Where is the best place to relax? Choose: Thailand or Vietnam. Vietnam or Thailand - which is better for wintering? Vietnam or Thailand in April

Today we have one of the most anticipated posts on the topic that better Vietnam or Thailand? This question has been asked to me for a long time, but I deliberately delayed it in order to distance myself further from Samui and Thailand, as well as to better understand and remove rose-colored glasses from Nha Trang and Vietnam. So, today we’ll talk about what is better than Vietnam or Thailand for wintering and relaxation.

We have been living in Vietnam for four months now after living in Thailand for 5 months. We’ve already even managed to extend it for another three months – this is the simplest and cheapest extension during our trip. Today it's time to compare these two countries.

We will compare Vietnam and Thailand based on our personal feelings about life. We were also on a package tour while working for hire in Pattaya. We will try to give our most objective assessment.

Let's start looking for the answer to what is better than Vietnam or Thailand in terms of climate. Both of these countries are located in Southeast Asia, where it is always warm.

The air temperature in winter ranges from 24-32 degrees. Samui has a more humid climate. When we arrived there, it felt like we had jumped into the steam room of a Russian bathhouse. This climate is not very suitable for people with health problems.

Nha Trang has a milder climate. It is more similar to the climate of our resorts in Crimea and Sochi. Russian people can breathe easier here, but they still have to get used to the heat. Adaptation for some lasts 2-3 weeks. For us it went very quickly on Samui.

The situation is approximately similar in Koh Samui. It's raining in the same months, but the weather is hotter, which makes the humidity stronger. Again, there is no need to be afraid of the rainy season.

There are also cool mountainous areas in Vietnam and Nha Trang. In Vietnam there is Dalat and Sapa. In Thailand, Chang Mai and Chang Rai. You can choose any climate and weather according to your desire.

Therefore, in terms of climate, I would not give a clear answer to the question of whether Vietnam or Thailand is better for wintering and recreation. Both countries have equal climatic opportunities and are equally favorable for recreation and long-term stay here.

Sea and beaches

Vietnam is located along the shores of the South China Sea. The situation is similar with Thailand. But unlike Vietnam, Thailand is washed from the west by the Andaman Sea and such resorts as Phuket, Krabi, etc. are already a little different from other resorts in Thailand.

We lived on the island of Koh Samui in the South China Sea. This is a very warm sea with rich wildlife. You can visit the surrounding area and Tao to dive and look at the underwater inhabitants.

The situation is the same in Nha Trang. The sea is quite warm from 24 degrees. In winter, the water is a little cooler than on Samui and more turbulent, but this does not stop Russian tourists.

There is no threat of a tsunami either on Samui or Nha Trang. They are protected from them by the terrain and islands. You can safely travel with children, which cannot be said about Phuket and Crabs, where there were quite strong and destructive tsunamis.

As for the beaches, they are about the same. I liked what Koh Samui has different types beaches. Available with regular sand and deep sea for swimming adults, a beach like Maenam, for example, has almost a bounty - this is Chaweng, there is one with stones in Lamai. The beach on Bang Po, where we lived, is very shallow for children. There are many options on Koh Samui. And for real beauty you can go to Koh Phangan or Tao.

In Nha Trang the situation is approximately the same. The main beach is spoiled by tourists and excellent infrastructure. There is also a very good embankment for walks, which we missed so much with Alina on Koh Samui.

In October, a strong wave rises in Nha Trang and you won’t be able to swim with children in the center, although of course you can. A private one in the south of the city is perfect for children. Well, for beauty and white sand I recommend going to

In general, the sea and beaches are again a battle draw. Vietnam and Thailand have equally good sea and beaches.

Vietnam and Thailand, which is better for wintering is still unclear

Insects, reptiles and diseases.

As for insects, then, of course, they are present everywhere. Ants will become your permanent neighbors, so never leave anything of food anywhere.

Cockroaches will move their whiskers grumpily because you disturbed their peace.

Geckos are permanent residents of local houses and apartments. It’s impossible to remove them, and it’s not worth it, you just need to get used to them.

Mosquitoes are the main carrier of various diseases in Asia. There is a lot of this goodness in Thailand. We encountered a huge problem in Thailand, where there are simply a lot of them. Sometimes even mosquito nets and various means of protection do not save you.

There are no problems with mosquitoes in Nha Trang. Everything is fine here.

We didn’t notice any snakes or other dangerous things here. There are no problems with this within human habitats.

For now, the debate is Vietnam or Thailand, which is better for Vietnam, and we move on.


Vietnam or Thailand, which is better in terms of housing? Now let’s compare our accommodation in Thailand and Vietnam.

