How to create a USP? Rules for creating a unique offer. USP - what is it and how to create a unique selling proposition

USP (unique selling proposition, USP) is a unique selling proposition, one of the key marketing concepts.

USP - a concept developed by Rosser Reeves, one of the founders of the advertising agency Ted Bates, which argues that advertising should offer consumers a logical reason to buy a product that is clearly different from its competitors.

The purpose of formulating the USP. In accordance with the USP concept of R. Reeves, all successful advertising campaigns were based on the uniqueness of the offer for the client. In addition, the USP concept is important for every employee of the company, who must clearly understand why they are working, where their efforts are directed, and how the company’s business is developing.

The concept of a unique selling proposition (USP) is based on three main principles:

  • Each advertisement must offer some benefit to the consumer;
  • this benefit must be unique to the advertised product;
  • this benefit must be significant enough to force the consumer to turn to this product.

USP in marketing. In marketing, the USP strategy is considered one of the main rationalistic strategies for communication with potential buyers, a product advertising strategy.

The definition of USP indicates that R. Reeves emphasized a creative marketing strategy that cannot become outdated.

  1. The USP is determined not only by what is contained in the product itself;
  2. The USP is determined by what and how it is said about this product in the advertisement.

In order to skillfully use the USP strategy in modern conditions, it is important for marketers to understand which statements about a product are perceived as unique, and to be able to predict the characteristics of the perception of such advertising.

The task of a marketer in relation to the USP, consists in the need:

  • assessing the compliance of the marketing offer with the consumer’s established ideas about comprehensive quality goods.
  • anticipate undesirable reactions of potential consumers and try to neutralize them;
  • evaluate the uniqueness of competitors’ proposals and use a counter-proposal in communication or reveal other uniqueness;

R. Reeves contrasted the proposed concept of USP with traditional “showcase” advertising, in which, behind the abundance of beautifully formulated phrases about the product, there is absolutely no basis, nothing that could separate and elevate the advertised brand from a number of similar products with similar consumer properties.

I will try to give my own interpretation of the ideas of R. Reeves: Uniqueness is not the same as a statement that one product is better than another. A marketer developing a product strategy based on the USP must be able to talk about the product in such a way as to surprise the consumer, so that he looks at it in a new way - in a way that he is not used to looking at products of the same category. The marketer must determine whether the consumer will perceive this feature as important and useful. The marketer, when formulating a strategy, must ensure recognition, memorability and trust in the formulated distinctive properties of the offer.

American advertising researcher Alfred Politz, founder of Alfred Politz Research, formulated: " Advertising campaign"In other words, if the usefulness of a unique feature is not obvious, then the main advertising efforts must be aimed at explaining its importance, otherwise the failure of marketing communications and the product itself is inevitable.

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Hello dear readers. Today we’ll talk about a very important component of any business, which 90% always forget about. This is your USP (unique selling proposition). This is the foundation, this is what any business project should begin with, this is what sets you apart from your competitors, what pushes your business up or, on the contrary, drags you down. We will talk about what a USP is and how to create it for your business in this article.

This article will help you understand how to accurately resolve a client’s problem, make his desire come true and persuade him to make a purchase from you.

What is a unique selling proposition (USP)

USP is the definition of the properties of your business that are unique in their kind to your product or service. Moreover, these properties are distinctive features exactly your product, and, of course, are absent from competitors. This is what fundamentally distinguishes you from your competitors, shows your strengths and solves the problem of potential clients.

Why you need to start a business by developing a USP

Let's take online stores as an example (if this is closest to me). The vast majority of modern online stores, even at the beginning of their work, try to master everything at once. Generally, their operating principle is to become famous for excellent quality, affordable prices, instant delivery of goods, polite couriers, high level of quality service, as well as a long warranty period. But that’s not all.

But it often turns out that while trying to cover a lot of things, you can’t cover anything.

