What poisons exist? Potently toxic substances

We present to your attention a list of the most known poisons which have been used to kill people throughout history.

Hemlock is a genus of highly toxic flowering plants, common in Europe and South Africa. The ancient Greeks used it to kill their captives. For an adult, 100 mg is enough. infusion or about 8 hemlock leaves to cause death - your mind is awake, but your body does not respond and eventually the respiratory system stops. The most famous case of poisoning is considered to be one sentenced to death for atheism in 399 BC. e., the Greek philosopher Socrates, who received a very concentrated infusion of hemlock.

Fighter or Wolfsbane

Ninth place in the list of the most famous poisons is taken by Borets - a genus of perennial poisonous plants, growing in damp places along the banks of rivers in Europe, Asia and North America. The poison of this plant causes asphyxia, which leads to suffocation. Poisoning can occur even after touching the leaves without gloves, since the poison is absorbed very quickly and easily. According to legend, Emperor Claudius was poisoned by the poison of this plant. It was also used to lubricate bolts for the Chu Ko Nu crossbow, one of the unusual ancient types of weapons.

Belladonna or Belladonna

The name belladonna comes from the Italian word and translates as “ beautiful woman" In the old days, this plant was used for cosmetic purposes - Italian women dropped belladonna juice into their eyes, the pupils dilated, and the eyes acquired a special shine. The berries were also rubbed on the cheeks to give them a “natural” blush. It is one of the most poisonous plants in the world. All its parts are toxic and contain atropine, which can cause severe poisoning.

Dimethylmercury is a colorless liquid and one of the most powerful neurotoxins. Hit 0.1 ml. this liquid on the skin is already fatal for humans. It is interesting that symptoms of poisoning begin to appear after several months have passed, which is already too late for effective treatment. In 1996, inorganic chemist Karen Wetterhahn was conducting experiments at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire and spilled one drop of this liquid on her gloved hand - dimethylmercury was absorbed into the skin through the latex gloves. Symptoms appeared four months later, and Karen died ten months later.


Tetrodotoxin is found in two sea ​​creatures - blue-ringed octopus and in Fugu fish. The octopus is the most dangerous because it deliberately injects its venom, killing its prey within minutes. It has enough poison to kill 26 adults within minutes. The bites are often painless, so many people only realize they have been bitten when paralysis occurs. But fugu fish is only lethal when eaten. But if the fish is cooked correctly, it is harmless.

Polonium is a radioactive poison and a slow killer. One gram of polonium vapor can kill about 1.5 million people in just a couple of months. Most famous case poisoning presumably with polonium-210, there was a case of poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko. Polonium was found in his cup of tea - a dose 200 times the average lethal dose. He died three weeks later.

Mercury is a relatively rare element that, when room temperature is a heavy silvery-white liquid. Only vapors and soluble mercury compounds are poisonous, causing severe poisoning. Metallic mercury does not have a noticeable effect on the body. A famous case of death from mercury (allegedly) is the Austrian composer Amadeus Mozart.

Cyanide is a deadly poison that results in internal asphyxia. The lethal dose of cyanide for humans is 1.5 mg. per kilogram of body weight. Cyanide was usually sewn into the collars of the shirts of scouts and spies. In addition, the poison was used in gaseous form in Nazi Germany for mass murder in gas chambers during the Holocaust. It is a proven fact that Rasputin was poisoned with several lethal doses of cyanide, but he never died, but was drowned.

Botulinum toxin is the most powerful poison from known to science organic toxins and substances in general. The poison causes severe toxic damage - botulism. Death occurs from hypoxia caused by impaired oxygen metabolism, asphyxia of the respiratory tract, paralysis of the respiratory muscles and cardiac muscle.

Arsenic was recognized as the “king of poisons.” Arsenic poisoning causes symptoms similar to those of cholera (abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea). Arsenic, like Belladonna (item 8), was used in ancient times by women to make their faces pale white. There is an assumption that Napoleon was poisoned with arsenic compounds on the island of St. Helena.

