What to do with black chanterelles. Why are chanterelles never wormy? Application of funnel funnel carotid

Description of the gray chanterelle and popular names. Calorie content, composition and beneficial features. Are there any contraindications for use? Mushroom recipes And Interesting Facts about the gray fox.

The content of the article:

Gray chanterelle is an edible mushroom of gray or brown color. The cap reaches a diameter of 6 cm, the height of the stem is up to 8 cm. The color of the flesh matches the shade of the cap. The mushroom is considered an analogue of the funnel-shaped funnel; it is almost the same in color and shape. A small difference is the pseudoplates under the cap. Among mushroom lovers, the gray chanterelle’s own taste is considered inexpressive and “bland.” Names: botanical - Craterellus sinuosus or sinuous funnelwort, folk - cornucopia, nigella and even the trumpet of death (in Germany). The last name of the mushroom is associated with its appearance - poisoning from fruiting bodies when correct collection impossible. Gray chanterelles grow in colonies, are found from July to September, prefer deciduous and mixed forests and undergrowth. Mushrooms are collected in the European part of Russia, in Central America, in Western Europe, in Ukraine and Belarus, where this species is even listed in the Red Book.

Composition and calorie content of gray chanterelles

If prepared correctly, the mushroom can be a wonderful addition to the diet for those losing weight.

The calorie content of gray chanterelle is 19 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins - 1.49 g;
  • Fats - 0.53 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 6.86 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 3.8 g;
  • Ash - 1 g;
  • Water - 86.36 g.
Gray chanterelles contain glucose (dextrose) in the amount of 1.16 g per 100 g.

Vitamins per 100 g:

  • Thiamine - 0.015 mg;
  • Riboflavin - 0.215 mg;
  • Nicotinic acid - 4.085 mg;
  • Pantothenic acid - 1.075 mg;
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.044 mg;
  • Folates - 2 mcg;
  • Vitamin D (D2 + D3) - 5.3 mcg;
  • Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) - 5.3 mcg.
Minerals per 100 g:
  • Calcium, Ca - 15 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 13 mg;
  • Phosphorus, P - 57 mg;
  • Potassium, K - 506 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 9 mg;
  • Iron, Fe - 3.47 mg;
  • Zinc, Zn - 0.71 mg;
  • Copper, Cu - 0.353 mg;
  • Manganese, Mn - 0.286 mg;
  • Selenium, Se - 2.2 μg.
Also in the dark pulp: the lipid campesterol, fatty acids in small quantities, a very interesting substance, chitinmannose, which is used in medicines to treat helminthic infestations. Beta-glucans, trametonolinic acid, and ergosterol were isolated from the pulp.

Despite the beneficial substances in the composition, mushroom pickers avoid these mushrooms. It cannot be said that they are inferior in taste to their counterparts - ordinary red or yellow color, But appearance alarming. Moreover, they are quite rare. Sometimes you have to walk all day to find low-calorie fruiting bodies, they are so carefully camouflaged among rotten leaves.

Useful properties of gray chanterelle

Traditional medicine uses dried gray chanterelles and extracts from them to prepare mixtures. Recipes from the fruiting bodies of these mushrooms are included in fungotherapy. Official medicine has also studied the benefits of gray chanterelles for the body.

Consuming them 3-5 times a week has the following effect:

  1. Anti-inflammatory - due to a complex of amino acids and B vitamins.
  2. Bactericidal and anthelmintic - due to the content of the substance chitinmannose.
  3. Antioxidant and antitumor, since the composition contains a zinc and copper complex, which isolates free radicals and removes them from the body, and also stimulates natural anti-cancer defenses.
  4. Strengthening nervous system, improvement of nerve conduction.
  5. Increases the number of red blood cells in the blood - erythrocytes, promotes the creation active complexes- oxygen and iron.
  6. Stimulates the enzymatic function of the liver - destroys hepatitis A and B viruses thanks to trametonolinic acid in the mushroom pulp.
Improvement in vision was also noted with a mushroom diet, which included dishes from fresh or pre-dried chanterelles. If ordinary, red chanterelles are valued for their high amount of carotene, then gray ones are valued for their anti-cancer effect.

Antihelminthic therapy with chanterelles has additional beneficial effects:

  • Stem cells are produced much more actively;
  • Improves memory function and motor activity;
  • General immunity increases - you don’t have to worry about colds for a year.
Unlike many mushrooms, the beneficial substances in gray chanterelles are half destroyed during cooking, so for health purposes they use dishes made from dried or frozen pulp, but in medicinal purposes they are consumed raw.

