The most dangerous tank in the world. The most powerful tanks in the world

We present you a rating review of the 10 best tanks according to top10rater. Modern tanks have not yet clashed in real combat, but tactical technical characteristics and demonstration performances allow us to roughly assess the capabilities of combat vehicles.

With the development of weapons, anti-tank missile systems ATGMs and RPG hand grenade launchers, tanks become a more vulnerable target. But, despite this, they are a showcase of the engineering thought and perfection of technology of developed military powers.

After the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine continued to modernize the main tank T-80UD. Ultimately, Oplot-M appeared. The security system has been updated. He inherited from more old model automated process of loading ammunition, which is located in the main compartment. Although the Oplot-M does not have good accuracy at long distances compared to Western tanks, it is very destructive to everything at close ranges. It was tested in the Ukrainian army, and then began to serve it. There were also deliveries to Thailand. Oplot-M resembles the T-90 tank of the latest series (Russia). They have similar mobility, firepower and defensive capabilities. Its production in lately almost stopped.

On at the moment The T-90 is the most widely produced. Although it is somewhat outdated compared to Western models, it is reliable and very cheap. It is extremely profitable commercially. Negative point: ammunition is stored in the main compartment due to the presence of a carousel type charger. Therefore, there is always a danger of the tank self-destruction. To be fair, it must be said that almost all USSR tanks and some Chinese had a similar problem. But in the West they place ammunition in the aft compartment. The tank is ineffective from a distance. The combat vehicle comes from the factory with an unsatisfactory power-to-engine ratio. But in later versions the power was increased. Operated in India, Russia, Venezuela, Azerbaijan, Algeria, India and other countries.

The main battle tank of France. Used since 1992. The Leclerc's design has been partially copied for some Western combat vehicles. Features improved composite armor with an additional modular layer. Crew 3 people. It has a powerful high-precision machine gun for hitting stationary and moving targets. High mobility due to the engine (1500 hp), as well as hydropneumatic suspension. Operated in France and the UAE.

7 - TK-X "type 10" (Japan)

A modern tank used mainly in Japan. In operation since 2012. Now it is the main type of tank on the planet. Equipped with a 120 mm smoothbore gun for universal application. A similar one is used in the Leopard 2A5, as well as in the M1A2 Abrams. Has a new fire control system. The machine is very mobile due to its excellent power-to-weight ratio. There is a continuously variable transmission (CVT) coupled with hydropneumatic suspension.

Equipped with the most effective latest Chobham armor. Therefore, it has the highest degree of protection against direct hits. The structure of the armor is still classified. The vehicle is armed with a high-precision 120 mm rifled cannon. The maximum sight range is over 5 km. The tank set a record for firing range. The engine is weaker compared to other Western models. It is slower than some tanks, but it is reliable. Operated in England and Oman.

Heir famous tank M1A2 Abrams. Has the latest device and armor. He is a war veteran, where he showed himself to be the most destructive defense machine. Excellent armor with the addition of a uranium layer can withstand almost any type of anti-tank shells. The accuracy of the guns is slightly less than that of the Leopard 2A7. But more destructive power. It has a complex gas turbine engine. This guarantees satisfactory performance. But this increases the repair period and fuel consumption. Outdated vehicles (M1, M1A1, and M1A2) have received an updated standard. The Tank Urban Survival set increases survivability in urban environments. For use in the USA only.

Now the Black Panther is the most advanced machine on the planet. It is better than Chinese and North Korean tanks. It is the most expensive main tank today. Composite armor is used here. There is an active protection system and a countermeasures function. Protection is similar to the M1A2 Abrams. But the mass of K2 is much less. The latest version of the 120 mm gun from Germany is used. It is similar to that of the Leopard 2A6, as well as the 2A7. There is a highly intelligent fire control system. It can identify, track and automatically shoot at visible objects or low-flying helicopters. There is no need for an operator here at all. Uses modern projectiles. The drive is represented by a powerful diesel engine. The tank is very fast. It has hydropneumatic suspension. It is not yet in mass production, but should soon begin to be used.

Opens the top three best tanks in the world in 2017. The latest version of the reliable and popular Leopard 2 tank. There is additional armor and improved electronics. Good protection during regular and urban battles when using RPGs and homemade bombs. The accuracy and firing range are greater when compared with other vehicles. Because the gun's power and fire control system have been improved. The tank is driven by a well-proven 1500 hp engine. Although the weight has increased, mobility has also been improved thanks to upgraded suspension parts. Operated in Germany. There are orders for delivery to Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

The latest version of the Israeli tank, a descendant of the Merkava Mk.3. One of the most protected combat vehicles on the planet. It has a somewhat strange design, in which there is a compartment in the front for the engine. This further protects the crew in the event of a shell hit. Each Merkava tank contains a compartment in the rear for transporting soldiers and cargo under the armor. It is possible to transport up to 10 soldiers without ammunition. There is a 120 mm smoothbore gun. Present latest system fire control with unique functionality. For example, you can hit a low-flying helicopter with high accuracy with a conventional projectile. The degree of mobility of the Merkava Mk.4 is satisfactory. This is due to the large mass, although a powerful drive is used. Operated only in Israel. Second place among the best tanks of 2017.

