November 20 is World Children's Day. Interesting facts. World Children's Day

The protection of human rights is guaranteed by the state. There are legislative norms related to ensuring the favorable development of the child and personality formation. The prosperity of society depends on the level of his education and moral qualities. The international holiday calls for paying attention to minor members of society.

When is it celebrated?

World Children's Day is celebrated on November 20 in many developed countries. The event was established by Resolution No. 836 (IX) of the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) in 1954. The date is not a national holiday in Russia, but the actions associated with it are supported by the authorities.

Who's celebrating

For the celebrations on the occasion International Day All children are related to the child. Their parents, relatives, and close people take part in the events. Teachers, educators, human rights activists and charities relevant specialization. It is celebrated by everyone who is associated with pedagogy in their profile.

History and traditions of the holiday

The event dates back to 1954. On December 14, a meeting of the UN General Assembly took place. The result was the adoption of a document recommending that countries around the world establish a similar holiday in 1956. The Organization later decided to hold events on November 20th. The selected date has symbolic meaning. It commemorates the signing of the “Declaration of the Rights of the Child” in 1959.

The event is marked by numerous actions aimed at protecting the rights of minors. In the West, demonstrations and flash mobs (collective actions according to a predetermined scenario) take place. The question of the appropriateness of abortion is raised. The discussions discuss the moral side of such operations. Supporters of the ban on abortion march through the streets with slogans and posters. They put forward demands at the legislative level to ban the medical procedure.

Charitable foundations collect money, things, textbooks for orphanages and low-income families. Public organizations organize educational sessions in various institutions, including schools. Listeners are told about the basic rights of minors. Mechanisms for countering and preventing violations of the law are described.

World Children's Day 2019 is marked by events in major cities. During these meetings, leaflets and reminders are distributed. Issues of hunger and poverty are raised. It talks about the scale of the problems and ways to overcome them. Famous figures culture, arts, show business stars record videos. They urge people to treat children with care and attention, and not to be indifferent to the difficulties they face.

In anticipation world day Seminars, conferences, and lectures are organized to help children. Certificates of honor, prizes, and valuable gifts are awarded to human rights activists, public figures, teachers for outstanding achievements. Many families support the tradition of congratulating their children. Means mass media publish stories about ongoing events. Programs dedicated to education issues are broadcast. The plots tell stories about the lives of orphanages. Their adoptive parents become the subjects of interviews.

In Russia it is more widely celebrated, set on June 1. Senior officials usually mention in their speeches memorable date. Authorities organize sports competitions, exhibitions of photographs, crafts, and drawings. Cultural institutions hold performances by creative groups with song and dance numbers.


Children, everyone's favorite little creatures, can radically change the lives of adults and fill the world around us all the colors of the rainbow. Among the various festive events dedicated to beautiful and charming creatures, in particular, World Children's Day is celebrated. What kind of holiday is this and why was November 20 chosen for the celebrations?

The tradition of holding celebrations dedicated to World Children's Day has existed for decades in 129 countries that are members of the UN. Its creation is based on the idea of ​​caring for small, beautiful creatures, thanks to whom the world around us is filled with magic and rainbow colors. After all, children constantly need special attention.

The establishment of the World Children's Day holiday took place in 1954 by Resolution No. 836 (IX) of the UN General Assembly. Five years later, on November 20, 1959, the “Declaration of the Rights of the Child” was adopted. Thirty years later, on the same day, the adoption took place legal document"Convention on child rights" Therefore, the date for celebrating World Children's Day was not chosen by chance. The days of the event were dedicated to it important events world-class in the field of children's rights.

The main goals of the establishment of World Children's Day include improving the well-being of children all over the planet, developing work programs carried out by UN countries in the interests of the child in an atmosphere of interethnic solidarity and cooperation. World Children's Day has become the center of attention of the world community in deciding global issues reducing child mortality and improving the quality of life of beautiful creatures.

Many organizations monitor disadvantaged families. In the healthcare sector, methods are constantly being developed to save sick children who were previously considered incurable. A special Children's Fund has been organized at the UN, whose activities are aimed at preserving the health of adorable babies, improving their quality of life and providing assistance to pregnant women.

Widely all over the world famous network McDonald's fast food restaurants constantly conduct charity events dedicated to World Children's Day. When purchasing food, a portion of the amount paid is automatically donated, and the funds collected are sent to help seriously ill children. November 20 in the Russian Federation is not a red day on the calendar, but the actions associated with it are actively supported by the authorities.

World Children's Day is a wonderful tradition and the most best reason for charity, which many people do famous people and organizations. Join this wonderful holiday too, accept active participation in life, the development of children, creating for them the soil of friendship, kindness, love and mutual understanding.

