Entertaining astronomy for children (Olga Shibka). Synopsis of the seminar “Astronomy for children: how to turn scientific facts into interesting games”

Olga Shibka

About the publication

Olga Shibka

Entertaining astronomy for children



Astronomy is the science that studies everything that is in the Universe. New information information about the Universe is obtained, among other things, during astronomical observations.

Astronomical observations are carried out in observatories. An observatory is a special place or structure where instruments are installed with which scientists study stars, planets and other cosmic bodies. The word "observatory" is translated from English as "observation". Astronomers work in observatories - these are scientists who study the Universe and its laws. The common part in the words “astronomy”, “astronomer” is “astro”, translated into Russian means star.

One of the most ancient observatories built by people is Stonehenge, located in England. The huge boulders of Stonehenge are stacked so that the movement of the Sun can be accurately observed on the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes.

The ancient inhabitants of Babylon, Egypt and Central America used pyramids as observatories. Their bases are oriented to the cardinal points. Astronomical observations in the ancient world were carried out in order to more accurately determine the time of the beginning of spring or winter. Based on astronomical observations, the priests compiled calendars. Ancient navigators were able to determine their location using astronomical observations.

In the Middle Ages, in all countries of the world, the observatory was considered a sign of education and wealth of the royal court. The most famous astronomers of the Middle Ages worked in the service of khans, dukes and kings.

Astronomers observe celestial bodies using a special instrument called a telescope. This word comes from the Greek words for “far” and “I look.”

The telescope magnifies the image of a distant planet, as if bringing it closer to the astronomer’s eye. The first telescope was built by the Italian Galileo Galilei 400 years ago.

Astronomical observations are usually carried out at night. To carry them out, it is necessary that at a great distance around the observatory it is dark, for example, there are no lights big city. Then even very faint and distant celestial objects can be seen through the telescope.

Modern observatories are built high in the mountains, far from populated areas. Before building a new observatory, astronomers spend a long time observing the astroclimate - the so-called combination of weather and climatic conditions, suitable for the operation of the observatory. It is desirable that the selected area has as many clear nights as possible throughout the year.

Telescopes in observatories are located in special houses. Complex mechanisms controlled by computers make it possible to easily point even a large and heavy telescope to any point in the sky.

The best photographs of the starry sky are obtained on those telescopes above which there is the thinnest layer of the Earth’s air envelope - the atmosphere. Therefore, there is an observatory outside the atmosphere - these are automatic space stations. Such a telescope, of course, is no longer located in a house, but in a special spacecraft. Sometimes space observations are carried out by astronauts who work on the International Space Station.

1. Why can’t you build an observatory in the depths of a dark forest? (Tree branches will block the sky from the observer.)

2. What other words, besides the word telescope, do you know with the particle “tele-”? (telephone, TV, TV movie).

3. Draw a picture of a telescope house. Why can’t a lantern be lit above the entrance to this house? (The lantern with its light will interfere with astronomers’ observation of the stars, because the light of the stars is weaker than the light of the lantern.)

Guess the riddles:

There is a round house on a hill,

You can't see the light in it at night.

Behind a swarm of stars at midnight

A tireless eye watches.


You can look at it without difficulty

Distant forest and cities,

Planets, stars, edge of heaven

And many other miracles.


The stars are all against

The wise man knows...



Nowadays, people are less and less likely to have the opportunity to take a closer look at firmament. There are fewer and fewer places on Earth where the bright light of night cities would not interfere with seeing the stars. And in ancient times, the heavenly bodies were the same part everyday life humans, like domestic animals, like forests and fields. After all, in those days the sky was a calendar, a compass, and a clock for people.

IN different countries and in different times people came to the same conclusion: in order to correctly plan, for example, the start of sowing or the start of hunting, you need to remember some signs that will help determine the right moment for this. Such signs most often included the phases of the moon and the appearance of bright stars in the sky. Gradually, knowledge about how to measure time began to accumulate, and the first calendars appeared. The word "calendar" comes from Latin word“calare” – shout out. Behind the movement of the luminaries in Ancient Rome, as in other countries ancient world, the priests watched. The chief priest had to loudly shout the news of the first day of each month.

