How long does it take to cook corn grits in milk? How to cook milk porridge from corn grits - step-by-step recipes in a saucepan, cauldron or slow cooker with photos

Corn porridge recipes

how to cook corn porridge on the water

20 minutes

90 kcal

5 /5 (4 )

Corn porridge is a well-known, very healthy food. It can be eaten by everyone: children, the elderly and people with problems digestive system, because it is very light and does not bring burden to the body. At the same time, it contains a lot of vegetable protein, unsaturated fatty acids, calcium, potassium, sodium, iron and phosphorus. She is also rich in vitamins A, B, C and E. It is recommended for use by people who have problems with cholesterol levels, diabetes mellitus or allergies. This whole set of useful things motivates me to cook this porridge more often for myself and my children. And the best part is that it was very easy to prepare. When I didn't know how long should you cook corn porridge in water? I was afraid that it would take a lot of time in the morning. But it turned out that all it took was no more than 20 minutes. For children I usually make it sweet, but for myself - depending on my mood. The main thing is that it always turns out delicious and no one turns their nose up. For myself, I have already discovered all the advantages of this porridge, so now I want you to learn how to cook it too.

How to choose the right ingredients

  • For instant cooking For porridge, choose medium-ground grains, as coarse grains will take a long time to cook.
  • The color of the cereal should be white or yellow in different shades, but in no case gray.
  • If you bought cereal a long time ago and it sat in your cupboard for a long time, then it is better not to use it. She most likely lost her taste and smell.

Corn porridge

Kitchen appliances: sieve, pan, spoon.


Corn grits1 stack
Water4 stacks

Cooking process

Video recipe for making porridge from corn grits in water

In this video the girl says, how to cook corn porridge with water. Take a look and find out all the nuances of how to properly cook corn porridge in water, and what can be added to it.

How to cook corn porridge - a simple recipe. Recipe for cooking corn porridge

How to cook tasty and healthy corn porridge with water and milk. A simple and affordable recipe for preparing a dietary and nutritious dish for beginners and more experienced housewives. How long to cook, what can be added to the finished corn grits porridge to make it tastier for children and adults. Corn porridge is ideal for both children's menu, and in the form of side dishes for any other dishes. More details

How to cook delicious and healthy corn porridge, water and milk. A simple recipe of nutritional meals for beginners or more experienced hostesses. How long to cook that you can add to the finished porridge of corn grits to make it taste to children and adults. Corn cereal ideal for a kids menu.


What to serve with corn porridge

Corn porridge is suitable for breakfast, lunch and dinner, so it can be prepared in different ways. You can serve it like hominy, with meat, salted cheese, sour cream and herbs. You can just make do with cutlets or stew. You can replace it with fish. A salad of fresh vegetables wouldn't hurt either. If you are cooking for children or just porridge for breakfast, you can make it sweet. To do this, add a couple of spoons of honey and dried fruits. Or add nuts and candied fruits. You can also cook porridge with pumpkin, then it will be twice as healthy and tastier.

  • If you want to stand near the stove less, then pour boiling water over the cereal.
  • At the end of cooking, you can add a little oil to make the porridge more tender.
  • If you need to know how to cook crumbly corn porridge in water, then there is an answer: just add it to a glass less water and cook until all the water has evaporated.
  • To make corn porridge the consistency you want, follow the proportions of water and cereal. For liquid – 4:1, for crumbly – 3:1.
  • To make the porridge even tastier, let it sit for a while. For example, cook porridge in the evening to have breakfast.

Other options

Corn porridge made with milk is very tender and tasty, so if you are going to cook for children, then use this recipe. You can cook not only on the stove - make corn porridge in a slow cooker. Then you don’t have to stand over it and interfere all the time, which saves a lot of time. You can also prepare other vegetable porridges, for example, pumpkin or pea, which have a lot of benefits. And all this is very tasty if you know how to cook it correctly.

