Younger, calm, flexible. Askold Zapashny

The famous predator trainer, the younger brother from the circus Zapashny dynasty. Askold is a fourth generation circus artist, Honored and People's Artist of Russia. Together with his older brother Edgar, he specializes in training wild animals.

Askold Zapashny. Biography

Askold Zapashny born in Kharkov in 1977. He is one year and two months younger than Edgar. Askold entered a cage with tigers for the first time at the age of 10. All childhood Zapashny brothers took place behind the scenes of the circus.

At school, the Zapashny brothers studied together, and due to the fact that Askold was a year younger, he had to work hard on his textbooks so as not to fall behind in the class. Since the Zapashny circus toured all over Soviet Union, then the boys had to change many schools in ten years. But after receiving certificates, their father took up their circus education. He taught them acrobatics, balancing act, juggling and training.

Debut Askold Zapashny took place on stage in Riga in 1988. At that time he was already actively working with animals. But neither he nor Edgar remember the real first time.

Edgard and I don’t remember the first time we went to the arena. According to interviews with relatives and my mother, it turned out that my brother was seven and I was six years old. But again, this is not a fact. And there are no photographs confirming our “debut”.

In 1991, the Zapashny family moved to China, where they were offered a lucrative contract. Especially for circus dynasty and their animals, the Chinese authorities built a summer circus. Ibid. Askold and Edgar changed their image, becoming blondes. So they began to differ sharply from the public there.

Askolda and Edgar began their careers by creating their own “Zapashny Brothers Circus”. In 2012, the artists began touring with their program “K.U.K.L.A.”, in which Askold Zapashny was the scriptwriter and production director.

Askold Zapashny: “The reason I love the circus is that, on the one hand, it has stereotypes, and on the other, it is limitless. The circus does not limit itself, it is limited by people.”

According to the trainer himself, he is proud that he was born into the family of an acrobat who found himself in the circus and proved to everyone that he could tame any animal.

In 2012, Askold Zapashny was awarded the honorary title of People's Artist of Russia.

In 2013 Askold Zapashny took part in the filming of the film “12 Months”, as well as in the program “Ice Age”, where he skated together with Maria Petrova. In addition, in one of the episodes of the program “Empire of Illusions: The Safronov Brothers” (February 2015), Askold appeared as an illusionist, participated in the TV game “One Hundred to One”, played cameo roles in the sketch show “KhB” on the TNT channel and in the film -fairy tale “12 months”, starred in a small role in the biopic “Margarita Nazarova”.

My dad is a fan,” Askold shares his memories. - He can be called an “abnormal” person. He devoted himself entirely to his work. He endlessly struggled, injured an infinite number of times, covered in fractures from attacks by predators, with a broken neck from a tiger bite. Dad accomplished a feat, achieving the opportunity to work with predators; it was extremely difficult. On his premiere, he was attacked by a tigress, and he ended up in intensive care, the professionals were ready to say: “You see, we told you - he won’t cope...” And dad, leaving the hospital, returned to the arena to continue. After dad began to weaken, closer to old age, mom took everything into her own hands and supported the family. Mom became the director of our circus, she is very smart woman, very educated, she greatly raised the team.

Askold Zapashny. Personal life

Zapashny's younger brother is married to Helen Zapashnaya (Raichlin), whom they met in Minsk. A mutual friend Andrei invited her to perform at the circus. Askold drew attention to the girl and asked for her phone number. But Helen refused, citing that she had a boyfriend, and the tour performers would leave in a few days. But as a true tiger tamer, Askold did not give up, and now they are raising two daughters Eva and Elsa.

The Zapashny circus dynasty dates back to late XIX century. The founder of the dynasty is considered to be Karl Thomson, a native of the Baltic Germans. Working in the genre of clownery and musical eccentricity, he appeared in the arena under the pseudonym Milton. Karl's daughter Lydia continued her father's work. From the age of fifteen she appeared in public as a gymnast and circus rider. Her husband was the man who gave the dynasty its current surname - Mikhail Zapashny.

