Material (grades 1,2,3,4) on the topic: Game circle (selection of games with the hall). "fun games with the audience"

Sedentary games and play exercises for children 3-7 years old. Collection of games and exercises Borisova Marina Mikhailovna

“Clapping” (game for children 5–7 years old)

Children move freely around the hall (playground).

For one clap from the driver they must jump, for two clap they must sit down, for three clap they must stand up with their arms raised up (or any other movement options).

All children depict some action, for example, playing the accordion, riding horses, etc. The driver guesses the action being depicted. If the driver does not guess correctly, then he loses. The children tell him what they did and come up with a new action. The driver guesses again.

Then another driver is chosen and the game is repeated.

From the book Sedentary games and play exercises for children 3-7 years old. Collection of games and exercises author Borisova Marina Mikhailovna

“Two Girlfriends” (game for children 4–6 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Two girlfriends on the lawn: (Clap their knees.) “Kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva.” (Clap their hands.) Two green frogs: (Clap

From the author's book

“House” (game for children 4–6 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. There is a house at the edge of the forest, (They fold their palms into a “house” over their heads.) There is a lock hanging on the doors, (They close their palms “into the lock.”) There is a man standing behind the doors.

From the author's book

“Herringbone” (game for children 4–6 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Our Christmas tree is beautiful, (They walk in a circle, holding hands.) It has risen to the heavens, (They stop, stretch their arms up.) Slender

From the author's book

“Along the Path” (game for children 4–6 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. One, two, three, four, five, Let's stretch our legs. We walk along the road, Raising our feet higher. (Walking in place.) And along the same

From the author's book

“Traffic light” (game for children 4–6 years old) For the game you need paper circles (diameter 10 cm) - red, green and yellow - attached to sticks. Children stand in a line and perform exercises according to the leader’s signals: at the red signal they squat, on yellow - stand up, on green -

From the author's book

“Three Bears” (game for children 4–6 years old) The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Three bears were walking home. (They march in place.) Dad was big, big, (Raise their hands up.) Mom is a little shorter, (Stretch your arms forward at the level

From the author's book

“Knock-knock” (game for children 4–6 years old) The teacher shows the movements and reads the text, the children repeat the movements after the teacher: “Knock-knock-knock!” (Three blows with fists against each other.) - Yes, yes, yes. (Three claps of hands.) - Can I come to you? (Three blows with fists against each other.) - Always happy! (Three

From the author's book

“It’s me” (game for children 4–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. These are the eyes. Here. Here. (Show first the left eye, then the right eye.) These are the ears. Here. Here. (First take on left ear, then for

From the author's book

“At the Giraffes” (game for children 4–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Giraffes have spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere, (Pat themselves on the body - put spots.) On the forehead, ears, on the neck, on

From the author's book

“Gawkers” (game for children 5–7 years old) Children form a circle and walk in a circle one after another. At the driver’s signal: “Stop!” stop, clap their hands four times, turn 180° and start moving in reverse side. The one who made the mistake leaves

From the author's book

“Who has arrived?” (game for children 5–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Who has arrived? (Put the palms and fingers of both hands together, clap the tips of the thumbs 4 times.) We, we, we! (Tips

From the author's book

“Lavata” (game for children 5–7 years old) Children form a circle. Without holding hands, children move with side steps, first in one direction, and when repeating the words - in the other direction, saying: Together we dance - Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, Our favorite dance is lavata. The presenter says: “My

From the author's book

“Palms” (game for children 5–7 years old) Two players stand opposite each other. The players simultaneously clap their hands, and then join their palms in front of them (right with left, left with right). Then the palms are connected crosswise - right to right, left to left. Then cotton - and

From the author's book

“Frog” (game for children 5–7 years old) Place your hands on the floor (table). Clench one palm into a fist, place the other on the plane of the table. At the same time change the position of your hands. The complication of the exercise is

From the author's book

“Ball” (game for children 5–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Ten, nine, (Clap hands.) Eight, seven, (Slap knees.) Six, five, (Clap.) Four, three, (Slap.) Two, one.

From the author's book

“Tick-tock-tock” (game for children 5–7 years old) Children stand scattered. The teacher gives the signal: “Tick!” – children bend left and right; at the signal: “Yes!” - they stop, and at the signal: “Knock!” - they jump on the spot. The one who makes a mistake leaves the game. Signals repeat 5–8

municipal government institution of additional education

Kargat House of Children's Creativity

Methodological development


Additional education teacher

Kovalevich Nadezhda Gennadievna

Kargat, 2013

Explanatory note

Today, the House of Children's Creativity, like other institutions of additional education, carries out a tremendous amount of work on the upbringing and development of children based on modern methods, innovative forms and advanced educational technologies allowing for meaningful learning.

The purpose of this methodological material– collect together from various sources for children of primary and secondary age various games and exercises that shape the creative abilities of children.

The proposed material was tested in the Kargat House of Children's Creativity and can be used as a guide by anyone interested in developing the creative abilities of children.

I am convinced that all children are talented, only this talent must be developed with kindness, love, creative initiative and professionalism.

A game for children is special kind activities. And no matter how much we read about the game, every time, again and again, we are surprised by the variety of games. After all, the basis of any game is interest, interest in new things, in communication.

Games with the audience will help you cheer up the guys and set them up emotionally, remove noise in the hall, and also fill an unexpected pause during any event.

At the same time, the game is wonderful and at the same time it is a way out of any situation. The game is a joy, regardless of the age of the players. And it’s not for nothing that the well-known words of A.S. are paraphrased. Pushkin “All ages are submissive to the game...” are encouraged to play, create, think, think.

During the games, children achieve significant success in their development; they acquire a lot of knowledge and skills, which they then use in training sessions, which has a positive effect on their studies and their cognitive interest increases.

"Smile at everyone"

Smile at the one on the right

Smile at the one on the left

Hug the one on the right

Hug the one on the left

You stroke the one on the right

You stroke the one on the left

Shake the hand of the one on the right

Shake the hand of the one on the left!

"Word to Rhyme"

Dandelion wreaths in summer

Of course, they only weave……..

Bolts, screws, gears

You will find it in the pocket of ………..

The skates drew arrows on the ice,

We played hockey in the morning………

We chatted for an hour without a break

In colorful dresses…….

Test your strength in front of everyone,

Of course, they only love………..

Afraid of the dark!

Cowards, they are all like one -……..

Silk, lace and ringed fingers -

Going out for a walk……….

We follow each other

Quiet forest, winter meadow.

(Walking in place)

One, two, three, four, five!

Four - arms wider,

Let's separate them to the sides,

And then we’ll press it to our chest,

And then faster, faster

We need to clap more cheerfully.

You need to raise your hands up

You can wave them.

Unbend, unbend,

Two - yawn and stretch,

Three - three claps of your hands,

Three nods of the head.

Four - arms wider,

Let's separate them to the sides,

And then we’ll press it to our chest,

And then faster, faster,

We need to clap more cheerfully.

« Me, you, he, she - all of us friendly family »

I, you, he, she -

We are all a friendly family.

Hello, friend on the right,

Hello, friend on the left.

I, you, he, she -

We are all a friendly family.

We can't be bored together.

You stroke your neighbor's shoulder -

The one sitting on the left.

And now your shoulder

Kiss you hotly.

Hug the neighbor on the right.

And now the neighbor on the left.

Pinch the neighbor on the right.

And now the neighbor on the left.

Kiss the neighbor on the right

And now the neighbor on the left

Together we are one family:

Me, you, he, she!

We can't be bored together!

Did you like the game?

If the game was good,

Clap your hands together!

Guess my friends!

The shepherd needs a double-barreled shotgun,

Scare so that the evil...(wolf).

He's afraid of girls too

White, small...(bunny).

I can't sleep because of envy,

I would like a fur coat like ... (a fox).

He walks importantly, like a count,

WITH long neck our...(giraffe).

A dish made from dry thorns

We cook for...(camel).

You can’t say “fuck off” to that pussy.

That pussy is called...(lynx).

This anger is terrible.

King of beasts, of course... (lion)

Lost my second horn


Magpie white-sided

Let's check: if I name a product that is needed to make porridge, you should say “Yes,” and if the product is not needed, then “No.”

Magpie white-sided

I'm thinking about it cook porridge,

To feed the children.

I went to the market

And this is what I took...

Fresh milk"Yes"

Chicken egg- No!

Semolina yes!

Head cabbage - no!

Pickled cucumber- No!

Jellied meat - no!

Sugar and salt - yes!

White beans - no!

Ghee - yes!

Salted fish - no!

Bay leaf - no!

Chinese rice - yes!

Prunes and raisins - yes!

Chocolate delight - no!

Bell pepper - no!

Tatar sauce - no!

Strawberry jam- yes

Biscuit cookies - no!

Yes, it turned out to be a nice porridge!

"Merry monkeys"

We are funny monkeys.

We play too loud.

We clap our paws and stamp our feet.

We puff out our cheeks and jump on our toes.

And we’ll even show each other our tongues.

Let's stick out the ears and the tail on the top of the head.

We are funny monkeys.

We play too loud.

Well done! We applaud!

Dating game

Tanya - raised their hands up,

Olya, Kolya - they screamed,

Lena and Sveta clapped their hands.

Well, Seryozha stomped his feet,

Dima, Yura whistled,

And Natasha all sat down,

Katya and Dima meowed in unison,

And Alyosha grunted a little.

Who didn't I tell you about?

And today I was silent,

Like one family

Let's shout together: "I"

That's how we met.

Game "Five Brownies"

Five cheerful brownies on a festive night

They partied too much, got very naughty.

(Raise your hands up and sway)

Standing on tiptoe, one spun in a waltz.

(Stand on tiptoes and spin around themselves)

And the second one tripped and bloodied his nose.

(Hold their nose)

The third jumped to the skies and took stars from the sky.

(They jump, grabbing stars with their hands)

And the fourth one stomped like a clumsy bear.


The fifth sang song after song until he was hoarse.

(Sing la-la-la)

The brownies had a lot of fun that night!

(Clap their hands)

Game "And I"

After each phrase of the presenter, the guys add “And I”

I wake up to a call

I lie on my side for a long time.

I'm vigorously doing exercises,

I'm dancing squat under the table.

I hear: the tea is already boiling,

The lid bounces and rattles.

The teapot is like a samovar,

Blows steam out of nose.

I butter the sandwich,

I open my mouth wider.

So what else it tasted better,

I'll spread soap on top.

I'll sit by the window

Vasilisa is a cat.

I saw a fight in the yard

The black cat bit the dog.

The cat barked, and then

He wagged his tail.

Game warm-up “Gymnastics”

We follow each other

Quiet forest, winter meadow.

(Walking in place)

Ski poles flash

Snowflakes are melting on the nose.

(wipe nose)

One, two, three, four, five!

Four - arms wider,

Let's separate them to the sides,

And then we’ll press it to our chest,

And then faster, faster

We need to clap more cheerfully.

Five - let's repeat it all again.

You need to raise your hands up

You can wave them.

Unbend, unbend,

Two - yawn and stretch,

Three - three claps of your hands,

Three nods of the head.

Four - arms wider,

Let's separate them to the sides,

And then we’ll press it to our chest,

And then faster, faster

We need to clap more cheerfully.

Botany lesson

The presenter names all the trees and shrubs in a row, and the players choose those that grow in our area. If they grow, they clap their hands, if not, they are silent or knock on the table.

Apple, pear, raspberry, mimosa.

Spruce, saxaul, sea buckthorn, birch.

Cherry, sweet cherry, lemon, orange.

Linden, maple, baobab, tangerine.

Plum, aspen, chestnut.

Coffee, rowan, plane tree.

Oak, cypress, cherry plum.

Poplar, pine, tower

Poetry assignment. You need to guess last word in an unfamiliar poem.

Petya saved the mouse from the cat,

Petya gave the mouse... (potatoes)

The mouse ate potatoes

And she scolded strongly... (cat)

And the cat was eating gingerbread

And she scolded me strongly... (mouse)

The mouse stopped eating

And from Petya... (ran away)

The cat caught the mouse

Mouse Cat... (bite)

The cat is tired of it

And she took up ... (business)

The cat taught the mouse

Mouse Cat...(tamed)

The mouse said: - You and me,

We are now with you... (friends).

The game comes to us

We divide the hall in half.

On the left, “Yes” is shouted back,

On the right they answer “No”

Is it really boring for guys to live without candy?

Is there a bike that flies into space?

Does water freeze in hot weather? summer evening?

Do all trains travel only on routes?

Can a heroic athlete jump to the moon?

Everyone is standing at a red light, both cars and people?

Can fish be caught from a dry pond?

Is it possible not to see a black cat at night?

Can seaworthy ships sail on land?

Lunch can be delicious raw potatoes?

Do all cities need to be capitalized?

All the answers are good, did you scream from the bottom of your heart?

"What's in the briefcase"

I will now ask questions, and you must shout “Yes” or “No” in response.

What's in the briefcase?

Books and notebooks?

Rolls, chocolates?


Colored pencils?

Paints and albums?

Dolls and cars?

Nails and springs?

Pens and notebooks?

Well done, guys! Everything is fine with you.


Guys, remember what letters your name consists of? Do you remember?

Listen carefully and be sure to answer!

Whoever has the letter “a” - shout “hurray” loudly!

Who has the letter “u” - say “mu” loudly!

Whoever has the letter “i” - everyone tell me “apchhi”!

Whoever has the letter “B” - shout “be” loudly!

And whoever has the letter “yu” - shout loudly “ala-ulu”!

Whoever has the letter “o” shout back to me the word loud “hello”!

Game "Who are you?"

Please guess any odd number from 1 to 9

"1"- You brilliant people

"3"- you are hardworking, and you are rewarded with a kind attitude

"5"- you always achieve your goal.

"7"- you are careless

"9"- you have a cheerful character

How are you living?

Now I’m going to ask questions, and you answer with these words: “That’s it!” and performing the corresponding movement:


How are you living? - Like this! - Fist forward, thumb up.

