How to effectively and quickly prepare for the exam in history. How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in history

Before the start conducting the Unified State Exam There are about three months left in Russia and therefore, those who have not yet started preparing for the exam should hurry up. According to statistics for last year The Unified State Examination in Russian History passes quite well large number graduates who subsequently wish to enter universities in the humanities. But we should not forget that the history of Russia is a very extensive material, which is sometimes interpreted differently in different textbooks or manuals. Therefore, it is best to use teaching aids, recommended by FIPI, official website: and open bank assignments:

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Russian History

There are several ways to prepare for the history exam:

  1. Sign up in advance for preparatory courses, which are required to be held at various higher educational institutions. In these courses, the graduate will receive the necessary amount of required knowledge, which, of course, will help him successfully write and pass the Unified State Exam. Also, upon admission to a university that conducts preparatory courses, additional points will be awarded towards total number Unified State Exam points
  2. When preparing for the Unified State Exam in history, you can use the services of private tutors who will work with the graduate individually. With this method of preparation, it is worth taking a responsible approach to choosing a tutor
  3. You can thoroughly prepare for the Unified State Exam in Russian History on your own. In this case, the main condition successful preparation– this is the desire and perseverance of the graduate

How to independently prepare for the Unified State Exam in Russian history. Useful tips

The scope of questions and assignments for the Unified State Exam on the history of Russia is quite extensive and includes questions not only from graduating classes, but also questions related to the material of the 5th and 6th grades. Therefore, for successful self-study For the Unified State Examination in Russian History in 2015, the graduate is required to:

  • Motivation for success
  • Possession basic knowledge history
  • Closing knowledge gaps
  • Systematization and repetition of studied material

So, if you are confident of success, then to achieve an excellent result, all you have to do is use our recommendations:

  1. It is recommended to work through assignments from previous years, which you will find here and test tasks 2015 online here. Thanks to this work, you will be able to understand the structure of tasks and evaluate your level of knowledge, as well as analyze and evaluate your level of preparation
  • It is necessary to make a plan for repetition and study educational material, according to which begin to repeat and study the necessary material
  • Be sure to lead chronological table, in which the main dates should be recorded, historical events and names of historical figures. These notes will serve as hints and provide an opportunity to quickly repeat the material studied.
  • It is advisable to take a written trial test Unified State Examination History Russia 2015. Firstly, testing will show gaps in knowledge, and secondly, it will provide the graduate with psychological support
  • To increase the level of knowledge, it is recommended to read historical books and watch historical documentaries, thanks to which the graduate will receive a deeper understanding of historical moments in the development of Russia
  • A week before passing the Unified State Exam on the history of Russia, it is recommended to repeat the material up to the 18th century - tests here, and then the 19th-20th centuries - tests here and at And the day before the exam, you should review all the material using your chronological notes

Remember! Written answers to the exam must be clear, understandable and concise, but at the same time revealing the essence of the task.

After a few years Unified State Exam history will become mandatory for all Russian high school students. History frightens many not so much because of its complexity as because of the volume of material. Dates, names, important events, their causes and consequences, battles, reforms, revolutions - everything needs to be learned. If you have to take this subject in a few months, then the advice of our center’s teachers will undoubtedly be useful to you.

What does the Unified State Examination in history consist of?

The first part includes 19 tasks. You must choose the answer or write the correct one, establish the correspondence, and also correctly determine the sequence.

In the second part you will have to complete six tasks with detailed answers. This is basically fragment analysis historical source, the point of view of a historical figure or historian, as well as a historical essay dedicated to a specific period.

The duration of the test is 210 minutes. The minimum score is 32.

Read more about preparation

  1. Practice. Solve tests, especially since previous years’ assignments are in open access. If you make a mistake, be sure to work through and learn this topic.
  2. Prepare yourself using school textbooks and FIPI manuals. There is nothing in the assignments that is not in the school curriculum. University textbooks are, of course, good, but they may not contain the answer to the question you will encounter on the exam. Most often it is recommended to prepare using the textbooks of A. A. Levandovsky and N. S. Borisov. Don’t forget to refer to well-known historical memoirs and monographs, this will help you better understand the material. We also remind you that in order to best prepare for the Unified State Exam in history, you should get a manual recommended by FIPI and practice completing the tasks. Try not to miss any of them, since you may encounter a similar exercise on the Unified State Examination itself.
  3. Don't memorize, but learn the dates. Pointless cramming will not help you. Each date should be filled with meaning and associations; try to imagine the event in detail. By the way, it is advisable to learn the month and day along with the year.
  4. Write down the characteristics of the rulers. Note the years of his life and reign, features of the economy and politics, the main events that have occurred so far this person was in power. This will help you when completing tasks from the second part.
  5. Have a good rest. During breaks between classes, watch good historical films and documentaries. For example, such as “Romanovs”, “ Palace coups", "Youth of Peter", "War and Peace", films by Leonid Parfenov and other film masterpieces dedicated to different periods Russian history.
  6. Don't go to extremes and don't judge superficially. In a historical work, there is no need to describe Stalin as a bloody tyrant, or Catherine the Great as a quarrelsome person. Analyze those achievements and actions politicians of that time, which influenced the formation and development of states, try to be objective. Under the leadership of Stalin, our country defeated fascism, and Catherine the Second became almost the most successful ruler of her time.
  7. Record everything you learn in a notebook. It’s better to have several notebooks - for notes, dates and terms. Be sure to write down everything that appears in the exam tasks, especially if you are encountering this “something” for the first time. Firstly, this way you will better remember the meaning of a term or date. Secondly, taking notes will help you quickly refresh your memory of what you covered the day before the exam.

