The secret passions of Dmitry Mendeleev. Nine interesting facts about D.I.

Mendeleev Dmitry Ivanovich(1834-1907) - great Russian scientist, chemist, physicist, teacher, public figure. In 1859 he discovered the periodic law, on the basis of which he created the periodic system of elements. He left behind over 500 scientific published works, including the classic textbook “Fundamentals of Chemistry.” His works revealed the foundations of the theory of solutions, proposed industrial method fractional separation of oil. He was the organizer and first director of the Main Chamber of Weights and Measures (1893).

Mendeleev was born into a large family. Mendeleev was born on January 27, 1834. He became 17 and last child in family. At the time of his birth, only two brothers and five sisters remained alive in the family. Father - Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleev was the director of the Tobolsk gymnasium and schools of the Tobolsk district. Mother, Maria Dmitrievna, was from an old but impoverished merchant family. Ivan Pavlovich died in 1847, leaving the entire burden of responsibility on the shoulders of his wife. Despite this, she, being a strong, educated and intelligent woman, was able to take care of her children and give them a decent education.

Mendeleev studied well at the gymnasium. Actually this is not true. Dmitry Ivanovich hated the routine that reigned within the gymnasium walls and studied mediocrely. He studied with special diligence only in two subjects - mathematics and physics. For the rest of his life, a negative attitude toward classical school. However, participation in the Main Pedagogical Institute St. Petersburg at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, he learned the power of education. Despite the fact that the first year was given to him with great difficulty, he graduated from the university with a gold medal. Subsequently, Dmitry Ivanovich became one of the best teachers in Russia.

Mendeleev stopped teaching at St. Petersburg University due to a conflict with the Minister of Education. In the spring of 1890, student unrest broke out at the university. The students developed a petition addressed to the Minister of Public Education Delyanov. It did not contain any revolutionary ideas, as some suggest, and was purely academic in nature. Mendeleev agreed to hand over the petition to the minister on the condition that the students stop the resulting unrest. However, the minister did not consider the petition, and responded to Mendeleev rudely and tactlessly. As a result, the unrest resumed. Dmitry Ivanovich could not stand this attitude towards himself and the students and submitted his resignation.

Mendeleev invented vodka. Mendeleev did not invent vodka. He wrote and defended his doctoral dissertation “Discourse on the combination of alcohol with water.” Another controversial fact is the statement that Mendeleev proposed producing vodka with a strength of 40 degrees. In fact, this figure is not visible in his writings. According to some sources, he proposed making vodka with a strength of 38 degrees, considering this strength to be ideal. However, this number was later rounded to 40.

The principle of constructing the periodic table was formed by Mendeleev in a dream. This generally accepted version, frankly speaking, somewhat detracts from the merits of the great chemist. According to this version, Mendeleev came up with and created the system in one day, and even saw part of it during nap. According to the memoirs of O.E. Ozarovskaya, once when asked about the discovery of the periodic system, Mendeleev answered: “I’ve been thinking about it for maybe twenty years, but you think: I was sitting there and suddenly... it’s ready.” These words fully reveal the long-term thought process of creating the periodic table. Even if he saw something in a dream, it only means that the genius’s thoughts were working even while his physical component was resting.

There is a lot of mysticism in the creation of the periodic table. Indeed, the ingenious discovery smacks of mysticism. Composing periodic table, Mendeleev arranged elements in order of increasing atomic weight. Already on beryllium it became clear that, according to the scientific data of that time, the table did not work. And then it’s truly inexplicable: Mendeleev simply changed the atomic weight of beryllium and added an empty cell between titanium and calcium. He did this with almost a third of the table. As a result, the weight of uranium increased by as much as 4 times. This table not only systematized the chemical elements, but also predicted the appearance of unknown elements. A feeling of something divine is created, but how can genius be explained?

Mendeleev was unhappy in his personal life. Dmitry Ivanovich’s first marriage really cannot be called happy. On April 29, 1862, he married Feozva Nikitichna Leshcheva. In this marriage two children were born: son Volodya and daughter Olga. Mendeleev loved children very much, but his relationship with his wife was cold. As a result, she gave him complete freedom, provided that he maintained the official marriage. At 43, Dmitry Ivanovich fell in love with 19-year-old Anyuta Pavlova. This relationship was very difficult in the initial stage. Anyuta's father was against it and asked Mendeleev to leave his daughter alone. As a result, Anyuta was sent abroad, where Dmitry Ivanovich, having lost his head, rushed after her. Divorce in those years was a very difficult process. To help genius man arrange their personal life and for the sake of preserving Mendeleev’s mental health, his friends Beketov N.N. and Ilyin N.P. asked the first wife for permission to divorce. After her consent and subsequent divorce, Dmitry Ivanovich had to wait another six years to enter into a new marriage. To avoid this, he bribed the priest, paying him 10 thousand rubles for his marriage with Anyuta (note that his estate cost him only 8 thousand rubles). This marriage turned out to be very successful. The couple got along well and understood each other perfectly. The daughter Lyuba, who appeared in this marriage, became the wife of A. Blok.

