Katasonov Sergey Mikhailovich State Deputy. Sergei Katasonov is the richest State Duma deputy from the Orenburg region

And the 7th convocation from the LDPR party, first deputy chairman of the budget and taxes committee since 2011.

Education and early career

Graduated with honors in 1980 high school No. 50 named after. N. E. Zhukovsky of the city of Orenburg. In 1985 he also graduated with honors from the Faculty of Mechanization agriculture.

Labor activity began in 1985 as an assistant and then senior lecturer at the Department of Livestock Mechanization of the Orenburg Agricultural Institute.

Started as a student scientific activity. He received his first copyright certificates for inventions in his 4th year in 1984.

Has academic degrees: Candidate of Technical Sciences (1989), Doctor economic sciences(2006). Academic titles: associate professor (2004), professor (2008). Author of more than 40 scientific and educational works.

Entrepreneurial activity

From 1992 to 1995 - Deputy Director for Economics of the scientific production and construction association "Poliform". From 1995 to 2006 - General Director of Enterprise SVS LLC (Water Supply Systems).

Main activities of GC "SVS": industrial construction, construction apartment buildings, municipal infrastructure facilities. 200 thousand sq.m. commissioned meters of housing, six sports arenas with artificial ice, three sports complexes, a brick factory, more than 50 boiler houses and a central heating station with a capacity of more than 100 MW.

In 2004, he was elected as a deputy of the Orenburg City Council in single-mandate district No. 7. In the City Council, he was the head of the budget group.

In 2004-2006 - head of the Representative Office of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the Orenburg region.

Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg Region (IV and V convocations)

In 2006, he won the elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg Region. He was nominated from the United Russia party in single-mandate constituency No. 9. He carried out parliamentary activities on a professional permanent basis. He was the chairman of the committee on property, environmental management and construction.

In 2010 he left the party " United Russia" In 2011, he won elections in single-mandate district No. 9 to the Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg Region. He was nominated by the LDPR party. Carried out parliamentary activities on a permanent basis professional basis. He was the leader of the LDPR faction in the Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg Region.

Participated in the development and adoption of regional programs to provide land plots with communal infrastructure in order to housing construction in 2007-2010, modernization of municipal infrastructure in 2008-2011, provision of housing for young families in the Orenburg region, development of mortgage lending in 2005-2010. Oversaw housing and communal services issues related to the creation of a non-profit partnership of management organizations "Orenburg".

In 2007, the regional program “Low-rise housing construction in the Orenburg region “Your Home” for 2007-2011”, developed by Sergei Katasonov, was adopted. During its implementation, construction of a low-rise village began modern type with developed infrastructure "Ecodolie". The program was defined as a model and adopted in more than 50 regions of Russia.

In 2007, he initiated a parliamentary investigation into the emergency gas release in Orenburg on the night of June 15-16 and the resulting emergency, as well as a number of parliamentary hearings on the topic of ecology. After this, the work of large industrial enterprises, including Orenburggazprom LLC, was intensified to implement new system environmental monitoring.

He was a member of the UNDP/GEF (UN Development Program/Global Economic Fund) project “Improving the system and mechanisms for managing protected areas in the steppe biome of Russia.” As a result of its implementation, the Orenburg Tarpania project was launched in the Orenburg region.

State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (VI and VII convocations)

The expert community assessed the fact that the candidate was removed as a mistake by the authorities.

Filtering of representatives continues in the regions opposition parties. A number of candidates who would theoretically have a chance of winning will not be able to take part in the elections, for example, Oksana Dmitrieva in St. Petersburg, Rail Sarbaev in Bashkiria, Sergei Katasonov in the Orenburg region. The tactics of working with them are varied: from blocking at the stage of collecting signatures to initiating criminal cases. Elections of governors thus become referendums on confidence, wrote Nezavisimaya Gazeta political observer Alexei Gorbachev in July.

In March 2015, the regional prosecutor's office, in response to a request from LDPR chairman Vladimir Zhirinovsky, reported that, according to law enforcement agencies, no criminal cases, charges or convictions against the deputy State Duma Sergei Katasonov does not exist and never existed; criminal cases have never been initiated against him. Family

Parents - Mikhail Ivanovich and Maria Dmitrievna - come from the village of Ratchino, Sharlyk district, Orenburg region. We moved to Orenburg in 1955.

