Polar bear (ursus maritimus). Brown bear: brief description, weight, dimensions

To the question: Are bears herbivores or predators asked by the author? Elena Yakshigulova the best answer is Bears are omnivores. They eat grass, berries, mushrooms, they will not refuse fish, especially meat, they put on fat - they eat everything until they are completely stupefied.
But pandas only eat bamboo, and polar bears prefer the fat of seals and seals.

Reply from Anastasia[newbie]

Reply from CupalCA[guru]
predators, of course

Reply from Artyom Kirillov[master]

Reply from Anyushka Selivanova[active]
predators, but when they are hungry they can pick raspberries and chew grass =)

Reply from Anton Schaefer[newbie]
The bear is an omnivore like humans

Reply from Nastyusha Ropcea[master]

Reply from Natasha[guru]
Bears (lat. Ursidae) are a family of mammals of the order Carnivora. They differ from other representatives of canids in having a stockier physique. Bears are omnivores, climb and swim well, run fast, and can stand and walk short distances on their hind legs. They have a short tail, long and thick fur, and excellent sense of smell and hearing. They hunt in the evening or at dawn. They are usually afraid of humans, but can be dangerous in areas where they are accustomed to people, especially polar bears and grizzly bears. Immune to bee stings. In nature natural enemies almost none.

Reply from Marina Mirutenko[guru]

Reply from Olesya Yudintseva (Yumasheva)[newbie]
100% carnivores-predators, because they eat meat and hunt. Only carnivores can hunt and eat meat, first of all, and only then fish, mushrooms, nuts, honey, berries, grass, roots. But herbivores cannot eat meat.

Reply from Lyudmila Valentinovna[guru]
polar bear, grizzly bear, spectacled bear and many other representatives of the bear family eat - wild berries, nuts, honey, rodents, carrion, large mammals, other plants. FROM THE ORDER THEY ARE PREDATORS. and here is a koala belonging to the family marsupial bears- herbivorous bear.

Reply from Iodionov Sergey[guru]
the bear is omnivorous. he eats almost everything he can eat. V summer period Vegetable food predominates; most of the animal protein in the bear’s diet comes from small animals. rodents. insects. The bear rarely engages in direct hunting, especially hunting large animals, only in the absence of more accessible and less “dangerous” food

Reply from Neuwind Storm of the Fiords[guru]
Bears are omnivores. In principle, they eat plant food all the time, and animal food only when it comes into their paws

Reply from KOMOV MIKHAIL[guru]
Browns are omnivores. Whites are predators

Reply from Alesya Benitsevich[newbie]

Reply from Marat Timirgalin[active]

Reply from Jena Slučić[newbie]

Reply from Gulnara Abulkhanova[newbie]
Anatomically they are predators. Teeth, this and that. And he cannot live on plant foods all the time. But in recent years In many regions, bears are increasingly using plant foods. In this regard, its numbers are growing; in some places there are significantly more of them than wolves. That is, he seems to be falling off the top of the food pyramid.

The bear is the most large predator on the ground. This animal belongs to the class mammals, order carnivores, family bears, genus bears ( Ursus). The bear appeared on the planet about 6 million years ago and has always been a symbol of power and strength.

Bear - description, characteristics, structure. What does a bear look like?

Depending on the species, the body length of a predator can vary from 1.2 to 3 meters, and the weight of a bear varies from 40 kg to a ton. The body of these animals is large, stocky, with a thick, short neck and big head. Powerful jaws make it easy to chew through both plant and meat food. The limbs are rather short and slightly curved. Therefore, the bear walks, swaying from side to side, and rests on its entire foot. The speed of a bear in moments of danger can reach 50 km/h. With the help of large and sharp claws, these animals extract food from the ground, tear apart prey and climb trees. Many species of bears are good swimmers. The polar bear has a special membrane between its toes for this purpose. The lifespan of a bear can reach 45 years.

Bears do not have sharp eyesight or well-developed hearing. This is compensated by an excellent sense of smell. Sometimes animals stand on their hind legs to use their sense of smell to obtain information about their surroundings.

Thick bear fur covering the body has a different color: from reddish-brown to black, white in polar bears or black and white in pandas. Species with dark fur turn gray and gray in old age.

Does a bear have a tail?