Mendeleev was engaged in the manufacture of suitcases. Indeed, despite his employment and achievements in many scientific fields, Dmitry Ivanovich was fond of bookbinding and making suitcases. In this regard, even funny things happened. They say that when, while purchasing material in a store, the seller was asked: “Who is this?” He replied: “Don’t you really know? This is the famous suitcase maker Mendeleev.” It is also known that Mendeleev made his own clothes, considering store-bought ones inconvenient.

Mendeleev lost his sight at the end of his life. In 1895, Mendeleev went blind as a result of developing cataracts. During these years, he already headed the Chamber of Weights and Measures that he created. For such an active person it was difficult time. All business documentation was read aloud to him, and the secretary wrote down orders. Thanks to two operations successfully performed by Professor I.V. Kostenich, the cataract was removed and Mendeleev’s vision returned.

Mendeleev was engaged only in science. Mendeleev had a wide range of knowledge and could influence the minds of people. He invested a lot of effort in shaping the industry and economy of Russia. In his writings, he proposed reforming the community and introducing an artel organization of labor. Dmitry Ivanovich pays special attention to the oil industry. It was to study this issue that in 1876 he was sent by the government to America. He studied oil fields Russia, Special attention focusing on the Caucasus. Some of his work is devoted specifically to oil refining. In addition, he dealt with issues of the Donetsk coal basin and its rationalization. Thus, he had a great influence not only in the scientific field, but also in solving internal economic issues in Russia...

Born as the last, seventeenth child in the family, he received his first chemistry lessons by observing production cycle at the glass factory that his mother ran. Quite a lot is known about the scientific and social achievements of Dmitry Ivanovich. These are fundamental works in chemistry, physics, technological processes, metrology and meteorology, the opening of higher women's courses in Russia. And the title of the treatise “On the combination of alcohol with water” is known to almost the entire adult population of the country, as is his famous periodic table.

Despite two official marriages and seven children born, in our time no accurate information has reached us about the direct descendants of Dmitry Ivanovich.

First marriage of D.I. Mendeleev

Dmitry Ivanovich and Feozva Nikitichna Mendeleev (Mendeleev's first wife), 1862

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev was married twice. The first time he married Feozva Nikitichna Leshcheva, the stepdaughter of the storyteller Pyotr Ershov. With his first wife, the famous scientist had three children. The girl Masha was born in 1863 and passed away as a child. Son Volodya was born two years after Masha and died in 1898. Daughter Olga was born in 1868 and died at the age of 82.

The son, Vladimir Dmitrievich, was a naval officer on the frigate “Memory of Azov,” which very often called at the only Japanese port of Nagasaki open to foreigners. In order to prevent Russian sailors from going further than the port, the Japanese built an artificial island and placed restaurants and shops there. And, of course, the most attractive thing for men, they settled Japanese women there. According to the laws of that time, for a certain amount of money, the Russians naval officers it was allowed to have a contract wife (this custom is well described in V. Pikul’s novel “The Three Ages of Okini-san”). In 1893, on January 28, Vladimir Mendeleev's Japanese contract wife, Taka Hideshima, gave birth to a girl, Ofuji, the Japanese granddaughter of the great chemist. Mendeleev recognized his granddaughter and helped her mother with money. To this day, information about the Japanese descendants of the great scientist has not survived. It is believed that Ofuji and her mother died during big earthquake. The Russian son of Vladimir Dmitrievich died in childhood, and three years later Vladimir Mendeleev himself passed away.

Olga lived until 1950. After the revolution, she moved to Moscow, where she served in the NKVD canine kennel, as she was fond of breeding purebred dogs. Her only daughter, Natalya, did not survive her mother much, as she suffered incurable disease. In 1947, Olga Dmitrievna’s book “Mendeleev and Family” was published.

Mendeleev's second marriage

Anna Ivanovna Popova, Mendeleev's second wife

Register a second marriage with D.I. Mendeleev’s relationship with seventeen-year-old artist Anna Ivanovna Popova did not work out for a long time. She was 26 years younger than the famous chemist, and the scientist had been in love with her since 1878. Having achieved a divorce with difficulty, the scientist was nevertheless punished for divorcing his first wife. According to the instructions of the church, he could not get married officially for several years. And at this time the couple already had their first daughter. However, having persuaded the priest of the Admiralty Church for 10,000 rubles, he was married to the woman he loved in 1881. And the priest, of course, was defrocked for arbitrariness and bribery.

In his second marriage, Dmitry Ivanovich had four children. Twins Vasily and Maria, daughter Lyubov and son Ivan. Reliably information about Maria and Lyubov has reached our days. Maria gave birth to a daughter, Katerina, who has lived to this day and had a son, Alexander Kamensky. Unfortunately, Alexander didn’t quite lead healthy image life, was convicted twice and disappeared into the vastness of his homeland. In April 2014, they tried unsuccessfully to find him through the “Wait for Me” program.

A. Blok and L. Mendeleev

There is no exact information about Vasily Mendeleev. He was interested in designing tanks and submarines. Due to a conflict with his mother, who did not allow him to meet the girl he liked, he left home. He is believed to have died during a typhus epidemic in 1922.

Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva was married to the famous poet A. Blok. She had no children from him and died in 1939.

Ivan Dmitrievich Mendeleev (1983-1936) was the only one who was able to demonstrate his talent as a writer, philosopher, and scientist. Died under strange circumstances in a village where lived before a great chemist himself.