You did it delicious porridge? How did you prepare it and what did you serve it with? Tell us in the comments what you liked and what you did differently.

Recipes for corn and wheat porridge

Hello girls. You are on the Lady and the 21st Century website. I offer a preview of the article: we look at recipes and preparation of corn porridge and we will definitely talk about wheat porridge.

How to cook corn porridge

Ladies, do you know that corn removes fats from the body? Even though it turns out to be porridge, the product is dietary. So go ahead: get ready.

Most often, corn chaff is sold in stores. It does not need to be processed before cooking.

Traditional corn porridge is porridge made with milk.

Corn porridge with milk


for corn grits - 4 tbsp. to spoons with top;
for milk - 300 g;
for sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
To butter- 50 g;
for salt - 1 teaspoon.


1. Boil the milk.

2. Pour sugar and salt into boiling milk, stir and add the cereal.

3. Cook the porridge over low heat for about 5-6 minutes, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps.

4. Cover with a lid and remove after another 15-20 minutes. If the porridge turns out thick, you can dilute it with milk or cream. And don't forget to add butter for taste.

Alternatively, the porridge can be boiled in water with salt, and then seasoned with oil.

Corn porridge with dried fruits


m milk - 2 cups;
in water - 2 glasses;
for dried apricots - 100 gr.;
and raisins - 100 gr.;
with butter - 100 gr.;
with sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
with salt - ½ teaspoon.


1. Prepare dried fruits: wash them hot water pour boiling water over it for a while. Then we take everything out and cut the dried apricots into small pieces.

3. Place the finished porridge into a pot, evenly sprinkle with pieces of dried fruit and pieces of butter and cover with a lid.

4. Bake the porridge in the oven for about 1 hour at t = 90 o C.

Dried fruits can be replaced with fresh fruit or berries. There is no need to cook them, just wash them.

Corn porridge with pumpkin


corn grits - 1 cup;
t pumpkin - 300 gr.;
m milk - 3 cups;
with sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
t melted butter;


1. Heat the milk until hot.

2. Fry the corn grits in a dry frying pan without oil until golden brown.

3. Pour milk (hot) over the cereal and leave for 30 minutes to swell.

4. Let's prepare the pumpkin: it should be peeled so that only the hard part remains. Cut the pulp into small pieces, sprinkle with sugar and boil until tender over low heat (when we start heating, the pumpkin will release juice: cook in it).

5. Add pumpkin and salt to the porridge, bring to a boil, cook for about 5-6 minutes, cover with a lid and remove from the stove.

6. Wrap the porridge in a warm coat or blanket (try it in the oven) and let it evaporate.

7. Before serving, add melted butter to the porridge.

Corn porridge on water with raisins


corn grits - 1 cup;
g hot water - 2.5 cups;
o olive oil - 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
and raisins or cranberries - 100 gr.;
n a few spoons of sugar;
with salt.


1. Soak the raisins so that they swell a little.

2. Mix all the products, place in a baking dish and put in the oven for about 30 minutes.

3. When you see a golden crust on the surface of the porridge, remove it. The porridge is ready.

Corn porridge with prunes


h corn grits - 250 g;

h prunes 150 gr.;

h butter.


1. Boil prunes. If it has pits, remove it. Pour the broth into a bowl for cooking porridge.

2. Add the required amount of water to the broth and cook porridge from corn grits. Before eating, drizzle with oil and place prunes on top.

Corn casserole


h corn grits - 500 g;
h water - 1.5 l;
h egg (yolk) - 1 pc.;
h cheese (grated) - 150 gr.;
h milk - 2 cups;
h butter - 50g;
h salt.


1. First, cook the porridge in water.

2. Take a baking dish in the oven, grease it with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Separately, grate the cheese.

3. Pour the porridge into a mold, grease it with yolk, sprinkle cheese on top and season with butter.

4. Place the pan with the porridge in the oven for a few minutes. Ready.

You can serve milk separately with the casserole.

