What foods should you not eat based on your body type? Choosing a diet for a pear body type

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Body type, diet according to body type

Diet according to body type belongs to the category of often criticized. They say that in physiology there is no such thing as a “pear”, “hourglass”, or “apple” figure type. There are body types: asthenic, normosthenic, hypersthenic. Therefore, a diet that is based on non-existent concepts is nothing more than a trick by the authors of glamor magazines.

In fact, a body type diet has a right to exist. Different physiological body types have their own metabolism - this is an indisputable medical fact. Therefore, it is natural to suggest that for types with a certain metabolic rate, certain products are necessary for normal functioning, while others cause negative consequences, in particular, the formation of fat deposits in “problem” areas.

These are the same " problem areas”and became the starting point for creating a diet, or rather, a nutrition system based on your body type. It has long been known that for some people excess weight accumulates in some areas of the body, for example, at the waist, while for others it accumulates mainly on the hips. Depending on this, they determine body type. This subjective method determining your body type. But there is an objective one that can be calculated. To do this, just measure your waist and hips. Then divide the first indicator by the second.

You are a “pear” if this indicator is less than 0.65.

You are an “apple” if this value is greater than 0.75.

You are the happy owner of the most proportional hourglass figure if the indicator lies in the range from 0.65 to 0.75.

You need to measure yourself correctly, the way professional tailors do. The waist is the narrowest point on the body. And if this is not the case, then you will have to intuitively look for your waist two fingers above your navel. Hips are measured at the fullest point below the waist.

Having determined what type of figure you have, you can create your own nutrition program and choose those physical activity, which will help you get rid of excess weight and volume in “problem” areas. By adhering to this nutritional system, you will normalize your weight and put your body in order, and “problem areas” will become less problematic.

Regular physical education and sports affect not only appearance, but also on hormonal status. In most cases this becomes excellent prevention diseases of the female genital area. In addition, playing sports helps improve the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems - in fact, the entire body, helps keep the body in good shape and not blurred, regardless of the type of figure.

Doctors say that the ideal waist size for a woman is no more than 81 cm. Now average The waist size in our country is 87 cm. Over the past fifty years, women have increased their waist area by an average of six centimeters.

Pear body type

“Pear” is considered the most feminine type: narrow, often sloping shoulders, small breasts, thin long waist, wide hips, full legs. Excess fat deposits accumulate on the thighs, buttocks and legs. Until the middle of the last century, this type of figure was considered the standard of femininity, until it was replaced by the fashion for thin girls like Twiggy.

“Pear” is the most physiological type. It is believed that women with this type of figure more easily fulfill their natural purpose - to bear a child. Also, sexologists, drawing a connection between sexuality and body type, note “pear” as the sexiest type. Female sex hormones are responsible for wide, full hips; they are responsible for reproductive functions and libido.

There is another advantage of the “pear” over other types - fat deposited on the hips actively produces the protein adiponectin, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. While a “pear” woman is of reproductive age, she is almost not at risk of heart attacks and strokes. Of course, we are talking about women without aggravating circumstances: not obese in last stage and not smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.

For all this beauty and benefit, owners of wide hips pay with cellulite. “Pears” are champions of cellulite; no other type has such a “luxurious” orange peel, which is much more difficult to destroy than other body types.

What to do? Products rich in starch are strictly contraindicated for Pear. Potatoes, cereals, pasta, rolls and cookies should disappear from the diet or, at least, become a purely festive dish. You need to be more careful with fatty foods, especially animal fats. Instead of a fatty pork chop, eat baked skinless chicken or steamed fish. However, you should not neglect fats altogether and switch to low-fat foods: many low-fat foods are very nutritious due to their high protein or carbohydrate content.

You need to be careful with foods rich in carbohydrates. Replace packaged juices with live fruit or freshly squeezed juices. You can’t get carried away with desserts - anything that contains a lot of sugar. Sugar is a source of fast, “harmful” carbohydrates. On a different type of figure, it can be spent quickly and without harm; on a “pear” figure, it will settle on the hips and buttocks in folds of fat.

The healthiest foods for pears are: low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat fish, seafood, wholemeal bread, dark rice, lettuce, herbs, vegetables. Nutritionists especially highlight tomatoes and tomato juice. Tomatoes contain biologically active substances that promote skin regeneration in the thigh area disfigured by cellulite, and tomato juice will speed up metabolic processes in the body.

Fitness. As a physical activity, you need to choose exercises that will improve blood circulation in the legs, thighs and buttocks. All cardio exercises are beneficial: walking, running, cycling. But you shouldn’t do strength exercises on your legs and hips. Even if the fat is partially pumped into the muscles, the volume will not decrease. And with overly intense training, the volume will increase.

The most effective exercise for combating excesses on the hips and buttocks: get on all fours (rest on your arms bent at the elbows). The torso and head should form a straight line. Raise your right leg bent at the knee, without straightening it, and lower it. Perform fifteen times without touching the floor with your foot. Repeat this exercise with your left leg.

Hourglass body type

This is the most proportional body type. Women who have such a figure are truly lucky. With a thin waist, the chest circumference is equal to the hip circumference, and excess fat is deposited evenly throughout the body, rather than being stored in one place, disfiguring the body. The owner of an hourglass can gain ten kilograms before others realize that the woman is overweight.

« Hourglass» Lose excess weight easily - you just need to slightly reduce portions and increase physical activity. But you gain excess weight quickly - you only need to allow yourself a little extra, and your body begins to grow in breadth along the entire perimeter. Hourglasses often become victims of New Year's feasts. A week of poor nutrition - and they may no longer fit into an office suit.

What to do? Nothing! It is enough to take care of yourself in the literal sense, weigh yourself regularly. Don't allow yourself to overeat at night. Do not overdo it at banquets and festive events at the table. And if such a misfortune has happened as the long Christmas holidays, then after them you need to go on any, even the most gentle, diet and slightly increase physical activity. And the weight will go away as if it never happened.

Fitness. Intense physical activity is not necessary to stay in shape. Regular fitness is enough: cycling in the summer or an exercise bike in the winter, running on a treadmill at an easy pace. For this type of figure, regular exercises such as “stand straight, arms up” will be enough. You can pamper your body with special stretching exercises - it won't hurt.

Apple body type

Slender, sometimes to the point of thinness, arms and legs on a body completely devoid of a waist. Often this waist becomes wider than the hips and then this figure is called a “barrel”. Excess fats at the waist is a serious risk of cardiovascular disease. Every extra five centimeters around the waist increases the risk of a heart attack by 10 percent.

Those with a wide waist are also the number one contenders for a visit to an endocrinologist. Excess weight due to deposits around the waist is a contributing factor in the occurrence of diabetes. Therefore, “apples” have to fight their apple nature not only for the sake of beauty, but also in the name of health.