This newest tank was first shown last year. Large-scale production is likely to begin in 2017. Appearance radically different from that of the T-90. The dimensions have also increased. The latest technologies in the manufacture of its armor allowed it to stand on par with the best combat vehicles. The countermeasure system reduced the risk of being hit by enemy ATGMs. The crew consists of 3 people sitting in a row. It is protected by an armored capsule at the front of the hull. Even if the main armor is damaged, the crew will remain combat-ready. There is a 125 mm smoothbore gun. The equipment is, of course, the latest. The tank shocked Western states. And now countries like Germany and England are striving to improve their cars or design new ones.

Modern development of armored forces is aimed at increasing the compactness and maneuverability of vehicles, that is, at making them lighter. When creating them, high maneuverability and overwhelming firepower come to the fore. The ability to quickly replace damaged modules is also important. But until relatively recently, designers sought to create large vehicles with thick armor. We inherited from those times the top of the largest tanks in the world.

10. “Object 279”

The top ten largest tanks in the world is completed by a machine with the mysterious name “Object 279”, which appeared in 1957 with the following characteristics:

  • length 9.8 m;
  • height 3.6 m;
  • combat weight more than 60 tons.

Its body was made flattened, like a flying saucer. The tank had a hydraulic suspension and double wide tracks, which reduced the load on the ground and increased the vehicle's maneuverability. But poor maneuverability became an insurmountable obstacle to allowing the tank to be tested.


This is another one English tank, which was created a little earlier - in 1940. But during its development, technologies that were outdated by that time were used, so the assembled single copy of TOG I for combat operations turned out to be useless. Here's what he was like:

  • length 10.1 m;
  • width 3.1 m;
  • height 3 m;
  • curb weight 65 t.

Despite its considerable weight, this tank had rather weak armor.

8. T-28 Turtle

The Americans decided to make their own “Turtle” and also began developing it in 1943, while still preparing to actively get involved in fighting on Western European fronts. The dimensions of the hulk should have been as follows:

To conquer nature, man creates mega-machines - the most incredible technologies in the world, the capabilities and dimensions of which amaze the imagination. Yes...

  • length more than 10 m;
  • width 3.2 m;
  • height 2.8 m;
  • curb weight 86 t.

The developers were faced with the task of making frontal armor for the tank that would withstand shots from German Tigers and Panthers. But even in the USA, bureaucratic delays are possible, because of which the tank never reached real service in American army, although along the way it changed its name to T-95.

7. A-30 Tortoise

Next is the British tank A-30 Tortoise, which means “turtle”. Its first prototype appeared in 1943 and had the following parameters:

  • length 10 m;
  • width 3.9 m;
  • height 3m;
  • curb weight no more than 78 tons.

This tank was capable of accelerating to only 19 km/h. Not only was the tank itself slow, but also its development, which dragged on until the end of World War II, and then, due to the uselessness of the Turtle, it was completely curtailed.

6. E-100

Heavy german tank E-100 fell into sixth position. By the way, its development turned out to be the most advanced, but it still did not come to testing, since Germany lost the war earlier. The E-100 had the following parameters:

  • length more than 12 m;
  • width 4 m;
  • height 3.2 m;
  • curb weight 140 t;
  • The main armament is a 152 mm gun.

5. Maus

Next comes a German tank from the World War II period, which received the ironic name “Mouse”. It was developed on the personal instructions of the Fuhrer, who came up with the idea of ​​strengthening the Wehrmacht with several dozen steel giants. The tank’s parameters were truly impressive:

  • length 10.2 m;
  • width 3.5 m;
  • height 3.6 m;
  • curb weight 180 tons.

At the end of the war, the Red Army was able to capture a couple of prototypes of the Maus tank and send them to Soviet Union. Subsequently, one copy was collected from them, which ended up on display at the armored museum in Kubinka.

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4. FCM F1

This is another one french tank, which began to be developed in 1939. It was equipped with two towers at once, located on different levels. The parameters of this monster are impressive:

  • combat weight 145 tons;
  • frontal armor thickness 120 mm;
  • length over 12 m;
  • width more than 3.6 m.