Corn porridge (mamalyga) with eggs


corn flour - 80 gr.;
in water - 180 g;
with sugar 10 g;
m ghee - 25 gr.;
I egg - 20 gr. (1 piece - boiled);
with salt - to taste.


Important Note: Hominy should be cooked in small portions and no later than 20 minutes before meals, as later it becomes stale and tasteless.

1. Boil water.

2. Add salt, sugar, corn flour to boiling water, But do not stir: wait with a spoon or spatula until it all boils.

3. Then quickly stir the flour with water until it becomes a homogeneous viscous mixture without lumps.

4. Smooth the surface of the porridge and, closing the lid, place the porridge on very low heat for 10-12 minutes.

5. Mamalyga is served hot and served separately with either melted butter with a hard-boiled chopped egg, or lard (it is first cut into small cubes and fried with onions), you can offer smoked brisket, or treat it with grated cheese or feta cheese.

How to cook wheat porridge

Wheat groats are sold either in the form of whole grains or in the form of crushed groats (popularly called wheat chaff). Whole grains must be washed before clear water, and the chaff is used immediately.

Wheat porridge on water.

Products (yields 4 servings):

n wheat grits - 1 cup,
in water - 2-2.5 glasses,
with salt and sugar - to taste,
m butter


1. Take dishes with thick walls, for example, a cast iron cauldron.

2. Wash the cereal and fill it with water.

3. Add salt and sugar to taste.

4. Cooking time for porridge is about 20 minutes. If not all of the water has evaporated, then wait for the water to completely evaporate.

5. Remove from the stove, wrap in a towel or warm coat and steam for about 10 minutes. Before eating, you can add oil, fruit, etc. if desired.

Wheat porridge from crushed cereals (crumbly)


d crushed wheat grits - 1 cup,
in water - 2 glasses,
with butter or lard - 1 tbsp. spoon,
with salt to taste.


1. Boil water, add salt, add wheat chaff and oil.

2. Stirring occasionally, cook the chives for 20 minutes, waiting for them to thicken.

3. Close the lid and place in the oven for 30 minutes to steam the porridge.

Wheat porridge with milk


for Cereals - 1 glass,
m milk - 3 cups,
m butter,
with salt sugar - to taste


Getting ready wheat porridge almost the same as on the water. There are also discrepancies: the cereal must be poured into boiling milk and the porridge being prepared needs to be stirred more often so as not to burn. The porridge turns out viscous. If you want to porridge was liquid, take more milk: 4 glasses.

Wheat porridge with pumpkin

You will need a steamer.


I wheat cereal - 100 gr.,
I milk - 1 glass,
I water - 1 glass,
I pumpkin - 100 gr.,
I butter - 1 tbsp. spoon,
I salt and sugar - to taste.


1. Wash the cereal and pour it into a steamer bowl.

2. Peel the pumpkin, cut it into small cubes and also pour it into a bowl with cereal.

3. Pour 1/2 cup of water and, accordingly, milk.

4. Turn on the steamer, put our porridge in it, wait for the water to boil and steam the porridge for 30 minutes.

5. Then add the remaining water and milk, add salt and sugar and boil for another 5 minutes.

6. Take out the porridge, put butter in it and mix. What then? Yum-yum.

Note: all additives to the porridge are prepared separately, and then, a few minutes before the end or even after the end of cooking, they are added to it.

There are also little-known grains for cooking porridge, for example, barley, but I will present them separately in other articles, since there are many recipes and it makes no sense to overload this article, otherwise it will take a long time to open. That's all for today. Bye bye.

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Despite the active propaganda of the queen of the fields in the 60s of the last century, for some reason corn never took a leading position in the Russian diet. Rye bread, wheat porridge is a simple food that many generations of Slavs eat with appetite, but we are not used to cooking corn grits. We more often associate corn with Comrade Dynin from the beloved “Welcome, or No Trespassing”, and sometimes with not so healthy salad, by the variegation of flowers and taste qualities unmatched. And packages of bright yellow beans gather dust on store shelves, not attracting buyers either with their low cost or color.

