How to escape from a bear in the forest? How to behave? How I met Misha in the forest. Bear attacks on the river bank.

Any walk away from populated areas is nothing more than an invasion of someone else’s (in this case, human) territory. You should always remember that its true owners are wild animals, since it is their habitat. The bear is the most dangerous and strong beast in our forests. And if you meet him on the way, you need to clearly understand what you can do and what you can’t do, so as not to provoke his attack.

Basic rules of conduct in the forest

Don't try to take over territory

It is known who is the true owner of the forest. If you spot a bear even at a great distance, you should not organize a halt in this place, and even more so, set up a tent camp. It’s better to move away a little, adjust the route and choose another section. The same applies to his numerous traces. Without experience, it is difficult to determine whether the animal just passed by or whether it is used to hunting here, feasting on the gifts of nature, and so on. Perhaps this is his path or there are cubs somewhere nearby. Trying to fit in next door won't do you any good.

Stay away

The bear is not just a hermit. He understands that in the forest he has no equal in strength, and he regards any invasion of his territory as a threat to himself personally. If you encounter a bear in the forest, you should walk around it in an arc, keeping it in your field of vision at all times. As a rule, this is enough to disperse peacefully. In such situations, if not provoked, the bear does not attack.

A special warning for those who like to take selfies. Now it is in fashion, and not only among young people. Such “self-photography”, especially against the backdrop of an animal, implies almost close contact with it. There is no point in explaining how this could end. It is unlikely that a bear will appreciate such a “craving for beauty” and accept this active participation. A good example close communication with a predator - a recent case in one of our zoos, when a lady tried to take a selfie in front of a cage with a tiger. Basically, it’s the same thing – playing with fire.

Don't go deep into the bushes

Like any animal, the bear prefers to hide in the thicket. Special attention shoots (shrubs, small trees) with fruits. For example, wild raspberries. On a hiking trip you need to move through open areas, and if we're talking about about picking mushrooms and berries, then when moving through the forest you should make more noise, warning its inhabitants in advance about your approach. In an unexpected encounter, a bear may become frightened and rush at a person.

Don't relax and constantly look around

The forest is not your own apartment. It is full of surprises, so you should not forget about basic precautions.

What to do in extreme situations

They can be very different. The most typical cases when meeting a bear in the forest:

  • the animal notices the person, looks in his direction, but does not change its location;
  • the bear is approaching;
  • the meeting occurred unexpectedly, both for the beast and for the man.

How to proceed

  • Walk away slowly, while saying something in a low voice (but not shouting) or humming. And do it calmly, without showing fear. You can even start a “conversation” with the animal, reassuring it that no one is encroaching on its territory. According to experienced commercial hunters, the Russian mat is another reliable remedy against a clubfoot attack. Having felt the person’s confidence, the bear will understand that the potential victim is quite capable of defending himself and is absolutely not afraid of him. Therefore, he will not attack.
  • Stand up in full height. It is advisable to raise both hands, holding a cap, jacket or something else in one of them. The main thing is to appear as big as possible.
  • Stay calm, no matter how scary it is, don’t panic.
  • Fall down and play dead. This is practiced if close contact with a predator cannot be avoided. In many cases, this ends with the bear, having sniffed the victim, leaving. Best pose– flat, pressing his stomach to the ground. There are recommendations that you need to lie on your side, curled up. This is hardly justified, since it is not a fact that the clubfoot will not awaken to simple curiosity and begin to turn the victim over. And he does this with his claws. It’s clear how it will end, even if you don’t make a sound. The bear will leave, but the wounds will be impressive. And it is unlikely that a person will tolerate this. And the loud cries of the beast will only provoke you.

If the bear has left, you cannot immediately begin any active actions. Perhaps he just walked away, hid and watched. Therefore, you should wait a little, carefully look around without making sudden movements, and only then slowly leave this place.

In the event of an obvious attack, when there is no doubt about the bear’s intentions, resist and call for help. Throw everything that is at hand - stones, large branches, earth (preferably in the eyes). Arm yourself with a stick and fight back. Sometimes such a violent rebuff leads to the bear retreating and leaving in search of a weaker victim. The fact is that, as a rule, young, inexperienced and self-confident individuals attack a person. When they feel that they are being “pressed”, they give up further attempts.

What not to do when meeting a bear

Look the bear straight in the eyes

He will take this as a direct challenge and may attack.

Take your dog with you into the forest

Of course, if we are not talking about hunting. If you cannot do without a four-legged pet, it must be kept on a leash, and a short one at that. There are often cases when it was a dog that provoked a bear to attack a person - with its constant barking, or even direct attempts to bite the clubfoot. The beast will not like such an annoying neighborhood, and he will definitely take measures to get rid of uninvited guests.

Stay in the area where the animal is spotted

Even if he moved away, this does not mean that this part of the forest is safe. The bear can change position, secretly approach the victim from the other side, and so on. There are many options. It is better to immediately leave this place and try to get out, if not out of the forest, then into the most open space possible.