How are you going? - Like this! - a movement that imitates walking.

How are you running? - Like this! - running in place.

Do you sleep at night? - Like this - palms under the cheeks.

How do you get up? - Like this - get up from your chairs, arms up, stretch.

Are you silent? - That's it - finger to mouth.

Are you screaming? – That’s it – everyone screams loudly and stomps their feet.

Gradually the pace can be accelerated.


Let's imagine that we are all at the hippodrome. You will be the left podium (left half), and you will be the right podium (right half). Well, let's check how you can whistle, stomp, and clap. Fine! Your task is to portray horses in accordance with my command. Each word has its own movement:

Horses are brought to the start (clack-clack-clack)

Get ready! Let's start! Attention! March!

The horses ran! (Stomping feet)

The fans in the left stand are noisy (the left half of the hall is whistling)

The fans of the right stand made noise (the right half of the hall whistles)

Barrier! (clap hands)

Horses run faster! (stomp their feet harder)

Another barrier! (clap hands)

Horses run along the pavement (stomp their feet)

Barrier! (clap hands)

The finish is already in sight!

The right tribune made noise, the left tribune, now all together! Hooray! Finish!

Dance in a circle

All children repeat the word FRIENDLY.

We will now go to the right FRIENDLY.

And then let's go left AS FRIENDLY.

Let's gather together in the center of the circle.

And we will all return to our place FRIENDLY.

We will sit down quietly, FRIENDLY.

We will rise quietly IN FRIENDLY.

And let's jump lightly IN FRIENDS.

Let our feet dance FRIENDLY.

And they clap their hands FRIENDLY.

Shouldn't we start all over again FRIENDLY?


In the morning the butterfly woke up.

She stretched and smiled.

Once - she washed herself with dew.

Two - she spun gracefully.

Three - she bent down and sat down.

At four, it flew away.


(Perform movements according to the content of the text.)

We kick - stomp - stomp.

We use our hands - clap - clap.

We are with our eyes - moment - moment.

We shoulders - chick - chick.

One - here, two - there,

Turn around yourself.

Once - they sat down, twice - they stood up,

Everyone raised their hands up.

They sat down, stood up,

It’s as if Vanka became a stand-up.

Hands pressed to the body

And they began to make jumps,

And then they started galloping,

Like my elastic ball.

One - two, one - two,

The game is over!

« Magic dream»


Eyelashes droop

The eyes close.

We rest peacefully

Arms and legs are resting,

The neck is not tense

And relaxed.

Lips part slightly

Everyone is calmly relaxing,

Breathe easily, evenly, deeply.

My family

This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

But this finger is me,

That's my whole family!

Alternately bend the fingers, starting with the thumb.


Our scarlet flowers open their petals,

The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway.

Our scarlet flowers cover their petals,

They shake their heads and quietly fall asleep.

Children slowly straighten their fingers from their fists, swing their hands left and right, slowly clench their fingers into fists, and shake their fists forward and back.


The presenter distributes “roles” with sounds and gestures. The “spectators” make a “clap-clap” - everyone present. "The curtain" says "Whack-Whack". "Thunder" booms "bom-bom" - all boys. “Lightning” sings “tra-la-la” - all the girls. "Robbers" - "top-top" - that's it. After the distribution of “roles”, the presenter begins the game and calls either “thunder”, then “lightning”, then “curtain”, then “robbers”, and they unanimously voice their roles in unison. It's fun.

Australian rain

Do you know what Australian rain is? No?

Then let's hear together what he is like. Now in a circle in a chain you will convey my movements. As soon as they get back to me, I will pass on the next ones.

Watch carefully!

The wind has risen in Australia (the leader rubs his palms)

It's starting to rain (snapping fingers)

The rain is getting heavier (alternating hand clapping)

A real downpour begins (claps on thighs)

And now it’s hail, a real storm (foot stamping)

But what is it? The storm subsides (thigh taps)

The rain subsides (Alternating claps of palms on the chest)

Rare drops of rain fall to the ground (finger snaps)

Quiet rustling of the wind (rubbing palms)

Sun (hands rise up)

I wish you that in your souls a light breeze and rain will never turn into a storm, storm and downpour, and when they do turn, they will subside as smoothly and quickly as this Australian rain.

Star Rain

The game is an excellent way to establish silence in the hall and attract children's attention to what is happening on stage. The presenter says something like this: Dear guys! Look at the sky (you can look at the ceiling too)! Do you see what clouds are hanging over us?! Now it's going to rain! It's already fallen...

One drop (everyone slaps the palm with one finger).

Two drops (everyone slaps the palm with two fingers).

Three drops (all clap on the palm with three fingers).

Four drops (all clap the palm with four fingers).

A torrential downpour began (everyone claps their hands).

And the “star rain” began to fall (stormy standing applause).

Then everything is repeated in reverse order and silence sets in (the rain stops).


The presenter depicts sea level with his left hand, and with his right Goldfish. When the fish jumps out of the sea, the audience claps; when it is in the sea, they don’t. The fish begins to swim and jump out faster and faster. Viewers need to be careful not to make mistakes.


All participants stand in a circle and repeat the words and movements after the leader.

Telescopes come out (the hands and elbows rise together from bottom to top with sounds simulating the movement of a car)

Telescopes open (arms spread to the sides with a creak)

We clean the telescopes (movements with palms, as if washing glass)

We adjust the telescopes (we move our hands in front of our eyes, as if we are looking through a spyglass)

We saw a star. (The fingers of one hand, gathered in a pinch, open sharply with the sound: SMACK!)

We saw a lot of stars.

We saw the planet. (fist up, fingers spread sharply with the sound WOW!)

We saw many planets.

A flying saucer appeared. (Swing from side to side)

An alien fell out of it. (Head to shoulder, click tongue)

We say HELLO to him! (extend hand)

And he told us - hello! (shake our hands)

And now again!

Green parrot

This is a famous song (from the movie “About Little Red Riding Hood”), which is often sung in children’s camps. The competition is conducted by an accompanist playing the guitar or piano and a presenter.

Ah, in Africa the mountains are so high,

Ah, in Africa the rivers are this wide.

Ahh, crocodiles, hippos,

Ahh, monkeys, sperm whales,

Oh, and a green parrot.

Each time the first line is sung, the word “heights” is not pronounced, but is shown with the appropriate gesture (raise your arms up) and show imaginary mountains). When performing the second line, the word “width” is not said; it is depicted with the help of widely spread arms.

In the third line, instead of the words “crocodiles, hippos,” children use their hands to depict the jaws of a crocodile and a large fat hippopotamus, etc.

The fifth line is sung in full. This song is performed several times - faster and faster. Such a competition can serve unusual test to test motor coordination.


Now I’ll ask some tricky questions. If the answer is negative, please answer with the word “No”. And affirmative - then say loudly “Yes”

On a clear day you will see a mole in the window in the morning sun light,

Soaring in the sky, right? Night is coming, right?


There is warm water in the river, and we will see a star,

And in the hole like this? What if the sky is cloudy at night?


Forest - habitat Thin boy, like a skeleton

For squirrels, hares, birds... Easily lifts the barbell...


From the airport trains When the cold comes,

They take off along the strip... All the moose fly south...


Answer me without difficulty. Frozen water is hard.

Cherry blossoms in winter... Water can become gas


We put cups in the buffet. The snow will melt, there will be water in the streams.

We'll put a sofa there. In the spring this happens...


You say “Hello” to your friends. An elephant sits on the wires.

And you’ll say so to the head teacher... To have lunch, really


On the world-city map, the toad definitely doesn't have a tail.

Continents and countries... The cow has it...


In the shade + 30, and then Mommy will buy me candy

We put on fur coats... Because I was lazy...


We bought a ticket on the trolleybus. We went to the theater to watch the ballet.

You need to go on the roof and an operetta to the bathhouse...


For lunch my son Vanya Dad tells us in a deep voice:

Mom cooks soup in ..... “I like candy with .....”

(not in a glass, but in a pan) (not with meat, but with nuts)

Grandma asks Arkasha Mom asks Yulia

To eat from radishes... Pour some tea for her...

(not porridge, but salad) (not in a pan, but in a cup)

Both in Voronezh and in Tula, I was able to choose for myself

Children sleep at night on... A pair of mittens for....

(not on a chair, on a bed) (for hands)

The frost is crackling in the yard The road has become drier

You put a hat on... I have dry....

(not the nose, but on the head) (not the ears, but the legs)

All wheezing and sneezing Lada wanted blue varnish

Ate a lot... I'll paint myself...

(ice cream) (nails)

Always wearing rompers Who is this about? Repairing the roof

Sleeping in the garden with pacifier furniture, frames. They go fishing...

(not a grandfather, but a baby) (not a mother, but a father)

Both capricious and stubborn Dolls' dresses and pants

IN kindergarten doesn’t want to... They always love to sew...

(not mothers, but daughters) (not boys, but girls)

Probably two hundred years old, all black, like a rook

Petina...Climbing from our roof

(not to the bride, but to the turtles) (Chimney sweep)

First-graders enter the classroom. There's no need for this whole argument.

Only the fearless... Take the cutting of the fabric.....

(not Karabas, but a teacher) (not an ax, but scissors)

To iron the T-shirt and panties of my little sisters

Mom plugs it in... Bought for summer....

(not a watch, but an iron) (not felt boots, but sandals)

Old women go to the market, hockey players can be heard crying

Buy for yourself... The goalkeeper let them through...

(not toys, products) (not a ball, but a puck)

Summer is getting closer to us every day at Irinka and Oksanka's

Soon we will all get up... There are three wheels....

(not skis, but rollerblades) (not mopeds, but bicycles)

We remembered easily. The bunny went out for a walk.

Number one letter... The hare's paws are exactly...

(not O, but A) (not five, but four)

Just look at the bird, you'll sleep in class

The bird's legs are straight... For your answer you will receive...

(not three, but two) (not five, but two)

Birthday is around the corner.

We baked...

(not sausage, but cake)

Questions are over, friends! And I praise everyone, guys. The mysteries have come to an end. Well done to those who didn't make a mistake!

Fairy tales

The next task is this. You need to name all the fairy tales that are confused in the following text.

1. Once upon a time there lived with a woman and her grandfather Kolobok. He was once lying on the window. And then the Mouse ran and waved its tail. The bun fell and broke. Seven kids came running and ate everything, leaving the crumbs behind. They ran home, and the crumbs were scattered along the path. Geese-swans flew in, began to peck at the crumbs and drink from the puddle. Then the learned cat says to them: “Don’t drink, otherwise you’ll become little goats!”

(7 fairy tales: “Kolobok”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Wolf and 7 Little Goats”, “Hansel and Gretel”, “Swan Geese”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”)

2. Once upon a time there were three bears. And they had a bast hut, and there was also an ice hut. So Mouse-Norushka and Frog-Frog were running past, they saw a hut and said: “Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, and turn your front to us!” The hut stands and does not move. They decided to enter, went to the door, and pulled the handle. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. Apparently, Sleeping Beauty is lying there and waiting for Emelya to kiss her.

(7 fairy tales: Three Bears, Zayushkina's Hut, Teremok, Baba Yaga, Turnip, Sleeping Beauty, At the Pike's Command.)

3. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a Frog Princess. So one day she sat on a gray wolf and went to look for the feather of Finist the Bright Falcon. The wolf is tired and wants to rest, but she says to him: “Don’t sit on the stump, don’t eat the pie!” And the wolf got angry and said: “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, scraps will fly through the back streets!” The Frog got scared, hit the ground and at midnight turned into a pumpkin.

(6 fairy tales: The Frog Princess, Finist the Clear Falcon, Ivan Tsarevich and gray wolf, Masha and the Bear, Zayushkina's hut, Cinderella.)

Dwarfs and giants

A game of attentiveness, the players stand in a circle, the leader explains that if he says “dwarfs,” everyone should squat down, and if he says “giants,” everyone should stand up. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game; the presenter can intentionally give incorrect commands, for example, “potato”, “rope”, “pockets”, “ve-derko”. The winner is the player remaining last.


Children are divided into pairs, each pair is given a ball of thread and a thick pencil. At the leader’s signal, the children begin to rewind the ball onto a pencil. The pair that completes the task the fastest wins.

Two rams

This game can be played in pairs taking turns. Two children, with their legs spread wide apart, bend their torsos forward, rest their foreheads against each other and make the sounds “Be-e-e.” Hands clasped behind back. The task is to confront each other without budging for as long as possible.

Clever janitor

To play, you need to prepare a broom, leaves (you can use sheets of paper) and draw a circle - this is the place of the “janitor”. A janitor is chosen, he stands in a circle with a broom, at the leader’s signal, the rest of the participants pretend to be the wind, that is, they throw pieces of paper into the circle. The janitor sweeps out the garbage; he is considered the winner if, after the time has elapsed (1-2 minutes), there is not a single leaf in the circle.


Two slits for hands are made on a sheet of whatman paper. Participants take their sheet, insert their hands, and draw themselves in the slot.

Fun exercise

We put on the record and go out to warm up:

We start running on the spot, the finish is in two hundred meters!

Enough, let's come running. We stretched and breathed.

To reach the ceiling, you need to stand on your toes!

Well, let's jump forward. Head turns.

They sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up, and ran together again!

Come on, they spread their hands, as if they were surprised,

And they bowed to each other to the ground!


The presenter divides the room into 4 parts.

Each group learns their words:

1st group- The spindles are turned.

2nd group- The brooms are soaked.

3rd group- Drink tea with pies.

4th group- We'll go mushroom picking.

Everyone is learning together- Lady, lady, lady, lady.

At the command of the leader, that part of the participants to which he points

hand, shouts his words, if the leader raises both hands up, then everyone sings the last line.

This is me, this is me, these are all my friends

If you act in accordance with the Traffic Rules, then answer in unison:

This is me, this is me, these are all my friends, if not, then shut up.

Which one of you is coming into the light?

Speaker No move?

Which one of you goes forward?

Only where the transition is?

Which one of you, on your way home,

Is it on the pavement?

