mmpi testing. Smil - modified mmpi test

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The value of the L, F, K scales in the SMIL test

The statements included in the L scale were selected to identify the tendency to present oneself in the best possible light by demonstrating strict adherence to social norms. If the results on the L scale are from 70 to 80 T-scores, the resulting profile seems doubtful, and if the result is over 80 T-scores, it is unreliable. Your L-scale value is 42, which means that the test results can be trusted.

A significant increase in the profile on the F scale indicates accidental or intentional distortion of the study results. If the results on the F scale are from 70 to 80 T points, inclusive, the resulting profile seems doubtful, and if the result is over 80 T points, it is unreliable. Your F-Score is 44, which means the test results can be trusted.

The K scale allows us to distinguish individuals who seek to mitigate or hide psychopathological phenomena. Individuals with high scores on the K scale usually determine their behavior depending on social approval and are concerned about their social status. They tend to deny any difficulties in interpersonal relationships or in controlling their own behavior, they strive to comply with accepted norms and refrain from criticizing others to the extent that the behavior of others falls within the framework of the accepted norm.

With moderate indicators on the K scale, the above-described tendencies do not disrupt adaptation, but even facilitate it, causing a feeling of harmony with the environment and an approving assessment of the rules accepted in this environment. In this regard, a person with a moderate increase in profile on the K scale gives the impression of being prudent, friendly, sociable, and having a wide range of interests.

You have a low K score.

This means that you are well aware of your difficulties, tend to exaggerate rather than underestimate the degree interpersonal conflicts, the severity of symptoms and problems experienced. This is the habit of not hiding your weaknesses and difficulties. The tendency to be critical of oneself and others leads to skepticism. Dissatisfaction and a tendency to exaggerate the significance of conflicts make you easily vulnerable and create awkwardness in interpersonal relationships.

Ten clinical SMIL scales

1 Hypochondriasis Scale (HS)
2 Depression Scale (D)
3 Hysteria Scale (Hy)
4 Psychopathy Scale (Pd)
6 Paranoia Scale (Pa)
7 Psychasthenia scale (Pt)
8 Schizophrenia Scale (Sc)
9 Hypomania Scale (Ma)
0 Social Contacts Scale

These scales should be understood this way:

First scale: Somatization of anxiety
Second scale: Anxiety and depressive tendencies.
Third scale: Repression of factors that cause anxiety
Fourth scale: Realization of emotional tension in direct behavior
Fifth scale: Expressiveness of male and female character traits
Sixth scale: Rigidity of affect
Seventh scale: Fixation of anxiety and restrictive behavior
Eighth scale: Autization
Ninth scale: Denial of anxiety, hypomanic tendencies
Zero scale: Social contacts

You do not have clearly defined values ​​on clinical scales

You did not send us the value of several dozen additional scales

You did the test in a cropped version. The letter you sent does not contain several dozen additional scales. Additional scales would help you understand your personality traits. We suggest you use it after a while full version of the SMIL test, posted on our website in the Tests section. IN at the moment SMIL is in test access - it is being finalized and checked by technical specialists. A little later you will be able to use the full version of the test. The full version allows you to track the dynamics of changes in your character traits and correction of intrapersonal problems as a result of psychotherapy.

When analyzing the SMIL test, special attention should be paid to the scales of the neurotic triad

Since most people have inhibition personal development in the form of neurosis, then the dynamics of improvement can be tracked using the scales of the neurotic triad SMIL.
The scales located in the left half of the profile - the first, second and third - are often combined with the term “neurotic triad”, since an increase in the profile on these scales is usually observed in neurotic disorders. Neurotic reactions are associated with inhibition of personal development when you are treated poorly by your environment. As a result, a situation is created in which you do not have enough psychological resources for active, purposeful actions in a certain situation. Blockade of the motivated. goal-directed behavior aimed at satisfying current needs, which underlies neurotic phenomena, is usually designated by the term “frustration.”

What is intrapersonal conflict in neurosis?

With neurosis, the main problem is not the presence of real obstacles that prevent the satisfaction of an urgent need, but the impossibility of active actions to solve the problem due to the presence of multidirectional needs. In this case, maladaptive behavior associated with the difficulty of choosing one of the simultaneously existing programs is an expression of intrapersonal conflict.

Types of intrapersonal conflict can be as follows:

  • the need to choose between two equally desirable possibilities;
    the inevitability of a choice between two equally undesirable possibilities
    the need between achieving what you want at the cost of unwanted experiences and giving up what you want in order to avoid these experiences.

With a neurotic conflict, there will be an increase in values ​​on the clinical scales of profile 1,2,3.

In this test you have no signs of increased scores on the neurotic triad scales

Please redo the test on our website in a month and send us the results for analysis, containing not only clinical scales, but also additional ones. We will be happy to help you understand the results of your character testing.

P.S.! Please. Please note that there is a fee.

Are you in a difficult life situation? Get a free and anonymous consultation with a psychologist on our website or ask your question in the comments.


62 thoughts on “ An example of a paid consultation on decoding tests. Help me understand the meaning of the SMIL test

  1. Vadim

    Hello!!! Check out my test at this link
    and notify!!! Please, can you provide an analysis as quickly as possible, this is very urgent!!!

      In additional scales, please pay attention to those whose value is above 70. You have 90 on the “Learning Ability” scale, 75 on the “Ego Strength” scale, 72 on the “Social Responsibility” scale. Close to 70, but not reaching this value - “Ability to teach”, “Somatization reaction”, “Leadership”.

      In your case, it is useful for you to develop the ability to empathize (other people's emotions), learn to understand the needs of other people. Because at the moment you tend to think only about yourself and your needs. It is also advisable for you to develop the ability to understand your emotions in order to reduce your tendency to somatize reactions. Somatization reactions should be understood as the tendency to tense the muscles of the body or the tendency to get sick when you have experienced strong emotions. Read more about psychosomatic diseases that are aggravated by stress in Brautigam’s book “Psychosomatic Medicine.” It would also be useful for you to develop leadership skills, because their level of manifestation is not high enough - although the inclinations are good.

