Climate in South Africa. Geography of South Africa: population, relief, climate, flora and fauna

South Africa– a highly developed country, a piece of Europe on the African continent. A well-designed tourism infrastructure, a high standard of living and a stable economy are not quite typical for Africa, are they? But in South Africa this is all reality. And even the climate here is conducive: comfortable temperature air almost all year round, warm ocean, and even create opportunities for extreme skiing optimal conditions for relaxation. It would seem like heaven on earth? But even paradise has its own weather quirks that you should prepare for before your trip.

Climate zones of South Africa

Climate in Republic of South Africa surprisingly soft. There are no extreme temperature peaks here. Although the country is located on the African continent, and there is a desert on its territory, unbearable heat is rare here.

Location in southern hemisphere makes the climate of South Africa directly opposite to the European one: winter - in summer, summer - in winter.

Geographically, South Africa is located in the tropical zone, but the weather on its territory is determined more by the influence of air and ocean masses, and only partly by the relief.

South Africa is the only country on the African continent where the population is so diverse. 1/3 of the local residents are ethnic Europeans.

IN winter time dry conditions reign in the country hot weather. High area atmospheric pressure creates optimal conditions for visiting. It gets hotter in summer due to the influence of air masses from Indian Ocean which bring the rainy season.

Climate zones South Africa can be divided as follows:

  • West coast. The cold Bengal Current in the Atlantic Ocean has a major influence on the climate of the western part of the country. The Namib Desert and the city of Cape Town are located here. There is very little precipitation. For several years, a desert area may not receive any rain at all. This is due to the fact that even air masses and carry moisture to the continent, but because of the Great Escarpment, their path deep into the territory is blocked.
  • Central South Africa. These are predominantly mountainous areas, so daily temperature fluctuations are a common phenomenon that characterizes altitudinal zone. In winter there are often frosts.
  • East coast. Unlike western regions, in the east there is high humidity and a significant amount of precipitation - up to 1200 mm/year.

Climate by region:

  • Western Cape. This includes Cape Town. It prevails here subtropical Mediterranean climate . Dry summer(December-February), cold winter(June-August). Strong winds are typical.
  • Hauteng. Center - Johannesburg. Subtropical climate. May-April is the peak rainy time. But the city itself is located in the highlands, so the weather remains dry and comfortable all year round.
  • Kazulu-Natal. Center - Durban. Climate – subtropical oceanic , suggesting hot summers (up to +34°C) and warm winter. Snow falls in the Drakensberg Mountains.
  • Eastern Cape. In Port Elizabeth – subtropical climate . All year round you can go on safari here, and for beach holiday It is worth choosing a time between November and March.
  • Mpumalanga. Subtropical climate. The coolest area is the Kruger Park; in other areas the weather is much friendlier.
  • Northwest. Most of the territory is occupied by the Kalahari Desert. The climate is appropriate.
  • Limpopo. Tropical climate . The northern part of the Kruger Park, which is located in this area, has an unfavorable climate in October-March (up to +45°C).

The water off the coast of South Africa warms up to a maximum of +26°C. Exception - Atlantic Ocean, where, due to the Bengal Current, the water rarely exceeds +18°C.

Tourist seasons in South Africa

Tourist peak for visits to South Africa occurs in November-December. Interestingly, this time is the rainy season. The fact is that during this period the weather is the hottest, and the water in the ocean is the warmest. To prevent rain from spoiling your vacation, you should go away from central regions– to the coasts where there is less rainfall. By the way, thunderstorms and showers in South Africa usually occur at night, so the sun often shines during the day. The lowest amount of precipitation occurs during the rainy season in the south of the country.

A characteristic feature of South Africa's weather is when in summer it is sunny in the first half of the day, and in the late afternoon it rains with thunderstorms. The exception is the west coast and Cape Town - there is a rainy season only in winter. The most large number precipitation falls in the north of the country.

The best time for nature watching and traditional safari is from May to August, when the grass is not so high and visibility around is maximum. For beach activities It is better to choose the period from November to mid-March.

Tourism is one of the main sources of income for the South African budget. Every year, thanks to its natural diversity, almost a million tourists visit the country.