It is difficult to determine the most powerful poison. This definition includes any substance that provokes serious pathological changes in the body. Poisons act in different ways. Some slowly and imperceptibly bring a person to a critical point, others cause unbearable pain.

You can predict the effect and take measures to eliminate serious consequences by finding out the exact cause of the poisoning. Antidote for everyone toxic substance mine.

Poisonous chemical origin

The most dangerous poisons are developed by humans. Not all were created as chemical warfare agents; for example, sarin was created as a result of the synthesis of pesticides. Its production stopped in the 90s of the 20th century.

The existing reserves were not destroyed, so this poison is used by terrorists and the military. This deadly gas It is odorless and colorless, and its inhalation causes chest tightness, nausea, nasal discharge, respiratory failure, spasms, convulsions and coma. As a result, the person loses control of his own body and dies from suffocation.

Widely known negative influence hydrocyanic acid and substances that contain it. Even a small dose can cause death.

Impact white powder, characterized by strong toxicity, is blocked by glucose. Contact with this gaseous substance is the cause of convulsive syndrome and respiratory failure.

Death occurs due to the binding of gas molecules to hemoglobin. Oxygen does not reach the internal organs, and the person simply suffocates.

Another type of poison is methyl alcohol. It is often confused with ethanol. Because of this, people who abuse counterfeit alcohol die due to intoxication. If rescue measures are taken on time, the likelihood of death will be significantly reduced. There is a high risk of complete loss of vision.

V-Ex is considered one of the most dangerous poisons. This gas is used as chemical weapons mass destruction. To penetrate the body, inhalation for a few minutes or short contact with the skin is sufficient.

A fast-acting remedy leads to death in just a quarter of an hour.

Don't forget about mercury and arsenic. The first slowly poisons the body, causing partial dysfunction of the central nervous system and subsequent mental disorder. All vital organs suffer from exposure to this metal. Vapors and soluble mercury compounds are formed already at room temperature, so you need to be careful when using a thermometer.

List of "Most strong poisons“It is impossible to imagine without arsenic. 33 element Periodic table Mendeleev has been used as a poison for centuries.

Symptoms of intoxication are similar to the clinical manifestations of cholera. It is possible to provoke chemical poisoning through potassium chloride. This substance is intended to fertilize the earth, but its penetration into the body is fraught with sudden cardiac arrest.

Plant substances

Some biological components are also dangerous; such poisons are presented in no less variety than synthetic ones. You can cause death using chilibuja nuts. One of the most famous poisons, strychnine, is obtained from them.

Severe intoxication is accompanied by convulsions that lead to death. This substance is in small quantity used in the treatment of paralysis and to accelerate metabolic metabolism.

A dangerous poison called ricin is produced from castor beans. It is several times stronger than potassium cyanide, but due to technical difficulties it cannot be used as a weapon of mass destruction.

The outcome of poisoning directly depends on the method of penetration of the toxic substance into the body.

If inhaled, death is unlikely, but if even a few grains enter the bloodstream, there is practically no chance of a favorable outcome.

Among plant poisons, curare is considered the most famous. It was prepared based on herbs growing in South America. Death caused by this substance is very painful. A man gradually dies from paralysis respiratory system, remaining fully conscious but unable to move.

Poisons produced by representatives of the animal world

The world around us full of dangers from which man is not immune. Often culinary preferences become the cause of his disability or even death. Fugu dishes are quite popular in Japan due to their “extreme” nature.

Due to the slightest mistake in the cooking process, the visitor can be poisoned. A similar reaction is explained by tetrodotoxin. It is found in organs puffer fish, skin and caviar of aquatic inhabitants living in the tropics.

Neurotoxins, particularly batrachotoxin, are present in the skin of amphibians from Colombia. Their body does not produce poison. It is formed as a result of dart frogs eating their normal food. The poisonous substance “kills” nervous system and causes respiratory failure.

