Strategy for the conservation of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi. Protection of rare and endangered species of animals What does this mean?

TO rare and endangered species These include animals whose numbers are so small that their continued existence is threatened. They need careful protection. Most of the rare and endangered species in our country belong to commercial species. In the past they were widespread and numerous. The predatory use of animal resources in Russia led to the fact that by the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. many species have become rare or are on the verge of extinction. At Soviet power they were taken under protection, hunting them was prohibited. In places where the most valuable species were preserved (bison, river beaver, sable, kulan, muskrat), nature reserves were organized.

The main task of protecting rare and endangered species is to, by creating favorable conditions for their habitat, achieve such an increase in their numbers that would eliminate the threat of extinction. It is important to restore the natural reserves of animals in order to include them in the number of commercial animals.

In Russia, a lot of and painstaking work has been carried out to restore the population river beaver, sable, elk, saiga, which were on the verge of extinction. Currently, their numbers have been restored and they have again become a commercial species.

All rare and endangered species of animals, like plants, are included in Red Book, created by the International Union for Conservation of Nature ( IUCN). The Red Book, first published in 1966 and translated into Russian in 1976, included 292 species and subspecies of mammals, 287 species and subspecies of birds, 36 species of amphibians and 119 species of reptiles, of which 16 species of animals and 8 species of birds live in our country. In 1978, the Red Book of the USSR was published, which included (species and subspecies): mammals - 62, birds - 63, reptiles - 21, amphibians - 8.

The Red Book of Russia (1983) includes (species and subspecies) of mammals - 65, birds - 108, reptiles - 11, amphibians - 4, fish - 10, mollusks - 15, insects - 34.

The lists of species included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation (1997) with additions (1999) include the following species: invertebrates - 154, fish - 44, amphibians - 8, reptiles - 21, birds - 124, mammals - 65, insects - 94, shellfish - 41.

Listing a species in the Red Book is a signal of the danger that threatens it and the need for urgent measures to protect it. Each country in whose territory a species included in the Red Book lives is responsible to its people and all humanity for its conservation.

To preserve rare and endangered species, nature reserves and sanctuaries are organized; animals are resettled in areas of their former distribution, fed, shelters and nesting sites are created, and protected from predators and diseases. When numbers are very low, animals are bred in captivity and then released into suitable conditions. These measures are producing positive results.

Here are some species whose numbers have been restored through enormous efforts:

Bison(Bison bonasus) - large bull weighing up to 1 ton (Fig. 14, A). In the past, it was distributed in the forests of Western, Central and South-Eastern Europe, in the east - up to the river. Don and the Caucasus. By the beginning of the 20th century. In their natural state, bison were preserved only in Belovezhskaya Pushcha (727 heads) and in the Caucasus (600 heads). The last free bison in Belovezhskaya Pushcha was killed in 1919, in the Caucasus - in 1927. There are only 48 bison left, living in zoos and acclimatization stations.

This is the lower limit of the species' abundance. The beast was on the verge of extinction. Work has begun to restore the bison. It was most actively carried out in Poland and in three nature reserves of the USSR: Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Prioksko-Terrasny and Kavkazsky. By 1975, there were 320 in Poland, 155 purebred Belovezhskaya bison in the USSR, and more than 500 bison in the Caucasus. Successful work for bison breeding made it possible, in 1961, to move on to the creation of free herds. By 1981, the number of bison in the USSR reached 830, in the world more than 2000 (Red Book of the USSR, 1984).

Saiga antelope (Siga tatarica) - a small antelope weighing 23-40 kg (Fig. 14, b). Previously, it was distributed over vast territories of steppe and forest-steppe regions of Europe, Kazakhstan and Central Asia. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. herds of saigas were common in the steppes of Eastern Europe and Asia, back in early XVIII V. were found in Moldova and west of the Dniester. The plowing of the steppes forced the saiga out of many areas. The reduction in numbers was facilitated by intensive hunting for meat, skins and horns, which were sold to China as medicinal raw materials.

By the beginning of the 20th century. The saiga has survived in the remote areas of the right bank of the Lower Volga and in Kazakhstan. In 1919, a law was passed banning saiga hunting. By this time, only a few hundred of its individuals remained. As a result of protection, the saiga population reached commercial levels by the end of 1940, and fishing was allowed in the early 50s. The saiga population has stabilized; Every year from 100 to 500 thousand individuals are harvested, which provides the national economy with about 6 thousand tons of meat, 20 million dm 2 of leather and medicinal raw materials.

Amur tiger(Panthera tigris altaica) is the largest subspecies (body weight up to 272 kg), distinguished by long thick fur. In the past he was an ordinary inhabitant Ussuri taiga. Excessive hunting and trapping led to a reduction in its numbers in the late 1930s to 20-30 individuals. In 1947, tiger hunting was prohibited. In the 1950-1960s, there were already 90-100 individuals; since 1960, capturing tigers for zoos has been allowed. Currently, the tiger is found in the Primorsky and eastern regions of the Khabarovsk Territory. The length of the range from north to south is approximately 100 km, from west to east - 600-700 km. In 1969-1970 150 tigers were counted, in 1978 - 200 tigers. Outside Russia, in China and Korea, apparently no more than 100 individuals have survived. There are 844 individuals in zoos around the world (1979).

Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) - the largest representative of the family and the entire order of predatory mammals (body weight up to 1000 kg). The species' habitat is the circumpolar region, limited by the northern coast of the continents, the southern limit of the distribution of floating ice and the northern border of warm sea currents. Over the past few centuries, the total area and boundaries of the species’ permanent habitat have changed little. The exception is the European sector of the Russian Arctic, where polar bear hunting has long existed. There are no longer polar bears on the coasts of the Kola and Kaninsky peninsulas, Timanskaya, Malozemelskaya and Bolshezemelskaya tundras. It is still regularly found on islands and ice fields of the Barents, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian and Chukchi seas.

In addition to Russia, the polar bear is distributed in the Arctic sectors of Norway, Greenland, Canada and the USA (Alaska). The total number of polar bears in the early 1970s was approximately 20 thousand, including 5-7 thousand in the Soviet Arctic. At the end of the 70s, the number of the species reached 25 thousand individuals. For conservation purposes, in our country, since 1938, the shooting of bears from ships has been prohibited, and since 1956, hunting has been closed everywhere. On Wrangel Island, in one of the places where mass polar bears breed, a reserve was organized in 1976. In 1975, an international agreement on the protection of polar bears came into force.

Kulan(Equus hemionus) is an odd-toed animal of the equine family, a semi-donkey (Fig. 14, c). Lived in desert regions of Russia, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan.

Northern sea otter(Enhydra lutrix lutrix) is a medium-sized sea animal (body weight up to 40 kg), one of the subspecies of the only species and genus endemic to the northern part Pacific Ocean(Fig. 14, d). Previously found near the reefs and rocks of the Commander Islands and the northeastern coast of Kamchatka. It is believed that before the start of intensive fishing in the 18th century. its total number was 15-20 thousand individuals. They hunted sea otters for their thick, elastic and warm fur. By the end of the 19th century. he was almost exterminated. Preserved in small quantities near the Commander and Aleutian Islands. The ban on sea otter fishing in our country was announced in 1924 with a population of 350 individuals, and currently it is 2.5-3 thousand individuals.

Siberian Crane, or white crane(Grus leucogeranus), - a large bird (body weight from 5 to 8 kg), endemic Russia, an endangered species (Fig. 14, e). Breeds in two separate areas - in the north of Yakutia and in the lower reaches of the Ob. Winters in China, India and Northern Iran. The reduction in numbers is believed to be due to deteriorating conditions in wintering areas (drying out water bodies, reduction in food supply, competition with other species). The total number is catastrophically low - about 250 birds. The Yakut population is relatively stable, while the Ob population continues to decline. Shooting the Siberian Crane on the territory of our country was prohibited. When migrating, birds are guarded Astrakhan Nature Reserve and in the Thana-Bharatpur National Park of India. Several nurseries have been created for raising Siberian Cranes from eggs and then releasing the grown birds into the wild. One of these nurseries exists in Russia (Oka Nature Reserve), two - abroad.

Bustard(Otis tarda) is one of the largest birds of our fauna (body weight 16 kg). Distributed in the lowland and mountain steppes of North-West Africa, Europe and Asia. The main wintering grounds are in Transcaucasia, Northern Iran, Southwestern Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. Within the entire range, the number of bustards has been steadily declining since the beginning of this century, but especially sharply since the 50-60s. The number of individuals has decreased tenfold and now amounts to approximately 3 thousand in Russia, the European subspecies O. tarda tarda - 13.3 thousand.

The main reason for the sharp decline in numbers is the widespread deterioration, and in some places, the complete disappearance of suitable biotopes. The plowing of the steppes and grazing of livestock in the few remaining areas of the virgin steppe have deprived the bustard of lands suitable for nesting. In Russia, hunting bustards is prohibited. To preserve and restore the numbers of this species, reserves have been created in the Saratov region and Buryatia. In Hungary, Austria, the German Democratic Republic and Poland, there are stations for incubating eggs from abandoned clutches with the subsequent release of reared birds into farmlands.

Little Bustard(Otis tetrax) is a medium-sized bird (body weight 600-950 g) (Fig. 14, f). Distributed in the steppes and semi-deserts of Southern Europe, the western coast of the Mediterranean Sea, North Africa to the foothills of Altai and Kashgaria. In our country, it is found in the steppe regions of the European part, Western Siberia, Kazakhstan, and Central Asia. Winters in North Africa, Front Asia, India, in small quantity in Crimea, Transcaucasia, Central Asia. Little bustard numbers are declining everywhere.