      • Alexander

        Hello. please give me an assessment of my results

        • There are three things that matter in your profile: social responsibility, learning ability, and headache propensity. We advise you to take a whole battery of tests in order to learn new things about yourself. We recommend that you take the MPV test (Sondi test), Luscher 72 (boxed), Leonhard test, SPIN test, Dayhoff test and the Zung and Sheehan clinical screening tests. Although they seem to overlap each other, you should not be afraid of overdiagnosis. Two of these tests are not questionnaires, so it is difficult to use the rationalization mechanism when filling them out. This means that in the questionnaires you can embellish yourself, draw the desired image, etc. Tests where you have to choose faces or color palettes are protected from the desire to show yourself in the best light.

          • Ilnara

            Hello! Please analyze my results of passing the SMIL test

            The following scales are significant in your profile: pure hysteria, hidden hysteria, need for emotional experiences, denial of symptoms, altruism, femininity of interests and social responsibility, self-satisfaction, social status, defensive reaction to the test. Please measure the level. If your personality maturity indicators are less than 45 percent, then it would be advisable for you to familiarize yourself with the concept of conversion neurosis. Signs common to all types of neuroses are described in the articles: and. A striking clinical case of hysterical, that is, conversion neurosis is described in the 4th chapter of the book

          • Maria

            Good afternoon, Olesya! I ask you to analyze my answers) thank you!

          • Good afternoon, Maria! . Please agree with the Administrator on a consultation time that is convenient for you and free for me. We will chat with you on Skype, and I will explain the results of your tests to you.

  2. Vadim
  3. Vadim

    Thank you very much for your answer!!!

  4. Lyudmila

    Help me decipher, please.
    Woman 23 years old

    L 42 F62 K48
    1-63 2-80 3-64 4-58 5-58 6-44 7 -59 8-63 9-60 0-66

    Thank you.
    P.S. Low 6 - is it suppressed aggression? How does it manifest itself?

  5. Lyudmila

    Thank you for not leaving it unattended. The test is completely passed, will be completed. scales over 70:

    Pre-hypochondriacal state 102
    Hostility Control 70
    Hostility 70
    Somatic complaints 70
    Sheer hysteria 73
    Femininity interests 103
    Bias 70
    Pharisaism 76

  6. JULIA

    Hello, please tell me my results from this link. thanks in advance

  7. Natalia

    Could you comment on the test results? What other tests can you recommend for more deep knowledge myself?

    Best regards, Natalia.

  8. JULIA
  9. Oleg

    Please analyze my test data. Thank you.

  10. Daria
    Hello Olesya, please help me interpret the test results. I am interested in assessing my personality, what needs to be corrected in myself, and whether there are any deviations from the norm. What prof. Are the tests still necessary to pass in your opinion? Thanks in advance.

      Hello, the SMIL test is not intended to answer your questions. Personality assessment is done using a test. It is on our website along with detailed explanations. Please go through it and receive detailed instructions on which parameters of your personality (out of 14) need correction. The norm for each parameter is 45 - 55 percent. Optimal level 60 - 65 percent. If the parameter is less than 44 percent, it needs to be improved with the help of psychotherapy.

      In addition, we recommend that you pass all the tests posted on our website. . Of the tests that we do not have, we recommend the boxed version of the Luscher-72 test with a Luscher cube. It is copyrighted. The test can be ordered through a representative in the Russian Federation.

  11. Anastasia

    Hello Olesya, could you comment on my results on the SMIL test. I would like to know what needs to be fixed

  12. Nikita

    Good day!
    Tell me please. Passed the SMIL test. I can’t figure out the results... The test itself is
    Will I be able to work in the police with this result?
    Thank you very much in advance.

An excellent program that includes two techniques at once - SMIL(Standardized Multivariate Personality Research Method) and eight-color M. Luscher test.

Having completed the full version of the SMIL (Standardized Multifactor Personality Test), based on the MMPI (Minnesota Multifactor Personality Inventory) personality questionnaire), you will have a complete picture of your personal characteristics, receive a detailed text description of the result and, of course, the personal profile itself in the form of a graph.

The Luscher color test is also aimed at research personal characteristics person and assessing his emotional state.

The program is very convenient, allows you to maintain a database of subjects (subjects) and can be useful not only for those interested in psychology, but also for professionals.

Standardized multifactorial method of personality research (SMIL) - adapted MMPI test

The SMIL technique is the most popular of all psychodiagnostic tests used in clinical practice.

As a result of the study, the doctor or psychologist receives multifaceted personality drawing(in the context of a state determined by the current situation) or the structure of painful changes woven into the fabric of personal characteristics. Interpretation of the data obtained during the survey allows us to assess the motivational sphere, level of self-esteem, style of interpersonal behavior, character traits, type of response to stress, defense mechanisms, cognitive style, leading needs, mood background, sexual problems, suicidal tendencies, etc.

The great advantage of this technique is the presence in its structure reliability scales(the “lie” scale L, the actual “reliability” scale F and the “correction” scale K), which make it possible to determine not only the reliability of the results, but also the attitude of the subject towards the examination procedure itself. This makes it possible to consider the test results through the prism of trends identified using reliability scales towards exaggerating existing problems or smoothing them out.

The standardized multifactorial personality research method is a modification of a popular test all over the world. MMPI, created by American psychologists I. McKinley And S. Hathaway. This is a quantified (quantitative) method of personality assessment, which, thanks to the automated method of processing survey results, allows us to maximally avoid the dependence of the obtained data on the subjectivity and experience of the experimenter (this refers to the calculation, and not the interpretation itself, the correctness of which is higher, the better trained and more experienced psychologist).

The goal that the creators of the original test set for themselves was to develop a system of discrete values ​​that would allow differentiate pathological manifestations from the norm. Based on nosological approach of Kraepelin, the authors of the original test constructed, using statistical analysis of empirically collected data, ten diagnostically significant scales, on which the average normative level, conventionally designated as 50 standard divisions (T), was compared with answers quantitatively more than twice the standard deviation from the average normative level (50T ± 20T , that is, above 70T or below 30T).

Time has revealed the conventionality of nosological boundaries, and the interpretive approach of the MMPI authors turned out to be very primitive and incomplete. The rigid framework of the Crepellin nosological scheme, on which I. McKinley and S. Hathaway based their interpretation, as experience has shown, is too narrow for a real picture of clinical diversity mental disorders with their numerous atypical and transitional forms. The conceptual personal approach was completely absent.

