Isn't this the most a big joy In human life. This is the greatest gift that Mother Nature gives us.

In winter, draw children's attention to the beauty of trees. Admire the Russian birch tree, which is covered with frost. Read the poem by S. Yesenin:

White birch
Below my window
Covered with snow
Exactly silver.
On fluffy branches
Snow border
The brushes have blossomed
White fringe.
And the birch tree stands
In sleepy silence,
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire.
And the dawn is lazy
Walking around
Sprinkles branches
New silver.

Explain clearly to your children that in winter the trees sleep and only we can protect them from the cold. Invite them to do a good deed - cover the roots with snow so that the trees do not “freeze.”

Watch with your children how it snows. Note its properties (fluffy, white, cold, etc.)

The footprints are clearly visible in the freshly fallen snow. Invite your child to play the game “Pathfinders”. By the tracks in the snow you can determine who passed here, who went where, whose they are (humans, cats, dogs, birds).

In spring, nature wakes up. Rejoice with your children at the appearance of the first grass, the first leaf. Invite your child to play the game “Find the Signs of Spring.” (The sun is shining brighter, the sky is blue, the first flowers have appeared, etc.)

Pay attention to the arrival migratory birds. Explain to the children that birds have a hard time after long winter and we can help them: build birdhouses and don’t forget to feed them.

Best vacation in the summer it’s a trip to the forest. Admire the giant trees and thickets of thick grass. Tell the children about what you can see in the forest rare plants, which are listed in the Red Book. These are lily of the valley, St. John's wort, corydalis. Under no circumstances should they be torn off. Admire their beauty and breathe in the aroma. Find medicinal plants with your children, name them, explain the benefits.

While picking mushrooms and berries, tell the children that they are needed not only by us, but also by the inhabitants of the forest. Animals not only eat some mushrooms, but also treat them. Here, for example, is a fly agaric. A very beautiful, but poisonous mushroom for humans. And the elk will come and he will need it for treatment. Explain to children that mushrooms need to be cut with a knife and not torn together with the stem. After some time, a new mushroom will grow in this place.

Don't look into birds' nests - these are their homes. The bird may become frightened and leave the nest. Small chicks will be left without maternal care and die.

Of course, everyone understands that one should not destroy nests, anthills or dig holes.

Don't make noise in the forest. Don’t take tape recorders with you to nature; you can listen to them at home. And you don’t have to talk to each other throughout the forest: enjoy your communication with nature. The forest, animals, birds, and even the tiniest flower will be grateful to you for your care and attention.

We and nature are one big family. Teach children to see beauty native nature, cultivate a caring attitude towards her. If a child treats everything that surrounds him with care, your upbringing will not be in vain. They will be attentive not only to the world around them, but also to you, the adults.

Consultation for parents of preschool educational institutions this is interesting " Amazing trees"

We are all accustomed to the sight of the trees around us and, passing by, we do not pay much attention to them. On the territory of our planet there are an innumerable number of amazing trees that will interest both children and adults!

The Guinness Book of Records contains a tree that has the title of the most dangerous. This tree is manchinella, a Central American plant, any part of which is poisonous and can lead to fatal outcome. The bark of the manchinella is covered in sap, which causes burns and blisters if it comes into contact with the skin, and if it gets into the eyes, it can cause loss of vision. The fruits of this tree are called “apples of death”, despite sweet taste, eating them is very painful. Even a single attempt to take a bite from a deadly apple can lead to the appearance of ulcers in the mouth, and after swallowing a piece of fruit, a person will soon die from severe poisoning. You can’t even burn mancinella without risk; the smoke from its wood corrodes the mucous membranes. It can cause you to lose your sight or even suffocate.

A tree with a colored trunk, which is replete with all the colors of the rainbow, is called rainbow eucalyptus. This bright eucalyptus constantly surprises people and scientists, because its trunk is so colorful that you might think someone specially decorated it with very bright multi-colored paints. But this is absolutely not true. This type Eucalyptus itself is naturally vibrant. Among the most saturated colors that predominate in this type of eucalyptus are mainly blue, orange, green, purple, and brown. And the most interesting thing is that the trunk of each tree has its own unique pattern, which is never repeated. It's like people's fingerprints. Rainbow eucalyptus grow on the island of Mindanao in the south of the Philippine archipelago, in South Florida And Hawaiian Islands. Young trees have a bright green bark, and as the tree matures, the bark begins to peel off in narrow stripes, and the open areas subsequently acquire different shades.

The versatile Boabab tree. It grows in Africa and Australia. Baobab flowers with a pleasant musk scent bloom in the evening, pollination occurs at night, and they fall in the morning. Baobab fruits, shaped like thick zucchini hanging on long stalks, are very tasty, high in vitamins and minerals, and can be equivalent in nutritional value to veal. On the outside they are covered with a fleecy skin. The local population appreciates them for their pleasant taste, rapid absorption by the body and ability to relieve fatigue. The seeds of the fruit are roasted, crushed and used to prepare a high-quality coffee substitute. The dried inner part of the fruit can smolder for a long time, driving away blood-sucking insects, and the ash is used to make cooking oil and soap. Tree leaves are a treasure trove useful substances. They are used to make soups, salads and cold appetizers. The shoots of young asparagus have an excellent taste. Baobab is a tree whose pollen is an excellent base for making glue. Paper and coarse fabric are made from porous bark and soft wood.