Last but most main advice: don’t be lazy, read and memorize key events and dates. Don't leave it until the last minute, there won't be enough time! If you are more or less confident in your abilities, but feel that something is missing, we advise you to sign up for intensive courses. Under the guidance of an experienced teacher, you will be able to quickly and effectively repeat school curriculum in history, work through exam tasks and fill in gaps (if any). We wish you success!

Modern graduates must decide in advance where they will go to study after graduating from school. It is for this reason that students need to know what subjects they will take in order to enter university. This opportunity allows children to start early. And our article will tell you how to do it yourself.

Statistics show that most graduates choose to take the exam humanities, such as history, social studies, literature and so on. Please note that no one has yet said that passing literature or social studies will be much easier than passing a test in physics or chemistry.

Thus, our article will tell future graduates how to prepare for the Unified State Exam in History from scratch.

History structure

Every year, the structure of the exam in a particular subject is changed by the organizers. However, the essence remains the same: control of knowledge on the history of Russia. The Ministry of Education decided in 2017 that the history exam will consist of only two parts. This is not a reason for sadness or joy. The examination package of tasks consists of 25 questions. 19 of them should be given a short answer, and the remaining 6 should be given a detailed answer.

Exam questions are divided by difficulty level: basic, advanced and high. The higher the level, the higher the score for the correct answer. You need to know all these subtleties in order to understand how to prepare for the Unified State Exam in history. In order to complete all tasks, the examinee has 4 hours, so the graduate must allocate time in advance in order to successfully write the work. For example, on simple questions You can spend no more than 7 minutes. The student has the right to spend up to 60 minutes on difficult ones.

When should you start preparing for the exam?

The future graduate must understand that it is impossible to properly prepare for the Unified State Exam in history in a week. During testing, the graduate must demonstrate knowledge of Russian history from the 6th grade, when children begin to study this subject.

Russian schoolchildren study the history of the Fatherland for 4 years. Imagine how much information you will need to read and remember again.

It is best to start preparing in advance, that is, in 10th grade. You need to go to the school library and take out textbooks on the history of Russia for grades 6, 7, 8 and 9.

As you read the tutorials, you will need to create a chronological table of events in Russian state. During all this time, it will be no less useful to compile a mini-directory in which you will record historical figures, information about what time they lived, who they were, what they created, and what reforms they carried out.

In order to consolidate the acquired knowledge, it is necessary to complete various tasks, as well as pass tests on topics. It is very important to create a work schedule or schedule according to which you will prepare. Now you understand history and get good scores.

There are several techniques that will help you remember a large amount of information even faster and better; we will talk about them further.

Mnemonic technologies

Many of you have no idea what mnemonics are. For those who work with large amounts of information, mnemonics are a must. So what is it? Mnemonics is a set of special methods and techniques of memorization necessary information by making associations and connections. Students actively use this technique. The brighter your association, the faster and easier the information will be stored in your memory. You ask about how to prepare for the Unified State Exam in history using mnemonics? Very simple. The methods of this technology make it possible to remember the biography of historical figures.

It is enough to remember your friend who is at least a little similar to the historical figure in character, appearance, and so on. Or maybe because they have same name. The funnier and brighter the association, the easier it is to remember the information.

We are moving on to the next technology that will help you remember numbers and dates.

How to remember the date

A lot of students complain that it is very difficult or impossible to remember a particular date. This problem also includes the difficulty of remembering the formula. In order for the numbers you need to become firmly established in your memory, you need to mentally correlate them with a number that you remember well. It could be your friends and family's birthdays or someone's phone number. You can correlate the date with familiar numbers. There is another method to remember the formula. First you need to stop perceiving it as a formula. Look at it carefully, perhaps you will see some kind of figure in it. Maybe she will remind you of a word.