The interpretation of the modified and restandardized MMPI test, which in the new version received the name SMIL, is a much more differentiated approach based on the theory of leading tendencies and the corresponding individual-personal typology.

The basis of interpretation instead of that used by American psychologists discrete approach laid continuum approach, subtly differentiating transitional states and personal characteristics between normal and pathological conditions.

To avoid psychopathological categoricalness, the names of the scales were changed in such a way that it became possible to gradedly assess the degree of manifestation of a particular tendency: moderate indicators reflect characterological properties, increased - accentuation of personality, high peaks reveal pronounced psychopathic traits or clinical register symptoms.

The methodology questionnaire is a set of statement questions. If answers are received to 566 of them (full version), then the result reveals not only the SMIL profile, which gives a personality portrait when interpreted, but also indicators of almost 200 additional scales that play a clarifying role. The shortened version contains 398 statements. It allows you to get a personal portrait on basic scales, but does not provide information on additional ones.

The items in the SMIL questionnaire look like statements, not questions. The person being examined, answering on behalf of his “I,” as if alone with himself, analyzes his character and the characteristics of his condition.

Most of the basic scales of the technique, instead of purely clinical names, were given new ones corresponding to their psychological essence and not provoking the hanging of psychiatric labels in cases where we're talking about about accentuation of personality or character traits.

SMIL profile- this is the broken line that connects the quantitative indicators of ten basic scales. The highest indicators appear in the form of profile peaks. Usually they serve as the main object of interpretation. However, it is impossible not to take into account both the increases accompanying the peak and the low indicators of other scales.

As a result of the work carried out, domestic standards were obtained for both basic and additional scales.

In the profile sheet, reflecting the relationship between the indicators of the basic scales, 50T is the line of a statistically verified “norm”, from which indicators are counted both upward (increase) and downward (decrease).

The spread of indicators ranging from 30 to 70T determines a fairly wide range of the so-called normal corridor.

Increases on the SMIL scales in the range of 56 - 66T reveal those leading trends that determine characterological characteristics of the individual.

Higher indicators of different basic scales (67 - 75T) highlight those accentuated features, which at times complicate a person’s socio-psychological adaptation.

Indicators above 75T indicate impaired adaptation and about the deviation of the individual’s condition from normal. These may be psychopathic character traits, a state of stress caused by extreme situation, neurotic disorders and, finally, psychopathology, the presence of which can only be judged by a pathopsychologist or psychiatrist - based on the totality of data from psychodiagnostic, experimental psychological and clinical studies.

Additional scales are usually used to clarify the results obtained using the basic scales of the technique.

Max Lüscher's eight-color test

This test is used to identify emotional and characterological basis of personality and subtle nuances of its current state.

To carry out the testing procedure you need: a set of colored cards (8 pcs.), a pen and a sheet for recording results.

Examination procedure: Shuffle the colored cards and place them with the colored surface facing up at approximately the same distance from each other.

After this, give the subject the following instructions: “From the suggested colors, choose the one you like best. At the same time, focus on the color as such, try not to associate it with any things - the color of the car, clothes that suit you, cosmetics, etc.”.

After the desired card is selected, it is removed to the side and placed with the colored side down. Next, you ask the subject to choose the most pleasant color from the remaining seven. The selected card must be placed with the colored side down to the right of the first one, and so on. Then rewrite the card numbers in laid out order.

After 2-3 minutes, mix the cards again and repeat the examination procedure. In this case, it is necessary to explain to the subject that the study is not aimed at studying memory, and he must choose colors as if he were seeing them for the first time.

Key notes:

1. The subject must adhere only to the data of color shades tested over many years and does not have the right to imagine, for example, a lighter, more “beautiful” color.

2. Each color must be selected separately. Under no circumstances should you choose two or more colors at the same time as a beautiful color composition.

3. The subject must decide completely freely which of the proposed colors he likes or dislikes. At the same time, he should not be rushed into answering or helped with leading questions.

4. In no case should colors be chosen with the idea that they are suitable for clothing, curtains, etc.

Primary colors and their symbolic meaning:

№1. – blue. Symbolizes calm, contentment, tenderness and affection.

№2. – green. Symbolizes perseverance, self-confidence, stubbornness, self-respect.

No. 3. – red color. Symbolizes willpower, activity, aggressiveness, offensiveness, authority, sexuality.

No. 4. – yellow color. Symbolizes activity, desire for communication, curiosity, originality, cheerfulness, ambition.

Additional colors and their symbolic meaning:

No. 5. – purple color, No. 6. – brown color, No. 7. – black color, No. 8. – gray color.

These colors symbolize negative tendencies: anxiety, stress, fear, grief.

Data processing:

As a result of testing, we highlight the following positions: both of the most attractive colors receive a “+” sign, the second pair – pleasant colors – have an “x” sign, the third pair – indifferent colors – are indicated by an “=” sign and the fourth pair – unattractive colors – receive a “” sign. -".

It is believed that in the normal psychophysiological state of the subject, the primary colors should be in the first five places, and the additional ones in the last. If they are located differently, this indicates the presence of some psychological conflict or states of physiological distress that are a source of anxiety.

Often the source of this anxiety is so repressed from consciousness that a person feels only vague anxiety, without knowing its causes. But regardless of the degree of its awareness, the presence of a constant source of stress causes compensatory type behavior. Since such activities are “replacement” in nature, they rarely lead to true satisfaction, depleting the body’s resources.

This leads to the following conclusions:

1. If at least one of the primary colors is in the last three places, then it and the subsequent colors indicate a state of anxiety. The method of alarm compensation is determined by the characteristics of the color in the first position.

2. If, in the presence of anxiety, one of the primary colors comes first, then compensation is considered more successful than in the case of an additional color, which indicates the inadequacy and failure of compensatory behavior.

3. The presence of gray, brown or black at the beginning of the color range means a negative attitude towards life. If one of these colors is in second or third place, then it itself and all the colors to the left of it are considered as compensation.

