Irina toneva biography personal life children. Irina Toneva: biography, personal life and body measurements (photo)

Childhood and family of Irina Toneva

Ira was born in Krasnoznamensk. IN kindergarten the girl sang at matinees more than once. At seven she went straight to general education and music schools. The girl's favorite subject was physical education. Having matured a little, the schoolgirl decided to also take up sports dancing. By nature she was flexible and mobile. Over time, Irina began to like chemistry most of all at school. In addition to school, she began to devote more and more time and energy to dancing. In the end, Toneva realized that she could not imagine life without dancing.

Irina Toneva and Pavel Artemyev - You understand

After school, the girl became a student at the University of Design and Technology. Her specialty is a chemical technologist for leather and fur. After graduating from university and receiving a diploma with honors, she got her first job in her specialty. It was a tannery in Kuntsevo.

The beginning of the career of singer Irina Toneva

In addition to working at the factory, Ira studied vocals with a teacher, and also sang as a soloist in a military orchestra, led by Roman Gutsolyuk. She performed popular songs of that time, as well as a number of Gutsoluk's original songs. He helped her with her voice.

In 2002, Toneva left the factory. She decided to try her hand at the Metro casting.

Next place Irina’s work became the Stimul Color Cosmetics company, where she worked as a chemical technologist. Her responsibilities included managing the hair dye production process. Not forgetting her love for dancing, Ira began attending the Student dance school. In 2002, Toneva changed her job again. This time it was the Khimiya-2000 company, where she worked as a manager for five months.

Irina Toneva at the Star Factory

In October 2002, Ira found herself at the Star Factory. This became possible due to the fact that for several years she studied voice training and danced. This was also facilitated by the temperament of the future singer. She always has a thirst for life, she is an active person striving for self-improvement. The Star Factory helped her dreams come true.

Having won the confrontation with Vitas, she began her ascent as a pop vocalist. The stage became a part of her life, as the girl devoted a lot of time to rehearsals and singing, she lived by it. The Factory group gave Irina the opportunity to fully devote herself to the viewer.

Ira Toneva and Pasha Artemyev “You Understand”

To improve in her profession, Ira entered the Gnessin School, without stopping her dance classes in the studio.

Toneva in the group "Factory"

In the group, the girl was always the tallest. Irina came up with her own image herself. During the period from 2003 to 2006, "Factory", which also included Sasha Savelyeva and Sati Casanova, was awarded the Golden Gramophone award three times. In 2005, the girls were awarded the Glamor Award.

The singer attracted attention by singing the song “You Understand” with Pavel Artemyev. Pavel later became the lead singer of the group “Korni”. For Irina, performing in the group “Fabrika” became a kind of springboard on her way to the stage. The audience appreciated her voice.

Toneva played in films several times. She took part in the work on the films “Cinderella”, “Snow Angel”, “Women on the Edge”, “Hello, I’m your dad!”

Personal life of Irina Toneva

Although some people have the impression that Irina is a reserved and uncommunicative person, her parents and friends have the opposite opinion on this matter. The singer’s mother claims that her daughter has a wide circle of friends and knows how to get along with everyone. mutual language. She easily gets along with people and can find a topic for communication with everyone.

Irina does not like to talk about personal things. She keeps everything that doesn’t concern the stage to herself. The girls from “Factory” and their personal lives are often written about in the media, including a lot of far-fetched information. Similar articles practically never appear about Irina Toneva.

It can be argued that Ira was one of the three characters in love triangle, where besides her there were Yura Pashkov and Otar Kushanashvili. Irina chose Yuri.

One day in the life of Irina Toneva

For some time Irina had romantic relationship with Igor DMCB, who was the lead singer of the band "Band" Eros.

The media wrote that the singer was dating a businessman, but she did not disclose his last name. Irina believes that relationships should be long-term and thorough. The girl doesn't believe in crazy passion. Toneva prefers not to waste herself on fleeting, short-term romances, as they can prevent her from discerning her destiny. It is important for Ira that the man next to her does not have a need for several novels at the same time.

Interesting things about Irina Toneva, singer today

Irina has always been distinguished by having her own views on life. She enjoys reading books by occult writers and shares the philosophy of P. Coelho. Her favorite writers also include Richard Bach and his work Jonathan's Seagull.

The singer is absolutely indifferent to the Internet. Even email the girl checks extremely rarely. Yours free time she loves spending time with her family. She likes to listen good music, especially relaxation music. Irina also writes her own poetry. Being a romantic nature, she dreams of one day buying a house by the sea.

Ira likes a sporty style of clothing. For food, she prefers mushrooms and oatmeal. Her favorite candy is Bird's Milk.

At the end of April, 39-year-old lead singer of the Factory group Irina Toneva tied the knot with choreographer, participant in her show ballet, 27-year-old Alexei Brizha. The wedding took place in the strictest secrecy: only the closest couple of the newlyweds - parents and a few friends - were present at the painting in the Khoroshevsky registry office in Moscow.