Who's on a slippery road?

Running out in bad weather?

Who flies forward so quickly

What does the traffic light not see?

If the yellow light is on,

Who's coming? Who's standing?


Each team receives a card with the name of the statue written on it. One, the most sculptural participant from each team must complete the task. Then two stage workers will approach him and take him backstage. The statue must remain in character until the very last moment.

1. Girl with a paddle.

2. Border guard on patrol.

3. Conquerors of the peak.

4. Javelin Thrower

5. Statue of a lover.

6. Monkey in a cage.

7. Ballerina in flight.

8. Patient at the dentist

9. Goalkeeper catching the ball.

10. Fisherman pulling a catfish.

Great, now stage workers, take away the statues. And your task, dear “statuaries,” is to preserve the original image of the statue.

Competition "Animal Dialogue"

Participants are invited in pairs, the most vocal ones who can imitate the voices of animals and birds. So, the competition begins - a dialogue of onomatopoeia and animal conversation. Please receive task cards.

1. Chicken - rooster.

2. Dog - cat

3. Pig - cow

4. Crow - monkey

5. Duck is a goat.

6. Donkey - turkey

7. Bumblebee - frog

8. Sheep - horse

9. Lion - cuckoo

10. Sparrow - snake


And now I invite the most artistic guys to the stage, one participant per team. Our competition is called - mannequins. Plastic improvisation in a given image until the command “stop”, that is, I read the text, and you must walk in a circle, depicting what I will tell. So, get ready, let's start!

1. A man, a former champion of the tram park in lifting weights. The height is below average, the legs are short (no longer than half a meter), the chest is sunken, the stomach is watermelon-shaped, the right shoulder is 30 cm lower than the left. Blows his nose periodically and is very proud.

2. Woman, height 180 cm, low fatness, right leg shorter than the left, spine curved in three places, tongue does not fit in the mouth. One eyebrow is higher than the other, he cries often, crying easily turns into laughter.

3. A very tall man, a giant, his spine curved with a question mark, right leg drags, the lower jaw is pushed far forward. He has a pronounced grin, protruding ears, often snores when walking, and is shy.

4. An old woman, close to a century old, is engaged in race walking, her head and legs are shaking, she is slightly blind, but her back is straight, her gait is jumping, suspicious, she often looks around, she suffers from an old smoker’s cough.

5. A child between 2 and 3 years old, with a large head and thin neck. He tries to reach his nose with his tongue, often falls into puddles, laughs cheerfully, even too much, and suffers from a chronic runny nose.

Shoe the team

All participants take off their shoes and put them in a pile and mix them. One of the participants must put on his team's shoes. The team that puts on its shoes the fastest wins.

I wish you

We need to come up with something (preferably in verse) holiday greetings. Read it aloud to those in the room.

…………………………………… Wish,



……………………………………I'm melting.

Blow the ball

The competition is designed for children. A table is placed in the middle of the room. Either a piece of cotton wool rolled into a ball or a small light ball is placed in the middle of the table. One child stands at one end of the table, the second at the other. The children's task is to blow the ball to the opponent's side. The game continues until someone passes the ball. The winner receives a well-deserved prize. The game can be made as a team game. Then several children can participate at once, simultaneously blowing out balloons on the opponent’s side.


Teams stand parallel to each other, each forming its own line-queue. A chair or flag is placed at a distance of 30-40 steps from each team. Players on a team must hold the players in front by the waist. Task: when the leader whistles, each team must as quickly as possible...

New Year

Children dance around the Christmas tree, and the leader asks funny questions, which the children must answer in unison. YES or NO.

Is Santa Claus a cheerful old man? (Yes!)

Do you like jokes and gags? (Yes!)

Knows songs and riddles? (Yes!)

Will he eat all your chocolates? (No!)

Will he light the children's Christmas tree? (Yes!)

Wearing shorts and a T-shirt? (No!)

Doesn't his soul age? (Yes!)

Will it warm us up outside? (No!)

Santa Claus is Frost's brother? (Yes!)

Is our birch good? (No!)

Is the New Year getting closer? (Yes!)

Is there a Snow Maiden in Paris? (No!)

Is Santa Claus bringing gifts? (Yes!)

Does he drive a foreign car? (No!)

Wears a cane and a hat? (No!)

Sometimes he looks like his dad? (Yes!)

What's hanging on the tree

The boys and I will play interesting game:

I will tell the kids what we decorate the Christmas tree with.

Listen carefully and be sure to answer,

If we tell you correctly, say "Yes" in response.

Well, what if suddenly it’s wrong, say boldly “No!”

Children will have to shout “Yes” or “No” in unison.

- Multi-colored firecrackers?

- Blankets and pillows?

- Folding beds and cribs?

- Marmalades, chocolates?

- Glass balls?

- Are the chairs wooden?

- Teddy bears?

- Primers and books?

- Are the beads multi-colored?

- Are the garlands light?

- Snow made from white cotton wool?

- Satchels and briefcases?

- Shoes and boots?

- Cups, forks, spoons?

- Are the candies shiny?

- Are the tigers real?

- Are the cones golden?

- Are the stars radiant?

Christmas trees

All guests play, competition for attentiveness. The presenter tries to confuse the participants and says: “Let's imagine that we are in the forest and you are all different Christmas trees. You need to show what kind of Christmas trees you are. When I say “high,” you need to raise your arms up, when “low,” you need to sit down, and when you say “wide,” you need to spread your arms to the sides. The one who made a mistake leaves the game and receives a small incentive gift (small candy). The winner, the most attentive player, receives the main prize.

Catch a snowball

Guests are divided into two teams. One of the team members stands away from the others and picks up a paper bag or bucket. The rest receive a set of “snowballs” - paper lumps or balls. Task for team members: you need to throw snowballs so that they all end up in a bag or bucket. The team that does it faster wins. Hold the snowflake This is a team relay competition. Each team is given a piece of cotton wool. One of the team members begins to blow on the cotton wool, trying to keep the “snowflake” in the air as long as possible. The presenter times the time. When the snowflake falls, the next player on the team starts blowing. The winner is the team whose “snowflake” hangs in the air the longest in the overall team standings.

Telegram to Santa Claus

Children, with the help of a facilitator, select and write down 13 adjectives on a piece of paper. For example: fat, slow, hungry, sad, dirty and the like. Now the presenter asks you to help him compose a telegram to Santa Claus. Children must fill in the missing adjectives in the order they are written on the sheet. Text of the telegram: “... Grandfather Frost! New Year is the most... holiday of the year. All... children are looking forward to your... arrival. We promise to sing you... songs, dance... dances! Finally it will come... New Year! Although I don’t want to remember about ... studying, we promise to receive only ... grades. So, don’t forget to take your… bag with you and give us… gifts. Sincerely, your... boys and... girls! The Snow Queen The task for each participant is to melt the spell of the Snow Queen. Everyone gets an ice cube and must make the cube melt. How they will manage to melt the ice - the children must decide for themselves. You need to melt the cube faster than others. The winner receives a prize.

Impromptu theater

    A performance in impromptu theater is never prepared in advance.

    Actors are spectators invited to the stage.

    Only the presenter knows the script.

    The roles of the participants in the fairy tale are written on separate pieces of paper and distributed to the participants randomly in a wrapped form.

    The presenter reads out the text of the fairy tale and asks the actors to unfold the notes with the role.

    After which the script is read again.

    When the plot introduces a new character that has not yet been mentioned before, the participant who received this role stands up and enters into the action that is being played out.

    Then he acts based on the script read by the presenter.

    In the script, roles are indicated in bold and underlined.

This competition is often used to fill gaps in competitions where teams spend a long time preparing.

New Year's fairy tale

In the dark-dark, terrible-terrible New Year's forest preparations were underway for the holiday. In the middle of a clearing, illuminated by misty moonlight, stood hut on chicken legs. Lonely hare Every now and then he ran up under the porch, moved his furry paws and rubbed himself against the bone leg. On the evergreen century-old pine, strewn with fluffy white snow, hung forgotten by someone huge watch. They creaked and shook in the wind.

But then a brave, very brave, mighty, mighty one appeared Ivan Tsarevich. He was clearly angry and ground his teeth every now and then, showing off his swollen muscles to those around him.

I was terribly scared hare and, with a piercing squeal, rushed away.

“Hut, hut, turn your front to me and your rear to the forest!” the prince shouted.

Hut did not obey.

“Hut, hut, turn your front towards me, otherwise it will be worse,” Ivan repeated

An angry woman ran out of the hut Baba Yaga. She stamped her feet and threatened Ivan with her shaggy fist.

Ivan humbled his pride and smiled a wide Russian smile. Local photographer took several new advertising photographs for the new forest independent publication “There is strength in a smile.”

Touched Yaga She hugged Vanya in a fatherly way and gave him a new jet mortar with a silencer.

Watch showed midnight. Sleepy cuckoo, waking up from sleep, screamed in a hoarse voice three times and, not having time to close her mouth, fell asleep again.

sat down Ivan Tsarevich on stupa, took with me Babu Yaga and his damask sword and rushed off to the New Year's meeting with princess the Wise,

Princess Vasilisa, generously giving those around her friendly glances, waved her downy coat and eagerly awaited her betrothed.

The joy of the young knew no bounds when they finally met. They began to dance, and completely fainted Baba Yaga cried with happiness.

The young people put up a hedgehog, decorated it with multi-colored balls and started a friendly forest round dance.

That’s the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened, well done.

Fairy tale

Female roles: Queen, Princess, Butterfly and Flower (there may be several of them), Sun, Bird, Curtain.

Male roles: King, Prince. Nightingale the Robber, Oak, Horse, Breeze, Boar (maybe more than one), Curtain.

The presenter reads the text. The actors do what they are told to do.

Act I

The curtain opens. Palace of the King.

Once upon a time there was a King and Queen. They loved each other very much, looked at each other with loving eyes and played pats. And they had a naughty and playful daughter, Princess. Her parents adored her, kissed her, spoiled her, and played goat-goat and hopscotch with her. The curtain closes.

Act II

The curtain opens. Palace Park.

The weather was beautiful. The Sun was shining brightly, the old Oak rustled its branches. Some Bird chirped merrily in its branches. Flowers bloomed and fragrant, Butterflies fluttered above them. A gentle breeze flew over the clearing, and wild pigs frolicked under the oak tree. The princess went to the park for a walk. She listened to the Birds singing, smelled the Flowers, ran after the Butterflies, scratched the Boars behind the ears and sat down under the Oak to bask in the Sun. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the Nightingale the Robber flew in. He grabbed

The princess was dragged somewhere. The Boars immediately ran away from the clearing, the Butterflies flew away, the Flowers withered, the Bird flew away. And even the Sun was no longer shining so brightly... The curtain closes.

Action Ш

The curtain opens. Dark forest.

The sun was shining brightly over a gloomy clearing in the forest. In the middle of the clearing stood an old Oak tree rustling its branches. Some Bird was chirping in its branches. Flowers bloomed and fragrant, Butterflies fluttered above them. A light breeze flew over the clearing. The Nightingale the Robber dragged the Princess, tied her tightly to the Oak and began to offer her his hand and heart. The princess proudly rejected him. He began to offer her all his wealth in addition. But this did not seduce the Princess. The curtain closes.

Act IV

The curtain opens. Palace of the King. Upon learning of the disappearance of the Princess, the King and Queen fell into inconsolable grief. The King offered the Queen smelling salts, and the Queen carefully squeezed the King’s handkerchiefs wet from tears. So they sobbed on each other's shoulders until they heard the clatter of hooves. It was on a good horse that I passed by Prince Charming. Hearing the inconsolable sobs of the unfortunate King and Queen, the Prince drove into the palace. The King and Queen blessed him for his feat and began to wait with hope. The curtain closes.

Act V

The curtain opens. Dark forest. The sun was shining brightly over a gloomy clearing in the forest. In the middle of the clearing stood an old Oak tree rustling its branches. Some Bird was chirping in its branches. Flowers bloomed and fragrant, Butterflies fluttered above them. A light breeze flew over the clearing. The princess still languishes, tied to the Oak. The Nightingale the Robber thinks in despair: “What should I do with her?” At this time, a horse trampled. It was the Prince who came to free the Princess. He said: (says any primitive phrase in foreign language), which translated means: “Give the Princess back quickly, otherwise you’ll be in trouble!” And this Nightingale the Robber answered: (a primitive phrase in a foreign language), which means: “Yes, take her, take her. You see, I myself don’t know what to do with her!” The Prince put the Princess on a good Horse and took her to the palace. The sun was shining brightly over a gloomy clearing in the forest. In the middle of the clearing stood an old Oak tree rustling its branches. Some Bird was chirping in its branches. Flowers bloomed and fragrant, Butterflies fluttered above them. A light breeze flew over the clearing. The curtain closes.

Act IV

The curtain opens. Palace of the King. Upon learning of the disappearance of the Princess, the King and Queen fell into inconsolable grief. The King offered smelling salts to the Queen, and the Queen carefully squeezed out handkerchiefs wet from tears for the King. So they sobbed on each other's shoulders until they heard the clatter of hooves. It was the Prince who brought the Princess. The King and Queen clapped their hands with joy, and the Princess jumped on one leg. The prince asked for the bride's hand in marriage. Their parents happily blessed them. In the evening the wedding took place. The hall was decorated with flowers, Butterflies fluttered above them, the Nightingale the Robber, invited to the wedding, whistled "Lambada", and everyone danced. Fried wild boars were served to the table. Everyone was having fun and shouting “Bitter”.

The curtain closes. End.

Games with the hall

"Our suitcase"

Leading: Guys, what might we need for long journey? Name the items you need to take first. We name the objects one by one. So, the road battles have begun! (The guys name the objects, the last one to name is the most attentive).

"Traffic light"

Now let’s check how friendly our team is, and this song will help us with this. There are three circles in front of you: green, yellow, red. When I show you the green circle, you all sing together, when the yellow circle appears, we sing quietly, and when the red circle appears in the hall, there is silence, you sing the song to yourself.