So, in 1978-1980. There were 4,800 individuals, but over ten years their number fell by 40%. The main reasons for the decline in the number of this species are the same as for the bustard. Hunting for little bustard is prohibited. To preserve its populations, it is necessary to strictly protect nesting sites, areas with high grass that cover nests and incubating birds, and the creation of nature reserves in these areas; Bird wintering areas need protection.

Rare and protected species and subspecies of animals in our country include the muskrat, the Atlantic walrus, the red-footed ibis, the barnacle goose, the red-breasted goose, the scaly merganser, relict gull, Tibetan sajja and some others.

In other countries, Przewalski's horse (Mongolia), wild bactrian camel(Mongolia), Indian rhinoceros (India, Nepal), giant panda (PRC), Asiatic lion (India), koala (Australia), Californian condor (USA), tuatteria (New Zealand) and other animals.

Protection of the most important animal groups

Protection of aquatic invertebrates. Sponges- marine and freshwater animals that lead an attached lifestyle and form colonies in areas with hard rocky soil. The seas and oceans are inhabited by littoral to a depth of 6 thousand m. Their ability to filter water is remarkable. Sponges are captured and used to feed bacteria, unicellular algae, and protozoa; mineral particles are released and settle to the bottom. The great role of sponges in biological treatment water: a freshwater sponge 7 cm long filters 22.5 liters, and a colony of a marine organosilicon sponge with 20 mouth openings filters 1575 liters of water per day.

The number of sponges has recently declined due to overfishing (skeletons glass sponges used as decoration, and the tomato sponge is used for medical purposes), disruption of bottom biocenoses and water pollution. To preserve the role of sponges as biofilters, it is necessary to reduce their fishing, use fishing gear that does not cause damage to aquatic ecosystems, and also reduce the entry of various pollutants into water bodies.

Coral polyps- marine colonial organisms. Of particular interest is the order of madrepore corals - the largest group of the coelenterate type. Representatives of this order have a powerful external calcareous skeleton. It is constantly growing, and the skeletons of individual polyps merge into a single monolith, the diameter of which can reach 8-9 m. Madrepore corals form coastal, barrier reefs and horseshoe-shaped islands - atolls. They are inhabited by many animals - polychaetes, mollusks, barnacles, echinoderms, fish. Coral reefs are unique oases of relatively unproductive biocenoses of the ocean.

The prosperity of corals is possible only under certain conditions: with a constant salinity of sea water (3.5%), high temperature (not lower than 20 ° C), good aerial radios and illumination. Sea water pollution, poor lighting and aeration cause death coral polyps, promote the reproduction of animals that destroy coral reefs. Thus, the Great Barrier Reef of Australia suffered greatly from the invasion of large starfish(d = 60 cm) called crown of thorns (Acauthaster plansi). It is assumed that their mass reproduction is associated with a decrease in the number of natural gates crown of thorns- one of the types gastropods Charonia tritonis with a beautiful shell, which scuba diving enthusiasts get for souvenirs.

For the population of tropical countries, a vast space occupied coral reefs, is a huge natural lime factory. Tiny polyps extract CaCO e from sea water and deposit it in their bodies. Madrepore corals are widely used by people to build houses, piers, embankments, paving streets, as a raw material for producing high-quality lime, for polishing wooden and metal products, making jewelry, and souvenirs. The economic use of coral reefs must be local and strictly controlled. The destruction of coral islands during testing of atomic and thermonuclear weapons is unacceptable. Strict protection of the unique biocenoses of coral islands is necessary.

Shellfish- a type of marine and freshwater (less often terrestrial) invertebrate animals, which are characterized by a hard calcareous shell covering the body. Distributed in seas, oceans and fresh water bodies. Bivalves They feed on plankton, passing a large amount of water with suspended particles through the mantle cavity, sedimenting them, purifying the water and promoting the accumulation of bottom sediments. Shellfish serve as food for fish, birds and mammals, as well as a delicacy for humans. They catch oysters, mussels, scallops, squid, cuttlefish, and octopus.

There is a fishery for pearl mussels and mother-of-pearl shells. The volume of fishing is increasing: before the Second World War, 5 million quintals were produced per year, in 1962 - 17 million quintals, which amounted to 50% of the production of marine invertebrates, or 4% of all marine products (Akimushkin, 1968). By 1980, the share of shellfish in marine fisheries reached 6%. However, water pollution, disruption of bottom biocenoses (oyster banks) by fishing gear, and overfishing have sharply reduced shellfish stocks. Much attention is paid to the cultivation of mollusks to restore their numbers in natural communities and obtain biological products. Mussels, oysters, and scallops are successfully farmed in Japan, Spain, France, Holland and some other countries. There is experience in breeding shellfish in Russia.

Crustaceans different by lifestyle, body shape and size (from fractions of a millimeter to 80 cm). Representatives of this class are very numerous: marine plankton at different latitudes and depths it consists mainly (up to 90% by weight) of crustaceans; their share is also large in fresh water plankton.

Crustaceans play an important role in aquatic ecosystems. Organic matter in water bodies is created mainly by unicellular microscopic algae. The crustaceans that feed on them are, in turn, eaten by fish. Thus, they act as intermediaries, making the organic matter created by algae available to fish. In addition, crustaceans use dead animals as food, ensuring the cleanliness of the reservoir.

The existence of many marine and freshwater fish depends largely on crustaceans. Some fish (for example, herring) feed on them all their lives, others use them after hatching and then move on to other food. Some crustaceans are bred to feed fish fry. For the largest mammals - baleen whales - crustaceans serve as the main food. Humans use representatives of the class of crustaceans for food. Fishing for shrimp, crabs, lobsters, lobsters and some other species has been developed.

Thanks to its large size and good taste qualities Representatives of the order of decapods are of greatest commercial importance. In 1962, about 1 million tons of crustaceans (shrimp, crabs, lobsters, lobsters) were caught worldwide. Their fishing [is developed in China, the USA, India, Japan. In Russia they trade Kamchatka crab, the stocks of which have been undermined by intensive fishing and, without special measures to limit it, are not restored due to slow growth and reproduction.

Thus, for the majority of commercial and those marine invertebrates whose numbers are declining, protection, rational use (regulation of catch rates, acclimatization, captive breeding) and control of water pollution are necessary.

Pollinating insects. About 80% of all flowering plants are pollinated by insects. The absence of pollinating insects changes the appearance of vegetation. In addition to the honey bee, whose income from plant pollination is 10-12 times higher than the income from honey and wax, pollen is carried by 20 thousand species of wild bees (of which 300 are in middle lane Russia and 120 in Central Asia). Bumblebees, flies, butterflies, and beetles take part in pollination.

Unfortunately, environmental pollution and other anthropogenic factors have recently sharply reduced the number of pollinating insects. Near large industrial centers it has become relatively difficult to find even common pollinators. The protection of pollinating insects is the most important measure for increasing the productivity of crops and preserving the diversity of wild plants. It is necessary to strictly dose pesticides and use them only to suppress the mass reproduction of pests. Plants on which pollinating insects develop should be preserved.

Entomophagous insects, destroying pests, are extremely diverse. In Russian agriculture, 11 types of entomophages are used against 20 types of plant pests.

To protect them from destruction, anthills are covered with caps made of mesh, fenced, and covered with spruce branches. Sometimes ants are artificially dispersed.

Various types of ground beetles, lacewings, ladybugs, etc. are of great benefit in exterminating pests of agricultural and forest plants.

Nurse insects belong to the family of beetles and Diptera. These are numerous and widespread groups of carrion beetles, dung beetles, calorie beetles and flies, numbering thousands of species

From the family of carrion beetles, a group of burying beetles can be distinguished. The black gravedigger (Necrophorus humator) forages for carrion in groups. These beetles can perceive the smell of carrion from several hundred meters away. They bury the corpses of small animals (rodents, birds) in the ground, and the females lay eggs there, from which larvae hatch that feed on carrion. The larvae of dung beetles and dung beetles feed on dung, which is dragged into burrows and earthen passages by adult beetles before laying eggs.

The number of this useful group insect population has declined sharply due to excessive and improper use of pesticides. To restore it, it is necessary to reduce the use of chemicals and more often resort to biological method struggle.

Fish conservation. In human protein nutrition, fish makes up from 17 to 83%. Global fish catches are rapidly increasing due to the development of the edge of the continental shelf and the depths open sea, where up to 85% of fish are now caught, and also thanks to the use of new species. The permissible annual removal of fish from the World Ocean is estimated at 80-100 million tons, of which more than 70% is currently caught. In inland waters of most countries, including Russia, fish catch has reached its limit, stabilized or began to decline.

Over the past decades, stocks of the most valuable commercial fish (sturgeon, salmon, and small fish) have declined sharply. Among the many factors influencing the decline in fish stocks, and therefore the catch, highest value have the following.

Overfishing- a phenomenon common in many marine and inland waters. At the same time, young fish that have not reached sexual maturity are caught, which reduces the population size and can lead to the extinction of the species. Combating overfishing is the most important task of fisheries, protection and rational use of fish resources.

Pollution of marine and freshwater bodies of water with various substances has become widespread and on an ever-increasing scale. Pollution with industrial wastewater containing salts of heavy metals, synthetic detergents, etc. is especially dangerous for fish. radioactive waste and oil. In recent years, extensive work has been carried out on wastewater treatment. Emergency measures have been developed for emergency oil spills. However, these measures are clearly not enough or they are applied too late, when pollution reaches catastrophic proportions.

Hydraulic structures. Dams block access of migratory fish to spawning grounds, disrupting natural reproduction. To eliminate this adverse effect, the most reliable measure is the construction of special fish hatcheries in the lower reaches. Here, fish that approach the dam are used for artificial insemination and breeding of fry, with their subsequent release into the rivers.

