Mado nna louis za chicco ne. Family assembled: Madonna posted a photo of her six children on Instagram for the first time

Madonna, whose photo from 2017 you will be able to see later, has existed as a world-class star in the show business firmament for a very long time. And her popularity is not hampered by advancing old age, the presence of huge and “younger” competition, or constant criticism from music experts. Yes, fame suggests how big number fans, and an equally significant army of anti-fans. But, despite all the vicissitudes of fate and the eternal “putting a spoke in the wheel,” this brave and courageous woman never ceases to shock the public and develop her activities in various directions. Now she can be called with complete confidence a singer, actress, producer, dancer, film director, screenwriter, entrepreneur, writer and even a mother of beautiful children.

Celebrity biography

This is not just a goddess of pop music, but also a name that has become a label. The brand with this sonorous name is one of the hundred most expensive in the world. The Queen's full name is Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone. This one was born famous woman in the middle of the last century, or more precisely, on August 16, 1958 in the not very developed state of Michigan at that time. In her family, in addition to this little girl, there were five more brothers and sisters. At the age of five, Louise Veronica lost her mother - the woman died suddenly, and her stepmother took her place, who chose not to burden herself with the burden of other people's children and raised only her own. The constant feeling of deprivation gave birth to the little girl’s dream of becoming famous and rich at any cost. And only 9 years later she was able to begin realizing her goal.

Finest hour for a teenager, it was participation in a school talent competition, where she managed to shock her teachers with the power of her voice and talent as an actress. The girl appeared on stage in a tank top and shorts, for which she was subsequently placed under house arrest by her own father. After this day, inscriptions appeared every now and then on the fence near the family nest, characterizing young Ciccone from the best side.

After graduating from school, the beauty entered the University of Michigan. She dreamed of becoming a ballerina that the whole world would talk about, which greatly angered her father, who saw her as a lawyer or medical specialist. But after a small amount of By this time, the young lady realized that the province was not the place for a brilliant start.

And a few days later, this brave girl goes to New York, where she begins to climb upward with all her might. For a long time she had to work only for food and rent a kennel in the most criminal area. In 1979, she went to a casting to find girls for backup dancers. Professional dancers saw talent in her and decided to turn her into a singer. Madonna did not like such changes, because being a pop singer did not appeal to her at all. She even tried to create her own rock band, but this project failed miserably.

Personal life

Already a rapidly growing star, Madonna never hid either the number of her lovers or their own husbands. It was as if with her whole being she was calling people to a sexual revolution, showing off her many fans for all to see.

At the age of twenty, Great Marge (as her fans called her) entered into romantic relationship with famous producers John Benitez. It is to him that the singer owes her fame - he gave her acquaintance with influential people and promoted her tracks in nightclubs.

Having played enough with Benitez, she fluttered into the arms of Jean-Michel Basquiat. But this romance did not last long. The most memorable celebrity man was Sean Penn, with whom she lived for four years.

After the high-profile divorce proceedings, journalists stopped focusing on the star’s companions, because they did not stay in her life for long. Particularly memorable were Lenny Kravitz, who at that time was recognized as a pop icon, and Anthony Kiedis, the lead singer of RHCP. But Madonna decided to have a child only during intimate connection with Latin American Carlson Leon. As a result of their romance, a daughter, Lourdes, was born.

The record holder for the amount of time spent married to the goddess of the pop industry is Guy Ritchie. In 2000, the happy couple became the parents of a boy, Rocco. After 8 years of marriage, the boat of love still crashed on the rocks of everyday life. Soon after this, Veronica went on a rampage again. Her last companion was her ballet dancer Brahim Zaibat. In a fit of feeling, he even proposed marriage to the singer.

According to media reports, on this moment Madonna is raising not only her own children, but also two adopted black twins - Mercy James and David Banda. After some time, you will learn about a big change in the singer’s life. Which one? A little patience...

For the past few years, the pop goddess has been in litigation with ex-husband for the right to guardianship of her son Rocco, who has been living under the supervision of his father for a long time. As you know, at the end of 2016 a meeting was held during which the parents did not come to an agreement.

Advice!You've probably already guessed what the secret of such popularity among men is. No, it’s not a matter of wanting to be as close to the world Olympus as possible. The whole secret lies in the incredible sense of style and natural charisma of the star. I must say, her image is an example to follow. Study it carefully taste preferences and try to embody this in your daily looks.

Awards and achievements

There is no point in listing the hits she sang along the way and the films she starred in. Five years ago, her name was included in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The singer has repeatedly received all existing music awards, the Golden Globe and even a Grammy. There has long been a personal star with her name on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Latest news from the life of Madonna and her children

Despite enough mature age, a woman with a maiden name of Ciccone continues to shock the public. Let's take a look at some of the eccentric things she did this year.

  • January. At a rally against the inauguration of new President Donald Trump, the singer expressed to an audience of half a million her desire... to burn The White house to the ground! She did not choose her expressions and often switched to abusive language during her speech. She should have been arrested for such statements, but the star came to her senses in time, saying that such manipulations would not change anything anyway.

  • February. Madonna adopted twins from Malaysia. Stela and Esther from Malawi became orphans shortly after their birth. For some time, their grandmother looked after them, but her extremely poor financial situation was the reason for transferring the babies to the shelter. For their sake, the singer abandoned legal battles with Guy Ritchie for custody of her son.

  • March. The star decides to build the first pediatric surgery center and intensive care in Malawi. This is not the first project implemented under her leadership. Madonna is the founder of a charitable foundation to help this country. Over the ten years of its existence, dozens of schools, hospitals and orphanages for local children were built.

