Is it possible to increase iq. How to improve your intellectual abilities

Is it possible to develop intelligence? Neuroscientists have long answered this question in the affirmative. Your brain is plastic and has the ability to physically change depending on what you do. And even the smartest person has something to strive for. So don't waste your time! We've collected tips and exercises from our books to help you become even smarter.

1. Solve logic puzzles

You will find fascinating tasks for training logical thinking in the book by popular blogger Dmitry Chernyshev “What to do in the evening with your family at the dacha without the Internet.” Here are a few of them:


This is a type of credit card. Notches about the borrowed goods were made simultaneously on both sticks. One was kept by the buyer, the other by the seller. This excluded fraud. When the debt was repaid, the sticks were destroyed.


This is Morrison's shelter to protect people during bombing. Not everyone had basements in which to hide. For poor households, the device was free. 500,000 of these shelters were built by the end of 1941 and another 100,000 in 1943, when the Germans began using V-1 rockets. The shelter justified itself. According to statistics, in 44 houses equipped with such shelters that were heavily bombed, only three out of 136 residents died. Another 13 people were seriously injured and 16 were slightly injured.


Look again at the condition of the task: there was no task to “continue the sequence.” If 1 = 5, then 5 = 1.

2. Train your memory

Until now, you have been trying to guess the number by choosing the average. This is an ideal strategy for a game in which the number was chosen at random. But in our case, the number was not chosen in random order. We deliberately chose a number that will be difficult for you to find. Main lesson game theory is that you need to put yourself in the place of another player. We put ourselves in your shoes and assumed that you would first name the number 50, then 25, then 37 and 42.

What would be your final guess? Is this number 49? Congratulations! Yourself, not you. You've fallen into the trap again! We guessed the number 48. In fact, all these discussions about the average number from the interval were aimed precisely at misleading you. We wanted you to choose the number 49.

The point of our game is not to show you how cunning we are, but to clearly illustrate what exactly makes any situation a game: you must take into account the goals and strategies of other players.

5. Do math

Lomonosov believed that mathematics puts the mind in order. And this is true. One of the ways to develop intelligence is to make friends with the world of numbers, graphs and formulas. If you want to try this method, the book "Beauty Squared" will help you, where the most complex concepts are described in a simple and fun way. A short excerpt from there:

“In 1611, the astronomer Johannes Kepler decided to find himself a wife. The process did not start very well: he rejected the first three candidates. Kepler would have taken a fourth wife if he had not seen the fifth, who seemed “modest, thrifty and capable of loving adopted children.” But the scientist behaved so indecisively that he met with several more women who did not interest him. Then he finally married the fifth candidate.

By mathematical theory"optimal stop" to make a choice, you need to consider and reject 36.8 percent possible options. And then stop at the first one, which turns out to be better than all the rejected ones.

Kepler had 11 dates. But he could meet with four women, and then propose to the first of the remaining candidates that he liked more than those whom he had already seen. In other words, he would immediately choose the fifth woman and save himself from six unsuccessful meetings. The theory of “optimal stopping” is also applicable in other areas: medicine, energy, zoology, economics, etc.”

6. Learn to play a musical instrument

Psychologist, author of the book “We Are the Music” Victoria Williamson says that the Mozart effect is just a myth. Listening to classical music will not improve your IQ. But if you take up music yourself, you will help your brain work better. This is confirmed by the following experiment:

“Glenn Schellenberg has conducted a number of detailed analyzes of the relationship between music lessons and IQ in children. In 2004, he randomly assigned 144 six-year-old children from Toronto to four groups: the first group received keyboard lessons, the second group received singing lessons, the third group received acting classes, and the fourth group was a control group that received no additional activities. To be fair, after the study, children in the control group were offered the same activities as the others.

The training lasted 36 weeks in a designated school. All children took IQ tests during the summer holidays before these classes began and at the end of the study. Comparable age and socioeconomic status criteria were used.

After a year, a large majority of the children performed better on the IQ test, which makes sense since they were a year older. However, in the two music groups, the increase in IQ was greater than in the acting and control groups.”

7. Practice mindfulness meditation

Meditation not only helps reduce stress levels, but also helps develop memory, creativity, reaction, attention and self-control. More about this method in the book “Mindfulness”. Advice from it:

“Have you noticed that the older you get, the faster time passes? The reason is that with age we acquire habits, certain patterns of behavior and live on “automatic”: the autopilot guides us when we have breakfast, brush our teeth, go to work, sit down in the same chair every time... As a result, life passes past, and we feel unhappy.