In Koh Samui we changed 5 houses during our 5 month stay until we found our house in Thailand. On the island we are in and on the beaches of Bang Por, Maenam, Bangrak and Bo Phut. Those. We have a real idea of ​​​​housing on Koh Samui. There will also be a post soon about the cost of housing on Koh Samui, which I wrote with the director of one of the best real estate offices on the island. Subscribe to the blog news at the end of the post to stay informed about investment prospects in Thailand.

For 14,000 baht we finally rented our last and best house on Samui. If you compare it in dollars, it’s about $450-500 with a communal apartment.

We had a gorgeous pool for several houses.

Access to two beaches at once within walking distance. This is Maenam beach. It's a little wild and deserted, but very cool.

The second is Bo Phut Beach with its famous restaurants and party scene.

In Nha Trang, we rented a studio in the center of the tourist area for $350. We pay about $50 more for utilities.

Housing costs are about the same, but the quality in Thailand is much better. The pool alone is worth living in Thailand

Swimming pools in Nha Trang are a real problem. There are simply practically none of them, as well as private houses. There is an acute shortage of condominiums in the city, like those in Pattaya. I hope the Vietnamese will resolve this issue. Live in normal conditions really nowhere.

As for lovers of cheap living. Then again Thailand will be stronger than Vietnam. On Samui, it is quite possible to rent a house with a swimming pool, air conditioning and internet for 5,000 baht. You can rent a guest house in Nha Trang for a similar price. You understand that living in a house is much more comfortable than a guest house.

Therefore, in terms of housing, if you choose Vietnam or Thailand, which is better, I would give preference to Thailand.

So we have a draw.

Cost of living.

Let's now compare Vietnam or Thailand, which is better in terms of cost of living.

The costs are the same here.

As for public transport, there is none in Thailand, except for tuk-tuks. In Nha Trang there is normal city transport with very accessible scenes and you don’t have to buy a bike at all and save on it.

Taxis on Samui are several times more expensive than in Nha Trang. The difference is almost three times. Therefore, transport savings in Vietnam are greater.

We spent about 12,000 rubles on food in Koh Samui at the old exchange rate. Now in Nha Trang we spend even a little less, but at the new rate it is 1.5 times higher than before. Objectively, the difference in food prices between Vietnam and Thailand is about 20%.

How do you like this vitamin tomorrow at the end of November for only 85,000 dong (180 rubles)?

We will make a separate post about prices in Nha Trang. Subscribe to the news at the end of the post and wait for new releases.

For various entertainments: beer, barbecue, cafes and excursions, the costs are approximately the same - $150 per month. Alcohol, by the way, is 2 times cheaper in Vietnam.

We really liked Samui, and Nha Trang.

Visa costs for 5 months in Thailand cost us about $1000 for three of us. In Vietnam, we spent a little more than $150 on a visa for a similar period. We will write more about the visa below.

The result is that Vietnam wins by a small but quite noticeable margin in terms of the main items of travel expenses. The difference is about 20% due to food and visa, but the quality of housing in Nha Trang is let down.

Vietnam or Thailand, which is better in terms of cost of living - Vietnam.


I am very concerned about the Internet issue when traveling because... I make money thanks to its capabilities, namely thanks to the information business and blog. Therefore, before going to any country, I find out everything about the Internet.

In Southeast Asia, things with the Internet are not great, but this is compared to Russia. Compared to other countries, the Internet in Thailand and Vietnam is excellent.

In our house on Bangrak, the Internet speed was around 20 MB and the download speed was almost 10. It was stable and did not crash. We even watched TV and movies on our plasma.

In Vietnam, the Internet is less powerful, but quite good and sufficient for work.

Vietnam or Thailand, which is better on the Internet, is equally satisfactory, you can live, but I would like it to be better.


People often fear on the Internet that Vietnam is full of various thieves. During the entire period of my stay in Nha Trang, I did not see a single one of them. In my opinion, this is just a story.

True, you shouldn’t walk around drunk at night and waving your handbag and wallet. The guys in Vietnam are not rich. They can easily ride a bike and steal your purse.

Theft using a bike is one of the most common here, but I repeat, in 5 months of living here I have not personally seen a single case.

Security in Vietnam is fine, but you have to be vigilant like in Russia. Don’t leave your bike anywhere, keep your money with you, leave your passports at the hotel, watch your bags and be careful if you’re intoxicated.

Security in Thailand, especially on Koh Samui, is amazing. I often forgot my keys on the bike and never had any problems. It is safe to walk at night. People don't bother drunk people.

From a security point of view, Vietnam or Thailand, which is better? I would choose Thailand. There I didn’t think at all about the safety of thieves and scammers. You still need to be on your guard in Vietnam.

So we have a draw again. Vietnam or Thailand, which is better? This question is still open

Visa to Vietnam and Thailand?

Based on the ease of obtaining a visa, its extension and cost, the winner is immediately clear. It was just the magical accessibility of Vietnam that tipped the scales for us, and we decided after Thailand to go not to Bali, but to Vietnam.