But it’s completely in vain. Corn grits contain 75% carbohydrates, which are easily absorbed by the body. Corn is rich in vitamins B1, B2, A, E, PP, microelements iron and silicon. Provitamin A - beta carotene - provides the wonderful sunny color of the cereal. The inhibitory effect of corn on fermentation processes in the intestines has been proven. Separately, we can emphasize the ability of cereal to remove toxins and radionuclides. Due to its low allergenicity, corn porridge is used in baby food.

Let's leave hominy to the Moldovans, and polenta to the Italians. We are waiting for corn porridge, adapted to the harsh Russian reality.

Corn porridge on water
To cook corn grits in water, you will need:

  • water - 4 glasses;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • butter
Corn grits have one unpleasant quality - the ability to stick to any pan in a matter of moments. This is related to the peculiarities in the preparation of corn porridge. It cannot be left on the stove without attention, even for a few minutes. It is better to choose dishes with a non-stick coating and a thick bottom, and carefully stir the bubbling beauty every 1-2 minutes.

The cooking process itself is extremely simple - pour the washed cereal with water and bring to a boil, and then do the exciting task of periodically stirring the porridge. You should not count on the miraculous qualities of Teflon or other coating - corn grits left unattended will burn even on the most expensive dishes.

During cooking, the cereal increases in size by 3 or even 4 times. Cooking time depends on the size of the cereal. The finer the corn grits, the faster the porridge will cook, on average it takes from 30 minutes to an hour. Keeping in mind the well-known proverb that porridge cannot be spoiled with oil, put it in ready dish butter, stir, seal tightly with a lid and let it cook for 10-15 minutes.

Sweet corn porridge with milk
For preparation you need:

  • corn grits - 1 half glass;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • butter;
  • sugar - 3-4 tablespoons.
To cook corn grits in milk, you need to rinse it and add water first. Bring to a boil and, stirring, wait for a significant increase in volume, then pour in the boiled milk. Mix vigorously, add sugar, and, forgetting about the others important matters, cook the porridge until ready. At the end of cooking, add as much butter as your heart desires.

You can serve corn porridge with jam, syrup and even ice cream.

Calorie content finished product only about 100 kcal per 100g, so you can eat this dish without worrying about your figure.

Once upon a time, corn was called the queen of the fields, but now it can only be called a regular at movie theaters. Flavored popcorn instead of natural corn porridge fully meets the “on-the-run” diet typical of many modern people. And yet, not everyone has replaced tasty and healthy food with fast food. Moreover: more and more young housewives are striving to feed their loved ones fresh dishes from quality products. And corn, or rather corn grits, can become one of the components of a balanced diet. You just need to learn how to cook corn grits correctly so that the menu turns out varied, tasty and healthy. Want to try it? Nothing could be easier!

Corn grits: composition, benefits and cooking features
Corn has been a source of food for humans for 12 thousand years, since the inhabitants of South America began cultivating it. For them it served as the basis for the development of civilization, and for modern gourmets - as raw materials for preparing many of the most different dishes. Corn cobs are eaten fresh and boiled, they and individual grains are baked and canned, but the most profitable option is to process the grains into cereal. Depending on the degree and type of processing, corn grits can be different:
  • Polished corn grits. The grains are cleared of shells and crushed, and their edges are rounded. Such corn grits differ in particle size, depending on which they are numbered in categories from first to fifth.
  • Large corn grits. The grains are cleaned and crushed, but not polished. Such particles different shapes used to make corn flakes, casseroles and some types of national dishes.
  • Fine corn grits. The grains are cleaned, crushed and further ground to make them suitable for the production of confectionery, instant porridge and other semi-finished products.
The larger the corn grits, the healthier it is, and the more useful substances remains in its composition. They are 75% slow carbohydrates, and only 1% fat. Therefore, dishes made from corn grits are an excellent source of energy, which is released gradually and relieves hunger for a long time. They are useful for people of any age, from children to the elderly. Athletes value them for their nutritional value, and fashion models value them for their dietary properties. At the same time, corn grits are rich in vitamins (A, E, PP, group B), carotene and minerals (iron, silicon), the good digestibility of which is ensured by the optimal ratio and the presence of dietary fiber.