Attention! Be sure to write down these associations, and review your acquired material before the exam.

Cheat sheets

Many teachers have a negative attitude towards this. But in vain! The cheat sheet will come to the aid of a person who has better developed motor memory. The thing is that when a student writes down material on paper, some of the information remains firmly in his memory. In addition, the cheat sheet is also useful for its structure. It does not contain unnecessary information, because only the most important material remains on the sheet. Also, using a cheat sheet is convenient to refresh your knowledge in your head.

Three sentences

This mnemonic method is useful for those who take humanitarian subject, including history. The essence of the technique is that the student first reads a lecture or a paragraph of a textbook on the topic of the ticket, and then selects 3 main sentences from the material that will convey the material presented. They must be spoken out loud at least 3 times and then written down. This technique activates several types of memory at once. For other subjects you can compose work in the same way.

Universal questions

KIMs in history consist of questions of this type. What are they? Here are a few examples to give you an idea:

  • arrange events in chronological order;
  • establish a correspondence between the event and the year;
  • enter the term you are talking about we're talking about;
  • fill in the gaps in the text (sentence);
  • enter the name of the figure discussed in the text;
  • study the map and complete tasks on it.

Our article has come to an end. You've read a lot useful information about how to prepare for the Unified State Exam in history. We hope you find it useful. Good luck on your exams!

Oh, well that's easy enough if you're in 10th grade right now. If at 11, you woke up a little late, of course, but there is still a chance and quite a big one.

First, you need to set a goal for yourself and work towards it. My goal was 100, I started from the very beginning of 11th grade. My luggage was very small, mainly formed on the basis of the Russian course literature of the 19th century century and the work of Karamzin in the retelling of his father-historian. So you must sit down and clearly evaluate what you can hope for. I was preparing together with a friend, an applicant to a provincial law school, who didn’t try very hard, but he just needed to overcome the threshold of 50 points, which he successfully did.

1. Best tutorial for passing the Unified State Exam - this is the Moscow State University textbook on the history of Orlov and Georgiev. You can buy it almost anywhere and it is very convenient. We teach “theory” using it.

2. Then you need to buy benefits. I took the usual ones from FIPI, plus a separate manual for complex tasks. Take a book with CIMs and solve them, write part C in full in a specially kept notebook. It is advisable to find a teacher who can test them. Or by keys. Solve as many tests as possible and get better at it.

3. Learn the codifier. Or at least read it carefully several times. You must know how each task is done. What points are given and taken away for? I highly recommend finding materials for teachers checking the Unified State Exam on the Fipi website - there are samples of tasks completed for intermediate and high scores(Part C).

4. Buy manuals with pictures and maps. Most often asked about maps Slavic tribes, major battles and uprisings. It is very desirable to know what each ruler of Russia looks like (I’m not talking about Rurik and Svyatoslav, but it is imperative to distinguish Khrushchev from Andropov and Chernenko).

5. Keep tables. From largest battles World War II until the reforms of Alexander I. If convenient, take notes. I didn’t write and just circled the right places in the textbook because it’s easier for me.

6. If you want good score, don’t forget about culture. A lot of people miss it, especially those who are not preparing for the Unified State Exam in Literature. Feofan the Greek, Andrei Rublev, Falcone, Ton, Feofan Prokopovich and others, others, others. Learn famous churches, buildings, paintings, artists. There is a lot (!!!) of things here. Don't forget the culture of the 80s and 90s. Including TV shows.

7. Hang excerpts from your least favorite and difficult topics above the table. For me, these were all sorts of officials of the USSR (this question is very popular on the Unified State Exam) and the Pugachev uprising, I don’t even know why.

8. Be prepared to study one topic 8, 9, 10 times. History is forgotten terribly quickly because there is so much information. I advise you to start with the most ancient one and end with Putin, it’s also advisable to learn him, you never know what they’ll come up with.

9. Find a friend and prepare together. It's fun and interesting, especially if your friend knows much more than you.

Students in grades 10 and 11 are thinking about where they will go after finishing school and what subjects they will need to take to enter higher education. educational institution and how best to prepare for the Unified State Exam in history, mathematics, Russian language and physics.

The majority of students are humanities majors, which means they take social studies, literature and history in addition to the Russian language. However, preparing for these subjects is no easier than a physics or chemistry exam, so it’s worth knowing a few important points to pass the exam successfully.

What are the features?

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in History? Every year, the structure of assignments in various subjects, including history, changes, but the essence remains. For example, considering the features of the history exam in 2017, it is worth noting that it will consist of 2 parts and 25 tasks, where 19 questions require a short answer, and 6 require a detailed answer. All tasks have their own level of difficulty: from basic to high, each is assessed with points.