A Vietnam visa for tourists for no more than 15 days is issued upon arrival free of charge. But we flew here to spend the winter, so we pre-issued an arrival visa online for three months for only $66 for three. Read more about this

Mountains and waterfalls.


Ruins of ancient empires.

All this can be seen on various

So, what should you choose in the end: Vietnam and Thailand? We got a draw. Vietnam and Thailand are approximately the same countries in terms of their level of development. But I would highlight three reasons why it is worth going to this or that country. After them, it will probably become clearer whether Vietnam or Thailand is better.

Three reasons to choose Thailand?

  1. This is your first trip to Southeast Asia. After all, Thailand is a country of smiles. After visiting this country you will fall in love with this region. Positive attitude inspires and inspires locals. They know how to create a welcoming and blissful atmosphere, and the Russian heart and soul, tormented by the fierce cold, really lacks this.
  2. You need comfortable living conditions. Nice house, swimming pool, beaches and large shops nearby.
  3. Everything is fine with your money.

Three reasons to choose Vietnam.

And in this video I shared our impressions of Vietnam and Thailand during 9 months of travel. I also answer the question: Vietnam or Thailand, which is better?

Vietnam or Thailand, which is better for wintering and vacation? Please write your answer to this question in the comments.

Subscribe to blog news. There's a lot ahead useful information about life and earnings while traveling. Each subscriber has a gift in store.

I remind you that it will end soon. So far Alexey is in the lead. He only has 8 comments, but he needs 20. Everyone still has a chance to win valuable prizes.

Well. and I decided to also take part in a cool competition. This competition is organized by blogger Alexander Borisov. I would like to win 10,000 rubles and a brand new phone by taking 1st place. Mine is already pretty tired of the awesome life. Conditions of the competition. I will please both myself and my girls. good gifts for the new year.

Which country should you choose if you are offered two tours at approximately the same price? Tour operators in conditions economic crisis and the expensive dollar are fighting for every client, so very often they sell ready-made tours for less than the cost of air tickets. If you are not a winterer who lives in warm regions, A ordinary person If you go to the sea a couple of times a year, then a last-minute inexpensive tour can be an excellent economical solution. I am often asked the question “Which country to choose: Thailand or Vietnam?” Today it’s all about how to make the right choice based on your expectations, needs and budget.

Why do I have the right to write this post and compare two countries?

We lived in Vietnam twice and spent a total of six months there. We drove around, visited 10 cities, and I wrote about various aspects of life and recreation in this country.

We have been to Thailand three times, lived in different cities seven months. In the blog you will find from our Thai life.

Thailand and Vietnam: geographical location

Thailand and Vietnam are two countries in Southeast Asia. The capital of Thailand, Bangkok, is approximately 800 kilometers closer to Europe than the southern capital of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City.

Charters from Moscow to Vietnam's main seaside resort of Nha Trang fly in approximately 10.5 - 11.5 hours, depending on the class of the aircraft. The flight to the Thai island of Phuket is a little faster - 8.5-9.5 hours.

Both Vietnam and Thailand have a shape stretched from south to north and have a dozen different resorts. Today we will look at the most popular of them: Nha Trang in Vietnam and Phuket in Thailand. Nha Trang is washed by the South China Sea, and Phuket is washed by the Andaman Sea.

Seasons in Thailand and Vietnam by month

Now about the choice between Thailand and Vietnam depending on the time of year.

The high season is when it is sunny, warm and practically no rain.

The best time to visit Nha Trang is from mid-February to the end of September. The wettest months are October and November. Brief rains and sea waves may occur in December and January. At this time it may also be cool water, although the air warms up to +24+25C during the day.

The high season in Phuket begins in November and ends at the end of March. At this time, the weather on the island is wonderful, it rarely rains, the air temperature is +28+32, the sea water is clear and there are practically no waves.

The so-called “wet season” lasts from April to the end of September. At this time, sudden downpours are common, when a bucket of water seems to be poured out in a minute. It often rains for several days with rare breaks. In summer it can be very hot and stuffy, and the beaches are washed away by waves, which makes swimming not very pleasant and sometimes downright dangerous. I know people who like to vacation in Phuket in the summer, because at this time there are few tourists and prices for housing and food are lower. But summer holiday in Thailand it’s like a lottery: if you’re unlucky, you’ll spend half your vacation in a hotel room, watching the rain.

Beaches of Nha Trang and Phuket: where is better?

Beaches of Phuket

Beaches of Nha Trang

In Nha Trang, all life is concentrated near the city beach. Hotels - both expensive and budget - lined up along the long coastline. As a rule, the walk to the beach is no more than 10 minutes. And it doesn't matter how much you pay for the room - 10 dollars or 100.