Try a simple experiment. Buy some chocolate. Break off a small piece from it. Look at it as if you were seeing it for the first time. Pay attention to all the breaks, texture, smell, color. Put this piece in your mouth, but don't swallow it right away, let it slowly melt on your tongue. Try the whole bouquet of flavors. Then slowly swallow the chocolate, try to feel how it flows down the esophagus, notice the movements of the palate and tongue.

Agree, the sensations are not at all the same as if you simply ate a candy bar without thinking. Try this exercise with different foods, and then with your usual activities: be mindful at work, while walking, getting ready for bed, and so on.”

8. Learn to think outside the box

A creative approach will help you find a solution even in a situation that seems hopeless to most. Author of the book"Rice Storm"I am sure that anyone can train creativity. First, try using Leonardo da Vinci's method:

“Leonardo da Vinci’s way of developing ideas was to close his eyes, completely relax, and scribble random lines and scribbles on a piece of paper. Then he opened his eyes and looked for images and nuances, objects and phenomena in the drawing. Many of his inventions were born from such sketches.

Here is an action plan on how you can use Leonardo da Vinci's method in your work:

Write the problem down on a piece of paper and think about it for a few minutes.

Relax. Give your intuition the opportunity to create images that reflect the current situation. You don't need to know what the drawing will look like before you draw it.

Give shape to your task by defining its boundaries. They can be of any size and take the shape you want.

Practice drawing unconsciously. Let the lines and scribbles dictate how you draw and arrange them.

If the result does not satisfy you, take another sheet of paper and make another drawing, and then another - as many as needed.

Explore your drawing. Write down the first word that comes to mind regarding each image, each squiggle, line, or structure.

Link all the words together by writing a short note. Now see how what you wrote relates to your task. Have new ideas emerged?

Be attentive to the questions that arise in your mind. For example: “What is this?”, “Where did this come from?” If you feel the need to find answers to specific questions, then you are on the right way leading to a solution to the problem."

9. Learn foreign languages

According to researchers, it promotes brain development and helps maintain mental clarity even in mature age. In the guide of the polyglot Susanna Zaraiskaya you will find 90 effective advice how to learn new ones foreign languages easy and fun. Here are three recommendations from the book:

  • Listen to songs in the language you're learning while you drive, clean your home, cook, take care of flowers, or do other things. You will become immersed in the rhythms of the language even when listening passively. The main thing is to do it regularly.
  • The nonprofit Planet Read uses Bollywood music videos in its literacy program in India, subtitled in the same language. The subtitle format is the same as in karaoke, that is, the word heard in at the moment. Easy access to such videos doubles the number of first-graders who master reading. And all due to the fact that the audience naturally synchronize audio and video. The way India fights illiteracy will allow you to compare what you hear with what you see.
  • Who said drama is incompatible with the table? irregular verbs? Soap operas can be a really fun way to learn a new language. Simple storylines, and the acting is so expressive that even if you don't know all the words, you'll still be aware of what's going on just by following the characters' emotions.

10. Make up stories

This is another way to become more creative and develop flexible thinking. Don't know where to start? In the notebook “642 ideas of what to write about” you will find many tips. Your job is to continue the stories and turn them into complete stories. Here are some tasks from the book:

  • You meet a girl who can close her eyes and see the entire Universe. Tell me about her.
  • Try to fit the whole life of a person into one sentence.
  • Take an article from a recent newspaper. Write down ten words or phrases that caught your eye. Using these words, write a poem that begins: “What if...”
  • Your cat dreams of world domination. She figured out how to switch bodies with you.
  • Write a story that begins like this: “The weird thing started when Fred bought a house for his miniature pigs...”
  • Explain to a gold miner from 1849 how email works.
  • An unknown force threw you inside the computer. You need to get out.
  • Choose any object on your desk (pen, pencil, eraser, etc.) and write a note of gratitude to it.

11. Get enough sleep!

Your ability to learn depends on the quality of your sleep. Interesting fact from the book “The Brain in Sleep”:

“Scientists have discovered that different stages of sleep are designed for various types training. For example, slow-wave sleep is important for mastering tasks involving factual memory, such as memorizing dates for a history exam. But dream-rich REM sleep is necessary for mastering what is associated with procedural memory - how something is done, including the development of new behavioral strategies.

