Science lesson excursion to the autumn garden. Summary of “excursion to the autumn forest”

Autumn excursion into nature “Visiting the trees.”


    Conduct observations of changes in inanimate nature.

    Learn to find signs of differences between plants in autumn compared to summer.

    Continue to formulate the concepts of “not wildlife", "wildlife", update ideas about life forms plants.

    Teach observation of animal behavior.

    Continue to develop the ability to aesthetically perceive the nature around you. Show children that nature is beautiful in all seasons.

    To form ideas about the ecological connections and dependencies of phenomena and objects of living nature.

    Learn proper collection natural material.

Equipment: folder for collecting leaves, magnifying glass, box or basket for collecting fruits, poster, signal flag.

Conversation on safety precautions and rules of conduct in nature.

Progress of the excursion.

Teacher:- Guys, today we are going for a walk in the park. I received a letter from the “trees” and they invite us to visit them.

colorful park,

colorful garden,

Leaf fall has begun!

The leaves have begun to fall!

Under the guys' feet

The leaves are rustling happily!

Look around at the splendor of colors that surround us, listen to the sounds of nature, the rustling of leaves. I remember the words of the great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin:

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

I am pleased with your farewell beauty -

I love the lush decay of nature,

Forests dressed in scarlet and gold...

What time is the poet writing about?

Children: About autumn.

Teacher: Name words that support your assumption.

Students: Golden clothes of the forest, nature withering.

Teacher: Why do the leaves on the trees turn yellow and then fall off?

Students: Due to cold weather, nutrients stop flowing to the leaves, and the wind tears them off.

Teacher: Guys, pay attention to where the trees are starting to turn yellow. In autumn, the air is cold and therefore the trees begin to turn yellow from the top, where they are less protected from the wind.

Teacher: List everything that relates to nature.

Children: Tree, bush, grass, crow, dog, stone, sky, sun, etc.

Teacher: How many objects have you named, but the trouble is - you forgot that nature is not made by human hands. Let's correct our mistakes and clearly name the objects of nature: clouds, sky, sun, plants, animals.

Teacher: Everything you listed can be divided into 2 groups. Name them.

Children: Inanimate and living nature.

Teacher: I will ask riddles, and you, without naming the answers, tell me what nature they are talking about.

Not a beast, but howling.(Wind)

The lanky man walked, but got stuck in the ground.(Rain)

It burns without fire.(Sun)

Children: These riddles mention inanimate nature - wind, rain, sun.

Teacher: Put your cheeks to the sun. How do you feel?

Students: A little warmth.

Teacher: Remember how you felt the sun in the summer?

Children: The sun was shining very brightly, so it was hot.

Teacher: What position did the sun occupy in the sky in summer?

Students: It was high.

Teacher: How is it located today?

Children: Below, that's why it heats weakly.

Teacher: Guess what it is?

Large, fractional, frequent

And he watered the whole earth.

Students: This rain .

Teacher: For many days now it's raining, “the sky seemed to be leaking.” Compare the duration and temperature of summer and autumn rain.

Students: In autumn it is long and not so warm. And in the summer you can swim in the rain and enjoy the coolness it gives in the heat.

Teacher: Look at the sky. Why can't the sun be seen?

Eagle eagles are flying across the blue sky,

The wings are spread out.

They whispered to the sun.

Children: We see clouds.

Teacher: How often did the clouds float across summer sky? Children: No, rarely.

Teacher: Who do they remind you of?

Teacher: What inanimate object have we not talked about yet? Listen to the hint.

It is unknown where he lives.

If it flies, it bends the trees.

When he whistles, there is a shiver along the river,

You're a mischief maker, but you won't stop.

Children: This wind , if it blows too much, the trees bend and may even break. And when it blows on the water in a river, it ripples. That's why they call him mischievous.

Teacher: Let's draw a conclusion. What changes are happening in inanimate nature in the fall?

Children: The sun shines and warms less, clouds often float across the sky, the wind increases, it rains often, and it becomes cooler.

Teacher: Now let's play. I will read riddles about nature. Whoever guesses who she is talking about must run to “his answer.”

The trunk turns white

The cap turns green.

Standing in white clothes

Dangling earrings.

The child runs to birch and names the signs by which he guessed. (White trunk, hanging branches, earrings).

Teacher: Next riddle .

Girl in a red dress

I went out to say goodbye to autumn,

Autumn spent

I forgot to take off my dress.

Children: This rowan Sign: red fruits. They decorate the tree, so people compare it to a maiden.

Teacher: Here's another mystery .

What kind of girl is this?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

She doesn’t sew anything herself,

And in needles all year round.

Students: This spruce. The sign is needles that are leaves. They do not fall off immediately, but gradually, so the tree is always green.

Teacher: Well done, you guessed all the riddles correctly, and you run very well.

So you called: birch, rowan, spruce. What general word can be used to define them?

Students: These are trees.

Teacher: What identical sign did you see?

Children: One main trunk.

Teacher: Listen carefully to the following riddle.

How young I was - I was white,

And as she got older, she blushed.

Children:Kalina. In spring it bloomed white, but now it bears red fruits.

Teacher: What kind of plant is this?

There is a green bush

With red polka dots,

If you touch it, it will bite.

Students: This rose hip, it now has red fruits and sharp thorns on its stems.

Teacher: What general word can we use to call viburnum, rose hips?

Children:Bush, because they have several stems growing from the ground.

Teacher: Now we will collect the leaves that have fallen from the plants. Look at their color, shape, and the grooves along the edges of the plate. Try to choose, in your opinion, the most beautiful of them. We will put the leaves in newspapers, and then in a herbarium folder and dry them. In the next lessons we’ll play the game: “What plant are these leaves from?” don’t you agree? Then get to work.

Teacher: Now let's check which of you is the most observant. Which tree dropped the most leaves?

Student: I don’t know what the tree is called, but there are “parachutes” hanging on it.