Make sudden movements

The bear will regard this as a clear threat to its own safety. And even more so show aggression.

Trying to hide

Firstly, this is a useless exercise, since a bear will detect a person quite quickly, especially if he has already noticed him. Secondly, such actions are a sign of cowardice. The animal will immediately understand that in front of it is easy prey.

Turn your back on the bear

This is for him a signal to attack, because the potential victim has discovered the most unprotected place.

Run away

It makes no sense, considering that over rough terrain an adult bear quickly accelerates to 60 - 65 km/h. By the way, escape is the most bad option. The clubfoot by nature is a hunter, and such human actions will only excite him. He will involuntarily give chase, but the result is predictable.

As an exception - extraordinary physical data of a person. If you have confidence in your abilities, you may be able to escape. The bear needs to be worn down by constantly changing direction. Since its mass is significant, it loses a lot of speed when turning. In addition, he runs great short distances, but it doesn’t last long on long ones. Therefore, with good physical training there is an opportunity to escape. It is advisable to choose a direction so as to get closer to people, a road, or a populated area. This will further increase your chances.

Sneak up on a bear

There are such amateurs - it’s better to look at it, take a photograph, just admire it, observe. The clubfoot has excellent instincts, and besides, he is in “his element” (in nature), so any attempt to deceive him is doomed to failure in advance. He will regard this as preparation for a possible attack, and will respond in kind, and proactively.

Save yourself on a tree

In this case, the chances of salvation are practically reduced to zero. Despite their external clumsiness, bears are distinguished not only by their strength, but also by their agility and ability to climb trees.

The only option is if the trunk is thick and tall enough. Due to its weight, the animal may not reach the upper branches. But how long can a person survive in this situation? But the bear knows how to wait. Therefore, this method of salvation is a last resort.

Walking through the forest in the dark

You shouldn’t even go far from the tent. The explanation is simple. The bear is a predominantly nocturnal hunter, and at this time a person practically does not orient himself. Already there is a clear superiority of the clubfoot.

Getting closer to the cubs

The bear will never leave them alone. If the mother is not visible, this does not mean that she has left, leaving the babies unattended. Well, how any attempts to play with the cubs will end is clear without further explanation.

It is impossible to give recommendations for all cases. But one more piece of advice will not be superfluous. The right choice way to resolve " conflict situation» largely depends on knowledge of the bear’s habits. When going to the forest, it’s a good idea to read something. The psychological aspect is also important. If you understand the motivation for certain actions of the animal (protecting its babies, satisfying hunger, and so on), it is easier to assess the situation and take appropriate measures. Then a walk through the forest will bring true pleasure, and will not become fatal.

In forests where bears live, the likelihood of meeting the “owner of the forest” is quite high. Cases of bear attacks on humans are not uncommon. People for wild beast- uninvited guests. And he will defend the territory that belongs to him from these guests.

An encounter with a bear in the forest often ends in tragedy. The beast has strong paws, large claws and sharp teeth. If he gets angry, he can not only cripple a person, but also bully him.

Are bears dangerous?

This is a very dangerous forest predator. It is impossible to predict the outcome of a chance meeting of a person with him. The fact is that the psyche of each animal is different. There are cowardly bears, and there are fearless ones, there are arrogant and aggressive ones, and there are quite calm ones. To the question: “Do bears attack people?” the answer is yes. They attack. And this happens quite often.

The reasons for attacks on people vary. But it should still be noted that attacks without any reason, without provocation on the part of a person, are quite likely. And it is unlikely that a person who sees a massive carcass of a predator is capable of provocations. May God grant you to escape and stay alive.

There are many stories about the unpredictable behavior of animals when meeting a person. Therefore, when planning to visit places where a bear can be encountered in the forest, you need to be prepared for the unexpected. You need to know exactly what to do if you encounter a bear.

The main reasons for attacks by brown bears on people

The behavior of the clubfoot depends on the time of year, age and place of meeting.

Knowing some of the nuances of the animal’s behavior, you can navigate the situation and figure out , how to protect yourself from a bear in the forest.

  • Thus, a connecting rod that has come out of hibernation at the wrong time due to some reason (has accumulated little fat or someone has disturbed it) is especially dangerous.
  • If you meet an animal near the place where the trophy is buried, the clubfoot will see you as a rival and will try to destroy you.
  • At the beginning of spring, when predators come out of hibernation, they are looking for food, therefore they are aggressive and dangerous.
  • Late spring is the time for bear weddings. During this period, males are most dangerous. In fights they are cruel and attack everyone they meet on the way.
  • A meeting with a mother bear nurturing her cubs is also dangerous. She sees danger from any creature and is ready to fight to the death for her children.

Forest owners are less dangerous in summer time: there is a lot of food, so predators do not try to meet a person.

How to behave when meeting

With a sleeping or prey-eating animal

A sleeping animal should never be disturbed. No need to photograph him. Move away immediately! The main thing is not to make noise. If he wakes up, the bear's attack could end sadly.