  • April. Loudres made it to the main pages of the tabloids thanks to the skillful work of the paparazzi. The girl was vacationing in Miami at that time. In several frames of the photo collage presented by journalists, the public was able to see... the unshaven armpits of the young heiress to millions of fortunes. Millions of ordinary network users savored the information received, scattering reproaches and insults. It must be said that the girl had no less defenders. They often spoke out that a girl has the right to choose how she looks. In general, a serious stir was provoked, and perhaps not without the work of black PR people who wanted to stir up interest in Madonna’s family.

Advice! If you are not trying to prove to the whole world the fact of equality between men and women, it is better not to carry out such experiments. Modern people are not yet ready for such manifestations of individuality, so your vacation at sea may cause a wave of indignation and gossip.

  • May. The star decided to make style icons out of her adopted children. She is actively preparing her girls for World Fashion Week, which will take place in Milan. The sisters, it must be said, have long been showing an active interest in cameras and cameras, showing off suits and outfits from their mother’s collections.

  • June. Rocco has been known to use drugs. The singer's son was recently found in an unsightly state. At a party on the occasion of the next premiere of one video Hollywood star, whose name we will not pronounce, he behaved too provocatively and even frighteningly. Arriving police officers forced the young man to undergo a test for the presence of narcotic substances. It is not yet known how this scandal will turn out, in fact, just as the reasons for this behavior are not known, because as far as the media knows, Madonna raised her offspring in strictness.

Whole life in cinema

Madonna recently received an offer to make a film about her life. The film's producers even announced they were looking for actresses suitable for the main role. A few days ago, information appeared that the celebrity would be played by Paris Jackson. From the point of view of external data, she is ideal for this matter. And with acting skills, as the creators of the project assure, she is fine.

So far there have been no comments from Paris, which cannot be said about Madonna. She reacted violently to the director’s desire to make a film telling about her life in the distant 80s and 90s. The singer is confident that not a single living woman on this planet can play this role, because no one is able to convey the range of feelings and emotions that pushed the aspiring goddess of the pop scene to the heights of success. The producers assure that they will definitely find a girl who will please the expressive and outrageous star. But negotiations with Paris continue. They hint that it would be good to take a closer look at Jackson. As it became known quite recently, Madonna admires the talents of the young talent and will perceive her positive response as a gift from heaven.

Madonna is a very provocative character. Throughout her life, she proved to those around her that only through true zeal in realizing her goals can she achieve real success and national fame. Surprisingly, she always managed to behave defiantly and frankly, which forced millions of fans to closely observe her activities. Maybe some people don’t like her songs and music, but you can’t argue with the fact that she is simply amazing in every way. We wish her further development in your profession and other areas and simple female happiness!

Madonna is the queen of pop music, writer, director, producer, fashion designer... in a word, multifaceted and creative person. Her life story - embodiment American dream, she proves that with amazing hard work you can achieve a rapid rise from the bottom to the very top. But most importantly, Madonna became a symbol of the sexual revolution of the 20th century.

Today Madonna Louise Ciccone is one of the richest and most influential women in world show business. In 2018, her fortune was estimated at $580 million.

Childhood and family

Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone was born on August 16, 1958 in Bay City, Michigan. The celebrity's mother, Madonna Louise Fortin, came from a family of French Canadians and worked as an X-ray technician. His father, Italian-American Silvio "Tony" Ciccone, was a design engineer at the Chrysler automobile plant.

Madonna became the third child and first daughter in a family that later had two more sons and a daughter. As the first daughter, in accordance with Italian traditions, she received her mother's name.

When Madonna Jr. turned 5, her mother died of breast cancer. The 30-year-old woman was carrying her sixth child, and chemotherapy meant an inevitable miscarriage. Being a religious woman, she could not do this. The child was born, and a few months later the mother died. The father remarried the family's maid, Joan Gustafson. This is how the girl got a half-brother, Mario, and a sister, Jennifer.

Madonna grew up in a devout Catholic family in the suburbs of Detroit. As the singer admits, she was not everyone’s favorite in childhood; everyone considered her a “hello” girl.

“They treated me cruelly, but I did not allow them to wipe their feet on me and only emphasized my foreignness.

Madonna was an exemplary excellent student, for which her classmates did not like her, but her teachers adored her. She did not shave her armpit hair or wear makeup, and took piano and jazz choreography lessons.

But at the age of 14, her good-girl reputation was ruined: she showed up to a school talent competition in a bikini, and her body was painted with fluorescent paints. After a cheeky dance to “Baba O’Riely” The group Whose father became furious and put Madonna under house arrest, and at school they remembered this performance for a long time, calling her a “whore.” The girl herself, being on stage, finally felt like who she was. And the concept of “virgin/whore” has been a leitmotif through her work ever since.

The mother of the future celebrity loved to dance. Her daughter followed in her footsteps and convinced her father to sign her up for ballet lessons. Later, in high school, she competed on the cheerleading team. After graduating from school as an external student, Madonna received choreographic education at the University of Michigan. One of the teachers convinced her not to waste time studying, but to build a career as a dancer. So in 1958, Madonna dropped out of college and moved to New York with a couple of dozen dollars in her pocket.

She struggled to make ends meet, lived in poverty, worked at Dunkin' Donuts and collaborated with a number of dance groups. Now Madonna recalls that period of her life as the most desperate:

– When I arrived in New York, it was the first time I flew on an airplane, the first time I even called a taxi - everything was for the first time. And I arrived with 35 dollars in my pocket. This was my most courageous act in my life.

First steps to success

In 1979, Madonna danced with French disco artist Patrick Heronandez during his world tour and went crazy with musician Dan Gilroy. With the latter, a little later, the pop diva created her first rock band called Breakfast Club. Madonna played drums and guitar, and also sang.

That same year, for a fee of one hundred dollars, she starred in the film Specific Victim, playing a sex slave. Years later, Madonna tried to buy the rights to the film in order to destroy all reminders of this shame, but she never succeeded.