Harm and contraindications to eating gray chanterelles

Like any mushrooms, gray chanterelles should not be collected in environmentally polluted areas, near busy highways or in an industrial area. They accumulate harmful substances from soil and air.

Contraindications to gray foxes are:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation - due to the danger of getting intoxicated by a contaminated fruiting body.
  2. Children's age - up to 5 years, the child's body does not produce enough enzymes to completely digest mushrooms.
  3. Exacerbation of diseases of the stomach and intestines.
Allergies can appear as raw mushrooms, as well as mixtures and tinctures from dried fruit bodies.

If negative reactions occur - eating disorders, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and sore throat - take enterosorbents and further mushrooms do not use.

Gray chanterelle recipes

Gray chanterelles do not have a distinct taste, so seasonings are added to dishes made from them: marjoram, celery, dill, allspice, coriander, Bay leaf and grated dried carrots. The disadvantage of mushroom dishes is the lack of taste of the fruiting bodies themselves. But energy value allows the use of nigella in dietary menus.

Recipes with gray chanterelles:

  • Mushroom soup. Prepare a fresh assortment of mushrooms (250 g): gray chanterelles, boletus, porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, that is, species that do not need to be pre-soaked and boiled; they are cleaned and cut into small slices. Caps and fruiting bodies are used. Heat the frying pan, lay out a piece butter, fry sliced ​​mushrooms along with half of the parsley root and chopped onions. Bring the assortment to full readiness, grind it with a blender or pass it through a meat grinder. The frying pan is rinsed, heated without adding oil, and a tablespoon of flour is dried on it. Add water to it - a little more than 1 liter, mix thoroughly and boil for 5 minutes. Then add mushroom puree and boil for another 7 minutes along with finely grated carrots and add some salt. At this time they are making sauce. Mix in a separate container milk - 50 ml, sour cream - a tablespoon, egg yolk. Keep the mixture in a water bath for as long as necessary for thickening. Combine the sauce and soup, grind again if necessary. Fresh herbs and parsley are added when serving. It is customary to serve croutons along with this soup.
  • Truffle soup. This soup uses a property of gray chanterelles that is considered negative - the tastelessness of the fruiting bodies. But you can prepare a soup that will not be inferior in taste to a dish from the most expensive mushrooms- truffles. Potatoes, about 300 g, are peeled and fried in a deep frying pan until fully cooked to obtain an appetizing crust. At this stage add crushed onion and butter - 2 tablespoons. After five minutes, add fresh chopped chanterelles - at least 1 kg - into the frying pan with potatoes and onions. Fry everything together for 5-8 minutes. There is no need to try to make small pieces - in the future, use a blender for mixing. Fry the mushrooms for 20-25 minutes (if the potatoes fall apart, no need to worry), pour in 1.2-1.5 liters of water, cook until tender, adding a glass of heavy cream, salt and pepper 3 minutes before the end of the boil. When the soup is ready, puree it with a blender and add a tablespoon of truffle oil. Before serving, each serving is sprinkled with chopped parsley.
  • Dietary chanterelles. Mushrooms are boiled in boiling water, chopped, add a little salt and add any flavor improver - for example, soy sauce. You can make the sauce yourself by mixing low-fat yogurt with available spices and finely chopped dill, parsley and coriander. If you replace one of your meals with a dish of gray chanterelles 5 days a week, this will help get rid of excess weight. Diet conditions - all other dishes are also low-calorie.
  • Mushroom mousse sauce. 200 g of freshly picked gray chanterelles are fried until fully cooked for 20 minutes in sunflower oil. Pour in 2-3 tablespoons of water, 2 tablespoons of cognac or brandy, half a glass of heavy cream. Simmer for 10 minutes, blend with a blender to ensure the sauce has a homogeneous structure. The taste of the mousse goes well with buckwheat porridge, boiled potatoes and... fried porcini mushrooms. You can combine 3 ingredients - porcini mushrooms fried with onions, ordinary buckwheat porridge and gray chanterelle mousse. With proper presentation, the dish can be classified as haute cuisine.
  • Sandwiches with gray chanterelles. For tin white or gray bread, cut off all the crusts on all sides, cut into even squares, into 4 parts, first the loaf lengthwise, then each part across, and only then make even rectangles. Separately, fry the bread on 2 sides in butter, and separately add chanterelles and onions, finely chopped. Then distribute fried mushrooms in all pieces, complemented with chopped parsley.
  • Chanterelles with cream. Gray chanterelles are cut into several parts - no need to chop. They have to be fried, and the pieces will shrink by 2-3 times. The onion is chopped for frying, the dill is chopped. First, fry the onion in a frying pan with high sides until golden brown, lay out the mushrooms and wait until the liquid has evaporated. As soon as the contents of the pan are dry, add salt, pepper and cream. When you add them, you don’t need to bring them to a boil; let them simmer for 5 minutes. Then add all the dill and let it sit under the lid without heat for another 5 minutes. The dish turns out tasty and aromatic. If you want a thicker sauce, add a tablespoon of flour to the cream.
Currently, the method of storing mushrooms in frozen form is gaining popularity. It is not suitable for gray chanterelles - the thawed flesh is bitter. To avoid disappointment, it is recommended to dry them in the old “old-fashioned” way, stringing them on a thread at the base of the cap and then hanging them “monisto” in a dry, ventilated room. Gray chanterelles cannot be dried in the sun - they will lose all their beneficial properties, and after culinary processing the pulp will simply fill the stomach.