I already brought him here once. For example, you have an Audi car. Something has broken down and your car needs repairs. You find 2 car services: a car service that repairs many brands of cars and a car service that specializes specifically in the Audi brand. Which of the above options will you still choose?

Of course, the right decision would be the service station that specializes in the Audi brand.

But not everything is so simple; there are exceptions. The first company may also have extensive experience in servicing your car and will cope with the task quickly and efficiently. But, if you conduct a survey, the majority will clearly be in favor of a service station that specializes in a particular brand.

What conclusion can be drawn from this? When developing your USP, you need to cover only a piece of the market, but cover it 100%. For example, sell not children's clothes, but clothes for newborns. Many examples can be given. The main thing is to get the point across. Start with a narrower niche, become a leader in it, and only then expand.

How to create your own USP

An algorithm consisting of only five steps will help you create your own USP, which will become yours. business card for every potential buyer.

Describe and rate your audience

Before you launch your business, decide who your potential audience is. Try to think more narrowly and then you will hit the target. For example, if you want to open a pet food store, consider targeting only cat owners or dog owners. There is no need to cover ALL animals initially. Believe me, if you have great service and a wide range of dog food, then you will already have enough clients in the form of dog breeders. Due to the diversity in choice and focus specifically on them, all dog breeders will be yours.

Find customer problems

Try to put yourself in your client's shoes. What problems might he have? When we opened a bag store, we immediately realized that the majority of female customers would be women with small children. And we were not mistaken. When delivering the goods, we were often thanked for the delivery, because it is impossible to go out shopping and leave a small child alone. We also understood that we would need to frequently deliver goods to our place of work, because not everyone has time to go shopping after work. We also brought up to 10 items to choose from, because we knew that choice in this case is very important and this is one of the problems of a client ordering from an online store without seeing or touching the item with his own hands.

Highlight your most basic qualities

This step involves searching and describing 3-5 characteristic qualities that will help the client choose you rather than a competitor. It is important to convey to the audience that all these bonuses can only be obtained by working with you! What advantages do you have over your competitors?

Think like your consumer. What benefits do highest value for your clients? How do they solve their problem? Also compare your offer with your competitors' offers. Whose benefits are more tempting?

What guarantees can you give?

This is a very important element of the USP. You must give people a guarantee for your services and products. But not just a guarantee, but a guarantee like “I answer with my head.” Examples:

– “Our courier will deliver your order in no more than 25 minutes. Otherwise, you will get it completely free!”

– “If our method of losing weight does not help you, we will refund you 2 times more money what you paid for it."

If you are not confident in your products and services yourself, then your customers will not be confident either.

We create a USP

Now collect everything you got from the first 4 points and try to fit it all into 1-2 small sentences. Yes, it may take a lot of thought and thought for a long time, but it's worth it! After all, this particular offer, as a rule, is the first thing that catches the eye of a client who visits your website or sees your advertisement.

What is the key to a successful USP?

  1. The USP should be clear and concise;
  2. Don't make it complicated, it will make it harder for customers to understand;
  3. Promise only what you can deliver;
  4. Put yourself in the client's shoes and evaluate everything from his point of view.

Just don't rush into it. Spend a few days on your USP. Believe me, it's worth it. Then it will be easier for you to do advertising, you will move on more confidently.

If your goal is to create a successful and profitable business, don't try to chase every product and service in your niche. Narrow it down as much as possible. In addition, try to do everything efficiently. This will allow you to earn a good reputation, earn positive reviews satisfied customers and stand out among competitors.

Examples of a unique selling proposition

Below we will analyze USPs that occur frequently and make adjustments. The end result will be more targeted and enticing.

“We have the lowest prices!”

Is this a USP? Yes, prices are important, but anyone can write like that. By including a guarantee, you can get a much cooler USP. As the M-Video store did: “If you find a price lower than ours, we will sell at this price and give a discount on your next purchase.” This is what I understand as USP. I myself used this 1 time, sending a link to a product in another online store and receiving a product in M-Video for that amount, as well as a coupon for a discount of 1000 rubles. for your next purchase.