The taller rear turret would have housed a 105mm gun, and the front turret would have a 47mm rapid-firing anti-tank gun. The French intended to produce a prototype of this tank in the late spring of 1940, but the rapid advance of the Wehrmacht ruined all these plans. Remained unknown further fate half assembled prototypes.

3. Kolossal-wagen (K-Wagen)

This German tank, designed to break through enemy defensive lines, came in third place. Its prototype was assembled in 1918, but when Entente troops approached the factory floors, the Germans decided to destroy the new product. Its parameters were as follows:

  • length 13 m;
  • width 3 m;
  • height 3.5 m;
  • combat weight 150 tons.

Like all the first tanks of the times Great War, it was more like a massive steel mobile fortress. Even if it went into mass production, it would hardly be able to significantly influence the course of hostilities; rather, it would distract the attention and resources of the Germans themselves. But, despite this, the K-Wagen became a significant milestone in the development of world tank construction and one of the largest metal tanks.

2. Char 2C

This colossus was already of French production, and it became the largest tank put into mass production. It weighed 75 tons and, according to the designers’ plans, it should have easily broken through barrier lines on the front line. The tank's parameters were also very impressive:

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  • length 10.2 m;
  • width 3 m;
  • height 4 m.

But the tank turned out to be extremely clumsy, in addition, it destroyed an incredible amount of fuel (over 1000 liters were required per 100 km). Therefore, in 1940 it was removed from service. The characteristics of the Char 2C were the crowning achievement of the development of the concept of a heavy tank capable of breaking through positional defenses, but this was typical for World War I. The big problem with these machines was their enormous mass, which made them very slow. In the case of trench warfare, for which this tank was designed, this was not a big problem, but in the early 1930s it began to change military tactics, where there was no longer room for stable front lines. The time had come for maneuver warfare, in which super-heavy tanks were useless. It was impossible to quickly transfer them to a new bridgehead, and tactical use required prepared logistics support.

1. "Tsar Tank"

Russia decided to create such a tank at the height of World War I - in 1915. Whatever they called it: loudly - “Tsar Tank”, “mastodon”, “mammoth”, or modestly - “Lebedenko’s machine”. The strength parameters on wheels are impressive:

  • length 17.8 m;
  • width 12 m;
  • height 9 m;
  • combat weight 60 tons.

Such a monster could be seen several kilometers away. The gun turret of this prototype rested on a carriage mounted on two huge wheels. The famous Russian engineers Stechkin and Mikulin had a hand in creating the drawings of this colossus. A minimum of 15 crew members had to service the tank. On a flat road it could travel at speeds of up to 17 km/h. Only one test copy of such a tank was produced, but it did not pass initial tests. This structure was difficult to use in tactical maneuver warfare; rather, it was a fortress on wheels. The discovered serious shortcomings put an end to the whole idea, primarily due to the huge dimensions of the machine. Therefore, the Tsar Tank never went into production, and its test copy faced an unenviable fate - in 1923 it was dismantled for scrap.

Maneuverable, powerful and efficient tanks are a reliable basis for the Armed Forces of any country. The constant arms race, going on behind the scenes between the leading countries of the world, obliges designers to create improved models of combat vehicles. The best tanks of our time are vehicles, each of which has unique functions and capabilities.

Challenger 2, UK

Challenger 2, unlike other modern combat vehicles, is equipped with a rifled gun with a diameter of 120 mm. Internal threading allows you to effectively hit objects at a distance of over 5 kilometers. Challenger 2 is the record holder for the longest range of tank battles.

This tank is the most protected in the world. Special armor, which is based on the classified Dorchester armor, consisting of an alloy of steel, Kevlar, and ceramics. This connection reduces the power of impacts from incoming projectiles. It is capable of effectively countering direct-fire weapons. However, reliable armor made it significantly heavier. Challenger. Combined with a relatively low-power engine, this made the tank slow and clumsy.

Built-in combat information system and computer control fire helps in difficult conditions.

These tanks performed well in the Iraq War (2003). In the Battle of Basra, an armored brigade took part in the advance on the city. Later, the combat vehicles entered into battle with Iraqi tanks. This was the largest tank battle since World War II - the British were able to destroy 15 enemy vehicles without losing a single tank.

During the entire existence of Challenger 2, its armor was damaged only once - as a result of an erroneous hit by exactly the same tank.

T-90 (“Vladimir”), Russia

The main battle tank of Russia. IN beginning of XXI century, it was the best-selling, having the best indicators in terms of price and quality ratio.

A unique feature of the Russian combat vehicle is the Kalina fire control system, which is superior to its analogues in many respects. It allows you to hit enemy targets that are in motion with the first shot, even in unfavorable weather conditions.

The 22-round machine gun is capable of firing up to 9 shots per minute. At the same time, it can fire anti-tank guided missiles.