4. If grey, brown or black occupy one of the first three positions and at the same time there are no primary colors in any of the subsequent positions, then whichever color occupies the last position should be considered a source of alarm.

To assess the intensity of anxiety states and compensatory tendencies, the following notations are proposed:

! – if the main color is in 6th place (additional color is in 3rd place)

!! – if the main color is in 7th place (additional color is in 2nd place)

!!! – if the main color is in 8th place (additional in 1st place)

All existing exclamation marks (presence of compensations and alarms) are added together. The sum of conditional points (!) can range from 1 to 12. It is believed that the more “!”, the more unfavorable the prognosis.

Position meaning:

In the eight positions of the rank sequence, the following relation is distinguished:

1st place: the cutest color gets the aspiration sign. It shows the means that the subject needs and to which he resorts to achieve the goal.

2nd place: it also has the sign of "aspiration" and shows that it is a goal.

3rd, 4th place: both have the sign of “sympathy” as a symbol of their own state. This is a person’s well-being, his opinion about his health, his disposition.

5.6 place: it bears the sign of “indifference.” Indifference shows that this color and property are neither confirmed nor rejected, they are indifferent. For the subject, this color and property are temporarily lost, abolished, they seem to “float in the air.” Indifferent color is irrelevant, perceived at the moment as an indifferent, unrealizable property, which, however, can be actualized if necessary.

7.8 place: both colors have a sign of "rejection". Colors that the subject rejects as unattractive express a need that, due to expediency, is inhibited, because spontaneous satisfaction of this need has negative consequences.

Adaptation and restandardization MMPI in domestic conditions was carried out by the author of this manual during 1968 - 1984. Much work has been done to translate and adapt the text of the statements. The significance of some of them has pronounced differences depending on the cultural and ethnic characteristics of the population. The frequency of normative responses was also studied in a comparative analysis of American and Russian data. All this was taken into account when forming the final version SMIL.

After all the changes, the results of a survey of more than a thousand individuals, presented in the form of equally selected groups by gender and age, by educational level and type professional employment, were entered into the computer. Statistical processing of data and comparative analysis of the results of a psychodiagnostic study with data from objective observation (sometimes over many years) confirmed the reliability of the methodology and wide range its capabilities, especially in the field of studying individual personal properties.

The technique is a booklet containing 566 statements. If answers are received to 566 questions-statements (full version), then the result reveals not only the profile SMIL, which gives, when interpreted, a portrait of the individual, but also indicators of almost 200 additional scales that play a clarifying role. The shortened version contains 398 statements. It allows you to get a personal portrait on basic scales, but does not provide information on additional scales.

Why does the questionnaire contain statements rather than questions? Because a person answers questions of interest to a psychologist more sincerely if they are in the form of a statement. In such a situation, a person feels as if alone with himself, analyzing his “I”, and this contributes to greater frankness than interrogative form, sounding like an interrogation. The responses of the subject are entered into the cells of the registration sheet (see Appendix). If the subject agrees and answers “True” to a certain item in the questionnaire booklet, he puts a cross at the top of the box with the number corresponding to the statement; if his answer is “False”, then a cross is placed below the statement number in the corresponding cell of the registration sheet. The answer “Don't know” is recorded as a circle around the corresponding number.

The statements are different character, depending on what area of ​​human problems they cover. Most of them are aimed at identifying character traits and the style of communication with others. The statements relate to the subjective preferences of the person being examined, his views on different life values. They also reveal features of emotional reactions, background mood, assessment of one’s own well-being, a number of specific physiological functions etc. It is not the maxim of the statement itself that is important. This is just a standard set of experimentally simulated situations to which different people react differently. What is important is the selectivity of the answers, which outlines the individual and personal properties of a particular person. By summing up information on significant answers, a formalized calculation procedure reveals the degree of agreement or deviation of a particular individual’s answers from the statistically calculated average norm. Subsequently, “rivulets” of values ​​of individual scales are collected into the “sea” of information provided by a holistic profile.

The translation of the questionnaire text was carried out with the help of qualified philologists who are well aware of the intricacies of word usage and the construction of phrases, idiomatic expressions and aphorisms in both English (American) and Russian. The translation was improved 9(!) times after regular testing of the test on various contingents of the domestic population. Frequency of normative responses of Americans, given in the Handbook of MMPI, was compared with the answers of a representative group of Russians. consisting of 860 people for whom Russian is the language in which they not only speak, but also think. The readaptation of the questionnaire concerned not only the accuracy of the translation, but also the adequacy of the statements in relation to the desired psychological phenomena, which they were aimed at identifying. The results of the first stages of test restandardization were published in 1976 (Sobchik L.N., Gissen L.D. Methodical manual. "Standardized method of personality research SMIL and the experience of its use for the purpose of individualizing sports activities”, Moscow, VNIIFK) and in 1978 (Sobchik L.N., Lukyanova N.A., Manual for doctors. “Studying the psychological characteristics of flight personnel using a standardized method of personality research”, Moscow, Air Force). Subsequently, some statements were changed due to the characteristics of the domestic population and a different lifestyle in our country compared to America. In particular, this concerns attitudes towards religion, common expressions, slang, and idioms. In addition, in the modified version of the test, 26 statements from the questionnaire were identified that turned out to be ballast: they not only misled and shocked the subjects, but also provoked inadequate responses. Basically, these are statements that “work” on the reliability scale “F” and the 8th scale of schizophrenia. Thus, the statement “I often see people, animals and other objects that other people around me do not see” provoked the answer “true” from those who, by occupation (for example, athletes) travel a lot. different countries, while the statement aims to identify perceptual disturbances. In the questionnaire, these statements are left to preserve the usual numbering, but they are excluded from the calculation. Repeated re-standardization of the technique was carried out on a representative group of 580 men and 280 women. Uniformity was observed in the selection age groups(from 16 to 70 years old) and by type of professional activity: “technical people” and “humanists”, “physicists” and “lyricists”, athletes and artists, people of physical and mental work were equally represented. The work carried out to adapt and restandardize the test led to the fact that the psychological significance of the questionnaire items became adequate to the original, and the norm corridor and peaks of deviations corresponded to the basic requirements of the MMP1 test. This achieves the possibility of comparative data analysis SMIL

As a result of the work carried out, domestic standards were obtained for both basic and additional scales (see Appendix). These data have been published in every reissue since 1990 (Sobchik L.N. “Methods of psychological diagnostics. Standardized multifactorial method of personality research.” Methodological manual. Moscow, MCC at the State Administration of Technical Relations of the Moscow City Executive Committee.)