“We have the highest level of quality!”

Also blah blah blah. “If our simulator did not help you, then we will refund you 2 of its costs.” How can you not buy when reading lines like this?

“Exclusive only with us!”

This is more complicated, but since you write something like this, back it up with a guarantee. “If you find this product anywhere else, show us and receive a gift with your purchase.”

“We have best service and support"

Well, what is it? Another thing: “If we don’t deliver in 40 minutes, then you will receive the order for free.” Or an example from Virgin airline: “If our operator does not answer within 10 seconds, you will receive a free flight.” This is what I mean by SERVICE!


I think that this article turned out to be as detailed as possible and you will be able to create a USP for your business based on it. If you have any questions, ask in the comments. But just don’t ask me to create a USP for you or give an example specifically for your business. This is not a quick process and I won’t just sit and brainstorm. You are the founder of your business and it is YOU who should come up with the USP.

When starting a business in any field, it is important to find and formulate the benefits that the client will receive by contacting you (this will be the USP - a unique selling proposition). If you don't have one, you are no different from other companies. In this case, you will have to compete on price - dumping, losing profits.

Surprisingly, this simple and free promotion tool is not used by most businessmen. There is a chance to beat them at the start! To inspire you, we have selected 13 examples of USPs of Russian and foreign companies that were able to stand out from the crowd and succeed.

What about them? 5 best Western USPs

Avis car rental service

“We are No. 2. We work harder"

(“We’re number two. We try harder”).

A great example of how you can turn a disadvantage into an advantage. For many years, Avis operated in the shadow of its more successful competitor, Hertz, which positioned itself as No. 1 in the market.

FedEx delivery service

“When it absolutely must be delivered tomorrow morning.”

(“When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight”).

This slogan is no longer used by the company, but it is still cited as a valid USP. FedEx guarantees customers that their shipment will be delivered safely and on time.

This phrase combines two advantages: the promise of cargo safety and high speed delivery (one night). Unfortunately, the company's management subsequently abandoned this slogan, replacing it with a less “strong” one that did not contain competitive advantages.


“Melts in your mouth, not in your hands”

(“The milk chocolate melts in your mouth, not in your hand”).

Original: Flickr

An example of how a quirky USP can attract customers. Thinking about how important it is not to get dirty when eating chocolate, M&Ms created candies in a special thick shell.

Conclusion - if this or that characteristic is important to your customers, feel free to use it as a competitive advantage. No matter how stupid or insignificant it may seem.

DeBeers Corporation

"Diamonds are forever"

(“A diamond is forever”).

This slogan has been used since 1948 to this day, and Advertising Age magazine recognized it as the best slogan of the twentieth century. The idea is that diamonds, over which time has no power, are an ideal symbol eternal love(it’s not for nothing that they are featured on many wedding rings).

Pizzeria chain Domino's Pizza

“You will receive fresh hot pizza in 30 minutes or for free”

(“You get fresh, hot pizza delivered to your door in 30 minutes or less or it’s free”).

This is a rather long slogan, but it can serve as an example of a good USP, because... contains a guarantee. The conditions are described very clearly, clients understand what to expect from the company.

Unfortunately, Domino's stopped using this slogan because... drivers trying to meet the allotted delivery time violated the rules traffic and provoked accidents with tragic outcomes.

How are things going with USP in Russia?

We are in Directors Club, for example, we don’t just sell advertising. We guarantee receiving potential customers through the use of native advertising. This USP contains two killer arguments at once: a guarantee of the result and an explanation of how it will be achieved.

Taxi service

One Moscow company increased sales by 380% by hiring female drivers. Many ladies would prefer to get into a car driven by a woman; they would rather send their child to classes with her. In addition, women are less likely to smoke and break traffic rules, which turned out to be important for many clients.

Cargo carrier

Declaring “We always have sober movers”(and living up to this slogan), the company sharply increased the flow of customers. Those who were previously afraid to entrust fragile or valuable things to the drunk “Uncle Vasya” happily dialed the number of the responsible workers. This was in the early 90s, since then many companies have adopted this “trick,” but the pioneers managed to make a profit from their idea.


