Cooking turkey recipes. Indoutka: original cooking recipes, photos, ideas

Duck in the oven “The most tender” We recommend cooking duck in the oven according to our recipe! Meat in milk - Indian recipes Meat in milk turns out tender and very tasty. Duck in the oven with apples and cheese We suggest cooking delicious recipe ducks in the oven with apples and cheese. It turns out very tasty!

In almost any case, there will be a poultry dish on your table. Most often chicken appears on our tables, a little less often goose, then duck and very rarely turkey. Indo-duck meat is considered to be dietary when compared with the meat of an ordinary duck. The meat is also more tender and not as stringy.

Roasting a duck in the oven is the most win-win option for cooking poultry. This bird can be stuffed like a regular duck, with cereals, vegetables or citrus fruits. But in order for turkey meat to turn out juicy, tasty and even healthy, you need to know how to cook it, and this is exactly what we would like to tell you about.

Baked turkey with apples can be roasted whole in the oven in a deep pan, or can be cooked in foil or a baking sleeve.

Indian duck baked in the oven

The oven does not get dirty with splashes of fat when baking poultry; the “microclimate” in the oven allows the duck to cook in its own juices and be juicy.

I used dried thyme in my recipe; I really like this herb with its delicate aroma. We cut out the core of the apples and divide them into large slices, with which we fill the turkey carcass. Fill the indoutka with fruit and place it on foil. Cover the baking sheet on top with foil and put the turkey in the oven for 2 hours, bake the bird at a temperature of 200-220 degrees.

Honestly, I have never tried Indian duck. There will be 5 ducklings growing in my poultry house today. These are not exactly Indian ducks, but they were in their ancestors. When they grow up, I’ll try your recipe.

I didn’t even know what the difference was between a duck and an Indian duck! The indoutka is the same musk duck, it differs in appearance from an ordinary duck in its interesting view, color, its body is elongated and wide, and on its nose the indo-duck has a fleshy growth, like a turkey.

The Muscovy duck (Indo-duck) comes from South America(Mexico), its wild populations are still found there. And Indian ducks, although very curious, are real homebodies and caring parents.

Therefore, if you come across the meat of such a bird on the market, be sure to try to cook some kind of meat from it. delicious dish(for example, homemade turkey noodle soup)!

cooking turkey recipes

Serve the Indian duck stew with a side dish, pouring it over own juice released during cooking.

In many stores today you can buy Indian duck - an Indian duck, the meat of which is distinguished not only by its excellent taste, but also by its tenderness. It is believed that the most aromatic and appetizing Indian duck is obtained if it is baked in the oven, first filled with a fruit mixture of apples, prunes and lemon.

The main thing is to strictly follow the technology and remember that the Indian duck will be tasty only if its meat is thoroughly baked, but at the same time remains juicy and soft.

Indian oven in the oven - simple and tasty recipes

In order for the filling to thoroughly saturate the turkey from the inside and make its meat especially tender, you can add 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise to the resulting mixture.

You also need to make sure that there are no feathers left on the skin of the Indian duck. When baking, the pan does not need to be covered with a lid, which is one of the features of cooking turkey. The turkey is baked for about 1.5 hours. At the same time, every 20-30 minutes you need to turn it over and pour over the fat that will be released during the cooking process.

This is a dietary product, and cooking turkey is a pleasure! Each of the recipes is delicious in its own way. In a word - there are a lot of recipes, we will gradually publish everything from our recipe notebook. Duck in the oven recipe at home The “Duck in the oven” recipe is probably the most popular in many families.

I've eaten duck, but not turkey... If you want to cook turkey, this section is for you. We hope our recipes will delight you with unsurpassed taste!

Many people mistakenly believe that a turkey is a cross between a turkey and a duck. However, this is not at all true. The Indian duck is a so-called completely separate species that nature created independently. The meat of this bird is not as stringy as that of a regular duck, and not as fatty as that of a turkey. In addition, the musk duck lays eggs that do not taste very different from chicken eggs, but are larger.

Raising an indo-duck is in many ways easier than raising ordinary ducks. Muscovy ducks remember their home well, and they absolutely do not need a pond for a full life.

The meat of this bird, of course, is not as tender as chicken, so it is better to stew it than bake it. But the baked turkey in the oven is simply beyond praise. Let's look at a few recipes on how to cook turkey in the oven.

