Correctional program for the development of attention in children with onset. Program for developing attention

The peculiarity of the correctional program for the development of attention in younger schoolchildren was that during their general education lessons special exercises were carried out aimed at developing attention. We present these exercises lesson by lesson.

Math lessons

Laying out from sticks

Goal: development of voluntary attention, fine motor skills fingers.

Equipment: counting sticks (pieces of thick insulating wire, cocktail straws, etc.), sample pattern.

Description. The child is asked to lay out a pattern or silhouette using sticks.

a) 1st level of complexity - patterns in one line;

b) 2nd level of complexity - simple silhouettes, consisting of 6 to 12 sticks;

c) 3rd level of complexity - more complex silhouettes, consisting of 6 to 13 sticks;

d) 4th level of complexity - complex silhouettes with a large number of details, consisting of 10 to 14 sticks.

Instructions: “Look what is shown in this picture (pattern, house, etc.)? Take the sticks and make exactly the same pattern out of them (house...). Be careful when posting. Get to work."

Drawing by cells

Goal: development of concentration and attention span, formation of the ability to follow a pattern, development of fine motor skills of the hand.

Equipment: a blank sheet of paper in a large square (1 1 cm); sample for drawing; sharpened pencils.

Description. The child is asked to draw a figure according to the sample on a blank checkered sheet with a simple pencil. The task has two levels of difficulty:

1st level of complexity - the sample consists of open figures;

2nd level of complexity - the sample consists of closed figures.

Instructions: “Look carefully at the picture. It depicts a figure consisting of lines. Draw exactly the same figure in cells on a blank sheet of paper. Be careful!

Note. It is not recommended to use a pen or felt-tip pen for drawing. If desired, the child can shade the closed figure with a colored pencil.

Goal: consolidation of ideas about geometric shapes ah, ways of modifying them by composing new geometric figures from two or three existing ones according to the model.

Equipment: cut out geometric shapes for laying out the whole figure; samples of silhouette figures.

Description. The child is asked to independently lay out a silhouette figure from geometric shapes according to the model.

Instructions: “Look carefully at the picture. Of all the geometric figures, make exactly the same figure next to the sample.”

Note. Despite the instructions, some students try to place parts on the sample. It is necessary to stop the child and ask him to place the figure next to the sample. Samples of silhouette figures are obtained by cutting a 7 x 7 cm square in a certain way. When composing silhouette figures, use all parts, attaching one to the other, without overlapping one on top of the other.

What is where?

Equipment: a form with standards of figures and objects corresponding to these standards, as well as a rack and cut-out figures for manipulation.

Description. The child needs to distribute objects relative to the proposed standard figures. The technique can be used in two versions.

1. Simplified version: a separate form shows a rack with standards of figures, and flat objects are cut out and laid out by the child on the shelves of the rack in relation to the proposed standards of figures (the standards are compared with objects).

2. A rack with shelves and standards of figures, as well as objects are depicted on one form. The child must complete the task without manipulating objects. Show and explain your actions.

Instructions: “Look, on this form there is a drawing of a rack with shelves on which geometric shapes are marked: a rectangle, a triangle, another rectangle, a square, a circle, an oval. You need to arrange the cut out objects I have on shelves so that they are next to the geometric figure they resemble. Explain your choice."

Reproduction of geometric shapes

Goal: development of voluntary attention, memory, thinking.

Equipment: pencil, blank sheet of paper corresponding to the size of the sample (13-10 cm).

Description. The child is asked to look at different geometric shapes, remember their location, so that after 10 seconds they can reproduce them from memory on a blank sheet of paper.

Instructions: “Look carefully at these geometric shapes and try to remember their location. After a while, I will remove the card, and on a sheet of paper you will have to draw these same geometric figures from memory, arranging and coloring them as they were on the sample.”

Build a path

Goal: development of stability of attention: the ability to generalize objects based on shape, size; consolidation of ideas about geometric shapes.

Equipment: table with different arrangements of geometric shapes along the lines, chips.

Description. The child is offered to help the hero of the fairy tale get to specific place by building a path. To build a path, you need to cover certain geometric shapes named by adults with chips.

Instructions: “Look carefully at this table. Help the hero of the fairy tale get along the path to the place he needs. And to do this, cover with chips from left to right:

a) all triangles (circles, squares);

b) only shaded triangles (circles, squares).

Note. If a student cannot cope with the task on his own, then review the table with him. Particularly highlight those features of geometric shapes that he should focus on when completing the task. Analyze the mistakes with your child. When the task is mastered, you can offer a more complicated option: play the game “Who is faster” in the class.

Draw a circle and a triangle

Goal: training of attention distribution.

Equipment: two simple sharpened pencils (2M) and 1/2 landscape sheet (A4 size, 20-14.5 cm) for each student.

Description. The student must draw with both hands on one piece of paper at the same time: a circle with one hand, a triangle with the other hand (and start and finish drawing both figures at the same time).

Instructions: “Now you will draw with both hands at once. Take two pencils. On a separate sheet of paper, try to simultaneously draw a circle with one hand and a triangle with the other. It doesn't matter which hand you use to draw which figure. Do as you please! But just remember that you need to start and finish drawing both figures at the same time.”

Note. The exercise can be used both for individual work and for group work.

Goal: development of auditory attention, consolidation of the skill of ordinal counting within 10, development of thinking.

Equipment: ball.

Description. In accordance with the teacher's commands, the student to whom the ball is thrown counts in order to 10.

For example, I will say “five” and throw the ball to Lena. How should you count?

Lena: “Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.”

Right. Let's start playing."

Note. A more complicated option could be this. The teacher warns: “Children, be careful! I can pick up the ball before you count to 10 and throw it to the next student and say, “Count on.”

You must remember what number your friend stopped at and continue counting. For example, I say: “Four” - and throw the ball to Vova. He counts to 8, I take the ball from him and throw it to Vitya with the words: “Count further.” Vitya continues: “Nine, ten.”

An alternative could be a “Before” and “After” game. The teacher, throwing the ball to the student, says: “Until five.” The child must name the numbers that go up to five. If the teacher says: “After five,” the students should say: six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

The game is played at a fast pace.

Writing lessons

Laying out a mosaic pattern

Goal: development of concentration and attention span, fine motor skills, formation of the ability to work according to a model.

Equipment: mosaic, sample.

Description: the student is asked to lay out a letter from the mosaic according to the model.

Instructions: “Look, this picture shows a letter. From the mosaic you need to lay out exactly the same letter as in the picture. Be careful. Get to work."

Nature lesson

Mixed forest

Goal: development of observation, formation of the ability to distribute attention.

Equipment: drawing depicting camouflaged trees.

Description. The student is given a drawing depicting camouflaged trees, among which he must find a birch (pine, the smallest Christmas tree).

Instructions: “Look, this picture shows camouflaged trees. Among them you need to find a birch (pine, the smallest Christmas tree) as quickly as possible. Start looking."

Who was the hunter afraid of?

Goal: development of volume and stability of attention.

Equipment: drawing depicting a forest, animals and a hunter.

Description. The student is offered a drawing depicting a hunter in the forest. It is necessary to find the one whom the hunter was afraid of.

Instructions: “Look carefully at the picture. It depicts a hunter running through the forest. He was scared of someone. Who could be afraid of the hunter in this forest? Show and explain: - why?”

Cow Manya and her owner

Goal: development of stability of attention.

Equipment: drawing of a labyrinth, a simple pencil.

Description. In the proposed labyrinth, the student must go through a winding line, running his finger or reverse side pencil, find shortcut, along which the owner could move to her cow Mana.

Instructions: “Look carefully at this drawing. It depicts a labyrinth through which you need to find a shortcut. One day, the cow Manya got lost - she wandered into a deep forest and did not know how to return home. She got hungry and started looking for juicy and tasty grass. What path should the hostess take in order to meet her as quickly as possible?

Goal: strengthening the ability to assemble a whole from parts, developing attention.

Equipment: 13 postcards (the size of each postcard is 10-14 cm) with different scenes (and there should not be two identical ones), each of which is cut into four equal parts. Several tables combined into one common table; a chair for each student.

Description: Obeying the rules of the game, all children must assemble entire postcards - “quartets” - from the parts “walking” in a circle among the players. The one who collects the most “quartets” wins.

Instructions: “Now we will play the game “Quartet.” In this game we will use postcards cut into 4 equal parts. All parts of the cards are mixed and distributed in a circle (5 parts for each player) so that the players do not see the picture. The remaining pieces are stacked face down on the “con” side for further play. All players must carefully examine the pieces they receive.

The order is established among the players using a counting rhyme. The first player shows everyone one part of the postcard. The remaining players give it to the one who showed it, if they have among their cards, all the cards are parts of the postcard for the 1st one that the 1st player showed. If none of the players had any parts of the postcard for the one shown next, at the moment, then the next one takes one card from the “con” pile. And if the taken card turns out to be the 4th to the three available parts of one postcard, the next one will form a “quartet” - a whole postcard.

In case of receiving a “quartet”, the player has the right to an additional move. Otherwise, the next player shows his part of the card to everyone playing. The game continues until there is nothing left at stake, and all the cards are formed from the parts of the cards. The one who collects the most “quartets” wins. Before we start the game, let's look at all the entire “quartets”. Let's start playing."

Note. The game takes place in the established order. All parts of the postcard are given to the player who showed one of the parts, even if there are 3 of them, without concealing them. The player who has collected a “quartet” - a whole card - has the right to an additional move. The teacher plays with the children and monitors compliance with the rules.

