I dream of a steep bank. Predictions from other sources

Dream Interpretation seashore

Surely everyone has dreams, after which they leave an indelible impression; they want to prolong them, but the daily bustle prevents this from happening. Why dream about the seashore if warm days are still far away, and a vacation abroad was not planned?

Where to start?

Before turning to special dream interpreters for help, you need to analyze the picture you saw in detail. .

As the dream book says, the shore is a sign that is trying to tell the dreamer that hard times left behind. All the sorrows and difficulties that have kept you awake for so long will simply disappear.

Most likely, the planned task will be successfully completed.

If you dreamed of the sea coast

As a rule, seeing a shore in a dream is a sign of favorable changes, but there are cases when a dreamed image promises negative or neutral events. Minor little things will play a big role, which are often forgotten after waking up.

What does Miller write?

Why do you dream about a house on the seashore? When asking yourself such a question, you want to immediately know the answer to it, and Miller’s dream book can help with this. Special attention it focuses on the person with whom the dreamer was on the shore.

With your loved one

You may dream that you are standing on the seashore in an embrace with your beloved partner. This scenario only means that life will simply turn upside down. In order to understand the direction of changes, it will be necessary to analyze the reservoir itself:

  • calm - to increased well-being;
  • seething - to a hectic life.


The girl dreams of measured waves

What's wrong with being alone? This very question may come to your mind, but since man is a purely social creature, the lack of communication can lead to big problems. If an unmarried representative of the fair sex in her night dreams dreamed of a shore on which small waves roll, then in reality she will have to make a difficult choice between several gentlemen. The only advice that can be given in this case is to trust your feelings and intuition, and not logic.

Is life near the water good or bad?

Many people at different stages of their lives dream of living by the water, enjoying fresh air and picturesque open spaces. If we are talking about the shore of a river or sea, then most of these dream interpreters foretell joyful experiences.


According to Loff’s dream book, seeing your own house and walking along the seashore means a calm and easy life, but you should not relax ahead of time.


I dreamed of a house on the coast

According to gypsy dream book, the seashore and the house located next to it are a sign that the dreamer is already close enough to his dream. It is also worth noting: the closer the building is to the water, the faster the plan can be implemented. In any case, you shouldn’t relax ahead of time, fortune is not a stable lady, and therefore you shouldn’t rely on it either.


Freud gives his own interpretation, albeit not entirely traditional. Sitting on the seashore and seeing a house is a symbol of sexual dissatisfaction and constriction, which sometimes interferes with life. If there are no buildings nearby, then the problem is really significant. Without making any efforts, you can face big problems.

Shall we take a walk along the beach?

Sea breeze and warm sand, what could be better? If you were lucky enough to see such pictures in your night dreams, you need to pay attention to who you were with.


If sea ​​holiday you spend in splendid isolation, which means in real life there was a lack of communication. You really want to, but there is simply no one to pour out your emotional experiences, which constantly hang like a big burden and prevent you from sleeping normally.

With a friend

Walking on the waves in a dream

If you dreamed that you were walking in the company of your close friend or a relative, it means that a trusting relationship has formed between you. The person who kept the company deserves your attention and time.

In the company

If you had a dream on the seashore in a large company, it means that soon you will be able to get what you have dreamed of for so long. Dreams are dreams, but we also must not forget about moving towards it.

What time of day?

The sandy shore beckons, but at what time of day was the dreamer on it? The answer to this question may slightly shift the vector of the dream itself.

Over the horizon

I dreamed of a dawn over the coast

If you witness the sun setting below the horizon, then, according to Hasse’s dream book, you will experience a feeling of satisfaction and pleasant fatigue after completing a project or a certain stage of work. The more you try, the faster the result will be achieved - such a simple rule, but for some reason many people forget about it.


If the morning sand is saturated with the light of dawn and you have a unique opportunity to see the sun rising over the surface of the sea, then you are only at the planning stage. If a prominent piece of the sun was red, then the path to the goal will be filled with emotional experiences.