D. I. Mendeleev and Agnessa

There are also rumors about the German branch of the great scientist and public figure D.I. Mendeleev. In Germany, he had a stormy and passionate affair with actress Agnes Voigtman. Agnes was by no means a saint and led a free lifestyle. The actress also dated other men during this period. When Agnes gave birth to a girl, strongly doubting her paternity, Mendeleev still supported the child’s mother for all eighteen years, until his daughter’s marriage. The descendants of this branch of history are still unknown.

Maybe, time will pass, and in Japan or Germany the great-great-grandchildren of the great chemist will respond.

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev is a Russian scientist, a brilliant chemist, physicist, researcher in the field of metrology, hydrodynamics, geology, a deep expert in industry, instrument maker, economist, aeronaut, teacher, public figure and original thinker.

Childhood and youth

The great scientist was born in 1834, on February 8, in Tobolsk. Father Ivan Pavlovich was the director of district schools and the Tobolsk gymnasium, descended from the family of priest Pavel Maksimovich Sokolov, Russian by nationality.

Ivan changed his last name in childhood, while a student at the Tver Seminary. Presumably this was done in honor of him godfather, landowner Mendeleev. Later, the question of the nationality of the scientist’s surname was repeatedly raised. According to some sources, she testified about Jewish roots, according to others - about German ones. Dmitry Mendeleev himself said that his surname was assigned to Ivan by his teacher from the seminary. The young man made a successful exchange and thereby became famous among his classmates. With two words - “to do” - Ivan Pavlovich was included in the educational record.

Mother Maria Dmitrievna (nee Kornilieva) was involved in raising children and housekeeping, had a reputation as an intelligent and smart woman. Dmitry was the youngest in the family, the last of fourteen children (according to other information, the last of seventeen children). At the age of 10, the boy lost his father, who became blind and soon died.

While studying at the gymnasium, Dmitry did not show any abilities; Latin was the most difficult for him. His mother instilled a love for science, and she also participated in the formation of his character. Maria Dmitrievna took her son to study in St. Petersburg.

In 1850, in St. Petersburg, the young man entered the Main Pedagogical Institute at the department of natural sciences, physics and mathematics. His teachers were professors E. H. Lenz, A. A. Voskresensky and N. V. Ostrogradsky.

While studying at the institute (1850-1855), Mendeleev demonstrated extraordinary abilities. As a student, he published an article “On Isomorphism” and a series of chemical analyzes.

The science

In 1855, Dmitry received a diploma with a gold medal and a referral to Simferopol. Here he works as a senior teacher at the gymnasium. With the beginning Crimean War Mendeleev moved to Odessa and received a teaching position at the Lyceum.

In 1856 he was again in St. Petersburg. He studies at the university, defends his dissertation, teaches chemistry. In the fall, he defends another dissertation and is appointed as a private assistant professor at the university.

In 1859, Mendeleev was sent on a business trip to Germany. Works at the University of Heidelberg, sets up a laboratory, studies capillary liquids. Here he wrote articles “On the temperature of absolute boiling” and “On the expansion of liquids”, and discovered the phenomenon of “critical temperature”.

In 1861, the scientist returned to St. Petersburg. Creates a tutorial " Organic chemistry", for which he was awarded the Demidov Prize. In 1864 he was already a professor, and two years later he headed the department, teaching and working on the “Fundamentals of Chemistry.”

In 1869, he introduced the periodic system of elements, to the improvement of which he devoted his entire life. In the table, Mendeleev presented the atomic masses of nine elements, later adding a group of noble gases to the table and leaving room for elements that had yet to be discovered. In the 90s, Dmitry Mendeleev contributed to the discovery of the phenomenon of radioactivity. Periodic law included evidence of the connection between the properties of elements and their atomic volume. Now next to each table chemical elements There is a photo of the discoverer.

In 1865–1887 he developed the hydration theory of solutions. In 1872 he began to study the elasticity of gases, two years later he derived the equation ideal gas. Among Mendeleev's achievements of this period was the creation of a scheme for fractional distillation of petroleum products, the use of tanks and pipelines. With the assistance of Dmitry Ivanovich, the burning of black gold in furnaces completely stopped. The scientist’s phrase “Burning oil is like heating a stove with banknotes” has become an aphorism.

Another area of ​​activity of the scientist was geographical research. In 1875, Dmitry Ivanovich attended the Paris International Geographical Congress, where he presented his invention - a differential barometer-altimeter. In 1887, the scientist took part in a balloon trip to the upper atmosphere to observe the complete solar eclipse.

In 1890, a quarrel with high-ranking official became the reason for Mendeleev's departure from the university. In 1892, a chemist invents a method for producing smokeless gunpowder. At the same time, he is appointed keeper of the Depot of Exemplary Weights and Measures. Here he renews the prototypes of the pound and arshin, and makes calculations comparing Russian and English standards of measures.

On the initiative of Mendeleev, in 1899 the metric system of measures was optionally introduced. In 1905, 1906 and 1907, the scientist was nominated as a candidate for the Nobel Prize. In 1906, the Nobel Committee awarded the prize to Mendeleev, but the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences did not confirm this decision.