Find the shadow

Equipment: a drawing depicting a figurine and the shadow it casts.

Description. The student is offered a drawing depicting a snowman and his four shadows; knight and his three shadows.

Instructions: “Look at this drawing carefully. It depicts a knight and his shadows. It is necessary to find his real one among these shadows.”

Compare, name, count

Goal: development of observation skills.

Equipment: drawing - fish in an aquarium.

Description. The student is offered a drawing that depicts an aquarium with fish. You need to find two identical fish.

Instructions: “Look at this picture carefully. It depicts an aquarium with fish, two of which are identical. Find them, show them and give an explanation.”

Find two identical animals

Goal: development of voluntary attention.

Equipment: drawing of animals (mice, roosters, giraffes, elephants).

Description. The student is asked to find two identical animals in the picture.

Instructions: “Look carefully at the picture. It depicts mice (roosters, giraffes, elephants). You need to find the same ones among all the mice.”

Goal: development of voluntary attention.

Equipment: 48 chips depicting objects (animals, birds) and 6 cards depicting the same objects.

Description. Cards are distributed to all participants. The presenter, taking one chip out of the bag, names the object (animal, bird) depicted on the chip. The player who has this item depicted on his card takes a chip and covers the corresponding cell of the card with it. The first one to cover all the squares of his card wins.

Instructions: “Now we will play Lotto.” Sit at a large common table, wherever you want. I will give each of you one card, which depicts objects familiar to you (animals, birds). I'll be the host. Be careful. From the bag I will take out one chip at a time, which depicts one of the objects, and name it. Which one of you has exactly the same item on the card as shown on the chip must say: “I have it.” In this case, I will give him this chip, which he will need to cover the cell on his card with the same image. We will play like this until one of you is the first to cover all the picture squares on your card. He will be the winner."

Note. At the first stage of the game, the teacher is the leader; in the future, the student can take the role of the leader.

Name the item

Goal: development of integrity of perception, formation of the ability to classify, incorporate parts into the whole, and concentrate attention.

Equipment: drawings with disguised images of objects (toys, fruits, dishes, vegetables).

Description. The student is offered a drawing with a disguised image of objects. It is necessary to see and show each of the items separately.

Instructions: “Look carefully at this unusual drawing. It depicts camouflaged objects. It is necessary to see and show each item separately. Get started with the task."

Note. At the first stage of work, it is advisable to invite the student to trace the contour of each object with a pointer. In the future, when the child masters the task with a pointer, you can invite him to follow the outline of the object with his eyes.

Who's flying?

Goal: formation of attention, development of the ability to highlight the main, essential features items.

Equipment: list of item names.

Description. The student must respond and perform movements in accordance with the words of the teacher.

Instructions: “Attention! Now we will find out who (what) can fly and who (what) cannot. I will ask, and you answer immediately. If I name something or someone capable of flying, for example a dragonfly, answer: “It flies” - and show how it does it - spread your arms to the sides, like wings. If I ask you: “Does the pig fly?”, be silent and do not raise your hands.”

Note. List: eagle, snake, sofa, butterfly, chafer, chair, ram, swallow, plane, tree, seagull, house, sparrow, ant, mosquito, boat, iron, fly, table, dog, helicopter, carpet...

The game can be played with one child or with a group of children.

Edible - inedible

Goal: formation of attention, familiarization with the properties of objects.

Equipment: ball, chalk.

Description. Depending on the named object (whether it is edible or not), the student must catch or return the ball thrown to him by the teacher.

Instructions: “Now we will play. I will name objects (for example, apple, chair, etc.). If the named item is edible, then you must catch the thrown ball and move forward one cell drawn in chalk. If the named item is inedible, then you must hit the thrown ball and then move forward one square. If the wrong answer is given (the ball is not caught, although the object is edible, or caught, although the object is inedible), then the player remains in the same class. The child who comes first last class, becomes the leader."

Note. If you play with two or three children, then up to 10 classes can be drawn, and if you play with four or five children, then you need to draw 5 - 6 classes.

Examples of names of objects for the game: ball, orange, window, cheese, doll, onion, book, pie, cutlet, house, soap, cake, bun, tomato, cucumber, scissors, etc.

Psychocorrection program

to develop attention

for senior up to school age

Prepared by: educational psychologist MBDOU

"Kindergarten No. 34 "Teremok"

Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region

Begunkova A. S.

Explanatory note.

The purpose of the correction program: development of attention of an older child preschool age.

Objectives of the correction program:

1) develop volume, stability, switchability and distribution of attention;

2) form concentration of attention;

3) develop self-control in a preschooler.

Form of organization: individual.

Duration: duration - 20 minutes, 2 times a week.

The correctional and developmental program lasts a month and consists of 8 specially prepared lessons that contain exercises for developing attention, concentration and switchability.

Lesson No. 1


Game "I See"

Target: development of the child’s attention, optimization of orientation in space.

Participants (psychologist and child) take turns naming objects in the room, beginning each statement with the words: “I see...”. You cannot repeat the same item twice.

Game "Listen and clap"

Goal: development of selectivity of attention and thinking.

The child is asked to listen carefully and clap his hands when he hears the name of an animal among the words being called. The set of words could be like this:

Christmas tree, lily of the valley, elephant, chamomile.

Doll, hare, mushroom, car.

Grapes, river, forest, squirrel.

Skis, giraffe, plane, vase.

By analogy, you can use the names of plants, toys, etc.

Game “Cross out the circle with a dot”

Goal: development of attention distribution.

On a sheet of paper, draw 25 circles with a diameter of a five-ruble coin. Put a dot inside some. While the sand is pouring into hourglass, cross out the dot inside the circles.


Target : withdrawal emotional stress in children, creating a favorable emotional background, establishing contact with children; development of the ability to see an image, to show independence in creativity and image creation.

Equipment: blank sheets of paper (A4), paint or gouache, brushes.

The child is asked to take a little paint of the color he wants on a brush, splash the “blot” onto a sheet of paper and fold the sheet in half so that the “blot” is imprinted on the second half of the sheet. Then you should unfold the sheet and try to understand who or what the resulting “blot” looks like.

Lesson No. 2

Welcome ritual.

Game “Find the same picture”

Goal: identifying the ability to establish identity, developing stability of attention

A sheet of drawings is laid out in front of the child. Each row has 4 pictures. You need to look carefully at the first picture and find exactly the same one in the row.

Developmental program

“Development of attention properties of younger schoolchildren”

Compiled by:

Bolenova N.V.

educational psychologist

MBOU Secondary School No. 2, Rodniki

Rodniki, 2015

Explanatory note

The problem of studying the development of attention is quite relevant today. This is explained by the high dynamics of life, where the task of protecting the health of students and creating for them favorable conditions life and study. Today, the number of children who have lost interest in learning is growing, their intellectual level has decreased, and their concentration has decreased. These factors necessitate the development of practical psychological and pedagogical means to increase the potential capabilities of students.Attention is a necessary condition for their successful development.

In elementary school lessons, teachers often call “Be careful!” When talking with parents, teachers often use the following phrases to explain a student’s failures: “He lacks attentiveness,” “All his mistakes are due to inattention.” The inattention of younger schoolchildren is one of the most common reasons for poor performance. Errors due to “carelessness” in written work, in calculations, and in reading are the most offensive for both the teacher and the student. In addition, they are the subject of reproaches and dissatisfaction from parents.

In the educational and cognitive work of schoolchildren, specialists assign the main role to attention. To the student at all stages educational activities concentration and focus of consciousness on certain objects and phenomena are necessary. If a student makes mistakes when performing any assignments, does not understand the educational material, does not know how to start and consistently work on memorizing tests, completing drawings, can often be explained not by a lack of ability for these types of activities, not by poor intelligence or poor memory, but by insufficient attentiveness .

Development of attention is one of necessary conditions successful learning. The school makes its own demands on the arbitrariness of children's attention in terms of the ability to act without distractions. The child must follow the instructions and monitor the results obtained. Children who have just arrived at school do not have developed attention, so the teacher needs to work on its development and improvement. Since the development of attention is as important as the formation of skills in reading, writing, and mathematics. An attentive schoolboy educational material is easier to learn, the execution of movements when writing letters and numbers is more accurate and accurate. And this is an indicator of the effectiveness of educational activities.

More attention needs to be paid to the development of attention in primary school age. Primary school should become a school of attention. In this way, many problems of inattention can be avoided, which lead to low academic performance and reluctance of children to study in school. high school. The successful course of other mental processes also depends on attention.

The program is based on the program of classes for the correction and development of attention of students of primary school age (grades 2-3) by educational psychologist Elena Ravilievna Makhmutova.

Target: increasing the level of development of attention properties (stability, distribution, concentration) in primary school students.


    Developing sustainable attention

    Developing concentrated attention

    Strengthening the ability to distribute attention.

Expected results:

High level of productivity and stability of attention, mastery of the processes of switching and concentration, high volume of attention, high level motivation to learn.

Participants: students of 2nd and 3rd grades. Group of 25 people.

Implementation period: 2 months, 2 times a week.

The duration of the lesson is 30-35 minutes.

Each lesson is devoted to the development of the basic properties of attention: distribution, stability, concentration, as well as the development of other mental processes associated with attention: thinking, memory (visual, auditory), communication.

Classes begin with a greeting ritual, which includes questions about what mood the children came in today, what interesting things happened to them in the past lately and ends with a farewell ritual.

