What animals are dangerous? Which animal is the most dangerous to humans?

Natural world lives by its own laws, the main one of which is “survival of the fittest.” And in a duel with many representatives of the fauna world, a person does not always emerge victorious. Which of them are the most dangerous animals in the world? The answers to this question are in the selection below.

Every year, millions of people die from various animals on the planet. This is more than from car accidents. Therefore, it is worth knowing who is better to avoid.


Elephants are among the four smartest and ten most dangerous animals in the world. Some people mistakenly believe that savannah giants are clumsy by nature. In fact, when moving on the plain, they are capable of speeds of about 35 km/h. If the five-ton beast experiences fear and panic, it becomes obsessed with destruction and murder. At these moments, she sweeps away everything in her path, not sparing living beings. About 500 people become victims of the sudden rage of elephants every year.

The Bears

Furry bears only appear “white and fluffy” in appearance. In fact, in a fit of anger, they do not leave a single hope for a person. Enraged animals overtake their prey and kill mercilessly. Brown and polar bears are omnivores, and therefore, in moments of hunger, they often consider humans as potential food. It is useless to run away from the shaggy man. In a fit of excitement, he is capable of reaching speeds of up to 60 km/h.

Asian buffalo

Asian buffalos are also distinguished by their ferocious temperament and unpredictable behavior. They are capable of attacking a person even for no apparent reason. The main weapon of the most dangerous animals is two-meter horns. Buffaloes use them to ram their opponents or victims. To do this, they accelerate, and then throw up the victim with their horns, or deliver methodical blows with them. When a buffalo manages to knock down its opponent, it simply begins to literally trample him. Their attacks kill up to 200 people every year.

"Big Cats"

African representatives of the cat family have earned themselves the reputation of the most dangerous animals in the world for the reason that they kill up to 10-15 people every year. In the minds of lions and leopards, humans are easy prey. They can easily knock you down, drag the carcass up a tree, and then enjoy the taste of their prey with pleasure. Smart animals hide the remains of their meal in a fork in the trees away from the voracious jackals. But still, most often, huge dexterous cats attack not careless tourists lost in the night, but large primates, deer, and wild boars who have lost their vigilance.

Among African mammals, famous for their ability to reduce the human population, hippos are also leading the way. They are unpredictable, their mood changes at lightning speed. Just a second ago, thick-skinned, clumsy hippos peacefully grazing or splashing in the water, as if by magic, instantly turn into real monsters that sweep away everything in their path. In moments of danger, they become unusually aggressive and merciless.


No matter how paradoxical it may seem, but true friend human - a dog can overnight become a generator of horror. Being poorly trained by careless owners, the dog can turn into a deadly weapon. Every year, about 200 people lose their lives from the sharp teeth of Sharikov and Bobikov.

Dangerous aquatic vertebrates

IN underwater world There are also animals that pose a serious threat to humans. Which of them is better to bypass on the tenth road?


Legends are made about the atrocities of representatives of the shark family. Since ancient times, people have been afraid of these dangerous animals, terrified of their powerful jaws. But main danger lies in their unpredictability. Even knowing the habits, it is difficult to predict how a predator will behave in a given situation. He sneaks up unnoticed, attacks unexpectedly, he is assertive and swift. Among the 450 species of sharks, the most dangerous are: white, tiger, tiptoe, longtip and mako sharks. Every year from 7 to 10 people die from their teeth.


Piranha fish are also among the most dangerous animals for humans. They prefer to stay in large flocks. A school of these toothy fish can, in a matter of minutes, leave only the remains of a skeleton of a fish or animal that gets into their environment. The powerful jaws of underwater creatures are capable of biting and easily tearing powerful muscular bodies. They rarely attack people. Although there are cases where a piranha has bitten off the finger of an adult. They get the opportunity to feast on human flesh when they meet victims of tragic incidents on the way - drowned people.

Reptiles and cold-blooded

They move with lightning speed and attack without warning. Who are these reptiles, whose bite can cause human death?

Representatives of the crocodile family, which successfully survived the reign of dinosaurs, today occupy leading positions in the ranking of the most dangerous animals in the world that are killers of people. Predators attack unwary prey from an ambush on the shore or in the water. At the moment of attack, they make a lightning-fast sprint jump up to 30 m long. Every year, the appetite of the toothy reptile satisfies from 200 to 1000 people.