What to take with you

Cape Town, located on the west coast of South Africa and washed by the cold Bengal Current, rarely gets hot. But it is often cold. A long-sleeve sweater or even a sweater with a jacket will not hurt even in the African summer.

For a safari you need not so much shorts and T-shirts, but a windbreaker, a warm pullover, a hat or bondana, sneakers or boots. On a night safari you need to dress even warmer. In cold weather, take with you: gloves, fleece hat, windbreaker, raincoat.

You should not take khaki clothes on a safari, or in general for a trip to South Africa. There is an ambiguous attitude towards her here.

A separate topic is malaria. To prevent it, one does not get vaccinated (this is a big misconception), but rather special medications are taken orally. Before traveling, you should definitely consult a doctor and protect yourself from such an unpleasant illness. But it is worth noting that South Africa is not included in the “malarial” zone, plus you need to take into account the travel season. If it’s dry, there’s nothing to be afraid of; if it’s rainy season, it’s at your own discretion. It is mandatory to have a yellow fever vaccination when entering the country. Without question - having health insurance.

Be sure to take repellent, sunscreen, sunglasses, closed clothing and hats.

South Africa has a well-developed banking system, but there are still places (gas stations, for example) where credit cards are not accepted; you must pay in cash. It is better to carry dollars with you than euros.

Must-have items for traveling around South Africa: comfortable clothes made from cotton materials for safaris and excursions, smart clothes for restaurants, a woolen sweater for night or evening walks, a windbreaker when visiting Cape Town.

Weather in South Africa by month


Summer begins in South Africa in December. There is not much precipitation, the air temperature is comfortable. In Cape Town up to +26°C and very cool at night - maximum +16°C. In the south up to +28°С, in the northeast +32°С. Temperatures in the Indian Ocean up to +25°C. Ongoing African summer in January-February. There is little precipitation, the average daytime temperature across the country is +26°C. Water in the Atlantic Ocean is +19°C, in the Indian Ocean up to +25+26°C. You shouldn't go to Durban in January, there is a peak in terms of rainfall.

December – peak tourist season in South Africa, so prices at this time, especially for travel services, are extreme. Many people come here on Christmas Eve, which is celebrated on December 25th. On January 1, South Africa celebrates the New Year.


From March, the air temperature begins to gradually decrease. The most cold weather on the west coast. The water temperature in the Atlantic Ocean is practically unsuitable for swimming - it is already cold (+17°C). You can swim in the Indian Ocean - up to +23+24°C.

Human Rights Day falls on March 21st. The national holiday, Freedom Day, is celebrated on April 27.


The African winter begins. Most of the area is quite cool. Snow falls in the mountains and frosts are frequent.

South Africa has the potential to ski holiday. The Drakensberg Mountains and Veld are the heart of South Africa's ski holidays. Surprisingly, at the end of the world, on the African continent, there is everything for excellent skiing or snowboarding. The season in the Drakensberg Mountains is June-August. There is little natural snow cover here, therefore, taking advantage of the “minus” at night, snow cannons are launched at ski resorts. Thus, a two-meter snow cover and dense slopes create skiers good conditions for riding.

This is the start of the safari season in the south of the Kruger Park. In August it is worth going to Cape Town. There, off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, the whale season begins. It lasts until the end of March.


September - great time for safari in Limpopo. November is the rainy season.

Take a ride on the Rovos Rail retro train through the most picturesque corners! This is a historical train, the carriages of which were specially coupled in 1911 for the European royal family. If there is such an opportunity, be sure to take advantage of it and go on a several-day train tour! Season – from September to April.

September 24th is Heritage Day. South Africa's national parks are a true natural treasure of the planet. Kruger National Park is amazing place where the animal kingdom reigns supreme natural environment their habitat along 350 km of primordial savannah. Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Park is best visited from March to November. National Park“Mountain Zebra” is famous for its unique population of zebras, and “Addo Elephant National Park” is famous for its elephants.