Mendeleev, who was the author of more than one and a half thousand works, had enormous scientific authority in the world. For his services, the scientist was awarded numerous scientific titles, Russian and foreign awards, and was an honorary member of a number of scientific societies at home and abroad.

Personal life

In his youth, an unpleasant incident happened to Dmitry. His courtship with the girl Sonya, whom he had known since childhood, ended in an engagement. But the pampered beauty never went to the crown. On the eve of the wedding, when preparations were already underway full swing, Sonechka refused to get married. The girl thought that there was no point in changing anything if life was already good.

Dmitry was painfully worried about the breakup with his fiancée, but life went on as usual. He was distracted from his heavy thoughts by a trip abroad, lecturing and faithful friends. Having renewed his relationship with Feozva Nikitichnaya Leshcheva, whom he had known previously, he began dating her. The girl was 6 years older than Dmitry, but looked young, so the age difference was unnoticeable.

In 1862 they became husband and wife. The first daughter Masha was born in 1863, but lived only a few months. In 1865, a son, Volodya, was born, and three years later, a daughter, Olya. Dmitry Ivanovich was attached to children, but devoted little time to them, since his life was devoted to scientific activity. In a marriage concluded on the principle of “endure and fall in love,” he was not happy.

In 1877, Dmitry met Anna Ivanovna Popova, who became for him a person capable of supporting him in difficult times. smart word. The girl turned out to be a creatively gifted person: she studied piano at the conservatory, and later at the Academy of Arts.

Dmitry Ivanovich hosted youth “Fridays”, where he met Anna. “Fridays” were transformed into literary and artistic “environments”, the regulars of which were talented artists and professors. Among them were Nikolai Wagner, Nikolai Beketov and others.

The marriage of Dmitry and Anna took place in 1881. Soon their daughter Lyuba was born, son Ivan appeared in 1883, twins Vasily and Maria - in 1886. In his second marriage, the scientist’s personal life was happy. Later, the poet became Dmitry Ivanovich’s son-in-law, having married the daughter of the scientist Lyubov.


At the beginning of 1907, a meeting between Dmitry Mendeleev and the new Minister of Industry Dmitry Filosofov took place in the Chamber of Weights and Measures. After touring the ward, the scientist fell ill with a cold, which caused pneumonia. But even being very ill, Dmitry continued to work on the manuscript “Towards the Knowledge of Russia”, the last words he wrote in which were the phrase:

“In conclusion, I consider it necessary, at least in the most general outline, express..."

Death occurred at five o'clock in the morning on February 2 due to cardiac paralysis. The grave of Dmitry Mendeleev is located at the Volkov cemetery in St. Petersburg.

The memory of Dmitry Mendeleev is immortalized by a number of monuments, documentaries, the book “Dmitry Mendeleev. The author of the great law."

  • The name of Dmitry Mendeleev is associated with many interesting facts biographies. In addition to his activities as a scientist, Dmitry Ivanovich was engaged in industrial exploration. In the 70s, the oil industry began to flourish in the United States, and technologies appeared that made the production of petroleum products cheaper. Russian manufacturers began to suffer losses due to international market due to inability to compete on price.
  • In 1876, at the request of the Russian Ministry of Finance and the Russian Technical Society, which collaborated with the military department, Mendeleev went overseas to an exhibition of technical innovations. On site, the chemist learned innovative principles for making kerosene and other petroleum products. And using ordered reports from European railway services, Dmitry Ivanovich tried to decipher the method of making smokeless gunpowder, which he succeeded in.

  • Mendeleev had a hobby - making suitcases. The scientist sewed his own clothes.
  • The scientist is credited with the invention of vodka and the moonshine still. But in fact, Dmitry Ivanovich, in the topic of his doctoral dissertation “Discourse on the combination of alcohol with water,” studied the issue of reducing the volume of mixed liquids. There was not a word about vodka in the scientist’s work. And the standard of 40° was set in Tsarist Russia back in 1843.
  • He came up with pressurized compartments for passengers and pilots.
  • There is a legend that the discovery of Mendeleev’s periodic system happened in a dream, but this is a myth created by the scientist himself.
  • He rolled his own cigarettes using expensive tobacco. He said that he would never quit smoking.


  • He created a controlled balloon, which became an invaluable contribution to aeronautics.
  • He developed a periodic table of chemical elements, which became a graphic expression of the law established by Mendeleev during his work on the “Fundamentals of Chemistry”.
  • He created a pycnometer, a device capable of determining the density of a liquid.
  • Discovered the critical boiling point of liquids.
  • Created an equation of state for an ideal gas, establishing the relationship between absolute temperature ideal gas, pressure and molar volume.
  • Opened the Main Chamber of Weights and Measures - the central institution of the Ministry of Finance, in charge of the verification department Russian Empire, subordinate to the trade department.

Interesting facts from the life of the famous scientist are presented in this article. One of his most famous discoveries is the periodic law of chemical elements.

Dmitry Mendeleev interesting facts

1. Seventeenth child in the family

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev was born on February 8, 1834 in Tobolsk. He was the last in the family - the seventeenth child. The family, however, was not so large: out of 17 children, eight died in infancy.

Dmitry's father, Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleev, served as director of the Tobolsk gymnasium. He died when Dmitry was 13 years old, so support big family It was up to her mother, Maria Dmitrievna, who made a lot of efforts to ensure that her children received a decent education. Thanks to her, Dmitry was able to enter the Main Pedagogical Institute (now St. Petersburg State University).