Contents of the program “Development of attention of younger schoolchildren”

Thematic planning program “Development of attention of younger schoolchildren”

1) Greeting


3) Exercise “Recover the missing word.”

4) Psycho-gymnastic exercise.

5) Exercise “Who is more attentive?”

6) Parting

Development of distribution, switching, concentration, attention span;

1) Greeting


3) Exercise “Think of an object”

4) Psycho-gymnastic exercise “Rain”

5) Exercise "Examples and text"

6) Farewell

Development of stability, concentration, attention;

1) Greeting

2) Exercise “Fill in the blanks in words”

4) Exercise “Fly”

5) Game “Stand still”

6) Farewell

Development of concentration and spatial orientation

1) Greeting

3) Exercise “Graphic dictation”

5) Game “Deaf Phone”

6) Farewell

Development of distribution, concentration, logical thinking, visual memory.

1) Greeting

2) Exercise “Coded Examples”

3) Psycho-gymnastic exercise

4) Game “Four Elements”

5) Exercise “6 squares”

6) Farewell

Development of stability, concentration, logical thinking

1) Greeting

2) Game "Behemoth"

3) Exercise “find the letters”

4) Psycho-gymnastic exercise

5) Exercise “Coded words”

6) Farewell

Development of concentration, spatial orientation, visual memory

1) Greeting

2) Exercise “The mice hid in holes”

3) Psycho-gymnastic exercise

4) Exercise “Circle in a Square”

5) Game “Head, floor, ceiling”

6) Farewell

1) Greeting

2) Exercise “Figure row”

3) Game “Search non-stop”

4) Psycho-gymnastic exercise

5) Game “Merry Men”

6) Farewell

Development of distribution, concentration of attention

1) Greeting

2) Exercise “Find words”

3) Game “Pick up the pencil”

4) Psycho-gymnastic exercise

5) Exercise “Find the figures”

6) Farewell

Development of concentration, switching attention

1) Greeting

2) Game “Ear-nose”

3) Exercise “My favorite fruit”

4) Psycho-gymnastic exercise

5) Exercise “Flies - Doesn’t fly”

6) Farewell

Development of stability of attention, logical thinking

1) Greeting

2) Exercise “Remember the drawing”

3) Psycho-gymnastic exercise

4) Exercise “Attentive hands”

5) Farewell

Reflection of group members, repetition and consolidation of material

There is a discussion in the circle aboutwhat we learned, what we liked, and what we didn’t like. We play the games we liked the most.

Appendix 1

Program for developing the attention of junior schoolchildren

Lesson 1

1) Greeting
The psychologist greets all children as classes begin. Tells how they will take place, introduces basic rules behavior in the group, offers a greeting ritual.

2) Exercise aimed at developing concentration and stability of attention .
The psychologist writes a word on the board (or in the air) with his finger, one letter at a time. Children write down the letters as they are depicted in their notebooks or try to remember them. Then they discuss what word each person came up with. The psychologist can involve one of the children in depicting the word.

3) Exercise to develop concentration and distribution of attention, auditory memory “Restore the missing word.”
The psychologist reads a series of 5-7 words that are unrelated in meaning:
Then the row is not read completely, one of the words is omitted, the children must restore the missing word (and subsequently its place in the row).

4) Psycho-gymnastic exercise
Stand up straight. Raise your hands up. Stretch. Imagine that your hands are stems with flowers blooming on them. Flower petals stretch upward towards the sun. Take a deep breath. Place your clasped hands behind your head. Then separate them and pull them up. Breathe deeply and evenly. Imagine that you want to reach the sky with your hands. Gently lower your arms.

5) Exercise “Who is more attentive?” aimed at developing concentration, attention span, visual memory. The psychologist speaks, and the children look at the figures with the numbers located in them for 10 seconds.

After a given time, the psychologist removes the drawing and asks the participants to write in their notebooks the sum of all the numbers in the figures. Then draw the shapes in correct sequence and write your number in each figure.

6) Farewell

The psychologist asks the children what they learned during the lesson, what they liked, what they didn’t like? He talks about his impressions of the class.
Lesson 2

1) Greeting

2) Exercise “Word Restructuring” , aimed at developing attention distribution and convergent thinking.

From letters of this word make up as many new words as possible. In a new word, each letter can be used as many times as it appears in the original word.


3) Exercise “Think of an object”, aimed at developing volume and switching of attention.

The psychologist asks the children to list objects, for example green. He asks you to be careful not to repeat the names of objects.

4) Psycho-gymnastic exercise

Take a deep breath. The arms slowly rise up through the sides. Hold your breath while inhaling. Exhale with an open strong sound A-A-A. Hands slowly drop. Inhale. The arms are raised to shoulder level through the sides. Holding your breath. Exhale slowly and forcefully sound O-O-O, hug yourself by the shoulders, lower your head to your chest. Slow deep breath. Raise your arms to chest level. Holding your breath. Exhale slowly and forcefully the sound of U-U-U. Put your hands down.

5) Exercise “Examples and text”, aimed at developing concentration, distribution and switching of attention.

The psychologist asks participants to solve 7 simple examples within 5 minutes. At the same time, he reads aloud a text unknown to the children. Participants must correctly solve examples and answer questions about the content of the text within the specified time limit.

6) Farewell

Lesson 3

1) Greeting

2) Exercise “Fill in the blanks in words”, aimed at developing stability of attention and flexibility of thinking.

3) Psycho-gymnastic exercise

We raise our hands up. Let's take a deep breath. We hold our breath. We reach up, trying to get an apple growing on a tree. It didn't work out. Calmly lower your hands down. Exhalation. Hands shook. Let's try to pick an apple again. We raise our hands up and stretch. Inhale. Holding your breath. They picked an apple. We lower our hands down. Exhalation.

The psychologist asks participants to find the missing letters in words (5-6 words).

4) Exercise “Fly”, aimed at developing stability of attention and spatial orientation.

The psychologist hands out tables to the participants and dictates a “fly’s flight” within the table, right - left, up - down, but not diagonally. Children track the flight of the “fly” visually.

5) Game “Stand still” aimed at developing concentration, stability of attention, spatial orientation.

The players form a circle. The driver walks inside the circle and, stopping in front of someone, says loudly: “Hands.” The one to whom he addressed must stand quietly, and his neighbors must raise their hands: the neighbor on the right - left hand, neighbor on the left - right hand. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the circle.

6) Farewell

Lesson 4

1) Greeting

The driver turns his back to the group of participants.
Psychologist :
“..., you are now in the forest, we shout to you: “Ay!” Close your eyes tightly, find out who called you. Participants say “Aw!”, trying to change their voice. The driver must guess the participant calling him.

3) Exercise “Graphic dictation”,

4) Psycho-gymnastic exercise

5) Game “Deaf Telephone”, aimed at developing concentration and switching attention.

An analogue of the game “Broken Phone”. Participants draw letters, then short words, on the back of the next player in the chain with their finger.

6) Farewell

Lesson 5

1) Greeting

2) Exercise “Coded Examples”, aimed at developing the distribution of attention and logical thinking.

The psychologist invites participants, using the key to the code, to solve the following examples:

OS – MI =

TS + MK =
KO + VP =

MAA – MO =


3) Psycho-gymnastic exercise

Psychologist :
Imagine that a magician has turned you into toys. Close your eyes and try to see what kind of toy you have become. Now open your eyes and try to imitate your toy in a pose or movement. The rest of the participants guess what kind of toys they are.

4) Game “Four Elements”, aimed at developing stability of attention.

The players stand in a circle. The psychologist agrees with them that if he says the word “earth”, everyone should lower their hands down, if the word “water” - stretch their arms forward, if the word “air” - raise them up, the word - “fire” - rotate their hands.

5) Exercise “6 squares”, aimed at developing concentration, attention span, visual memory.

6 squares contain dots. The psychologist invites participants to make blanks in their notebooks - 6 empty squares. Then he presents the children with 6 squares in succession and asks them to remember the location of the dots. Memorization time – 1 minute. Then participants draw points from memory in the drawn blanks. The psychologist presents squares as the arrangement becomes more complex and the number of points increases.

6) Farewell

Lesson 6

1) Greeting

2) Game "Hippopotamus" aimed at developing concentration and stability of attention.

The psychologist names any words, and the participants repeat them. For example, lamp - lamp, sky - sky, etc. But there is one forbidden word - “hippopotamus”, which cannot be repeated, but must, for example, clap your hands. A psychologist can pronounce this word at any time.

3) Exercise “Find the letters”, aimed at developing stability and concentration.

The psychologist hands out newspaper clippings to the participants and asks them to find all the letters “a” and cross them out, circle the letters “n”, and underline the letters “m” below. The task completion time is 5 minutes.

4) Psycho-gymnastic exercise

Imagine what is in your chest balloon. Take a deep breath and exhale through your mouth. Inhale again and imagine how the ball fills with air and becomes bigger and bigger. Exhale slowly through your mouth, as if the air is quietly coming out of a balloon. Pause and count to 5. Inhale again, hold your breath for a count of 3, imagining an inflated balloon inside you. Exhale, feel the warm air passing through your throat and mouth.

5) Exercise “Coded words”, aimed at developing the distribution of attention, logical thinking and visual memory.

The psychologist asks participants to decipher 7 coded words. Gives the key to the cipher. Each letter corresponds to a specific number.