But what to do if you see a bear eating prey? Freeze and try to demonstrate that you don't need bear food. You should straighten up and start speaking loudly (if you are alone, then pronounce a monologue - whatever comes to mind). You can't show your back to the beast. It is better to retreat back, diagonally, without letting the predator out of sight. Move slowly and smoothly, without sudden movements.

The likelihood of an attack depends on the distance: the shorter it is, the more dangerous the situation.

With a group of animals

You can cross paths with several clubfooted animals at the same time in the following cases:

  • during the rutting season;
  • during the period when the bear raises her cubs and takes care of them;
  • during the period when young animals, driven away by their mother, still move together.

During the rut, animals are very aggressive and fight to the death. Therefore, getting noticed by such a team is deadly. During this period, both males and females are vicious.

Young individuals are less dangerous. They have no experience of meeting people yet, so an attack is not ruled out. But scaring them away is much easier.

With a teddy bear

A she-bear with a litter poses a danger when she thinks that trouble threatens the children. She will tear anyone for cubs. You should never approach baby bear cubs in the forest. We must try to retreat quickly and silently.

On the hunt

A hunter moving in the habitats of predators puts his life in danger. After all, a beast can be encountered completely unexpectedly. If a bearish figure suddenly flashes on the horizon, try not to catch its eye. You will be lucky if you are on the leeward side, since the predator has a keen sense of smell. If the bear smells you, then make a loud clap with your hands and shoot into the air. There is no need to shoot the animal. Wounded, he is much more dangerous.

What to do if a bear is approaching?

When an animal approaches, you cannot run away. The bear has an excellent sense of smell, but poor eyesight. A low-blind predator sees only a silhouette, so it comes close to examine the object. It happens that an animal begins to walk around a person in order to stand in the wind and smell the smell. It happens that, having recognized a person, he runs away.

You can make an attempt to drive away the clubfoot. If he approaches or pursues, maintaining a distance, then create noise. Tap metal objects such as mugs or pots. Use a rocket launcher, firecrackers, shoot into the air. There are special pepper-based aerosols, but they only work over a short distance in calm weather.

It should be noted that bears often do not plan to attack, they try to force the stranger to leave their territory.

You cannot attack an animal by throwing stones at it. Walk away calmly, backing away, slowly, without sudden movements.

What to do if a bear attacks?

In the event of an attack, you must try to concentrate on your behavior. Let's look specifically at what to do if a bear attacks.

In the absence of weapons, you need to figure out how to distract the attention of the predator. Place any bulky items (basket, bucket, backpack) in front of you.

If there is nothing, then you need to lie on your stomach or curl up in a baby's pose. Clasp your hands above your head to protect it. You should pretend to be dead. Having concentrated all your strength, you must endure it if he starts sniffing you. Sometimes the beast throws dry leaves and branches at the victim. Wait patiently for him to leave. The main thing is not to move.

But if the animal starts to attack, then you should fight back. Try to get it in your eyes. Use sharp objects, aiming for the eye sockets. You can't give up, fighting is the only chance to survive.

You can use a firearm in such a situation if its power allows you to kill the animal, and you know exactly where to shoot the bear.

How to avoid meeting a bear in the forest?

Many people get confused and don't know what to do when they encounter a bear.

If you happen to get into forests where bears live, try to adhere to the following rules:

  • try to move in open areas and where the forest is thinner in order to see the animal in advance and try to avoid meeting or scare it away;
  • know that bears live in dwarf cedar and willow trees;
  • do not walk along bear trails, and if you come across tracks, change the route;
  • do not walk along rivers where salmon live at night and before dawn - bear fishing time;
  • Walk in bear areas in groups - this way there is less chance of an animal attack;
  • You can’t run away from the beast; its speed from a standstill reaches 40-60 km per hour. Move away slowly;
  • It is better to try to scare away curious animals that do not show aggression;
  • at close range, you don’t need to peer closely into the eyes of the animal - he will regard this as the beginning of an attack;
  • at night, it is advisable to light a fire and maintain the fire until dawn - the bright flame will scare away the beast;
  • You don’t need to walk through the forest at night - you might accidentally stumble upon a bear;
  • no need to feed forest bears. This is fraught with a loss of fear of people and the emergence of the habit of “begging” for tasty things from people. Those who do not give the animals a treat when meeting them may suffer;
  • At rest stops, you need to remove leftover food and try not to spread the smell of food, so as not to attract hungry animals.

Remember that when meeting a predator or being attacked by a bear, only composure can save your life.


The people of our country have a special relationship with bears. He is rightly called the owner of the forest. And this predator tends to protect its territory from uninvited guests.

Tragic cases of bear attacks on humans occur all the time. An enraged clubfoot can inflict severe injuries with its strong paw with long claws or sharp teeth. Therefore, meeting a bear in the wilderness is extremely undesirable.