Mikhail was invited to the circus by the legendary wrestler Ivan Poddubny. In the city of Yeisk, he saw a port loader of remarkable strength and invited him to radically change his life. Mikhail's circus career began with French wrestling, where he performed under the name Eaglet. The artist’s fame was brought to him by the act he later created, “Acrobats-Snipers,” which combines power acrobatics and rifle shooting. In this number, Zapashny and his partner Georgy Melchenko performed as the Milton brothers.

Mikhail wanted his children to receive good education and chose a different profession for themselves. In violation of tradition, he did not take them on tour with him, and Sergei, Walter, Anna, Mstislav and Igor spent their childhood with their grandmother in a small house in Leningrad. The war found them there. The house burned down during the bombing, and for some time the grandmother and her grandchildren lived in the circus dressing room. Later, they were lucky to leave the city along the “Road of Life” and end up in Saratov, where the children were finally reunited with their mother Lydia Karlovna, who found herself cut off from her family due to the blockade. It was in the Saratov Circus that the younger Zapashnys began their circus career. 16-year-old Walter created an acrobatic act in which he performed together with 6-year-old Mstislav. The number was a constant success, and it helped feed the family. Among the genres that Sergey, Walter, Mstislav and Igor tried were horse and predator training, aerial gymnastics, horse riding, clowning and motorcycle racing.

In 1954, the younger Zapashnys had their first serious success. The number “Acrobats-Voltigeurs” was prepared and released, in which all four Zapashny brothers took part. The young artists performed tricks that have no equal to this day, and this was awarded four gold medals at the VI World Festival of Youth and Students. Later, the brothers created the act “Acrobats-Voltigeurs on Horses,” which went down in circus history.

In 1958, Walter decides to leave acrobatics and devote himself to training predators. The attraction was released in 1961, its premiere almost ended in tragedy - the tigress Bagheera attacked the trainer, leaving more than a hundred lacerations on his body. After long-term treatment, Walter returned to training and worked with the obstinate predator for many more years.

“Among Predators” was a triumph of training. There were 38 animals in the arena with the trainer at the same time - tigers, lions, panthers and lynxes. For outstanding achievements in the field circus art Walter Mikhailovich was awarded the titles of Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1969) and People's Artist of the RSFSR (1988). At the age of 70, the trainer passed the attraction on to his sons.

The first wife of Walter Zapashny was Maritza, who performed in the rubber genre, the daughter of tightrope walker M.A. Yakutskaya. Walter brought his wife into his attraction. Subsequently, Maritsa Mikhailovna continued to work independently with tigers and panthers. The daughter of Maritsa and Walter, also Maritsa, became a dog trainer, and their grandson Dan Zapashny became a juggler and chimpanzee trainer.

Walter met his second wife, at that time a student at the Polytechnic Institute Tatyana Volokhatova, in Tver. The girl did not immediately accept the advances of the famous trainer, who was 28 years older than her. But finally the decision was made, and in 1975 Tatyana moved to Moscow. Walter and Tatyana lived together for 32 years, raising and raising two sons - Edgard and Askold. For many years, Tatyana and her husband worked in an attraction with predators, and then, having received a second higher education, she took up administrative work, heading the Zapashny Brothers Circus. Currently, Tatyana Vasilievna Zapashnaya is the deputy director of the Great Moscow Circus.

Walter's younger brother, Mstislav, also eventually came to training. A breakthrough in this area was the “Elephants and Tigers” attraction created in 1977, which was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation. In 1990 M.M. Zapashny was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR. Mstislav Mikhailovich also acted as a director of circus programs. In 1992-2003, he was the director and artistic director of the Sochi State Circus, and from 2003 to 2009 he headed the Russian State Circus.

His son, also Mstislav, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, is best known for the predator attraction “Triumph of the 21st Century (tigers on mirror balls on the ground and in the air).”


Edgard Valterovich Zapashny was born on July 11, 1976 in Yalta. Together with my parents and my younger brother Askold Edgard often moved from city to city: circus tours in one city usually last about a month. Since the brothers went to school at the same time, it was easier for the two of them to find each new city common language with classmates and teachers.