Fluctuations in water levels in reservoirs, sometimes reaching 8 m, have a negative impact on the state of fish stocks. Dams retain nutrients that serve as the basis for the development of phytoplankton and other organisms, thereby reducing food supplies for fish.

The reduction in the volume of fresh river water entering the seas increases the level of their salinity in the pre-estuarine areas and negatively affects the fish living here.

Shallowing of rivers reduces fish stocks. It is the result of deforestation of banks and watersheds, as well as the diversion of water for irrigation. Measures have been developed to increase water levels in rivers and inland seas, which is of great importance for fishing, agriculture, climate mitigation, etc.

A drastic measure to increase the water level in reservoirs is the afforestation of river banks, which requires constant care and a long time.

The most important measures for the protection of freshwater fish include the protection of spawning grounds, wintering pits, and the fight against winter death. For promotion biological productivity In reservoirs, work is being carried out to acclimatize fish, invertebrate animals and plants that serve as their food.

Particular attention is paid to the protection and reproduction of fish stocks in inland waters. Millions of fry are released into rivers and lakes every year valuable species fish, including sturgeon. It is necessary to continue to build fish breeding facilities and effective fish protection devices at water intakes and dams.

Protection of amphibians and reptiles. These two groups of animals include a small number of species ( amphibians- 4500, reptiles- 7000), but are important in natural biocenoses. Amphibians are carnivores; among reptiles there are also herbivorous species.

Amphibians, feeding on insects and other invertebrates, regulate their numbers and themselves serve as food for reptiles, birds and mammals. The importance of amphibians for humans is due to the fact that some of them are consumed as food (giant salamander, pond salam, edible salam, Chinese salam, bullfrog, etc.), and are widely used in laboratories for biological experiments. According to incomplete data, 1 million individuals per year are caught for this purpose in our country. India exported 25 million frogs in 1970, and Italy exported 47 million frogs in three years (1968-1970). The high cost of frogs (about 20% more expensive than the best varieties of fish) has led to their overfishing in many countries. In the USA, their numbers fell by 50%, and the populations of pond and lake frogs in Italy, France, Romania, and Bulgaria sharply decreased.

Considering the great practical importance and role of amphibians in the biological control of the number of pests of forest and agricultural plants, measures have been taken in many countries to protect them. Decrees have been issued prohibiting the capture and destruction of amphibians. During the period of migration of frogs to spawning ponds, special signs are posted near the highway, requiring drivers to be careful; driving on these roads at night is prohibited. The spawning grounds of amphibians are protected from economic use and pollution. To the Red Book IUCN included European proteus, giant salamander etc. If previously 4 species of amphibians were listed in the Red Book of Russia (1983), now there are 8 (1999).

Reptiles, no less than other groups of animals, suffer from overfishing. Great damage was caused to the populations of crocodiles, turtles, monitor lizards and some snakes. Turtles and their eggs are used as food in many tropical countries. On the Amazon and Orinoco islands ( South America) 48 million arrau turtle eggs are harvested annually; soft-skinned turtles are eaten in Japan and China. Due to overfishing, the green (soup) sea turtle and hawksbill sea turtle have catastrophically reduced their numbers and are on the verge of extinction.

Reptiles suffer greatly during anthropogenic transformations of natural landscapes. To preserve “living fossils”: hatteria, elephant tortoise, giant Komodo dragon, reserves have been created, strictly protected areas on small islands off

New Zealand, the Galapagos and the islands of Komodo and Flores. In Costa Rica, a nursery has been established for breeding and raising green turtles in artificial nests and then releasing them into the sea. On the Zapata Peninsula (Republic of Cuba) there is a nursery for breeding Cuban crocodile. The creation of the IUCN Red Book, the Red Book of Russia and the red books of some other countries was important for the protection of reptiles.

Snakes are beginning to disappear at an ever-increasing rate. They suffer from drainage of swamps, changes in vegetation cover, wide application pesticides that destroy small animals that snakes feed on. Snakes are caught for venom used in medicine. Serpentariums (nurseries) have been created in which snakes are kept (but not bred) to repeatedly obtain venom from them. Naturally, the systematic capture of snakes causes significant damage to their natural populations. To protect snakes in most cases European countries It is prohibited to catch them without special permits. The Red Book of Russia, published in 1983, includes 11 species of reptiles, including 6 species of snakes; currently (1999) there are 21 species, including 13 species of snakes.

Protection and attraction of birds. In addition to poultry farming and fishing, the importance of birds in national economy consists of exterminating forest and agricultural pests. Most birds are insectivores and insectivores-herbivores. During the nesting period, they feed the chicks with abundant species of insects, including many pests of cultivated and forest plants. To combat insect pests, birds are attracted by hanging feeders and artificial nesting boxes, which are most often used by hollow nesters - tits, flycatchers, redstarts, wagtails.

Birds of prey are of great interest for pest control in agriculture. Previously, they were exterminated, considering them competitors of humans in the hunting industry. Later, when the true role of birds of prey in regulating the number of prey in biocenoses was clarified, they were placed under protection and shooting was prohibited. They try to disturb the birds less, protect their nests, make artificial nests and perches. Positive results are obtained from the experience of breeding in captivity and releasing into the wild individuals of species that are on the verge of extinction. However, the restoration of the number of birds of prey is slow.

The use of pesticides (DCT, hexachlorane, etc.) in agriculture and forestry caused great harm to birds of prey. Their concentration is greatest in the body of birds of prey occupying the upper trophic levels, which negatively affected their reproduction. Direct and indirect impacts from humans are detrimental to many species of birds of prey. The Red Book of Russia (1983) included 20 species of birds of prey, in 1999 - 25.

The most ancient way of using birds by humans is hunting. Commercial and amateur hunting with birds of prey - falcons, hawks, eagles - was widely practiced. Until now, hunting with birds of prey has not lost its importance in Central Asia, the Caucasus, and some European countries.

Birds are the object of commercial hunting, which occupies an important place in the economy of many countries. As a result of overhunting, a sharp reduction in hunting grounds, environmental pollution, and the use of pesticides, the reserves of game birds have greatly decreased and continue to decline.

In our country, measures are being taken to protect game birds: establishing deadlines and standards for shooting, banning hunting of rare species and predatory methods of hunting, combating poaching, implementing biotechnical measures aimed at increasing the capacity of land, increasing bird population density, protecting nests from ruin, etc. To increase the reserves of game birds, in addition to reserves, reserves are organized where hunting is prohibited for several years, hunting farms are created in which hunting is regulated in accordance with the number and the possibility of restoration of commercial species.

Some species are promising for captive breeding. They successfully breed pheasants, gray partridges, quails, and mallards and release them into hunting grounds. Hunting farms and pheasant farms in Poland raise up to 100 thousand pheasants per year, of which 50 thousand per year are released into hunting grounds. In the Krakow Voivodeship alone, about 300 hunting farms are engaged in game breeding. In France, about 2 thousand hunting farms raise game. In just one year (1968) they supplied about 2 million pheasant eggs and chicks, over 1 million partridge eggs and chicks, 1.6 million quail and 1 million duck eggs. These farms release 2.5 million pheasants and 0.4 million partridges into hunting grounds per year.

Mammal conservation. Representatives of the class of mammals, or animals, play an important role in biocenoses and serve as an object of fishing. Breeding ungulates is the basis of animal husbandry; rodents and carnivores are used in fur farming. The most important terrestrial mammals for fishing are rodents, lagomorphs, and carnivores, and aquatic ones are cetaceans and seals.

Considering that no more than 15% of the land area is used for agriculture, the relevance of finding ways to exploit the phytomass of non-agricultural lands through game animals is obvious.

The most important measure for the protection of game animals is strict compliance with hunting laws, which stipulate the timing and methods of obtaining them. Hunting is regulated by the Regulations on Hunting and Game Management. It indicates the species of animals and birds the hunting of which is prohibited or permitted under licenses. It is prohibited to hunt animals in nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, and green areas of cities. Mass hunting of animals, hunting from cars, airplanes, motor boats, destruction of burrows, lairs, nests is not permitted. Standards for shooting or catching have been established for each species of animal. Violation of laws and hunting rules is considered poaching and entails administrative, financial and criminal liability.

All of these measures are aimed at the protection and rational use of mammals. Recently, more attention has been paid to the protection of wild animals.

On the territory of Russia there are 245 species of mammals, of which 65 species were included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation in 1983, in 1999 this number did not change (together with protected subspecies - 89).

Legal protection of wildlife

The protection and rational use of wild animals are determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, regulations and other legislative acts. The most significant of them are considered to be the laws of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of the Natural Environment” (1992) and “On the Animal World” (1995). According to the latest law, “the animal world is the property of the peoples of the Russian Federation, an integral element of the natural environment and biological diversity of the Earth, a renewable natural resource, an important regulating and stabilizing component of the biosphere, fully protected and rationally used to satisfy spiritual and material needs of citizens of the Russian Federation.”

This law provides for the procedure for the use of game animals, monitoring of wild animal populations, measures for the protection and restoration of rare and endangered species.

The legal norms of fisheries in Russia are determined by the Regulations on the protection of fish stocks and on the regulation of fish farming in water bodies of the USSR, approved by the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1958, and the “Fisheries Rules” published for each republic and basin. They prohibit fishing using explosives, firearms, toxic substances, prisons, nets, and fishing near dams and locks. The rules determine the timing and areas of commercial fishing, and the size of the meshes in the nets.