IN Ancient Egypt People's lives depended on the floods of the Nile River. This river flooded the fields for several weeks, irrigating them and leaving silt on them, which fertilized the soil well. It was noticed a long time ago that the waters of the Nile begin to rise in the middle of summer, simultaneously with the appearance in the morning sky of the brightest star - Sirius from the constellation Canis Major. All work related to the cultivation of the fields stopped and “vacations” began - a time that later received its name from Latin name stars Sirius. The Romans called this star Canicula, which translates as “dog.”

This is how it happened that the need to predict the change of seasons and the onset of seasons led to the emergence of astronomical observations and the emergence of the science of astronomy.

Stargazer priests not only compiled the first calendars, but also looked for ways to measure time in periods shorter than a year. The beginning and end of the day were determined by sunrise and sunset. Although very soon it became clear that in summer and winter the day has different lengths. In winter, the Sun spends less time above the horizon and the day begins on December 21 or 22 winter solstice– the longest night of the year happens. In the summer, June 21 or 22, the night is shortest and daylight is longest, this is - summer solstice. Twice a year, on September 21 or 22 and March 21 or 22, day and night are the same length. Astronomers call these days the autumn and spring equinoxes. Many peoples in ancient times began counting the days of the new year from the day spring equinox. In Russia, the tradition of celebrating the New Year on the vernal equinox was abolished by Tsar Peter I.

For a very long time, the passage of time was measured by the changing phases of the moon. Gradually, people figured out that the day can be divided into equal periods of time - hours. The simplest instruments for measuring time appeared.

When the first travelers set off across the desert, it turned out that it was much easier to find the final destination of the journey if there were reliable landmarks. The first navigators came to the same conclusion. These guidelines became bright stars. Ancient astronomers compiled the first star maps, giving names to stars and constellations, plotting them on celestial maps and describing their relative positions.

Gradually it became clear that astronomy can provide answers to many questions of everyday life and solve many mysteries of the universe, and can help a person determine his place in the Universe. The longer and more carefully a person peered into the starry distances, the more rapidly the development of human civilization took place.

Answer the questions and complete the tasks:

1. Remember the names of the months well: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. These names came to us from Ancient Rome, people in different countries have been using them for more than two thousand years.

2. It has long been noticed that not all stars are equally visible in different weather. It turned out that through haze or faint fog the light of stars that have a yellowish or reddish color is best seen. Such stars were called navigation stars. In ancient times, sailors and travelers used them to navigate. Look closely at the traffic lights. Why do they use green, yellow and red colors? (Because these colors are more visible than others even in cloudy weather. But there are no green stars in Space)

From the publisher: With our magical Atlas, you can feel like a fairy-tale stargazer, a modern astronomer, and a future astronaut flying to a mysterious planet.
starry sky- The Great Book of Nature. Whoever manages to read it will discover the countless treasures of the Cosmos surrounding us. In the rich patterns of the starry sky you can see constellations - combinations of stars that form bizarre pictures.
Knowing the constellations is the ABC of astronomy. Such knowledge is absolutely necessary for every educated person. On the pages of this book you will get acquainted with many constellations and ancient legends and myths associated with them, and also learn about the guiding stars that have been known to sailors and travelers for thousands of years.
You will get to know the planets solar system and learn about ways to observe, study and explore space.
The publication is intended for children aged 4 - 6 years.
The texts are adapted for the youngest readers; star maps for each hemisphere are provided. Good quality printing, thick pages, excellent bright stickers.

2) "Star Tales. My first book on astronomy" E. Levitan(3-5 years)

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


This is not the first time that Star Tales have been republished. Discovery of space through a fairy tale - what could be better? Moreover, when in addition to history there are games, and as we know, small children of 4-5 years old learn the world through play, so it is so important that informational and educational books contain even small developmental actions.