Turkey in the oven, baked with tomatoes

Indian duck - 1 carcass;

Onions - 2 pieces;

Carrots - 2 pieces;

Tomatoes - 3 large;

Garlic, salt, pepper, sour cream.

Divide the bird into four parts, rub with salt and pepper. Chop onions, carrots, garlic and fry them. Place pieces of turkey on top, pour in a little water and simmer for an hour and a half over low heat. After this, add finely chopped tomatoes, sour cream and bake for 20 minutes.

Indian duck in the oven, baked with rice and fruit

Indian duck - 1 carcass;

Tangerines, sour apples, oranges - 1 piece;

Rice - half a glass;

Sweet pepper- 1 piece;

Curry, salt, pepper.

Rub the carcass with salt and curry. Prepare a mixture of fruits and stuff the bird. It is important that the fruits are not sweet. In this case, you can add lemon. Be sure to season the filling with salt and pepper. Place the stuffed turkey on a wide sheet of foil, sprinkle rice mixed with chopped pepper and a glass of water around it. Carefully wrap everything in foil and bake in the oven for 2 hours at 200 degrees. Cut the finished bird into four pieces and serve.

Oven-baked turkey stuffed with prunes and lemon

Indian duck - 1 carcass;

Lemon or lime - 1 piece;

Apples - 3 pieces;

Prunes - 10 pieces;

Salt, pepper, garlic.

Mix everything, be sure to add salt and pepper. Wash and dry the indotka. Then salt it, pepper it and fill it with fruit. Place in a deep baking tray and place in the oven for several hours. Periodically you need to take the bird out and pour the juices over it to get a crispy crust.

Indouette in the oven, with buckwheat and mushrooms

Indian duck - 1 carcass;

Buckwheat - half a glass;

Mushrooms - 15 pieces;

Onion - 1 piece;

Salt, pepper, oil.

Rinse the bird and rub with salt and pepper. Cook buckwheat porridge, fry mushrooms and onions, mix buckwheat and turkey, sew up the belly, and bake for several hours at 180-200 degrees.

How to cook Indian duck in kharcho soup

Kharcho with Indian duck is both the first and second course at once. For this you will need:

Indian duck - 1 carcass;

Onion - several medium heads;

Garlic - 3 cloves;

Tomato - 1 piece;

Adjika - 2 spoons;

Walnuts(crushed to fine crumbs) - half a glass;

Cilantro, parsley, green onions, basil;

Mix of herbs for kharcho.

Cut the bird into portions, add water and cook for an hour and a half. Then add the nuts and spice mixture and let it boil. At this time, chop the vegetables, mix with garlic and tomatoes, simmer in a frying pan for 10 minutes. Pour the dressing into the soup, add herbs and adjika. Stirring, cook for 10 minutes until the soup becomes thick enough. After this, remove from heat and let it brew.

Indo-duck can also be simply stewed with onions, like regular chicken, and served as a side dish fresh salad and spaghetti. You can simply boil the meat of this bird to use it because there is often less fat in turkey duck than in chicken.

The main thing is don't be afraid to experiment. For this bird, you can choose any minced meat that is recommended for goose or duck.

A turkey dish will decorate a holiday table no worse than a traditional turkey at Christmas.

Duck and Indian duck are similar, the only difference is that the latter is less fatty, and therefore the hostess is more likely to see Indian duck on the holiday table. There are an incredible number of recipes for preparing this bird on the Internet, but the best ones can be counted on the fingers of one hand. The best way You simply can’t find a way to cook waterfowl than to bake it in the oven.

Duck selection

Before you cook a duck, you need to choose it correctly, because most of the flavor aspects depend on the quality and age of the meat.

  1. Pay attention to the skin, it should not be white or have a bluish tint. The skin of a young Indian duck is a delicate beige shade.
  2. The duck should be moist but not sticky; should not have any odors other than natural ones.
  3. Carefully examine the skin to see if there are any feathers left behind by unscrupulous breeders.
  4. The meat should be pink, firm and elastic. Check this by pressing your finger on the carcass.
  5. The keel brush can tell about the age of an Indian duck. Does it stick out and can be easily felt? The bird is already old. Dishes made from its meat will be dry and tough.