Questionnaires in a modified form are divided into male, female and adolescent versions, the difference of which is reflected only in the form of presentation of some statements. The keys (see Appendix) with which raw scores are calculated on each scale, the correction of raw indicators to form a personality profile in standard T indicators, as well as the interpretation scheme are identical for all forms of the questionnaire except for some differences in the processing of data on the 5th scale in men and the female profile and those aspects of interpretation that are associated with age characteristics.

The examination procedure should be carried out in a calm environment, allowing the subject to concentrate. At the same time, you sometimes need to hurry him up, not give him the opportunity for long thoughts - the first immediate reaction is important. If the subject asks for clarification, it should be given only in relation to individual words. The meaning of the statements should not be interpreted, since everyone must understand them in their own way. You just need to make it clear that denial or agreement with the statement cannot be regarded as either a positive or a negative moment in assessing their personal qualities. A person should not feel afraid that the examination may in any way harm him. Therefore, it must be emphasized that this examination is necessary for a more differentiated (individualized) approach in the educational process or in professional activities, as well as for choosing the most effective drug treatment or psychotherapeutic influence, etc. It is worth emphasizing that the study is not aimed at identifying social aspects human behavior, but more concerned with his temperament, the properties of the nervous system. In some circumstances, it should be said that this examination is customary for everyone, that is the order. Statements that questions are repeated, that many of them are stupid, are often associated with defensive tendencies, with a reluctance to be frank with strangers. On the one hand, such a reaction may be the result of the psychologist’s imperative behavior, the lack of necessary preliminary work with the survey population. On the other hand, the following comment is possible: “Yes, this is how it should be! Repetitions are provided to check your attentiveness and to avoid negligence in filling out the registration sheet.”

Before the examination, the subject must study the instructions given below.

You will be presented with a whole series of different statements. When evaluating each of them, do not spend a lot of time thinking. The first immediate reaction is the most natural. Carefully read the text, reading each statement to the end and assessing it as a whole as true or false in relation to you. If your answer is “true,” then put a cross on the registration sheet above the corresponding questionnaire number.

If your answer is “wrong,” then put a cross under the corresponding number.

Pay attention to statements with double negatives: for example, “I have never had seizures with convulsions”: if I haven’t, then your answer is “true,” and, conversely, if this has happened to you, then the answer is “wrong.”

Some statements in the questionnaire sound like this: “Circle the number of this statement.” In this case, the number corresponding to this statement should be circled on the registration sheet (this is to check your attentiveness).

If some statements raise serious doubts, base your answer on what is supposedly more characteristic of you. If a statement is true for you in some situations and false in others, then choose the answer that is most appropriate at the moment. Only as a last resort, if the statement does not apply to you at all, you can circle the number of this statement on the registration sheet, which is equivalent to the answer “I don’t know.” However, an excess of circles on the registration sheet will also lead to unreliable results.

Try to answer sincerely, otherwise your answers will be recognized as unreliable and the survey will have to be repeated. When answering different points of the questionnaire, try to understand - “What kind of person am I really?” Then the data obtained can be used with a positive effect for you. The results of the examination are not aimed at assessing your personality from the point of view of whether you are a “bad” person or a “good” person: only the characteristics of your temperament and professionally important qualities are revealed.

When answering even fairly intimate questions, do not be embarrassed, since no one will read or analyze your answers: all data processing is carried out automatically. The experimenter does not have access to specific answers, receiving results only in the form of generalized indicators that may be interesting and useful for you.

Answer questions about personal data in a free or even anonymous form by prior agreement with the psychologist examining you.

Restandardization showed that the strict choice of the norm group made it possible to preserve the previously developed normative spread on the profile sheet. The main direction of readaptation of the methodology was associated with the qualitative improvement of the psychological significance of the questionnaire items in such a way that the norm corridor and peaks of deviations were adequate to the basic requirements of the MMP1 test. This creates a basis for comparative data analysis SMIL with the results of research by foreign authors.

The survey results are processed by sequentially imposing keys, each of which corresponds to one or another scale of the basic profile (or additional scale). The keys are made from a profile sheet on which significant answers to be calculated are highlighted. In this case, the corresponding “windows” are cut out - above the number if the significant answer is “True”, below the number if the answer is “False”. Each key is sequentially applied to the completed profile sheet and the crosses shown through the cut-out windows, marked by the subject, are counted. In the following, these results are called raw scores. For the basic profile there are 13 of them: three of them are confidence scales and ten are basic scales. After correcting the raw results by certain fractions of the “K” correction scale, standardized “T” scores are obtained.

In connection with the readaptation of the methodology and the expansion of the scope of its application, most of the basic scales of the methodology were given new names corresponding to their psychological essence, respectively: 1st scale - the scale of “neurotic overcontrol”, 2nd - “pessimism”, 3rd - “ emotional lability”, 4th – “impulsivity”, 6th – “rigidity”, 7th – “anxiety”, 8th – “individualism”, 9th – “optimism and activity”. The names of two scales have not changed: 5th – the “femininity-masculinity” scale and 0th – the “social introversion” scale. As for almost two hundred additional scales that are not included in the construction of a personality profile, their names did not change after restandardization. These scales, compared to the profile of the basic scales, are much easier to interpret; basically, their essence is reflected by the very name of each scale. They have been developed by different authors in connection with different applied problems and can be used in addition to the main profile scales. As for the basic scales, they form a holistic personality profile, reflecting a portrait of the individual in all its complexity and diversity. Additional scales only add to this portrait a certain quality, which, refracted through a personal image, can acquire one or another sound. A number of additional scales are aimed at clarifying the extent to which certain indicators indicating a deviation from the norm are related to emotional stress. They help to understand a complex problem: whether the detected deviations are a sign of severe stress or mental pathology.