One of the drinking establishments in St. Petersburg increased the number of visitors at minimal cost. A screen was hung in the hall on which sports matches began to be broadcast, and For every goal scored by the Russian national team or Zenit, a free glass of vodka was poured for everyone present.

As a result, those who used to support their favorite team at home began to go to the bar and bring friends with them. The costs of purchasing vodka and the screen were recouped many times over.


The laundry management found a seamstress who needed orders for custom tailoring. When returning clean clothes to the client, the administrator pointed out the existing shortcomings (a zipper diverged, a button came off, etc.) and offered to fix them free of charge.

The majority, of course, agreed. After repairs, items were returned in a bag containing a business card from the seamstress and a catalog of clothes that could be ordered from her. The cooperation turned out to be beneficial for both parties: clients passed information about bonus laundry services to each other, and the seamstress provided herself with orders.

Construction company

One of the teams that started in a competitive market without a budget came up with an excellent USP. An advertisement was posted on advertising platforms: “We’ll remove old wallpaper for free!”. 80% of clients who ordered this service subsequently invited builders to carry out renovations in their apartment. These people have already demonstrated their accuracy, precision and reliability - why waste time looking for someone else?

Examples of USPs from the B2B sphere

Printing house

A company from Nizhny Novgorod opened in its office business card museum famous people . Businessmen played on public interest in the lives of the rich and famous. As soon as information about the exhibition was spread, the flow of orders increased 5 times!

The media became interested in the museum, began publishing reports about it, and the need for paid advertising disappeared.

Recruiting company

The management thought about how to stand out from numerous competitors. And offered a unique service - employee rental. Need a courier for a few months? No question! Designer for a couple of weeks? Let's pick it up!

As a result, requests began pouring in from businessmen who did not want to waste time searching for freelancers or hiring/subsequently dismissing a specialist needed for a short period of time.

And another recruiting company

Let's talk about the client's hidden needs. A businessman engaged in personnel selection thought that some male managers need a secretary not only to screen out unnecessary phone calls and serve coffee on time. He relied on finding girls of “easy virtue” for whom intimate relationships with the boss were not something out of the ordinary.

Lack of USP - great sorrow for business. Look at these sites:

Apart from design, they are practically no different from each other - low prices everywhere, high quality and quick installation. I feel sorry for the people who want to order suspended ceilings- you will have to spend more than one hour wading through the jungle of clone sites to find a worthwhile option.

Therefore, there must be something that makes the business stand out from total mass- a unique selling proposition. This is what will make competitors fear you like fire, and potential clients more often make a choice in your favor.

By the way, his prices may be slightly higher than those of other companies: if you offer the buyer a product that will solve his problems, he will be willing to pay more for it.

There are only three “buts” - the USP works if it:

  • unique- competitors do not offer this;
  • specific- the user immediately understands what we are talking about;
  • valuable- the potential client sees his benefit.

In 2014, we gave a general scenario according to which you can create a USP. Today we will share new formulas and practical examples to make it even easier to come up with or highlight a sentence.

Where to start?

    We analyze the target audience. What is good for an avid fisherman is not suitable for a young woman on maternity leave. Therefore, the development of a USP should begin with getting to know the target audience - what worries your potential clients, what problems and interests do they have?

    Example: Let's say you need to come up with a USP for an online store of household goods. Most often by purchase household chemicals, dishes, decor and other things are done by women. Those who have no time will order all this online - which means your main audience is working women aged 25 to 45 years. What might interest them? Surely they will like it if you deliver goods quickly and free of charge. Therefore, a good USP is “Free delivery within Irkutsk within 2 hours.”

    Quite a good offer. But it can be strengthened - write how quickly the order will be delivered or indicate that delivery is 24 hours a day.