2. Loser and gold medalist

At the gymnasium, Dmitry Mendeleev studied poorly, did not like Latin and the Law of God. While studying at the Main Pedagogical Institute of St. Petersburg, the future scientist stayed for the second year. Studying was not easy at first. In his first year at the institute, he managed to get unsatisfactory grades in all subjects except mathematics. But in senior years, things went differently: Mendeleev’s average annual grade was 4.5 with only a C - according to the Law of God. Mendeleev graduated from the institute in 1855 with a gold medal.

3. The Rebellious Teacher

Dmitry Mendeleev had an impressive teaching experience. He worked as a senior teacher of natural sciences at the Simferopol Men's Gymnasium (1855) and the Richelieu Lyceum in Odessa (1855−56), and from 1857 he began teaching at the Imperial St. Petersburg University, where he worked for a total of about 30 years. However, due to a conflict with the Minister of Public Education Ivan Delyanov, Mendeleev left the university in 1890. The cause of the conflict was the minister's refusal to accept the students' petition.

4. “Inventor” of vodka

Dmitry Mendeleev did not invent vodka. The ideal strength of 40 degrees and vodka itself were invented before 1865, when Mendeleev defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Discourse on the combination of alcohol with water.” There is not a word about vodka in his dissertation; it is devoted to the properties of mixtures of alcohol and water. In his work, the scientist established the proportions of the ratio of vodka and water at which a maximum reduction in the volume of mixed liquids occurs. This is a solution with an alcohol concentration of about 46% by weight. The ratio has nothing to do with 40 degrees. Forty-proof vodka appeared in Russia in 1843, when Dmitry Mendeleev was 9 years old. Then Russian government in the fight against diluted vodka, it established a minimum threshold - vodka must have a strength of at least 40 degrees, an error of 2 degrees was allowed.

5. About a dream that never happened

There is an opinion that once in a dream Mendeleev saw the periodic table of chemical elements, after which he invented it. However, the scientist refuted this legend, answering the following:

“I’ve been thinking about it for maybe twenty years, but you think: I was sitting there and suddenly... it’s ready.”

By the way, the discovery of the periodic law occurred in February 1869. On February 17, Dmitry Mendeleev, getting ready for the trip, drew a sketch of a table on back side an inconspicuous letter in which he was invited to come and help the production. The scientist would later say that then “the idea involuntarily arose that there should be a connection between mass and chemical properties.” So, he wrote on separate cards the names of all known elements, their atomic weight and properties, and then arranged them in order. The trip had to be postponed - the scientist plunged headlong into work, as a result of which the periodic law of chemical elements was discovered. It is worth noting that at that time about 60 chemical elements had been studied, and over thirty were still awaiting their time. In 1870, Mendeleev calculated the atomic masses of elements that remained “empty” unexplored places in his table. Thus, scientists predicted the existence of “ekaaluminum” (gallium), “ecaboron” (scandium), “ekasilicon” (germanium) and other elements.

6. Suitcase master

Mendeleev loved to bind books, glue frames for portraits, and also make suitcases. In St. Petersburg and Moscow he was known as the best suitcase maker in Russia. “From Mendeleev himself,” the merchants said. His products were solid and of high quality. The scientist studied all the glue preparation recipes known at that time and came up with his own special glue mixture. Mendeleev kept the method of its preparation secret.

7. Not a Nobel laureate

Dmitry Mendeleev was nominated for the Nobel Prize, awarded since 1901, three times - in 1905, 1906 and 1907. However, only foreigners nominated him. Members of the Imperial Academy of Sciences repeatedly rejected his candidacy by secret ballot. Mendeleev was a member of many foreign academies and scientific societies, but never became a member of his native Russian Academy.

8. Balloon flights

Dmitry Mendeleev also worked on the design aircraft, with the help of which he planned to study temperature, pressure and humidity in upper layers atmosphere. In 1875, he proposed a design for a stratospheric balloon with a volume of 3600 m³. He also developed a project for a controlled balloon with engines. In 1878, the scientist flew in Henri Giffard's tethered balloon at the World Exhibition in Paris. After 9 years he took to the air again. This time, a vacant lot in the north-west of the city of Klin was chosen as the site for the experiment. August 7, 1887, on the basis provided by the War Department hot-air balloon“Russian” (volume 700 m³) Mendeleev alone rose to a height of more than 3000 meters. The flight lasted three hours. During this time, the scientist measured pressure and temperature, and also witnessed a total solar eclipse. This flight was awarded a medal from the French Academy of Aerostatic Meteorology.

9. Intelligence Scientist

The famous scientist had to participate in industrial espionage. In 1890, Naval Minister Nikolai Chikhachev approached Dmitry Mendeleev and asked him to help him find the secret of making smokeless gunpowder. Since it was expensive to buy such gunpowder, a chemist was asked to unravel the secret of production. Having accepted the request of the tsarist government, Mendeleev ordered reports from the library railways Britain, France and Germany in 10 years. Based on them, he compiled the proportion of how much coal, saltpeter, etc. was brought to the gunpowder factories. A week after the proportions were made, he produced two smokeless powders for Russia. Thus, Dmitry Mendeleev managed to obtain secret data that he obtained from open reports.

