Professional terms for teachers. Pedagogical dictionary

Altai state academy education

named after V.M. Shukshina

Terminological dictionary




correspondence student

group N- Z HO131

Ryazanova Svetlana Andreevna.

year 2014

PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY it represents a special type of social activity aimed at transferring from older generations to younger generations the culture and experience accumulated by humanity, creating conditions for their personal development and preparing them to fulfill certain social roles in society.

PEDAGOGICAL CULTURE is considered as an important part of the general culture of the teacher, manifested in the system of professional qualities and specifics pedagogical activity.

TEACHER'S POSITION - this is a system of those intellectual, volitional and emotional-evaluative attitudes towards the world, pedagogical reality and pedagogical activity in particular, which are the source of its activity.

PEDAGOGICAL INTERACTION - personal contact between the teacher and the pupil(s), accidental or intentional, private or public, long-term or short-term, verbal or non-verbal, resulting in mutual changes in their behavior, activities, relationships, attitudes. V. p. can manifest itself in the formcooperation, cooperation when both parties reach mutual agreement and solidarity in understanding the goals of joint activities and ways to achieve them, and in the formrivalry, when the successes of some participants in a joint activity stimulate or inhibit the more productive and purposeful activities of other participants. Humanistically oriented ped. process m.b. only by the process of VP of the teacher and the pupil, where both participants act as parity, equal, to the best of their knowledge and capabilities, partners.

UPBRINGING (as a social phenomenon) is a complex and contradictory socio-historical process of transferring socio-historical experience to new generations, carried out by all social. institutions: public organizations, funds mass media and culture, church, family, educational institutions of various levels and orientations. V. ensures social progress and continuity of generations.

UPBRINGING (as a pedagogical phenomenon) - 1) purposeful professional activity of a teacher, promoting the maximum development of the child’s personality, his entry into the context of modern culture, his formation as a subject of his own life, the formation of his motives and values; 2) holistic, consciously organized ped. the process of formation and education of personality in educational institutions by specially trained specialists; 3) a purposeful, controlled and open system of educational interaction between children and adults, in which the pupil is an equal participant and there is an opportunity to make changes to it (the system) that contribute to the optimal development of children(in this definition the child is both an object and a subject); 4) providing the pupil with alternative ways of behavior in various situations, leaving him the right to choose and find his own path; 5) the process and result of purposeful influence on the development of the individual, his relationships, traits, qualities, views, beliefs, ways of behavior in society (in this position baby - object ped. impact); 6) purposeful creation of conditions for a person’s mastery of culture, its translation into personal experience through organized long-term influence on the development of the individual from surrounding educational institutions, social. And natural environment, taking into account his potential capabilities in order to stimulate his self-development and independence; 7) (in the narrowest, specific meaning) the components of the holistic educational process: mental, moral, etc. education.

Spiritual education - formation of a value attitude towards life, ensuring sustainable and harmonious development of a person. V. d. is the cultivation of a sense of duty, justice, sincerity, responsibility and other qualities that can give a higher meaning to a person’s deeds and thoughts.

Moral education - the formation of moral relations, the ability to improve them and the ability to act taking into account social requirements and norms, a strong system of habitual, everyday moral behavior.

Political education - formation in students of political consciousness, reflecting the relations between states, nations, parties, and the ability to understand them from spiritual, moral and ethical positions. It is carried out on the principles of objectivity, variability, freedom of choice of position and assessments within the boundaries of universal human values.

Sex education - systematic, consciously planned and implemented influence on the formation of sexual consciousness and behavior of children, preparing them for family life.

Legal education - the process of formation of legal culture and legal behavior, which consists in the implementation of legal education for all, overcoming legal nihilism, and the formation of law-abiding behavior.

Labor education - joint activity of the teacher and students, aimed at developing general labor skills and abilities, psychol. readiness for work, the formation of a responsible attitude towards work and its products, and a conscious choice of profession. The path of higher education is the inclusion of the schoolchild in the full structure of work: its planning, organization, implementation, control, evaluation.

Mental education - formation of intellectual culture, cognitive motives, mental strength, thinking, worldview and intellectual freedom of the individual.

Physical education - a system of human improvement aimed at physical development, improving health, ensuring high performance and developing the need for constant physical self-improvement.

Artistic education - developing in students the ability to feel, understand, evaluate, love art, enjoy it, develop the needs for artistic and creative activity and the creation of aesthetic values.

Environmental education - purposeful development of a high ecological culture among the younger generation, which includes knowledge about nature and a humane, responsible attitude towards it as the highest national and universal value.

Economic education - purposeful interaction between educators and students, aimed at developing the latter’s knowledge, skills, needs, interests and style of thinking that correspond to the nature, principles and norms of rational management and organization of production, distribution and consumption.

Aesthetic education - purposeful interaction between educators and students, promoting the development and improvement in a growing person of the ability to perceive, correctly understand, appreciate and create beauty in life and art, to actively participate in creativity, creation according to the laws of beauty.

Aesthetic consciousness - a set of ideas, theories, views, criteria for artistic judgments, tastes, thanks to which a person gets the opportunity to reliably determine the aesthetic value of the objects around him, phenomena of life, art.

Aesthetic sense - subjective emotional experience, born of an evaluative attitude towardsaesthetic subject. Emotion is expressed in spiritual pleasure or disgust that accompanies the perception and evaluation of an object in the unity of its content and form.

Ethical education - purposeful interaction between educators and students, with the goal of developing rules of good manners among them, forming a culture of behavior and relationships.

FREE EDUCATION - development of the strengths and abilities of each child, unhampered by any restrictions, full disclosure of his individuality. For V. s. characterized by a categorical denial of the system of upbringing and education, based on the suppression of the child’s personality, regulation of all aspects of his life and behavior. Proponents of this model have attached and continue to attach exceptional importance to creating conditions for self-expression and free development of children's individuality, reducing pedagogy to the possible minimum. interference and especially excluding k.-l. violence and coercion. They believe that a child can only imagine what he has experienced internally, therefore the leading role in his upbringing and education should be played by childhood experiences and the accumulation of personal experience by children. This direction is directly related to the concept of free education by J. J. Rousseau. However, these schools have not become widespread in the West. In Russia, the most striking experience in creating free education schools was the “Home of the Free Child,” created by K. N. Ventzel in 1906. He supported the ideas of V. s. L.N. Tolstoy, organizing the life and education of peasant children in the Yasnaya Polyana school. There were other attempts: “School of Naughty” by A. Radchenko in Baku, the Moscow family school of O. Kaidanovskaya-Bervi, educational complexes “Settlement” and “Children’s Labor and Leisure”, close to this direction, headed first by A.U. Zelenko, then S.T. Shatsky. Currently, interest in the ideas of V. s. has revived. Waldorf schools and Montessori centers have been opened in Moscow and a number of other cities, and domestic models of free, non-violent education are being developed.

SOCIAL EDUCATION - the process and result of spontaneous interaction of a person with the immediate living environment and the conditions of purposeful education (family, spiritual and moral, civil, legal, religious, etc.); the process of a person’s active adaptation to certain roles, normative attitudes and social patterns. manifestations; systematic creation of conditions for relatively targeted development of a person in the process of his socialization.

EDUCAMENT - the level of personal development, manifested in the consistency between knowledge, beliefs, behavior and characterized by the degree of development of socially significant qualities. Discord, the conflict between what a person knows, how he thinks and how he actually acts, can lead to an identity crisis. V. - the current level of personality development, in contrast togood manners - potential level of personality, zone of proximal development.

EDUCATIONAL WORK - purposeful activities to organize the life of adults and children, with the goal of creating conditions for the full development of the individual. Through V. r. the educational process is being implemented.

SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM - a set of interrelated components (educational goals, people who realize them, their activities and communication, relationships, living space), constituting a holistic social-pedagogical system. structure of the school and acting as a powerful and permanent factor in education. Signshumanistically oriented V. s. sh.: the presence of a unified concept for the development of the school educational system, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, a combination of frontal, group and individual forms of influence and interaction, ensuring the protective functions of the team, diverse and varied joint activities of groups and associations of different ages. Examples of humanistically oriented V. s. w. there may be schools of V. Karakovsky, A. Tubelsky and others.

EDUCATIONAL RELATIONS - a type of relationship between people that arises in educational interaction, aimed at spiritual, moral, etc. development and improvement.

EDUCATIBILITY - a person’s preparedness for the relatively rapid formation of new cognitive, emotional or behavioral skills and abilities.

EDUCATIONAL TRAINING - training, in which an organic connection is achieved between students’ acquisition of knowledge, skills, abilities and the formation of an emotionally holistic attitude towards the world, towards each other, towards the educational material being acquired.

STATE EDUCATIONAL STANDARD -1) the main document defining the educational level, which must be achieved by graduates regardless of the form of education. Includes federal and national-regional components; 2) the main document, which defines the final results of education in the academic subject. Compiled for each stage of education. The standard defines the goals and objectives of subject education, concepts, abilities and skills that students must master, technology for testing educational results; 3) federal components of the G. o. With. determine the mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs, the maximum volume of students’ teaching load, and the requirements for the level of training of graduates.

LITERACY - a person’s possession of oral and written speech skills in accordance with the norms of the literary language. One of the basic indicators of the socio-cultural development of the population, and in relation to school - one of the most important conditions and indicators of the quality of education. G. has a broader interpretation - as a certain degree of knowledge in a particular area and the ability to apply it.

Computer literacy - part of technological education. The structure of the GK includes: knowledge of the basic concepts of computer science and computer technology; knowledge of the basic structure and functionality of computer equipment; knowledge of modern operating systems and mastery of their basic commands; knowledge of modern software shells and general-purpose operating tools (Norton Commander, Windows, their extensions) and mastery of their functions; knowledge of at least one text editor; initial understanding of algorithms, languages ​​and programming packages; initial experience in using application programs for utilitarian purposes.

DIDACTICS (from the Greek didaktikos - receiving, related to learning) - theory of education and training, branch of pedagogy. The subject of education is teaching as a means of education and upbringing of a person, that is, the interaction of teaching and learning in their unity, ensuring that students master the content of education, organized by the teacher. Functions of D.:theoretical (diagnostic and prognostic) andpractical (normative, instrumental).

Lesson didactics - a system of rules for preparing, conducting and analyzing lesson results.

Teacher's didactic system - a set of documents and didactic materials, with the help of which the teacher carries out the training, development and education of children in the classroom and extracurricular activities. Includes: education standard, curriculum, calendar and thematic plans, lesson notes, educational work plans, manuals, visual aids, etc.

Didactic rules - guidelines, which reveal individual aspects of the application of one or another teaching principle. For example, one of the rules for implementing the principle of visibility is this: use various types of visualization, but do not get carried away with an excessive amount of them.

Didactic principles - basic provisions that determine the content, organizational forms and methods of the educational process in accordance with its general goals and laws.

Didactic abilities - ability to teach.

COLLECTIVE (from Latin collectivus - collective) - a group of people who mutually influence each other and are connected by a common social network. conditioned goals, interests, needs, norms and rules of behavior, jointly performed activities, common means of activity, unity of will expressed by the leadership of the group, thereby achieving a higher level of development than a simple group. The signs of co-operation also include the conscious nature of an association of people, its relative stability, a clear organizational structure, and the presence of bodies for coordinating activities. K. there areprimary Andsecondary. It is customary to classify a community as primary, in which there is direct interpersonal contact between its members. Secondary cells are more complex in composition; they consist of a number of primary cells.

Identification is collectivist - a form of humane relations that arises in joint activities, in which the problems of one of the group become motives for the behavior of others.

Children's educational team - 1) a created system of collectivist, highly moral and aesthetically educational social relations, activities and communication in the children's environment, contributing to the formation of personality and the development of individuality; 2) a group of a high level of development, where interpersonal relationships are mediated by the socially valuable and personally significant content of joint activities.

Collective self-determination - a mental mechanism for individuals to gain freedom in a group, when different individual opinions and points of view are not suppressed by mechanisms of imitation and suggestion, as in a simple group, but are given the opportunity to exist relatively freely.

Team cohesion - the degree of unity of the team, manifested in the unity of opinions, beliefs, traditions, the nature of interpersonal relationships, moods, etc., as well as in the unity of practical activities. The formation of S. k. is carried out in joint activity.

TEACHER'S PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE – the teacher’s possession of the necessary amount of knowledge, skills and abilities that determine the formation of his pedagogy. activities, ped. communication and personality of the teacher as a bearer of certain values, ideals and pedagogy. consciousness.

CONTROL (French controle) - 1) observation for the purpose of supervision, verification and identification of deviations from a given goal and their causes; 2) a management function that establishes the degree of compliance of decisions made with the actual state of affairs.

CULTURE (from Lat. cultura - cultivation, education, development, veneration) - a historically determined level of development of society, creative powers and abilities of a person, expressed in the types and forms of organization of people’s lives and activities, in their relationships, as well as in the material and spiritual created by them values. Culture in education acts as its content component, a source of knowledge about nature, society, methods of activity, a person’s emotional-volitional and value-based attitude towards people around him, work, communication, etc.

Intellectual culture - a culture of mental work, which determines the ability to set goals for cognitive activity, plan it, perform cognitive operations in various ways, work with sources and office equipment.