Snakes, which make frightening hissing sounds and display poisonous teeth, bite humans solely for the sake of protection. The number of “lucky” people who encounter poisonous creatures on their way annually reaches 5 thousand. Snakes mainly hunt small animals. Some of them kill the victim with poison, others strangle them with body rings, and others squeeze them with their jaws and press them to the ground with their bodies.


It's hard to believe that the cute tiny frogs called cocoi that live in the jungle, whose size does not exceed 20-30 mm, can be dangerous. Their main weapon is the poison secreted on the skin, which is the most powerful among analogues of animal origin. It is noteworthy that if this poison is taken orally, it is absolutely harmless. But if an animal or person who comes into contact with the poison has wounds or cuts, the poison first has a paralytic effect and then kills. There is no antidote to it yet.

Blue dart frog

Insects and arachnids

There are a huge number of insects in the world that are much more dangerous than large animals. The bites of some of them lead to serious consequences and even death.


Scorpios, who have received an honorable place in the zodiac list, also pose a threat to humans. They have a poisonous sting on their tail, with which they pierce their victims and poison them with the neurotoxins they secrete. The poison paralyzes the victim's brain and pectoral muscles, causing death. Over the course of a year, scorpions bite over a million people, of whom just over 3 thousand die.


Mosquitoes pose the greatest danger to humans genus Anopheles. They feed on human blood, injecting malarial plasmodia into the wound cavities in return. Malaria statistics reach 1 million people. in year. Fortunately, among those infected, only 60-70% of the victims receive a ticket to the next world.

Malarial Anopheles mosquito


Among the numerous subfamilies of ants, the most dangerous are representatives of Ponerinae and Myrmeciinae. Their stings contain poison that causes allergic reaction. From poisonous bites These insects kill up to 30 people every year. Fortunately, you can only find them in equatorial zone. Bullet ants also live there, whose bites, although not fatal, feel like bullet wounds.


Many representatives of arachnids are real poison factories. The concentrations of toxins present in the poison have a paralytic and necrotic effect. It is dangerous for both primates and humans, as it causes paralysis of the lungs and nervous system. Among the representatives of this family, a place of honor in the Guinness Book of Records under the heading “most sinister killer” is occupied by banana spider. He is responsible for hundreds of human lives every year.

Representatives of the planktonic world

Beautiful jellyfish, which are representatives of coelenterates, have formidable weapon- stinging cells. At the moment of contact, stinging long threads with poison are released from these cells, which pierce the body of the victim. Once caught in their arms, a person cannot get out. Wrapped in threads, he experiences hellish pain for several minutes and then dies.

Among the most dangerous jellyfish include two inhabitants of the Australian seas - the irukandji and the sea wasp. One dose of each is enough to cause a heart attack in 60 people. Up to one and a half hundred people die every year from the poisonous threads of these families.

List merciless killers of the human race is vast and ominous. But we should not forget that in this world we should be careful not only of predatory animals, but also of the “masters of life” - people.

Man is always attracted by the unknown and mysterious. Wildlife and the animal world are interesting, but also incredibly dangerous. Predators are always on the alert, they are ready to start a fight with any living creature on Earth.

Snakes and insects, seemingly harmless, are sometimes very bloodthirsty, but the inhabitants of the sea are not always friendly either.

Wild nature lives by its own laws. According to them, the one who is stronger survives. And a person does not always emerge victorious from fights. So which animals are best not to meet? Below are the most dangerous animals on the planet. To check whether this is really not worth it, it is better to read and accept.

Poisonous frogs

This is a cocoi frog, at least that's what the Indians call it. It is very small - its length is only 2-3 centimeters. However, individuals are the most dangerous animals in the world. They live in South and Central America, as well as Madagascar.

It is very difficult for South American Indians to catch this frog. And each one is worth its weight in gold. It turns out that the value of these animals is that when exposed to high temperatures (the Indians cook them over a fire), the frogs secrete a strong poison. It instantly affects all living things and is much more dangerous than the tetrodotoxin of puffer fish, potassium cyanide and the venom of the Central Asian cobra. However, there is one consolation: toxins poison frog produces gradually and slowly.


Don’t be surprised, but these cute-looking creatures pose a remarkable danger to humans. It seems that hippos are slow, but in water they can even give a head start Olympic champions in swimming. In this video you can see a hippopotamus chasing a motorboat.

Hippopotamus chasing a motorboat

In 2014, a hippopotamus capsized a boat carrying schoolchildren in Nigeria, killing 12 children.