Profile SMIL- this is the broken line that connects the quantitative indicators of 10 basic scales. “Raw” scores for each scale are the sum of the crosses calculated by applying the template key to the registration sheet filled out by the person being examined (see Practical Guide). To each profile scale SMIL has its own key. The indicator of each scale is assessed by the sum of significant (counted) cross answers, reflecting not only agreement (the answer is “True” - the cross is above the statement number on the registration sheet), but also denial (the answer is “False” - the cross is placed below the number in the corresponding cell of the registration sheet ).

The calculation of raw scores for each key (i.e. scale) must be carried out very carefully, repeating the calculation up to two matching results. The scale of the registration sheet and template keys must be absolutely identical. When placing the key on the registration sheet, the frame, outline and numbers must completely match. Incorrect scoring will cause all subsequent interpretations to be distorted or completely incorrect. The resulting raw scores are entered on the first line below the frame of the profile sheet. The indicators of the main ten profile scales are adjacent in the foreground (on the left) to a small profile of reliability scales: the “?” scale. shows how many of the questionnaire statements fell into the “don’t know” response category. The “L” scale—the “Lie” scale—shows how sincere the subject was during the testing process. The “F” scale—the “reliability” scale—shows the level of reliability of the data obtained, depending on his frankness and willingness to cooperate. The “K” scale - the “correction” scale reveals the degree of distortion of the profile, associated both with the subject’s closedness and with the influence of the unconscious defense mechanism of “repressing” from the psyche information that is traumatic and destroys the positive image of the “I”. Depending on the indicators of the reliability scales, the profile is recognized as reliable or unreliable, and its features are considered through the prism of the subject’s attitudes towards the examination procedure.

To avoid too strong an influence of the displacement mechanism on the main profile, you should add 0.5 of the sum of the raw points (s.b.) of the “K” scale indicator to the raw points of the 1st scale, then add 0.4 of the s.b. value. scale “K” to s.b. 4th scale, in whole (1.0) “K” - the entire amount of s.b. scale “K” - added to s.b. 7th and 8th scales, and finally 0.2 s.b. scale “K” is added to s.b. 9th scale. To ensure that the indicated fractions of “K” do not differ between different researchers during mathematical rounding, to the right of the profile space there is a table of rounded indicators 0.4, 0.5 and 0.2 for any values ​​of s.b. "K" scale. These indicators are written on additional lines under the raw scores of the corresponding scales (1st, 4th, 7th, 8th and 9th) and are summed up with them, after which the final (corrected) raw scores for all scales. Then, the final raw scores are displayed in vertical gradations of different scales according to their designation (?, L, F, K) or number (from 1 to 0). Raw scores for each scale are indicated - in the form of a bold dot (or asterisk) - on the profile sheet graph, and these points are connected to each other by a broken line, the reliability scales are separate, and the main (basic) profile is separately.

Due to the fact that the number of significant answers (crosses) on each scale is not the same and their statistical significance (price, cost) is also not equivalent, comparison of indicators on different scales is possible only by reducing the raw scores to a generalized, standardized unit. Such a unit in this technique is the walls, each of which contains 10 T points and is equal to the standard deviation from the average standard line, which represents 50 T on the profile sheet. This is an empirically identified average norm. Deviation within 2 standard deviations (s) - 20 T - both up, up to 70, and down, up to 30 T, is conventionally defined as a spread within the normative corridor. Indicators above 70 and below 30 T are regarded as a deviation from the norm. Data in T-points are shown on both the right and left side lines of the frame of the profile sheet and are determined by lines drawn horizontally at a distance of 10 T points from each other. For more precise definition T-scores for each scale should draw a horizontal line (or attach a ruler) from the raw score to the T scale. T-score indicators for any raw score for each specific scale were calculated in advance using the formula:

where 50 is the “norm” line, from which indicators are measured both upward (increase) and downward (decrease); X is the final raw result obtained on a certain scale; M is the median empirically identified in the process of restandardizing the methodology, that is, the average standard indicator on this scale; s - sigma, the value of the standard deviation from the norm, discovered during the standardization process. For basic scales, all this data is already taken into account and correlated with T-scores on the profile sheet. For additional scales, T-score indicators are calculated using the above formula using data on the average statistical indicators of median and sigma obtained as a result of restandardization of the methodology. These data should be found in the Appendix, which also provides questionnaires - male, female and adolescent, samples of profile sheets (male and female), as well as a registration sheet and keys to basic and additional scales. Practical mastery of the methodology is much faster and easier during the training process, which is systematically conducted at the Institute of Applied Psychology in the form of advanced training courses and in the form of individual consultations with specialists - psychologists, doctors, sociologists and teachers.

As mentioned above, the spread of indicators in the range from 30 to 70 T determines the normal range. However, experience has shown that the distribution of quantitative indicators in this test is uneven and the so-called “Gaussian curve”, reflecting the patterns of this distribution, is “wrong” in nature. This is manifested by the lack of symmetry of increases and decreases in the profile peaks in the normal corridor. In the presence of signs of sharpened personality traits and other deviations from the norm, we much more often observe an increase in test scores. A decrease in profile, as a rule, is quantitatively less pronounced and is more often associated with the test person’s setting to hypernormal responses in the so-called “recessed” profiles (see below). The entire data calculation procedure requires accuracy, precision and attention. It is best when the psychologist has the opportunity to transfer this routine work to a computer. The manuals developed by the author together with programmers S.S. Kurapov and K.G. Kanin, computer versions of the test completely free the psychologist from any calculations. At the same time, the interpretative part of the program is such that, in addition to a comprehensive portrait of a personality, it will insure even a novice psychologist against serious mistakes, will help give specific recommendations of various kinds, depending on the scope and objectives of using the technique, and will also serve as a reliable tool in research work (see the book. Psychology of Individuality. Theory and practice of psychodiagnostics. Sobchik L.N., St. Petersburg . Speech, 2003).