“I came from my native Kharkov to register my son’s marriage,” the groom’s mother Irina shared with StarHit. – I’m incredibly happy for them: a wonderful couple, they suit each other very well. Ira and I immediately had a mutual understanding - a lot common interests, it’s as if we’ve known each other all our lives! I believe that she will be Lesha’s impeccable wife - caring, kind, attentive.”

The newlyweds had to postpone their honeymoon for now - now both are engrossed in work. But in the near future the guys still hope to go on a well-deserved vacation to the sea. Toneva and Brizha, whose creative pseudonym is Alex Soul, dated for about two years before officially becoming husband and wife. After meeting the young man, the singer even decided on a radical and rather bold change of image - Irina dyed her hair platinum blonde.

The couple are practically inseparable: Alexey tours with Irina, teaches at capital school modern dance "Traffic Light", and also works music producer at the recording studio. But his path to success was far from easy: after moving to Moscow from Ukraine, the guy had to earn extra money by distributing leaflets - his “promoter profiles” can still be found on the Internet.

Let us remember that for many years Irina Toneva hid the details of her personal life, not even talking about whether she had a boyfriend. The artist also avoided questions about what she sees as an ideal family model.

Ira was born in Krasnoznamensk. In kindergarten, the girl sang at matinees more than once. At seven she went straight to general education and music school. At school, my favorite subject was physical education. Having matured a little, the schoolgirl decided to also take up sports dancing. By nature she was flexible and mobile. Over time, Irina began to like chemistry most of all at school. In addition to school, she began to devote more and more time and energy to dancing. In the end, Toneva realized that she couldn’t imagine life without dancing.

Irina Toneva and Pavel Artemyev - You understand

After school, the girl became a student at the University of Design and Technology. Her specialty is a chemical technologist for leather and fur. After graduating from university with honors, she got her first job in her specialty. It was a tannery in Kuntsevo.

The beginning of the career of singer Irina Toneva

In addition to working at the factory, Ira studied vocals with a teacher, and also sang as a soloist in the Military Orchestra, whose director was Roman Gutsolyuk. She performed popular songs of that time, as well as a number of Gutsoluk’s original songs. He helped her with her voice.

In 2000, Toneeva left the factory. She decided to try her hand at the Metro casting.

Irina’s next place of work was the Stimul Color Cosmetics company, where she worked as a chemical technologist. Her responsibilities included managing the hair dye production process. Not forgetting her love for dancing, Ira began attending the Student dance school. In 2002, Toneva changed her job again. This time it was the Chemistry 2000 company, where she worked as a manager for five months.

Irina Toneva at the Star Factory

In October 2002, Ira found herself at the Star Factory. This became possible due to the fact that for several years she studied voice training and danced. This was also facilitated by the temperament of the future singer. She always has a thirst for life, she is an active person striving for self-improvement. The Star Factory helped her dreams come true.

Having won the confrontation with Vitas, she began her ascent as a pop vocalist. The stage became a part of her life, as the girl devoted a lot of time to rehearsals and singing, she lived by it. The Factory group gave Irina the opportunity to fully devote herself to the viewer. Ira Toneva and Pasha Artemyev "You understand"

To improve in her profession, Ira entered the Gnessin School, without stopping her dance classes in the studio.

Toneva in the group "Factory"

In the group, the girl was always the tallest. Irina came up with her own image herself. During the period from 2003 to 2006, “Factory”, which also included Sasha Savelyeva and Sati Casanova, was awarded the Golden Gramophone award three times. In 2005, the girls were awarded the Glamor Award.

The singer attracted attention by singing the song “You Understand” with Pavel Artemyev. Pavel later became the lead singer of the group “Korni”. For Irina, performing in the group “Fabrika” became a kind of springboard on her way to the stage. The audience appreciated her voice.

Toneeva played in films several times. She took part in the work on the films “Cinderella”, “Snow Angel”, “Women on the Edge”, “Hello, I am your dad!”

Personal life of Irina Toneva

Although some people have the impression that Irina is a reserved and uncommunicative person, her parents and friends have the opposite opinion on this matter. The singer’s mother claims that her daughter has a wide circle of friends and knows how to find a common language with everyone. She easily gets along with people and can find a topic for communication with everyone.

Irina does not like to talk about personal things. She keeps everything that doesn’t concern the stage to herself. The girls from “Factory” and their personal lives are often written about in the media, including a lot of far-fetched information. Similar articles practically never appear about Irina Toneva.

It can be argued that Ira was one of three characters in the love triangle, where besides her there was Yura Pashkov and Otar Kushanashvili. Irina chose Yuri.

News MTV Block: Sexy photo shoot of the group “Factory”

For some time, Irina had a romantic relationship with Igor DMCB, who was the lead singer of the Band Eros group.

The media wrote that the singer was dating a businessman, but she did not disclose his last name. Irina believes that relationships should be long-term and thorough. The girl doesn't believe in crazy passion. Toneva prefers not to waste herself on fleeting, short-term romances, as they can prevent her from discerning her destiny. It is important for Ira that the man next to her does not have a need for several novels at the same time.