The special design allows the T-90 to overcome water obstacles up to 5 meters deep. Based on the results of many tests, including indicators such as shooting accuracy, maneuverability, and wear resistance, this tank occupies a leading position, leaving behind the famous tanks of other powers.

There are suggestions that in 1995 several T-90 combat units took part in Chechen war, however, this has not been documented. Russian tanks participated in the fighting in Ukraine, acting on the side of the militias, were used in the liquidation of the Ilovaisk cauldron, and in the assault on the security forces near Lugansk. T-90s as part of the Syrian army took part in recent military operations in Syria.

Type 10, Japan

Newest fighting machine Japan. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is equipped with innovative mechanisms of electronic and computer combat systems - automatic system charging and panoramic view.

The automatic continuously variable transmission allows you to reach maximum speed when driving in both directions. Type 10 has a hydropneumatic suspension that allows you to change the ground clearance and degree of inclination of the body. This improves cross-country ability and increases the vertical guidance range of the gun. The reduced ground clearance makes it possible to lower the tank to the bottom, making it less noticeable.

The crew is housed in a special compartment covered with stronger nanocrystalline steel.

M1 Abrams, USA

One of the few tanks with a weapon protection system mass destruction. In the case of nuclear or chemical attack the system feeds the crew clean air and blocks the entry of poisons and dust into the fighting compartment.

Abrams is equipped with chemical and radiation reconnaissance instruments and is equipped with an innovative fire control system. The vehicle is reinforced with uranium armor and has guns the latest development. Over the 35-year history of this tank, there have been no recorded cases of complete destruction of the crew, which indicates its excellent protection.

The M1 Abrams is equipped with advanced thermal sensors and navigation surveillance systems. The gas turbine engine has excellent performance, but is difficult to maintain and requires a lot of fuel.

One of the main advantages of this combat vehicle is the ability to remotely control weapons.

Abrams received their first battle experience in 1991 during hostilities in the Persian Gulf. Thanks to their technical superiority, American tanks successfully destroyed Iraqi vehicles.

M1 Abrams also took part in the seven-year war in Iraq. In the battles, the Americans suffered significant losses - out of 1,200 combat vehicles, 800 were damaged varying degrees gravity.

Merkava, Israel

A distinctive feature of this tank is the front location of the engine and transmission compartment, which provides additional protection for the crew. Another feature of the combat vehicle is the rear compartment for transporting wounded or landing troops. This adds versatility to the tank and the ability to vary actions in accordance with the combat situation.

Merkava was the first to use an active protection system that effectively shoots down missiles and shells approaching the tank.

It is perfectly protected - the modular armor can be quickly replaced. Particular attention was paid to camouflage - so that the tank was not noticeable on the battlefield, the designers changed the shade of the exhaust gases. The defense system is capable of informing about threats and neutralizing missiles.

The new projectile guidance system is especially effective against low-flying helicopters.

Leopard 2, Germany

It has an advanced fire control system that allows you to effectively hit moving targets while in continuous motion.
Overlay armor protects against mines, landmines, missiles, and cluster munitions.

Leopard has a special installation that ensures the functioning of all electronic systems without turning on the main engine. The tank is equipped with one of the best modifications of guns and two machine guns, which, thanks to a laser rangefinder system, can hit targets at a distance of up to 5 kilometers.

The advantages of Leopard 2 are provided by the information interaction system, improved daytime and thermal imaging sights, dynamic protection, and an attack information system. Excellent performance in combat mode.

Several other models of combat vehicles also have excellent efficiency and maneuverability.

K2 Black Panther, South Korea:

It has innovative tracking systems and fires about 10 rounds per minute. Protected by composite and reactive armor, has active and passive protection. Guidance systems automatically identify the target and launch projectiles.

Any army in the world is armed with powerful tanks. This technique is basic for ground forces. Some tanks are used to break through the enemy's defense line, others are used for support. But in any case, this is a very powerful technique, causing great damage to both armored targets and enemy infantry. Let's look at the most To do this, we'll put together our own small top.

General information

The effectiveness of a tank is determined by only two parameters - protection and firepower. Strange, but this does not include such a characteristic as mobility. Most likely, because for modern heavy tanks, which are used to break through key defensive positions, speed is not so important.

At the same time, to obtain an objective assessment of each individual specimen, it is necessary to simulate the battle. But since one unit of equipment is practically useless on the battlefield, research is carried out taking into account a tank battle. In this case, such a parameter as the type of projectile is taken into account. Armor-piercing shells with penetration from 650 to 800 mm are mainly used. Let's look at what they are, the best tanks in the world.

