“Zashkvar” – what is it? The concept and meaning of the word in youth slang. Youth slang: What does the word “hype” mean?

First of all, youth slang attracts attention with its expressiveness and diversity. It is characteristic not only of this age group, since the adult part of the population becomes familiar with this slang by reading teenage magazines, watching youth films, listening to music. Could slang really attract adults? Most likely yes! And not only was he able to join their “official” language, but he was able to continue to exist until our times, each time giving birth to new “bright” words!

The first reason for such a rapid emergence of new expressions in youth slang is the rapid developing life. Teenagers remake words in order to make it easier to communicate in our time. They want to create something imaginative, unusual, something that would attract the attention of others. As a rule, slang words are very quickly passed from mouth to mouth and even try to seep into literature. Studying different languages, young people adopt words, adding various prefixes or suffixes, or vice versa, removing them, and then use them in their speech. Sometimes it all seems funny, and sometimes it doesn't. But we cannot do anything about this, since young people are very numerous and slang words spread instantly. The main thing is that informal vocabulary, in particular slang, does not “contaminate” our speech. To prevent this from happening, you need to understand when and where you can use slangisms. Youth slang is used by young people when they communicate with each other in a relaxed, informal setting, or youth slang is used in fiction to give the text expressiveness - all this is normal, no “contamination” occurs.

In order to understand how formal, ordinary and informal vocabulary differs, I will give the following examples: We had a number of positive experiences at the party (formal); we had a great time at the party. (relaxed);

We had a ball (informal).

Youth slang in the conversation of teenagers is very clearly shown:

“-Crumbs! That girl is choong, blud.

  • - Safe, man! You"re looking buff in your fresh creps and low batties.
  • - Homework? Nah, that's long, man.
  • - Wanna cotch down my yard?
  • - I can't find my chops!
  • - Grime is big on the endz. »

It is quite difficult to translate this conversation without knowing youth slang!

Now I will explain some words, or rather, translate them into literary language. Blud- friend; butters-ugly; buff- attractive; chops- jewellery; cotch- to relax at home alone or with close friends, to do as little as possible; creps- trainers; Crumbs!- Wow!; endz- local area or neighborhood; grime- kind of music that was born in London in the 2000s, with an aggressive and fast style of rapping; safe- hi; yard- house, home, neighborhood.

But what is the difference between youth slang and other slangs? These words are used to communicate within the same age category. Youth slang differs from others in that words are created in their sphere of communication and may be incomprehensible to people of a different age category. Now, due to the emergence of mass subcultures, youth slang is beginning to fragment. Each organization tries to create some of its own concepts specific to their interests. But, unfortunately, slang and vulgar words are often found among youth vocabulary. Their use pollutes speech, so we must try to exclude these “uncultured” words in order to prevent them from seeping into our vocabulary. But it will not be so easy to do this, since these words are also transmitted very quickly from one person to another, but each of us must try to stop this frantic flow.

Youth slang

Russian youth slang is an interesting linguistic phenomenon, the existence of which is limited not only by certain age limits, as is clear from its nomination itself, but also by social, temporal and spatial boundaries. It exists among urban student youth - and certain more or less closed reference groups.

Like all social dialects, it is only a lexicon that feeds on the juices of the national language and lives on its phonetic and grammatical soil.

The flow of this vocabulary never dries up completely; it only becomes shallow at times, and at other times it becomes full-flowing. This is connected, of course, with the historical background against which the Russian language develops. But this connection cannot be interpreted too straightforwardly, explaining the noticeable revival and intensive word formation in slang only by historical cataclysms. The beginning of the century saw three stormy waves in the development of youth slang. The first dates back to the 20s, when the revolution and civil war, having destroyed the structure of society to the ground, gave birth to an army of homeless people, and the speech of teenage students and youth, who were not separated from the homeless by impassable partitions, was colored by many “thieves” words;

The second wave occurred in the 50s, when “hipsters” took to the streets and dance floors of cities. The appearance of the third wave is associated not with an era of turbulent events, but with a period of stagnation, when the suffocating atmosphere public life The 70s and 80s gave rise to various informal youth movements, and “hippie” young people created their own “systemic” slang as a linguistic gesture of opposition to the official ideology.

Beregovskaya E.M. identifies more than 10 ways of forming functional units of slang, thereby confirming the thesis about the constant updating of the vocabulary of slang.

Foreign language borrowings come first in terms of productivity (dude - guy (from gypsy language), mostly English-speaking. This method is organically combined with affixation, so that the word immediately appears in Russified form. For example: thank you (thank you) - Senka; parents (parents) - parents, prants; birthday (birthday) - bum, bum.