Sergei Katasonov is married. He has two daughters: Ksenia (1991) and Daria (1996). He enjoys golf and horse riding. In his youth he played football professionally.

Law enforcement agencies of the Orenburg region suspect the parliamentarian of purchasing a military rank and academic degree, as well as financial fraud.

A scandal is breaking out in the Orenburg region with the nomination of State Duma deputy from the LDPR Sergei Katasonov as a candidate for the post of head of the region. According to Izvestia, law enforcement agencies in the region where the liberal democrat will run have a number of claims against Katasonov, which could cost him not only the deprivation of his immunity, but also his mandate as a State Duma deputy. Experts note that such blemishes in the biography of Sergei Katasonov will negatively affect his election campaign and reduce his electoral support.

According to Izvestia, the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee for the Orenburg Region, together with the regional FSB Directorate of Russia, is currently investigating a criminal case of theft by the management of Construction Enterprise SVS LLC. budget funds, allocated as subsidies within the framework of the regional target program “Development of the production base of housing construction in the Orenburg region in 2007-2011”. The case was initiated on September 26, 2011 under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Fraud committed organized group or on an especially large scale or resulting in the deprivation of a citizen’s right to residential premises.”

The materials were handed over to the investigators by the regional prosecutor's office, which raised the issue of criminal prosecution of the founder of SVS Construction Enterprise LLC, Sergei Katasonov.

According to the case materials, Sergei Katasonov, within the framework of the above-mentioned program, took out a loan from VTB Bank in the amount of 100 million rubles for the construction of a plant, then he was allocated funds from the regional treasury cash to refinance the loan interest rate. The plant was supposed to be built before 2009, but the project was never implemented. As stated in the materials of the prosecutor's office audit, being the founder of SP SVS LLC and SVS-M LLC, Katasonov could have stolen budget funds totaling 9.3 million rubles (which is a particularly large amount), which he most likely spent on needs not related to the implementation of the objectives of the Program to intensify investment activity in the construction complex of the region. That is, he disposed of the stolen goods at his own discretion, since at the end of the program the plant had not been built and put into operation.

In January 2013, investigators planned to charge Sergei Katasonov, but this did not happen, since by that time he had become a State Duma deputy and received protection in the form of parliamentary immunity. As a source from Katasonov’s entourage told Izvestia, he was helped to gain immunity by the patronage of Igor Udovichenko, who since May 2011 worked as deputy head of the Department for domestic policy the presidential administration, as well as former State Duma deputy, minister of the Moscow region government for shared housing construction Alexander Kogan, who represented the Orenburg region in the lower house of parliament.

At the same time, the publication’s interlocutor notes that when Katasonov was on the LDPR list for the State Duma, the leader of the Liberal Democrats, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, did not know about the attention of law enforcement agencies to Katasonov’s activities; only Vice Speaker Igor Lebedev was aware of the biography of the future deputy.

Lebedev himself told Izvestia that the cases were opened even before Katasonov became a deputy, but were then suspended. Their activation during the election campaign suggests that Sergei Katasonov is feared in the region as a serious candidate for the post of head of the Orenburg region.

— Sergei Mikhailovich has always been in opposition to the current government in the region, and he has repeatedly refused to change his tough tone and position. And we think that it is the regional authorities who are putting pressure on law enforcement agencies, since Katasonov is the only candidate from the parliamentary opposition in these elections,” says Lebedev.

In addition to financial fraud, in the case materials Investigation Department The Investigative Committee of the Orenburg Region has facts of illegal acquisition of academic and military ranks by a candidate for the post of head of the region. When admitted to the Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg Region in 2006, Sergei Katasonov provided a questionnaire and documents indicating that he had the military rank of “reserve lieutenant colonel.” According to a copy of the military ID by order of the commander of the Volga-Ural Military District No. 15 dated September 27, 2005, Katasonov was awarded military rank"lieutenant colonel". However, the branch of the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defense (Ekaterinburg) does not have Order No. 15 of the commander of the Regional Military District in storage, and there is no information about the location of the archive. By this fact a letter was sent to the commander of the Central Military District to verify a number of factual circumstances of the issuance of a military ID to Sergei Katasonov. As a result of the audit, information was confirmed that Sergei Katasonov did not have the rank of “colonel”.