The city beach of Nha Trang is elongated, with a wide coastline. There are densely populated areas near restaurants and beach clubs, and there are areas where there will be no one around you within 100-200 meters. We stayed in an inexpensive hotel near the Sharaton, paid $7 a night for a room for three, and enjoyed an almost deserted beach with very few people during the day. In the evening, local residents flocked there after work and it became crowded.

In the vicinity of Nha Trang there are a dozen more islands where you can also swim on a pretty beach. You can buy a beach excursion to or go to the northern islands. A separate adventure is a visit to the park, which houses a water park, an aquarium, and an amusement and entertainment park. Vinpearl has a gorgeous beach, the snow-white sand of which was brought specially on barges.

If you compare the beaches of Phuket and Nha Trang, then in Phuket they are better. But this does not mean that Nha Trang is waiting for you complete disappointment. If measured on a ten-point scale, then the beaches of Nha Trang will receive a solid “seven” from me, and the beaches of Phuket will receive a “nine”.

Things to do in Phuket & Nha Trang

There is a lot of entertainment in Nha Trang. In addition to inexpensive restaurants with kitchens different countries world, you can relax in several spas and mud baths, go to and, go on sea excursions, visit the famous entertainment center, which is reached by a very long cable car over the sea.

If you are traveling for two weeks, then if you wish, you will have time to go for a couple of days to a very beautiful mountain or even more exotic one, where elephant hunters live.

There is also a huge amount of entertainment in Phuket. Every day you can discover a new beach on the island, or go to a neighboring island. Phuket has a zoo, an aquarium, a Bird Park, butterfly and orchid farms, and the Tiger Kingdom, where you can pet real predators. We can ride elephants or fly over the jungle on a bungee.

In addition, only in Phuket you can see the magnificent shows “Siam Niramit” and “Phuket Fantasy”, which involve hundreds of actors in luxurious costumes. Expensive decorations, pyrotechnics and the scope with which the shows are made make them famous far beyond the borders of Thailand.

For diving enthusiasts, it will be much more interesting to dive in the Andaman Sea in Thailand. From Phuket you can go to the Phi Phi Islands or on a small diving safari to the Similan Islands untouched by civilization.

Phuket & Nha Trang: transport

Nha Trang is a small city. If you wish, you can walk around it all in about an hour. You can get around the city by bus, which connects almost all the attractions in the surrounding area. For long trips You can rent a bike to waterfalls, hot springs and beaches. One day of rental costs 100 thousand dong - that's about 5 dollars. A car in Vietnam can only be rented with a driver (about $50 per day), because without Vietnamese driver's license Cars are not available for rental.

If you rent a bike, be aware of the difficulties of driving in Vietnam. Local residents are unpredictable drivers who not only drive according to their own unknown rules, but also often get behind the wheel “under the influence.” If you have little experience riding a bike or are new to riding, avoid rush hour and busy highways, always wear a helmet, don't speed, and stay close to the side of the road.

Phuket is an island of a very convenient size - about 40 by 20 kilometers. In a week or two you can explore most of the island and visit all the beaches.

Phuket has a network of city buses. They connect all the beaches with the capital of the island - the city of Phuket and the airport, but by public transport you cannot go from one beach to another directly, so you often have to use a taxi or rent a bike or car.

Taxis in Phuket are very expensive compared to other cities in Thailand. We were trying to get from the bus station in Phuket town to our condo in the Kathu area. The distance is small, only 3 kilometers. Taxi drivers wanted at least 300 baht ($9) for the trip. I’ll say right away that in Bangkok we drove 35 kilometers from Don Mueang airport for 200 baht, paying for highway tolls along the way.

An alternative to a taxi is to rent a car or bike. A car costs from $30 per day, a scooter costs from $7 per day. If you rent for a week or two, ask for a discount.

Features of the island are mountain passes. There are a lot of them here, so you will definitely have to travel through the mountains. Some descents require certain driving experience and skill. If you plan to ride together, then take a more powerful scooter. We felt very comfortable riding the Honda PCX 150.

Well, I wouldn’t advise complete beginners to get behind the wheel in Phuket. Steep descents and ascents are not the place for training. In addition, the drivers are full of equally inexperienced tourists.

Thailand & Vietnam: food

I like both Thai food and Vietnamese food. In my opinion, Vietnamese food is healthier and less spicy. And the Thais put a lot of sugar in their dishes and fry everything in a lot of oil.

It is in Vietnam that you can try exotic dishes from silkworm larvae, crocodile and ostrich meat, eat snake and taste inexpensive lobsters.

In Thailand they use more familiar products, but in an unusual design. I really like Thai spicy soups and spicy vegetable salads.

In both cuisines you can find your ideal dish and food that you can eat.

Prepare for your trip in advance and read about the most famous and delicious dishes from Vietnamese and Thai cuisines.

Phuket & Nha Trang: prices

Now about the most important thing - the budget. Even if tours to Nha Trang and Phuket were offered to you by a travel agency for about the same price, a holiday in Thailand will still cost you more due to the expenses that you will incur on the spot. You will need to have lunch and dinner, pay for transport, excursions, entertainment.