It is incredibly difficult to name a greater miracle of the planet than the birth of a child. This tiny creature is not just a small copy of the adults who gave it life, but a sure way to leave behind good shoots, a bright mark. Children evoke in us a feeling of sincere love, a desire to care and protect new residents globe from dangers and troubles. This is the theme of a holiday celebrated around the world on June 1 every year: International Children's Day. It turns out that there is another date, perhaps less known, but just as significant. It's called World Children's Day and corresponds to November 20.

History of the holiday

A holiday on a planetary scale, the goals of which include eliminating problems and resolving issues that in one way or another impede the well-being of the inhabitants of the Land of Childhood, even destroying it, was established more than half a century ago. In 1954, world powers received a recommendation order from the UN General Assembly: to schedule the start of Children's Day for 1956.

The organization named the main goals of improving the lives of the small abodes of the Earth and protecting their interests. In the international format, the name of the holiday sounds like Universal Children’s Day, but each country has the right to include a national version in the list of celebrated events. The UN office did not give specific instructions regarding the specific date of the event. The relevant documents stated that competent persons could choose the day of celebration within each country independently. However, after some time this issue returned and decided to set November 20 as a solemn date for all states, because on this day two significant events took place for the children of the planet: the adoption of the “Declaration of the Rights of the Child” in 1959 and the “Convention of the Rights of the Child”, signed 30 years later.

In general, the United Nations does great job for little citizens. It is especially worth noting the work of people employed at the UN Children's Fund. His activities are aimed mainly at maintaining and improving the health of children from the cradle until the end of adolescence. The organization pays close attention to expectant mothers carrying bundles of life under their hearts. It concerns the health of pregnant women, medical monitoring of women with various problems in this area, monitoring their condition in the prenatal phase and directly at the time of childbirth, providing needy individuals with the necessary medical examination. An important area of ​​influence of the UN Children's Fund is assistance to mothers and babies with AIDS and HIV-infected people.

- an excellent opportunity to provide support to the heroes of the occasion, including financial support. All over the world on November 20, famous brand companies hold charity events. A striking example- McDonald's culinary company. Everything that the company’s employees jointly achieve in World Children's Day, they voluntarily donate to children's homes, children's hospitals, shelters, and local regional funds dealing with children's problems. Celebrities do the same: show business stars, politicians, athletes - while simultaneously taking part in the process of selling products from fast food restaurants.

World Children's Day in Russia has not really caught on. Yes, it is celebrated, but not on a grand scale. On November 20, charity concerts are usually organized in the capital, but the holiday of June 1, familiar to all citizens of the country under the name “International Children’s Day,” was and remains more popular in Russian spaces.

The world of childhood is specific and exists only for a certain category of citizens of the planet. Adults are not allowed to enter there - they only have a real opportunity to come into contact with it for a while. Moreover, this area is attractive for those who have left a tender age, and therefore, I propose to get acquainted with some facts regarding children and motherhood.

Did you know that the most large woman in the world lived not just anywhere, but in Russia, in the 18th century? She was the wife of the peasant Fyodor Vasilyev and over the course of 40 years she gave birth to 69 babies! The children were the result of seven triplets, sixteen twins, and sixteen babies were twins born in four stages.

However, our compatriot did not break the record for the number of births. This is the merit of the Englishwoman Elizabeth Greenhill, who gave birth 38 times and gave birth to 39 children.

The Italian Rosanna Dalla Corta stood out for her venerable age for a woman in labor. Her son was born when the woman was 63 years old. So late pregnancy and the birth can be explained by the fact that all this time the lady was being treated for infertility.

The Australian women also excelled. On the mainland in the middle of the ocean, many more babies are born using the IVF (in vitro fertilization) method than in other countries.

Interesting facts related to the age of babies. Wise Indians consider the day of conception to be the day of birth of a child. Koreans attach no less importance to the moment of successful fertilization of an egg by a sperm, if not more, because they have officially moved away from stereotypes: in an Asian state, the age of children is documented to include nine months of intrauterine development.

Every parent wants to believe that their child is the best and unique. But some have real reasons to think so - thanks to evidence of the child’s extraordinary nature, specifically, his high intelligence beyond his years.

For example, two-year-old child prodigy Oscar Wrigley had an IQ of 160 (the child is now much older). This level of mental development was once recorded in Albert Einstein. The kid at that time, thanks to his extraordinary natural abilities, was a member of the Oxford club for the most smart people planets.