Psychology professor Carlisle Smith says: “We spent a month cutting out blocks from which we built a maze for mice, and then for ten days we recorded their brain activity around the clock. Those mice that showed greater intelligence in running a maze also demonstrated greater brain activity during the REM sleep phase. I myself have never doubted that sleep and learning are connected, but now enough data has accumulated for others to become interested in this issue.”

12. Don't neglect physical education

Sport has a positive effect on our intellectual abilities. Here's what evolutionary biologist John Medina says about this in his book Brain Rules:

“All kinds of tests showed: physical activity throughout life contribute to dramatic improvements in cognitive processes, in contrast to a sedentary lifestyle. Adherents of physical education outperformed lazy people and couch potatoes in terms of long-term memory, logic, attention, problem-solving ability, and even the so-called fluid intelligence.”

More books about the development of intelligence- .

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How to do this? Exactly the same as for development the body requires regular physical activity, and for development mind - intellectual exercises.Of course you can take IQ test once and, having learned the result, calm down. Or you can, especially if the result does not satisfy you, start doing mental exercises, improving your capabilities, conduct constant personal development. Anyone can increase their IQ level by practicing on different tests, training their brain to solve different types questions. They will help you with this IQ tests:

What are IQ tests?

Humanity has always loved to measure everything, and intelligence also had its own measuring ruler. The name was given to it - IQ test. The ruler was first used by the French Ministry of Education in 1904 to distinguish mentally retarded schoolchildren from normal ones and to identify children in need of special education. In 1912 the result test began to divide by the age of the person taking the exam test, so the “intelligence quotient” appeared. When the first results appeared, the idea was born to use a new standardized test to identify smart children, i.e. those who thought faster in certain areas than others, and whose development it was better. Over the next 100 years, IQ testing methodology continued to evolve. Now IQ- tests assess abilities such as language perception(perception text and speech), vocabulary, arithmetic capabilities, visual perception, imaginative thinking, spatial perception, analytical capabilities etc. And all these capabilities can and should be improved.

Constantly studying development their mental abilities, You will increase your IQ level, which can be decisive in your career, allowing you to successfully pass an interview, or simply give you confidence in your abilities.

By the way, about abilities. If you are interested in which areas you have the greatest talents, and in which areas you need additional development, we suggest you go

Habit is a good thing, but it’s a pity that sometimes it grows on us so tightly that we have to tear it off along with the skin. But only by breaking away and starting to move away from patterned behavior and thinking can you begin to develop your ability to think - to pump up your gray matter. It would seem that it’s bad that we are so attached to our little weaknesses and walk along the beaten path every day. But it is precisely this manic attachment to the usual way of life that conceals the root causes of the fetid, stagnant atmosphere, the notorious “comfort zone” from which one does not want to get out.

We begin to abandon the usual, work with our heads, force our brains to create new and new neural connections, the brain acquires new nerve cells and begin to work differently - and now you are no longer a middle manager, but an irreplaceable personnel capable of solving non-standard problems. Do you understand the whole point of exercising for the brain? Well then, now you will find out what really helps to increase your IQ level and take your brain abilities to a new level.

TOP 5 ways to develop intelligence without resorting to secret techniques

Let's start with the fact that any action we perform for the first time is a new neural connection in our brain. Still fragile, weak, but a connection. And the more of these connections, the more features our brain can do. Yes, yes, exactly functions, because as you master more and more facets of your mental universe, you begin to think differently. Any access to the new and unknown, any knowledge, any experience, book, play, movie, trip - this is a new block network. So, let's move on to practice.