For the correct answer to a simple question you can get 1 point (for example, for the first task), and for a complete, correct and detailed answer latest questions list (for example, for task 25) you can get from 1 to 11 points, so it is important to understand how to properly prepare for the Unified State Exam in history.

To complete all exam paper 4 hours are allotted, and the student needs to properly distribute his time, spending from 1 to 7 minutes on simple questions, and up to 40-60 minutes on complex questions.

Features of preparation for the second part in history

Separately, it is worth noting that the second part of the history exam is more difficult and requires a detailed answer to the question. It won't be enough to know exact date event that took place, the student will be required to reason on different topics, so it is important to decide how to prepare for the Unified State Exam in history.

For example, you need to analyze a certain event or problem. To do this, it is necessary to identify historical facts and phenomena, point to historical objects, draw a cause-and-effect relationship, compare objects or processes and draw a definite conclusion.

The second part of the exam requires long and special preparation, deep knowledge of history with the points of view of several experts and expressing your opinion.

How long do you need to prepare for the Unified State Exam in History?

The questions that will appear on the exam can be very different, including topics that were covered in 5th or 6th grade (for example, about Ancient Egypt, Greece or Rome). Therefore, we need to give ourselves the mindset that we are preparing for the Unified State Exam in history from scratch, studying the most ancient worlds. It is recommended to start in 10th grade in order to slowly work through all the questions: read information, solve various tests, complete tasks.

Before you start studying, you should draw up a work plan, create a chronological table where you will record important dates and events, which may be a hint for repeating the material covered.

In the process of studying a certain period, it is recommended to look for information not only from the textbook. A good addition to gaining knowledge would be to watch documentary film or listening to a talk by a famous scientist.

If preparation for the Unified State Exam begins only in 11th grade, then it is more than likely that there will be no time left for in-depth study of the subject. Then the material needs to be divided into large periods in which it is important to remember the main events, key people, wars and reforms.

What are the ways to prepare?

Every student knows that someone is capable of studying independently and does not need outside supervision. Some people remember material better if they study with a tutor. Before you start preparing for the exam, decide how you are comfortable studying the subject and what result you expect in the end. Some will be satisfied minimum score, others need a high grade, for which it is better to prepare for the exam with a teacher.

In any case, you need to read, constantly take tests, watch films. You can work through assignments from previous years that are publicly available on the Internet. This will help you understand their structure, determine your level of knowledge and evaluate your own preparation.

Preparing for the Unified State Exam in History from scratch on your own

Self-study requires some effort, faith in your knowledge and the ability to properly manage time. Before you start studying the material, you need to understand how to prepare for the Unified State Exam in history, stock up on textbooks, geographical maps, tests, notebook and pen.

Next step- determine how much time it will take to study a topic where it is important not only to read, but also to thoughtfully analyze the information received, checking it with a map of the time being studied, writing down important dates, names and events. Then you can take a test, which will help consolidate your knowledge.

There is no need to memorize all the dates in a row, because remembering them all is unrealistic. It is important to create a system by linking dates to periods of history and key personalities who appeared at that time. Such associative memory will help you remember the material much more and wider.

We use time management in preparation

Time management is the science of time management, which can be used both in work and in life, in particular when preparing for exams. You can use different techniques, but they will all come down to a few simple rules:

  1. If you have to analyze a large topic, it is better to break it down into several small ones, which will allow you to study it more deeply and thoughtfully.
  2. You should study “correctly”, measuring, for example, 30 minutes to master the material. Even if during this time it was not possible to study the entire topic, you should definitely take a break for 5 minutes, and then, after a short rest, continue studying again.
  3. It is definitely recommended to create a working mood, for example, by settling in a place where the topic is best remembered. Not everyone can teach while lying on the couch or listening to music. Therefore, you need to choose a desktop where books, notebooks with pens and maps will be placed.

Basic mistakes

All students make some mistakes when preparing for an exam, but they can be avoided if you approach the subject correctly. Let this be the history of Russia. We prepare for the Unified State Exam and avoid making common mistakes.

You should not start preparing a week before the exam, even if you need to score minimum quantity points. If you read all the material in a few days, your memory will retain little information.

If you simply read materials on history without consolidating them, then, most likely, most of them will be forgotten. Therefore, after studying a topic, you can take a test on the topic you have studied, or ask your friends or parents to ask specific questions, and you gave detailed answers.

If you start preparing for the exam in advance, you should not spend the whole day studying first and then take a break for several days. Spend 2 hours every day and the information will be easier to digest.