A hearty dinner in a middle-class restaurant in Nha Trang for two will cost about 15-25 dollars. In Phuket, in tourist villages, one dish can cost about 6-7 dollars, and a whole dinner can cost from 30 dollars. Of course, you can always find a street food shop and eat your own bowl of soup for $1.5-2. But such places exist mainly in non-tourist areas of the island, which are located far from the beaches. In Nha Trang, you can choose a place for dinner according to your wallet. Street cafes with minimal prices are on every corner.

In Nha Trang you can use city buses - a ticket costs only a third of a dollar. In Phuket you can’t go everywhere by bus, so you’ll either have to reduce your travel or rent a scooter or car.

Vietnam is still a country with victorious socialism. Entertainment here is relatively inexpensive. Boat excursion to the islands - from $7 per person. A full-day ride on the cable car to the Vinpearl entertainment complex - $26, a visit to the spa with healing mud - from $3 per person.

In Phuket, entertainment will cost many times more. Sea excursions from $25. Zoo - $15, Siam Niramit show - from $50 per person, entrance tickets to the Tiger Kingdom - from $24 per area per person.

With proper planning, the dream of traveling to Asian countries is achievable, even on a fixed income. Southeast Asia- the most popular resort for budget tourists. There is a lot here that should suit a foreigner: high level services, good climate, amazing local food and hospitable people.

The beaches in Nha Trang (Vietnam) are inferior to Thai beaches in terms of azure water. In the evening, all the beaches are crowded with Vietnamese people who like to come to the sea with their whole families. There is little entertainment on the beaches, and the infrastructure is worse. Although, if you go to Vietnam on bicycles, you can see a large number of beautiful beaches with blue sea and white sand, but these will be wild and non-tourist places.


Thailand is a place where you will never go hungry. Such a large quantity and variety of street food is unlikely to exist in any other country in the world. Street food is available and you can find it at any time of the day. - one of the main attractions of the country.

But in Vietnam, at certain times, food simply disappears from the streets. It is difficult to find something at lunchtime because the Vietnamese take a siesta.

There are a huge number of restaurants that serve delicious seafood. Frankly speaking, the food in Vietnam is closer to ours.

For $1 you will get a huge portion of soup or rice with meat or fish. Many tourists complain of stomach pain due to daily overeating due to such generous portions and affordable prices.

Prices for food and groceries

In Vietnam, fresh fruits and vegetables are more affordable. But if we talk about imported products that the average Asian does not eat too much (milk, cheese), then it is difficult to compare. Imported products are definitely more expensive than local ones.

How much does it cost to eat in tourist places?

Lunch at an inexpensive restaurant $2,24 $2,83
Three-course lunch (for two) $13,46 $14,15
Combo lunch at McDonald's $3,93 $5,52
Local beer $0,90 $1,49
Imported beer $1,35 $2,26
Cup of cappuccino $1,12 $1,63
Pepsi/Cola Can $0,40 $0,58
Water (0.33) $0,19 $0,32

In Vietnam, as in Thailand, there are many good supermarkets where you can buy high-quality and inexpensive products. In Nha Trang these are CoopMart, Big C, MaxiMark. There are several popular chain stores in Thailand: 7/11, Family Mart - these are mini markets; and Tesco Lotus and Big C are large supermarkets.

Food prices in stores and supermarkets in 2018

Milk, 1 liter $1,30 $1,41
Bread, 0.5 kg $0,61 $1,18
Rice (1 kg) $0,81 $0,99
Eggs (12 pcs) $1,38 $1,67
Cheese $8,98 $13,02
Chicken fillet, 1 kg $6,73 $2,77
Tomatoes $1,06 $1,56
Potato $1,08 $1,25
Cucumbers, 1 kg $2,24 $0,85
Bottle of water 1.5 liters $0,54 $0,45
Marlboro cigarettes $1,12 $2,60

Attention! Please note that prices may differ from those stated due to exchange rate fluctuations.

Clothing, household appliances, electronics

In Vietnam the market is very poor. Technology is not the strong point of this country. Everything costs more than in Thailand. There are several times fewer popular online clothing brands in Vietnam than in Thailand. Yes, and it costs more here.

In Thailand, the price level is very low, even for clothing from American and European brands. The quality is quite good though.

Approximate prices for clothes

Women's tank top/t-shirt from 5$from 2$
Women's shorts from 8$from 3$
Men's shirt from 9$from 4$

Dress in stores of popular brands

from 25$from 12$


Thailand is better developed in terms of housing. There are a huge number of hostels and hotels for everyone in every city. Any resort is “teeming” with simpler and richer villas, which are located near the sea, and the price is much better and lower in relation to the CIS countries. On average, prices vary between $15-20.