10. Mendeleev came up with the idea of ​​using a pipeline to pump oil

Dmitry Mendeleev created a scheme for fractional distillation of oil and formulated a theory of the inorganic origin of oil. He was the first to declare that burning oil in furnaces is a crime, since it can produce a lot of chemical products. He also suggested that oil enterprises transport oil not on carts or in wineskins, but in tanks, and that it be pumped through pipes. The scientist proved with figures how much more expedient it is to transport oil in bulk, and to build oil refining plants in places where petroleum products are consumed.

11. Chemical element No. 101 bears the name of Mendeleev

The chemical element mendelevium is named after Mendeleev. Created artificially in 1955, the element was named after the chemist who first used the periodic table of elements to predict chemical properties elements not yet opened. In fact, Mendeleev was not the first to create the periodic table of the elements, nor was he the first to suggest the periodicity of the chemical properties of elements. Mendeleev's achievement was the determination of periodicity and, on its basis, the compilation of a table of elements. The scientist left empty cells for elements not yet discovered. As a result, using the periodicity table, it was possible to determine all the physical and chemical properties of the missing elements.

Periodic law and periodic system of chemical elements by D.I. Mendeleev

Intellectual game

I, Knysheva Lyudmila Nikolaevna, a chemistry teacher of the highest qualification category, have been working at the school since 1986.

I have been a regular subscriber to the Khimiya newspaper since 1992. I subscribe for a year at once. When I subscribed to this publication, I was not disappointed, because thanks to it I have comprehensive material for everyday work in the classroom. I want to start my debut in print with your publication.

In the Kalininsky district of Novosibirsk, since 2001, thematic intellectual games have been held among students from schools in the region. Children take part in the games different ages, from 8th to 11th grades. The games are held in two stages: two cluster games (12 teams each) and the final - among, as a rule, the 6-7 strongest teams from schools in the area.

In 2009, we could not miss such an event as the 140th anniversary of the discovery of the periodic law and the 175th anniversary of the birth of the great chemist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev.

Goals of the game.General education: generalization and systematization of knowledge on the topic “Periodic law and the periodic system of chemical elements of D.I. Mendeleev” using game elements; acquaintance with the main milestones of the life of D.I. Mendeleev, the periodic law and its consequences.

Educational: intensifying students' interest in the history of Russia; developing a sense of patriotism and civic duty to the fatherland; development of skills and abilities of independent educational work with information sources.

Educational: formation of adequate self-esteem of students, ability to work in a team; nurturing cognitive interests, the need for knowledge; instilling interest in chemistry.

Equipment. Computer, screen, multimedia projector, stencils of game participants, periodic table.

Decor. Portrait of D.I. Mendeleev (with dates of life); Mendeleev’s statement about the periodic law: “...To the periodic law, the future does not threaten destruction, but only promises superstructures and development...”; statement by S. Ya. Nadson (presented in the central part of the screen):

“Don’t tell me: “he is dead,” he lives,
Even though the altar is broken, the fire still burns.
Even if the rose is plucked, it still blooms,
Even if the harp is broken, the chord is still crying!..”

The game is attended by teams from 24 schools in the region, which are divided into two groups of 12. The teams are given the theme of the game in advance, the students prepare for it - this increases interest in the subject and develops the ability to work with additional literature.

The game consists of two parts: intellectual (three rounds) and solemn and congratulatory.

The first round is devoted to the biography of the great scientist.

The second round includes questions related to the discovery of the law itself and the creation of a system of elements.

The third round is aimed at identifying cognitive interest and erudition of the game participants. Each round includes 15–17 questions.

Answers are scored by the jury from 1 to 16 points depending on the complexity of the question ( see Attachment).

The jury consists of geography teachers, ecology, history, educational psychologist. The game is played by 10th grade students.

The team that scores wins greatest number points. The teams finishing in the first three places in each cluster game will compete in the final district game.


The presenters take turns reading out questions that simultaneously appear on the screen projected through a multimedia projector.

One minute is given for discussion in the first and second rounds. After the time has elapsed, the Answer is shown on the screen and read out by the presenters. Questions proposed in the third round are given up to 3 minutes, depending on the volume and complexity.

I round
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

1. (childhood, adolescence, university years)

2. Give the date (day, month and year) of the birth of the great scientist according to the old and new styles. In which Russian city

was D.I. Mendeleev born and lived in childhood?. Answer

3. City of Tobolsk. Few people know that the surname “Mendeleev” is not real, but invented. Name real name

was D.I. Mendeleev born and lived in childhood?.scientist, and from whom he inherited it.
Sokolov; inherited from grandfather -

4. priest

was D.I. Mendeleev born and lived in childhood?. What does the surname “Mendeleev” mean?
“The surname Mendeleev was given to my father when he bartered for something...” recalls
Dmitry Ivanovich. – Consonance teacher
“What should I do?” entered the father

5. under the name Mendeleev."

was D.I. Mendeleev born and lived in childhood?. What kind of child was D.I. Mendeleev in the family?