From the very early childhood boys everything free time spent in the circus. The father strictly ensured that his sons studied well. Even for “C” marks there were punishments, the most terrible of which was a ban on visiting the circus. The method paid off: the brothers could not imagine life without the circus, but educational results also turned out to be impressive, Edgard graduated from school with only one “B”, Askold – an excellent student.

As children, Edgard and Askold Zapashny tried themselves in almost all circus genres. Walter Mikhailovich taught his sons acrobatics, vaulting, juggling and horse riding. The brothers consider their first appearance in public to be participation in a New Year's play, where the brothers played the roles of princes. At the age of 12, in the Baltics, Edgard first performed in front of the audience with a solo performance, demonstrating the elements high school horse riding.

Parents believed that children needed harmonious development. Therefore, in addition to the circus, the brothers, at the insistence of their father, were engaged in music, dancing and studying foreign languages, which undoubtedly came in handy in later life.

Since the children grew up in the family of a trainer, they spent a lot of time with animals. The father first took the children into a cage when they were 11-12 years old, but working with predators at that age was out of the question. The first animals with which Edgard and Askold began rehearsing were monkeys and ponies.

In the late 80s, serious changes began in the USSR, and the family experienced difficult times. In order to preserve the animal attraction, the Zapashnys agreed to the Chinese side’s proposal for long-term tours and in 1991 they left to work in the city of Shen-Zhen, where a large circus was built especially for them in the safari park. The artists working in the unusual for China genre of training predators were well received by the public in the Middle Kingdom, and the tour lasted for three years.

In 1996, the Zapashnys returned to Russia and began to re-conquer the domestic audience. At this time, the brothers worked in the genre of “jugglers on horses” and with this act in 1997 they won their first victory in the profession - they took the highest award at the “First All-Russian Festival of Circus Art” in Yaroslavl. A little later, they and their mother began working with tigers and lions, and in 1997, Walter Mikhailovich handed over the “Among Predators” attraction to his sons.

In 1999, Edgard and Askold were awarded the title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.” This is followed by the Moscow Government Prize, the title of laureate of the national Circus Prize, and victory at International competition circus artists in Saratov and the Golden Lion award from the Chinese Association of Circus Arts. In 2006, Edgard and his brother entered the Guinness Book of Records for the first time, assisting him in performing the “Lion Jump” trick. The second time this will happen is in 2011, when Edgard, together with Alexandra Blinova and Kristina Gritsenko, will demonstrate the trick “The highest column of 3 people on a running pair of horses.” To date, the brothers have won five international circus festivals.

Since 2007, the Zapashny brothers have been presenting grandiose circus shows at Luzhniki, where Edgard acts as a general producer and also participates as an artist. He demonstrates high skill in various circus genres, such as training of predatory animals, juggling on a horse, horse riding, balancing act on a tight wire (tightrope walker), group vaulting.

Since 2012, Edgard Walterovich has headed the Great Moscow Circus, the largest stationary circus in Europe. Since 2013, his arena has become a platform for the World Festival of Circus Arts “Idol”, where Edgard acts as general producer and presenter.

Edgard is a participant in many television projects. He became the winner of the “King of the Ring” show. Edgard acts in films; to date, his track record includes 9 films and TV series. He is the author of the idea and the permanent host of the “Legends of the Circus” program, in which he talks about outstanding people of your profession.

Edgard Walterovich has many plans for the future. He actively supports and promotes circus art in Russia and abroad and hopes that his daughters Stefania and Gloria and son Daniel will continue his father’s work.


Askold Valterovich Zapashny was born on September 27, 1977 in Kharkov. Like all circus children, the brothers changed several schools a year, and to make it easier for the boys to adapt to new groups, their parents decided to send them to one class. Therefore, Askold became a first-grader when he was not even six years old.

For the first time as an artist, Askold entered the arena in 1988 in Riga, where he and his brother took part in New Year's performance, playing the roles of princes. In 1992, the family went on a long-term tour to China, where a circus was built for them near the city of Shen-Zhen. In China, the brothers mastered most circus genres and became full-fledged artists. To differentiate themselves from local circus performers, the brothers dyed their hair and became blonde. During their tour in the Celestial Empire, the brothers learned conversational Chinese. In addition, Askold is fluent in English.