But the “apples” have a significant advantage. Fat deposits on the waist dissolve faster than on the hips and buttocks. Owners of curvy hips have to devote their lives to the fight against excessive curvaceousness, and often their hips remain the winner in the fight. But for “apples” it’s much easier to get rid of wrinkles at the waist - just review the menu and do physical exercise.

The basis of the diet should be foods rich in fiber: vegetables, legumes, root vegetables, bran. The ideal breakfast for “apples” is porridge with fruit. You will have to sharply limit your fat intake: no whipped cream, fatty cutlets or rich broths. Only chicken fillet and fish, grilled or steamed without adding fat or oil.

Desserts should be healthy. Dried fruits and honey are allowed, you can eat all citrus fruits. And the ban includes sweets, cookies and sweet fruits such as grapes, figs, bananas. Diet can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. You need to add soy products, fatty fish, and walnuts to your diet. Fatty fish is the only fatty product allowed for apples. But you shouldn't abuse it.

You need to drink a lot of clean non-carbonated water, fruit and green teas are allowed. And tea with ginger will be the best helper for removing toxins: just add a chopped piece of ginger the size of a fingernail to a cup of tea. There is a recipe for special tea to remove toxins. Squeeze the juice from one lemon, add chopped ginger, add hot water. You can add black pepper to taste. This drink speeds up your metabolism and the wrinkles at your waist will disappear.

With any type of figure, you need to remember that a diet is not for a week or two in order to get your figure in order during this time. You need to follow a diet and exercise all your life, turn healthy eating into a system, into a way of life. And then there will be no fear of deposits on the waist or deposits on the buttocks - with a healthy lifestyle, the appearance of excess weight is impossible. The figure will remain slim, fit, and you will remain beautiful.

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According to other classifications, this type of figure may be called: type H.

Appearance: wide or medium boned; small breasts; full legs; visual impression of approximately equal width of shoulders, waist and pelvis.

What does a rectangle shape look like?

Basic distinctive feature This body type is characterized by the absence of a clear waistline.

Main features of the rectangle shape

Owners of a rectangle figure are also characterized by the following features:

  • hips and shoulders of equal width;
  • flat buttocks;
  • slender legs;
  • broad chest.

Body type: Rectangle. How he gets fat

Sometimes the harmony between the upper and lower parts of the body, which Pear and Triangle women so dream of, takes on completely different forms than we would like.

Everything seems to be proportional - the pelvis and shoulders are approximately the same width, nothing “gets in the way” or outweighs anything, but... The catch of a rectangle-type figure is that as soon as its owner relaxes even a little, she risks hearing from her man the gentle “my little bag” sweetie."

Yes, the waist tends to catch up with the width of the shoulders and hips, the entire torso takes on a square shape.

If the owner of an “H” figure gains excess weight, the fat is evenly distributed in the bust and abdominal area. There are no fat deposits on the hip line.

The “rectangle” figure comes in two types: “column” and “brick”. Those with a column figure are characterized by the following features:

  • hips and shoulders of equal sizes;
  • long legs;
  • fuzzy waist line.

Nutrition rules for a Rectangle figure

The powerful bodily constitution of the Rectangle is accompanied by a powerful appetite. These women find it difficult to stop when they binge on food, so they require a restrictive diet.

There is enough evidence to show how beneficial a separate diet is for health and weight loss: you don’t need to consume concentrated carbohydrates and concentrated proteins at the same time: meat with salad and vegetables is good, but meat with bread and potatoes is bad.

  1. Use the principles of separate nutrition.
  2. For breakfast and dinner, include dishes made from low-calorie foods on the menu.
  3. Eliminate snacking.
  4. Maintain drinking regime throughout the day.

Those with a Rectangle figure are allowed the following foods:

  • lean meat;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • low-fat hard cheeses;
  • whole grain porridge;
  • green;
  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • muesli;
  • bread made from wholemeal flour.

The following foods negatively affect the shape of women with a rectangle figure:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • confectionery;
  • fried and smoked foods;
  • flour products.

Nutritionists advise holding fasting days once every two weeks, which will help normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and get rid of extra pounds.

Rectangles are naturally endowed with a strong body, but it requires constant intense exercise. Many women of this type experience depression and feel lethargic if they neglect regular exercise. The physique and temperament of women with this physique are most suitable for aerobics, running, swimming, squash, and tennis. Rectangles act wisely by devoting half an hour or more to physical education three times a week.

The key to maintaining a slim, youthful figure for Rectangles is intense exercise. The Rectangle, like the Triangle, needs intense aerobic exercise at least three times a week. The rectangle should make it a rule to intensively swim, run, play tennis or aerobics twice, or preferably three times a week for at least half an hour.

Actresses– Penelope Kate (Aries), Shirley MacLaine (Taurus), Toya Wilcox (Taurus), Helena Boham-Carter (Gemini), Susan Sarandon (Libra), Rosinne Barr (Scorpio), Jodie Foster (Scorpio), Whoopi Goldberg ( Scorpio), Stephanie Power (Scorpio), Bette Midler (Sagittarius), Vanessa Redgrave (Aquarius), Patricia Rutledge (Aquarius), Glenn Close (Pisces), Julie Walters (Pisces).

Singers– Montserrat Caballe (Aries), Barbra Streisand (Taurus), Jesse Norman (Virgo), Joan Sutherland (Scorpio), Tina Turner (Sagittarius), Liza Minnelli (Pisces), Nina Simone (Pisces).

Writers– Barbara Cartland (Cancer), D. S. Byatt (Virgo), Lady Antonia Fraser (Virgo), Fay Weldon (Virgo), Jackie Collins (Libra), Germaine Greer (Aquarius).

Popular people– Ruby Vox (Aries), Celia Black (Gemini), Claire Rayner (Pisces).

Sportswomen– Steffi Graf (Gemini), Sally Runnell (Leo), Martina Navratilova (Libra), Chris Evert (Sagittarius).

Royalty- Queen Elizabeth II (Taurus), Princess Diana (Cancer), Queen Mother | Virgo), Princess Michelle of Kent (Capricorn), Princess Caroline of Monaco (Aquarius).

This publication in a magazine for entrepreneurs may seem strange to many of our readers. In fact, it’s not strange that a website for entrepreneurs publishes weight loss guides and information about the best diets. Look at our page and you will see that even in the photo our editor-in-chief presented in the gym. And this is no coincidence. Study serious business- is to experience constant stress and serious loads. You can run a business without playing sports, without following a healthy lifestyle, without diets and physical activity. But not for long! This guide was compiled for women entrepreneurs, but we think it will be interesting for men too.

The most effective and fastest diet

Types of figures

There are 5 main body types; let’s look at each of them in more detail to be able to determine your own.

Body type: Pear (Triangle)

A prominent representative of this type is Jennifer Lopez. The Latin American beauty is absolutely not shy about her curves; on the contrary, she is proud of them! Features of type "A" are:

  • Narrow shoulders;
  • Slim waist;
  • Volume hips.

Women with such a figure, according to psychologists, are the most attractive to men. In Brazil, for example, wide hips can be found in most of the fair sex.