Hippos are especially dangerous when their small children are nearby. Anyone who disturbs the peace of the family will be dragged to the bottom and trampled by the adults.

But sometimes hippos are no strangers to mercy. One naturalist witnessed a battle between a crocodile and an antelope. The mammal almost gave up when a hippopotamus ran up to them, drove the crocodile away, and sat with the antelope for another half hour, scaring off the vultures.

African buffalo or Kaffir buffalo

This is the thunderstorm of Savannah and the mightiest of wild bulls. Indian and African buffalo- an extremely dangerous animal. He is not afraid of animals or people. The male reaches a height of up to 2 meters at the withers, and his weight can exceed 900 kilograms. Moreover, he has menacingly scary horns.

They bend upward or diverge widely to the sides, while forming a gentle arc. The horns can reach 195 centimeters. The buffalo senses strangers on its territory and is able to attack first.

Buffaloes who protect their calves are extremely dangerous. The buffalo grabs its prey with its horns and throws it onto its back. The enemy has almost no chance of leaving the battle alive. Especially if a herd of angry bulls is running towards him.

Polar bear

It is in the zoo that the bears appear “white and fluffy.” But when a bear runs towards a tourist in Svalbard, the person doesn’t have a chance. The animal immediately catches up, attacks and kills. The polar bear population in the Arctic began to be protected almost half a century ago.

Since then, the number has fully recovered and, moreover, has become above acceptable limits. The beast has become the rightful owner wherever it lives. But on his own territory, he does not feel fear and behaves quite aggressively with strangers.

Besides, polar bear often appears near human settlements. But if you accidentally get between a mother bear and her cub, you definitely won’t escape alive. They are agile and fast, they swim well in cold water. The beast has acute hearing, vision and smell, and it also has enormous strength. One blow from a powerful paw is enough to lose your head.

Bear rod

Brown bears are serious predators, no less dangerous than their brothers with North Pole. Meeting them does not bode well. The danger increases if there is a predator in front of you that could not go into hibernation or woke up at the wrong time. A hungry and angry connecting rod bear almost always attacks, even its own brothers.

The only chance to escape alive after such a meeting is to shoot the bear. There is no way to escape from him. Despite the fact that bears seem clumsy, they easily pick up speeds of up to 40-60 km per hour. The connecting rod perceives a running person as prey that needs to be caught up.

African and Indian elephant

The elephant is an intelligent animal with a good memory. Fairytale image a kind, wise and sweet giant is far from reality. These animals are responsible for killing at least 500 people a year. The elephant is the largest on earth, and therefore, it is the most dangerous animal in the world. It is better not to enter his territory, otherwise the meeting may end in tears.

The beast has a huge body mass and can easily trample a person. By the way, elephants are very fast. In a critical situation, they can run at speeds of up to 40 kilometers per hour. The so-called wandering elephant is especially dangerous, that is, expelled from the herd in mating season. He can rush at anything that moves.

In terms of bloodthirstiness, the crocodile has long been ahead of the elephant. He is responsible for about 2 thousand human deaths per year.

The crocodile is a first-class hunter. An animal hiding in the water can be confused with a log. After all, camouflage is the main strength of a predator. He can just lie there and wait for his prey. And when she appears, she will instantly jump out, attack, drag her into the water, drown her and dismember her.

Crocodiles are considered the most dangerous animals in Australia and some African countries. In the north of Australia, for example, about one hundred thousand reptiles live. And all of them are under state protection.

At the same time, for last years Australian crocodiles have eaten more than one victim. The largest representative of crocodiles is the saltwater or combed one. Males can reach 7 meters. The reptile is also found off the coast of Australia and is deadly to humans.

African lion

A hungry lion is very dangerous. IN wildlife The kings of beasts eat mainly zebras and wildebeest for lunch and dinner.

If the hunt has been unsuccessful for some time, then hungry animals can attack humans. In one sitting, an adult lion can eat up to 30 kilograms of meat. According to statistics, these animals kill about 250 people every year.

Lions are the highest cat race

White shark

Listed as the most dangerous animals White shark. An incredible feeling of hunger in these animals can occur due to blood in the water. Then he will definitely use all his 3 thousand sharp teeth.

The white shark lives in warm waters in absolutely all oceans, and also in the Japanese and Mediterranean seas. All individuals are quite large, they grow up to 7-8 meters, but there are also absolute giants - up to 12 meters in length. It is the white shark that is considered the most ferocious, strong and dangerous of all sharks.