However, people with disabilities should be careful when preparing and consuming corn grits. increased acidity, and especially gastritis or stomach ulcers. But it has a beneficial effect on the intestines, preventing putrefactive processes and stopping fermentation. Corn grits in any form should be included in the diet if blood vessels and heart muscle are weak. It also does not cause allergies, so it is part of baby food from the first months of life. Older kids, teenagers and adults can eat corn dishes every day, fortunately, their variety is great. Ideas for culinary experiments can be borrowed from national cuisines. For example, Romanians have thick mamalyga, Italians have nutritious polenta, and Georgians have aromatic gomi porridge. But first, you should learn how to cook classic corn porridge.

Recipes with corn grits
To cook delicious corn grits, you need to choose it correctly. Most often in our stores you can find fairly small corn grits, the particles of which are the same size and bright yellow in color. This type of grain is the most versatile: it makes good porridges, casseroles, soups, and baking fillings. But still, it’s better to start getting acquainted with corn grits with traditional porridge. Moreover, even she alone has several varieties, the recipes of which are enough for more than one delicious and hearty lunch. We offer you the most successful, time-tested options:

  1. Corn porridge on water. Take 1 cup of corn grits, 2 cups of water, 2 tablespoons of butter, a pinch of salt. Rinse the cereal in cool water. Pour 2 cups of water into a saucepan, add salt and bring to a boil. Place the washed cereal in boiling water and reduce the heat under the pan to below medium. Stir constantly to prevent the porridge from burning and cook for 25 minutes. Then cover with a lid, turn off the heat and leave the corn porridge on the stove for 10 minutes. After this time, add the oil and stir it. Serve the porridge hot with cheese, especially feta cheese), herbs, vegetables - the specified amount of ingredients yields approximately 6 servings of porridge. If you increase the volume of water, the porridge will turn out more liquid, which is not for everybody. You can also substitute vegetable oil for butter if you are trying to limit the amount of animal fat in your diet.
  2. Corn porridge with milk. Take 1 cup of corn grits, 3 cups of milk, a handful of seedless raisins, 2 tablespoons of butter, 1 tablespoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt. Sort and rinse the cereal. Soak the raisins in boiling water for 5-10 minutes. Pour milk into a saucepan, add salt and bring to a boil. Then add cereal and sugar to boiling milk, stir and cook over low heat for 25 minutes, stirring regularly. Then add the oil, stir the porridge and close the pan tightly with a lid. Leave on the stove for 10 minutes, then serve. Raisins can be replaced or supplemented with other dried fruits, candied fruits or additives to suit your taste. Sweet corn porridge can be eaten not only hot, but also cooled with jam, condensed milk or honey.
  3. Corn porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker. Take 1 glass of corn grits, 1 glass of water and milk, 100 grams of pumpkin pulp, 2 tablespoons of butter (can be replaced with vegetable oil), 1 tablespoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt. Sort the cereal and rinse, drain completely muddy water. Cut the pumpkin into small equal cubes. Place the cereal and pumpkin in a multicooker bowl, add salt, add sugar and add milk and water. Stir, close the lid and turn on the multicooker for half an hour in the “milk porridge” mode. Then add the butter, stir and set in the “warm” mode for another 10 minutes. Cow's milk In this and other recipes, milk corn porridge can be replaced with goat milk. Instead of or together with pumpkin, try adding an apple, pear, grated sweet carrot and/or dried fruits to the porridge.