In the system of measures for the protection of animals, one of the central places is given to maintaining the Red Book of the Russian Federation and the Red Books of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as the most important element contributing to the conservation of biodiversity.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the Red Book of the Russian Federation” (1996), it is maintained by the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection (included in the Ministry of Natural Resources since the summer of 2000) with the participation of federal bodies of the natural resource block and RAS. The procedure for maintaining it is regulated by the Regulations on the procedure for maintaining the Red Book of the Russian Federation, approved by the State Committee for Ecology of Russia (October 1997) and registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia (December 1997).

As of November 1, 1997, 415 species of animals were included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation (including 155 species of invertebrates, 4 cyclostomes, 39 fish, 8 amphibians, 21 reptiles, 123 birds and 65 mammal species ). Compared to the previous Red Book of Russia (1983), the number of animal species has increased by 1.6 times. At the same time, 38 species of animals were excluded from the new Red Data Book of the Russian Federation, the state of their populations, thanks to the protection measures taken, currently does not cause concern.

At the end of 1997, red books were created in 18 subjects of the Russian Federation, and lists of rare and endangered species of animals and plants were compiled and approved in 39 subjects of the Federation.

Security questions

1. What role do animals play in the cycle of substances in nature and what significance do they have for humans?

2. What is the direct and indirect impact of humans on animals?

3. What species of animals have become extinct over historically documented time and what are the reasons for their extinction?

4. What is the essence of the rational use and protection of game animals?

5. What is the rational use and protection of fish resources?

6. Name rare species animals listed in the IUCN Red List.

7. How are rare and endangered animals protected in our country? How are aquatic invertebrates protected?

8. What measures are used to protect beneficial insects?

9. What is the difficulty of protecting amphibians and reptiles?

10. How are insectivorous and birds of prey protected and attracted?

11. What measures are used to protect rare and endangered mammals?

General Director of the Far Eastern Leopards ANO Elena Gangalo - about the holiday and more

On the occasion of World Wildlife Day celebrated on March 3 general manager autonomous non-profit organization “Far Eastern Leopards” Elena Gangalo gave an interview to the organization’s website. Last year, which was celebrated as the Year of the 100th anniversary of Russian nature reserves and the 5th anniversary of the Land of the Leopard National Park, the most remarkable fact can be considered “excellent recruitment”: the birth of 15 kittens was noted among Far Eastern leopards.

In preparation for the field season, “winter route censuses of animals are carried out in all specially protected natural areas of Russia.” Employees of specially protected natural areas of the Far East monitor large wild cats, tiger and Far Eastern leopard. In particular, their numbers will be clarified.

With the creation of the new federal reserve “Leopardovy” in 2008, and even more so after the organization of the “Land of the Leopard” national park with an area of ​​262 thousand hectares in the Primorsky Territory, significant work has been done. According to Elena Gangalo, the systematic efforts of state environmental authorities, scientific and public environmental organizations over the past decade have brought tangible results: the reported number of leopards “has begun to grow.” Covering southwestern Primorye and adjacent areas of China, the population of these animals has reached 90 individuals (of which 42 individuals are in China). Research by scientists and their support from the Far Eastern Leopards Foundation will continue.

Noting the stages of formation of the Far Eastern Leopards ANO, the organization's general director Elena Gangalo noted that the ANO was established in 2011, and its supervisory board is headed by Sergei Ivanov, the special representative of the President of the Russian Federation on environmental issues, ecology and transport. As Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, he “actually supervised this topic, in every possible way supporting the initiatives of scientists and conservationists to save the leopard in the Far East. It was Sergei Borisovich who took the initiative to create the Far Eastern Leopards Autonomous Non-Profit Organization.”

By the time work began to protect Far Eastern leopards in Primorye, there was the Kedrovaya Pad nature reserve (small in area), the Barsovy federal nature reserve and the Borisov Plateau regional nature reserve. But they had different departmental subordination and did not initially have environmental status. Gradually, a model of a new structure was built, and finally, by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 5, 2012, it was created national park"Land of the Leopard" Work on organizing protection, providing a food supply, and preserving lands suitable for their habitat made it possible to achieve comfortable conditions for increasing the number of taiga cats. Taking into account the new litters, the number of leopards reached 90 animals. Today, the “Land of the Leopard” is also home to one of the largest groups of Amur tigers in the Far Eastern specially protected natural areas: about 30 individuals.

Today, with the participation of the Far Eastern Leopards ANO, research work and animal population monitoring are carried out both in federal protected areas and in adjacent areas. The number of camera traps now reaches almost 400, the observation area is 360 thousand hectares. There is nothing like this in Russia anymore.

The aspect of combating threats to leopards from humans, manifested in the form of poaching and forest fires, is seen as very important. According to Elena Gangalo, the organization she leads provides the inspectors of the Land of the Leopard security service with modern technology, equipment and ammunition. In September 2017, in the village of Barabash, the new central estate of the Land of the Leopard National Park was inaugurated - “a complex of buildings built according to a special project within the framework of the federal targeted investment program.” A considerable part of the funds for the implementation of the plan was transferred to the Far Eastern Leopards Autonomous Non-Profit Organization. The estate has become a modern scientific, environmental, educational and educational complex, which involves holding various conferences, scientific seminars and many other events.

Somewhat earlier, in March 2016, the Narva road tunnel began operating. Being located on the highway separating the Land of the Leopard National Park and the Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve, it “was built for the first time in our country precisely with the aim of minimizing the impact of the highway on the populations of large predators - the Far Eastern leopard and the Amur tiger.” And this project has fully justified itself, because with its help it is possible to ensure almost unimpeded communication between the two territories, and along this eco-duct tigers and leopards move from one of them to the other.

Two plots of land in the Khasansky district of Primorsky Krai with a total area of ​​12 thousand hectares were donated to the Far Eastern Leopards ANO in 2017 by a large businessman. These territories “will be part of the Land of the Leopard National Park as a cluster for scientific research and educational tourism.”

Among others important work Elena Gangalo named activities to popularize the idea of ​​preserving the Far Eastern leopard - interaction with the media, organization of exhibitions and other events, among which an important place is occupied by the environmental festival “Leopard Day” held in Moscow in August 2017, filming of the documentary film “Leo80. The story of a leopard" and other events. In collaboration with the International Fund for Animal Welfare, the Far Eastern Leopards ANO held an action (PrimReporter has already reported about it) to decorate the urban area in Vladivostok by the famous South African graffiti artist Sonny.

Speaking about the prospects and problems being solved by the Far Eastern Leopards ANO, the organization’s general director noted the need for systematic efforts to maintain success - overcoming the survival line of the subspecies - and create a “sustainable population of the Far Eastern leopard numbering at least 120 individuals in natural conditions,” which can guarantee it survival.

In addition to combating poaching and forest fires, maintaining a sufficient food supply for the leopard (the relevance of these problems remains), and “preventing the death of wild animals from various diseases” is also topical, since the risk of a sudden epizootic remains, which “may short time destroy the fruits of all our efforts." To this end, the task is being put forward to begin cooperation “with the best specialists both in our country and in the world.”

Another question is about the expansion of territories related to the prospect of the leopard returning to other territories of Primorye. It is possible that leopards will be reintroduced into the areas of the Lazovsky Nature Reserve, the Ussuriysky Nature Reserve and its environs; there is even talk of expanding the territory of the Land of the Leopard national park.

An important aspect of protecting the Far Eastern leopard is real international cooperation. As part of interaction with scientific and environmental structures of the PRC, the issue of creating “an extensive trans-border (Russian-Chinese) reserve that preserves the habitats of Far Eastern leopards and Amur tigers is being explored.”

Similar work, according to Elena Gangalo, began back in 2011. Since then, when a draft agreement between our countries on the creation of a transboundary reserve within Russian territory (in the area of ​​Lake Khanka) was approved, some results have been achieved, but then this process has stalled. However, according to the head of the Far Eastern Leopards Autonomous Non-Profit Organization, “now is the time to return to this issue.” This, firstly, is due to the intensification of cooperation between Russian and Chinese specialists in the study and monitoring of large cats in border areas. The second factor is the reorganization of the network of protected areas on the border of China with the Primorsky Territory: the PRC has created a single national tiger and leopard park with an area of ​​1.5 million hectares in the provinces of Jilin and Heilongjiang. Therefore, Russian experts believe it is advisable to “immediately begin discussing with Chinese colleagues proposals for the creation of a Russian-Chinese transboundary reserve.”

A separate issue raised in an interview with the head of the organization, Elena Gangalo, published on the website of the Far Eastern Leopards ANO is the possibility of perpetuating the memory of one of the famous researchers and creators of the protected area system, Professor N.N. Vorontsov, who made a significant contribution to the work on protecting the nature of the Far East and, in particular, Primorye.

A separate point in the dialogue is devoted to the possibility and world practice of creating “non-state national funds that accumulate voluntary donations and implement significant projects aimed at preserving natural heritage.” Elena Gangalo highly appreciated the existing international environmental structures (WWF, Greenpeace, IFAW), but pointed out that “there is a lack of a specialized national fund.”

In Russia today there are also non-profit organizations that collect extra-budgetary funds to support activities for the conservation of specific rare species of animals (“ANO Far Eastern Leopards”, ANO “Amur Tiger Center” and others), but there is a need and desire to “move from non-state support for the protection of individual flagship species towards more systematic work on the conservation of rare species in general.” It is time to talk about the feasibility of creating a national non-governmental charitable foundation in Russia, specializing in the field of conservation of biological and landscape diversity. At the same time, his priority could be the tasks of protecting and restoring populations of “endangered animals and flora, and their key habitats, primarily within the boundaries of protected areas.”