The cannon tree grows in South America, South India and the islands Caribbean Sea Its trunk is covered with large, cannonball-shaped fruits. On its trunk, a tree can simultaneously have from two hundred to three hundred fruits with a diameter of 15–24 cm. The fruits weigh several kilograms.
When ripe fruits fall to the ground, they often burst, making a sound similar to a cannon shot. Like coconuts, the fruits of the cannonball tree are very strong and heavy, they can cause serious injury to anyone who carelessly walks under the tree. Not surprisingly, you can often see a sign on trees that says “Beware of Falling Cannonballs.” Having fallen to the ground, the fruit is destroyed, releasing bad smell. True, it attracts some animals as food.
Due to their pleasant scent, the flowers of the Cannon Tree are often used in perfume making. The hard shell of ripe fruits is used to make souvenirs, dishes and other household utensils.

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(consultation for parents)

From birth, children are surrounded various phenomena inanimate nature: on a summer day they see the sun and feel the warm wind, winter evening They look in surprise at the moon, the dark sky filled with stars, and feel the frost pinching their cheeks. Preschoolers enthusiastically collect stones, draw on the asphalt with chalk, play with sand and water: objects and phenomena of inanimate nature enter their lives and are objects of observation and play. This circumstance makes it possible to systematically and purposefully familiarize children with the phenomena of inanimate nature.

In nature, everything is interconnected - plants, animals, soil, rivers, air are in continuous unity: Live nature cannot do without lifeless things. A green plant exists only because it penetrates the earth with its roots and absorbs moisture from it and nutrients. The plant needs air - it breathes; you need a comfortable warm environment - in such conditions it feels good: it grows, blooms, bears fruit and pleases the human eye.

Humans have an even stronger connection with inanimate nature than plants and animals. People breathe and need fresh air, they need water for life and farming, but not any water, but only clean water - natural or specially purified. Humanity has reached such heights because it has learned to use natural resources: extract coal, oil, ore.

What is environmental management is clear to everyone - it is exploitation natural resources, their use in production to meet the material and cultural needs of people. There are rational and irrational use of natural resources. Rational is when natural resources are spent sparingly, care is taken to restore them.

Irrational use of natural resources is the predatory consumption of Mother Nature’s wealth in order to obtain maximum profit and excessively satisfy the needs of the living generation.

The results of precisely this interaction with nature can be observed today. A direct consequence of unsustainable use of natural resources is global ecological problems, which are currently available in all corners of the planet:

  • Pollution environment waste from industrial and agricultural production;
  • Intensive reduction in the area of ​​forests, which are " lungs of the planet"and provide oxygen to everything living on it;
  • Soil degradation – desertification, salinization, destruction of structure;
  • Climate change, its warming, which threatens to flood the low-lying land of a number of continents; natural disasters etc.

We can name other significant problems. For example, transport. More than 70% of people live in cities and breathe exhaust fumes from cars, which overcrowd the streets and create traffic jams.

The overall sad result of the current ecological crisis of the biosphere is the deterioration of human health. A way out of this situation can only be achieved if humanity realizes the problem of the environmental crisis and acquires a new worldview, a new conscious view of the interaction of society with nature and changes its living practices.

The time has come to talk about the prerequisites for the formation of a new type of person - a “sustainable person.” Such a person must not only strive to satisfy his material and spiritual needs, but also understand the current situation in the world. environmental situation, a new view of society on nature. A “sustainable person” is a person of a new culture who realizes that in order to survive on this planet, it is necessary to harmonize relations with nature, with his habitat, but at the same time has not lost the specificity of the values ​​of the national culture.

We adults must understand ourselves and instill them from the very beginning. early age to their children the awareness that man, along with objects of living and inanimate nature, is the subject of a single ecological system. And the education of this awareness of children should begin with the formation of economical careful attitude to the man-made world, natural materials, i.e. from the basics of proper use of natural resources.

Special mention should be made about water - young children begin to become familiar with it literally from birth: they are bathed, they drink water, play with water, and watch how adults use it in everyday life. It is during this period that children should begin to develop the skills of economical use of water.

Wood products – paper, wooden objects – play a big role in children’s lives. Children draw in albums, wipe their mouths with a napkin, leaf through books themselves, and are surrounded by numerous objects made of wood, so they can be introduced to the fact that these objects are made of wood. By using paper sparingly and handling chairs with care, we preserve a living tree.

Thus, by instilling in children from a very early age an awareness of a caring attitude towards the objects of the world around us, we adults will be able to contribute to the education of a “sustainable person”, who will certainly subsequently be able to solve all the environmental problems of society.

Senior teacher: Eskova Svetlana Gennadievna

The country has considerable wealth,
The depths of the earth do not take into account miracles,
But more important than many, perhaps,
For the breath of the Earth - forests!
They contain treasures of health and wisdom,
There is unspeakable beauty in them,
They are a source of natural joy,
This is the basis of life - forests!