There are also suspicions regarding Katasonov’s receipt of an academic degree. From 2006 to 2013, he received an allowance at the Orenburg State Agrarian University for having a Doctor of Science degree. During the inspection by law enforcement agencies, it turned out that the academic degree was awarded to Katasonov by the organization “Higher Attestation and Qualification Committee”. But the Ministry of Education and Science claims that the Doctor of Sciences diploma issued by this committee is not a document awarding the academic degree of Doctor of Sciences, which is provided for state system certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers.

The LDPR candidate for the post of head of the Orenburg region, Sergei Katasonov, is confident that there are no complaints against him from the security forces.

“This is a campaign to discredit me.” Now they will invent that I am gay and drink the blood of babies. These are the election rules. They fear me as a competitor in the elections,” he told Izvestia.

The State Duma Rules Committee reported that law enforcement agencies have not yet received any papers regarding Katasonov from the lower house of parliament.

“Perhaps this is due to the fact that it is very difficult for regional investigative bodies to achieve the deprivation of a deputy’s immunity, since the submission must be sent by federal law enforcement agencies. And this is a big bureaucratic machine. But if something like this evidence base, then it’s really worth thinking about whether such a person should be a people’s representative,” the committee emphasized.

At the end of May, Sergei Katasonov himself declared himself a single candidate from the opposition in the elections for governor of the Orenburg region, although he did not receive official support from other parties. Political scientists note that Katasonov’s biography could negatively affect his campaign and the reputation of the opposition.

— Formally, he has no obstacles to nomination. No criminal record. But this will be a serious limitation for Sergei Katasonov’s campaign. And without that she goes where more modest than planned. A broad coalition is in question. The LDPR can afford reputational risks, but the same “Socialist Revolutionaries” who were going to support it will find themselves in an uncomfortable position... - notes Mikhail Vinogradov, president of the St. Petersburg Politics Foundation.

The head of the Center for Strategic Communications, political scientist Dmitry Abzalov, believes that participation in the elections will allow Sergei Katasonov to avoid criminal prosecution - this is a standard practice of politicizing economic affairs. It is possible that he will begin to “demonize” the beginning of the process in his attitude.

— Together with parliamentary immunity, the status of a registered candidate gives a greater chance of refusing to initiate a criminal case. Any attempt at a criminal case can be called political persecution, an attempt to remove him, the political scientist believes. — Politicization of economic affairs is a standard practice, and even if there is no chance of winning elections, it makes sense to participate in them. In addition, parliamentary immunity can be easily lost, and Mitrofanov’s example showed this.

Participation in elections, according to the political scientist, among other things, makes it possible to strengthen own status, their positions in the region for the future, to develop a history in the region, so that in the next gubernatorial elections, for example, in the State Duma in single-mandate districts, residents know the candidate, even if he did not win in the previous elections, and do not consider him a “Varangian”.

At the same time, Abzalov believes that Katasonov’s support for the LDPR could hit the party itself; the negativity that will be poured out on him during the election campaign will be projected onto it.

— From the point of view of the party’s image, we need to be more careful in choosing candidates. This trace will remain for a long time, competitors will definitely take advantage of it, and the “Crime is rushing to power” campaign will begin,” the political scientist argues.

Sergey Katasonov was born on May 1, 1963 in Orenburg. Parents - Mikhail Ivanovich and Maria Dmitrievna - originally from the village of Ratchino, Sharlyk district, moved to Orenburg in 1955.

In 1980 he graduated from Orenburg secondary school No. 50 named after. NOT. Zhukovsky. In 1985, he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization of the Orenburg Agricultural Institute, after which he remained to work at the university as an assistant and senior lecturer at the Department of Livestock Mechanization.