Having appeared in such a grotesque guise, borrowed slangism immediately actively enters the system of inflection: street (street) - on the street, luknut (look) - lukni, etc. And the derivation mechanism is immediately activated:

Drink ( alcoholic drink) - drinker, drinker, drink - command, get drunk, get drunk.

Some foreign words, long assimilated into the Russian language, seem to have been re-borrowed with a different meaning:

rally (meeting), ring (telephone), speech (conversation), etc.

Affixation as a means is very productive. And following E.A. Zemskaya we will consider this type of word formation step by step.


Ukh(a) is used to form words with an expression of rudeness, disdain, irony: nickname - klikuha, order - order, show - showing off, calmness - calmness.

In this case, the basis of a complex, usually foreign language base word is subject to truncation: presentation - presentuha, pornography - porn, scholarship - stipukha.

The suffix is ​​also used as a means of universalization, i.e. reduction of combinations “adjective + noun” into one word -

noun: wet case (murder) - mokrukha, everyday crime - everyday life.

But this suffix does not always contain the same combination. The bases of adjectives are used as the basic ones, conveying the semantics of the new word: black - chernukha, cheerful - veselukha.

Ag(a) produces modification nouns, i.e. words that differ from the basic ones in expressive assessment. As a rule, such a suffix conveys rude mockery: journalist, hostel, prison;

Ar(a) forms expressive modification nouns that have a rude and humorous character: nose - nose, cat - cat.

-on is unique, with the help of which nouns are derived from the stems of verbs, denoting actions or states related to drinking and snacking: drink - drink, snack - snack, throw - zakidon.

The production of names of persons is carried out by many suffixes.

L(a) produces from verbal stems rudely derogatory names for persons by action: drove (from driver), threw (from throw - deceiver);

Shchik, -nik, -ach are active in different areas of the language: freeloader - freeloader, hang out - partygoer, joke - joker, knock - snitch;

Ak is more active in the production of nouns denoting any object or phenomenon, by action or attribute: impudence - nagliak, depression - depresnyak, prohodnyak (a work that can be published or a passing grade at a university).

It generates not only nouns, but also a specific class of words - evaluative adverbial predicates: sure, dead (sure thing), acting as an interjection with the meaning: for sure, for sure.

Among the less expressive suffixes that act in the word formation of nouns, we will name the following:

Lk(a), with the help of which nouns of different semantics are formed from verbal stems, for example, naming species children's folklore and children's games: horror stories, shooting games (similar to the well-known ones: counting rhymes, teasers);

Ota is used to produce nouns with a collective meaning: drug (from drugs);

Hedgehog forms from verbal stems names of actions and states of the type: baldezh (from baldet), gudezh (from buzzing);

Derivatives that have a local meaning are not very typical for the general jargon. For example, noun. bomzhatnik (from bum), modeled on the names of premises for animals (calf barn, chicken coop), noun. rocking chair (sports club) is modeled after the conversational reading room, smoking room.

Neutral suffixes, which are productive in literary language, are also widely used to supplement the slang vocabulary. To produce nouns denoting actions or the result of an action, the following suffixes are used:

O: collision, rollback, gain;

K(a): cheating, washing, excuse, exposure, promotion, tension;

Neither (e): washing, welding, simmering.

The word formation of the verb is less rich. It has no specific suffixes.

Derivatives with -nu, -anu are especially active, denoting instantaneous, one-time action: to slow down, burst, break. But the main role is played by prefixation, prefixes, productive ones in literary colloquial speech:

s- with the meaning of removal: fade away, dump (leave, leave);

roll away, roll away, shovel away (lit. move away);

from - with the meaning of destroying the result of another action: launder (dirty money), smear (s), rewind.


The word formation of adjectives is even less ramified than the word formation of verbs. It does not contain specific prefixes and suffixes. The most active ones are the same as for the literary language: -ov, -n-, -sk-: lom - dray, plague - chumova, goon - goon.

In slang, there is a specific variety of words like: banter, crazy, correlative with verbs ending in -anuty. Derivatives of anuty resemble in form passive participles(bend - bent), however, their semantics and nature of use (inability to control dependent nominal forms (bent by whom...)) shows that they should be considered as special kind adjectives.

3. The second place after suffixation is taken by such a method as truncation. With its help, names of various kinds are easily generated, as a rule, from a polysyllabic word: shiza - schizophrenia; demobilization - demobilization; cash cash;

4. The next powerful source of formation of the lexical composition of slang is metaphors.

Metaphors: aquarium, monkey bar - “police bench for detainees”, golyak - complete absence something, extinguish - hit, fly away - feel great.