So, get ready, let's start!

"They fly, they fly"

Leading: Guys, now I will name various objects, if they fly, you must say in chorus: “They fly, they fly...”. At the same time, you show the flight of hand movements. If things don't fly, stay silent.


(The presenter pronounces the words quickly).

"Goal! Past!”

Leading: Now imagine that you are present at a football match, where the match is taking place between the teams “Dynamo - Moscow” and “Dynamo - Kyiv”. One half of the hall is rooting for Dynamo-Kyiv, the other for Dynamo-Moscow. When I raise my hand, the team shouts “GOAL!”, the left hand “PASS!”, and the two hands “PUCK!”, crossed hands “Barbell!”.

Let's see what kind of fans you are.

So, the scarlet flag hoisted from the mast

Two teams are playing: Dynamo and Spartak.


Leading: how quickly time flies. The clock is necessary item for each of us. Let's all listen together to how the clock runs and what happens when we treat it carelessly.

Rules of the game: for one clap, the right side of the hall says in unison: “Tick”; for two claps, the left side of the hall answers: “Tak.”

(The presenter first alternates the claps correctly, and then gives two claps twice in a row, two times one at a time).

"Ear, nose"

Leading: the rules of this game are very simple: you need to take yourself with your right hand by the tip of your nose, and with your left hand by your right ear, then clap your hands and change hands so that now left hand she held the tip of her nose and her right hand behind her left ear.

Let's try. started!


Leading: guys, let's learn the words of our song:

We dance together
Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta
Our cheerful dance
This is Lavata

Leading: Are our hands good?

All: good... Leading: What about the neighbor?

Everything is better! (everyone joins hands and sings)

“My cap is triangular”

Leading: guys, you and I will sing one more song, only we will replace each word in turn with different movements. But first, let's learn the words:

My cap is triangular
My triangular cap
And if not triangular,
This is not my cap.

(Guys sing)

Leading: And now the word cap - we point, with our hand on the head, but we do not pronounce the word cap. Then, in response to the word my, the guys touch their chest with their hand, but do not say the word itself. For the word triangular, the guys should show three fingers, extending their hand forward, and then moving it to their belt.

"Uncle Thomas's Family"

Uncle Thomas has seven sons,
Uncle Thomas has seven sons.
They didn't eat, they didn't drink.
And we were never bored.
Right hand. (the players throw their right hand in front of them and, shaking it to the beat of the melody, repeat the song). So, after each verse, the right and left hands, right and left leg stomp to the beat of the melody, then move the right and left shoulders, right and left eyes. The game ends like this:
Uncle Thomas has seven sons,
Uncle Thomas has seven sons.
They didn't eat, they didn't drink.
And we were never bored.
Right hand
Left hand,
Right leg
Left leg
Right shoulder
Left shoulder,
Right eye
Left eye.
And the head (players put their hands on their heads).

"Fun Grammar"

Leading: Guys, I offer you the game “Fun Grammar”. I will name the words in singular, and you will answer in the plural.

For example: raft. You answer rafts. And so, everything is clear.

Raft - rafts.
Mole - moles.
Grotto - grottoes (that's right, grottoes).
Arc - arcs.
Hand - hands.
Flour - flour ( plural No).
Resident - residents.
Resident of the town - residents of the town (or rather, a dead town).
Amateur - amateurs.
Greek - Greeks.
Uzbek - Uzbeks.
People are people (and that’s right, people).

Leading: and now the verbs indeterminate form must be put in the first person.

For example: walking - walking. So

Leading: I will name the words of the masculine gender, and you will name the corresponding words of the feminine gender:

Cook - cook.
A tailor is a dressmaker.
A merchant is a merchant's wife.
Brave - ... (no feminine word).

Leading: last try. I name feminine words, and you name the corresponding masculine words:

Goat is a goat.
Osa - ... (no feminine word).

Leading I don’t even know what else to offer you...I came up with it!

Get ready - I'm starting
You should ask questions.
If I ask correctly,
You must answer me:
“We saw it, we saw it at the zoo!”

(Asks a question)

Leading: Behind bars at the gate
A huge hippopotamus is sleeping

Leading: Here is the baby elephant's quiet sleep
Protects old elephant
Everyone: We saw it, we saw it at the zoo, we saw it.

Leading: Black-eyed marten
A wonderful bird.
(the answer should not be heard, but if those who are mistaken and say “Saw ...”)

Who said the marten is a bird,
Should study better.
But I don't waste time
I continue the test.

Leading: Ponies are small horses
How funny ponies are.
We saw it, we saw it at the zoo, we saw it.

Leading: behind the fields behind the mountains.
A chicken with horns walks around (laughter in the audience)


Leading: repeat after me the words:
Oh-la-tarira! (we hit our knees with our palms)
(when pronouncing the words “cuckoo” we snap our fingers. The cuckoo can cuckoo 10 or more times, and the tempo increases).

"What kind of instrument"

Leading: guys, are you familiar with musical instruments? I'll check now...
Which instrument?
Do you have strings and a pedal?
What is this? Undoubtedly
This is our sonorous (Royal).
He looks like a brother to the button accordion,
Where is the fun, there he is...
I won't give any hints
Everyone knows (Accordion)
I put the pipe to my lips,
A trill flowed through the forest,
The instrument is very fragile.
It's called...(Pipe).
Louder than a flute, louder than a violin,
Our giant is louder than trumpets.
It's rhythmic, it's different,
Our cheerful (Drum).
Weak movements of the bow lead
The strings tremble.
The tune murmurs from afar, singing about a moonlit evening.
The overflow of sounds in them is so clear
Joy and smile
Sounds like a dreamy tune
My name is (Violin).
I have been given very few strings,
But for now I had enough!
You are my strings
And you will hear: long, long, long!
Come on! Guess who I am!
Mischievous (Balalaika).

"The deer has a big house"

Leading learns words with children and explains that each word is played out with appropriate hand movements. The pace is constantly increasing.

The deer has a big house,
He looks out his window.
A hare runs through the forest.
There's a knock on his door:
“Knock, knock, open the door,
There's an evil hunter in the forest!
Quickly open the doors,
Give me your paw."


Leading: Guys, for this game we need to divide into three groups.

1 group says, “Tell me about your purchases,”

2nd group“About what purchases?”

3 group“About such purchases.”

All “About my shopping (3 times)”

And so we begin to gradually increase the pace.

"The ball is flying"

Leading: learning words

The ball is flying, flying across the sky
The ball flies across the sky,
But we know that up to the sky
It won't reach.
(melody of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”)

Leading: and now each time we will replace words with movements:
It flies - we wave our arms,
Sky - raise your index finger up,
Ball - circular movement of the hands.

“This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”

Leading: guys, I will ask you questions, and you listen carefully and answer “this is me, this is me, these are all my friends.”

Who among you doesn't like boredom?
Who's the jack of all trades here?
Who is dancing and singing?
Who takes care of clothes?
Does he put it under the bed?
Who keeps things in order?
Tears both books and notebooks?
Who says thank you?
Who gives thanks for everything?
Who's ready to get down to business first?:
And who runs boldly in the gym?
Who sings songs in the pioneer detachment?
Who keeps the notebooks neatly?
And who is not lazy, and not a coward, and not a crybaby?
Who puts a huge blot in a notebook?
Who wants to study with excellent grades?
Who is proud of their school and class?
Who answers the lesson without hesitation?
Who helps your friends in their studies?

Leading: guys, do you want to listen to the sound of rain?
We do everything like I do.

(The presenter speaks and shows)
And suddenly a drop fell from the sky
(finger right hand hit the palm with the left)

Then two drops fell from the sky.

Then three drops fell from the sky. (three times)

Then four drops fell from the sky. (four times)

Then five drops fell from the sky. (five times)
(we hit with our finger, depicting a downpour).

And it began to rain heavily, as if pouring out of a bucket.

It pours for a day, it pours for two...

And then it starts to subside.

Four drops began to fall from the sky. (four times)

Then three drops fell from the sky. (three times).

Then two drops fell from the sky.

Then one drop began to fall from the sky. (single finger strikes).

But one drop stubbornly falls

Do you hear?

The rain has stopped. The sun is out, the rainbow is smiling at everyone and everyone is in a good mood.

The hall became quiet.


The audience, together with the knowledgeable, pronounces the words and repeats his movements:

They came, they came (let's go together).
Hedgehogs, hedgehogs (showing spread fingers).
Forged, forged (we hit fist on fist).
Scissors, scissors (we show scissors with our hands).
Running in place, running in place (running in place).
Bunnies, bunnies (show ears).
Come on, come on together! Come on together! (all the boys shout loudly: “Boys”, and all the girls: “Girls”).
The game is usually played 2-3 times.


The hall is divided into three parts and each receives its own words:

1st“In the bathhouse, the brooms are soaked.”

2nd“The spindles are not turned.”

3rd“But the sponge is not dried.”

Words for the audience: “The lady is the lady, the lady is the madam.”

Leading manages the hall, points first to the first, then to the second part of it, then to the whole hall. To whomever he points, they pronounce their words.


Leading: “My friend came from India and brought a fan as a gift (fans himself with an imaginary fan, the audience repeats). My friend came from India and brought a fan as a gift and sewing machine(depicts a fan first, then a typewriter, the audience repeats). Gradually adding more and more new items, for example: skis, a meat grinder, a blowgun, a saxophone...”

The players must not lose their way.


Leading: “In order to observe the stars, the astronomer must open the dome of the observatory.”

Playing spread their arms, bent at the elbows, in front of the face, in different sides: “Whack - whack.”

Leading: We extend the telescope.

Playing They stretch their neck forward, their arms remain in the same position: “Oooh!”

Leading: “Wipe the lens with a soft cloth.”

Playing: make rotating movements in front of the face: “Shikh - shikh - shikh.”

Leading: We aim at the target.

Playing: With the right hand they imitate the rotation of the flywheel, the body turns first to the right, then to the left: “Z-z-z-z.”

Leading: “Looking through the eyepiece.”

Playing: look into the ring formed by the thumb and index fingers: “O-o-o-o.”

Leading: “And there the stars light up.”

Playing: open your palms in front of you, alternately with your right and left hands: “Chpok - chpok - chpok.”

Leading: “Asteroids fly, comets rush by.”

Playing: they wave their right and left hands: “Bzh - zh - zh. Three!"

Leading: “A snowstorm is flying.”

Playing: arms spread to the sides, swaying smoothly: “Sh-sh-sh-sh.”

Leading: “The astronaut fell out of the hatch.”

Playing: They fall on their side with a groan: “Ah-ah-ah.”

Leading: “Flying saucers fly straight in schools.”

Playing: The index fingers make rotational movements near the shoulders: “Ulu-lu-lu-lu.”

Leading: “Meteorites are falling. There was a meteor shower."

Playing: They applaud, the applause smoothly turns into applause.


Leading: “The horses are about to start.”

Playing: imitate the stamping of hooves by hitting themselves on the knees with their palms, alternately with the left and then with the right.

Leading: “Let’s start! Attention! March!".

Playing: Gradually speed up the run, hitting your knees with greater frequency.

Leading: “Barrier!” (double barrier)

Playing: make one or two claps on the knees with two palms at once.

Leading: “We’re running along the pavement.”

Playing: alternately hitting yourself on the collarbones with your fists.

Leading: “We’re running on the grass.”

Playing: Rubbing palm against palm.

Leading: “Through the swamp.”

Playing: bring your index fingers to the corner of your mouth. They alternately move them up and down, sucking air through their mouths, producing peculiar sounds.

Leading: "Tribune."

The girls shout: “Come on, come on! E-ge-ge."

The boys: “Whoa-ho-ho” and whistle.

Leading: “The finish line is coming soon.”

Playing: They wipe off the sweat and imitate putting a wreath on their neck.

Notes: The presenter can alternate tasks to complete new ones at his own discretion.


Leading divides the hall into five parts and distributes the words to each:

1st“Damn nnn.”

2nd"Half a pancake."

3rd"A quarter of a pancake."

4th“no pancakes, just sour cream.”

5th"Pancakes - pancakes."

Each word is pronounced in a certain key and a certain rhythm, and the tone increases from “pancake” to “pancakes”, the whole part, “pancake” to 1/16 - “pancakes”.

If you consistently pronounce words to the whole audience and correctly maintain the tone and frequency, then the feeling of a bell ringing is created in the hall.


The players repeat the words and movements after the leader.

“My grandmother lives in Brazil! She has such a finger! (shows thumb, everyone repeats). My grandmother lives in Brazil! She has such a finger! (show). And this is the mouth. (curls his mouth and repeats everything). These are the eyes. (goggles his eyes). More and more new phrases are being added to such phrases:

These are the shoulders (right shoulder up, left shoulder down). She jumps constantly (showing). And shouts: “Oh, how beautiful I am! Why doesn't anyone love me? (everyone screams)

After a pause, when the laughter subsides, Leading says: “Like the grandmother, so are the grandchildren.”


The presenter starts a chant, and the children simply repeat in chorus what he said.

O-o-o a-le
Balis-bamba la-e
Oh kikilis bamba
Oh sava vavimba
Ooh I eat bananas
Ay-wai-lizy licky
* * *
On the shore
Big river
Bee stung
Right in the bear's nose.

Komalamu Vista
Ssss Vista

The bear cried
Sat on the sand
And he started singing...

“Games with the audience” is a symbol for games that are played with a large number children during public holidays and programs (in halls, playgrounds and stadiums). However, these games can be successfully played in a small group.

As a rule, games with the audience are used to fill a pause before the start of a program or to avoid awkward hitches during the program.

Game technicians who work with a large number of children face difficult tasks - to arouse interest, maintain attention, and cheer up. In a word, the game technician is called upon to control the mood of those present and regulate it. To do this, he must not only know the content of the games well, but also be able to intone them correctly, have an ear for music and a well-trained voice. It is very important for a game technician to feel the room, distinguish the shades of its mood, and be able to motivate children to play. The success of the entire program depends on how the game technician was able to “get” children.