In order to implement such a plan, Elena Gangalo outlined the need for support for this type of activity from the business community: this practice is quite widespread in the world, and it is being developed in Russia. Moreover, “this is not just a tribute to time or fashion, it is a tool for increasing competitiveness.” We are talking about the “company’s environmental rating” as an important indicator of business performance. The topic of social and environmental responsibility of business is becoming increasingly popular when communicating with potential investors and attracting new clients. The so-called “green reputation” is increasingly becoming “one of the very effective elements of sustainable development.”

As Elena Gangalo emphasized, “...for a serious business, environmental responsibility should not be only part of the image policy, it should be based on real, tangible actions, projects that produce concrete results. In this regard, the topic of contributions to the conservation of rare and endangered animal species is very rewarding both from the point of view of image and from the point of view of specific results.”

Therefore, the general director of the Far Eastern Leopards ANO believes that the project of preserving and restoring the population of the rarest cat in the world, implemented by the organization, is almost ideal for this. Today this organization works with the most successful companies in Russia such as Gazprom, Gazprombank, Sibur, SUEK, Sberbank, Russian Railways and others. The project implemented by Primorye ecologists together with the Rossiya airline seems unique: starting in the spring of 2017, the “Leolet” takes to the skies: the Boeing of the Rossiya airline with the image of the Far Eastern leopard carries more and more passengers.

Such achievements allow us to look into the future with optimism.

Speaking about the environmental topic, we cannot ignore the results of the Year of Ecology - as assessed by the Far Eastern Leopards ANO, as reported by the RIA Novosti agency shortly before the New Year.

Thus, a unique exhibition “Eco-Treasures of Russia” was held. The fourth all-Russian festival “Primordial Russia” took place, organized open lesson at the school, where conservationists told students about the amazing rescue of the Leo 80M leopard and introduced students to the work to conserve the Far Eastern leopard population.

On August 27, a big holiday was held in Moscow’s Krasnaya Presnya Park - “Leopard Day”, in which 30 thousand people took part. And within the framework of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, “the already traditional race for the protection of Red Book cats took place and a charity auction was held in support of projects for the protection of endangered and rare species of animals of the Far East.”
In the Year of Ecology, the fifth anniversary of the Land of the Leopard National Park was celebrated, in which a new ecological route, the Leopard Path, was opened.

In a word, good traditions are continued and developed.

When logging, significant damage is caused to flora and fauna, including rare species listed in the Red Book. Much of the damage to rare species is due to the destruction of their habitats. Unfortunately, the Red Book of the Irkutsk Region was published in a small print run and is practically inaccessible to the population. People who allocate areas for deforestation are not familiar with rare species and do not recognize them in nature. In this regard, the project is aimed at working with logging organizations and directly with the middle management - people who allocate cutting areas for logging. It is at this moment that the most valuable areas can be saved from cutting down for the conservation of rare species of animals and plants. For this purpose, it is planned to hold a series of seminars for logging organizations in the main logging areas in the Irkutsk region - in the cities. Irkutsk, Ust-Ilimsk, Bratsk, Ust-Kut, Kirensk, Taishet and in the village. Magistralny, Kachug. Mid-level employees of logging organizations directly involved in the allocation of areas for logging will be invited to the seminars. At the seminars, they will talk (through presentations) about rare species living in the area covered by the logging organization, the habitats of rare species, recommendations will be given for their conservation and for identifying key areas for rare species and removing them from exploited areas. Also, within the framework of the grant, it is planned to prepare and publish a field guide, specialized for loggers, to rare and protected species of animals and plants included in the Red Book of the Irkutsk Region and the Russian Federation, inhabiting the forests of the Irkutsk Region. Our organization has experience in holding a similar seminar in 2016 for employees of the Ilim Group in the Ust-Ilimsk region. In July of this year we plan to hold three more seminars for the Ilim Group in Bratsk and Ust-Ilimsk. Conducting the seminar showed great interest on the part of workers in the conservation of rare species, but unfortunately not all logging organizations can order such seminars. Loggers also point out the lack of identification documents. methodological literature for the conservation of rare species. The author has great experience on the preparation and publication of guides, including those for rare species. Therefore, the project provides for the preparation and publication of a guide to rare species. The results of the project are planned to be covered in the media, both regional and district. The result of the project is the conservation of habitats of rare species.


  1. Preservation of rare species of animals and plants during logging operations.
  2. Preparation and publication of a field guide to rare species of plants and animals of the forests of the Irkutsk region.
  3. Conducting a series of seminars on the protection of rare species of animals and plants for logging organizations in the Irkutsk region.


  1. Preparation and release of a field guide to rare species of animals and plants of the forests of the Irkutsk region
  2. Program development and preparation of presentations for seminars
  3. Conducting seminars in the cities of Irkutsk, Ust-Ilimsk, Bratsk, Ust-Kut, Kirensk, Taishet and in the village. Magistralny, Kachug.

Justification of social significance

The Irkutsk region occupies a leading place in Russia in terms of timber harvesting volumes. At the same time, environmental changes occur that negatively affect the state of biodiversity, including rare species of animals and plants that are endangered and listed in the Red Books. Their habitats are being cut down. To prevent this, it is necessary to train the personnel of logging enterprises, who are directly involved in the allocation of areas for logging, in the ability to identify and know rare species and about measures for their conservation. For this purpose, it is planned to prepare and publish a guide to rare species and conduct seminars. The social significance of the project will consist in attracting for the conservation of biodiversity, including rare species, precisely those segments of the population who are engaged in logging work and on whose actions the conservation of rare species largely depends. Currently, a situation has arisen where regulatory authorities cannot monitor the status of rare species; science is powerless here, since vast areas of the north of the region where logging is mainly carried out are practically not surveyed. Involving employees of logging organizations in the conservation of rare species will help preserve rare species and will have a high social effect.

Geography of the project

Irkutsk region: Irkutsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk, Ust-Kut, Kirensk and Taishet, the villages of Magistralny and Kachug are the main logging centers in the Irkutsk region.

Target groups

  1. Mid-level employees of logging organizations in the Irkutsk region

Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated April 6, 2004 No. 323


One of the problems accompanying economic development and scientific and technological progress is the decrease in biological diversity, including the reduction in species diversity.

Evolution is a natural, continuous process of extinction and speciation. However, climatic, geological and other rearrangements of the earth's surface determined, according to paleontologists, the average lifespan of a bird species of about 2 million years, and of mammals - about 600 thousand years. Only a few species of birds and mammals have a shorter life span, measured in tens of thousands of years. Man has become a kind of “catalyst” for the process of extinction of species, increasing the rate of extinction hundreds of times. The loss of several, and sometimes even one, biological species from the ecosystem leads to a violation of the integrity and stability of the ecosystem, and in some cases can lead to its destruction.

Over the past 400 years, 9 species and subspecies of mammals and birds have disappeared from Russian territory. In the list of species exterminated by humans that lived in Russia, there are also those that, due to the qualities of their gene pool, could be used to improve breeds and breed new domestic animals: tur, steppe tarpan, sea cow (the most promising species for domestication among marine mammals) .

Currently, the main reasons for the reduction in species diversity are:

Destruction, destruction and pollution of habitats;

Excessive removal and destruction of natural populations of animals and plants;

Introduction of alien species (in this case, the list of invasive alien species in our time can be replenished due to the introduction into the economy of genetically modified plant varieties and animal breeds, the consequences and scale of impact of which on natural ecosystems and populations of indigenous species are unpredictable);

Spread of animal and plant diseases.

To create and implement mechanisms for the conservation and restoration of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi, a Strategy for the Conservation of Rare and Endangered Species of Animals, Plants and Fungi has been developed.

The strategy is a long-term planning document and defines the goals, objectives, priorities and main directions of activity in the field of conservation of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi.

The strategy is based on the Environmental Doctrine of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 2002 No. 1225-r, the National Strategy for the Conservation of Biological Diversity, Art. 42 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection”, the Federal Law “On Wildlife”, other federal laws and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, as well as on :

Fundamental scientific knowledge in the field of biology, ecology and related sciences;

Assessing the current state of rare and endangered objects of flora and fauna and the impact of limiting factors on these objects;

Recognition of the need to create and implement economic and financial mechanisms for the conservation of rare and endangered objects of flora and fauna;

Recognizing the importance of environmental education and awareness for the conservation of rare and endangered objects of flora and fauna;

Taking into account the fullest range of partners in the field of conservation of rare and endangered objects.

The Strategy also takes into account the recommendations of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Rio de Janeiro, 1992), subsequent international forums on environmental issues and sustainable development, as well as decisions of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity.

By defining the scientific foundations, principles and methods of preserving rare and endangered species of flora and fauna, the Strategy indicates the priority of the population principle of preserving species diversity and the method of preserving these objects in the natural habitat. Priority measures aimed at preserving rare and endangered species are:

Conservation of populations in natural habitats;

Restoring lost populations.

Based on the scientific basis for the conservation of rare and endangered species of flora and fauna, the Strategy defines the following main areas of activity:

Organization and maintenance of state records, state cadastre and state monitoring of rare and endangered objects of flora and fauna using uniform methods;

Creation and updating of a database on rare and endangered objects of flora and fauna;

Inclusion in the prescribed manner into the Red Book of the Russian Federation (or exclusion from it) of objects of flora and fauna;

Preparation and implementation of proposals for special protection measures, including the organization of specially protected natural areas, the creation of breeding centers and genetic banks for objects of flora and fauna listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation;

Development of state programs for the protection of flora and fauna and their natural habitats.

As a tool for determining the main directions public policy in the field of conservation of rare and endangered flora and fauna at the federal level, the Strategy also provides the basis for the development of regional strategies and action plans for the conservation of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi.