Walking along the coast at night is a symbol of confusion and indecision, which sometimes interferes with life. If the dreamer makes no attempts to correct such a situation, it will only get worse.

Will we make a profit?

What to do if they roll ashore big waves or is there a risk of flooding? In this case, you need to remember your emotional state and draw appropriate conclusions based on what dream books advise.

If you see a scenario where you are sitting on Cote d'Azur, and the waves are slowly rushing to your feet, it means that in reality an unexpected surprise will await you. Sunbathing on the shore when the water overflows its banks means receiving unexpected profits or opening a new source of income. The more water comes out, the greater wealth awaits the dreamer.

Seeing the expanse of the sea is good sign, which is a harbinger of health and well-being. The sea also symbolizes some kind of relationship and predicts the fulfillment of desires. Dream books offer more accurate interpretations.

Why do you dream about the sea according to Miller’s dream book?

Miller interpreted the dream of the sea as an image of unfulfilled hopes or desires. If the dreamer’s financial wealth suits him, then his spirit remains unsatisfied.

Hearing the sound of the sea surf, causing spleen, warns of a meaningless and depressing life in which there will be no friendly relations and love moments, if you do nothing.

If a young lady dreams that she, in the company of a loved one, is sailing on the surface of the sea without wind, then this foreshadows the fulfillment of the innermost dreams of youth and a long, fun-filled life.

Sea in a dream - Freud's dream book

In the dream, I saw a seascape in the distance - the dreamer does not receive satisfaction from sexual contacts at this stage. The reason for this is complexes about your own attractiveness, which does not allow you to relax in a sexual relationship, even with the partner you love.

If you are enjoying the landscape of a calm sea surface from a ship or shore, the dream hints to you that you do not have enough confidence in the future. And the dream foretells to you that soon this confidence will be granted to you.

Seeing a friend swimming in sea water symbolizes that you will actually help him overcome some problem that this person could not solve himself. Seeing yourself bathing means that for you life is successful in all aspects, due to a full-fledged intimate sphere, the role of which you previously underestimated.

To enter a raging sea, this predicts for the sleeper an ardent and passionate night, which will happen unexpectedly, without any planned plan or prerequisites.

Swimming in a dream among the sea - this means that you are striving to learn something interesting. Be prepared for the fact that your curiosity can bring a lot of grief.

What does it mean to dream about the sea - Vanga’s dream book

A calm sea without wind for a sleeper predicts good luck in the professional sphere, respect among colleagues and a peaceful, quiet life.

If a storm was foreseen, this is a harbinger of a lost reputation in the eyes of others. Swimming in the sea means you dream of considerable bliss in life. But then think: do you already deserve them?

Why do you dream about the sea according to Medea’s dream book?

Seeing the expanses of the sea in a dream means the presence of an expansive and creative upsurge in real world. In a dream, a seascape with a clear horizon means fun and prosperity.

The sea in a dream is seething, stormy - to unhappy love or to worries that will be a consequence of inappropriate ardor.

Why do you dream about the sea - according to the esoteric dream book

In a dream, the seascape as you observe it symbolically reflects the course of your destiny. How you see it is how you live your life: in front of you the sea is calm - and life is filled with prosperity and peaceful joys; in the image of a raging sea there is hidden information that there is no stability in life.

From the location where the person sleeping in the dream found himself - on the shore or at the bottom or on the surface of the sea and so on - you take a similar place in the real world and will continue to occupy it for some time.

Why do you dream about the sea - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

See yourself walking around seashore- to the path. Looking at the expanses of the sea means receiving important news from distant lands.

To see cornflower blue sea water - to meet important person. In a dream, sailing on a steamboat means radical turns in fate.

Why do you dream about the sea - according to Hasse’s dream book

Watching a quiet sea in a dream means a serene flow of life’s journey.

The image of a stormy sea - fate will be overflowing interesting days, a number of adventures.

Swim in sea ​​waters- towards bold goals.

Falling into the sea means suffering damage soon.

To see in a dream a scene of one’s own drowning in the sea - the dream hints to the dreamer that he creates all the problems for himself.

