Beach season in Thailand by month. All about the rainy season and weather in Thailand

Endless beaches, warm seas, wild nature and a pleasant climate create Thailand ideal conditions for tourists, here you can have a good rest for lovers different types recreation, be it beach, excursion or dedicated mainly to shopping.

Conveniently, Russian citizens do not need a visa to enter Thailand for no more than 30 days.

Climate of Thailand

When choosing the most suitable time to travel to Thailand, you should take into account the weather conditions in the country and, of course, the peak of tourist activity if you want to spend your holiday in peace and quiet. Thailand is located in several climatic zones at once, so in different parts of the country it can be absolutely different weather, the humidity level also differs. Most of Thailand has a tropical-monsoon climate, while Malay is in the equatorial climate zone.

Thailand is large enough that while Pattaya may be dry and sunny, Phuket may experience heavy rain.

There are three seasons in Thailand: hot, cool and rainy. The hot season lasts throughout the spring - from March to May. This time of year is characterized by moderate rainfall, extremely high temperatures and humidity, which is especially felt in the central part of the country and in the capital Bangkok.

The rainy season, which many tourists fear, begins in late spring and lasts until October. The most large number Precipitation also occurs in September; tropical rains are usually very short but strong. The cool season is from late October to early spring, and it is during this period that tourist activity peaks. There is practically no rain, the humidity level drops, and the air temperature, as a rule, does not fall below 30°C.

Best time for Thailand

The cool season, or the period from November to February, is considered to be the best for a holiday in Thailand, but when planning a trip during this time, you need to be prepared for a large number of tourists and you should hardly expect to see deserted beaches. People who can easily tolerate heat and high humidity can safely go to Thailand during the hot season, when there are much fewer tourists.

And for those who do not plan to sunbathe in the sun all day long, but rather want to enjoy the beauty wildlife, breathe clean air and try Thai fruits, you can visit this wonderful country during the rainy season. Low prices will be a pleasant bonus for traveling during the rainy season.

Those who prefer a beach holiday should not go to Phuket or Koh Samui in August and, since the waves are too high at this time, there is a high probability bad weather, and many sea excursions are cancelled.

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Thailand remains a wonderful country at any time of the year. You can have a great rest in it regardless of the season, be it rainy or hot. Holidays in Thailand will be great, because each season brings its own colors. The calendar of events, events and holidays is always very busy.

Most tourists divide the year into high and low seasons. The last one in Thailand begins in May and ends in October. The holiday season opens in November. This division is rather arbitrary, because the heaviest tropical rainfalls brought by the monsoons are relatively short-lived. Moreover, due to the hot climate, moisture evaporates very quickly.

Winter in Thailand is considered velvet season, because this time is simply ideal for anyone who does not like excessive heat. In addition, Europeans like to spend the New Year holidays away from bad weather and frost.

Spring is the time of flowering and New Year celebrations; at this time, tourists and residents of the country are overwhelmed by water madness. Thai summer is liked by all those who like to lie under the scorching sun, because this period is what it is. Autumn is characterized by unpredictable weather; There are usually few tourists, and hotel prices go down.

When to go?

When planning your trip, you must take into account, in addition to weather conditions and time of year, many other factors. You need to choose the most suitable hotel or resort. Find out about shopping opportunities and the availability of a variety of entertainment, especially if you are vacationing in Thailand with children.

The best season in terms of weather is the end of November and absolutely all winter period. Good weather will last until the very beginning of April. It is necessary to take into account that the cost of housing increases significantly at this time, because the country is visited by a huge number of tourists. Throughout January there are a lot of vacationers in Thailand.


As soon as the holiday season begins, several thousand people come to the country. For everyone who is going to visit Thailand for the first time, go to the resorts: Phuket, Pattaya, Samui.

Pattaya is located near the Gulf of Thailand, on its eastern side. The most favorable time November - February is considered the best time to visit here. Then there is practically no precipitation, and the water and air temperatures are most comfortable.

Phuket is located in the Andaman Sea itself. It has a well-developed tourism infrastructure. You can relax almost all year round. The island has excellent conditions for fishing and diving.

Koh Samui – best vacation for everyone who loves to sunbathe on the beaches. And perfect for a family trip. Holiday season starts in January and ends in June. In this place you can admire beautiful waterfalls, landscapes and visit the aquarium.