    Remember: target audience- it’s not just gender, age, income level and other parameters. You need to realize what and to whom you are selling, what problems people are helping to solve: ideally, there should be a clear portrait of the buyer in your head.

    We think about the specifics of the business. Perhaps a ready-made USP is right under your nose, you just need to notice it. To do this, honestly answer a few simple questions:

    • What are your products made from?
    • How exactly are products produced?
    • What equipment do you use?
    • Which unique properties at the goods?
    • How do you interact with clients?
    • How is work on an order structured?

    There is a chance that you will see an important advantage that will allow you to differentiate yourself from your competitors. By the way, sometimes you can make a USP out of a flaw: “Homemade baked goods with short term storage - only natural ingredients.”

    Example: Let's say you are laser cutting metal. Terms, prices and delivery conditions are the same as those of other companies. But then you use a modern fiber optic laser - it allows you to achieve maximum accuracy, up to 0.1 mm. Isn't this a USP? “Laser cutting accuracy up to 0.1 mm - we use the fiber optic installation Ruchservomotor LaserCut 3015.”

    And this sentence can be strengthened - you can add how accurate the result is.


    No one knows the features of a business better than its owner - so think and honestly answer the question of why you are cooler. A marketer or copywriter will help you get the trick out of the benefits.

    We look at competitors. Conduct a detailed and objective analysis - compare your business and the offers of your main competitors. Here sample list parameters for comparison:

    • prices;
    • availability of a loyalty program;
    • delivery speed;
    • courtesy of the staff;
    • ease of ordering;
    • regularity of promotions;
    • warranty period;
    • possibility of deferred payment.

    You will get a clear picture - it will become clear in which parameters you are losing and in which you are superior to your competitors. The winning criteria can be taken as the basis for the site’s USP.

    Example: Let's imagine that you are the owner of a tire store. Delivery takes from 1 to 7 days, because some of the items from the catalog are sold to order. There is no loyalty program yet, prices are the same as competitors. But everyone has a 1-3 year warranty, and you are ready to give an indefinite one - “Sale of tires with an indefinite warranty: free replacement in case of accidental damage.”

    A good offer, don't you agree? The only thing you can work on is its design - try to fit the title into 1 line, remove exclamation marks.


    It is important not to want “like your competitors, only better” - if another company has a similar USP, what will prevent it from making it cooler than yours? For example, offer delivery in 30 minutes rather than 1 hour. Be objective and try to find something of your own.

    We ask clients. If you have already had orders, ask why people chose your company. Sometimes clients can provide valuable tips.

    By the way, it’s worth conducting such surveys from time to time: this will help improve the service and have a positive impact on the company’s reputation.

    Example: Let's say you opened a beauty salon a week ago. You can ask employees to ask clients why they chose you. If clients say that you have convenient time work - make it your specialty. Let the salon be open from 12:00 to 22:00, and not from 09:00 to 19:00 like everyone else nearby. USP: “A beauty salon with convenient opening hours: we are waiting for you every day from 12:00 to 22:00.”

    A very good USP - few beauty salons can offer this.


    It's hard to follow this advice if you haven't had any orders at all. But nothing is impossible - browse thematic forums, social media, talk to potential clients. Your goal is to find out what attracts buyers.

    After all this time-consuming work, you will have at least strong advantages, and at maximum an almost ready-made USP.

Aiming for the bull's eye: 5 formulas for creating a USP

Even good advantage easy to spoil if the thought is formulated incorrectly. Compare two offers: “Free delivery in Irkutsk in 2 hours” and “We are guaranteed to deliver your order within 2 hours. Delivery throughout Irkutsk." The meaning is the same, but the first one is read and perceived much easier.

To formulate a clear and beautiful USP, you can safely use one of the templates:

It is not necessary to follow the templates exactly. You can safely change any formula or come up with something completely new - it all depends on the specifics of the business. It is important to remember the client’s benefit: the main task is to show what exactly he will receive, and not what kind of white and fluffy company you have.