Note! This method of choosing poultry applies not only to turkey ducks, but also to most meat birds.

Once the bird is already in the kitchen, we proceed to the most important moment - cooking. As they say, the simplest recipe is the most delicious, so let’s start with that.

Indian woman with apples

Even an inexperienced cook can prepare the dish. We will need:

  1. Duck carcass – 1 pc.
  2. Salt, pepper - to taste.
  3. Apples.

Before cooking the duck, we process it hot water, making sure that there is no dirt or dust left on it. Afterwards, we carefully inspect the skin and remove all found feathers left after automatic plucking at the farm. We set the animal aside and get ready for baking.

  1. Grind the pepper and mix it with salt. The main thing here is not to overdo it.
  2. Now rub the mixture on the bird, both outside and inside.
  3. We cut the apples and place them in the belly of the bird. Apples in right moment They will give enough juice to soften the animal and get a pleasant sweetish taste.
  4. We immerse the bird in a baking bag and let it sit in the sleeve for about 10-60 minutes so that the turkey lets out its juices.
  5. Place in the oven for 2 hours at a roasting temperature of 180 degrees.

Note! To ensure that the turkey with apples gets a crispy crust, the sleeve must be cut 30 minutes before it is fully cooked.

This recipe will undoubtedly delight your loved ones, but you still want to put something more refined on the holiday table. In this case, you should prepare waterfowl with rice and tangerines.

This dish can provide an unforgettable gastronomic experience, provided that you prepare it correctly.

For Indian duck with rice and tangerines we will need:

  1. Poultry carcass – 1 pc.
  2. Curry powder – 1 tsp.
  3. Salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Tangerines – 3 pcs.
  5. Rice – 1 glass.
  6. Bell pepper (sweet) – 2 pcs.

This recipe is much more labor-intensive, but the result will not disappoint you. For uniform baking we also need food foil.

  1. Wash the turkey in salted water and leave to soak for 90 minutes.
  2. At this time, wash the rice and soak it in the same way, but for 2 hours.
  3. While the rice is standing, take out the bird and rub it thoroughly with pepper, salt and curry.
  4. We peel the tangerines, cut them into pieces and marinate the turkey from the inside.
  5. Wash thoroughly bell pepper and cut it into cubes.
  6. Line a baking sheet with foil and place the bird on it.
  7. Drain the water from the rice and mix it with the sweet pepper and place it around the turkey.
  8. Pour 130 grams of water into the baking tray with our dish and cover it all tightly with foil.

The bird is fried for about 2 hours at a temperature of about 200 degrees. Tangerine marinade containing citric acid, will completely soften the turkey and give the meat an incomparable aroma. Indian duck with rice and tangerines in foil is very tasty, nutritious and festive.

But few people want to bother with such complex recipes, and therefore the Indian duck with potatoes remains the irreplaceable leader at all times.

We are used to baking potatoes in the oven, almost any bird bought in a supermarket or shot while hunting. The Indian duck is no exception here.

To prepare this simple but hearty dish you will need:

  1. Indoutka – 1 pc.
  2. Potatoes – 600-800 g.
  3. Onion – 1 pc.
  4. Eggplants – 2 pcs.
  5. Vinegar 9% - half a tablespoon.
  6. Ginger root.
  7. Soy sauce - half a tablespoon.
  8. Garlic – 8 cloves.
  9. Salt, pepper - to taste.

Note! Don't like or don't have eggplant, ginger root or soy sauce on hand? It's okay, the dish will not suffer from this, just the aromatic spectrum will be a little worse.

To prepare the dish, we first need to prepare the bird itself by washing it warm water. And let it soak for 90-120 minutes. Then we start marinating.

  1. Mix vinegar with 100 g of water and let it brew for a few minutes.
  2. At this time, grate the ginger on a fine grater and add it to our vinegar solution (although the cleanest solution is quite enough for pickling).
  3. We heat the marinade to 50 degrees and thoroughly rub the inside of the chicken with it, simply pour the remaining solution into the bird and let it sit for about 2-3 hours.
  4. Peel the potatoes, cut the onions and eggplants into rings and put everything in ceramic dishes adding salt and pepper to taste, and soy sauce. Squeeze 5 cloves of garlic on top and mix everything well and let it brew.