Words :

6740 (fox)
434675 (gopher)
43125 (marmot)
624b (elk)
184b (trot)
9265 (wolf)
521290 (cow)

Key :

Participants write down the deciphered words in their notebooks. The psychologist suggests remembering these words. Memory time – 10 seconds.
The words are reproduced. Then the psychologist asks to find the superfluous among the words and underline it with a line. Explain why it is redundant.

6) Farewell

Lesson 7

1) Greeting

2) Exercise “The mice hid in holes”, aimed at developing concentration, attention span, visual memory.

The psychologist invites the children to carefully look at the sheet with the squares depicted on it - “minks” and remember in which “minks” the mice sit. You have 20 seconds to memorize. Then the psychologist removes the sheet, and the participants must, in the tables lined up in their notebooks, sketch “mice” in the cells in the form of dots.

3) Psycho-gymnastic exercise

Take a few deep breaths in and out. Close your eyes. Imagine a beautiful blue sky. Clouds are moving across it. You are watching them. Let your thoughts fly away with the clouds. You are focused on the sky. You are calm and feel peace, quiet and joy. Open your eyes. Take a deep breath and exhale.

4) Exercise “Circle in a Square”, aimed at developing concentration and spatial orientation.

The psychologist invites participants to draw a square in their notebooks. Inscribe a circle in it, closing your eyes. Make several attempts to complete the task.

5) Game “Head, floor, ceiling”, aimed at developing concentration.

Now we will play a game. If I say “head”, then we look in front of us, if “floor” - we look down, head down, if “ceiling” - we look up, head up. Be careful.

6) Farewell

Lesson 8

1) Greeting

2) Exercise “Figure row”, aimed at developing the distribution and volume of attention.

The psychologist invites participants to sketch a number of figures in their notebooks:

1) Place a “cross” in the 2nd triangle from the left and a “minus” sign in any circle.
2) Cross out all the squares and triangles after the circles.
3) Underline the squares that come before the triangles, but not after the circles.

3) Game “Search non-stop”, aimed at developing the distribution of attention.

The psychologist asks participants to see around them as many objects of the same color as possible for 10-15 seconds. One of the participants, at the psychologist’s signal, begins to list, the others complement it. It is important that children do not repeat.

4) Psycho-gymnastic exercise

Stand in a circle without bending your knees and reach your toes with your hands. I'll start counting from one to ten. For each count, you will raise your hands as if one step higher. Thus, on the count of “10” your hands will be raised up. The higher your hands rise, the more cheerful your spirit will be.
The psychologist performs this exercise with the children, counting from one to ten.

5) Game “Merry Men”, aimed at developing concentration, attention span, visual memory.

The psychologist invites participants to carefully look at the drawing and remember 6 poses of “funny men”. Memory time – 20 seconds. Then the psychologist removes the drawing and the children show poses. The sequence of the image poses is important.


6) Farewell

Lesson 9

1) Greeting

2) Exercise “Find words”, developmental distribution of attention.

The psychologist distributes alphabetic texts to the participants.
Let's check how attentive you are. Each of you has letter texts. Hidden among these sets of letters are words. You need to find them and underline them with a line below. Different schools give similar exercises in different interpretations.

3) Game “Pick up the pencil”, aimed at developing concentration and reaction speed.

Participants stand in a circle. The psychologist holds a pencil with his finger. Suddenly, he names one of the participants and at the same time releases the pencil. The person called must pick up the pencil before it falls. The one who catches it becomes the leader.

4) Psycho-gymnastic exercise

Imagine that you have a small helpless chick in your hands. He is wet, frozen, disheveled. Extend your arms with your palms facing up. Cup your palms and hide the chick in them. Keep him warm. Breathe on it, warming it with your smooth, calm breathing, place your palms on your chest. Share the kindness of your heart with the chick. Now open your palms and you will see that the chick has joyfully taken off, smile at him and don’t be sad, he will fly to us again.

5) Exercise “Find the figures”, aimed at developing concentration and attention span.

Participants are given a drawing, after examining which they must determine the number of triangles and the number of quadrilaterals.

6) Farewell

Lesson 10

1) Greeting

2) Game “Ear-nose”, aimed at developing attention switching.

With your right hand, touch your left ear, and with your left hand, grab your nose.
At the psychologist’s signal, participants must change hands: touch their right ear with their left hand, and touch their nose with their right hand. And so on several times.

3) Exercise “My favorite fruit”

The exercise allows the facilitator to create a working mood in the group; memory is also developed and the ability to concentrate for a long time is developed.

Group members introduce themselves in a circle. Having identified themselves by name, each participant names their favorite fruit; the second - the name of the previous one and his favorite fruit, his name and his favorite fruit; the third - the names of the previous two and the names of their favorite fruits, and then your name and your favorite fruit, etc. The latter, therefore, must name the names of the favorite fruits of all group members.

4) Psycho-gymnastic exercise

Pick up imaginary sand in your hands (as you inhale), clench your fingers tightly into a fist, hold the sand in your hands (hold your breath). Gradually open your fingers (exhale), sand pours out of your hands. Shake the sand off your hands, relaxing your hands and fingers. Drop your arms along your body: too lazy to move your heavy arms.

5) Exercise “Flies - does not fly”

An exercise to develop attention switching and the ability to perform movements.

Children sit down or stand in a semicircle. The presenter names the items. If an object flies, children raise their hands. If it doesn’t fly, the children’s hands are down. The presenter may deliberately make mistakes; many children’s hands will rise involuntarily, due to imitation. It is necessary to hold back in a timely manner and not raise your hands when a non-flying object is named.

6) Farewell

Lesson 11

1) Greeting

2) An exercise aimed at developing concentration, stability of attention, visual memory “Remember the picture”

The psychologist invites participants to carefully look and remember the provided drawings. The memorization time for the pattern is 10 seconds.

Children sketch pictures in their notebooks from memory.

3) Psycho-gymnastic exercise

Now we will lift the “heavy barbell”. Inhale. Raise the barbell up. Holding your breath. We hold the barbell at outstretched arms. Then we throw it away. Exhalation. Let's rest.

4) Exercise to develop concentration, stability of attention, sound perception “Attentive hands”.
The psychologist reads a series of words that contain the sounds “i” and “th”. Participants listen carefully and, if the word contains the sound “i”, raise their right hand, and if there is “th”, raise their left hand. If there is neither one nor the other sound, then the hands remain down.
Words: elevator, batting, iodine, engineer, sparrow, game, pencil, pen, buffalo, carriage, climate, kayak, scientist, dreamer, palm, small, neighbor, first, straw, flexible, egg, theater, ballet, pitchfork, field, bird, balcony.

5) Farewell

Lesson 12

Summing up

There is a discussion in the circle about what we learned, what we liked, and what we didn’t like. We play the games we liked the most.

Work program on the development of memory and attention.

Compiled by teacher-psychologist Sorina Natalya Aleksandrovna.

The proposed program promotes competent correction intellectual development and allows children to develop thinking, attention, memory, perception, and imagination while performing game tasks.

formation cognitive processes(perception, attention, memory, thinking) of children of senior preschool age, as an indicator psychological readiness to schooling.
Memory is the basis for the development of all mental processes, and no one will argue with this. In order to come up with something, analyze, perceive and process information, the child has to use memory - remember images, names, remember the sequence or instructions of an adult. The less developed the memory is, the more time and effort it takes the child to perform any action, therefore, interest quickly disappears.
Memory training is inextricably linked with the development of attention. In order to remember something, you need to look carefully. Therefore, many memory development games contribute to the development of attention and vice versa.

"Pictures" A game familiar to everyone, during which the child is asked to remember a series of pictures. After the child has memorized, the pictures are removed and asked to name what was drawn in the pictures (remember that object pictures are needed). Children 4–5 years old are offered 5–6 pictures to memorize. By school, the child must reproduce at least 9 from memory. This is how we train operational, short-term memory. In order to turn on the delayed memory mechanism, ask your child to remember the pictures after 15–20 minutes.

A game to develop auditory attention. Children choose a driver using a rhyme. The driver turns away, and the children agree on what word they will whisper together. If the driver guesses this word, then he changes.
"Answer quickly."
Children stand in a circle. The host names a color and throws the ball to one of the players. The one who caught it must name the object of this color. The main thing is to call quickly. The one who caught the ball must now name the color himself and throw the ball to the next participant.

"Repeat the pattern" The game helps develop the ability to remember the location of objects on a sheet. You can ask the child to lay out the pattern according to the sample, and then ask him to remember and repeat the pattern from memory.

"Find the differences."
Number of players: 2, 4 or 6 people.
The players get into pairs. Give each player a chance to take a close look at their partner. Then both players turn their backs to each other and make a few minor changes to their appearance: hair, facial expression, clothing, anything that can be seen.
When everything is ready, they turn to face each other again and try to find the differences.
Repeat the game several times, changing partners and increasing the number of differences.

"Magic word"
Number of players: 1 - 6 people.
The presenter shows various movements and addresses the players with the words: “Raise your hands, sit down, stand up, rise on your tiptoes, walk in place,” etc.
The players repeat the movements only if the presenter adds the word “please”.
Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game, and then performs some task (sings, reads poetry).

"Three movements"
A game for developing attention. The presenter shows the children three movements and asks them to remember them. First, the arms are bent at the elbows. Second, the arms are extended forward at chest level. Third, hands are raised up. Children repeat these movements several times, while remembering their serial number.
Now the presenter shows one movement and calls out another number to confuse the children. If the movement does not correspond to the number, children should not show it. The most attentive one wins.