Four years later, the Zapashnys returned to Russia and began to win over the domestic public almost from scratch. By this time, the brothers had already proven themselves as jugglers on horses and trainers of monkeys. In 1997 they professional activity was awarded the first award - gold at the festival in Yaroslavl. In those same years, it was decided that the brothers would continue their father’s work and start training tigers and lions. In 1997, Walter Mikhailovich gave the children his attraction “Among the Predators”.

In 1999, for his services in the field of art, 21-year-old Askold received the honorary title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation” and became the youngest holder of this title in the circus.

In 2006, Askold and his brother were included in the Guinness Book of Records with the stunt “Longest jump on a lion.” The trick was first performed by their father, but Askold was the first to perform it without insurance. The lion, named Michael, flew from one Rhine wheel to another with a trainer on his back, covering a distance of 2.3 meters.

Despite the fact that the Zapashny brothers are known primarily as trainers of predatory animals, each of them masters several other circus genres, and in some of them demonstrates unique tricks. So, Askold goes into the arena as a vaulting acrobat, tightrope walker, juggler (including on horseback and on Segways), roller acrobat, etc.

Askold is a director by education, he graduated with honors Russian Academy theatrical art (RATI - GITIS). Therefore, in the Zapashny Brothers tandem, where Edgard is responsible for administration, production and public relations, the entire creative part rests on Askold’s shoulders.

In the 2000s, the brothers toured almost all of Russia. The geography of their foreign touring activities currently includes China, Japan, Hungary, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Monaco, Italy, Finland, Latvia, Estonia.

Since 2007, during the winter holidays, Moscow Luzhniki has welcomed spectators rushing to see the new show of the Zapashny Brothers Circus. The format of such spectacular events, combining traditional domestic circus with a large number animals and latest achievements show business industry, a fascinating plot and special effects, is unique and is the embodiment of the ideas of its creator Askold Zapashny, who acts in these projects as the author of the script, director and performer of one of the main roles. Under his leadership and with his direct participation, 11 such shows have already been released to date, each of which was attended by more than 300 thousand people.

Since 2012, Askold Valterovich has been the artistic director of the Great Moscow Circus. He is the author of the idea and the main director of the annual World Festival of Circus Arts “Idol” held at the BMC, which over the course of several years has turned into one of the most prestigious circus competitions on the planet. In 2012, Askold was awarded the title " People's Artist RF".

Despite the enormous workload, Askold is a regular participant in various television programs, shows and projects. In addition, together with his brother, he wrote three books: “How We Train Dogs,” “Camelot: Fragments of Legends,” and “Camelot: Viceroy of the Gods.”

In 2008, Askold married Ellen Raichlin, an Israeli whom he met during a tour in Minsk, where the girl was studying at a medical university. The couple has two daughters growing up - Eva and Elsa, who are already taking active participation in my father's circus projects.

Trainer Askold Zapashny: how did he become famous, and who is his wife?

The famous trainer Askold Zapashny, together with his brother Edgard, is known all over the world. Many fans are happy to buy up tickets for performances by representatives of the old circus dynasty. How Askold achieved success and what is happening in his personal life - we will talk about this in the following material, and we will also find out who his wife is and whether Zapashny has children.

Celebrity biography

Askold was born on September 29, 1977 in Kharkov, Ukrainian SSR. He and his older brother Edgard are heirs famous dynasty, leading history back to the times Russian Empire. Their ancestor, the clown Carl Thompson, was known for his eccentric performances in the 19th century. Parents Walter and Tatyana were famous wild animal trainers throughout the USSR.

Naturally, such a legacy directly influenced Askold. Together with his brother, he was immersed in this circus work from childhood. The guys traveled with their parents when they toured the vast country.

Of course, Askold became interested in this dangerous and interesting activities. For the first time he found himself in a cage with tigers at the age of 10, and made his debut on stage a year later, in the winter of 1988, taking part in one of the numbers.