With the right clothes, suitable for this type of exercise and a balanced diet, every woman can be even more attractive.

Apple body type

Eva Polna is the owner of this type of figure, shining example great sense of style. The apple girl is characterized by:

  • Large breasts;
  • The waist is the same in diameter as the chest.

The advantage of this type is slender, beautiful legs. However, apple girls tend to be overweight, which obliges them to exercise daily. proper nutrition And healthy image life.

There is one peculiarity: almost every woman during pregnancy belongs to this type of figure. So after giving birth, you need to get in shape using a special program agreed upon with nutritionists.

Body type Rectangle

Demi Moore is one of the most beautiful women Hollywood is the owner of the “H” or Rectangle body type. Characteristic feature can be called an even silhouette: the waist area does not have the usual feminine curves, it is equal in size to the chest and hips.

Body type: Inverted triangle

A striking representative of the V-shaped silhouette is the famous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova. The main feature is an athletic build. The type is characterized by:

  • Narrow hips;
  • Weakly defined waist;
  • Broad shoulders.

Girls with an inverted triangle figure look quite massive. You can hide imperfections only with the help of clothes, which should be selected according to all the rules. The main advantage of this type of figure is slender, in most cases even, legs.

Hourglass body type

An X-shaped silhouette is the dream of most women. Marilyn Monroe has ideal parameters. A feminine, sensual figure, a curved waistline, shoulders and hips proportional to each other - this is exactly what an hourglass woman looks like.

Representatives of the X-shaped silhouette have voluminous breasts. As you gain extra pounds, the weight is distributed evenly, making your figure even more feminine and attractive.

Surely you recognize yourself in one of the 5 body types. This will help you further understand the clothes that are suitable for a particular silhouette, choose the right diet and proper diet, become even more attractive!

Watch a great video on Body Types. Workouts for different body types!

The simplest and most effective diet

Problem areas, reasons for their appearance

Every girl has problem areas. For example, in a woman with an Apple figure type, the upper part of the body is most prone to obesity. And the triangle girl has hips and legs.

Knowing your problem areas, you can develop a comprehensive approach that will help you get rid of excess weight, tighten muscles, and tone your skin.

Why does fat appear on the stomach, thighs and arms?

There are a number of reasons why girls gain weight. By removing bad habits, the result will be noticeable in the first weeks. Many people don’t think about what actually harms the body. Let us consider in detail the main reasons why body weight increases at a rapid rate.

1. Poor nutrition

The rhythm of life does not allow you to stop and have a normal lunch or breakfast. Constant fast food snacks, sandwiches a quick fix", a large amount of coffee and carbonated drinks leads to sad consequences.

The body accumulates fat as a result of an overabundance of food, because the stomach simply does not have time to digest food.

In addition, the calorie content of foods in an unhealthy diet is off scale beyond the acceptable norm. For example, a hamburger has 481 kcal, and potatoes have 340 kcal. In order to use up the calories received during such a lunch, you should dig potatoes for at least an hour and chop wood for the same amount of time.
For modern man this is equivalent to 3 hours of active training in gym. In addition, the stomach will digest the hamburger in 7-8 hours.

Nobody thinks about healthy diet. If we talk about consuming healthy food - then 300 grams chicken fillet boiled contains 510 kcal, and the product is digested and absorbed in 2 hours. Cabbage and cucumber salad (200 grams) contains 41 kcal. There is nothing superfluous in such a lunch. It will saturate the body, give strength and vigor, and will not add pounds. To use up the calories you receive, you only need to spend 20 minutes in the gym.

2. Stress, worries

No less than poor nutrition, various experiences and nervous breakdowns, squabbles and scandals help you gain extra pounds. The body makes a “reserve” in the form of fat to protect a person from external influences.

This problem should be resolved during private consultations with a psychologist. You need to keep an eye on your emotional state. In addition, stress often provokes constant consumption of high-calorie foods.

3. Lack of physical activity

As a rule, fat on the buttocks or abdomen appears due to a sedentary lifestyle. After 25 years, many already have an established schedule of work, family responsibilities, and so on, and only move from point “A” to point “B”.

By forgetting about the need for sports in every person’s life, you expose yourself to the danger of gaining extra pounds.

For each body type you should develop individual programs. An apple woman needs to pay attention to her stomach and exercises to strengthen her arm muscles. A triangle girl needs to work on her hips and legs.

But those with an Hourglass figure type will have to take a comprehensive approach to physical activity, since the weight is gained evenly and is also distributed throughout the body.

Very effective diet

Diets by body type

The diet offered for different body types is more about proper nutrition than restrictions on any foods.

Exercising and eating healthy foods can help you lose weight in a matter of weeks.

Each body type is characterized by the consumption of certain foods, which will contribute to the loss of extra pounds.

Apple body type: changing your diet

You should start getting rid of extra pounds around the waist by cleansing your body of toxins. There are many recipes for this. Helps great green tea, ginger root. You can also contact a nutritionist who will develop a unique program tailored to your health condition.

Add to diet:

  • Fiber (root vegetables, legumes or bran);
  • Fresh fruit;
  • Honey, fish and walnuts.

Sugar must be excluded. Just don’t resort to artificial substitutes. Honey is best. If eliminating sugar consumption does not work at all, reduce its amount.
Remove from diet:

  • Animal fats;
  • Fried foods in sunflower oil;
  • White bread;
  • Smoked hams and meat, salted or canned vegetables, bananas.

If you cannot exclude fried foods in the first stages, you can use unrefined olive oil. Boiled chicken breast or fish is best. White bread should be replaced with whole grain bread.

Hourglass figure type: nutrition rules

Since an even distribution of excess weight throughout the body is considered normal for this body type, weight loss must be approached comprehensively.
The diet should include:

  • Protein (chicken breast, lean meat, eggs);
  • Green leafy vegetables (asparagus, broccoli, etc.);
  • Natural juices.

At the same time, you should not eat too much the day before; for dinner you can eat lean meat and a vegetable salad. talk about fasting days only necessary if you do not have bad habits such as smoking.


  • Sweets, including flour products;
  • Nuts (except almonds and peanuts);
  • Avocado and bananas;
  • Dried fruits.

For this body type, the diet should include daily consumption of 8 glasses of purified water. The intake should be distributed evenly, every 4 hours you should drink 200 grams of water.

Pear body type: diet for weight loss

A diet for a Pear body type should include the following foods:

  • Cottage cheese and dairy products;
  • Sea fish;
  • Tomatoes or tomato juice (natural);
  • Dark rice and greens.

Bread is acceptable only from wholemeal flour. Beans should be included in your diet.

  • Starch (potatoes, rice);
  • Pasta;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Products containing animal fats.

You shouldn't go to extremes. Boiled chicken and veal are acceptable. Tomato juice should be in your diet every day. You should also drink a glass of water 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch or dinner (before all meals).