Weather in cities and resorts by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Average maximum, °C 29 28 27 24 22 19 20 22 26 27 27 28
Average minimum, °C 18 17 16 13 8 5 5 8 12 14 16 17
Weather in Pretoria by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Average maximum, °C 31 29 27 23 20 17 17 20 24 26 28 30
Average minimum, °C 15 15 12 8 3 -2 -2 1 5 9 12 14
Bloemfontein weather by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Average maximum, °C 28 28 28 26 25 23 23 23 23 24 25 27
Average minimum, °C 21 21 20 17 14 11 11 13 15 17 18 20
Rains, mm 134 113 120 73 59 38 39 62 73 98 108 102
Durban weather by month

East London

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Average maximum, °C 26 26 25 24 23 21 21 21 21 22 23 25
Average minimum, °C 18 19 18 15 13 11 10 11 12 14 16 17

Summer in Cape Town(from December to February) the water temperature in the ocean is quite low - about +20C. During periods of strong Western winds, the water in the Atlantic Ocean can be colder - up to +12C. Air temperature in the morning and evening up to +23C. At midday the temperature rises significantly - up to +35C, so it is worth taking hats and sunscreen for walking around the city or visiting Table Mountain.

In the area Cape of Good Hope It's almost always windy. The wind is warm but strong, so even at the height of the summer season it is recommended to take a light jacket (windbreaker) and sunscreen with you.

In the area Johannesburg and Durban the summer period coincides with the rainy season (January-February).

Winter in Cape Town(June to August) rainy. But rains do not frighten guests of the country, since there is little precipitation (460 mm of precipitation per year). Once or twice a week it rains, which does not last for the whole day. At night, in winter season, the temperature can drop to +10C, and at noon the thermometer rises to +25C.

There is never snow on the South African coast. Only mountains above 1000m above sea level can be covered with snow during the coldest month. Ski resorts open in the mountains during this period.

in spring(September-October) Cape Town and the Western Cape are especially beautiful: everything turns green and blooms after a rainy winter. In September the flowers bloom and you can find the Royal Protea - national symbol SOUTH AFRICA. The Garden Route region receives rainfall all year round, which is what makes the Indian Coast so prosperous in every season. Check the weather before traveling!

  • Phones. Before leaving your country, you must arrange international roaming. At any airport in South Africa you can purchase a "pay-as-you-go" mobile package, which will be activated within an hour. Topping up your account is possible via the Internet or at the supermarket checkout. For international calls to South Africa, first enter the code +27, then the area code and the subscriber.
  • Electricity in South Africa 220 V. The sockets are peculiar with three pins. Some hotels have built-in adapters in the bathroom or behind the desk. If not, then the hotel’s service also includes the provision of adapters for temporary use.
  • Taxes (VAT)- in South Africa 15% VAT is included in the sales and service price (must be indicated on the receipt). As a tourist, you have the right to return 15% of the purchased items (but not from the service account in restaurants and hotels!). The minimum value of a tax refund check must be 250 R (ZAR). Tax Refund can be made at the airport before departure. You must provide the original receipt, your ticket, passport and purchased items.
  • Medicine and insurance. South Africa has a highly developed medical infrastructure. Private and public medical institutions are located throughout the country. Private clinics serve top level, improved with modern equipment, therefore maintenance is expensive. State clinics do not have much financial support, but often specialists have more practice and knowledge. However, travelers must have insurance that covers the costs of a private clinic.
  • Malaria. There is no malaria in the Cape and most of South Africa, and vaccinations are not required to enter the country! Only in the territory of Mpumalanga and Limpopo, as well as the coastal part of KwaZulu-Natal on the border with Mozambique and Swaziland. Anti-malaria tablets must be taken in these areas. Consult your doctor or pharmacist before traveling as... In South Africa, anti-malaria tablets are available only with a doctor's prescription.
  • Safety. In South Africa, it is necessary to follow safety precautions, as in any other country:

In what part of the continent is the country located? What is the name of its capital?

South Africa is located in South Africa.

The capitals of South Africa are Cape Town (legislative), Pretoria (administrative), Bloemfontein (judicial).

What are the features of the relief (the general nature of the surface, the main forms of relief and the distribution of heights). Mineral resources of the country.

The most characteristic element of the relief is the Big Ledge, which is a steep slope of the outlying plateaus and plateaus to a narrow strip of the coastal lowland.

The country has a very rich raw material base. South Africa traditionally ranks first in the world in terms of gold and metal reserves platinum group, manganese and aluminoglucates. In addition, the country occupies a leading global position in diamond mining and coal. Most of the country's deposits are unique in terms of the conditions and scale of resource occurrence.