Thus, the main purpose of games with the hall is to create an upbeat, festive atmosphere, to set the stage for the perception of the subsequent action.

In addition, such games relieve muscle tightness and develop the ability to concentrate.

All possible forms of indoor games can be divided into several main groups:

Shouting games

Tongue twister games

Games with movements

Games for attention

Singing games

Poem games.

It should be noted that most games are characterized by a mixture various forms, that is, the game can simultaneously be a shouting game and an attention game, or a patter game and a game with movements, etc.

This section contains games that are played in schools, children's health camps, on hikes, etc. It must be remembered that when transferring gaming experience from person to person, from generation to generation, there is some transformation of the content of games (words, expressions, intonation, etc.). We believe that this is a normal, inevitable phenomenon, although it leads to distortion and sometimes to the loss of the original meaning of games.

In our opinion, there is a need to bring all variants of the same game to a single model. Of course, this issue requires further study and discussion.

One flower, two flowers

The text and movements are repeated by the children immediately together with the presenter; words must be previously learned. The main task is to shout the last words as loudly as possible:

Once a flower (rotational movements with the right hand at face level),

Two flowers (rotational movements of the left hand at face level),

Hedgehogs, hedgehogs (with their hands they show the balls into which hedgehogs curl up).

Anvil, hammers (knock with the left fist on top of the right and vice versa),

Scissors, scissors (cross straightened arms in front of you according to the “scissors” principle).

Running in place, running in place (running in place),

Bunnies, bunnies (show the bunny ears on their heads with straight palms, rhythmically bending their palms).

Come on together, come on together!

Girls (only girls repeat)!

Boys (only boys repeat)]

Two slams, two slams

It is played in the same way as the previous game, but with different words:

Two stomps, two slams,

Balls, balls.

We play, we dance,

Mittens, felt boots.

Two stomps, two slams,

Fingers, bunnies.

Come on, together, come on, together!

Girls! Boys!

Notes. The words of the game can be like this:

They came running, they came running

Hedgehogs, hedgehogs.

Sharpened, sharpened

Knives, knives.

Take care, take care

Fingers, fingers.

Come on, come on, come on together!

Girls! Boys!

One mobile phone, two mobile phone

This game is a kind of parody of the above games. At the same time, this is a parody of some realities of our modern life:

One mobile phone, two mobile phone,

Pagers, pagers.

fancy cars,

Girls, girls.

There's a showdown here, there's a showdown there,

Fingers, fingers.

Come on, come on, come on together!

Girls! Boys!

The children themselves can come up with the movements of the game.

"Tyr-tyr" - machine gun

The previously learned text is repeated immediately along with the audience. The presenter pronounces words and shows movements. Everyone repeats both words and movements together. With each repetition the pace accelerates:

“Tyr-tyr” - machine gun (hands depict shooting from a machine gun),

Higher, higher the plane (arms to the sides, depicting an airplane),

“Bang” - artillery (hit the other with one hand),

The cavalry gallops (wave one hand above your head, pretending to be a saber)!

Rocket good mood

The presenter pronounces a remark, accompanying it with movement, and the audience responds, repeating the same movement:

- Get ready for the launch of a good mood rocket! (sticks out thumb).

- Get ready!

- Put on spacesuits! (pretends to put a helmet on his head)

- We have to put on spacesuits!

- Fasten your seat belts! (claps his hands)

- Fasten your seat belts!

— Enable contact! (touches the index finger of the left hand to the index finger of the right)

- There is contact!

- Key to start! (raises his right hand up)

- There is a key to start!

- Turn on the engines!

- Turn on the engines!

- One, two, three, whack! (makes rotational movements of his arms near his chest)

-Whack, whack, whack.

- Start counting down! (everyone counts together: “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1”)

- Hooray! (stormy applause)

How an elephant sneezes

The hall is divided into three teams. Each team has its own sign by which it must say its words:

The first team, with a wave of their left hand, shouts: “Boxes!”;

The second team, with a wave of their right hand, shouts: “Cartilages!”;

The third team nods its head and shouts: “Dragged!”

After a short rehearsal, which is held separately with each team, the presenter shows the signs in turn for each. At the end of the game, he shows all three signs (two-hand wave and head nod) at the same time, and all teams shout out their words.

Leading:“Now you all know how an elephant sneezes!”

Param - parerum

A shouting game that can be used to lift the mood of a room or a group of children in a matter of seconds. The presenter pronounces the first part of the slogan, for example: “Param - parerum,” and the audience responds with the second part of the slogan: “Hey!” etc.:

Param - parerum - Hey!

Param - parerum - Hey!

Param - parerum - Hey! Hey! Hey!


This game can be played in a circle, in a squad area, in the hall, etc. The leader shouts out a line, and the audience repeats:




Stand! Polythene-bili!

Oh, I eat bananas!

And I eat oranges!

And I eat tangerines!

And I drink tea!

Then the facilitator asks a question, to which the children answer:

What's your mood? - Wow!

Is everyone of this opinion? - All without exception!

Maybe you're already tired? - We didn’t take these with us!

Well done? - This is us!

This is us? - Well done!

The ball is flying, flying across the sky

The ball flies, flies across the sky,

The ball flies across the sky.

And we know that this ball

It will fly to the sky!

Gradually, the words are replaced by hand movements: first the word “ball” is replaced, then the words “sky”, “flies”, “we”. Thus, there are almost no words left, and only movements are shown.

At the end of the game, when almost all words are replaced with gestures, only the words “by”, “and we know”, “that this”, “before” remain. Hand movements are selected according to the words being replaced:

. “ball” - a circle with hands in the air,

. "sky" - thumbs up,

. “flies” - arms to the sides,

. “we” - they point at themselves with their palm, pressing it to their chest.

My cap is triangular

It is played in the same way as the previous game, but with different words and movements:

My cap is triangular,

My triangular cap

And if not triangular,

This is not my cap!

Gradually the words “cap”, “my”, “triangular” are replaced with movements:

. "cap" - right palm is brought to the top of the head,

. “my” - the left hand is brought to the chest,

. “triangular” - hands form a triangle.

Teapot with lid

In this game, as you repeat it, the words “teapot”, “lid”, “bump” and “hole” disappear from the game:

Teapot with lid,

Lid with a bump,

A lump with a hole,

Steam is coming out of the hole.

Steam comes out of the hole

Hole in the bump

Lump on the lid

Lid on a teapot.

Notes. The children come up with the movements themselves.

Aunt Motya has four sons

The text is repeated along with the audience. First you need to learn the words:

Aunt Motya has four sons,

Aunt Motya has four sons.

They didn't drink, they didn't eat,

And they only sang one verse -...

When the verse is said for the first time, the last line adds: “right hand,” then the children repeat the verse, continuously shaking their right hand. Thus, after each repetition a new movement is added. In the end it turns out: “right hand, left hand, right leg, left leg, head, tongue...”

This game can be played in a circle. All participants (together with the leader) pronounce words in chorus, while simultaneously demonstrating movements.

At Uncle Abram's

The rules are the same as in the game “At Aunt Moti’s”, but with different words:

They didn't drink or eat

Everyone looked at uncle.

Right hand...

(By the end of the game all parts of the body are in motion)

Uncle Abram has forty sons,

Forty sons and forty daughters.

They didn't drink or eat

Everyone looked at uncle.

Right hand, left hand,

right leg, left leg,

right shoulder, left shoulder,

right eye, left eye, head!

Hand above, finger to mouth

The presenter from the stage speaks the words, while simultaneously demonstrating movements in accordance with the words. The hall repeats only the movements:

Hand up (one hand up)

Finger to mouth (finger of the other hand to mouth).

And now it’s the other way around (switched hands).

Raise your hair on end (hands raise your hair on end),

You press ear to ear (neighbor presses ear to neighbor),

Hold hands (hold hands with a neighbor).

Give a big hug (hug with a neighbor).

Rub nose to nose together (rub nose to nose with a neighbor).

- Why do you need this?

- Because this is friendship! (Children answer in unison.)

The ringleader

The presenter pronounces the lines, showing the movements, and the children in the hall repeat after him (standing):

—Are we going to have fun for the holiday?

So let's have fun spinning (spinning) with us.

If necessary, we will clap (clap).

And we will stomp our feet (stomp).

If necessary, we’ll binge (la-la-la).

If necessary, let's go dance (they dance).

If necessary, we’ll shout (they shout).

If necessary, we will shut up (they fall silent).

Notes. This game can be used to establish silence in the hall.

Star Rain

The game is an excellent way to establish silence in the hall and attract children's attention to what is happening on stage. The presenter says something like this: Dear guys! Look at the sky (you can look at the ceiling too)! Do you see what clouds are hanging over us?! Now it's going to rain! It's already fallen...

One drop (everyone slaps the palm with one finger).

Two drops (everyone slaps the palm with two fingers).

Three drops (all clap on the palm with three fingers).

Four drops (all clap the palm with four fingers).

A torrential downpour began (everyone claps their hands).

And “star rain” began to fall (stormy standing applause).

Then everything is repeated in reverse order and silence sets in (the rain stops).

The deer has a big house

The text is repeated along with the audience; you must first learn the words. The presenter says the words and shows the movements. Everyone repeats both words and movements after each line. With each repetition, the verse is spoken faster:

The deer has a big house (arms above his head like a house).

He looks out his window (show the window with your hands).

A bunny runs through the forest (running in place),

There is a knock on his door (pretend to knock on the door with your hand):

- Knock-knock, open the door,

There's an evil hunter in the forest!

- Bunny, bunny, run in,

Give me your paw (shake your neighbor’s hand).

Milan is sleeping

The game is played with varying volume. The words: “Milan is sleeping” are pronounced in a whisper, “Milan has woken up” - loudly, “Milan is tired in the evening” - tiredly.

Grandma bought a chicken

The text is repeated along with the audience. You must first learn the words. The presenter pronounces them and shows the movements. Everyone repeats the words and movements after each line:

Grandmother bought herself a chicken (repeated twice; children pretend to be a chicken on a roost).

Chicken grain by grain: “kuda-tah-tah” (children show with their hands how the chicken pecks).

Grandmother bought herself a duck (repeated twice; children depict how the duck swims).

Duck: “tyuruh-tyuh-tyuh-tyuh”, chicken grain by grain: “cluck-tah-tah” (the words are accompanied by the same movements).

My grandmother bought herself a turkey (repeated twice).

Turkey: “coats-coats” (for the word “coats” - hand to the right, for the word “coats” - to the left).

Duck: “tyuruh-tyuh-tyuh-tyuh”, chicken grain by grain: “cluck-tah-tah.”

My grandmother bought herself a pussycat.

And kitty: “meow-meow” (children show how a cat washes itself).

Turkey: “coats-coats”, duck: “tyuruh-tyuh-tyuh”,

Chicken grain by grain: “whack-tah-tah.”

My grandmother bought herself a dog.

My grandmother bought herself a pig.

Piglet: “oink-oink” (show the pig’s snout with their hand).

The little dog: “woof-woof”, and the kitty: “meow-meow”, the turkey: “coats-coats”, the duck: “tyuh-tyuh-tyuh-tyuh”, the chicken by the grain: “whack-tah-tah”.

My grandmother bought herself a cow.

Little cow: “muki-muki” (they show the cow’s horns with their hands).

Piglet: “oink-oink”, little dog: “woof-woof”, and kitty: “meow-meow”, turkey: “coats-coats”, duck: “tyuryuh-gyuh-tyuh-tyuh”, chicken grain by grain: “ cluck-clack-clack"

Notes. Possible additional options: little horse: “hop and jump”; TV: “time-facts”; announcer: “la-la-la-la”; dinosaur: “quack-grunt”; excavator: “breaking marks”, etc.

Funny monkeys

The presenter says the words and shows the movements. Everyone repeats the movements together:

We are funny monkeys!

We play too loud

We clap our hands

We stomp our feet

Puff out our cheeks

Let's jump on our toes.

Let's show each other our tongues,

We will point our hand to the sky,

Let's jump to the ceiling together

Let's put our finger to our temple,

Let's stick out our ears,

Let's take the crown,

Let's open our mouths wider,

We'll make all the faces.

How can I say the number “Three!” —

Everyone freeze with grimaces,

One, two, three!

Notes. After the children have memorized their grimaces and faces, you can hold a competition for the best face. It’s probably not worth reminding that the winners of the funny face competition should be awarded small prizes.

Hula hoop

The text is repeated by the presenter along with the audience. You must first learn the words. The presenter speaks the words and shows movements corresponding to the words from the text. Everyone repeats both words and movements together:

Fans for girls,

Irons for boys,

Chinese bobbleheads,

Fashionable sneakers,

Hula hoop for girls (boys).

Those whom the leader named (boys or girls) perform all the movements.

Meeting friends

The text is repeated along with the audience. You must first learn the words. The presenter says the words and shows the movements. Everyone repeats both words and movements together:

Let's wave!

Like this (they wave with one hand, greeting each other).

Let's wave another one!

Like this (waving the other hand, greeting each other).

Both together, more friendly (waving both hands, greeting each other).

Let's hug our neighbor -

Like this (they hug the neighbor on one side).

Let's hug another -

Like this (they hug the neighbor on the other side).

Let's hug together, more friendly (they hug the neighbor on the left and right) -

This is how we greet guests and friends!

Let's jump on the spot -

Like this (jumping in place).

Let's jump again -

Like this (jumping in place).

Let's all jump together, more friendly (they jump in place) -

This is how we greet guests and friends!


The presenter says the words and shows the movements. All children repeat both words and movements after him. On the count of one-two, three-four, etc. - clap, on the remaining words - the corresponding movements:

One-two - islands! (circles with hands)

Three or four - we've arrived! (swimming movements with hands)

Five or six - let's go here! (stomp)

Seven or eight - how many pine trees! (throw up hands)

Nine-ten - we're on our way! (walk in place)

Count to ten!

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!

We are here again, we are together again!