Counting the spread of profile indicators SMIL comes from 50 T - the “ideal-normative” average profile, corresponding to the theoretical averaged norm (see profile sheet in the Appendix chapter). In a narrow corridor of the norm - within 46 - 55 T - profile fluctuations are difficult to interpret, since they do not reveal sufficiently pronounced individual personality properties and are characteristic of a completely balanced personality (if the reliability scales do not show a pronounced attitude towards lying - a high scale "L" - or lack of frankness - high "K" scale). In a wide norm corridor (from 30 to 70 T), the norm profile of each tendency is opposed by an “anti-tendency” that is opposite in direction, and feelings and behavior are subject to the control of consciousness (or are so moderate that minimal control over them is quite sufficient). Increases ranging from 56 to 66 T reveal those leading trends that determine the characterological characteristics of the individual. Higher indicators of different basic scales (67-75 T) highlight those accentuated features that at times complicate a person’s socio-psychological adaptation. Indicators above 75 T indicate impaired adaptation and a deviation of the individual’s condition from normal. These may be psychopathic character traits, a state of stress caused by an extreme situation, neurotic disorders and, finally, psychopathology, the presence of which can only be judged by a pathopsychologist or psychiatrist based on the totality of data from psychodiagnostic, experimental psychological and clinical research.

The profile sheets of the adult and teenage versions have quantitative differences only depending on the gender of the subject. Age differences are taken into account when analyzing profile data, as discussed in the interpretation section. It is very important that before starting work, the specialist makes sure that the questionnaire itself, the keys, the profile sheets, and, finally, the interpretive approach belong to the same author. SMIL different from the original test MMPI, and from that developed at the All-Russian Research Institute of Neurology and Psychiatry named after. V.M. Bekhterev Standardized Clinical Questionnaire SKLO and adapted by F.B. Berezin and M.P. Miroshnikov MMIL. Incomparable in all respects with all options MMPI questionnaire with 71 statements, clinically oriented Mini-cartoon, developed by the Swedish psychologist Kincannon and adapted in the Russian version by V.P. Zaitsev and V.N. Kozyulei SMOL. This technique is best used for screening to identify patients in need of medical care and for use in psychosomatic hospitals.

As experience shows, the methodology is mainly designed for examining a contingent of adults (from 16 to 80 years old) with at least 6-7 grades of secondary school education), with intact intelligence. Due to the fact that the author of the book, together with teachers B.N. Kodess and T.V. Kodess, developed and adapted a teenage version in 1984 SMIL, the scope of application of the technique has expanded somewhat. If the usual adult version has been widely and effectively used for many years in the practice of career counseling when examining high school students aged 15-17 years, then the teenage version recent years successfully used in studying children younger age, starting from the age of 12 (subject to good general development). It is noted that unreliable results are often directly dependent not so much on the subject’s distorted attitude towards the examination, but on a poor understanding of the content of the statements. This may be due, firstly, to underdeveloped verbal intelligence, and secondly, to poor knowledge of the Russian language. Therefore, in regions where people speak a different language, the methodology should be translated into their native language, but it is also necessary to restandardize the quantitative basis of the methodology, since regulatory standards may differ due to regional cultural and ethnic characteristics.

The analysis of the results obtained is based not on studying the meaning of the subject’s answers, but on a statistical procedure for calculating data, during which the quantitative dispersion of different answer options is revealed in relation, on the one hand, to the average normative average, and on the other, to the pathological sharpness of the psychological factor, which represents one or another individual-personal tendency. Most of the statements sound so that the subject, when answering, does not always understand how this characterizes him, which significantly complicates the desire to “improve” or “worse” the results of the examination. At first glance, the technique allows us to outline the subjective internal picture of the “I” of the person being examined. In reality, thanks to the partly projective sound of many statements, the experiment also reveals those psychological aspects that are not realized by a person or are only partially controlled by consciousness. Therefore, only with statistically unreliable data is the personality profile distorted so much that it makes no sense to interpret it. Within the framework of reliable data, even in the presence of trends that partially influence the strengthening or smoothing of the profile pattern, the interpretation reflects a picture of the personality that is close to the true one. At the same time, a very differentiated gradation of the degree of expression of different personal characteristics in their complex combination is possible, when not only high indicators are taken into account, but also their relationship with low indicators. At the same time, a deviation from the average normative indicators, more than twice the mean square error, reveals an excessive degree of expression of a particular personality trait, taking it beyond a fairly wide (from 30 to 70 standard T points) corridor of normative variation. Such data, as already mentioned, do not necessarily indicate pathology. A difficult life situation, traumatic events, physical illness - all this can cause a state of temporary maladjustment.

Therefore, the interpretation of the data obtained must be carried out in accordance with all the information available about the subject, not to mention the fact that for an adequate idea of ​​the subject it does not hurt to look at him. “Blind” interpretation can only be used for research purposes, when the reliability of the methodology is checked, as well as in large-scale surveys, when not the personality of an individual person is interpreted, but some generalized trends of large groups.

The person being tested may claim certain information about the test results. Sometimes such an interview carries psychotherapeutic or recommendatory content. If this happens, then the experimental psychologist or consultant is obliged, first of all, to respect the interests of the person being examined and never interpret the survey data to his detriment, since the role of the psychologist in society mainly comes down to protecting the person in every sense of the word. If this rule is violated, people will lose confidence in the psychologist and further psychological research will become impossible. The rest follows from this: the interpretation of the data obtained should be carried out from the standpoint of a psychotherapeutic, gentle approach. Each individual personal property usually carries both positive and negative information. Therefore, it is always possible to start an interview by highlighting positive characteristics, and then, against this background, highlight those characteristics and personality traits that create certain difficulties and negatively affect a person’s fate. But this should be done carefully and precisely in the style that is optimal for a given individual: you should pay attention to those recommendations for a correctional approach that are given below, depending on the characteristics of the profile.

Ministry of General and Vocational Education

Russian Federation

Omsk State Pedagogical University

Test materials

to the course Psychodiagnostics

Printed by decision

Editorial and publishing

Omsk State Council

pedagogical university

I.A. Vishnyakov, V.V. Usoltseva. Test materials for the course Psychodiagnostics. – Omsk: Omsk State Pedagogical University Publishing House, 1998. – 134 p.

This methodological manual is intended for students studying in the specialty “Psychology”. It contains instructions, texts of questions and assignments, keys and principles for processing tests used in studying the discipline “Psychodiagnostics”. These materials will be useful to all practicing psychologists.