Teacher: These are the fruits interesting shape, we will also collect them in a herbarium. And the plant is called - American maple . You know maples with palmate leaves, find them. Look at them closely and you will see signs of difference.

Teacher: In our subsequent observations, we will find out which plant will be the last to shed its leaves. What is this natural phenomenon called?

Children:Leaf fall.

Teacher: Leaf fall– this is when trees shed their leaves and prepare for the winter cold. The leaves will cover the ground with a continuous carpet and protect the roots of the trees from frost. The ground under the fallen leaves will not freeze deeply, will not become too compacted under the weight of snow, and will retain air, which is very important for the various inhabitants of the soil that loosen the soil and make it fertile. In spring, under fallen leaves, the ground retains the moisture of melted snow longer. Fallen leaves on the ground are not trash; they are needed by the soil and the plants that grow on it.

Leaf fall, leaf fall

Yellow leaves are flying

They rustle underfoot

The park will soon become naked

Teacher: Now let’s play the game “We are autumn leaves.”

We are leaves, we are leaves,

We are autumn leaves.

We were sitting on a branch,

The wind blew and they flew.

(Children stand scattered, hands with leaves raised up - swinging them).

We flew, we flew,

And then we got tired of flying.

The wind stopped blowing -

We all sat down in a circle.

(The children run away different sides, waving the leaves - they squat, raising the leaves above their heads).

The wind suddenly blew again

And he quickly blew away the leaves.

All the leaves have flown

And they sat down quietly on the ground.

(They run up again, waving the leaves, throwing them up, imitating leaf fall).

Teacher: Let's go quietly to the lilac bush. I see living creatures on it. Who is hiding among the leaves?

Student: I see a butterfly and someone who looks like osu.

Teacher: This flower fly. Unlike a butterfly, it has two wings. What else is visible on their body?

Children: Antennae, legs, beautiful coloring.

Teacher: What general word can we use to call these animals?

Children: This insects.

Teacher: Now let's watch this amazing animal. What does it do? Look carefully through the magnifying glass.

Students: Spider weaves his web.

Teacher: Why is he doing this?

Children: It catches flies, small bugs, butterflies, and then eats them.

Teacher: What nature are the animals we saw?

Students: This is living nature, they move, eat, weave webs or build houses.

Teacher: Take a closer look at the green grass. Who's jumping there?

Naughty boy

In a gray army jacket

Snooping around the yard.

Collects crumbs.

Children: Sparrow. He is covered with gray feathers, we live in the yard next to a person.

Teacher: What is he doing?

Children: Pecks grass seeds.

Teacher: The plant is called bird's knotweed, or bird's buckwheat, because many birds love to eat its seeds.

Teacher: What other birds did you see during our excursion?

Our journey into autumn nature is coming to an end. How many different signs have you seen in inanimate and living nature? When you return home from school or walk with friends, try to watch the passing leaves, birds flying to warmer climes, the last insects, listen to the sounds of raindrops and the rustling of leaves and much more that your native nature is rich in. In subsequent lessons, you will talk about everything you see and hear in the natural environment. Finally, listen to the poem.

Summer flashed by quickly,

Ran through the flowers

Wandering somewhere behind the mountains

And he’s bored there without us.

Autumn is knocking on our doors,

And after autumn comes winter

We are not waiting for her, we are not asking for her,

And she goes on her own.

(V. Malikova and L. Nekrasova)

Teacher: Are you and I sad about summer?

Children: Of course, but it will come back in a year. This is the law of nature.

Teacher: So, we have completed a short excursion to our wonderful autumn corner of nature. What did you learn, what amazed you, what did you see and hear in nature? Let's try to draw about this at school. Maybe someone will come up with an idea short story or a fairy tale that we will listen to with pleasure.

Plan - summary of the walk “Visiting the Birch Tree” in a school preparatory group

Goal: to expand children’s understanding of seasonal changes in nature, to teach them to notice changes in plant life in the autumn.

  • 1. Continue to form children’s ideas about changes in nature in different seasons of the year.
  • 2. Consolidate knowledge about characteristic features birch trees in autumn.
  • 4. Arouse interest in the process of observing and studying natural objects.
  • 5. Activate motor activity children.
  • 6. Educate careful attitude to trees as living objects of nature.
  • 7. Cultivate the ability to see the beauty of autumn birches and admire them.
  • 8. Foster hard work and the ability to help adults.

Vocabulary work: leaf fall, fall.

Materials and equipment: outdoor materials (machines, sand sets, jump ropes, hoops, balls); magnifying glasses according to the number of children, ribbon; rope, balls, skittles, leaf silhouettes different trees; children's rakes, buckets, shovels.

Preliminary work:

  • - conversations about autumn, seasonal changes in nature;
  • - observations of trees and shrubs;
  • - excursions to the park;
  • - examination of reproductions of paintings: I. Levitan “ Golden autumn", "Autumn".
  • - reading fiction: I. Sokolov-Mikitov “Falling Leaves”, V. Bianki “Sinichka Calendar”;
  • - learning by heart: K. Balmont “Autumn”, A. Pleshcheev “Autumn has come”;
  • - riddles about trees, about the seasons;
  • - didactic games“Which branch are the babies from?”, “Which tree is the leaf from?”;
  • - productive activities on the theme “Autumn”;

Progress of the walk

Educator. Guys! Remind me what time of year it is? (Autumn). Which one exactly: early, “golden” or late? (Gold). Why is this time of year called this? What is special about it that all people admire the “golden” autumn?

At this time, the leaves on the trees turn different colors.

The leaves shimmer like gold in the sun.

This is very beautiful time year.

Educator: Well done! And now I want to test your ingenuity. Listen to the riddle:

You're standing on a white leg,

There are earrings on the branches.

You treat us with juice,

I will always recognize you

Children. This is a birch tree.

Educator. Right! Let's say hello to her: “Hello, birch!”