We look at the USP through the eyes of the client: 6 fatal mistakes

    False statement. They distorted the facts or used criteria that should be the default. For example, the USP “Professional doctors with at least 3 years of experience” is not suitable for dentistry - this is what is expected from the clinic.

    How to fix: look at the offer like a potential client. What do you expect from professional doctors? Surely correct and painless treatment. Try to put this idea into your USP. “Painless dental treatment with a 3-year guarantee - we employ professionals” - that’s better, isn’t it?

    No benefit. They used dubious advantages. An online store of bed linen should not boast about its assortment: “Online store of bed linen “Sweet Dream” - we have 1,000 products.” There will always be a company that has even more products.

    But if the assortment is truly unique, you can focus on it: for example, 10,000 flowerpots self made from masters from all over the world. Just be careful - make sure that competitors do not offer this, and will not be able to offer it in the near future.

    How to fix: find another advantage. Let's say you sell cotton bed linens. So emphasize this - " Bed sheets for people with sensitive skin: hypoallergenic sets made of organic cotton.”

    Stamped. They chose a vague wording - “ fast delivery”, “true professionals”, “highly qualified specialists”, “low prices”, etc. The list can be endless. Similar phrases are found on hundreds of websites, and people are so used to them that they simply don’t perceive them.

    How to fix: add specifics - “Bouquets with delivery in 60 minutes”, “Porcelain tiles from 450 rubles. for 1 m² - we official dealer 5 brands." Prove your advantage with facts and deeds, and if it doesn’t work out, choose another USP.

    Wrong accent. They talked about only one group of products, while there are ten of them.

    For example: “Fast-drying nail polishes: refresh your manicure in 60 seconds.” It’s bad if, in addition to varnishes, you sell lipsticks, eye shadows and mascaras - they risk going unnoticed. If nail polishes make 80% of your profit, then it is acceptable to focus on them. When selling all cosmetics is interesting, you need to change your USP.

    How to fix: formulate the USP for the online store as a whole. If there are too many product groups, focus on service: “ Decorative cosmetics with home delivery: we work around the clock.”

    Too much volume. We tried our best and wrote a USP the size of a paragraph: “Solid wood tables from 3,895 rubles: prices are low because we produce furniture from our own materials - there is a sawmill and carpentry shop in the north Irkutsk region. Find it cheaper - we’ll make a discount and refund the difference in cost.”

    How to fix: cut mercilessly. One sentence is enough for the USP - “Solid wood tables from 3,895 rubles: we’ll refund the difference if you find it cheaper.” The rest of the information should be included in the paragraph below - after all, it is important to explain why your prices are so affordable.

    Repeating after competitors. We saved time on analyzing competitors and received a clone - an identical or very similar offer. It's bad because all the work was done in vain.

    How to fix: alas, ideally you need to start all over again - analyze your target audience, think about the features of your business and compare your online store with similar ones. If time is running out, try expanding an unsuccessful USP: replace “Online shoe store with delivery” with “Online shoe store with free shipping within 2 hours."

Are there any errors found in the USP? It’s too early to rejoice - the offer may turn out to be ineffective, even if it seems very attractive to you.

How to find out if your USP will work

Answer a couple of questions to check the viability of the offer:

  • Does the offer seem realistic? For example, the statement “ Language school"Contact" - learn English in 1 hour." But you can already believe this USP: “Language school “Contact” - English for holidays abroad in 5 hours.”
  • The USP answers the question: why should you choose this one out of all similar offers? If yes, everything is fine.

You can also test your USP on clients - make a mailing with different options and choose the one that received the most responses. We sometimes use this option - by the way, have you subscribed to our newsletter? If not, then you are missing out on a lot of benefits.

Take the time to create a unique selling proposition - once you spend a few hours searching for the ideal, you will forever receive the key to the hearts of potential clients. If you need help, please contact us and we will create an effective proposal.

When launching new projects, very often a problem arises with the client's USP (Unique Selling Proposition). When you ask the question “What are your advantages?”, most often in response you only hear a set of standard phrases “well, delivery is free, the master is experienced.” Let's learn how to make a unique selling proposition that will set you apart from the crowd of competitors!

