Dream interpretation of vodka in a bottle. Why drink vodka in a dream?

Dreams are unpredictable: sometimes original stories appear to people. For example, for a teetotaler or an athlete - a noisy feast with rivers of alcohol. A reasonable question arises: why drink vodka in a dream, what does such a message from the subconscious promise? A person turns to an interpreter, trying to decipher and unravel the hidden meaning. The answer causes bewilderment, while at the same time lifting the curtain on the work of the subconscious, a mysterious connection inner world with reality. There are several interpretations offered; choose the one that most closely matches reality in a particular case.

Events that give rise to a dream

Subconsciously, most people associate intoxicating potion with fun, frivolity, and openness. Alcohol means a feast, communication, meeting with important, necessary, dear people. As the dream book says, vodka in dreams is a projection of joyful anticipation in reality, bright prospects, future positive changes. A person feels: positive events will happen soon. This state results in drunken festivities outside reality.

The second reason causing the birth of dreams: real grief, endured hardships, serious problems with health, career, personal life, children, parents. Prolonged stress experienced in reality subconsciously transforms into a sad drinking bout or a painful hangover associated with ancient tradition, which is still popular among the people: this alcoholic drink drinking at the funeral. Is it hard for a person in reality? In a dream, he drinks joylessly, splashing out the negativity at least this way.

When figuring out why you might dream about drinking vodka in a dream, pay attention to the smallest details dreams. Depending on the development of the plot, the interpretation can be different, often with diametrically opposed meanings. In Slavic culture, the attitude towards alcohol is sharply negative, drunkenness was severely punished. However, the dream is not reality; there are other interpretations hidden here. This is why it is so important to remember the details of a dream.

Common Plots

You can see vodka in a dream in different ways. A noisy feast, lonely drinking, the company of a deceased person, taste, sensations - everything matters, influencing the true meaning of the message. Common dream plots involving the famous intoxicating drink:

  • A person sees a dream in which vodka is simply standing on the table, no one drinks it;
  • The potion is consumed alone, without company, in an empty room;
  • A man or woman can buy vodka in a dream without drinking;
  • The company consists of a deceased person - a relative or acquaintance;
  • A man or woman is offered vodka in a dream, but he refuses the glass;
  • After drinking, you feel intoxicated or the state remains the same;
  • The dreamer offers a drink to a friend, colleague, or enemy.

Depending on what happens in the vision, the real meaning is interpreted. When figuring out why you dream about vodka, pay attention to the nuances of the dream, plot twists, sensations experienced inside the dream, and also after waking up.

General value

An intoxicating drink is often a bad sign, warning of future dangers, excessive fatigue, under stress, foreshadowing health problems. Appearing in a dream, alcohol warns against rash actions and spontaneous decisions. The symbol makes a person wary, saying: be careful! There are changes ahead that are important to accept correctly!

Some stories convey a positive message. As the classic dream book says, drinking vodka in your dreams means expecting a fun, noisy feast in reality on a wonderful occasion. And always, hops symbolize some passions that lead out of peace of mind. Good, bad? It is impossible to answer unequivocally; subtleties will tell you how to interpret correctly.

Dream details and interpretations

Why do people dream of vodka in a bottle? A symbol of future passions, emotions that will stir up reality. Perhaps in the near future there will be a need to defend personal interests and defend one’s position.

“Fire water” spilled from the vessel? Expect quick disappointment in the efforts made, abandonment of intentions and chosen goals. According to the dream book, vodka in bottles means changes that force you to express yourself. This will significantly affect the current reality way of life. Positive, negative? The sensations caused by the dream you saw will tell you.

If you dreamed of vodka poured into glasses, but not touched, then a tragedy in reality, the death of a loved one, is possible. A broken stack promises discord with a loved one, a quarrel with a friend due to the person’s intemperance, uncompromisingness, and violence.

When explaining why vodka is dreamed of, any dream book pays attention to the smallest details. We offer interpretations based on private events.

Alone, company

Drinking an intoxicating potion in isolation symbolizes deep disappointment, swipe in reality. Drinking without drinking companions is a bad sign, warning: an unpleasant event is ahead, pushing you to do strange, uncharacteristic actions for the dreamer, causing great shame.