The danger of such encounters is that it is impossible to understand and predict the actions of the bear. Each individual, upon seeing a person, will behave differently. But still some bears pose a mortal danger to people.

Who should you be wary of?

Meeting small bear cubs poses a serious danger for a hunter or mushroom picker! If you find one or a couple of young-of-the-year bear cubs playing in a clearing in the forest, do not approach them under any circumstances. On the contrary, without delaying, you need to get out of here as soon as possible! There is no need to photograph them, film them, or even invite them to come to you.

There is a very high probability that their mother is somewhere near them. The female may see you as a threat to her offspring, and then an angry bear weighing about 500 kg will attack. inevitably.

Try to leave this place silently and unnoticed, without attracting the attention of the cubs. Bear cubs are very curious and are not afraid of humans. And if they notice him, they will most likely run up to him in order to study and sniff him. And it will be very bad if a mother bear sees her offspring next to you.

Let's move on. Sick, wounded or weakened bears can deliberately attack a person, since they do not have enough strength to hunt forest inhabitants.

Large males are very aggressive during the rut, which takes place in spring and early summer. They may attack people for no reason.

Also dangerous are bears who have previously attacked a person and now look at him as prey.

Therefore, in the forest you need to be especially attentive and observant in order to notice the presence of a clubfoot in time and retreat before he notices you.
Moreover, in some situations the bear will attack per person with a high degree of probability. What are these situations?

Precautionary measures, rules of conduct for hunters/mushroom pickers in bear areas.

It’s worth saying right away that bears react very nervously to the unexpected appearance of not only a person, but also any forest animal. Especially if you walked so silently that he was able to notice you at a distance of less than 20-30 meters. He may regard this as an act of aggression on your part and “go on the defensive” - attack the unexpected guest.

It is very dangerous to catch a bear eating. In order to protect its prey, it can also rush into an attack. So it is recommended to avoid all places where there is a strong smell of carrion. The fact is that the clubfoot sincerely considers himself the owner certain territory and will protect its possessions, and especially food.

So, he can react aggressively to fishermen. Near rivers where the clubfoot fishes, you need to be careful. If you suddenly notice a bear fishing in the distance, try to get around it as far as possible to avoid meeting it.

Also be careful in places where there is obvious signs presence of the owner of the taiga. Fresh paw prints, scratches on trees, destroyed anthills, dug up earth, where you can see big footprints from bear claws. You need to leave here as soon as possible.

In general, if there is a high probability of meeting this predator, then you need to warn him about your presence in advance. Try to make as much noise as possible. Knock on trees with a stick, talk loudly, sing songs. Most bears are afraid of people and will safely leave without you noticing them.

It has been noticed that this beast most often attacks a “lone wanderer” than a group of people.

You shouldn’t linger too long on bear areas and trails, much less take a break or set up a camp there. The bear will clearly not be happy with such a neighborhood.

If you have to spend the night in the forest, then take the following precautions: store food away from tents. It is advisable to place all the food on the tree. It is better to burn food waste and garbage, the smell of which may attract clubfoot. If possible, avoid eating foods that are too “smelly” like barbecue or smoked meats.

At night you can, and even need to, light and maintain a fire.

In the dark, it is better not to walk in the forest at all. In the twilight of the night, you can accidentally stumble upon a bear, as they say, nose to nose. By the way, at night they are much bolder and more aggressive, so the likelihood of a bear attack increases significantly.

You cannot feed the bears or throw food at them. So they lose their natural fear of man and stop being afraid of him. In addition, they learn that they can beg people for something tasty.

And if the next traveler who meets on their way does not have these goodies, then they can react very aggressively.

The degree of aggression of a bear largely depends on the time of year. Mortal danger It is considered to meet a bear in winter, when he should sleep in a den. The connecting rods, as these bears are popularly called, are extremely aggressive. They attack people not only in the taiga, but can also enter populated areas.

There are many known cases of these uninvited guests entering yards and killing dogs and other pets. Sometimes people too. So if there are large traces of a bear in the snow, you need to be especially careful and, if possible, not visit the forest at all.

As a rule, the connecting rods are shot by local OO&R, since these hungry, exhausted animals that were unable to hibernate in time are unlikely to survive until spring.

In spring and June-July you also need to be careful. As mentioned above, at this time their mating season begins.

A few words about dogs

Many people have probably heard stories about how a faithful hunting husky saved its owner from the clutches of a bear at the cost of its own life. Such facts really do exist. But not every dog ​​can save a person’s life. Only angry, strong, poisoned huskies who are not afraid of the bear can protect people.

And here is the dog who sees this large predator For the first time in my life, I feel fear. Of course, she can smell a bear. And he can even bark at him. But if the clubfoot chases her, then she will first of all run to the owner so that he protects her, thereby exposing him. So it’s better not to take weak, untested, cowardly dogs with you.

Now we know which bears we should be wary of first, in which places we should be especially careful, and at what time they are most aggressive. I hope this information will help you avoid meeting them. But what to do if a “rendezvous” with the owner of the forest happened?