T-84 BM "Oplot"

The Ukrainian-made BM Oplot tank took first place. This car won 12 of 12 victories in simulated battles. The tank has no equal in both firepower and protection, which, in fact, made it a leader. We can say that one “Oplot” is equal in effectiveness to a company of soldiers.

The firepower of the tank is truly impressive. The systems are designed in such a way that the crew can conduct targeted fire around the clock. Thus, the gunner uses the Promin day sight with stabilization along two planes. At the same time, it is equipped with a laser rangefinder with a range of up to 9,900 m (error - 10 m). There is also a thermal imaging system that is capable of detecting a target at a distance of up to 8 km, recognizing it at 4.5 km, and identifying it at a distance of 2.5 km.

The main armament is a 125 mm cannon (smoothbore). The barrel length is 48 calibers. The tank is also equipped with an automatic loader for 28 rounds. In this case, the full ammunition load is 48 shells. The gun is capable of firing armor-piercing sub-caliber and cumulative projectiles. The average penetration is 600-800 mm.

"Oplot": protection and survivability

T-84 has large number various systems protection, including passive, active (dynamic) and others. All this significantly increases the survivability of the tank on the battlefield. The armor of the Oplot BM is multi-layered, consisting not only of armored metal sheets, but also of ceramic materials. The roof of the tower is entirely stamped. This increases rigidity and manufacturability and also provides high quality in mass production.

The front of the tank, turret and sides are equipped with “Duplet” dynamic protection. It protects the tank from cumulative, armor-piercing and sub-caliber projectiles. An interesting thing is that dynamic protection does not detonate when hit by small-caliber projectiles, as well as bullets from small arms. At the same time, the DZ protects against anti-tank missiles, armor-piercing, sub-caliber and cumulative shells. Of course, the T-84 BM "Oplot" is the most best tank in the world, and he confirms this in practice.

"Leopard 2A7"

This vehicle is the seventh modification of the Leopard 2 series tank. It was first demonstrated in 2010 at an exhibition in Europe. In simulated battles, the giant received 10 victories out of 12. At the same time, there was one draw and a defeat from Oplot. It was also not possible to determine the winner between the Leopard and the American Abrams. Nevertheless, first of all I would like to consider the remarkable aspects of the German tank.

The seventh modification differs from the previous ones in improved mine protection and the presence of overhead elements on the turret, which protect against cumulative melee projectiles. At the same time, the Leopard 2A7 is equipped with stabilization means, more modern projectiles and digital tower technology. The tank weighs about seventy tons and has a fairly powerful power plant, which ensures good maneuverability.

Armament and protection of the Leopard

Of course, after the Oplot BM, this is the best tank in the world. This is partly due to the powerful armor. Thus, the frontal part of the turret boasts an armor thickness of 130 cm. The hull and turret are welded. At the same time, the upper armor plate of the hull has a large angle of inclination, which ensures a high probability of ricochet. The design also includes third generation armor. The fighting compartment is equipped with a lining, which is designed to reduce the radius of scattering of fragments when penetrating the armor.

The Leopard is equipped with a 120 mm cannon. You will notice that the gun has a short barrel, which is designed to improve stabilization during movement. At the same time, shooting accuracy on the move increases significantly, and stabilization is simplified.

The Germans use a very promising guidance system. The gunner needs to select a target and place a marker on it, and the automation will do the rest. At the same time, the Leopard 2A7 can fire at moving targets while moving over uneven terrain. Well, now let's continue to look at the best tanks in the world.

M1 Abrams

This tank takes third place in our ranking. The machine is manufactured according to a standard layout. The tank's crew consists of four people: a gunner, a driver, a commander and a loader.

The hull and turret are welded. In this case, you can notice that the angle of inclination of the upper armor plate relative to the vertical is about 82 degrees, which is quite a lot. The armor is multilayer, passive, in the form of combined plates. However, 8% of frontal armor can be considered vulnerabilities. These are various hatches, surveillance devices, etc. All this is penetrated by KS shells of 700 mm and BPS of 550 mm.

The frontal part of the hull has armor of only 50-80 mm, which can be compared to the level of tanks of the Second World War. Such protection can be penetrated by any projectiles. The gun mantlet is quite thick, but its fastening method led to the fact that after a hit, not only it itself, but also other parts were destroyed.

About the Abrams' weapons

Here we briefly reviewed the best modern tanks peace. The rating presented in the article is based on an objective assessment of simulated battles. For example, Abrams took an honorable third place for a reason. The fact is that this tank has a fairly powerful 122-mm gun, which allows it to fire armor-piercing finned sub-caliber, cumulative and armor-piercing high-explosive shells. The filling of the latter requires the presence of white phosphorus. If such a shell penetrates the armor and lining, it burns the tank crew alive.