Madonna in the movie Specific Victim

In 1981, Madonna broke up with Gilroy and began singing in the band Emmy with drummer and Stephen Bray. At the same time, the girl signed a contract with Gotham Records, but the collaboration was short-lived - the aspiring singer’s manager did not share her views on creativity. Soon, with Bray's support, she recorded a demo tape of four "street" tunes ("Ain't No Big Deal", "Stay", "Burning Up" and "Everybody"), which she distributed independently.

Madonna's demo recording impressed DJ and producer Mark Kamins, who played at the Danceteria club, where Madonna often visited. Kamins introduced rising star with Sire Records founder Seymour Stein. The result was a contract for the release of the debut single “Everybody”. Kamins and Bray began to fight for the right to be called Madonna's agent, while both were her lovers. The choice was not easy, but in the end the singer settled on Mark.

"Everybody", Madonna's very first video

Before recording and releasing her debut album, Madonna's producers decided to test the waters and understand whether the singer's success was accidental or not. For this purpose the second maxi-single was written. If it becomes a hit, then they will give the go-ahead to record the album, the producers said. A more experienced producer, Reggie Lucas, was selected to replace Cumings. In collaboration with him, Madonna recorded the single “Burning Up” with the composition “Physical Attraction” on side B. A video was released for the first song, which was included in MTV rotation.

First music video Madonna was just a staged number on the dance floor. But “Burning Up,” replete with inviting angles of an uninhibited blonde writhing in languid ecstasy, was a real breakthrough in the music industry. Before Madonna, no singer had dared to exploit sexual themes so openly in music videos. This is the absolute norm in the pop industry today.

Madonna – Burning Up

Madonna's debut album was called "Madonna" and hit the shelves of music stores in July 1983. It included 8 compositions in the synthetic disco genre. The album started on the Billboard 200 chart at position 190. The record took a year to reach number eight. Reviews from critics were mixed. Many music experts accused Madonna of being overly sexy and deliberately “girlish” and gave her her “minute of fame” for at most six months. But Ciccone just chuckled, declaring that she knows perfectly well what image her work has developed, but this does not mean that this is the only thing she has to offer: “I keep everything under control and am waiting for people to understand it and be confused.”

Worldwide success

Madonna's second album, Like a Virgin, dedicated, according to the cover insert, to all the virgins on the planet, was released in 1984. The producer was Knight Rogers, who had previously worked with David Bowie (album “Let’s Dance”), which endeared him to Ciccone.

Madonna performed the lead single “Like a Virgin” at the very first MTV Video Music Awards. The singer took to the stage wedding dress and a belt with the inscription “Boy Toy”, and during the performance she rolled on the floor, showing the audience stockings with garters and white panties. For the time, the performance was shockingly sexy. Many years later, eyewitnesses recalled: “It was this moment that became a powerful impetus for the release of female power. This is one of the most significant musical numbers of the 20th century."

Madonna – Like a Virgin (MTV VMA 1984)

In the wake of her first success in 1985, Madonna starred in two films. She got her first role in the film “Visual Search”, where Madonna, in a cameo role as a singer in a club, performed the track “Crazy For You”. Next, the singer appears in the film “Desperate Search for Susan,” which introduced “Into The Groove” to the world and revealed Ciccone as an actress. Many film critics believe that Suzanne is the only successful role in Madonna’s filmography.

That same year, Madonna embarked on her first American tour, “The Virgin Tour,” with the Beastie Boys. Later, a video for the song “Material Girl” is recorded, and Madonna begins a relationship with actor Sean Penn. At the same time, Penthouse and Playboy magazines showed on their pages black and white photographs of the singer’s nudes, which were taken back in 1979. Madonna sued for the rights to ban the publication of the photographs.

Madonna released her third studio album, True Blue, in 1986. It was described by Rolling Stone as "sounding from the heart." The disc contained the ballad “Live to Tell,” which the singer wrote for the film “Point Blank,” where her husband Sean Penn starred. And the name is a direct reference to Penn; Madonna gave him the nickname true blue, which means “devoted.”

The album made Madonna a global star and topped the charts in 28 countries. The Guinness Book of Records called this disc absolutely unprecedented. At the same time, the singer took part in the filming of the film “Shanghai Surprise” and played for the first time in the theatrical production “Goose and Tomtom” along with Sean Penn.

Queen of shocking

In 1986, a video was released for the song “Papa Don’t Preach,” in which Madonna touched on the topic of teenage pregnancy. Her lyrical underage heroine wants to give birth to a child from her loved one. Unexpectedly, the song became a source of conflict between Catholics and pro-lifers (opponents of abortion). Catholics blamed Madonna for propaganda extramarital affairs, pro-lifers saw an anti-abortion message in her song. Madonna herself claimed that this song is about a protest against any patriarchal authoritarianism, be it a father, church or society.

Madonna – Papa Don't Preach

In 1987, Madonna appeared on film set tape "Who's That Girl" and recorded four songs for its soundtrack, including "Causing a Commotion".

In 1988, in the city of Pacentro, where the singer’s ancestors lived, a four-meter tall statue of Madonna was erected.

At the beginning of 1989, the singer signed a 5 million dollar contract with Pepsi, and the new composition “Like A Prayer” was presented just in advertising company soda. The video for the song, like the advertisement itself, provoked outrage among religious viewers: crosses were burning in the background. The video shocked the Vatican and called for a boycott of Pepsi, and the holding had no choice but to terminate the sponsorship contract with the pop diva. However, Madonna received her 5 million, and the scandal that broke out fueled public interest for a long time.

Madonna – Like a Prayer

In 1989, an album of the same name to the scandalous video was released, which the singer dedicated to the memory of her deceased mother and all members of her family. The lyrics touched on Madonna’s childhood and personality development, the impact of her mother’s death on her worldview, relationship with her father and, of course, female sexuality - this is the song “Express Yourself”, for which the video was directed by David Fincher.