  • - Admire how beautiful, slender, tall she is.
  • - How can you call a birch affectionately? (Children's answers: birch tree, birch tree).
  • - Name all the parts of the birch? (Children's answers: root, trunk, branches, leaves, earrings).
  • - What color is the trunk of a birch tree? (Children's answers: white with black spots).
  • - What color are the leaves on the birch tree now? (Yellow, golden, speckled yellow).
  • - What color were they in the summer? (Green).
  • - So why are they golden yellow now?

Children: Autumn has come.

  • - This is how the birch tree prepares for winter.
  • - The leaves turned yellow because they lack sun and warmth.

Educator: It seems to me that the leaves seem to be talking to each other. Let's listen to their rustling:

Guys! We can easily find a birch tree by its white trunk with black spots. Do you know that the black spots are the “mouth” of the birch through which it breathes. I suggest going up to a birch tree and stroking its bark.

  • -What is she like? Hard or soft, wet or dry, smooth or rough? (Children's answers)
  • - Look, are there any cracks on the birch? Let's look at them through a magnifying glass. (Children use a magnifying glass to examine the birch trunk).
  • - Do you think anyone can live in these cracks? (Insects).
  • -Have you seen them now? (No). Where are they?

Children: The insects hid from the cold in a crack in the bark.

The insects fell asleep until spring.

Educator: Can we say that birch is a home for insects? (Yes).

What benefits does it bring to people?

  • - In summer it protects us from the sun, wind,
  • - Furniture, dishes, toys, and paper are made from birch.

Educator: Correct! Birch gives us its healing power: heals people from many diseases, calms, relieves fatigue. No wonder people call it the “tree of kindness.” But not every person can receive help from her, but only those who love her, believe her and treat her with affection. You need to be kind and generous and the birch tree will love you.

Do you want to make friends with a birch tree? (Yes). Then stroke its bark, press your cheek to it, hug it.

Guys! Birch is considered one of the most beautiful trees. Round dances are performed around her. And how many songs and poems have been composed about her. Listen to the poem. (E. Trutneva “Summer flies away.”)

Suddenly it became twice as bright

The yard is like in the sun's rays.

This dress is golden

On the birch tree's shoulders...

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling like rain.

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly...

Cobwebs fly by

With spiders in the middle.

And high from the ground

The cranes flew by.

Everyone is flying!

This must be

Our summer is flying away.

Educator: Birch is also called the tree of wish fulfillment. I suggest you touch the ribbon and make a wish, just don’t tell anyone about it, otherwise it won’t come true. (Children make a wish)

  • - And now I’ll tie it to a birch branch. I really hope that the birch tree will fulfill your wishes, that you will grow up kind and sensitive, healthy and strong.
  • - Children! Wherever the birch tree grows, it brings joy to people everywhere, but how should we treat it? (Children's answers: be careful, do not break branches, pick leaves, etc.).

Educator: Guys, tell me why the leaves fall? (Trees are preparing for winter).

  • - What does the word “leaf fall” mean? (Children's answers.)
  • - Do plants need fallen leaves? (Children's answers)

Educator: Yes, fallen leaves rot over the winter, fertilize the soil and provide food to the trees, and also useful substances for growth.

Let's dig a hole and collect fallen leaves from the paths, and then fill it up. Why do we do this, do you think? (Children's answers).

Educator: You did a good job, well done! Now it's time to play interesting game, which is called “Such a leaf, fly to me.” Take a piece of paper each and be very careful. Whoever has a maple (birch, rowan) leaf - fly to me.

Children run up and say the words:

We are leaves, we are leaves,

We sat on branches

The wind blew and they flew.

We flew, we flew.

And then you got tired of flying!

The breeze has stopped blowing -

We all sat down in a circle.

Individual work on movement development:

  • - rolling the ball between objects;
  • - walking on a rope with an extended step.

Independent activity of children.

Summing up the walk.

Excursion - observing the birch tree

Zimenko Tamara Aleksandrovna, teacher of the highest qualification category MBDOU "Cherlaksky" kindergarten No. 2", Omsk region, Cherlak settlement
Description of material: The summary will be useful to kindergarten teachers and parents.
Mastering ideas about autumn changes in wildlife, in the life of plants and animals in connection with the arrival of autumn.
1. Continue to develop the ability to recognize the most characteristic phenomena wildlife inherent in autumn;
2. Develop the ability to observe, compare, systematize and classify;
3. Cultivate love for native nature, instill the basics of ecological culture.
- Garbage collection bags, gloves.
- Drinking water, wet wipes, first aid kit.
- Folders for plants - 2.
- Baskets for cones, leaves - 4.
Educator:- Guys, we came on an excursion to autumn forest and learn a lot about the life of nature at this time of year. Let's remember the rules of behavior in the forest.
Children name the rules of conduct in the forest:
- don't make noise,
- walk along the path,
- do not tear plants,
- do not break branches of trees and bushes,
- do not destroy nests and anthills, etc.
Arriving in the forest, the teacher and the children choose a convenient clearing, look around, and relax.
Educator:- Children, what time of year is it now?

Children:- Autumn.
Educator:- How did you guess?
Children:- The trees and grass turned yellow, it became cool.
Educator:- Well done! What other signs of autumn do you know?
Children:- Frequent rains, leaf fall, first frosts, birds flying away warm regions, the days are getting shorter, the sun is shining, but it is weakly warm.
Educator:- That's right, guys, you named a lot of signs of autumn. Guys, autumn is a very beautiful time of year! Despite the fact that nature has begun to prepare for winter, everything around is painted in bright, rich, cheerful colors - yellow, red, orange leaves appear on the trees. The first autumn month has arrived - September. It is called “the song of autumn” and “golden flower”. And autumn is also called an artist! Listen to a poem about autumn:
Knitted an Autumn colorful apron
And she took buckets of paints.
Early in the morning, walking through the park,
I circled the leaves with gold.

Educator:- Guys, let's breathe clean air, the aroma of birches, let's look around and admire the beauty of autumn.
Now let's play!