Personality culture - 1) the level of development and realization of a person’s essential powers, his abilities and talents; 2) a set of competencies: political and social, related to the ability to take responsibility, participate in joint decision-making, resolve conflicts non-violently, participate in joint decision-making regarding the functioning and development of democratic institutions; competencies related to life in a multicultural society (understanding the differences between representatives of different cultures, languages ​​and religions, respect for other people's traditions and beliefs), etc. K. l. formed in the process of education and training, under the influence of social environment and personal need for constant development and improvement.

Information culture of personality - a set of rules of human behavior in the information society, methods and norms of communication with artificial intelligence systems, dialogue in human-machine systems of “hybrid intelligence,” the use of telematics, global and local information and computer networks. Includes a person’s ability to understand and master the information picture of the world as a system of symbols and signs, direct and reverse information connections, to freely navigate the information society, and adapt to it. Formation of K. l. And. is carried out primarily in the process of organized training in computer science and information technology at school and the inclusion of modern electronic means of information transmission in the educational process.

Mass culture - a culture that is accessible and understandable to all segments of the population and has less artistic value than elite or folk culture. Therefore, it quickly loses relevance and goes out of fashion, but is very popular among young people, often making it difficult for them to master the true art.Pop culture - slang name for M. k.,kitsch - its variety.

Culture of thinking - the degree of a person’s mastery of techniques, norms and rules of mental activity, expressed in the ability to accurately formulate tasks (problems), choose optimal methods (ways) for solving them, obtain reasonable conclusions, and correctly use these conclusions in practice. Increases focus, organization, and efficiency of any type of activity.

Folk culture (synonym - folklore) - culture created by anonymous creators who do not have professional training. Includes myths, legends, epics, tales, songs, dances, fairy tales, etc. K.N. connected with the traditions of a given area and democratic, since everyone participates in its creation. Its features and trends must be taken into account when selecting the content of education.

Communication culture - a system of knowledge, skills and abilities of adequate behavior in various communication situations.

Culture of behavior - compliance with the basic requirements and rules of human society, the ability to find the right tone in communicating with others.

A culture of speech - the degree of perfection of oral and written speech, characterized by compliance with its normativity, expressiveness, lexical richness, manner of politely addressing interlocutors and the ability to respectfully respond to them.

Culture of self-education (self-educational culture) - a high level of development and perfection of all components of self-education. The need for self-education is a characteristic quality of a developed personality, a necessary element of its spiritual life. Considered the highest form of satisfying the cognitive needs of an individual, self-education is associated with the manifestation of significant volitional efforts, a high degree of consciousness and organization of a person, and the assumption of internal responsibility for one’s self-improvement.

Physical culture - the level of formation of a person’s correct attitude towards his health and physical condition, determined by the lifestyle, the system of maintaining health and physical education and sports activities, knowledge of the unity of harmony of body and spirit, the development of spiritual and physical strength.

Reading culture - a set of skills in working with a book, including a conscious choice of topics, systematic and sequential reading, as well as the ability to find the necessary literature with the help of bibliographic aids, use reference and bibliographic apparatus, apply rational techniques, maximally assimilate and deeply perceive what you read (thesis, note-taking, annotating, reviewing, etc.), handle printed works with care.

School culture - a system of relationships used to regulate ped behavior. the team and its individual members in different conditions and circumstances; collective frame of mind, mentality, common to ped. the staff of this school. K. sh. determines standard ways to solve problems, helps reduce the number of difficulties in new situations, etc. focused on roles, tasks, people, power (force).

CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT OF A CHILD - the child’s learning and living environment, formed by the cultural components of the content of all academic courses; culture of one’s own active educational and self-educational activities; multicultural space of the educational institution; the culture of communication between children and adults, children’s and adolescent associations, the culture of the environment of additional education.

CULTURAL-HISTORICAL THEORY OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT - the concept of human mental development, developed in the 20-30s by L. S. Vygotsky with the participation of his students A. N. Leontyev and A. R. Luria. This theory asserts the primacy of socialism in human mental development. began above the natural-biological beginning. According to Vygotsky, the determination of human ontogenetic development has the following stages: collective activity and communication - culture (knowledge) - appropriation of culture (training and education) - individual activity - mental development of a person. In different eras and different cultures this abstract structure is filled with concrete content, giving historical originality to the development of the individual’s psyche.

METHOD (from the Greek methodos - the path of research or knowledge) - a set of relatively homogeneous techniques, operations of practical or theoretical development of reality, subordinated to the solution of a specific problem. In pedagogy, the problem of developing methods of education and training and their classification is one of the main ones.

TRIAL AND ERROR METHOD - one of the types of learning, in which skills and abilities are acquired as a result of repeated repetition of the movements associated with them and the elimination of mistakes.

PROJECT METHOD - a training system in which students acquire knowledge and skills in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks -projects. It arose in the second half of the 19th century. in USA. In the 20s it became widespread in Soviet schools.

RATING METHOD - determination of assessment of the activities of candidates. person or event. In recent years, it has begun to be used as a method of control and assessment in the educational process.

CONTROL METHOD - a set of methods and means of purposeful influence of the subject of management on the object of management.

METHODOLOGY OF PEDAGOGY - based on the general methodology of science and the study of trends in social development, a system of knowledge about the starting points of ped. theory, about the principles of the approach to the consideration of ped. phenomena and methods of their research, as well as ways of introducing the acquired knowledge into the practice of upbringing, training and education.

METHODS OF EDUCATION - socially determined ways of ped. expedient interaction between adults and children, facilitating the organization of children's life, activities, relationships, communication, stimulating their activity and regulating behavior. The choice of education methods depends on the purpose of education; leading type of activity; content and patterns of education; specific tasks and conditions for their solution; age, individual and gender characteristics of pupils; good manners (education), motivation of behavior. The conditions that determine the successful use of teaching methods are the individual characteristics of the teacher as a person and the level of his professional competence.

Methods of control and self-control - ways to obtain information about the effectiveness of educational influences. These include:ped. observation, conversation, ped. consultation, surveys, analysis of the results of students’ activities, creation of control situations, psychodiagnostics, trainings.

Methods of organizing activities and behavioral experience - ways to highlight, consolidate and form in the experience of children positive ways and forms of behavior and moral motivation. Carried out throughassignments, exercises, creating an educational situation, CTD (collective creative work).

Self-education methods - methods aimed at conscious change a person of his personality in accordance with the requirements of society and his personal development plan. This group of methods includes:introspection, introspection, self-order, self-report, self-approval (reward), self-condemnation (punishment). The teacher leads the student to self-education by realizing his own actions through external assessment, then through the formed self-esteem and the need to comply with it, and then through activities for self-education and self-improvement.

Methods of stimulating activity and behavior - ways to encourage students to improve their behavior, develop their positive motivation for behavior.

"Explosion" - a method of education, the essence of which is that the conflict with the pupil is brought to the last limit, when the only way to defuse the situation is to.-l. a sharp and unexpected measure that can “explode” and overcome the pupil’s false position. The successful use of this method, introduced by A. S. Makarenko, is possible with the unconditional support of the team, the high skill of the teacher and extreme caution so as not to harm the student.

Natural Consequences Method - a method of education, which consists in the fact that the pupil is asked to eliminate the consequences of an offense, and the demands made for both parties are quite obvious and fair (if you make a mess - clean it up, if you break it - fix it, etc.).

Punishment - braking negative manifestations personality through a negative assessment of its actions, generating feelings of guilt and remorse.

Promotion - stimulating positive manifestations of the individual through high appreciation of his actions, generating a feeling of pleasure and joy from the consciousness of recognition of the efforts and efforts of the individual.

Compulsion - ped. influence based on the active manifestation of the will of the teacher in relation to pupils who do not have sufficient consciousness and ignore the norms of social behavior. Types of P. include: drawing up characteristics of a schoolchild, in which the negative traits of the student and the consequences of his activities are exaggerated; prohibitions on actions and deeds desirable for the pupil; inducement to behavior that the student does not want.

Requirement - ped. influence on the consciousness of the pupil with the aim of causing, stimulating or inhibiting certain types of his activities. T. are realized in personal relationships between teachers and children. T. happensdirect - direct (order, prohibition, instruction) and indirect (advice, request, hint, condition) - andindirect, expressed through activists (initiative groups) and public opinion.

Methods of forming consciousness - methods of education aimed at the formation of correct concepts, assessments, judgments, and worldviews.

Analysis of educational situations - a way of showing and analyzing ways to overcome moral contradictions that arise in certain situations and conflicts, or creating the situation itself, in which the student is included and he needs to actually make a moral choice and perform appropriate actions.

Conversation - a question-and-answer method of involving students in discussing and analyzing actions and developing moral assessments.

Discussion - collective discussion k.-l. problem or set of questions in order to find the correct answer. In ped. process is one of the methods of active learning. The topic of D. is announced in advance. Students should study the relevant literature and obtain the necessary information. During the discussion, everyone has the right to express their point of view. Discussions develop the ability to reason, prove, formulate a problem, etc.

Dispute - dispute, a way to mobilize the activity of students to develop correct judgments and attitudes; a way of teaching the fight against erroneous ideas and concepts, the ability to debate, defend one’s views, and convince other people of them.

Conference (ped.) - collective discussion of books, plays, films with the aim of highlighting the moral norms declared in the work and forming a certain attitude towards them.

Lecture - a consistent presentation of a system of moral ideas and their proof and illustration.

Example - a method of forming a person’s consciousness, which consists in illustrating a personal ideal using specific convincing examples and presenting a sample of a ready-made program of behavior and activity. Built on children's tendency to imitate.

Story (as a method of forming the consciousness of pupils) - a small, coherent presentation (in narrative or descriptive form) of events containing an illustration or analysis of certain moral concepts and assessments.

COMMUNICATION METHODS UNDIRECTIONAL - social methods pedagogies used in working with maladapted people, ped. neglected children and adolescents, which consists in the use of metaphors, stories, fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, anecdotes, etc. in order to clarify the meaning of the child’s problems and ways to solve them.

TEACHING METHODS - a system of consistent, interconnected actions of the teacher and students, ensuring the assimilation of the content of education, the development of mental strength and abilities of students, and their mastery of the means of self-education and self-study. M. o. indicate the purpose of learning, the method of assimilation and the nature of interaction between the subjects of learning.

Methods of control and self-control in learning - methods for obtaining information from teachers and students about the effectiveness of the learning process. They make it possible to determine how ready students are to perceive and assimilate new knowledge, to identify the causes of their difficulties and mistakes, to determine the effectiveness of the organization, methods and means of teaching, etc. They are divided intooral (individual, frontal and compact surveys);written (written works, dictations, presentations, essays, abstracts, etc.);practical (practical work, experiments);graphic (graphs, diagrams, tables);programmed (machineless, machine);observation; self-control.

Methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities - a group of teaching methods aimed at organizing the educational and cognitive activity of students, identified by Yu. K. Babansky and including all teaching methods existing according to other classifications in the form of subgroups. 1) Subgroup by source of information and perception:verbal methods (story, lecture, conversation, conference, debate, explanation);visual methods (illustration method, demonstration method);practical methods (exercises, laboratory experiments, work assignments). 2) Subgroup on logic of thinking:inductive teaching methods (the logic of disclosing the content of the material being studied from the particular to the general);deductive teaching methods (the logic of disclosing the content of the topic under study from general to specific). 3) Subgroup according to the degree of independence and activity of cognitive activity of students:reproductive methods (active perception, memorization and reproduction (reproduction) of communicated educational information using verbal, practical or visual methods and techniques);problem-search methods of teaching (the assimilation of knowledge, the development of skills and abilities are carried out in the process of partial search or research activities of students. It is implemented through verbal, visual and practical teaching methods, interpreted in the key of posing and resolving a problem situation).

Independent work methods - independent work performed by students on the instructions of the teacher and carried out with his direct (in a lesson, during self-study in an extended day group) or indirect guidance, and independent work performed on the student’s own initiative (reaching the level of self-education).

Methods of stimulating and motivating learning - a group of methods aimed at forming and consolidating a positive attitude towards learning and stimulating the active cognitive activity of students, identified according to the classification of teaching methods proposed by Yu. K. Babansky, and including two subgroups.Methods of stimulating and motivating interest in learning (creation of emotional moral experiences, situations of novelty, surprise, relevance; educational games; theatricalization and dramatization; discussions, analysis of life situations; creating a situation of success in learning);methods of stimulating duty and responsibility (explanation of the personal and social significance of the teaching; requirements, rewards and punishments).

METHODS OF PEDAGOGICAL RESEARCH - a set of methods and techniques for understanding the objective laws of training, education and development.

Document analysis method - a study of the results of activities in the field of education, carried out on the basis of an analysis of plans of various natures and purposes, programs, educational and methodological materials, certification materials, licensing and accreditation, etc.

Conversation method - obtaining verbal information about a person, team, group both from the subject of research and from the people around him. In the latter case, B. acts as an element of the method of generalizing independent characteristics.

Twin method - comparative study of psychology. characteristics and development of children with the same (homozygous twins) and different (heterozygous) heredity. Used to scientifically resolve the issue of the degree of influence of genes or environment on the formation of psychol. properties and characteristics of human behavior.

Method for studying creative products - diagnosis of a person’s mental characteristics through inclusion in standardized creative activities. Examples of M. and. p.t.: test of drawing a human figure (Goodenough and Machover version), test of drawing a tree (Koch), test of drawing a house, an imaginary hypothetical animal, etc. The method is psychological, but is very widely used in pedagogy. research and in the process of studying the personality of students by a teacher or educator.