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Rectangle body type: rational weight loss

The diet for this body type should include:

  • Protein;
  • Vegetables and fruits in large quantities;
  • Green tea;
  • Lean meat, steamed or boiled.

You need to consume at least 100 grams of cottage cheese (or a glass of kefir) per day. This will improve the metabolic process and bring your weight back to normal.
Eliminate completely:

  • Alcohol (let's just have a glass of red wine a few times a month);
  • Pastries, sweets;
  • Coffee;
  • Potato.

Morning coffee should be replaced with green tea. Almonds are ideal for snacking. This is a product with a negative calorie content, which means it will force the body to work twice as fast, while saturating it completely.

Effective diet for losing belly fat

Physical exercises to eliminate figure flaws

Problem areas are different for all body types. To eliminate them, proper nutrition and dieting alone are not enough. Those who want to lose weight should definitely include physical activity in their complex.

A sedentary lifestyle leads to sad consequences. For each type of figure, you should do the maximum load on the most problematic area. Let's take a closer look at the exercises that will help you lose weight.

Apple body type: creating a flat stomach

Exercises for losing belly fat should begin with a thorough massage. It can be performed either with your hands or with special massagers.

The first exercise for losing belly fat should be bending in different directions. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands free. When bending to the left or right, try not to move your legs and pelvis.

The upper body should bend under its own weight. This exercise will help you get rid of extra pounds on your sides.

To create a thin waist, a hoop is considered effective. However, be careful when choosing this miracle remedy. After all, hoops and hula hoops that are too heavy when rotated can negatively affect the health of the lower back and internal organs.

Press. It is important to ensure that the load is maximum. Many people believe that you should not do abs until your weight returns to normal. This is not entirely true.

With an integrated approach, the apple girl will lose excess weight in a matter of months. It is important to do abdominal exercises in large quantities – at least 3 sets of 30 reps for all muscles.

Triangle body type: removing excess weight in the pelvic area

The most effective exercises for the buttocks are considered to be squats. Starting position: arms extended in front of you, body straight, feet shoulder-width apart.

Bend your knees and begin squats as if you were trying to sit on a chair. The pelvis should be moved as far as possible. The number of repetitions of this exercise should be at least 8 times for beginners, and 20-30 times for more experienced athletes.

Jumping rope for 20 minutes a day will make your legs and buttocks attractive and slender. The main thing is not to break your training regimen. Classes are best done daily, but the break between them should be exactly 24 hours. Otherwise the effect will be much less. Muscles need to regain their shape after exercise.

Running in place with high knees in front of you helps a lot. Time for exercise – 1 minute run, 1 minute step. In this mode you should exercise for 16-20 minutes.

Inverted triangle body type: exercises for arms

For this body type, the problem area is the arms and shoulders. An effective exercise To lose weight, you will do flexion-extension of your arms while lying down. If it is difficult to perform the approaches fully, kneel down. This will lighten the load. Quantity – 3 sets of 10 times.

Exercises with dumbbells can also be called effective exercises. Take a sitting position, placing your hands on your hips. We begin flexion and extension of the arms. Repeat 10-15 times.

Exercises on the horizontal bar are great for all body types and problem areas. Pull-ups, bending your knees, alternate leg swings are exactly what you need. It is important not to overload yourself at first. Approach your workouts thoughtfully, increasing the number of repetitions for each exercise once a week.

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Effective diet for 2 weeks

Power scheme, variations

Regardless of your body type, you need to develop your own nutrition plan, taking into account the recommendations specified in the diet. Meals should be in certain time, without any discrepancies with the schedule.

Diet schedule for all body types

Meals should be divided into 6-7 times. An approximate nutritional schedule looks like this (adjustments are allowed):

  • Breakfast – from 8:00 to 10:00;
  • Second breakfast – from 11:30 to 12:00;
  • Lunch – from 13:00 to 14:00;
  • Afternoon snack – from 15:30 to 16:00;
  • Dinner – until 18:30;
  • Second dinner – until 20:00.

You can adjust this schedule depending on your own daily routine. Breakfast should be approximately 30 minutes after waking up. But the last meal should be taken no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

This approach to your eating schedule will speed up your metabolism. Food will be digested faster. Be sure to have snacks between breakfast, lunch and dinner. But it is important to remember that it should be light food, for example:

  • Kefir or low-fat yogurt;
  • Green fruits (except grapes);
  • Vegetable salads;
  • Dried fruits or nuts (if your diet allows for your body type).

The main thing is that with this approach the body will have time to digest food, and you will not remain hungry.
In addition, before meals (20-30 minutes) you should drink 1 glass of cold water. It is important to remember that water is water, not tea, coffee or any other drink. After eating, you should not drink anything for 30 minutes (minimum).

Nutrition plan, planning

Planning is an important aspect in any business, including losing weight. You need to define a goal. It is important to know what weight is ideal for your body type. Let's take 55 kilograms as a basis.

The plan should be drawn up for several periods:

  • First and foremost: you should carefully think through the menu for the next day in advance. Every day, challenge yourself not to deviate from the plan;
  • Planning mini-cycles. Weight loss is normal if a person loses 2 kg per week. For 2 weeks you need to write down an approximate nutrition and training plan;
  • Month and cycle. You should plan different schemes for 30 days. In the first two weeks of the month, a person tries a certain diet and exercise. If the program does not work well enough, you need to include other exercises in your workouts and use a different nutrition plan. The effectiveness of such approaches will be an order of magnitude higher than following a strict diet alone;
  • Full cycle (3-4 months). For this period, it is necessary to think through a figurative plan-strategy. In the first month one program works, in the second - another, and so on.

The effectiveness of planning becomes obvious when you understand that diet alone cannot give full results. As well as the same physical exercises.

After all, the digestive system, as well as the muscles, get used to the same loads. By alternating exercises and menus (reducing the calorie content of dishes and returning to your previous diet), you will definitely be able to lose weight and achieve the planned result.

Effective diet for a month

Menu for body types

The diet menu must be thought through carefully. You should rely on the list of recommended products, in which case weight loss will proceed at a rapid pace. Consider the daily menu for various types figures.

Diet menu for Apple body type


  • boiled egg,
  • whole grain bread (1 slice),
  • Mozzarella cheese (can be replaced with available one),
  • 100 grams of boiled chicken fillet.

You can replace the above list of products with buckwheat or oatmeal.

  • 2-3 walnuts;
  • Green apple.

Kefir or low-fat yogurt, any vegetables or fruits, except grapes and bananas, are an excellent substitute.

  • Chicken fillet – 200 grams (boiled or steamed);
  • Garnish – green peas;
  • Vegetable salad dressed with olive oil.

Lightweight fits great vegetable soups or boiled fish. As a side dish it is better to use peas, broccoli, green beans etc. It is better to exclude potatoes from the diet.
Afternoon snack

  • Pear;
  • Cheese or kefir.
  • Broccoli or green beans;
  • Boiled fish;
  • Vegetables;
  • Freshly squeezed juice.