Thailand is an Asian country located east of Myanmar (Burma) and north of Malaysia. Thailand's climate is predominantly tropical and humid throughout the year. However, the state is divided into two different climatic zones: The area north of Bangkok generally has three seasons, while the southern peninsular region has two. Tourists to Thailand should be prepared for hot, humid weather.

Northern Thailand

North of Bangkok, Thailand experiences three seasons. The dry season is divided into two periods: November to February, when the weather is mostly dry with cool monsoon breezes, and March to May, when slightly warmer temperatures dominate Thailand's climate.

From May to November, the area is exposed to the southwest monsoon and rainfall tends to be at its peak during this time, especially in September. Annual rainfall in this region is about 55 inches.

During the cool period of the dry season average temperature in Bangkok – 18 degrees Celsius. During the hot period of the dry season, the average temperature rises to around 34 degrees. However, for this season, 40 degrees is not the maximum. During the monsoon season, temperatures drop to an average of 29 degrees Celsius, but the increase in humidity brings little relief with the drop in temperature.

Southern Thailand

South of Bangkok, especially along the peninsula near Phuket, Thailand's climate experiences two distinct seasons. On the West Coast monsoon rains begin in April and last until October; on east coast the heaviest rainfall occurs from September to December. Annual rainfall is about 95 inches.

Temperatures in Phuket are fairly constant throughout the year, averaging around 28 degrees Celsius. Unlike the north, however, the southern region of Thailand does not receive cool temperatures. monsoon winds during the dry season, as a result of which the climate of Thailand always feels hot and humid.

Peak tourist season

Depending on your itinerary, the best time to visit Thailand is between November and February, when humidity in the atmosphere is more prevalent and less. Be prepared for cold snaps during this time as temperatures may be cold early in the morning and late in the evening.

In the climate of Thailand, April is considered mid-summer, both in the north and south of the country. If you are traveling to Thailand primarily to sunbathe on the beach, then always remember the importance of using sunscreen During this time, avoid the sun from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and allow your body to cool off in the ocean frequently to prevent discomfort.

Whatever the weather, Thailand is amazing at any time of year. Each month will color your journey in its own way. Calendar events and holidays in the kingdom are rich and colorful, so you won’t be bored all year round. If you are in doubt about the best time to go on a trip, find out the weather in Thailand for a certain time and go on an exciting vacation.

The diversity of Thailand's climate is determined by its large extent. In late spring and early summer, the approaching monsoon is accompanied by a decrease in temperature and an abundance of precipitation.

In November there is an increase sunny days: when precipitation ends, but the temperature rises slightly. This weather in Thailand attracts many tourists and ends in mid-February. This period is called the velvet period. After it, intense heat begins, which lasts until May. And the whole cycle repeats again.

Rainy season

Before planning a trip to the country, it would be useful to check the weather forecast in Thailand for the desired period. This will help you choose the best conditions for yourself. The greatest impact of the monsoon occurs on the east coast and central Thailand. It is here that August-September is characterized by heavy rainfall.

Typically the rainy season in Thailand ends in October. Despite the abundance of rainfall at this time, the influx of tourists does not stop. The fact is that a tropical downpour occurs once a day and lasts no more than half an hour. The rest of the time the weather is clear with a pleasant breeze.

Climate of the country

If you look at the difference in daily temperature, then highest value noticeably further from the equator. This has an effect on Thailand's climate. For example, in areas located closer to the equator, the average temperature in December-February fluctuates around +20-27º C.

For mountains, indicators from 0 to +25º C are considered normal. This is

Tours to Thailand are sold all year round, so you can fly to this kingdom both in winter and summer. However, it is worth knowing when the weather is most favorable, and when the rainy season begins in Thailand, which helps lower prices for tours.

There are the following holiday seasons in Thailand:

  • cold;
  • hot;
  • rainy.

The most favorable season for tourists accustomed to living in middle lane, - cold. From the end of autumn to the end of February, there is no sweltering heat in Thailand; the air temperature reaches 27-30 degrees every day, and the water is heated to 28 degrees Celsius. Throughout the winter there are periodic short-term precipitations, but they are not able to overshadow the rest. This particular season in Thailand is considered the best, all hotels are filled to capacity with tourists, there are a lot of people on the beaches, music plays until the morning. Vacations at this time are the most expensive.

