The most popular names for children. Will the name of a newborn boy determine his fate?

A person is given a name only once and subsequently affects his entire destiny. With age, we become fused with our name, turning into a person who personifies what is put into it. You've probably noticed how many people are similar to their names, so when choosing a name for a boy, you should think carefully about what you want him to be in many years to come.

Character of boys born in 2017 Year of the Rooster

2017 will pass under the auspices of the Fire Rooster, who will pass on part of his character to everyone born at this time. Children will be distinguished by determination, self-confidence, business acumen and classical thinking. Boys born in the year of the Fire Rooster often become scientists, classical musicians or conductors, military men or outstanding athletes. The parents of such a boy will be lucky to feel proud of the qualities of a serious and balanced person who is responsible for his actions, manifested even in childhood.

How to choose a name for a boy according to the church calendar?

The main tradition for naming babies since ancient times was to name the child in honor of the saint who patronized a particular day. It is not necessary to name a child with a name that celebrates its name day on its birthday. You can take those Orthodox (church) names for boys who are close to this date. Often people choose popular and beautiful worldly names, but baptize and celebrate name days under a different name - a church name. IN modern society This tendency is very common due to the fact that not all old Russian names fall so easily on the ear of a modern person. After all, not everyone can calmly react to an interlocutor, for example, with the name Akaki.

Orthodox calendar of names 2017 by month

Another criterion for choosing a name for boys is its consonance with the surname and patronymic. Be sure to think through all possible beautiful options so that in the future your baby does not suffer from attacks from classmates.

Beautiful and rare names for boys

In 2017, fashion for old names will come back again. Today's parents choose a name for a boy based on both church calendar of names, and based on the historical background and meaning of this name. For example, the name Zakhar (“memory of God”) became very popular in lately, but it is not yet so widespread as to become banal to the ear, like, say, the same Alexander (“winner”). Elisha (“God saves”, “bringer of salvation”) - an ancient male name, more common in the CIS countries than in Russia, will help develop a child’s creative abilities. Other rare and very beautiful name for a boy, Miron or the consonant Emir (“ruler”) is perfectly consistent with the character traits that will be given to the child

These are proactive and active boys, and from childhood their parents will have no peace. Your son will definitely not be able to sit still and it will be extremely difficult to keep up with him. When he gets a little older, he won’t leave you with questions about the creation of the world, how he was born, why everyone is different, and so on. Everything that he sees and does not understand, he will learn from you. And since such boys are also distinguished by perseverance, be sure that until he receives a detailed answer, he will not calm down.

The most important authority in the life of such a boy is his father; boys born at this time will imitate them and copy their behavior. Any words and actions will be taken very seriously, and therefore it is dads who need to try to pay as much attention as possible - giving advice, teaching, teaching various skills and guiding in difficult life situations.

As soon as such a boy gets older and approaches adolescence, he begins to become more and more interested in home, farming, and some practical skills that will help in arranging a home. In relationships with the opposite sex, and in his family, he will strive for leadership and dominance. And you don’t have to be afraid of this, because such boys will be excellent family men, even despite their emotionality and sometimes temper.

In the year of the Rooster, talented and purposeful individuals are born more often, which allows them to achieve success in any field. Moreover, children who were born in the year of the Red Fire Rooster will have more than one talent; they will be able to find themselves in creativity, music, sports, technology, and even science. The main thing is to teach them discipline from childhood, which can be extremely difficult.

Rules for choosing a name for a boy:

  • the first criterion that must be followed is the sound of the full name, surname and patronymic. It should not be too long and identical (Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich);
  • as we have already mentioned, a name can endow a person with certain characteristics, and therefore, first of all, you need to figure out how your son should grow up;
  • if you cannot decide on a name, then involve relatives or close friends in this process, in general, those whom you trust;
  • also try to take into account the popularity of the name, because if it is too old or unusual, then your child will not avoid jokes about this;
  • Nationality also plays a huge role, for example, the name John in our country will sound quite strange.

Trendy names for boys in 2017

Matvey- translated from Hebrew as “Given by the Lord.” And by the nature of such a child, one can really call it a real gift. He is not capricious for any reason, he is very clean and you certainly won’t find him in a dirty puddle with all the yard boys. Matvey is always obedient and will never be rude to his parents. TO positive qualities can also include honesty and truthfulness. He will never deceive and act only fairly.