In 1991, Zapashny and his brother graduated from school and went to China with their family; At that time, the parents entered into a contract with the Chinese: they helped save the animals in a difficult time for Russia, and also provided them with work.

The USSR had just collapsed, and there was no problem with leaving. Askold continued to improve his skills and continued to perform. To emphasize his stage image, the young man and his brother became blond. The work brought Zapashny fame throughout China: spectacular performances, unusual appearance, all the paraphernalia attracted thousands of spectators over and over again.

Zapashny learned Chinese, achieved heights in training, juggling, acrobatics, and creating risky performances.

After completing the contract with the Chinese, the family returned to Russia. Zapashny toured a lot both in Russia and abroad, including the most distant countries.

Askold Zapashny with his subordinate

In 1998, Father Walter made Askold and his brother the leaders of his attraction “Among the Predators”: this was influenced mature age Walter and the brothers' skill. Zapashny learned to work with predatory animals, transforming the skill into a real art. Askold even got into the Guinness Book of Records by making a jump while riding a lion. In 1999 he was recognized as an Honored Artist of Russia.

Soon the brothers created their own “Zapashny Brothers Circus”, created their own repertoire and performance style. Askold became a real star, many spectators came to his performances. His dangerous performances prompted people to admire his agility, confidence, and skill.

In 2012, the man became People's Artist of the Russian Federation for his contribution to the development of circus art. In 2013, Zapashny appeared on television in the television project “ Ice age" Later he participated in several more famous programs. In 2014, Askold signed an appeal supporting the reunification of Russia with Crimea.

Who is Askold Zapashny's wife?

Askold Zapashny with his wife

Askold's image and beauty have always made him attractive in the eyes of female representatives. But of all the women, he chose Ellen Raichlin, an Israeli whom he met in the capital of Belarus, where future wife received higher education.

Zapashny was fascinated by the girl’s beauty and intelligence. Besides natural charm Helen attracted everyone with her speeches and deep thoughts. And, most importantly, at first she did not know who Zapashny was, having fallen in love with him not for his status and successful work.

Their romance lasted 3 years, the guys were able to overcome many obstacles and were able to unite their hearts in marriage. The couple had daughters, Eva and Elsa, who already in 2016 appeared at one of the performances of the Zapashny Brothers Circus.

Askold is full of strength and energy to continue performing, create something new, delight and delight his fans around the world. He managed to become a worthy successor to his family’s work, achieve success and improve his personal life. We can only wish him continued happiness and good relations with his beloved wife.

Askold was born a year later than his brother Edgard Zapashny, but strict dad- Walter Zapashny did not allow youngest son fall behind The brothers even went to school the same year, when Askold was very young. Due to his age, discipline was a little harder for him, but his dad did not allow him to slip into bad grades, keeping a vigilant eye on the boys’ progress.

However, open to the world, the cheerful Askold enthusiastically performed school assignments, but with even greater pleasure he worked in the circus: dad trained his sons from a very young age.


In the 90s, when the country changed in an instant, and the Zapashny family business was in jeopardy due to lack of livelihood, they all left for the Middle Kingdom together. China welcomed talented artists warmly. Now Zapashny Sr.’s responsibilities included training Chinese trainers. And the boys had no choice but to learn on their own.

Askold liked new areas of work for him. In China, he learned a complex intonation language, learned to juggle, stand on horses, and train monkeys. Only in the late 90s, with his return to Russia, Walter Zapashny initiated children into the complex intricacies of training predatory animals. Having quickly learned his father's tricks, Askold will be included in the Guinness Book of Records with his famous “longest jump on a lion.”


However, the younger Zapashny is still considered a flexible, attentive person, with a more flexible character than his older brother. Even his beloved learned how strict he could be only after living with Askold for some time.

The famous trainer met his wife Helen on tour in Minsk. A student from a local medical university was introduced to him in general company. He liked the girl, but in the chaos of the evening he didn’t think to ask her for her phone number. Only the next day I called a mutual friend with a request to arrange a meeting with the girl. However, Helen immediately rejected both of them.