Number of players: 6-10 people.
The players stand in a circle. The first player says his word.
The player standing to his right calls the first player's word and adds his own to it.
The game continues from player to player until the last participant lists the words of the entire group.

"Be careful."

Before starting the game, learn the conditional signals. When they hear the word “bunnies,” children should jump, when they hear the word “herons,” they should stand on one leg, and when they hear the word “horses,” they should stop and tap one foot on the floor.
Now ask the children to walk in a circle. The presenter calls command words at different intervals and in different orders, and the children carry them out.
You can expand the set of commands at the discretion of the adult.

"What's missing"
Number of players: 1-6 people.
Inventory: several toys. Place several toys in front of the child for one minute, preferably a few, 4-5.
Ask him to turn away and remove one toy.
When the child turns around, ask him which one is missing.

"Find a toy"
Ask your child to find a toy based on your description. At the same time, when describing an object, do not name it. For example: “Bring me something round, rubber, blue, something that jumps if you hit it with your hand” (ball).

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State educational institution

higher professional education

"Oryol State University"

Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology

Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Technology

Psychocorrection program


for senior preschool age.

"Young Travelers"


4th year student 43 groups

Boryuk Ya.Yu.

Explanatory note

1. Lesson No. 1 “Visiting the mouse”

2. Lesson No. 2 “Visiting a squirrel”

3. Lesson No. 3 “Visiting the bird”

4. Lesson No. 4 “Visiting the dog”

5. Lesson No. 5 “Visiting the ants”

6. Lesson No. 6 “Visiting the bee”

7. Lesson No. 7 “Visiting the bear”

8. Lesson No. 8 “Visiting the chicken”

9. Lesson No. 9 “Visiting the cat”

10. Lesson No. 10 “Meeting a bear”

List of used literature

Explanatory note

The purpose of the correction program: development of attention of a child of senior preschool age.

Objectives of the correction program:

1. Develop volume, stability, switchability and distribution of attention.

2. Form concentration of attention.

Form of organization: group (no more than 10 people), mixed. Group and mixed forms of conducting classes are used, since it is in a group of children that the game can be fruitfully carried out, which is the leading activity of this age stage.

Duration: Duration: 25 minutes, 2 times a week. This is due to the fact that for children of senior preschool age this duration of classes is optimal and does not cause overwork.

Stages of corrective work:

1. Indicative stage- provides an opportunity to get to know children, establish contact with the group and with each child in it.

2. Corrective stage- direct correctional work, in this case - the development and correction of the basic properties of attention. Specially selected games and exercises are used.

3. Final stage- consolidation, summing up the work done .

This psychocorrection program is based on the following principles:

1. The principle of systematic correctional, developmental and preventive tasks. This program is compiled taking into account a system of tasks at three levels:

· Corrective tasks are aimed at eliminating difficulties in the development of attention and its basic properties. In this case, the work is aimed at developing the child’s attention span, which, according to diagnostic results, is poorly developed in the child.

· Developmental tasks are aimed at developing the properties of attention and its skills effective use in the child’s main activities. This program is aimed at developing the volume, stability, switchability and distribution of attention, as well as their successful application on play activities and in other activities of the preschooler.

· Preventive tasks are aimed at preventing deviations in the formation of various properties of attention: volume, stability, concentration, switchability and distribution of attention; as well as for the prevention and prevention of possible difficulties in the child’s activities (game, subject, educational, etc.) For this purpose, self-control should be cultivated in the child, so that after a correction program the child, controlling his attention, can avoid difficulties.

2. The principle of unity of correction and diagnosis. Before drawing up a correction program, a psychological diagnosis of the child was carried out. Based on the diagnostics, insufficient development of attention in the preschooler was revealed, which was taken into account when drawing up the program. The work also includes games with a diagnostic nature to determine the dynamics of attention development in a child. At the end of the work, psychological diagnostics are again carried out in order to determine the effectiveness of the work carried out with the child and to draw up further recommendations.

3. The principle of priority of correction of the causal type. In accordance with this principle, the priority goal of correction is to eliminate the causes of difficulties and deviations in the development of the child. In this case, the reasons for impaired attention are the child’s increased motor activity, distractibility, and the inability to sit in one place for a long time. This correctional program is designed in such a way as to eliminate these reasons: the use of interesting visual material, alternating didactic and outdoor games, conducting physical education and relaxation exercises.

4. Activity principle of correction. This program takes into account the leading activity of a preschooler - play. Thus, the program contains games and play exercises to develop the child’s attention.

5. The principle of taking into account the age, psychological and individual characteristics of the client. This program takes into account the age characteristics of senior preschool age. At this age, there is a significant increase in concentration and stability of attention, and the scope of attention expands. The development of voluntary attention is one of the most important further acquisitions, closely related to the formation of strong-willed qualities. The work also takes into account individual characteristics of the child, identified during the diagnosis of his cognitive and personal sphere.

6. The principle of comprehensiveness of methods psychological impact. This psychocorrection program uses various methods psychological impact: didactic games, outdoor games, drawing therapy, physical education, relaxation exercises

7. The principle of actively involving the immediate social environment in participation in the correctional program. For the effectiveness of psychocorrectional influence, it is necessary to involve the child’s loved ones, teachers, etc. in the work. For this purpose, the program presents homework for the development of attention, which the child completes at home with relatives. (After classes No. 4, No. 8, No. 9).

8. The principle of relying on different levels of organization of mental processes. Taking this principle into account, when drawing up a program, one should rely on the most developed mental processes. In this case, the child has well-developed spatial orientation and memory. The work focuses on their optimization and the development through them of the basic properties of attention.

9. The principle of programmed training. The presented program consists of successive and interconnected stages of work: Orientation stage - provides an opportunity to get to know the children, establish contact with the group and with each child in it (Lessons No. 1 and No. 2). The correctional stage is direct correctional work, in this case the development and correction of the basic properties of attention. Specially selected games and exercises are used (Lessons No. 3 - No. 9). Final stage - consolidation, summing up the work done (Lesson No. 10) .

10. The principle of complication. In this work, the proposed games and exercises gradually become more complex with each lesson. For example, in the first lesson, children do a simple drawing exercise, “Blots,” and in the second lesson, a more complex drawing exercise, “Color your other half.”

11. Accounting for the volume and degree of variety of material. At the beginning of the program, classes are more focused on concentration. And then, when the child has mastered this, it is proposed to master the remaining properties of attention. The lesson material is varied, which creates a favorable background for working with children.

12. Taking into account the emotional complexity of the material. To create a positive emotional background for classes and stimulate positive emotions For children, the program uses fairy-tale elements - travel. Also, at the end of each lesson, relaxation is carried out, which helps relieve possible tension after the lesson.

The program consists of 10 specially prepared lessons, each of which consists of 3 parts:

1. Introductory part- meeting children, greeting. Creating a favorable mood for further work.

2. Main part- conducting games and exercises for the development, formation and correction of the basic properties of attention of children of senior preschool age.

3. Final part- summing up the lesson, saying goodbye to the group.


"Visiting the Mouse"






4. Cultivate respect for the world around you and patience.

5. Develop self-control in a child.

I. Introductory part.

Hello guys! Today we have an unusual activity. Our fabulous journey begins today. So, tell me, who are we going to visit today? (Shows a picture of a mouse). Well done! Where should we go? Look, the dove brought us news, what is there? (Pulls out a note from under the paws of a painted dove and reads):

Gray mouse in a mink

Sweeps the floor with a broom

Completes cleaning

And he is waiting for friends to visit.

So where does the mouse live? Fine! Now we know where to go - into the hole to the mouse! Let's form a train and hit the road.

(They walk through the train and sit on chairs in a circle)

II. Main part.

Here we are. Let's take a close look at the mouse's home and play the game "I see..."

1. I see…

Target: Develop the child’s attention, optimize orientation in space.

Progress of the game:

Participants, sitting in a circle, take turns naming the objects in the room, beginning each statement with the words: “I see...”. You cannot repeat the same item twice.

Well done, guys! Well, we looked around the mouse’s house. Now let's show the mouse how much we know about it.

2. Freeze!

Target: development of attention, learning to quickly respond to sound signals.

Progress of the game:

Children “walk like mice” to the music. Suddenly the music stops - the players must have time to freeze in the position at which the music stopped. Those who do not have time are eliminated from the game. The music starts again and the children continue playing. They play until one person remains - he becomes the winner.

Well done, guys! Now, before we leave, let’s draw beautiful blots for the mouse as a souvenir.

3. Blots.

Target: relieving emotional stress in children, creating a favorable emotional background, establishing contact with children; development of the ability to see an image, to show independence in creativity and image creation.

Equipment: blank sheets of paper (A4), paint or gouache, brushes.

Progress of the exercise:

Children are invited to take a little paint of the color they want on a brush, splash a “blot” onto a sheet of paper and fold the sheet in half so that the “blot” is imprinted on the second half of the sheet. Then you should unfold the sheet and try to understand who or what the resulting “blot” looks like.

Recommendations: If one of the children finds it difficult to say what his “blot” looks like, you can collectively discuss with the children and help this child answer. This game can be repeated every 2 lessons, thereby observing the mental state of the children.

Well done, guys! What beautiful blots you drew for the mouse. Well, now let's say goodbye to the mouse, it's time for us to return to the group. And on the way home, many more adventures and new meetings await us.