Accommodation is cheap in Vietnam, especially hotels and hostels. But finding something is very difficult for a European. You will have to choose more impressive options. The rest of the rooms are simply furnished with wooden furniture in the Vietnamese style, which is not very familiar or comfortable for a European.

Prices start from $8, but on average fluctuate around $12-23 for a double room in an inexpensive 2 or 3 star hotel.

There are many hotels near the sea high class, their room rates start from $65/day. At Intercontinental Nha Trang (one of best hotels in Vietnam) prices per night start from $120.

In any case, everyone will have to choose the best one for themselves... And read detailed descriptions Phuket hotels, tourist reviews of hotels, book, etc., use the hotel search engine Hotellook - search and comparison best prices on hotels and inns with a discount of up to 60%.

Internet availability and speed

Big and cheap in Vietnam mobile internet. It works almost everywhere. If we talk about the internal Internet, the connection is very unstable. Failures are usually associated with network transmission failures.

Infrastructure and entertainment

Thailand is ideal for tourists. The country's roads are better than those in Vietnam. On every street you can see shops, street food, shopping centers and entertainment centers.

Vietnam is much more sparse in this regard. It is very problematic to purchase and have fun somewhere after 23:00.

  • Vietnamese people go to bed early, so you won't meet anyone until midnight.
  • There are small food shops. But they work here according to a schedule, which is convenient for the owner.
  • Shopping centers are no better.

In Nha Trang, for example, there are many attractions and travel agencies that organize excursions around the city and trips to neighboring regions. Here you can go on rides in an amusement park all day or undergo treatments in a mud bath for $27. And two-day excursions to a neighboring city cost from $10-100. From Thai Phuket, in turn, you can go on excursions to neighboring regions for $50-150.


When it comes to Vietnam, it is quite difficult to compare the capital and provinces. IN major cities There is no subway in Vietnam. Bangkok has an underground metro, road and water transport. And also a very expensive taxi.

You'll pay 35 baht ($1) for landing and 5 baht ($0.14) per kilometer after that. Considering the fact that traffic jams are very common in Bangkok, the taximeter may unpleasantly surprise you at the end of the trip.

In Vietnam, taxis are better and more affordable. Buses are inexpensive (within city limits only $0.3), and there are plenty of bicycles and motorbikes.

In Thailand, you will be surprised by the abundance of tuk-tuks, but there they charge exorbitant prices to unknowing tourists. There is a free shuttle service in Bangkok, but these are usually wooden buses without air conditioning. The price depends on the type of tire. Article

Let's say right away, let's say unequivocally, Which is better, Vietnam or Thailand, it just won’t work out that way . Since both of these countries can offer something of their own, which will tip the scales. And in order to make the choice easier, we will briefly talk about weather conditions that sometimes spoil your vacation; about the characteristics of culture; about the quality and safety of recreation, etc.

In other words, we will create a kind of “vinaigrette” that will be absorbed quickly and without unnecessary hassle, leaving behind a dose of useful information. Let's go!

Weather conditions

The first and main ingredient of our vinaigrette is the weather.

The weather in Vietnam is dictated by serious comrades - the monsoons , which sometimes present serious surprises and “blur” the boundaries of winter and summer. They are such master artists who, not only can they cause real destruction somewhere, but they also masterfully disguise themselves as good people, occasionally flooding the coastal areas with night and, most importantly, short-term rain showers.

If we talk about the general climate, Vietnam has a subtropical and tropical climate. , which allows tourists to find a cozy “corner” to relax. Such an ideal corner is Southern part Vietnam , Where you can relax throughout the year , since here temperature fluctuations remain virtually unchanged. The temperature ranges from 26"C to 29"C with a plus sign.

But it’s quite difficult to say so about the rest of Vietnam, since creating a weather picture active participation They are accepted not only by the monsoons, but also by those natural helpers who deliver them to their destination. In this transport company the winds rule everything. It is this gang that determines the seasons in Vietnam. For example, in this country the winter is a little colder and the summer less hot than in other countries located at the same latitude. Therefore, Vietnam is conditionally divided into three climatic zones: Northern, Central and Southern.

In the North everything is governed by subtropical monsoons, pumping more moisture into this part of the continent. That is why there are less hot summers and relatively cool winters. Even in winter, there can be a constant drizzle of fine and unpleasant cold rain, called “fun”. Intense summer monsoons take over the period from July to September. During these 3 months, about 80% of the annual precipitation falls! In the mountains of Northern Vietnam, even frosts with snowfall are possible. But at the foot and on the plains the weather stays around +25"C/+30"C in summer, in winter it drops to +10"C/+15"C. In the mountains, the thermometer can creep below +5"C.

The most suitable spring period for relaxation in the vastness of Northern Vietnam - this is April and the first half of May, and autumn period lasts from October to November. It is at this time that the monsoon rains are not naughty here and the water in the sea is very warm.