After modifying the rifled 105 mm gun to 120 mm, stabilized in two planes, it was decided to reduce the ammunition load from 55 rounds to 40, due to the large sizes of the cartridges. The Americans, in an effort to cancel the placement of ammunition on the deck, placed 36 shells in the turret niche and 6 in the tank hull. Of course, this option cannot be called good. However, the insulation of the projectiles helps protect the crew when they hit the ammunition. There are knockout plates for this purpose.

The best tanks in the world: rating and something else

Among Japan's main battle tanks, the Type 10 is particularly surprising. It is intended to replace the outdated Type 74 and stand next to the Type 90. It takes about six and a half million dollars to make one tank. The vehicle is equipped with a 120-mm cannon, exactly the same as on the Abrams and Leopards. A conveyor-type automatic loader is installed, the barrel length is 44 calibers. At the same time, Japanese designers paid the greatest attention to combat information, control and information systems.

The tank is equipped with modular armor, which allows the crew to replace damaged elements and modules. This solution helps install additional attachments, which increases the security of the machine and reduces its weight to 48 tons. This is a very mobile tank, it has a 1,200 hp diesel engine. s, which is about 27 liters. With. per ton. The continuously variable transmission allows you to reach speeds of up to 70 km/h forward and reverse.

Top best tanks in the world: T-90MS

The T-90MS Tagil tank was created on the basis of the T-90A. The total weight of the vehicle is 48 tons. Along with a 1,130 horsepower diesel engine, this ensures good mobility. On the highway, the tank is capable of reaching up to 65 km/h forward and up to 30 km/h back. At the same time, the gearbox is automatic, it is possible to operate in manual mode.

It is armed with a 125 mm cannon, as well as a coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun. In addition, there is a 7.62 mm remote-controlled machine gun. "Tagil" is equipped with a highly automated "Kalina" system, which is necessary for fire control. BIUS is integrated into the system. Thermal imaging and television devices make it possible to conduct targeted fire at a long distance and carry out all-round surveillance.

Many people say that the T-90MS Tagil is the best tank in the world. Photos of Russian combat vehicles can be found in this article. We can’t help but mention the new generation “Relict” dynamic armor, which protects the sides and forehead of the tank. At the same time, the T-90MS differs from its predecessor in having a modified turret and an improved niche.

"Black Panther"

One of the most promising South Korean tanks is the K2 Black Panther. In 2012, 12 tanks were manufactured for experimental testing. In total, it is planned to produce about 300 “black panthers” by 2015. It is currently the most expensive tank in the world, priced at $8.5 million per unit.

Notable is the firepower. The tank is equipped with a 120-mm cannon with a magazine-loading automatic loader. The Black Panther can fire up to twenty projectiles per minute, or one projectile every three seconds. The AZ can hold up to forty shells. The K2 is equipped with an active protection system that can detect incoming missiles at a distance of up to 150 meters.

In any case, when considering the best modern tanks in the world, one cannot fail to mention the “black panther”.

Arjun Mk.1 and Challenger-2

Indian Arjun Mk.1 has high firepower and is on par with the British Challenger. These two giants have quite powerful, but at the same time not very accurate weapons. For example, Challenger 2 hit 8 targets out of 20 during tests. The Indian heavyweight also produced approximately the same results. However, if we consider the 10 best tanks in the world, then both of them make the list, even if they occupy the lower steps.

For example, Challenger 2 is one of the most armored tanks, especially when compared with Western counterparts. There is even a chemical and biological protection complex installed here, located in the tower.

AMX-56 Leclerk and ZTZ-99A2

The French Leclerc appeared back in 1994. At that time it was the most expensive and high-tech. However, at present, Leclerc has lost its original position. This is due to several factors. First, in France the decision was made to suspend the assembly line. Secondly, since its release, which is 1994, not a single significant modification of the AMX-56 has been carried out. However, in a simulated battle this vehicle won 3 out of 12 battles, so if we are looking at the best tanks in the world, the AMX-56 is definitely worth including on the list.

The last place in the ranking is occupied by the Chinese Type-99A2, or ZTZ-99A2. He won only 2 fights out of 10. It cannot be said that this bad tank. The unit is good in its own way, equipped with combined armor protection and a laser active countermeasures system.

So we looked at the best tanks in the world. The top 10 presented in this article is current. As you can imagine, all these tanks are very good. They show excellent results on the battlefield.

Hello, dear friends. In the world of online games, all kinds of simulators have long occupied a significant place, but, perhaps, no simulator of driving a car, train, plane or ship can compare with a tank simulator. Because it’s one thing to just plow roads, seas or clouds, and quite another thing to also take some serious hits. Our thoughts today are intended to establish the best tank in World of Tanks, since it was this brainchild of Belarusian developers that received the most attention and love from fans of online toys: there are more than a million subscribers in RuNet alone.