The people who make up the company carry meaning. Is the party fun, friendly, with loved ones? Get ready for a joyful, carefree vacation that requires huge financial outlays. Treat with alcohol best friend, drinking together is a bad sign. Perhaps misfortune awaits this person in reality. The dreamer will witness the tragedy.

Has the enemy joined? Greza says: relations with this person are strained to the limit, the situation will soon be resolved. Good or bad depends on the specific plot of the dream and the state experienced after awakening. Get ready for meanness from the enemy.

Why do you dream of vodka shared with a dead person? People's experience suggests: a bad, alarming omen. A person expects loss, loss, and in rare cases, death. There is another interpretation: perhaps in reality it will be possible to predict the future, decipher the mysterious message of inaccessible worlds, believing a personal premonition, remembering the words spoken by the deceased.

Features of the vessel

According to the dream book, a bottle of vodka is a symbol of change, anxiety, and future problems. They will be marked by strong emotions and intense passions. However, the vessel from which the cheerful drink is consumed is important.

A stack is a symbol of pettiness, worries over trifles. Drinking vodka from a glass in a dream means sorrows, disappointments, family misunderstandings, quarrels, and squabbles.

Glass - go on a cultural holiday, distracting you from everyday worries and household needs. Is the dreamer married? Pay attention to your spouse, visit a theater or an exhibition together. Then you can avoid trouble.

Refusal of the offered stack or glass is a good symbol. Reality will present annoying surprises, however, a person will overcome troubles by making the right decision.

Buying a drink

Let’s open the dream book: purchasing vodka promises joyful, good troubles. Did you buy a lot of bottles? Expect a successful, large purchase. Became a liquor seller? To material losses, a debt that will not be returned to you.

For married people, vodka in a dream promises mutual insults and misunderstandings. Does your wife drink the drink? Irritation grows between the spouses, and conflict is brewing. As the dream book says, the husband drinks vodka - to news that tests the strength of the marriage.

If you dreamed of drinking a forty-degree drink, get ready for changes. All dream books interpret intoxicating potion in this way, offered, consumed, acquired according to the plot of the dream.

Dream Interpretation: Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

Dream Interpretation Vodka

  • Drink vodka - you can forget your worries, but your conscience cannot be cleared / shame / news / sore throat begins.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Vodka?

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Book

See Vodka in a dream

  • Overall similar dreams do not bode well. Most likely, the “vodka” dream warns of disappointment. If you dreamed of vodka in unopened bottles, you should take care of your interests, protecting them with all possible energy. Breaking a bottle of vodka means losing friends due to your ignoble behavior. If you see vodka poured into glasses, but cannot drink it, it will be difficult to achieve success.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

See Vodka in a dream

  • In a dream, being under the influence of vodka means that soon you will have fun and noisily wasting time and money in the company of friends. This dream is always a harbinger of wasted time and energy in dubious pleasures.

Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Vodka?

  • drink - fun;
  • treat - funeral;
  • spill - unfortunately;
  • drinking alone is bad news;
  • selling is a quarrel.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Vodka

  • In general, dreams about vodka do not bode well. Most likely, such a dream will be associated with disappointments. If you dreamed of vodka in unopened bottles, then you should take care of your interests, vigilantly and energetically protecting them. If in a dream you drink vodka alone, then in reality you risk losing friends because of your own selfishness. Breaking a bottle of vodka means losing friends due to your ignoble behavior. If you see vodka poured into glasses, but cannot drink it, then it will be difficult for you to achieve the success you expected.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Vodka

  • Drinking means bitterness and disappointment.
  • Treating someone - you are preparing trouble for someone.
  • They treat you - you will be disappointed in your friends.
  • If you drink with someone, expect conflicts with employees or associates.

Dream Interpretation: Hasse's Dream Interpretation

See Vodka in a dream

  • Seeing is anxiety and need for a home; drink it - slowness harms you.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Azar

Why do you dream about Vodka?

  • To see vodka - there is anxiety and need in the house, to drink vodka - beware of being guilty, slowness harms you

Dream Interpretation: Erotic Dream Book of Danilova

See Vodka in a dream

  • If in a dream you drink vodka and become under the influence of alcohol, this dream warns that in the near future you should not plan to spend a romantic evening in all kinds of entertainment establishments. You will waste your time on dubious pleasures, which you will soon regret. You may be deceived by your partner.