Observation method - purposeful, systematic recording of the specifics of the course of certain peds. phenomena, manifestations in them of an individual, a team, a group of people, the results obtained. Observations M.B.:solid Andselective; included Andsimple; uncontrollable Andcontrolled (when recording observed events according to a previously worked out procedure);field (when observed in natural conditions) andlaboratory (in experimental conditions), etc.

Method for generalizing independent characteristics - studies based on the generalization of the largest possible number of information about the individual being studied, obtained from the largest possible number of persons observing him in the largest possible number of types of his activities; drawing up a description of a person or event by various experts independently of each other.

Sociometric method - study of the structure and nature of people’s relationships based on measuring their interpersonal choices. This measurement occurs according to a certain sociometric criterion, and its results take the form of a sociometric matrix, or sociogram. The use of this method by a teacher in the process of forming a children's team allows him to find more productive ways of influencing both the entire team or small groups, and its individual members.

Terminological method - operating with basic and peripheral concepts of the problem, analysis of ped. phenomena through the analysis of concepts enshrined in the language of the theory of pedagogy.

Test Method - study of personality through diagnostics (psychoprognostics) of its mental states, functions based on the performance of k.-l. standardized task.

Modeling (in ped.) - construction of copies, models of ped. materials, phenomena and processes. Used for a schematic representation of the studied peds. systems By “model” we mean a system of objects or signs that reproduces some essential properties of the original, capable of replacing it so that its study provides new information about this object.

EDUCATION - 1) the process and result of mastering a certain system of knowledge in the interests of an individual, society and the state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of educational levels (qualifications) established by the state. Education is obtained mainly in the process of training and education in educational institutions under the guidance of teachers. However, self-education, i.e., acquiring a system of knowledge on one’s own, also plays an increasingly important role; 2) a specially organized system of conditions and educational, methodological and scientific bodies and institutions in society necessary for human development; 3) the process of change, development, improvement of the existing system of knowledge and relationships throughout life, the absolute form of endless, continuous acquisition of new knowledge, skills and abilities in connection with changing living conditions, accelerating scientific and technological progress; 4) diverse personality-oriented activities that ensure self-determination, self-development and self-realization of a person in a dynamic socio-cultural environment; formation, development, growth of the personality itself as such; 5) formation of a person’s way of thinking and acting in society; the creation of a person in accordance with his quality, measure, essence, revealed in each specific historical period to a certain level (N.P. Pi-shulin).

Global education - formation of students’ understanding of the world based onholistic (perception of the world as a single whole) andhumanistic views. The concept of OG is aimed at developing in students the awareness that the Earth is a common home for all inhabitants of the planet, all people are one family, and every person is able to actively participate in the world order.Communication, contact, understanding, empathy, sympathy, solidarity, cooperation are the basic concepts of O. g.

Additional education ■- educational programs and services implemented in order to comprehensively satisfy the educational needs of citizens, society and the state in general educational institutions of vocational education beyond the main educational programs that determine their status, in educational institutions O.D.: institutions of advanced training, courses, centers of vocational guidance , music and art schools, art schools, children's art centers, stations for young technicians, stations for young naturalists, etc. (Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”).

Classical education - a type of general secondary education that provides for the systematic study of ancient languages ​​and mathematics as the main subjects.

Continuing education - purposeful acquisition by a person of knowledge, skills and abilities throughout his life in educational institutions and through organized self-education. Purpose of O. n. - maintaining the socially and individually required level of culture, general education and professional training. It is organized on the principles of universality, democracy, accessibility, continuity, integrativeness, continuity, the principle of self-education, flexibility and efficiency.

Polytechnic education - education focused on familiarizing students with the basic principles of organization modern production, non-waste and environmentally friendly technologies, training in handling skills computer equipment and the simplest modern tools of mechanized and automated labor.

EDUCATION - 1) a specially organized, controlled process of interaction between teachers and students, aimed at assimilation of knowledge, abilities and skills, formation of a worldview, development of mental strength and potential capabilities of students, development and consolidation of self-education skills in accordance with the goals; 2) awakening and satisfaction of a person’s cognitive activity by introducing him to general and professional knowledge, methods of obtaining, preserving and applying it in personal practice; 3) targeted influence on the development of the information and operational sphere of a person; 4) a two-way process carried out by the teacher (teaching) and the student (learning).

Training included - specially organized and planned educational activities aimed at obtaining practical results, and the knowledge necessary for this is acquired along the way.

Distance learning - educational technology, in which every person living anywhere has the opportunity to study the program of any college or university. The implementation of this goal is ensured by a rich set of modern information technologies: textbooks and other printed publications, transmission of studied materials via computer telecommunications, videotapes, discussions and seminars conducted via computer telecommunications, broadcast of educational programs on national and regional television and radio stations, cable television and voice mail, two-way video conferencing, one-way video broadcast with telephone feedback, etc. O.D. provides students with flexibility in choosing the place and time of study, the opportunity to study without interruption from their main activities, including for those living in the most remote areas, freedom of choice disciplines, the opportunity to communicate with prominent representatives of science, education and culture, promotes interactive interaction between students and teachers, activation of independent work and satisfaction of self-educational needs of students.

Integrated training - joint education of disabled children and children with minor disabilities and developmental deviations together with healthy children in order to facilitate the process of their socialization and integration into the society of the latter. O. and. It happenscombined (the student studies in a class/group of healthy children and receives systematic help from a teacher-defectologist),partial (some children spend part of the day in special groups, and part in regular groups),temporary (children studying in special groups and students in regular classes unite for joint walks, holidays, competitions, and individual activities),complete (1-2 children with developmental disabilities are included in regular kindergarten groups, classes, schools, and correctional assistance is provided to them by their parents under the supervision of specialists).

Contextual learning - training, which combines subject and social. the content of future professional work and thereby ensures the conditions for transferring the student’s educational activities into the professional activities of a specialist. OK allows one to overcome the main contradiction of vocational training, which is that mastery of a specialist’s activities must be ensured within the framework and means of a qualitatively different educational activity. This contradiction is overcome in academic education through the implementation of a dynamic model of the movement of students’ activities: from the actual educational activity (in the form of a lecture, for example) through quasi-professional ( game forms) and educational and professional (research work of students, industrial practice, etc.) to the actual professional activity. Developed by A. A. Verbitsky.

Polytechnic training - training focused on students mastering the general scientific principles of modern production, mastering practical techniques and skills in handling technical means of production and tools and developing the ability to navigate modern technology and technologies, in their development trends. During the Soviet period, all secondary schools in the country were polytechnics. Currently, educational training is carried out in special educational institutions that train specialists in technical professions.

Problem-based learning - active developmental learning, based on organizing the search activities of students, on identifying and resolving real life or educational contradictions. The foundation of educational research is the formulation and substantiation of a problem (a complex cognitive task of theoretical or practical interest). If the problem interests the students, then a problematic situation arises. There are three possible levels of problems in the educational process:problematic presentation,partial-search Andresearch levels. O. p. was developed by S. L. Rubinshtein, N. A. Menchinskaya, A. M. Matyushkin, M. N. Skatkin, M. I. Makhmutov, I. Ya. Lerner and others.

Programmed training - one of the types of training carried out according to a pre-compiled training program, usually implemented with the help of programmed textbooks and teaching machines. In educational training, the material and activity of the student are divided into portions (doses) and steps (stages of training); the implementation of each step is controlled, the transition to the assimilation of the next portion of the material depends on the quality of assimilation of the previous one. This structure of learning ensures a deeper and more complete assimilation of the material by students. O. p. was developed by B. F. Skinner, N. Crowder (USA), domestic psychologists and teachers - A.I. Berg, V.P. Bespalko, A.N. Leontyev, P.Ya. Galperin, Yu.A. Samarin, T.A. Ilyina and others.

Developmental training - orientation of the educational process towards human potential and their implementation. In the concept of O. r. the child is considered not as an object of the teacher’s teaching influences, but as a self-changing subject of learning.

OBJECT OF STUDY (in ped.) - ped. space, area, within the framework of which there is (contains) what will be studied. O. and. ped. science is the sphere of training and education of people, andsubject - patterns of processes occurring in this area. Within the framework of O. and. we can talk about various subjects of study.

PEDAGOGY - 1) science that studies the objective laws of the development of the specific historical process of education, organically related to the laws of the development of social relations and the formation of a child’s personality, as well as the experience of real social educational and training practice in the formation of younger generations, the features and conditions of the organization of pedagogical education. process; 2) a set of theoretical and applied sciences that study upbringing, education and training; 3) the science of educational relations that arise in the process of interconnection between upbringing, education and training with self-education, self-education and self-training and aimed at human development; 4) a training course, which is taught in pedagogy. educational institutions and other institutions for major programs.

PEDAGOGICAL PROCESS - a holistic educational process in the unity and interrelation of education and training, characterized by joint activity, cooperation and co-creation of its subjects, promoting the most complete development and self-realization of the student’s personality. A process that realizes the goals of education and upbringing in pedagogical conditions. systems in which educators and those being educated interact in an organized manner (educational, educational, vocational educational institutions, children's associations and organizations).

PEDAGOGICAL SITUATION - 1) a set of conditions and circumstances specifically set by the teacher or arising spontaneously in pedagogy. process. Purpose of creation: formation and development of the student as a future active subject in social and labor activities, formation of him as an individual; 2) short-term interaction between a teacher and a student (group, class) based on opposing norms, values ​​and interests, accompanied by significant emotional manifestations and aimed at restructuring existing relationships.

TEACHING - special professional activities of adults aimed at transferring to children a sum of knowledge, skills and abilities and educating them in the learning process; ordered activities of the teacher to realize the learning goal (educational objectives) and ensure information, awareness and practical application of knowledge.

PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION SOCIOCULTURAL - the starting points of cultural pedagogy, which boil down to the following: the implementation of personal development is possible only in a cultural environment; the implementation of the concepts of developmental education, pedagogy and developmental psychology is impossible without the purposeful organization of the cultural environment of an educational institution; the cultural environment creates a variety of development zones and the situation of their choice, which presupposes the child’s freedom of cultural self-determination; The cultural environment of an educational institution arises only in the joint activities of children and adults.

TECHNOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES OF PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY - basic provisions of ped. technologies that determine the success of ped implementation. interactions:taking into account the level of education of children and adolescents (presentation only of such requirements, which are adequate to the level of moral knowledge and behavior of students);orientation to the child’s relationship to the world around him (only the pupil’s attitude towards this or that phenomenon determines the degree of morality or immorality of the actions he performs);principle of measure (any influence on the student or interaction with him is effective only when the measure of emotions and the variety of pedagogical means, forms and methods used are observed);principle of dynamism ped. positions (the pedagogical positions of teacher and student, educator and pupil are flexible and interdependent: both teacher and student can act either as subjects or objects of interaction);compensatory principle (not every teacher has the entire range of pedagogical abilities, so it is necessary to solve problems using those pedagogical abilities that manifest themselves most fully and clearly);the principle of originality and novelty of impact requires constant replenishment and expansion of the pedagogical arsenal. methods and means that will make every meeting with a student extraordinary and memorable;cultural principle ped. activity involves the use of means, methods and techniques in pedagogy. interaction from various related fields: art, psychotherapy, medicine, etc.;sensorological principle technological ped. activity determines that the success of ped. interaction depends on the sensations that accompany it: color, smells, sounds, etc. Developed by N.E. Shchurkova.

PRINCIPLES OF AN HOLISTIC PEDAGOGICAL PROCESS (ped.) - initial provisions that determine the content, forms, methods, means and nature of interaction in a holistic ped. process; guiding ideas, regulatory requirements for its organization and conduct. They are in the nature of the most general instructions, rules, norms governing the entire process.

Accessibility in training and education (in ped.) - the principle according to which educational and educational work is built taking into account the age, individual and gender characteristics of students, their level of training and education. In accordance with this principle, material is taught with a gradual increase in difficulty from simple to complex, from known to unknown. But this principle cannot be interpreted as a reduction in requirements; it orients the teacher towards the immediate prospects for the child’s development.

Individual approach to education - implementation of the pedagogical process, taking into account the individual characteristics of students (temperament, character, abilities, inclinations, motives, interests, etc.) - The essence of IP is the flexible use by the teacher of various forms and methods of educational influence in order to achieve optimal results of the educational process towards every child.

The collective nature of education and training in combination with the development of the individual characteristics of each child- the implementation of this principle is the organization of both individual and frontal work, and group work, which requires participants to be able to cooperate, coordinate joint actions, and be in constant interaction. Socialization in the process of educational interaction combines the interests of the individual with the public.

Visibility (in ped.) - the principle according to which learning is based on specific samples directly perceived by students not only through visual, but also motor and tactile sensations. N. in the educational process, provided through a variety of illustrations, demonstrations, technical training, laboratory and practical work, and computerization, enriches the range of students’ ideas, develops observation and thinking, and helps to more deeply assimilate educational material.

Scientific approach to teaching and upbringing - the principle, according to which students are offered for mastering only principles firmly established in science and teaching methods are used that are similar in nature to the methods of science; the basics are studied. It is necessary to acquaint students with the history of the most important discoveries and modern ideas and hypotheses; actively use problem-based research teaching methods, active learning technology. Remember that, no matter how elementary the knowledge being transmitted, it should not contradict science.