The most pressing problem of our time is the problem of human interaction with nature. This extremely important aspect of ecology cannot be left out of the participation of teachers.

Preschool childhood is the initial stage of the formation of a child’s personality, his ecological culture and environmental consciousness.

The forest, as a large ecological system, provides enormous opportunities for this. It is well known that in Lately The condition of the forests has deteriorated significantly. This is facilitated Forest fires, deforestation, air pollution, resource depletion, forest littering, etc. In order for the forest to be healthy and beautiful, it must be protected.

The problem is the lack of environmental culture and environmental consciousness.

The reasons for this are as follows:

  1. Flaw scientific knowledge about nature.
  2. Lack of development of environmental consciousness in children and parents.
  3. Lack of a system of direct communication with nature (walks in nature).

The foundations of a child’s character and life position are laid in the family. And in order to explain to children how to take care of nature, in order to instill in them some natural history skills, the personal example of parents is very important! Their careful, loving, caring attitude towards nature. The task of parents is to instill an environmental culture and respect for the forest in their children.

The beauty of our native nature reveals the beauty of human labor and gives rise to the desire to make our region even more beautiful. Therefore, it is so important to show children how people protect and multiply natural resources, how much work they put into making forests happy for everyone.

There are no and cannot be trifles in raising a child to respect the forest. Leaves just torn from trees, broken branches, a bug trampled in the heat of persecution - all this, if treated indifferently by adults, can lead to extremely undesirable consequences.

Children's love for nature begins with understanding its values. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to show the cognitive and aesthetic value of the forest. Thanks to this, over time, a careful, responsible attitude towards the natural environment will develop.

Parents can interest their child in a variety of ways.

Talk with children about the forest. Explain to children the need to take care of the forest for the benefit of all life on Earth.

Show that the forest is one of the sources of wealth and well-being of people, that man cannot make materials better than those created by nature.

Teach children not to break bushes or damage trees.

Systematically explain to children the relationship between nature and humans. Learn to notice the beauty of the surrounding nature.

Organize walks in the forest with your child more often.

Exercise your children in following the rules of behavior in nature:

In the forest you need to walk along paths, because you can step on insects.

On trampled soil, it is difficult for earthworms to make their “moves” and the soil does not loosen, and plant roots “suffocate” without air and gradually die.

You cannot light fires or break branches.

You cannot play loud music in the forest because you can scare the bird away from its nest.

You cannot destroy bird nests, look into nests, pick up eggs or chicks.

During walks, it is interesting to show children the plants listed in the Red Book, introduce the children to medicinal herbs, and tell them why they are called that. Children easily remember names such as coltsfoot, valerian, plantain, etc. Thus, every child should be well aware of the rules of behavior in the forest.

It is important to create emotional contact a child with nature: let him wander on his own, find something unusual, sit quietly on a hillock, listen to the singing of birds or the murmur of a stream, just look around him.

Each family has every opportunity to awaken and develop a child’s interest in the life of nature and the need for constant communication with it.

Very great importance has reading aloud books about the forest, life forest inhabitants. By involving the child in a discussion of what they read, adults explain unclear points and direct his thoughts and interests to the life of nature.

Environmental education It will be more effective only if there is constant, daily communication between adults and children in the family. Don’t waste your time reading good poems and stories about the forest, or going for walks. And then your children will consciously and carefully treat the forest in adulthood.

What our children will be like depends on us.

It is necessary for each of us to truly fall in love with nature and the riches of the forest. Save the greenery of the forests, sunlight And Fresh air, clean water- this means ensuring the life of our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. Our children must help us save our forests.

Lexical topic: Trees and shrubs in autumn

1. Play a game with your child "Name 5 trees» .

2. Name it the tree kindly and then with words "one", "two", "a lot of".

Oak - oak, one oak, two oaks, many oaks.

Birch - ….

Rowan - …

Aspen - …

Pine - …

3. "Collect a herbarium" (add the correct word)

I'll pick it from the oak tree...(oak leaf.

I'll pick it from the maple... (Maple Leaf)

I'll pick it from a birch tree (birch leaf)

4. Guess the riddle. Circle the answer.

With a cap on my head,

As if ready to go,

He's hiding in the leaves

Golden oak. S. Marshak

5. Game "Yes - no"

The child pronounces the second part of the phrase with words: "I have no….")

Adult: "I have an oak leaf (aspen leaf, maple leaf, fir cone.)»

Child: "I have no oak leaf. (aspen leaf, maple leaf, fir cone.)»

6. Game "one is many"

Tree - ….

Bush - ....

7. Change sentences by sample:

He is sitting on a stump. - They are sitting on a stump.

He is running along the track...

He sings a song...

He's going home...

He chops wood...

He collects leaves...

8. Say the opposite. (Finish the sentence and then repeat it in full.)

The tree is tall, A bush(short)

The road is wide, and the path...

The oak is big, and the rowan...

The nuts are large, and the seeds...

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