In ancient times, methods of preparing mushroom preparations were limited to salting in barrels and drying. If gray chanterelles were used for medicinal purposes, they were dried and then ground into powder. It was used to treat purulent-inflammatory processes - gargled with a sore throat or applied to boils and abscesses. For dermatological diseases occurring with symptoms of erosive lesions skin, dressings with powder were applied for secondary infection with bacterial flora.

Gray chanterelles are called the “orderlies” of the forest. Insects do not land on them, and worms do not grow in them. Surprisingly, this positive quality also repels mushroom pickers - many believe that worms do not grow in the dark fruiting body because of its toxicity. Ordinary mushroom pickers do not know about the anthelmintic substance chitinmannose.

Gray chanterelles are popular among Western cooks - they are the basis for delicate sauces. In the 17th century, it was believed that only aristocrats were worthy of eating black fruiting bodies.

To this day, every year in California there is a festival dedicated to chanterelles of all types - the holiday is called the Big Sur Chanterelle Festival and Cook-Off. The winner is the one who prepared the most delicious and original dish.

In Nigeria, gray chanterelles are used in the cosmetics industry - creams and lotions are made from them to care for problematic, inflammation-prone skin.

The Normans and English called gray chanterelles a cornucopia not because mushrooms were actively used as food - then they were found everywhere. They believed that dark fruiting bodies increase male strength, therefore, a dish from the “gift of the forest” was a mandatory addition to the wedding table.

Watch a video about the gray fox:

Black chanterelles belong to category 4 edible mushrooms; they are also called trumpet funnel mushrooms or horn-shaped mushrooms. They are widespread in the European part of Russia, western and Southern Siberia and in the Far East.

Black chanterelle - a little-known and mysterious mushroom

Description of the mushroom

The black chanterelle fully corresponds to its name: the fruiting body is black or black-gray, the shape resembles a tube.

The diameter of the cap is from 3 to 8 cm, the edges are wavy, the surface is black, becoming brownish in dry weather.

The pulp is also black, with a gray tint, aromatic and pleasant to the taste. The stem is hollow, rigid, narrowed at the base, about 1 cm in diameter, height from 5 to 12 cm, together with the underside of the cap, covered with a waxy coating.

Fungi most often grow in colonies.

Useful properties and contraindications

The fruiting body is rich in phosphorus, potassium and calcium, but is also a dietary product. The protein content is 28.3%.

Black chanterelle also contains vitamins A, D and group B. Like other mushrooms, it is contraindicated for people with hypersensitivity of the digestive system.

Where do they grow and when to collect?

The most productive places: Karelia, Kaliningrad, Pskov and Tver regions, Altai, Southern Urals and Siberia. Collected from mid-June to the end of October. Despite such a long period of time allowing one to bring home these gifts of the forest, nevertheless, according to experienced lovers, “ quiet hunt“August-September are considered the months when you can collect the richest “catch” of these incredible mushrooms.

The black chanterelle grows not only where the yellow one is usually found. She prefers to settle on clay and calcareous soil in moist deciduous and mixed forests, in open sunny areas with big amount fallen leaves.

Forms mycorrhiza with spruce and broadleaf species: oaks, lindens and hazels.

It is also often found on the sides of paths and ditches, in mountainous areas.

Due to their black color, it is difficult to notice the mushrooms, but not far from one specimen you can find a whole clearing, because they grow in large colonies.

In order not to spend a long time looking for funnel mushrooms next year, you should use this technique: soak the caps of several mushrooms for 24 hours, break them into small pieces and scatter them in a promising place. The crops need to be watered with the resulting infusion.

The black chanterelle can only be confused with two types of mushrooms: the wavy chanterelle and the gray chanterelle, and only from a distance. As you get closer, you will see that the wavy one will have a smooth collar, while the gray one has vein-like plates.