In metaphorics there is often a humorous interpretation of the signified:

shaggy - bald, basketball player - man short, Mercedes pedal - bicycle.

Metonymies: hairy - hippie, crusty - diploma.

Metonymies like: grass - drugs for smoking, puff - smoking drugs, sniffing glue are euphemistic in nature, obscure negative essence named denotations.

5. Development of polysemy: throw: 1) steal something from someone; 2) take something from someone and not give it back; 3) cheat when making a transaction; 4) fail to keep a promise, deceive; nishtyak: 1) everything is in order; 2) it is not important, not significant; 3) not bad, tolerable; 4) please; hang around: 1) be under the influence of a drug; 2) receive great pleasure, both physical and spiritual;

Borrowing thieves' argotisms: lawlessness - complete freedom, revelry; cool - good; wet - beat, kill;

Synonymous or antonymic derivation (one of the components of a phraseological unit is replaced by a word of similar or opposite meaning from a national language or slang): get on the needle - start using drugs regularly - get hooked on the needle - get someone used to using drugs - get off the needle - stop using drugs ; hammer a joint - fill a cigarette with a drug for smoking - nail a joint, hammer a joint;

Abbreviation, full or partial: KPZ: 1) pre-trial detention cell; 2) a room with a pleasant smell; 3) Kyiv brewery; zosia - alcoholic drink"Golden Autumn";

Telescopy: cerebellum - go crazy (cerebellum + cerebellum);

Pun stand: Bucharest - youth party (from “bukh” - alcohol), bezbabie - lack of money (from “granny” - money); Zhoporozhets, constipation - a Zaporozhets brand car.

Jargons are words used by certain social or collective common interests groups that carry a secret meaning incomprehensible to everyone.

Jargon is a kind of language within a language. Strictly speaking, jargon is a type of speech of a group of people united a single profession(jargon of pilots, miners, sailors), occupation (jargon of athletes, collectors), etc. Youth slang is often called slang (from the English slang) or argo (from the French argot).

The word "hype" stepped into the masses and gained fame throughout the country, thanks to an MTS promotional video. The heroes of the video, Dmitry Nagiyev and Vladimir Sychev, state that “rock on bones” (music recorded on records from x-rays), jeans, mohawk hairstyle, breakdancing are hype, but a spinner is no longer hype. In simple words We’ll try to explain to everyone who is not yet in the know (this especially applies to the older generation and parents):

  • what is “hype”,
  • what does this word mean,
  • as translated literally from English into Russian.

The cheat sheet will tell you 😉

Hype in youth slang

In the sense that we're talking about in the MTS video, hype is:

  • a product promoted thanks to advertising, a fashionable feature, a popular gizmo, a cool thing.

English-Russian modern dictionary gives the following translation for the word “hype” in American colloquial speech: “cool, cool.” And he uses the word “cool” as a synonym. Example of usage in English:

How's the movie? — It’s hype, yo. - Did you like the film? - Yes, great.

In youth slang, “hype” is what is now fashionable, cool, and popular. Derived words:

  • Hype - fashionable, a person who understands what is happening in the fashion world.
  • Hype - party, have fun, rock, be trendy. Hype also means PR, actively promote, advertise something, promote, give popularity, make a fuss.
  • To hype is to become famous, to make a splash.
  • Khaypozhor is a person who makes himself fashionable and popular through likes on the Internet, promotes himself, makes himself admired, using fashion trends.

Capacious interpretation in simple words“English-Russian Dictionary of Expressions” gives us information about what “hype” is in youth slang:

Translation of the word "hype" from English into Russian

Translators help you understand the exact meaning of this word. Hype translated from English into Russian means:

  1. hype n. - deception, deception, hype verb - to deceive, defraud, fool, loudly advertise (English-Russian Synonymic Dictionary);
  2. hype n. - deception, fraud, throwing dust in the eyes, intrusive advertising (English-Russian Economic Dictionary);
  3. hype adj.; American; decomposition - cool, cool (English-Russian modern dictionary);
  4. hype - a drug addict, a hypodermic needle, a drug supplier, a heroin addict (Universal English-Russian Dictionary).
  5. According to Yandex.Translator, “hype” is translated from English as follows:

Hype projects

Another meaning of the word “hype” is widespread on the Internet:

  • HYIP projects are investment projects, financial pyramids. In this meaning, HYIP is an abbreviation for High Yield Investment Program - a highly profitable and high-risk investment project (which does not always correspond to reality). The abbreviation here coincides very harmoniously with English noun“hype”, because, as we found out, the word is also translated as “deception, deception.” Hype projects also create hype and excitement around themselves (let’s remember MMM), but often turn out to be just a deception. A hype project in a financial context often means a fraudulent project.