I'm riding a tank

The text is pronounced immediately along with the audience; you must first learn the words. The presenter says the words and shows the movements. Everyone repeats both words and movements together:

I'm driving a tank (steer with my hands)

I see a cow (use your hands to show the binoculars, then use your index fingers to show the horns on your head)

Wearing a hat with earflaps (show the “ears” of the hat)

With a healthy horn (show the large horn by moving the bent palm upward from the forehead)

- Hello, cow! (hand forward for handshake)

How are you doing? (wave hands as if in surprise)

Do you speak English? (wagging index finger)

What are you calling me names! (show fist)

Train with gifts

The presenter practices the following dialogue with the children:

- A steam locomotive has arrived!

- What did he bring with him?

“He’s tired, he’s deaf and dumb, he brought a trailer...

The game host announces what the locomotive came with, and the children must demonstrate this with gestures and sounds. For example:

With stompers (stomp),

With firecrackers (clap),

With flashing lights (flashing)

With hugs (hugs),

With chants (shouting),

With kissers (kissing),

With smiles (smiling), etc.

At the end of the game, the presenter says that the locomotive brought the trailer with silence.

Good day

The presenter pronounces words and shows movements. The children all repeat after him. Everyone pronounces the last words especially loudly. With each repetition the pace accelerates:

Come with us

Let's stomp our feet.

Come with us

Let's clap our hands.

Today is a good day!


There are several presenters on stage who show movements and speak words. All participants in the game put their hands on each other’s shoulders and, pronouncing the first, second and fourth lines of the verse, sway to the right and left. When performing the third line, bend forward. The game can be played at different paces (fast, slow, etc.):

I-I-I, I-I-I, I-I-I-o.

I-I-I, I-I-I, O-I-O.

I-I-I, I-I-I, O-I-O.

John Brown Boy

The presenters pronounce the verse completely the first time, then with each repetition the last word in each line is replaced with claps, and the last line remains unchanged:

John Brown Boy waxed his skis once.

John Brown Boy waxed his skis once.

And went to the Caucasus!

John Brown Boy oiled his skis alone... (clap).

John Brown Boy oiled his skis alone... (clap).

Once upon a time there lived a gray goat with my grandmother...

The verse of the famous song “Once upon a time with my grandmother...” is sung, replacing all the vowels in the words with “u” (or “yu”, etc.):

Zhul-bul at bubushka's kuzluk,

Zhul-bul at the bubushka's swear kuzluk.

Vot kuk, wut kuk - whine the kuzluk.

If you have fun, do it!

The presenter says the words and shows the movements. Everyone repeats them together.

The first line is repeated twice. After repeating each line, you must perform one of four movements:

Clap your hands;

Snap your fingers;

Pat your knees;

Stomp your feet.

The verse is repeated four times with changes in movements. After performing the verse for the fifth time, players replace the words “do this” with “do everything!” and repeat all four movements one after another:

If you have fun, do it!

If life is fun, we will smile at each other.

If you have fun, do it!

Notes. There may be more repetitions and movements - it all depends on the imagination of the presenter.

The time is coming

The presenters pronounce the line, and the audience pronounces the end of the line, accompanying it with appropriate movements:

The time comes - “tick-tock” (shake your head to the sides),

Birds fly from the south - “kar-kar” (use your hands to depict the flight of a bird),

The snowy mountains are melting - “glug-glug”.

And there’s no time for sleep - “hr-r-r” (closed eyes).

The time comes - “tick-tock” (shake your head to the sides),

People lose their heads - “smack-smack” (hold your head with your hands, holding it),

And this time is called spring! - “drip-drip” (claps your hands)!

Poisonous bug

The presenter asks the audience to repeat just one line “Mol, moth, moth,” and then he himself finishes the line:

Moth, moth, moth - a poisonous insect,

Moth, moth, moth is a little bug

Moth, moth, moth - a poisonous cockroach,

Which eats everything up and down.

Moth, moth, moth - she ate daddy's panties,

Moth, moth, moth - ate my mother's coat,

Moth, moth, moth - ate a teddy bear,

And then I got dressed and went to the cinema.

Concert “wow!”

Five people come on stage and say: “This is our concert - wow! Do, re, mi, fa, salt! The audience answers them: “La-la-la!” (cotton).

Playing instruments is represented by the corresponding movements:

This is our concert - wow! Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la-la-la! (cotton).

This is our concert - wow! Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la-la-la! (cotton).

This is our concert - wow! Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la-la-la! (cotton).

The first instrument is the piano: “pum-pum-pum.”

This is our concert - wow! Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la-la-la! (cotton).

This is our concert - wow! Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la-la-la! (cotton).

The first instrument is the piano: “pum-pum-pum.”

The second instrument is a guitar: “bryn-bryn-bryn.”

This is our concert - wow! Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la-la-la! (cotton).

This is our concert - wow! Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la-la-la! (cotton).

The first instrument is the piano: “pum-pum-pum.”

The second instrument is a guitar: “bryn-bryn-bryn.”

The third instrument is the violin: “zyu-zyu-zyu.”

The fourth instrument is the harp: “for-for-for”, etc.

Me, you, he, she

The presenter pronounces the words and shows the movements. The audience repeats both words and movements:

Everyone in this room is friends!

Look at yourself, at the neighbor on the right, at the neighbor on the left.

Everyone in this room is friends!

I, you, he, she are a friendly family together!

Pinch the neighbor on the right, pinch the neighbor on the left.

Everyone in this room is friends!

I, you, he, she are a friendly family together!

Hug the neighbor on the right, hug the neighbor on the left.

Everyone in this room is friends!

I, you, he, she are a friendly family together.

Kiss the neighbor on the right, kiss the neighbor on the left.

Everyone in this room is friends!

I, you, he, she are a friendly family together!

Smile at the neighbor on the right, smile at the neighbor on the left!

Everyone in this room is friends!

I, you, he, she are a friendly family together!

Look at you—together we are a hundred thousand “I”s!

Georgian choir




The presenter conducts several rehearsals. First, all the voices pronounce their words in turn, then the first voice begins, then the second joins, and the first continues to sing, after the second the third joins, the first and second also sing. Suddenly the leader (who is also the conductor) waves his hands and the choir falls silent.

After two or three rehearsals, the presenter announces the number of the concert program, and everyone performs their part in the rehearsed order. At the most crucial moment, when the conductor gives a sign and the choir falls silent, the boy soloist stands up and sings: “Where are you, my Suliko?”

On the bank of a big river

This is how the recitative begins before the song “They Wrapped the Earth.” Children repeat each line after the leader, after which the song is sung:

On the bank of a big river

Bee stung

Right in the bear's nose

Oh - oh - to her!

The bear cried

And he began to sing.

The first verse of the song “Wrapping the Earth” begins.

Head, ramen, knees, fingers

The text is repeated along with the audience; the words must be previously learned. The presenter pronounces them and shows the movements, all the children repeat after him.

The words are repeated several times in a row, gradually increasing the tempo. You can make a competition for the most best option performance or at the fastest tempo:

Knees, fingers (point to your knees with both hands and snap your fingers).

Knees, fingers (point to your knees with both hands and snap your fingers),

Knees, fingers (repeat these movements).

Head, ramen (point to head and shoulders with both hands),

Knees, fingers (point to your knees and snap your fingers), Ears, eyes, mouth, nose (point to ears, eyes, mouth, nose with both hands).

Chicky boom

The presenter pronounces the first two lines, then the third and fourth lines are spoken together with the audience. The fifth and sixth lines are again spoken only by the presenter. The pace increases each time:

Chicky boom - cool song

Let's repeat it all together!

Chiki-boom-chikaraka, chikaraka-chiki-boom


Chicky boom is a cool song

Let's eat together quickly!

Once upon a time there lived a grandmother

The previously learned text is repeated along with the audience. The presenter says the words and shows the movements he has invented, and everyone repeats after him. Each time the pace accelerates:

Once upon a time there lived a grandmother

Right by the river,

Grandma wanted it

Swim in the river.

Grandma was smart -

I bought a washbasin

Our song is good -

Start over.


The presenter says words and shows movements that everyone repeats. Gradually the pace increases:

Tram-pum-pum (pat the knees of the neighbor on the right with your palms).

Guli-guli-guli-guli (one hand above your head, the other under the chin, tickle your head and chin with your fingers).

Tram-pum-pum (pat your knees with your palms),

Tram-pum-pum (pat your knees with your palms),

Tram-pum-pum (pat the knees of the neighbor on the left with your palms).

Salami, salami (alternately raise your right and left hands up).

Goo-goo-goo-goo (repeat).

Tram-pum-pum (pat your knees with your palms).

Niemon is a helper

Everyone gets up, first moves to the right, saying the first line, takes four steps, stamping their left foot; then they move to the left, saying the second line, take four steps, and raise their right leg. On the third line, you need to tilt your body forward, backward and, bending your arm at the elbow, say: “Yes!” The words are repeated several times in a row, gradually accelerating the pace.

The game can be played both in the hall and in a squad. You can stand in a circle or “wall to wall”:

Niemon, Niemon, Niemon is a lieutenant.

Nyemon, Nyemon, Nyemon papasan!

Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh - yes!


The verse can be performed to any music with any movements - you can clap your hands, knees, shoulders, etc. You can do two movements.

The pace of the game gradually accelerates, to the sound “ah!” exhale deeply:

Lai-luli, lai-luli,

Luli, luli-lay,

Luli, luli, luli-lay - ah!


The presenter pronounces the words, everyone repeats after him after each line:

Verzine! Op-la viburnum, op-la ku-ku,

Op-la viburnum, op-la ku-ku,

Rumba, rumba, cha-cha-cha, oh-oh-oh, ah-ah!

Bang-bang, whack-bang, yes!


The presenter divides all the participants in the game into seven teams: the first team is “Turnip”, the second is “Grandfather”, the third is “Grandma”, the fourth is “Granddaughter”, the fifth is “Bug”, the sixth is “Cat”, the seventh is “Mouse” " Having distributed the roles, the presenter tells the fairy tale “Turnip”. When he names one of the heroes, the team that was named must quickly stand up and sit down. The presenter’s task is to tell the tale as interesting and confusing as possible.


The game is very similar to the previous one. It can be performed with the audience, in a circle, and also on stage; Only the number of players will be different.

When the roles are distributed (grandfather, grandmother, bun, hare, wolf, bear, fox, tree stump), the presenter begins to tell the tale. As certain characters are named, they either get up from their seats (if they are sitting in the hall) or take a step forward and bow (if they are on stage or in a circle). Only the “kolobok” was unlucky - for every word the “kolobok” must turn around its axis (it is absolutely round)!

Seven days of the week

The following dialogue takes place between the presenter and the audience:

- How many days are there in a week?

- List it!

- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

- Name the working days of the week!

— Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

- And now the days off of the week!

— Saturday, Sunday.

Then the presenter lists the days of the week, and the audience should clap only when working days are named. Gradually the pace of the game increases.

Notes. It should be noted that attention weakens as the pace accelerates.

Traveling by plane

The entire hall is divided into four teams: India, Russia, Chukotka, Japan.

Each country has certain exclamations and movements.

India - “Jimmy, Jimmy, acha-acha!” (while pronouncing these words, raise your hands, imitating the movements of Indian dance);

Russia - “Uh-uh, you’re burning!” (you have to scratch your head);

Chukotka - “Haya-haya-haya-ho!” (you need to raise your arms bent at the elbows with open palms and make swaying movements left and right - like the dance from the cartoon “Chunga-Changa”);

Japan - "Kanichiwa!" (you need to fold your palms at your chest and make a half-bow, similar to what the Japanese do when greeting).

The task of the teams is to shout out their phrase in unison when the name of “their” country is pronounced.


We are flying on a plane over Russia (“Oooh, oh my gosh!”). Russia (“Uh-oh, oh-so-holy!”) is a big country; We are flying over Chukotka (“Haya-haya-haya-ho!”). Chukotka (“Haya-haya-haya-ho!”) is a large and beautiful land. And we turn south, fly further and see Japan (“Kanitiva!”). There are a lot of Japanese people in Japan (“Kanichiwa!”). Japan (“Kanichiwa!”) is called the Country rising sun. But now we noticed India on the horizon (“Jimmy, Jimmy, acha-acha!”). In India (“Jimmy, Jimmy, acha-acha!”) there are a lot of elephants and monkeys. And the cow is considered a sacred animal in India (“Jimmy, Jimmy, acha-acha!”). We are already running low on fuel and decide to refuel in Japan (“Kanitiva!”). We filled our tanks full and took off from Japan (“Kanitiva!”) and returned home (we flew through the countries in reverse or in any random order). Before landing, we rose high, high into the sky and saw all the countries together.

Actually, you can fly for much longer - it all depends on the presenter’s imagination and what situations he can come up with.


The presenter’s left hand represents the sea (held at chest level, bent at the elbow), the right hand represents a fish, which, while swimming in the sea, periodically jumps out, and the audience “catches” it with clapping – clapping as soon as the “fish” appears above the surface of the sea. The pace depends on the frequency of the appearance of the “fish”. When the “fish” swims “underwater” (below hand level), the audience is silent. As soon as it appears on the surface of the water (above hand level) or jumps out of the water, the audience claps. If the “fish” lingers in the air, then applause is heard.


Presenter: “Let’s imagine that we are all at the hippodrome. You will be the left podium (left half) and you will be the right podium (right half). Come on, let's check how you can whistle. Fine! Your task is to imitate the horses running in accordance with my command.”

Each word has its own movement:

The horses are led to the start line (clack-clack-clack).

Get ready! Let's start! Attention! March!

The horses ran! (stomp their feet).

The fans in the left stand began to make noise (the left half of the hall whistles).

And now the right tribune (the right half of the hall whistles).

Barrier! (clap hands).

Horses run faster! (stomp their feet harder).

Another barrier! (clap hands).

Horses run along the pavement (stomp their feet).

On gravel, on pavement. A lingering barrier! (several quick hand claps).

The finish is already in sight!

The right stand, the left one, and now both whistled! Finish!