Game “What do we see around?”
You need to name in one word what children see around them (sky, sun, trees, bushes, birds, anthill).
You need to speak quickly and not repeat words said by other children.

Game "What is which?"
Children take turns naming an object and its property: the sky is blue, the path is long, the pebble is rough, the earth is warm.

Game "Kind words".
Remind you that there are many kind words, they need to be spoken more often to adults and children. Come up with different words for hemp, grass, birds, birch, poplar.
The teacher offers to listen to a poem about a birch tree.
Scattered across the lawn
A carefree, light flock,
Like teenage girls
White-trunk birch trees.
They joined hands, and so -
The round dance began to spin.
Educator:- Guys, look how many birches there are in this forest. Please come to the birch tree. Hug her, tell her that she is beautiful, and in return she will give you a lot of energy and strength.
Educator:- And now we will remember from which trees the leaves fell, which I will show you. The teacher shows the leaves to the children various trees, the children name which tree the leaf came from.
Game "Run to the tree."
The teacher names trees and bushes, children find them in the clearing and run up to them. (birch, aspen, rosehip)
Educator:- Guys, in this forest there are trees that have leaves. Tell me, what is the name of such a forest? (deciduous) Do all the trees in the forest have leaves?
Children:- No. Christmas trees and pine trees have green needles - needles that do not change their color either in winter or in summer. These trees are called - coniferous trees, but they are not in this forest.
Educator:- Guys, let's remember how animals prepare for winter in the fall?
- The bear is preparing to hibernate.
- The hare changes its fur from gray, summer - to white, winter and warmer.
- The hedgehog is preparing for hibernation.
- The squirrel is stocking up.
Educator:- Guys, let's listen. What can we hear around? Children listen and say what they heard. We hear many sounds, especially the cry of birds, migratory birds going south. Let's play and turn into birds.
Outdoor game “Migration of birds”.
Educator:- Guys, let's also prepare for winter and stock up on natural materials that will be useful to us in winter for making various crafts. (Children collect fallen leaves of various colors and beautiful twigs.)
What a great fellow you are! Thank you all very much for a pleasant excursion and for your good work.

(section Cognition)

The children of the group, their parents, and the teacher participated.


  • develop the ability to see and feel the beauty of our native Russian nature;
  • cultivate love for native nature, instill the basics of ecological culture;
  • develop the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, and draw conclusions;
  • create a healing effect nervous system child through aesthetic experiences and strengthening of physical health;
  • create conditions for the assimilation of ideas about autumn changes in wildlife, in the life of plants and animals in connection with the arrival of autumn.


  • teach to recognize the most characteristic phenomena of living nature inherent in autumn;
  • develop general educational and research skills: observation, comparison, systematization and classification;
  • to form ecological consciousness, an idea of ​​the interconnection of living nature objects.



Walk-excursion into the autumn forest" Amazing world nature"

(section Cognition)

Children of the 11th group, their parents, and teacher participated.


  1. develop the ability to see and feel the beauty of our native Russian nature;
  2. cultivate love for native nature, instill the basics of ecological culture;
  3. develop the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, and draw conclusions;
  4. to form a healing effect of the child’s nervous system through aesthetic experiences and strengthening physical health;
  5. create conditions for the assimilation of ideas about autumn changes in wildlife, in the life of plants and animals in connection with the arrival of autumn.


  1. teach to recognize the most characteristic phenomena of living nature inherent in autumn;
  2. develop general educational and research skills: observation, comparison, systematization and classification;
  3. to form ecological consciousness, an idea of ​​the interconnection of living nature objects.

Preparing excursion equipment:

  1. Route plan, compass.
  2. Garbage collection bags, gloves.
  3. Drinking water, wet wipes, first aid kit.
  4. Folders for plants - 2.
  5. Baskets for cones, leaves - 4.
  6. Bread for feeding ducks.

Progress of the excursion.

I. Organizational part. Updating basic knowledge:


Guys, good afternoon! I am very glad to meet you! Today we will take a walk-excursion into the autumn forest and learn a lot about the life of nature at this time of year. First, let’s remember the rules of conduct in the forest.

The guys name the rules of behavior in the forest: walk along the path, do not make noise, do not tear plants, do not break branches, do not destroy nests and anthills, etc.Next, students and pupils with a teacher take a walk-excursion into the autumn forest.

Having arrived at the place, the adults and the teacher, together with the children, choose a convenient clearing and put their backpacks in one place. They are resting.

Conversation in the forest, the teacher begins by reading V. Rozhdestvensky’s poem “When you enter the forest, fragrant and cool...”.


Children, what time of year is it now?



Educator: How did you guess?


The trees and grass turned yellow.

Educator: Well done! What other signs of autumn do you know?

Children: Frequent rains, first frosts, leaf fall, birds flying away.

Organizing games with parents and children.

  1. Game "What do we see?" Describe in one word what they see around (sky, sun, trees). You need to speak quickly and not repeat words said by others.
  2. Game “What is it? " Children take turns naming an object and its property: the sky is blue, the path is long, the pebble is rough, the earth is warm.
  3. Game "Kind words". Emphasize that there are many kind words, they should be spoken more often to adults and children. Come up with different words for birch, poplar, hemp, grass, bird.
  4. Outdoor game “Migration of birds”.


Guys, let's breathe in the clean air, the bitter, pungent aroma of birch trees, listen to the silence, stand quietly and listen to nature.

Children listen and say what they heard.

The teacher offers to listen to a poem about a birch tree.

Scattered across the lawn

A carefree, light flock,

Like teenage girls

White-trunk birch trees.

They joined hands, and so -

The round dance began to spin.

Educator: Guys, please come to the birch tree. Hug her, tell her she's beautiful.

Competition for children and parents “Say as much as possible” beautiful words about birch."

Children together with their parents perform the round dance “There was a birch tree in the field.”


Let's look carefully again at who is in the trees and near the trees?


Birds, squirrel.


What can they do on trees and around trees? How can animals and plants and trees be connected?