The principle of cultural conformity - maximum use in the upbringing and education of the culture of the environment, nation, society, country, region in which a specific educational institution is located.

The principle of conformity with nature - the starting position, which requires that the leading link in any educational interaction is pedagogy. The process was performed by the child (teenager) with his specific characteristics and level of development. The nature of the pupil, his state of health, physical, physiological, mental and social. development are the main and determining factors of education that play the role of environmental protection of a person.

Principle of cooperation - orientation in the process of education to the priority of the individual; creating favorable conditions for its self-determination, self-realization and self-propulsion in development; organization of joint life activities of adults and children on the basis of intersubjective connections, dialogical interaction, and the predominance of empathy in interpersonal relationships.

Strength, awareness and effectiveness of the results of education and training - the principle, the essence of which is that mastery of knowledge, abilities, skills and ideological ideas is achieved only when they are thoroughly comprehended and well mastered, and are retained in memory for a long time. This principle is implemented through constant, thoughtful and systematic repetition, exercise, consolidation, testing and evaluation of knowledge, abilities, skills and norms and rules of behavior.

Relationship between theory and practice - a principle that requires a harmonious connection between scientific knowledge and the practice of everyday life. Theory gives knowledge of the world, practice teaches how to influence it effectively. It is implemented by creating conditions for the transition in the process of training and education from concrete practical thinking to abstract theoretical thinking and vice versa, applying the acquired knowledge in practice, creating an understanding that practice acts as a source of abstract thinking and as a criterion for the truth of the acquired knowledge.

Systematicity and consistency - compliance with logical connections in the learning process, which ensures assimilation educational material in greater volume and more firmly. S. and p. allow you to achieve greater results in less time. Implemented in various forms planning and in a certain way organized training.

Consciousness, activity, initiative - a principle, the essence of which boils down to the fact that the student’s own cognitive activity is important factor learning and educational ability and has a decisive influence on the pace, depth and strength of mastery of the transferred amount of knowledge and norms and the speed of development of skills, abilities and habits. Conscious participation in the educational process enhances its developmental influence. Methods and techniques for enhancing cognitive activity and active learning technology contribute to the implementation of this principle.

Respect for the child’s personality combined with reasonable demands on him - a principle that requires the teacher to respect the student as an individual. A unique form of respect for the child’s personality is reasonable exactingness; the educational potential of the cut increases significantly if it is objectively appropriate, dictated by the needs of the educational process, and the objectives of the full development of the individual. The demands on students must be combined with the teachers’ demands on themselves, taking into account the opinions of their students about themselves. Respect for the individual presupposes relying on the positive in a person (see.achievement motivation).

TEACHER'S PROFESSIOGRAM - a document that provides a complete qualification description of the teacher in terms of the requirements for his knowledge, skills and abilities; to his personality, abilities, psychophysiological capabilities and level of training.

EDUCATION PROCESS - process ped. interaction, in which, in accordance with the requirements of the individual and society, an organized educational influence arises, with the goal of forming the personality, organizing and stimulating the active activity of those brought up in mastering social skills. and spiritual experiences, values ​​and relationships.

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT - the process of natural change in personality as a result of its socialization. Possessing natural anatomical and physiological prerequisites for the formation of personality, in the process of socialization the child interacts with the outside world, mastering the achievements of mankind. The abilities and functions that develop during this process reproduce historically formed human qualities in the individual. Mastery of reality in a child is carried out in his activities with the help of adults: thus, the process of education is leading in the development of his personality. R. l. carried out in activities controlled by a system of motives inherent in a given individual. In the most general form, R. l. can be presented as the process of a person entering a new social network. environment and integration within it as a result of this process. Upon successful completion of integration in a highly developed prosocial community, the individual acquires such qualities as humanity, trust in people, justice, self-determination, self-demandingness, etc., etc.

Professional development - growth, formation of professionally significant personal qualities and abilities, professional knowledge and skills, active qualitative transformation by the individual of his inner world, leading to a fundamentally new structure and way of life - creative self-realization in the profession.

Mental development - a complex dynamic system of quantitative and qualitative changes occurring in a person’s intellectual activity as a result of his mastering experience that corresponds to the socio-historical conditions in which he lives, age and individual characteristics of his psyche.Level RU. - a set of knowledge, skills and mental actions formed during their assimilation, freely operating with them in thinking processes that ensure the assimilation of new knowledge and skills to a certain extent. Information about the level of R.u. M.B. obtained either through long-term psychol.-ped. observations, or by conducting diagnostic tests using special techniques.

SELF-EDUCATION - conscious and purposeful human activity to form and improve positive qualities and eliminate negative qualities. The main condition for S. is the presence of true knowledge about oneself, correct self-esteem, self-awareness, clearly understood goals, ideals, and personal meanings. S. is inextricably linked with education.

SELF-EDUCATION - specially organized, amateur, systematic cognitive activity, aimed at achieving certain personally and (or) socially significant educational goals: satisfying cognitive interests, general cultural and professional needs and improving professional qualifications. It is usually modeled on systematized forms of education, but is regulated by the subject himself.

Professional teacher self-education - multicomponent personally and professionally significant independent cognitive activity of a teacher, includinggeneral education, subject, psychological and pedagogical Andmethodical self-education. S. contributes to the formation of an individual style of professional activity, helps to comprehend ped. experience and one’s own independent activity is a means of self-knowledge and self-improvement. Types of S. u. P.:background general education, background ped., promising Andcurrent. Developed by G. M. Code-jaspirova.

SELF-EDUCATION - the process of a person acquiring knowledge through his own aspirations and independently chosen means.

SELF-DETERMINATION OF PERSONALITY - the process and result of a person’s conscious choice of his own position, goals and means of self-realization in specific circumstances of life.

SELF-ESTEEM - a person’s assessment of himself, his strengths and weaknesses, capabilities, qualities, his place among other people. S. happensrelevant (how a person sees and evaluates himself at present),retrospective (how a person sees and evaluates himself in relation to previous stages of life),ideal (how a person would like to see himself, his standard ideas about himself),reflective (how, from a person’s point of view, the people around him evaluate him).

SELF-REALIZATION OF PERSONALITY - the most complete identification by a person of his individual and professional capabilities.

PEDAGOGICAL SYSTEM - a set of interrelated means, methods and processes necessary to create an organized, purposeful pedagogy. influence on the formation of a personality with given qualities.

PEDAGOGICAL TOOLS - material objects and objects of spiritual culture intended for the organization and implementation of pedagogical activities. processes and functions of student development; subject support for pedagogues. process, as well as a variety of activities, which include students: work, play, learning, communication, cognition.

Pedagogical software tools - packages of application programs for use in the learning process in various subjects.

Technical training aids (TSO) - devices and instruments used to improve ped. process, improving the efficiency and quality of learning through the demonstration of audiovisual aids.

SUBJECT (from Lat. subjectum - subject) - a carrier of objective-practical activity and knowledge, effecting changes in other people and in oneself. A person’s subjectivity is manifested in his life activity, communication, and self-awareness.

TECHNOLOGY OF TRAINING AND EDUCATION (EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY) - a new (since the 50s) direction in pedagogy. science, which deals with the design of optimal teaching systems and the design of educational processes. It is a system of methods, techniques, steps, the sequence of implementation of which ensures the solution of the problems of education, training and development of the student’s personality, and the activity itself is presented procedurally, that is, as a certain system of actions; development and procedural implementation of ped components. process in the form of a system of actions that provides a guaranteed result. P. t. serves as a specification of the technique. At the heart of T. o. and c. lies the idea of ​​complete controllability of the educational process, design and reproducibility of teaching and educational cycles.

ABSOLUTE - mastery by a person in the learning process of actions, concepts, forms of behavior developed by society. It takes place in several stages:perception, understanding, memorization, possibility of practical use (application).

TEACHING - specially organized cognition; cognitive activity of students aimed at mastering the sum of knowledge, abilities and skills, methods of educational activity.

FORM (in ped.) - the way of existence of the educational process, the shell for its internal essence, logic and content. F. is primarily related to the number of students, the time and place of training, and the order of its implementation.

Forms of organization of the educational process - forms within which the educational process is carried out; a system for the expedient organization of collective and individual activities of students. F. o. V. items add up depending ondirections educational work (forms of aesthetic education, physical education, etc.);quantities participants (group, mass, individual).

Forms of training organization - external expression of the coordinated activities of the teacher and students, carried out in a certain order and mode:lesson, excursions, homework, consultations, seminar, electives, workshops, additional classes.

TARGET - 1) one of the elements of behavior, conscious activity, which is characterized by anticipation in consciousness and thinking of the result of activity and the ways and means of achieving it; 2) a conscious image of the anticipated result, towards the achievement of which a person’s action is aimed.

Pedagogical goal setting - a conscious process of identifying and setting educational goals and objectives. activities; the teacher’s need to plan his work, readiness to change tasks depending on the teacher. situations; the ability to transform social goals into goals of joint activities with students.

Pedagogical expediency - measure ped. intervention, reasonable sufficiency. Providing independence and opportunities for self-expression to the student himself.

Purpose of education - theoretical generalization and expression of the needs of society for a certain type of personality, ideal requirements for its essence, individuality, properties and qualities, mental, physical, moral, aesthetic development and attitude towards life.

Purpose of Education - educational ideal set by social ordered and implemented through various approaches.Extensive model C. o. - transfer of the fullest possible volume of accumulated experience, cultural achievements, assistance to the student in self-determination on this cultural basis.Productive model - preparing students for the types of activities in which he will be engaged, and for the employment structure that supports the development of social services. community and his own development.Intensive model - preparing students based on the development of their universal qualities not only for mastering certain knowledge, but also for their constant improvement and development of their own creative potential.

Pedagogical goal - the result of interaction between a teacher and a student, formed in the teacher’s mind in the form of generalized mental representations, in accordance with which all other components of pedagogy are then selected and correlated with each other. process.

Purpose of pedagogical research - identification of cause-and-effect relationships and patterns in education. phenomena and the development of theories and techniques based on them.

Labor School- a direction in pedagogy that combines the comprehensive education of children with the development of a certain set of labor skills and abilities, with certain forms of vocational guidance. The idea of ​​such schools was first expressed by representatives of early utopian socialism (T. More, T. Campanella), who, in their projects for organizing an ideal society of the future, provided for the participation of all its members in productive labor. Hence the requirement to prepare children for work and to involve them in feasible labor activities. The ideologists of the Reformation and many teachers of the New Age (J. Comenius, J. J. Rousseau, I. Pestalozzi, etc.) attached great importance to the labor element in upbringing and education. For D. Dewey, work was the system-forming core of the educational process at school. Representatives of the labor school objectively tried to solve the problem of preparing a polytechnic-educated, competent worker who could quickly change types of activities, make independent decisions, and engage in self-education. One of the theorists and organizers of the labor school at the end of the 19th century. Georg Kerschensteiner (1854-1932) spoke in the West. From the first years of its existence, the Soviet school was built as a labor and polytechnic school.

School of study- a direction in pedagogy that developed in the 18th-19th centuries. It is based on detailed regulation of the educational process, verbal teaching methods, the desire to develop intelligence through familiarization with book knowledge, and is focused on knowledge, skills, and abilities. It is based on the principles of authoritarian pedagogy, has a high level of methodological support, and creates conditions for the successful work of mass teachers.

Small school- a school in which, due to an insufficient number of children, classes of different ages are created, with small occupancy (2-3 people in each) and one teacher simultaneously works with several classes according to curriculums corresponding to age groups. M. b. primary, incomplete secondary And average. Sh. m. open, as a rule, in rural areas.

Sunday schools- general education, vocational or religious schools, in which training was conducted on Sundays. They opened in Russia from the middle of the 19th century. for illiterate and semi-literate workers, peasants, and artisans. Currently, religious Sunday schools are being revived, in which children, at their own request or the will of their parents, learn the basics of a particular religious doctrine.

Communal schools- 1) educational institutions created in the RSFSR in 1918 for the purpose of practical development of issues of new pedagogy and labor school. They consisted of a 1st and 2nd level school and a boarding school attached to them. Sometimes a kindergarten was also opened at schools. In addition to training sessions, pupils of the Sh.-k. worked in craft workshops, manufacturing and agriculture. Life in the boarding school was built on the principles of self-service, and the initiative and initiative of the students was encouraged. They existed until the end of the 20s. 2) Educational institutions in the USSR for street children and adolescents, orphans and juvenile delinquents, which were created in the first years of Soviet power and existed until the end of the 30s. Education was combined with productive work.

PEDAGOGICAL HEURISTICS- teaching methodology through one’s own search; studying the fundamental principles of constructing new actions for the learner in specially created new learning situations for the purposeful development on their basis of productive and cognitive qualities of thinking. E. p. imitates heuristic activity on educational material, thereby preparing the student for real creativity. In addition to the subject content of education, meta-subject content is introduced.

HEURISTIC FORM OF TRAINING (P. F. Kapterev) is a form of teaching in which scientific laws, formulas, rules and truths are discovered and developed by the students themselves under the guidance of the teacher. Appearance E. f. O. - Socratic conversation.