You can choose the juice to your own taste. Pineapple is best. You can replace the juice with ginger tea with lemon.

Second dinner
Kefir or low-fat yogurt. Green apple or a few pieces of cheese.
Every day you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day according to the schedule indicated in the previous sections.

Diet menu for Hourglass body type

For this body type, losing weight should begin by reducing portions. Sample menu:

  • Boiled egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Oatmeal (100-150 grams);
  • Freshly squeezed juice.

Kefir or low-fat yogurt

  • Easy chicken soup or broth;
  • Green vegetables (you can have a salad dressed with olive oil);
  • Freshly squeezed juice (30 minutes after lunch).

Afternoon snack
Grapefruit or pineapple slice.

  • Steamed fish (low-fat);
  • Vegetable salad;
  • You can use any porridge as a side dish, with the exception of white rice.

Second dinner
100 grams of almonds or peanuts, a glass of kefir (low-fat).

Vegetables can be consumed in any quantity, but strictly according to the meal schedule. Don't forget about fasting days. They can be carried out both on water and on kefir (with the exception of girls who have bad habits, such as smoking).

Diet menu for Pear or Triangle body type

  • Oatmeal (200 grams);
  • Tomato juice (200 grams);
  • Green apple.


  • 100 grams of cottage cheese;
  • Green tea.
  • Boiled sea fish (2 small pieces);
  • Dark rice;
  • Cup tomato juice(half an hour after lunch);
  • Vegetables.

Afternoon snack
Low-fat yogurt and apple.

  • Boiled chicken or veal;
  • Buckwheat porridge or beans;
  • Vegetables;
  • A piece of whole grain bread.

Second dinner
A glass of tomato juice or other freshly squeezed juice.

Menu for Rectangle body type


  • Cottage cheese (100 grams);
  • Green apple;
  • Green tea.

Low-fat yogurt or kefir.

  • Chicken and vegetable soup (potatoes must be omitted and replaced with beans);
  • Whole grain bread – 2 slices;
  • Light vegetable salad.

Afternoon snack
100 grams of almonds or peanuts.

  • Steamed lean meat (veal or poultry);
  • Buckwheat porridge;
  • Vegetable salad.

Second dinner
Cottage cheese (100 grams) or a glass of kefir.

You can adjust the menu in accordance with the list of allowed products for each body type. Develop an individual program, then losing weight will be easy and fast.

Diet effective for a week

When diet doesn't help or weight loss stops

At a certain point, the loss of extra pounds stops. Those who want to lose weight seem to be doing everything right: they follow a nutritional schedule, exercise, eat only the right foods for their body type - but there is no result. The scales treacherously show the same number every day. What to do?


“Plateau” – the moment when weight stops coming off – is known to everyone. A few decades ago, it was found that three days after starting a new diet, the body has enough calories consumed.

The result of this is a stop in weight loss. This discovery was made by Martin Katan. He created a new diet, which he called "Roller Coaster". The results of losing weight according to Martin's scheme are amazing. Let's look at the diet in more detail.

Roller coaster

The nutrition plan is designed for 7 days. During this time, the body receives a good “shake-up” and the person continues to lose weight according to his usual program, worked out individually for each body type. The main idea is the different calorie content of foods.

The first three days you should consume no more than 600 kcal per day. Meal schedule doesn't matter. The main task is not to go beyond the established limits. With this approach, the body begins to get rid of water and fat.

For the next three days, the calorie intake should be no more than 900 kcal per day. This amount is not enough for the normal functioning of the body, so the weight will go away.

On day 7 of the diet, the caloric content of the diet should not exceed 1200 kcal. This is a sufficient amount to help maintain weight at a certain level. For many women, this calorie content is their usual diet. With this approach, you will be full, but you will not gain weight.

After the third stage you can return to the first. This process is cyclical and can be repeated until you achieve the desired result. Also, after completing the third stage, you can return to a diet designed for your body type. If suddenly the situation happens again, we try the “Roller Coaster” again.

Approximate diet

The menu of the “Roller Coaster” diet in the first three days is quite modest. In order not to go beyond the required 600 kcal, you should switch to vegetables and fruits. Replace white bread with whole grain bread (1 slice).

The only drinks allowed are water and green tea without sugar. Start the day with a light vegetable salad; you can have it for lunch boiled vegetables. Dinner should also be low in calories. It is best to take your last meal before 18:00, but this factor does not matter as such. The main thing is not to go beyond the permissible calorie limits.

From the 3rd to the 6th day, you can add 100 grams of boiled lean meat, several boiled eggs, as well as river and oatmeal to the diet. To make it easier to monitor the calorie content of foods, you can find an online calculator on the global network, into which you need to enter the amount of food consumed, and it will give the exact result.

On day 7 of the diet, you can return to your usual diet, or continue the second course of the “Roller Coaster”. If you decide to go through one more stage, then you should add fermented milk products, fish and boiled potatoes to your diet. The main task is not to go beyond 1200 kcal.

The most effective diet in the world

When you want to eat

Diet is a certain amount of work.

Not everyone can easily “take the will” and stick to a new diet.

At first, you need to leave a little room for your weaknesses, but not to the detriment of your own program.

How can this be done?

Night snacks: how to deal with them?

First of all, you should determine the reason for night snacking. The desire to eat after 20:00 appears in people:

  • With a metabolic disorder due to certain diseases;
  • With a disrupted day and night schedule, for example, those who work in shifts;
  • With certain problems psychological nature(stress, depression, etc.).

Obviously, in the first case, you should contact nutritionists or gastroenterologists. Having eliminated health problems, you can begin proper nutrition or diet.

Negative calorie foods: benefits
Late-night snacking is only dangerous if you consume fatty and high-calorie foods. But you can fill your refrigerator with healthy foods that do not contribute to weight gain.

If possible, in the first stages of the diet you should have at least half of the list of negative calorie foods in the refrigerator. But! This does not mean at all that you can uncontrollably consume everything on the list. There must be a measure for everything.

Zero calorie foods include:
1. Almost all vegetables:

  • Asparagus;
  • Carrot;
  • Cucumbers;
  • Beet;
  • Onions and garlic;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Cabbage (broccoli, white cabbage);
  • Radish;
  • Spinach.

2. Most fruits:

  • Grapefruit;
  • Apples;
  • Tangerines and oranges;
  • Mango;
  • Mango;
  • Melon;
  • Pineapple;
  • Papaya.
  • Blueberry;
  • Strawberries;
  • Strawberry;
  • Watermelon;
  • Cranberry.

4. Green tea;
5. Greens (any).

If at first you cannot follow the meal schedule according to the diet, you can treat yourself to the above-mentioned products. Arrange them in salads and desserts.

You can also place stickers with the calorie content of a particular product on everything in the refrigerator. Then you can immediately assess what you will get after eating: benefits and weight loss, or harm and another extra kilogram.