How to behave when meeting a bear

First of all, there is no need to show fear, remain calm. It is strictly not recommended to run away. In this case, the brown one has an instinctive desire to catch up with the “victim”. And he will definitely catch up, since he runs quite fast. What can we say if fleet-footed moose sometimes cannot escape from him!

If this does not happen, then try, backing away, but without turning your back to him, to leave this place. Clubfoot sees that the person does not pose a danger and leaves the place himself.

But there are bears who, either out of curiosity or out of aggression, may come to meet you. Sometimes they even stand on their hind legs to get a better look. In this case, you should not make sudden movements, nor should you squeal or growl - it is better to just speak in a confident tone and try to make yourself seem bigger. You can, for example, stand on a tree stump and carefully open your cloak - this way you will appear taller and healthier.

If you have a saucepan, you can knock on it with some metal object - an unusual sound can scare away the animal.

They say that swearing and any sharp sounds in general work well against bears. So, you can explode a firecracker, or fire a shot from a gun. You should never shoot a bear, especially if you are not sure that you can hit it with the first round. A wounded animal is even more dangerous. Usually, a few warnings are enough in the air, and the bear is gone.

Currently effective means defense admitted pepper spray against bears. But it works at a distance of up to 5 meters.

If the clubfoot does not leave, but, on the contrary, shows signs of aggression - stretches out its lips, digs the ground with its front paws, growls, then most likely an attack is inevitable. In this case, running away is more expensive for yourself. If you have the opportunity to quickly climb the nearest tree, then it is better to do so. And so that you have enough time for this, you can throw him your backpack or jacket. A curious bear will probably look at their contents. And you will have saving seconds.

When there is no possibility of salvation, then the best thing is to simply pretend to be dead. Fall to the ground belly down or curl into a fetal position. The main thing is to protect your head with your hands and not expose your stomach. If you don't move, the bear will soon lose interest in you and leave. But don’t immediately get up and show “signs of life.” Let the clubfoot go away.

Of course, it’s still better not to take the situation to the extreme, so as not to feel the claws of the clubfoot on yourself later. In the forest you need to be very attentive and pay attention to any signs that indicate the presence of a bear nearby in order to see it first.

The brown or, as it is also called, the common bear is a carnivorous mammal, which belongs to the bear family.

Nowadays, the habitat of this predator has been significantly reduced. Disconnected populations of brown bear live in the Pyrenees, Cantabrian Mountains, Alps and Apennines. You can meet it in Scandinavia and Finland, in the forests of Central Europe and the Carpathians. The brown bear also lives in Western Asia, Palestine, northern Iraq and Iran, Japanese island Hokkaido, in North America. On the territory of Russia, its habitat occupies almost the entire forest zone.

This brown predator is the most common type of bear, which is able to adapt to a wide variety of habitats. The huge distribution area of ​​the brown bear has led to the formation of many of its subspecies, between which there are significant differences in size and appearance.

By winter quantity subcutaneous fat the bear's weight increases to 180 kg and in the fall he lies down in a den. For its den, the predator chooses dry places, preferably in holes under uprooted tree roots. It happens that bears dig themselves a shelter in the ground or settle in caves and rock crevices.

How to avoid meeting a bear

Not everyone can survive contact with a bear. Therefore, it is best to prevent contact with him by following some simple rules.

First, when traveling through an area where this brown predator is common, make as much noise as possible. Sing, talk in a loud voice, whistle, tie a bell to your backpack or clothes. All this will scare away the bear.

Secondly, if possible, travel in a group that makes a lot more noise.

Thirdly, avoid dense bushes.

Fourth, walk with the wind blowing from your back. Bears have an excellent sense of smell, so they will be aware of your location in advance.

Fifth, do not camp overnight near paths or roads where bears may pass.

Sixth, avoid places where you can smell dead fish, animals, and places where animals eat carrion. There may be food for the bear, which he will aggressively defend.

Eighth, if there are no trees, keep food in airtight containers.

Ninth, try to travel without pets. They and their food may also attract predators.

Tenth, keep the parking lot clean. Wash dishes on time. Try to keep your clothes from smelling like food. Burn all waste. Burying them is a waste of time. Burn empty cans.

How to survive an encounter with a bear

If you do happen to encounter this dangerous predator, try to fulfill simple recommendations, outlined below.

1. Do not crowd bears under any circumstances. Give them as much personal space as possible. Do not violate the boundaries of this zone. Do not approach the bear for filming close up. Use telephoto lenses.

2. If you see a bear approaching while fishing, stop fishing immediately. Make sure that the fish on the hook does not splash, cut the line if necessary.

3. When you see a predator, try to get away from it. Let the bear avoid this encounter.

4. Never stand between a female and her cubs.

5. When faced with a bear, do not panic. For the most part, these animals rarely attack humans. They can show aggression in an attempt to protect food, offspring or personal space. Once the threat disappears, they most often leave.