Why do you dream about the sea - according to the dream book Frost

The image of a seascape in a dream means worries. When the sea is calm, it means that the course of your destiny is quiet and soothing. A stormy sea in a dream predicts close family squabbles.

Falling into the depths of the sea means participating in an unsafe event. Seeing your own person drowning means there will be problems due to personal fault.

Why do you dream about the sea - according to the French dream book

When there is a small wave in the sea, it is a victory over obstacles, or a symbol that you will be able to put things in order that you could not find a solution to.

When the sea in a dream is suspiciously quiet or, on the contrary, very choppy, it means trials that will require a lot of strength and courage.

fall in depths of the sea- enjoy excellent health for a long period. In the case when a sick person has a dream, he will definitely recover.

Why do you dream of a clean, transparent, beautiful sea? Blue, blue water in the sea - dream book.

Seeing a serene, calm seascape in your dreams is a dream that is a harbinger of a carefree life.

When in a dream, while swimming on the sea, you observe clean, transparent water, then in reality there will be no obstacles or obstacles to achieving your most secret goals.

In a dream, you enter a quiet, calm sea - it means that you will have to start life from scratch.

Looking at turquoise mother-of-pearl clear water - determine the final priorities in your life.

Why do you dream of a dirty, muddy sea?

This dream does not predict anything good. It means that a dark streak in life has begun for you. Drinking dirty water in a dream means illness. Falling into dirty water in a dream means taking an ill-considered step.

In a dream, to see a flood and water entering your house - this portends danger, but if the water recedes quickly, it means that problems will pass you by without major losses for you. If you dream that clear water becomes cloudy and dirty before your eyes, then you will soon have troubles. And if muddy water turns into clean water, it means that life will soon get better.

When a woman dreams that she is surrounded by muddy and raging water, she will be surrounded by gossip. Men have such a dream to symbolize the intrigues of colleagues or competitors. Having read the dream book, why do you dream of cloudy and dirty water, you can correct the situation or prepare for trouble.

Why do you dream about a raging sea? Dream Interpretation - storm at sea.

Watching a stormy sea in a dream means finding yourself in an annoying cycle of events. If you or your loved ones are caught in a powerful storm, this means failure and loss. Seeing in a dream how waves roll onto the shore, sweeping away everything in their path, means a quarrel in the family.

To see a restless sea in a dream in the morning - to a long journey, if at sunset - to unexpected guests. Seeing how the waters drag stones and sand with them is a sign of embarrassment and frivolous gossip. To see in a dream how the sea turns from calm to a bubbling abyss before your eyes - in fact, events in your destiny will also change quickly.

If a storm at sea is accompanied by a thunderstorm, then in reality the dreamer’s financial affairs will suffer greatly. Seeing ripples with foam in a dream means a difficult showdown. In a dream, accepting a storm warning means receiving annoying news. A mild storm means that you will have to go through a short black streak of worries and fuss in your personal life.

Why dream of swimming, swimming in the sea?

When you see yourself floating in the sea, know that you will help a friend overcome difficulties that he alone could not cope with. Swimming in sea waters - in general, symbolically indicates that everything is fine in life.

To see in a dream how you are swimming in the sea under a layer of water - in reality, you want to learn some knowledge that is inaccessible to you, which you would not need to know at all for your own well-being.

Why else do you dream about the sea?

