Origin of the name Dayana. The meaning of the name Dayana

The main task is not to arouse spontaneous antipathy in anyone. Therefore you should pay special attention unity of style, softness of lines and, just as important, general external neatness. An inappropriate detail in clothing makes the same unpleasant impression as a worn-out, stale part of the suit. Try to learn to understand styles. Otherwise, the desire for a certain average type can lead to you looking like a “gray mouse”.

Compatibility of the name Dayan, manifestation in love

Dayan, your self-sufficiency makes you a person for whom love is not a “life necessity.” You are extremely picky in any connections, be it friendship or closer relationships. In both cases, the partner must meet your ideal criteria absolutely, otherwise you can easily do without him. But if you still find a person who fits the “bar” you set, then you surrender to the feeling completely, selflessly and recklessly, which can be a pleasant surprise for your partner, misled by your external closeness and aloofness.


You are a “closed” person. All aspirations and desires are focused on one’s own personality. Therefore, when making any decision, you tend to choose what will most contribute to your growth and improvement. And each such choice increases the distance between you and the world around you.

Over time, this “shell” becomes thicker, and the possibility of “coming out” becomes more and more unrealistic. But even the strongest shell may one day fail to withstand external pressure and burst. And then, despite all your outstanding abilities, you will find yourself defenseless, like a newly hatched chick.

Neither intelligence nor theoretical knowledge, no matter how significant, can replace the ability to communicate with people, the skill of “interpenetration”, without which life is impossible.

Try to learn to look at your individual qualities not as a product that can be “sold”, but as a tool for teamwork. Self-respect, of course, is “worth a lot,” but the affection of others is not a trifle.

There are several versions of the origin of the female name Dayana in the world. And they are all interesting in their own way and have a right to exist. To be objective, we suggest considering the meaning of the name Dayan, according to all existing versions.

Some scholars say that Dayan's name comes from the Hebrew word "dayan". Among the ancient Jews, this was the name given to a judge in a religious court. According to the first version, Dayana means “judge”.

However, Turkic experts do not agree with this. They have their own ideas about what the name Dayana means. Scientists claim that this is originally Turkic female name, and it means “traveler, pilgrim.”

The third version is the simplest and most logical. The name Dayana is an analogue of the feminine one and means “divine.” According to this version, the origin of the name Dayan is Latin.


Like any other name, Dayana leaves its mark on the girl’s fate. These women are very impulsive, attentive to detail and quite tough in their actions. All this happens because the Dayans are very jealous of how others treat them.

If in life a girl named Dayana encounters a rude or hostile person, she will most likely withdraw into herself. And he will do this not out of fear, but so as not to provoke a conflict.

The name Dayana is worn by proud and brave women. They know how to organize the work of people around them, and they make good commanders. At the same time, Diana can quite calmly take responsibility for herself if she really made a mistake.

Women named Dayana love everything new and original; they do not tolerate lies and rude flattery. This kind of behavior can easily make them angry. The owner of the name Dayana knows how to achieve her goal. She has a lot of persistence, perseverance and diligence. She can even sacrifice something very important and dear if the final goal is worth it.

However, this character also has another side to the coin. Women named Dayana are not able to express pity and sympathy to others. They are used to keeping their feelings under control and therefore do not perceive such manifestations from others. But not everything is so sad. In fact, Dayana deliberately fences herself off from other people’s experiences because she perceives them too closely. She literally lets them through herself, and this can drive her into deep depression.

Childhood and youth

Little Dayana behaves prudently and reservedly with early years. She helps parents look after younger brothers and sisters. And if the need arises, he will take on the role of head of the family.

A girl named Dayana is very serious and disciplined, but this does not mean that she does not know how to have fun. She grows up to be a very cheerful and mischievous child. Leadership qualities manifest themselves in early age, especially if parents contribute to this and support little Dayana.

At school, girls named Dayana study without any problems, especially when it comes to exact sciences. But Dayanka may have some minor problems with her creativity. She is used to keeping her feelings under control and the same thing happens with her fantasy. This girl's parents should help her develop her imagination.

Hobby and profession

Diana is a born careerist, she is very prudent, ambitious and will fight to the end for her place in the sun. When it comes to work, there is no place for tender feelings. She can easily cope with her competitors, but if she has to be torn between work and family, she will choose the latter without regret.

As for the choice of professions, Dayan will make excellent lawyers, managers and financiers, journalists and show program hosts. And also everything leadership positions where its potential can be revealed. Since science is also close to these women, Dayana can work in medicine.


Dayana is different good health, and if she is interested in sports, then this strengthens her strength even more. Girls with this name often achieve high achievements in the sports field.