3) "Starry Sky" L. Petranovskaya(5-8 years)

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


How does space, our galaxy, the solar system work? How do eclipses occur, changing seasons, day and night, and phases of the moon? How to find the most famous stars and determine the cardinal directions? How do astronauts work? How do scientists explore the Universe?
You will find answers to these questions in the book by the famous psychologist and popularizer of science Lyudmila Petranovskaya. This is a real gift for little space explorers. The book is written in a very easy, accessible and at the same time interesting language, so adults will also be interested in reading it for children. The pictures are bright and very funny. The book is large format, glossy pages, the text-picture arrangement is very convenient.

4) Secrets of space (3-6 years)

From the publisher: “Secrets of Space” is a fascinating book that will tell a child about what is happening in our universe, what planets there are, and the child will also learn many facts about space! Take a fascinating journey through the solar system with the amazing book "Secrets of Space"! The book will open the structure of astronomical laboratories and satellite systems. Look under the secret door and find out how this world works!

5) "Star book. Poetic astronomy" Dyadina Galina, Usachev Andrey(4-7 years)

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


If small child interested in space, but before scientific knowledge He is not yet old enough - he will like this book. Good poetry, bright illustrations. Gift edition.
The design of the book is beyond all praise:
- Square format about A4, a little lower and a little wider;
- hard, smooth, varnished cover;
- the paper inside is white, coated, thick;
- illustrations are large, colorful, bright, made in a modern style, hand-drawn;
- medium font, easy to read.
The content of the book can be divided into sections:
- preface (introductory word, introduction to the concepts of Starry Sky, Stars) - in prose;
- Star House (poems about the starry sky);
- Solar House (poems about the solar system);
- Lunarium (poems about the moon);
- Star alphabet (for each letter there are poems on the theme of space, constellations, star concepts, astronomy, etc.);
- what the earth rests on (the fable of three elephants) in prose.

6) Space. Adventure book(3-5 years)

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


Do you want to go somewhere unusual? space travel? Then help Captain Fearless and his friendly crew find the mysterious planet! Does the planet Draconia exist? Who inhabits distant galaxies? Find aliens, astronauts, planets and dragons with your magic lantern! The book is unusual, interesting, high quality. You won't find much of value here educational information, but the idea of ​​using a flashlight is unusual!

Entertaining astronomy for schoolchildren

1) Trilogy "Fairytale Universe" - "Secrets of our sun", "Sun's kingdom", "The world in which the stars live" E. Levitan(6-10 years)

Labyrinth (click on the pictures!)

Two children - Alka and Sveta - were very lucky with Dad: he created a real fairy tale for them. In this fairy tale, you can fly to any planet in the company of a very unusual, but the best teacher in the world - the gnome Knopkin. In this fairy tale you can laugh at the chaotic knowledge of the gnome Nedouchkin, and most importantly, you can discover for yourself the whole world. Not at all fabulous - real. Our universe with you.

2) "Fascinating astronomy with Chevostik" Kachur E.(6-9 years)

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


Why do we often only see the golden crescent of the month if the Moon is round? How do planets differ from stars and where do they get their names? What is a light year and why is one Earth year equal to four Mercury years? Which planet in the solar system is the largest and which is the most beautiful? Is it possible to see stars during the day and where does the comet's tail come from? What is orbit and satellite, meteors and eclipse? As always, Uncle Kuzya has answers to the most curious children's questions and most interesting story about astronomy.

3) Trilogy "George and the Secrets of the Universe", "George and the Treasures of the Universe", "George and the Big Bang" Hawking S. and Hawking L.(from 8 years and older)

Labyrinth (click on the pictures!)