Note! You can simply sprinkle the potatoes with pepper, salt and add garlic, and use mayonnaise instead of soy sauce.

  1. While the side dish is marinating, rub the inside of the already marinated duck with salt and pepper.
  2. Then we stuff the turkey with our side dish and place it in a sleeve for further baking.
  3. We immerse the waterfowl in the oven for 2 hours at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.

To get a crispy crust, 20-30 minutes before cooking, cut the sleeve and let the crust burn a little. That's it. Everything is ready. One of the most famous poultry dishes is ready. This recipe will work. Both for a family dinner and for a holiday table. The most piquant way to cook turkey is to bake the bird with buckwheat and mushrooms.

"Buckwheat Indian"

Given step by step recipe is not some kind of strict manual, and therefore everyone can add something of their own to the preparation of turkey.

Need it for a savory dish?

  1. Poultry carcass – 1 pc.
  2. Buckwheat 100-150 g.
  3. Mushrooms (optional) – 200 g.
  4. Bulb.
  5. Salt and ground pepper to taste.
  6. Vegetable oil.

This recipe is not very popular due to the large amount of work involved.

  1. It is necessary to cook the buckwheat and let it cool. Make sure that the porridge does not come out dry, as it will simply burn when baked.
  2. Fry mushrooms with onions (if there are no mushrooms, you can leave just onions).
  3. Mix buckwheat and mushrooms (fried onions) and stuff the animal and place it in a baking bag.

Note! No mushrooms? Stuff the turkey duck simply with buckwheat, and as a side dish you can place the potatoes around the bird, placing them in a baking sleeve in advance.

  1. Cook the waterfowl for 2 hours at a temperature of 200 degrees.

The turkey in the oven with buckwheat is ready!

Questions that arise during cooking

Unfortunately, although all the recipes are quite simple, many people have questions that are difficult to find answers to on the Internet or literature.

  1. How to cook turkey soft and juicy?
  • Marinate it with tangerines or apples; their juice during cooking will make the meat juicy, soft and tender. This result can be achieved with a variety of marinades or by cooking turkey in the sleeve.
  1. Is it better to cook waterfowl whole?
  • Yes. In this case, it is possible to preserve the aroma and juice inside the bird, otherwise the meat will be dry and tough. To prepare juicy but chopped turkey meat, it is best to resort to modern multicookers with their wide functionality.
  1. If you cook a bird without foil and a baking sleeve, this will affect the taste of the meat.
  • Definitely. The waterfowl will be dry and tough on the outside and raw on the inside. There is a high risk of skin burning. Don't have foil or a baking bag? A duckling can also help out. Or better yet, cook turkey in a slow cooker.

Now you know how long to cook turkey duck in the oven and how, with the help of this waterfowl, you can turn a family dinner into a real homemade belly feast. Cooking is like an art, don't be afraid to create!

Before we move on to the recipe for preparing an Indian duck dish, we need to understand what we are dealing with. Externally, the Indian duck (see photo) is different in its color, elongated body and noticeable growth on the nose, which gives it a resemblance to a turkey. Males are distinguished by their crest on the head. Indo-ducks are not so whimsical and can completely do without a pond, so it is easier to breed them than ducks. The meat has a very beneficial properties, it is less fatty than duck meat and is therefore considered dietary. We won’t bore you and move on to the Indian duck recipe itself.

Recipe for turkey in the oven with apples

Cooking turkey in the oven is rightfully considered a win-win. But to get tasty and juicy meat you need to know a few secrets.
In order to soften the meat, before cooking it should be doused with boiling water or soaked in broth for at least an hour and a half. You need to add a little to the pan cold water, this will ensure even cooking of the meat. In order not to make a mistake with the cooking time, use golden rule- for 1 kg of turkey - 1 hour of baking.

  • Indian duck - 1 pc.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons;
  • sour cream - 3 tablespoons;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • apples - 4 pieces;
  • sprigs of thyme.

Cooking method:

    Rub the carcass washed with boiling water with a mixture of salt and pepper.

    Marinate for an hour and a half.

    Mix mayonnaise, sour cream and garlic passed through a press.

    Rub the inside of the turkey with the resulting mixture.

    Peel and coarsely chop the apples.

    We fill the bird with them.