From this article you will learn:

Where to run, what to look at?

"World of Tanks" is for that the whole world, that the number of models in the game is slightly less than five hundred. In other words, the question of choice can confuse an experienced player, and a beginner can even lose consciousness for several days. It’s good that there is such an invention of mankind as classification, and equipment in WoT is grouped, firstly, by nations (Soviet, German, British, American, French, Chinese and Japanese), and secondly, by type of weapons and armor (light, medium, heavy, tank destroyers and self-propelled guns). You can also divide all the tanks available in the game according to the method the player receives them into regular (which are purchased for game currency), premium (here, of course, you can’t do without investing real money) and gift or promotional (free tanks given for completing certain tasks or participation in promotions).

The question about the “best” tank is, perhaps, incorrect - tanks are still different types, and arguing about what is better to play on - heavy or PT - is the same as comparing a table with a cabinet. Different models are designed for different tasks, so we will look at several machines that can be considered the best in their group.

What to strive for?

It's easy to say that development should be based on the player's preferences. Which, in general, is quite logical - some people like to act as a “firefly”, others like to sit in ambush. But you can also shine and hide in different ways, so the question of which tank to buy so as not to be disappointed in the future is a very personal question. Of course, you can read guides (which is absolutely necessary if you don’t want to constantly lose), but in order to choose the right development branch, you must first decide what you want to get in the end. Therefore, we will start from the end and make a short review of the most popular and effective tanks Level 10.

Heavy tanks

The main task of heavy tanks is to “squeeze out” the front. And for this they must be very thick in armor and quite serious in damage. In short, heavy tanks “tank”, that is, they push right through. Of course, it’s better not to expose yourself to attack, because even the strongest armor can be found with a projectile that will penetrate it very well. And yet, it is heavy tanks that are best suited for those who like an aggressive playing style. You can tank in different ways - from the tower, from the side, in a diamond, reverse diamond, etc. Which tactic to choose depends on many things. For example, the German “Tiger” is better, let’s say, in the second line, because its heavy armor is quite average, but it hits well. On the other hand, the Tiger can quite successfully tank in the first line, if the opponents are mainly his classmates.

So which ones should you download? We settled on two models, and we can’t choose which one is better, so we’ll tell you about both.

IS-7. Soviet. Once upon a time it was just a super-heavy tank, at the moment the developers have nerfed it a little (editor’s note, lowered the performance), but it is still among the top best heavy tanks. very cool, runs pretty fast. The armor, however, is mediocre, but due to the angles of the armor it often ricochets, and even if they aim at you from the side, they can hit the bulwark. If you are riding an IS-7, try not to turn your rear towards the enemy - such a hit will cause the tank to burn with a clear flame.

E-100. This is a serious German heavy, with very cool armor and, accordingly, rather weak damage. You are given a choice of two guns, which differ in terms of rate of fire, armor-piercing and damage. Big and slow, so what does it represent? good goal for artillery, but due to its size it can, for example, penetrate the same IS-7 head-on. A terrible tank, in general. They are afraid of him. In addition, he has as much as 2700, and if you place the tank in a diamond shape, then ricochets and non-penetration often occur even in the NLD (editor's note, lower frontal part).

Medium tanks

They are not designed to hold damage. Their job is to enter from the rear or flank, inflict constant (albeit small) damage and, if possible, work with lamps. Medium tanks do not have as much armor as heavy tanks, but they are much more mobile, and due to the constant opportunity to shoot, they often deal more damage overall during the battle than heavy tanks.

The living embodiment of everything said about the “middle peasants” above is the T-62A tank. The main advantage of the T-62A is the accuracy and rate of fire of the gun, especially if the crew is well-trained. In skillful hands, this tank allows you to keep the enemy’s vehicle on the gullet for the entire battle, but what about one enemy - you can stop three noobs around the corner (especially if they don’t realize that they can attack at the same time, they crawl out one by one, and you give them splashes, because the speed recharging allows).

Plus, in its development branch there are models that are easy to master even for a beginner (for example, the legendary T-34, T-34-85 and A-44).

Light tanks

Let's say right away that if you are a beginner player, your first tank (as part of your aspiration and development) should in no case be easy. It's very difficult. Firstly, their armor is naturally made of paper (with the exception of the French sand armor, which ricochets strongly, but crawls like turtles). Secondly, single damage. It would seem, why are they needed at all?