MY-SHOP George and the Secrets of the Universe
MY-SHOP George and the Treasures of the Universe
MY-SHOP George and the Big Bang
OZONE George and the secrets of the Universe
OZONE George and the Treasures of the Universe
OZONE George and the Big Bang

This is a story about space adventures that friends go on to learn more about the world in which we live. It is also a story about the laws of physics that govern this world. But above all, this is the story of a lonely boy named George and how his life has changed since the day he met his new neighbors Annie and Eric. Annie loves ballet more than anything in the world, and her father Eric, a cosmologist, loves space more than anything else. Eric is helped by a supercomputer named... "Cosmos". This computer is so powerful and so smart that it can draw doors through which you can get to any point in the Universe (of course, while wearing a spacesuit - after all, there, in outer space, it's terribly cold!). Meanwhile, George and his friends explore outer space, "Cosmos" controls the flight... if it is in place, of course. But in any book, even in a scientific adventure book, there are evil forces that... However, we will not tell the plot in advance, because very soon you will find out for yourself.
The book provides information from the fields of astronomy, cosmology and astrophysics. The scientific information presented in the book is mainly intended for children who have no idea about space, the solar system and celestial bodies. An exception is the origin of stars and black holes. There is also information for adults who took an astronomy course at school, but then were not interested in the problem.

4) "About space, black holes and all that stuff" Murphy Glen(from 8 years and older)

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

The book describes complex concepts in an understandable manner, including what gravity is and the curvature of space-time. The book is structured in the form of a dialogue between the author and a teenager. A very inquisitive teenager who asks a lot of questions in his own “teenage” language. This creates the effect of the presence of your friend who is communicating with you, and not a smart “uncle professor”.

5) "Entertaining astronomy" Ya. Perelman (12 +)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


The book is written in a fascinating, lively and interesting language, it contains not only facts about the planets of the solar system and their satellites, to which the reader is mentally transported by the author’s skill, but also about stars, eclipses, as well as the simplest entertaining tasks, the solution of which is wonderfully illustrated.
The book is addressed to young readers, but will be of interest to all curious people who want to know more about the world in which we live.

Space atlases and encyclopedias

1) Illustrated atlas. Universe(from 7 years old)

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


3) Encyclopedia "Wonders of the Universe" Cox Brian, Cohen Andrew(from 10 years)

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

An amazing book from the professor and host of the popular BBC series "Wonders of the Universe". The book contains large number illustrations, diagrams and photographs describing the Universe in all its diversity, from birth to possible death. The popular presentation style makes it easy to understand the material. The book makes you look at our place and role in the Universe differently.
The quality of printing and design is excellent.

4) "Astronomical Atlas"(from 10 years)

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


The book contains basic information on astronomy and astronomical observations, the main volume is devoted to the description of constellations (both Northern and Southern Hemisphere). There are also descriptions and tips for observing the Moon, planets and a number of other objects.
A good addition is the catalog of Charles Messier on the endpapers of the book - images of objects, their coordinates and brief description. "The Atlas" will be useful for beginning astronomy lovers, and even if you do not have a telescope, you can study the constellations from the book and master the basics of observational astronomy.

Bookshelves by age from 0 to 12+ can be viewed here

From time immemorial, astronomy has interested many people. Young children often notice the dark starry sky, unlike adults who have little interest in space. If children see a lot of stars at night and look closely at the Moon, they will definitely ask questions. Not every parent knows the answers to all questions. Astronomy for a child is a very exciting subject. Here parents will be able to break away from everyday problems and plunge into the study of nature and remember their childhood. Below are tons of fun options for learning about astronomy.

The stars turned on at night

Even 20-30 years ago, parents put their children to bed at 8 or 9 pm. Nowadays, the following saying has been preserved: “now there is still childhood time"Especially in the summer, when the sun sets quite late, it is practically impossible to wait until midnight to admire the stars. It is best for a child to study the starry sky in the summer, when it is warm. This way, entertaining astronomy for children will appear in the family circle preschool age. The ideal option would be the month of August, because it gets dark early, and severe cold has not set in. In addition, it is at this time that the chances of seeing meteor showers are high.