  1. Reading. It is clear that educated person must be at least familiar with school curriculum. But does an educated person always have a high IQ? Not at all. If this is passive knowledge, a kind of suitcase without a handle, which he doesn’t use anywhere, but only periodically tries to prove his superiority over the surrounding ignoramuses - then this is not at all what works for brain development. We are talking about constantly reading a variety of literature. From the outside it may look like you are deliberately trying to understand everything at once. But in essence this is not the case - by gaining even superficial knowledge about medicine, for example, or nanotechnology - you touch hitherto untouched parts of the cerebral cortex, tickle your intellect and learn new things. It’s not at all a fact that this will be useful to you in life, but such constant learning and knowledge are preventive measures aimed at ensuring that connections do not collapse and cells do not atrophy.
    And by the way, there are no special books that increase IQ. It's just marketing ploy for those who cannot achieve a high coefficient.
  2. Chess. The absolute leader among puzzles for increasing IQ, and for good reason. The very essence of the game with millions of possible moves and combinations is something cosmic. Well, people themselves couldn’t have thought of this more than one and a half thousand years ago. Requiring an analytical mind, chess forces our brains to scroll different options and every new situation on the field, every move is a new task that requires a sharp, sophisticated mind. The surprising thing is that the level of education does not affect the outcome of the game. By regularly practicing at the chessboard, you can not only keep your brain in shape, but also actually increase your IQ by developing logical thinking and by training the brain to look at things from different angles.
  3. Sudoku, crosswords. Sudoku is about logic and spatial thinking. Crosswords are a general idea. To increase intelligence specifically, Sudoku is, of course, preferable. Finding patterns and missing links are tasks very similar to IQ testing. But constantly performing the same type of exercises, without increasing the level of difficulty, gives the exact opposite effect - the brain, having first received an impulse for development and learning, builds new neural connections. But having learned to solve Sudoku problems, the brain begins to lose neuroplasticity and stagnation sets in again. Only constant learning and development is the path to good mental shape.
  4. Learning foreign languages. A great way to give your gray matter a new impetus to learning and development is to plunge headlong into a foreign language environment. There is no such option - sign up for courses or download a self-instruction program on your gadget. Any language is a structure, albeit different from the usual one, but it is a huge network. Like a metro map for a person who finds himself in a metropolis for the first time. Moving from station to station, moving from branch to branch, you can understand what at first looked like chaos. And structuring chaotic knowledge is excellent food for the brain. Why are some people unable to master poor English in their entire lives, while others, having understood the very essence, swallow languages ​​one after another? So you, delve into it, study it, figure it out, put everything in order - and now the new flowchart in your head is ready. Not only did you speak a foreign language, you also upgraded your brain.
  5. Neurobics. Now we get to the most interesting part. A breakthrough in neurobiology was made by a US professor, Lawrence Katz, when he proved that our nerve cells have the ability to recover throughout the life of an adult. Not only can we learn and learn new things until we are very old, but we simply must do this so as not to fall into insanity and not dry up our gray matter with just TV series and talk shows. The essence of neurobics - gymnastics for the mind and memory - is systematic implementation habitual actions in an unusual way. Every day you are forced to deal with mind-numbing everyday issues at home, and at work performing the same type of tasks is a given, but you can do this every time, introducing something new - and this is your choice. For example, change your working hand for one day. Or choose a different route to work. Or try tying a tie in the morning with eyes closed. Or change your behavior in bed with your wife. Or watch a program about survival, even though your task is only to survive after a corporate event. In general, it can be anything. Any behavior that is atypical for you is an impulse for development for the brain.

Puzzles and toys to improve IQ

As children, we pressed buttons into the Tetris console with madness in our eyes - but if only my mother knew that this was not just entertainment, but a toy to increase IQ. Back then, neither children nor parents cared about this. But today, perhaps, the most popular life hack on how to increase IQ is to join the world online games. This is by no means a call for cyber sports, but good quests, arcades and strategies can really pump up your brain.

So, available and simple toys for IQ:

  • Board games - all kinds of monopolies, card games, backgammon and checkers.
  • Puzzles such as the Rubik's cube and various 3D maze balls from Ali Express.
  • Metal construction sets are child's play, but they require imagination and logic, and you have to use your hands.
  • Associations. Any form of this game - an application on the phone or a card version for a company - great way exercise your brain.
  • Metal wire sets. The two segments are twisted in such a way that it seems impossible to separate them. But if you use your wits, everything will work out.

Of course, buying everything, hoping that the designer will help you move up the career ladder is at least strange, and not at all necessary. The main thing is to constantly expand the boundaries of your interests and learn new things. Of course, this involves leaving our beloved comfort zone. But, as is already known, success, as well as a high IQ, will not come to the comfort zone on its own. So, learn, come up with something new, look for non-standard solutions, communicate with interesting people, read books and travel.

To understand how to increase the level of intelligence (IQ) of an adult and a teenager, let’s first understand what it is. Everyone has heard of iq and knows that the name hides a person’s intelligence quotient, which is associated with education or literacy.

The term came from England and implies the work of thought, mental alertness, and intellectual art. Tests have been developed to determine a person's iq. Age and gender are taken into account. The test does not show intellectual abilities. The purpose of the test is to determine the ability to solve problems related to a number of areas. If a judge passes the test in the legal field, the results are impressive.