All about white sharks

Light color helps individuals in hunting. They go unnoticed against the backdrop of underwater rocks. Sharks eat mainly seals and whales, but they do not disdain divers who have swam far away. Often a predator mistakes a person for a seal. But when he feels a bone on his teeth, he lets the victim go. True, this does not help a person much. White sharks are responsible for between 30 and 100 human deaths. These creatures took out a variety of objects: coins, documents, remains of people and turtles.


Suddenly, a monkey appears on the list of the most dangerous animals. In some tropical countries, individuals have settled near city dumps and look for food there.

They often attack people, children and even adults, take away food, and also steal food supplies from peasants and empty their refrigerators. Aggressive large apes such as gorillas can be deadly to humans in certain circumstances.

Poisonous jellyfish

Australian ones are especially dangerous Chironex jellyfish fleckeri. They are known as sea wasps. Such individuals reach the size of a salad bowl and have up to 60 tentacles, each of which is four meters long.

They, as a rule, do not attack people first and bite only when disturbed. There are about 10 species in Russia poisonous snakes. And the most dangerous of them are the Central Asian cobras, efas and vipers.


Well, that's the best dangerous creature, oddly enough, a mosquito. The reason is that it carries malaria.

Small pests kill up to three million people a year. Almost all cases occur in areas of Africa. And almost all victims of these dangerous insects are children under the age of 5 years. The editors of the site would like to note that in Russia mosquitoes do not carry malaria.
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A list of the most dangerous animals in the world is expected to have something to do with blood and poison, but the biggest and most dangerous does not always have to be menacing in appearance. Here is a list of these 12 dangerous animals:


Although these huge animals may appear gentle and cute, they are deadly. The elephant is the largest animal on this list and deserves a spot on it due to its temperament and territoriality.

According to a 2005 National Geographic article, elephants kill 500 people every year


If the lion is a majestic ruler, then the hippopotamus is a warrior from whom it is better to run. Until recently, hippos were considered the most dangerous animals in Africa.

Every year, hippos kill around 500 people - for example, by capsizing and destroying a boat with their huge jaws, which have a force of 826 kg, making them the fifth most powerful bite.

10. Worms

They lay eggs, and when they are in humans or other living organisms, the carrier falls on cysticercosis, which kills 700 people every year.


As we already mentioned, the hippopotamus is no longer the most dangerous animal in Africa because the crocodile has taken its place.

There are no exact figures, but the Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that about 1,000 people die as a result of crocodile attacks.

8. Roundworms

Porcine glaucoma is the main cause of helminthic infection. In 85% of cases, the disease has no symptoms, although it may be difficult to catch your breath and you may have a fever.


Especially in sub-Saharan Africa, there is a threat of death due to African coma. But the disease does not come out of nowhere. It is carried by tse-te-flies that suck blood from people.

The bite of a fly can lead to transmission of the disease, and every year 10,000 people die from African coma, the symptoms of which include headache and joint pain, itching and high temperature, reports the BBC.

6. Triatomine bugs

Number 6 in the list also carries fatal diseases.

These beetles have strong piercings and sucking organs with which they suck blood from people and can infect them with Chagas disease, which causes 12,000 deaths each year.

5.Horny snail

It is estimated that more than 200 million people worldwide suffer from schistosomiasis, and 20,000 people die due to it - a figure that could be as high as 200,000, according to the WHO, due to a lack of sufficient data from poorer countries.


Yes, best friend human is also one of the most dangerous. Surprised? We were too.

However we're talking about not about dog attacks on owners, but about rabies.

The disease can be transmitted to people if they come into contact with the saliva of an infected dog, for example by biting.

According to the WHO, 99%, about 35,000 deaths caused by rabies are caused by dogs.


Snakes, as a group, are among the most dangerous animals in the world, and WHO estimates that they are responsible for around 100,000 deaths each year.


In second place on the list of the most dangerous animals for people are people themselves. According to statistics from the United Nations Agency on Drugs and Crime, there were 437,000 murders in 2012. This makes us almost our own worst enemies.


However, mosquitoes are the most dangerous and dangerous enemy. The small insect carries a variety of diseases, including malaria, which kills more than half of the 750,000 deaths caused by mosquitoes.

Another one fatal disease- dengue fever, which mainly affects children in Asia and Latin America.