Goal - post - wide

The hall is divided into two teams: the right-hand team and the left-hand team. One team shouts “Goal!” when the leader points his right hand in its direction. The other team shouts “Barbell!” when the leader points with his left hand in its direction. Everyone shouts “Past!” when the leader points with both hands at both teams.

Notes. You can deceive the teams (check their vigilance and attention) by pointing, for example, with your right hand in the wrong direction in which the desired team is sitting.

Petka and Vaska

The hall is divided into two groups - “Petka” and “Vaska”. The presenter says:

There is a beautiful house in a small clearing,

And in the house lives beautiful cheerful gnome.

Gnome, gnome! What is your name?

If he points to Petek, they say:

I have polka dot pants

I came here from a fairy tale

Because I'm good!

If he points to Vasek, they say:

I have a checkered shirt

I came here from a fairy tale

And he brought candy!

Notes. The presenter points to the groups in any order, or can point to them at the same time.

Gnome and house

The presenter reads the poems, and the children themselves finish every second line:

Once upon a time there was a cheerful gnome.

He built... (a house) in the forest.

A smaller gnome lived nearby.

He built... (a house) in the forest.

Old little gnome.

I put it under the mushroom... (little house).

He was old and he was grey.

And he was big... (homebody).

And behind the stove, behind the pipe,

Lived with a gnome... (brownie).

Very strict, businesslike,

Neat,... (homey).

Moss, viburnum, St. John's wort,

He carried everything from the forest... (home).

He loved yesterday's soup,

He drank only kvass... (homemade).

I'm used to meeting in the evening

A gnome with his beloved... (household member).

Watch a movie together

Play with him in... (dominoes).

Every day the gnome's neighbors

We visited our grandfather... (at home).

The gnome greeted everyone cordially.

Everyone loved this... (house).

Her Majesty's Letters of Courtesy

The presenter reads the poems, and the children add the necessary words:

Participate in the exchange of kind words

And speak more often... (hello).

You need to know how twice is two

All the magic words

Perhaps up to a hundred times a day

Speak... (please).

A bear about five or six years old

Taught how to behave:

You can't be rude and arrogant,

Friends need to... (bow).

Dad broke a precious vase

Grandmother and mother were immediately upset.

But dad was found, looked them in the eyes

And quietly and timidly he said this:

“Please don’t look at me like that,

Please, if possible, me... (sorry).”

You will be considered well-mannered, for

You tell everyone - big... (thank you).

If you respect your friends,

When you meet, ask: “How... (are you doing).”

Don't forget that goodbye

We need to tell everyone... (goodbye).

Mysterious range

The principle of the game is the same - the presenter reads poetry, and the children help him:

Ahead of everyone is the note... (do).

And behind her on the mountain

The note is waving with a pen... (D).

The third note of seven

Of course, the note... (mi).

A graph has been drawn

And under it is the note... (F).

There are beans in the garden

Here, in the notes, only... (salt).

Quickly moving a finger,

I played a note... (A).

Ask all the guys,

Who will finish the scale?.. (si).

The whole scale from to to to -

(si, la, salt, fa, mi, re, do)!

Who knows everything - well done!

The presenter begins the line and the audience finishes:

The tractor drives... (tractor driver),

Electric train... (driver),

Painted the walls... (painter)

Planed the board... (carpenter),

The light was on in the house... (fitter),

He works in the mine... (miner),

In a hot forge... (blacksmith),

Who knows everything - (well done)!


(teenagers' trip to the forest)

The game is played after the presenters have learned the words and movements with the children. When pronouncing the word “Newkavtanage”, the presenters and children make movements as if looking for something in the grass (placing an open palm just above the eyes). To the words “Wow!” — stretch their arms forward and down, opening them a little (as when meeting someone). To the words “Oh-oh!” — raise their hands up, also opening them a little (giving praise). To the words “Lots of russula, strawberries, pineapples...” - they point with the index finger at the guys sitting in the hall. To the words “How can this be?” - they shrug their shoulders. “And all because...” - they raise their index finger up instructively.

A lot of russula, a lot of russula, a lot of russula, Wow!

A lot of russula, a lot of russula, a lot of russula, let's collect

How can that be?!

And all because...

Newcutanege, Newcutanege, Newcutanege, Wow!

Newcutanege, Newcutanege, Newcutanege, Ooh!

Lots of strawberries, lots of strawberries, lots of strawberries, Wow!

Lots of strawberries, lots of strawberries, lots of strawberries, let's collect a BUCKET!

We were surprised for a long time, we were surprised for a long time, WE were surprised for a long time!

We were surprised for a long time, we were surprised for a long time, we were surprised for a long time,

How can that be?!

And all because...

Newcutanege, Newcutanege, Newcutanege, Wow!

Newkavtaneje, Newkavtaneje, Newkavtanege, Zyu!

Lots of pineapples, lots of pineapples, lots of pineapples, Wow!

Lots of pineapples, lots of pineapples, lots of pineapples, let's collect a BUCKET!

We were surprised for a long time, we were surprised for a long time, WE were surprised for a long time!

We were surprised for a long time, we were surprised for a long time, we were surprised for a long time,

How can that be?!

And all because...

Yes, because pineapples don’t grow in our forests!!!

Be like that

Everyone in the room, including the presenters, is divided into pairs. Before starting the game, everyone needs to bend their arms at chest level (as for clapping their palms). Actually, the game is played like a clapping game, but is only accompanied by words. To the words “I-i-iskauskas!” — the guys hug on one side, to the words “I-i-i-izboyaskas!” - on the other.

We do this once, we do this twice, and we do this, we do this, we do this.

Let's do three, let's do four and so, so, so.

We're like this on the right,

Let's take it from the left


I'm afraid!

And so, so, so!

And for those who like to do this, WE do it like this (this phrase is spoken only by the hosts of this game):

We do this once, we do this twice, and we do this, we do this, we do this...


Shouting game. It can be carried out both in the hall and in a circle. The presenter begins with the children. When saying “I” he points to himself, “you” to someone in the room, “we” to all the children.

I'm gibbering, you're gibbering, and WE are gibbering!

Or maybe WE are gibbering? (only one presenter says this phrase)

Nooo! WE are gibbering! We chatter while standing, we chatter while sitting,

Gabbling while dancing, gabbling in my sleep!

Rumble, Rumble, Rumble to FIVE.

One, two, three, four, FIVE! We're gibbering again!

If desired, this game can be combined with the previous game “Taking It.” Thus, it turns out: One, two, three, four, FIVE! Let's start doing this!

Fun animals


We built a hut, gathered armfuls of brushwood,

We gnawed on a log and dived to the bottom!

But beavers don’t get tired, they hit themselves in the stomach!

We are kind, we are kind, because we are beavers!!!

If there are beavers in the hall, repeat everything like we did!


We tapped our ears, we rubbed our noses,

We hugged each other, wagged our tails,

We picked up a toy! We went to bed on the pillow.

Ahh, we are not beavers! We are puppies!!!

If there are puppies in the room, repeat like us!

R-r-r-r-r-r! (growls, baring teeth)


They jumped on the branches, cracked nuts,

The mushrooms were transported on a small cart,

We played tag together with the girl Natasha.

Ahh, we're not puppies! We are squirrels!!!

If there are squirrels in the hall, then it’s time to eat nuts!!!


We played hide and seek in a small clearing,

They ran away from the wolf through the forest without looking back,

We gnawed on a carrot to make it more useful.

Ahh, we are not squirrels! We are hares!

If the hares are in the hall with us, then move your ears!

Crunch-crunch-crunch-crunch (imitate the movement of a bunny's ears)


They gently stretched the back, played with their claws,

We sipped milk and fell asleep on the sofa,

My neighbor, an adult cat, and I purred a little.

Ahh, we are not hares! We are kittens!!!

If there are kittens in the room, repeat it, guys!!!

That's how you and I, brothers, became friends right away,

And now, if it’s not difficult, repeat everything after us:

Ooooh! (pat themselves on the stomach)

R-r-r-r-r-r! (growls, baring teeth)

(Tap their front teeth and imitate a squirrel)

Crunch-crunch-crunch-crunch (imitate the movement of rabbit ears)

Mur-mur-mur-mur (imitate washing a kitten).

School of applause

The game is played with the audience before the start of any program. The host of the program announces to the children that they are all enrolled in the school of applause.

Presenter: This school is not quite ordinary, because it has only five classes and learning in it goes quite quickly. But after it’s over, all the guys can give their applause to everyone who performs on stage in a completely qualified way. But first, let me explain to you the simple rules of behavior in our school. Firstly, in our school it is strictly forbidden to whistle during and after the performance of artists. Secondly, in our school it is forbidden to stamp your feet during and after the performance of artists. And finally, thirdly, in our school it is strictly forbidden to show disrespect to everyone who performs on stage and sits in our hall.

So, the first class of applause school is moderate applause. They are short-lived, without much noise. Let's try it. Well done! Congratulations on graduating from first grade.

Second grade of applause school - thunderous applause. They are noisy and long lasting. Let's rehearse. Well done, you completed the task!

Third grade of the school of applause - stormy, prolonged applause, turning into standing ovations. Show them, please. It's amazing how talented the students are! Congratulations on graduating from third grade at our school. Let's move on to the fourth.

The fourth grade of the school of applause is stormy, long applause, turning into a standing ovation with shouts of “Bravo!” and “Encore!” They are quite difficult, but doable, let's try! How well you coped with a difficult task! And you deserve to move on to your senior year!

The fifth grade school of applause is stormy, prolonged applause, turning into a standing ovation with shouts of “Bravo!” and “Encore!”, accompanied by everyone standing up and rejoicing. What a great fellow you are for passing all five grades of our school.

And now is the time to arrange final exams. So I call the class and you applaud accordingly.

Then you can repeat all the exercises from the first to the fifth grade, scattered, from the fifth to the first. You can arrange an exam for each squad or selectively, etc. And at the end of the “exam” it is necessary to praise all the children and begin the program with stormy long applause, turning into a standing ovation with shouts of “Bravo!” and "Encore!" with everyone standing up and rejoicing.

"Three Movements"

The presenter shows three movements. For example: first - arms bent at the elbows, hands at shoulder level; second - extended to the front; third - arms raised up.

The guys must remember the number of each movement.

The presenter shows one movement, while calling the number of another. The players must make only those movements that correspond to the named number (and not those shown by the presenter).

"Our suitcase"

Host: Guys, what might we need for a long journey? Name the items you need to take first. We name the objects one by one. So, the road battles have begun! (The guys name the objects, the last one to name is the most attentive).

"Traffic light"

Now let’s check how friendly our team is, and this song will help us with this. There are three circles in front of you: green, yellow, red. When I show you the green circle, you all sing together, when the yellow circle appears, we sing quietly, and when the red circle appears in the hall, there is silence, you sing the song to yourself.

So, get ready, let's start!

"They fly, they fly"

Host: Guys, now I will name various objects, if they fly, you should say in chorus: “They fly, they fly...”. At the same time, you show the flight of hand movements. If things don't fly, stay silent.



(The presenter pronounces the words quickly).

"Goal! Past!”

Presenter: now imagine that you are present at a football match, where the match is taking place between the teams “Dynamo - Moscow” and “Dynamo - Kyiv”. One half of the hall is rooting for Dynamo-Kyiv, the other for Dynamo-Moscow. When I raise my hand, the team shouts “GOAL!”, the left hand “PASS!”, and the two hands “PUCK!”, crossed hands “Barbell!”.

Let's see what kind of fans you are.


Presenter: How quickly time flies. A watch is a necessary item for each of us. Let's all listen together to how the clock runs and what happens when we treat it carelessly.

Rules of the game: for one clap, the right side of the hall says in unison: “Tick”; for two claps, the left side of the hall answers: “Tak.”

(The presenter first alternates the claps correctly, and then gives two claps twice in a row, two times one at a time).

"Ear, nose"

Presenter: the rules of this game are very simple: you need to take yourself with your right hand by the tip of your nose, and with your left hand by your right ear, then clap your hands and change hands so that now your left hand is holding the tip of your nose, and your right hand is holding your left ear.

Shall we try? Let's start!


Presenter: guys, let's learn the words of our song:

We dance together

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta

Our cheerful dance

This is Lavata

Host: Are our hands good?

Everyone: good... Host: what about the neighbor?

All: better! (everyone joins hands and sings)

“My cap is triangular”

Presenter: guys, we will sing one more song, only we will replace each word in turn with different movements. But first, let's learn the words:

My cap is triangular

My triangular cap

And if not triangular,

This is not my cap.

(Guys sing)

Presenter: And now the word cap - we show it with our hand on the head, but we don’t say the word cap. Then, when they hear the word “my,” the guys touch their chest with their hand, but do not say the word itself. For the word triangular, the guys should show three fingers, extending their hand forward, and then moving it to their belt.

"Uncle Thomas's Family"

Uncle Thomas has seven sons,

Uncle Thomas has seven sons.

They didn't eat, they didn't drink.

And we were never bored.

Right hand (players throw their right hand in front of them and, shaking it to the beat of the melody, repeat the song). So, after each verse, the right and left hands are thrown out, the right and left feet are stomped to the beat of the melody, then movements of the right and left shoulders, right and left eyes. The game ends like this:

Uncle Thomas has seven sons,

Uncle Thomas has seven sons.

They didn't eat, they didn't drink.

And we were never bored.

Right hand

Left hand,

Right leg

Left leg

Right shoulder

Left shoulder

Right eye

Left eye.

And the head (players put their hands on their heads).

At the zoo

Get ready - I'm starting

You should ask questions.

If I ask correctly,

You must answer me:

“We saw it, we saw it, we saw it at the zoo!”

(Asks a question)

Leading: Behind bars at the gate

A huge hippopotamus is sleeping

Leading: Here is the baby elephant's quiet sleep

Guarded by an old elephant

Everyone: We saw it, we saw it, we saw it at the zoo.

Leading: Black-eyed marten

A wonderful bird.

(the answer should not be heard, but if those who are mistaken and say “Saw ...”)

Who said the marten is a bird,

Should study better.