There were also many child prodigies in the past. Most of them are known to us as people who have achieved certain heights in a particular field of knowledge and field of activity. For example, the musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart mastered playing the piano in the first four years of his life, and did it perfectly. The starting musical pieces came out from under the fingers of the young virtuoso at the age of five. Two years before his tenth birthday, Mozart created his first musical symphony. And although skeptics attribute Wolfgang’s unsurpassed talent to the efforts of his father, who supposedly taught the child music from birth, the fact remains: it is possible to develop certain abilities only if there are clearly expressed inclinations of talent.

General Assembly The UN recommended in 1954 that all countries celebrate Universal Children's Day as a day of world brotherhood and mutual understanding among children, dedicated to activities aimed at ensuring the well-being of children throughout the world.

The UN invited governments to choose any day to celebrate the days. But the date chosen was November 20: It was on this day in 1959 that the assembly adopted Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which became a fundamental document in addressing issues of children’s rights, and in 1989 - Convention on the Rights of the Child, which links the rights of the child with the rights and responsibilities of parents and other persons responsible for the life, development and protection of children.

Now, according to the law, November 20 is World Children's Day. The purpose of celebrating World Children's Day is to draw attention to current problems modern childhood, call for guidance, public organizations and each person to activities aimed at ensuring normal conditions for mental and physical development children all over the world.

The Russian Federation ratified the Convention in 1990. Since then Russian government Periodic reports were provided on measures to implement the provisions of the Convention. The Committee, in turn, formulates recommendations that should improve the protection of children's rights.

Issues that concern you world community – high threshold of child mortality preschool age, unacceptable living conditions, large number diseases. It is within our power to change the situation. Every year, eleven million children do not reach the age of five.

In many cases, children lose their lives due to the devastating effects of poverty, discrimination, ignorance and violence. Many of the deaths could have been prevented.

Often the cause of child mortality is non-compliance with children's rights. The number of crimes against children (pedophilia, violence, murder, etc.) has increased in the world, and crime among children has increased significantly.

UN Children's Fund carries out active activities aimed at preserving children's health from early age and until youth. The Foundation also works to ensure proper medical supervision for pregnant women during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. Women are also provided with consultations and training in medical knowledge so that they can independently provide first aid to their children and cope with the symptoms of illnesses at home.

The UN Children's Fund pays special attention to creating proper living conditions for children who have lost their parents due to HIV/AIDS, and fights for equal rights and tolerant attitudes of society towards women and children with HIV.

One of UNICEF's main partners is Association of Ombudsmen for Children's Rights. Currently, Commissioners work in every fourth region of Russia. They monitor compliance with the rights of children, protect them from violence and abuse, help families in difficult life situations, protect various social groups children.

The Association of Commissioners for Children's Rights cooperates with local and federal authorities, carries out an independent assessment of compliance with children's rights, represents their interests in courts, and contributes to the development of relevant legislation.

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Introduce students to the traditions of the holiday.
1. Summarize children’s knowledge about the basic rights of the child, show the unity of rights and responsibilities.
2. Encourage children to protect their rights and cultivate respect for the rights of other people.
2. Contribute to the formation of an active life position.


1. Presentation.
2. Phonograms of songs.
3. Posters.

1. “Every child is to some extent a genius and every genius is to some extent a child” A. Schopenhauer.
2. “Childhood - when everything is surprising and nothing is surprising”
A. Rivarol.
3. “Children are holy and pure. You can’t make them the plaything of your mood.”
A. Chekhov.


I . Greetings
Autumn day in November -
Holiday on the calendar!
Day of gifts and flowers,
Are you ready to meet him?

Extend your hand with a smile
German, Russian, Yakut,
To an Englishman, an Estonian -
Let it shine the sun is brighter!

To live peacefullywere able
People in joy, love,
Adults all over the planet
Today they give a holiday to children!
Natalia Maidanik

- Guys, November 20 is International Children's Day, Children's Rights Day. The date November 20 was not chosen by chance. It is notable for the fact that it was on this date that the General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1959. The document united 10 fundamental principles and declared its ultimate goal to “ensure that children happy childhood".
And in 1989, also on November 20, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted, which obliges all countries to provide children good life. The Convention entered into force on September 2, 1990.
November 20 is also International Children's Rights Day. Did you know that from birth you have your rights, which are protected by the most main organization on our soil - the United Nations. ( show a slide with the UN emblem and a link to the official website). This is authoritative international organization arose after the Second World War, which deprived tens of millions of people of their main right - the right to life. To prevent a third world war, the peoples of the whole world united in the United Nations.
Unfortunately, our world has not become safe: wars, terrorist attacks, crimes, accidents, natural disasters, famine and epidemics. Even adults strong people cannot withstand these dangers, but children are the most defenseless. They are even in peaceful life need special care and attention from adults.

Today we will hold a small competition among two teams - 5th and 6th grades. All competitions are worth a maximum of 5 points.