If we delve deeper into the process of researching the issue, since the 30s of the last century, scientists have been trying to find patterns in the development of mental abilities, correlating the weight and volume of the brain. We studied the reaction associated with nervous processes, determined the level of intelligence, connecting it with the level social status, age or gender. Today, scientists have found that the level of iq is influenced by heredity and can be increased through exercises and tests. The level of intelligence is not influenced by ability, but by persistence, patience, perseverance and motivation. These qualities are needed by doctors, archaeologists, and DJs.

It has been proven that in critical and difficult life situations it is easier for a person with a high iq to cope with difficulties, but the decisive ones remain individual qualities:

  1. ambition;
  2. determination;
  3. temperament.

Gradually the tests became more complicated. If initially they consisted of lexical exercises, today there are tests for solving logical problems using geometric shapes, memorization exercises or manipulation of letters in the proposed words.

What is IQ?

IQ is determined and quantified through tests and is a measure of a person's ability to think.

Half of people show an average iq from 90 to 110, a quarter - over 110, and a score below 70 points indicates mental retardation.

Video report How to become smarter

To successfully pass tests at home you need psychological characteristics:

  1. ability to concentrate;
  2. highlight the main thing and cut off the unimportant;
  3. good memory;
  4. rich vocabulary;
  5. imagination;
  6. the ability to mentally manipulate in space with the proposed objects;
  7. mastery of operations with numbers;
  8. perseverance.

There was an opinion that iq with early childhood remains unchanged. Recent studies have shown that the brain is neuroplastic and creates neurons even in old age, it just takes training. It's not difficult to train your brain. 30 minute walk to fresh air 5 times a week stimulates the production of protein, which promotes the formation of neurons during learning.

A mobile and elastic brain remembers and assimilates more information. Japanese scientists say: the more you give your brain rest, including strong and healthy sleep, those faster man produces innovative ideas.

Anatoly Wasserman talks about the development of intelligence

Brain exercises to increase IQ

For training it is better to use:

  • learning foreign languages;
  • composing words;
  • physical activity;
  • gaining knowledge;
  • computer games.

Step-by-step exercises

  1. A proven strategy and a challenge to learn a foreign language. Knowing two languages ​​encourages the prefrontal cortex to work more actively, improves memory and problem-solving skills, and delays the onset of senile dementia by 5.
  2. The next working exercise for the brain is composing words. IN Soviet times The game Scrabble was popular. Exists modern interpretation a game called Scrabble. The game will be for those who want to increase their iq, best friend. Making words from limited quantity letters promotes development competent speech, expansion vocabulary. It is also recommended to solve crossword puzzles, the effect is similar.
  3. Moderate physical activity will help increase your intelligence level by 50%. If laziness has taken hold and you don’t want to do anything, you should pull yourself together and go to treadmill or walk down the street at a brisk pace. Cardio training has a positive effect on cognitive abilities and helps you lose weight.
  4. Gaining knowledge is training the brain like muscles. Instead of watching TV with endless series and negative information, turn on an educational film about underwater world or a program from the “obvious incredible” cycle. If you go on the road, read science fiction, not jokes. Don’t get hung up on one thing, the information should be varied. Scientists say that the more emotional the perception of information, the better long-term memory develops.
  5. Play video games. I foresee numerous objections. Video games contribute to the development of intelligence. The simplest example is military shooters. They improve coordination of movements and increase the perception of visual signals. Games - source information material on a specific topic.

To effectively increase your IQ, learn to focus on multiple sources, carrying information: Listen to the radio and read a book. This skill will not come immediately, and even headaches from severe overexertion and fatigue are possible. Over time, you will easily learn to do several things at the same time.

Solve logic problems and tests, crosswords and sudoku. They will help train your brain. If when solving a crossword puzzle or other logical problem difficulties arise, look at the answer, remember it, draw conclusions and easily solve a similar problem next time.

Expand your horizons, read books, magazines, watch and listen educational programs and news. Learn to analyze situations, imagine possible and impossible solutions. This way you can develop imaginative thinking and train your brain to think analytically.

Doctors recommend eating right. Nutritionists advise eating small portions of food, 4 - 5 times a day. This will maintain a constant flow of blood to the brain. If you eat 2 meals a day and the food is consumed in large portions, the resulting energy is spent on digestion, and little remains to nourish the brain.