Advertising with Nagiyev about hype

In 2017, a video about hype featuring Russian actors Dmitry Nagiyev and Vladimir Sychev. The plot of the advertisement is based on what “hype” now means and what is not “hype”. Perhaps the video will help you figure this out 😉

Let's figure out what rofl is and where this word came from. What is the meaning of the word in youth slang - a curse word or a positive response?

What is rofl

Rofl is a translation into Russian English abbreviation ROFL, which in turn looks like rolling on the floor laughing, that is, “rolling on the floor laughing.”

The expression does not have a negative connotation. It is used to convey an emotional reaction to an event, statement, photo or video.

The word "rofl" appears in computer games, correspondence on forums on social networks. There is an animated emoticon called rofl. He is an indicator of hysterical laughter.

The rofl meme, which has become popular since 2017, expresses more violent reaction than the until recently popular acronym LOL.

The meaning of the word "ruffle"

What is roflating? If someone jokes or trolls, then they write to him: “You are being harsh!” But this is what they say to someone who laughs or has fun because of someone’s joke.

If you notice that someone is laughing heartily at someone else’s joke, feel free to write: “Roflish.” In other words, you're kidding. And the word “roflit”, in contrast to “roflish”, means ‘to have fun’. It is often found in correspondence on VK or in online games.

“Troll” is equivalent to the word “troll.” A rofleur is someone who mocks, ridicules, and encourages his opponent to react at which he laughs.

Rofl or roflit is Internet slang used to express a violent reaction to something funny or banter. The expression came to us from English language. Do you often use the word “rofl”?

Many unknown words overwhelm our ancient and very rich Russian language; every year the vocabulary of the average Russian is replenished with more and more new words, phrases, slang statements and much more. Language is constantly changing, and in order to maintain a conversation on equal terms with any person, you must initially know the meanings of neologisms. In this article we will explain in detail what “TP” means. In what cases should you use this word, where should you not, and what consequences can you expect after pronouncing the word?

What is “TP” in youth slang

Many new words come into the Russian language every year, this is the inevitable fate of any developed language. The faster a people develops, the faster and more rapidly the language develops, replacing ordinary words with unusual, wondrous, rarely used ones. If you think about how much you can change any sentence if you use different words each time, then only then will you understand how ancient and rich the Russian language is.

In addition to ordinary, cultural words, abusive ones also develop. A strong word can make a joke much more colorful, which is why we all love old jokes about Petka so much. Modern computer technology increased the level of communication between people, as a result of which abbreviations even of curse words began to appear. It’s much easier to write a few characters that fully characterize your attitude towards something. What does "TP" mean? It is a contraction of two swear words, the first of which is "stupid" and the second of which means the female genital organ. Thus, people talk about a girl with not the best behavior. “TP” usually refers to girls who lead a dissolute lifestyle and do not have a regular sexual partner, and simply behave quite stupidly and dissolutely.

Where is the word "TP" used?

This question is usually asked by those people who actively use social networks and often visit various forums related to various topics and areas. There are also questions about what this means - TP on VKontakte, because the majority of the population of our country logs into this social network at least once and actively communicates there. The bottom line is that the population of any country is divided into different social groups, each of which has different views for life. Therefore, if you are a girl, then a situation may well happen in which some comment will be left on your avatar angry man, and he will express his anger with only one word - “TP”

IN next point In this article we will tell you what consequences can await you if you throw this word around in various conversations. If you do not know what “TP” means, then this does not relieve you of responsibility.

Consequences for using the word "TP"

Modern technologies, if used correctly, can allow a hacker to find out almost all the data about a person, so there are many stories when people with masks broke into a house, threatened to kill and started a brawl, and the reason for all this turned out to be an ordinary quarrel in social network. As already mentioned, if you do not know what “TP” means, this does not relieve you of responsibility, because with this word you insult the rights of women, for which in a civilized country they can be brought to administrative responsibility. Quite uncultured people use such words, so it is better to know what this word means, but not to try to use it yourself.

In conclusion

We hope you learned from this article what “TP” means. We also hope that such a word will not be used in your direction, because it is not only an insult to your gender, but also to the degree of your education.