Animals get food from trees, birds hide in trees, build nests on branches and in hollows.


Fine! Animals benefit from plants, but what about plants?

Children: Probably nothing.

Educator: A

Is this true or not? Listen to my story(tell about the life of plants and animals in the forest).

Educator: Who helps spread maple seeds?




What are the fruits of oak called?




Who helps spread the fruits of the oak tree?




Who helps distribute rowan fruits?


Blackbirds and other birds.


Well done, you remember well!

Stage II - learning new material.


Guys, look around, listen to the forest silence, admire the beauty of the autumn landscape. What autumn sounds do you hear? Stand with your back against the trunk of an oak tree and listen to the sounds of autumn. Tell us about them so that we can hear them too.


The leaves rustle underfoot, the birds chatter sadly, the breeze barely rustles the leaves, and a mouse rustles.


What music suits this fall?


Calm and sad.

Educator: How do you feel about the autumn forest? How can you say in poetry about the beauty of autumn leaves?Children read by heart lines from poems by I. Bunin, V. Semenov, A. Pushkin.

Educator: And now we will remember from which trees the leaves fell, which I will show you.The teacher shows the children the leaves of various trees, the children name which tree the leaf comes from.

The game is being played “We are autumn leaves.” Children stand in a circle with leaves in their hands, say and make movements: “We are leaves, we are leaves, we are autumn leaves, we were sitting on branches, the wind blew - we flew (children run away). We flew , we were flying, and then we were tired of flying. The wind stopped blowing - we all sat down in a circle, (the children squatted, raising the leaves above their heads), the wind suddenly blew again and the leaves quickly blew away, (the children ran away, waving the leaves). and sat quietly on the ground (the children throw the leaves up and watch where they fall).

Educator: Do all the trees in the forest have leaves?

Children: No. Christmas trees and pine trees have green needles - needles that do not change their color either in winter or in summer. These trees are called coniferous trees, they have a coniferous smell (let you smell the smell of a spruce branch).

Educator: That's right, there is even such a riddle: In winter and summer, one color (Christmas tree).

What can you call the rest of the trees?

Children: Deciduous trees because they don't have needles, but leaves!

Educator: Let's take a walk along the forest paths and see what conifers and deciduous trees grow in the forest.


Our tour of the autumn forest continues, let's talk about the life of animals in the fall, how do these animals prepare for winter in the fall? Let's start with the bear.


The bear is preparing to hibernate.




The hare changes its fur from gray, summer - to white, winter and warmer.




The hedgehog is preparing to hibernate.

Educator: Squirrel.


The squirrel is stocking up.


On our excursion, we not only observed, noticed, looked and listened, but also collected natural material: fallen leaves of different colors, cones, acorns, chestnuts.The collection of natural material is necessary in the future for conducting creative hours in the group.

Stage III - consolidation and primary control of what has been learned.


Now let’s summarize the excursion! Today we studied changes in nature that occur at what time of year?


In autumn.


Autumn can be distinguished from other seasons by what phenomena?


Frequent rains, first frosts, short days, leaf fall, flight of some birds to the south, abundance of mushrooms in the forest.


What happens to trees in autumn?


They change the color of foliage, shed leaves, and spread seeds with the help of animals and the wind.


How do animals behave in the fall?


They change their fur to a warmer one, some change color, prepare for hibernation, and make supplies for the winter.


What a great fellow you are! Thank you all very much for a pleasant excursion and for your good work.

Stage IV - homework.


At home, guys, dry the leaves with an iron through a newspaper and use them to make a beautiful applique on the theme “Autumn Nature” on a sheet of paper.