Raised in a strict Jewish family, the girl came to study in Minsk from Israel, where she lived with her parents for many years. The girl was clearly determined to get a good education and return to her homeland - and no romances! She fled from Haifa because an annoying gentleman was bothering her there.


Zapashny did not back down and terrorized his friend about the beauty’s phone number; the friend advanced on Helen, persuading him to give the number to the wonderful, kind and warm-hearted, charming and famous Askold. Having heard that Zapashny was also famous, she flatly refused. The battle for the phone continued for several weeks until she finally had enough. She allowed him to give the number, strictly ordering his friend to tell Askold: not to let go!

Only later it turns out that the friend did not give anything except the phone number, but Zapashny, fascinated by the girl’s persistence, did not intend to pester her on the first date. He immediately felt that his attitude towards Helen would not be superficial, which means there was no need to force events.

His girls

The relationship with the girl went on as usual. Both tell how difficult it was for Askold to be accepted first into a strict Jewish family, then for Helen into a large and closed circus family. What a terrible situation the girl was put in by celebrity fans who threatened to beat her, pour acid on her and even kill her. The lovers had to hide both their relationship and their marriage for a long time. Only with the birth of his first daughter did Askold decide to introduce Helen to the public.

Now they have two daughters - Eva and Elsa. Eight years ago they first entered the circus arena. The Zapashny children will most likely continue the dynasty, which today numbers four generations.

Askold Zapashny - producer, Honored and People's Artist of the Russian Federation. He is the artistic director of the Great Moscow Circus, which is located on Vernadsky Avenue. To see the grand shows of legendary trainers called “Sadko”, “Camelot” and “Legend”, “K.U.K.L.A.” and “System”, many spectators regularly come and leave the circus performance in a state of complete admiration.

Askold Valterovich Zapashny is the youngest representative of the famous Zapashny circus dynasty. A dynasty that spans four generations. Not only their parents, but also their grandparents and great-grandfathers were circus performers. He is a German by birth, the eccentric clown Carl Thompson, who performed in Russia under the stage name Milton.

It is difficult to say exactly what nationality Askold and his brother are, because the family has different roots.

Follow the steps famous ancestors and to continue the glorious circus dynasty was destined for Milton’s great-grandsons – Edgard and Askold Zapashny. Parents even gave bright names to their children so that they would sound beautiful under the circus big top and be remembered well.

The family toured the country - such a “nomadic” fate for circus performers. The eldest son Edgard was born in Yalta, but for a year junior Askold was born in September 1977 in Kharkov, Ukraine.

Zapashnye specialized in training predatory animals. This the most dangerous profession more than once put the life of her parents, Walter and Tatyana Zapashny, on a fine line beyond which this life could end. Terrible wounds were left on the mother's legs after the tiger attacked. And I can talk for hours about the injuries my father received: numerous broken limbs, lacerations and even a broken neck, after which Walter Zapashny miraculously returned to life.

However, such a life - always on the edge - turned out to be the only possible and familiar one for the parents. She became the same for Askold Zapashny and his older brother.

The future trainers studied in the same class, although there was a one-year difference between them. This was the decision of the father, who saw the future of his sons under the circus big top. The family traveled around many large cities in Russia, so the boys changed several schools. However, this did not give them the right to study in any way: the boys’ progress was monitored by a strict father. And although he was terribly tired after exhausting training and difficult attractions, he always found time to raise his sons.

The circus biography of Askold Zapashny began in early age. He went to the arena as a child, but the boy took part in his first circus act when he was 10 years old. The official debut is considered to be entering the stage at the age of 11. Then, in the winter of 1988-89, the Zapashnys toured in Riga. Askold and Edgard took part in the “Time Machine” number, which was warmly received by the audience.


In 1991, Askold Zapashny and his family went to the Middle Kingdom. The advent of the “dashing 90s” brought their charges to the brink of starvation, because the required provisions for lions and tigers were a considerable expense every day. And in the 90s, it became more and more difficult to buy food for animals every day.

Fortunately, a solution was found. The Chinese offered the parents a lucrative contract. At that time, the sons graduated from school. There were no obstacles to traveling abroad.