To tropical fish and frogs you can add snakes and spiders. There are 250 species of poisonous snakes recorded in nature. Unfortunately, there is no universal anti-snake serum. To administer the necessary antidote, you need to know what type of animal attacked.

Intoxication occurs when poison enters the bloodstream. A similar effect is caused by the penetration of chiriquitotoxin (chiriqui toad), alpha-latrotoxin (karakurt spider) into the body.

Pathogenic microflora

Poisoning can be caused by poisons produced by pathogenic microorganisms, including:

  • Bacteria Clostridium botulinum. They cause botulism, a toxic infectious disease that damages the central and peripheral parts of the nervous system.
  • bacilli anthrax. There are two forms of development: intestinal and cutaneous. The first type of pathology leads to death in 95% of cases. With the second, 80% of patients survive.
  • Rods of the genus Clostridium. These are the causative agents of tetanus. Infection occurs when damp soil gets into an open wound. Characteristic symptoms include convulsive syndrome, respiratory and heart failure, and impaired swallowing reflex. In the absence of timely treatment, the likelihood of death is high.

The risk of intoxication of the body increases when consuming spoiled food. For example, if the storage conditions for potatoes are not met, solanine accumulates in them. Even bread can be poisonous if cereals infected with ergot were ground during the production of flour.

Poisonous mushrooms

The most common poisons are amatoxins.

They are found in fly agarics and toadstools. The first signs of poisoning may appear after 10-12 hours. Such slowness is fraught with serious complications.

First aid is too late, so prevent a negative impact on internal organs impossible. This will subsequently have a negative impact on general condition health.

10 fastest-acting toxic substances

There are several classifications of poisons. The defining characteristic is the minimum dose that can cause death.

The top ten included only natural substances:

  1. Diamphotoxin has the greatest toxic power. It is produced in the body of the larva of the leaf beetle of the genus Diamphidia. Its distribution range is in South Africa. The most dangerous poison can disrupt the electrolyte balance and greatly reduce the level of hemoglobin in the blood. The dose may not exceed 0.000025 mg/kg.
  2. The action of a cytotoxic poison called palytoxin becomes fatal at a dosage of 0.00015 mg/kg. It is formed as a result of vital activity coral polyps Palythoa toxica, P. Сaribacorum.
  3. Batrachotoxin is found in the skin of dart frogs of the genus Phyllobates. The lethal rate is 0.002 mg/kg.
  4. Typotoxin is produced by the Australian taipan. At least 0.002 mg/kg of snake venom must enter the blood.
  5. Tetrodotoxin poisoning can occur from eating improperly prepared Fugu fish. The critical dose is 0.008 mg/kg.
  6. Titutoxin is the venom of the yellow scorpion. A rapid lethal outcome is possible even when 0.009 mg/kg penetrates the body.
  7. Chiriquitotoxin is found in the skin of toads belonging to Atelopus chiriquiensis. The lethal dose is 0.01 mg/kg.
  8. Alpha-conotoxin is found in a substance secreted by the mollusk Conus geographus. The minimum sufficient amount is 0.012 mg/kg.
  9. Alpha-latrotoxin is produced by the Latrodectus spider (black widow). Death occurs from 0.045 mg/kg.
  10. Neurotoxin II is produced by the Central Asian cobra. The lethal dose is 0.085 mg/kg.

List hazardous substances does not end after listing these poisons.

Be careful, do not take unfamiliar drugs and do not touch animals if you are not sure of the safety of your plan. If poison gets inside, be sure to call ambulance. Delay costs lives.

Not only potential attackers, but also ordinary Internet users ask about how to poison a person with poison. Today, the pharmaceutical market offers consumers a variety of medications, some of which are available for purchase without a doctor's prescription.

There are also toxic substances that allow you to quickly eliminate your opponent or, conversely, provoke chronic disease. Age-old knowledge and modern technologies become dangerous weapon in the hands of competent people.

Potassium cyanide is known to almost everyone; at the beginning of the 20th century, the dangerous powder was a common way to get rid of unwanted persons.