Effective results The implementation of the Strategy can only be achieved through partnership interaction between government bodies, public organizations and associations, business structures, international environmental organizations and charitable foundations, as well as with the active involvement of the country's citizens in the implementation process. Back to contents


Rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi are the most fragile but very important part of biodiversity. Species diversity, due to a long process of evolution, forms the basis for the integrity of ecosystems and the biosphere as a whole. The loss of several, and sometimes even one, biological species that seemed “of low value” leads to a violation of this integrity and can lead to the destruction of ecosystems. As natural communities lose their constituent species, the community's resilience and resilience to anthropogenic impacts decreases. The extinction of any species is the irretrievable loss of unique genetic information. Any type of living organism, even one not currently used by humans, has potential value, since today it is impossible to predict which biological properties will be useful or even indispensable for the survival of humanity in the future. Rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi are of great scientific, educational, ethical and aesthetic importance. Many of them are relics of past geological eras, others have become symbols for people of wild nature and efforts to protect it. The disappearance of any population, and especially of an entire biological species, is an irreparable loss for the Earth’s biological diversity and irretrievably lost “opportunities” for humanity.

According to the World Conservation Union (IUCN) from 1600 to 1975. 74 species and 86 subspecies of birds (1.23%) and 63 species and 44 subspecies (1.43%) of mammals disappeared from the face of the Earth. The death of 75% of mammal species and 86% of bird species is associated with human activity.

The relevance of the Strategy for the conservation of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi is determined by the importance of the task of preserving them as elements of biodiversity. The need to preserve such species is set out in the Environmental Doctrine of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 2002 No. 1225-r, as well as in the National Strategy for the Conservation of Biodiversity of Russia. At the same time, the Strategy for the Conservation of Rare and Endangered Species of Animals, Plants and Fungi is an important element in fulfilling Russia’s international obligations under the Convention on Biological Diversity (Rio de Janeiro, 1992).

The Strategy for the Conservation of Rare and Endangered Species of Animals, Plants and Fungi (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy) is a long-term planning document and defines the priorities and main directions of activity in the field of conservation of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi.

The strategy includes scientific, legal, organizational framework and economic mechanisms for the conservation of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi, intended to assist in decision-making at the federal and regional levels.

The strategy is the basis for the development of strategies and action plans for the conservation of individual rare and endangered objects of flora and fauna, as well as regional strategies.

The strategy is being implemented through partnerships between government agencies, non-governmental organizations and associations, business structures, citizens of the country, as well as international environmental organizations and charitable foundations. Back to contents


The purpose of the Strategy is to create and implement mechanisms for the conservation and restoration of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi and their intraspecific diversity to the extent that ensures their sustainable existence.

This goal is achieved through comprehensive actions in the scientific, legal, economic, organizational and technological spheres, while solving the following tasks:

Improving the legal framework and organizational mechanisms for the conservation of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi;

Development and implementation of economic and financial mechanisms for the conservation of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi;

Development and implementation of a system of categories and criteria for identifying and classifying rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi and determining priorities for their protection;

Carrying out an inventory and compiling a cadastre of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi using uniform unified methods;

Organization and maintenance of monitoring of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi;

Creation and maintenance of the Red Data Books of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation according to a unified methodology;

Organization of scientific research in the field of studying the biological characteristics of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi and the mechanisms of action of limiting factors on them;

Development and improvement of measures for the conservation and restoration of rare and endangered species in natural habitats and in artificially created habitats;

Development and implementation of a system of activities in the field of education and training;

Determining the circle of partners for the implementation of the Strategy;

Development and implementation of necessary activities in the field of international cooperation, including interaction with CIS countries.

The strategy for the conservation of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi is based primarily on a population-species approach. Its objects are rare and endangered species (subspecies) of animals, plants and fungi, their populations and organisms. Although objects identified on the basis of the ecosystem approach - ecosystems, biocenoses and biotopes - are not the direct objects of this Strategy, the conservation and restoration of the natural habitat of rare and endangered species is a necessary condition and a priority method for the conservation of such species.

Naturally rare species, potentially vulnerable due to their biological characteristics;

Species that are widespread, but are threatened with extinction or are reducing their numbers and range as a result of anthropogenic impact.

Red Book of the Russian Federation;

Red Data Books of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Red Book of the CIS;

CITES Applications;

Annexes of international agreements (with the USA, Japan, the Republic of Korea, North Korea, India).


The territory of the Russian Federation, covering an area of ​​17,075 thousand km² (11.4% of the planet’s land area), is represented by ecosystems of 8 natural zones: polar deserts, arctic and subarctic tundras, forest-tundra, taiga, deciduous forests, steppes, semi-deserts and deserts. On the territory of Russia there are large plains and mountain ranges, more than 120 thousand rivers and about 2 million fresh and salt lakes, over 6 million km² are occupied by forests and 1.8 million km² by swamps. Such diversity natural complexes led to a significant diversity of flora and fauna in Russia. On the territory of Russia, 11,400 species of vascular plants, 320 species of mammals, about 732 species of birds, 80 species of reptiles, 29 species of amphibians, 343 species of freshwater fish, 9 species of cyclostomes, 130-150 thousand species of invertebrates have been registered. More than 1,500 thousand marine fish are found in the seas washing Russia. According to rough estimates, about 20% of Russia's flora and fauna are endemic species.

A number of species of living organisms are classified as rare and endangered.


WITH biological point In terms of view, rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi are divided into two main groups: naturally rare species, potentially vulnerable due to their biological characteristics, and species that are widespread, but are endangered or are reducing their numbers and range as a result anthropogenic impact.

Naturally rare species, potentially vulnerable due to their biological characteristics

This group includes species of animals, plants and fungi, which, due to their biological characteristics, are the most vulnerable and have less ability to withstand anthropogenic impact. These include rare, narrowly distributed, endemic, relict, highly specialized and stenobiont species of animals, plants and fungi, as well as species that enter the territory of Russia at the edge of their range.

Biological features of these species:

Small number

Small area of ​​the range (relict, narrowly endemic, edge of the range),

Low density,

Low ecological valency (stenobiontity, high specialization),

Low rate of population reproduction,

Negative attitude towards the presence of a person.

The main and mandatory feature of naturally rare species is their small number. All other features are additional and, occurring in various combinations, increase the risk of population decline and extinction of the species.

Small numbers. All rare species of animals, plants and fungi are small in number. Small numbers increase the likelihood of population extinction both as a result of changes in natural factors and as a result of anthropogenic influences. There is a threat of extinction of the species even in stable and favorable conditions only due to random fluctuations in fertility and mortality. In addition, changes in natural factors and anthropogenic impacts can lead to populations/species reaching critical numbers, and this, in turn, leads to a reduction in genetic diversity and a sharp decrease in viability.

Small area of ​​distribution. Many species of animals, plants and fungi, which are components of unique or relict ecosystems, have a small range. This group also includes island forms, species entering the territory of Russia at the edge of their range, and some migratory species of animals. The small area of ​​the habitat increases the risk of extinction of the species, since even local disturbances of the environment in a small area can be destructive for such a species. Additional difficulties arise due to limited or lack of control environmental situation in the territories of neighboring states.

Low density is closely related to the previous two characteristics. The structure of natural biocenoses, as a rule, is characterized by the presence of a certain number of species of animals, plants and fungi, occurring with low frequency. This pattern is general. Low density increases the risk of extinction of a species in a given area, since even the destruction of a small number of individuals leads to local extinction of the species. In addition, low density may be a factor complicating the process of population reproduction. However, not all low-density species require special protection measures, since some of them may have a wide range and large total numbers. The objects of the strategy are only those that have a low total number.

Low ecological valence (stenobiontity, high specialization). The severe dependence of organisms on individual limited resources or the possibility of their existence in a narrow range of environmental conditions makes them extremely vulnerable. The disappearance or reduction of the resource they need, as well as the destruction of their specific biotopes, puts such species in a critical situation. This can happen even with relatively minor impacts on natural ecosystems.

A low rate of population reproduction reduces the species’ ability to withstand negative impacts on it. Such species simply do not have time to restore their numbers when the environment destabilizes or the frequency of negative impacts on them increases. Given the same level of exposure to negative factors, species of animals, plants and fungi that slowly restore their numbers always have a greater chance of being endangered than species that reproduce quickly. These species include most large animal species.

Negative attitude towards the presence of a person. A negative reaction to the presence of humans is manifested in some large species of mammals and birds, as well as some plants (for example, orchids). Representatives of other systematic groups of animals, plants and fungi usually demonstrate a neutral reaction to humans. The animal species that react most strongly to the presence of humans (anthropophobic species) practically cannot tolerate the frequent appearance of humans in their habitats. However, the attitude towards humans in such animals may change to neutral and even interested behavior if contact with humans does not harm the animals.

Species that are widespread but are threatened with extinction or are reducing their numbers and range as a result of anthropogenic impact

This group includes species of animals, plants and fungi that have a wide variety of biological characteristics, which were not previously rare and have become so as a result of the influence of anthropogenic limiting factors.

Some migratory animal species, having a generally extensive range, concentrate in certain periods of their life cycle in an extremely limited area. Destruction of such key habitat or negative impacts on the population of the animals themselves could put the species in a critical situation.


The set of anthropogenic limiting factors and the forms of their influence are extensive and diverse. All the variety of forms of influence of limiting factors on rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi are conditionally divided into two main groups: direct and indirect influences.

Direct impacts are the destruction or removal of organisms of a given species from natural populations as a result of excessive volumes of harvesting (collection), poor harvesting standards, illegal fishing, collection and collection of living organisms, irrational and indiscriminate control of weeds and pests of agriculture and forestry, death of animals on engineering structures, destruction by the population of animals and plants considered dangerous, harmful or unpleasant and other actions.