Artem- this name is translated from Greek as “Unharmed.” WITH early years shows reasonableness and seems smart beyond his years. He is calm and carefully considers any action or decision. If you need an adequate assessment of any situation, then you can definitely turn to him. They always read a lot and try to learn as much as possible about the world and those around them. He is sociable and friendly, he often has many friends and can rightfully be called the life of the party.

Maxim- in Latin this name means “Great”. This is a versatile personality - he constantly reads books, learns new skills, collects stamps, coins, etc., enjoys sports and much more. At school, Maxims are usually active and energetic, trying to learn as much as possible. He is also friendly and always has a lot of friends and acquaintances. At any moment he is ready to help a person in need, and no matter how long he knows him or how warm his relationship with him is.

Alexander- in ancient Greek it is “Protector”. He has leadership qualities, is courageous and courageous, and is ready to help at any time. He also has good intellectual abilities and usually does well in school. In relationships with others he is honest and has good intuition.

Timofey- translated from Greek as “Who Worships God.” They are vulnerable and emotional, they perceive bad jokes or words acutely and worry for a long time. Timofey is growing good psychologist and is able to understand many, which is why he finds common language with many. At school and in the family he is flexible and obedient, he carries out all assignments without arguing. He likes to help others and can be relied on. He is also very curious and inquisitive, tries to learn and understand everything, reads a lot, and is especially drawn to the exact sciences.

Male names 2017

Winter months

In winter, rather calm and balanced boys are born, but at the same time they are very stubborn and have an unbending character. That is why they always achieve their goal, and if they encounter any setback, they will calmly overcome it and continue to move towards the goal. They keep all their emotions and experiences to themselves, which is why they may seem gloomy and too strict. Such guys need to emphasize their inner strength and will with the help of their name.


Roman, Platon, Anatoly, Mikhail, Alexey, Alexander, Makar, Grigory, Peter, Yuri, Innocent, Yakov, Vsevolod, Gabriel, Stepan, Fedor, Andrey, Ivan, Savva, Nikolay, Anton, Pavel, Kirill, Daniil, Arseny, Arkady, Eugene, Tryphon, Orest, Modest.


Timofey, Gregory, Ignatius, Ivan, Daniel, Peter, Adam, Nikolai, Stepan, Efim, Fedor, Nikanor, Mark, Makar, Joseph, Vasily, Yakov, Gordey, Afanasy, Georgy, Philip, Emelyan, Pavel, Savva, Mikhail, Prokhor, Maxim, Anton, Kirill.


Fedor, Savva, Efim, Maxim, Timofey, Makar, Gennady, Ivan, Gerasim, Gregory, Moses, Arkady, Isaac, Ephraim, Roman, Lavrenty, Ignatius, Vasily, Ippolit, Nikita, Peter, Nikolai, Semyon, Yuri, Kirill, Dmitry, Vsevolod, Vlas, Gabriel, Anton, Alexey, Evgeniy.

Spring months

Despite the fact that spring boys are born purposeful and persistent, they are also characterized by indecision, which can sometimes spoil a lot. Before doing, buying, or saying something, such a guy will think a hundred times and only then implement it. Spring guys are emotional and sensitive, which makes them quite touchy and vulnerable. To smooth this out, it is necessary to give them names that will cool their emotions a little and allow them to be more calm about problems.


Daniil, Pavel, Ilya, Kuzma, Lev, Timofey, Georgy, Afanasy, Ivan, Alexander, Taras, Sevastyan, Vasily, Nikolay, Bogdan, Arseny, Vyacheslav, Konstantin, David, Arkady, Evgeny, Valery, Ephraim, Grigory, Leonid, Efim, Semyon, Venedikt, Rostislav, Denis, Kirill, Trofim.


Ivan, Victor, Innokenty, Sergey, Kirill, Vasily, Stepan, Peter, Tikhon, Gabriel, Efim, Nikita, Joseph, Egor, Lazar, George, Daniel, Vadim, Rodion, Alexander, Fedor, Maxim, Terenty, Yakov, Antip, Anton, Martyn, Trofim, Leonid, Semyon.