1990 was marked by the release of a video for the song “Justify My Love,” co-written with Lenny Kravitz. MTV management banned the broadcast of the video on the channel due to its erotic content, references to homosexuality and sadomasochism. The decision was supported by a number of music channels in other countries. Madonna found a way out - she was the first in the music industry to release a video on the market in the “video single” format.

Madonna – Justify My Love

Next year is another scandal. It turns out documentary Truth or Dare, filmed during the Blond Ambition World Tour, during which Toronto police intended to arrest Madonna for simulating masturbation on stage.

In 1992, Madonna founded her own company, Maverick, which was engaged in entertainment, in particular, producing films, releasing music discs and books. First of all, the company released a book by Madonna entitled “Sex” with revelations and sexual fantasies of the singer, who appears in the text under the name Dita. Along with the book, the single "Erotica" was sold, accompanied by a photograph of Madonna holding a whip. Despite the mixed reaction from society, the book became a bestseller. In the first week, more than 500 thousand people purchased a copy of Sex, and a total of 1.5 million books were sold.

The book's release was part of a deliberate campaign to promote the fifth album, Erotica, which was entirely dedicated to sex. However, the PR campaign also had reverse side: The disc was a commercial success, but listeners perceived it more as an addition to the book, so “Erotica” did not make it to the top of the charts.

On March 31, 1994, Madonna came into the studio of The Tonight Show with David Letterman. During the broadcast, she said the word “fuck” 14 times, handed the presenter her panties and offered to sniff them, and when he refused, she said: “Money has made you weak-willed.” In short, in the entire history of the program, this episode was recognized as the most censored.

In the same year, the album “Bedtime Stories” was released, again taking the concept of Ciccone’s work in a different direction. The track of the same name on the album was written by Björk. The theme echoed the previous record, the degree of sexuality dropped by an order of magnitude, while the lyricism of the lyrics increased. Listeners especially liked the single “Secret”, but overall attention to the album remained at average levels.

Passion for Kabbalah

Around 1997, Madonna began studying Kabbalah and Judaism in general. This led to the emergence of calmer intonations in her work and style. Before that, she studied Buddhism, yoga and the Vedas, but only Kabbalah “turned her life upside down.”

Shortly before this, Madonna played the main role in the musical “Evita,” dedicated to the biography of the Argentine singer and subsequently the wife of dictator Juan Peron, Eva Duarte. Filming took place in South America, and Antonio Banderas became the woman’s partner on the set. During preparation for filming, Madonna took vocal lessons, which, by the way, is clearly visible in the album “Ray of Light” released a year later, recognized as the most successful since “Like a Prayer”.

The record symbolized the singer's spiritual rebirth, which was influenced by many factors - from the birth of her daughter (after filming Evita, Madonna became pregnant and soon gave birth to a daughter, Lourdes, from dancer Carlos Leon) to an affair with screenwriter Andy Bird. Madonna's songs no longer talked about the delights of intimate life, but called for attention to ecological disaster, talked about the universe and metaphysical categories. The 39-year-old woman gave up provocative outfits and began wearing a sari and covering her face with a veil.

The public favorably accepted the new image, and in 1999 Madonna received three Grammys at once. Before this, there was only one similar figurine in her collection - received in 1991 in the category “best video clip”. Overall, the album was able to compete even with boy bands and young singers like Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera that had flooded the music market.

Pop queen of the world

“Ray of Light” set the bar high, but the album, released in 2000 and designed in an “American” style with the laconic title “Music,” broke the records of its predecessor. The main hits are the songs “Music”, “Don't Tell Me” and “What It Feels Like for a Girl”, the video for which was banned by MTV, but not because of the nudity, but because of the violent scenes.

Madonna – What It Feels Like For A Girl

At the same time, her attempts to realize herself in big cinema failed. In 2000, Ciccone starred in the romantic comedy " Best friend"with Rupert Everett. Reviews for her acting work were devastating. A year later, the film “Swept Away,” directed by Guy Ritchie, Madonna’s husband at the time, received five Golden Raspberry anti-awards, including the most offensive nominations for “worst actress,” “worst film,” and “worst director.” Since then, Richie has sworn off starring his wife in his films, and the singer only agreed to small roles, for example, in “Die Another Day” with Pierce Brosnan and Halle Berry.

But 2003 brought Madonna her first failures in the musical field. The disc “American Life”, in which the singer touched on a number of topical issues political issues and opened up mental abscesses, no longer wanting to tolerate being treated as a “mercantile girl.” The album was not a failure from a commercial point of view, but was still inferior to the previous ones.

The tenth studio album “Confessions on a Dance Floor” (2005) rehabilitated Madonna in her own eyes. It is worth noting that the first song “Hung Up” became Madonna’s main hit throughout her career.

Madonna – Hung Up

On March 26, 2012, Madonna's twelfth album, MDNA, was released. This album topped all the UK and US charts on its first day. But everything turned out to be not so rosy. Critics called the album very dark, linking this with the singer's painful breakup with Jesus Luz. The video for the second album, single Girl Gone Wild, is subject to a censorship ban due to explicit scenes. The album, devoid of a promotional tour in support, becomes the worst-selling album in the singer's career, breaking the American Life anti-record of 2003.

The singer goes on the MDNA Tour, which starts on May 31 and becomes the most successful tour of 2012. The concerts are causing public outcry in the US over the use of imitation weapons on stage. Billboard names Madonna as the record holder for the music industry's earnings - $34.6 million for the year. In 2013, Madonna received 3 Billboard Music Awards. In August 2013, Forbes magazine named the singer the top celebrity earner of the year with earnings of $125 million.

madonna ft. Nicki Minaj – Bitch, I'm Madonna!