4. Happy journey.


Progress of the game:

The players walk in a circle. When the leader claps his hands once, the children should stop and take a stork pose (stand on one leg, arms to the sides). If the leader claps 2 times - frog pose (sit down, heels together, toes and knees to the sides, hands between your legs on the floor). After three claps, the players resume walking.

5. Relaxation "Rest pose".


Progress of the exercise:

Everyone can dance

Jump, run, draw,

But not everyone can do it yet

Relax, rest.

We have a game like this -

Very light, simple,

Movement slows down

The tension disappears...

And it becomes clear -

Relaxation is nice!

III. The final part.

Well done, guys! Tell me, did you enjoy visiting the mouse? Where does she live? What did we do at the mouse's house? This is the end of the lesson, see you next time!


"Visiting a squirrel"

Target: development of concentration, spatial orientation, establishing contact with the group.


1. Develop concentration.

2. Optimize orientation in space.

3. Create a positive emotional background for the lesson.


5. Develop self-control in a child.

I. Introductory part.

- Shows a picture of a squirrel) Well done! Oh, look, we received a letter from a mouse! Let's read quickly! ( Psychologist reading):

On a pine tree, among the pine needles,

Having discovered a hollow,

The squirrel will cleverly arrange

It is cozy and warm.

Where does the squirrel live? Well done! Where is the hollow? That's right, where are there a lot of trees and where do squirrels live? Well done, today we are going to the forest!

II. Main part.

1. Dwarfs and giants.

Target: stimulating concentration, learning to respond quickly and clearly to sound signals.

Progress of the game:

Children walk in a circle and at the command “Dwarfs” the children squat, at the command “Giants” they stand up. The psychologist performs the movements together with everyone. Commands are given separately and at different paces.

So we came to visit the squirrel. The squirrel is glad to see us, and has prepared a task for you - to color the squirrel’s drawing according to the sample.

2. Color your significant other.


Equipment: You need to prepare several half-colored pictures of a squirrel and colored pencils.

Progress of the exercise:

Children must color the second half of the squirrel picture in the same way as the first half was painted. This task can be complicated by asking the child to first complete the second half of the picture and then color it.

Well done, guys! The squirrel really liked your drawings, and she invites you to relax together by the fire.

3. Bonfire.

Target: formation of attention and voluntary regulation of one’s own activities, group cohesion.

Equipment: bonfire decoration.

Progress of the exercise:

Children sit on the carpet around the “bonfire” and follow the appropriate command from the leader. On the command “it’s hot”, children must move away from the “bonfire”, on the command “hands are frozen” - stretch out their arms towards the “bonfire”, on the command “oh what a big fire” - stand up and wave their arms, on the command “sparks flew” - clap clap your hands, on the command “the fire brought friendship and fun” - hold hands and walk around the “fire”. Then one of the children is appointed as the leader.

- Well done! Squirrel was glad to have such guests, and now it’s time for us to go home.

4. Game with flags.

Target: stimulating concentration, learning to quickly and clearly respond to extraneous signals.

Equipment: red, blue and green flags.

Progress of the game:

The players walk in a circle. When the psychologist raises the red flag, the children should jump, the green flag should clap their hands, and the blue flag should continue to walk in a circle.

- Well, here we are at home, guys. We are tired on the road and let’s take a rest.

5. Relaxation "Rest Pose".

Target: mastering and consolidating postures of rest and muscle relaxation.

Progress of the exercise:

You need to sit closer to the edge of the chair, lean on the back, place your hands loosely on your knees, and spread your legs slightly apart. The formula for general peace is pronounced by the psychologist slowly, in a quiet voice, with long pauses.

Everyone can dance

Jump, run, draw,

But not everyone can do it yet

Relax, rest.

We have a game like this -

Very light, simple,

Movement slows down

The tension disappears...

And it becomes clear -

Relaxation is nice!

III. The final part.

- Guys, tell me, what did we do in class today? Fine! Now let's say goodbye. Until the next trip, guys!


"Visiting the Bird"



1. Develop concentration and distribution of attention, observation.

2. Optimize orientation in space.

3. Create a positive emotional background for the lesson.

4. Cultivate respect for the environment.

5. Develop self-control in a child.

I. Introductory part.

Hello, dear friends! How are you feeling? Do you have the strength to travel again? Great! Then go ahead! Do you know who we are going to visit today? ( Shows a picture withlike a bird) Well done! Oh, look, we received a letter from a squirrel! She wants to help us find the bird! Let's read quickly! ( Psychologist reads):

High in the trees

Birds build nests,

So that the little chicks

Provide comfort.

Where does the bird live? Well done! Let's go look for trees.

II. Main part.

1. Mixed forest



Progress of the exercise:

And here is the tree. Let's say hello to the bird.

2. Do as I do.

Target: development of observation and concentration.

Progress of the exercise:

The psychologist performs certain movements and accompanies them with greeting phrases. The children repeat after him.

- Well done, guys! Now let's build a birdhouse for the bird so that it has a place to live.

3. Builders

Target: development of observation, concentration and distribution of attention.

Equipment: a form with four drawings, one of which is a sample, and the other three differ from the sample in missing details; simple pencil.

Progress of the exercise:

Each child is offered a sheet with four drawings containing elements of a birdhouse. The first drawing is a sample, the other three are different from each other and the sample. It is necessary to complete the missing elements so that all three drawings correspond to the sample

What beautiful birdhouses we made, now the birds have a house! Now let's play with the bird.

4.Find the ball

Target: development of concentration.

Equipment: ball.

Progress of the game:

The players stand in a circle, close to each other, facing the center of the circle. The driver goes to the middle of the circle. All children keep their hands behind their backs. One of them is given a medium-sized ball. Children begin to pass the ball to each other behind their backs. The driver tries to guess who has the ball. Turning to one or another child, he says: “Hands!” According to this requirement, the player must immediately extend both hands forward. The one who has the ball, or who dropped the ball, becomes the driver.

- Guys, now let's go home. Away is good, but home is better. Let's say goodbye to the squirrel and hit the road.

(The psychologist and the children form a train and walk in a circle)

Here we are at home. Let's take a rest after a long journey.

5.Relaxation “Rest pose”.

Target: mastering and consolidating postures of rest and muscle relaxation.

Progress of the exercise:

You need to sit closer to the edge of the chair, lean on the back, place your hands loosely on your knees, and spread your legs slightly apart. The formula for general peace is pronounced by the psychologist slowly, in a quiet voice, with long pauses.

Everyone can dance

Jump, run, draw,

But not everyone can do it yet

Relax, rest.

We have a game like this -

Very light, simple,

Movement slows down

The tension disappears...

And it becomes clear -

Relaxation is nice!

III. The final part.

Well done, guys! Tell me, did you enjoy visiting the bird? Where does she live? What did we do at the bird's house?

Fine! Now let's say goodbye. Until the next trip, guys!


"Visiting the Dog"

Target: development of concentration and distribution of attention, voluntary attention.


1. Develop concentration and distribution of attention.

2. Optimize orientation in space.

3. Create a positive emotional background for the lesson.

4. Cultivate respect for the world around you, patience, endurance.

5. Develop self-control in a child.

I. Introductory part.

Good afternoon, guys! How are you feeling? Do you have the strength to travel again? Great! Then go ahead! Do you know who we are going to visit today? (Shows a picture of a dogj) Well done! Oh, look, someone sent us a note! Let's read quickly! (Psychologist reads):

The dog barks loudly -

A faithful friend in the yard,

She protects us

And he lives in a kennel.

Where does the dog live? Well done! Let's go look for a kennel with a dog.

II. Main part.

1. Find a path



Progress of the exercise

You guys are great, you quickly found your way. And here is our dog! Let's play with her soon!

2 . Ear-nose.

Target: stimulating concentration, learning to respond quickly and clearly to sound signals.

Progress of the game:

On the command “Ear”, children must grab the ear, on the command “Nose” - on the nose. The psychologist also performs actions together with the children on command, but after a while he begins to intentionally make mistakes.

Look, guys, the dog has prepared a task for us.

3. Find some shade

Target: development of observation.

Equipment: drawing of animals and cast shadow.

Progress of the exercise:

The child is offered a drawing depicting a dog and its four shadows. The child must find the appropriate shadow. Next, pictures are used depicting other animals - the dog's friends.

Well done, guys! The dogs completed their task! Now let's show the dog what we know.

4. Edible - inedible

Target: formation of attention, consolidation of knowledge about the properties of objects.

Equipment: ball.

Progress of the game:

Depending on the named object, whether it is edible or not, the child must catch or return the ball thrown to him by an adult.

Fine! And now it's time to go home.

(The psychologist and the children build a train and« hit the road» )

Now let's rest after the long journey.

5. Relaxation "Rest pose".

Target: mastering and consolidating postures of rest and muscle relaxation.

Progress of the exercise:

You need to sit closer to the edge of the chair, lean on the back, place your hands loosely on your knees, and spread your legs slightly apart. The formula for general peace is pronounced by the psychologist slowly, in a quiet voice, with long pauses.

Everyone can dance

Jump, run, draw,

But not everyone can do it yet

Relax, rest.

We have a game like this -

Very light, simple,

Movement slows down

The tension disappears...

And it becomes clear -

Relaxation is nice!

III. The final part.

Well done, guys! Who did we visit today? Tell me, did you enjoy visiting the dog? Where does she live? What did we do at the dog's house?



"Visiting the Ants"

Target: development of volume, concentration and distribution of attention, voluntary attention.