Do you know a way to get the figure of your dreams? Just imagine, one method does exist - eating according to your body type. To have perfect figure, you just need to know your body type and choose nutrition and a set of exercises in accordance with it. Let's look at possible body types and a sample menu for every day.

Fat deposits can accumulate in different places on the body. Fat, in a sense, is a person’s property acquired over the years. Depending on the location of fat reserves, several body types are distinguished. If the widest part of the body is in the middle, you are an apple; if the widest part is at the bottom, you are a pear; if everywhere is approximately the same, you are a rectangle (or in other words, a chili pepper).

Weight loss is a process that occurs differently for each body type. As Marie Savard, a doctor and BBC medical commentator, says: “Your body type is the key to choosing the most effective diet and exercise routine for weight loss.”

Rectangle (chili pepper)

Owners of such a figure do not have a pronounced difference between the waist, hips and bust. They look straight, but when they gain weight, fat deposits accumulate in the abdominal area, increasing the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes.

Food for rectangles

The secret is simple - you need to eat to be healthy. According to Neva Cochran, a registered dietitian and nutrition consultant, “People with a rectangle body type benefit from eating a diet that consists primarily of healthy fats, which reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.” She recommends eating fish, olive oil, nuts, foods with lean proteins and complex carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables and beans.

Plus, "strength training helps shape your waist by building muscle mass," says Lisa Dorfman, a sports nutritionist and adjunct professor at the University of Miami. She recommends strength training twice a week, alternating between heavy and light loads to help sculpt your figure. It is recommended to add moderate-intensity cardio training to strength training twice a week. This will keep your heart healthy and increase your stamina.

Sample menu

2000 calories per day: 800 calories from carbohydrates, 700 calories from fat and 500 from protein.



  • 1/2 cup raisins with almonds.


  • Black bean soup;
  • Spanish salad: chopped spinach, mushrooms, 1 hard-boiled egg, turkey bacon, 1 tbsp. spoon grated cheese parmesan, 2 tbsp. spoons of table vinegar for dressing;
  • 1 slice of whole wheat loaf/bread with 1/2 teaspoon of rapeseed oil margarine.


  • 1 cup of grains rich in dietary fiber;
  • 1/2 cup low-fat milk.


  • 100-120 grams of salmon fillet in honey-soy sauce with a portion of grilled brown rice
    6 asparagus with 1 teaspoon olive oil and 1/8 teaspoon grilled pepper
  • A serving of green salad with 1 tbsp. spoon of chopped walnuts and Italian dressing


  • Yogurt;
  • 1 peach or apple.


Those with a pear body type have a lower body that is always larger than their upper body. This is because fat is mainly stored on the sides, thighs and buttocks. Losing weight is the biggest problem for this type. Why? Yes, because “When we lose weight, the body first loses fat reserves in the abdomen and chest, since obesity in this part of the body is associated with the risk of heart problems, diabetes and cancer. This is, of course, good, but pears There is practically no fat in this area. On the contrary, all their fat is concentrated in the lower part of the body, and, as luck would have it, it is not going to go away,” says Dr. Savard.

Some researchers believe that fat deposits on the thighs and buttocks (passive fat) are very difficult to get rid of due to the fact that they are intended to provide women with energy reserves during childbirth and breastfeeding. Another possible explanation is cellulite. It affects the thighs and buttocks, creating a fibrous network that impedes blood supply to these parts of the body. If tissues are not supplied with blood, fat cannot be broken down and removed.

But when it comes to health, pears come out on top. The fact is that passive fat can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes - this is exactly what some scientists say. Additionally, it has recently been found that fat around the buttocks and thighs may reduce insulin resistance and increase levels of “good” insulin in the blood. Dr Saward says: 'There is still much to be learned about why fat in the lower torso can protect us from chronic diseases. But the fact that he is actually able to do this has already been confirmed by research.”

Nutrition for a pear-shaped figure

The best way to lose weight for people with a pear body type is to strictly monitor their fat intake. For the human body, storing fats that come from food does not cause difficulties, which cannot be said about carbohydrates and proteins. Their storage requires much more energy from the body. For this reason, he tries to get rid of carbohydrates and proteins first. A diet rich in complex carbohydrates (whole grains, lentils and legumes) and lean protein (chicken, fish), as well as fruits and vegetables, can help you lose extra pounds.

Another way to lose fat from your buttocks and thighs is through exercise. It is important for pears to give preference to such physical activity, as a result of which the lower part of the body is worked, and, accordingly, fat is burned. Jogging and cycling are just right. Trainers recommend combining 30 minutes of cardio training three times a week with two strength training sessions. Strength training is needed in order to “pump up” the upper body and visually straighten the figure. Plus, the metabolic rate depends on muscle mass: the greater the mass, the faster the metabolism.

Sample menu

1500 calories per day: 750 calories from carbohydrates, 375 from fat and 375 from protein.


  • 1 serving of oatmeal;
  • 1 medium sized banana;
  • 1/2 cup orange juice.


  • 6 whole grain wheat crackers;
  • 1 slice mozzarella cheese.


  • Sandwich: 2 slices of bread, coated with light mayonnaise, with a slice of fried beef, low-fat cheese, lettuce and tomato slices;
  • Carrot;
  • Celery (up to 10 pcs);
  • Medium sized bunch of grapes.


  • 1 cup low-fat yogurt;
  • 1 small apple.


  • 100-120 grams of grilled chicken breast without skin and cartilage with a side dish of black beans and tomato slices;
  • 1 serving baked green beans;
  • Chopped lettuce leaves with 2 tbsp. spoons of low-fat grated cheese and light dressing;
  • 1 slice of bread.


  • Pudding without sugar


“Apples” accumulate fat in the abdominal area, that is, in the upper part of the body, while the lower part remains slim. People with an apple body type find it easier to shed extra pounds than pears because “abdominal fat breaks down faster than fat deposited in the thigh area,” says Kathy Swift, director of the Center. Healthy Eating in Lenox, Massachusetts. Scientists aren't sure yet, but this may be due to the fact that abdominal fat is mobile: it likely enters the circulatory system, affecting the ability of internal organs to function properly.

Belly fat threatens its owner with health problems. In particular, the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases, diabetes and breast cancer in women increases. The risk of illness is due to the fact that visceral (or otherwise toxic) fat is located in the abdominal area. It surrounds internal organs: kidneys, pancreas, liver. This causes blood sugar levels to rise and at the same time creates insulin resistance. In other words, there is a lot of glucose in the blood, but the body cannot process this amount.

This situation contributes to the emergence of chronic diseases, as well as weight gain. This is why it is so important to remove fat from your waist. Is there any good news with this? Eat. As Dr. Saward notes: “The risk of developing disease is halved if a person manages to lose weight by reducing waist size by just 5 cm.”

Nutrition for an apple-shaped figure

Diet for those with an apple figure means more healthy fats and fewer carbohydrates. Monounsaturated fats found in nuts, avocados, and olive oil, can reduce inflammation during illness, increasing the body's ability to burn fat.