Victor, Ivan, Kuzma, Yuri, Trifon, Nikifor, Alexander, Fedor, Gabriel, Vsevolod, Anatoly, Egor, Alexey, Savva, Vasily, Mark, Stepan, Semyon, Joseph, Vitaly, Maxim, Kirill, Nikita, Makar, Yakov, Boris, David, Gleb, Roman, Peter, Timofey, Arseny, Nikolai, Denis, German, Alexander, Efim, Dmitry, Bogdan.

Summer months

Summer is the time when the most ardent optimists are born. The energy in them boils, and their strength is in full swing, they never sit idle, and in childhood it is difficult to keep track of such guys. The thirst for knowledge is especially evident and they are ready to learn and learn at any time of the day. They also love sports and active recreation. They are very cheerful and emotional, friendly with others and always ready to help.


Ivan, Dmitry, Ignatius, Sergey, Alexander, Timofey, Alexey, Konstantin, Fedor, Mikhail, Nikita, Semyon, Georgy, Makar, Denis, Nikifor, Igor, Konstantin, Leonid, Fedot, Vasily, Efrem, Arseny, Stepan, Yuri, Elisha, Mstislav, Tikhon, Modest.


Gleb, Leonty, Gury, Julian, Terenty, Arseny, Vasily, Artem, German, Svyatoslav, Yakov, Ivan, Anton, David, Peter, Denis, Georgy, Samson, Sergey, Kuzma, Anatoly, Konstantin, Philip, Efim, Andrey, Fedor, Kirill, Mikhail, Stefan, Vladimir, Pavel, Emelyan.


Seraphim, Roman, Ilya, Afanasy, Ivan, Semyon, Trofim, Gleb, Boris, David, Makar, Polycarp, Moses, German, Nikolai, Konstantin, Valentin, Mikhail, Elizar, Evdokim, Vasily, Stepan, Anton, Maximilian, Grigry, Leonid, Emelyan, Julian, Fedor, Alexander, Ippolit, Kapiton, Maxim, Tikhon, Arkady, Demid, Pavel, Miron, Denis, Laurus.

Autumn months

In autumn, wise, intelligent and quick-witted boys are born. Often their view of the world is either realistic or close to pessimism. Thoughtfulness and spontaneity are definitely not their thing. Autumn boys are always reasonable and will weigh the pros and cons before doing anything. They have the quality of empathy, which allows him to quickly get along with people and establish contacts. Autumn boys inspire more trust among others and for good reason, because if he promised, he will definitely fulfill it.


Timofey, Vassa, Andrey, Samuel, Athanasius, Peter, Arseny, Adrian, Moses, Savva, Ivan, Alexander, Daniel, Peter, Anton, Feodosius, Bogdan, Fedot, Gleb, David, Zakhar, Arkhip, Kirill, Mikhail, Makar, Dmitry, Pavel, Sergey, Julian, Semyon, Leonty, Korniliy, Nikita, Stepan, Victor.


Igor, David, Konstantin, Trofim, Fedor, Oleg, Mikhail, Dmitry, Makar, Peter, Ivan, Vladislav, Innocent, Galaktion, Tikhon, German, Ephraim, Mark, Ignatius, Aristarchus, Vyacheslav, Gregory, Khariton, Andrey, Denis, Vladimir, Matvey, Philip, Sergey, Julian, Tryphon, Abraham, Yakov, Benjamin, Nazar, Nikita, Lukyan, Efim, Anton, Kuzma, Demyan, Lazar, Joseph.


Ivan, Artem, Yakov, Alexander, Ignatius, Irakli, Maximilian, Dmitry, Nestor, Mark, Arseny, Stepan, Nicodemus, Demyan, Spiridon, Kuzma, Egor, Joseph, Gregory, Galaktion, German, Pavel, Kirill, Valery, Fedot, Bogdan, Mikhail, Gabriel, Rodion, Maxim, Vincent, Nile, Nikifor, Philip, Gury, Matvey.

The year of the Fire Rooster is approaching. Children born in 2017 will be purposeful, tenacious and energetic. Now you need to think about what name to give your child.