IN famous place recreation, Safari Park in the suburbs of Shenzhen, a summer circus was erected for the Zapashnys. Walter Zapashny's responsibilities included training Chinese trainers. The sons also participated in the process. And to be different from the Chinese, they became blondes.

Askold Zapashny learned the complex Chinese language, which he still speaks today. During these years, he learned to juggle while standing on horses and train monkeys. Later, in this type of training, he and his brother reached such heights that they received main prize“Golden Troika” from the First All-Russian festival-competition of circus art, which took place in Yaroslavl in 1997.

In addition, Askold Zapashny is an excellent vaulting acrobat, tightrope walker, Segway juggler and roller acrobat.

After the end of the Chinese contract, the circus family returned to Moscow. During these years they toured a lot, visiting everything major cities post-Soviet space, and distant foreign countries. We even visited Japan.

Also, Askold and Edgard Zapashny began working with lions and tigers at this time. In 1998, the father passed on the famous attraction “Among Predators” to his sons. Askold and his brother adopted from him the wisdom of training predatory animals and developed this dangerous and beautiful art. Askold Zapashny with his author's trick “The longest jump on a lion” is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Soon the brothers created their own circus, calling it the “Zapashny Brothers Circus.” He is distinguished by a special style that none of his colleagues have, either in the country or abroad.

In 2012, Askold Zapashny became the artistic director of the Great Moscow State Circus. Edgard took over as director.

Askold Zapashny in the show “Ice Age”

In 2013, the brothers presented the show “Emotions...” at the Fontanka Circus. The peculiarity of this program is that each performance can be considered the main one. That same year, the artist shared in an interview that they began building a 5D circus. And by 2018, or maximum by 2021, such a circus will be created in Russia.

Askold Zapashny – real star. Therefore, a man is often invited to television shows. He, along with Maria Petrova, became a participant in the 4th season of the TV show “Ice Age” in 2013. He also appeared in the top-rated television projects “The Safronov Brothers”, “Veselaya Street”, “One Hundred to One” and “Dinner Party”.

Askold Zapashny in the “Dinner Party” program

Askold Zapashny actively participates in the socio-political life of the country. In 2011, he and his brother signed an Appeal from members of the public, which condemned the pressure on judicial system in the case of Yukos executives.

And in the spring of 2014, Zapashny Jr. signed an appeal from cultural figures of the Russian Federation who expressed support for the president’s policy on the issue of annexing Crimea.

Askold Zapashny in the program “Legends of the Circus”

In 2015, Zapashny became the hero of the “Legends of the Circus” project, where the trainer’s brother acted as the host.

In the same year, the artist participated in the filming of a series about the life of Margarita Nazarova. At the work site, Askold was unexpectedly attacked by the tigress Shakira and cut the artist’s thigh with a blow of her paw. Zapashny was immediately sent to the hospital.

Askold Zapashny in the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”

In January 2016, Askold Valterovich participated in the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” Paired with famous artist played by actress Evelina Bledans.

In September, Askold, like his brother, became a confidant of the United Russia party in the elections to the State Duma of the 7th convocation.

Personal life

For a long time the famous trainer was considered eligible bachelor. Handsome, famous, rich, prominent (Askold’s height is 177 cm) - after his heart young man Crowds of beauties were hunting. But later it became known that Askold Zapashny’s personal life was arranged. He also had two charming daughters with sonorous names, like everyone else in this glorious circus dynasty, Eva and Elsa.

The artist met his wife Ellen Raichlin, who has Israeli citizenship, in Minsk while on tour. The girl is Jewish by nationality. At the time of the meeting he turned 27. Behind him was an 8-year-old civil marriage Elena Baranenko, also a circus performer, with whom Askold never decided to marry. Helen was born in Belarus, but as a child she moved with her parents to Israel. Higher education received in my small homeland.

The beautiful student and several other friends were brought with him to the circus by Zapashny’s friend Andrey. Askold immediately liked the girl. She turned out to be not only charming, but also an intelligent conversationalist, and interesting personality. But the main thing that intrigued the trainer, spoiled by female attention, was that Helen did not know or hear anything about him until the moment of the meeting.