It is advisable to monitor the weather forecast to plan an outing. In big cities and illuminated populated areas there is no point in watching the stars. If there is a house in the village or a dacha, then it is better to go there for one cloudless night. Astronomy should be interesting for a child. In an open field you can see a lot. It is also convenient to observe from the attic of the house, if trees and a burning lantern do not interfere. You can say to a child: “Look, what beauty! How bright the stars are! To our right is the Moon, the satellite of our planet Earth.” The child will probably ask many questions.

and why is she so different

If you regularly observe the Moon for a month or two, your child will notice that it is illuminated differently. He can ask the appropriate question. It is better to answer it with the means at hand. The parent places a lit candle on the table, takes an orange in his hand and asks the child to look at the fruit, standing or sitting opposite. So he will see the full moon. To show your child the phases of the moon, it is better to ask him to get up from the table and look at the orange from the sides. You need to ask him if he sees the shadow on the orange. If yes, then you can safely talk about lunar phases. In conclusion, it is enough to explain to the child that he looked at the orange and the candle in the same way as the Earth, our planet, “sees”.

We live on a round planet

It's good if you have a globe at home. If it doesn’t exist, you can draw it yourself. It's even more exciting. Homemade educational objects about planets are a very interesting and educational astronomy for children. The solar system is studied in a game-like manner. First, parents need to demonstrate the Earth. You can take an old ball and paint it acrylic paints. Have your child color the ball blue or cyan. When the paint is dry, adults paint the pole caps with white paint. The child will watch and listen at the same time. It’s good if parents remember at least a little geography and can depict the continents with green paint. When the globe is ready, you can again tell the child about the continents and show where we live. To do this, you should mark something or stick a small object. Astronomy for a child began with the study of the starry sky, and continues with the study of planets. If you start with studying the Earth, it will look incorrect. The child simply will not understand what is being said to him. He must show interest himself.

Books to help the curious

When the baby understands what the Earth, Moon and Sun look like, then you can introduce him to other planets. It is difficult to explain to a child what size all the planets are relative to each other. At the same time, it’s worth telling how huge the Sun is. Not only a ball with an orange will help in the demonstration, but also other various round objects. It is better to lay them out on the floor or table. Poor parents may be confused, because not everyone knows astronomy. I would like to give children decent knowledge, maybe it will help them in life. A large illustrated encyclopedia will save the situation. Astronomy for children should be taught in book formats, not through a laptop screen. Children need to be taught to love books.

Other worlds

When the encyclopedia is open on the right page, it is better to offer your child help to pick up round objects. Together we can build the entire solar system on one table. For example, a large orange or yellow ball can act as the Sun. The smallest and most distant planet Eris (data on the outermost celestial bodies constantly varies) is worth demonstrating as a pea. Entertaining astronomy for children continues with the fact that the Sun is very hot, it is impossible to get to it. The planet Mercury is uninhabitable for the same reason. It's extremely hot. It’s only good for a person to live on Earth because it’s warm. The planets next to Earth are cold. The further you go, the colder it gets. There is nothing to breathe on other planets, there is no oxygen there. If there is an opportunity and desire, and especially the child’s interest, then you can supplement the story by telling about the satellites of all the planets. Rings for Saturn can be made from a hat. It is enough to put the planet on its bottom.

Has anyone been in space?

Children may ask, has anyone been in space? We first need to tell them about the first traveling dogs Belka and Strelka, who safely flew into space and returned to Earth. It is advisable to find photographs in an encyclopedia or other sources so that children know what they looked like.

Some time later, the world's first cosmonaut, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, flew into space. It would be a good idea to show his photograph. Children need to know these things. When they grow up, they will be able to distinguish between months and years, and it will be easier for them to grasp dates and specific events. We definitely need to talk about Sergei Korolev as the creator of the world’s first rocket, which took Yuri Alekseevich into space and safely delivered him back to Earth.