6. Do everything possible to make the bear understand that there is a person in front of him. Speak in a normal voice and wave your arms. The bear may stand on its hind legs and come closer to recognize you. As a rule, in this position he does not pose a danger.

7. When directly encountering a predator, try to move back diagonally at a slow pace. If a bear is chasing you, stop immediately.

8. Try to climb the nearest tree. Contrary to popular belief, only bear cubs and young predators like to climb trees.

9. To gain some time, throw a hat, backpack or any other similar item that is at hand in front of the bear. The predator will probably show curiosity and start sniffing it.

10. Never run from a bear. Brown bears can reach speeds of approximately 60 km/h and always pursue fleeing prey.

11. Remember that bears can intimidate a person even 3 meters away. Don't attack the predator. Wave your arms and continue talking to him. If the distance between you has decreased significantly, raise your voice and be more aggressive. You can knock pots and other kitchen utensils.

12. Do not copy the growl of a bear, do not make a piercing cry.

13. If the bear does attack, immediately fall to the ground and pretend to be dead. You can lie on your stomach or curl up in a ball with your hands behind your head. Try to bury your head deeper in moss, grass, etc. Remain still for as long as possible. Remember that the bear may return if it hears any noise from you.

14. Do not immediately grab a weapon without first trying to disperse with the bear peacefully, especially if you do not have experience handling weapons in extraordinary conditions.

15. Shoot a bear solely in self-defense and only when the attack was not provoked by you and when there is no other solution to the problem.

16. If you have a close encounter with a bear, you can use a special protective aerosol spray that contains red pepper extract. The spray operates at a distance of approximately 5-6 meters. Do not spray it overhead or in the car, otherwise you may get hurt yourself.

17. As an alternative to spray, use flares with a good flame pattern.

How to prevent a brown bear from entering a populated area
  • Do not create landfills with food waste, food-smelling garbage, dead animals, or feces near human habitats.
  • Put your gardens in order, collect unnecessary and rotting apple trees, pears, and carrion in a timely manner.
  • Fence garden areas with barbed wire, strong metal mesh, ideally electric.
  • Graze livestock during the day under the supervision of a shepherd.
  • Lock up livestock in strong sheds at night.

What are the consequences of contact with a bear?

Although the brown bear bites weaker than most of its relatives, the danger it poses should not be underestimated. The blow of his paw can break the back of such large animals as bull, bison and bison.

Meeting with brown bear is fraught with severe consequences in the form of deep and dangerous injuries, scalped, lacerated, crushed and bitten wounds, deformations and broken bones and may well result in injury and even death.

And even if the victim managed to survive, he will face a severe course of the wound process and poor healing. This is due to the most dangerous injuries and significant infection of wounds by microbes contained in the predator’s oral cavity. We should not forget about rabies infection.

Interesting facts about brown bears and their bites

  • In terms of the strength of its bite, the brown bear ranks fifth in a special ranking compiled by Australian scientists.
  • Of particular danger to humans are the connecting rods, bears that wake up in winter and wander around hungry and angry in search of food.

Most often, a bear shows aggression if it wants to protect its offspring from a potential threat from humans. His behavior at such moments can be different, ranging from a simple manifestation of antipathy towards the person he meets and ending with active actions, that is, a direct attack on him.

In some cases, the bear itself initiates a meeting with people. Curiosity and the smells of delicious food force him to slowly and carefully approach a tourist camp or populated area. If a bear lives nearby and often sees people, then most often it shows less aggression and can even allow people to come within a fairly short distance. However, it is better not to take risks and test the friendliness of this or that animal.

Many people are familiar with the concept of “approach threshold”. It indicates the permissible limit of approaching an animal. If it is violated and a person approaches the predator closer than permitted, then the animal sees him as an aggressor and behaves appropriately. Thus, a bear can attack a person not only when it is necessary to protect its cubs, but also in cases where it is wounded, afraid of losing its prey, or a couple of minutes ago was frightened by something or someone else.

The degree of risk of an unfavorable outcome from such an encounter with a bear depends on the season and the time of day at which the event occurred. The bear is most aggressive and prone to attack after hibernation, awakened in winter or during the rut. These animals feel especially relaxed at night. Therefore, if you need to go to the taiga at this particular time of day, then be sure to take lighting devices with you.

How to avoid possible encounters with a bear

In order to reduce the risk of encountering an animal such as a bear in the forest, the following rules should be followed:

The bear avoids any noise in every possible way. In the forest you can sing and talk loudly. You can tie a bell to your backpack or clothes or make other noises. Travel whenever possible large group. Try to avoid windbreaks and do not go into dense thickets.

Do not create camps near or settlement landfills or food warehouses and food waste. They attract animals and contribute to their concentration near people. Don't bury it organic waste into the ground - at any depth, brown bears with an excellent sense of smell will detect them and dig them up. All waste should be disposed of far from housing. The dump site is indicated special sign, which all local residents should be warned about. If there is no possibility of disposal, then food waste must be burned regularly.