A man who decides to marry Diana should not have hopes that she will be an exemplary housewife. Yes, her house will always have delicious food, cleanliness and comfort. But this woman would be much more willing to engage in social life than housekeeping.

Work occupies a special place in her life. If Dayana finds her place in the professional sphere, then it will be unrealistic to keep her at home. But all this makes sense before children arrive. As soon as the long-awaited babies are born, the whole world begins to revolve around them. Dayana devotes herself entirely to her offspring.

Sexuality and love

At first glance, this girl is incapable of immersing herself in new feelings. She is very rational and reserved. And there is some truth in this, Dayana will not swear to every man eternal love. But if she is lucky enough to meet the one and only, she will be able to truly open up. Only with him can she experience the deepest and most tender feelings. Thanks to this character, Dayana is attracted only strong in spirit men who are able to achieve it and perform real masculine actions for this.

Diana is not jealous at all, and does not accept such feelings in her direction. For her, love is, first of all, trust, respect and understanding. Despite strong character the girl does not strive to become a leader in the relationship. On her ground, she looks for support and a reliable, strong shoulder.

Such girls are rare casual connections. They choose a partner thoughtfully; sexuality is not a priority for them. last place. And if a man does not arouse desire, then he has no chance to become the only one.

A few more facts

There is no church name in Orthodoxy, so the girl’s parents should think about a second name in advance. Most often they choose either Darius.

In a foreign passport, the correct spelling would be DAIANA.

The female name Dayana is quite common today throughout the world. This may be explained by the fact that the origin of this name is quite mysterious. Dayana is considered a Jewish name, the same root as the masculine Dayan. Initially, this was what Jews called a judge in a religious court. Therefore, female names: Dayana, Daniela, Dana and male names: Dayan, Dan and Daniel, Daniel mean in direct translation approximately the following - “God is the judge.”

However, the name Dayan is also popular among Muslims. From the Turkic language its translation means “wanderer”, “pilgrim”, “traveler”.
And some scientists suggest that Dayana is just an established variant of the pronunciation of the name Diana. Based on the fact that it is written as Diana, and pronounced Diana.

The influence of a name on character and destiny

Diana is hot-tempered and impulsive. To outsiders, she sometimes seems too tough and straightforward. But Dayana is simply trying to hide her vulnerability behind feigned severity and inaccessibility. A girl with that name painfully experiences any manifestation of hostility. In such cases, Dayana usually withdraws into herself and tries to avoid further confrontation.

A woman named Dayana is very proud. She does not accept flattery, lies, hypocrisy, injustice. Diana, if necessary, boldly takes the reins into her own hands, realizing the full responsibility. A lady with this name has the spirit of an innovator and relies only on her experience. If an extreme need arises, she will be ready to sacrifice a lot, provided that she is confident in her rightness or the justice of a certain idea.

Diana is a difficult woman. In a number of situations, she amazes those around her with her demandingness, demonstration of selfishness, and snobbery. In other cases, a lady with this name behaves like an altruist, religiously following certain high ideals. Dayans are usually very diligent and persistent.

Since childhood, Dayans have been disciplined, restrained and independent. Little girls with this name are mother's real helpers. They are responsible, and therefore they are trusted to look after their younger brothers or sisters. Diana, while still a schoolgirl, can tidy up the house and cook dinner. But a child with this name still cannot be overloaded with chores around the house, otherwise Dayana will develop false stereotypes about the principles of relationships in the family and society.

Failures and mistakes made will not break Dayana’s spirit. A girl, a girl with that name is a real fighter, an optimist. Having matured, Dayana tries to realize her ambitions and take a high position in society. She likes to be the center of attention. Diana loves shows and spectacles. The woman named Dayana is also partial to money. But she needs funds in order to live in comfort.

A woman with this name is quite sentimental. Diana, being amazingly sensual and faithful, believes that her partner should be a match for her. Diana cannot be called jealous.

When choosing a profession, Dayana dreams of realizing her own ambitions. A lady with this name can succeed in the fields of law, medicine, management, finance, and banking. The most courageous and independent owners of the name Dayana can brilliantly prove themselves in show business or build a career as a TV presenter.

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Name meaning: Translated from Hebrew, the name Dayana means “God is the judge”, and translated from Turkic it is translated as “traveler”, “pilgrim”.

Origin of the name: The name Dayana has several versions of origin. According to the first, Dayana is one of the variants of the name Diana. The second version says that Dayana is a Jewish name that comes from male name Dayan. U Slavic peoples Dayana's name meant " given by God" The name Dayana is gentle and beautiful, and appeals to many young parents. On at the moment this name is not popular, but lately More and more young couples prefer it. Many are sure that the name Dayana is the same as Diana, but this is completely different names and they should not be confused.
Other forms: Diana, Diane, Daya, Daina

Women named Dayana do not celebrate name days, since this name is not listed in the church calendar.