SIGNS OF AUTUMN (plan - outline of an excursion into nature) Objectives:     to introduce children to the features of nature in autumn, the changes that occur in the plant and animal world; develop the ability to observe plants and animals in the autumn; cultivate a love for the nature of the native land; expand your horizons, vocabulary, the range of ideas on this topic. Equipment and design: notebook (notebook) for notes and sketches, pencil (pen), instruction cards, camera, boxes, jars, small bags, excursion magnifying glasses. Location of the excursion: surroundings of the school (forest plantation, stream). Preparing the teacher for the excursion: 1. Plan an excursion route to places with different vegetation: forest, roadside, coastal (to show the learning features of the withering nature of different biocenoses). 2. Prepare plant identification cards. 3. Have a conversation about nature conservation. 4. Introduce students to works of literature and painting that glorify the beauty of nature (M. Prishvin, F. Tyutchev, A. Fet, I. Levitan, etc.). Preparing students for the excursion: 1. Talk with students about the different periods of autumn (weather patterns, changes in flora and fauna, the beauty of fading nature, issues of its protection). 2. Introduce three new concepts about autumn and indicate the timing of their onset: “calendar autumn”, “astronomical”, “biological”. 3. Instruct students to prepare characteristics of each period of autumn (September, October, November). 4. Prepare children to perceive nature, draw attention to the objects of the “forest” ecosystem. Develop the ability to behave correctly in nature. PROGRESS OF THE EXCURSION: 1. Organizational moment beginning of the lesson - excursions: . Game "Mirror": look at your friend. Is he ready for the excursion? . Game “Count the hats”, “Count the buttons”, “Count the scarves”, “Count the pockets”. A. Opening remarks. Teacher: Guys, today I want to take a journey into nature, a journey that is not simple, but magical. Listen carefully to the poem and guess where we will travel today: Falling leaves are wandering in the grove Through forests and maples. Soon he will look into the garden with a golden ringing sound. Let's assemble a fan from the leaves, Bright and beautiful. The wind will run through the leaves, light and playful. And obediently the leaves followed the Birds and flew away... Teacher: Can you guess what time of year this poem is about? (Autumn.) That's right guys, I invite you to an excursion called “Autumn” B. Repeat TB on the excursion. Teacher: But first, let's remember how to behave on an excursion: 1. We must observe discipline and rules of conduct on the road. 2. Do not taste any berries, plants, or mushrooms. 3. Do not touch unfamiliar suspicious objects. 4. You cannot break branches or tear up plants. 5. You cannot pick up or throw sticks or stones. Teacher: Well done guys. We remembered the rules safe behavior and now we can begin our journey 2. The main part. A. Updating the students’ previously studied experience: Teacher: Now guys, look around you. And tell me, what is autumn like? (Bring out the definition of early / late) - What can we say about early autumn? What is it like, what is happening in nature at this time? How early autumn called something else? (leaves are yellow, red, orange, leaves are falling, birds are going south, the days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer). - Why do birds fly south? (insects hibernate, there is nothing to eat) - What happens in nature late autumn? (It’s getting cold, the days have become short, the night is long, the birds have flown away, the first snow is falling, the sun is not warming, it’s cold). Teacher: Well done, you know a lot about autumn. Game “Name the Sign” Guys, I will now name natural phenomena for you, and you must form signs from them, for example: Wind - windy Rain - rainy Cloud - cloudy Fog - foggy Cold - cold. B. Game-exercise “Don’t lose a couple” “Children walk one after another in pairs, holding hands. At a signal, they quickly lower their hands and continue to walk side by side, not lagging behind and not overtaking each other. After the second signal, they join hands again and continue walking.” B. The story is an observation about autumn. Teacher: Let's walk a little and see what color is autumn? Look to your left and tell me what color are the leaves on this tree? - They are still green. Now look to the right and tell me what color are the leaves on this tree? (Yellow, golden.) Due to the yellow, golden leaves on the birch tree, autumn is called “golden”. Let's all say together: “Golden Autumn.” Teacher: Autumn is the time of ripening seeds and harvesting. Yellow color is a symbol of autumn. The sunny attire of gardens, parks and forests gave this time of year its name - golden autumn. Except yellow Autumn landscapes are characterized by gray and crimson colors. And it is very interesting to observe how nature, using the same colors, paints first a joyful, bright, sunny landscape, then a sad and tender one, and finally a dull, gloomy and dull one. - How have changes in inanimate nature affected the life of insects? (There are fewer of them) - Butterflies die with the first autumn cold, only the eggs they lay overwinter. Many insects climb under the bark of trees, into the cracks of buildings, and overwinter there. The ants are not visible; they gather in the depths of the anthill and close the entrances to it. The entire population of the bumblebee family dies out, leaving only young bumblebees, which will build a new nest in the spring. - September is the month of “bird flocks”. Why? (Children's answers) - There are fewer insects, so birds fly away - swallows, swifts, since they feed only on insects. Other birds change their flight to warmer climes: cranes, rooks, and cuckoos. The last to fly away are geese, ducks and swans. As long as the reservoirs are not frozen, they have enough food. D. Dynamic pause. Teacher: Oh, guys, it’s getting cold! Let's warm our hands. Let's clench our hands into fists and wait a little. We will blow on our palms, we will blow all the snowflakes off them. We will take each finger and press it hard. (Children perform movements corresponding to the text). D. Finger gymnastics “Autumn Leaves” One, two, three, four, five. (Bend the fingers, starting with the thumb.) We will collect the leaves. (They clench and unclench their fists.) We will collect birch leaves, rowan leaves, maple leaves, aspen leaves, oak leaves, Mama autumn bouquet we'll take it. (“They walk” with their fingers.) D. Game “I believe - I don’t believe” The teacher reads out the statements. Students listen carefully. They answer “I believe” if the statement is true, “I don’t believe” if it is false. - We are walking through the forest in the fall and see snowdrops blooming under the trees (“I don’t believe it”) - Cranberries hanging on the trees (“I don’t believe it”), - Mushrooms drying (“I don’t believe it”), - They are sitting among yellow leaves swallows sing songs (“I don’t believe it”). - The dog barked (“I believe”) and jumped out of the grass white hare(“I don’t believe”) - At the same time, he scared the lark (“I don’t believe”) - And the partridge, which rose high into the sky and sang songs (“I don’t believe”), - And the bunny jumped into the water (“I don’t believe”), - I dived into my house (“I don’t believe it”), climbed into a soft bed and only then calmed down, fell asleep for the whole winter (“I don’t believe it”). E. GROUP WORK. Labor activity (in accordance with the individual developmental characteristics of pupils). 