How to cook properly

Only the tubular funnel of the fruiting body is eaten; the rough base of the stem is removed. The easiest way to do this is on the spot - in the forest, so as not to carry home something that will be thrown away anyway.

Black chanterelle is used in fried and stewed dishes, soups, sauces and seasonings. It is well suited for mushroom pastes on cream sauce and risotto. It also goes well with wine when preparing sauces for meat.

IN European countries This specimen is highly valued, considered a delicacy, and the French even call it a “truffle on a leg.”

You need to cook for 20-30 minutes, during which time the fruit acquires a more saturated black color.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

When boiled, some of the pigments from the fruiting body of the black chanterelle are released into the water and the broth acquires a color reminiscent of oil. Therefore, people who encounter these mushrooms for the first time should not panic. The broth should be drained, the mushrooms should be washed (optional) and fried as usual.

To prepare the soup, you can use either mushroom powder from black chanterelles or dried halves. They need to be soaked for 2 hours in cold water and then cut into pieces.

And when dried, the mushroom aroma intensifies, so the mushroom is dried for future use. It is better to do this in an electric dryer at a temperature of 40-50 °C.

The mushrooms are first broken or cut lengthwise into two parts. This makes it easier to remove debris and snails from the tube, which really like to get in there. This simple operation will allow the drying process to go faster.

Use in medicine

If you intend to prepare a preparation based on chanterelles at home yourself, then you must contact a specialist for recommendations.

Also, thanks to research by Western scientists, it was revealed that the polysaccharides contained in the mycelium are endowed with antitumor abilities.

Black chanterelles - tasty and pretty rare mushrooms. They contain many useful components, which is why many lovers of quiet hunting are so eager to harvest a whole harvest.

I met black chanterelles for the first time in 2018. Before that, I not only didn’t know them, but I didn’t even see them in the forests - apparently, they are not found everywhere. Although, even if they grew in the forests where I walk, it would hardly have occurred to me to pick them up - they look too ominous... But this summer, reports began to come from everywhere that they were being actively collected - suddenly black foxes became popular. Then they sent their photo to me on the blog, posting them in the comments. Moreover, they said that the mushroom was a delicacy... In general, it became interesting to get to know them!

And here, during a hike in the north Leningrad region, along the border with Karelia - we suddenly came across large harvests of this mushroom in this distant corner of our region. We collected it, tried it, checked it. And now with clear conscience, based on our experience, we can tell you something new edible mushroom, we now know! So, meet the Black Chanterelle mushroom!

First of all, I want to say that you should not look for information about it on the Internet. There is almost none; all that is written is a repeated reprint of the same text, where sometimes other words are added for appearance’s sake. Moreover, the original text was very likely copied from descriptions of other mushrooms. All that can be learned is that in Europe they are called “death trumpets”, that they are a delicacy, that they are edible, and that it is best to dry them and make a sauce from the dry powder. Little content and not interesting. Therefore, I bring my experience.

These chanterelles are similar in shape to ordinary ones, but gray-black. This distinguishes them from false chanterelles, which only come in yellow, just like the real ones, so you can’t confuse a black one with a bad mushroom. Plus, it's hollow inside!

To the touch it looks like either grass or cabbage - because it is empty and light. Easily crumbles. It must be collected carefully. This is very different from true yellow chanterelle, which is dense and strong. It doesn’t have any special aroma described in numerous online articles, nor does it have any taste - all this is just a simple lie to attract attention to the text. It smells and tastes like a mushroom. The main thing is that it's edible. I warn you right away - when cooked, it forms an ominously black decoction, like oil, so people unfamiliar with the mushroom may be quite scared. It is better to drain the broth, and then fry the boiled chanterelle in a frying pan, just like ordinary mushrooms.

At times they grow very abundantly! You can pick up a whole bag at once! Moreover, it will weigh almost nothing: the empty chanterelle inside is the same weight as porous chocolate. These are both the pros and cons of the mushroom. The downside is that with its small mass, you won’t be able to fill your belly with it. But there is also a plus: the light and fragile mushroom is easy to chew, which is important for those who have dental problems. In addition, mushrooms are a difficult product for the stomach, many people do not digest them well, but black chanterelle will be a dietary mushroom because it is easily digested and will not create heaviness in the stomach. Well, you can also chop it finely and sprinkle it on top of the dish, just as you would sprinkle it with herbs or parsley.

In general, the mushroom tastes good, I recommend picking it - I liked it! I’ll just warn you right away that you’ll have to tinker with it. The fact is that leaves, sticks, particles of earth and sand get clogged into its voids. I washed it five times, and still, during cooking, some fragments of twigs and grains of sand appeared in the broth. But then you can eat a tasty and light mushroom that doesn’t cause heaviness!