The cold season in Thailand gives way to a hot one. Daytime air temperatures throughout spring rise to 44 degrees Celsius. From March to the end of May, tours to Thailand drop significantly in price. Firstly, not everyone is able to withstand such heat, and secondly, swimming in the sea is made difficult by the arriving plankton. The hot season in Thailand is optimal for shopping tours, as many cities in the kingdom announce big discounts for goods.

The rainy season in Thailand begins in June and lasts until the end of October - this is typical for Phuket. In Pattaya, the rains “charge” in the month of May, then stop, after which they resume again in early autumn - in September and early October. The weather during this period is capricious, precipitation can continue for several days. The air temperature is 28-33 degrees Celsius, and the water temperature is 27 degrees. The rainy season is typical high humidity, which causes discomfort to unaccustomed tourists. Beach holidays are not popular at this time, but excursion programs and shopping tours are still relevant.

The best season in Thailand is the end of autumn and the beginning of winter; it is at this time that you can combine an excursion program, shopping and a beach holiday.

Climate of Thailand

In Thailand, each season of the year has its own characteristics. The weather in February is very different from the weather in March, and the weather forecast for October is very different from the forecast for November. The country's climatic conditions are subject to the influence of monsoons, which, however, do not fundamentally affect the quality of recreation in any season of the year. Most tourists who visit Thailand in different months, claim that the weather in the country is good for holidays all year round.

The entire territory of the country is located in the tropical climatic zone. This zone is very characteristic permanent shifts wind and air currents. The trade wind prevails in Thailand in winter, and the monsoon in summer. In the north and northeast of the country, the year can be divided into three seasons; in the south, only two seasons are distinguished.

The climate is formed in such a way that the amount of precipitation falling on the territory of the country is quite the same in different regions. Only during wet season, which comes to different parts of the country at certain times of the year, falls large number precipitation.

The Thai summer lasts from March to May and is characterized by quite high temperatures air, up to +35 degrees, and a small amount rains. Dry hot weather abruptly changes to the monsoon season: showers and prolonged drizzle, storms and gusty winds. The air temperature decreases slightly. The wet season lasts from June to October, and with the arrival of November, winter comes to Thailand. However, the concept of winter here is very specific. In the southern provinces, dry weather sets in with average daily temperatures of about +25 degrees. In the north it is a little cooler, about +20 degrees. At the end of autumn and winter, visiting the country is most comfortable for lovers of not only beach holiday, but also excursions. The weather allows you to stay outdoors all day without much risk of heatstroke.

In general, the climate of the Kingdom of Thailand can be called humid tropical with average annual temperature air is about +30 degrees. The mountains in the north of the country, which block the path of summer monsoons and winter trade winds, play a major role in shaping the local climate.

Wind fight over Thailand

The climate in the country is largely influenced by two types of winds, monsoons and trade winds. The constant struggle of these two winds in different layers atmospheres bring dry and wet seasons to Thailand and form the main climatic features in the region.

What is noteworthy is that the moment of confrontation between the two winds is quite short. For this reason, there is no off-season as such. At the end of autumn, almost the entire territory of Thailand begins a dry and moderate winter with mild weather conditions. The coolest month is February. However, even during this period, night air temperatures rarely fall below +20 degrees. Only in the mountains at night can the air cool down to +10.

The hottest season begins in mid-March and lasts until the end of May. Dry and incredibly hot weather forces local residents and tourists to hide from the sun during the day, as the air at this time warms up to +40 degrees and above. The sea off the coast warms up to +30 and above. Even minor ones sea ​​disturbances excluded during the hot dry season.

With the arrival of summer, the monsoon season begins in different regions of Thailand, which lasts until October. It can rain every day and all day. The amount of precipitation in September is 250 millimeters or more. During the wet period, tourists are advised to be especially careful in matters of hygiene and antiseptics, avoid mosquito bites and monitor their well-being. There are no malaria mosquitoes in the country and the epidemiological situation is quite calm, but these insects are capable of carrying a number of other less serious but unpleasant diseases. If the slightest signs of poisoning or fever appear, you should consult a doctor.