From 1992 to 1995 worked as Deputy Director for Economics of the scientific production and construction association "Poliform". From 1995 to 2006 - general director LLC "Enterprise SVS" (Water Supply Systems). The main activities of the organizations headed were industrial construction, construction of multi-apartment residential buildings, and municipal infrastructure facilities. During the period of Katasonov’s work, 200 thousand square meters were commissioned. meters of housing, six sports arenas with artificial ice, three sports complexes, a brick factory, more than 50 boiler houses and a central heating station with a capacity of more than 100 MW.

In 2004, Sergei Katasonov was elected as a deputy of the Orenburg City Council in single-mandate district No. 7. In the City Council he was the head of the budget group.

In the same 2004, he was appointed head of the Representative Office of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the Orenburg region. Katasonov worked in this position until 2006.

In 2006, he became a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg Region. He was nominated in constituency No. 9 from the United Russia party. In 2006, he headed the Committee on Property, Environmental Management and Construction.

In 2007, the regional program “Low-rise housing construction in the Orenburg region “Your Home” for 2007–2011” developed by Sergei Katasonov was adopted. During its implementation, the construction of the low-rise village “Ekodolye” began. The program was defined as a model and adopted in more than 50 regions of Russia.

Sergey Katasonov was a member of the UNDP/GEF (UN Development Program/Global Economic Fund) project “Improving the system and mechanisms for managing protected areas in the steppe biome of Russia.” As a result of its implementation, the Orenburg Tarpania project was launched in the Orenburg region.

In 2010, Sergei Katasonov left the United Russia party.

What pushed me to the decision to leave United Russia was the moment when misunderstandings arose within the party in power. I felt a certain conflict between own views and what United Russia was promoting then,” Sergei Katasonov told Orenpolit.ru. - At some stage, I realized that we had practically no common ground, and I made a statement that I was leaving the party.

In 2011, he was again elected as a deputy of the regional parliament. He was nominated by the LDPR party. In this convocation, Katasonov was elected head of the LDPR faction in Zaksoba.

There were proposals from both “A Just Russia” and from the communists,” he said about the period of nomination for elections to the Legislative Assembly. - I then chose to support the LDPR party. They nominated me and I won single-member constituency. Having already arrived at the Legislative Assembly, I received an offer to lead the faction. And naturally, being the leader of the faction, I must be a member of the party.

In December 2012, Katasonov became a State Duma deputy from the Orenburg region from the LDPR. He is the first deputy chairman of the Committee on Budget and Taxes, a member of the commission for reviewing federal budget expenditures aimed at ensuring national defense, national security And law enforcement, as well as a member of the board of the Foundation Social Insurance RF. He is also a member of the tripartite commission on interbudgetary relations and the interdepartmental working group that monitors the development of the situation in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

During his time in the State Duma, Sergei Katasonov developed and took part in writing 55 bills.

In the State Duma, I oversee a large block: almost everything related to the economy. It so happened that the first deputy chairman of the budget and taxes committee, Maxim Rokhmistrov (now the auditor of the Accounts Chamber - “OP”), followed by Sergei Kalashnikov to the Federation Council. Therefore, a large block immediately fell out,” said Sergei Katasonov. - This is a question of the Central Bank and monetary policy, this is a question of the budget and its formation, execution of amendments, development necessary programs. This is Ulyukaev, economics. This is Siluanov, Ministry of Finance. Well, probably even housing and communal services and construction are adjacent here. That is, these are five major issues that I am secretly overseeing today. We do not have a distribution in the faction, but there is such an order that on all issues someone from the faction must speak. And in all these areas the faction tells me to prepare.

In June 2014, Katasonov nominated his candidacy for the election of regional governor. He planned to be elected as a single candidate from the opposition.

The very fact of uniting around one candidate, a single goal, having overcome their petty disagreements, is a plus for the opposition. They played like serious politicians,” said political scientist, Doctor of Philosophy Marina Solodkaya on July 8, 2014.

Subsequently, Sergei Katasonov’s candidacy was withdrawn from the elections by a decision of the LDPR Supreme Council.

The reason for the removal was information about criminal cases opened against the deputy. In March 2015, the regional prosecutor's office, in response to a request from the leadership of the LDPR, reported that according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the department Investigative Committee in the Orenburg region, “no criminal cases were initiated against deputy Katasonov, no charges were brought against him, and there are no convictions, including expunged ones.”