Climatic conditions in different parts countries (climatic zones, average temperatures in July and January, annual precipitation). What are the differences by area and by season?

The climate is extremely similar to the Mediterranean, with rainy winters and hot, dry summers. On the plateau, average temperatures in the summer months range from 18 to 27 °C, and in winter from 7 to 10 °C. To the south-west and on the Weld plateau frosts are possible for 6 months; droughts are typical. In the subtropics average temperature summer months are about 21 °C, winter months are less than 13 °C, precipitation is up to 700 mm per year. On the Atlantic coast desert climate, average monthly temperatures in winter are 11-15 °C, in summer 18-24 °C, precipitation is no more than 100 mm per year.

Which large rivers and lakes are located.

Most of the permanent rivers belong to the Indian Ocean basin: the largest are the Limpopo with its tributary Olifants, Tugela, and Great Fish. The Atlantic Ocean basin owns the country's largest rapids and variable flow river. Orange (with tributaries Vaal and Caledon).

Natural areas and their main features.

Johannesburg, located in the center of the Weld at an altitude of 1740 meters, receives 760 mm of rainfall per year. Created to protect wildlife national parks- Kalahari Gemsbok, Kruger, Natal, etc., reserves - Vaaldam, Giants Castle, Mkuzi, St. Lucia.

The peoples inhabiting the country. Their main activities.

Territories with fertile lands in the country belong to white farmers - owners of private agricultural enterprises. Farms widely use machinery and fertilizers and therefore receive high yields. They grow corn, wheat, beans, sugar cane, citrus fruits, cotton and other crops. Sheep and cattle farms are located on high plateaus with good pastures. Pasture farming occupies agriculture the most important place. The subsoil of South Africa is rich in a variety of minerals. This country is called a geological miracle. South Africa ranks one of the first places in the world in reserves and production of diamonds, gold, platinum, uranium and iron ores. The country's economy is dependent on British and American monopolists, who lead the development of mineral resources and receive huge profits. There are many factories and factories in the country, and industry is developing rapidly.

South Africa is located in the subtropical and tropical (north of 30 S) zones. Has a decisive influence on the climate of South Africa subtropical zone high atmospheric pressure with constant oceanic maxima - the South Atlantic and Indian - and seasonal inland pressure centers.

In winter (July) the center of the region high pressure located above the Central Plateau. It is cold there at this time of year, and the winds blowing from there contribute to the establishment of dry, cold, cloudless weather in many parts of South Africa. However, in the far south (Cape and Southern Coastal regions) winter is a season of frequent cold, heavy rains, and there the sky is almost constantly overcast.

In summer (January) the center low pressure located above the Central Plateau. It's getting drawn in there humid air from the Indian Ocean. At the same time, moisture-carrying winds contribute to rainfall in the southeastern and eastern parts of the Great Escarpment and on the Central Plateau. However, the Cape region experiences dry and hot weather in summer.

Precipitation amounts decrease westward from 1900 mm on the eastern slopes of the Drakensberg Mountains to less than 25 mm on the Namaqualand coast. Due to the rugged topography of the Cape and Southern Coastal regions, large local variations in rainfall occur.

Temperatures in South Africa decrease from east to west. Under the influence of the cold Benguela Current, which follows along the west coast, temperatures drop significantly. The average annual temperature in Port Nolloth is 14°C, but east coast Influenced by the warm Indian Ocean, temperatures are high and Durban has an average annual temperature of 22°C. On the other hand, the temperature difference between the northern and southern regions is small as altitudes increase towards the north. The southern tip of the mainland (Cape Agulhas) and Johannesburg (located 1450 km to the north, but at an altitude of 1740 m above sea level) have an average annual temperature of approx. 16° C.

The central plateau differs sharply continental climate with pronounced contrasts between daily and annual temperatures. Summer weather is hot with dazzling sunshine and occasional severe thunderstorms. Kimberley, located at an altitude of 1220 m above sea level, in January has an average maximum temperature of 32 ° C, and an average minimum temperature of 17 ° C. On the other hand, in winter the days are pleasant warm weather(average maximum temperature in July 19°C) due to bright sunlight, but the nights are cold ( minimum temperature July 2° C). Winters are very dry, with almost no precipitation in June, July and August.