Choosing a name for your future baby is not as easy as it seems to many expectant parents. Some people know even before conception what they will name their first child, while for others, even 9 months is not enough to decide on a name. After all, you want it to be consonant and beautiful. There are a lot of such names, and in order to choose just one for their child, parents have to study a lot of information. Now there are several ways to choose a name for a newborn.

Name the child in 2017 by date of birth and according to the church calendar

Most parents do this, they open the calendar of names and look for desired date, as well as month. This option does not always suit everyone, because some names are downright ridiculous and even funny. So it’s better to do differently and open the church calendar of names. Every day is the day of one or more saints, both male and feminine. The new little man named after the saint is automatically protected by his guardian angel.

The name according to the calendar must be assigned to the child correctly:

  • You can baptize your baby on the 8th day after birth.
  • During baptism, parents can choose a name for the baby. If up to this point the parents have not decided on a name, then the sacrament of baptism is postponed to the 40th day of birth.

Name your child in 2017 according to their zodiac sign

If you believe in horoscopes, check with the stars and constantly monitor all information, then it is logical to choose a name for your baby, taking into account the location of the planets. Then the parents will be happy, and the baby will grow strong and healthy.

What to name a boy in 2017

In the year of the Fire Rooster, it is important to name the boy correctly so that he grows up brave and strong-willed.

The most popular names next year for boys:

  • Mark;
  • Kostya;
  • Timur;
  • Artyom;
  • Nikita;
  • Arkady;
  • Yakov;
  • Victor.

Energy and balance will give your child such beautiful names:

  • Edward;
  • Danil;
  • Plato;
  • Pasha;
  • Robert;
  • Vadim.

If you want your baby to grow up sociable and cheerful, choose the following names:

  • Ivan;
  • Vasya;
  • Lenya;
  • Oleg;
  • Rodion;
  • Valery.

The following names will give authority and assertiveness:

  • Matvey;
  • Dima;
  • Andrey;
  • Julian;
  • Ilya.

To ensure that your baby grows up to be inquisitive and achieve his goals, name him:

  • Gregory;
  • Bogdan;
  • Arseny;
  • Denis;
  • Stepan;
  • Mikhail;
  • Alexey;
  • Fedor (Felix);
  • Timothy.

Rare names for boys in 2017

And again we look at the church calendar; next year the fashion for rare and ancient names will return. The most beautiful name for a boy is Zakhar, that is, God's memory. You can also call the boy Elisha - this is very gentle and consonant name will give the owner firmness and willpower, it means “salvation”, and also Alexander is a common name, meaning “winner”.

Another very beautiful and rarely encountered name is Miron or Emir, which means “rules the world.”

What to name a girl in 2017

Girls born in the year of the Rooster will grow up obedient and feminine from childhood and be distinguished by good self-organization.

Popular names for girls: Vika, Kira and Natasha (or Natalya).

The following names will help a girl gain balance and energy:

  • Kate;
  • Tom or Tamara;
  • Karina;
  • Veronica;
  • Diana.

Hardworking, sociable and cheerful:

  • Svetlana;
  • Alina;
  • Pauline;
  • Ella;
  • Luda;
  • Valeria.

Do you want to grow a unique personality with a strong and powerful character? Check out these names for girls:

  • Tanya;
  • Dasha;
  • Lena;
  • Lyuba;
  • Rita;
  • Ulyana;
  • Zhanna;
  • Albina.

Rare names for girls in 2017

Some of their best qualities the symbol of 2017 will be given to girls born in the year of the Rooster.

The most beautiful and rare names year: Katyusha, which means “pure”, Lisa is a real royal name for the baby.

According to church calendar, in 2017, the most beautiful name for a girl is Veronica, which means faith in victory, as well as Zlata, which means the most precious, Olesya (“protector”) and Alisa – a mysterious, mystery woman.

There is a theory that a person's name influences his destiny. It is partially confirmed by physicists. When the same sound waves are directed at a person (and according to the laws of physics, a word is a wave), he succumbs to their influence. Some believe in a connection between eastern calendar and name, zodiac signs and a happy future under special names. Boys' names in our country are varied. We borrowed English, German, Australian, Asian names, making derivatives of them. What are the most popular names of the stronger sex of humanity in the coming year? What to name a boy born in the year of the Rooster?