Central region of Vietnam it's a cross between south and north. Closer to northern border- it’s cooler, going down to the south you can feel the warm streams, where you can relax throughout the year.

Southern region of Vietnam found himself in the grip of a pleasant soft tropical climate. Here the strength of the northern cold winds disappears, so the whole year the air temperature ranges from +26"C to +35"C. But so that life doesn’t seem like honey over time wet seasons(from April to May) 90% of the annual precipitation falls here. Unraveling bad weather can, in addition, bring with it typhoons, which prefer to rampage in coastal areas, making swimming in the warm but restless sea impossible.

To get a complete picture of the weather in Vietnam, you can read several articles:

Regarding the weather in Thailand , then things are somewhat different here, if only because The climate here is less variable . Russian tourists have chosen Thailand because in winter it is a real paradise. The climate is mild tropical, warm and sunny. On average, the temperature ranges from +27"C to +30"C. Thanks to the weather, the influx of tourists, especially during the peak season (from November to February), can significantly go off scale. Such grouping prevents you from fully enjoying your vacation.

When the trade winds take the reins, they significantly reshape the weather, smoothing out all the corners in Thailand throughout winter period. It's not that cold here in winter. On average, the air temperature in the north of Thailand is around +19"C, and in the south +26"C. True, if you look at the mountains, it is no longer so pleasant and warm here, up to +12"C.

But in the summer the weather pattern is taken away by the monsoons , who love to flood most of Thailand with their tears, defining the period of dominance of tropical downpours. These comrades have been hitting northern Thailand since the end of April and will continue to rampage until October. But when we said “get rowdy,” we got a little excited, since the tropical downpours during this entire period, although they splash out the annual norm of precipitation on the ground, however, they play pranks mainly at night. They don't walk for long, but by the morning their trace is gone. Powerful sun rays As soon as I break through the fluffy, menacing clouds, they immediately erase from the face of the earth all signs of the recent tropical downpour.

As for the south of Thailand , That Monsoon flows bring weeping weather to the mainland between March and January . But not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. Heavy rains begin to rage in different times and in different areas. For example, from September to October Phuket gets the full brunt, and from November to December Samui gets flooded. At the same time, the strength monsoon rains gradually weakens, moving from north to south, therefore, the further south you go, the longer the dry season.

But if we speak in general outline about the weather in Thailand, then this excessively hot country is not suitable for hypertensive patients and those who do not tolerate heat well. Therefore, before going on holiday to Thailand, check the weather picture, because it can be so unpredictable and capricious.

When puzzling over which country to choose, it is also worth considering a number of other factors.

How long to fly, visa requirements

We’ll also add air travel time to our salad, since we don’t want to waste part of our long-awaited vacation on the road. To answer this question, let's look at the following articles:

Thus, from the capital of Russia Moscow to Thailand, an air flight will mercilessly eat up as many as 9 o'clock, but from the capital to Vietnam the same amount of time will be spent - 9 o'clock

So friendship won here.

If we talk about visa regime, That You can stay in Thailand for up to 30 days , A in Vietnam no more than 15 days . But going through passport control in Vietnam is easier. For Russian tourists the visa is free. If you want to spend more than the required time limit in Vietnam, then you can extend your visa without leaving the country, of course, for a fee.

Well, so far our vinaigrette, which helps answer the question: “Which is better, Vietnam or Thailand?” dispenses with peppercorns and sourness. In both Vietnam and Thailand you can choose the ideal time for your holiday , you can reach them in minimum quantity time is 9 hours and there will be no problems with passing passport control.

Regarding entertainment and quality of service

It's easier to find something to do in Thailand .

Here tourist infrastructure is more developed than in Vietnam . In Thailand you can find entertainment for every taste and the quality of service will be much better. But this is good for those who are used to having everything at once. But for those who like to look for adventures to the fifth point, Vietnam will be more interesting. There are few generally accepted, standard entertainments here, but there are many national monuments in the form of parks and museums. However, local residents were unable to protect historical monuments from the all-destructive and merciless force of war. The wounds left by the post-war period have not yet healed here. The country was destroyed from the inside and still cannot fully recover. It’s not for nothing that they say that if you want to get to know Vietnam and get to know it from all sides, don’t sit still.

While Vietnam is licking its wounds and trying to attract more tourists, Thailand is thriving! Therefore, here he put the rising Vietnam on its feet and added the lion's share of sourness to the Vietnamese vinaigrette.

Say clearly Where the food tastes better is impossible , since Thai cuisine is somewhat different from Vietnamese cuisine. Moreover, in both places you can find restaurants serving not only traditional national dishes, but also prepare European dishes, Chinese food and so on. And whatever one may say, but You can easily get indigestion in any of these countries .