The poison belongs to the group of hydrocyanic acid derivatives and is highly soluble in water. Some sources indicate a specific smell of this substance, however, not all people are able to smell it. Potassium cyanide causes poisoning if ingested, and it is also dangerous to inhale powder particles and solution vapors. The lethal dose of poison is only a few grams, but in most cases it depends on weight and individual characteristics body.

Potassium cyanide can quickly poison a person. Death is affected by the route of entry of the substance into the body, so when particles are inhaled, the effect of the toxin manifests itself instantly, and when it enters the stomach, the poison begins to cause irreversible consequences after 15 minutes.

The victim goes through several stages of intoxication. At first, a sore throat is felt, then nausea and vomiting begins, and possible numbness of the throat. Over time, general weakness increases, a feeling of fear arises, and the pulse slows down. Subsequently, signs such as convulsions and loss of consciousness are noted. As a rule, if a sufficient dose of poison is ingested, a person dies within 4 hours.

With the arrival of new drugs on the pharmaceutical market, people are interested in how to poison a person with pills. The list of dangerous poisons if used incorrectly includes the following medications:

  • sleeping pill "Phenazepam";
  • hellebore water;
  • Corvalol drops.

The medicine "Phenazepam" is prescribed by doctors as a remedy against insomnia, panic attacks and stress. It refers to psychotropic medications, and offenders use this drug to poison a person in their sleep.

Like many other drugs, Phenazepam is incompatible with alcohol - this is what criminals take advantage of, since the combined use of these tablets and alcohol leads to respiratory arrest and death. But it is not easy to get the described drug, since it is sold only with a doctor’s prescription.

Hellebore water is freely sold in pharmacies and is used not only in traditional medicine, but also as a remedy against alcohol addiction. However, some cases of intentional intoxication are not taken into account, which is why this medicine is suitable for those who want to poison a person without identifying the poison.

Lethal outcome occurs when ingested for 2 years. raw materials, hellebore water negatively affects heart function and blood pressure. Thus, the oxygen supply to the brain gradually decreases.

As a rule, alcohol accelerates the absorption of poison and signs of intoxication with hellebore water develop within 20 minutes after taking the product. Vomiting begins, and symptoms such as extreme thirst, slow heart rate, and mental disturbances are also noted. Death occurs on average after 8 hours; this medicine allows criminals to poison a person without determining the exact cause of death.

Corvalol drops can be purchased at any pharmacy, which makes them an affordable and effective medicine for poisoning. The lethal dose of the drug depends on the weight and age of the person, on average it is 150 drops.

Intoxication is characterized by prolonged sleep, decreased blood pressure and dilated pupils. The combined use of this drug with alcohol is especially dangerous; in this case, tachycardia appears and the skin turns blue. Poisoning a person slowly using Corvalol drops will most likely not work; death occurs within 24 hours, which is taken advantage of by various asocial elements of society.

Immense physical strength powerful fangs and razor-sharp teeth are not the only weapons used in the animal kingdom. Thousands of animals use highly toxic poisons for attack or defense.

We present to your attention the ten most poisonous creatures in the world.

(Total 14 photos)

1. Box jellyfish

Main prize our top goes to Box Jellyfish ( Chironex fleckeri), which received this name because of its cubic shape. Over the past 60 years, this handsome man has claimed about 6 thousand lives. Its venom is considered the deadliest in the world, with toxins affecting the heart, nervous system and skin cells.

And, even worse, all this is accompanied by such hellish pain that the victims go into a state of shock and either drown or die from cardiac arrest. If you immediately treat the wound with vinegar or a solution of acetic acid, the victim has a chance, but, as a rule, vinegar cannot be found in water 😉

Box jellyfish can be found in sea ​​waters Asia and Australia.

2. King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah)

The king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) is the longest venomous snake in the world, reaching 5.6 meters in length. Ophiophagus literally translates to "snake eater" because it eats other snakes. A single bite from this deadly snake can easily kill a person. She can even kill an adult asian elephant within 3 hours if the animal is bitten in a vulnerable area such as the trunk.