Characteristics of boys born in 2017

Connoisseurs eastern calendar focus on the charisma and strength of character of the boys of 2017. A bright manifestation of temperament, courage, determination, determination, confidence in one’s work - these are the main character traits of those born in the year of the fiery Rooster.

But this is not all the advantages of newborn boys. They are also not alien to manifestations of sacrifice and dedication, especially for close people, they are reliable. From boys born They will grow up to be good fathers; they are characterized by a reverent attitude towards family and loved ones.

Along with these characteristics, parents would like not to make a mistake with the baby’s name. After all, whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail - whatever course you give the baby at the beginning of life, he will stick to it. So, what names should you choose in the new year?

Popular names in 2017

When choosing what to name a boy born in 2017, parents often look at fashion trends, the popularity of a particular name. In the Year of the Rooster, these include: Matvey, Artem, Maxim, Timofey, Alexander. Their meanings are quite varied.

Matthews personify the gift of God; they are characterized by cleanliness, obedience, truthfulness, and justice.

Artems (unharmed - translation) are reasonable and calm. They are practical, never act rashly, and think everything through first. They are often the life of the party, as they are very sociable.

If you don't know what to name a boy born in January, Maxim is a great option. It is popular in 2017 and is suitable for this month. Maxims (great) are versatile, quickly learn something new, active, friendly.

What to name a boy born in winter?

These kids are calm and balanced, but they are characterized as stubborn and inflexible. They are persistent in difficult circumstances and keep their emotions to themselves.


For the boys in this winter month names such as Platon, Tolik, Alexey, Makar, Peter, Yuri, Vsevolod, Arkady and Arsenty, Evgeny and Modest are perfect.


Some parents do not believe in the Eastern wisdom of naming their babies, but want to name them according to the traditions of the church. What to name a boy according to the church calendar this month? The following names are suitable for January babies: Vasily, Yakov, Daniel, Semyon, Veniamin, Mark, Anton, Pavel, Ignat, Afanasy, Prokhor, Sebastian, Naum, Egor, Trofim, Valentin, Sergey.


Popular names this month are considered to be: Peter, Nikolai, Yuri, Dmitry, Vlas, Gabriel, Alexey.

TO church names include: Luka, Valerian, German, Valery, Roman, Gregory, Dmitry, Zakhar, Vitaly, George, Julian, David, Akim, Konstantin.

Spring babies

These are small leaders, they are persistent, but at the same time indecisive. This indecisiveness occurs at the most unpredictable moments, thereby preventing guys from accepting important decisions. Such boys are emotional, sometimes they need to be sobered up and supported, and then they are able to move mountains.


In March - the first month of spring, many parents are not afraid to perform the church rite of dedication (baptism) of the baby. It is this event that helps parents name little people according to church regulations.

What to name a boy born on Christmastide? In March these names will be: Egor, Mikhail, David, Arseny, Gerasim, Valery, Denis, Alexander, Daniil, Ilya, Timofey, Yuri, Savva, Rostislav, Evgeny, Kuzma, Ivan.


In this month of spring, preference is given to the following names: Sergey, Kirill, Peter, Tikhon, Egor, Maxim, Terenty, Joseph, Rodion, Alexander, Vadim, Fedor, Nikita.

The following names are suitable for babies born this month: Victor, Ivan, Denis, Nikita, German, Makar, Boris, Gleb, Roman, Vasily, Makar, Nikolai, Kirill, Maxim, Anatoly, Stepan.

Born in summer

No wonder everyone loves summer. This time of year brings bright colors every person. Boys born during these three months are characterized by optimism and energy. They bring a lot of trouble to childhood parents, since their energy is boiling, they do not stay in one place for long. Guys like this sports games, active pastime.


Male children this month should preferably have the following names: Elisha, George, Vasily, Ivan, Konstantin, Alexander, Christian, Denis, Yuri, Semyon.


This month makes it possible to name the boys Demid, Stepan, Julian, Stanislav, Anton, Denis, Mikhail, Vladimir, Sergey, Anatoly, David, Yakov, Andrey.