We are not throwing a stone at them at all, we are simply saying that our stomach is not used to absorbing tons of seafood, eating it all with overly spicy sauces, and for dessert gobbling up little-known fruits and vegetables. Such “happiness” will relax any stomach that is accustomed to digesting less attractive food.

We should also talk about fruits, which are abundant everywhere! These countries hold the record for collecting a variety of exotic fruits , which many have never even seen, let alone tried. However, in Vietnam they are slightly cheaper and the country itself grows more fruit than Thailand. But this primacy is questionable, since exported goods also end up on the shelves of Tayladn. Therefore, trade leveled the scales.

To understand what better Thailand or Vietnam, it’s important to look at everything from all sides, so let’s not miss out on shopping!


Shopping in Thailand will be more varied. Bangkok outdid everyone. But Vietnam may offer fewer goods, but everything here will be much cheaper, and all because most of the goods are made by local residents. You can buy goods without extra charge and they differ quite good quality. In Russia, for example, goods from Vietnam, especially shoes, are highly valued. But this, unfortunately, is not enough, since the eyes are pleased not only with the minimum number on the price tag, but also with the quantity and variety of goods.

Therefore, Thailand is the leader here. They peppered the reputation of Vietnam and solidly.


We will have to strain ourselves a little, since both may have their pros and cons. The situation on the roads is a particular eyesore. . It's dangerous to be participants traffic, since the situation on the road can get out of control at any moment. It is extremely difficult to get used to chaos. Although local residents with a smile on their faces can travel around the entire country in a matter of seconds, dropping off fairly dumbfounded and frightened tourists at their destination. Therefore, it is better for tourists to forget about what self-driving is.

But in Vietnam, riding bikes is especially scary. Even the chaos here is more chaotic than Thai. Although for local residents this is the norm. So it’s not for us to judge. We came and left, and they live with all this and are quite comfortable.

That's why, in both cases it is better to travel by taxi or local transport, at least somehow reducing the risk of getting into an accident . And remember, if you rented a car, motorbike or any other vehicle, then if an accident occurs, the culprit will be none other than the tourist. This “golden” rule applies in both countries. What does it have to do with “golden” both literally and figuratively.

You can also add sourness to a Thai vinaigrette, since there are some significant drawbacks here too. This country is a leader in sex tourism. And from here comes its own characteristics, which make holidays in Thailand not so safe.

But Vietnam can single out and get another portion of “nasty” in its salad, since there is such a sign: “If you deceive a tourist once, you earn the respect of your neighbor; you cheated two tourists - tourists began to fear you, but they offered you a “good” job; I cheated three tourists - I became the best guy in the village and all the girls are yours.” Of course, we are exaggerating, but Vietnam is rightfully considered the leader in tourist scams . So if they smile at you and make honest eyes, this does not mean that you will not have to pay for 5 minutes of conversation. Information also costs money.

To expand your knowledge about Vietnam, you can look here: e”, where all the “taste” is collected, thanks to reviews from tourists.

The final ingredients will be: the number of tourists and beach holidays

If you like to be in the center, in the thick of things, then this is definitely Thailand. The number of tourists here goes beyond all imaginable and inconceivable limits. This makes many tourists extremely irritated and they prefer to relax on the island. Phu Quoc in Vietnam.

As for beach holidays, then depending on the season and weather conditions a holiday can be ideal in both Thailand and Vietnam . We very often come across the statement that in Vietnam the sea is cloudy and choppy. Yes, this is true, but only during the peak of the monsoon rains, when crazy winds dominate on the mainland. Moreover, the sea here is indeed dirtier than in Thailand, but it can also please divers with its variety and diversity. There is wonderful places for diving, but in Mui Ne the resort is generally not for simple swimming, since there is always big waves, therefore, this resort was chosen by surfers.

So everyone can find a corner to their liking, although there is still more choice in Thailand.

Now it's time to taste the resulting dish.

On the taste of Thai vinaigrette turned out to be more digestible and pleasant , since in this country there are much more opportunities to create an ideal vacation full of impressions, entertainment and exotic things. But all this can somewhat overshadow the number of prying eyes of fussy tourists eager for the same benefits that you are claiming.

The taste of the Vietnamese vinaigrette was sour and overly peppery , because in order to enjoy your holiday in this country you need to try extremely hard. We are accustomed to the fact that on vacation we should receive everything on a silver platter. So, Vietnam will not offer such happiness, but will give it out strictly in doses, and then only if you yourself do at least something for it. Vietnam is good for the eccentric, active, crazy, reckless, active, fun company young people who can create for themselves ideal conditions from what this or that country offers!

But also answering the question: "Vietnam or Thailand, where it’s cheaper" Let’s answer this: “Wherever you go, always remember that almost everything depends not only on the crispy cabbage in your pocket and on the ability to manage it, but also on your mood!”

You can spend every last penny here and there, while others will spend the minimum, but relaxing is a hundred times better.

Travel and discover new horizons!