Among the representatives of snakes there are also more poisonous ones than the King Cobra, but it is capable of releasing much more poison than others. For example, 5 times more than the Black Mamba.
The king cobra is widespread in the dense mountain forests of the South and Southeast Asia.

3. Scorpio Leius quincestriatus

Contrary to popular belief, most scorpions are relatively safe for humans, since the stings only cause local effects (pain, anemia, swelling). However, Leiruses are very dangerous look scorpions because their venom is a powerful cocktail of neurotoxins that causes intense and unbearable pain, followed by fever, followed by coma, convulsions, paralysis and death.
Leiruses are common in North Africa and in the Middle East.

4. Taipan or Fierce Snake (Oxyuranus microlepidotus)

Just one taipan bite contains enough venom to kill 100 adult humans or an army of 250,000 mice. Its extremely neurotoxic venom is at least 200-400 times more poisonous than that of a common cobra. In just 45 minutes after a bite, an adult can die. But fortunately, there is an antidote, and besides, this snake is very timid and immediately crawls away at the slightest danger.
Lives in Australia.

5. Darter frogs or poisonous frogs

If you ever visit the rainforests of Central and South America, never touch the little ones. beautiful frogs- they can be extremely poisonous. For example, the size of the Golden Dart frog is only 5 cm, and the poison in it is enough to kill 10 adults.
In the old days, local tribes used the poison of these frogs to lubricate the tips of their arrows.

6. Blue Ringed Octopus (Australian Octopus)

The Blue Ringed Octopus is a small, golf ball-sized, but extremely poisonous creature that lives in coastal waters around Australia and a little further north towards Japan. The blue-ringed octopus is usually light in color, with dark brown bands along its eight legs and body, with blue circles, added on top of these dark brown groups. When an octopus is disturbed or taken out of the water, it darkens and the rings become shiny and electric blue, and it is this color change that gives the animal its name.

Its poison is strong enough to kill a person. In fact, the octopus carries enough venom to kill 26 adults within a couple of minutes, and there is no antidote. If measures are not taken and treatment is not started, the person begins to feel numbness, difficulty speaking, seeing, breathing problems arise, then complete paralysis and death occurs due to cardiac arrest and lack of oxygen.

7. Brazilian Wandering Spider (Phoneutria) or banana spider

This abomination was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2007 for being guilty of the greatest number human deaths caused by spider bites. What is important is that these spiders are dangerous not only for their poison, but also for their behavior: they do not sit still and do not weave webs, they wander the earth, hiding in buildings, clothes, shoes, cars, anywhere; which significantly increases the risk of unexpectedly meeting them and being bitten.

8. Ball Fish or Puffer

Ball fish is the second most poisonous vertebrate animal on earth (the first is the Golden Dart frog from point 5). The meat of some subspecies, for example Fugu, is a delicacy in Japan and Korea, but the problem is that the surface of the fish and certain of its organs are very poisonous. The venom of fugu causes paralysis, resulting in suffocation and death from lack of oxygen.
Therefore, only licensed chefs are allowed to cook such fish in Japan.

9. Marbled Cone Snail

The marbled cone snail looks beautiful and very cute, but it can be just as deadly as any other animal on this list. A drop of its poison can kill 20 people. Signs of a bite: severe pain, swelling, numbness, and in serious cases, paralysis and respiratory failure. There is no antidote.

However, over the entire period, about 30 cases of human deaths from the poison of this snail have been recorded, which is not very much compared to other representatives of our list.

10. Stone fish

The stonefish may never win a beauty contest, but it will definitely win the "Most Beautiful" award. poisonous fish" The poison causes such unbearable pain that in search of salvation from suffering, victims wish to amputate the affected area. It is believed that the bite of a stone fish provokes severe pain, known to man. The pain is accompanied by shock, paralysis, and tissue death.

If you don't get an ambulance medical care, the outcome can be fatal.

Stonefish store their toxins in hideous dorsal ridges, which are designed to protect them from predators.
It is widespread in tropical waters Quiet and Indian Oceans, from the Red Sea to the Great Barrier Reef.