1. Develop volume, concentration, distribution of attention, observation.

2. Optimize orientation in space.

3. Create a positive emotional background for the lesson.

4. Cultivate respect for the environment, endurance, and tolerance.

5. Develop self-control in a child.

I. Introductory part.

Good afternoon, dear friends! How are you feeling? Do you want to travel again? Then let's check your tickets for the fabulous steam locomotive. Did you do everything right? (Checks homework) Great! Then go ahead! Do you know who we are going to visit today? ( Shows a picture withants). Well done! - Do you know where ants live? ( Psychologist reads a riddle)

Work ants

Everyone is in a hurry, everyone is running,

To finish it faster

An anthill is your home.

Where do ants live? Well done! Today we are looking for an anthill!

II. Main part.

(The psychologist and the children form a train and “set off”)

So we came to the forest. Let's play in the forest.

1. Mixed forest

Target: development of observation, formation of the ability to distribute attention.

Equipment: drawings depicting camouflaged trees.

Progress of the exercise:

Children are given drawings depicting camouflaged trees, among which they must find a birch (pine, the smallest Christmas tree).

“Look, this picture shows camouflaged trees. Among them you need to find a birch (pine, the smallest Christmas tree) as quickly as possible. Start looking."

Well done, guys! And here, look, is our anthill. Let's meet the ants!

2. Who is more attentive?

Target: development of attention span, observation.

Equipment: pictures of different quantities ants.

Progress of the exercise:

The child is asked to look at pictures with drawn ants (sheet A4) for a few seconds and answer (without counting) where the greatest (smallest) number of objects is. And so on in turn with all the children.

Well done, guys! The ants really liked you and they want to play with you.

3. Handkerchief.

Target: development of concentration and observation.

Equipment: handkerchief.

Progress of the game:

Children stand in a circle. The driver runs or walks behind the circle with a handkerchief in his hand and quietly puts the handkerchief behind someone’s back. Then he makes another circle, and if during this time new owner the handkerchief does not show up, it is considered that he lost. Anyone who notices a handkerchief behind his back must catch up with the driver and show off. If this succeeds, the driver remains the same. If not, the second one drives.

Now let's leave our friends the ants with souvenirs.

4 . Laying out chopsticks

Target: development of voluntary attention, fine motor skills of the fingers.

Equipment: counting sticks (pieces of thick insulating wire, cocktail straws, etc.), sample pattern.

Progress of the exercise:

The child is asked to lay out a pattern or silhouette using sticks.

a) 1st level of complexity - patterns in one line;

b) 2nd level of complexity - simple silhouettes, consisting of 6 to 12 sticks;

c) 3rd level of complexity - more complex silhouettes, consisting of 6 to 13 sticks;

d) 4th level of complexity - complex with a large number of parts, consisting of 10 to 14 sticks.

Fine! Well done, guys! The ants were happy! And now it's time to go home.

Now let's rest after the long journey.

5. Relaxation "Rest pose".

Target: mastering and consolidating postures of rest and muscle relaxation.

Progress of the exercise:

You need to sit closer to the edge of the chair, lean on the back, place your hands loosely on your knees, and spread your legs slightly apart. The formula for general peace is pronounced by the psychologist slowly, in a quiet voice, with long pauses.

Everyone can dance

Jump, run, draw,

But not everyone can do it yet

Relax, rest.

We have a game like this -

Very light, simple,

Movement slows down

The tension disappears...

And it becomes clear -

Relaxation is nice!

III. The final part.

Well done, guys! Who did we visit today? Tell me, did you enjoy visiting the ants? Where do they live? What did we do while visiting the ants?


"Visiting the Bee"

Target: Development of voluntary attention, concentration, memory.


1. Develop voluntary attention.

2. Develop concentration and memory.

5. Cultivate respect for the world around us, endurance, tolerance

I. Introductory part.

Good afternoon, dear friends! How are you feeling? Do you have the strength to travel again? Great! Then go ahead! Do you know who we are going to visit today? ( Shows a picture withbees) Well done! Oh, look, we received a letter from the ants! Let's read quickly! ( Psychologist reading):

Busy bee

Collects honey for us.

With my family

She lives in a hive.

Where do bees live? Well done! Well done, today we are going to look for a hive!

II. Main part.

1. Find a path

Target: Development of voluntary attention.

Equipment: form with a picture of a simple labyrinth, pencil.

Progress of the exercise

The child must follow the winding line of the maze, drawing a pencil along it.

You guys are great, you quickly found your way. And here is our hive! And there are bees in it! Let's play with them quickly!

2. Top clap

Target: develop attention and memory.

Progress of the game:

The presenter pronounces phrases-concepts - correct and incorrect. If the expression is correct, the children clap, if it is not correct, they stomp.

Examples: "Always in the summer it's snowing"They eat potatoes raw." "Crow - migrant"It is clear that the older the children, the more complex the concepts should be.

Well done, guys! Now let's play hide and seek with the bees.

3. Let's hide it in the locker.

Target: development of concentration.

Equipment: Glue together a cabinet from empty matchboxes. Boxes can be glued together in different order, different levels complexity. The simplest cabinet: 3 glued boxes on top of each other. The most complex cabinet: 6 boxes high and 5 boxes wide. A bead or other small object.

Progress of the game:

We place some small object, for example a bead, on any shelf in front of the child. We push it in, then turn the cabinet and ask: “On which shelf is the bead?” As you master it, you can put different objects, different colors on different shelves. The questions will be: “On which shelf is the green ball? Which shelf is the blue pin on?” and so on.

Target: development of concentration.

Progress of the game:

The adult shows the child the movement and says that he must repeat all the movements except this one. Then it starts to show different movements, and the child repeats everything except one.

Fine! Well done, guys! The bees were happy! And now it's time to go home.

(The psychologist and the children form a train and “set off”)

Now let's rest after the long journey.

5. Relaxation "Rest pose".

Target: mastering and consolidating postures of rest and muscle relaxation.

Progress of the exercise:

You need to sit closer to the edge of the chair, lean on the back, place your hands loosely on your knees, and spread your legs slightly apart. The formula for general peace is pronounced by the psychologist slowly, in a quiet voice, with long pauses.

Everyone can dance

Jump, run, draw,

But not everyone can do it yet

Relax, rest.

We have a game like this -

Very light, simple,

Movement slows down

The tension disappears...

And it becomes clear -

Relaxation is nice!

III. The final part.

Well done, guys! Who did we visit today? Tell me, did you enjoy visiting the bees? Where do they live? What did we do while visiting the bees?

Fine! Now let's say goodbye. See you again, guys!


"Visiting the bear"

Target: development of the child’s auditory attention, attention skills, and observation.


1. Develop auditory attention.

2. Develop concentration, concentration, memory.

3. Optimize orientation in space.

4. Create a positive emotional background for the lesson.

6. Develop self-control in a child.

I. Introductory part.

Good afternoon, dear friends! How are you feeling? Do you have the strength to travel again? Great! Then go ahead! Do you know who we are going to visit today? ( Shows a picture withbear) Well done! Where does he live? ( Psychologist readingpoem):

Loves honey and raspberries

Clubfoot bear,

But in the den all winter

He sucks his paw.

Where does a bear live in winter? Well done! Well done, today we are going to the forest!

II. Main part.

Guys, let's find the way to the bear!

1. Mixed up lines.

Target: development of focus and concentration.

Equipment: pictures with mixed up lines.

Progress of the exercise:

Tracing the gaze of a line from its beginning to its end, especially when it intertwines with other lines.

Smart girls! Here we come to the bear! Let's get to know him and describe each other.

2. Describe a friend

Target: development of memory, attention, observation.

Progress of the game:

Two children or a child with one of the adults stand with their backs to each other and take turns describing the hairstyle, face, and clothing of the other; It turns out who turned out to be more accurate when describing each other.

Well done, guys! Now the bear knows you and wants to play with you! Let's play the game “On the table!” with the bear. Under the table! Knock!".

3. On the table! Under the table! Knock!

Target: development of the child's auditory attention.

Progress of the game:

The child must follow the adult’s verbal commands, while the adult tries to confuse him. First, the adult says the command and carries it out himself, and the child repeats after him. For example: an adult says: “Under the table!” and hides his hands under the table, the child repeats after him. "Knock!" and begins to knock on the table, the child repeats after him. “On the table!” - puts his hands on the table, the child repeats after him, and so on. When a child gets used to repeating the movements of an adult, the adult begins to confuse him: he says one command, but performs another movement. For example: an adult says: “Under the table!”, and he knocks on the table. The child should do what the adult says, and not what he does.

Guys, the bear is so glad that we came to visit him! Let's give him gifts as a keepsake so that he doesn't forget about us.

4. Do as I do! (with matches)

Target: development of memory and attention.

Equipment: Matches. In principle, you can use not only matches, but also counting sticks, buttons, beads, pencils, hands, etc.

Progress of the game:

You can play with an adult and a child, or you can teach children to play in pairs. Each player is given 6 matches. One, the leader, lays out a random composition from 6 matches, then shows it to his partner for one or two seconds.

The partner lays out exactly the same figure from his matches from memory. Then the players change roles. If the condition is successfully met, the number of matches gradually increases to 12-15.

Fine! Well done, guys! The bear was happy! And now it's time to go home.

(The psychologist and the children form a train and “set off”)

Now let's rest after the long journey.

5. Relaxation "Rest pose".

Target: mastering and consolidating postures of rest and muscle relaxation.