SELFISHNESS(from the Latin ego - I) - the predominance in the life of a person of self-interested individualistic needs and interests, indifference to other people. It also happens altruistic E., when the desire to preserve oneself and make oneself happy is combined with the desire to do good to others, with the hope of their positive attitude towards oneself.

EGOCENTRISM(Latin ego - I, centrum - center of a circle) - the individual’s concentration on his own goals, thoughts and experiences, limited ability to objectively perceive external influences and states of other people. It differs from egoism in that an egoist can be clearly aware of the aspirations and experiences of other people, but deliberately neglects them.

INFOSPHERIC EDUCOLOGY- a scientific field that studies the complex of ordered and spontaneously circulating knowledge in the information sphere of the Earth about global and regional (special), individual-empirical (single) educational processes and systems, acting as an information fund of the Earth - Space. The term was proposed by V. A. Izvozchikov.

EXCURSIONS(in ped.) - a form of organization of training that allows for observations, as well as the study of various objects, phenomena and processes in natural conditions. Unlike E. lessons, they are held outside the classroom, do not have a strict time limit, and are not taught by a teacher; The composition of students may change.

EXPERIMENT(from Latin experimentum - test, experience) - a general scientific method of research, which consists in the active theoretical and practical activity of the experimenter, who in a certain way transforms the situation for the systematic study of an object in the process of natural or artificial, but pre-planned its development and functioning. E. suggests the possibility of repeating the study both with relatively unchanged and with changed conditions. Types of E.: natural(carried out in natural conditions of human activity and constructed in such a way that the subject does not suspect that he is being studied), laboratory(carried out in artificial conditions, usually using special equipment, with strict control of all influencing factors), transformative, formative(tracing the influence of changes made in the pedagogical process being studied. E. f. allows not only to register the facts being identified, but also, through the creation of special situations, to reveal patterns, mechanisms, dynamics, trends in development, personality formation, and determine the possibility of optimizing this process), etc.

Pedagogical experiment- scientifically established experience in the field of educational or educational work with the aim of finding new, more effective ways to solve ped. Problems; research activities to study cause-and-effect relationships in pedagogy. phenomena, which involve experimental modeling of ped. phenomenon and conditions of its occurrence; active influence of the researcher on the teacher. phenomenon; measurement of response, ped results. impact and interaction; repeated reproducibility of ped. phenomena and processes.

EXPRESSION- expressive human behavior.

EXTERIORIZATION(from Latin exterior - external, external) - the process of transition from internal, mental activity to external, objective.

EXTRAPOLATION- extension of conclusions obtained from observations of one part of a phenomenon to another part of it.


the direction of a person’s feelings and experiences. Under consideration altruistic E. n. l. (need for assistance and assistance, patronage of other people); communicative(need for communication, friendship, sympathetic interlocutor); gloric(need for self-affirmation, fame, honor); pugnistic(the need to overcome danger, on the basis of which interest in fighting later arises); romantic(desire for everything unusual, mysterious); Gnostic(the desire to understand, solve complex problems), etc. E. n. l., identified using a special test, determines the nature of professional suitability for a particular type of ped. activities.

EMOTIONAL CONTAMINATION- influencing a person by conveying one’s own emotional state not verbally, but with the help of intonation, tempo, rhythm of speech, timbre and strength of voice, gestures, facial expressions, movements. Possession of funds E. z. is a mandatory component of ped. teacher's skill.

EMPATHY(from the Greek empatheia - empathy) - a quality of personality, its ability to penetrate with the help of feelings into the emotional experiences of other people, to sympathize with them, to empathize. E. is difficult to educate, but also difficult to destroy. E. brings people together in communication, bringing it to the level of trust and intimacy. A professionally significant personal quality for a teacher.

SHOCK(French epater) - to amaze, surprise with unusual behavior, scandalize.

EPISTEMOLOGY- philosophical science of knowledge.

ERASMUS OF ROTTERDAM(1466-1536) - Renaissance humanist, philosopher, writer, teacher. Basic ped. works: “On the early and worthy education of children”, “On the method of teaching”, “Education of a Christian sovereign”, “A book on the decency of children’s morals”, “Praise of stupidity”, “Easy conversations”. For the first time in world pedagogy, he showed the importance of education as a universal phenomenon, without which the development of a child is impossible. He believed that a child should be raised correctly from birth and that this should be done by parents. In the process of education - religious, mental, moral, physical - it is necessary to take into account the age-related capabilities of the child, and not allow anything that exceeds them; The teacher should recognize the child’s inclinations and abilities as early as possible and rely on them in teaching. E.R. came out in defense of childhood, which was new in the understanding of this period in the development of the child, and a fundamental contribution to pedagogy.

PEDAGOGICAL ERUDITIA- a stock of modern knowledge, which the teacher flexibly applies when solving pedagogical problems. tasks.

PEDAGOGICAL ETHICS- an integral part of ethics, reflecting the specifics of the functioning of morality (morality) in conditions of holistic pedagogy. process; the science of various aspects of a teacher’s moral activity. The subject of educational psychology is the patterns of manifestation of morality in the consciousness, behavior, relationships, and activities of a teacher.

ETHNOPEDAGOGY - science, the subject of study is folk pedagogy, patterns of formation and development of traditional educational cultures under the influence of social, economic and other factors and ways of their reflection and functioning in the modern educational system.

ZEYGARNIK EFFECT(incomplete action effect) - a phenomenon in which a person remembers incomplete actions better. Any ped. the impact becomes most effective when the teacher does not bring the idea to completion, but leads the student to its understanding and independent completion. In this case, this idea is perceived by the student as independently acquired.

"HALO" EFFECT- the effect of people’s perception of each other in conditions of information deficiency, when the positive or negative assessment of a communication partner is significantly influenced by primary information about him from other persons. Very often, the teacher’s attitude towards the student is determined by precisely this information.

PEDAGOGICAL EFFECTIVENESS- the degree of implementation of educational goals in comparison with the given or possible ones (for example, the transition of a student from untrained to trained) subject to the neutralization of other factors affecting, in addition to the teacher, the achievement of the goal.

LESSON EFFECTIVENESS- degree of achievement of a given goal ped. activities, taking into account the optimality (necessity and sufficiency) of the expended effort, money and time.

JUVENOLOGY HEURISTIC- the idea of ​​eternal creativity, movement, active recovery after overload; teaching students methods of self-regulation and increasing their adaptation to extreme conditions, regulation of their physical and moral state, learning orientation in matters of their own health.

UNICEF- United Nations Children's Fund (UN). Created in 1946 to organize assistance to children in war-torn European countries ( modern name- since 1953). Yu influences public opinion and forces the governments of various countries to develop programs to help children. The most important initiative actions of Yu. in recent years have been assistance in the development of the draft UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (adopted by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989), participation in the preparation and holding of the World Summit in New York on September 30, 1990 in the interests of children and the adoption by the heads of 159 states of the World Declaration on ensuring the survival, protection and development of children until the year 2000. In 1965, UNICEF was awarded the Nobel Prize for its contribution to the protection of childhood and peace.

I - the result of a person’s isolation of himself from the environment, allowing him to feel like a subject of his physical and mental states, actions and processes and experience his integrity and identity.

I-CONCEPT- a person’s system of ideas about himself, on the basis of which he builds his interaction with other people and relates to himself.

TEACHER'S PROFESSIONAL SELF-CONCEPT- that part of the ^-concept of the teacher’s personality, which consists of how the teacher sees and evaluates himself at the present time (“current I"); how the teacher sees himself and evaluates himself in relation to the initial stages of work at school (“retrospective I"); what a teacher would like to become (“ideal I"); how, from the teacher’s point of view, he is viewed by other people - his colleagues, students, etc. (“reflective I").

I-MESSAGE- reception ped. assessment, used at a time when it is not necessary to openly express the teacher’s attitude towards the student’s behavior, but it is necessary to subtly adjust his actions. The I-message is realized through one person’s statement (message) of his attitude towards the action of another person or person. phenomenon. “I always...”, “I couldn’t find a place for myself...”, “I always...”.

ISTUDENT - a complex of ideas and knowledge of a child about himself as a schoolchild. A schoolchild’s ideas and knowledge about himself are unequal and sometimes opposite and largely determine the student’s behavior and his success in the class, which, in turn, become the subject of assessment by other persons, mainly the teacher. His self-esteem and self-image depend on the student’s acceptance of the value judgments of other people and their explanation to himself. For younger students, their assessment by the teacher is important, for older students – assessment by their peers. Many high school students are characterized by the desire to maintain, despite reality, their self-understanding or even increase it.


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Markova A.K. Psychology of teacher work. - M., 1993.

Mitina L. M. The teacher as a person and professional. - M., 1994.

Mudrik A.V. Introduction to social pedagogy. - M., 1997.

NesterenkoA. V. et al. Basics of sexology. - M., 1998.

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New words and meanings: Dictionary-reference book on press and literature materials of the 70s. - M., 1984.

New values ​​of education: Care - support - counseling. - M, 1997.

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Ovcharenko V. I. Psychoanalytic glossary. - Minsk, 1994.

Ovcharova R.V. School psychologist's reference book. - M., 1993.

Window V. Introduction to general didactics. - M., 1990.

Osmolovskaya I. M. Organization of differentiated education in a modern secondary school. - M.; Voronezh, 1998.

Fundamentals of didactics / Ed. B. P. Esipova. - M., 1967.

Pedagogy / Ed. Yu. K. Babansky. - M., 1988.

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Authoritarian parenting is an educational concept that provides for the pupil’s subordination to the will of the teacher, based on the suppression of initiative and independence, which impedes the development of the child’s activity and individuality.

Acmeology is a science that studies the patterns and facts of achieving the heights of professionalism and human creative longevity.

Analysis is a method of scientific research by decomposing an object into its component parts or mentally dissecting an object through logical abstraction.

Education is a purposeful, specially organized activity of educators and students to create conditions (material, spiritual, organizational) for personal development.

Deviant behavior is behavior that deviates from the norm.

Deductive methods are logical methods of generalizing empirically obtained data, involving the movement of thought from a general judgment to a particular conclusion.

Democratic style is a style of communication between a teacher and students, focused on increasing the subjective role of the student in interaction, on involving everyone in solving common affairs. Teachers who adhere to this style are characterized by an active and positive attitude towards students, an adequate assessment of their capabilities, successes and failures, they are characterized by a deep understanding of the student, the goals and motives of his behavior, and the ability to predict the development of his personality.

Activity is a specific form of socio-historical existence of people, internal (mental) and external (physical) activity of a person, regulated by a conscious goal.

Didactics is a branch of pedagogy, the theory of education and learning.

Didactic tasks – tasks of managing educational and cognitive activities.

Didactic material is a system of objects, each of which is intended for use in the learning process as a material or materialized model of a particular system, identified within the framework of public knowledge and experience, and serves as a means of solving a certain didactic problem.

Dispute is a method of forming judgments, assessments and beliefs in the process of cognitive and value-oriented activity, which does not require definite and final decisions.

Identification is the establishment of the identity of an object to a sample.

Inductive methods are logical methods of generalizing empirically obtained data, involving the movement of thought from particular judgments to a general conclusion.

Innovation is a purposeful change that introduces new, relatively stable elements into a certain social unit - an organization, a settlement, a society, a group.

Consultation is one of the forms of organizing educational activities, which is carried out with individual students in order to fill gaps in knowledge, develop skills and abilities, and satisfy increased interest in the academic subject. Unlike additional classes, consultations are usually episodic in nature, as they are organized as needed. There are current, thematic and general (for example, in preparation for exams or tests) consultations.

Laboratory work is an independent group of practical methods that combine practical activities with organized student observations.

Methodological techniques are constituent elements (parts, details) of a method, which in relation to the method are of a private subordinate nature, do not have an independent pedagogical task, but are subordinate to the task pursued by this method.

Control methods are the methods by which the effectiveness of educational, cognitive and other types of activities of students and the pedagogical work of the teacher is determined.

Teaching methods are ways of professional interaction between a teacher and students in order to solve educational problems.

Methods of pedagogical research are ways of studying pedagogical phenomena, obtaining scientific information in order to establish natural connections, relationships and construct scientific theories.

Observation is a purposeful perception of any pedagogical phenomenon; in its process, the researcher receives specific factual material.

Education is a unified process of physical and spiritual formation of personality, a process of socialization, consciously oriented towards some ideal images, towards historically conditioned, more or less clearly fixed social standards in the public consciousness.

The educational system is a complex of educational institutions.

Education is a joint, purposeful activity of a teacher and students, during which the development of the individual, his education and upbringing are carried out.

The object of pedagogy is the phenomena of reality that determine the development of the human individual in the process of purposeful activity of society.

Pedagogical activity is a special type of social (professional) activity aimed at realizing the goals of education.

A pedagogical task is a desired image, a model of the final state, the expected result of the interaction between a teacher and a student, in accordance with which the pedagogical process is carried out. The subject of the pedagogical task is the students’ knowledge, their personal and business qualities, relationships, etc.

The pedagogical system is a set of interconnected structural components, united by a single educational goal of personal development and functioning in a holistic educational process.

Pedagogical technology is a consistent, interdependent system of teacher actions associated with the use of one or another set of methods of education and training and carried out in the pedagogical process in order to solve various pedagogical problems.

The pedagogical process is a specially organized (from a systemic point of view) interaction between teachers and students (pedagogical interaction) regarding the content of education using teaching and educational means (pedagogical means) in order to solve educational problems aimed at meeting the needs of both society and the individual himself. in its development and self-development.