In the dream book the site itself big dream book Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: Azar’s dream book, Russian dream book, spiritual dream book, Shereminskaya's dream book, Chaldean dream book, Jung's dream book, mirror dream book psychological states, Shuvalova's dream book, culinary dream book, dream book catch phrases, Danilova’s erotic dream book, Old Russian dream book, antique French dream book, folk dream book beliefs and signs (folklore), Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong, dream book of the Wanderer, dream book of Longo, dream book (1829), Mayan dream book, Veles dream book, noble dream book N. Grishina, Tsvetkov’s dream book, children's dream book, Freud's dream book, and others.

Dreams very often transport a person for several hours into another reality, in which the most amazing events can happen to him. For example, you can drink vodka in your sleep. What does such a dream portend? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream about vodka - basic interpretation

Vodka is an ancient recreational and intoxicating drink that is consumed by many. There are people who do not drink it in reality, but this does not mean that they cannot have a dream in which they talk about vodka.

What is important to remember after such a dream?

  • You were alone in a dream, or in company;
  • The feast was noisy and cheerful, or mournful;
  • How did you feel in the dream, what was your mood;
  • How did you communicate with others in your dream;
  • What sensations and emotions did you experience after sleep?

This is important, because the answers to the above questions form a holistic picture of dream interpretation. If you don’t remember something, it’s not critical, the main thing is to understand what emotions the dream aroused in you. The classic interpretation says that vodka seen in a dream promises a cheerful feast and communication with old friends.

If you have drank vodka with strangers- has such a dream negative interpretation, as it promises dubious acquaintances and connections. To avoid them, it is enough not to succumb to other people’s opinions, not to waste extra money.

Also a dream about vodka can portend a pleasant and not very unexpected. Whether it will be pleasant - other dream symbols will tell you about it. Also, if a drink in a dream is unpleasant to you, you should be wary of trouble and enemy machinations. Someone carefully discusses your person and brings many new facts into reality.

If you dream about how you sell vodka- in reality, an unpleasant acquaintance awaits you, which will not lead to anything good. You will just waste time on empty talk, and you may also lose old, faithful friends.

Why dream of drinking vodka in a dream? To the desire to brighten up your everyday life, to forget past experiences. You yourself close your eyes to reality, and the dream tells you that it’s in vain. You need to boldly face problems, otherwise they will never be resolved. Only with a sound mind can you understand all future events, because your life will begin to develop rapidly, and you yourself will be surprised how you moved from a period of loss to a period of prosperity and celebration of life.

Why do you dream about vodka according to the erotic dream book?

If you dream of being slightly intoxicated by vodka– you shouldn’t plan anything in advance, your plans will be destroyed, as will your hopes. You decided on an adventure too quickly and did not calculate all the possible losses.

Also, you should not attend noisy events and entertainment venues. Because fun can end in tears. You shouldn't make new acquaintances. They will be of a dubious nature. Your current partner may deceive you, and you will experience grief from the loss of love for a long time.

Why dream of drinking vodka in a dream and enjoying it? You lack warmth and affection. Your current partner is stingy with emotions and you don’t know how to change the situation. It is enough to talk and restore harmony in the relationship - this is what the dream book says.

For lonely people, such a dream indicates that the state of loneliness is so gnawing that it practically leads to despair. But you suffer more from spiritual emptiness than from lack of carnal pleasures. First of all, don’t lie to yourself - you will still be given a lot in life, but if you had a dream in which you drink vodka glass after glass, it means that you will change partner after partner until you settle on the most optimal option.

Try not to close yourself off from society at this time, but rather strive for active communication. Take a closer look at who you were drinking with. Perhaps this person is your destiny. The dream book advises you to listen to everything you said in a dream and what was said to you. These phrases often contain a hidden meaning that allows you to understand the essence of what is happening to you in reality.