Later, in June 2016, the head of the party, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, in an interview with Gazeta.ru, said that the withdrawal of Sergei Katasonov’s candidacy from the gubernatorial elections was in exchange for the appointment of Elena Afanasyeva as a senator in the Federation Council.

At the beginning of 2016, Katasonov came out with support for several initiatives. In particular, he sent. In connection with the reorganization of Aeroflot structures (Orenair was a subsidiary - "OP"), the Orenburg company was planned to be closed and all employees transferred to work in the united company "Russia" (in Moscow and St. Petersburg). As Orenpolit.ru reported, airline employees approached the deputy with the initiative to appeal to the President of the Russian Federation.

Sergey Katasonov is the chairman charitable foundation"Center social programs" Since 2007, he has headed the mini-football federation in the Orenburg region.

In the 2016 elections to the State Duma, Sergei Katasonov was nominated in the Buguruslan district (No. 143) and on the party list. Former vice-speaker of the regional parliament Igor Sukharev (United Russia) and editor-in-chief of the project “However, Eurasia” Semyon Uralov (Communist Party of the Russian Federation) ran in the same constituency. At the primaries of United Russia, the latter acted as political strategist for Igor Sukharev. According to Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Marina Solodkaya, Semyon Uralov in the election campaign played the role of “a passed pawn that will beat and attack everyone.”

According to the voting results, Sergei Katasonov received 23.73% in the district, taking second place. He lost to United Russia candidate Igor Sukharev (41.3%). As a result, Katasonov entered the State Duma on the party list, which received 23.65% of the votes in the district. In the new convocation of the Duma, Sergei Katasonov retained his post of first deputy for budget and taxes.

Has academic degrees: Candidate of Technical Sciences (1989), Doctor of Economic Sciences (2006), academic titles: Associate Professor (2004), Professor (2008). Wikipedia states that Sergei Katasonov is the author of more than 40 scientific and educational works.

Awarded the honorary badge “For services to the development of parliamentarism” (2016).

State Duma Deputy Sergei Katasonov

Sergei Katasonov (LDPR faction) became the richest deputy of the State Duma, who represents the Orenburg region. He beat Sergei Petrov, who is considered a wealthy people's choice.

Judging by the published income statement, in 2014 Sergei Mikhailovich earned more than 16.9 million rubles. Owned by a deputy land plot for individual housing construction in 2500 square meters, VAZ-21099 cars and YAVA-350 motorcycle.

The wife of Sergei Katasonov earned more than a million rubles, but she has two residential buildings of 64 and 509 square meters, as well as half an apartment with an area of ​​52 square meters.

State Duma Deputy Viktor Zavarzin

In second place among the Orenburg State Duma deputies is Viktor Zavarzin (United Russia faction). In 2014, he declared more than five million rubles.

Owned by Viktor Mikhailovich garden plot(1460 square meters), residential building (214 square meters), 1/3 apartment of 108 square meters, utility building (46 square meters). The deputy drives a HONDA VT 750C2 motorcycle.

The income of Viktor Zavarzin’s wife is more than modest - 168 thousand rubles. He owns 1/3 of an apartment of 108 square meters and a Toyota RAV4.

State Duma Deputy Valentin Chikin

Next on the list of wealthy State Duma deputies from Orenburg is Valentin Chikin (fraction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation). He earned more than four million rubles. Valentin Vasilyevich owns an apartment with an area of ​​60 square meters and a BMW X1 xDrive20d car.

State Duma Deputy Elena Nikolaeva

Elena Nikolaeva (United Russia faction) declared 3.8 million rubles in income in 2014. Her husband’s income is a little more than 200 thousand rubles. Elena Leonidovna does not own real estate or any transport. But the child is provided with an apartment (91 square meters), and the husband drives a BMW 540.

State Duma Deputy Sergei Petrov

The earnings of Sergei Petrov (Fair Russia faction) are very modest - 3.8 million rubles. His wife decided to fix it in 2014 marital status and earned 31.8 million rubles. Sergei Anatolyevich owns a plot of land for individual construction (572 square meters), and his wife has an apartment of 145 square meters.