1st group - collecting seeds, cones, acorns. 2nd group - collecting leaves from trees and bushes. Group 3 - observation of insect behavior and its description. 4th group - observation of something unusual that will be noticed during the excursion, and description. Teacher: Collecting leaves. Clarification from which tree and what color leaves the children collected. Exercise “Make a bouquet.” Children make a composition of leaves, alternating them by color. 3. Summing up the excursion. - Guys, now you know why autumn is called yellow and golden? (Children's answers.) - What did you like and what did you remember about our excursion? - Well done guys, you all answered well today and worked hard. Homework: tell your parents about your impressions on the excursion, pay attention to the colors of autumn, its signs; Find riddles and books about autumn in the library. Card No. 1. 1. There are 10 tits on a branch. 6 tits flew away. How many are left? 2.Artyom has 9 kopecks. He found 1 kopeck. How many has it become? 3. There are 9 boys in the class and 4 fewer girls. How many girls? 4. There are 6 books on the table, and 2 more notebooks. How many notebooks? 5.Kostya received 5 ratings. Of these, 4 are A's. How many fours? 6. Kostya received 1 “A” in mathematics, 2 more “A”s in reading, and 1 more “A” in music. How many ratings are there in total? 7. Lyuba has 3 stamps, Lena has 7 stamps. How much less does Lyuba have than Lena? Card No. 3. 1. Borya bought 8 stamps. He lost 4 marks. How many are left? 2. Lena received 6 A's, then another 3. How many in total? 3. There are 3 roses in the vase, and 2 more lilies. How many lilies? 4. 8 ducklings are going to the river, and there are 2 less ducks. How many ducks? 5. There are only 7 candies in the package. Of these, 1 is toffee. How many chocolate ones? 6. Misha and Vanya have only 9 lollipops. Misha ate 4 lollipops, and Vanya the same amount. How many are left? 7.Lily has 3 chocolates and 1 lollipop. How many more chocolates are there than candies? Card No. 2. 1. There were 8 candies. Petya ate 2 candies. How many are left? 2. There are 5 pears and 3 oranges on the table. How much in total? 3. Timur has 6 books, and Alina has 2 more. How much does Alina have? 4. We subscribed to 3 newspapers and 2 fewer magazines. How many magazines? 5. There are 10 flowers in a vase. Of these, 3 are tulips and the rest are roses. How many roses? 6. There are 3 flowers in a vase, 4 more flowers were put in, and 2 flowers withered. How many are left? 7. There are 5 roses in the vase and 4 tulips. How many more roses than tulips? Card No. 4. 1. There were 10 chickens. 3 ran away. How many are left? 2. Petya has 7 kopecks, Vova has 2 kopecks. How much in total? 3. Eli has 5 candies, and Arthur has 1 less. How much does Arthur have? 4. There are 5 pears in the bag, and 3 more in the bag. How much is in the bag? 5. There are 5 cats in the yard. Of these, 1 is red, the rest are gray. How many gray kittens? 6. There were 7 kittens. 2 kittens left and 3 came. How many has it become? 7. There are 7 kittens and 5 puppies in the yard. Who is more and by how much? Card No. 5. 1. There were 7 cups. 2 were broken. How many are left? 2. There are 4 crows and the same number of sparrows on the branch. How much in total? 3. Diana is 7 years old, and Vitya is 1 year younger than Diana. How old is Vita? 4. The store sold 8 irons and 2 more lamps. How many lamps did you sell? 5. There are only 7 trees in the park. Of these, 3 are linden. How many birches? 6. There were 4 trees in the park. First they planted 2 birch trees, then the same number. How many has it become? 7. There are 6 birches and 2 aspens in the park. How many fewer aspens than birches? Card number 6. 1.Vova has 7 postcards. He gave Misha 3 postcards. How many are left? 2. There are 7 birds on the tree. 3 more arrived. How many are there? 3. There are 2 books on the first shelf, and 5 more on the second. How many books are on the second shelf? 4.Lida is 5 years old, Anton is 2 years younger than Lida. How old is Anton? 5. There are 10 children in the class. Of these, 6 are boys. How many girls? 6. There are 10 children in the class. 5 people left and 3 entered. How many has it become? 7. There are 9 boys and 10 girls in the class. How many more girls than boys? Card No. 7. 1. The coat had 6 buttons. 3 came off. How many are left? 2.Ilya ate 4 apples and 3 pears. How much in total? 3. Sveta lives on the 3rd floor, and Kolya lives 1 floor above. What floor does Kolya live on? 4. There are 10 breams in the lake, and 2 less perches. How many perches? 5. Vasya had 10 kopecks. After he bought the notebook, he had 7 kopecks left. How much does a notebook cost? 6. Vasya had 10 kopecks. He bought a notebook for 4 kopecks and a notepad for 5 kopecks. How many kopecks are left? 7. Lena has 5 rubles, Yulia has 9 rubles. Who has more and by how much? Card No. 8. 1. There are 8 plums in a plate. Kostya ate 2 plums. How many are left? 2. There are 6 roses and 3 peonies growing in the garden. How many flowers are there in total? 3. There are 5 cabinets in the classroom and 2 fewer windows. How many windows are there in the classroom? 4. There are 4 books on the top shelf, and 3 more on the bottom shelf. How many books are on the bottom shelf? 5. There were several shovels in the barn. When 3 shovels were taken, 5 shovels remained. How many shovels were there in the shed at first? 6. Denis had 2 pencils. Timur gave Denis 2 more pencils, and Anna 3 pencils. How many pencils does Denis have? 7. There are 10 tulips and 5 roses in a vase. What more and by how much? Card number 9. 1. It was 10 kopecks. We spent 4 kopecks. How many are left? 2. The car has 4 wheels. How many wheels do two cars have? 3. Kolya is 9 years old, and Igor is 2 years younger. How old is Igor? 4. Kids are playing in the yard. There are 5 girls and 1 more boys. How many boys? 5.Total 7 pencils. Of these, 3 are red. How many blue ones? 6.Vova had 7 pencils. 1 he lost. Then he bought 4 more pencils. How many has it become? 7. Vova had 7 blue pencils and 2 red ones. How many fewer reds are there than blues? Card number 10. 1. There were 8 balls. 3 burst. How many are left? 2. Katya has 3 yellow balls and 4 green ones. How much in total? 