Progress of the exercise:

You need to sit closer to the edge of the chair, lean on the back, place your hands loosely on your knees, and spread your legs slightly apart. The formula for general peace is pronounced by the psychologist slowly, in a quiet voice, with long pauses.

Everyone can dance

Jump, run, draw,

But not everyone can do it yet

Relax, rest.

We have a game like this -

Very light, simple,

Movement slows down

The tension disappears...

And it becomes clear -

Relaxation is nice!

III. The final part.

Fine! Now let's say goodbye. See you again, guys!


"Visiting the chicken"

Target: development of concentration and attention span, memory and thinking.


1. Develop concentration and attention span, memory, thinking.

2. Optimize orientation in space.

3. Create a positive emotional background for the lesson.

4. Cultivate respect for the world around us, endurance, and patience.

5. Develop self-control in a child.

I. Introductory part.

Good afternoon, dear friends! How are you feeling? Do you have the strength to travel again? Great! Then go ahead! Do you know who we are going to visit today? ( Shows a picture withchickens) Where do chickens live? ( Psychologist readingpoem):

And now we're in the chicken coop

Let's take a look, guys.

Roosters live here

Hens and chicks.

Where do chickens live? Well done! Let's go look for the chicken coop!

II. Main part.

Let us make paths that will lead us to the treasured chicken coop.

1. Lay down the path.

Target: development of attention, memory and thinking in children.

Equipment: various figures.

Progress of the exercise:

Make a path of shapes. Ask him to look at the path, then turn away. Change the location of one figure (then two or three). Ask the children to restore the original placement of the figures on the paths.

- Well done! So we came to the chicken coop. Let's play with the hens and roosters!

Target: development of voluntary attention and resourcefulness.

Progress of the game:

The host asks questions, and the player answers. The answers may be different, but you cannot say one forbidden word that you agree on in advance, for example, the word “no”. Warn your child that you need to be extremely careful, as you will try to catch him. After this, you can start asking questions. For example, “Do you sleep in the bathroom?”, “Is snow white?”, “Can you fly?”, etc. The child must find such a form of answers in order to fulfill the rules of the game. An error is considered if a forbidden word is named or the question is not answered. answered. As soon as the child makes a mistake, you change roles with him, he asks questions, you answer. In this game, the winner is the one who answers the questions correctly. more questions.

Now let's play the game "Guess what disappeared."

3. Guess what disappeared.

Target: development of attention and memory.

Equipment: various toys.

Progress of the game:

Place 7 - 8 toys in front of the children. The children look and then turn away. The presenter needs to remove or add one toy and ask the children to guess what has disappeared or appeared.

Well done, guys! Now let's get moving with the chickens!

Target: development of concentration and spatial orientation.

Progress of the game:

The presenter shows the children the movement and says that they need to repeat all the movements except this one. Then he begins to show different movements, and the children repeat all but one.

So we relaxed visiting the hens. Now let's give them gifts - beautiful beads!

5. Stringing beads

Target: development of concentration and attention span, fine motor skills of the fingers.

Equipment: sample for stringing beads; beads corresponding to the sample; to complicate the task - large beads.

Progress of the exercise:

The child is asked to string beads according to the pattern.

Note. Working with large beads often causes difficulties for children. Perhaps the use of large beads is only in case of well-developed hand motor skills and as a complicating element of the game.

Fine! Well done, guys! The hens and roosters were happy! And it's time for us to go home.

(The psychologist and the children form a train and “set off”)

Now let's rest after the long journey.

6. Relaxation "Rest pose".

Target: mastering and consolidating postures of rest and muscle relaxation.

Progress of the exercise:

You need to sit closer to the edge of the chair, lean on the back, place your hands loosely on your knees, and spread your legs slightly apart. The formula for general peace is pronounced by the psychologist slowly, in a quiet voice, with long pauses.

Everyone can dance

Jump, run, draw,

But not everyone can do it yet

Relax, rest.

We have a game like this -

Very light, simple,

Movement slows down

The tension disappears...

And it becomes clear -

Relaxation is nice!

III. The final part.

Well done, guys! Who did we visit today? Tell me, did you enjoy visiting the bear? Where does he live? What did we do at the bear's house?


Guys, now I will give you tickets for a fabulous steam locomotive, on which we will go on a journey in the next lesson. Only they are encrypted, and you must decrypt them at home. If you don't succeed, your parents will help you. ( Hands out cards with the Maze exercise to children) And don't forget to bring your tickets to the next class! Now let's say goodbye. See you again, guys!


"Visiting the cat"

Target: development of distribution, concentration and volume of attention, observation.


1. Develop distribution, volume and concentration of attention, observation.

2. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

3. Optimize orientation in space.

4. Create a positive emotional background for the lesson.

5. Cultivate respect for the world around us, endurance, and patience.

6. Develop self-control in a child.

I. Introductory part.

Good afternoon, dear friends! How are you feeling? Do you have the strength to travel again? Then let's check your tickets for the fabulous steam locomotive. Did you do everything right? (Checks homework) Great! Then go ahead! Do you know who we are going to visit today? (Shows a picture withcat) Well done! Oh, look, the dove brought us a letter! Let's read quickly! (Psychologist reads):

Only a free cat

Doesn't recognize home

Where is he walking today?

That's where she lives.

Guys, where should we look for the cat? Let's go "wherever we look" and look for the cat!

II. Main part.

1. Warm - cold.

Target: development of distribution and concentration of attention, observation.

Equipment: toy "Cat".

Progress of the game:

Children walk around the group, looking for a toy. When they approach it, the leader says “Warm,” when they move away, “Cold.” When the children are very close, you can say “Hot.”

So we found the cat! Let's play with her.

2. Find the differences

Target: development of voluntary attention, switching and distribution of attention.

Equipment: cards depicting two pictures that have differences.

Progress of the exercise:

Children are presented with a series of pictures, two pictures on each card; You need to find five differences in each picture.

Well done, guys! Now sit down on the chairs! The cat came up with another game for us.

3. Be more careful!

Target: development of attentiveness, speed of distribution and switching of attention, expansion of the child’s horizons and cognitive activity.

Progress of the game:

The presenter says various words. Children clap their hands when they hear words for animals and stand up when they hear words for a plant.

- Well done, guys! Now let's give the cat a keepsake!

4. Drawing by cells

Target: development of concentration and attention span, formation of the ability to follow a pattern, development of fine motor skills of the hand.

Equipment: a blank sheet of paper in a large square (1x1) cm); sample for drawing; sharpened pencils.

Progress of the exercise:

The child is asked to draw a figure according to the sample on a blank checkered sheet with a simple pencil. The task has two levels of difficulty:

1st level of complexity - the sample consists of open figures;

2nd level of complexity - the sample consists of closed figures.

Note. It is not recommended to use a pen or felt-tip pen for drawing. If desired, the child can shade the closed figure with a colored pencil.

5. Relaxation "Rest pose".

Target: mastering and consolidating postures of rest and muscle relaxation.

Progress of the exercise:

You need to sit closer to the edge of the chair, lean on the back, place your hands loosely on your knees, and spread your legs slightly apart. The formula for general peace is pronounced by the psychologist slowly, in a quiet voice, with long pauses.

Everyone can dance

Jump, run, draw,

But not everyone can do it yet

Relax, rest.

We have a game like this -

Very light, simple,

Movement slows down

The tension disappears...

And it becomes clear -

Relaxation is nice!

III. The final part.

Well done, guys! Did you like playing with the cat? Remember what you played?


Guys, the cat asked me to give you these cards. Look carefully at the drawing. It contains camouflaged figures of characters familiar to you from the children's program “Good Night, Kids”: Piggy, Stepashka, Fili, Karkushi. Find them at home and color them with colored pencils. And don't forget to bring your cards to the next class so I can give them to the cat! Now let's say goodbye. See you again, guys!


"We meet a bear"

Target: summing up the results of the work done, developing concentration, arbitrariness, and observation.


1. Develop concentration, arbitrary attention, observation.

2. Optimize orientation in space.

3. Create a positive emotional background for the lesson.

4. Cultivate respect for the world around us, endurance, and patience.

5. Develop self-control in a child.

I. Introductory part.

Good afternoon, guys! Have you done the homework that your cat prepared for you? (collects homework cards). Well done! Let's remember who we visited during our classes? Well done!

Today we have an unusual activity. We have a guest today. Now you can guess who it is! (makes a riddle)

In the summer he gorges himself,

And in winter he sleeps.

Who is this? That's right, bear. A bear came to visit us! He really liked playing with you and so he came to you. (Takes out a big teddy bear)

II. Main part.

Guys, the bear brought us a task. Let's show the bear how great we are and complete his task!

1. Find the shadow

Target: development of observation.

Equipment: a drawing depicting animals and the shadow they cast.

Progress of the exercise:

Children are offered a drawing depicting an animal and its four shadows. Children must find the appropriate shade. The presented pictures gradually become more complex.

Well done! Mishka is glad that you completed his task! Now let's play with it.

2. Gawkers

Target: development of voluntary attention.

Progress of the game:

The players walk in a circle, holding hands. At the leader’s signal, they stop, clap 4 times, turn around and continue moving. The direction of movement changes after each signal from the leader. Those who did not complete the task correctly after the second error leave the circle and carefully watch the game.

3. Arms and legs

Target: development of concentration and motor control.

Progress of the exercise:

Starting position - standing. Jumping in place with simultaneous movements of arms and legs.

Legs to the right - arms to the left.

Legs to the left - arms to the right.

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