Those who love to travel and actively spend time in the wild, especially in the forest, must know that a forest is, first of all, a complex set of relationships that have developed over thousands of years between plants, animals, soil, sunlight and the darkness of the night, air and water. And man has always been a guest in the forest. With the advent of civilization, I moved further and further away from the forest. Especially now, this difference is very noticeable. Many modern residents of megacities, besides nightclubs, expensive handbags, strawberry margaritas and pink smoothies, do not know real life, some (even I have such distant acquaintances) have never been to the forest at all in their lives. And of course they don’t know how to behave in the current situation. difficult situations, finding yourself, for example, in a forest and encountering dangerous animals or insects. It can be assumed that such situations are very rare, but this does not make it any easier for those who find themselves in them.

From a personal point of view - when traveling to one of the tropical countries, none of the excursion participants expected any emergency situations, the route is “well-worn”, although the jungle is impassable in places, there are trails on all sides within a few kilometers, it seems impossible to get lost there, where you don’t go you’ll find the road in an hour. But nevertheless, one couple of “urban fashionistas” turned off the main path for a moment and strayed from the excursion group. We looked for them for about two hours... When I saw them after returning, I realized how unprepared people were for such a turn of events. During these two hours they managed to meet a snake, it’s good that they noticed it in time, they were bitten by mosquitoes and stumbled upon a hive of wild bees or wasps, and escaped with only a couple of bites. But wild bees and wasps guarding their hive can attack people and animals, even if there is no allergy to their bites; several dozen bites can cause shock and even death.
Man is a guest in the forest, and from the point of view of forest and wild animals - an uninvited and uninvited guest, often not at all knowledgeable of the rules behavior. This is where accidents, emergencies, injuries, and fears arise. Also legends and
myths associated with both exaggeration and understatement of the danger that the forest conceals.

Any wild animals living in the forest can pose a danger to humans. The types of dangerous animals are very diverse and their behavior is different when meeting a person, but several general patterns can be noted:

Wild animals, especially birds and mammals, are significantly better than man adapted to life in the forest. They have more advanced sensory organs and are almost always the first to notice a person by smell and sound. Its smell is a strong danger signal for a wild animal.

One should not exaggerate too much the popular opinion about the timidity of animals, especially large predators. For some of them, such as bears and tigers, a very common behavior trait is curiosity, which can sometimes turn into unprovoked aggression. In most cases, they want to avoid “communication” with a person and, having sensed and heard you, they move away, but this does not mean that they are afraid of you. It is wild animals that are in the forest on their territory, so they regard the appearance of a person as a violation of the border with all the ensuing consequences. Yes, a predator can leave when it hears you, but only if it is not hungry and does not protect its territory and young animals. But that's exceptional dangerous predator, connecting rod bear, sounds human voice may, on the contrary, attract.

In the animal world, unlike human society, the concepts of “alien”, “unknown”, “dangerous” often coincide, so count on a friendly attitude from the outside forest inhabitants not worth it.

Wild animals, to a greater extent than people, try to avoid danger: mobile animals go as far as possible from humans, sedentary animals use various ways passive or active protection and camouflage. Forest animals
good masters of camouflage, they know how to use all kinds of shelters.

The behavior of many wild animals (especially large ungulates and carnivores) changes significantly during certain periods of their life cycle(reproduction, migration, etc.). Animals become much more aggressive, and the danger for
person increases sharply. For example, during the breeding season, a shy elk becomes not so shy, but aggressive, and it is better not to stand in its way.

Any, even widespread species of wild animals prefer certain places habitat, and here the likelihood of a chance encounter with dangerous animals of this species is higher. In order not to become a victim of a deadly animal, and even an ordinary fox that bites you can become such a victim (foxes can carry rabies), you need to remember two rules. It is necessary to have an understanding of the habits of animals and birds, as well as to be attentive and careful when moving through the forest.

Forest emergencies involving dangerous animals can be divided into two groups: active attack - when dangerous beast, without any obvious reason for a person, begins to actively attack accidents that occur as a result of careless or illiterate handling of an animal, which in a normal situation is completely neutral towards a person.

Dangerous animals of Russia and neighboring countries

In the main settlement zone of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine, situations of the first type (active attack by an animal) are most often associated with large predatory and ungulate animals, bear, wolf, elk, wild boar, deer, and cats. Unprovoked attacks are quite rare. According to statistics, for example, a tiger attacks people for no reason in about 4% of all cases. Usually the animal attacks: for the purpose of self-defense, during a hunt, when caught near prey, when a person carelessly invades its territory, during the mating season (the so-called rut; animals are especially aggressive during this period), protecting offspring, when persistently pursuing a wounded animal or simply during a chance meeting with a person, during sudden close contact.