    Place the duck in a baking bag, close it on both sides and make small punctures to prevent excess moisture from accumulating.

    Bake at 190 degrees for 1.5-2 hours.

In order to get more cooked meat, you can cut the bag 30 minutes before cooking. Decorate the finished duck with thyme sprigs.

Recipe for Indian duck in the oven with rice and tangerines

We will need:

  • Indian duck - 1 pc.;
  • curry powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - to taste;
  • tangerines - 3 pcs.;
  • rice - 1 glass;
  • sweet bell pepper - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

    It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the bird carcass and pour salt water over it.

    Let it soak for 2 hours.

    Wash and soak the rice for 2 hours.

    Peel the tangerines and cut each slice into two parts and stuff the duck.

    Wash and clean the bell pepper.

    Cut the pepper into small cubes and mix with rice.

    Cover the baking sheet with foil.

    Place the bird and spread rice and pepper around it.

    Fill it all with water (2/3 cup).

    Cover tightly with foil.

    Cook at 200 degrees for 2 hours.

You can freely experiment with the filling using buckwheat, prunes or mushrooms. You can also choose spices at your discretion.

How to cook turkey with buckwheat and mushrooms


  • Indian duck - 1 pc.;
  • buckwheat - 0.5 cups;
  • mushrooms - 200 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

    Rub the bird with salt and pepper.

    Cook buckwheat and fry mushrooms with onions.

    Mix buckwheat and mushrooms.

    Stuff the carcass and place it in a baking sleeve.

    Bake for 2 hours at 200 degrees.

Dishes prepared from musk duck are considered dietary. Indian duck is a fleshy bird with minimum quantity fat Unlike ordinary ducks, they gain weight faster and reach a larger size.

Indian duck recipes

The methods for preparing musk duck are practically no different from the most common poultry recipes. However, the process culinary processing has its own characteristics. Indian duck meat can be stewed, fried and baked. Once cooked, it is tender and has excellent taste qualities. Muscovy duck can be prepared whole or in portioned pieces. Every housewife must have her own in stock. culinary recipe and little cooking tricks. The most delicious dish is considered to be one prepared by baking. The turkey is usually cooked whole in the oven. During the cooking process, they use all kinds of sauces or stuff it. Apples, buckwheat porridge, mushrooms and many other ingredients are used as filling.

How to cook turkey in the oven so that the meat is juicy?

You can cook poultry in the oven in different ways. The method of baking musky duck with apples is perfect. For this purpose, it is better to take green apples. The turkey in the oven is completely soaked in apple juice during the cooking process. The poultry meat becomes aromatic and soft.

Products for cooking

The following products will be required:

  • Indian duck;
  • bulb;
  • salt;
  • ground pepper;
  • six cloves of garlic;
  • lemon;
  • three medium-sized apples;
  • one hundred grams of pitted prunes;
  • one hundred grams of oil.

Pre-treatment of poultry

Before cooking, the turkey is gutted. If there are remains of feathers on the carcass, it is tarred over fire. Remove the entrails. Wash thoroughly. The bird is ready for stuffing.

Preparing the poultry stuffing

The filling is being prepared. Peel the lemon. Pre-mix finely chopped garlic, onion, lemon and apples. Add chopped prunes to the resulting mixture.

Preparing the carcass for baking

The turkey is rubbed with salt and pepper on the outside and inside. The prepared mixture is placed inside. To prevent the filling from leaking out during cooking, the cut is sealed with wooden toothpicks or sewn up with simple thread.

Baking in the oven

The stuffed carcass is placed on a greased baking sheet or in a casserole dish. It can also be cooked in a baking sleeve. The turkey is simmered in the oven at 180 degrees for one and a half hours. For roasting poultry large sizes Cooking time can be about two hours. If turkey is cooked in the oven on a baking sheet or in a casserole dish, the carcass is periodically poured with the fat that is formed in the process. A well-soaked dish will be more juicy, with a golden-brown, crispy crust.

Design and serving of food

The finished bird is removed from the oven and allowed to cool slightly. Remove threads or toothpicks and cut into portions. This dish should be served hot. As side dish will do boiled potatoes or rice. For festive table Indian duck is served on a large platter. The food can be decorated with small tomatoes, slices of orange, lemon, parsley and basil.