Our tourists also tested black chanterelles for themselves - and they didn’t complain either!) In the future, we should try not only frying, but also drying them, in order to still make a sauce out of it, as recommended on the Internet. And also check whether any of them will delicious soup, having such an eerie black color. Well, a few words about the places in which we met them during the hike. Each time these were mixed forests near lakes, that is, quite wet. But in dry pine forests, on the hills - we did not meet them.

Page, dedicated to nature And beautiful places St. Petersburg and Leningrad region:

Gray fox in mushroom encyclopedias it can also be referred to as funnel-shaped funnel-shaped or funnel-shaped craterellus. It grows in rather large groups and bunches from August to October in deciduous-coniferous forests.

For an inexperienced mushroom picker, a mushroom evokes only one feeling: kick this mushroom, and go look further for only normal mushrooms. The appearance, of course, is still the same: unsightly, similar to the output part of a musical trumpet, black in color, growing in clusters the way toadstools usually like to grow. An experienced mushroom picker knows that it surpasses even the real yellow chanterelle in taste and aroma. And to compete with the yellow chanterelle - a mushroom classified in the first category - you still have to try.
The funnel-shaped cap of brown-black or gray-black color has a diameter of 3 to 8 cm. In adult mushrooms, the cap is covered with a characteristic whitish coating (spores) and appears powdery. The leg is hollow inside, narrowed downward, up to 12 centimeters in length. The flesh of the mushroom is gray-black or black in color, very fragile. The color of the pulp does not change even when gray chanterelles are dried. The pulp of the mushroom has a pleasant smell.
As you know, in Europe the black chanterelle is very popular and quite expensive. Sometimes it is even called a “truffle on a leg.” This is due not only to its high taste, but also to the ever-growing movement for eating clean, unprocessed natural foods. Indeed, like its yellow relative, the black chanterelle is not worm-eaten, you don’t need to peel it or carry out any other actions, just wash it and go ahead. Meanwhile, the taste of the black chanterelle cannot be forgotten. It is very strong (as is the aroma), is not lost during cooking or drying, like the yellow chanterelle, and the dried mushroom lasts longer than all other types.
Taking into account the fact that in dried form (and especially in powder) taste qualities black chanterelle is increased, it is prepared only dried. In Europe, dried black chanterelles or their powder are most often used to make soups, cheese soups, sauces, seasonings, baked goods, preparation of minced meat and cutlets, including fish, as well as for pizza. Once soaked, the mushrooms almost completely return to their original appearance and are indistinguishable from fresh ones.
When adding black chanterelle powder to meat and fish cutlets, various sauces and seasonings, dishes acquire an amazing taste with a much stronger mushroom aroma than if dried porcini mushrooms were used for the same purposes.
For soups, you can use both powder and whole dried black chanterelle halves, but in this case they must first be soaked for two hours in cold water.
In Finland, for example, black chanterelle is added to fish cutlets with cheese, stewed in cream. And in England they make toast with butter and black chanterelle powder.

The Spaniards claim that they are the best mushroom places located in the forests at the foot of the Pyrenees ridge. The variety of mushrooms in the markets amazes even seasoned Russian mushroom pickers out of habit. Today we are going to cook mushrooms with the frightening name trompetas de la muerte - translated this means “the trumpets of the dead.”

These are black chanterelles, almost unknown in the CIS countries. Black chanterelles are a real delicacy that haute cuisine chefs value along with truffles for their bright aroma and unusual taste: powder from dried black chanterelles is used as a seasoning, fresh mushrooms added to risotto, fish dishes and even bread.

Black chanterelles: a recipe from Catalonia

We offer a Catalan recipe for black chanterelle soup with foie gras - a dish with amazing aroma and taste.

  1. We clean the legs of the black chanterelles from any remaining soil and thoroughly rinse the mushrooms in running water.
  2. Pour a couple of glasses of vegetable or mushroom broth into a deep saucepan. The amount of liquid should be calculated so that it barely covers the mushrooms.
  3. Bring the broth to a boil, add black chanterelles and a piece of butter. It must be remembered that black chanterelles are considered conditionally edible, so they should be boiled for 10–15 minutes.
  4. Then take a large grater and a piece of ready-made foie gras in the form of pate or whole liver.
  5. Grate the foie gras into our soup, mix lightly and serve it immediately.

Of course, the presence of foie gras can be confusing, but this incredibly easy-to-prepare dish is also called “peasant mushroom soup.”

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