According to many experts, the most unpredictable large forest predator in behavior is Brown bear. Most sudden encounters with this animal end in its rapid flight. However, cases
unprovoked attacks on humans in the European part of Russia are observed almost every year. Suddenly, mushroom and berry pickers and tourists, as a rule, “look out for the bear.” Sometimes the bear shows aggression and may even chase a person, but then quickly stops the pursuit and runs away.

However, much more serious incidents are also known, when the beast literally besieged a hunting lodge for several days, not letting people out. There are often cases of aggression from a bear disturbed in its winter den. However, this can be easily avoided if you know the bear’s favorite places in this forest and avoiding them further.

A meeting with a wolf poses a serious danger for an unprepared person, although this predator will almost always prefer to hide than to attack. In recent years, experts have noted that people encounter wolves in the forest zone more often than
earlier. Fans of forest walks, and especially long routes, should be careful.

Perhaps the most serious danger is sudden meeting with a wolf or fox that has rabies. Here an attack is almost guaranteed, and it is almost impossible to avoid it. A sick animal can be recognized by its angry eyes, aggressive behavior, immediate, literally on the move, attack. The beast sometimes seems to sputter with saliva; There is often foam in the corners of the mouth. These animals are dangerous even when they are already dying and, snarling, cannot move. Under no circumstances should you approach them, they may bite, and then you will have to undergo long-term treatment.

Animals with rabies are not found everywhere, and before going into the forest it would be useful to obtain information from the SES about outbreaks of the disease. In case of a bite, you should immediately consult a doctor, because only correct and, most importantly, timely treatment started and carried out guarantees a complete recovery.

Wild ungulates common to European forests, elk, wild boar, deer, roe deer, are much more timid and cautious than predators, and, as a rule, move away from humans. However, during the mating season, these animals are characterized by increased excitability and aggressiveness and can pose a significant danger.

How to avoid encounters with wild dangerous animals?

The best way to avoid encounters with dangerous animals is to avoid visiting their habitats. This does not mean that you should be afraid of the wolf and not go into the forest. By choosing a travel destination in advance, you can learn about dangerous places densely populated by predators and avoid going there. If you do go on a hiking trip, be extremely attentive and careful, especially at night. The presence of predators or dangerous ungulates can be indicated by a variety of signs: footprints on the soil, trampled grass and undergrowth, stripped bark on trees, droppings from feeding areas, and sometimes remains of prey.
Wolves, being the first to sense a person, make specific sounds (snorting, howling, loud barking), warning other members of the pack, and especially the young.
During the rut or feeding, wild boars behave so noisily that it is quite easy to notice and hear them.
You should avoid animal trails, difficult to pass, overgrown with bushes and littered forest areas, and windbreaks. In such places there is a high probability of encountering an animal, and it is also extremely inconvenient to retreat here. Going to the forest
Be sure to tell us where you are going to go and when you expect to return, because in addition to predators, you can simply get lost in the forest.

What to do if you encounter a dangerous animal in the forest?

First of all - don't panic! The animal senses when a person is afraid of it, your fear will only spur aggression, that is, the animal’s instinct to attack a weaker enemy may be triggered. No sudden movements or shrill screams - at least at the first moment, until you are sure that you can really scare, and not attract, the animal in this way. However, sometimes the scream actually frightens the animal and even causes it to flee. But this is an extreme case and it is very unlikely that this will work with a bear.

There are a lot of dangerous animals in the world. Small animals are also quite dangerous, which are very difficult to notice before something irreparable happens. Every person should know and recognize these animals. If you live in an area that is not inhabited by any of these predators, consider yourself lucky. But if you travel often, then always try to find out more information about the dangers that may await you. This way you can avoid many unpleasant situations. In addition to those animals that are included in this list, there are also a huge number that pose a danger to human life.

The jellyfish is not an aggressive animal, it appears due to the ebb and flow of the tides. This does not interfere with some species such as sea ​​wasp be super dangerous. It contains such a powerful poison in its tentacles that it can lead to instant cardiac arrest, and burns from it can take months and sometimes years to go away. Because of them, 100 people die every year.

Jellyfish habitat: Australia and Southeast Asia.