Characteristics of the name

The representative of the name Dayana is distinguished by the diversity of her character; she can be surprising and unpredictable. This girl combines an emotional, hot-tempered person with a gentle and reasonable nature.

As a child, a girl named Dayana is very receptive, emotional and impulsive. Outwardly, Diana seems to be a tough and capricious child, but in fact, she is sensitive and experiences many situations painfully. Diana always behaves with discipline and restraint. She is responsible, so her parents can often leave her alone to look after her little brother or sister. She studies well at school, is always attentive and diligent, and has many friends. She prefers quiet games or conversations with her friends.

Adult Dayana is an optimist, failures do not bother her much. She knows how to be affectionate and gentle, and maybe even tough and strict, which she really is. In difficult and critical situations, Dayana often tends to withdraw into herself, but, nevertheless, she is brave, proud and fair, knows how to take responsibility and always keeps her promises

Women named Dayana have an innovative spirit, they live based only on their own experience. She is able to sacrifice something for the cause. Diana is a rather complex woman; on the one hand, she can be selfish, domineering, demanding, and on the other hand, she is an altruist and idealist. This woman does not need persistence and diligence; she is ambitious and powerful. Loves to be the center of attention and listen to praise. For her, the money issue is considered very important; its presence allows her to live comfortably and cozily.

Character of the name

Diana has a strong character, she is practical and smart. At the same time, Dayana is kind and sympathetic, loves to help other people. She does not tolerate soulless people, she understands people well. These qualities help Dayana achieve success in life. It is almost impossible to deceive this woman; she is smart and reasonable, and never makes hasty decisions. The owners of this name are very talented, have many friends, many of whom are men. Dayana is often quick-tempered, she can offend another person, but she is very easy-going, and can subsequently laugh at her actions and ask for forgiveness from the person offended by her. It must be said that Diana is proud and brave, knows how to command and take responsibility for any actions. She has an inherent spirit of innovation and does not tolerate lies and flattery.

“Winter” - sensible, smart;

“Autumn” - hardworking, talented;

“Summer” - proud and brave;

“Spring” is kind, sympathetic.

Fate of the name

IN childhood Diana grows up as an obedient but capricious child. From an early age she strives for independence and responsibility. He studies well at school, often pleases his parents with good grades, but, nevertheless, he is not among the best. Diana is stubborn, takes defeats painfully, and can withdraw into herself.

Growing up, Dayana can suddenly change jobs or break off relationships with her loved one, surprising those around her. The adult owner of the name always tries to control her emotions and actions, but this happens after many losses and mistakes.

In the professional sphere, Dayana is calmer and more reasonable. She is responsible and hardworking. He knows how to build a career and always dreams of holding high positions. She will make a good accountant, economist, administrator, translator.

Outwardly, Dayana is beautiful and attractive, she has many fans. She loves to receive gifts and hear compliments from men, but she is very strict in choosing a spouse. IN family relationships A woman with this name is a housewife, loves to enjoy knitting, sewing, and cooking. She is an excellent cook and loves to create coziness and comfort in the home. She is demanding of her husband and loves children very much.

Dayana is in good health, however, mature age it is worth paying attention to cardiovascular and nervous system. It is also recommended to keep healthy image life, avoid overwork.

Positive traits of the name

People named Dayana are smart and responsible, they become independent early. They are interesting in communicating with people, but not talkative. Diana is hardworking and kind, but she is often too demanding of herself and the people around her.

Negative traits of the name

Diana is stubborn, it is difficult to convince her of anything. She is reasonable and attentive, but often surprises others with her actions.

The meaning of the name Dayana is quite multifaceted, since this female name can be translated from three different languages, and each will have its own definition - she is a judge, a warrior, and a traveler. This girl's nature manifests itself in childhood, and she is as contradictory as wild river, which hides true sensuality and compassion.

At an early age, Dayanochka is a non-conflict, calm girl who treats very carefully own feelings. She does not accept conflicts, avoids harsh and “loud” people, and prefers calm games. However, external indifference actually conceals great love to others, and even parents do not always guess what is going on in their daughter’s soul.

The meaning of the name Dayana for a girl suggests not only secrecy - it also has amazing features irrevocable pursuit of the goal. From the outside, it may seem that she doesn’t want anything special, but in fact, she always has a meaning that she will go towards without stopping.