Yes, but only the giant panda has a noticeable tail. In other species it is short and almost indistinguishable in the fur.

Types of bears, names and photos

In the bear family, zoologists distinguish 8 species of bears, which are divided into many different subspecies:

The appearance of a predator of this species is typical for all representatives of the bear family: a powerful body, rather high at the withers, a massive head with rather small ears and eyes, a short, barely noticeable tail, and large paws with very powerful claws. Torso brown bear covered with thick hair with brownish, dark gray, reddish colors, which varies depending on the habitat of the “clubfoot”. Baby bear cubs often have large light tan marks on the chest or neck area, although these marks disappear with age.

The distribution range of the brown bear is wide: it is found in mountain systems Alps and on the Apennine Peninsula, common in Finland and the Carpathians, feels comfortable in Scandinavia, Asia, China, the northwestern United States and Russian forests.

  • Polar (white) bear (Ursus maritimus)

It is the largest representative of the family: its body length often reaches 3 meters, and its weight can exceed one ton. U long neck and a slightly flattened head - this distinguishes it from its counterparts of other species. The color of the bear’s fur is from boiling white to slightly yellowish; the hairs are hollow inside, so they give the bear’s “fur coat” excellent thermal insulation properties. The soles of the paws are thickly lined with tufts of coarse hair, which allows the polar bear to easily move across the ice without slipping. There is a membrane between the toes that facilitates the swimming process. The habitat of this bear species is the circumpolar regions of the Northern Hemisphere.

  • Baribal (black bear) (Ursus americanus)

The bear is a little similar to its brown relative, but differs from it in its smaller size and blue-black fur. The length of an adult baribal does not exceed two meters, and female bears are even smaller - their body is usually 1.5 meters long. pointed muzzle, long paws, ending with rather short feet - this is what makes this representative of bears remarkable. By the way, baribals can become black only in the third year of life, receiving a gray or brownish color at birth. The black bear's habitat is vast: from the vastness of Alaska to the territories of Canada and hot Mexico.

  • Malayan bear (biruang) (Helarctos malayanus)

The most “miniature” species among its bear counterparts: its length does not exceed 1.3-1.5 meters, and the height at the withers is slightly more than half a meter. This type of bear has a stocky build, a short, rather wide muzzle with small round ears. The paws of the Malayan bear are high, while the large, long feet with huge claws look a little disproportionate. The body is covered with short and very tough black-brown fur; the animal’s chest is “decorated” with a white-red spot. The Malayan bear lives in southern regions China, Thailand and Indonesia.

  • White-breasted (Himalayan) bear (Ursus thibetanus)

Slim physique Himalayan bear not too different large sizes- this representative of the family is two times smaller than its brown relative: the male has a length of 1.5-1.7 meters, while the height at the withers is only 75-80 cm, the females are even smaller. The bear's body, covered with shiny and silky fur of dark brown or black color, is crowned by a head with a pointed muzzle and large round ears. A mandatory “attribute” of the Himalayan bear’s appearance is a spectacular white or yellowish spot on the chest. This species of bear lives in Iran and Afghanistan, and is found in mountainous areas The Himalayas, on the territory of Korea, Vietnam, China and Japan, feel at ease in the vastness Khabarovsk Territory and in the south of Yakutia.

  • Spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus)

A medium-sized predator - length 1.5-1.8 meters, height at the withers from 70 to 80 cm. The muzzle is short, not too wide. The fur of the spectacled bear is shaggy, has a black or black-brown tint, and there are always white-yellow rings around the eyes, smoothly turning into a whitish “collar” of fur on the animal’s neck. The habitat of this type of bear is the country South America: Colombia and Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador, Venezuela and Panama.

  • Gubach (Melursus ursinus)

A predator with a body length of up to 1.8 meters, height at the withers varies from 65 to 90 centimeters, females are approximately 30% smaller than males in both respects. The body of the sloth fish is massive, the head is large, with a flat forehead and an overly elongated muzzle, which ends in mobile, completely hairless, protruding lips. The bear's fur is long, usually black or dirty brown in color, and in the area of ​​the animal's neck it often forms something like a shaggy mane. The sloth bear's chest has a light spot. The habitat of this type of bear is India, some areas of Pakistan, Bhutan, the territory of Bangladesh and Nepal.