Carbohydrates, even from whole grains, increase insulin levels in the body. Dr. Cochran says, "Apples have a tendency to raise blood glucose levels, which can be a warning sign for diabetes and heart disease, so it's important for these people to watch their carbohydrate intake." She recommends a diet with just 40 percent carbohydrates—that's about 600 calories out of a 1,500-calorie daily diet for women. Preference should be given to foods that are rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates. These foods include beans, fruits, vegetables and cereals. Fiber is beneficial because it slows down the absorption of sugar and lowers insulin and cholesterol levels in the blood.

Physical activity is essential. It helps speed up your metabolism and burn more calories. It is recommended to pump up the press. This will not only strengthen your abdominal muscles, but also reduce a few centimeters from your waist. In addition, it is recommended to do cardio training at least three times a week, running, cycling or swimming. Such exercises will help build muscle mass in the lower (thin) part of the body and straighten out your figure. Twice a week, full-body strength training is needed to strengthen the heart and burn fat reserves.

Sample menu

1500 calories per day: 600 calories from carbohydrates, 525 from fat and 375 from protein.


  • Omelette: 1 egg, spinach and 2 tbsp. spoons of grated mozzarella cheese;
  • 25 grams of lean ham;
  • 1 slice of whole wheat bread with 1/2 teaspoon of rapeseed oil margarine.


  • 1 small apple;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of peanut butter.


  • Salad: greens, tomato, skinless chicken breast, 1 hard-boiled egg, 1/8 avocado. 1 tbsp. spoon low-fat feta cheese and low-fat Italian dressing
  • 6 whole wheat crackers


  • 1 small pear;
  • 1 slice of hard cheese.


  • 75-100 grams of grilled pork, marinated in 1 tbsp. spoon light soy sauce And orange juice;
  • 1 small potato baked in its skin with sour cream and herbs;
  • A serving of steamed broccoli with 1 teaspoon of olive oil.


  • 1 cup yogurt with 2 tbsp. tablespoons bran and 1/2 cup frozen blueberries

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Body types: fitness and nutrition

Any female figure beautiful in its own way. So there is no need to change - just love your body even more. In this article we will tell you what exercises will help correct your body shape and what nutrition nutritionists recommend based on your body type.

This is the most feminine look - fragile shoulders, thin waist, steep hips and buttocks. And if you have something extra deposited, then it accumulates below - in the area of ​​​​the most attractive parts of the body (thanks to the high production of estrogen hormones). Let others be jealous! But you still hold your hips in your hands.

Fitness for a pear figure

Nature has rewarded you with beautiful and strong legs– they will come in handy in the fight against possible figure flaws. Cycling, running, interval cardio, walking, swimming, skiing, intensive and circuit training in the gym, various martial arts - here is the best choice for you.

Exercises for a pear shape

Right lunge forward: back straight, you can lean forward slightly. In this position, perform three spring squats. Push your supporting foot off the floor, return to a standing position and immediately step into a lunge with your left leg. Make three springs again. Hands on the belt or along the body, you can take a small load. This is one repetition, and your goal is 15 reps.

Fold the shock absorber in half and secure it in front of you at chest level. Grasp the handle and move away to such a distance that the projectile is tense, your arms are straightened, your legs are apart. Lower yourself into a squat: your knee does not go beyond the projection of your foot, your back is straight. Hold for a couple of seconds and stand up, while doing rows to the waist (remember to squeeze your shoulder blades together). This is one repetition. Do 15-20 of these.

Lie on your back with your feet on the wall: angles at the knee and hip joints straight. Raise your pelvis, tighten your buttocks as much as possible. Hold this for 30 seconds. Lower yourself to the starting position and repeat the lifts another 15-20 times. You can use a fitball instead of a wall and then the exercise will look like this:

Carry out your training in a circuit mode, minimizing the rest after each exercise as much as possible. Complete 3-4 laps in total. The break between the last ones is 40-60 seconds. You can do this every day.

Video: exercises for a pear figure

Nutrition for a pear figure

Impaired lymph circulation and, as a result, the appearance of edema, cellulite - typical problems girls with narrow shoulders and appetizing hips. Nutritionists recommend such prevention.

Start your day not with a big breakfast, but with a green smoothie or just a fruit salad to start cleansing your body. In an hour or two you will be able to eat something more substantial.

At lunch and dinner, add a serving of green salads to your main dishes.

It is important to eliminate or at least reduce your consumption of alcohol and caffeine.

Add antioxidant spices to your diet - cinnamon, ginger, cardamom.

Don't mix different types protein per meal, reduce red meat consumption to 1-2 times a week.

Eat at least 4 hours before bedtime.


Another name for this type is “athlete”. You have an athletic build: prominent shoulders and narrow hips. Your main advantage is long legs.

Fitness with an athlete figure

Your main fitness priority is working on your proportions. To balance your shoulder girdle and pelvis, focus on your buttocks and thighs. Suitable physical activity– speed skating, cross-country skiing, intense training in the gym.

Exercises for the inverted triangle figure

Spread your legs much wider than your shoulders and turn your feet out to the sides as much as possible. Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell in your lowered hands, between your legs. Keeping your back straight, lower yourself into a squat: your knees move along your feet. Hold for a couple of seconds. Use your legs and buttocks to return to the starting position. Perform three sets of 14 repetitions. Rest – 60-90 seconds.

Sit on the edge of the seat, lean forward, maintaining a bend in your lower back, and fix the resistance that suits you. Using the force of your hips, move your legs to the sides, keeping your back straight. Pause and smoothly return to the starting position. This is one repetition. Do 20 of these. Take a break for 40-60 seconds. And again 20. Rest again to complete the last 20.

Get into a plank position with your feet wide. Keeping your muscles engaged, bring your right knee toward your left shoulder. Hold for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position. Immediately do the same in the other direction. Continue alternating legs for 40 seconds. Do three of these approaches.

Exercises to pump up the buttocks are relevant for your figure, as well as for the pear figure (link given above).

Video: exercises for the inverted triangle figure

Nutrition for an athlete figure

The problem of excess weight is unlikely to bother you, but the lack of muscle mass may well. Try to stick to standard rules rational nutrition: fragmentation, abundance of vegetables, reduction in refined, fried, canned foods. And make sure you get a gram of protein per kilo of body weight per day. With smaller portions of protein, there is a risk of becoming the owner of a skinny fat figure.


And again we have to remember the obvious: a tan is a tan, and the skin should be smooth and well-groomed, so moisturizing creams and oils will help you. Apply the latter immediately after a shower without wiping off - this way they will be absorbed faster. If you didn’t have time to be in the sun, it doesn’t matter, self-tanning will fix everything. But choose light shades - true ladies do not fry to the color of eggplant. And don't forget about makeup. Soft, pastel shades or bright lipstick will always add a feminine touch to your look.

Most likely, you are thin, but at the same time strong. Your shoulders and hips are the same width, but your waist and butt are not very pronounced. Without regular strength training, graceful representatives of “rectangles” risk turning into reeds.