  • Sea sand in a dream warns of a date with someone who has undertaken to provide you with some service. Sea sand – good sleep, predicts a positive change in life, promises happiness with the person you adore.
  • White sand - portends trouble.
  • You see sand on the beach - you are upset about a significant matter.
  • Sand on the shore means that life will change for the worse.
  • If you dream of sand - remember that life is short, it predicts illnesses you have, do not delay visiting the doctor.
  • Mountains of sand - recognize the annoying feelings of bitter disappointment, resentment and indignation.
  • Seeing large accumulations of sand means security in life, welcome meetings.
  • In a dream, see the beach, sand, sea - a great time awaits you, it will restore inner harmony and health.
  • Seeing wet sand in a dream - financial situation will improve.
  • Yellow sand - a sudden improvement in financial situation.
  • Walking on the sand means romantic dates in reality, mutual relations, passionate sex.
  • Covered with sand - means illness, malaise.
  • Sweeping sand means an increase in financial situation.
  • A cold sea in a dream portends a cooling in your relationship with your partner due to the fact that the spiritual connection between you no longer exists, or it is beginning to disappear. This is a bad dream for married ladies. You should spend more time working on your relationship with your spouse.
  • Bottom of the sea - seeing this image means that events await you favorable character in reality, but only when the bottom is clearly visible through clean, transparent water.
  • In general, the image of the bottom of any body of water foretells that an influential person will provide you with protection. This is also a signal that a solution to a problem that is important to you will soon be revealed to you.
  • If you can see at the bottom sea ​​creatures in all their diversity, then this is a sign that your life will be full of adventures and interesting changes.
  • If you see a waterless bottom of the sea, then the sleeper will face losses, troubles, and illnesses. A similar symbol may tell you that your body is lacking some microelements. Watch your diet, add more to it healthy products, take a vitamin complex.
  • If you see yourself sinking to the bottom, then you will soon experience a series of failures, and you may be overcome by prolonged depression. Sinking to the bottom in dreams means that you have touched the depths of your own “I”.
  • The Black Sea is a harbinger of difficult changes, especially in the business sphere. And, if the sea is also turbulent, then it will not be possible to get out of the problems very soon. Take courage - there is a long struggle ahead for the desired peace and well-being.
  • Dried sea - like the previous one, the symbol does not promise anything good to the dreamer. The financial security of the entire family may deteriorate or the reputation at work may be shaken, career ladder someone can get around you. However, if you succumb to pessimistic sentiments, the period of problems may drag on. Don't lose heart.
  • Drowning in the sea is an ambiguous image, but it always foreshadows some kind of loss. In material terms, times of restrictions will come: you will have to postpone the purchase of what you want, limit investments in various projects. However, the purity of water also matters a lot in similar dreams. If it is clean, then there will be few problems, and you will quickly deal with them. Drowning in muddy water seas - worries will completely absorb you for a long time. In some dream books, this vision suggests that you will have to leave your native land for a very long time.
  • Jump into the sea - new achievements and events await you that will swirl you in a whirlwind of rapidly passing days.
  • Jumping into expanses of water from a height - a dream warns that you often act carelessly when making important decisions.
  • For girls, a rough sea in a dream is a harbinger of an unkind relationship with a lover, uncertainty about his love. This condition can push her to break up. Be patient! Perhaps yours young man troubles, and this explains his temporary coldness towards you.
  • For a guy to see the sea in excitement in a dream - a hint from fate that a period of unbridled sexual “marathon” with his beloved is approaching, or an established intimate life will become more diverse and vibrant. Expect a surprise from your other half!
  • Watching a storm means difficulties in life and business await you, which will come completely unexpectedly.
  • The boundless blue of the sea means victory awaits you. Business people this dream predicts that they will make a profitable deal or move to a higher level in their career.
  • A beautiful sea on a sunny day promises girls a long-awaited proposal from a loved one; students do not have to be afraid of “failures” during the session.
  • A sea covered with ice is not the best dream for lovers. It means that fatigue has matured in the relationship, both moral and spiritual, but you should not be afraid of this, sometimes it is useful.
  • The sea at high tide is evidence that unexpected enrichment awaits you, but the low tide indicates that you will soon have to spend the money saved for a rainy day.