6. Seventeenth, youngest.

was D.I. Mendeleev born and lived in childhood?. What are the last names, first names and patronymics of the parents of the great scientist.
Father - Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleev;

7. mother - Maria Dmitrievna Mendeleeva (Kornilieva).

was D.I. Mendeleev born and lived in childhood?. Name D.I. Mendeleev’s hobby.
He loved to make suitcases, and among St. Petersburg cab drivers

8. was known as a suitcase maker.

was D.I. Mendeleev born and lived in childhood?.Name the educational institutions and cities where D.I. Mendeleev studied in his childhood and youth.
Tobolsk gymnasium;

9. Main Pedagogical Institute in St. Petersburg.

was D.I. Mendeleev born and lived in childhood?.What positions did D.I. Mendeleev’s parents hold during their lifetime?
Father is the director of the Tobolsk gymnasium;

10. mother is the manager of a small glass factory. In which Mendeleev could not pass the test? Name the city and educational institution.

was D.I. Mendeleev born and lived in childhood?. Petersburg.

11. Medical-Surgical Academy. Which famous people

was D.I. Mendeleev born and lived in childhood?. left a mark on the life of the future scientist during his studies?
P.P. Ershov (writer and poet, author of “The Little Humpbacked Horse”),
I.K. Rummel (teacher of physics and mathematics at the Tobolsk gymnasium),

12. N.V. Gogol (writer, playwright, critic).

was D.I. Mendeleev born and lived in childhood?. In what subjects did Mendeleev have only satisfactory grades?
God's law (didn't like this subject),

13. Russian literature (I didn’t like the Church Slavonic language).

was D.I. Mendeleev born and lived in childhood?. What are the names of D.I. Mendeleev’s brothers and sisters with whom he communicated?

Ekaterina, Olga, Apollinaria, Elizabeth, Ivan, Maria, Pavel.

was D.I. Mendeleev born and lived in childhood?.14. Who was D.I. Mendeleev’s favorite institute teacher? What did the students call him?
A.A. Voskresensky.

15. “Grandfather of Russian chemists.”

was D.I. Mendeleev born and lived in childhood?. How successfully did Mendeleev graduate from the Main Pedagogical University?

16. Give the date (day, month and year) of the birth of the great scientist according to the old and new styles. With a gold medal. locality

Did Mendeleev live near Tobolsk during his childhood? Answer.

Aremzyanka village. Presenter 1.

While the jury is summing up the results of the first round, we bring to your attention the composition “East” performed by a dance group.

2nd round
Periodic law.

1. Contribution of D.I.Mendeleev to the discovery of the periodic law and the periodic system

was D.I. Mendeleev born and lived in childhood?. When (according to the old and new styles) did Mendeleev make the initial sketch of the periodic table of chemical elements?
On February 17 (March 1), 1869, Mendeleev compiled a table
“The experience of a system of elements based
on their atomic weight

2. and chemical similarity.”

was D.I. Mendeleev born and lived in childhood?.What could D.I. Mendeleev do based on the periodic dependence he discovered?
Corrected atomic masses and changed

3. the relative position of some elements.

was D.I. Mendeleev born and lived in childhood?. 21.

4. How many elements were discovered by chemical methods in the 38 years that passed from the discovery of the periodic law to the death of D.I. Mendeleev?

was D.I. Mendeleev born and lived in childhood?. The textbook “Fundamentals of Chemistry” was published in separate parts. While working on which of them did D.I. Mendeleev discover the law of periodicity of chemical properties?

5. Above the second one.

What was Mendeleev's scientific feat?
Answer. Discovery of the periodic law; change in atomic masses of elements,

6. identified erroneously, as well as predicting the properties of elements that have not yet been discovered.

was D.I. Mendeleev born and lived in childhood?.How many elements did Mendeleev predict and describe in detail? Name these chemical elements in modern and historical style.
Predicted the existence of several elements

described three in detail: ekaaluminum (gallium), ekasilicon (germanium), ecaboron (scandium).

7. It is believed that Mendeleev discovered the periodic law in a dream. Is this true or legend?

Answer. Legend.

8. In what year did Mendeleev coin the term “periodic table”?

Answer. In 1871

9. Which chemical elements did Mendeleev correct the atomic masses of?

was D.I. Mendeleev born and lived in childhood?. Beryllium (No. 4), indium (No. 49).

10. Name four pairs of chemical elements arranged in the periodic table not in increasing order, but in decreasing order of atomic mass.

was D.I. Mendeleev born and lived in childhood?.Argon - potassium, cobalt - nickel, tellurium - iodine, thorium - protactinium.

11. What questions could Mendeleev not answer due to the state of science of his time?

Answer. There are three such questions.

1) Why are the properties of chemical elements
repeat periodically?

2) Why are there four in the periodic table?
places the elements are located
in decreasing order atomic mass?

3) How many lanthanides are there in total?
in the periodic table?

12. Which scientists did Mendeleev call “strengtheners of the periodic law”?

Answer. P. Lecoq de Boisbaudran,
K. Winkler, L. Nilsson, W. Ramsay.

13. In which group did Mendeleev place the inert gases? Until what year did it last?

was D.I. Mendeleev born and lived in childhood?.Zero group.
It existed until 1962.

14. How many chemical elements were known at the time of the discovery of the periodic law?

Answer. 63 elements.

