Powerful boar tusk amulet. How to boil boar tusks? Processing and registration of hunting trophies What can be made from a wild boar tusk Cleaver tusks

An adult boar usually has 44 teeth (12 incisors, 4 canines, 16 anterior and 12 posterior). The incisors, canines, second, third and fourth anterior molars are diphyodont, i.e. they have two generations. All posterior teeth have no deciduous predecessors. The anterior radical P11s do not change and remain milky throughout their lives, and often do not appear at all in the lower jaw.

Brief description age-related changes separate groups teeth can be reduced to the following.

Incisors. They are located in the extreme anterior part of the skull. On the lower jaw they are directed straight forward, and on the upper jaw they grow with their apices perpendicularly downward. Newborns have third incisors on both jaws. At the age of 12-15 days, the first pair of teeth erupts through the gums, first in the lower and then in the upper jaw, but they grow relatively slowly: at 2 months of age they reach 0.5 cm in length. 3-month-old individuals already have all the primary incisors. The replacement of baby teeth with definitive ones occurs in the same sequence as the appearance of milk teeth: I3 erupt and are replaced at 9-10 months, I1 at 15-16, and I2 at the end of the 2nd - beginning of the 3rd year of life. Homologous teeth in the upper jaw usually erupt only when the lower teeth have reached approximately 2/3 of their definitive length.

Fangs. Newborns have both pairs of primary canines, which are very similar in appearance to the third incisors. Primary canines grow slowly and remain only until 10-11 months of age. Most characteristic feature definitive canines of males - their permanent and quite rapid growth almost throughout life, while in females, fangs grow only until 4-5 years and very slowly. The lower canines of adult males are directed upwards and to the sides, slightly curving backwards. The upper ones, starting from the 2nd year of life, grow downwards and to the sides, and by the end of the 3rd year their tops begin to bend upward and the more, the older the boar is. Both pairs of canines gradually increase in length and diameter with age, reaching their maximum size in older males. Our observations and studies of male canines show that they can, to some extent, be used to determine age. Figure 2 shows how the shape, size and wear of canines in males changes depending on age. However, fangs themselves cannot serve as a reliable sign for determining the age of animals, since within each age group a wide range of variability in their sizes is revealed. Note that the length of the canine was measured along the large bend from the border of the alveolus to the top of the tooth, and the width was measured at the widest point at the level of the bony alveolus. The lower canines of males are triangular, the upper ones are rounded; in females, the lower ones are triangular-rounded, and the upper ones are flat. In males, the length of the lower canine along the outer large curve from the root to the apex reaches 230, and the upper - 140 mm; in females - 100 and 55 mm, respectively.

Foreroot. In the wild boar, all the anterior and posterior teeth (both primary and definitive) are placed close to each other, forming a compact row. Only in the lower jaw the first pair is located separately between the canines and second premolars.

On the 5-8th day after birth, the fourth pair of teeth noticeably protrudes from the alveoli on the lower jaw, and the third pair of teeth on the upper jaw: P4 erupts and develops after P3. By 1.5 months of age, piglets have the first and third pairs of incisors, canines, as well as third and fourth anterior teeth; the apices of the second incisors and second anterior molars cut through the bony alveolus. Subsequently, the growth and development of milk teeth proceeds quickly and in a short time, which can be explained by the gradual transition of piglets from feeding on mother’s milk to obtaining food independently. Young animals 3-4 months old already have well-developed anterior teeth, with the exception of the first pair, which is usually formed after the rest.

The replacement of primary anterior teeth with definitive ones begins at 15-16 months, with the fourth pair on the lower jaw erupting first; she grows quickly, reaching full development by 18-20 months, while the third pair by this time grows only to 2/3 of its size, and the second is just emerging. In general, all definitive anterior teeth of the lower jaw are finally formed by 22-24 months of age. However, if milk teeth are largely adapted to crushing and grinding food, then all permanent premolars are mostly only crushing or cutting teeth. This is due to the fact that the function of grinding food in 2-3-year-old wild boars is carried out by the developing posterior teeth.

Posterior roots. The first pair of posterior teeth erupts at 4 months of age, and by 6 months they are already fully developed, but traces of wear on the tops of the cusps appear only by 10 months. The development of the second is generally completed by 18-20 months, and the third by the end of the 3rd year of the boar’s life. Molars grow strictly alternately: postalveolar differentiation of each tooth occurs only when the previous one is finally formed. The degree of wear on the cusps and crown surfaces of the teeth also increases consistently. This sequence is one of the best diagnostic signs for establishing a scale of age-related changes in teeth.

Boar tusk in silver.