In December 2014, 13 demo versions of songs that were recorded while working on Madonna's thirteenth studio album were leaked onto the Internet. Enraged by what happened, the artist recorded several threatening messages to the pirates. A few days after the leak, on December 20, Madonna officially announced her thirteenth album, called Rebel Heart. The album was released on March 10, 2015.

Fashion designer and entrepreneur

In 2010, Madonna took part in an advertising campaign for the fashion house Dolce & Gabbana, which dreamed of getting the singer. Together with her daughter Lourdes, the singer created her own line of youth clothing, “Material Girl.” An album of concert recordings of the same name was released the same year, and a little later a collection of the best songs “Celebration” appeared. In the same year, Madonna became the screenwriter and director of the film “W.E.”, which is scheduled to be shown in the summer of 2011.

Among other things, Madonna opened a chain of fitness clubs called “Hard Candy” - in honor of her 11th album.

Madonna's personal life

ABOUT love affairs Madonnas could be written as a separate book, so below we will talk only about the most sensational and serious relationship singers.

During her life, she often started relationships with non-public men and was never shy big difference aged.

Madonna's first serious romance, which ended in marriage, is associated with the name of actor Sean Penn. At the time they met in 1985, the singer was dating Prince, but easily left the young man for the young (Sean was 2 years younger) cinematic genius with a reputation as a rebel. They met on the set of the “Material Girl” video. Very soon the lovers announced their engagement and got married on August 16, 1985.

Very soon married life disappointed Ciccone. It turned out that both spouses have a violent temperament and an innate tendency to constant rivalry. The situation was aggravated by Penn's drinking. By 1988, their marriage was practically over. In 1989, the artist demanded a divorce.

One night, Penn broke into her house, tied her to a chair, and beat her for several hours. By cunning, the girl got out of the house and got to the police station. Penn denied everything, although the policemen, horrified by the pop idol disfigured by bruises and bruises, had no doubts. However, the case did not come to court - Madonna asked not to open a criminal case against ex-spouse. “He always had problems controlling his anger,” she later said.

Madonna spent the next few months recovering from the psychological trauma. In 1990, the singer began an affair with Warren Beatty, whom she met on the set of “Dick Tracy,” and in 1991 she remembered a short affair with model Tony Ward, who starred in her explicit video for “Justify My Love.”

In 1992, she dated rapper Vanilla Ice. After their breakup, the man’s career began to decline, and the press revealed a pattern that every man who met Madonna suffered a professional collapse or personal tragedy after breaking up with her. This is also true of rapper Tupac Shakur and basketball player Dennis Rodman, with whom Madonna had affairs in 1994.
When Lourdes was one year old, the paparazzi caught Carlos in the company of another woman. How a real man, he did not talk about the details of the breakup and rejected all the multimillion-dollar offers from journalists who inquired about the ins and outs of their romance. He did not disappear from the lives of Madonna and Lourdes, and always tried to carry out free time with daughter.

The singer then had a short relationship with screenwriter Andy Bird, which ended in 1998 after he carelessly told reporters: “Well, we have a passionate relationship, but we need to work on it.” After the breakup, she realized that she was pregnant. The woman immediately refused an abortion. A dilemma arose: to tell Byrd about the pregnancy or not. But fate decided it itself - a miscarriage occurred.

That same year, at Sting's party, Madonna met British director Guy Ritchie. In a matter of days they became close. The director was 10 years younger than the artist and had just brilliantly presented his debut film Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels to the public. As it turned out later, Richie was aware that Madonna would be at the party, and went there with one purpose - to meet her.

At the same time, he always treated the singer not as a star, but as a to an ordinary person. “He called me Madge and made me wash his car,” she recalled. Their romance developed rapidly. In 1999, Richie, having accidentally met Madonna's ex-lover, Bird, in the park, hit him in the face with all his might.
Kevin Sampaio - new lover Madonna

Madonna now

At the beginning of 2018, Madonna shared with Instagram followers that she was working on her 14th studio album.

There are rumors that she will play the lead role of silent film star Norma Desmond in the musical Sunset Boulevard.

Often the price of success is so high that on the way to it you have to sacrifice almost everything and lose the most valuable thing. Madonna's biography is an example of how not to deviate from your goals and leave your opponents behind.

Madonna was born on August 16, 1958 in a family where, in addition to her, there were 4 older brothers. Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone - the singer's real name - completely repeats the name of her mother. The girl was raised in a religious family, but she was never an ideal daughter - on the contrary, she was considered strange and uncontrollable.

The future singer lost her mother very early, who died of breast cancer at the age of 30, a couple of months after the birth of another child. This was a big blow for the girl, and for a long time, already as an adult, the singer fell into hypochondria, as she was sure that she had the same disease.

It became difficult for my father to cope with family difficulties, and two years later he married for the second time. Madonna immediately disliked her stepmother, because she could not forgive her father for letting another woman into his heart. Besides, she was jealous of him stepbrothers and sisters, believing that they receive more attention.

Despite the fact that the girl studied very well, she was unable to build friendly relations: They were jealous of her academic performance and considered her an “alien.” After all, the future world star could not hide his shocking character.

To prove her originality, at a school talent competition, 14-year-old Madonna Ciccone shocked everyone: she sang a song, appearing on stage in a revealing top and short shorts, her face painted with bright makeup. This event seriously affected the reputation of the future star and her Catholic family. The schoolgirl was put under house arrest, and insulting inscriptions addressed to Madonna often began to appear on the door.

At the age of 15, the singer begins to seriously engage in ballroom dancing. After graduating from school in 1976, she entered university to continue her dance education. This caused a serious scandal between Madonna and her father and further deteriorated their relationship, because his dreams of seeing his daughter as a lawyer collapsed. After studying for only six months, the girl realizes that she will not achieve world heights in the provinces, and decides to leave for New York.