The parents who named their daughter this way are very lucky, because the meaning of the name Dayana for a child suggests that she will not need to use harsh authoritarian methods to raise her. She perfectly understands all the requirements perfectly, tries to follow the rules, and very rarely upsets mom and dad. By the way, the desire for the well-being of family and friends manifests itself in her personality throughout her life.

The girl can be described as very responsible, ready to stand up for her family and take on the most difficult responsibilities. The interpretation of the name implies that Dayana will never let the situation take its course; she simply needs everything to be under control.


From the outside it cannot be said that Diana is capable of deep and strong feelings and affection, but only in front of loved ones does she truly “reveal” herself. Her inaccessibility often attracts purposeful, strong-willed men, which means that this is exactly what she needs. She is not jealous at all, and she simply does not accept jealousy in her direction or doubts about her fidelity.

She does not strive for leadership in relationships; it is important for her to be loved, respected, and able to guide her. She is quite capable of making fateful decisions herself, but she attaches great importance to the support of her loved one, and always listens to her opinion.

Usually, a girl’s relationship is never fleeting; she does not waste time on trifles, preferring long and strong mutual feelings to momentary pleasure. She is very sexy, harmony is important to her, not only spiritual, but also physical, and due to sexual incompatibility, many partners get turned away.


Having created her family, the wife tries to become a good housewife, but she does not always succeed. Of course, she will have cleanliness, comfort, dinner cooked on time, but she will be much happier social life, and if there is an opportunity to devote more time to her career, she will do so - even her husband will not ban her within four walls.

But this state of affairs changes dramatically when children appear. A child for her means a long-awaited goal; she will be completely absorbed in his upbringing, development, and games. At the same time, most often, a woman becomes more home-loving, she is no longer drawn to “freedom” - she gives higher value family hearth.

Business and career

Unlike other areas of life, when it comes to her career, Dayana becomes calculating and callous. She is quite ambitious, and in order to satisfy her inner aspirations, she has to literally fight for her place in the sun. She is always merciless towards her competitors, but if anything gets in her way dear person, then she will without hesitation choose a family over financial independence.

She loves to show herself, which means that ordinary positions will not be suitable for her - she will become a gifted lawyer, financier, manager. Science is also not alien to her, and complex branches of medicine are most suitable. She is usually not good at creative expressions, but with discipline, she can easily host show programs and interesting journalistic reports.

Origin of the name Dayana

The origin of the name Dayana is a rather controversial issue. Linguists have still not come to a consensus on where this name came from. On the one hand, it looks like Diana, but on many European languages That's how it's pronounced. But in Hebrew there is a similar name, and it is believed that its etymology comes from the masculine - Dayan, which in translation means judge.

In ancient Turkic history there are references to girls whose name sounded exactly like that, so it can also be attributed to Muslim meaning- pilgrim or traveler. Since the mystery of the name has not been solved, everyone puts their own meaning into it, but nevertheless, Dayana and Diana differ greatly in their inherent characteristics.

Characteristics of the name Dayan

The main remarkable characteristic of the name Dayana is her unkillable optimism, thanks to which she manages to easily overcome difficulties. She literally infects those around her with a thirst for life, for which she is very loved and appreciated. She is proud, brave, and will never bow to more strong man just because he managed to intimidate her, the rank and status of her opponent does not matter to her.

But this capacity has its pros and cons, and one of the main disadvantages is being too easy on the negative feelings of other people. You cannot expect any consolation or pity from Dayana; she herself rarely opens her feelings to strangers, and therefore does not accept their expression in any way, she simply does not understand them.

However, such a character does not seem bad to those who are close to her. They know very well that this girl is quite capable of compassion and empathy, it’s just that it’s very difficult for her to touch such a subtle and fragile matter as other people’s emotions, she literally passes them through herself, which can drive her into deep depression.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone – Moonstone.
  • Name day - no.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Cancer.

Famous people

  • Dayana Kirillova – young Russian singer, winner of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest in 2013.
  • Diane Kruger is an actress and fashion model from Germany.

In different languages

This name is a less common form of the rather popular one - Diana, which is why the translation of the name Dayana is found in many languages. The pronunciation is almost always very similar to the Russian analogue - Diana, Diane, Dianna, Diane.

If you use the meaning given to the name Diana in ancient Greek, you can find out how it is translated into Asian languages. For example, in Japanese, the sound of the word would be Mizuki. In Chinese, the name will sound the same as in Russian, and you can write it in hieroglyphs like this: 達婭娜.

Name forms

  • Full name: Dayana.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Dayanochka, Dayanushka, Dayanchik, Dayanka, Yana.
  • Declension of the name – Dayane, Dayany.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is not.