In August, they tend to name boys Roman, Ilya, Ivan, Trofim, Boris, Makar, Nikolai, Valentin, Leonid, Prokhor, Miron, Denis, Elizar, Dmitry.

Autumn boys

Autumn evokes sadness, calm, and tranquility. Babies born in autumn are calm, empathic, friendly, thoughtful, balanced, and reliable by nature.


Suitable names for babies born this month: Arkhip, Peter, Andrey, Arseny, Bogdan, Gleb, Zakhar, Pavel, Sergey, Leonty, Korniliy, Victor.


Popular names this month include Nikon, Zhenya, Demyan, Ignat, Illarion, Vincent, Mikhail, Andrey, Konstantin, Taras, Osip, Matvey, Orest, Nil, Philip, Gabriel, Maxim.

What to name boys is up to parents to choose. But it is important to remember that it is not the name that determines fate, but what is invested in the child. Raise him with love, give him impressions, support his endeavors, and then no matter what his name, he will be happy!

Lyudmila Redkina, psychologist, especially for the site

Useful video

A new addition to the family is always a joyful and troublesome event. Having a child is important for the continuation of the family line, and it does not matter what gender it is. The most important thing is that the baby is healthy and smart, develops quickly and pleases his parents. The question of how to call your heir or princess worries people from generation to generation. Current society dictates rules to us, and we must follow them so that our child feels comfortable being in it and realizes himself as an individual. Even if you prefer to be original in everything or have your own personal vision on what to name your child, we still recommend that you familiarize yourself with the most popular women's and male names 2017 in Russia.

There is one very simple way to find out what you need to focus on when choosing a name for your baby. You can find information from the registry office at your place of residence, all over the country, in order to make a choice in the future, taking into account the general situation regarding names in your region. But this method is only suitable for those who are not looking for difficult paths, wants to keep up with the times and follow “fashion”.

As for people who approach the choice of a name very scrupulously, perhaps even philosophically, they think about this issue long before the birth of their little one. Some people love their grandparents very much and want to honor their memory by naming their son or daughter after them, while others are very religious and follow Christian canons. But the majority of people have already moved away from family and other traditions and, when choosing a name, rely solely on their tastes.

Character of a rooster child

Children who were born in the year of the Rooster will receive an explosive temperament and impulsive character from their sign. They will be very energetic, hardworking and resilient. Your baby will have leadership qualities, stubbornness, which will help him in his studies. In adulthood, he will have an active position, he will be very charismatic and sociable.

It is necessary to give such a person an appropriate name. Experts recommend giving cold names to your children: Snezhana, Gerda, etc. Girls are advised to be called soft and feminine names, but on the contrary, little fighters are advised to call them strong and imperious names: Alexander, Kirill.

What fashion dictates

With the development of technology, communication with foreign citizens has become so accessible that we must take this fact into account when choosing a name for the heir. Knowledgeable people They recommend naming their children so that they feel comfortable both in their own environment and surrounded by foreigners. For example, Catherine in America will be called Catherine, Alexander Alex, Anna Ann, and so on.

If you are an esthete and enjoy the sound of speech, then the following information will upset you. IN modern world people have no time to listen to long names like Maximillian or Juliet. Otherwise, be prepared that the child of “blue blood” will be called Max or Zhulka.

There are at all unique cases when parents are so obsessed with naming their child an unusual name that they don’t even think about his gender. This is a grave mistake. Be prepared that your girl Zhenya may have complexes. Therefore, it is better to know the sex of the unborn baby in advance.

Creative parents sometimes go so overboard that they give their children double complex names: Sofia-Bettina, etc. Anyway, in life, as a rule, a person is called by one name, while the other remains in the passport.

The desire to call your little one iPhone, Apple or some kind of Lucifer is simply crazy and comments are unnecessary here.

How fashion trends in names are created

Movies, religious customs, politics, and so on, influence how you will call your heir. It used to be very popular to name your children after emperors and princes. Art and literature left a big imprint on this. Works of art by great masters and poets contributed to the birth of Anna, Catherine, Elizabeth, Lyudmil, Ruslanov and others.

This left a colossal imprint and historical facts. After the revolution, many Oktyabrins were born, etc. Parents who are not indifferent to Mexican and Brazilian films began to name their children after the main characters and heroines.