Music career

A young girl arrived in the city of contrasts with a small budget (only 40 dollars), with a small suitcase, an extraordinary creative potential and a great desire to become a dance queen. She lived in a crime-ridden area, often worked only for food, and even posed for photographers as a nude model (later these photographs would “pop up” and end up on the pages of Playboy magazine).

Soon Madonna begins going to auditions for musicals. In one of them, she grabs luck by the tail and ends up in the troupe of artist Patrick Hernandez. While working there, the girl often hums different melodies. One day the directors notice this and ask her to perform a simple song. She sang “Jingle bells” and was right: she was invited to Paris to make her a vocal star. True, Madonna did not like this idea and, after working for only a short time, she returned back to New York.

Soon she meets Seymour Stein, founder of the Sire Records label, who saw great opportunities in Madonna and signed a long-term contract with her. The first album was a success and 30 years later was even recognized as the best debut album in America. The track “Holiday” rose to the top of all US music charts and entered the top 20 best singles in America.

The second album, which was recorded in 1984, was awarded a diamond certificate. The singer becomes the queen of the world stage. Almost all of her tracks take first place in the charts.

In total, Madonna released 13 studio albums, 8 of them occupied the top line in the US charts, namely:

  • 1984 – “Like a Virgin” (1st place).
  • 1986 – “True Blue” (1st place).
  • 1989 – “Like a Player” (1st place).
  • 2000 – “Music” (1st place).
  • 2003 – “American Life” (1st place).
  • 2005 – “Confessions on Dance Floor” (1st place).
  • 2008 – “Hard Candy” (1st place).
  • 2012 – “MDNA” (1st place).

Over the years musical career the singer tried herself in many styles and directions. She is not afraid to be shocking and unlike anyone else. The artist’s costumes and dresses surprise the viewer with their unusualness and extravagance. Singer Madonna was never afraid to appear to her fans as a being “not of this world”; they loved their idol for this sincerity.

The star's acting career was less successful than her musical one. In total, there are more than 20 films with Madonna, but most of them were not even released. Here are some facts:

  • In the early 90s, a documentary film was released about the singer’s life.
  • Four years later, she played the main role in the filmed musical “Evita”.
  • In 2000, the actress received a role in the film “Best Friend.”
  • In 2004, a second documentary about the singer appeared on the screens.
  • In 2015, she tried her hand as a director.

Madonna's personal life

Madonna in her youth was not deprived of male attention, and she was not at all shy about showing off her intimate life publicly. The singer had many affairs, about which there were various rumors.

The first man in the singer's life was actor Sean Penn. This love arose very beautifully: the young man saw future wife descending in the beautiful long dress On the stairs. In 1985, Madonna and Sean Penn exchanged rings and became husband and wife. But their union did not last long.

After that, the singer had affairs with many famous and respectable men from the sphere of show business: among them, for example, Lenny Kravitz, Anthony Kids. All this continued until she fell in love with her fitness trainer Carlos Leon, whom she offered to become a father. Madonna asked her lover to take tests and conduct healthy image life for birth healthy child. Soon their daughter Lourdes Maria Ciccone-Leon was born (at that time the singer was 38 years old).

The next relationship - with director Guy Ritchie - began unusually romantically. At first, Madonna mistook her future husband for an ordinary provincial boy. But soon all the cards were revealed, and the singer could not resist the advances of the young director. Their wedding took place in December 2000.

Madonna and Guy Ritchie lived together for 8 years. The fruit of their love was a son named Rocco, and an adopted boy from an African family also appeared in the family. Soon, Madonna adopted another girl, Mercy Jame, and in 2017, two African twins: Stella and Esther. This became known after the singer shared photos with children in in social networks, in which she hugged her daughters.

Madonna's children are the main pride and joy in the singer's life. Thanks to them, the singer even tried herself as a writer and published the children's book “English Roses” in 2004. Eldest daughter Madonna Lourdes decided to follow in her mother’s footsteps and, at the age of 19, is already the media face of various advertising companies.

In 2013, the star began an affair with basketball player Denis Rodman. Madonna wanted to give him a son, but this did not happen, and their union soon collapsed.

Today, every person in the world knows the name of Madonna; her image is an icon of pop music, the personification of sexuality, shockingness and creative originality.

How old is Madonna and how does she manage to look so young? This is the question everyone asks when they see the star’s chiseled figure and her energetic dances during performances. Any girl can envy her external beauty - with a small height of 164 cm, the singer’s parameters are ideal: 90-60-90. The personal account of the Queen of Pop on Instagram contains many photographs that give fans the opportunity to see their favorite in different images and settings. Author: Anastasia Kaykova

Singer Madonna ( full name- Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone) has retained the undisputed title of Queen of Pop for the third decade in a row. Along with the star’s natural talent and high performance, her appearance also played a significant role in this - at over 50, she looks at most 35-40!

Of course, this fact could not help but cause numerous discussions about Madonna’s possible plastic surgeries, although the singer herself categorically denies any rumors about visits to surgeons.

To create a more or less objective picture, we will try to put together assumptions, facts, photographs of the star before and after the proposed corrections, as well as the opinions of eminent specialists.

What kind of plastic surgery did Madonna have?

Journalists and fans attribute several plastic surgeries to Madonna at once - most often we're talking about o and , - as well as regular “ ” and hardware procedures. It is worth noting that the first such assumptions appeared at the beginning of the two thousandths: until that time, there were no doubts about the natural origin of her appearance.

Obviously, through sports and diets, which the star definitely knows a lot about, it is quite possible to slow down the aging process, but it is unlikely to completely stop time. But this is exactly what happened to Madonna at the turn of the millennium, as her photos eloquently testify to.

The secret of Madonna's youth: plastic surgery or cosmetology?