Pedagogical interaction is a process that occurs between a teacher and a student in the course of educational work and is aimed at developing the child’s personality.

Encouragement is a way of expressing a positive public assessment of the behavior and activities of an individual student or group.

Practical classes are one of the forms of organizing educational activities; used in the study of natural science disciplines, as well as in the process of labor and professional training; are carried out in laboratories and workshops, in classrooms and at training and experimental sites, etc.

The subject of pedagogy is education as a real holistic pedagogical process, purposefully organized in special social institutions (family, educational and cultural institutions).

Working curricula are curricula developed taking into account the requirements of the state standard for educational areas, but additionally taking into account the national-regional component, the possibilities of methodological, informational, technical support of the educational process, and the level of preparedness of students.

Reproductive methods are methods of organizing student activities that involve reproducing and repeating the method of activity according to the teacher’s assignments.

Self-education is a systematic and conscious human activity aimed at self-development and the formation of a basic personal culture. Self-education is designed to strengthen and develop the ability to voluntarily fulfill obligations - both personal and based on the requirements of the team, to form moral and strong-willed qualities, necessary habits of behavior.

Seminar classes are one of the forms of organizing educational activities. The essence of the seminars is a collective discussion of proposed questions, messages, abstracts, reports prepared by students under the guidance of a teacher.

Synthesis is a method of studying a subject in its integrity, in the unity and interconnection of its parts.

Socialization (from Latin socialis - social) is the development and self-realization of a person throughout his life in the process of assimilation and reproduction of the culture of society.

The socio-psychological climate in a team is a system of emotional and psychological states of the team, reflecting the nature of the relationships between its members in the process of joint activity and communication.

The style of pedagogical communication is a stable unity of methods and means of activity of the teacher and students.

Management is an activity aimed at making decisions, organizing, controlling, regulating a managed object in accordance with a given goal, analyzing and summing up results based on reliable information.

Teaching aids are material teaching aids used in the educational process and intended to expand, deepen and better assimilate the knowledge provided by the curriculum.

A curriculum is a normative document that reveals the content of knowledge, skills and abilities in an academic subject, the logic of studying basic ideological ideas, indicating the sequence of topics, questions and the total amount of time for their study.

An elective is one of the forms of differentiated education and upbringing, the main task of which is to deepen and expand knowledge, develop the abilities and interests of students. The elective operates according to a specific program that does not duplicate the curriculum.

The integrity of the pedagogical process is a synthetic quality of the pedagogical process, characterizing the highest level of its development, the result of stimulating conscious actions and activities of the subjects functioning in it.

Acmeology- a science that studies the patterns of mental development of the individual during the period of his heyday, the highest (“peak”) achievements (acme), the psychological mechanisms of the individual’s self-improvement and his acquisition of social and personal maturity. Acmeology also explores subjective and objective factors that contribute to achieving the heights of professionalism.

Activity- general characteristics of living beings; property of the psyche; personality property. Activity is a condition for the formation and manifestation of modification of the psyche and personality. Early and preschool childhood is characterized by the development of such basic types of activity as physical, mental, and social. The child’s activity is inextricably linked with training and the development of self-regulation. Activity and its self-regulation are considered to be significant internal conditions of giftedness (N. S. Leites).

Child development amplification (from lat. amplificatio- distribution, increase) - enrichment, maximum development of those valuable qualities in relation to which a given age is most favorable, receptive. Amplification involves the child’s development primarily in “child-specific” activities (A.V. Zaporozhets).

Affect(from lat. affectus- emotional excitement, passion): 1) in a narrow sense - a strong, rapidly flowing and relatively short-term emotional state, not controlled by consciousness and arising in critical conditions with the inability to find an adequate way out of an unexpected situation; 2) in a broad sense - a general characteristic of the emotional, sensory sphere in contrast to the cognitive (affect and intellect, affective and cognitive).

Leading activity - the type of activity that determines major changes in the psyche, the emergence of neoplasms at the stage of its development; activity that most contributes to the mental development of a child in a given period of his life, leading the development behind itself (A.N. Leontyev). Each age is characterized by its leading type of activity. In infancy, it is direct emotional and personal communication, in early childhood - object-tool activity, in preschool - play, in primary school - educational, in adolescence - intimate and personal communication with peers, in high school, in youth - educational and professional activity ( according to D. B. Elkonin).

Sensitive age
- the period most favorable for the effective development of specific mental functions, especially sensitive to a certain type of environmental influence.

Perception- a mental cognitive process, which is a reflection in the consciousness of objects and phenomena of the material world with their direct impact on the senses.

Gender differences - such differences concern not only primary and secondary sexual characteristics, but also neuropsychological characteristics, cognitive, emotional spheres, social roles and behavior patterns, and mental qualities. Thus, compared to girls, boys have better developed gross motor skills, and girls have better developed fine motor skills. Female representatives have greater vocabulary, higher fluency and speed of speech than males. Girls begin to draw earlier than boys and are more willing to do so; they are able to express more subtle judgments about art. They are characterized by greater sensitivity, they are more inclined to turn to authorities, they feel more confident and are more active in situations related to communication than boys. It has now been revealed that children of different sexes perceive and process information (positive) differently and include different cortical systems, which largely determines their different emotional relationships to the perceived world and its division. Taking into account gender differences in the educational process is an important condition for increasing its effectiveness.

Humanism(from lat. humanus- humane) - a set of ideological views that express respect for the dignity and human rights to freedom, happiness, comprehensive development and manifestation of one’s abilities.

Humanistic psychology - one of the directions of modern psychological science, which recognizes as its main subject the holistic personality in the process of its self-development. According to the concept developed by representatives of humanistic psychology (A. Maslow, K. Rogers, S. Bueller, etc.), the main thing in a person is his aspiration to the future, to personal growth and self-improvement, to the free realization of his capabilities, especially creative ones.

Deprivation- a mental state that arises in such life situations where a person is not given the opportunity to satisfy the needs that are significant to him in sufficient measure and for a sufficiently long time. D. is characterized by pronounced deviations in emotional and intellectual development, and disruption of social contacts.

Dialogical communication - communication based on unconditional internal acceptance of each other as values ​​in themselves and focused on the uniqueness of each of the communication partners. Before. effective for mutual understanding and establishing friendly relationships.

Differential psychology - a branch of psychological science that studies psychological differences between individuals and groups of people, as well as the causes, sources and consequences of these differences.

Shyness - a personality trait that characterizes excessive modesty, a person’s underestimation of his abilities and merits, which negatively affects emotional well-being and communication with people.

Zone of proximal (potential) development - discrepancy in the difficulty of tasks solved by the child independently (current level of development) and under the guidance of an adult; The zone of proximal development is an area of ​​unripe but maturing processes; is determined by those capabilities of the pupil that he himself cannot yet realize at the present time, but which, thanks to cooperation with adults (or an older peer), will be his own property in the coming period. The concept of zone of proximal development was introduced by L. S. Vygotsky; it is widely used in developmental and educational psychology when solving problems of the relationship between learning and development.

A game- a type of unproductive activity, the main motive of which lies not in the result, not in obtaining utilitarian things, but in the process itself. I. passes through a person’s entire life. In preschool childhood, it acquires the status of a leading activity. There are several types of children's games - role-playing (including director's), games with rules (including didactic, active), dramatization games. Particular importance is attached to the development of a preschooler role-playing game, in which children play the roles of adults in a generalized form, in specially created conditions (using substitute objects), reproduce the activities of adults and the relationships between them (D. B. Elkonin). In Russian psychology, play is viewed as a social activity both in origin and content. Development play activity A preschooler's life is largely determined by the adults (parents, teachers) interacting with them. What is important is their attitude towards play not as an object of control, but as a condition for the development of the child and his creativity.

Playing position - personality quality that is significant for gaming activities; a special attitude of an adult (parent, teacher) towards children, expressed through play techniques; complex education, which includes closely interrelated reflection (the ability to see a real situation from the outside and identify game opportunities in it), infantilization (the ability to establish trusting relationships with others), empathy (the ability to feel the game states of other people), activity (the ability to find non-standard ways to achieve the goal). The gaming position is based on the general principles of the game (self-worth, non-utilitarianism, voluntariness, gaming equality, etc.) and involves mastering the in-game language expressed in words, gestures, facial expressions, and plasticity. A formed gaming position (“partner”, “director”, “co-player”, “coordinator”) facilitates inclusion in a child’s game and allows an adult to have a positive influence on its development through communication. The teacher’s playful position is also important for establishing an atmosphere of trust.

Identification (from lat. identifyfucare- identify) - identification of something, someone in the process of comparison, comparison of one object with another; assimilation, the process of unconsciously identifying oneself with another person, group or model; As a mechanism of interpersonal cognition, I. involves transferring oneself into the space and time of another person.

Individual(from lat. “indivisible”) - a person as a single natural being, a representative, a product of phylo- and ontogenetic development, the unity of innate and acquired, a bearer of individually unique, primarily biologically determined, traits.

Individuality - the uniqueness of man as an individual and personality; the uniqueness of the combination of qualities of a child (adult). Individuality manifests itself in appearance a person, the expressiveness of his movements, the peculiarities of the course of mental processes and states, character traits, temperamental properties, specific interests, needs, abilities, talents. A prerequisite for the formation of human individuality are anatomical and physiological inclinations, which are transformed and fully revealed in the process of education.

Individual approach - a psychological and pedagogical principle that involves taking into account in the educational process the individual and personal characteristics of the person being educated (the student), the success of his activities, his style, and living conditions. I. p. to the child (his parents) is an important condition for the humanization of the pedagogical process in a preschool institution (school); it is typical for a teacher with a personality-oriented model of behavior.

Individual style of activity - a system of relatively stable, individually unique ways and techniques for solving human problems that arise in the process different types his activities. Individual style of activity arises as a result of internal and external factors. In the process of education, it is important to promote the development of a style of activity that would correspond to his individual characteristics and the specifics of the activity he carries out. A pronounced individual style of activity gives originality to a person’s activity, “colors” it in a special way and often helps to increase its effectiveness.

Intelligence(from lat. intellectus- understanding, cognition) - the totality of all cognitive processes of an individual (sensations, perception, representation, memory, imagination, thinking); general ability to cognition and problem solving, associated with success in any activity.

Social-psychological climate (from gr. climate- inclination) - the qualitative side of interpersonal relationships, manifested in the form of a set of psychological conditions that promote or hinder productive joint activities and personal development in a group. The socio-psychological climate is manifested in the prevailing mental states typical of group members, the sociometric structure of their relationships, cohesion, group harmony, etc.

Competence (from Latin competens - appropriate, capable) individual characteristic of the degree of compliance with the requirements of the profession; a combination of mental qualities and mental state that allows one to act responsibly and independently. There are several types of professional competence: special (possession of professional activity itself at a fairly high level and the ability to plan one’s further professional development); social (proficiency in joint professional activities, cooperation, professional communication techniques accepted in a given profession, social responsibility for the results of one’s professional work); personal (mastery of techniques of personal self-expression and self-development, means of countering personality deformation); individual (possession of techniques for self-realization and development of individuality within the profession, readiness for professional personal growth, the ability for individual self-preservation, the ability to rationally organize one’s work and carry it out without fatigue); extreme professional (readiness to work successfully in suddenly complicated conditions) (according to A.K. Markova).

Correction(from lat. correctio- correction) psychological - psychological and pedagogical influence on the psyche of an individual person or on the socio-psychological state of a group (children's society) in order to prevent or mitigate deficiencies in the development of the individual (group).

Creativity - a personality trait, the ability for creativity and mental transformation.

Age crisis - transitional stage from one period age development to another, characterized by intense qualities, systemic changes in social relations, activities and mental organization of a person.

Leader(from English leader- leader) - a group member who has direct and indirect psychological influence on members of a group that recognizes his right to make decisions in significant situations.

Personal microenvironment - components of the social environment with which a person directly interacts and which most cause emotional experiences in him. The child’s personal microenvironment primarily includes people with whom he communicates “face to face” (father, mother, grandparents, brothers and sisters, teacher, peers), direct interaction with whom is especially significant for the development of his personality.

Motive- an internal motivator of activity that gives it personal meaning.

Thinking- a mental process characterized by a generalized and indirect reflection of reality. There are several types of thinking. According to the prevailing methods and mental processes included in thinking, they distinguish: visual-effective thinking, characterized by the fact that the solution of a problem, the acquisition of new knowledge for the subject, is carried out through real action with objects, their transformations in a visually perceived situation; visual-figurative - associated with the representation of situations and changes in them, carried out with the help of images that recreate the variety of different characteristics of objects and phenomena; verbal-logical, characterized by the use of concepts and linguistic means in the process of solving problems. Depending on the nature of the problem being solved and the content of thinking, the following are distinguished: theoretical and practical thinking, technical, artistic, musical, etc.; in terms of the degree of development and awareness, thinking can be discursive and intuitive; according to the degree of novelty and originality of solving problems and tasks - reproductive (reproducing) and creative.

Personality orientation - one of its most important properties; is expressed in a system of leading motives of behavior, interests, ideals, beliefs.

Communication- a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activity and communication. O. is carried out through verbal (speech) and nonverbal (non-speech) means. The latter include facial expressions, gestures, gaze, posture, voice intonation, spatial organization of communication, etc.