Why do you dream about vodka according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book says that dreams of vodka as a symbol of riotous and free life . If a lonely girl dreams of drinking vodka in splendid isolation, she will have a long time to while away the evenings alone. But the dream book claims that this is only her fault. She pushes men away from herself and does not allow relationships to develop. It is worth reconsidering your attitude towards the opposite sex, starting to believe in yourself and in yourself.

If a man dreams of drinking vodka in a noisy company- in fact, he really wants to decide on his chosen one and no longer seek happiness. He is very tired of loneliness and may even be looking for easy connections. For a woman, seeing her man drink vodka is a harbinger that he may leave for another. The woman herself is to blame for this, since she did not support her man.

Why do you dream about vodka according to other dream books?

The Ukrainian dream book says that one dreams of vodka as a harbinger of unexpected changes in life:

  • Job changes;
  • Change of partner;
  • Changes in priorities;
  • Change of residence.

If you dream that you drank a drink on the road- you will definitely hit the road in reality. And it will be quite long and fun. If you drank vodka in the middle of a large feast, you will be discussed, slandered, and you will not be able to clear your reputation for a long time.

If you drank vodka at a wedding– it’s time for you to prepare for a celebration, but a little different. Some of the friends in real life will invite you to a party. If a young girl has a dream in which she drinks vodka in the company of a man, she will not be deprived of male attention, she will have quite a lot of suitors.

IN spring dream book said that you drink vodka - such a dream foreshadows health problems. In real life, a person may experience migraines and joint pain. Also, such a dream can foreshadow major scandals at home, especially if it is dreamed by a person who does not drink vodka in reality.

In the wanderer's dream book It is said that drinking vodka alone will lead to grief and suffering. Possible severe psychological problems due to life's long troubles and vicissitudes. But the dream book does not recommend solving the problem with alcohol in life.

The big dream book says what to drink vodka:

  • drive yourself into shame;
  • meet a dishonest person;
  • quarrel with your loved one.

In Miller's dream book it is said that a dream in which you drink vodka foretells a noisy feast for you in reality. But you shouldn’t overuse it, because after a lavish party, everyday life will come and it will be very difficult for you to come to your senses.

IN culinary dream book it is said why one dreams of drinking vodka in a dream - to difficult situations and problems in reality. This artificial fun in a dream will not help solve real problems in reality. It's time to stop avoiding problems and it's time to look them in the eyes. Also, do not allow anyone to interfere with the course of events in your life.

In Hasse's dream book It is said that seeing a bottle of vodka on the table means poverty and losses in the house. If you dream about how you slowly drink it, you should resolve all issues quickly. If in a dream you drink vodka alone, then in life you will be left alone with your problems. If someone put together a campaign for you in a dream, in reality you will also resolve all issues together.

IN esoteric dream book said:

  • Drinking vodka in a dream means disappointment and pain of loss;
  • Give a treat - you yourself will harm someone;
  • You will be treated to a meal in a dream - your friends will not live up to expectations;
  • Drinking in company means quarrels at work await you.

In Kananita's dream book It is said that dreams of vodka lead to headaches and empty worries. You shouldn't beat yourself up. Don’t let sadness and melancholy into your heart - try to be honest with people and with yourself.

IN modern dream book It is said that vodka in a dream foretells ruin and lack of motivation to move forward in life. If you drink vodka in a dream, a very dubious pleasure awaits you.

IN lunar dream book It is said that drinking vodka means feeling ashamed of what you have done. Your conscience will torment you, but it’s too late and the situation cannot be changed. The dream book also indicates that your guilt is undeniable and all you can do is not to act like that.

No matter how sad and cheerful the dream may seem, in reality events can turn out completely differently. Therefore, it is better to interpret the dream as a whole and listen to all the clues. Then it will be easier to do right choice V difficult situation and react quickly in a dangerous situation, because in a dream you have already received tips on how to avoid trouble in reality.

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Vodka is an intoxicating drink, under the influence of which a person commits the most rash acts. The interpretations of dreams in which vodka is present are very different, but many of them do not bode well. If you had a dream about a destructive drink, then you should be wary, not to commit rash acts and not to get involved in dubious undertakings. Alcohol also means that there are many worries in life that it’s time to solve and not put off their solution until tomorrow.