In our country, the most common species and the most valuable object of hunting are wild boars. They are very common and live both in the western part of Russia, for example, in the Tver, Smolensk, Pskov regions, and in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories, in Far East. For lately wild boars are spreading ever closer to the north, to the Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Kirov, Sverdlovsk, and Tyumen regions. This animal is valued by hunters for its bold, sometimes daring nature; it is very unpredictable and therefore the most dangerous beast. Due to its qualities, a mature boar is also called a cleaver, or boar at the moment when it reaches its full power. Even such large and dangerous animals as bears and tigers avoid this beast. There were cases during the hunt when about 30 dogs were released on the boar, baited by the boar, but he hid from pursuit, scattering them. Many paintings and stories are dedicated to boar hunting. If the hunt is successful, the trophy becomes more valuable.

And boar tusks are its main trophy value. Despite the fact that wild boars are hunted a lot, a properly extracted and processed boar tusk is a rarity. Most fangs have defects due to improper extraction from the mouth, improper processing, and this subsequently leads to the formation of cracks or complete splitting of the fang.

Boar tusk in silver filled from the inside special composition indistinguishable from bone cartilage, and thereby protected from possible splitting. The outer part of the fang does not have enamel that easily cracks like that of wolves and bears; the surface of the cleaver fang is very durable and therefore does not particularly require external coatings. But at the customer’s request, the outer surface of the fang can also be protected with a thin transparent coating, similar to lamination.

The fang itself is suspended using a 925 sterling silver cap molded to its shape, and has a soldered cast silver eye through which you can thread any leather cord or silver chain up to 7 cm thick.

Boar tusk processing

To extract the tusks of a boar, a part of the animal’s muzzle is sawed off between the eyes and the tusks, as shown in Figure 69. This piece of the muzzle must be at least three and a half times longer than the visible part of the lower tusks. The sawn-off part is placed in a cauldron with cold water so that it completely disappears under water. The water is brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for 2–3 hours. After cooking, the jaws with fangs are removed from the cauldron and, without allowing them to cool, the fangs are removed. To avoid getting burns, use mittens or rags. The upper fangs are usually removed easily, but to remove the lower ones, they need to be pulled forward 3-5 cm, and then carefully open the jaw bones from the back so that the fangs come out freely. Then the fangs are placed in a cauldron of hot, oily water until it cools. They should not be left without water and should not be washed with cold water. The fang, cooling in oily water, becomes saturated with fat and acquires a protective layer. After cooling, the nerves are removed from the fangs and the inner surface is wiped with cotton wool, dried in a damp and warm place to avoid cracking.

Rice. 69. Extracting boar tusks

After drying, the fangs are degreased with gasoline. It is recommended to fill the inside of the fangs with BF glue (any) and, after holding it inside for 5–10 s, pour it out, repeating this two or three times at intervals of 30 minutes. Before this, the glue is heated in a container with warm water so that it pours out more easily. Instead of BF glue, the inside of the fangs can be filled with epoxy resin of the following composition: 80 parts filler and 20 hardener. Instead of glue, the cavities of the fangs can be filled with tweezers with cotton wool soaked in epoxy resin; after 12 hours the glue hardens, giving them greater strength.

To prevent fangs from deteriorating due to changes in humidity, they can be coated with a thin layer of colorless synthetic varnish. Fangs cannot be bleached.

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Published 05/06/2017 Views: 3

One of the main requirements for the design of trophies of both wild boar and other animals: the trophy must be easily removed from the medallion. This unwritten rule primarily applies to those trophies that will be evaluated by experts or intended for display at exhibitions. In these cases, the owner of the trophy needs to do everything so that the experts can easily and effortlessly remove the trophy from the medallion, take the necessary measurements and then just as easily and conveniently attach it back. In the end, whatever trophy the hunter gives for evaluation is the one he wants to get back. But is this possible if, for example, the fangs are glued to the medallion with epoxy resin? Therefore, do not be surprised and do not make a fuss if in this case the experts refuse to evaluate your trophy.

In order to avoid such an unpleasant situation and to ensure that your trophy is perfectly prepared for display, below we present the basic principles of the primary processing of boar tusks.

If you have caught a trophy boar, then you should act like this:

You need to skin the pig's head, removing as much excess meat as possible.

The head must be boiled. In order not to completely cook the upper and lower jaws, you can file them, but you need to keep in mind that on the lower jaw there is only 1/3 of the fang on the outside, and 2/3 is hidden in the bone itself. You need to carefully calculate how much to saw off so as not to damage the fang. The same applies to the upper canines, which are more than half buried in the jaw. It is not recommended to separate the upper and lower jaws before cooking, as the fangs may crack. Under no circumstances should jawbones be chopped - in their “raw” form, fangs are very fragile, especially in the part that is inside the jaw.

The next principle regarding boiling fangs is that the trophy should be placed in cold water. Cooked fangs need to be cooled without removing them from the water. The purpose of this is to get rid of sudden changes in temperature, which will protect the fangs from cracking.

Under no circumstances should you cook a boar's head under pressure in an attempt to shorten the cooking time. Know that in this case the fangs will be damaged irrevocably.