About telescopes

Any child will want to take a closer look at the Moon and the Sun. It’s one thing to see it in pictures, and another thing to see it yourself, without frills. Other planets may also be of interest to the young amateur. We need to tell him what a telescope is. If neither your family, nor friends or acquaintances have it, then you can first show it in the encyclopedia. It’s too early to tell a child how refractor and reflector telescopes differ, for smart older children. Therefore, we must limit ourselves to the fact that telescopes are all different, and not everyone can see the planets. There are special binoculars for stargazing. If you manage to find a telescope, then an adult should set it up so that the child can see the celestial body from different angles. For example, you won’t have to look for the Moon or the Sun for long in the eyepiece; they are large. First, you need to study for yourself whether there are spots on the Sun, whether they are visible, and then show it to the kids and explain.

Visit to the planetarium

You shouldn't limit yourself to home experiments. It is useful to take children to the planetarium to learn more about the Universe. If there is an observatory in the city that is open to visitors, it would be a good idea to go there. Children should be taken to public institutions at a conscious age, when they already understand and are interested. There is no point in dragging them around in the hope that they will be attracted to everything that adults are curious about. Not every person has a chance to visit Star City, where future cosmonauts are trained. But if it appears, you should definitely take advantage of it. Astronomy for a child is the same science as any other in terms of complexity of perception, so you need to be able to explain simple things, otherwise he will lose interest. Children's programs are usually provided by planetariums and museums.

Studying constellations

After self-study planets and stars, trips to interesting places, you can return to the dacha again. For example, in August the first study of the sky and space was carried out, in the cold season we went to the observatory and planetarium, and in the spring we can again study the abyss with the naked eye. It would be a good idea to arm yourself. The child, together with his parents, will look for the necessary constellations and learn to determine their location. It is advisable to purchase a colorful star map or download it to your smartphone. Fortunately, there are now “Astronomy for Children” applications. The constellations are depicted there for a reason; they are superimposed on translucent corresponding pictures. The child will be interested.

About asteroids, comets and galaxies

It may be more difficult for preschool children to explain what a comet, galaxies, and asteroids are. It is much better to show them just pictures from the Astronomy for Children encyclopedia. The stars and the galaxy can be explained in person by showing clear sky Milky Way. This is our Galaxy. When the baby grows up, he will be able to easily learn something new in a science such as astronomy. Particles from an asteroid that fell to Earth are found in astronomical museums. Comets can only be seen through powerful telescopes.

Parents need to be prepared for their child to ask unexpected questions. If they don’t know the answer, it’s better to admit it honestly, rather than brush it off or make it up. It's time to sit down with the whole family in the evening bad weather at home and read the encyclopedia.

One of key stages The growing up of any child is a period of “why”. Parents probably went through these moments with titanic willpower when they have to explain to their child every second why the sky is blue, why the mountain is high, how far away the Sun is, etc.

Yes, and the problem is that many people themselves don’t know the answer. That is, they understand at the level of sensations, but how can this be conveyed to the child? Every day questions accumulate, but there are no answers. It is commendable that a child grows up to be so inquisitive, but his thirst for knowledge needs to be replenished somewhere and his curiosity fed.

If you have a little researcher, then direct his enthusiasm and perseverance into one of the most fascinating sciences - astronomy. Many people underestimate its importance, believing that it is better to develop a child in a more creative direction. But they don’t even suspect how limitless benefits of astronomy for children.

What is the power of astronomy?

So, in short, astronomy is the science of celestial bodies. But, in fact, it is much larger, since it studies the foundations of the Universe, gets to the very beginning and considers all objects (that is, in general, everything that we know and do not even know). Therefore, it will become, first of all, a real lifesaver for any parent. After all, it will easily explain why there is a face on the Moon, why the sky is blue, why the Earth is round, etc.

It is important to note that this is one of the few sciences that children strive for on their own. Why? Yes because it's interesting! You can start by studying space images and get to big bang and consideration of the fundamental foundations of our lives. So, we can start with the fact that astronomy triggers a chain reaction of development in a child.

It all starts with interest. These are simple but important questions for the baby. He is still getting acquainted with our world, but sees it exclusively in the plane of planet Earth. He is interested in how everything came to be, where people came from, what happened before and what might happen.