Reviewer: PhD in Psychology Sc., Associate Professor F.Z. Kabirov

ISBN 5-8268-0233-2

 Omsk State Pedagogical University, 1998

From the compilers

These materials contain a set of tests used in a comprehensive psychodiagnostic study of the personality of an adult. This kit includes personality tests, tests to determine individual social characteristics of a person, tests for studying emotional characteristics, communication characteristics and psycho-functional states.

For each specific technique, instructions, text of questions, keys or principles for processing are given. If necessary, a form is provided for the subject's answers. This booklet does not contain detailed interpretations, since its purpose is different: to provide a set of test materials for the student. Well, detailed interpretations and interpretations of various test results can be found in the relevant psychodiagnostic literature.

The authors appeal to users of these materials with a reminder: the test known to the test subject does not work, it is dying for the professional community of psychologists. Therefore, be careful with this book. Make sure that it does not fall into the wrong hands.

Methodology for multilateral personality research

(MMPI test (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory), adapted by F.B. Berezin and M.P. Miroshnikov. Version 377 questions).

The manual contains instructions, the text of the questions and a key to the text. For comments on the processing and analysis of the results, see the book: Berezin F.B., Miroshnikov M.P., Sokolova E.D. methodology for multilateral personality research (structure, basics of interpretation, some areas of application). M., "Folium", 1994.

1. Instructions

This leaflet contains statements regarding your health and character. An answer sheet is included with the brochure.

1.Write your last name and other information about yourself on the top line of the answer form.

2.Read each statement and decide if it is TRUE for you.

3.The number on the answer form corresponds to the statement number. If you decide that this statement is TRUE, then cross the left square next to the corresponding number on the answer form (this square is located in the column marked with the letter “B”. If the statement is FALSE in relation to you, cross the square located on the right with an oblique cross from the corresponding number (this square is located in the column marked with the letter "H".

4. Carefully read and mark all the statements on the answer sheet, without omitting any. It may be difficult for you to relate to some of the statements, then try to make the best guess possible. Read and mark all the statements on your answer sheet. 5. If a statement in relation to you is both true and false, then choose a solution in accordance with what happens more often.

6.If a statement in relation to you is true and false in different periods In your life, choose the solution that is right at the present time.

7. When in doubt, remember that any statement that you cannot regard as true in relation to yourself should be considered false.

8.You should not be afraid of making mistakes in your choice, since whether each statement is true or false is determined only in relation to you and in accordance with your own opinion.

9.If you cannot make a decision on your own, then try to keep such statements as few as possible. Do not forget to skip the number of this statement on the answer form.

10.When deciphering the research results, the content of the statements is not taken into account. All further processing is carried out according to the number that each statement has, so you can be completely honest.

Test mode- with time limit

MMPI test online - take the SMIL test online with decoding results

MMPI technique

The SMIL technique, which is today one of the most significant and effective ways studying a person’s personality can rightfully be called the “heavy artillery” of psychodiagnostics. And the point is not at all that, according to the experts who encountered it for the first time, it takes a lot of time and effort. In fact, the process of passing the MMPI test online (you can take the SMIL test online with a transcript of the results on our website) takes the test taker no more than an hour. At the same time, a specialist who is allowed to be absent even at this time only needs 10 minutes to process the information received. The attractiveness of this technique lies in the fact that the psychologist ultimately receives a full-fledged portrait of the individual. He can clearly define such parameters as:
  • driving needs;
  • defense mechanisms;
  • cognitive style;
  • quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sustainable professionally important properties;
  • motivational orientation;
  • the presence or absence of mental disorders;
  • sexual orientation;
  • degree of adaptation;
  • degree of expression of leadership traits;
  • style of interpersonal behavior;
  • gender role status;
  • predisposition to alcoholism;
  • type of maladjustment (if any);
  • type of response to stress;
  • level of self-esteem;
  • level of suicidal tendencies;
  • mood background;
  • character traits;
  • Moreover, unlike similar methods, the MMPI test online (everyone can take the SMIL test online with decoding of the results today) has a reliability scale. In other words, you can not only check how honest the test taker was, but also establish whether he has a positive or negative attitude toward the proposed study. Focusing on these indicators, the specialist will be able to evaluate the data obtained with knowledge of the level of reliability of the information and understand where the reaction to the proposed situation was exaggerated, and where, on the contrary, smoothed out.

    SMIL technique

    SMIL or the standardized multifactorial method of personality research is a kind of modification of the MMPI test. The latter was created by American psychologists I. McKinley and S. Hathaway in 1942 - 1949, as a way of selecting pilots who took part in the Second World War. The essence of this technique was to gain access to the pilot’s personal assessment of the situation without taking into account his existing experience and subjective opinion. All received answers were distributed across 13 scales, where 3 of them were responsible for the reliability of the data provided, and 10 were basic. The latter, arranged in order from 1 to 10, determined the following:
  • neurotic overcontrol;
  • pessimism;
  • emotional lability;
  • impulsiveness;
  • “masculinity – femininity”;
  • rigidity;
  • anxiety;
  • individualistic;
  • optimism;
  • social introversion.
  • Interpretation of results

    The SMIL profile is only a general outline of the personal basis, subject to changes depending on the social situation. In addition to analyzing the data obtained during the study, it is important to take into account such external factors of the person being tested, such as his biography, degree of education, track record, environment, and more.
    Be that as it may, the norm is not the absence of some psychological characteristics, but their presence in a state of balance. In other words, a person who has passed the MMPI test online (you can take the SMIL test online with the results deciphered in just 1 hour) and classified as “normal” can show completely different reactions to what is happening in different situations. Thus, he may be considered the life of the party among people close and familiar to him and at the same time experience problems establishing new contacts. He is able to zealously defend his opinion in a circle of professionals and fade away in the presence of people who have little knowledge of the topic and are negatively disposed towards him.

    MMPI test online - take the SMIL test online with interpretation of results

    Modern online MMPI-SMIL questionnaires are presented in several variations. Thus, the most complete of them involves obtaining answers to 500 questions and is conventionally divided into male, female and teenage options. The difference between them is negligible and suggests only differences in some abbreviations and statements (about 65 questions). However, regardless of their type, any subject should undergo the study in a calm, inviting environment.