Features of the wet season in the country

The wet season in the country does not at all mean the end of the rest period. The fact is that in different regions of the country at the same time, weather conditions differ significantly. So, the best time to relax on the island of Phuket is considered to be winter months, while on Koh Samui high season lasts from March to October. In the province of Krabi, it is most comfortable from November to April, and in the northeast of the country better weather established from March to May.

It is also worth considering the fact that in the southern provinces of Thailand there is much less rainfall during the rainy season than, for example, in Bangkok. It usually rains for no more than two hours late in the evening or at night, and in the morning the sky is cloudless again.

Indeed, where you should not go in Thailand is to northern regions in August-early September. During this period, the weather here is not conducive to either relaxation or full-fledged excursions: daily heavy rains and wind can ruin anyone’s mood.

Experienced travelers advise going to Thailand on vacation for at least a month. Due to the local climate, high humidity and hot air, the acclimatization period may take about 10 days. Only after this the body will be able to fully experience all the benefits of Thai weather. This advice especially applies to amateurs active recreation associated with constant movement and significant physical activity.

Another important feature of the monsoon season is its cheapness, since during the decline in the flow of tourists, most hotels significantly reduce prices for their rooms, you can go on excursions for half the price compared to standard prices, air carriers make big discounts on tickets and hold promotions for their clients .

Thailand has a national system of hotel standards. The country has the largest number of hotels in the 2 and 3 star categories, which are comparable in level to European hotels. These are hotels with rooms from 20 to 50 rooms. Typically, rooms have a private bathroom, balcony or terrace, air conditioning or fan. The hotel area is usually small and surrounded by greenery, many

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We will tell you about the seasons for holidays in Thailand by month. When to fly to Thailand to avoid the rainy season? How not to spend your entire vacation in a hotel?

The holiday season in Thailand lasts almost all year round, with the possible exception of rainy August, when the entire country is flooded with tropical downpours. In the remaining months, you can safely go to this South-Eastern state - there will definitely be a resort where you can sunbathe to your heart's content and swim in the warm as fresh milk sea ​​water.

Since Thailand stretches from north to south, and is washed by seas on both sides, suitable conditions for recreation in different parts of the country vary significantly. While Phuket enjoys sunny weather, Samui can suffer from torrential rains and floods, and when it's hot in Krabi, you have to throw on a cardigan in Chiang. Therefore, in different months you need to carefully choose a resort so as not to encounter unwanted surprises.

Comfortable season in Thailand


A massive influx of vacationers from all over the world occurs in the last month of autumn. This is due not so much to weather conditions and the end of the rainy season, but to the increasing tourist demand for winter beach destinations and the launch of charter flights to Thailand.


The weather is becoming more and more pleasant: the air temperature in the area and in the southern resorts is +30, the water temperature is +28 degrees, the heat no longer seems so unbearable, the humidity is decreasing.

The Andaman Sea pleases with its transparency and perfect tranquility. In the Gulf of Thailand, the situation is still not the most favorable for recreation. Strong winds cause storms, the sea is stormy, the waves are high, and the water is muddy. Only towards the end the winds subside, and the sky over Samui gradually clears of clouds.

  • Travelata, Level.Travel, OnlineTours - look for the hottest tours here.
  • Aviasales - save up to 30% on purchasing air tickets.
  • Hotellook - book hotels with discounts up to 60%.
  • Numbeo - look at the price order in the host country.
  • Cherehapa - take reliable insurance so as not to worry on the road.
  • AirBnb - rent an apartment from locals.



The heaviest amount of rainfall in Thailand occurs in August. It's especially rainy in northern regions and in Bangkok, where the water on the streets often rises to the knees. However, you can also relax at this time if you really want to, but you need to take care of reliable protection for video and photographic equipment, durable rubber slippers and a raincoat.

But in August there is no such unbearable heat as in spring: the rains bring some coolness, which was sorely lacking, because the air temperature throughout the country remains at +31+32, and the water in the sea is warmed up to +30 degrees.

It is most comfortable to be in Pattaya and Koh Samui in August, since it does not rain so often in the Gulf of Thailand. But even here the sea is still rough, and there are gusty winds.