It is quite possible that the singer was pushed to radical methods of rejuvenation by her married life with director Guy Ritchie, who is 10 years younger than her. But another version seems more plausible: when the relationship with her husband began to crack, Madonna became seriously concerned about the imminent need to re-arrange her personal life - which was the impetus for her visit to the surgeon.

Her most enchanting appearance was at the 2007 Oscars (shortly before her divorce from Richie) - the incredible youth and freshness emanating from the singer gave food for thought to both fans and experts in the field of plastic surgery.

Of course, the wonderful transformation of the star could be attributed to successful makeup, the play of light and computer processing of photographs, but over the next few years, Madonna’s appearance did not change at all - in a variety of settings and angles, she remained just as young and attractive.

“Looking at a woman her age, you expect to see wrinkles in the forehead and eyebrows starting to sag,” English plastic surgeon Adrian Richards commented on the star’s new look. The absence of these age factors, in his opinion, indicates that Madonna was carried out. However, Richards admits that the singer did without plastic surgery - a similar result can be obtained after several hardware lifting procedures in combination with or.

Another eminent specialist, Apostolos Gaitanis, drew attention to the jaw of the star. “Her jaw line has a very clear contour, which clearly confirms the hypothesis of plastic surgery. This effect is achieved by a slight tightening, during which excess skin is eliminated,” he explained.

However, the hypothesis about a combination of cosmetic procedures seems more likely, especially considering Madonna’s busy touring schedule, which excludes the possibility of long-term post-operative rehabilitation.

Madonna, Botox and “beauty injections”

If the question of Madonna's plastic surgery is still open, then neither fans nor experts have any doubts that the star regularly undergoes cosmetic injections: just look at how her wrinkles were miraculously smoothed out in the same 2006-2008 years nasolabial folds.

According to American expert According to “star plastic surgery” by Anthony Youn, the singer underwent a whole range of anti-aging injections: to eliminate eyebrow wrinkles and base fillers to fill the nasolabial folds and cheekbones. “I think that her plump lips, which do not become thinner with age, - the result (of injections of one’s own fat cells from the abdomen or buttocks),” he added.

“Madonna has found the perfect balance between her body and face. Considering low percentage subcutaneous fat, it was easy to overdo it with fillers, which would completely disrupt the overall proportions,” American plastic surgeon Terry Dubrow admired the star. Unfortunately, this joy was a little premature.

It is known that the star visited the clinic of the modern “Botox guru” and, most likely, it was thanks to him that the first injections were so successful. Other sources indicate that the singer was a regular client of the famous "Dr. Hollywood". However, the results of further transformations turned out to be extremely far from perfect (perhaps, having decided to refuse the services of eminent masters, she miscalculated in choosing a new one).

As a result, like some other fans of injections, such as and, Madonna slightly overdid it with fillers - as a result, her face began to look swollen and wrinkled. Getting rid of this effect, called “pillow face,” will not be so easy, and whether the star will be able to find the strength to refuse the new “pillow face” is a big question.

Madonna and her hands

Despite the fact that Madonna's face still makes her look much younger than her age, the singer's hands give away her age. Thin skin and prominent large veins are not the most aesthetically pleasing sight, but for unknown reasons the star is in no hurry to see a cosmetologist, preferring to hide her hands from photo lenses with the help of gloves, which have become an almost integral part of her image.

Meanwhile, it is not difficult to get rid of this problem with the help of the much-loved Madonna. Another, no less effective option is lipofilling. Of course, completely eliminate age-related changes It won’t work, but at a minimum, the imbalance between the face and hands can be eliminated literally in one session.

Did Madonna get breast augmentation?

In 2008, the same Anthony Yun noticed that Madonna’s breasts had noticeably increased in size: “It seems that instead of a second one, she now has at least a third one, and quite possibly - thanks to the operation. For women of her constitution, the third size is uncharacteristic.”

The singer’s press attache hastened to refute this assumption, emphasizing that the star had not performed any operations or other rejuvenating procedures, except for harmless ozone therapy. Madonna herself spoke at greater length. "If I do plastic surgery“I will not hold a press conference on this matter,” she said. “In addition, like other women, I sometimes think about plastic surgery and do not exclude this possibility for myself.”

Madonna, full name Madonna Louise Ciccone (born August 16, 1958) is an American singer, actress, director, and philanthropist. She is considered the most successful singer who has had a significant influence on modern music. Sales of her albums exceed 300 million copies. Winner of many awards.


Born in American Bay City, Michigan. Madonna's mother was her full namesake and was of Canadian descent. She was mainly involved in housework. Silvio's father had Italian roots and was an outstanding automotive design engineer.

In terms of seniority, the girl was the third of six children. She studied at a Catholic school, with the exception of high school. From an early age I loved to dance.

During last pregnancy Madonna's mother was diagnosed with a malignant breast tumor. Being very religious, she decides to carry the child to term and refuses treatment until delivery. Having given birth, she dies a few months later; at that time she was only 30 years old.

Two years later, the father married the maid. Despite the fact that the family did not live in poverty, the stepmother introduced a regime of austerity on everything: she sewed her own clothes and used only semi-finished products.

In high school, Madonna attended a regular school, where she had the opportunity to participate in amateur performances, school plays and musicals. She was also involved in cheerleading. She was an outstanding student, for which her peers often disliked her, considering her a little strange. The modest girl also did not seek to make friends. In addition, at home she had to endure the antics of her older brothers, who were addicted to drugs.

Child photo Madonna

However, Madonna still had several close people. Among them are the poet W. Cooper, who studied with her at the same school, and her philosophy teacher. From her childhood, the singer brought out a sharply negative attitude towards drug addiction and a peculiar one towards God, who allowed the death of her mother. The turning point of her youth was a shocking dance performance by fourteen-year-old Madonna at a school party, after which her father placed his daughter under house arrest. Her reputation as an exemplary excellent student is completely destroyed.