Gifted child - a child who has obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in one or another type of activity, the intensity of expression and brightness of which distinguishes him from his peers; gifted children - children who show general or special giftedness (for music, drawing, technology, etc.).

Ontogenesis- individual development of an organism throughout its life.

Pragmatic position - the orientation of the individual towards activities that bring practical benefits to him.

Subject activity - an activity during which a person discovers the socially developed purpose of objects and methods of their use. Subject activity is leading at an early age.

Vocation- a person’s life purpose and orientation, which gives expediency, meaningfulness and prospects to his activities.

Professionalism - high preparedness to solve the problems of professional activity and implement its functions. Professionalism is not reduced to a high level of skill; it is considered by an increasing number of researchers as a systemic education, a systemic organization of consciousness (E.A. Klimov, S.V. Kondratyeva, A.K. Markova, etc.). The main differences between a professional and an amateur are: the ability to predict processes and phenomena located in the area of ​​professional activity; understanding the essence of the subject of performance indicators; breadth of outlook, completeness of coverage of the subject of professional activity; degree of creativity, originality, novelty; speed of operation, time for preparatory work (according to V.V. Petrusinsky). According to experts in the field of acmeology, a person reaches the pinnacle of professionalism on his own. Self-diagnosis, self-motivation, self-correction, and self-confidence are of great importance in mastering professionalism.

Psyche(from Greek psychikos- soul) - a property of highly organized matter - the brain, which performs orienting, controlling, adaptive, motivating and meaning-forming functions in behavior and activity.

Psychodiagnostics (from Greek Psyche- soul and diagnostics- capable of recognizing) is a field of psychology that develops methods for identifying and measuring individual psychological characteristics of a person and interpersonal interaction.

Psychological barrier - an internal obstacle of a psychological nature, expressed in a person’s inadequate passivity and interfering with the performance of certain actions.

Health Psychology - modern science about the psychological causes of health, about methods and means of its preservation, strengthening and development. P. z. also includes the practice of maintaining a person's health from conception to death. Its main object is a “healthy” personality.

Psychotherapy (from Greek psych- soul and therapy- care, treatment) - a complex verbal and non-verbal therapeutic effect on a person for many mental, nervous and psychosomatic diseases.

Self-actualization (from lat. actualis- valid, real) - deployment of the individual’s potential from oneself; complete and comprehensive realization by a person of his capabilities, talents, abilities (according to A. Maslow). The concept of self is one of the main ones in humanistic psychology. Self-actualization is largely associated with a person’s psychological health.

Self-regulation (from lat. regulare - put in order, establish) - expedient, relatively adequate to changing conditions, establishing a balance between the environment and the organism; self-regulation of the teacher - management of the teacher’s own mental processes, own behavior and psychophysical state with the aim of optimal action in difficult pedagogical situations and ensuring professional self-preservation. There are several stages of the process of self-regulation at the personal level: self-knowledge of the individual, acceptance of his personality, choice of goal and direction of the self-regulation process, choice of methods of personal self-regulation, obtaining feedback. The teacher’s readiness for self-regulation contributes to success in his professional self-improvement, personal growth, and health preservation.

Sensory education - a system of psychological and pedagogical influences aimed at forming and stimulating the development and self-development of sensory children. Mastery of sensory standards and methods of sensitive cognition, perceptual actions significantly influences the development of sensations and perceptions in a child. According to A.V. Zaporozhets, sensory education should be carried out primarily within meaningful types of activities (manipulation with objects, work, play, inventive, musical, constructive activities). There are other views on this process (M. Montessori).

Sensory standards - developed by mankind and generally accepted, verbally designated examples of the main varieties of external properties and qualities of objects (color, size, pitch of sounds, etc.).

Socialization - the process and result of the individual’s assimilation and active reproduction of social experience, carried out in communication and activity.

Socio-psychological observation - the ability of an individual to adequately perceive, understand and evaluate the communication of people around them and their relationship to them.

Social Expectations - an individual’s awareness and experience of his responsibilities, the requirements that are presented to him as the performer of a certain social role. The teacher strives to meet the expectations of children, colleagues, parents, and managers.

Sociometric status - the position of the subject in the system of interpersonal relations of the group, which determines his rights, responsibilities and privileges.

Stereotype- template, copy.

Stereotyping (from Greek stereos - hard and typos - imprint) is one of the important characteristics of interpersonal and intergroup perception; the process of attributing similar traits to all members of a social group (or community) without sufficient awareness of the possible (existing) differences between them.

Subject- individual (or social group), possessing) internal own activity, acting, cognizing, transforming reality, other people and oneself.

Temperament (from lat. temperamentum- proper relationship of parts, proportionality) - characteristics of an individual from the point of view of his dynamic characteristics; an individually unique set of dynamic manifestations of the psyche. The physiological basis of temperament is the type of higher nervous activity. I. P. Pavlov identified three main characteristics nervous system(strength, mobility, balance) and four main combinations of these properties: strong, unbalanced, mobile - “unrestrained” type; strong, balanced, agile - “alive”; strong, balanced, sedentary - “calm”; "weak" type. The “uncontrolled” type underlies the choleric temperament, the “lively” - sanguine, the “calm” - phlegmatic, the “weak” - melancholic. Further studies of temperament revealed its other psychological properties: sensitivity (sensitivity), reactivity, activity, emotional excitability, plasticity and rigidity, extroversion and introversion, the pace of mental reactions. The entire composition of temperamental properties does not appear immediately, but in a certain sequence, which is determined both by the general laws of maturation of higher nervous activity and the psyche as a whole, and by the specific laws of maturation of each type of nervous system.

Job satisfaction - a positively colored mental state of a person, arising on the basis of the correspondence of his hopes, expectations, needs, attitudes with the consequences and results of work activity. Job satisfaction is a prerequisite for productivity at work and a significant condition for maintaining and strengthening psychological health. A teacher’s job satisfaction is significantly influenced by the system of relationships that has developed in the process of his professional interaction with students and their parents, with colleagues and managers; socio-psychological climate in a preschool institution (school); availability of prospects for professional growth; working conditions, its organization; opportunities for creativity, self-actualization; assessment of performance by parents, colleagues, administration, encouragement (material, moral), etc.

Empathy(from Greek empatheia- empathy) - a person’s ability to empathize and sympathize with other people, to understand their internal states.

Halo effect- dissemination, in conditions of a lack of information about a person, of a general evaluative impression of him on the perception of his actions and personal qualities.

"I-concept"- relatively stable, quite conscious, experienced as a unique system of a person’s ideas about himself as the subject of his life and activities, on the basis of which he builds relationships with others, relates to himself, acts and behaves.


Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor E. G. Silyaeva; Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor N. A. Aminov

Kodzhaspirova G. M., Kodzhaspirov A. Yu.

K 57 Pedagogical Dictionary: For students. higher and Wednesday ped. textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2003. - 176 p.

ISBN 5-7695-0445-5

The dictionary contains about 1000 terms, knowledge of which is necessary when studying a course in pedagogy. It also includes definitions of concepts from related disciplines - psychology, philosophy, sociology.

The manual can be useful to anyone interested in the issues of education and training of the younger generation.

UDC 820.091(075.8) BBK 74.00ya73

ISBN 5-7695-044S-5

© Kodzhaspirova G. M., Kodzhaspirov A. Yu., 2000 © Publishing Center “Academy”, 2000 The tasks of pedagogy are to make science so understandable and assimilated as to make it speak in simple, ordinary language.

A. Herzen

There is no work that contains more shortcomings than the DICTIONARY, and also there is no one that is more capable of continuous improvement.

A. Rivarol


In recent years, there has been a process of rethinking the conceptual apparatus of pedagogy. A return to humanistic origins again makes the central figure of pedagogical interaction child. The subject-subject nature of the modern pedagogical paradigm, the development of the latest technology of the pedagogical process made the relationship between pedagogy and psychology, pedagogy and sociology, pedagogy and philosophy even more significant and enriched the pedagogy of education and upbringing of the younger generation with new terminology, which could not but be reflected in this publication. In addition, the transformation of many secondary pedagogical educational institutions into the first stage of higher education has increased the theoretical level of teaching in them. This primarily affected pedagogical disciplines and their study will be difficult without students mastering modern psychological and pedagogical terminology, in particular concepts that entered pedagogy relatively recently or were not used due to the authoritarian system that prevailed until recently. The authors-compilers of this dictionary, addressed primarily to students of pedagogical educational institutions and, of course, interesting to teachers, made an attempt to explain the main terms of the course “Pedagogical theories, systems and technologies (pedagogy)”, which are most often used by both modern researchers and practitioners . It should be noted that the interpretation of a number of concepts is still very conditional.

It is quite obvious that when preparing the vocabulary of the publication it was impossible to cover all the concepts and bring them into a single, consistent integrity. Yes, in our opinion, this is not necessary. Pedagogical concepts themselves are revealed from the perspective holistic pedagogical process, At the same time, the authors sought to ensure that the formulations were, above all, accurate, clear and complete.

When selecting terms for this publication, various dictionaries, monographs, textbooks, teaching aids, scientific collections and articles from periodicals containing the latest psychological and pedagogical vocabulary were used. The main sources are listed in the bibliography at the end of the book. The dictionary does not include terms that are not difficult to understand and which, as a rule, are interpreted in the same way by the authors of various pedagogical manuals.

If a word has several meanings, they are indicated by numbers. When clarifying the meaning of a concept, explanations are separated by semicolons. Words included in the title of the article are indicated in the text by the initial letter (for example, in the article “Activity” - D., in the article “Educational work” - V. r., etc.).

The book uses the usual abbreviations for reference publications. Connections between dictionary entries are traced through a cluster arrangement of terms, following in alphabetical order after the base word and highlighted in bold or with a link to the corresponding dictionary entries.

List of abbreviations

Amer. - American

English - English

V. (centuries) - century (centuries)

Greek - Greek

other - other (others)

European - European

ZPR - mental retardation


k.-l. - any

Canada - Canadian

to-ry - which

lat. - Latin

m.b. - May be

honey. - medical

eg - For example

German - German

ped. - pedagogical

psychol. - psychological

etc. - other

decomposition - colloquial

see - look

i.e. - that is

because - since

etc. - the like

fr. - French

CNS - central nervous

Swiss - Swiss

legal - legal

AUTHORITARIANITY(from Latin autoritas - influence, power) - a social and psychological characteristic of a person, reflecting his desire to maximally subordinate his interaction and communication partners to his influence, manifested in authority, a person’s tendency to use undemocratic methods of influencing others in the form of orders, instructions, instructions, punishments, etc. All these traits are often characteristic of an authoritarian teacher.

Authoritarian parenting- an educational concept that provides for the student’s subordination to the will of the teacher. Suppressing initiative and independence, A. v. interferes with the development of children’s activity and individuality, and leads to confrontation between the teacher and the students. Authoritarian style of pedagogical leadership is a stressful educational system based on power relations, ignoring the individual characteristics of students, and neglecting humanistic ways of interacting with students. The principle of authoritarian pedagogy- the teacher is the subject, and the student is the object of education and training. The means of controlling the child are carefully developed: threat, supervision, command, prohibition, punishment. The lesson is strictly regulated, the emphasis is on educational teaching. A prominent representative is Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776-1841). This style gives rise to special professional traits in the teacher: dogmatism, a sense of infallibility, pedagogical tactlessness, and peremptory judgment. One of its manifestations in pedagogical activity is moralizing.

AUTHORITY OF THE TEACHER- a special professional position that determines the influence on students, giving the right to make decisions, express evaluation, and give advice. Genuine A.u. relies not on official and age privileges, but on high personal and professional qualities of the teacher: a democratic style of cooperation with students, empathy, the ability to open communication, a positive self-concept of the teacher, his desire for constant improvement, erudition, competence, fairness and kindness, general culture. Irradiation of teacher authority- transfer of authority to those areas of life where the teacher’s right to authoritative influence has not yet been tested. Authority Specification- recognition of a person’s authority in only one of the spheres, and in others he does not act as an authority.

AGGRESSION- purposeful destructive behavior that contradicts the norms and rules of coexistence of people in society, causing physical harm or causing negative experiences, a state of tension, fear, depression. Aggressive actions can act as a means of achieving something. goals, as a way of mental release, satisfaction of blocked needs of the individual and switching activities, as a form of self-realization and self-affirmation. A.: physical, verbal, direct And indirect, auto-aggression(self-blame, self-abasement, suicide), hostile(causing harm), instrumental.

MENTAL ADAPTATION- a mental phenomenon expressed in the restructuring of a dynamic personality stereotype in accordance with new environmental requirements.

SOCIAL ADAPTATION- 1) active adaptation of a person to a changed environment with the help of various social networks. means, which is characterized by the fact that a person, having realized the need for changes in relations with the environment, forms new ways of behavior aimed at harmonizing relations with others; 2) optimization of the relationship between the individual and the group, bringing together the goals of their activities, value orientations, the individual’s assimilation of the norms and traditions of the group, entry into its role structure; 3) the process and result of the child’s mastering social networks that are new to him. roles and positions that are significant for the child himself and his social. environment - parents, teachers, peers, other people, the whole society.

ADAPTIVE SCHOOL MODEL- a new model of a multi-level and multidisciplinary general education public school with a range of various classes and educational services, open to children of a wide variety of opportunities and abilities, regardless of their individual psychological characteristics, health, inclinations, and family financial security.