Indirect impacts represent a change in the natural habitat of organisms, leading to a deterioration in the condition of the species. There are four areas of such influences:

Physical, i.e. change in the physical characteristics of the environment (destruction and change of relief, violation of the physical properties of soil or soil, destruction and change air environment, water basin, natural ecosystems) in the process of their intensive exploitation: transformation of vast natural areas into cities and other settlements and development sites, deforestation, plowing of steppes, drainage of swamps, peat mining, regulation of river flow, creation of reservoirs, seismic exploration and blasting, action electromagnetic fields and radiation, noise exposure, thermal pollution, etc.

Chemical, i.e. pollution of the water basin, air, soil as a result of the activities of industrial enterprises and mining companies (pollution with industrial waste), the agro-industrial complex (pollution with pesticides, mineral and organic fertilizers, pesticides), the transport complex (pollution with industrial waste and oil products), housing and communal services (pollution from domestic wastewater), military facilities (pollution rocket fuel And fuels and lubricants, untreated wastewater and emissions), as well as as a result of man-made accidents and global transport of pollution (oil spills, " acid rain", etc.).

Climatic, expressed in global change climatic conditions caused by anthropogenic or natural reasons, leading to a radical restructuring of habitats (the encroachment of forests onto the steppe or the forestation of mountain tundras, displacement of natural zones, the appearance of southern species of animals and plants in northern regions etc.).

Biological, expressed in disruption of the structure of natural biocenoses as a result of human activity (intentional and unintentional introduction) and self-dispersal of alien species; spread of pathogens of animal and plant diseases; outbreaks of numbers of certain species; possible penetration of living genetically modified organisms into natural ecosystems; eutrophication of water bodies; destruction of animal food resources.

Various types of anthropogenic activities have both direct and indirect impacts, are complex and are accompanied by synergistic and cumulative effects.

One of the main reasons for the state of species classified as rare and endangered is the destruction or complete destruction of the habitats of these species.

The negative consequences of human impact on rare and endangered species, depending on a diverse combination of impact factors and specific environmental conditions, are different. The main ones:

Reduction in numbers;

Deterioration of the physiological state of organisms;

Impaired reproduction (impaired gametogenesis; decreased frequency and success of fertilization; prenatal mortality, non-viable offspring);

Increased mortality in the initial stages of organism development;

Increased adult mortality;

Violation life cycles, including migration;

Violation of the sex and age structure of the population;

Violation of the genetic structure of populations, loss of genetic diversity;

Violation of the spatial structure of the population;

Violation of the population structure of the species;

Non-adaptive changes in animal behavior.

All these consequences ultimately lead to a reduction in numbers and extinction of individual populations and the species as a whole.

Analysis of limiting factors and mechanisms of influence is the most important prerequisite for the development of an effective program for the conservation of any type of living organism. This analysis should be carried out on a case-by-case basis and take into account how biological features species, as well as the socio-economic specifics of the region in which it lives.

It is necessary to separate the processes of change in biological diversity as a result of anthropogenic activities from the natural processes of its development. Natural factors should be taken into account when developing programs for the conservation of biological diversity, but their prevention is impractical and, in most cases, impossible. Among anthropogenic factors, those that most strongly influence biological systems or are critical for them are prevented. To contents

The system of criteria is the basis for identifying rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi, identifying priority objects of protection and distributing efforts to protect them.

To protect rare and endangered species in the Russian Federation, six categories of rarity status of taxa and populations have been adopted according to the degree of threat of their extinction: 0 - probably extinct, 1 - endangered, 2 - declining in numbers, 3 - rare, 4 - uncertain status, 5 - recoverable and recovering.

The probably extinct include taxa and populations that previously inhabited the territory (water area) of the Russian Federation, and whose presence in nature has not been confirmed (for invertebrates - in the last 100 years, for vertebrates - in the last 50 years, for plants and fungi the dates have not been determined) .

Declining numbers include taxa and populations with steadily declining numbers, which, with continued exposure to limiting factors, can quickly fall into the category of endangered.

Rare are taxa and populations that have a naturally low abundance and/or are distributed in a limited area (water area) or are sporadically distributed over large areas (water area).

Undetermined status includes those taxa and populations that probably belong to one of the previous categories, but there is currently no sufficient information about their state in nature, or they do not fully meet the criteria of all other categories.

Recoverable and recovering are those taxa and populations whose numbers and distribution have begun to recover, due to natural causes or as a result of conservation measures taken, and which are approaching a state where they will not require urgent conservation and restoration measures.

Identification of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi, assessment of their condition, development of parameters for monitoring and determination of priorities for their protection is carried out on the basis of an appropriate system of categories and criteria. Such a system includes three groups of criteria (both qualitative and quantitative) that allow one to assess the relative importance of objects and assign them one or another environmental status (category):

Biological criteria for assessing the status of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi;

Criteria for the significance of an object for the conservation of biodiversity in general;

Socio-economic and technological criteria.

In addition, it is necessary to determine the procedure for assessing facilities and determining priorities. If an object receives opposing assessments based on different criteria (for example, it has a small population but is distributed over a wide range), the decision on its conservation status is made based on the assessment based on a more significant criterion (in in this example- based on small numbers).

Biological criteria for assessing the status of species (Table 1) make it possible to identify rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi and give them appropriate conservation status. These criteria also form the basis for developing a system of monitoring parameters for rare and endangered species.

Table 1

Biological criteria for assessing the status of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi

  • Criterion


    Trends of change


    (when assessing trends of change, one should distinguish between natural fluctuations in numbers and its anthropogenic changes)





    Slowly shrinking

    Fast shrinking

    Rate of population change




    Increased mortality and/or decreased reproduction

    Population structure of the species




    Disappearance of local populations and ecological forms

    Density (occurrence)






    Decreasing (the species is becoming less common)

    Range sizes

    (when assessing trends of change, one should distinguish between natural fluctuations of the area and its anthropogenic changes)





    Slowly shrinking

    Fast shrinking

    Range structure

    (for individual species, when assessing the structure of the range, one should distinguish between seasonal and ecological modifications of the range: reproductive, trophic, seasonal, wintering and summer parts of the range)







    Fragmentation of a continuous range (continuous areas of range)

    Disappearance of areas of discontinuous range

    Environmental valence

    Eurybiont species

    Specialized (stenobiont for one factor) species

    Highly specialized (stenobiont in many factors)

    There are changes due to any factor

    No status changes

    Genetic structure of the population

    (level of genetic diversity in a population)

    High variety

    Low diversity




    Sex, age and social structure of the population

    (it is necessary to distinguish between natural fluctuations in population structure and its anthropogenic disturbances).



    Critical (absence of young individuals)




    Physiological state of organisms






    Getting worse

    Relative effective strength






    Degree of Settlement

    Sedentary (habitat permanent)

    Having a seasonal change of habitats



    There are changes in the degree of sedentism (a migratory species becomes sedentary)

    No changes

    Attitude towards a person




    Anthropophobia changes to a neutral (synanthropic) attitude

    No attitude change

    Condition of habitats








  • Rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi, identified on the basis of the criteria discussed above, can also be assessed by their significance for the conservation of biodiversity as a whole (Table 2).

    Table 2

    Criteria for the significance of a taxon for the conservation of biodiversity in general


    Comparative scores (in order of increasing importance)


    Level of possible genetic losses

    Population loss

    Loss of the subspecies

    Loss of a species from a large higher taxon

    Loss of a species from a small higher taxon

    Loss of a higher taxon (genus, family, order, class)

    The role of the species in the biocenosis

    Not key


    Share of habitat in Russia (region)

    A small part of the range in Russia (in the region)

    A significant part of the range is in Russia (in the region)

    Endemic - entire range in Russia (in the region)

    The next group of criteria allows us to assess the socio-economic and technological aspects of the conservation of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi. These criteria are especially important when developing specific conservation and recovery programs for these species.

    Table 3

    Socio-economic and technological criteria for assessing a taxon


    Comparative ratings

    Resource value


    High commercial value

    High scientific, aesthetic, recreational, and other value

    Low value

    Degree of knowledge



    Monitoring level

    Monitoring is established

    No monitoring

    Technology of artificial reproduction of natural populations

    Designed for this type

    Designed for related species


    Socio-economic and technological criteria for assessing a taxon

    Final decision the classification of a species as rare and endangered, as well as the assignment of one or another environmental status (category) to it is made on the basis of its assessment according to all criteria.

    Creating a scientifically based and maximally objective system of criteria for identifying rare and endangered species and determining their environmental priorities is a strategic task.


    Rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi, their populations and individual organisms belong to different levels of organization of living nature and are characterized by different structures, laws of development and functioning. At different hierarchical levels it is necessary to determine: principles, that is, particular methodological approaches based on the initial scientific principles about objects of biological diversity, and the main tasks for preserving objects. Based on the principles, conservation methods are determined - a set of basic methods and techniques for the conservation of rare and endangered species, and on their basis - measures and devices, i.e. specific organizational and technical means of their implementation.

    Species principle

    Object: species (subspecies).

    Initial scientific position: a species is the smallest genetically closed system with a unique gene pool; a species is, as a rule, a system of interconnected local populations, intraspecific forms and subspecies.

    Main tasks:

    Preservation of numbers and habitats of species (subspecies);

    Preservation of the spatial-genetic population structure of the species;

    Preservation of diversity of populations, intraspecific forms (seasonal races, ecological forms, etc.).