And the first competition Business card.

The teams will present their name, commander and motto.

II . Children's rights.

Today we will talk about your rights.

Speech by children “Our Rights”.

1. We are all equal in our rights:
Both adults and children.
All races, creeds, languages ​​-
All people on the planet.

3. If someone suddenly wants
Ban you from going to school
Know right away - he is wrong -
They are not given such rights.

4. No one can torture you
To hurt, to offend.
You will remember one thing -
Hitting people is prohibited.

5. I listened to my rights
And remember them firmly.
Just know that you really need it
Respect the rights of others.

6. These rights cannot be deprived
No one will ever see you.
Right everyone will help
May you always be happy!

So what rights do you have? The guys call:
Right to life.
The right to a name at birth.
Right to medical care.
Right to education.
The right to rest and leisure.
The right to have property.
The right to freely express your views.
Right to free movement.
The right to freedom and upbringing by parents.
Right to comprehensive development and respect for human dignity.
Right to privacy, family life, inviolability of home, secrecy of correspondence.

All the guys are great!

- Let's stop at "The right to a name at birth" and we will hold the next competition - “Names”.

Conditions of the competition.
Each of the team members in the chain must quickly rise from their place, say their name and add an adjective that begins with the same letter (example: Anna - Neat, Konstantin - handsome, etc.). ( Students say their name, adding an adjective to it).

- Guys, do you have the right to your names? What do you think?

Can you prove that your name is exactly that and not another?

Your first and last names and dates of birth are recorded on the birth certificate. What else is written there, who knows? (Conversation with students ). Your parents' names are written there. And also the fact that you are citizens of Russia. This means that the state protects your rights, including your right to a name.

Mini-lecture “Convention on your rights.”

Where are all children's rights written down? (Conversation with students ).

Guys, all the rights of children around the world are written down in a special document, the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This document was adopted on November 20, 1989 by the United Nations.

- Convention - this is an agreement. This means that all states that have signed this Convention have agreed to protect the rights of children.

And next is the competition:

“Determine which of the fairy tale heroes is deprived of the following rights” .

What rights do fairy-tale heroes have? we're talking about, that is, guess the hero? The rights of which heroes were violated? –each team has two questions in turn

1) She is beautiful and sweet,

Her name is from the word “ash” (Cinderella)

-What rights were violated?(right to rest, freedom)

2) I went to visit my grandmother,

I brought the pies to her.

The Gray Wolf was watching her,

Deceived and swallowed. (Little Red Riding Hood)

-Remember what this fairy tale is about?

-What rights were violated?(Right to life)

3) It’s funny with sour cream,

It's cold at the window,

Round side, ruddy side.

Rolled……… (Kolobok)

-Remember what this fairy tale is about?

-What rights were violated? (right to life)

4) “We are not afraid of the gray wolf,

Gray wolf- teeth click"

This song was sung loudly

Three funny..... (Piglets)

-Remember what this fairy tale is about?

-What rights were violated?(right to housing)

The next competition is called Make up a word.

(two words for each team)

Make up a word:

VEN-ZIA-CON - Convention



ZO-NI-OBRA-VA-E – education

Music competition"Songs about rights."

A song is given for each team. Players must say what rights it refers to.

1. “Song of the Bremen Town Musicians” (right to freedom of movement).

2. “What they teach at school” (the right to education).

And now I propose to listen to the poem - a wish and think about the implementation of what rights of children it speaks of.

Competition "Expressive Reading".

Each team is given a poem.
On this day I want to wish,
So that every child in the world
Both father and mother were waiting at home,
They looked after, cherished, loved.

Let there be no abandoned guys,
To everyone - a family, father and mother,
A house in which there is always peace and harmony,
A house where there is no fighting.
(Right to family upbringing).


- What is more valuable than anything in the world? Ask this question to any adult and you will certainly get the answer - our children.
“We wouldn’t agree to part with you for any treasure in the world. You know that yourself.
- And even for one hundred thousand million crowns? - asked the Kid.
- And even for one hundred thousand million crowns!
- So, am I worth that much? - The Kid was amazed.
“Of course,” mom said and hugged him again.
The kid began to think: one hundred thousand million crowns - what a huge pile of money! Can it really cost that much?"

What work are these words from? (Kid and Carlson).

There are many holidays in the world,
Can't count them all!
Loved by adults and children
Meet them together!

But today is Children's Day
The whole world celebrates
From Paris to Hong Kong
The news is broadcast:

Congratulations! We love you! We believe!
We will save the world for you!
Grow up! Smile!
We will protect you!

We ask the jury to sum up the results.

Thanks everyone! See you again!