Are you afraid of being left without communication on the road?

Rainy season in Thailand in the imagination of travelers it is usually represented as a time when endless streams fall from the heavens. The situation seems deplorable from the point of view of a vacationer, so many people prefer to find out in advance when it is preferable to visit a particular country. Nobody wants to ruin their own vacation.

Thai rainy season: is there any point in fearing it?

Thailand is considered a state with huge areas. In this regard, at different resorts the rainy season occurs in different months.

Resorts where precipitation begins in late spring and ends by mid-autumn:

  • Koh Chang;
  • Pattaya;
  • Phuket;
  • Krabi.

But in Samui, cloudy weather reigns from mid-autumn to mid-winter.

For many countries, the rainy season is truly devastating. After all, such states usually live off tourism. For example, in Vietnam or India, the rains may not stop for quite a long time. Moreover, there are often cases when water overflows its banks and floods residential areas.

However, to the Kingdom of Thailand, the phrase "monsoon season" has a completely different meaning. Tropical downpours, heavenly abysses and other traveler horrors have nothing to do with this state. Bad weather on a global scale occurs only in works of art and films whose plot takes place in the countries of Southeast Asia.

So what is considered the Thai rainy season? Usually we're talking about about the time of year the largest number precipitation compared to other periods. IN central regions Kingdoms, precipitation is possible (however, not obligatory) in the form of rain of varying intensity, which lasts a maximum of half an hour. Most often, the rains begin late in the evening or at night, and by the morning there are no traces of them. The sun quickly dries out the moisture, since even during these periods the thermometer does not fall below 24 degrees.

On rare occasions it rains during the day, but usually does not last longer than 15 minutes. Besides, he's following them bright sun, which dries out trees, sand and other surfaces. And tourists who sunbathe on the beach have a slight advantage - after the rain the air is not so hot, but more fresh.

As for excursions, precipitation has virtually no effect on their implementation. On the contrary, the rain that catches travelers on a boat warms them with warm streams. In addition, this is a great chance for a spectacular photo shoot. The main thing is to hide the equipment from wet jets. The only negative of precipitation is the appearance of jellyfish in the water. Therefore, for some time you will have to prefer a hotel pool to an open body of water.

Should you go to Thailand during the rainy season?

It is in Thailand that the rainy season cannot scare off travelers. But according to statistics, during these periods the number of Europeans and Chinese wanting to soak up the Thai sun is declining. Two positive points can be taken from this trend:

  • due to fewer tourists, it becomes more relaxed and calm, the bustle and crowd disappears on the streets;
  • During the rainy season, prices in many hotels are reduced, which is reflected in the final cost of the tour purchased from the tour operator.

In addition, the cost of excursions is reduced, and significantly - by one and a half to two times. Therefore, even a modest budget is not a reason to limit yourself to the hotel-beach route. After all, there is a lot to see in Thailand. Perhaps there is only one fly in the ointment: during the rainy season, some excursion routes are closed. In particular, we are talking about the western and eastern islands of the kingdom.

Prices for air tickets are also being reduced, as well as for menus in Thai catering establishments. So the rainy season allows you to save a lot and afford a more status hotel than the one you were counting on before.

When is the rainy season in Thailand?

As mentioned just above, in the Thai kingdom the rainy season depends on geographical location region. The country is large, and therefore at different resorts precipitation falls in different times. It happens that in some years this season does not begin at all.

Resort/month Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
O. Koh Larn
O. Phuket
O. Samui
O. Koh Phangan
O. Tao
Chiang Mai
O. Chang
Hua Hin
O. Samet
Chiang Rai
O. Koh Kood
O. Ko Lipe

* best time to visit the resort;
acceptable time to visit (minimal precipitation);
Not recommended time to visit (showers)

However, it is difficult to guess whether it will rain this year or not - there are no specific signs that allow you to find out.

The weather depends on the monsoons (wind directions). Typically, the climate changes after the hot season ends. It lasts from the end of March until May. Then the wind changes direction and rainy weather sets in in some areas.

If we generalize the knowledge, it turns out that it starts to rain in May and stops by the end of autumn. However, this information will be too vague. And judging by the reviews of Russian travelers, rain in this country really doesn’t bother vacationers much.