According to Freud

In Freud's dream book, vodka has a hidden meaning; a person who drinks this drink in a dream wants constant fun, he loves noisy companies in which he is the center of attention. This dream book Freud interprets that vodka is only dreamed of by a person who desires dubious pleasures, in which a lot of money is spent sum of money. You should be afraid of such desires; they will not bring anything good in life.

According to Miller

Drinking vodka in a dream means a harbinger of fun events, the celebration of which will take place in a noisy company. You should beware of serious waste and trouble.

Miller's dream book tells in detail why you dream of vodka; if you have not had a chance to try it, then emotional experiences are possible. Drinking vodka in a dream means being poor or suffering insults.

According to Vanga

If you dreamed of vodka, then Vanga’s dream book speaks of impending changes in relationships with loved ones, especially if you drank vodka together in the dream. Spilling vodka in a dream means that the upcoming fun in reality will not take place, due to your fault.

If you broke a bottle of vodka in a dream, then expect that your friends will turn away from you, and the reason for this will be your dishonest attitude towards them. If you clearly saw a glass into which they pour vodka, then expect deception in the near future. If you poured vodka yourself, then expect accusations.

According to Juno

Juno’s dream book says that a dream in which vodka was put up for sale, and you were the seller, promises scandals. If you bought vodka, then they want to involve you in a dark business, which you should not agree to, it will not end well.

But vodka also has positive interpretations, not drinking a glass indicates that passions await you in love affairs. Or in the near future you will meet a person with whom the relationship will be bright.

According to Tsvetkov

Drinking alcohol alone means being left alone with your mental torment or suffering from illness in the near future. Treating someone with vodka in a dream means causing trouble to other people. If friends treat you to vodka, then expect betrayal from them.

Tell your friends about your dream,
save so as not to lose

Sometimes it seems that some dreams foreshadow obvious things. Most often, the results of research into dream books give completely unexpected results. So the cheerful drink (vodka) sometimes predicts events unrelated to the feast. To find out why you dream about vodka, you need to analyze many factors.

Sometimes it seems that some dreams foreshadow obvious things

Most sources interpret a dream in which vodka appears as a sign of something negative that should happen in the near future. At the same time, one should take into account the contradictory attitude of representatives of Slavic culture towards strong alcohol. This has given rise to different interpretations.

More exact interpretation is possible only if the secondary moments of sleep are assessed:

  • vodka is drunk;
  • they treat you to vodka;
  • they buy it;
  • drink alone or in company;
  • whether a person you know is involved in what is happening, etc.

In any case, seeing strong alcohol in a dream means boiling passions and strong emotions. It symbolizes those events that can knock a person out of the usual course of life.

During dream analysis, you need to understand your feelings about this. If in life a person is an ardent opponent of alcohol, but in a dream he really likes drinking vodka, then perhaps someone is trying to mislead him.

In the case when libations in a dream fully reflect reality, then this is their true meaning. The subconscious mind gives signs that it is necessary to control the amount of alcohol consumed or give it up altogether. An upcoming party in this case can also appear in the form of a similar dream.

Drinking vodka in a dream

If the dreamer himself drinks vodka in a dream, this is a warning about future health problems

The features and circumstances of the dream are of paramount importance for unraveling the message from the subconscious. If the dreamer himself drinks vodka in a dream, this is a warning about future health problems. There may be losses or problems in the service. In this way, the dream book warns against leading a wild life and recommends taking care of your health.

  1. If in a dream someone refuses an offered drink, then in real life he will be able to avoid possible problems. Such a dream is often seen by those who are prone to wasting their vital energy. The result could be complete devastation and depressive state. After such a dream, you should avoid risky transactions and waste.
  2. Drinking vodka in a dream led to severe intoxication - large debts will appear. It is possible that there will be more than one debt and it will be very difficult to pay off it. This situation is fraught with loss of reputation and problems with the authorities.
  3. When a sleeping person offers a friend or acquaintance a glass of vodka, he will soon become the cause of trouble for his friend. The opposite situation also works here: a friend who treats you to vodka can become the culprit of the dreamer’s misfortunes. If a deceased person becomes a partner for drinking alcohol, then such a sign promises death. The exercise itself warns against danger and recommends being careful in the coming days. You should panic only when the dream falls on a certain day of the lunar calendar.
  4. Vodka drunk by a woman, which led to intoxication, symbolizes attachment to an immoral person. If you are treated to vodka, then you should wait for notification of the funeral. A spilled drink predicts misfortune.