ADAPTABILITY - UNADAPTABILITY- trends in compliance and inconsistency between goals and achieved performance results. A. is expressed in agreement, and N. is expressed in disagreement between goals and results. Under the influence of upbringing and training, conditions and lifestyle, the level of A. increases or decreases.

ADAPTABILITY OF THE EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT- the ability of the educational environment to establish correspondence between the offered educational services and the educational needs of the family, the public and individual citizens, to create and maintain conditions for the productive work of teaching staff, management and service personnel. A. o. With. for every child and adult is manifested in the open and friendly nature of information and social media. environment in all educational institutions; in the variety of educational programs and pedagogical technologies coordinated with them, taking into account the individual characteristics and interests of the student; in the fullness of spiritual, moral, intellectual, physical development, civic and professional development. Functions of A. o. With: motivational-stimulating, free self-determination, propaedeutic-rehabilitation, correctional-compensatory.

ADAPTABILITY- the level of a person’s actual adaptation to life, the mutual correspondence of his social status and satisfaction or dissatisfaction with oneself. Man M.B. harmonious and adapted or disharmonious and maladapted.

ACCREDITATION- the right of an educational institution to issue its graduates a state-issued document on education, to be included in the system of centralized state financing and to use an official seal.

ACMEOLOGY(from the Greek acme - peak, peak, highest degree of something) - an interdisciplinary science that arose at the intersection of natural, social and humanities. Studies the patterns and mechanisms of human development at the stage of his maturity (period from approximately 30 to 50 years) and when he reaches the highest level in this development - acme. An important task of A. is to find out what should be formed in a person at each age stage in childhood and adolescence so that he can successfully realize his potential at the stage of maturity.

ACCELERATION- acceleration of growth and puberty of children and adolescents compared to previous generations.

AXIOLOGY- philosophical doctrine of material, cultural, spiritual, moral and psychological. values ​​of the individual, team, society, their relationship with the world of reality, changes in the value-normative system in the process of historical development. In modern pedagogy it acts as its methodological basis, defining the pedagogical system. views, which are based on understanding and affirmation of the value of human life, education and training, ped. activities and education.

PERSONAL ACTIVITY(from Latin activus - active) - an active attitude of the individual to the world, the ability to make socially significant transformations of the material and spiritual environment based on the development of the historical experience of mankind; manifests itself in creative activity, acts of will, and communication. Formed under the influence of environment and upbringing.

Trans-situational activity(non-adaptive) - a person’s ability to rise above the level of situational requirements, set goals that are redundant from the point of view of the main task, overcoming external and internal limitations of activity; presupposes the existence of motivation, the essence of which lies in the very attractiveness of actions with an uncertain outcome. A person knows that the choice he is about to make will be paid for, perhaps with disappointment or failure, but this does not repel, but even more stimulates him to action. It is being intensively developed by psychologist V. A. Petrovsky. A. n. appears in the phenomena of creativity, cognitive (intellectual) activity, “disinterested” risk, and excess activity. In the process of education, it is necessary to stimulate such activity in children and adolescents and encourage its manifestation.

Cognitive activity- an active state of personality, characterized by a desire to learn, mental stress and the manifestation of volitional efforts in the process of mastering knowledge. The physiological basis of AP is the discrepancy between the current situation and past experience. There are three levels of AP - reproducing, interpreting, creative.

Social activity- a person’s active attitude to the life of society, in which he acts as an initiative bearer and guide or destroyer of the norms, principles and ideals of this society or a certain class; complex moral and volitional quality of personality. It assumes an interest in social work and organizational skills, responsibility in carrying out assignments, initiative, diligence, self-demandingness and a willingness to help others when performing public tasks.

Social activity- a generic concept relative to specific ones: socio-political, labor, cognitive, etc. A. p. implemented in the form of social useful actions, under the influence of motives and incentives, which are based on socially significant needs. The subject is a carrier of A. s. acts as a person, social group and other communities. As a social property of a person, A. s. develops through a system of connections between a person and the surrounding social network. environment in the process of cognition, activity and communication. Being a dynamic formation, A. s. may have varying degrees of manifestation. This or that level of A. s. depends on the relationship between social responsibilities of the individual in socially significant activities and subjective attitudes towards the activity.

UPDATED- transfer of knowledge, skills and feelings in the learning process from a hidden, latent state into an explicit, active one.

ACCENTUATIONS OF CHARACTER(personality) - excessive strengthening of individual character traits and their combinations, representing extreme variants of the norm; They have an inherent tendency towards socially positive and socially negative development, depending on the influences of the environment and upbringing. The author of the term is German. psychologist and psychiatrist K. Leongard. The teacher's knowledge of A. x. (l.) is necessary when studying and understanding students and implementing an individual approach to them.

Asthenic- a type of accentuation, manifested in such signs as fatigue, irritability, a tendency to depression, increased anxiety, suspiciousness, indecision, a tendency to introspection, constant doubts, obsessive thoughts.

Hyperthymic- a type of accentuation, whose representatives are characterized by constantly high spirits, increased mental activity with a thirst for activity and a tendency to scatter without completing the task, contact, talkativeness, energy, initiative and at the same time frivolity, irritability, difficulty tolerating the conditions of strict discipline , forced loneliness.

Demonstrative- a type of accentuation, the bearers of which are artistic, courteous, extraordinary in thinking and actions, strive for leadership, easily adapt to other people and at the same time selfish, hypocritical, dishonest in their work, and vain.

Dysthymic- a type of accentuation, whose representatives are serious, conscientious, loyal in friendship, rarely conflict, but excessively passive, taciturn, prone to pessimism and a secluded lifestyle.

Labile- a type of accentuation, whose speakers are characterized by a sharp change in mood depending on the situation.

Sensitive- a type of accentuation associated with such traits as increased impressionability, a heightened sense of inferiority, timidity, and indecisiveness.

Schizoid- a type of accentuation associated with emotional coldness, isolation, and unusual thinking.

Cycloid- a type of accentuation, which is characterized by alternating phases of good and bad mood with different periods. During periods of elation, representatives of this type behave according to the hyperthymic type, and during periods of decline - according to the dysthymic type.

Epileptoid- a type of accentuation associated with such traits as a tendency to an angry-sad mood, irritability, aggressiveness, internal dissatisfaction, manifested in the form of anger, anger, rage, cruelty, and conflict. Epileptoid accentuation of character is often associated with the viscosity of thinking, scrupulousness, pedantry, etc.

ALGORITHM- a prescription that, based on a system of rules, specifies a sequence of operations, the exact execution of which allows one to solve problems of a certain class. Based on the algorithm, the teacher draws up various memos for students and diagrams for analyzing the phenomena and facts being studied.

ALTRUISM(from Latin alter - other) - a moral norm and personality trait, manifested in selfless concern for the welfare of others, a willingness to sacrifice one’s own interests for the benefit of another person or social group. community. Introduced by the philosopher O. Kont as the opposite of the concept selfishness. It is formed in the process of humanistic interaction between the teacher and students.

AMBIVALENCE OF FEELINGS(from Greek ambi - prefix denoting duality, Latin valentia - strength) - complex condition personality associated with the simultaneous occurrence of opposing emotions and feelings; manifestation of internal personality conflict. Often observed in adolescents in interaction with peers, parents, and teachers.

AMBIDIXTRY- ability to use both right and left hands equally successfully.

AMBITION- heightened pride, self-confidence, arrogance, disdainful attitude towards other people, underestimation of their abilities and capabilities. A. makes it difficult for a person to communicate in a team or family.

ANDROGOGY- a section of didactics that reveals and develops the principles of adult learning.

ANDROGYNY(from Latin andros - male, gunes - female) - a concept introduced by Amer. psychologist S. Bem to designate people who successfully combine both traditionally male and traditionally female psychol. quality. As has been proven, the differentiation of these qualities by gender arises and is formed rather as a result of the specific family upbringing of boys and girls and social factors. influences rather than biological differences between the sexes.

QUESTIONNAIRE- a questionnaire to obtain answers to a pre-compiled system of questions. Used to obtain sulfur. information about who fills it out, as well as when studying the opinions of large social networks. groups. A. there are open(free answers by the respondent), closed(choose an answer from those offered) and mixed. Widely used in ped. research.

ANNOTATION(from Latin annotatio - note, note) - a brief formulation of the main content of the source in two or three sentences. The ability to do A. must be developed already at school.

ANOMALY- deviations of varying degrees from the norm. Synonym - deviation.

ANTHROPOGENIC- associated with the origin of a person.

ANTHROPOCOSMISM- a philosophical and general scientific view, according to which man, his thought and activity are placed at the center of world evolution, and then they themselves act as its most powerful factor. In pedagogy it resulted in the theory of non-violent education and the formation of global thinking aimed at posing and peacefully solving universal human problems and understanding oneself as an active part of the universe.

ANTHROPOLOGISM- a scientific concept (system of views) that considers man as the highest and most perfect product of nature. In A., “man” is the main ideological category, from the standpoint of which both nature and society should be studied, and all sciences should develop.

Pedagogical anthropology- the philosophical basis of education, which allows us to understand the structure of education only by correlating it with the structure of the integral nature of man; “the study of man in all manifestations of his nature with a special application to the art of education” (K. D. Ushinsky); Education in AP is understood as an attribute of human existence.

Anthropology psychological- the doctrine of the nature, conditions of development and formation of subjectivity, the inner world of man.

Philosophical anthropology- the doctrine of the essence of man, his origin and meaning of life, the laws of existence; is focused on the synthesis of concrete scientific knowledge about man and on the construction of his holistic image in human science.

Christian anthropology- the doctrine of the relationship between God and man, into which a person enters as a living unique personality with his prayers, entreaties, experiences, and his whole being. A detailed teaching about man and the concrete practice of his life in accordance with the Law of God and the Beatitudes. The guiding principle in the life of every person should be the manifestation of the spirit in man. The spirit itself manifests itself in the fear of God, conscience and thirst for God. The doctrine of the inseparability and at the same time non-fusion of two natures in Christ - divine and human. Philosophical and anthropological teaching understands man in his comprehensive, all-encompassing integrity and self-worth, as a creative and free personality. In A. x. the task of developing principles is set, guided by which it would be possible to protect human dignity and freedom. Acts as a methodological justification for the pedagogy of Christianity.

ANTHROPOLOGICAL-HUMANISTIC PRINCIPLE(in pedagogy) - organization of the educational process in accordance with the laws of development of the child’s body and personality formation.

APATHY(from the Greek apathetia - dispassion) - a state characterized by decreased activity, emotional passivity, indifference, simplification of feelings, indifference to the events of the surrounding reality and weakening of motives and interests.

APPERCEPTION- dependence of perception on past experience and stock of knowledge.

APPROBATION- testing to confirm one or another assumption during the study; experimental check.

ARISTOTLE(384-322 BC) - ancient Greek philosopher, who systematized all areas of knowledge of his time. The thoughts he expressed on issues of education, the goal of which he considered the formation of an active, strong-willed, independent personality, are relevant in our time. A. created the first age periodization, pointing out the characteristics of each age, defining the goals, content and methods of education in each age period. He put forward a requirement: to follow nature in education (the principle of conformity to nature). He opposed equal education for women with men.

ART THERAPY- cm. Psychotherapy.

ARCHETYPE(from the Greek archetipos - prototype) - a connection of images (God, mother, leader, etc.) passing from generation to generation. The term was introduced by K. Jung, Swiss. psychologist and psychiatrist. Archetypes are hidden in the collective unconscious, which exists in every person along with the personal unconscious and consciousness, determine the characteristics of behavior and thinking of the individual, and are filled with specific content throughout life.

CERTIFICATION OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION- establishing compliance of the content, level and quality of training of graduates of an educational institution with the requirements of state educational standards.

ATTITUDE- social a fixed attitude, a predisposition to a certain behavior of an individual in situations of intra-collective communication.

ATTRACTION(from lat. attrahere - to attract, attract) - the emergence of sympathy, the installation of another person as attractive. It is an important indicator of professional pedagogy. suitability.

AUTISM(from the Greek autos - himself) - a mental state characterized by isolation, lack of need for communication, preference for one’s inner world over contacts with others. The term, introduced by E. Bleier (Swiss psychologist), is used both to designate a gross anomaly of mental development, and in relation to the normal psyche (A. can be a method of psychological defense). Autistic children have good memory, show mathematical and musical talent, and are capable of learning and learning languages, but the timing of knowledge acquisition may be shifted to later age periods than usual. Such children should live and be raised in families, not in special boarding schools.

AUTOAGGRESSION- a type of aggressive behavior when hostile actions are directed by a person towards himself. Manifests itself in a tendency to self-humiliation and self-flagellation. In especially severe cases - in suicide attempts. Typical for people suffering from neurotic and depressive disorders. The main means of correction is psychotherapy.

AUTOGENOUS TRAINING(from Greek autos - himself, genos - origin) - see. Psychotherapy.

AFFECT(from lat. affektus - emotional excitement, passion) - strong and relatively short-term neuropsychic excitement (rage, horror, anger), accompanied by a violation of self-control, tense facial expressions and gestures, arising in critical circumstances - when a person is unable to find an adequate way out of the current situation situations. When assessing the actions of students, the teacher must take into account the emotional state in which the students were at the time they were committed.