  4. Corn casserole. Take half a glass of corn grits, half a glass of canned corn, half a liter of milk, 5 chicken eggs, 100 ml cream, 100 grams each of ham and hard cheese, 2 tomatoes, 1 sweet pepper, a pinch of salt, ground black pepper and nutmeg, half a bunch of green onions and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Salt the milk and bring to a boil, add clean cereal and cook until the porridge is ready, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile, separate the whites of two eggs and beat them until foamy. Place two yolks into the prepared, slightly cooled porridge, canned corn and stir. Then add the whipped whites and mix again until smooth. Peel the tomatoes and peppers and chop finely. Cut the ham into small pieces. Mix the remaining three eggs with cream and beat a little, add salt and spices. Grate the cheese and put half of it in the cream along with the ham and vegetables. Grease a heat-resistant baking dish with oil and place the porridge on the bottom. Place cream with additives on top, sprinkle with remaining cheese. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Cook the casserole on the middle rack for about 40 minutes, then let it cool in the oven. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped onion and cut crosswise into several pieces.
  5. Polenta with cottage cheese and cheese. Take 1 glass of corn grits, 1 glass of milk, 2 glasses of water, 100 grams each of cottage cheese and Parmesan (it can be replaced with other hard mature cheese), 3 cloves of garlic, a little fresh basil and dill, a pinch of salt and 1 tablespoon olive oil. Sort the cereal and rinse. Boil 2 cups of salted water, add the cereal and cook over medium heat, stirring. After 7 minutes, add milk to the pan, stir and reduce heat to low. Cook the corn grits until the porridge is ready, covered, stirring occasionally, for 25 minutes. Meanwhile, grate the cheese and add half of it to the finished porridge. Stir until smooth. Grease a glass baking dish with oil, place the porridge on its bottom in an even layer of about 1 cm, level it and leave to cool. The cooled porridge should harden. Finely chop the greens, crush the garlic with a press, mix with cottage cheese. Post it curd filling onto the porridge and cover with the remaining cheese. Bake in the microwave for 5 minutes and leave for another 10 minutes after turning it off.
In addition to the listed dishes, you can bake pancakes and pancakes from corn grits and add it to soups and stews. It goes well with meat, fish and vegetables, highlighting their taste and adding its own taste and aroma. For breakfast and as a snack, it can be used to make corn tortillas, and sweet pastries with corn grits it turns out tender and crumbly, with a pleasant warm shade. You can cook it on the stove, in the oven, in the microwave and in the slow cooker. In other words, corn grits are a versatile product, equally suitable for both sweet and savory dishes. This means that you will probably love dishes made from corn grits and will cook them often.

The birthplace of corn is considered to be the Central and South America, which, thanks climatic features, boast huge plantations. In Russia, the plant became widely known with the light hand of Khrushchev, but it appeared much earlier. In their hot tropical homeland, corn is called “maize.” The cobs are eaten whole and made into flour and cereals. So how to cook corn grits, how is it useful and can it cause harm?

Corn grits: benefits and harms

The product is rich in carbohydrates, amino acids (lysine and tryptophan), and fiber. Contains many trace elements and vitamins: copper, iron, boron, magnesium, nicotinic acid, vitamin A, rivoflavin, cyanocabalamin, thiamine. Corn dishes are able to remove toxins and heavy metals from the body, activate protective forces, great for children and dietary nutrition. Dishes made from corn grits are easily digested by the body.

Do not use the product if you have ulcerative defects in the gastric and intestinal mucosa. If you are underweight, it is better to exclude cereals from the diet, as they can reduce appetite.

Corn dishes

Corn can be used to make large number dishes, from side dishes to baked goods. Milk porridge made from corn grits is the perfect start to the day. Flour is often added to baked goods: flatbreads, buns, pancakes. Corn grits mamalyga will be a good side dish for meat and fish. Boiled cobs are tasty, and in conditions industrial production produce flakes and sticks from a useful plant.