They dated for three years. These were occasional meetings, because the girl did not give up her studies, and Askold Zapashny could not cancel the planned tour.

Obstacles on the way beautiful couple it turned out to be more than one could imagine. The relatives of each of the young people were not too happy about this union. Helen Reichlin's parents dreamed of a Jewish son-in-law, preferably a doctor. And the circus artist’s family saw Askold’s wife as a girl from the “circus” circle, who would understand and share a specific lifestyle.

However, love overcame obstacles, and two charming daughters only cemented this marriage.

In one interview, Askold’s mother, Tatyana Zapashnaya, recalled that at first she did not treat her daughter-in-law very well, and then fell in love with the girl. The woman also mentioned the spree of her son from his wife. Then Tatyana told Askold that even if he broke up with Helen, she would remain in the family.

In 2016, Eva and Elsa performed for the first time under the circus big top together with their famous dad and uncle. If they tie future life with the circus, they will end up circus performers in the 5th generation, continuing the glorious Zapashny dynasty.

Thousands of fans watch the artist on the social network Instagram, where Askold posts personal and work photos and videos. Often, animal rights activists write in the comments to the pictures asking the trainers to close the show.

Zapashny also runs Twitter. There, the man regularly shares entries with readers. In addition, sometimes the trainer goes online using the Periscope application, where he communicates with fans.

The Zapashny Brothers Circus has an official website. Fans of the show can find it on the Internet resource necessary information about the program, posters, photos from performances and more.

In 2010, the brothers had an accident when they were returning to Bryansk to start rehearsal in the morning new program. The car hit a curb, lost two axles and stopped 10 cm from a tree. Askold and Edgard were not injured: they were saved by their seat belts and airbags.

In 2014, the tiger tamer suffered complex operations on the spine. The procedures took place in Germany. The artist had problems with his spine due to complex stunts and acrobatic performances. Later, the artist spoke in an interview about the illness and shared with a smile that he felt much better. However, if the man had not applied for medical care, could remain disabled.

Askold Zapashny now

In the summer of 2017, Askold and Edgard Zapashny participated in the program “Where is the logic?” on the TNT channel. The program was hosted by Azamat Musagaliev. The brothers' rivals were Nastasya Samburskaya and Maria Minogarova.

In December-January, the Zapashny brothers presented to the audience three premieres at once under the titles “Princess-Nesmeyana”, “UFO” and “Angels”.

In February 2018, Channel One premiered the program “Stars under Hypnosis.” Askold Valterovich participated in one of the episodes. Hypnologist Isa Bagirov put the artist into hypnosis, and he forgot that he was running a circus. Instead, Zapashny was sure that he was an artist.

That same month, a tragedy occurred in the circus of the Zapashny brothers’ uncle, Mstislav Zapashny. Acrobat Anton Martynov fell during a performance and fell into the arena from a 6-meter height. A month later, the young man died without leaving a coma.

Askold Zapashny in the show “Stars under Hypnosis”

In April, Olga Buzova released the Buzcoin cryptocurrency. In an interview, the presenter and singer said that the world lives in her era. The Zapashny brothers could not ignore such a loud statement. Edgard suggested making a video in which he involved artists of the Great Moscow Circus. Askold took care of the script and editing. According to the plot, the characters in the video are shocked when they find out that they live in the Buzova era and decide to commit suicide.

On May 31, a large volunteer forum started in Moscow. The forum participants summed up the interim results of the Year of the Volunteer.

After the event, Askold and Edgard Zapashny held a circus performance for children with cancer. The program was implemented at the Cancer Center named after. Blokhina.

On June 1, a grandiose performance took place at the Great Moscow Circus, in which the Zapashny brothers took part. The men entered the arena with their favorites - the eleven kings of the jungle. The attraction is called “Among the Predators”. The famous American actor Steven Seagal was present in the hall, who after the show went backstage and thanked the artists for the amazing spectacle.

In the same month, actor Mikhail Efremov offered to give Crimean Bridge Ukraine. Askold called the artist’s words shocking and suggested that he decided to feel like a liberal.