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    People who dreamed about it sandy shore, follows in urgently repay all debts and pay off payments, otherwise you will have to go through unpleasant moments of communication with bailiffs or even collectors. Rocky shore in dream represents a life of work, but prosperity. Dream, sit on shore seas, indicates the presence of joy and happiness in a person’s life. The meaning of what dreaming a lot of fish on shore, depends on the condition and appearance the fish itself. Read more

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    See in dream shore seas portends something positive in real life. But dreamed shore unmarried girl promises imminent marriage far from home. If you stand in a thunderstorm shore- Discord may appear in your relationship with your loved one. And if you stand on shore calm seas or rivers, then harmony and mutual understanding will reign in the family. Read more

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    I dreamed about it shore seas or the ocean Shore rivers in dream- the border between consciousness and unconsciousness. I see a wave rolling in and the sand getting wet, but I don’t remember went By wet. But we have to leave and at first she resists, but then even coming forward and I find 4 large beautiful shells (clean and shiny) behind small stones on shore.Read more

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    Had a dream what am I I'm coming By shore seas(I'm going to swim). Sand, white and clean. In dream I was walking By pier, which went far into sea, and suddenly on sea a strong ebb began, there were waves and the ground suddenly became level with the pier, the water went away, all around walked people were all surprised that walk By bottom seas, I also looked at pebbles, boulders, algae, some small fish skeletons, and suddenly I saw someone find money (1 paper bill). Read more

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    Dream Interpretation Fedorovskaya. To you dreamed about it shore or in dream you found yourself on shore in clear weather - a move awaits you. dreamed about shore seas Opposite there are high rocks.. I’m sitting with a guy on the sand, kissing him on the cheek.. his mother comes from somewhere. takes us and calls us to follow her. then we let's go and everyone found themselves on the rock and carefully descended onto the narrow edges walked pressed against the wall so they wouldn’t fall..it seemed like they got there and I woke up.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Star dream book. Meaning sleep Shore: To you dreamed about it Shore what is this - you expect to lead. Your situation is stable, but perhaps someone close to you is in a difficult situation and needs help. What does it mean? in dream Shore seas, beach - A wide sandy beach suggests a broad outlook, unless you've been letting the fine sand run through your fingers, which means the passage of time running away while you're doing nothing. Stone or rocky beach that hurts walk, suggests that concerns...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Dream Interpretation: Sea what does it mean. Sea see in dreamGo By shore, beach - road; look at sea- news from afar; sailing on a ship - important changes; blue water, blue - meeting; swim in sea- fulfillment of desires. If you dreamed like someone bathing in sea, dream has a good meaning - you can help the person you saw solve some problem that he could not cope with. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Swim out to shore in dream▼. Dream where you sailed to shore, portends a worthy exit from I dreamed about it shore lakes (the place where we walked swim in childhood and called this place I'm coming By shore seas(calm), there are a lot of people, and a plane is flying in the sky (I’m looking at...Read more

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    « Dream Interpretation Shore seas dreamed about it, why dreaming in dream Shore seas"Why? dreaming shore seas? You are about to go on a trip or vacation. Observation from shores for a calm by sea portends success in business and prosperity. The deserted coast symbolizes the absence of difficulties on the way to achieving goals. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "vseproson"

    Go By shore seas- the road awaits you. If you are sailing to shore- many new and interesting acquaintances await you ahead. If you already touch the bottom with your feet, then you will have a stable financial condition And complete absence health problems.If dreamed what are you trying to reach shore, however, the wave carries you back, which means that you cannot comprehend something most important that would help you adequately assess the situation. Try talking to someone you trust. If in dream, on the contrary, you don’t...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Magical dream book. Interpretation sleep Sea: What does it mean in dream Sea- space for desires, go By shore- plan the future. Blue water - a meeting, blue - an important date, green water (of different shades) - hopes. Dream Interpretation healer Akulina. What does it mean Sea in dream: To you dreamed Sea what is it for - Calm - your dreams will soon come true, stormy - to overcome obstacles. Imagine there's a storm sea ends, you see a calm blue surface. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretations sleep ship (1) Dream Interpretation ship. Sweet dream Ship Sunset Sea Sun. Wardrobe, boots in dream. Had a dream What I'm walking By shore. The water is clear blue, big... not even huge waves, but it’s just the surf that reaches me. The sand is beautiful and clean underfoot. Publish yours dream dreams and our Interpreters dreams dreaming Shore seas in dream dreams!Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Sea and the dead in dream. I dreamed about it confused dream. as if on a day off I'm going to sea, beach. and it’s 6 pm, but I still get ready and go, despite the fact that it’s very late. having arrived at sea, I see that the sun is already setting, and people are not just going home, but in general beach season closed.. umbrellas are collected and couches too. I Sea, pigeon, kittens, children in dream sea. By shore walks pigeon. Everyone wanted to get closer to him, but he ran away. I extended my hand, he saw me and immediately sat on my hand, like a tame. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dome, satin fabric, sea, ocean, sun in dream. At the beginning sleep I'm standing on a very high wall below big water- ocean. There are some very nice men around, walk around me and looking at me, as if they were trying to see if they could build a relationship with me. Today dreamed what I'm on shore seas I'm coming swim, and there are crocodiles and there are a lot of them and they are huge. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "starfate"