But I don't waste time

I continue the test.

Leading: Ponies - small horses

How funny ponies are.

We saw it, we saw it, we saw it at the zoo.

Leading: beyond the fields beyond the mountains.

A chicken with horns walks around (laughter in the audience)


Presenter: repeat after me the words:

Oh-la-tarira! (we hit our knees with our palms)




(When pronouncing the words “cuckoo”, we snap our fingers. The cuckoo can cuckoo 10 or more times, and the tempo increases).

"What kind of instrument"

Host: guys, are you familiar with musical instruments? I'll check now...

Which instrument?

Do you have strings and a pedal?

What is this? Undoubtedly

This is our sonorous (Royal).

He looks like a brother to the button accordion,

Where is the fun, there he is...

I won't give any hints

Everyone knows (Accordion)

I put the pipe to my lips,

A trill flowed through the forest,

The instrument is very fragile.

It's called...(Pipe).

Louder than a flute, louder than a violin,

Our giant is louder than trumpets.

It's rhythmic, it's different,

Our cheerful (Drum).

Weak movements of the bow lead

The strings tremble.

The tune murmurs from afar, singing about a moonlit evening.

The overflow of sounds in them is so clear

Joy and smile

Sounds like a dreamy tune

My name is (Violin).

I have been given very few strings,

But for now I had enough!

You are my strings

And you will hear: long, long, long!

Come on! Guess who I am!

Mischievous (Balalaika).

"The deer has a big house"

Presenter: learns words with children and explains that each word is played out with appropriate hand movements. The pace is constantly increasing.

The deer has a big house,

He looks out his window.

A hare runs through the forest.

There's a knock on his door:

“Knock, knock, open the door,

There's an evil hunter in the forest!

Quickly open the doors,

Give me your paw."


Presenter: Guys, for this game we need to divide into three groups.

    Group 1 says “Tell me about your purchases”

    Group 2 – “What purchases?”

    Group 3 – “About such purchases.”

    All - “About my purchases (3 times)”

And so we begin to gradually increase the pace.

"The ball is flying"

Presenter: learning the words (the melody of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest!”)

The ball is flying, flying across the sky

The ball flies across the sky,

But we know that up to the sky

It won't reach.

Presenter: and now each time we will replace words with movements:

    It flies - we wave our arms,

    Sky - raise your index finger up,

    Ball - circular movement of the hands.

“This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”

Host: guys, I will ask you questions, and you listen carefully and answer “this is me, this is me, these are all my friends.”

Who among you doesn't like boredom?

Who's the jack of all trades here?

Who is dancing and singing?

Who takes care of clothes?

Does he put it under the bed?

Who keeps things in order?

Tears both books and notebooks?

Who says thank you?

Who gives thanks for everything?

Who's ready to get down to business first?:

And who runs boldly in the gym?

Who sings songs in the pioneer detachment?

Who keeps the notebooks neatly?

And who is not lazy, and not a coward, and not a crybaby?

Who puts a huge blot in a notebook?

Who wants to study with excellent grades?

Who is proud of their school and class?

Who answers the lesson without hesitation?

Who helps your friends in their studies?


Host: guys, do you want to listen to the sound of rain? We do everything like I do. (The presenter speaks and shows)

    And suddenly a droplet fell from the sky (we hit the palm of our left hand with the finger of our right hand)

    Then two drops fell from the sky. (twice)

    Then three drops fell from the sky. (three times)

    Then four drops fell from the sky. (four times)

    Then five drops fell from the sky. (five times) (we hit with our finger, depicting a downpour).

    And it began to rain heavily, as if pouring out of a bucket.

    It pours for a day, it pours for two... And then it begins to subside.

    Four drops began to fall from the sky. (four times)

    Then three drops fell from the sky. (three times).

    Then two drops fell from the sky.

    Then one drop began to fall from the sky. (single finger strikes).

    But one drop stubbornly falls... Do you hear? The rain has stopped. The sun is out, the rainbow is smiling at everyone and everyone is in a good mood.

The hall became quiet.


The audience, together with the knowledgeable, pronounces the words and repeats his movements:

They came, they came (let's go together).

Hedgehogs, hedgehogs (showing spread fingers).

Forged, forged (we hit fist on fist).

Scissors, scissors (we show scissors with our hands).

Running in place, running in place (running in place).

Bunnies, bunnies (show ears).

Come on, come on together! Come on together! (all the boys shout loudly: “Boys”, and all the girls: “Girls”).

The game is usually played 2-3 times.


The hall is divided into three parts and each receives its own words:

    1st – “The brooms are soaked in the bathhouse.”

    2nd – “The spindles are not turned.”

    3rd - “But the sponge is not dried.”

    Words for the audience: “The lady is the lady, the lady is the madam.”

The presenter conducts the hall, points first to the first, then to the second part, then to the entire hall. To whomever he points, they pronounce their words.


Presenter: “My friend came from India and brought a fan as a gift (fans himself with an imaginary fan, the audience repeats). My friend came from India and brought a fan and a sewing machine as a gift (depicts a fan first, then a machine, the audience repeats). Gradually adding more and more new items, for example: skis, a meat grinder, a blowgun, a saxophone...”

The players must not lose their way.


Presenter: “In order to observe the stars, the astronomer must open the dome of the observatory.”

The players spread their arms, bent at the elbows, in front of their faces, in different directions: “Push-punch.”

Presenter: We extend the telescope.

The players stretch their necks forward, their hands remain in the same position: “Oooh!”

Presenter: “We wipe the lens with a soft cloth.”

Players: make rotating movements in front of the face: “Shikh - shikh - shikh.”

Presenter: We aim at the target.

Players: With their right hand they imitate the rotation of the flywheel, the body turns first to the right, then to the left: “Z-z-z-z.”

Presenter: “Look through the eyepiece.”

Players: look into the ring formed by the thumb and index fingers: “O-o-o-o.”

Host: “And there the stars light up.”

Players: open their palms in front of them, alternately with their right and left hands: “Chpok - chpok - chpok.”

Presenter: “Asteroids are flying, comets are rushing by.”

Players: wave their right and left hands: “Bzh - zh - zh. Three!"

Presenter: “A snowstorm is flying.”

Players: arms spread to the sides, swaying smoothly: “Sh-sh-sh-sh.”

Presenter: “The astronaut fell out of the hatch.”

Players: They fall on their sides, groaning: “Ah-ah-ah.”

Presenter: “Flying saucers are flying in schools.”

Players: Make rotational movements near the shoulders with their index fingers: “Ulu-lu-lu-lu.”

Presenter: “Meteorites are falling. There was a meteor shower."

Players: They applaud, the applause smoothly turns into applause.


Presenter: “The horses are going to the start.”

Players: imitate the stamping of hooves, hitting themselves on the knees with their palms, alternately with the left and then with the right.

Presenter: “Let’s start!” Attention! March!". Players: gradually speed up their running, hitting their knees with greater frequency.

Presenter: “Barrier!” (double barrier) Players: make one or two claps on the knees with two palms at once.

Presenter: “We’re running along the pavement.” Players: alternately hitting themselves on the collarbones with their fists.

Presenter: “We’re running on the grass.” Players: Rub palm against palm.

Presenter: “Through the swamp.” Players: bring their index fingers to the corners of their mouth. They alternately move them up and down, sucking air through their mouths, producing peculiar sounds.

Presenter: "Tribune". The girls shout: “Come on, come on! E-ge-ge." The boys: “Whoa-ho-ho” and whistle.

Presenter: “The finish is coming soon.” Players: They wipe off the sweat and imitate putting a wreath (medal) on their neck.

Notes: The presenter can alternate tasks to complete new ones at his own discretion.


The presenter divides the hall into five parts and distributes the words to each:

    1st “Damn-n-n.”

    2nd "Half a pancake".

    3rd “Quarter pancake”.

    4th “no pancakes, just sour cream.”

    5th “Pancakes - pancakes.”

Each word is pronounced in a certain key and a certain rhythm, and the tone increases from “pancake” to “pancakes”, the whole part, “pancake” to 1/16 - “pancakes”.

If you consistently pronounce words to the whole audience and correctly maintain the tone and frequency, then the feeling of a bell ringing is created in the hall.


The players repeat the words and movements after the leader.

“My grandmother lives in Brazil! She has this finger! (Shows thumb, everyone repeats). My grandmother lives in Brazil! She has this finger! (Show). And this is the mouth. (He twists his mouth and keeps repeating). These are the eyes. (Goggles his eyes). More and more new phrases are being added to such phrases:

These are the shoulders (right shoulder up, left shoulder down). She jumps constantly (showing). And shouts: “Oh, how beautiful I am! Why doesn't anyone love me? (Everyone screams)

After a pause, when the laughter subsides, the Host says: “Like the grandmother, so are the grandchildren.”

"Chant of the African Tribe"

O-o-o a-le

Balis-bamba la-e

Oh kikilis bamba

Oh sava vavimba

Ooh I eat bananas


Ay-wy-lizzy Lizzie

Pre-ere-ere-o, O-o-o

Komalamu-komalamu, Komalamu vista



Ssss Vista

"Bee and Bear"

The presenter starts a chant, and the children simply repeat in chorus what he said.

On the shore

Big river

Bee stung

Right in the bear's nose.


The bear cried

Sat on the sand

And he started singing...

"Fun Grammar"

Leading: Guys, I offer you the game “Fun Grammar”. I will name the words in the singular, and you will answer in the plural.

For example: raft. You answer rafts. And so, everything is clear.

Raft - rafts.

Mole - moles.

Grotto - grottoes (that's right, grottoes).

Arc - arcs.

Hand - hands.

Flour - flour (no plural).

Resident - residents.

Resident of the town - residents of the town (or rather, a dead town).

Amateur - amateurs.

Greek - Greeks.

Uzbek - Uzbeks.

People are people (and that’s right – people!).

Leading: and now indefinite verbs need to be put in the first person.

I dream - I dream.

Shine - shine.

To whistle - I whistle (and I whistle correctly).

Leading: I will name the words of the masculine gender, and you will name the corresponding words of the feminine gender:

Cook - cook.

A tailor is a dressmaker.

A merchant is a merchant's wife.

Brave - ... (no feminine word).

Leading: last try. I name feminine words, and you name the corresponding masculine words:

Goat is a goat.

Osa - ... (no feminine word).

Leading: everything is clear. Let's see how well you know mathematics and the multiplication table.

Guys, stand up

A game of attention. The presenter offers to carry out his commands only if he says the address “guys”. For example: “Guys, clap your hands,” everyone should clap. “Now stomp,” no one should move, because the address “guys” was not said.


The presenter offers the game for attention. To any of his phrases, the players must respond the other way around. For example, the presenter says “good”, the players say “evil”. Here is the possible text of the game.

Host: “Hello, guys.” Players: “Goodbye.”

Host: “Yes, hello.” Players: “No, goodbye.”

Host: “Well, okay, goodbye.” Players: “Hello.”

Host: “Oh, guys, how good you are.” Players: “Bad.”

Host: “Well, they’re bad.”

Players: “Good.”

Host: “You just be bad.” Players: “Good”

Presenter: “Okay, okay, good.” Players: “Bad,” etc.


E pizza hut (we draw a circle with our hands)

E pizza hut

Kentucky Franchiken (bending your elbows, waving your arms like a chicken)

End e pizza hut (we draw a circle with our hands)

After this, we shout “McDonald’s” and, folding our fingers into a pinch, place them on the crown of the head.

This game is played as usual, squeaky (with reduced movements), loudly (with large movements)

"Lion Hunt"

Slapping their hands on their knees, the players say in chorus the words:

"We are hunting for a lion,

We are not afraid of him. We have a good gun. And a red-hot sword."

Further, the words are accompanied by corresponding gestures. Everyone: “Oh! What is this?". Presenter: “This is a lake (swamp, meadow, at the end - a lion). Everyone: “You can’t get around him. You can't fly over it. You can't crawl under it. The road is straight" Bul-bul-bul (or chav-chav, shur-shur, ah-ah). After the word “lion”, everyone repeats the movements and sounds in reverse order.

Try it, don't make a mistake

Can you now repeat after me three short phrases? – the presenter asks the guys. Nobody doubts this, of course.

“It’s raining today,” says the presenter. Everyone confidently repeats this phrase.

“And tomorrow, you think, the weather will be good,” he says. No error again.

“Well, you were wrong,” the presenter joyfully declares. The guys are perplexed: “Why?”

The presenter explains: “So you were mistaken” - this was my third phrase. Nobody repeated it.


I have a train TU - TU - CHI - CHI

He takes me on rails - TU - TU - CHI - CHI

He has a pipe and a stove - TU - TU - CHI - CHI

And a magic ring - TU - TU - CHI - CHI

We'll leave from the station - TU - TU - CHI - CHI

It has four halls - TU - TU - CHI - CHI

We'll go to Paris - TU - TU - CHI - CHI

And maybe even closer - TU - TU - CHI - CHI

Here comes the spring rain - TU - TU - CHI - CHI

And our little train got stuck - TU - TU - CHI - CHI

We are standing in a huge puddle - TU - TU - CHI - CHI

Here we have no time for Paris - TU - TU - CHI - CHI



I was bitten by a hippopotamus - I was bitten by a hippopotamus

(spread arms to the sides)

Out of fear I climbed a tree - I climbed a tree out of fear

And here I am - And here I am

(point to themselves with hands)

And my hand is there - And my hand is there

(one hand is moved to the side)

I was bitten by a hippopotamus - I was bitten by a hippopotamus

(they spread their arms to the sides, but do not return the hand withdrawn in the previous phrase, but keep it in this position until the very end of the game)

I was bitten by a hippopotamus - I was bitten by a hippopotamus

(spread arms to the sides)

Out of fear I climbed a tree - I climbed a tree out of fear

(show how they climb a tree)

And here I am - And here I am

(point to themselves with hands)

And my foot is there - And my foot is there

(one leg is left to the side)

I was bitten by a hippopotamus - I was bitten by a hippopotamus