This type of bear has a massive, squat body, which is covered with dense, thick black and white fur. The paws are short, thick, with sharp claws and completely hairless pads: this allows pandas to firmly hold smooth and slippery bamboo stems. The structure of the front paws of these bears is very unusually developed: five ordinary fingers are complemented by a large sixth, although it is not a real finger, but a modified bone. Such amazing paws enable the panda to easily handle the thinnest shoots of bamboo. The bamboo bear lives in the mountainous regions of China, with especially large populations living in Tibet and Sichuan.

Bears are considered the largest predators currently living on our planet. Despite this, they are more likely than other carnivorous mammals to prefer plant foods over animal meat.

Appearance of the bear

Teeth and claws: Bears' fangs are quite powerful, like those of other predatory animals. Molars have a flat, uneven surface that is easy to chew. This is due to a mixed diet; bears eat both animal and plant foods. Each paw has five long toes with large, sharp claws that do not retract. With the help of this tool, bears dig up edible roots and fruits from the ground. In addition, the predator uses its sharp claws to tear its prey into small pieces.

Sense organs: Bears have small eyes set close to each other. The fields of vision of both eyes overlap, so the animal sees objects in volume. In general, bears have poor eyesight. Hearing is also not very well developed. The bear has a better developed sense of smell. The bear will often stand on its hind legs and move its head to explore with its nose and gain information about its surroundings.

Communication: Bears communicate with each other using sounds and body movements. For example, the position of an animal's ears conveys information about the owner's mood. Having met, the bears raise their heads to each other and growl without opening their mouths. The bear's flat teeth can grind any food. A giant brown bear catches fish in the rivers.

Travel methods: Bears have fairly short limbs. They walk using the entire surface of their feet. Bears' paws are curved in the shape of the letter "O", so these animals have club feet and walk, waddling from side to side. But when danger arises or when chasing prey, bears are able to trot and even gallop. In case of danger, the bear stands on its hind legs. Cubs and adults of some species climb trees and swim, and polar bear is the only mammal that swims only with the help of its forelimbs.
Body Structure: Various They differ in size, but their structure is similar: a powerful body, short strong legs, a massive head and a very short tail.

Coat: Bear fur comes in several types, from the thick yellowish-white coat of the polar bear to the long, fluffy coat of the Sloth. The fur of most types of bears is brown in color and perfectly camouflages animals in the forest.

Did you know? What is the giant brown bear living in the territory North America, in other languages ​​called "Kodiak". This is the name of the island where these representatives of the subspecies are found. A bear standing on its hind legs can reach up to 3 m in height.
The polar bear can be found in the open sea at a distance of 80 km from the coast.
Bears walk slowly, waddling, but if necessary they can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h. The grizzly bear's menu consists of 80% plant foods.

The habitats of the polar bear and the arctic fox are located in the Far North. These are hardy mammals. Almost all bears are on the verge of extinction and are protected by law.
Once upon a time, there were many brown bears in Europe. Now their numbers have declined, but they still remain the most numerous species in the family. The polar bear was a subject of hunting in the past. People ate its meat and made clothes from its skin.
The polar bear has acclimatized better than other animals to the permafrost region.

Seven species of bears belonging to four genera live primarily in the Northern Hemisphere. Only the spectacled bear lives in the south. All bears, with the exception of the polar bear, which inhabits snowy arctic deserts, are inhabitants of deep forests. Their only enemy is man. Currently, only two species of bears are not threatened with extinction.

Origin of bears

The first bear, the ancestor of all modern species of bears, (Ursavus), lived on Earth 20 million years ago. It was the size of a small dog and inhabited the territory of modern Europe, where hot weather prevailed at that time. subtropical climate, rich in lavish vegetation. Bears, along with foxes, dogs and raccoons, descend from their common ancestor - small predator family Miacidae, who lived 30-40 million years ago and climbed trees. As a result of evolution, new species of bears arose, which gradually became larger, larger and stronger. Many, including the cave bear, which was larger than modern bears, became extinct. The youngest species in the family is the polar bear, which appeared 70,000 years ago.