1. Unique characteristic

This technique is suitable for manufacturers in highly competitive niches. The task is to find something unique in the product and present it as an innovation and achievement. A great example is the TWIX (left and right stick) ad.

2. What are competitors not noticing?

Any process or the service can become your USP if competitors do not use it.

Eat interesting examples, when new properties are discovered in products that are presented as a USP (toothpaste that slightly whitens is called “whitening”).

A good example that almost anyone can play on is delivery and service levels.

“Quantity calculation in 1 hour. If you don’t receive a response within an hour, we will give you a discount!”

“Pizza delivery to any area of ​​the city in half an hour. If the courier arrives within an hour, you don’t have to pay!”

3. John Carlton Method

This technique is often presented at trainings and master classes. It has proven its effectiveness in practice for the service segment. Just plug your data into the following formula and get a ready-made USP that your competitors don’t have!

“With the help of ________ (service, product) we help ________ (target audience) solve ______ (problem) with ____ (benefit).”

TA - target audience

For example:

  • “The “Husband for an Hour” service will allow a woman to solve problems with plumbing and electrical equipment in her apartment”
  • “Laying laminate flooring will allow the owner of the apartment to make the apartment more comfortable and save on materials”
  • The “Blog in 3 Days” course will allow a person to create his own blog in 3 days and achieve high level expertise.

This formula can be detailed to a specific representative of the target audience (Maria Petrovna (housewife), Vasily Ivanovich (owner of a two-room apartment), Ivan Grishin (accountant, consultant)). This is necessary to create landing pages for different segments, but about this technology We won't talk today.

4. Innovation

If your product or service solves a client’s problem with the help of some new products, then be sure to tell us about it!

For example, it could be environmentally friendly packaging that has reduced the cost finished products or new look working with a client when his application is processed not within an hour, but in 15 minutes, etc.

5. B The client's role as USP

We know that people are looking for solutions to their problems. But if they have “pain”, then they tend to make decisions very quickly. Pain can be of a completely different kind, and it can be used in a USP.

For example:

  • Are the pipes leaking? We will solve the problem within an hour!
  • Does your tooth hurt badly? Our dentistry will see you without an appointment at any time of the day!
  • Broke hard drive with valuable information? We will restore it in 2 hours and come to you!

6. Offer with gifts

People love to give and receive gifts. Let's use this in our USP. As a rule, there are no problems with writing a USP for this scenario. Don’t be afraid to give gifts to clients, good things will always come back to you :)

  • Buy 2 pizzas, we'll give you the third one!
  • Order laminate flooring for the entire area of ​​the apartment, we will give you the underlay for free!
  • Order a leather sofa and get two ottomans for it

The main thing here is that the gifts are real, otherwise you will not wash away the people’s anger!

7. Play with biceps

Any business should have its own biceps, the demonstration of which makes customers upset. Just hit them head-on with your advantages.

For example:

  • the most low price in the city
  • only sober movers
  • fastest delivery
  • a bunch of awards and diplomas

This technology must be used very carefully. Clients have little confidence in her, because... Almost all companies use this approach, because... it is the simplest.

8. Disadvantages = advantages

A completely non-trivial technique that gives excellent results! The point is that you need to find the shortcomings of the product and present them as advantages. Let me explain with an example:

  • a fitness trainer who will have no mercy for you

The disadvantage of “you will have no mercy”, i.e. you are forced into the gym so that you will literally crawl out of training.

The advantage is that after such intensive training you will get excellent results!

How to use all this?

Just take a pen, a piece of paper and write down all the advantages and disadvantages of your business. Combine them and turn them into your USP!

Look at it in a few days and make final edits. I know you can do it perfectly!

If you are completely stupefied, then we will help you prepare your USP. Leave a request in the form below this article and be sure to subscribe to our newsletter! There will be a lot of useful and interesting things!