Give up bad habits. If you are planning to increase your IQ, think about how to quit smoking if the problem exists. Tobacco smoke prevents oxygen from reaching the brain and impairs its function. Quitting smoking is not easy, it will require enormous willpower, but the result will exceed expectations and you will come to healthy image life.

From the history of the study of intelligence

In 1816, Bessel stated that intelligence could be measured by the reaction to a flash of light. It was only in 1884 that a series of tests for visitors to the London Exhibition appeared. The tests were developed by a scientist from England, Galston. He assured that representatives of some families are biologically and intellectually superior to others, and women are inferior to men in intelligence.

Imagine the surprise when it turned out that the great scientists were no different from ordinary people, and women gave better results than men. A year later Cattell developed psychological tests which were called “mental”, where the speed of the reflex, the time of perception of stimuli, and the pain threshold were taken into account.

These studies made it possible to develop tests where the indicator of effectiveness was the time spent by the subject on solving problems. The faster the subject completed the task, the more points he scored. Scientists have come to the conclusion that a person with high intelligence inherent:

  • common sense;
  • reflection;
  • initiative;
  • the ability to adapt to certain life circumstances.

This point of view was expressed in 1939 by Wechsler, who developed an intelligence scale for adults. Today, psychologists share the same point of view about an individual's ability to adjust and adapt to the world around him.

IQ depends not only on those natural features that a person has from birth, but also from the lifestyle that he has chosen for himself.

If mental abilities are practically not used for a long time, they undergo regression, however, this is a manifestation of one of the basic laws of our world. A stop in development always leads to degradation, there is no other way. Today we will talk about several ways in which you can increase your IQ, that is, become smarter.

Method number 1 - healthy food

If we understand that brain activity directly depends on the functional state of the cells of the gray matter of the brain, then there is no need to dwell on the importance of the qualitative composition of the diet. Only a diet composed of sufficient natural products, is able to satisfy the human body’s needs for microelements, vitamins, proteins, fats and other essential nutritional factors. As for high brain activity, then reverse special attention necessary not for chocolate and sugar, but for deep sea sea ​​fish and seafood. The fact is that seafood contains a sufficient amount of iodine, which is necessary to increase brain activity, and fish oil is rich in omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids, which increase IQ.

Method number 2 - daily routine

Working hard always leads to high fatigue and depletion of the body's reserves. For those who want to maintain their mental abilities sufficiently high level, it is necessary to adhere to a daily routine, a prerequisite of which is night sleep lasting at least six and a half hours a day. Have you probably heard about those phenomenal discoveries that were made in a dream? So, sleep is the most effective way relieving mental stress, it is as necessary for a person as air and quality food.

Method number 3 - reading

Writing is one of the largest inventions of mankind, the importance of which is truly impossible to overestimate. And today, despite the spread of high-speed communications and high technologies, mental abilities are still closely dependent on one’s own vocabulary and the amount of accumulated knowledge. While wandering around the Internet, do not limit yourself to viewing pictures or videos, try to read as much as possible, paying attention to the latest scientific developments in various fields of human knowledge.

Method number 4 – communication skills

From high index intelligence will be of absolutely no use if you don't communicate with people. New acquaintances help not only to advance oneself up the social and career ladder, but also increase mental abilities. Anyone who has communication problems can learn a lot from books and articles on networking. Networking is a whole science, the goal of which is promotion, and the means is communication. By the way, thanks social networks Finding like-minded people and making useful contacts has become much easier.

Method No. 5 – broadening your horizons

Why do you think a child develops at an incredible speed during the first three years of life, while the speed of development of an adult is hundreds of times lower? The whole point is that the baby actively strives for knowledge, and adults think that they already know everything. To increase your own intelligence index, start expanding your own horizons, learning foreign languages, mastering new areas of knowledge, and traveling to unfamiliar places.

Method number 6 - leaving your comfort zone

All people strive for comfort. If during the first two to three decades of life a person is engaged in building his own cozy zone, that is, he receives an education, equips his home, gets used to his place of work and a certain social circle, then later he lives in this skillfully created comfort zone, not wanting to leave beyond its limits. Of course, it’s convenient and safe to live this way, but a quiet life kills not only instincts, but also intellect. To give your own mental abilities new impulse, you can change your job or place of residence. Choose what suits you.

Method number 7 - training

Detectives, puzzles, crosswords and intellectual electronic games are suitable for training the mind.