  1. Spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus): body length 1.3-1.8 m. The only representative of the family in South America.
  2. Malayan bear (Helarctos malayanus): body length 1-1.4 m. This small representative of the family lives in tropical forests Southeast Asia. Rarely seen.
  3. Slothfish (Melursus ursinus): body length 1.4-1.8 m. Lives in the jungles of India and Sri Lanka. Herbivorous. It collects termites and insects with its lips and tongue.
  4. Polar bear (Ursus maritimus): body length 1.8-3 m. Inhabits the northern regions of the Arctic, feeds mainly on seals.
  5. Brown bear (Ursus arctos): 2-3 m long, lives in North America, Europe and Asia. There are several subspecies: grizzly bear, giant brown bear and European brown bear.
  6. Baribal, black bear (Ursus americanus): body length 1.3-1.8 m, found in the forests of North America. Like other members of the family, it feeds on mixed food.
  7. White-breasted bear (Ursus thibetanus): body length 1.4-2 m. Lives in forests and spends most of its time in trees. It feeds on herbs, fruits and berries.

Bear breeding

Bears live solitary lives, meeting only during the breeding season. The mating period, depending on the species, falls on different times year. Some species of bears, in particular the Malayan, can breed throughout the year - they live in tropical rainforests, where they have plenty of food. In addition, the Malayan bear is a monogamous species. After mating, the male and female separate. Only the she-bear is responsible for raising her offspring.

The duration of pregnancy is 180-250 days and depends on the type of bear. A bear litter consists of 1-4 cubs, which are born blind, toothless, and covered with sparse hair. They spend at least a year in family nest feeding on mother's milk. The polar bear never lacks food and therefore does not fall into winter sleep. However, pregnant females and mothers with cubs hibernate. In the spring, the she-bear leaves her den, accompanied by fluffy and playful cubs. The cubs follow her relentlessly, learning to find food and recognize danger. Bears of various species reach sexual maturity at the age of 2.5-5 years.

Lifestyle of bears

Bears are territorial animals. Each individual is the owner of a fairly large area, controls where it hunts and hibernates. Females live with their cubs for up to two years. Bears are avid loners, but in places rich in food, for example, in a berry meadow, several individuals can be found at once. Having had their fill, they disperse. But the bear has invaded someone else's territory and is awaiting a meeting with its owner, which could end in a clash. Searching for food takes a lot of time, so bears are active both day and night. Bears sleep in camouflaged shelters - dens, which are located in recesses under the roots of trees. A white-breasted bear makes a nest in a tree. Bears of the genus Ursus living in cold climatic zones, hibernate in winter. Winter sleep lasts from 78 to 200 days. Exact times vary by area. During hibernation, bears make a den for themselves among the windfall, under the roots of trees, or dig it on the slope of mountains and hills. They line and insulate their dens with grass, leaves and moss. Bears hibernate for long periods of time to survive hunger. winter period.

The brown or common bear is predatory mammals from the bear family. This is one of the largest and dangerous species terrestrial predators. There are about twenty subspecies of brown bear, differing appearance and distribution area.

Description and appearance

The appearance of a brown bear is typical of all representatives of the bear family. The body of the animal is well developed and powerful.


There is a high withers, as well as a fairly massive head with small ears and eyes. The length of the relatively short tail varies between 6.5-21.0 cm. The paws are quite strong and well developed, with powerful and non-retractable claws. The feet are very wide, five-toed.

Dimensions of a brown bear

The average length of a brown bear living in the European part is usually about one and a half to two meters with a body weight in the range of 135-250 kg. Individuals inhabiting middle lane our country, are somewhat smaller in size and can weigh approximately 100-120 kg. The Far Eastern bears and bears are considered the largest, their sizes often reaching three meters.

Skin color

The color of a brown bear is quite variable. Differences in the color of the skin depend on the habitat, and the color of the fur can vary from a light fawn shade to a bluish-black. Brown color is considered standard.

This is interesting! A characteristic feature of the grizzly bear is the presence of hair on the back with whitish ends, due to which there is a kind of graying on the coat. Individuals with a grayish-white color are found in the Himalayas. Animals with reddish-brown fur inhabit Syria.


IN natural conditions average duration The lifespan of a brown bear is approximately twenty to thirty years. In captivity, this species can live fifty years, and sometimes more. Rare individuals survive in natural conditions to the age of fifteen years.

Subspecies of brown bear

The brown bear species includes several subspecies or so-called geographical races, which differ in size and color.