At the age of 15, the girl begins to study ballet. Her mentor, gay K. Flynn, had a great influence on Madonna. Together they attended exhibitions and concerts, as well as gay clubs. Madonna's appearance becomes sloppy and eccentric, and her behavior also changes. She made her first sexual experience known to the whole school. Having become a graduate, she goes to the University of Michigan and studies dance there, despite her father's desire to give her a medical or legal education.

Path to starting a career

The teachers were surprised by Ciccone's endurance; she was characterized as a very capable student. However, after studying for a year and a half, she decides to go to New York, where she hopes to join the P. Lang dance troupe. She succeeds, but her earnings do not allow her to rent a house. She begins to weaken from insufficient nutrition, and the dance director gets her a job as a restaurant cloakroom attendant. Later, Madonna becomes a model and also poses in the nude genre.

Madonna in her youth

She then lived in a cheap, crime-ridden area, where she was once subjected to sexual violence. After this, he experiences depression, leaves the Lang troupe and attends dance auditions. At one of them she was noticed by the Belgian producers of the singer P. Hernandez, who were able to evaluate not only the girl’s dancing abilities, but also her voice. Ciccone spends six months on the singer’s European tour, during which time he manages to suffer from pneumonia. She does not give in to the producer’s persuasion to sing in the pop-disco style, preferring punk rock, and returns to America, where her abandoned boyfriend D. Gilroy awaits her.

Gilroy prepared Madonna as a musician: he taught her to play several instruments and invited her to join his band as a drummer. In 1980, she created her own team, which did not last long. Then he assembles the rock group “Emmy”, in which he performs his own songs and is a guitarist. Financial situation continues to be poor.

A year later, Ciccone meets the owner of the recording studio K. Barbon, leaves the group and signs a contract with her. The new manager saw a future star in her, she decides that Madonna should perform without an instrument, but with dance. Over time, the relationship between them worsens.


Together with his old friend S. Bray, Ciccone writes several dance compositions, the recording of which is given to the DJ of one of the clubs, M. Kamins. He arranges negotiations for Madonna with S. Stein, owner of Sire Records. From then on, the singer became simply Madonna. With zero costs and no photo of the singer, her first single “Everybody” turned out to be quite popular, and she begins work on the album.

Ciccone at the beginning of his career, 1983

The first disc was released under the name “Madonna” in 1983 and contains several hits. Starts working with the singer former manager Michael Jackson F. Demann. The second album comes out a year later and becomes the leader in the American album chart. The composition “Like a Virgin” has become a hit for more than a decade. In 1985, Madonna embarked on her first domestic tour, after which her fan base grew rapidly.

Then the first scandals arise around her. Nude photographs of the singer from the past are published, after which the press begins to accuse her of participating in adult films. Madonna coped with the attacks of ill-wishers and continued to work. A new successful album was released in 1986. The singer's appearance changes to Hollywood style. He acts in films, but unsuccessfully.

In 1989, the next disc was released, already the second, produced by Madonna herself. Her performances turn into real shows, combining concert and theatrical elements, as well as ballet and video accompaniment. Becomes the object of new scandals, accused of plagiarism and anti-Semitism. At the same time, the singer's audience is expanding significantly, and she is beginning to be compared to Marilyn Monroe.

Blond Ambition World Tour (1990)


In 1992, Madonna opens a company in the entertainment industry and calls it Maverick. It turns out new disk"Erotica" The singer is perceived as the personification of sin, blasphemy and vulgarity. He aggravates the situation with his participation in D. Letterman's show, allowing vulgar behavior on television.

The 1994 album became a Grammy nominee. Madonna's performance style is complemented by R'n'B elements. Gradually, the attitude towards the singer softens. Her participation in the 1996 film “Evita” was highly praised, and she received a Golden Globe for her role in the film. At the same time, Madonna is interested in Buddhism, Kabbalah and yoga. In 1998, an album was released demonstrating her spiritual transformation. "Ray of light" wins a Grammy.

Madonna in the new century

The beginning of the new millennium is accompanied by the release of the album “Music”, a film with the singer in leading role"Best Friend" and her move to the UK. In 2003, the next disc, “American Life,” was released, which became the most unsuccessful in the singer’s career due to her pacifist attitude. Madonna is accused of lack of patriotism, and her songs become banned on some American radio stations. The singer's popularity is declining somewhat.

In 2003, she tried herself as a writer for children. Her illustrated book “Roses of England” was received quite warmly, but immediately followed new scandal after kissing Britney Spears during a performance. Madonna tried to disown hints of gay.

The 2005 album returned the singer to her former popularity. In 2008, the singer began working with young stars and released the disc “Hard Candy.” The network of fitness clubs she opened in 2010 gets the same name. In addition, a clothing line for young people has been launched. The 2012 disc becomes even less successful than “American Life”. However, the tour following the album is popular. In 2013, Madonna was named the most paid singer. The new album was released in 2015.

Madonna with her children

Personal life

There were many men in Madonna's life. She had relationships with L. Kravitz, W. Beatty, D. Rodman, E. Kiedis and others. She was married twice. The first husband was the actor Sh. Penn. Family life took place under the constant attention of the press, was accompanied by scandals and beatings and lasted four years (1985-1989). In 1996, the singer gave birth to a daughter from her Cuban-born coach K. Leon. She named the girl Lourdes.

In 1998, Madonna, while visiting Sting, met her second husband, British director Guy Ritchie. Having become pregnant, she moved to London. In 2000, their son Rocco was born. After the wedding, the singer receives new citizenship. The marriage lasted until 2008, the couple managed to adopt a boy from Malawi. In 2009, Madonna independently adopted a Malawian girl. Then Madonna had affairs with men younger than her: fashion model H. Louis, dancer B. Zaibat. In 2015, information appeared in the press about the resumption of relations with her first husband.