    Why dreaming Sea By dream book: Sea- If you dreamed, what do you come on By shore seas or the beach - then the road awaits you. Look at sea in dream- you will have news from afar. Walk in dream along the bottom seas- you will encounter some kind of commercial troubles, at the same time you will be forced to incur material losses, and also lose the favor of influential people. Dream Interpretation A. Pushkin.Read in full

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretation dreams Shore seas online for free, dream book- Interpretation dreams Houses of the Sun. Raging Gray sea, waves, fear of entering the water in dream. I dreamed about it dream that I want to go for a swim, I come to sea to the beach, where it’s crowded. I hear people screaming, they point into the distance, I turn my gaze and see huge, unusual waves rushing towards shore.I plunge into the water, I think that the waves will not reach shores.But huge waves cover my head, I’m not very afraid, but the waves push me, throw me. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    I dreamed about it very strange to me dream, I was on shore seas.. washed out by waves shore dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Caviar on shore seas in dream.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    At this point the alarm clock rang, but I was left in some kind of shock.. I haven’t watched any horror films for a long time, why is this so? dreamed Post yours dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Shore seas in dream. Order for free online interpretations dreams!Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    To me dreamed Sea at first it was calm and warm, I stood on shore and looked at him. Then I saw how they started swimming in it. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Caviar on shore seas in dream. Order free online interpretations dreams!Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    sea in dream. I remember a piece sleep.....shore seas...pebbles and tall shore walk if it would hurt on these pebbles... I select beautiful pebbles, glass and pieces of ceramics from the pebbles... then a young man comes up (it feels like mine) takes me by the hand and leads me to swim a little further By shore where you can without getting hurt. Sea clean and killer whales in dream. Had a dream Today sea cleanest, clear water. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    sea in dream. I remember a piece sleep.....shore seas...pebbles and tall shore... I’m sitting in the water and sorting through the pebbles... there’s a lot of colorful glass... not sharp, but walk if it would hurt on these pebbles... I choose beautiful pebbles, glass and pieces of ceramics from the pebbles... then a young man comes up (I feel like he’s mine) takes me by the hand and leads me to swim a little further Hello, help me explain very nice dream. To me dreamed that I arrived at night to visit my mother and nephew (a 9-year-old child) at a sanatorium on shore black seas.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    I dreamed about it very strange to me dream, I was on shore seas.. washed out by waves shore a lot of red caviar, I took it with my hands, carefully washed it in water to remove the sand, put it in a regular bucket... Publish yours dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Shore seas in dream.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    See Seas in dream. Interpretation dreams Seas online for free, dream book- Interpretation dreams Houses of the Sun. Wardrobe, boots in dream. Had a dream What I'm walking By shore. The water is clear, blue, there are big... not even huge waves, but it’s just the surf that reaches me. The sand is beautiful and clean underfoot. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dreams of sea in dream. To me dreaming what am I I'm coming To sea(backstory: I was on holiday in Spain this year, but went always to one beach, and after arriving I read one review on the Internet in which people wrote that walked in the same city to another beach near the lighthouse). swimming in sea in dream. dreamed about it a holiday, a friend’s birthday. My mother was present at this holiday, I was very jealous of her for some unknown girl with whom she laughed together. then I found myself on shore seas, the water was very beautiful, emerald... Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Jewish dream book. What does Sand mean? in dream: To you dreamed about it What is sand for - Sifting sea sand through a sieve - expect important news or look for remedies against damage. Large dream book Phoebe. Interpretation sleep Sand: To you dreamed about it What is sand for - calm awaits you happy life with your loved one. Imagine shore seas, sandy beach. You come on By sand barefoot.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dreams and dreams Sea. Sea, pigeon, kittens, children in dream. Our whole family is on sea. By shore walks pigeon. dreamed about it like this the other day dream. as if my relatives and I had arrived at a resort. and I I'm coming To sea. it's so warm fresh milk and although I don’t like swimming in real life, I like it so much there, it’s so beautiful, soothing, it seems like peace emanates from it... why would that be? and more dreamed about it a large room with a piano in which I read.