Cooking features

How to cook corn grits to surprise your family delicious dish? Not many people like cereal, but that’s because they don’t know how to cook it properly. The peculiarity of the cereal is such that in order to completely boil it, you need to “create conditions”. Delicious, crumbly porridge is made in a Russian oven. Nowadays it is quite difficult to find, but you can try to get closer to the kitchen conditions of our grandmothers.

To cook porridge, you need to take a pan with thick walls and a bottom. It is better to cook in the oven, or after turning it off, wrap the container with corn hominy in a warm scarf or blanket for a while. During the simmering process, the dish becomes more aromatic and richer.

Corn grits porridge

Corn porridge can be “solo”, or it can have additives, which can be sweet or not. Milk or water-cooked porridge with pumpkin, dried fruits, nuts, and honey is a great start to the day. A dish with the addition of fried onions, tomatoes, carrots, bell pepper or cheese serves as an excellent side dish for meat and white fish. It is important to know how to cook corn grits so that it turns out tasty and crumbly.

Corn and pumpkin - what could be tastier?

To prepare a dish of corn grits with pumpkin, you need to take 1 cup of grits, 3 cups of liquid, 600 g of pumpkin without peel, salt, sugar to taste. You need to cut the pumpkin into small cubes, pour milk or water into the pan, add the pumpkin and cook it for 10 minutes. Add the cereal and cook for another 20 minutes. Add salt and sugar to the porridge and leave to simmer over low heat for 40 minutes. The dish turns out to be slightly sweet, crumbly, aromatic and extremely tasty. Corn porridge with dried fruits and nuts is also prepared. Honey is added at the simmering stage of the dish.

Corn porridge for meat

For a tasty side dish, the cereal and roast are prepared separately. While the corn porridge is cooking in water, you need to stew the vegetables. Onions, carrots, herbs, bell peppers, tomato paste or fresh tomatoes are great. All vegetables are chopped and sauteed in vegetable oil. Then add a little water and simmer over low heat. Before leaving the corn porridge to simmer, add fried vegetables to it and mix thoroughly.

Corn flour baked goods

Supermarkets often offer customers the opportunity to purchase bakery products with the addition of corn flour. It is prepared from cereals by special grinding. The baked goods acquire a beautiful golden color and delicate aroma. Flatbreads, buns, bread become healthier and more nutritious. Any housewife can independently prepare flour from healthy cereals by grinding the cereal in a coffee grinder.

When preparing dough for pancakes, buns, pies, you need to add a little corn flour and bake as usual. The baking process of flour products is not affected. You can completely replace wheat flour with corn flour, then the baked goods will become as healthy as possible and very aromatic.

Multicooker Recipes

The multicooker has become a real assistant to the modern housewife. You just need to put all the ingredients in the miracle pan, and it will do the rest of the work itself. A multicooker serves as an ideal utensil for preparing corn porridge: the “electric saucepan” creates conditions similar to a Russian oven. Corn grits are cooked perfectly in a slow cooker, becoming tasty and aromatic. You can use it to prepare a casserole, cream soup, or a dish for baby feeding.

To make cornmeal dishes tasty, it is important to maintain exact proportions. The cookbook that comes with the multicooker contains best recipes for a specific device model. With the right ratio of grains and liquid, ideal dishes are obtained.

Word to corn

Italians call corn porridge with the elegant word “polenta”, praise and love it in every possible way. In Russia, unfortunately, mamalyga made from corn is more often eaten by pets, and this is wrong. What to cook from corn grits to please your household? How to serve a dish so that it looks appetizing? Now you know how to cook corn grits and how much delicious food you can make from healthy grains. Nutritionists say: “sunny” cereal is a real storehouse of health! Dishes made from corn grits are always healthy and tasty. Bon appetit!