We need it, we need it! Light tanks also have plenty of goodies. Firstly, they are the most maneuverable in the game, hence the conclusion - “first catch up, then beat them.” So if you turn your head 360 degrees and reel in on time, success is guaranteed. Secondly, light tanks have the best camouflage, they are the most difficult to notice, but they, in fact, are designed to highlight enemy vehicles. There is one more feature - the battle balancer deliberately identifies light tanks in battles that are more high level. For some this is not very good (because it’s a loss), for others it’s the opposite (experience). However, everything is quite logical - only players with straight hands can play constantly on a light tank. And there are also plenty of inept brakes in WoT, believe me.

If we talk about the best lightweight model, then in our opinion it is the Chinese WZ-132. Why is it good - even in stock, it already brings full assistance to the team, and the elite WZ-132, and even in capable hands, is created not to expose itself to a one-shot, but to quietly shine light, and, if desired, shoot from shelters.

Anti-tank self-propelled artillery mount

She is a tank destroyer or simply a “pet”. The PT's camouflage is very good; its purpose is to inflict serious damage at a long distance, helping to hold the enemy's flanks and breakthrough lines. They are well armored in front, but unfortunately, they are made of cardboard on the sides and back. Their one-time damage is much greater than the damage of heavy tanks, but in most cases, aligning the sight takes an unacceptably long time.

Beginners can start with American TDs - unlike most other models, Americans have turrets, which allows them to adapt faster. If we talk about the coolest PT in the game, then in our opinion it’s French AMX 50 Foch (155). Penetration is 5, the gun has a drum for three shells. Quite maneuverable, and the frontal armor often ricochets. Can destroy any tank in literally seconds.

Self-propelled artillery installation

She is a self-propelled gun or just art. It has no armor at all, but it hits powerfully and from afar. The art has a special battle mode - you will see the battle map on top. If you are a beginner player, it is better to pay attention to the British and French branches. Of course, the Soviet Object 261 is considered one of the best self-propelled guns, but getting to it is not so easy. Therefore, in this review we will highlight Bat as the best art. -Chatillon 155 58. French machine, less damage than its classmates, but the drum has 4 shells.

In addition, it is small and maneuverable, therefore unnoticeable, and as soon as it happens you can run, and you’ll catch up. Ideally, you can change position while reloading - both for the benefit of the battle and time well spent.

And now about the levels

As you know, there are ten levels of development in the game. Moreover, practice shows that the very last levels are not as popular as the penultimate ones (according to statistics, it is the eighth level that is the most playable and popular among players). Now we will explain why.

The first four (or even five) levels among players are somewhat derisively called “sandbox”. Well, in fact, if you have a level 2 tank, nothing special is required to play. This is a bit of a trial run, people are just exploring the environment and deciding what style of play suits them best.

Levels 5 to 7 are a kind of “profitable” period. Farm, farm and farm again. Because the further you go, the more expensive the battles become.

Levels 8, 9 and 10 – that’s it, the ceiling. Terribly increases self-esteem and allows you to command incompetent teammates in voice chat. In addition, you need a lot of money for participating in battles at these levels, very expensive shells and repairs.

And so, having reviewed the top, we returned to the beginning - what should a beginner do and which development branch to choose?

In the sandbox, the difference between tank classes is not so noticeable (except that the features of artillery are clear). Choosing a playing style is also difficult, because you can level up to level 4 without much effort in a couple of hours. Therefore, a novice player first of all needs to choose a branch through which he can understand as many aspects of the game as possible. Plus, a beginner should not attempt too complex things, which means that:

  • The tank must have high gun accuracy and good DPM;
  • The armor must also be sufficient to withstand beginner mistakes;
  • Maneuverability is important;
  • The development branch should contain machines that are easy to master and meet the above requirements.

In our opinion, the first thing a newcomer should attend to is to pay tribute to patriotism. Moreover, it is good for gaming health.

This refers to the branch of Soviet heavyweights leading to the IS-7. Why is it good - already from level 5 you will have to ride almost perfect heavy tanks(well, with some minor deviations). In addition, in addition to the IS-7, there are two more tanks in this branch that become leaders in battles of different modes - the IS-3 and KV-1.

But if you only have one tank in your hangar, it's boring. In addition, there are often cases when you are beaten long before the end of the battle. So you can replenish the hangar and simultaneously master other types of equipment.

To get started, three branches will be enough. You already have one, we offer two more:

  • a branch of medium tanks made in Soviet, which leads to the T-62A;
  • branch of tank destroyers made in France, leading to the AMX 50 Foch (155).

And in conclusion let's say

Straight hands rule. With straight arms, any tank is the best.

However, it wasn’t us who said it, but Captain Obvious. :)

On the other hand, straight-handedness comes in the process of playing on a single tank. So try it. In the end, you will find your style and beat everyone, and even better if you find your team made up of your friends. Read our blog with them and show your opponents who you are and what you are capable of! That's all for today, see you again and have a good game.