Foods and drinks that are very familiar to us can turn out to be deadly. And the simplest objects contain poison. It turns out that the most powerful poisons are sometimes close to us, and we don’t even suspect it.
We present to your attention a list of the most famous poisons that have been used to kill people throughout history.

1. Hemlock

Hemlock is a genus of highly toxic flowering plants native to Europe and South Africa. The ancient Greeks used it to kill their captives. For an adult, 100 mg is enough. infusion or about 8 hemlock leaves to cause death - your mind is awake, but your body does not respond and eventually the respiratory system stops. The most famous case of poisoning is considered to be one sentenced to death for atheism in 399 BC. e., the Greek philosopher Socrates, who received a very concentrated infusion of hemlock.

2. Fighter or Wolfsbane

Ninth place in the list of the most famous poisons is occupied by Borets - a genus of perennial poisonous plants growing in damp places along the banks of rivers in Europe, Asia and North America. The poison of this plant causes asphyxia, which leads to suffocation. Poisoning can occur even after touching the leaves without gloves, since the poison is absorbed very quickly and easily. According to legend, Emperor Claudius was poisoned by the poison of this plant. It was also used to lubricate bolts for the Chu Ko Nu crossbow, one of the unusual ancient types of weapons.

3. Belladonna or Belladonna

The name belladonna comes from the Italian word and translates as “beautiful woman.” In the old days, this plant was used for cosmetic purposes - Italian women dropped belladonna juice into their eyes, the pupils dilated, and the eyes acquired a special shine. The berries were also rubbed on the cheeks to give them a “natural” blush. It is one of the most poisonous plants in the world. All its parts are toxic and contain atropine, which can cause severe poisoning.

4. Dimethylmercury

Dimethylmercury is a colorless liquid and one of the most powerful neurotoxins. Hit 0.1 ml. this liquid on the skin is already fatal for humans. Interestingly, symptoms of poisoning begin to appear after several months, which is too late for effective treatment. In 1996, inorganic chemist Karen Wetterhahn was conducting experiments at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire and spilled one drop of this liquid on her gloved hand - dimethylmercury was absorbed into the skin through the latex gloves. Symptoms appeared four months later, and Karen died ten months later.

5. Tetrodotoxin

Tetrodotoxin is found in two sea creatures - the blue-ringed octopus and the fugu fish. The octopus is the most dangerous because it deliberately injects its venom, killing its prey within minutes. It has enough poison to kill 26 adults within minutes. The bites are often painless, so many people only realize they have been bitten when paralysis occurs. But fugu fish is only lethal when eaten. But if the fish is cooked correctly, it is harmless.

6. Polonium

Polonium is a radioactive poison and a slow killer. One gram of polonium vapor can kill about 1.5 million people in just a couple of months. The most famous case of poisoning allegedly with polonium-210 was that of Alexander Litvinenko. Polonium was found in his cup of tea - a dose 200 times the average lethal dose. He died three weeks later.

7. Mercury

Mercury is a relatively rare element that at room temperature is a heavy, silvery-white liquid. Only vapors and soluble mercury compounds are poisonous, causing severe poisoning. Metallic mercury does not have a noticeable effect on the body. A famous case of death from mercury (allegedly) is the Austrian composer Amadeus Mozart.

8. Cyanide

Cyanide is a deadly poison that results in internal asphyxia. The lethal dose of cyanide for humans is 1.5 mg. per kilogram of body weight. Cyanide was usually sewn into the collars of the shirts of scouts and spies. In addition, the poison was used in gaseous form in Nazi Germany for mass murder in gas chambers during the Holocaust. It is a proven fact that Rasputin was poisoned with several lethal doses of cyanide, but he never died, but was drowned.