Rainy season in Pattaya

Pattaya is considered a resort where the rainy season is very weak. For no more than a couple of weeks in May and in the second half of July, the amount of precipitation in this resort increases. These are the statistics for the last ten years. And the data themselves, again, are very conditional. Over the past few years, local meteorologists have recorded trends towards a weakening of the rainy season in this resort. Some tourists can avoid the Thai rains altogether.

In order not to confuse the cards for tourists, not a single hydrometeorological center gives forecasts regarding the weather on the coast. After all, the accuracy in this case can be reduced to zero.

There are not very competent versions according to which, due to the rainy season in Pattaya, flooding of residential areas and even floods begin. However, experts assure that the season of intense precipitation in this case does not matter at all. Flooding can happen in any month of the year. The Thais themselves have long been accustomed to this phenomenon, have adapted and practically do not react to it.

As a rule, flooding is caused by heavy rainfall, coupled with a poor quality sewerage system and storm drains in the city center. In the history of the resort, cases were recorded when the water in the city center could not go away for several hours, and its level reached 50-60 cm. Resourceful Thais pulled out small boats from storage rooms and ferried them on urgent matters, if there were any.

In Pattaya, the peak rainy season occurs in late summer - early autumn. During this time, rainfall can really cause inconvenience to travelers. But the remaining months are quieter. Already in October the rainy season ends, and in November the high holiday season begins. By the way, from June to the end of October the cost of accommodation in hotels and inns is minimal.

Rainy season in Phuket

The most big island On the territory of the kingdom, Phuket is considered, but also the most expensive. Not surprisingly, the rainy season here is much more intense than on the mainland. However, the main inconvenience for vacationers during this period is not the precipitation itself, but the choppy sea.

Often the waves are so strong that they can reach a height of 5-6 meters. Therefore, almost every summer, red flags appear on local beaches warning that swimming is prohibited. However, what poses a much greater danger to navigation during the rainy season is not the huge, rough sea, but strong undercurrents.

The unfavorable season begins at the end of spring and ends towards the beginning of autumn. However, tourists, especially those involved in sports, are not deterred by this. In summer, Phuket is filled with surfers. High waves only benefit them. At the same time, accommodation and food in local restaurants become significantly cheaper.

Rainy season on Koh Samui

Koh Samui is famous for its unusual start to the rainy season. While in other resort areas of the state the precipitation is already ending or close to it, it is just starting to rain here. The most unfavorable months for a holiday, in which it is really better not to purchase vouchers, are October, November, December. The peak of the rainy season occurs at the beginning of winter.

Feature climatic conditions On Koh Samui, precipitation occurs predominantly at night. However, sometimes there are cases when downpours fall like a sheer wall for several days in a row, and then completely different weather sets in for several days - sunny and hot.

In this regard, the specificity of the holiday is connected - visiting the island for a holiday on short term- a week and a half - risky. There is a possibility of continuous rain.

Rainy season on Koh Chang

Koh Chang Island is one of the few resorts in Thailand that is definitely not suitable for visiting during the rainy season. It becomes very windy on the beaches, the sun rarely comes out, and the weather becomes cloudy. Storm clouds are also possible. Precipitation falls almost every day. At the same time, it rains for several hours. But sometimes the rain doesn’t stop for days.

At this time, the resort becomes very empty, and many travel agencies cancel excursions to this place. The duration of the rains is also characteristic - here the bad weather lasts longer than in other areas of the kingdom. Precipitation begins in mid-April and ends only in October.

  • Tourists whose vacation falls during the rainy season in the Kingdom of Thailand have a solution. The ideal holiday destination would be Pattaya. You will be able to relax and save money at the same time. However, even in this area you should not be in August and September. Otherwise, there is a risk of ruining your vacation, although with minimal probability.
  • Koh Chang island is the rainiest. You should not purchase tickets for it from May to mid-October.
  • Phuket is famous for its choppy waters and summer months There are very high waves here. This may attract surfing tourists. For the rest, it is better to choose a quieter resort for beach relaxation.
  • Samui is suitable for year-round travel, excluding the period from October to December.
  • In general, the rainy season in Thailand is milder than in other Asian countries. Therefore, you can relax and save money - prices for many goods and services, including flights, are significantly reduced.