State Duma Deputy Maxim Shchepinov

Maxim Shchepinov (LDPR faction) has the most modest income. He earned more than a million rubles, his wife - 109.9 thousand rubles.

However, the Shchepinovs can boast a large number real estate and transport. They own seven plots of land with varying shares of ownership, three apartments, two non-residential premises, a warehouse, as well as shares of several administrative and industrial buildings, a sports and fitness complex, and two shopping complexes.

In addition, the Shchepinovs have a whole fleet of vehicles. These are Lada VAZ-211440, Nissan Qashqai, Toyota Land Cruiser 200, four GAZ vehicles, one KAMAZ, a truck crane and a trailer.

Sergey Katasonov was born on May 1, 1963 in the city of Orenburg. In 1980 he graduated with honors from secondary school No. 50 named after Nikolai Zhukovsky. Five years later he received a diploma from the Orenburg Agricultural Institute after studying at the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization. In his youth he played football professionally. He began his career in 1985 as an assistant and then a senior lecturer at the Department of Livestock Mechanization of the Orenburg Agricultural Institute.

As a student he began his scientific career. In 1985, at the All-Russian competition, he received a medal “For the best student scientific work" Has academic degrees: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences. Academic titles: Associate Professor and Professor. Author of more than forty scientific and educational works.

My entrepreneurial activity Sergei Mikhailovich began in 1992 as deputy director for economics of the scientific production and construction association "Poliform". Since 1995, for eleven years, he headed the SVS Enterprise LLC, which was engaged in industrial construction, construction of apartment buildings, and municipal infrastructure facilities. The company commissioned 200 thousand square meters of housing, six sports arenas with artificial ice, three sports complexes, a brick factory, and more than fifty boiler houses.

In 2004, Sergei Katasonov was elected as a deputy of the Orenburg City Council in single-mandate constituency No. 7. He was the head of the budget group. Until 2006, he served as head of the Representative Office of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the Orenburg Region.

In 2006, Sergei Mikhailovich won the elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg region. He was nominated by the United Russia party in single-mandate constituency No. 9. He carried out parliamentary activities on a professional permanent basis. He was the chairman of the committee on property, environmental management and construction.

A year later, the regional program “Low-rise housing construction in the Orenburg region “Your own home”” developed by Sergei Katasonov was adopted. During its implementation, the construction of a low-rise modern village with developed infrastructure “Ecodolie” began. The program is defined as a model and has been adopted in more than fifty regions of Russia.

In 2010, the politician left the United Russia party. In 2011, he again won the elections in single-mandate district No. 9 to the Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg Region. He was nominated by the LDPR party. He carried out parliamentary activities on a permanent professional basis. He was the leader of the faction of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia in the Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg Region.

Katasonov took part in the development and adoption of regional programs to provide land plots with communal infrastructure for the purpose of housing construction, modernization of municipal infrastructure facilities, provision of housing for young families in the Orenburg region, and the development of mortgage lending. Oversaw housing and communal services issues related to the creation of a non-profit partnership of management organizations "Orenburg".

Since December 2012, Sergei Mikhailovich has been a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes, member of the State Duma Commission for reviewing federal budget expenditures aimed at ensuring national defense, national security and law enforcement. He became a member of the tripartite commission on inter-budgetary relations and the interdepartmental working group monitoring the development of the situation in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, he is the chairman of the Orenburg city public fund “Center for Social Programs of Sergei Katasonov”, established in 2004. Member of the Coordination Council of Orenburg regional office political party LDPR, oversees the Orenburg and Pskov regions, as well as Chuvash Republic. Since 2007, he has headed the mini-football federation in the Orenburg region.

In the elections of September 18, 2016, Sergei Mikhailovich Katasonov was elected as a Deputy of the State Duma of the VII convocation as part of the federal list of candidates nominated by the political party “Liberal Democratic Party of Russia”. Regional group No. 100 - Orenburg region. Member of the faction of the LDPR political party - the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes. Member of the State Duma commission for reviewing federal budget expenditures aimed at ensuring national defense, national security and law enforcement. Start date of powers: September 18, 2016.

Awards of Sergei Katasonov

Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation for services in state building, development of budget and tax legislation, active social and political activities