Many famous personalities They were the first to start naming their children, contrary to fashion. Then this trend itself became very fashionable and everyone started following it.

When parents choose a name for their “treasure,” it should not only be consonant, but also give great strength, hide in yourself deep meaning. Children with unusual and rarely encountered names feel like extraordinary individuals; they are usually more successful than their peers in their studies and careers. It’s not for nothing that they say that whatever you name a ship, that’s how it will sail. This zest and individuality is the embodiment loving parents, will remain with the child throughout his life.

Choosing a name for the future girl

We talked about how to choose the right name, what to rely on, and how not to do it. And now it's time to name the most popular ones female names 2017. Next, we will present a dozen winners who most often appear on modern birth certificates. In it, everyone can find a name that they like.

List of names for girls:

  • Our top ten starts with a simple good name, - Tatiana . If a girl is born between the end of December and January, then she is a Capricorn. Experts advise calling Capricorn women Tatyana, because they are born leaders, and this name is translated from Greek as “founder.”
  • Another good old name, Vika-Victoria, or simply Victory! It is advisable to name a representative of the Virgo sign this way.
  • Who doesn't want to name their child? simple name, may pay attention to Diana. The name means "divine", which does not require any other arguments.
  • Another rather extravagant name - Dominica. Of course, because its translation says that she was born on God’s day! Best choice for the sign Libra.
  • As you know, children love fairy tales and a child can be called fabulous, - Vasilisa. Translated, it means “queen,” which perfectly characterizes Aries.
  • The top five ranking included the name of uni-sex, Alexandra. Translation: Alex is a protector, Andr is people, that is, a protector of people.
  • The beautiful name Valeria is as universal as the previous one, because it also has a male counterpart. Translated as “thirst for health.”
  • Queen Catherine is in the top three. She will find herself in any business. Ideal for girls born in December.
  • Today one of the most common names is Anastasia. This is “reborn life”, or just a very beautiful option.
  • Oddly enough, the leader is a name that is not losing its position in popularity throughout to the globe, - Anna . This name is of Hebrew origin and is translated as “grace.”

What to name your son

Modern society is attracted by Greek, Jewish Slavic names. Due to the fact that Russia is very large, different regions have their own traditions. For example, in Kabardino-Balkaria they choose Caucasian names and so on.

We will not cover a large list of popular male names of 2017, but will consider only the winning ten:

  • Our list starts with Egor. This is the personification of a person engaged in agriculture. This is its Greek translation.
  • One of the most popular male names in 2017 is Mikhail. The exact same situation exists in the West with the name Michael. Translated as “divine”.
  • The most common name is Nikita. It sounds very noble and translates as a winner.
  • If you are religious, then turn your attention to Kirill. For the last quarter of a century, this name has not given up its positions. Its meaning is “lord”.
  • One of the most common names is Ivan. It is found in all CIS countries and has reached the West. Such people are very reliable, ready to lend their shoulder in difficult situations.
  • Danil, - this is a “judge”, suitable for religious people, well personifies the prophet Daniel.
  • Artem in translation means “good health”, which is also important.
  • "Dmitry" has secret reverence for the fertility goddess Demetria.
  • Every parent considers their child special, even the greatest. The name Maxim perfectly personifies this meaning.
  • Well, in conclusion, let’s name Alexander, who has always been and will be relevant. This a real warrior, defender, and adding anything is pointless. The greatest kings, emperors and generals are proof of this.

Easy names

The main quality that will be inherent in your child with a light name is the desire to bring all his affairs to a victorious conclusion. Such qualities will help him gain confidence in life and stand firmly on his feet. People with light names easily achieve great heights and climb the career ladder.

All their talents will be fully revealed, many of them will become famous. Such people need to be wary of excessive gambling.

Girls: Polina, Olga, Valeria.

Purposeful and punchy

If you are naming your child with a name that carries a sense of assertiveness and determination, then you should be very careful and think carefully about your choice. Usually people with such names are cold and rude, which can play a cruel joke on them. They often rush from one extreme to another, have great energy and an explosive character. But this does not mean that such children will be hooligans. Good upbringing is the basis for the formation of a successful personality and a good person.