seashore in a dream

If the sleeper goes to the seashore - towards the end of a difficult stage of life, if he leaves the shore - the planned adventurous affairs will end unfavorably for you. For ladies who have had such a dream, it is necessary to refrain from making new acquaintances for a while.

the seashore in a dream what is it for

A person who dreams of relaxing on the seashore has exhausted his energy and needs a break. If the seashore is very steep and the sleeping person cannot climb up it, he has taken on too many obligations in life.

why do you dream about the seashore

Seeing the seashore in a dream - you will successfully complete all the work you have started.

seashore in a dream

The psychologist argued that the seashore in a dream symbolizes the loneliness of the sleeper; he has no one to talk to heart to heart.

why do you dream about the seashore

The medium always put the person and his actions in the dream at the head of the dream. If you dream about the seashore and you are walking along it, this means that the sleeper really misses people or specific place, if you relax on the seashore, peace and tranquility will come in your life.

dreamed of the seashore

A sick person dreams of the seashore - a sign of recovery. For the poor - to unexpected profits. If the seashore turns out to be steep or sandy, troubles will happen in life, and a sloping shore speaks of unexpected fun.

interpretation of sleep seashore

Whoever dreamed of the seashore needs to remember all the details of the dream; they can play an important role in its interpretation. If the sleeper stands on the shore of a calm sea, an idyll will come to the family. If an unmarried girl had a dream, she will be married to her husband from afar. A raging sea, which you watch from the shore, symbolizes troubles in family relationships.

why do you dream about the seashore

A poor man dreams of the seashore to improve his financial affairs. If the sleeper takes part in life trial- will win the case. In a dream, a person reaches the seashore - success in business and a quiet family life await him in life.

what does it mean if the seashore is in a dream

If in a dream you see the seashore, it means that things will happen soon important events, which you will witness, but will not take part in.

seashore in a dream

Seeing the seashore in a dream means achieving your goal.

If in a dream you cannot understand what kind of shore you are on, it means that in reality you will improve your condition; for the sick, such a dream means healing, and in general - peace and happiness. Relax on the shore - life will go into a smooth and measured flow. Walking along the shore means feeling longing for something far away.

Standing on the bank of a river and contemplating the smooth, calm surface means that you will soon experience a great uplift and the most rosy prospects will open up before you. If this is the shore of a lake, happiness and wealth await you, corresponding to your own ideas about them. Watching from the ocean shore how the waves roll over one another means you will find a way to get rid of the influence of ill-wishers. Standing on the high shore of the sea with your loved one - your dreams will happily come true. The shore of the pond, which is a serene picture of nature, suggests that in reality your affairs will go more successfully than before, and you will be able to allow yourself to relax and even have fun.

If in a dream you are digging a hole on a clayey bank, in reality this means that your enemies are ready to attack you. Seeing that your ship is leaving, leaving you on the shore, foreshadows some worries. Swimming to the other side or wading means your desires will come true. Waiting for a boat to cross to the other side of a fast and muddy river foreshadows the frustration of wonderful plans and the occurrence of unforeseen circumstances that will become an obstacle to the fulfillment of the noblest desires.

Interpretation of dreams from