3. Roman has 9 pencils, and Danil has 1 more. How much does Danil have? 4. There are 6 bells in the bouquet, and 1 less daisies. How many daisies? 5. There are 8 vegetables in the plate. Of these, 4 are cucumbers. How many tomatoes? 6. There were 8 vegetables in the plate. First we ate 2 cucumbers, then 3 tomatoes. How many are left? 7. There are 8 cucumbers and 5 tomatoes in a plate. How many more cucumbers than tomatoes? Card No. 11. 1. There are 10 dirty spoons on the table. 5 spoons washed. How many are left? 2. Santa Claus gave Yulia 3 chocolates and the same number of sweets. How much in total? 3. There are 8 planes in the sky, and 3 less helicopters. How many helicopters? 4.Ole is 6 years old, Seryozha is 2 years older. How old is Seryozha? 5.Mitya has 7 balls. 2 of them are large. How many little ones? 6. Mitya had 7 balls. 1 burst, 2 flew away. How many are left? 7. Mitya has 3 large balls and 4 small ones. How many fewer large balls are there than small ones? Card number 12. 1. The teacher has 10 notebooks. 8 she has already checked. How many are left? 2.Danil drank 4 cups of tea first, then 1 more. How many in total? 3. Artyom made 6 crafts, and Stas made 1 less. How many crafts did Stas make? 4. Sveta is 7 years old. Yura is 3 years older than Sveta. How old is Yura? 5.Petya caught only 5 fish. Of these, 3 are perch. How many bream? 6. Petya caught 5 fish, then the same number. Mom made soup from 3 fish. How many are left? 7.Petya caught 3 perch and 10 bream. How many more bream than perch? Card number 13. 1. The postman has 8 letters. He distributed 5 letters. How many are left? 2. There are 4 hares in the clearing. 2 more arrived. How many are there? 3. Vera lives on the 5th floor, and Yulia lives 2 floors above. What floor does Yulia live on? 4. Our house has 5 floors. The house next door is 4 floors higher. How many floors are there in the neighboring house? 5. There are 9 people on the bus. Of these, 5 are men. How many women? 6. The chicken laid 10 eggs. The mouse broke 4 eggs, but the chicken still laid 3 eggs. How many has it become? 7. The postman has 4 letters and 3 magazines. What more and by how much? Card number 14. 1.There were 9 colors. 4 wilted. How many are left? 2. There are 8 books on the first shelf. On the second - 2. How many in total? 3. Vasya has 7 flags, and Anton has 3 less. How much does Anton have? 4. They brought 5 turnips from the garden, and 1 more carrots. How many carrots? 5. There were 10 eggs. The mouse ran and broke several eggs. 8 eggs left. How many eggs did the mouse break? 6. There were 5 people on the bus. 3 people left and 8 people entered. How many has it become? 7. There are 9 men and 3 women on the bus. How many fewer women are there than men? Card No. 15. 1.Vitya learned 4 poems. 3 he forgot. How many are left? 2Lena is 4 years old. How old will Lena be in 2 years? 3. Lyuba lives on the 10th floor, and Yura lives 4 floors below. Which floor does Yura live on? 4. There are 4 apple trees in the garden, and 3 more raspberry bushes. How many raspberry bushes? 5. There are 10 officers traveling in the carriage: 4 of them are majors, and the rest are captains. How many captains? 6. There are 7 passengers in the carriage. 1 entered, 5 left. How many left? 7. There are 3 apple trees and 5 pear trees in the garden. What more and by how much? Card number 16. 1. There are 6 people on the bus. 4 left. How many are left? 2. Marat invited 2 girls and 3 boys to his birthday. How much in total? 3. Volodya lives on the 4th floor, and Olya lives 3 floors above. On what floor does Olya live? 4. There are 6 oak trees in the park, and 2 fewer spruce trees. How many firs? 5.Mom baked 8 pies: 3 of them with cabbage. How much with jam? 6. Mom baked 8 pies. Nadya ate 2, Yulia ate the same amount. How many are left? 7. There are 6 oaks and 10 birches in the park. What more and by how much? Card No. 17. 1. There were 9 children. 2 boys left. How many are left? 2. There are 5 girls and 4 boys in the class. How much in total? 3. Darina is 7 years old, and Olya is 2 years older. How old is Ole? 4. We bought 10 oranges and 3 less lemons. How many lemons did you buy? 5. There are 6 birds on the branch. Of these, 3 are crows. How many tits? 6. There were 3 tits on the branch. 4 more arrived, and 2 flew away. How many are left? 7. There are 3 crows and 5 tits on the branch. How many more tits are there than crows? Card No. 18. 1. Grandmother baked 8 pies. Sasha ate 3 pies. How many are left? 2. 7 stars lit up in the sky. Then another 3 stars. How many stars are there in the sky? 3. There are 3 roses in the vase, and 3 more asters. How many asters are there in a vase? 4. There are 7 tits on the tree, and 5 fewer crows. How many crows are there on a tree? 5. There are only 8 mushrooms in the basket. Of these, 6 are edible, and the rest are toadstools. How many toadstools are in the basket? 6. The chicken laid 8 eggs. The mouse broke 3 eggs, then the chicken laid 4 more eggs. How many has it become? 7. The chicken laid 8 gold and 3 plain eggs. Which eggs are there more and by how many? Card No. 19. 1.The book has 9 pages. Kolya read 4 pages. How many are left? 2. There are 3 carnations and 2 daisies in a vase. How much in total? 3.The length of the notebook is 9 centimeters, and the width is 2 centimeters shorter. What is the width? 4. There is 1 crocodile in the zoo, and 2 more hippos. How many hippos? 5. There are 8 planes at the airfield. Several flew away, 4 remained. How many planes flew away? 6. There are 8 planes at the airfield. 2 arrived, 5 flew away. How many are left? 7. There are 9 planes and 3 helicopters at the airfield. How many more airplanes are there than helicopters? Card number 20. 1. There are 7 stars in the sky. 4 stars went out. How many are left? 2. There are 6 toys on the Christmas tree. Lada hung 1 more. How many are there? 3.Petya ate 4 pears, and Katya ate 1 more. How much did Katya eat? 4. Kolya is 9 years old, Olya is 4 years younger than Kolya. How old is Ole? 5. There are 7 berries on the plate. Of these, 3 are cherries. How many plums? 6. There are 7 berries on the plate. Vova ate 3 berries, Nastya ate 2 berries. How many are left? 7. There are 8 cherries and 5 plums on the plate. How many fewer plums are there than cherries? Card number 21. 1. There were 10 tomatoes. We made a salad out of 2. How many are left? 2. Nastya has 5 stamps. Vera has the same amount. How much in total? 3. Lena is 5 years old, and Lilya is 2 years older. How old is Lila? 4. There are 6 rubles in the left pocket, and 1 ruble less in the right pocket. How many rubles are in the right pocket? 5.Ira collected 8 mushrooms. 2 of them are toadstools. How many edible mushrooms are there? 6.Ira collected 2 mushrooms, then found 4 more mushrooms, and threw away 1 toadstool. How many are left? 7. There are 8 porcini mushrooms and 2 toadstools in the basket. How many fewer toadstools are there than porcini mushrooms?