The most common subspecies:

  • European brown bear with a body length of 150-250 cm, tail length of 5-15 cm, height at the withers of 90-110 cm and an average weight of 150-300 kg. A large subspecies with a powerful build and a pronounced hump at the withers. General coloration varies from light grayish-yellow to blackish-dark brown. The fur is thick and long enough;
  • Caucasian brown bear with medium length body 185-215 cm and body weight 120-240 kg. The coat is short, coarse, and paler in color than that of the Eurasian subspecies. Color ranges from a pale straw color to a uniform gray-brown color. There is a pronounced, large dark-colored spot in the withers area;
  • East Siberian brown bear with a body weight of up to 330-350 kg and a large skull size. The fur is long, soft and dense, with a pronounced shine. The wool has a light brown or blackish-brown or dark brown color. Some individuals are characterized by the presence of fairly clearly visible yellowish and black shades in color;
  • Ussuri or Amur brown bear. In our country, this subspecies is well known as the black grizzly. The average body weight of an adult male can vary between 350-450 kg. The subspecies is characterized by the presence of a large and well-developed skull with an elongated nasal part. The skin is almost black. Distinctive feature is presence long hair on the ears.

One of the largest subspecies in our country is the Far Eastern or Kamchatka brown bear, average weight whose body often exceeds 450-500 kg. Large adults have a large, massive skull and a wide, raised front of the head. The fur is long, dense and soft, pale yellow, blackish brown or completely black in color.

The area where the brown bear lives

The natural distribution area of ​​brown bears has undergone significant changes over the last century. Previously, subspecies were found in vast areas stretching from England to Japanese Islands, as well as from Alaska to central Mexico.

Today, due to the active extermination of brown bears and their eviction from inhabited territories, the most numerous groups of predators are recorded only in the western part of Canada, as well as in Alaska and forest areas our country.

Bear lifestyle

The period of activity of the predator occurs at dusk, early morning and evening hours. The brown bear is a very sensitive animal, orienting itself in space mainly through hearing, as well as smell. Poor vision is characteristic. Despite their impressive size and large body weight, brown bears are almost silent, fast and very easy to move predators.

This is interesting! The average running speed is 55-60 km/h. Bears swim quite well, but they can move through deep snow cover with great difficulty.

Brown bears belong to the category of sedentary animals, but young animals separated from the family are capable of wandering and actively looking for a partner. Bears mark and defend the boundaries of their territory. In the summer, bears rest directly on the ground, nestling among forbs and low shrubby plants. With the onset of autumn, the animal begins to prepare for itself a reliable winter shelter.

Nutrition and prey of the brown bear

Brown bears are omnivores, but the basis of their diet is vegetation, represented by berries, acorns, nuts, roots, tubers and the stem parts of plants. In a lean year, oats and corn are good substitutes for berries. Also, the predator’s diet necessarily includes all kinds of insects, represented by ants, worms, lizards, frogs, field and forest rodents.

Large adult predators are capable of attacking young artiodactyls. Roe deer, fallow deer, deer, wild boar and elk can become prey. An adult brown bear can break the back of its prey with one blow of its paw, after which it covers it with brushwood and guards it until the carcass is completely eaten. Near water areas, some subspecies of brown bears hunt seals, fish and seals.

Grizzly bears are capable of attacking baribal bears and taking prey from smaller predators.

This is interesting! Regardless of age, brown bears have excellent memory. These wild animals are able to easily remember mushroom or berry places, and also quickly find their way to them.

The basis of the diet of the Far Eastern brown bear in summer and autumn period becomes salmon going to spawn. In lean years and poor food supply, a large predator is capable of attacking even domestic animals and grazing livestock.

Reproduction and offspring

The mating season of the brown bear lasts a couple of months and begins in May, when the males engage in fierce fights. Females mate with several adult males at once. Latent pregnancy involves the development of the embryo only during the hibernation stage of the animal. The female carries the cubs for approximately six to eight months.. Blind and deaf, completely helpless and covered with sparse hair, the cubs are born in a den. As a rule, the female bears two or three babies, whose height at the time of birth does not exceed a quarter of a meter and weighs 450-500 g.

This is interesting! In the den, the cubs feed on milk and grow to three months, after which they develop milk teeth and become able to independently feed on berries, vegetation and insects. However, on breastfeeding cubs stay for up to one and a half years or more.