    Conservation of populations and species, monitoring their condition;

    Preservation and restoration of natural habitats, reconstruction of biotopes;

    Protection of species in specially protected natural areas (SPNA);

    Reintroduction (reacclimatization) of species, reconstruction of lost populations.

    A necessary condition for the sustainable conservation of a species is the preservation of its population structure. Local populations, intraspecific forms and subspecies are carriers of unique adaptations of the species to specific environmental conditions. Their destruction or disruption of the normal degree of isolation leads to the destruction of the adaptive spatial-genetic structure of the species that has developed during evolution, and the loss of unique adaptations. To maintain the spatial-genetic structure of a species, it is necessary to maintain the degree of isolation of populations and forms that is characteristic of undisturbed natural populations. Both the increased isolation of populations and forms, as well as the destruction of natural barriers between them and their artificial mixing, are destructive.

    Population principle

    Object: population.

    Initial scientific position: populations represent a form of existence of a species, are elementary units of the evolutionary process and have a unique gene pool.

    Main tasks:

    Preservation or restoration of the numbers and habitats of natural populations sufficient for their sustainable existence;

    Maintaining optimal health of organisms in populations;

    Preservation of intrapopulation genetic diversity and genetic originality (uniqueness) of the population;

    Preservation of diversity of population structure (spatial, sexual, age, ethological and social).

    Methods of conservation in artificially created habitats: conservation of populations of rare and endangered species in nurseries, zoos, botanical gardens, implementation of an optimal scheme for the exchange of individuals between nurseries, zoos and botanical gardens to preserve genetic diversity both within separate groups organisms and in the population as a whole.

    Methods of conservation in natural habitats:

    Preservation of populations of rare and endangered species and monitoring their condition;

    Preservation and restoration of natural habitats, reconstruction of biotopes;

    Protection of populations of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi in protected areas;

    Artificial reproduction of natural populations;

    Technological and organizational measures to protect animals from death at engineering structures and during economic work; assistance to animals in emergency situations;

    Development and implementation of a system of measures to prevent the uncontrolled spread of invasive alien species and eliminate the consequences of these processes;

    Preventing the penetration of living genetically modified organisms into the natural environment and further hybridization with conserved populations;

    Elimination of factors leading to deterioration in the health of living organisms;

    Reintroduction (reacclimatization) of extinct populations in natural habitats, restoration (genetic “recovery”) of small populations;

    Relocation of populations from habitats that are inevitably destroyed as a result of economic activities (for example, the construction of reservoirs, etc.) and the impact of natural factors (for example, rising lake levels with flooding of adjacent lowlands, etc.).

    When preserving populations, their numbers are of utmost importance. A reduction in numbers increases the likelihood of random population extinction and is accompanied by a reduction in intrapopulation genetic diversity. In this case, not only the minimum level of size reached by the population is important, but also the duration of the period during which the population was small. There is no single minimum size value for populations of different species existing in different conditions. The minimum or critical values ​​of population numbers and densities that determine the moment of their transition from a safe state to an endangered state can only be determined in each specific case. These values ​​depend on many factors: features of biology, the rate of population growth, the degree of its differentiation into subpopulations, the nature of crossing of individuals, the conditions of existence of the population, etc.

    Genetic diversity, ethological-social, spatial, age and sexual structure of a population determine its stability, ability to adapt and the ability to survive in changing environmental conditions. Intrapopulation genetic diversity determines the possibilities of its adaptation and survival in changing environmental conditions, including anthropogenic influences. Reducing intrapopulation diversity reduces the population's ability to adapt to change external environment, makes the population unstable and reduces its stability.

    The size and genetic diversity of a population are insufficient to assess its condition, since a number of forms of human impact on natural systems lead to a strong deterioration in the health of individual individuals, while the size of populations and their genetic diversity may still remain unchanged or even grow for some time. Therefore, an important indicator of the state of populations, which determines the possibility of their long-term sustainable conservation, is the health of individual individuals in the population.

    One more thing necessary condition full-fledged long-term conservation of the population - preservation of its typical natural habitat. Long-term and complete preservation of the gene pool of a species is possible only in its historically typical environment. If a population persists for a long time in an environment uncharacteristic for it, a transformation of its genetic structure inevitably occurs due to changes in the direction of selection. Back to contents

    The population principle should form the basis of the strategy for the conservation of rare and endangered species, since only the conservation of individual natural populations can ensure the full conservation of the species.

    Organismic principle

    Object: individual.

    Initial scientific position: an organism is the smallest unit of life, independently existing in the environment and being carriers of hereditary information about the main properties and characteristics of the species.

    Main tasks:

    Preservation of individual individuals and ensuring their reproduction;

    Conservation of genotypes.

    Methods of conservation in an artificially created habitat:

    Storage of genetic materials (gametes, zygotes, somatic cells, embryos) in low-temperature gene banks, in cell and tissue culture banks, as well as in seed banks;

    Introduction of species into culture.

    The organismic principle makes it possible to preserve only part of the genetic diversity of natural populations. In gene banks, various nurseries, zoos, botanical gardens, etc., as a rule, only individual individuals (genetic material) or small groups of them are preserved. The genetic diversity of even very large populations restored from individuals preserved in artificial habitats will be based only on those genes that the founding individuals possessed (with the exception of new mutations). During long-term breeding of small groups of living organisms in nurseries, zoos, and botanical gardens, the genetic processes characteristic of natural populations are disrupted and genetic diversity is reduced. The introduction of species into culture also cannot preserve the gene pool of natural populations and species, since domestication inevitably involves significant changes in the properties of organisms and the genetic structure of the population.

    The organismic principle can be considered as the main one only in cases when all reserves for preserving the population/species in the natural habitat have been exhausted, namely:

    The species/population has disappeared from nature,

    The threat of extinction for the species/population is so great that conservation in the natural habitat cannot be guaranteed;

    In cases of uncontrolled introduction and hybridization leading to loss of purity of the gene pool of natural populations

    A lot depends on the presence or absence of plants on planet Earth. A person can live without food for up to forty days, without water - up to three days, but without air - only a few minutes. But it is plants that supply such an essential component as oxygen. Without the participation of plants, there would not be an existing atmosphere in the form in which it exists now. And, consequently, many living organisms that breathe air would not exist. Including humans.

    Reasons for disappearance

    Scientists warn that in the very near future at least forty thousand species of tropical plants and approximately eight thousand species from areas with temperate climate. The numbers impress (or should impress) each of us. This is why plant protection is necessary!

    The main reasons have long been known. This is in the tropics, grazing of numerous livestock, the use of chemicals that affect the ecosystem, the destruction of natural insect pollinators, and the excessive harvesting of medicinal herbs on an industrial scale. And if we summarize all of the above, then the destructive and sometimes thoughtless activities of humans as a species living on the planet.

    Ethical nature of the problem

    The necessary protection of plants has a mainly ethical and moral aspect. After all, there is still no serious scientific substantiation of this problem. So far, biologists do not have answers to questions about what will happen if certain plant species become extinct, how the general gene pool of nature depends on this, and what are the consequences and pace of such a “payback for evolution.”

    Only a few scientists (for example, Vernadsky) substantiated not only the interdependence of man and nature, but also united them into one whole - the noosphere, for example. And all these issues (including, in particular, plant protection) require us to resolve in the coming years, while the general biosystem is still close to its natural norm.

    What does this mean?

    Plant protection primarily means supporting natural processes occurring in nature. It is necessary to help restore the disturbed balance and eliminate the consequences of the harmful effects of man, his unreasonable interference in the activities of our common ecosystem.

    It’s no joke: over the past few decades, one plant per day has disappeared from the face of the earth, and one animal per year. A genocide of nature that is horrifying in its cynicism! Therefore, the protection of plants and animals that are disappearing from the face of the earth should become a priority task for humanity in the near future.

    Red Book

    Of course, it cannot be said that nothing is being done in this regard. From state-level documents protecting animals, one can recall the Red Book. Among plants, it already includes, for example, over four hundred species of flowering plants, about twenty species of algae, more than thirty species of fungi, about ten species of gymnosperms and ferns.

    Among the endangered species are the famous common snowdrop, Crimean peony, Lessing's feather grass, and many others. These plants are under state protection. There is liability for their illegal cutting, destruction and use (according to the law).

    Protection of rare plants: basic measures

    Of these, the most relevant in the modern world is the isolation and protection of habitats. Nature reserves, national parks, and wildlife sanctuaries are being actively created and developed (but not to the extent we would like) to ensure the continued existence of endangered plant (and animal) species. In many civilized countries, programs have been developed and are operating for the all-round reasonable use of natural resources by humanity. After all, if we do not take the necessary measures in time, many plants will disappear from the face of the earth completely, and it will be impossible to fill these gaps.

    Botanical gardens

    Botanical gardens and experimental stations play a huge role in maintaining plant populations, studying and preserving endangered species. They contain certain necessary collections of living plants - representatives of local and exotic flora, contribute to the study and breeding of plants, the creation of new, more productive forms and species. Promising developments include research on plant acclimatization and adaptation to new living conditions in other natural belts. Botanical gardens also perform educational tasks and promote the achievements of the science of botany.

    The role of plants in human life

    Only in recent decades has humanity fully realized the role of plants in human life. Although some scientists and educators have been saying for a long time that not a single existing species should be allowed to disappear from the face of the Earth.

    With the destruction of greenery, people will lose a lot of what the surrounding world contains. Plant protection, in turn, should prevent this. After all, this part is not only necessary source health, but also the aesthetic component of the art world, which inspired and continues to inspire many artists and writers to create masterpieces of art.

    But the most important masterpiece is our common Motherland, whose name is planet Earth! And it is so necessary, especially recently, for all of us to take care of its green population, so that our descendants can enjoy the diversity of plant life.