9. Botulinum toxin

Botulinum toxin is the most powerful poison known to science among organic toxins and substances in general. The poison causes severe toxic damage - botulism. Death occurs from hypoxia caused by impaired oxygen metabolism, asphyxia of the respiratory tract, paralysis of the respiratory muscles and cardiac muscle. And now scientists will not answer the question of what poison is the most powerful in the world. Some of the most powerful poisons are botulism and tetanus toxins. The source of botulism infection is homemade preparations.

Botulinum toxin is produced by Clostridium botulinum bacteria, which are the causative agents of the most dangerous disease - botulism. This is the most powerful poison of organic nature and one of the strongest poisons in the world. In the last century, botulinum toxin was part of the arsenals of chemical weapons, but at the same time, active research was conducted regarding its use in medicine. And today a huge number of people who want to at least temporarily restore the smoothness of their skin are experiencing the influence of this the most terrible poison, which is part of the most popular medicinal product“Botox”, which once again confirms the validity of the famous saying of the great Paracelsus: “Everything is poison, everything is medicine; both are determined by the dose.”

10. Arsenic

Arsenic was recognized as the “king of poisons.” Arsenic poisoning causes symptoms similar to those of cholera (abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea). Arsenic, like Belladonna (item 8), was used in ancient times by women to make their faces pale white. There is an assumption that Napoleon was poisoned with arsenic compounds on the island of St. Helena.

11. Methanol, or methyl alcohol

Is very dangerous poison. This is explained by the fact that it is easy to confuse it with ordinary wine alcohol, since they are indistinguishable in taste and smell. Fake alcoholic drinks sometimes made on the basis methyl alcohol, but without an examination it is impossible to determine the presence of methanol. Unfortunately, the consequences of consuming such drinks are irreversible; at best, a person becomes blind.

12. Snake venom

There are more than two and a half thousand species of reptiles, but only about 250 species are poisonous. The most famous - common vipers, cobras, rattlesnakes, black mambas, small snakes - sand frets. Poisonous snakes- unpleasant neighbors. People have long found out that snake venom is dangerous only when it enters the human bloodstream. And, since humanity has been dealing with snakes for many millennia, it is not surprising that it was while studying the effects of snake venom on animals and humans that the first antidote was created in 1895 - antisnake serum. By the way, there is no universal antidote even in case of poisoning snake venom, for each species of snakes its own antitoxin is created - for king cobra- one, for vipers - another, for rattlesnakes - a third.

13. Vi-Ex (VX)

VX, or, as it is also called, VI gas, belongs to the category of chemical warfare gases that have a nerve-paralytic effect. It was also born as a new pesticide, but soon the military began to use it for their own purposes. Symptoms of poisoning with this gas appear within 1 minute after inhalation or contact with the skin, and death occurs within 10-15 minutes.

14. Bacillus anthrax

Anthrax is a very serious, rapidly developing disease caused by the bacteria Bacillus anthracis. There are several forms of anthrax. The most “harmless” one is the skin one. Even without treatment, the mortality rate from this form does not exceed 20%. The intestinal form kills about half of those sick, but the pulmonary form is almost certain death. Even with the help the latest techniques modern doctors manage to save no more than 5% of patients.

15. Sarin

Sarin was created by German scientists trying to synthesize a powerful pesticide. But this dark glory deadly poison, which causes quick but very painful death, was acquired not in agricultural fields, but as a chemical weapon. Sarin was produced by the ton for military purposes for decades, and it was only in 1993 that its production was banned. But despite calls for the complete destruction of all stocks of this substance, both terrorists and the military still use it in our time.

16. Amatoxins

Amatoxins are a whole group of protein poisons contained in poisonous mushrooms of the amanita family, including the deadly toadstool. The particular danger of these poisons lies in their “slowness”. Once they enter the human body, they immediately begin their destructive activity, but the victim begins to feel the first discomfort no earlier than 10 hours later, and sometimes several days later, when it is already very difficult for doctors to do anything. Even if such a patient can be saved, he will still suffer for the rest of his life from painful dysfunctions of the liver, kidneys and lungs.