15. Mendeleev suggested this scientist check specific gravity chemical element he discovered. The item was opened with spectral analysis, predicted by Mendeleev.

was D.I. Mendeleev born and lived in childhood?.Name the chemical element and spectroscopist.
The element gallium (eka-aluminium).

Scientist - P. Lecoq de Boisbaudran. Presenter 2.

And again in front of you is a dance group with the composition “Modern Rhythms”.

At this time, the jury sums up the results.

III round

1. An entertaining tour of the periodic table (chemical elements)

In what year was element No. 101 synthesized by a group of American scientists, which was named in honor of D.I. Mendeleev?

2. Answer. In 1955 How many times does the surname “Mendeleev” appear in?

Periodic table
Answer. Twice: in the system name

3. and in the name of element No. 101. What chemical element is named after Russia? Name it.

serial number

4. Answer. Ruthenium, No. 44. Having visited the laboratory of A. Becquerel and the Curies, D.I. Mendeleev recommended “those who are looking for subjects for new research to study this element especially carefully.”?

About which element

we're talking about

5. Answer. Uranus. Laboratory of Pierre and Marie Curie Using D.I. Mendeleev’s table, make up the names of chemical elements from the letters of the word “protactinium”, indicate their serial number. For execution

Answer. Six elements: sodium (No. 11), titanium (No. 22),
krypton (No. 36), yttrium (No. 39), actinium (No. 89),
thorium (No. 90).

6. Fill in the blanks with the names of plants or animals so that the resulting words represent chemical elements:

a) - - l o - - th;

b) - - b a l -;

c) - e l l - -;

d) - p - p - o n;

e) - - - n and th;

f) k u r - - t o v i -.

Name the living organism and element. You are given two minutes.

Answer. a) pony – polonium; b) cat - cobalt; c) tur – tellurium;
d) whale – krypton; e) oak - dubnium; f) tea – curly.

7. Using the periodic table, name the chemical elements associated with the names of great scientists. You get three minutes to work.

was D.I. Mendeleev born and lived in childhood?. Gadolinium (Yu. Gadolin), curium (spouses Pierre and Marie Curie),
lawrencium (E. Lawrence), mendelevium (D.I. Mendeleev), nobelium (A. Nobel), rutherfordium (E. Rutherford), fermium (E. Fermi), einsteinium (A. Einstein).

8. Name the chemical elements named after planets. You work for two minutes.

was D.I. Mendeleev born and lived in childhood?.Neptunium (Neptune), plutonium (Pluto), uranium (Uranus),
cerium (Ceres is the largest of the asteroids).

9. What do the letters that make up the curium symbol mean?

Did Mendeleev live near Tobolsk during his childhood? WITH - surname of the spouses Curie (Curi);
m – the name of the first woman to win twice Nobel Prize Marie Curie-Skłodowska.

10. Which element is named after the daughter of the ancient Greek god Tantalus? Name this element and your daughter's name.

Answer. Niobium (No. 41), Niobe.

11. The element has its name from the ancient Greek hero who stole fire from the divine Olympus and gave this jewel to people.

Answer. Promethium (No. 61).

12. The names of which chemical elements are associated with geography?

Answer. Americium, europium, californium, scandium, gallium, germanium, yttrium,
ruthenium, terbium, erbium, ytterbium,
lutetium, polonium, francium, dubnium.

13. The companion of this element is europium. Using the periodic table, identify this element and the origin of its name.

Answer. Samarium (No. 62), discovered by spectral method in the Ural mineral,
discovered in the Ilmen Mountains by mining engineer Vasily Evgrafovich Samarsky-Bukhovtsev.

14. This element is named after the Scandinavian god of war, thunder and lightning, discovered in 1828 by J. J. Berzelius. Name the element and god of war of Scandinavia.

Answer. Thorium. Scandinavian god of War, thunder and lightning - Thor.

15. Which elements of the 7th period changed their names? What were they called before and what are they called now?

Answer. Element No. 104 was named curchatium and renamed rutherfordium;
element No. 105, called nilsborium, was renamed dubnium.

16. When heated, it turns into a purple vapor, bypassing the liquid state.

Answer. Iodine.

17. In the body of an adult there is at least a kilogram of this element, which is in group II of the 4th period.

Answer. Calcium.


Grading scale
(maximum amount points)


Makarenya A.A., Rysev Yu.V.. D.I.Mendeleev. M.: Education, 1983; Makarenya A.A., Trifonov D.N.. Periodic law of D.I.Mendeleev. M.: Education, 1969; Tishchenko V.E., Mladentsev V.N. Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, his life and work: University period, 1861–1890. M.: Nauka, 1993; New encyclopedic Dictionary . M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2001; Volkov V.A., Vonsky V.E., Kuznetsova G.I. . Outstanding chemists of the world. M.:, 1991; graduate School Kritsman V.A. . Book to read inorganic chemistry . Part 1. M.: Education, 1992; Komkova E.G.

A group of chemical asteroids. M.: Education, 1984; I'm exploring the world. Chemistry. Auto-stat. L.A. Savina. M.: AST, 2001. Photos from books: Dobrotin R.B., Karpilo ​​N.G., Kerova L.S., Trifonov D.N. Chronicle of the life and work of D.I. Mendeleev. L.: Science. Leningr. department, 1984;