Namaqualand is a very dry area, with precipitation varying from a maximum of 200 mm in the mountains of the interior to a minimum of less than 25 mm on the coast. On the coast the weather is cool and temperatures are fairly constant. Outside the zone of influence of the onshore breeze, temperatures rise greatly in summer.

The Cape region has the same favorable climate as Mediterranean coast Europe and southern California. Installed in winter rainy weather, and in summer it is dry. Precipitation occurs from May to September. On the coast they usually fall in the form of rain, but in more high mountains(for example, on Table Mountain near Cape Town) there are sometimes snowfalls. Their number varies greatly depending on the nature of the relief. In Cape Town, the average annual rainfall reaches 630 mm, while some high mountains typically receive 2540 mm. Temperatures in Cape Town vary greatly throughout the year. In July (winter) the average minimum temperature is 9°C and the average maximum is 17°C; in January (summer) the average minimum temperature is 16 ° C, and the average maximum is 27 ° C. Within the region, however, large temperature contrasts are observed, which depends on exposure to the moderating influence of the ocean; in the inland valleys summers are hotter and winters colder than on the coast.

The Southern Coastal region receives as much rainfall in winter as the Cape region, and in summer as much as the South-East Coastal region.

The southeastern coastal region receives most of the rainfall in summer months, but not a single month here is truly dry. Durban receives 1,140 mm of liquid precipitation per year, with an average of 150 mm in March and only 40 mm in July. In summer there is very warm, humid weather with average maximum temperature 28°C and average minimum 21°C in January. Winters are mild and pleasant with an average maximum temperature of 22°C and an average minimum of 13°C in July.

The Transvaal Low Veld receives large amounts of rainfall in summer, up to 2030 mm in some places. Winters are dry and sunny. High temperatures prevail all year round.

South Africa's climate is temperate with a large number sunny days per year. The main factors influencing it are the altitude above sea level and the oceans surrounding the country. More than 75% of the territory is located above 600 m above sea level, 50% of the territory is located at an altitude of 1,000 to 1,600 m. Only narrow coastal strip does not exceed 500 m above sea level. Moreover, every 1,000 m lowers the temperature by an average of 6 °C.

The coast of the country is washed by the waters of two oceans at once: the Atlantic Ocean brings cold air, and the Indian Ocean brings warm air. Due to the fact that South Africa is often exposed to ocean breezes, the summer heat, often exceeding +35˚C, is quite easily tolerated.

The amount of precipitation across the country is distributed unevenly. In the north-west it does not exceed 200 mm per year, in the central part 400 mm per year, and in the east the amount of precipitation ranges from 500 to 900 mm per year.

There are 20 climate zones in South Africa. They are conventionally divided into tropical, subtropical and Mediterranean zone. The east of the country can be classified as subtropical climate, the north is tropical, and the south is Mediterranean.

For those who come here for the first time, the climate of South Africa can present some surprises. One of them is the strong variation in daytime temperatures in different parts of the state. The difference can be up to +10 – +12 ˚С, which is not typical for other countries. Summer and winter pass in different times compared to European countries. They correspond to dry and wet seasons. Summer lasts from October to April, and winter from May to September. The off-season (autumn and spring) passes almost unnoticed, since it is very short (does not exceed 2 - 3 weeks a year).

Dry season (May - September)

There is virtually no precipitation all winter and the humidity is very low.

  • May: daytime temperature about +26 ˚С, in the morning +10 ˚С.
  • June - August: it becomes colder, during the day from +23 to 25 ˚С, in the morning +6 ˚С.
  • September: the temperature gradually rises, in the afternoon up to +28 ˚С, in the morning up to +12 ˚С, the first rains occur.

Wet season (October - April)

On the coast of the Indian Ocean there is high humidity, temperatures reach +30 ˚С. It is very hot in the Kalahari Desert - up to +40˚С. Summer rains usually occur during the day.

  • October - November: it becomes warmer, the first rains begin, the temperature during the day reaches +28 ˚С, in the morning up to +15 ˚С.
  • December - February: the wettest months, during the day about +29 ˚С.
  • March – April: the intensity of the rain subsides, it becomes colder, in the afternoon up to +28 ˚С, in the morning up to +15 ˚С.