Not only the female takes care of the offspring, but also the so-called nurse daughter, who appeared in the previous litter. The cubs live next to the female until they are about three or four years old, until they reach puberty. The female usually produces offspring once every three years.

Brown bear hibernation

The brown bear's sleep is completely different from the period of hibernation characteristic of other mammal species. During hibernation, the brown bear's body temperature, breathing rate, and pulse remain virtually unchanged. The bear does not fall into a state of complete stupor, and in the first days only dozes.

At this time, the predator listens sensitively and reacts to the slightest danger by leaving the den. In warm and little snowy winters, if available large quantity food, some males do not dive into hibernation. Sleep occurs only with the onset of severe frosts and can last less than a month. In a dream, reserves are wasted subcutaneous fat, which was accumulated in the summer and autumn.

Getting ready for bed

Winter shelters are established by adults in reliable, remote and dry places, under a windbreak or the roots of a fallen tree. The predator is able to independently dig a deep den in the ground or occupy mountain caves and rock crevices. Pregnant brown bears try to create a deeper, more spacious, warm den for themselves and their offspring, which is then lined with moss on the inside, spruce branches and fallen leaves.

This is interesting! Young bear cubs always spend the winter with their mother. Such a company can be joined by bear cubs in their second year of life.

All adult and solitary predators hibernate alone. The exception is individuals living on the territory of Sakhalin and Kuril Islands. Here, the presence of several adult individuals in one den is often observed.

Duration of hibernation

Depending on weather conditions and some other factors, brown bears are able to stay in a den for up to six months. The period when a bear lies in a den, as well as the duration of hibernation itself, may depend on the conditions imposed by weather conditions, the yield of the fattening food base, gender, age parameters and even the physiological state of the animal.

This is interesting! Old and fat wild beast goes to hibernate much earlier, even before significant snow cover falls, and young and insufficiently fed individuals lie down in the den in November-December.

The period of occurrence lasts for a couple of weeks or several months. Pregnant females are the first to settle in for the winter. Lastly, old males occupy dens. The same place for hibernation in winter can be used by a brown bear for several years.


Shatun is a brown bear that has not had time to accumulate a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fat and, for this reason, is not able to hibernate. In the process of searching for any food, such a predator is capable of wandering around the surrounding area all winter. As a rule, such a brown bear moves uncertainly and has a shabby and relatively exhausted appearance.

This is interesting! When meeting dangerous opponents, brown bears emit a very loud roar, stand on their hind legs and try to knock down their opponent. with a strong blow powerful front paws.

Hunger forces the beast to often appear in close proximity to human habitation. The connecting rod bear is typical for northern regions, characterized harsh winters, including territory Far East and Siberia. A massive invasion of connecting rod bears can occur during lean seasons, approximately once every ten years. Hunting connecting rod bears is not a commercial activity, but a necessary measure.

Bear is beast of prey, which is the largest in the world. The length of its body reaches approximately three meters, and its mass is approximately 800. The bear has a huge body, strong paws with claws, a short tail, and a large head.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is the first Russian writer of various poems, fairy tales, and riddles. Pushkin's poems became the main point to which the entire Russian people listened. Pushkin’s work contains many works of various genres, but he paid great attention to lyric poetry.

Bears brown look They live in the taiga, in mountain forests and near fertile meadows near water. The fur of brown bears can be of various colors, ranging from brown to dark brown. By old age, bears turn gray and become grey. Species such as the Malayan bear, white-breasted bear, sloth bear, black bear and polar bear are very common. All these types of bears are mostly found alone, but sometimes in groups. They are active at night, but polar bears are active only during the day. Bears rest mainly in caves and pits.

Almost all bears are omnivores. But species such as the polar bear eat only the meat of mammals. Brown bears have a varied diet, it changes due to the changing seasons. After the bear wakes up, its diet includes ants, young shoots and dead animals. The bear's diet also includes various ripe berries and even nuts. Bears eat a lot; in order to feed it, they need a lot of food, which is processed into fat necessary for winter living. When the year is not productive, bears eat crops of oats, corn, and also eat domestic animals.

Many bears lead a quiet life throughout the year. Brown bears and white-breasted bears hibernate during the winter. Among polar bears, only female bears that bear cubs hibernate. The bears' den is very clean and emits a pleasant smell.

Updated: 02/24/2015