After cooking, the fangs must be separated from the bone. The tusks of an adult boar are simply pulled out, but the tusks of a young boar are usually removed by breaking the jaw bone.

When the fangs are removed from the bone, they need to be cleaned of fat with a simple rag using laundry soap. In no case should you use bleaching powders - they affect the color of the fang, and in this case the trophy is lost as such.

When cleaning is completed, taking into account the experience of many hunters, it is advisable to use the “PVA glue method”. The glue is poured into the fang, they wait a moment, then the excess glue is poured out and they wait until it dries on the inside of the fang. This is done twice. This creates a layer of glue that will prevent the fangs from falling apart if they crack. Then all the free space inside the fang is filled with cotton wool. Top layer Fill the cotton wool with PVA glue, wait until everything dries and... the fangs are ready!

In no case should you follow the example of such “masters” who fill the fangs with epoxy resin, and, in addition, place nails in the resin so that they can be attached to the medallion. As the resin hardens, due to the force of surface tension, the enamel-covered portion of the fang may eventually separate as the resin compresses more than the fang itself. The size of the fang changes (the width decreases) only for the first time. It is not for nothing that this trophy is allowed to be assessed no earlier than two months after extraction. At this time, significant changes occur, and further changes are of little importance.

In addition, it may be advisable, after filling with cotton wool and glue, to dip the fangs in liquid paraffin, or, even better, to dip cotton wool in paraffin and cover the trophy with it to avoid the influence of strong temperature fluctuations on it. A canine treated in this way is protected from the effects of temperature and humidity, however, there have been cases when, after many years, canines treated with paraffin also deteriorated. More value has a microclimate: if the trophy is in a hunting lodge or room where the humidity level is relatively stable, then it will not be damaged in any way, but rooms with central heating are less friendly with trophies.
And finally, about attaching the trophy to the medallion. This can be done without damaging the fangs using decorative loops or other methods, but most importantly, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, the trophy should be easily removed and attached in place.

In Podorov’s taxidermy workshop, at your request, we will produce various trophy craft items from boar tusks. Large assortment, high quality, aesthetics appearancedistinctive features our works of taxidermy art.

Boar - animal symbolism

The wild boar has long been considered a powerful symbolic animal. He has strength, pressure, intelligence, cunning, perseverance. Another name for wild boar is boar. Not every hunter was ready to take on him alone, and only the most courageous, dexterous, and successful were able to defeat such a powerful enemy. Since then, the wild boar has been considered a symbol of military valor. It is also a sign of perseverance in achieving a goal. All these meanings are carried by amulets made from boar tusks.

Quality plus attractiveness

Products made from boar tusks can become interior decorations and a nice gift for both men and women. We will design the craft according to your wishes. This can be either a client’s hunting trophy or a product made from raw materials that we select ourselves. We pay great attention to raw materials and use the highest quality. Today it is not a problem to buy plastic imitation of fangs, animal claws, or “homemade” - real teeth, claws, filled with resin or varnish. However, such inexpensive trinkets are not durable. We use it in the manufacture of products modern technologies. The raw materials are carefully processed and high-quality materials are used.

Range of offers

In addition to the durability and attractiveness of the trophy, we seriously work on the design. In this regard, boar tusks are very convenient and profitable: a huge number of different products can be made from them.

Thus, we offer boar tusks in the form of:

  • amulet - the fang is placed in a frame equipped with a loop for a chain or cord; can be used as a pendant, neck pendant, keychain or other suitable quality;
  • wall decoration - a pair or two pairs of animal fangs are used, this is especially suitable for immortalizing hunting trophies; a wooden or plastic medallion base is made, onto which the fangs themselves are attached, and decorated with appropriate decor.

We decorate products depending on their purpose. Thus, a wall decoration made from fangs will differ depending on the interior in some details that help the product fit more successfully into a particular style of the room. And the design of the amulet is chosen taking into account whether it is made for a man or a woman, the age of the future owner, and in what capacity it will be used. Silver, plastic, wood, leather and other materials can make completely different interesting jewelry from the same blank.

Good to know: Sometimes clients want to order the largest possible fangs, believing that they carry the most powerful energy of a seasoned animal. And simply according to the principle, more means better. In fact, it is worth knowing that boar tusks of 20-22 cm with a width of approximately 25 mm are ideal for trophies. They are characteristic of boars 4-5 years old. Of course, with age, fangs still grow, but broken or worn-down elements are often found. If you need miniature, elegant, sharp fangs, for example, for feminine decoration, then these correspond to the age of a two-year-old pig.

It is important not only to make a high-quality product, which Podorov’s workshop guarantees, but also to store it correctly. Sudden changes in temperature, mechanical damage, excessive humidity, and for wall decorations - direct contact with sun rays. It is necessary to remove dirt and grease in a timely manner without using strong chemicals.
If handled correctly, our taxidermy product will delight its owners for a long time.