In summer and autumn, the time comes for seasonal mushroom poisoning - by the way, these are the most accessible poisonous substances today. Most famous poisonous mushrooms- false honey mushrooms, pale grebe, lines and fly agarics. The most poisoned mushroom is the toadstool, since it has many varieties, sometimes indistinguishable from edible mushrooms, and one such mushroom can lead to the death of several people. False honey mushrooms- the most common poisonous mushrooms. Although the Germans have learned to prepare fly agarics in such a way that they are not poisoned by them, it is true that it takes them a lot of time to prepare these mushrooms - they boil them for days. True, the question arises - why do they need fly agaric mushrooms when you can simply take other mushrooms for food? And of course, we must remember the rules for storing cooked mushrooms, even edible mushrooms may become toxic if stored beyond their expiration date.

17. Strychnine

Strychnine in large quantities found in nuts tropical tree chilibuha. It was from them that it was obtained in 1818 by the French chemists Pelletier and Cavantou. In small doses, strychnine can be used as a medicine that increases metabolic processes, improves heart function and treats paralysis. It was even actively used as an antidote for barbiturate poisoning. However, it is one of the most powerful poisons. His lethal dose even less than the famous potassium cyanide, but it acts much more slowly. Death from strychnine poisoning occurs after about half an hour of terrible agony and severe convulsions.

18. Potatoes and grains

Regular potatoes or bread can also be poisonous. When stored improperly, potatoes accumulate the substance solanine, which causes poisoning to the body. And bread becomes poisonous if flour was used to make it and contained cereals contaminated with ergot. We are not talking about fatal poisoning, but it is quite possible to ruin your health with such products. An ear affected by ergot. In addition, there are many household chemicals and fertilizers, which can also cause poisoning. For example, potassium chloride is the most common fertilizer, but if it gets into the blood it becomes deadly, since potassium ions block the activity of the heart.

19. Curare

The most famous poison B South America the most famous poison is curare, a poison of plant origin; there are several subtypes of this poison. It causes paralysis of the respiratory system. Initially it was used for hunting animals, but in the 20th century it was successfully used in medicine. Curare is the most famous poison among the Indians.

20. Batrachotoxin

From natural poisons Batrachotoxin is very dangerous; it is secreted by the skin of small but dangerous amphibians - dart frogs, fortunately, they can only be found in Colombia. One such frog contains so much poisonous substance that it is enough to destroy several elephants. Poison frog there is no need to hide. In addition, there are radioactive poisons, such as polonium. It acts slowly, but only 1 gram of this substance is needed to destroy one and a half million people. Snake venom, curare, potassium cyanide - they are all inferior to the above poisons. It's not just snakes that are poisonous. The most poisonous creature on Earth is the jellyfish.

21. Ricin

Ricin is an extremely powerful poison of plant origin. The greatest danger is inhaling its smallest grains. Ricin is about 6 times more powerful a poison than potassium cyanide, but it has not been used as a weapon of mass destruction due to purely technical difficulties. But various intelligence services and terrorists are very fond of this substance. Politicians and public figures with enviable regularity they receive letters stuffed with ricin. True, it rarely comes to this fatal outcome, since the penetration of ricin through the lungs is quite low. For a 100% result, it is necessary to inject ricin directly into the blood.

The most famous poisoners

The story of the Italian Borgia dynasty of poisoners, who elevated poisoning almost to the level of art, is unique. Everyone without exception was afraid of their invitation to the feast. The most famous representatives of this family for their treachery are Pope Alexander VI Borgia and his children: son Cesare, who became a cardinal, and daughter Lucrezia. This family had their own poison, "cantarella", supposedly containing arsenic, phosphorus and copper salts. It is known that the head of the family himself ultimately paid with his life for his treachery, having mistakenly drunk a cup of poison that he had prepared for another. Secret rings became the weapon of poisoners in the Middle Ages. In France, arsenic was used by women, the most famous of them was Catherine de Medici, who became Queen of France. There were also poisoners of lower rank - favorites of kings, marquises, baronesses and wives of jewelers. It is believed that Napoleon was poisoned with arsenic.