If possible, take your dog with you into the forest. We are talking about shepherds and other breeds that can show an angry reaction and thereby protect you when a bear appears. You should also remember that any pets, as well as food for them, can become additional bait for a bear.

Do not approach the remains of dead animals, birds, and fish found in the forest. They may be prey for a brown bear who will defend it and attack you.

When moving through the forest, try not to walk on bear trails. You can recognize them by their shape: this is a path of two parallel lines pits located approximately 20 centimeters from each other. Try not to go to the river at dusk, at night or at dawn, especially along spawning grounds where bears hunt.

Bear behavior


The defensive behavior of an animal can be encountered in cases where you have invaded its private property or frightened it in some way. Most often, a female bear and her offspring behave this way when they accidentally encounter a person in the forest. The beast perceives a person as a source of threat to its offspring and itself or protects its prey. Outwardly, such a reaction can be different: from mild excitement to a sharp and sudden attack. Defensive


An animal can approach a person not only for defensive purposes. Sometimes he is overcome by curiosity or attracted by the smell of food. Some bears deliberately walk near the camp, trying to catch the smell of food. They approach slowly, raising their heads and pricking their ears.


Those bears that live in close proximity to people do not show much excitement and can let them get close enough to them, especially where the animals are already accustomed to seeing humans. In individuals accustomed to people, the distance is not observed so clearly, but it still remains. Human intrusion into the private space of any bear is dangerous.


A predatory bear will take a special interest in humans and will view you as potential prey. At first the animal simply shows curiosity, but if the bear is not rebuffed, it will turn out to be a predator. He will slowly approach you with his head held high and his ears pricked, or he will appear suddenly in your path. However, such an event as bear attacks on people does not happen often.

How to avoid danger when meeting a bear

If, while walking through the forest, you suddenly see a bear nearby, you need to stop and soberly assess the situation. There is a possibility that the animal has not yet noticed you, then there is a chance to calmly move away at the moment when the animal has turned away and is looking in the other direction. Continue to monitor the animal. If you manage to escape unnoticed, make a small detour and go around the bear or return back along the same route. It often happens that a bear is nearby and tries to avoid contact with a tourist or hunter, but he does not even assume that the animal is hiding here. The smaller the distance between you at the second the animal notices you, the higher the likelihood of the animal developing a defensive reaction.

When the animal begins to approach you, be sure to watch for changes in its behavior. Stop and try to look natural. Talk to the animal; your confident voice will help it calm down. Try to make it clear that the bear has met a person. If the animal could not immediately understand who it was dealing with, it will stand on its hind legs or approach the subject of interest to examine it or sniff it. If the animal’s paws are lowered, it means that it is driven only by curiosity and at the moment it's not dangerous. Without taking your eyes off the animal (but do not look into the eyes), step back smoothly and slowly, but at the slightest movement of the bear behind you, immediately stop and do not move any further.

There is no need to scream or throw objects at the bear in hopes of defending yourself. Yours aggressive behavior will anger the predator and it will most likely attack you.

Also, you should not run, you are unlikely to be able to do this, but running away can provoke the animal into aggression and attack.

Behavior during a bear attack

Encountering an aggressive bear in the forest is a terrible experience for anyone. Despite statistics that show small quantity cases of aggressive attacks on people by bears, such incidents still happen. How to behave in such situations?

If a predator approaches you, do not move. Speak to him in an even, calm tone. After the bear has stopped moving, carefully try to increase the distance between you again. A non-aggressive bear may abandon its intention to continue the attack and simply go elsewhere.

Whatever the attack - defensive or predatory - you should immediately freeze in your place. If you were unable to scare off the animal right away and it began to attack, then the reaction may be different: in the case of the bear’s defensive tactics, it is better for you not to move, but if the animal attacked, you should fight back.

Typically, predatory attacks are accompanied by aggression from bears. Your reaction in this case should also be an offensive. The beast must recognize your willingness to fight. And the more confident the animal is, the more aggressive your behavior should be. Try to make more noise: shout in a loud but not shrill voice, if possible, knock on hard objects, nearby trees. Do not imitate sounds similar to the growl of the bear itself.

Always look the animal in the eye if it has already attacked. Show your confidence and superiority. You can stamp your foot and take a couple of steps towards him. If possible, stand on something to make yourself taller. Bears are frightened by sharp sounds, you can clap, open a raincoat or an umbrella. Threaten the animal with what you have in your hands or what you can reach. Many bears are prone to suddenly stopping an attack that has begun, so it can end at any moment.

When attacking for the purpose of defense, at the very last second you are better off falling to the ground on your stomach and spreading your legs or lying curled up. It is better to cover your head with your hands, placing crossed fingers on the back of your head - this position provides protection for your face and neck. This is important because the target of almost all bears is the face. The beast will try to roll you over - in this case, roll back onto your stomach in order to ensure maximum protection for your face and internal organs. There is no need to fight the predator, no need to scream. Remain still and silent. Otherwise, the animal that had moved away will notice this and return to continue the attack.