Astronomy colorfully and reliably describes all theories, talks about asteroids and meteorites and opens the door to new world. That is, from interest and basic questions the baby moves on to something more.

He begins to realize that there are other planets and objects, that we rotate around an axis and the Sun. Moreover, it turns out that all this is called the Solar System, which is not a boundary. This is just part of the galaxy Milky Way, which is also just one of many galaxies and so on on a universal scale.

It turns out that astronomy is an opportunity to teach your child to think globally and look at everything on a grand scale. There are simply no boundaries.

This is very useful as he will no longer dwell on something negative. After all, astronomy for children reveals all the beauty of infinity. There are trillions of extraordinary objects hidden in the Universe, including planets similar to ours, and even, possibly, other civilizations. Somewhere there are giants and different types stars, mysterious black holes and quasars. It also teaches you to look at time in a new way.

We've probably all thought about a time machine. So, in fact, it has always existed. After all, distance in space is measured in the time it takes light to travel from a distant object to us. And if you look at a star, then this is just residual light from the past, and the star itself may no longer be there.

Is it possible that, understanding all this beauty, the baby will want to waste time in bad company and bad habits? Why, if there is still so much interesting stuff left?

Astronomy is also useful for children because it brings them together. It's not easy common interest, but the understanding that we are all connected and everything around feels the universal influence. Enough for the Moon to come closer, the water level in our ocean will rise. Or the star will knock an asteroid or comet off course and we will have to wait for the guest.

This also teaches you to value your home. After all, despite all attempts, we still remain the only known inhabited planet. Although it will be interesting for children that colonization of Mars is planned soon, and someday there will be an exit beyond the solar system. We are increasingly exploring outer space, and in the future, travel between planets and systems (and maybe galaxies) will become commonplace. Therefore, it is better to get acquainted with all these concepts now.

As a result, astronomy can become more than just an interesting hobby with the construction of models of rockets, planets and our system. This is a kind of philosophy that teaches a child curiosity, openness, versatility and tolerance.

The universe is infinite. We know the answers to many questions, but there remain even more mysteries that attract people because they resonate in the heart and mind. After all, astronomy develops both hemispheres at the same time. After all, this is a science in which there are formulas, numbers, facts, theories, etc. But it also expands the imagination and abstract half, allowing children to look at everything globally.

Children will find astronomy easy and fun to learn. After all, instead of dry book expositions, they are provided with unique and real photographs of distant galaxies, videos and computer models. You can literally travel the universe through your computer. To do this, we recommend using the portal:

Astronomy - I have always been most interested in listening, watching and reading about the structure of the Universe, about cosmic phenomena and their impact on our lives.

And so, when I decided to start studying with my son, we started with astronomy - something that is also interesting to me.

I had to prepare - because presenting such material to an adult and a child is radically different. We started the first lesson by watching part of a very serious film about the structure of the universe. Savva was interested, but I had to stop and explain almost every minute.

I realized that this was ineffective and also difficult for him. Although I liked the film itself. If you are interested for older people - at the end of the article.

The next discovery was interesting books about astronomy by Evfrem Levitan. Before this I had some difficulty in describing cosmic concepts— I had to choose simpler words all the time. And here concepts about the universe are presented in an artistic and fascinating form. The story is about children - Alka and Sveta, and their Dad, who is friends with the gnome Knopkin, the chief astronomer of the Kingdom of the Dwarves. They observe the Sun and Moon and learn to distinguish constellations. Comets, meteorites, satellites, nebulae, galaxies and even black holes... In general, interesting :)

Here are some books by Ephraim Levitan for kids:

  • Series “Astronomy for Smart Children”:
    • Your Sunshine
    • Luna is the granddaughter of the Sun
    • Everyone in Sunny’s family “dances”
    • Stars - Sunny sisters
    • Long-haired stars
    • Little planets
    • Stones that fell from the sky
    • Star pictures
    • Your star city - Galaxy
    • Hey, aliens

    You can download this series