Fitness for a rectangle figure

Owners of this type of figure are the easiest to achieve athletic results. It is easy for you to build muscle mass: if you take advantage of this feature, your body will look great. The proportions will become more harmonious due to the development of the shoulder girdle, back and hips. Just be careful with exercises on the oblique abdominal muscles - they can make your waist wider. Your program is intensive work in the gym (when you lift more weight, wear a weightlifting belt) in combination with cardio.

Exercises for a rectangle figure

Stand up straight, holding the apparatus in front of you with a straight, closed grip shoulder-width apart. Moving your pelvis back and without bending your back, tilt your body forward until it is parallel to the floor: move the barbell as close to your legs as possible. Bringing your shoulder blades together, perform a row to the waist: your elbows move back. Then progressively return to the starting position. You do 3 sets of 13 repetitions with a comfortable weight (for example, 15-25 kg).

Lunge back with your left leg to a right angle in your right knee: your back is straight, dumbbells in your hands at your shoulders, the bars are parallel to each other, your elbows are directed forward (A). With the force of your supporting leg, stand up and at the same time perform an upward press (B). Immediately progressively return to position A. Perform 14 lunges on one and the same number on the other leg. Dumbbell weight – 4-7 kg (adequate to your shape). Only 3 approaches.

Lie on your back and raise your legs. Using your abs, lift your shoulder blades and pull your right limb towards you with your hands. Do not bend your knees. Stay in this folded position for a couple of seconds and immediately, without dropping to the floor, change legs. Do scissoring for 30 seconds. Do 3 of these approaches. Rest between sets for all exercises is 60-90 seconds.

Video: exercises for a rectangle figure

Diet for a rectangle body shape

Fragile girls are often prone to anemia and react quickly to weather changes and pressure changes, so they must ensure that there are plenty of vitamins on the menu.

Make energy-rich foods the basis of your diet: red rice, animal protein, pecans (3-4 pieces several times a week are enough), legumes (red lentils and black beans are especially good).

Fatty fish, seafood and eggs should be on the menu at least 2 times a week.

It is important not to skip breakfast and get 2 servings complex carbohydrates daily.

Monitor your body's intake of healthy fats: your daily norm is 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil(olive, sesame, flaxseed), 50 g nuts or 1 tbsp. l. sesame

Beware of vegetarianism, and especially a raw food diet - such diets are fraught with cycle disorders or, for example, amenorrhea.


Slimness is given to you by nature. And you are unlikely to be upset. But modest reserves of subcutaneous fat can affect the quality of the skin. The sebaceous glands produce sebum, which creates a protective hydrolipid mantle on the surface of the epidermis. In your case, there is a risk that not enough of an important substance is produced, and this already leads to dry and sensitive skin. So moisturizers should always be in your makeup bag - use them morning and evening. Take the course. Apply a moisturizing or nourishing mask to your face for five days in a row to improve skin firmness and elasticity. And don't forget about eye cream.

Everything here is very harmonious: pronounced breasts and hips are combined with a thin waist. Alas, you are prone to being overweight. But - hurray! – even if the extra pounds come on, they are evenly distributed at the top and bottom. The waist remains noticeable.

Fitness for an hourglass figure

Yours motor activity should be aimed at accelerating metabolism and maintaining the waist as a guarantee of harmonious proportions. In this case, dancing, functional training, medium-intensity cardio, and circuit training are optimal.

Exercises for an hourglass figure

Lower yourself into a squat: your hands are clenched into fists near your face, your back is straight, your knees do not go beyond the projection of your feet, your toes are slightly turned outward. Now get up and, pushing your pelvis forward, tensing your core, perform a powerful kick to the side with your right leg (the left one is slightly bent). Return the limb to the floor and immediately lower yourself back into a squat. Having risen, swing with the other leg. This is one repetition. Do 8-10 of these.

Fold the projectile in half, secure it in front of you and step back so that the shock absorber is tensioned. Bend over with your legs slightly bent and your back straight. Stretch your arms forward (handles facing down): together with your body, they should be almost parallel to the floor. Squeezing your shoulder blades together, perform a row: the shoulder, forearm and shock absorber should be located in the same plane. Perform 15 of these rows.

Lying on your back, bend your legs at a right angle. Straighten your arms along your body (palms facing up). Lift your shoulder blades off the floor and perform a crunch. The arms will move forward as if someone is pulling on them. Hold this for a few seconds and take it. p. Do 20 repetitions.

Your attention should be paid to weight loss exercises.

Video: exercises for an hourglass figure

Diet for an hourglass figure

The main rule for you is to keep your diet balanced and avoid bouts of severe hunger, which can lead to overeating and weight gain.

Have 2 light snacks between breakfast and dinner to avoid evening overeating and sugar spikes during the day.

Avoid “mucus-forming” foods in the afternoon, that is, after 17:00: avocados, sesame seeds, nuts, cereals.

If you have a sweet tooth, do not eliminate sugar completely, but watch its quantity and quality - choose a natural composition, replace white sugar honey or stevia.

Do not eat desserts or fruits after 16:00.


Such exciting breasts require special care - pay attention to cosmetics for the décolleté area. If you use it every evening, you won’t even think about problems such as dry skin or stretch marks. Apply the product in an upward motion, from the base of your chest to your chin. During hygiene procedures, do not be lazy to massage your breasts with a stream of warm water.

You are very lucky with your legs and chest. The first are invariably slender and graceful, the second, on the contrary, is not devoid of volume. But the rear is not the most outstanding. Excess is deposited in the middle part of the body and in the same chest. The problem area is the stomach, which would be better not to retract, but to tighten.

Fitness for an apple figure

By working on risk areas - the stomach and shoulder girdle - you will further emphasize your strengths: chest and legs. Dancing (for example, Zumba, pole-dance), functional training, intensive circuit and interval classes, and trampoline will help you with this. The main task is to boost your metabolism and work on your abdominal and arm muscles.

Exercises for an apple-shaped figure

Lie on your stomach, place your hands at the shoulder joints, feet shoulder-width apart (A). Using your arms and legs, get into a plank position. Jump your feet toward your hands while sitting. Stand up and immediately jump up to a comfortable height (B). Immediately progressively return to position A. Complete the maximum number of burpees in a minute.

2. Push-ups

Stand in a lying position, palms wider than shoulders, body toned, neck an extension of the spine. Bending your arms, lower yourself to a right angle at the elbow joint, keeping your body straight. Push up and return to the starting position. Complete as many repetitions as possible in 30 seconds. If it’s difficult, do push-ups on a bench or on your knees.

3. "Bicycle"

Lie on your back: clasp your hands behind your head, lift your shoulder blades off the floor, tighten your abs. Twist, bringing your right knee toward your left elbow and straighten your other leg. Do the same in the other direction. Dynamically continue alternating limbs without relaxing your abs for 30 seconds.

The set of exercises from the article is relevant for you: "