Further reading: advice from Nikita Ovsyanikov, the most authoritative scientist in Russia who studies polar bears. We are talking specifically about polar bears, so advice may vary.

If you met a wolf

No animal attacks a person without significant reasons. The most common reasons for an aggressive attack on a person by a wolf are the following:

  • rabies, the main signs of which are a tucked tail, faded fur color, a dull, absent-minded gaze, a strongly lowered head, profuse salivation, as well as the fact that the animal is not in a pack, but is walking on its own;
  • hunger, forcing the animal to look for prey among people;
  • the desire to protect the offspring, prompting wolves to attack anyone who appears in close proximity to their cubs.

However, no matter what the real reason, when meeting a predator, there is absolutely no time to find out his motives, the main thing is to maintain composure and calm, which will help you save yourself in this extra-complicated situation.

How to behave if you see a wolf

If you notice a wolf in the forest in time, but it has not yet reacted to your presence, you can try to quietly leave this place. This attempt is not always successful, especially when it is not about a single wolf, but about a meeting with a whole pack, but it is worth a try. Perhaps you will be lucky, and then your life will be saved.

If you can’t get away unnoticed, you should try to slowly move back, but on condition that the animal does not react in any way to your movements and does not follow you. Do not look the animal in the eyes, this may provoke it into aggressive behavior. The wolves view this as a call for decisive action and begin to attack. A growl signifies the wolf's confidence in its abilities and its readiness for a swift attack. As soon as the animal puts its ears to its head and crouches, expect an immediate jump from it. Immediately try to grab the predator by the throat and, if successful, press on him with all your might. The winner in this fight will be the one who has enough strength and endurance to withstand the pressure of his opponent.

Don't even try to run away from a wolf or other predator in the forest. Any animal is faster and stronger than man, so you simply won’t have a chance of salvation. By turning away from the animal in an attempt to escape, showing it your back and trying to escape, you automatically recognize yourself as a victim and increase the likelihood of a subsequent attack by a predator. You can try to escape from the wolf by climbing the nearest tall tree. However, the wolf is incredibly patient, and you will have to sit on top long time waiting for help or until the beast leaves.

To distract the wolf, you can throw something edible at it if you have something on hand. Often this option helps. The animal may give up its intention to attack you if it receives a tasty treat and is occupied with it for some time.

If you understand that an attack from a wolf can no longer be avoided, take it in the fetal position. This body position will limit the wolf's access to many vulnerable areas, including helping to cover your neck. It is better, however, not to give up, but to give a decisive rebuff to the wolf, using any available means. The use of pepper spray, a stun gun, or sharp or piercing objects would be ideal option to intimidate the enemy. However, if you do not have anything significant with you for protection, then use what you find nearby: a thick stick, a heavy stone, a dry tree trunk. Try to hit the wolf as hard as possible sensitive area- in the face, aiming for where it hurts most - the nose. You can also strike the wolf in the stomach or in the chest at the moment when the predator jumps.

If there is a river nearby, get to it. Go waist-deep into the water, then you will have an advantage over the wolf, because the animal’s paws will not reach the bottom and it will not be able to attack with full force.

If a wolf knocks you down, get up immediately, remembering to constantly scold the enemy loudly. Your confident voice and clear movements will definitely strike fear into the predator. However, do not panic; control your emotions. As soon as you give up and show weakness, the predator will immediately defeat you. After fighting off the wolf and moving away from the battlefield, do not stop watching the defeated enemy out of the corner of your eye. Be prepared for the fact that the wolf may attack you again.

Traveling in a group: meeting with wolves

If you are traveling in a group and are attacked by wolves, try not to get separated. Stay together all the time. Keep an eye on small children and the wounded, if any - they are the ones the wolves consider the weakest and choose as targets for attack. You should not show sympathy and pity for predators, they will not be able to appreciate this and will still continue to try to attack you. If you have firearms, take advantage of it. Even if you don't want to kill the wolf, firing a gun can scare it away and force it to abandon its aggressive intentions.

If you have a dog traveling with you, keep an eye on it at all times. Try to prevent the animal from barking in the forest; be sure to collect excrement from it so as not to attract the attention of predators. You should not compare the behavior of a domestic dog and a timber wolf. A wolf is similar to a dog in appearance, but it is a wild and unpredictable animal, and you can expect anything from it.

If wolves decide to attack you after you've set up camp, try to scare off the predators with a fire. Everyone knows the fact that wolves are most afraid of fire, especially if there is a lot of smoke. To receive maximum quantity smoke, put freshly picked leaves into the fire, spruce branch, damp branches or lightly pour water on the burning wood. To make a fire, you need to choose a leeward side, then the wolves will not dare to attack the camp, and your group will be relatively safe.

If the outcome of an accidental encounter with wolves is negative, be sure to consult a doctor for help. The wolf that bit you may be infected with rabies, and then you will also be infected. If you do not start timely treatment against this dangerous disease, death will occur within a few days.