If a man drinks in a dream, then this symbolizes his irresponsibility. Perhaps he has already committed some act for which he has to answer. It is worth analyzing recent events and remember which of your loved ones was disappointed with the promise the dreamer made, which he did not fulfill.

Seeing vodka in a bottle or glass in a dream

A glass of vodka is a warning

A glass of vodka is a warning. Drinking from it means impending disappointment and grief. If the dreamer hands a glass of vodka to another person, then in reality he said unpleasant things to him. If a glass is offered to a sleeping person, then soon he should expect disappointment in some people from his environment.

  1. Two or three glasses of vodka portend minor troubles and minor troubles. If there are a lot of them, then you can expect complex twists and turns, from which it will not be so easy to get out.
  2. Sometimes drinking vodka from a glass in a dream means lack of cultural program. Perhaps the subject subconsciously wants to go out into the world more often. If a family man dreams of this, then the vision will entail a family conflict.
  3. Vodka in a bottle that no one can open means the emergence of a new project that seems promising. It will take a lot of effort to complete it successfully. The possibility of a serious project also means vodka in a bottle standing on a richly laid table.
  4. If in a dream you break a bottle of vodka from a party having fun, then you can be sure that in reality those around you do not take the dreamer seriously, although his view of things is the most sober.

An incomplete bottle or glass on a half-empty table without a tablecloth can symbolize an unpleasant situation that developed from a petty prank. If you break a bottle on your doorstep, the relationship that has begun will soon end in nothing.

Buy vodka in a dream

If you choose, think and ask prices for a long time during the purchase process, then it will not lead to anything good

Sometimes people buy vodka in a dream. Such a dream has its own separate meaning. If the dreamer did this alone, then nothing good should be expected. After such a sign, it is not recommended to agree to dubious offers. Any risk will turn against the one who saw such a dream.

  1. If you spend a long time choosing, thinking and asking prices during the purchase process, then this will not lead to anything good. Bankruptcy, ruin and need for a home can be expected. If the purchase does not take place, then such unpleasant moments become even more likely. Negative events will be caused by the dreamer's dubious affairs. Therefore, it is worth limiting all activities of a similar nature.
  2. Other sources say that purchasing a strong drink means pleasant worries associated with meeting guests. An expensive drink means buying something you have wanted for a very long time.
  3. Another such event in a dream means unkind attention from others associated with envy. Gossip is possible. Buying vodka from a friend means that you are surrounded by someone you can trust. If a stranger sold vodka, then you should be wary of meanness from strangers. The one who sold vodka in a dream will have a quarrel.

Why do you dream about stacks?

If a stack appears in a dream, then this may mean imminent troubles as a result of excessive libations

If a stack appears in a dream, then this may mean imminent troubles as a result of excessive libations. It can be said that a little fun will lead to a headache in figurative meaning this concept.

Some dream books interpret a glass depending on whether it is full or empty. A stack without contents predicts a loss of money; a stack filled with it predicts unexpected profits.

There are a number of signs associated with drinking a glass in a dream:

  • drinking from a glass means good luck in love;
  • if it breaks, then you will have to suffer from unrequited feelings;
  • buy a stack - get an immediate invitation to an event;
  • a crystal glass predicts popularity;
  • receiving a glass as a gift means meeting with friends;
  • several stacks - hopeless love;
  • an overfilled glass indicates an upcoming quarrel.

It is important to note the day of the week on which the stack appeared:

  • Monday is an awkward situation;
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to disappointment loved one in the one who has the dream;
  • Saturday, Sunday - loss of money.

The main characteristic of a stack in a dream is its fullness. Whatever area of ​​life such a dream relates to, fullness means good luck, emptiness means trouble.

Why do you dream about vodka according to Miller’s dream book?

The author believes that if in a dream a drink had an effect negative impact, fun activities involving wasting time and money with friends are coming up soon. Such dubious pleasure will not lead to the satisfaction of the main desires. All spending will be in vain.