Interesting things about Irina Toneva, singer today

Irina has always been distinguished by having her own views on life. She enjoys reading books by occult writers and shares the philosophy of P. Coelho. Among her favorite writers is also Richard Bach and his work “Jonathan's Seagull.”

The singer is absolutely indifferent to the Internet. The girl rarely even checks her email. She likes to spend her free time with her family. She likes to listen to good music, especially relaxation music. Also

Irina writes her poems. Being a romantic nature, she dreams of one day buying a house by the sea.

Ira likes a sporty style of clothing. For food, she prefers mushrooms and oatmeal. Her favorite candy is Bird's Milk.

Irina Toneva is one of the most lively members of the Factory group. She has been singing and dancing since childhood, graduated from a pop-jazz school, and Irina got into the reality show “Star Factory” only thanks to her own efforts and talents. Ever since then personal life of Irina Toneva under the constant sight of television and photo cameras. Of course, the girl is already 35, and she is still not married. In response to constant questions from journalists about why she doesn’t get married, Irina Toneva replies that the very word “marriage” causes her terrible internal discomfort, and a stamp in her passport is not something she should strive for in life. In general, when hearing such questions, the singer tries to laugh it off.

Irina Toneva prefers not to show off her personal life. Several times, the secretive Toneva was caught on camera along with the lead singer of the Banderos group, Garik. According to rumors, the couple dated seriously for some time, but, as they say, they did not get along.

Irina Toneva’s other suitors did not appear next to the singer; in any case, Toneva attends most official events in splendid isolation. I would like to believe that in Irina Toneva’s personal life there is still a man worthy of her, especially since the singer herself says in passing that her heart is not free. However, he prefers to talk about his hobbies in sports and dancing, about his own diet and other issues that interest any woman. But not a word about love and personal life. Let's hope that in the near future there will be pleasant changes in Irina Toneva's personal life.

Irina Toneva was born in one of the scientific towns of the Moscow region in the family of a military man and a space force engineer. As a child, Irina was an active child, she loved music, dancing, and sports. At the age of 7, the girl went to music school, and later began to study sports and ballroom dancing.

In high school, the girl unexpectedly became interested in chemistry and immediately after school she entered the Moscow University State University design and technology, receiving a diploma in chemical engineering. Irina worked for several years in her specialty at the Kuntsevo tannery, while continuing her studies - this time at Gnesinka in the class of pop vocals, and performed with a military orchestra as a soloist.

In 2002, the singer tried to audition for the musical Metro, but the attempt was unsuccessful. The next casting is for a completely new show "Star Factory" brought her real fame. As a result of the competition, she became the lead singer of a pop group "Factory", which was produced by Igor Matvienko.

In 2013, the singer entered an acting school. German Sidakov. Toneva performed main role in the play “The Tale of Sonechka”, and also starred in the film "Cinderella".

Toneva has repeatedly been included in the list of the sexiest Russian singers according to Maxim and FHM magazines.

The singer does not eat meat and fish and promotes healthy image life. She performed at the Moscow Life Picnic festival, dedicated to healthy lifestyle and self-knowledge.

In her free time, Toneva still dances.

“I love to dance and learn it. However, I never took part in battles. I remain devoted to hip-hop, but in addition I became interested in Afro-funk.”

Irina Toneva in the group “Factory”

Since 2002, Irina has been the lead singer of the group "Factory". Initially, in addition to Irina, the group sang Sati Casanova, Alexandra Savelyeva And Masha Alalykina, but in 2003 Alalykina left the team due to pregnancy.

The group’s first song, “About Love,” became a hit. In 2003, the girls released their first album, “Factory Girls,” the songs from which conquered the Russian charts. In 2008, the band’s second album, “We Are So Different,” was released.

After Sati Casanova left the group, she decided to build solo career, performed with Irina and Alexandra former soloist Hi-Fi Ekaterina Lee And Alexandra Popova.

The group was awarded the Golden Gramophone award 6 times.

In 2016, Irina began a solo career, without leaving the group. The songs “Come on” and “At the Top” were released in January 2017.

“I am glad to bear the title of “manufacturer.” So the “Factory” group is the same: Sasha Savelyeva, Alexandra Popova and Irina Toneva. Concerning solo project, then in 2007 I was lucky enough to meet musicians who wrote instrumentals harmonically similar to the music that has been in my head and in my notebooks since childhood. I was invited to come up with and sing vocalises. Then we realized: to expand the audience, we need words and a more familiar musical form. Otherwise, even brilliant music risks remaining “in the background.” This is how our work on song stories began. Over time, they changed, catching up with time and overtaking it. We think so. But it’s up to the listener to decide.”

Irina Toneva. Personal life

Toneva hid the details of her personal life for several years. It is known that until 2008 the singer dated an MTV VJ Yuri Pashkov. Since 2009, Irina had a relationship with Igor Burnyshevformer member Russian music group"Band'Eros".

In 2015, Irina was first seen at an event with a choreographer Alexey Brizhay. In 2017, it became known that the couple officially registered their relationship at the Khoroshevsky registry office in Moscow. Alexey's mother was present at the wedding.